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From Ms K. Sarmiento

Sir, Victor Lapuente (Editorial section, 30 April) wrote about the reasons why men
rape us. He highlighted one in particular, testosterone. Because this hormone hinders
self-control, but over the years with the same biological structure, aparently, they
don’t commit so many crimes. Sure, only hurt and mistreat women. Can this be
possible? Justify aggression based on something so primitive?

During years, many women were attacked not only on th streets also in their own
homes. Machismo, or also called patriarchy was present and still present in our
society. For example, many years ago women couldn’t study, vote or decide at home,
they worked without receiving payment, because that was their duty and if they had
some money they should give it to their husband.

At that time, the problem wasn’t testosterone, the real problem was the education
and culture that was had. To make believe tha man is superior to a woman because
men don’t cry or play with dolls or the kitchen, they are machos with cars and a lot
of women to show off. Because if she doesn’t understand, hit her, she is your wife or
your girlfriend and she has to listen to you. Don´t forget to “flatter” her with
compliments that she didn’t ask or whistles in the middle of the Street. That is the
problema, to educate children to be males, not men.

It’s time to change everything, our justice system, our education, our thoughts,
everything… for all those women whoe are longer there, who died in silence. Or those
whose voice was not Heard, for those who still can’t find justice when they we’re
raped. RESPECT ME! Not because you have a mother, sister, niece, friend or maybe a
daughter, but because I’m a human being just like you.

K. Sarmiento

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