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Keyboard/Piano Research Task

What do you already know about the keyboard?

I know that the keyboard is a musical instrument that is shaped and looks like a keyboard.
Who invented the keyboard?

Bartolomeo Cristofori
When was the keyboard invented?

How does the keyboard make sound?

How does the piano make sound?
When you press a key on the piano it causes a small hammer inside the piano to hit a string
or strings. Each key is connected to its own hammer or hammers which hit a specific string
or number of strings.

What is the difference between the keyboard and the piano?

A piano is an acoustic instrument with weighted keyswhereas a keyboard is an electric
instrument (requiring a power source) with un-weighted (lighter) keys than apiano.

How many staves are there in piano/keyboard music?

Around 2-3
What clef do we use to read keyboard/piano music?
The g clef.
Please attach a picture of keyboard/piano music and label the clefs etc.
Please attach a picture of a keyboard and label the parts of the keyboard and the piano

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