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CLASA : A V A,L1 ,an III de studiu

Conf.Programei aprobata prin NR.ORE/SĂPT. : 2 ore / 31.05.2001 AN ŞCOLAR :
Manual - Pathway To English DISCIPLINA : LIMBA ENGLEZA


1. HELLO, EVERYBODY 1.1;2.3 L1: Friendly faces.
1.2;2.4 • Asking for information and confirmation. S1
1.3;2.3 • Simple present – to be S1
1.1;2.3 L2: Round the world. Demonstrative pronouns. S2
1.2;2.4 L3: Nice to meet you. Introducing people.
1.3;2.3 • Present continuous / simple present. S2
2.1;3.3 L4: Personal data. Saying what you want. S3
2. A FAMILY TREE 3.1;4.2 L1: What does she look like?
2.1;3.2 • Expressing possession. S3
1.1;4.2 • Have got. Some / any / no (recycling) S4
2.4;4.2 L2: Kate’s family’s Genitive. S4
2.1;3.2 L3: Who’s the tallest? Comparative &Superlative of short adjectives. S5
1.1;4.2 L4: Family data. Expressing possession. Describing and comparing
2.4;4.2 people S5

3. SCHOOL 3.1;4.2 L1: Mike has to work hard. Simple present. Have to. S6
1.2;2.3 L2: School subjects.
3.1;4.2 • Talking about routines. S6
2.1;3.2 • Simple present – have to. S7 Halloween
3.1;4.2 L3: School rules. Must – expressing obligation. S7
4.WEEKENDS 1.1;2.4 L1: Great attractions.
1.3;2.3 • Would for invitations / offers / wishes. S8
2.4;3.3 • Inviting people to do things. Giving information. S8
1.3;2.4 L2: A day out. Present continuous. S9
1.3;2.3 L3: A weekend at Kate’s grandparents.
2.4;3.3 • Asking and saying what you are doing. S9
1.3;2.4 • Present continuous. S10
1.1;2.3 L4: Our favourite’s weekend. Giving reasons. Giving opinions. S10
5. WEATHER 2.1;3.2 L1: The four seasons. Simple present vs. present continuous. S11
2.3;3.3 L2: Weather forecast. Adjective formation: sun – sunny. S11
2.1;4.1 L3: On a windy day. Simple present. Modals: Can must. S12
1.1;3.2 L4: Plans for a trip.
2.1;4.1 • Saying what you want. Giving opinions. S12
1.1;3.2 • Giving suggestions. Persuading. S13
6. PARTIES AND PRESENTS. 1.1;2.3 L1: Letters from you. Expressing wishes. Would like+inf. 1 S13
1.2;2.4 L2: The best time of the year. Future with will (recycling) 1 S14 Winter Festivities
1.3;2.3 L3: We wish you a Merry Christmas. Going to+V(recycling) 1 S14
2.1;3.3 L4: A party.
▪Planning an activity. Saying you intend to do something 1 S15
▪Giving opinions. Suggesting. Persuading. Agreeing. 1 S15
7. VOCABULARY AND 3.4;4.2 L1: Vocabulary. Live and learn 1 S16
GRAMMAR ROUNDUP (I). 2.4;2.5 L2: Grammar. Complete the gaps. 1 S16
1.4;3.4 L3: Language in use. Write the question. 1 S17
3.3;4.2 L4: Test I. 1 S17
L5: Games. Choose the correct response. 2 S18
CLASA : A V A,L 1 ,an III de studiu
Conf.Programei aprobata prin. NR.ORE/SĂPT. : 2 ore 3915 / 31.05.2001 AN ŞCOLAR :
Manual - Pathway To English DISCIPLINA : LIMBA ENGLEZA


