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Home Compression Misc.


Arithmetic Code Discussion and Implementation

by Michael Dipperstein

The insanity continues. After playing with

Huffman coding and
LZSS, I had to give arithmetic coding a
try. It wasn't enough to understand how it worked I had to actually
implement it.

I've read about what this stuff did to

Ross Williams.
I can only hope that I'm not going to be subjected to
a similar fate.

As with my other compression implementations, my intent is to publish

an easy to follow ANSI C
implementation of the arithmetic coding
algorithm. Anyone familiar with ANSI C and the arithmetic
algorithm should be able to follow and learn from my implementation.
There's a lot of room for
improvement of compression ratios, speed, and
memory usage, but this project is about learning and
sharing, not

Recently (since 2008 or so) I've been using

Python when I've needed quick hacks
to do something on a
PC (vs an embedded system). I eventually wrote a
bitfile library for Python, then I
realized that I needed
a to write some code that actually uses the
library, so now there's a Python implementation of the
arithmetic coding

Click here for information on downloading my

source code.

The rest of this page discusses arithmetic coding and the results of
my efforts so far.

Algorithm Overview
Arithmetic coding is similar to Huffman coding; they both achieve their compression by reducing the
average number of bits required to represent a symbol.


An alphabet with symbols S0, S1, ...

Sn, where each symbol has a probability of occurrence of
p0, p1, ...
pn such that ∑pi
= 1.

From the fundamental theorem of information theory, it can be shown that

the optimal coding for Si
(pi×log2(pi)) bits.

More often than not, the optimal number of bits is fractional.

Unlike Huffman coding, arithmetic coding
provides the ability to
represent symbols with fractional bits.

Since, ∑pi = 1, we can represent each probability,

pi, as a unique non-overlapping range of values
between 0 and
1. There's no magic in this, we're just creating ranges on a
probability line.

For example, suppose we have an alphabet 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', and 'e'
with probabilities of occurrence of 30%,
15%, 25%, 10%, and 20%. We can
choose the following range assignments to each symbol based on its
Symbol Probability Range
Home Compression Misc. Programming
a 30% [0.00, 0.30)
b 15% [0.30, 0.45)
c 25% [0.45, 0.70)
d 10% [0.70, 0.80)
e 20% [0.80, 1.00)
TABLE 1. Sample Symbol Ranges

Where square brackets '[' and ']' mean the adjacent number is
included and parenthesis '(' and ')' mean the
adjacent number is

Ranges assignments like the ones in this table can then be use for
encoding and decoding
strings of
symbols in the alphabet. Algorithms using ranges for coding
are often referred to as range coders.

Encoding Strings
By assigning each symbol its own unique probability range, it's
possible to encode a single symbol by its
range. Using this approach,
we could encode a string as a series of probability ranges, but that
compress anything. Instead additional symbols may be encoded by
restricting the current probability
range by the range of a new symbol
being encoded. The pseudo code below illustrates how additional
may be added to an encoded string by restricting the string's range

lower bound = 0

upper bound = 1

while there are still symbols to encode

current range = upper bound - lower bound

upper bound = lower bound +
(current range ×
upper bound of new symbol)

lower bound = lower bound +
(current range ×
lower bound of new symbol)

end while

Any value between the computed lower and upper probability bounds now
encodes the input string.


Encode the string "ace" using the probability ranges from

Table 1.

Start with lower and upper probability bounds of 0 and 1.

Encode 'a'

current range = 1 - 0 = 1

upper bound = 0 + (1 × 0.3) = 0.3

lower bound = 0 + (1 × 0.0) = 0.0

Encode 'c'

current range = 0.3 - 0.0 = 0.3

upper bound = 0.0 + (0.3 × 0.70) = 0.210

lower bound = 0.0 + (0.3 × 0.45) = 0.135

Encode 'e'

current range = 0.210 - 0.135 = 0.075

upper bound = 0.135 + (0.075 × 1.00) = 0.210

lower bound = 0.135 + (0.075 × 0.80) = 0.195

Home Compression
The string Misc. Programming
"ace" may be encoded by any value within the
probability range [0.195, 0.210).

