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Normal histology of breast tissue consists of the lobules.

Within the lobules are small

acini. Lobules are connected to intralobular ductules and interlobular ducts. Lobules
are surrounded by loose connective tissue sensitive to sex hormones.

Lesi fibrocystic

Fibrocystic change. Small cysts are surrounded by fibrous stroma.

Fibrocystic change. Multiple dilated cystic spaces with occasional papillary
Normal Duct of breast

Fibrocystic change. The ducts are lined by apocrine metaplastic cells with focal
papillary proliferation.

Multiple fibroadenomas with smooth, circumscribed borders.

Fibroadenoma, intercanalicular type with branching and budding ducts surrounded

by edematous fibrous stroma. Note smooth borders.
Fibroadenoma, intracanalicular type with ducts compressed by polypoid fibrous
stroma with mild cellularity.

Phylloides tumor
Phyllodes tumor. Multiple, polypoid nodules are separated by cleft-like spaces.
Phyllodes tumor. Pre-existing old fibroadenoma (right field) has acellular fibrous
stroma and atrophic ducts. In contrast, the phyllodes tumor contains hyperplastic
ducts and cellular stroma (left field).

Phyllodes tumor. A hyperplastic duct is surrounded by fibrous stroma with low and
high cellularity.

Normal nipple
Paget's disease of nipple. Paget's cells have pale, vacuolated cytoplasm and large
nuclei and migrate through the epidermis from parabasal cell layers upward.
Notice the highest concentration in the deep layers of epidermis.
Paget's disease of nipple. Hyperkeratosis of epidermis and chronic inflammation in
the dermis are common. Paget's cells permeate through the epidermis.


Male breast - gynaecomastia. Note blind-ending ducts, absence of lobules and periductal stromal
'Mouse over' - for closer view - note mild epithelial hyperplasia in ducts
Associated with Liver disease, or drug induced like spinorolactone.

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