8. HOLIDAYS. 1.1; 2.3 L1: Holiday Picture. Asking and talking about past events Describing things. To be– 1 S19 Valentine’s Day
Simple Past.
1.2; 2.4 L2: A Holiday to Remember. Describing past events. Simple Past-Regular verbs. Like+V- 1 S19
1.3; 2.3 L3: Holiday Letters. Talking about likes and dislikes. Simple Past-Regular verbs. 1 S20
2.1; 3.3 L4: An Ideal Holiday. Holidays &recreation activities. Describing people &places. 1 S20
9. CHOSE YOUR 2.2; 2.5 L1: My Friend. Compound adjectives: blue-eyed, dark-haired. 1 S21
FRIEND. 3.2; 3.4 L2: Man’s Best Friend. Expressing likes. Simple Past-Irregular verbs. Used to-to express 1 S21
past habits.
4.3; 5.1 L3: Pen friends. Contrasting past to present events. Simple Past-Regular and Irregular 1 S22 Mother’s Day
verbs. used to
1.3; 2.4 L4: My Pen friend. Asking for information. Physical appearance. Friendship. Pets. 1 S22
10. QUIZZES. 3.1; 4.2 L1: The Quiz Sow. Asking and talking about general truths. Simple Present. Wh-questions 1 S23
1.2; 2.3 L2: What Did You Choose? Asking specific questions about past events. Simple Past 1 S23
(interrogative. Yes/no questions. Wh-questions.
3.1; 4.2 L3: The Grand Prize. Asking specific questions about past events. Simple Past 1 S24
(interrogative) .Wh-questions.
2.1; 3.2 L4: Make a Quiz. Suggesting. Agreeing and disagreeing. Asking if something is correct. 1 S24
11. VOCABULARY 3.4; 4.2 L1: Vocabulary. Adjectives referring: weather, people, dog, holiday, book, and food. 1 S25
AND GRAMMAR 2.4; 2.5 L2: Grammar. Simple Past. 1 S25
ROUNDUP (II). 1.4; 3.4 L3: Language in Use. Letters. 1 S26 Easter
3.3; 4.2 L4: Test II. 1 S26
12. SPORTS AND 1.3; 2.4 L1: Which Do You Prefer? Expressing preferences. Asking for and giving opinions. 1 S27
GAMES. 1.1; 2.2 L2: The British and Their Sports. Describing sports. Simple Present (sports verbs). 1 S27
1.3; 3.2 L3: What Did You Do Last Weekend? Simple Past-Regular and Irregular verbs 1 S28
(affirmative, interrogative, negative)
2.2; 3.4 L4: A Sports Exhibition. Expressing preferences/likes and dislikes. Inviting. 1 S28
13. SHOPPING. 1.1; 2.4 L1: In the Sports Shop. Discussing prices. How much…? 1 S29 Europe Day
1.3; 2.3 L2: Party Treats. Asking and talking about units of food and prices. Countable and 1 S29
uncountable nouns: How much is/are…?
2.4; 3.3 L3: They Bought Liz a T-shirt. Talking about past events. Simple Past. 1 S30
1.3; 2.4 L4: Shopping For the Party. Planning an activity. Giving opinions. Suggesting, 1 S30
persuading, and agreeing.
14. FAIRS AND 2.1; 2.2 L1: Let’s Go on the Big Wheel. Describing places. Expressing likes and dislikes. 1 S31
FANCY DRESS 2.3; 3.3 L2: School’s Over. Let’s for suggestions: Let’s go! 1 S31
PARTIES. 2.1; 4.2 L3: Come With us to the Fair in Queen’s Park. Imperatives: Cross! -Don’t cross! 1 S32
2.2; 3.3 L4: A Day Out at the Fair. Saying what you want. Giving reasons, instructions. 1 S32
15. VOCABULARY 3.4; 4.2 L1: Test III. 1 S33 Children’s Day
AND GRAMMAR 2.4; 2.5 L2: Grammar. Simple Present (sports verbs). Simple Past. 1 S33
ROUNDUP (III). 1.4; 3.4 Grammar. Contrasting past to present events. 1 S34
3.3; 4.2 L3: Language in Use. Expressing preferences. Opinions. Inviting. Discussing prices. 1 S34
L4: Vocabulary. Phonetic transcription. 1 S35
Vocabulary. Game and sports 1 S36

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