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June Monthly Questions

Name: Frandy Dominguez

Date Completed:______25/06/2017___________________________________

1. What was your favorite thing you did last month?

My favorite thing was when I went to the river.

2. What was something that made you happy?

Yes, I am alive.

3. Did anything make you sad?


4. Were you sick?


5. What is something you learned at school?

I learned about math and its importance.

6. What is God teaching you?

God is teaching me that he loves me

7. What can we pray for?

You can pray for mi and my family

8. What are 3-5 words you would use to describe yourself?



June Monthly Questions

Name:_________Yudi Domingez_________________________________________

Date Completed: __25/06/2017___________________________________

1. What was your favorite thing you did last month?

My favorite thing was Playing with my friends.

2. What was something that made you happy?

My Family

3. Did anything make you sad?

Yes, I really miss my mother

4. Were you sick?

Yes. I had fever

5. What is something you learned at school?

I learned about numbers

6. What is God teaching you?

God is teaching me that He always is with me

7. What can we pray for?

I want that you pray for my family and my Grandma

8. What are 3-5 words you would use to describe yourself?



June Monthly Questions

Name:__________Franyeli Domingez________________________________________

Date Completed:_____25/06/2017____________________________________

1. What was your favorite thing you did last month?

My favorite thing was playing and eating.

2. What was something that made you happy?


3. Did anything make you sad?


4. Were you sick?

Yes, I had cough

5. What is something you learned at school?

I learned about life

6. What is God teaching you?

He is teaching me that he saves me

7. What can we pray for?

I want that you pray for my family

8. What are 3-5 words you would use to describe yourself?



June Monthly Questions

Name:_________Jeffry Domingez _________________________________________

Date Completed:____________25/06/2017_____________________________

1. What was your favorite thing you did last month?

My favorite thing was playing with my friends

2. What was something that made you happy?

My family

3. Did anything make you sad?


4. Were you sick?

Yes, I had the flu

5. What is something you learned at school?

I learned about life

6. What is God teaching you?

He is teaching me that he loves me

7. What can we pray for?

For me

8. What are 3-5 words you would use to describe yourself?

Kind, loving, funny

June Monthly Questions

Name:____________Franquely Dominguez______________________________________

Date Completed:_________________________________________

1. What was your favorite thing you did last month?


2. What was something that made you happy?

Sharing with friends

3. Did anything make you sad?


4. Were you sick?


5. What is something you learned at school?

I learned about Spanish’s grammar

6. What is God teaching you?

God is theachig me that he is with us

7. What can we pray for?

For me

8. What are 3-5 words you would use to describe yourself?



June Monthly Questions

Name:__________Darlina (Mari Landy Dominguez)________________________________________

Date Completed:________25/06/2017_________________________________

1. What was your favorite thing you did last month?

Playing with my sister

2. What was something that made you happy?

My brother

3. Did anything make you sad?


4. Were you sick?


5. What is something you learned at school?

I learned about my planet

6. What is God teaching you?

He is teaching me that he loves children

7. What can we pray for?

You can pray for my mother and Father

8. What are 3-5 words you would use to describe yourself?

Obedient, Kind and loving

June Monthly Questions

Name:______Freilina (Maria Estela Dominguez)____________________________________________

Date Completed:_______25/06/2017__________________________________

1. What was your favorite thing you did last month?

Visiting my Family

2. What was something that made you happy?

My Mother ans my Brother

3. Did anything make you sad?


4. Were you sick?

Yes, I had the flu

5. What is something you learned at school?

I learned about nature and New animals

6. What is God teaching you?

God is teaching me that his love is big and he is everywhere

7. What can we pray for?

For my Family

8. What are 3-5 words you would use to describe yourself?

Intelligent, Kind, loving, Pretty, generous, Patient and happy.

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