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22nd Aug 2018

Mr William Shonky
Shonky Brothers Inc.
666 Beelzebub Way
Black Rock 3139

Dear Mr Shonky,

RE: Mr Felix Tundar

DOB: 7th January 1997 (21 years old)

Felix has been receiving Osteopathic treatment at the RMIT student clinic since
February 2018 for ongoing management of left lateral elbow pain. As a result of his
injury Felix was unable to attend an international gaming tournament. I, Gemma
Percy, was the treating physician in Felix’s case. At the time of treatment, I was
completing my 5th year of osteopathic studies at RMIT with 12 months experience
treating in a clinical setting under guidance and supervision of qualified practitioners.

Felix initially presented on the 10th February 2018 complaining of a 2-month history of
left sided pain on the lateral aspect of his elbow. Felix described the pain as radiating
into his forearm with computer use and plumbing. Felix was advised by his GP for 1-
month rest from work duties and computer use.

A full osteopathic examination revealed positive testing for lateral epicondylitis and
radial nerve impingement, decreased range of motion and grip strength of the L wrist
and pain on palpation of L elbow. Elbow and thoracic and cervical spine mobility
were unremarkable.

Felix was diagnosed with acute left lateral epicondylitis predisposed to by long hours
of computer use and occupation.

Felix received 3 treatments between 10th Feb and the 9th March involving soft tissue
massage to the muscles of the forearm shoulder girdle, joint movement and
manipulation to the wrist, shoulder and cervical spine. I offered Felix a light home
exercise program aimed at increasing the strength and functionality of the L wrist and

At follow up consults Felix reported a progressive improvement of symptoms with

decreased pain and increase wrist mobility. At our last review (9th March) Felix was
able to complete 3 half hour computer sessions with sight discomfort, wrist mobility
and strength was unremarkable, and pain was reduced from 8/10 to 3/10.

Felix did not attend his last review scheduled for the 30th March and has made no
contact since 9th March. I would have expected Felix’s condition to be resolved at this
review and continue to improve with advances in his home exercise program.

In my professional opinion Felix’s condition deemed him unfit to compete at the time
of the alleged offence.

Kind Regards,
Gemma Percy
5th year osteopath
RMIT Health Sciences Clinic
1. Bird, S. (2014). How to write a medico-legal report. Australian Family
Physician, 43(11), 777-779. Retrieved from:
Prof essional-Bird.pdf
2. Naveen S, Kumar M. Preparing Medico Legal Report in Clinical Practice.
Indian Journal of Surgery. 2012;75(1):47-49.
3. Young, S. & Wells, D. (1995). Writing a good medical report. Emergency
Medicine,7, 233-236. Retrieved from:
_rep ort/

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