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Pre- Assessment Goal:

The goal is to collect data to drive our instruction. The plan for collecting the
data is to start by playing the game Red Light Green Light. The teacher will ask
a question if the student agrees their light is green if the student somewhat
agrees their light is yellow, and if the student does not agree then the students
light is red. The teacher will ask questions to gain understanding about how
each child feels about math, how they learn best, and what they enjoy. The
teachers will then pass out a paper assessment to assess students ability to
answer word problems concerning the subject matter. Then the students will be
assessed through an activity. The children will be asked to read the teachers
clock and write the time down on their white board, show the time on their
clock, and write down answers to questions on a white board. The data
sources include: observation, test, and two activities.

Topics students will be assessed on:

• Time Interval
• Measurement Units
• What does milliliters and litters measure?
• What does grams and kilograms measure?
• What tool do I use to measure?
• Ability to tell time and write it different ways
• Count by fives
• Read a clock and set a clock to a specific time

Reliability, Validity, and bias

During red light green light we struggled to record the data. The game went
faster than we could keep up with. Mrs. Pyper was recording the data during
the game and Mrs. Barrick was calling out the questions. The data may not be
valid because she was recording so quickly. Also we met the students minutes
before we were assessing so we were calling them by the wrong name
constantly and Mrs. Pyper was trying desperately to remember names while
recording the data. This may also lead for our data to be unreliable and thus not
valid. Another administrator may have gotten different results because we had a
hard time recording. I felt as if our questions were reliable the students did
seem to understand the questions. The students responded quickly with little
delay when a question was asked. When we handed out the paper test student
said, "this is really long." There are to many questions when in reality the
students were only asked to answer eight questions. We went through the test
and highlight the ones that the students needed to complete. There were lots
that they did not do. This may have intimidated the students. I feel like if we
would have copy and pasted the questions that they needed to do on one piece
of paper it may effect their scores. This effected our reliability.

Administration Conditions:

The assessment was administered on Monday, March 19, 2018 at 9 AM until

9:30 AM. The students finished the assessment much quicker than what we
anticipated. I took the assessment ahead of time to see how much time it would
take and it took be forty minutes. Anne typically takes longer than other
students. I noticed that when the other students were done she started putting
question marks on the questions that she had left. The next day I asked her to
try those questions again. She did and was able to complete them. The content
showed us a lot about what they knew and didn't. I wish that we would have
developed more questions to test each skill at least twice. The students were
asking questions about the wording on a few of the problems. If we tested each
criterion we were trying to assess we would have a better idea if they did not
understand the question or if they did not know the material. The assessment
was administered to the whole group. The group consisted of students from
Mrs. Cloward's class as well as Mrs. Ahrendsen's class. The students were very
talkative. The test was administered in Mrs. Ahrenden's classroom. Which was
a different environment for most of the students. Another group was also in the
room it was quite loud.
2. 30 Minutes
3. litters or milla-litters
4. gallon of milk or bathtub
5. 9:32
6. 20& 35
Students were asked to complete questions number (5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 16, and 19)
5. C Pan balance
6. part A 10+ 15+20 part B 45 Minutes
9. 2 grams
150 KG
50 mL
10. There were fewer liters than milliliters and there were more milliliters than
11. Adam is correct because grams are the units of mass.
16. 12:42, 18 before 1 and 42 after 12
19. 200 mL

Student Work:
Student #5

Student #6:
The assessment gave us a lot of information about our students we
learned that the students we are working with finish a lot faster than we
imagined at first. They complete task very quickly. Most of the students said
they like worksheets when they were asked but then when we gave them the
assessment they said that it was very long. We learned that they enjoy hands on
activities. Anne does not like to work in groups. We combined the lessons to
better serve their needs. They knew the material from the first three lessons at a
mastery level. They only remain engaged for a short period of time.
We felt like we did well at creating the system that we used to gather the
data. The chart we made was very helpful but Lauren Pyper was gathering all
of the students at once and that was a lot for her to handle. Next time we would
both gather half of the data. We felt as if the design of the questions tested their
ability to answer the question. We felt like the questions we asked gave us great
information so that we could teach to their needs. The format of the test was
difficult because we left items that were not needed in the document this
overwhelmed the students.
If we could go back and redo the assessment, we would have structured
it differently to be more engaging to the students. We would not have given the
students the entire packet of assessment questions from the text. Even though
there were only 8 questions they had to answer in the packet, it was
overwhelming for them to see four pages of questions. It would have been
better if we had made a separate document with just the questions we were
going to ask. Our method of recording answers was a little chaotic as well, it
was difficult to record the responses from 11 students quickly enough that they
did not get bored while waiting. For the section of the assessment where
students wrote their answers on the back of a page, we would have had them
number their paper before answering. Some students did that on their own but
most did not, which made evaluating their answers difficult. We think that
assessing students in smaller groups would have helped them focus better, as it
was distracting for them to have ten other students near them, all working at a
different pace.

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