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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name Muhammad akram

Student Number 0000014484

Course and Code

Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Short Answers

Assessment 2 Project
Assessment 3 Practical Observation
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment

Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable
Signature Date

Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements
and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

 roles of and functions performed by supervisors and managers:

o decision making
o delegating tasks
o monitoring staff
o planning and organising
o providing information:
 organisation performance
 changes in organisational policies
 marketing information and targets
 overall organisational objectives
 plans for new equipment
 rationale for management decisions
 technology updates
 training developments
 expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members:
o adhering to policies and procedures
o cooperative and open communication
o nature and scope of work
o relationships with others in the workplace and interdependent areas of activity
o reporting requirements
 considerations in the individual development of staff:
o change in job responsibilities
o external training and professional development
o formal promotion
o internal training and professional development
o opportunity for greater autonomy or responsibility
 features of different leadership styles
 features of open and supportive communication
 characteristics of effective leadership
 principles of teamwork and:
o characteristics of effective teams
o roles and attributes of team members
o organisation of teams
o potential team problems
o benefits of effective teamwork
 role and theories of motivation as they apply to the management of individuals and teams
 the role of group dynamics in successful team management
 forms of recognition and reward applicable to leading staff:
o acknowledging individual good performance to the whole team
o incentive initiatives
o informal acknowledgement
o presenting awards
o written reports to management
 types of organisational plans and planning processes.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
SSH to complete

Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper or computer

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instructions for time
frames and dates to complete this assessment.
Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will provide you
with feedback and the result you have achieved.

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I
understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or
referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date:    /    /   

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:    /    /     

Student Signature Date:    /    /     

Assessment 1

Your Task:

Answer the following questions below. All questions must be answered.

Question 1
List 5 roles and functions performed by supervisors and managers:
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Liaison
 Researcher
 Disseminator
 Spokesperson
 Negotiator
 Defender
 Motivator

Question 2
Match the leadership style on the left to the description on the right:

Authoritarian or autocratic leadership 1. Involves somebody speaking from a position of power and
exercising tight control over their subordinates.
Participative or democratic
2. Gives guidance to the team, but also seek their input and
Laissez-faire style opinions when making decisions.

Transactional leadership 3. Involves giving people a job and a possible direction and letting
them do it themselves.

Transformational leadership 4. Involves setting out clear goals and objectives, along with the
corresponding rewards and punishment.
Situational leadership
5. The leader will offer some kind of personal transformation to
the follower.

6. Involves modifying your style of leadership to suit the

particular situation.
Question 3
List 4 important skills (or characteristics) of members of an effective team:
Answer may include:
 Listening
 Discussion
 Questioning
 Sharing
 Participation
 Communication
 Helping
 Tolerance

Question 4
List the 3 individual job roles of members in YOUR team, and describe what each role does.
Job Role 1: Job Function:

Job Role 2: Job Function:

Job Role 3: Job Function:

Question 5
List 4 common problems teams may encounter.

 Difficulty making decisions. ...

 Poor communication. ...
 Inability to resolve conflicts. ...
 Lack of participation. ...
 Lack of creativity. ...
 Groupthink. ...
 Ineffective leadership.

Question 6
What does ‘Group Dynamics’ mean?
Group Dynamics is the way people behave differently when they are alone, vs. when they are participating as part of a
group or team.
Question 7
List 6 advantages of working as a team, as opposed to working individually.
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 For large businesses such as resorts and hotels, forming teams can give people a sense
of belonging when they might otherwise feel anonymous.
 Teams allow people to bond, share jokes and opinions, eat together, etc.
 Better results are achieved when people work together towards their goals
 Team members support each other and can help make the work environment pleasant
 Forming a team allows people with different values and cultural backgrounds to work
together and broaden their horizons
 Teams can provide a sense of togetherness and camaraderie, increase morale and
encourage a fun atmosphere
 Teams can stimulate creative thought processes and problem solving
 Teams can combine skill sets and provide an opportunity to learn from others.
 Incorporating different skills into one team increases the effectiveness of the team
 Increase in productivity
 Enhanced communication and cooperation between departments
 Better quality of service
 Quicker learning and development of staff
 Reduction in repeated mistakes and accidents
 Atmosphere of organisational pride

Question 8
As a leader, the most important part of being a leader is setting a good example. Why is this?
The people under your charge will look to you as a role model.

