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First name: Barrios Nuñez, Juan Carlos 21147248

Date: November 15, 2017
My Last Vacation in Lima
Last year I spent my vacation at the beach. I traveled with Maria who is a friend
of mine. There in Lima we met Lesly whom Maria had met in her last trip to
Cuzco. At night we met her again to have dinner together in a restaurant which
has very good Italian food. She hadn't told us she was going to make a friend
whose name I don't even remember because he was too boring. He started
talking about the places which he had visited all over the world and whose
names we had never heard in our lives.
The weather was wonderful, and we were staying in my cousin's house. Every
day we had breakfast juices, yogurt with cereal accompanied by delicious
"kekes". And in the afternoons we went out with Maria's friends.

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