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Name : _____________________ Date : Friday, August 3rd 2018

A. Draw a ring around the larger number

1. larger = lebih besar
10 1 smaller= lebih kecil
3 9

B. Draw a ring around the smaller number

8 4

3 9

C. Tick (√) the set with more objects more : lebih banyak
fewer : lebih sedikit
same : sama

D. Tick (√) the set with fewer objects

E. Tick (√) the correct sets.

1. Which set have the same number?

2. Which set have the fewer number?

F. Write “more” or “fewer”
1. Set A Set B

Set A has ___________________________ books than Set B

2. Set A Set B

Set B has ___________________________ books than Set A

G. Write the missing numbers




There is ___________________ fewer elephant than kangaroos.


carrots pineapples

There are ____________________ more carrots than pineapples

H. Look at the numbers

6 2 5 1 9

7 4 3 0 10

8 smallest : paling kecil

largest : paling besar
less than : kurang dari

1. Order the numbers from the smallest to the largest


2. Which numbers are less than 4?


3. Which number is less than 1?


4. Which number is between 5 and 7?


I. Dictation
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________
7. ________________________________________
8. ________________________________________
9. ________________________________________
10. ________________________________________

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