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EMPOWERING WOMEN-A Crucial Need of the Hour

We are currently living in a society with people having inequality in

every word they speak, misogny in every breath and brutality against
women in every action. Almost everyday cases of rape, sexual
assault, physical violence, domestic violence, abuse against women
can be observed. This is especially prominent in developing countries
like India and it is high time we took action against it. Many at times
such cases are not even reported because the victims family thinks
it is embarrassing to bring this up. And on top of that they put up
the woman at fault and she is told not to be vocal about it. Many
women face sexual violence since childhood but the people they
share it with tend to normalize it and ask them to keep quietand not
talk about it. Let me ask you something, when such cases come up
why is it that the man is not accused of committing the crime but
instead the women is told to keep quiet about it? Why is it that as
per this patriarchal society women don’t even have their basic rights
to freedom and speech. Now many people might come up saying that
now with the changing times things are getting better and women
are more vocal about crimes against them but still does in anyway
our society hold up the man accused? We never educate the men
that they should know how to respect women. Why is it that in order
to “protect” women they are asked to not go out late or carry a
pepper spray/knife or only go out with a man from the family. Why is
not that the men are taught too have basic human decency and
respect every being irrespective of sexes. Our elderly say that
women should only be confined to their homes. This may be
acceptable in earlier times because women very not very well
educated back then and didn’t know of their rights but with changing
times women work in equality with men so why doesn’t she get to be
out as late as the man of the family and if she doesn’t then so
shouldn’t the man. We as a society need to equalize both the sexes
and bring no differences between them. Let’s bring out
equality ,neither patriarchy nor matriarchy, just equality. If a
working woman is expected to manage all of her work, home, kids
etc. then the fact that a man takes care of the house and children
along with his work should be completely normal and not something
to be highly praised .It’s so amazing to see how hypocritical we are
as a country. Each year we worship nine GODESSES for eighteen
days but cannot provide one woman with equality, respect and
dignity. We judge a woman’s character if she hangs with guys but
the man is never accused or questioned for anything that he does.
Why isn’t the fact that they are the result of a women’s threshold
for pain and period blood in their bodies understood by the male
folks.The idea of treating everyone equally should be popularized
more than the toxic masculinity spread amongst everyone. It should
not be okay to objectify as a form of entertainment. And the idea of
feminism should be spreading around. And many men will now come up
with ‘what about even men being abused’ and #notallmen. We know
that it’s not all men and we are very apologetic for the fact that you
had to face any form of traumatizing abuse and we do understand it
but why do you always have to bring up this fact when a woman
speaks about her issues. Learn to respect each other. Let’s learn to
be vocal about this and talk more on topics like these. It is clearly
high time we did! I genuinely feel only the youth can bring about a
change because the older generation is stuck around in their
orthodox thoughts and ideas of keeping a woman reserved within the
house. And we definitely can’t expect anything from the government
or law because their only concern is protecting cows and promoting

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