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A Primeira Bruxa III- Thalys Eduardo Barbosa – Billy Ventura

The First Witch III- Thalys Eduardo Barbosa - Billy Ventura "Edwine Platin, you were
walking through the werewolf's forest." In the sky there was a very full and very orange
moon Platin was harvesting vists, in the forest .. Beside your owl ... When his father
Mario and his mother Cristine arrived home, They were with his brother, celebrating the
birth of Edwine Called this date of the birth of the first witch of Malleus And also
Hallowen .. Edwine felt a lot of pride about the prince. That was in the castle. Where
Edwine could not be revealed. Edwine had read the prophecy .. Of power kimbulo And
of being of greater magical power to be born .. Pro new millennium The son of Zedom
... Zee Griston .. Edwine entered her Cleopatra Crystal Ball on a Friday He sat on a
giant pumpkin .. And went to see the things that spoke in the future Using a betime .
Soon Platin turns all his house adorned as Halloween. Gold plots levitating Crows ..
Nuns, purple and white owls. He flew from Broom. A gold tiberi mary the first existing
broom. Platin had read a book about fanstasmas, Dracula .. And the history of victory,.
And then read on the crystal ball That the kimbulos were being called enlightenment
And what huge families of witch and kimbulos Were being decimated Platin knew that
Zedom was the Creator of the First Witch. And then ... She had slept with this secret. A
black cat Satanas miava near the crickets crows and many owls walking through the
forest next to the unicorns Near the snails forest. Edwine bathed under the full moon.
Platin's hair was red and very large. And she was wearing a Blair lipstick. E Listening to
the album Moon Ocuilts. And reading the pactorius spell.

- Edwine Platin , estava andando pela floresta do lobisomem

No céu estampava uma lua muito cheia e bem alaranjada

Platin estava colhendo visgos , na floresta ..

Ao lado de sua coruja ...

Quando chegou em casa seu Pai Mario e Sua mãe Cristine

Estavam junto do seu irmão , comemorando o nascimento de Edwine

Chamado esta data do nascimento da primeira bruxa de Malleus

E também Hallowen ..

Edwine sentia muita saldade do principe ..

Que estava no castelo .

Onde Edwine não podia ser revelada.

Edwine lera a profecia ..

Do poder kimbulo

E do ser de maior poder magico a nascer ..

Pro novo milenio

O filho de Zedom ...

Zee Griston ..

Edwine entrou na sua bola de Cristal de Cleopatra numa sexta feira

Sentou em cima de uma abobora gigante ..

E foi ver as coisas que falavam no futuro

Usando um betime

Logo Platin vira toda sua casa enfeitada como dia das Bruxas..

Aboras de ouro levitando



Corujas freiras , roxas e brancas.

Voou de Vassoura . A gold tiberi mary a primeira vassoura existente.

Platin lera um livro sobre fanstasmas , Dracula ..

E a historia de victoria ,.

E logo leu na bola de cristal

Que os kimbulos estavam sendo chamdos de iluminatis

E que familias enormes de bruxa e kimbulos

Estavam sendo dizimadas

Platin Sabia que Era Zedom o Criador da Primeira Bruxa.

E então ...

Ela dormira com esse segredo

Um gato negro Satanas miava perto dos grilos corvos e muitas corujas andando pela floresta
junto dos unicornios

Perto da floresta dos caracois.

Edwine tomou banho a baixo da lua cheia .

OS Cabelos de Platin estavam Ruivos , e muito grande

E estava usando um batom Blair .

E Ouvindo o disco Moon Ocuilts.

E lendo o feitiço pactorius .

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