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Star of Fear, Star of Hope

Compare and Contrast Story Elements (RL 5.3)

Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on
specific details in the text

Annotations: ​Star of Fear, Star of Hope

Directions: Answer the following questions using textual evidence from both ​The Butterfly
and ​Star of Fear, Star of Hope​​ using your annotations.

1. Fill in the chart below comparing and contrasting the characters, setting, and events from
both novels.

Characters Settings Events

Similarities Similarities Similarities

Differences Differences Differences

2. What did Helen’s mother do that was similar to what Monique’s mother did in ​The Butterfly?





3. At the ending of the novel, how are Helen and Monique from ​The Butterfly​ similar?




4. How does Helen feel before and after Lydia leaves her apartment? Select the best answer to
complete the statement.
At first she is _________________, but then she is __________________.
a. Sad; angry
b. Angry; sorry
c. Happy; upset
d. Excited; tired

5. Select the statement that compares Lydia with Servine.

a. Servine is alone and Lydia has a family.
b. Both are Jewish girls living in Nazi France.
c. Lydia is currently hiding in Helen’s home like Servine was hiding in Moniques.
d. Both lost their parents from the war.

6. Choose the best description of Helen at the resolution of the story.

a. Excited
b. Depressed
c. Regretful
d. Hopeful

7. Select the evidence that ​best​​ supports the description in question #6.
a. “I waited and waited for Lydia to come back so I could tell her she was my best
b. “But the war ended and Lydia didn’t come back.”
c. “For a long time, I was angry at the stars.”
d. “I only hope with all my heart that Lydia lived to become like me….I’ll always have

8. Choose the best description of Lydia when the visitor says, “They’re arresting everyone like
a. Angry
b. Joyful
c. Depressed
d. Scared

9. Select the evidence that ​best​​ supports the description in question #

a. “I’d like to go home.”
b. “No, no, I haven’t forgotten.”
c. “Here’s your present. I made it myself.”
d. “I hope you like it.”
10. What emotion did both Monique (​The Butterfly) ​and Lydia share? Give evidence to support

your claim.




11. Which events were most important in this story? Give evidence to support your claim.







12. What does the character’s reaction in the following excerpt from the story tell the reader?

​She nervously touched her star and said, “I don’t want to bother you.

I paid your neighbor to help me. But now he’s not there.”









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