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Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

12. A friend asks if you are enjoying your book. Say that
Situations 'you are and recommend it to your friend.
1- Respond to each of the following situations: Part 1 Yes, I am really enjoying this book and I can
1. recommend it to you.
1. Some people think that people would like to grow their 13. Your friend asks why you would recommend the
own fruit and vegetables. You show uncertainty. book. Say the main reason is that it is easy to read.
I'm not so sure.
2. Farmers have a very hard life. You show agreement. My main reason for recommending it is that it's so
Yes, I suppose so. easy to read.

3. People spend too much time preparing food. You show 14. You have just bought a new CD by your favourite
disagreement. singer. Recommend it to a friend.
I disagree. You really should listen to this CD. It's great.
4. You are of the opinion that food cooked at home always 15. You want to know where your friend would really

tastes better than food from a restaurant. like to live. What do you ask?
Yes, you are right there. Where would your dream house be?
5. Sugar and salt are bad for your health, aren't they? 16. You want to know what type of home your friend

I suppose so. would choose. What do you ask?
6. Countries should try to produce all their own food, What type of house would you like to live in?
shouldn't they? 17. Your friend wants to know where your dream house
I disagree. Some countries can produce food more would be. What do you answer?
easily than others. It would be in the countryside.
7. As far as I'm concerned, markets are the best places to
18. In your friend's opinion people spend too long on the
buy food. What do you think?
Yes, I agree. They are cheaper than shops. phone. What do you say?
People spend too much time on the phone.
8. One of your friends eats food with too much fat in it.
19. A friend believes that football is the best form of
What do you say to him or her?
exercise. You don't think the same.
You mustn't eat too much fat. It's bad for you. I don't agree. I think swimming is better.
9. A friend who has been ill asks for advice about food.
20. You have just bought a new DVD about space travel.
Suggest fruit. Recommend it to a friend.
In my opinion, you should eat more fruit.
10. A school friend asks what you think of fast food. What I really recommend the new DVD I bought about
do you say? space travel.
I don't like fast food. It is not healthy. 21. Your friend asks why you would recommend this
11. You see a friend reading a book. Ask your friend what DVD. Say the mal reason is that it is full of new and
the book is called and who wrote it. interesting information.
What's the name of the book you are reading and The main reason is that it is full of lots of new
who wrote it? and interesting information.
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

Part 2 10. You are trying to persuade a foreign friend to visit an

1-A friend wants to know where your dream holiday would be interesting place which is off the beaten track. You think
to. You really enjoy beach holidays. What do you say? your friend will regret it if he or she doesn't go. What do
My dream holiday would be a beach holiday in a nice you say?
warm country. It would be a pity if you didn't see it.
1. You have just read a magazine story. You understand the 11. A travel agent is trying to persuade you to go to a
story, and you are not sure what its real subject is. What do newly discovered tourist site. You want to know why this
you say? place is better than another. What do you ask?
What's the story really about? What is special about it?

2. Your class has read a short story. You are not sure what it 12. You have met a foreign tourist who does not know
shows. What do you ask your teacher? your town. You think he or she would like this place even
What does this story show? though it is off the beaten track. What do you say to
3. Your friend asks what the film you have just seen together persuade him or her?
You must visit the town, it is beautiful.

is really about. You think it's about helping people. What do
you say? 13. Your friend is reading a magazine article. You want to
I think it's about helping people. know what the subject of the article is.

4. You have to phone a friend's mother and tell her that her What's that magazine article about?
child is ill. What do you say? 14. Your friend recommends reading a book. Ask him or
I'm sorry to say that your child (friend's name) is ill.
her for information about it.
5. A friend tells you about (name of a story). Say that you did Can you tell me something about the book?
not know the book before last week. 15. You are looking for one of your school books which you
I'd never heard of this book before last week.
have lost. Ask a friend for help.
6. You are making the family meal. You would like some help
from you sister. What do you say?
r. Can you help me find my book? I've lost it.
16. You've seen an exciting new film at the cinema. You
I wonder if you could help me with the cooking.
7. You have missed school because you were ill. You would think your friend would enjoy it.
I think you would enjoy the film.
like so help from your teacher. What do you say? 17. Your train leaves in five minutes. It takes at least four
Would it be possible for you to help me because I was ill?
minutes to get to the station.
8. A friend asks if you can help him or her with a computer We have to leave now. The train leaves in five
problem. minutes.
You are happy to help, but you want to know what the problem 18. Your friend offers to go to the dentist with you, but you
is. What do you say? tell her not to worry, you can go on your own.
Yes, of course. What's the problem? I can go on my own. You don't need to come with me.
9. A friend is trying to persuade you to visit a place you have 19. You don't have any tea left. Explain why you are going
never heard of. You'd like more information about this place. to the shop.
What do you say? I am going to the shop because I need to buy some tea .
Can you tell me more about this place?

Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

20. You are at your friend's house. Your parents have told you 29-A friend asks if they can interview you to find out your
to be home at five o'clock. opinions on the environment. You are happy about this.
Your friend asks if you want to stay until eight o'clock. What do you say?
No, I'm sorry, I can't. I have to be home at five o'clock. Yes, of course. Yes, that's fine.
21. You have just agreed to see a film at the cinema with two 30-You are doing a project on your local environment.
friends. You are quite happy, but you did not choose the film. You want some information from ail important person in
What do you say? your town. What formal question do you ask?
I'd prefer to see horror film, but I'm happy to see this film Would you mind answering some questions
instead. about climate change?

22. You and three friends have just decided which film to see at 31-Someone asks if they can interview you. Unfortunately,
the cinema. You are happy that the decision has been made. you have too much to do. What do you say?
What do you say? No, I'm sorry. I'm busy at the moment
That's good we all agree to se e that film then.
23-You chose a holiday to Spain, but your friends all chose 32-You are trying to decide on a DVD to watch with your

Italy, which was cheaper. You think their idea is probably friends. You have agreed on a friend's DVD, not the one
better. What do you say? you brought. You are quite happy about this. What do you

I'd like to go to Spain, but it's probably better to go to say?
Italy . Part 3. I'd prefer to watch my DVD, but I am happy to
24-You have just seen the film of a book you like. You did not watch yours instead.
enjoy the film' as much as the book. A friend asks you what you 33-You saw a film on television and have just read the
thought of the film. book of the film. You enjoyed the film more than the
If you ask me, the film was not as good as the book. book. A friend asks you what you thought of the book.
25-Someone asks you to .compare books and films. You don't I enjoyed the film more than (I enjoyed) the book.
think it's possible to compare the two. Films are much more 34-You are doing a project about people's eating habits.
exciting for you. What do you say? You want to find out some information by asking a friend
You can't compare books and films. Films are much more some questions. What do you say?
exciting than books. I'm doing a project about people's eating habits.
26-A friend asks your opinion about a film director he or she Can I ask you some questions?
likes. You don't agree with your friend. 35-Someone asks your opinion about good holiday
I don't agree. In my opinion, he/she is not a very good weather.
director. * I enjoy cool autumn weather.
27-You want to know what your friend likes' about this 36-A friend thinks that travelling by plane is dangerous.
director's films. What do you say?
What do you like about his films? Express your opinion.
28-You are doing a project on public transport. You want to * Actually , traveling by plane is safer than traveling
find out information from a friend. What do you ask? by car.
Can I ask you some questions?

Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

37-You are going to interview someone you don’t know. 2. A: Good morning, madam. Can I help you?
What do you say? B: Yes, please. I'd like to get a new passport. What can I do?
* Would you mind answering some questions , please? 4- A: Please, fill in this form and bring two photos. You also pay 150
38-Someone stops you in the street and wants to ask you pounds.
questions about when and where your family goes shopping.
You don't have time to answer any questions. B: Ok.
* Sorry , but I 'm very busy right now. Passport office – Official - Citizen
39-A friend wants to know what your dream job would be and 3. A: Would you like to start with chicken soup, sir?
why. B: Yes, please.
* I 'd like to work as a doctor because I like to help sick A: What would you like to have next.

people. B: Rice, meat and potatoes.
40-You are standing in a queue and someone steps in front of Restaurant – Waiter – Customer
you without permission. Comment politely. 4. A: I'd like a fashionable dress, please.
* Would you mind moving to the back of the line? B: What size do you wear?

