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There are a lot of people who see homosexuality as a crime and a disease which can be

treated. However, these are those people that are prohibiting the progressive laws to enter the

Homosexuality is a person’s sexual preference and not a disease, just because heterosexuality
is “common” does not mean it is a norm and homosexuals violate it.

It is not a disease people get infected by, by watching or talking to homosexuals or engaging in
sexual acts with them, people are born that way. This is not a mere opinion, neurobiologist
Simon Levay’s 1991 Study on the Brains of 41 Cadavers proves it. A test was conducted on a
group of homosexuals and a group of heterosexuals and it was found that a cluster of neurons
in the brain were smaller in homosexuals which were the cause behind their homosexuality. It is
not a choice, it is innate. How and why should anybody be punished for something they are born
with? Why should a human be stripped of his/her rights? This is just one law, there are various

People often term homosexuality as against their religious scriptures and as a sin but the
religious orthodoxies fail to see that there is consent involved. Raping is a sin as the perpetrator
does not take the consent of the victim before raping. Homosexuality is not a sin as there are
two adults engaging in sexual activities with each other’s consent.

We live in the 21st century and it is time to break free from the shackles of orthodoxy and
embrace the progressive laws. Homosexuals do not harm the society, criminals do.
Homosexuals are not detrimental to the society as consent is involved and activities take place
between two adults. It does not harm any third person in the society. On the other hand, rape
does not involve consent and the country should be focusing on punishing rapists and other
criminals instead of criminalizing sexual activities between consenting adults and punishing the
innocent. There are so many more progressive laws that India needs to introduce as soon as

In the end, we'd like to conclude by quoting Kevyn Aucoin:

● “Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness,
negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make
mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace

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