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Maxim Vitkovsky


Project 2 – Reflection
The purpose of the presentation is twofold – (1) educate the general public, including
employees in companies with hierarchical management structures, about the benefits and challenges of
flat management structures, and (2) provide strong a proposal for how to trigger the change
(reorganization, or reorg) in companies nationwide. To achieve the first purpose, the presentation
incorporates extensive graphics and tables so that even without understanding all the technical terms,
an arbitrary person from the general public can easily understand the high-level concept presented in
the presentation (SLO 6). To achieve the second purpose, the presentation relies on sources from the
internet about the positive and negative aspects of both the hierarchical and flat management structure
(SLO 4).

The audience related to the first purpose is the general public, so in order to make the
presentation accessible for them, i.e. if they are not familiar with the technical business terms used, the
detailed visuals help to explain the hierarchical vs flat management concepts as well as their benefits
and problems on a higher level. For the second purpose, the audience is top-level managers across both
large and small organizations that implement a traditional hierarchical structure.

The audio recordings (per slide) of the talk for the presentation is in the top right corner of each
slide in the speaker symbol icon. The presentation is on OneDrive and that doesn’t allow the viewer to
play the audio on the website, so the viewer must download the PowerPoint presentation file to listen
to the audio (SLO 9).

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