41-You are looking for a magazine you have lost. Ask a A: 38 B: Here you are.
friend about it. Clothes shop – Customer – Salesperson
* Have you seen my magazine ? 5 A: What would you like to start with, sir?

42-Your cousin suggests spending the weekend at Helwan. B: Lentil soup.
Politely refuse, Giving a reason. A: Next? B: Roast meat and rice.
* Sorry, I can't. I have a lot of studying to do at home. Restaurant – Waiter –
43-Your pen friend has just arrived. You meet him or her at 6 A: Where can I find some books about geology?
the airport. What do you say? B: They are on the shelves over there.
* Welcome to Egypt. / * It's great seeing you in person. 10- A: How many books can I borrow at a time?
Recommend it to a friend.
44-You have just read a new magazine for young people. B: Only three.
Library – Student - Librarian
*You should read this new magazine. 7 A: Why are you throwing this rubbish here?
45-Your friend tells you the magazine is good, but you want
B: Well, what would you like me to do with it?
to make sure. A: You should put it in the garbage bin.
* You really think I should read it , don't you?
46-You want to tell a friend not to eat much fat. Home – Mother - Son
* You shouldn't eat too much fat. 8 A: Excuse me; do you have these trousers in a large size?
ُ‫اىسؤاه اىثاٍّ فٍ االٍتحا‬ B: Just one moment, madam. I'll check.
2- speaker A & B (4 Marks )wb A: Thank you.
1. A: Passport and tickets, please. B: Here you are. Clothes shop – Customer – Salesperson
A: Smoking or non-smoking? B: Non-smoking, please. 9 A: Can I see your driving license, please?
A: Thank you, I have given you a window seat B: What for?
Check-in-desk – Check-in-clerk - Traveller A: You have parked in a no- parking area?
Street – Policeman – Car owner
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

10A: Please, fasten your seat belt. 19 A: Open your English books, please.
B: Are we about to land? B: Which page, sir? A: Page 55.
A: Yes, in a few minutes. Classroom – Teacher - Student
Plane – Air hostess - Passenger 20 A: Excuse me, What time is the next train?
11A: It's very kind of you to bring me such lovely flowers. B: 8: 30 platform 5 A: Thank you.
B: Not at all. I hope you get better soon. Railway station – Passenger – Station master
Hospital – Patient - Visitor 21A: Can I help you, sir?
12 A: How would you like to pay for this suit? B: Yes, please. I have a problem with the engine of the car.
B: By Master Card. A: That's fine. A: What's wrong with it?

Clothes shop– Salesperson – Customer B: It produces too much heat.
13 A: May I book a tour to Hurghada? Mechanic's – Mechanic – Car owner
B: With pleasure. How would you like to go? 22A: How was your flight, sir?
A: By plane because it's fast. B: Very good. A: Welcome back to Egypt.

Travel agency – Tourist – Travel agent Airport – Airport clerk - Businessman
14A: You have to pay a fine. 23-A: What's the matter with you? B: One of my teeth hurts.
B: Why? A: You exceeded the speed limit. A: Let me see. It must be pulled out.

Street – Policeman – Taxi driver Dentist's – Dentist – Patient
15 A: How long have you been feeling unwell? B: Since Friday. 24A: How much is a kilo of apples?
A: Take one of these tablets three times a day. B: Thank you. B: It's LE 10. A: I'd like two kilos, please.
Clinic – Doctor – Patient Market – Customer – Fruit seller
16A: May I have your attention, please? We will soon be arriving at the 25 A: Which tooth seems to have a problem?
monastery of St Catherine. B: When was it built? B: The one at the front left. It always hurts when I chew on it.
A: It was built in the sixth century by the Roman Emperor Justinian. A: Right. Would you open your mouth, please. Yes, it seems
B: Thank you you have a slight problem, but 1 can fix it right away?
Tourist site / Bus – Tourist guide – tourist Dentist's – Dentist – Patient
17 A: How quickly can you get me to the airport? 26A: May I have your attention, please? I hope you are enjoying the
B: It's a 40 minute drive using the six of October Bridge. beautiful view of the Sinai.
A: Can you get faster? I' m very late. B: When was the monastery built?
B: I'll do my best. A: It was built in the sixth century by the Roman Emperor Justinian.
Taxi – Passenger – Taxi driver B: Thank you.
18 A: Excuse me, I'm interested in buying this skirt but the price is not Tourist site – Tourist guide – tourist
marked on it. 27A: May I take your order, sir?
B: The price is LE 150. B: Yes, I'll have fish, please.
A: This is really expensive. It's unbelievable. A: How would you like it, sir? B: Fried, please.
B: But all our prices are fixed. A: Certainly, sir. Any vegetables?
Clothes shop – Customer – Salesperson Restaurant – Waiter – Customer
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

28 A: Your tickets, please, sir. 35 A Could you tell me what our homework is, please?
B: Here you are. What time do we arrive at Banha? B You have to finish the exercise we started in class today.
A: In half an hour or so. B: Will we stop at Tanta? A Thank you. When do you want to see it?
A: No. We are going straight to Alexandria after that. B I need it on Thursday, please.
Train – Conductor – Passenger Class A Student B: Teacher
29 A: Thank you for rescuing me. I could have died. 36A When exactly do you want to travel?
B: You're going to be OK. This oxygen mask will help you breathe? B I have to leave on June 17. I'd like two tickets, please.
A: Where are we going? A OK, there's a flight at 14.55 on the seventeenth.
B: We're on our way to Kasr AI Aini Hospital. The doctors will take care Travel Agency A: Travel agent B: Customer

of you there. 37A You're working very hard this evening, Ali.
Ambulance – Patient – Paramedic B Yes, I've got an important test tomorrow.
30A : A Good morning, Mr. Mohamed. Please sit down. First of all could A Well, don't go to bed too late. You don't want to be tired for your
you tell me why you are interested in working for us? test.

B : Well, I've done this kind of work before and I have always enjoyed Home A: A parent B: Son
working with people.Yes, please. 38A We learned about giant pandas at school last year; do you
Company A: Manager B: Applicant remember?

31A : That shirt is 50 pounds, sir. B Yes, but I don't really like seeing them in cages like this.
B : Can I pay by debit card? A : Yes, certainly . A It's not easy to see them in China though, is it?
Clothes shop A: Salesperson B: Customer The Zoo A: A student B: Classmate
32A Hello. I'd like to join, please. I'm particularly interested in basketball Choose
and football. 3- 2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.REVIEW D
B Do you have any friends who already belong here? 1 Make …… eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
A Yes, three or four of my school friends are members. a up b sure c do d like
B OK. Could you tell me your name and age, please? 2 Lisa,……….. in my class at school, is very good at English.
Sports club A:Applicant B:Secretary a who b who’s c whose d that
33A Good afternoon. Welcome to Radio 9 and today's World of Science. 3 Rice is the main of tonight’s dish.
B Thanks. It's good to be here. a food b crops c fruit d ingredient
A I wonder if you could introduce today's subject to our listeners? 4 Ahmed had a very busy morning. By the time he stopped for lunch,
B Well. I'm going to talk about the research I've been doing recently . he ……………….17 phone calls.
: Radio Studio A: Presenter B:Scientist a had made b made c has made d had been making
34A Welcome to this famous Egyptian site. It was built by Salah El Din Al 5 That’s the person ………mobile phone I borrowed when I lost mine.
Ayyoubi. a whose b who’s c which d who
B When was it built? 6 How long ……………………before your train arrived?
A It was built in 1176. it was built to protect Cairo from enemies. a had you wait b had you been waiting
B It's amazing! c have you been waiting d have you waited
The Citadel A: Tour Guide B: Tourist
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

