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"The Will of Strong Women: Proving the Myth of the "Weaker Sex" Wrong.


Have you ever heard someone say that “women are the weaker sex”? Have you ever agreed
with this statement or taken it as a truth? If so, I’m here to tell you that this statement is not
only wrong but also harmful and disrespectful to women. Women are not weak, they are
strong, and they have many skills and talents that make them equal to or even better than men
in many ways. I will prove to you with the following points that my opinion is valid.

First of all, I believe that the treatment of women was really unfair. Back then, women were
always left at home to do household, nothing more, they were not authorized to labor because
men thought that women were weak and did not have the capabilities to work. Personally, I
feel that this treatment is unfair to women because women are strong, women have the ability
to think and do what men do. People also believed back then that women belonged only in the
household and that it was inappropriate for them to be involved in politics, especially in voting
and being part of the government. But today they can, and they can also pursue leadership
roles that will benefit our community. Attorney Leni Robredo, our former vice president, is an
example of a woman who ran for public office.

Also, our mothers are also women. They are the ones who painfully gave birth to us, they
handled the pain of giving birth even if there was a chance that they could die, with this, how
can a woman be weak? In the house that we stay in, do we want the dishes in our sinks, the
mattresses we sleep on, and the houses we live in to be filthy? Naturally, no, women, our
mothers, are primarily responsible for taking care of the home duties. They perform them to
keep things tidy and orderly, and even after a long, hectic day, they would still clean the house
for us. There are also sayings about “women can’t lead,” I personally believe that this is false
because a woman can lead, even better than a man. In group activities, women are mostly the
one who leads the group, and the work is accomplished because they are skilled, creative, and
organized with it. Another point is every month, women experience menstruation. Although
menstruation is a normal and necessary component of a woman's reproductive cycle, some
women may endure physical or mental discomfort during their periods. So, what makes a
woman weak?

We must remind ourselves that women are also human beings. We mustn't think that women
are only assigned to such domestic roles because of their capabilities. It's not because women
did not want to be made weak but they fight for equality because of how men treat them as
weak individuals. We must also remind ourselves that women have dreams and that they can
have the mind to bring new opportunities that may help in the development of themselves or

The fight for gender equality continues today as women strive to break down discrimination and
injustice and achieve full gender equality in all areas of life. The works and efforts of women
remind us that women are just as capable as men and that their voices deserve to be heard
alongside men to shape and become equal for the future of our society.

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