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Men Love To Dominate Women

• In the simplest view, the roles of women and men have been biologically determined.
A male-dominated society is one in which men have most of the power and influence. It is
dominated or controlled by males; having more males, especially, in powerful positions
than females.

• There is not a single country in the world today whose top political position is held by a
woman. Although, during the last time, women have entered fields previously banded to
them, men still control the key positions in government, industry and military institutions.

• Feminists actually tend to underestimate male supremacism. They are afraid, for one thing,
that, if it has been in continuous existence throughout effectively the entire globe from the
earliest times to the present, then perhaps it really is natural for men to dominate women.

• From the analysis of large representative samples of all the human societies studied by
anthropologists (someone who scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs,
and relationships), it is found that shocking evidence that males control females in most
domains of social life. For example, in 75 percent of these societies, the bride must move
from her own family to that of her husband's, while the opposite pattern overcomes in only
10 percent of the marriages.

• Male dominance also shows up in the division of economic tasks. In almost all band and
village societies, women do the workhorse, such as weeding, seed grinding, fetching water
and firewood, carrying infants and household possessions and routine cooking.

• Most advocates of women's rights, hold the theory that men dominate women because it is
natural for them to be aggressive and take control. Male supremacy is not a biological
imposing or a genetically programmed characteristic of the human species. Moreover, it is
not an arbitrary social settlement or a scheme among males to degrade or exploit women,
as many deep-seated feminists believe.

• One reason so confusing found that practically females among societies is that women are
more valuable than men from the point of view of reproduction, and reproduction is the
key to the survival of any species. The fertility of a group is determined by the number of
its adult women, rather than by its adult men.
• A woman’s story of hardship starts before her birth. In most of the villages of Pakistan, she
is not a "wanted" child. People prefer a male child over a female child. When a girl is young
in Pakistan, her father decides for her: decisions ranging from education to marriage. After
marriage her husband decides on her behalf.
• In this male dominated society, women face all kind of violence at the hands of their
husbands and other male family members. Multiple forms of violence include rape,
domestic abuse, murder, burning, disfiguring faces by acids, torture, etc. In Pakistani
society women are in high demand in the labor force because they are paid less and can
raise profit margin.

➢ A Female Sociologist has composed six overlapping structures that define male dominance
and that take different forms in different cultures and different times:

1. The state: women are unlikely to have recognized power and representation.
2. The household: women are more likely to do the housework and raise the children.
3. Violence: women are more disposed to to being abused.
4. Paid work: women are likely to be paid less.
5. Sexuality: women's sexuality is more likely to be treated negatively.
6. Culture: representation of women in media, and popular culture is "within a dominated

• An important cause is stereotyping (systematize) which creates gender inequality by

focusing on stereotypic attributes and neglecting the situational attributions. These were
the most important contributing factors which were leading to conservative minds and
eventually creating basis for male dominant society.

➢ A dominican man expects from his lady as following:

Daily fresh cooked meal

House needs to be cleaned every day.
And no comment on any decision making in the household.

Basically the man is everything. You will abide to HIS rules. A "normal" may want this,
but a Dominican man expects this.

➢ What is a relationship with a Dominican man like?

• A relationship with a Dominican man is a challenge. In the majority of cases there are
major differences, of background, of education, maybe religion, belief system and language
of course. The major challenges, however, come from the cultural differences. Food is a
key one. Dominicans have their main meal at noon, and it usually has to have rice as the
main component, with some meat, beans and salad. If a Dominican man does not have his
rice at noon and you suggest cheese and biscuits there will be trouble.
• Secondly is timekeeping. In a household there are three-time scales. Five minutes is an
hour, twenty minutes is two to three hours, and ‘later’ is ‘whenever you see me’. This is
very frustrating at first, but once you get used to it, you realize that time is not really that
important and if his dinner ends up for dog then so be it.

• Another cultural difference is that most Dominican men I know hate conflict and do not
want to give you bad news. This is often translated into they lie, whereas it is not lying as
such, it is just avoiding the truth. Hence if they have crashed the car they will not tell you.
There are plenty of such examples.

• But on the positive side, there are so many great advantages to having a relationship with
a Dominican man, it is understandable why so many foreign women fall in love with them.
They have a great sense of family.

• Obviously not all are the same, and like any nationality there are good and bad, but on the
whole the challenges can be overcome and the good compensates the bad.

• Pakistan is a male dominated society. It is a social system in which men hold power over
women. Most women even do not have the right to property. In Pakistani society, male role
is getting the privilege of being superior and women are playing a submissive role.

• Women are considered as another half of man but they are not half they are the one who
need equal rights and opportunities which man enjoyments.

• Social or family pressure is considered one of the important factors to stay in abusive
relationships with their partners. Most of the time women experiences to stay in abusive
relationships and bear consequences of being a part of male dominant society also are
bound to obey social and inherited customs.

• Dawn News presented a painful story of a girl living in a village of Pakistan, she was
forced to marry at a very early age of 16 years, and since the day she got married she
endures a series of painful attacks by her husband, eventually she left her husband’s home
and requested her parents to support her in taking divorce but her father and brother told
her to compromise as their parents believed that a divorced girl is a curse for an honorable
family. She had forwarded this issue to her town’s decision body; they also took decision
that she must go back to her husband’s home immediately. She was compelled to obey her
parents and societal norms. After an acid attack by her husband she presented her case to
police but police also avoided to take action. She wanted to stand up for their rights but at
each and every step society encouraged male’s wrong act and discouraged women efforts.
• The Pakistani system follows the concept of “patriarchy” which refers to male domination
and female subordination and it is a prime hindrance to women development and leads to
women oppression. Aristotle called females as a “mutilated male” (someone who are
without souls).

➢ Now the question arises that what are the possible causes behind the male dominance in
Are there inborn biological creatives that prevent women from attaining equal power? Or, is there
something built into the human male that makes it more natural for him to command females than
for females to command him?

• Illiteracy is a leading cause of male dominance. Education and knowledge bring

enablement, increase self-respect and provides respect and recognition in society.
• Women are never given respect in such a country. In this male dominated society, the man
has to provide equal rights and space to women, otherwise violence will increase rapidly.

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