7 We all went …………..when our ship came to port. 3 Crichton …………………..some fantastic books.
a aboard b abroad c ashore d ahead a produced b acted c wrote d built
8 Children sometimes hurt ………………..when they are playing. 4 We would all be healthier if cars were …………..from city centres.
a them b themselves c himself d ourselves a stopped b banned c driven d refused
9 They’re building hundreds of new houses on the ………..of the city. 5 We could…… global warming if we used more energy from the sun.
a outskirts b centre c roads d blocks a save b reduce c help d make
1 0 My friend lives in a flat which…….. the market. It’s always very noisy. 6 If they want to book a flight to London, they ……… do it soon.
a sees b watches c overlooks d looks Flights to London are very busy.
a must b could c need d mustn’t

2 3-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d. REVIEW E 7 It’s difficult to get into a good university. You ………………work
1 We……… to inform passengers that Flight 659 will be an hour late. really hard.
a sorry b regret c disappointed d apologise a need b should c can d must
2 My ………… to become a children’s doctor. 8 The information you are looking for can ………..on the internet.

a want b announcement c ambition d beauty a find b be found c finds d found
3 He was naughty as a child, but now his…….. is much better. 9 At school, we are………….. how to revise for our exams.
a behave b behaviour c behaving d behaved a being taught b teaching c been taught d been teaching

4 While waiting for the train to leave, the passengers ……….to each other. 1 0 I wonder if…………….. I your camera this afternoon?
a said b told c chatted d conversation a borrows b borrow c could borrow d would borrow
5 He writes great poems. He’s my favourite ……………. 3- Choose t he c orrec t answer from a, b, c or d: P.T .4
a poet b musician c pilot d singer 1. People who ............. money should go to prison.
6 If the train ……………down, I wouldn’t have been late. a- borrow b- lend c- bring d- steal ‫يسرق‬
a didn’t break b doesn’t break c hadn’t broken d won’t break 2. Most people are ...... If they find something, they give it
7 The stones they used to build Stonehenge …………..brought from Wales. back to the owner.
a were b was c is d are a- honest b- kind c- nice d- intelligent
8 If you had put the water in the freezer, it………………. to ice. 3. John doesn't get paid for playing football. He's .......... .
a turned b turns c would turn d would have turned a- a professional b- a player c- an amateur d- a career
9 It is believed that the Temple of Edfu was…………… in the year 237 BC. 4. I'm really enjoying this dessert. Can you tell me what
a start b starts c starting d started the ................... . are?
1 0 The……………. took the injured man into the emergency room. a- goods b- ingredients c- crops d- foods
a paramedics b engineers c patients d directors 5. If you need more ........ , eat more meat, fish and eggs.
a- sugar b- fat c- protein d- carbohydrate
2 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d. REVIEW F 6. In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is absolutely…to
1 The company my father works for has a……………. of 250 people. catch the white whale.
a group b staff c crew d population a- determined b- sure c- serious d- primitive
2 That man should stop……………. . It has nothing to do with him.
a disagreeing b saying c interfering d discussing
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

7. When the boat sank, the ........ were saved by a passing ship. 7. There is no airport on the island, so boats ....... food and
a- staff b- group c- crew d- employees other goods.
8. My sister and her husband live on the ........... of the town. a- sail b- supply c- give d- carry
a- top b- outskirts c- side d- outside 8. My………….. is to be a journalist for an international
9. The people ........... have just moved into the next flat are news magazine.
from Tanta. a- ambition b- hero c- idea d- announcement
a- which b- who c- what d- where 9. As soon as I met him, I knew I ... him somewhere before.
10. Where .......... you going when I saw you in town yesterday? a- had seen b- saw c- have seen d- see
a- were b- did c- had d- was 10. I didn't realize it was late .......... I was concentrating so

11. The Nile is ..................... liver in the world. hard on what I was doing.
a- longest b- long c- the longest d- longer a- if b- and c- because d- but
12. Those are the people .......... car has been stolen. 11. I ........... my brother's car all morning and he says it's
a- who b- whose c- which d- who's still dirty.

13. Ali has had to go to hospital because he hurt ......... while a- have cleaned b- clean c- am cleaning d- have been cleaning
playing football. 1 2. Many cars ............ in Egypt.
a- herself b- him c- his d- himself a- made b- are made c- is made d- make

14. We arrived late and by the time we sat down, the film ........ . 13. If it was cold in the evening, you ......... warm clothes.
a- has started b- had started c- is starting d- starts a- will need b- needed c- would need d- would have needed
15. In my opinion, it's warmer now ……… it was this morning. 14. I'm not very good ......... remembering people's names.
a- as b- so c- than d- that a- In b- at c- with d- on
16- My clothes were dirty because I ......... the car all morning. 15. The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed ….. an
a- had been repairing b- had repaired c- repaired d- am repairing earthquake.
3- Choose t he c orrec t answer from a, b, c or d: P.T .5 a- from b- to c-by d-in
1. Most houses in countries where it rains a lot have ...... roofs. 16- It. ....... that people have lived here for centuries.
a- straight b- sloping c- flat d- long a- know b- known c- is known d- has known
2. If you want to keep fit, go running. It's a very good form of .. . 3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: P.T .6
a- exercise b- practice c- food d- work 1 A shop in our city was completely …………… fire last night.
3. My friend's father is the .......... of our local newspaper. a hurt b injured c destroyed d flooded
a- politician b- diplomat c- man d- editor 2 I can really ……………….this book. I couldn’t put it down.
4. This CD was a ............... It cost less than two pounds. a recommend b build c admire d wish
a- cheap b- bargain c- credit d- value for money 3 I hope I…………………… the maths test at school tomorrow.
5. Our cat has ........... ; We haven't seen him for a week. a pass b succeed c win d do well
a- missed b- come c- gone missing d- abandoned 4 Last year, we visited the……............... of an ancient settlement in
6. We ........ to inform passengers travelling to Cairo that their the desert.
train will be 20 minutes late. a place b view c area d site
a- suggest b- announce c- refuse d- regret
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

5 If you pour hot water onto ice, it………… . 9. You mustn't needn't go to bed early tonight. There is no
a runs b melts c floods d freezes school tomorrow.
6 You can’t enjoy your holiday if you don’t have good…………… . 10. That film has already seen been seen by more than five
million people.
a hotel b room c accommodation d stay 11.I broke my leg three years ago and now I couldn't
7 My favourite holiday destination is a small fishing village on the………. . can't run very fast.
a sea b edge c ocean d coast 12.I've been drinking drunk three cups of tea this morning.
8 When I was a child, I remember reading a/a… tale about a lazy student. 13. My father has been travelling travelled abroad six times in the
a dangerous b warning c advising d cautionary last two months.
9 Banks are places ………….you can keep your money safe. 14. In organic inorganic farming, fruits are sprayed with chemical

a which b where c that d when pesticides.
1 0 Before the invention of cars, people …………to walk more. 15. The stems genes of all living things control what they will
a used b use c are used d have used be like.
11 She looked at……….. in the mirror to see what the new dress was like. 16.When tomatoes ripen, after a while they will
starve rot and have a bad smell.

