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Arithmetic Coding

In the Huffman-type coders, we assigned code bits to individual symbols. The

philosophy of Arithmetic coding is somewhat different in the sense that it tries to
encode the whole data source once, instead of assigning codebits to symbols. The
efficiency is even more apparent if the symbol probabilities are not in terms of
negative integer powers of 2 ( where the optimum bit code length
comes out to be a non-integer number).

The description of the algorithm is as follows:

Assign non-overlapping intervals on the (0,1] axis for each symbol in the
alphabet. The length of each interval must be proportional to the probability of
the corresponding symbol. As an example, if we have 3 symbols x1, x2, x3
with probabilities 0.5, 0.3, and 0.2, then the intervals can be : x1 (0,0.5], x2
(0.5,0.8], x3 (0.8, 1]. This interval assignment is illustrated as follows:

The philosophy is getting clear now. Suppose our source has one symbol: x1.
How could I encode it using these intervals? Just by producing a number
between 0 and 0.5 (which belongs to the interval of x1). What would happen if
my message consisted of two consecutive symbols: x1 x2 ? Then the
Arithmetic coder would split the interval of x1 (which was (0,0.5]) into
subintervals with the same proportional interval lengths for each symbol:
The code that represents the sequence x1 x2 is therefore any number in the
interval (0.25,0.4]. You can think of this code as splitting the intervals on the
(0,1] axis finer and finer. So, for example, what is the code for the sequence
x1 x2 x2 ? The answer is: split the last x2 interval again, and find the last
appropriate interval:

So after three symbols, the encoder must produce a number between 0.325
and 0.37. We can say that the output is the interval (0.325,0.37]. For the last
time in this example, let's emit one more symbol and encode the sequence x1
x2 x2 x3:
Apparently, the interval for the sequence x1 x2 x2 x3 is (0.361,0.37].

The important observation is : as we encode longer sequences, the numbers

to represent the corresponding interval becomes more and more precise.

Click here to see the generation of interval for arithmetic coding of the above
example in animation.

More precise numbers require longer bitstreams to represent. Of course, we need to

define a way to represent numbers between 0 and 1 using binary digits. The way to
do this is to use 2's inverse arithmetic. In the normal binary arithmetic, the
rightmost digit is the 2's digit, the one to its left is 4's digit, the one to its left is 8's
digit, etc. In the 2's inverse notation, the leftmost digit is the (1/2)'s digit. The one
to its right is (1/4)'s digit. The one to its right is (1/8)'s digit.

For example 0101 stands for 0*(1/2) + 1*(1/4) + 0*(1/8) + 1*(1/16) = 5/16 =

Exercise: Write the number in full decimal precision whose binary representation is

Check Answer Reset

The next important step in the Arithmetic encoding is to find a suitable number
within the final interval which can be represented with as few bits as possible.
For our example, the final interval is (0.361,0.37]. The shortest amount of bits to
represent a number in this interval can be obtained as
1/4+1/16+1/32+1/64+1/128 = 0.3672. In binary form, this summation means :

Exercise: Try to obtain another number in this interval with a different binary
representation (this is possible).

For this example, 0101111 is our encoded bitstream to express x1 x2 x2 x3. As you
see, we used 7 bits. For three symbols, we normally require 2 bits per symbol.
Therefore, 4 symbols make 8 bits. We have a saving of one bit for this short

The efficiency of Arithmetic coding becomes more clear if you encode longer
sequences. For example, if the next symbol is again x2, we have a sequence of x1
x2 x2 x3 x2, and the interval would be (0.3655, 0.3682]. As you see, our previous
encoding number (0.3672) is still in this range, therefore 0101111 is the
compressed bitstream of x1 x2 x2 x3 x2 too! Now, the saving is 3 bits.


Clearly, the last situation indicates a property of Arithmetic coding that has to be
handled carefully: Bitstreams correspond to many symbol sequences. For instance,
here, 0.3672 corresponds to {x1}, {x1 x2}, {x1 x2 x2}, {x1 x2 x2 x3}, {x1 x2 x2
x3 x2}, etc... You can find arbitrarily long sequences whose interval contains the
number 0.3672 (or 0101111). So where should we stop? At the point where we are
told to! We have to indicate how many symbols we are encoding. The compressed
data, therefore, contains the extra information regarding the size of the source.