It should become apparent from the example that precision

requirements increase as additional symbols
are encoded. Strings of
unlimited length require infinite precision probability range bounds.
The section
on implementation discusses
how the need for infinite precision is handled.

Decoding Strings
The decoding process must start with a an encoded value representing
a string. By definition, the
encoded value lies within the lower and
upper probability range bounds of the string it represents. Since
encoding process keeps restricting ranges (without shifting), the
initial value also falls within the
range of the first encoded symbol.
Successive encoded symbols may be identified by removing the
applied by the known symbol. To do this, subtract out the lower
probability range bound of the
known symbol, and multiply by the size of
the symbols' range.

Based on the discussion above, decoding a value may be performed

following the steps in the pseudo
code below:

encoded value = encoded input

while string is not fully decoded

identify the symbol containing encoded value within its range

//remove effects of symbol from encoded value

current range =
upper bound of new symbol -
lower bound of new symbol

encoded value =
(encoded value - lower bound of new symbol)
÷ current range

end while


Using the probability ranges from Table 1 decode

the three character string encoded as 0.20.

Decode first symbol

0.20 is within [0.00, 0.30)

0.20 encodes 'a'

Remove effects of 'a' from encode value

current range = 0.30 - 0.00 = 0.30

encoded value = (0.20 - 0.0) ÷ 0.30 = 0.67 (rounded)

Decode second symbol

0.67 is within [0.45, 0.70)

0.67 encodes 'c'

Remove effects of 'c' from encode value

current range = 0.70 - 0.45 = 0.35

encoded value = (0.67 - 0.45) ÷ 0.35 = 0.88

Decode third symbol

0.88 is within [0.80, 1.00)

0.88 encodes 'e'

The encoded string is "ace".

In case you were sleeping, this is the string that was encoded in the
encoding example.
There are two issues I've glossed over with this example: knowing
when to stop, and the required
Home Compression
computational Misc.
precision. The Programming
section on
implementation addresses both of these

This section discusses some of the issues of implementing an
arithmetic encoder/decoder and the
approach that I took to handle those
issues. As I have already stated, my implementation is intended to be
easy to develop and follow, not necessarily optimal.

What is a Symbol
One of the first questions that needs to be resolved before you start
is "What is a symbol?". For my
implementation a symbol is any
8 bit combination as well as an End Of File (EOF) marker.
This means
that there are 257 possible symbols in any encoded stream.

Infinite Precision

In my algorithm overview I noted that the

lower and upper probability range bounds as well as the
encoded value
theoretically require infinite precision values on the range [0, 1).
The method chosen to
handle this largely impacts the rest of the
implementation. Not wanting to blaze new trials, I chose to use
common solution. Values on the probability range scale will be
represented as infinite length fixed
point values, with the binary point
before the most significant bit.


.00000... = 0

.10000... = 1/2

.01000... = 1/4

.11000... = 3/4

.11111... = 1

Wow Infinity. That's a Lot of Bits.

Fortunately for us, we don't need to operate on all the bits at once.
As additional symbols are encoded,
the lower and upper range bounds
converge. As the bounds converge, their most significant bits stop
changing. By choosing the precision of each symbol's range bounds, we
can also limit the amount of bits
required for each computation.

As you read through this section, you will learn how it is possible
to achieve good compression results
using 16 bit computations.

Computing Probability Ranges

I've implemented both static and adaptive order-0 probability

models. The my static model computes
ranges based on symbols counts obtained by making a pass on the input
prior to starting the
encoding. Others may use a predetermined set of
ranges. My adaptive model assumes a uniform
distribution and updates
itself as new symbols are processed.

For my static model, the first step to computing probability ranges

for each symbol is to simply count
occurrences of each symbol, as well
as the total numbers of symbols.

The next step is to scale all of the symbol counts so that they can
be used in N bit computations. To do
this symbol counts must be scaled to
use no more than N - 2 bits. In the case of 16 bit computations,
must be 14 bits or less. You'll see why in the next section.
Home Compression Misc. Programming
Use the following steps to scale the counts to be used with N bit
integer math:

Step 1. Divide the total symbol count by

2(N - 2)

Step 2. Using integer division, divide each individual

symbol count by the ceiling of the result of Step 1.

Step 3. If a non-zero count became zero, make it one.