a she b her c herself d himself 17. That pepper is genetically modified, doesn't
12 So far today, I ……………e-mails to six of my friends to tell them the isn't it?
good news. 18.My brother was never has never been very good for playing

a wrote b am writing c have been writing d have written basketball.
13 I’ve decided that I…………for that job as soon as I can. 19. You should must apologise to your teacher for forgetting your
a am going to apply b applying c am applying d apply homework.
14 I have an idea: we …..all go in one car. That would save us money. 20. Don't worry for about your exam. I'm sure you will pass.
a have to b need c could d would 21.I've lost one of my school books. Can you help me look at for it?
15 There are always children near the school, so you……… drive very 22. Holidays in Egypt are popular for with all kinds of tourists.
r. 23. We must find an answer for to the problem of climate
a can b must c mustn’t d need change.
16 Survivors of this morning’s accident………… to the city’s main hospital. 24. If I don't didn't find my keys, I wouldn't be able to get into
my car.
a have been taken b have taken c took d have been taking
1. Find the mistake in each of the following 25. There would have been an accident if you
sentences, then write them correctly: haven't hadn't seen the cyclist in time.
1. If you haven't hadn't taken those photos, I wouldn't have 26. You should apply to for this job. I'm sure you'd be good at it.
remembered our holiday. 27. The Alexandria Library was open opened by the President in
2. If I found any money at school, I'll 'd take it to one of the teachers. 2002.
3. I'll tell you if I saw see anything unusual. 28. You must to must eat lots of fresh fruits because they're
4. If I felt feel tired, I usually go to bed early. very good for you.
29. When I was born, my parents have had been living in their
5. I'll tell you if I heard hear from Hassan. flat for three years.
6. Have you decided whether to apply from for that job? 30. You say it's very expensive to live in the city, and
7. In Ancient Egypt, waterwheels were use used to irrigate fields. but I don't agree.
8. You don't have to mustn't take things that don't belong to you.

Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

4 – Find t he mist a kes , t hen writ e t he sent enc es c orrec t l y

31. I hope I find myself a flat that's not too cheap 1 – If the film hadn't been funny, I wouldn't laugh. (wouldn't
expensive so that I can afford it. have laughed)
32. Asia is the biggest country continent in the world. 2 – I enjoy history , but I am not so keen in geography. (on)
33. We couldn't get into the car because our keys were opened locked 3 – My father's lost glasses was found in the garden. (were)
inside. 4 – We will keep out of oil in twenty years. (run)
34. If the film hadn't been funny, I wouldn't laugh 5 – The train's pilot asked for my train ticket. (conductor‫)محصل تذاكر‬
have laughed. 6 – Two farmers ran out of the ambulance and carried my sick
35. I enjoy history, but I'm not so keen in on
geography. friend into the hospital. (paramedics)

36. My father's lost glasses was were found in the garden. 4 – Find t he mist a kes , t hen writ e t he sent enc es c orrec t l y
37. We will keep run out of oil in twenty years. 1 – You must to eat lots of fresh fruits because they are very good
38. The train's pilot conductor asked for my train ticket. for you. (must)
39-Two farmers paramedics ran out of the ambulance and carried my 2 – When I was born , my parents have been living in their flat for 3

sick friend into the hospital. years. (had)
40-You needn't mustn't take things that don't belong to you. 3 – You say it is very expensive to live in the city, and I don't agree.
41-Today, almost any information you need must (but)

can / may be found on the internet.
42-When we arrived home, we saw that our lights 4 – I find myself a flat that's not too cheap so that I can afford it.
have had been left on. (expensive)
43-When a volcano disappears erupts , it sends dust into the 5 – Asia is the biggest country in the world. (continent‫)قارة‬
atmosphere. 6 – We couldn't get into the car because our keys were opened
44-Ice at the Antarctic and the Arctic is freezing inside. (locked‫)مغلق‬
melting because of global warming.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then
45-Michael Crichton wrote a book about phonetic genetic
writethem correctly:
a You needn’t take things that don’t belong to you.mustn't
46-Many visitor visitors to Egypt are interested in the history of the
b Today, almost any information you need must be found on the
47-Water from the Nile are is used to irrigate farmers' fields. internet can
48-A monastery is a building where monks lives c When we arrived home, we saw that our lights have been left on.
live. had
49-Historical Agricultural land is used for growing crops and keeping d When a volcano disappears, it sends dust into the atmosphere.
animals. erupts
50-Dakhla Oasis have has a population of 75,000 people. e Ice at the Antarctic and the Arctic is freezing because of global
51-If we didn't run hadn't run fast, we wouldn't have caught the
train. warming. melting
f Michael Crichton wrote a book about phonetic engineering.

Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

before eating them. You must cover the food to prevent flies and
insects from touching it. Healthy food should also be natural and
organic. It is not good to eat food that has dangerous additives ‫إػابابد‬
. Organic food is better than inorganic ones. Foods which are
prepared at home are better than fast foods. The most important
thing about healthy food is that it must be balanced containing all
the vital substances ‫اخ‬٠ٛ١‫ا د‬ٛ‫ ِا‬like vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates
‫تشاخشافاخ اىَْهح‬ and fats.
A building in your town or city that you think tourists
Global Warming

would enjoy visiting
Nowadays, it's clear that the world's climate is changing. Global warming
means increasing the earth temperature. There are some reasons for this. No one can deny that Egypt is full of historic places that attract a
Firstly, The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing because of lot of tourists. But, I think the most attractive place for tourists is
visiting the pyramids. They are one of the seven wonders in the

burning fuels such as oil and gas. Secondly, destroying the rainforests
(which take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen). Global warming will world. They show the greatness of our great ancestors. The
affect the world badly as the ice at the Arctic and the Antarctic is melting. pharaohs built them to bury their dead kings. There, tourists can

If this continues, sea levels will rise and some parts of the world will be see the Sphinx. They can enjoy taking a lot of fantastic photos of
flooded, so people will be homeless. So what can be done? Countries them and enjoy riding camels there. At night, they can enjoy the
must stop destroying the rainforests and produce less carbon dioxide. Sound and Light Show. Tourists can go there easily by bus or taxi
And, as individuals, we must all reduce the carbon dioxide we produce by .Finally, I can say that ancient Egyptians were great people
using public transport instead of private cars. They also should plant a lot because they left great things which make all people from all over
of trees in their streets. the world admire
dream house
My dream house won't be in the centre of the city, but it will be on Pollution is a difficult problem in modern life. There are
the outskirts to be far from the noise and traffic. It will be in a beautiful different kinds of pollution. Air Pollution is caused by car fumes َ ‫ػاب‬
location may be high up on a hill, overlooking a lake or some gardens, and ‫بزاد‬١‫ اٌعا‬which contain very harmful substances. ‫ا ػاابزح‬ٛ‫ ِاا‬These
every room will have a balcony so that I can enjoy the view. Also, I will substances have a bad effect on health and can cause many diseases.
plant trees, vegetables and fruit in its garden. In addition, it will have a The sea is polluted by the chemical waste ‫اخ‬١‫بي‬١ّ١‫ابد اٌى‬٠‫ إٌفب‬thrown into it
garage for my car and the cars of my visitors. My dream house will be very by factories and ships. The soil is also polluted by the chemicals we
high-tech and I will be able to control, for example, the temperature of the use such as insecticides ‫داد‬١‫اٌّج‬.
rooms, or switch the TV on or off by remote control. It will also be well All these kinds of pollution affect not only man’s life but animal life
insulated so that in winter it will be warm and in summer it will be cool. It and plant life as well. The world is making great efforts to fight ‫ٔذابزة‬
will be a detached house, but I hope to have friendly neighbours. pollution. Ordinary people have to cooperate with ‫ا ِااغ‬ٛٔٚ‫زؼاب‬٠ the
Healthy Food government and scientists to get rid of ِٓ ‫زخٍض‬٠ pollution. If
Healthy food is very important for a healthy life. We must pay attention to
‫ ٕٔزجٗ ٌـ‬the food we eat and the water we drink. Healthy a) Translate into Arabic :-
Mr. Remon
ٜٛٔ‫اٌثب‬ Yehia
ٝٔ‫ٌٍظف اٌثب‬ ‫اٌخالطخ‬ Second Term
The full mark present for Sec .2 2 secondary

