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ECONOMICS Time:2:30Hrs
Maximum score: 80 Cool off time:15 minutes

1. Find the odd one and justify your answer: 4

a) Fisheries, Horticulture, Regulated markets, Sericulture

d) Mean, SD, Median, Mode

2. Give two ways pf converting government companies into private companies. 2

3. Distinguish between Sample survey and Census survey. Suggest a measure to

Reduce Sampling Error. 3

4. State True or False and correct if necessary. 4

a) High infant mortality rate shows higher level of development of an economy.

b) Golden Revolution is related to milk production.
c) Histogram is used to represent frequency distribution.
d) P.C.Mahalanobis was the architect of Indian Planning

5. List out some arguments in favour and against Subsidies in agriculture 3

6. Statistics play a vital role in Economics. Point out the importance of statistics in
Economics 3

7. Draw a histogram and locate the Mode 5

Marks in Economics Number of students

0-10 12
10-20 18
20-30 27
30-40 20
40-50 13

8. Prepare a questionnaire to study the socio-economic condition of people in your 6

locality (at least 12 questions)

9. Match column A with B and C 5

a Deciles 1907 Rural development

b TISCO Quartiles Sustainable development

c NABARD Global warming SENSEX

d Kyoto protocol HDI Jamshadji Tata

e Index number 1982 Percentiles

10. From the following table of marks obtained by A and B in tests of 150 marks 6
each. Find out who is more intelligent and who is more consistent.

A : 25 50 45 30 70 42 36 48 35 60

B : 10 70 50 20 95 55 42 60 48 80

11. Efforts in using technologies which are eco friendly are essential for sustainable 5
development. Analyze importance of Organic Farming in Sustainable Development

12. Classify the following variables under appropriate headings.

Height, income, No. of rooms, price, cricket score, No. of students 3

13 Find the Arithmetic Mean and prove that sum of deviations of value from AM 3
is zero

14 Prepare a seminar report on importance of infrastructure for the economic 8

development of a country

15 Prepare a pie-diagram for the following data. 4

Faculty Science Arts Commerce Total

No. of students 2100 1010 2390 5500

16. Group the following under the heads India, China, Pakistan. 4

(a) Great leap forward (b) Liberal democracy (c) Largest population (d) Balance of
payment crisis of 1991 (e) Highest population density (f) One party rule (g) Improved
water source access (h) Frequent military dictatorship.

17. What do you mean by casualization of work force 3

18. Indian agricultural sector received a major set back during colonial rule. Do you 3
agree? Justify your answer

19 India is emerging as a major outsourcing destination. What are the reasons for this? 3

20 Calculate the Correlation coefficient for the following data. 3

X: 1 5 4 2 3 8 6 2 8

Y: 2 10 8 5 3 13 10 6 11


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