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HPE 2204 Selection Committee

Role Descriptor
As member of the Selection Committee you will take an active role in selecting and
monitoring the teams for the HPE 2204 Volleyball season. Some of these decisions may be
made together with the tutor, but in most instances the Selection Committee will be sole
decision-making body.

Your Tasks / Duties may include

 Making decisions regarding selection
 Provide the selection criteria by which the group will be graded
 Monitor the teams to ensure the team are fair
 Manage the selection process to cover injury or absence
 Provide an assessment for each player at the end of the season
 Post all relevant information regarding the season to Blackboard via the Publicity

Needed Skills / Attributes

 Ability to be fair, responsible and impartial.
 Ability to make independent judgments
 Be a role model for your peers.
 Willingness to work with others to solve problems
 Attending to students’ concerns.
 Punctuality and dependability.

Desirable Skill / Attribute

 Willingness to meet with the various committees outside of class.
HPE 2204
Selection Committee Application Form

Name: _____________________ Date: ________

Sport: _____________________

Why I Would Be An Effective Selection Committee


Signature: ____________________________________

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