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\noindent \textbf{Linked Answer Questions}
\noindent \textbf{}
\noindent \textbf{Statement for Linked Answer Questions 41 and 42:}
\noindent \textbf{}
\noindent Air at a stagnation temperature of 15${}∧{{\rm o}} $C and stagnation
pressure 100 kPa enters an axial compressor with an absolute velocity of 120
m/s. Inlet guide vanes direct this absolute velocity to the rotor inlet at an
angle of 18${}∧{{\rm o}} $ to the axial direction. The rotor turning angle is
27${}∧{{\rm o}} $ and the mean blade speed is 200 m/s. The axial velocity is
assumed constant through the stage.
\noindent Q-41] The blade angle at the inlet of the rotor is
(A) 25.5${}∧{{\rm o}} $ (B) 38.5${}∧{{\rm o}} $ (C) 48.5${}∧{{\rm o}} $ (D) 59.5${}∧{{\rm
o}} $
\noindent \textbf{(GATE – 2012)}
\noindent Sol:
\noindent (*) The blade angle is given by the expression
\[{\rm \beta \; =\; tan}∧{{\rm -1}} \left(\frac{{\rm U\; -\; C\; sin\alpha }}{{\rm
C\; cos\alpha }} \right){\rm =\; 55}∧{{\rm o}} \]
Where, U is the blade speed, C is the absolute velocity of air and $\mathrm{\alphaup
}$ is the angle of inlet air.
(*) None of the given option is correct.
\noindent Q-42] If the mass flow rate is 1 kg/s, the power required to drive the
compressor is
(A) 50.5 kW (B) 40.5 kW (C) 30.5 kW (D) 20.5 kW
\noindent \textbf{(GATE – 2012)}

\noindent Sol:
\noindent (d) Power required to drive the compressor is given by
\[{\rm P\; =\; }\dot{{\rm m}}{\rm UC} {{\rm a}} {\rm (tan\beta } {{\rm 1}} {\rm
-tan\beta } {{\rm 2}} {\rm )}\]
Where, C${} {a}$ is the axial velocity.
$\mathrm{\therefore }$ P = C${} {a}$ = C cos$\mathrm{\alphaup }$ = 114.12
\[{\rm \beta } {{\rm 2}} ={\rm \beta } {{\rm 1}} -\phi =55-27=28∧{0} \]

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