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9/11/23, 4:23 PM .

NET Core ServiceCollectionExtension


project in net core that contains ServiceCollectionExtension class which type of project choose



If you want to create a project in .NET Core (now known as .NET 5 and later .NET) that contains a
ServiceCollectionExtension class for configuring services using the IServiceCollection interface, you
typically have several project templates to choose from, depending on your application's requirements. Here are a few
common project types where you might use a ServiceCollectionExtension class:

1. ASP.NET Core Web Application:

Use this template if you're building a web application (e.g., MVC, Web API).
It's the most common choice for web-based projects.
Allows you to configure services for your web application.

2. Console Application:

Choose this template if you're building a command-line application or a background service.

You can still configure services for dependency injection in a console application.

3. Class Library:

Use this template if you want to create a reusable library for configuring services.
This is a good choice if you plan to share your ServiceCollectionExtension across multiple projects.

Here's how you can set up a project with a ServiceCollectionExtension class:

Step 1: Create a New Project

Use the dotnet new command to create a new project based on your chosen template. For example, to create an
ASP.NET Core Web Application:

dotnet new web -n MyWebApp

Step 2: Add a ServiceCollectionExtension Class

In your project, create a new class file (e.g., ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs) where you define your extension
methods for IServiceCollection. Here's an example:

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions

public static IServiceCollection AddCustomServices(this IServiceCollection services)
// Configure your services here
services.AddTransient<ISomeService, SomeService>();
// Add more services as needed
return services;

Step 3: Use the ServiceCollectionExtension

In your application's startup (e.g., Startup.cs in the case of ASP.NET Core), you can now use your
ServiceCollectionExtensions to configure services:

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public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Use your custom extension method

// Other service configuration


Remember to include the necessary using directive to access your extension methods in your application's code.

By following these steps, you can create a .NET project with a ServiceCollectionExtension class that helps you
configure services for dependency injection in a clean and modular way. The specific project template you choose
depends on the type of application you're building.

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