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fall away
focus on the rhythm of your own breathing
Tehnik ini menggunakan pikiran anda as a sense of peace fills you
VISUAL IMAGERY untuk mengalihkan perhatian pada nyeri the sense of calm centers you
yang sedang dirasakan, tekanan atau it feels so good to take this time to unwind
masalah. Tehnik ini mengajak anda the peacefulness begins to fill your body

RUANG BISMA menggunakan pikiran anda sepenuhnya

untuk menciptakan gambaran yang jelas
Consistent, Antusias, Responsive, dan lebih detail.

Rumah Sakit Marzoeki Mahdi


Metode Visual Imagery adalah tehnik

relaksasi tubuh tanpa obat-obatan dengan
menggunakan visualisasi dari semua panca
indra Preparation: get into a relaxed
1. Tujuan position...
1) Menurunkan ketegangan otot close your eyes
2) Mengurangi rasa nyeri take a very deep breath
3) Mengurangi masalah begin to relax and let the concerns of the day
What is the temperature? Make it As you travel, be aware of the things you
Your imagery experience will have 4 comfortable. can
parts: Entering the image, the journey • touch and examine their texture
to a private place in the image, Look above you. What do you see?
experiencing the private place, and •
finally What do you hear now? As you travel, be aware of smells and
returning and ending the imagery. • tastes that enter your image.
Step 1: Enter Your Image. Identify a path along which you will •
• travel as you journey Continue on your journey until you find a
As you enter your image notice the view. through this place. place of rich sensory
• Step 2: The Journey. experiences. This is your private place.
What is in the distance? •
• As you begin your journey take several Step 3: The Private Place
What do you hear? additional deep breaths. •
• • Once you reach your private place take
Are there any immediate smells or Your journey should take you deeper several additional deep
tastes? and deeper into your image. breaths.
• • •
Reach out and touch the things in your As you travel, be keenly aware of the Your private place should make you feel
immediate sights calm, peaceful, and filled
environment. passing by you. with sensory pleasure.
• • •
How do these things feel? As you travel, be aware of new sounds In your private place, be keenly aware of
• that
What is under your feet? How does this occur. the sights around you.
feel? • •
• As you travel, be aware of the In your private place, be aware of new
Are there any new smells or sounds? temperature, sounds that occur.
• and feelings under your feet. •

In your private place, be aware of the from 3 to 1.
temperature, and feelings under your
feet. 3 – Become aware of your surroundings
• (location, people, noises)
In your private place, be aware of the 2 - Move your feet, legs, hands, rotate
things you can touch and examine their your head
• 1 – Open your eyes feeling re-energized,
In your private place, be aware of smells refreshed, and relaxed
and tastes that enter
your image.

Stay in your private place for several
minutes allowing your
imagination to run free with pleasurable
Step 4: The Return Home

Before you start to return home, do the
Notice how your body feels
You will want to return to this feeling in
the future

Try and recall the best aspects of your
journey and of your private
place. You will want to return to these in
the future.

Prepare to leave by counting backwards

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