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The Long-eared Owl

Asio otus

01. hlavná foto

They belong to our most abundant and most widespread owls. With their
ear tufts and coloration, they resemble the Eurasian eagle-owls, but they are
significantly smaller.

02.- 03. foto umiestnene vedla seba – spolocna popiska

They occupy open biotopes with sparse vegetation. They particularly

make use of the dense crowns of coniferous trees for rest. In winter, they are
also found in multiple flocks nearby human settlements.

04. mysiarka s potravou

They live mainly on mice and voles, more than 90% of the food
constitutes the common vole.

05. – 05.a foto umiestnene vedla seba - spolocna popiska

Mating starts in January or February. It is accompanied by a variety of

sounds, and also by specific wedding flying, along with flapping their wings.
They do not build their nests but nest in old nests of crows and magpies.
Moreover, they lay from 4 to 5 eggs, which incubate for about four weeks.

06. mladata

The young owls demand food with a squeaky sound. After abandoning
their nests, they stay nearby it. Their parents feed them and teach them to

07. foto na doplnenie - orez

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