Question 9
List 3 ways you can act to send a positive message to your team as a leader:
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
 Treat others with respect
 Empathise with your employees but never take sides
 Conduct yourself with honesty and integrity
 Apply yourself to achieving the goals of the business

Question 10
What is a manager’s role in achieving company goals?
You must examine the company’s goals, and work out how you and your team can achieve them
Question 11
Why must you show your staff that you support the business goals?
If a manager or supervisor complains about targets or goals the business has set for the team, this will have a negative
effect on the team.

Question 12
List 4 reasons why treating people with integrity, respect and empathy will help you manage your team.
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Because it makes people feel happier in their work
 People are more motivated
 People want to do a good job
 It sets a good example
 It promotes teamwork

Question 13
If you don’t treat people with respect (for example use fear and threats) this can have a negative effect on your team. List 4
examples of how lack of respect can negatively impact on a team:
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Staff will lower their standards level.
 You will need to watch over them every single moment, wasting your time.
 Employees not caring about the threats.
 More of your time is taken up with checking whether staff have done their jobs.
 High stress level for everyone involved.
 De-motivated staff.

Question 14
Fill in the following gaps
There are 3 types of goals you need to set, they are;
Short term
Medium term
Long term

Question 15
List 3 methods you could use to help your team to monitor the progress of meeting goals:
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Create daily and weekly To Do lists
 Prioritise tasks and objectives weekly
 Organise regular review meetings to analyse progress
Question 16
Setting KPIs helps to keep the organisational goals, in line with the plans and objectives of your team.
List 3 good KPIs that might help your team achieve the organisational goals.

Question 17
Why is setting a KPI of ‘increased sales’ a bad KPI for helping your team achieve business goals?
Trainer may accept 1, or a combination of the following:
 Because it is not Specific enough
 There is no percentage or dollar value to make it Measurable
 It may be Achievable, but the target is not clear enough
 The end Result is not clearly defined
 There is no Time-frame to achieve this KPI

Question 18
What type of communication methods can you use to help a team become more independent (and take responsibility for
their own work)?
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Encourage open team meetings
 Open communication.
 Debriefing session to activities and issues.
 Allowing the team members to share their experiences and opinions.

Question 19
You must inform staff of what is expected in their individual role or activities they undertake. One example is making sure
you have told them expected outcomes – list 4 other aspects you must clearly communicate to them:
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Level of productivity required
 Service standards
 Potential problems and obstacles
 Appropriate procedures for dealing with problems
 Work allocation
 Individual roles within the team
Question 20
How can encouraging open communication and innovative thinking help your team meet goals?
Answer may include:
 Staff may alert you to new technologies.
 Suggest better ways of doing things.
 Find new ideas or ways to do things that can improve service, save time or increase

Question 21
List 3 innovations in the hospitality industry, that you may discuss with your team:
 Mobile marketing which lets customers use their mobile to look up or redeem offers and specials.
 Social network marketing and special offers.
 Digital menu boards to show offers and specials
 Point of sales systems with handheld terminals.
 Tablet based ordering systems.
 Self-service kiosks for ordering.
 Quick response (QR) codes offering customers offers and specials.
 Smart kitchens with remote refrigeration monitoring

Question 22
Why is encouraging and rewarding staff important?
 It makes them feel that their efforts have been noticed and appreciated.
 It gives them incentive to keep performing well.

