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Periods of English literature 1

1. Who is the author of The Elizabethan World Picture?

2. Arrange properly:
The reign of Elizabeth I : 1625–49
The reign of James I: 1547 – 1553
The reign of Charles I: 1558–1603
Edward VI: 1603–25
3. In which year and month was public theatre closed?
4. Who among these authors is not a writer of prose?
Thomas Fuller, Edmund Waller, Jeremy Taylor, and Izaak Walton
5. Find the odd one:
George Etherege, William Wycherley, William Congreve, Dryden
6. What was Lady Mary Wortley Montagu primarily famous for?
Letter writing
Satirical Essays
Prose fiction
Heroic tragedy
7. To which age does Lady Mary Wortley Montagu belong?
8. Who is the author of Leviathan?
9. Who had published Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765), which included folk
ballads and medieval metrical romances?
10. Who among these authors is not a prose writer of the neoclassical age?
Edmund Burke, James Boswell, Thomas Warton, Edward Gibbon
11. Who were the roundheads?
12. In which year was Charles I executed?
13. What is the name of the English woman author whose works are considered to be the first
long English plays by a woman?
14. Give the name of two “Scottish Chaucerians,”
15. Who among these is not a cavalier poet?
Richard Lovelace, SirJohn Suckling,Thomas Carew, Sir Francis Beaumont

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