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1. T-Code - OPL8 - Production scheduling parameters

2 Create Routing with Alternate sequence
Enter the Alternate sequence operation and the work center and the activity values
Create a production order in CO01 for the 500 Ea
Production order qty 500 Ea is > lot size 300 Ea, alternate sequence will be selected

2. Create Production order of 150 Ea

Production order qty 150 Ea < 300 Ea, standard sequence work center will be selected

Include 2 standard sequence with 1 alternate sequence in routing

Create a Production order for 200 Ea
Production order qty 200 Ea < 300 Ea, standard sequence will be selected

Create a Production order qty - 300 Ea

Standard sequence Operation 10 is replaced by Alternate sequence operation
Parallel Sequence:
1. With Alignment Key -2 - Alignment at latest date - Floats at start of operation

Alignment key for scheduling

Key you use to control how a parallel sequence is scheduled.

Parallel sequences usually have different lead times. This causes floats within the sequences. With the
alignment key, you can control whether these floats should be at the beginning or at the end of the
sequences. You can enter one alignment key for each sequence.

 If a sequence is aligned with the earliest possible date, the float is at the end of the sequence.

 If a sequence is aligned with the latest possible date, the float is at the beginning of the sequence.
If a standard sequence has several parallel sequences, the alignment key is valid for all the sections of the
standard sequence for which there are parallel sequences.

Enter the Parallel operation and its work center

Create a Production order

Without Interoperation times

Scheduling of parallel Operation

Float after production of 2 days will be added to start date of operation

Parallel operation start date = Basic order start date + Float after production
2. Alignment key with Latest date
Scheduling of parallel Sequence operation is

Parallel operation will start along with same time of standard sequence operation

With Interoperation Times in Routing

For std operation 0010

For std opn 0020

For parallel operation

Create Production order

Scheduling of Standard sequence with alignment key 1- earliest date

Scheduling of Parallel sequence operation

Parallel operation start date = Scheduled operation start date + Min Queue time of parallel seq opn
With alignment key at float at latest date:
Scheduling of parallel sequence

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