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А а [ah]

О о [aw] (unstressed ‘O’ and unstressed ‘A’ sound almost the same)
Э э [eh]
У у [oo]

A а [ah]
Stressed ‘A’:
мак [mahk] poppy
как [kahk] how
так [tahk] so
акт [ahkt] act

мак, как, так, акт

О о [aw] (Stressed ‘O’ - when there’s one syllable (one vowel), any vowel is always
Stressed ‘O’:
fault, law (‘aw’ is pronounced in English as ‘O’)
том [tawm] - volume
тот [tawt] - that (one)
кто [ktaw] - who
кот [kawt] - cat
том, тот, кто, кот

Unstressed А, О
[uh] lemon
там [tahm] - there (Stressed ‘A’)
мама [mah-muh] - mother (first ‘A’ is stressed and second ‘A’ is unstressed. Unstressed
‘A’ is little shorter ‘ah’ and shown as ‘uh’)
там, мама

кот [kawt] - cat

котá [kuh-tah] - of the cat (Tick at top of the letter indicates stressed. ‘O’ is unstressed.
‘A’ is stressed)
кот, котá
котá [kuh-tah] - of the cat
not stressed [a] and [o] = [uh]
хорошо - [hur-rur-shaw] - good (Last ‘O’ is stressed. Other ‘O’s are unstressed)

Э э [eh]
men, let, but keep your mouth a little more closed
это - [eh-tuh] - this is (‘O’ at the end is unstressed)
эта - [eh-tuh] - this (fem) (‘a’ at the end is unstresssed and so это and эта sound same)
этак [eh-tuhk] - thus (coll) (‘a’ at the end is unstressed)
этот [eh-tuht] - this (mas) (‘O’ at the end is unstressed)
это, эта, этак, этот

У [oo]
ум - mind, intelligence
кум - godfather
тут - here
томý [tuh-moo] - to that (one)
у, ум, кум, тут, томý

Unstressed У and Э sound the same as stressed counterparts.

м, б, в, ф, г
мак, там, том, ум

Б б [B]
бак [bahk] - tank
бум [boom] - boom
бок [bawk] - side
бáба [bah-buh] - woman (coll), pleasant woman
бак, бум, бок, бáба

В в [V] (the ‘V’ should be pronounced with lower lip touching the upper teeth - ​(It
should “not” be pronounced as ‘u followed by a’)​)
вам - to you
вот - here
вáта - cotton, wadding
бýква - letter (of the alphabet)
NB! bookVa, not bookWa
вам, вот, вáта, бýква

Ф [F]
фат - fop
факт - fact
фóто [faw-tuh] - photo
фатá [fuh-tah]- bridal veil
фат, факт, фóто, фатá

Г г [G]
гáмма - scale (in music) (when two consonants consecutively come together,
pronunciation should be elongated)
губá - lip
гамáк - hammock
бумáга - paper
гáмма, губá, гамáк, бумáга

д, н - the tip of your tongue goes down rather than up

на - on
да - yes
но - but
до - up to

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