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Report on Organic


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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................1
TASK 1 ............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Addition Reaction Of Alkenes ..............................................................................................1
1.2 Polymerisation Of Alkenes ...................................................................................................5
TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Functional Groups .................................................................................................................7
2.2 Chemical Reactions Of Halogenalkanes In Terms Of Nucleophilic Substitution ................8
2.3 Describing & Comparing Chemical-Reactions Of Alcohols & Carbonyl-Compounds .......9
CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................10
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................11


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Illustration Index
Illustration 1: Addition reaction of Ethene with Chlorine ...............................................................1
Illustration 2: Addition Reaction of ethene and bromine.................................................................2
Illustration 3: Addition reaction of ethene and iodine .....................................................................2
Illustration 4: Addition Reaction of ethene with hydrogen halides .................................................3
Illustration 5: Hydration of Ethene ..................................................................................................4
Illustration 6: addition reaction of ethene with hydrogen ................................................................5
Illustration 7: Ethene with KMnO4 .................................................................................................5
Illustration 8: Formation of polythene .............................................................................................6
Illustration 9: Polymerisation of chloroethane .................................................................................6
Illustration 10: Most common functional groups.............................................................................7
Illustration 11: chemical equation for primary-halogenalkane with water ......................................8
Illustration 12: nucleophilic-substitution reaction ...........................................................................8
Illustration 13: nucleophilic-substitution reaction ..........................................................................9
Illustration 14: Chemical reaction of ethanol to ethylene ................................................................9
Illustration 15: Chemical reaction of 2 molecules of ethanol to diethyl ether ...............................10
Illustration 16: Carbonyl-compound reaction ................................................................................10


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The following report lays emphasis upon the experiment of forming ethene from the
ethanol. Ethene is sweet-smelling and colourless gas. It is soluble in water but dissolves in
solvents which are organic. The report addresses the various alkenes, functional groups and
various chemical-reactions of alcohols involved in the experiment.
1.2 Addition Reaction Of Alkenes
(i) Addition Reaction Of Alkenes With Halogens
When a molecule of halogen is added to the functional group alkene's C=C (carbon-
carbon double-bond) then, it is termed as halogen addition reaction.
→ Reaction of ethene and chlorine:-

Illustration 1: Addition reaction of Ethene with Chlorine

(Source : Addition Reaction of Alkenes with Halogens, 2016)

In the above chemical equation, ethene reacts with the halogen brome to form
dichloroethane as a bi product.
→ Reaction of ethene and bromine:-

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Illustration 2: Addition Reaction of ethene and bromine
(Source : Addition Reaction of Alkenes with Halogens, 2016)

In the above reaction ethene reacts with bromine to form dibromoethane as a bi prouct.
→ Reaction of ethene and iodine:-

Illustration 3: Addition reaction of ethene and iodine

(Source : Addition Reaction of Alkenes with Halogens, 2016)

In the above equation ethene is an alkene which reacts with iodine thereby forming
diiodoethane as bi product.
The reaction of alkene that is ethene takes place faster with the chlorine than bromine.
With iodine it reacts with the slowest rate. This happens because the reactivity of halogens is
decreased down the group.
(II) Addition Reaction Of Alkenes With Hydrogen Halides

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When an alkene is added to hydrogen halides then, alkyl halides are formed as bi
products. There are many lkenes that undergo addition-reactions with hydrogen-halides.
Hydrogen atom joins one of the double-bonds and the halide adds to the remaining other bond.

Illustration 4: Addition Reaction of ethene with hydrogen halides

(Source : Addition of Hydrogen Halides, 2016)

In the above reaction, ethene reacts with hydrogen chloride and forms ethyl chloride as
the bi product. The alkene dimethyl-butene reacts with hydrogen bromide to form bromo-
dimethylbutane. Cyclohexene reacts with hydrogen iodide to form iodocyclohexane.
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(III) Addition Reaction Of Alkenes With Steam
Alkene ethene is added with steam. This reaction is passed over a catalyst that consists of
silicon-dioxide (solid) and coated by phosphioric-acid. 300 degree Celsius is the temperature
used with pressure being 60-70 atm.

Illustration 5: Hydration of Ethene

(Source : Hydration of Alkenes, 2017)

Under the presence of a strong-acid(dilute), water molexcule will add up across double-
bonds present in ethene thereby forming ethyl-alcohol that is ethanol.

(IV) Addition Reaction Of Alkenes With Hydrogen

When a molecule of hydrogen-gas is added to alkene, alkane is formed. High pressures as
well as temperatures are require. Also, this reaction is carried under nickel-catalyst.
The following reaction involves reaction of ethene with hydrogen to form ethane as

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Illustration 6: addition reaction of ethene with hydrogen
(Source no.: +44
: Alkenes 203 8681
– Reactions 671 2009)
of Ethene,

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(V) Addition Reaction Of Alkenes With Kmno4

Alkenes such as ethene will react with acidified KMnO4 which is known for being a
strong-oxidant. The double bond present in ethene will be converted to 2 groups of alcohol (OH).