Now we have a scaled count for each symbol. We need to convert the
scaled counts to range bounds on a
probability line. For an alphabet
with symbols S0, S1, ... Sn and scaled
counts c0, c1, ... cn, we can define
ranges as follows:

Symbol Range
S0 [0, c0)
S1 [upper range of S0,
upper range of S0 + c1)
S2 [upper range of S1,
upper range of S1 + c2)
. .

. .

. .
Sn [upper range of Sn - 1,
upper range of Sn - 1 + cn)
TABLE 2. Scaled Symbol Ranges

For my adaptive model we start with scaled symbols, but the N - 2 bit
restriction still applies. It's
possible to add the effect of a new
symbol that would make the symbol count too large to be represented
N - 2 bits (see Adaptive Model and Symbol Range
Updates). When this happens, I just rescale the
current model for
half the symbol count.

Use the following steps to scale an adaptive model to be used with N bit
use integer math:

Step 1. Determine the probability range for each symbol in

the model.

Step 2. Halve each of the ranges from Step 1.

Step 3. The new range for symbol Si

[upper bound of symbol Si - 1,
upper bound of symbol Si - 1 + range
from step 2].

NOTE: The upper bound of symbol S-1 = 0

Encoding with Scaled Ranges

The standard form of arithmetic coding's encoding

is based on fractional ranges on a probability line
between 0 and 1. We
just assigned our symbols probability ranges on a probability line
between 0 and
∑ci (The total symbol count rescaled). The
encoding algorithm needs to be adapted for our
new range

The following pseudo code modifies the standard form of the encoding
algorithm for a range scale of [0,

lower bound = 0

upper bound = ∑ci

while there are still symbols to encode

current range = upper bound - lower bound + 1

upper bound = lower bound + ((current range ×

upper bound of new symbol)
÷ ∑ci) - 1

lower bound = lower bound + (current range ×

lower bound of new symbol) ÷

end while
Home Compression Misc. Programming
There are a few important things to know about this algorithm:

Notice that 1 is added to the computed current range. This is because

the range is [lower bound,
upper bound), including
all values up to upper bound + 1.
The current range must be able to be stored in a value of N bits (
(max upper bound - min lower
bound + 1) < 2N).
Computing the new upper and lower bounds require that the multiplication
precede the division to
avoid loss of precision.
∑ci must be less than 2(N - 2) when using N
bits. This keeps (current range ÷ ∑ci)
≥ 2. Which in
turn keeps the upper and lower bounds from crossing.

Decoding with Scaled Ranges

The standard form of arithmetic coding's decoding

is also based on fractional ranges on a probability line
between 0 and 1.
Like encoding, we have to rescale our
calculations for the decoding process.

The following pseudo code modifies the standard form of the decoding
algorithm for a range scale of [0,

encoded value = encoded input

lower bound = 0

upper bound = ∑ci

while string is not fully decoded

// remove scaling

current range = upper bound - lower bound + 1

encoded value = (encoded value - lower bound) +


encoded value = (encoded value × ∑ci)

÷ current range

end while

Limiting Computations to N Bits

We have a way of representing floating point values as an

infinite stream of bits, we have a way of
scaling our probability ranges to N - 2 bits,
and we can encode and decode using the scaled values. This
doesn't get us to a finite number of bits. There are a few facts that
we can use to develop a solution
that limits computations to N bits:

1. The lower bound starts as an infinite stream of bits set to 0.

2. The upper bound starts as an infinite stream of bits set to 1.
3. The upper and lower bounds become closer as more symbols are encoded.
4. By restricting symbol probability ranges to N - 2 bits long,
we can avoid impacting the bits beyond
the Nth in any given

As the lower and upper probability range bounds start to converge,

they are likely to reach a point where
the have identical MSBs (most
significant bits). Once the bounds have matching MSBs, the MSBs will
remain matching for the rest of the encoding process. From that point
on we don't need to worry about
the MSBs anymore. Shift the MSB out to
the encoded data stream, and shift in a 0 and a 1 for the LSBs
of the
lower and upper range limits respectively. Since we didn't perform an
operation that affects bits
beyond the Nth, we know the LSBs
will be 0 and 1.