pollution continues to increase, life on earth will be in great danger. Even a)Today tourism has become a huge business. It is a good
ordinary people can help to eliminate ِٓ ‫زخٍض‬٠ / ً٠‫ص‬٠ pollution. source of national income for countries on the
" A place off the beaten track " Mediterranean coast. Hence , we have to attract more and
Most travellers to Egypt visit the famous sites in Cairo and Upper more tourists to visit Egypt all year round by building more
Egypt but Egypt has many other interesting historic places which are off comfortable hotels and making all tourist facilities
the beaten track . One of these places is Sinai. Travellers once described available.
Sinai as “thirty thousand square kilometres of nothing.” In fact, Sinai has { Model Translation }
some of the most beautiful landscape in Egypt. It is also home to wildlife ‫ي‬ٚ‫ ٌٍد‬ِٟٛ‫د ِٓ ِظب ز اٌدخً اٌم‬١‫ ِظدز ج‬ٝ٘ٚ ‫ب ػخّب‬٠‫َ ػّال رجبز‬ٛ١ٌ‫بدخ ا‬١‫* ٌمد أطجذذ اٌع‬
such as the fox and the wolf. The monastery of St Catherine is located in ‫د‬٠‫ٕب أْ ٔجرة اٌّص‬١ٍ‫ ٌرٌه ػ‬/ ُ‫ِٓ ث‬ٚ .‫ظؾ‬ٛ‫غ اٌّز‬١‫ ظبدً اٌجذس األث‬ٍٝ‫ رطً ػ‬ٟ‫ اٌز‬/ ‫الؼ خ‬ٌٛ‫ا‬

the centre of Sinai. It was built in the 6th century when the Romans were ‫الد‬١ٙ‫غ اٌزع‬١ّ‫س ج‬١‫ا‬ٛ‫ر‬ٚ ‫ذخ‬٠‫د ِٓ اٌفٕب ق اٌّس‬٠‫بزح ِظس ثجٕبء اٌّص‬٠‫بح ٌص‬١‫د ِٓ اٌع‬٠‫اٌّص‬ٚ
in Egypt, this is the oldest Christian monastery in the world. Its huge .‫خ‬١‫بد‬١‫اٌع‬
walls, which are 12 - 60 metres high, were built to protect its treasures. a- Translate into Arabic :-
Finally , I advise every tourist to visit this place Some people believe that genetically modified food may

‫تشاخٌ اىىوسك تىك‬ bring new diseases in the future. Others are in favour of
this type of food. They think GM crops can improve
a) Translate into Arabic :-
agriculture and protect people from starvation in poor

- A skyscraper is a very tall building with many floors, usually
built in cities where the cost of land is high. The first ٓ‫ٌى‬ٚ .ً‫ اٌّعزمج‬ٟ‫دح ا‬٠‫جٍت أِساػب جد‬٠ ‫ب لد‬١‫زاث‬ٚ ‫ اٌطؼبَ اٌّؼدي‬/ ‫ؼزمد ثؼغ إٌبض إْ اٌغراء‬٠ *
skyscraper was built in New York in 1868, and now there are ‫ب‬١‫زاث‬ٚ ‫خ‬١‫ً اٌغراي‬١‫ْ أْ اٌّذبط‬ٚ‫ؼزمد‬٠ ُٙ‫ ا‬،‫ اٌغراء‬/ َ‫ع ِٓ اٌطؼب‬ٌٕٛ‫ْ ٘را ا‬ٚ‫د‬٠‫ؤ‬٠ / ْٚ‫ذجر‬٠ ْٚ‫آخس‬
lots of them in other cities Can building skyscrapers in our .‫سح‬١‫ي اٌفم‬ٚ‫ اٌد‬ٟ‫ػب ا‬ٛ‫د ج‬ٌّٛ‫ إٌبض ِٓ ا‬ّٝ‫رذ‬ٚ ‫ّىٓ أْ رذعٓ اٌصزاػخ‬٠
cities be possible and will it help to
b- Translate into English :-
Solve the serious problem of housing?
.ُٙ١ٍ‫خ ِٓ اٌمجغ ػ‬٠‫ب‬ٌٕٙ‫ ا‬ٟ‫ا ا‬ٕٛ‫رّى‬ٚ ‫ص‬ٛ‫ ؽبز زجبي اٌشسؽخ اٌٍظ‬- 1
{ Model Translation }
ّٓ‫ب ث‬ٙ١‫سرفغ ا‬٠ ٟ‫ اٌّدْ اٌز‬ٟ‫ ا‬ٕٝ‫ رج‬ٝ٘ٚ ، ‫سح‬١‫اثك وث‬ٛ‫ ػبي جدا ثٗ ؽ‬ٕٝ‫ ِج‬ٟ٘ ‫* ٔبؽذخ اٌعذبة‬
* The police chased the thieves and managed finally to
ِٓ ‫س‬١‫ٕ٘بن اٌىث‬ٚ ، 1868 َ‫زن " ػب‬ٛ٠ٛ١ٔ " ) ‫ٕخ‬٠‫ ( ِد‬ٟ‫ي ٔبؽذخ ظذبة ا‬ٚ‫ذ أ‬١ٕ‫لد ث‬ٚ .ٝ‫ االزاػ‬arrest them.
.‫سح‬١‫ؼزجس اٌعفس ثبٌطبيسح ِزؼخ وج‬٠ ، ٓ٠‫س‬١‫ اٌىث‬ٞ‫ زأ‬ٟ‫ ا‬- 2
‫ف ثعبػد‬ٛ‫ً٘ ظ‬ٚ ‫ ِدٕٔب‬ٟ‫ّىٓ ثٕبء ٔبؽذبد ظذبة أالْ ا‬٠ ًٙ‫ ا‬.ٜ‫ ِدْ أخس‬ٟ‫ٔبؽذبد اٌعذبة أالْ ا‬
* Many think that traveling by air is a lot of fun.
‫سح ؟‬١‫ دً ِشىٍخ اإلظىبْ اٌخط‬ٟ‫ذٌه ا‬
b) Translate into English :-
‫ط ورٌه ؟‬١ٌ‫ أ‬، ‫ْ ػبز ثبٌظذخ‬ٛ٘‫اٌد‬ٚ ‫اٌٍّخ‬ٚ ‫س ِٓ اٌعىس‬١‫ي اٌىث‬ٚ‫ رٕب‬- 1 9-a- Lots of people admire Jules Verne. He was a French
writer who was born in 1828 and died in 1905. He wrote
* Putting a lot of / much sugar , salt and fat in our food is many novels in which he introduced scientific
unhealthy / bad for ( our / your ) health , isn't it ? technological marvels such as the submarine , space travel
.‫ي ِب رشبء‬ٚ‫ّىٕه رٕب‬٠ ، ‫زه‬١‫ذ ث‬١‫ اٌج‬- 2
and television.
* Feel / Make yourself at home and help yourself to a ٟ‫ ا‬ٝ‫ا‬ٛ‫ ر‬/ ‫ِبد‬ٚ 1828 َ‫ ػب‬ٟ‫ٌد ا‬ٚ ‫ب‬١‫ وبْ وبرجب اسٔع‬.) ْ‫س‬١‫ي ا‬ٛ‫س ِٓ إٌبض ثــ ( ج‬١‫ؼجت وث‬٠ *
‫اطخ‬ٛ‫خ ِثً اٌغ‬١ٍّ‫خ ػ‬١‫ج‬ٌٕٛٛ‫ب ػجبيت رى‬ٙ١‫ لدَ ا‬ٟ‫بد اٌز‬٠‫ا‬ٚ‫سا ِٓ اٌس‬١‫ وزت وث‬. 1905 َ‫ػب‬
.) ‫اٌزٍفبش‬ٚ ( ْٛ٠‫فص‬١ٍ‫اٌز‬ٚ ‫ اٌفؼبء‬ٌٝ‫اٌعفسإ‬ٚ
‫رساجُ ٘بِخ جدا‬
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