So, up to now, we have observed two difficulties about the Arithmetic encoding:

1. Which number inside the interval to chose.

2. Where to stop.

The second difficulty was overcome by transmitting the extra information of how
many symbols have been encoded.

The first difficulty is usually overcome by selecting the previously defined edge of
the interval. For example, selecting the smaller edge of the interval as the
representative symbol is a common practice. Nevertheless, there are numercial
algorithms which efficiently perform Arithmetic encoding using finite precision
(binary) arithmetic. The finite precision algorithm is both complicated to mention in
this course, and patented by IBM. Therefore, if one implements the finite precision
Arithmetic encoder (they are available in many books), (s)he has to resolve the
patent issues with IBM before being able to sell the software.

Let's give the pseudo-code for the classical Arithmetic encoder:

while input X are coming:

Of course, the HighValue and LowValue numbers of the symbols are determined
according to their probabilities. For example, for the previous example,
HighValue(x1)=0.5, LowValue(x1)=0, HighValue(x2)=0.8, LowValue(x2)=0.5,
HighValue(x3)=1, LowValue(x3)=0.8.

Finally, let us talk about the decoding process.

The decoder works just the opposite way. It first gets the number, and looks for the
interval in which it fits. The first symbol is now determined according to its interval.
Now, the new range is calculated according to the found symbol, and our number
should be modified. The modification is: the LowValue of the symbol is subtracted
from our number, and the result is divided by the range. Now, we look at our
number again and see which interval it fits. The next step does exactly the same
steps as the first step. The algorithm continues as long as the number of encoded

It may be more illustrative if we perform decoding on the result of our previous


The number is 0.3672. It fits into the range of x1. LowValue(x1)=0. We

subtract this value, so number=0.3672-0=0.3672. We divide this to the range
of x1 (0.5), so number=0.3672/0.5=0.7344.
The number is 0.7344. It fits into the range of x2. LowValue(x2)=0.5. We
subtract this value, so number=0.7344-0.5=0.2344. We divide this to the
range of x2 (0.3), so number=0.2344/0.3=0.7813.
The number is 0.7813. It fits into the range of x2. LowValue(x2)=0.5. We
subtract this value, so number=0.7813-0.5=0.2813. We divide this to the
range of x2 (0.3), so number=0.2813/0.3=0.9378.
The number is 0.9378. It fits into the range of x3. LowValue(x3)=0.8. We
subtract this value, so number=0.9378-0.8=0.1378. We divide this to the
range of x3 (0.2), so number=0.1378/0.2=0.6889.
The number is 0.6889. It fits into the range of x2. LowValue(x2)=0.5. We
subtract this value, so number=0.6889-0.5=0.1889. We divide this to the
range of x2 (0.3), so number=0.1889/0.3=0.6269.

We can continue decoding as long as required. We must stop at the point where we
reach the number of encoded symbols. For example, for the above case, we have
decoded the sequence {x1,x2,x2,x3,x2}.

Finally, let us give the pseudo-code for the classic Arithmetic decoder:

get encoded number: X

find symbol whose range straddles the encoded number;
output the symbol;
range = LowValue(symbol) – HighValue(symbol);
X = X - LowValue (symbol);
X = X / range;
until no more symbols needed;

Homework: Obtain 6 symbol decoded version of the number 01101110 for the
symbols and probabilities of the above exercise.

For the practical engineer: The above explanations of the arithmetic coder gives
an idea about the philosophy of an arithmetic coder. On the other hand, the
practical implementation of the arithmetic coder is a little different. Instead of
obtaining real numbers between 0 and 1 (which may then be converted into binary
representation), the probability splitting may be done immediately using binary
numbers. The web page gives
excellent explanations of practical arithmetic coder implementations. It also
describes the probability splitting concepts together with the binary implementation.

You can find more information, usage, and implementation details about Arithmetic
coding in the following links:

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