Home Compression
Lower Range Misc. Programming
Bound = 1011010111001101

Upper Range Bound = 1101001001001100

Shift out the MSB (1) and write it to the encoded output

Lower Range Bound = 011010111001101?

Upper Range Bound = 101001001001100?

Shift in the new LSB

Lower Range Bound = 0110101110011010

Upper Range Bound = 1010010010011001


Now that we have a rule for shifting bits through our N bit variables,
We can do everything with N bit
math. Well almost. It turns out there's
one thing I overlooked. What happens when the lower and upper
range bounds
start to converge around 1/2 (0111.... and 1000...)? This condition is
called an underflow
condition. When an underflow condition occurs the MSBs
of the range bounds will never match.

The good news is that there's a fairly simple way to handle underflow.
We can recognize that an
underflow condition is pending when the two MSBs of
the lower range bound are different from the two
MSBs of the upper range
bound. What we have to do in this situation is to remove the second bit
both range bounds, shift the other bits left, and remember that we had
an underflow condition. We may
still have an underflow condition so this
process may need to be repeated. When we finally get an
opportunity to
shift out the MSB, follow it with the underflow bit(s) of the opposite
value of the
converged MSB.


Lower Range Bound = 0111010111001101

Upper Range Bound = 1011001001001100

This is an underflow condition remove the second MSB and shift all the
bits over.

Lower Range Bound = 0110101110011010

Upper Range Bound = 1110010010011001

Continue with encoding until MSBs match.

Lower Range Bound = 1011010111001101

Upper Range Bound = 1101001001001100

Write out the MSB (1) and underflow bit (0), and shift in the new LSB.

Lower Range Bound = 0110101110011010

Upper Range Bound = 1010010010011001

Stopping The Decoding Process

In my decoding example I stated that a three

symbol string should be decoded, but if you notice, there is
still a coded
value when we're done. We stopped decoding because the problem said to only
decode three
One of the methods for knowing when to stop the decoding process is to
include a symbol count
Home Compression
somewhere in the encoded Misc. Programming
file. The
file header is an ideal place to store the symbol

Another approach is to implement a "bijective" coder. The

idea of a "bijective" implementation seems
like more a hassle
than a benefit. If you're interested in learning about
"bijective" encoding/decoding
refer to
"one to one" compression discussion.

I took the approach of encoding an EOF. The upside is

that I don't need to include a total symbol count
in my header. I don't
even need to count EOFs, because there's only one. The
downsides are that the
EOF does take up space in the
probability line, and encoding the EOF may also add extra
bits to the
encoded file.

I performed a few tests comparing including a total symbol count in the

file header against encoding the
EOF. Encoding the
EOF appeared to result in the better average compression
ratios. My testing was far
from scientific. If I get some time I will
actually do a mathematical analysis of the two methods to
determine when
one method is better than the other.

Stopping the Encoding Process

Since I stop my encoding process after encoding the EOF
it is at that point that I know the final
probability range bounds.
However, our probability range bounds have infinite precision and we need
write enough bits to be sure that the value we output falls within the
range for the string we just encoded.
Since the decoder also uses N bits,
we just need to make sure it will have N bits to work with when it
the EOF. To do this, output the lower range bound's
second MSB, all remaining underflow bits,
plus an additional underflow bit.

Static vs. Adaptive Models

The arithmetic coding algorithm is well suited for both static and
adaptive probability models. Encoders
and decoders using adaptive
probability models start with a fixed model and use a set of rules to adjust
the model as symbols are encoded/decoded. Encoders and decoders that use
static symbol probability
models start with a model that doesn't change
during the encoding process. Static probability models may
be constant
regardless of what is being encoded or they may be generated based on the
encoded input.

Static Model and File Headers

My static probability model implementation uses a file header. Symbol

probabilities are computed prior
to the start of the encoding process and
they are stored in a file header for the decoder to use at the start
of the
decoding process.

The file header is section of data prior to the encoded output that
includes scaled range counts for each
encoded symbol
(except the EOF whose count is always one). Since I've scaled my
counts to all be 14
bit values, I cheat a little and just write 14 bit
values to the encoded file. Handling the 14 bit values is
only slightly
more complicated than handling 16 bit values, and it makes the file 512
bits smaller.

