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In this assignment, I reviewed certain camera angles that are commonly used in
video and film. The acronym WALLDO, stands for the following:


Wide: a camera angle that usually shows entire subject and places it intentionally
with some relation to its surroundings

Angle: a camera angle that shows the same subject(s) from the wide shot but from
a different position

Low: a camera angle that’s perspective is from the ground level

Linking: a camera angle where the shot pans from one subject to the next

Depth: a camera angle that has the main subject in focus and the background
blurred, and then switches to the main subject being out of focus and the
background in focus(or vice versa)

Opposite: a camera angle that is shot like it is from the perspective or

something/someone else; usually executed by filming straight behind the head or
shoulder of someone

Now that I have this knowledge under my belt, I can use these techniques to add
more interest in my future videos.

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