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Most Commonly asked One word substitutes ( For IBPS, SSC, PSU,

RBI, Insurance Exams, etc. ) – By www.

1. Altruist - Philanthropist, one who loves mankind.

2. Amateur - one who does things for pleasure.
3. Ambidextrous - one who can use either hand with ease.
4. Anarchist - One who is out to destroy all govt. peace and order.
5. Atheist - (Syn.-Agnostic) ,One who is not sure about God's Existence
6. Bankrupt - ( Syn-Insolvent) , one who is not able to pay his debts.
7. Bigot - (Syn- Fanatic, One who is over exited in religious matters)
8. Canibal - One who feeds on human flesh.
9. Carnivorous - one who eats Flesh only.
10. Connoisseur - Critical judge of any art and craft.
11. Cosmopolitan - One who regards the whole world as his own.
12. Cynic - One who sneers (mock) at the beliefs of others
13. Dilettante - a dabbler in art science and literature.
14. Effeminate - One person who is womanish in his habits.
15. Egoist - One who thinks about himself only
16. Egotist - One who always talks about his achievements.
17. Emigrant - One who leaves his country to settle abroad.
18. Epicure - One who is for pleasure of eating and drinking.
19. Fastidious - One who is hard to please
20. Fatalist - one who believes in fate.
21. Feminist - One who works for the welfare of women (Philogynist)
22. Fugitive - One who runs from justice
23. Henpecked - A husband ruled by his wife. ( Joru ka gulam)
24. Herbivorous - one who lives on herbs.
25. Honorary - one who holds a post without any salary
26. Iconoclast - One who is breaker of images and traditions.
27. Immigrant -A person who comes to a country from his own country
for settling.
28. Illiterate - one who can’t read and write....
29. Impregnable - That cannot be entered by force.
30. Imposter - One who pretends to be Somebody else.
31. Introvert - One who does not expresses himself freely.
32. Invincible - That cannot be conquered
33. Invulnerable - That cannot be harmed or wounded.
34. Mercenary - A soldier who fights for money.
35. Misanthrope - One who hates Mankind
36. Misogamist - one who hates the institution of marriage.
37. Misologist - one who hates knowledge ( Ant. Bibliologist)
38. Novice - ( Syn. Tyro ) one who is inexperienced in anything.
39. Numismatists - One who collects coins.
40. Omnivorous - one who eats everything.
41. Optimist - One who looks at the bright side of things.
42. Pessimist - One who looks at the dark side of things.
43. Philanthropist - lover of mankind.
44. Polyglot - One who speaks many languages. ( Syn. Linguists)
45. Philanderer - One who amuses himself by love making.
46. Philatelists - One who collects stamps.
47. Samaritan - One Who helps needy people.
48. Stoic - A person who is indifferent to pain and pleasure.
49. Teetotaller - One who does not take any intoxicating drugs.
50. Toper / Sot - One who is habitual drunkard.
51. One who is easily deceived: Gullible

52. One who does not make mistakes: Infallible

53. One who can do anything for money: Mercenary

54. One who has no money: Pauper

55. One who changes sides: Turncoat

56. One who is out to subvert a government. -Anarchist

57. One who is recovering from illness. -Convalescent

58. One who is all powerful -Omnipotent

59. One who is present everywhere. -Omnipresent

60. One who knows everything - Omniscient

61. One who is easily deceived. -Gullible

62. One who can do anything for money. - Mercenary

63. One who has no money. -Pauper

64. One who changes sides. - Turncoat

65. One who works for free. -Volunteer

66. One who loves books. -Bibliophile

67. One who can speak two languages. -Bilingual

68. One who loves mankind. -Philanthropist

69. One who hates mankind. –Misanthrope
70. A dancer on rope - Acrobat

71. A person who holds that nothing is known or likely to be known of the existence of God - Agnostic.

72. A statement which is obsolete or capable of more than one

interpretation - Ambiguous.

73. An oval or circular theater with seats rising behind and above each other round a central open space -

74. A letter which does not bear the name or signature of the writer - Anonymous.

75. A place of permanent residence -Domicile.

76. Government by the people - Democracy.

77. Government by the nobles - Aristocracy.

78. Government by the officials - Bureaucracy.

79. Government by the few - Oligarchy.

80. One who eats everything is - Omnivorous

81. That which is inherited from forefathers - Ancestral

82. The secret of transmuting baser metals into gold - Alchemy.

83. The study of teaching - Pedagogy.

84. The science of valid thinking - Logic.

85. One who works for free: Volunteer
86. One who loves books: Bibliophile
87. One who can speak two languages: Bilingual
88. One who loves mankind: Philanthropist
89. One who hates mankind: Misanthrope

90. A person who is womanish in his habits – Effeminate

91. Unconventional style of living – Bohemian

92. A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another - Emigrant
93. A person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there – Immigrant
94. Fear of Water – Hydrophobia
95. A job with high salary but little responsibility – Sinecure
96. A Speech made without any preparation – Extempore
97. A person having same name as another – Namesake
98. The study of coins – Numismatics
99. A home for old persons– Infirmary
100. To feel or express disapproval of something or someone – Deprecate
101. Easily duped or fooled– Gullible
102. To keep a great person or event in people’s memory – commemorate
103. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views – fanatic
104. The action of looking within or into one’s own mind – introspection

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