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Illustration 7: Ethene with KMnO4
(Source : Alkene Oxidations using KMnO4, 2017)

1.2 Polymerisation of alkenes

Conversion of alkenes to a high molecular-weight compound of polymer is regarded as
the most important chemical-reactions. Recurring units of structures are included in the long-
chain-molecule of polymer.
(I) Formation of Poly(ethene)

Illustration 8: Formation of polythene

(Source : polymers properties uses of plastics, 2017)

The repeating units in the right could be as large as 100 present in a single-molecule. The
chain mechanism is involved in which successive addition is done in the alkene-molecule. Also,
the intermolecular-forces are quite weak. Despite this, they could be drawn into desired moulds
with the application of controlled-heating.

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(II) Polychloroethene (PVC)
The monomer of chloroethene is polymerised to form PVC.

Illustration 9: Polymerisation of chloroethane

(Source : polymers properties uses of plastics, 2017)

2.1 Functional Groups
The functional-groups are specific groups of atoms present in molecules which have the
responsibility of determining the chemical-reaction's characteristics with context to these
molecules. The functional groups consists of either similar or different element in their atoms of
molecules.The naming and understanding of organic compounds is usually done as a substiturte
of hydrogen & carbon. The functional-group acts as substitute for either 1 or more hydrogen.
The 3 most common type of functional groups are alkane, alkene and alkynes. Their
structures and brief description are as follows :

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Illustration 10: Most common functional groups
(Source : The Concept of Functional Groups, 2017)

(1) Alkane : these functional groups entirely consist of carbon & hydrogen atoms. They are
joined by single-bonds called the sigma-bond which is very strong. Often alkene is not
considered as functional-group because it is sequenced from inert-framework of most of the
(2) Alkenes : these functional groups are characterized by their double bonds of carbon-carbon.
These molecules are bounded by the pi bonds.
(3) Alkynes : these functional groups consists of triple bonds present between two atoms of
2.2 Chemical reactions of halogenalkanes in terms of nucleophilic substitution
Nucleophilic-substitution is the reaction in between water and halogenalkanes. Only a
single reaction exists between primary-halogenalkane & water despite being heated and this
entire process is slow. For example : using the primary-halogenalkane of 1-bromoethane :

Illustration 11: chemical equation for primary-halogenalkane with water

(Source : The reaction of primary halogenoalkanes with water, 2017)

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2 steps are involved :
1.) First step is nucleophilic-substitution reaction. This involves collisions among 2 species
which is a slow process.

Illustration 12: nucleophilic-substitution reaction

(Source : The reaction of primary halogenoalkanes with water, 2017)

2.) In the second step, water molecule eliminates the attached hydrogen from oxygen thereby
leading to formation of alcohol & hydroxonium-ion. The bromide-ion from nucleophilic
substitution reaction and hydroxonium-ion form the hydrobromic-acid along with alcohol.

Illustration 13: nucleophilic-substitution reaction

(Source : The reaction of primary halogenoalkanes with water, 2017)

2.3 Describing & Comparing Chemical-Reactions Of Alcohols & Carbonyl-Compounds

Alcohols have the ability of being converted towards metallic-salts, alkyl-halides, esters,
etc. This is possible because of the presence of functional-groups or because of the OH- hydroxyl
atom attached to the carbon atom.

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Illustration 14: Chemical reaction of ethanol to ethylene
(Source : Reactions of Alcohols, 2017)

Illustration 15: Chemical reaction of 2 molecules of ethanol to diethyl ether

(Source : Reactions of Alcohols, 2017)

However, on the other hand, reactions involving carbonyl compounds nucleophilic

reactions is involved. The reactions take place in two steps. First step involves the nucleophilic-
addition of cyanide. In the second step, alkoxide-anion is formed.

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Illustration 16: Carbonyl-compound reaction
(Source : Reactions involving carbonyl compounds, 2017)

From the report it can overall be concluded that ethene involves a numerous of
applications in reactions with halogens, hydrogen halides. Also, the assignment a brief outlook
on the main functional groups. Also, the difference between the alcohol and carbonyl compound
was justified by the involved functional groups in bonds.


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⚫ Addition of Hydrogen Halides, 2016. [Online]. Available Through :<http://www.kshitij->. [Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].
⚫ Addition Reaction of Alkenes with Halogens, 2016. [Online]. Available Through
[Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].
⚫ Alkene Oxidations using KMnO4, 2017. [Online]. Available Through
s%20using%20KMnO4.pdf>. [Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].
⚫ Alkenes – Reactions of Ethene, 2009. [Online]. Available Through
:<>. [Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].
⚫ Hydration of Alkenes, 2017. [Online]. Available Through
:<>. [Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].
⚫ polymers properties uses of plastics, 2017. [Online]. Available Through
:<>. [Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].
⚫ Reactions involving carbonyl compounds, 2017. [Online]. Available Through
[Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].
⚫ Reactions of Alcohols, 2017. [Online]. Available Through
biological/s17-05-reactions-of-alcohols.html>. [Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].
⚫ The Concept of Functional Groups, 2017. [Online]. Available Through
:<>. [Accessed On : 22nd June 2017].

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