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Changes in Europe Specialist Training for Occupational Medicine in

Norway– Status and Trends

Tor Erik Danielsen*
Specialist Training Current Status for Specialist Training
What is going on in Norway? The National Medical Association facilitates
specialist training in Norway. Currently, there are
There are 288 approved specialists in occupational 44 recognised specialities in Norway.
medicine in Norway. However, 50% of them are Occupational medicine is regarded as one of the
retired or not active in the field. three specialities under primary health. For each
specialty, there is a specialty committee who is
The number of doctors in occupational health responsible for the content of the training and for
services (OHS) in Norway has decreased from 500 the accreditation of hospitals for graduate medical
in 2000 to 280 in 2012. These numbers have both education. The Norwegian Directorate of Health is
been converted to full- time positions. Now, 53 % granting approvals for new specialists. The
of the workforce is covered by OHS. This Medical Societies work closely with the
coverage has been quite stable during recent years. institutions involved.
There is a quite strong trend in OHS from using Postgraduate training in occupational medicine
employed personnel to contract relationships with obviously has specific requirements.
external services, so OHS are commonly out-
sourced. The requirements for residency are five full years
with at least one year as a company doctor (OHS)
In the last five years, there has been an increased and one year at a yearly approved educational
capacity in the five regional hospital departments. institution in occupational medicine restricted to
So, overall, current specialist candidates in five hospitals and the National Institute. The
occupational medicine have increased. positions must be minimum 50% of full- time.
Undergraduate Training Up to one year may be replaced by research,
residency in the relevant specialties / disciplines,
The curriculum in Occupational Medicine for work in health management, or in general practice.
medical students involves 50-70 hours of teaching
in occupational medicine in two of the medical Additionally, there is a supervision program over
schools in Norway (Trondheim and Bergen). The two years and 120 hours (twenty meetings of six
two other schools in Oslo and Tromsø, as a hours). This program is based on a general
contrast, only have 4-10 hours of teaching in our practice model to improve practical skills. This
field. program includes a supervised project paper.
The overall capacity in Norwegian Medical Additionally, the specialist candidates must
Schools has more than doubled from 1990 to 2010 complete formal courses in eleven specified
(310 to 650 candidates/ year). subjects over 300 hours.
The number of Norwegian students in foreign The subjects are: law, leadership and management,
medical schools has increased even more from 550 research methods, environmental medicine, work-
in 1994 to 2750 in 2010, and also to build related muscular / skeletal problems, psychosocial
capacity, 16 % of doctors in Norway have foreign and organizational factors in the workplace,
origin (3650). psychosomatics, toxicology, lung diseases,
dermatology, and neurology.

Head of Department, Oslo University Hospital, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Member of the
National Board of Occ. Med., National Representative in UEMS Occ. Med.
E-mail Id:

© ADR Journals 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Danielsen TK 32

Apart from this, the candidates need 55hours of tasks for doctors in OHS are also monitored. Also,
optional courses with a broad spectrum of there is work going on for an introduction of
subjects. mentorship for young doctors in the field of
occupational medicine.
After the candidates have completed the formal
program, there is no final exam. References
The candidate forwards an application for 1. Graduate medical education. Available from:
approval with some additional documentation of
skills, and attestation forms for specified medical-education/.
procedures and tasks. Currently, there is no system 2. General statistics on doctors in Norway 2013.
for recertification for occupational medicine. Available from:
Current Activities in Norway General-statistics-on-doctors-in-Norway-
The Norwegian Board for Occupational Medicine 3. Legestatistikk. Available from:http://legeforen
is working for academic positions at the medical
schools for the remaining hospital departments (in Norwegian).
and at the National Institute. The potential shifts of

2nd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Health • 26 - 28 September 2014

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