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Real Python: Bonus Django Resources

This is a list of further in-depth Django resources and tutorials available on you can use to deepen your Python + Django skills:

Test Driven Development of a Django RESTful API

Getting Started with Django Channels
Automating Django Deployments with Fabric and Ansible
Caching in Django With Redis
Deploying Django + Python 3 + PostgreSQL to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Development and Deployment of Django on Fedora
Development and Deployment of Cookiecutter-Django via Docker
LinkedIn Social Authentication in Django
Asynchronous Tasks With Django and Celery
Django Development with Docker Compose and Machine
Fun with Django’s New Postgres Features
Deploying a Django App to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Deploying Django on Dokku
Adding Social Authentication to Django
Django Rest Framework – Class Based Views
Django Rest Framework – An Introduction
Django and AJAX Form Submissions – More Practice
Django and AJAX Form Submissions – Say ‘Goodbye’ to the Page Refresh
Data Migrations
Digging Deeper Into Migrations
Django Migrations – A Primer
Working with Django and Flask on Nitrous.IO
Kickstarting a Django Open Source Project
Transaction Management with Django 1.6
Django 1.6 Test Driven Development
Migrating your Django Project to Heroku

Generating Code Documentation with Pycco
Integration Testing with pyVows and Django
Unit Testing with pyVows and Django
Asynchronous Testing with Django and PyVows
Testing in Django (Part 2) – Model Mommy vs Django Testing Fixtures
Testing in Django (Part 1) – Best Practices and Examples
Create a Super Basic REST API with Django Tastypie

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