Adaptive Model and Symbol Range Updates

In the section on Computing Probability Ranges I

touched on the potential need to rescale adaptive
probability ranges and how
I did it. What I neglected to mention was why this happens and what it

As its name would suggest, the adaptive model updates with the data
stream. I chose to update my model
after a symbol is encoded or decoded.
After a symbol is encoded or decoded, it's upper bound and the
bounds of
every symbol after it must be incremented by one. On average that will be
128 updates per an
Home Compression
encode/decode Misc.alphabet.
in a 256 symbol Programming
Others have
tried to reduce the number of updates required by
placing the more common
symbols near the end of the list of ranges. Laziness and the my inability
to see
a great performance benefit kept me from trying that approach.

If adding a new symbol causes the total probability to exceed N - 2 bits,

the probability ranges must be
rescaled. One side
effect of rescaling is that symbols encoded/decode after a rescale operation
will have
twice the weight of symbols encoded prior to the rescale (the
weight of prior symbols is halved). I have a
feeling that this may be
beneficial more often than not, but it's not intended to be a feature of my

C Library Code Interface

Encoding Data


int ArEncodeFile(FILE *inFile, FILE *outFile,
const model_t model);

This routine generates a list of arithmetic code ranges for an
input file and then uses the ranges to
write out an encoded version
of that file.

- The file stream to be encoded. It must be opened and it must also
be rewindable if a static
model is used. If NULL, stdin will be

- The file stream receiving the encoded results. It must be opened
as binary. If NULL,
stdout will be used.

- model_t type value indicating whether a static model
or a dynamic model is to be used.

inFile is arithmetically encoded and written to
outFile. Neither file is closed after exit.

0 for success, non-zero for failure. errno will be set
in the event of a failure.

Decoding Data


int ArDecodeFile(FILE *inFile, FILE *outFile,
const model_t model);

This routine opens an arithmetically encoded file, reads it's
header, and builds a list of probability
ranges which it then uses
to decode the rest of the file.

- The file stream containing the encoded input. It must be opened
as binary. If NULL, stdin
will be used.

- The file stream receiving the decoded results. It must be opened
as binary. If NULL,
stdout will be used.

Home model
Compression Misc.indicating

- model_t type value Programming
whether a static model
or a dynamic model is to be used.

The arithmetically encoded file inFile is decoded and
the results are written to outFile. Neither file
closed after exit.

0 for success, non-zero for failure. errno will be set
in the event of a failure.

All of the C source code that I have provided is written in strict
ANSI C. I would expect it to build
correctly on any machine with an
ANSI C compiler. I have tested the code compiled with gcc on several
distributions as well as mingw on Windows XP. (Un)fortunately I don't
have a modern Windows
system to test.

There are some compile time options that offer minimal speed-up when
compiling code for a little endian
target, but the little endian code is
disabled by default.

My C implementation assumes that long integers (long) are

bigger than short integers (short), if this is
not the case
with your compiler, a compile time error should be issued.

The C implementation is also incapable of handling files with greater

than ULONG_MAX bytes to be
encoded. The program will issue an
error and gracefully terminate if the file being encoded is too large.

The Python code was tested using Python 2.6 on Linux and Windows XP.
It's possible that minor tweaks
will be required to get the code to run
properly using other versions of Python.

Further Information
I found Arturo Campos' articles on arithmetic coding to be a
huge help. Unfortunately all that is left of
them is the
wayback machine archive.
Mark Nelson's articles on arithmetic codeing was also a huge help.
Both articles provided most of the information that I used to implement
the algorithm.

An excellent paper on arithmetic coding was published by

Eric Bodden, Malte Clasen, and Joachim
Kneis after my initial
publication of this web page. It is recommended reading for anybody
interrested in
arithmetic coding.

Lazar Sumar also has some

interesting thoughts on arithmetic coding that he discusses on his blog.

Actual Software
I am releasing my implementations of the arithmetic coding algorithm
under the LGPL.
The source code
repositories are available on

C Version
Python Version

If you have any further questions or comments, you may contact me by

e-mail. My e-mail address is:
Home Compression Misc. Programming
Last updated on December 23, 2018

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