.‫ ظبدً اٌجذساألدّس‬ٍٝ‫ ػ‬، ‫ زايغ‬ٟ‫بد‬١‫ ِٕزجغ ظ‬ٝ٘ٚ ، ‫ٕخ اٌغس لخ‬٠‫ رمغ ِد‬- 1 .ٌ‫ التذ ٍِ تشدُع االستثَاساخ األخْثُح فٍ ٍصش ٍِ أخو اىْهىض تاالقتصاد اىَصش‬- 55
* The city of Hurghada , a wonderful /magnificent touristic It is necessary to encourage foreign investments in Egypt
resort , is situated on the Red Sea coast. to raise the Egyptian economy.
a) Translate into Arabic :- .‫ َدة عيُْا إَداد ٍصادس تذَيح ىيطاقح‬،ً‫ تَا أُ اىثتشوه سُْفز قشَثا‬- 56
- The world's climate is changing. Scientists believe that this is As oil will run out soon, we must find alternative sources
due to a number of natural reasons , like heat from the sun ,
volcanoes and the increase in carbon dioxide. Global warming of energy.
will cause ice in some regions to melt , sea levels will rise , .‫ إُ صَادج اإلّتاج وتششُذ اال ستهالك هَا اىسثُو اىىحُذ ىيتغية عيً ٍشاميْا االقتصادَح اىحاىُح‬- 57
there will be floods and lots of people will be homeless. I nc reasing produc t ion and reduc ing c onsumpt ion are t he

‫خ ِثً دسازح اٌشّط‬١‫ؼ‬١‫ ػد ِٓ األظجبة اٌطج‬ٌٝ‫سجغ إ‬٠ ‫ؼزمد اٌؼٍّبء إْ ٘را‬٠ٚ ٌُ‫س ِٕبر اٌؼب‬١‫زغ‬٠ * onl y way t o overc ome our c urrent ec onomic probl ems.
/ ‫د‬١ٍ‫ثبْ اٌج‬ٚ‫ ذ‬ٟ‫زعجت ازرفبع زجخ دسازح األزع ا‬٠ ‫ف‬ٛ‫ظ‬ٚ . ْٛ‫د اٌىسث‬١‫ أوع‬ٟٔ‫ب ح ثب‬٠‫ش‬ٚ ٓ١‫اٌجساو‬ٚ . ‫ إُ االستقشاس االختَاعٍ واىسُاسٍ سُدية ٍضَذا ٍِ االستثَاساخ وَْعش االقتصاد‬- 58
/ ٚ‫غد‬١‫ ظ‬/ ْٛ‫ى‬١‫ ظ‬ٚ ‫ؼبٔبد‬١‫ْ ٕ٘بن ا‬ٛ‫ظزى‬ٚ ‫ ظطخ اٌجذس‬ٜٛ‫سرفغ ِعز‬٠ ‫ف‬ٛ‫ظ‬ٚ ‫ ثؼغ إٌّبؽك‬ٟ‫ج ا‬ٍٛ‫ اٌث‬Soc ia l and pol it ic a l st a bility wil l bring more invest ment s and
.ٜٚ‫س ِٓ إٌبض ثال ِأ‬١‫ظجخ اٌىث‬١‫ ظ‬refresh ec onomy.

b) Translate into English :- .‫ تضخش ٍصش تاىعذَذ ٍِ اىَْارج اىهْذسُح اىتٍ تثشهِ عيً تشاعح اىَصشَُِ فٍ عيٌ اىهْذسح‬- 59
.‫أال رىرة أثدا‬ٚ ‫ي اٌظدق ايّب‬ٛ‫ أٔظذه أْ رم‬- 1 Egypt is ful l of t he engineering model s whic h prove t he
* I advise you to always tell the truth and never lie / tell lies. Egypt ions' pioneering in engineering.

.‫ئخ‬١‫س ٌٍج‬١‫د وج‬٠‫د‬ٙ‫ازرفبع زجخ دسازح األزع ر‬ٚ ‫س إٌّبر‬١‫ ِشىٍخ رغ‬- . ‫ اىضساعح واىصْاعح هَا اىعَىد اىفقشٌ ىيتَُْح االقتصادَح وىخيق ٍدتَع ٍْتح‬- 55
* The problem of climate changes and global warming is a Agric ul t ure and indust ry are t he bac kbone of t he ec onomic
majorthreat to devel opment and of c reat ing a produc t ive soc iet y.
the environment. . ‫ تَتيل ٍصش اىحق اىتاسَخٍ فٍ اىحصىه عيً حصتها ماٍيح ٍِ ٍُآ ّهش اىُْو‬- 51
.‫بزاد‬١‫ب أزظبز اٌع‬ٙ١‫ع ا‬ِّٕٛ ‫ الْ ٘رٖ إٌّطمخ‬، ‫بزاد ثبالٔزظبز ٕ٘ب‬١‫ اٌع‬ٟ‫ح ٌعبيم‬ّٛ‫س ِع‬١‫ غ‬- 2 Egypt has t he hist oric al right t o get it s c ompl et e share of t he
* Car drivers are not allowed to wait because there is a no – wat er of t he Nil e wat er.
parking area.
r. . ‫ َدة عيً اىَىاطُِْ أُ َتحذوا ٍع اىحنىٍح ىيقضاء عيً اإلسهاب واىتطشف‬- 55
9- a- Ice cream is frozen sweet food made of milk or cream and Cit iz ens shoul d unit e wit h t he government t o overc ome
sugar. The Chinese were the first people to invent ice cream in t errorism and ex t remism.
the fourth century BC. It is surprising that the amounts of ice . ‫ االستقشاس واألٍِ عْصشاُ هاٍاُ ىتحقُق ّهضح اقتصادَح شاٍيح‬- 55
cream eaten in cold European countries are more than in those St abil it y and safet y are t wo el ement s t o ac hieve a
eaten in hot countries. c omprehensive ec onomic renaissanc e.
ُ٠‫ط وس‬٠‫ي ِٓ اخزسع اال‬ٚ‫ْ أ‬ٛ١ٕ١‫ اٌظ‬.‫اٌعىس‬ٚ ‫ اٌمشدح‬ٚ‫ع ِٓ اٌٍجٓ أ‬ٕٛ‫ُ ؽؼبَ ِجّد ِظ‬٠‫ط وس‬٠‫* اال‬ .‫ التذ ٍِ عقذ ٍؤتَش دوىٍ ىَْاقشح وحو ٍشنيح ٍُآ اىُْو‬- 55
‫ اٌجال‬ٟ‫ رؤوً ا‬ٟ‫ُ اٌز‬٠‫ط وس‬٠‫بد اال‬١ّ‫ت إْ و‬١‫ اٌؼج‬/ ‫ِٓ اٌّد٘ش‬ٚ . ‫ال‬١ٌّ‫ اٌمسْ اٌساثغ لجً ا‬ٟ‫ ا‬An int ernat ional c onferenc e shoul d be hel d t o disc uss a nd
.‫ اٌجال اٌذبزح‬ٟ‫ رؤوً ا‬ٟ‫خ اٌجبز أوثس ِٓ رٍه اٌز‬١‫ث‬ٚ‫ز‬ٚ‫ األ‬sol ve t he probl em of t he Nil e wat er.
b- Translate into English :-
.‫خ‬١ٌٚ‫ِبد اٌد‬ٍٛ‫ شجىخ اٌّؼ‬ٍٝ‫ ح ػ‬ٛ‫ج‬ِٛ ‫د٘ب‬٠‫ رس‬ٟ‫ِبد اٌز‬ٍٛ‫ وً اٌّؼ‬- 1
* All the information you need is available on the internet.
.‫ب ح‬١‫ زخظخ ل‬ٍٝ‫ي ػ‬ٛ‫ْ اٌذظ‬ٚ ‫بزح‬١‫ ظ‬ٛ‫غ أْ رم‬١‫ ال رعزط‬- 2
* You can't drive without ( having / getting ) a driving license.
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

