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No African animals list would be complete Our choices define our lifestyle. Even our
without the giraffe! One of the most distinctive smallest choices set a long chain of events
of all animals, this long-necked creature is the
that directly or indirectly affects everything
world’s tallest land animal.
and everyone around us. The universe has
always been kind to us and has provided for
Its extreme height gives the giraffe easy access to
tall trees, meaning that it can eat plants and our survival, comfort, and nourishment. But
leaves that other herbivores can’t reach. we humans have adapted habits that
continue to harm the environment

The Lotus, the national flower of India, is a

symbol of supreme reality. Hindu religion and
mythology portray goddess Saraswathi, the muse
of learning, as being seated on a lotus flower. To
the Indian psyche, the lotus is more than a flower
– it represents both beauty and non-attachment.

Researchers at the University of Toronto's

Rotman School of Management found that the
act of washing your hands can actually reset your
brain, clearing out old ideas and making way for
new and improved ones.

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