Question 23
List 3 ways to reward individual or team performance.
 Praise.
 Monetary reward.
 Public recognition within the team.
 Employee of the Month, Quarter or Year.
 Prizes (such as a hotel stay or a restaurant voucher.)
 Organising food and drink or a night out.
 Saying thank-you.
Question 24
List 3 benefits of communicating with your staff and involving them in making decisions.
 They feel ‘in the loop’
 Feel as part of the team
 They suggest improvements
 Express opinions on decisions that affect them.
 Feel informed about the business and business goals.
 See how they fit in the big picture.

Question 25
List 3 ways to show your employees that you support and value open communication within the team
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Encourage participation in decisions
 Promote Teamwork
 Give feedback

Question 26
As a manager or team leader you need to communicate the important ideas, plans and objectives. List 3 pieces of data or
information the team may need full access to.
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Sales targets
 Previous sales data
 Marketing reports
 Budget reports
 Performance targets
 Key performance indicators
 Business strategies and procedures
 Departmental plans

Question 27
How does having your team fully informed about business objectives and goals help the business?
Teams who are fully informed as to the business objectives and goals are more successful.

Question 28
When someone has a criticism of your team’s performance why does this reflect badly on you?
Because you are the main representative of your department. People reflect the team’s performance on your performance
as their leader.
Question 29
What does using feedback provide team members with?
An indication of their progress, or current performance.

Question 30
Finish this sentence. If the employee has done a good job, then the feedback should be......
Then the feedback should be good performance

Question 31
Finish this sentence. If you need to provide criticism to an employee, then the feedback should be......
Because you are the main representative of your department. People reflect the team’s performance on your performance
as their leader.

Question 32
List 3 benefits of delegation
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Saving the manager’s time to do more important tasks
 Reducing manager stress and imbalance of workload
 Increasing employee morale
 Increasing productivity
 More realistic decision-making
 Improving employee skills and training
 Employee professional growth

Question 33
List 3 reasons managers don’t delegate.
 Fear of failure
 Too much time
 Desire for Personal Glory
 Lack of experience

Question 34
How does increasing an employee’s level of responsibility gradually help the employee overcome some barriers to
It allows them to slowly learn and build confidence.
Question 35
Why is it important to make an effort to develop individuals within your team?
It shows them that you are happy with their performance and are willing to invest in them professionally.

Question 36
List 3 ways you can help individuals develop within a team
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Giving them more responsibility within the team.
 Change their job role by adding higher level tasks.
 Formal training or professional development.
 Internal training which teaches them new aspects of the job.

Question 37
You can use KPIs which can help you monitor team performance, to make sure your team is progressing towards achieving
goals. What does ‘KPI’ stand for?
Key Performance Indicators.

Question 38
KPIs should conform to the SMART principle. What does S.M.A.R.T. stand for?
 Specific
 Measurable
 Achievable
 Result-oriented or Relevant
 Time-bound

Question 39
How often should you provide coaching or mentoring to your team?
Whenever necessary.

Question 40
List 2 aspects which can affect how much coaching or mentoring a person may need.
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 How new they are to the job
 Experience in the role.

Question 41
When it comes to motivation – what is more important to most people than money?
That they have respect and a good environment at work.

Question 42
Why is recognising and rewarding good performance important?
Recognising and rewarding good performance validates the team members and helps encourage and motivate them.

Question 43
List 3 methods to reward good performance of team members:
Answer may include (but not limited to):
 Vouchers.
 Time off.
 Food and drink offers.
 Verbal praise.
 Awards.
 Written reports to more senior managers.
 Professional Development Awards (PDA) program.

Question 44
What are motivational theories?
List 3 examples of motivational theories
Motivational theories break down the reason for motivation into categories, broad or narrow, and define the intrinsic or
extrinsic factors (or both) which motivate individuals (e.g. to undertake tasks or jobs).
1.Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
2.Herzberg’s Two factor theory 3.Inerests Theory

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