The Novel Final Revision second term

1 2 – Why did t he music from t he c onc ert sound l ike
General Questions t hunder t o Gul l iver?Because the sound was ex tremely loud.
1 – Answer t he fol l owing quest ions : 1 3 – How was t his probl em sol ved?
1 – What did Gl umdal c l it c h Cal l Gul l iver?She called him Grildrig. I t was solv ed when his box was taken to a room at a far corner in
2 – What was t his name mea n?I t means the puppet the palace with t he doors and windows closed
3 – What t ric ks did Gul l iver pl ay t o ent ert ain t he peopl e in t he 1 4 – What did Gul l iver t hink of t he music of
inn?He welcomed people, walked up and down , answered Brobdingnag?He liked it v ery much.
Glumdalclit ch's questions . 1 5 – Why did t he serva nt who was l ooking aft er Gul l iver

4 – What was Gul l iver's request of t he queen? l eave him?T o search for birds' eggs on the beach.
He asked her to keep Glumdalclit ch as his teacher. 1 6 – Why did Gul l iver a sk t he c a pt ain of t he ship if he had
5 – Why did not Gul l iver say goodbye t o t he farmer as he wa s seen any enormous birds?
l eaving?Because he had bad feelings towards him as he ov erworked T o prov e t o him that he was indeed near a land of enormous people

him and used him to make money . He sold him as he thought he would and an enormous bird had taken his box .
die. 1 7 – Why did Gul l iver st ay on t he ship when t hey went t o
6 – Do you t hink t he farmer is a sel fish and greedy man ? buy food and wat er at t he port s?

Ex pl ain.Y es, I think so because he cared for getting money only and Because he had become more careful and no longer want ed
forgot Gulliv er's needs. adv enture.
7 – What t ric ks did t he serva nt do t o Gul l iver? 1 8 – Why did Gul l iver keep yel l ing t o t he peopl e, " l ook
He shov ed ‫ح‬ٛ‫داغ ثم‬٠ him down the hole of t he bone and made apples fall on out here I c ome." Because he felt he was v ery big and didn't want
him. to step on any one as he thought they were v ery small.
8 – Why haven't t he p eop l e of Brobdingnag ever t ravel l ed 1 9 – Wha t did t he Engl ish peopl e rea c t t o his yel l ing?
abroad?Because there were high mountains in the nort h and rough T hey thought he was rude.
seas. 20 – Why did Mary t hink t hat Gul l iver was ac t ing
9 – Gul l iver t hinks at one p oint " My c ount ry whic h I was so st rangel y?Because he told her that she hadn't fed the children
p roud of, suddenl y seemed sma l l , unimport ant and badl y enough and they were too small so she thought he was mad.
run." What ma d Gul l iver t hink l ike t his? 21 – I f you c oul d , woul d you l ike t o visit Lil l iput or
Because he began to see his country through the ey es of t he king who Brobdingnag ? and why?I think I would go to Lilliput as I
was v ery critical of the weapons and the wars. would be strong and important and would help people with their
1 0 – How do you t hink t ravel l ing t o ot her c ount ries might problems.
make a person see his own c ount ry different l y?
Because we can see practices and traditions of other count ries and this
might make a person t hink again about their countries better or worse.
1 1 – Why did t he king of Brobdingnag t hink t hat Gul l iver wa s
l uc ky?Because he had escaped to a bet ter place where there were no
weapons or wars.
Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

Ch apter (5)
A) Answer t he fol l owing quest ions : B ) Read t he quot at ion and answer t he quest ions :
1 – Did Gulliv er cost the giants much to feed him? " Well if he is so clev er , y ou should make him work so that y ou can
No , he didn't a s he was very smal l and woul dn't eat muc h. earn some money from him. "
2 – Why did not Gulliv er get hurt when the baby dropped him? 1 – Who said this to whom?T he farmer's friend t o t he farmer.
Bec ause he l anded on a soft bl anket . 2 – Who is he talking about and what was his suggestion for
3 – What happened to Gulliv er when he was in the bedroom? earning money ?about Gul l iver , he suggest ed t aking him t o
T wo rat s t he siz e of dogs at t ac ked him. t he market and peopl e woul d pay t o see him.
4 – What did the farmer's daught er Glumdalclitch do for Gulliv er? 3 – Do y ou think this was a good idea for the farmer and Gulliv er?

she made him a bed some c l ot hes and t aught him t heir I t woul d be a good idea for t he farmer as he woul d get
l anguage. money.I t woul d be bad for Gul l iver a s t he work was ha rd
5 – Who suggested that the farmer take Gulliv er to the market? and unc omfort abl e.
t he farmer's friend, t he ol d man Ch apter (6)

6 – Why did the man suggest that ? A ) Answer t he fol l owing quest ions :
Bec ause he was angry as Gul l iver l aughed at him 1 – Why did Gulliv er think he had made an enemy of t he king?

7 – Why did Gulliv er say " unfort unately " the farmer agreed to the idea? Because the king thought he was a t oy and the farmer tricked t he
Bec ause t he work was very hard a nd unc omfort abl e. queen.
8 – For how long did Gulliv er trav el around the country with the farmer? 2 – How do y ou think life will be different for Gulliv er in t he
for t en weeks. palace?I think he will liv e a comfortable life and won't work hard
9 – Why did Gulliv er become ill and tired? 3 – Do y ou think Gulliv er will be happy in t he palace?
bec ause t he fa rmer made him work hard and didn't real iz e it
r. I think he will be happy as he will be comfortable.
was hard and t iring for Gul l iver. 4 – What did the king think of Gulliv er at first?
1 0 – Why was the farmer so willing to sell Gulliv er to the queen? He thought he was a t oy .
Bec ause he saw Gul l iver was l osing weight , il l and t ired. He 5 – What made the king decide Gulliv er was telling the trut h?
t hought he woul d die. When he asked the farmer, his daught er and the queen about him.
1 1 – How did Gulliv er feel towards the farmer and his daughter? 6 – Where did Gulliv er stay in the palace? and describe it?
He didn't l ike him as he made him work hard for money onl y He st ay ed in a home I t was the size of a box it had a door and large
But he l iked Gl umdal c l it c h a s she t ook good c a re of him . windows . T he walls were soft and the roof could be lifted up.
1 2 – What did t he king think when he saw Gulliv er and why didn't he 7 – Who did Gulliv er eat with?
believ e Gul l iver's st ory? He at e wit h the queen , he daughters and Glumdalclitch . T he king
He t hought he was a t oy , he didn't bel ieve his st ory as he knew joined them on Wednesday s.
a l ot about sc ienc e and t his didn't agree wit h what t he king 8 – Mention some of bad things that happened to Gulliv er at t he
knew. palace?1 – T he serv ant dropped him into cream 2 – he put his legs
into t he bone 3 – He made apples fall on him 4 – T he bees came to
his house 5 – A monkey carried him up to t he top of the palace.

Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

9 – After the dog accident what did Glumdalclitch promise Gulliv er ? Do

y ou think he was happy wit h this?She promised not to leav e him alone. I 7 – How do y ou think the king of Brobdingnag different from t he
t hink he was not happy as he wanted more priv acy . king of Lilliput ? Who was better and why ?
1 0 – What did Gulliv er know about the geography of the country ? 1 - T he king of Brobdingnag was v ery learned and interested in
He knew t hat t here were mountains in the north , there were no science, history and geography and was not int erested in weapons
harbours , t hey get their fish from riv ers and there were 5 1 cities. and didn't want wars.
1 1 – Where did the monkey take Gulliv er? 2 – T he king of Lilliput was interest ed in Gulliv er's weapons and
I t took him to the top of the palace roof. wanted to make wars.
B ) Read t he quot at ion and answer t he quest ions : 8 – Why did the king of Brobdingnag think Gulliv er was lucky ?

