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Unit 3 Introducing yourself and people

!!! First watch the videos! Follow the intonation!

1) 2) (as of min. 17:50)
3) 4)

2 people talking
Situation 1: (a young gentleman is approaching a young lady at a wedding (nunta; свадьба) where they’re guests)
- Excuse me! (the young lady is turning around) Hi, I’m Mark. What’s your name?
- Hi, Mark! My name’s Julia. How do you do! (bucuros de cunostinta!; приятно познакомиться!)
- How do you do! Are you the bride’s or the groom’s guest? (esti oaspetele miresei sau a mirelui?; вы гость невесты или жениха)
- I’m the bride’s (guest).
- Nice! I’m the groom’s. So, how do you like the wedding?
- Very beautiful!
Situation 2: (2 people have heard of each other (au auzit unul de altul; слышали друг о друге), but they’ve never met before. They have a common
- John?
- Yes!
- Hi, I’m Julia!
- Julia!? It’s so great to finally meet you!
- The pleasure is mine!
- So, how are you doing?
- I’m doing great. YourSELF?
- I’m actually doing awesome! Thanks for_askîng!
Situation 3: (on a plane two passengers talking)
- Hi! I’m John! (shaking hands)
- Hi, John! My name’s Kevin! Glad to meet_you!
- And you! / You, too! (si pe tine; и вас!)
Situation 4: (two business people meet for the first time)
- Hello, Mr. Robertson! I’m John Smith!
- Hello, Mr. Smith! It’s a pleasure meeting you!
- Likewise! (la fel; так же) Shall we get down to business? (Sa ne apucam de treaba; берёмся за дело?)
- Sure! I’m all yours! (desigur, eu sunt totul al tau; конечно, я весь твой!)
Situation 5: (at a birthday party, two guests meet for the first time)
- Excuse me! (the young lady is turning around) Hi! I don’t think we’ve met before, haven’t we? (Nu cred ca ne-am cunoscut inainte, nu-i asa?;
Не думаю, что мы раньше встречались, не так ли?)
- Me, neither! (nici eu; я тоже нет)
- I’m Kevin! (shaking hands)
- And I’m Laura!
- Pleased to meet you, Laura!
- It’s a real pleasure meeting you, too!
- Champagne?
- No, thanks!
Situation 6: (in a mall)
- Ma’am /Sir/ Young lady, excuse me! / (Ma’am / Sir / young lady), I think you’ve dropped your wallet!
(cred ca Dvs. ati scapat portmoneul; я думаю вы уронили кошелёк)
- Oh, thank you! Thank you! I appREciate ît! (Mersi! Apreciez; спасибо! Я ценю это!) I don’t know how to thank you more!
- You’ve already thanked me! By the way (apropo; кстати), my name’s Richard! How do you do!
- Hi, Richard! I’m Julia! Nice to meet you!
- Coffee?
- In fact, I’m in a hurry (eu sunt in graba; я спешу). Sorry! (But, you can call me later, if you like! (daca doresti; если хочешь) )
- Well, may I call you later?
- Well, I guess so! (cred ca da; я думаю да) Here’s my phone number!
- Thanks! It was nice meeting you!
- It was a pleasure meeting you, too!
- Bye!
Situation 7: (in a queue (in rind; в очереди))
- Excuse me, are you at the end of the queue?
- Yes, I am!
- I’ll be next. Have you been waiting long? (asteptati de mult timp?; ждёте долго?)
- Not too long, about 5 minutes.
- Is the line moving fast?
- Quite slowly, (destul de incet; достаточно медленно) I’d say (as zice; я бы сказал)!
- Well, then we have lots of time to chat in the meantime (intre timp; между временем).
- You think so?!
- I’m sure! My name’s John!
- I’m Jennifer!
- Nice to meet you, Jennifer!
- Nice to meet YOU!
- So, what do you do for a living? (ce faci ca sa cistigi existenta?; как ты зарабатываешь на жизнь?)

In front of an audience
Situation 1: (introducing yourself at a party in front of people. You want to say something.)
- Excuse me! Hi, everybody/every one! / Hi, pals! My name’s Julia. I’m Laura’s friend! / My name’s Valentin. I’m Laura’s friend. You can call me Val. /
People call me Val.
- (from the audience) Hi, Val!
- So, how are you, guys, doing?
- (audience) Good!!!!
- If I may have your attention for a moment, please! / May I have your attention (for a moment), please? I’d like to say thank you for your invitation./ I
just wanna say a toast. / I want to sing a song, which I’d like to dedicate (a dedica; посвятить) to Laura.

Situation 2: (at a conference)

- Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! My name’s Julia. / Let me introduce myself, my name’s Julia, Julia Smith. / I’d like to introduce myself. I’m
Julia. I’m the managing director of M.A.P. ADvertising.
On the phone
Situation 1: (answering a call on a home phone)
- Hello, Julia speaking! / Hello! This is Julia!
Situation 2: (answering the phone at work)
- Bell Canada, Julia speaking, how may I help you?/ This is Julia, how may I help you? / - Thank you for calling Bell Canada, this is Julia. How may I
help you?

Introducing people to each other (min. 8:53) (min 4:01)
Situation 1: (John and Peter are together. They see Michael at a party. John and Michael know each other, but Peter and Michael
don’t. John’s introducing Peter and Michael to each other)
- John: Hi, Michael, how are you doing, buddy? (prietene; дружище)
- Michael: Hey, John! Nice to see you! Long time no see! (demult nu ne-am vazut; давно не виделись!) How’ve you been? (cum
ai trait pina acum; как у тебя было до сих пор?)
- John: I’ve been great! Thanks for_asking. Michael, I want you to meet my workmate Peter. Peter, this is Michael,
my old school buddy. (vechiul meu prieten de scoala; мой старый школьный друг)
- Michael: Hi! Nice to meet you!
- Peter: Nice to meet YOU!
Situation 2: (At a business meeting Mr. Smith is introducing his business partners to each other)
- Mr. Brown, I’d like you to meet my business partner, Mr. Black!
- Mr. Black, this is my accountant Mr. Brown.
- How do you do!
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Brown!
Situation 3: (Introducing two friends, colleagues to each other)
John, this is my cousin Peter.
Peter, this is my teammate John!
Hey, how are you?
Situation 4: (you introduce your friend to your family)
- Mom, dad, I’d like to introduce my friend JOHN to you!
- John, this is my mother. Her name’s Emily Smith. (John, this is my mother Emily Smith.)
- Hello, Mrs. Smith. Pleased to meet you!
- Nice to finally meet YOU, John!
- And this is my father. His name’s Peter Smith. (And this is my father Peter Smith.)
- How do you do!
- Hello, John! Welcome!
Other expressions:
Allow me to (permite-mi; разреши)/ Let me introduce my friend John to you! / Let me introduce you to John! / Let me introduce to
you my friend John! John, let me introduce you to Bob.
May I introduce to you my brother John? (normally when speaking to the public) (pot sa va prezint pe fratele meu John?; могу я представить вам
моего брата?)
Please, meet my friend John! Alexandra, let me introduce you! This is my wife, Marilyn! You already met Robby!

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