" I c annot bel ieve t ha t peopl e who are so smal l c an have Because he escaped to a better place as there were no wars.
houses and c it ies , c l ot hes and jobs, rewards and p riz es , 9 – Do y ou think Gulliv er was lucky in Brobdingnag? Do y ou think
argument s and fight s! " he was treated well?I think y es, as he was treated well and didn't
1 – Who said this and t o whom? hav e to work.I think No, as he was kept in a box like animals and

T he king to one of his adv isers. had no freedom.
2 – How did Gulliv er feel when he heard this? 1 0 – How did Gulliv er read the books in the library ?
He felt angry as t he king was laughing at his country . He climbed up a ladder to the t op of the page then climbed down

3 – What else did Gulliv er realize when he heard t his? slowly .
He also realized t hat he was too small t o do any thing. 1 1 – Why did Gulliv er decide he wanted to leav e Brobdingnag?
Ch apter (7) because he needed people who were his size sharing his t houghts
A) Answer t he fol l owing quest ions : and ideas.
1 – What are the differences between England and Brobdingnag? 1 2 – How did he leav e Brobdingnag ?
A sea bird carried him and dropped his box in the sea.
England is a land of wars but Brobdingnag is a land of peace and people
prefer to grow crops rather than making wars. T hey didn't hav e many 1 3 – Was Gulliv er's escape from Brobdingnag planned?
books and nev er trav elled outside their country . No , it was not planned.
2 – How was Gulliv er rescued from the roof ? B ) Read t he quot at ion and answer t he quest ions :
By a brav e serv ant who used a ladder and put him in his pocket " I have al ways been very int erest ed in sc ienc e but I
3 – What happened to the monkey ?I t was sent away from t he palace. c annot bel ieve t hat a nyone woul d want t o have suc h
4 – What did the king think of Gulliv er's country ? t erribl e t hings."
He thought the legal sy stem was weak and t he gov ernment was st range. 1 – Who was the speaker and to whom?
5 – What were some of the questions did the king ask Gulliv er about T he king of Brobdingnag to Gulliv er.
England?He asked him about the legal sy st em , where they got money 2 – What are the terrible things?the weapons that easily kill people.
from and why they had so many wars. 3 – How did the listener feel after hearing t hese words?
6 – What was the king's reaction when Gulliv er offered to show him how He thought that his country was small and unimport ant and badly
t o make weapons?He was horrified and did not want t o hear about them run
again. 2 – " You are very l uc ky bec ause you ha ve esc aped t o a

Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

1 – Who said these words? and to Whom bet t er pl ac e, where peopl e want t o grow food rat her t han
T he king of Brobdingnag to Gulliv er . make war."
2 – What did the listener think of his own country ? 1 3 – Why did Gulliv er speak in such a loud v oice?
He thought that his country was small and unimportant and badly run Because he was used to talking loudly to the giants.
3 – Do y ou think he had escaped to a better place and why ? 1 4 – T he ship st opped at some ports, why didn't Gulliv er leav e t he
I think so as there were no wars. ship?Because he felt safe there and didn't want t o risk again.
Ch apter (8) B ) Read t he quot at ions and answer t he quest ions :
1 - Answer t he fol l owing quest ions : 1 – " T hat is not nec essary . Just ask one of your sail ors t o
1 – What did Gulliv er's box look like?I t looked like a small house. pic k up t he box and c arry it ont o your ship."

2 – What did Gulliv er do to get people's attention? 1 – Who said this and to whom?Gulliv er to the sailor (captain)
He put a handkerchief on a pole and raised t hrough the hole and wav ed. 2 – What did the listener do when he heard this? and why ?
3 – How did Gulliv er get rescued and out of his box ? He and the others laughed as they thought he was joking or mad.
A ship saw his home , a boat pulled it to the ship . T hey cut a hole in the 3 – Why had the speaker said this?

roof and he got out. because he didn't realize they were his size not giants.
4 – Why did Gulliv er t ell the sailors to lift up the roof? 2 – " T he sail ors said t his was very diffic ul t and t hey had
onl y raised it a l it t l e when I saw your handkerc hief .."

Because he thought they were giants not as him
5 – Why did the sailors laugh when Gulliv er asked them to lift the roof? 1 – Who said this and to whom?T he captain (T homas Wilcoks)
Because they thought he was joking or mad to say that. 2 – What was difficult ?lifting the box to the ship
6 – Why did the sailors look small and strange to Gulliv er? 3 – When was this said?
Because he spent two y ears with the giants and didn't use t o see people when the captain was ex plaining to Gulliv er how they rescued him.
like him. r. Practice test (5)
7 – Why did the sailors let the box fall back into the sea after taking A ) Answer t he fol l owing quest ions :
Gulliv er's things from it?Because it was too heav y to carry . 1 – Why didn't Gulliv er break his neck after the baby dropped him?
8 – What did the captain think Gulliv er might be? He landed in a soft blanket that was around the baby .
He thought he was a criminal who was put in the box as punishment 2 – How were t he giant farmer and his wife kind to Gulliv er after
9 – What did the captain want to do with Gulliv er? the fall?They m ade sure he w asn't hurt and let him rest on their bed.
He wanted to take him to the nearest port and leav e him. 3 – I n the land of the giants, Gulliv er dreamt of his family and felt
1 0 – T he captain first t hought that the box was a boat , why did he send a v ery sad when he woke up. Do y ou think the bed he was sleeping on
boat to it?T o buy some sea biscuits as his ship was low on food. made him feel ev en more sad and lonely ? Ex plain
1 1 – Why did the capt ain laugh at the first sailors who went to look at the Y es, as it made him t hink of his wife and he felt small and lonely on
box ?Because he didn't believ e them when they told him they saw a house the big bed.
floating on t he sea. 4 – How was Gulliv er able to hurt the giant rat that at tacked him?
1 2 – Name three things that Gulliv er showed the captain? He used his knife to defend himself.
A comb made of a leaf – the sting of a bee – a ring – trousers made from
t he hair of a mouse and a tooth that was 30 cm long.

Mr. Remon Yehia Second Term 2 secondary

B ) Read t he fol l owing quot at ion , t hen answer t he quest ions :

" T hey will want to pick him up and play with him. T hey might break his
arms or drop him ! I don't want him to perform to strangers . " B ) Rea d t he fol l owing quot at ion , t hen answer t he
1 – Who said this ?Glumdalclitch quest ions :
2 – T o whom was it said?T o her father. " I t seems my scholars are wrong and what y ou tell me about y our
3 – What do these words tell us about the speaker's feeling t owards own country is t rue ."
Gulliv er?these words showed that she was kind and cared about him 1 – Who said this?T he king of Brobdingnag
C ) Find t he mist akes : 2 – T o whom was it said?T o Gulliv er
1 – Glumdalclitch was the name giv en to Gulliv er.Grildrig 3 – What did the scholars say that was wrong?

2 – T he king bought Gulliv er from the farmer.the queen T hey said it was impossible to be a land full of such small people as
Practice test (6) Gulliv er.
C ) Find t he mist akes :
A ) Answer t he fol l owing quest ions :
1 – A serv ant carried Gulliv er up onto the roof of the palace.

1 – Why were the walls of Gulliv er's house made soft?
A monkey .
t he walls were soft so he wouldn't be hurt when someone carried the
2 – Gulliv er's shoes were the smallest thing in the palace.

2 – Why was it important for Gulliv er t o be able to lock his door from
inside?to prev ent any rats or insects from entering.
3 – Why did not Gulliv er want to keep his key wit h Glumdalclitch?
Because he thought she would lose it as it was so small.
4 – How did the queen punish the serv ant who threw Gulliv er in the
bowl?she made him wash all the cream from Gulliv er's clothes.


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