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Marcos Montes Rodríguez (6A group)

Opinion on Volare Chinese flamenco cover by Tumbaito

This musical video is for a Chinese cover of a Spanish song called “Volaré”, performed
by Tumbaito.

The song was a hit in Spain in its original version, so apparently, they have tried to export
it to China. The video idea is based in two of the most popular Spanish stereotypes,
flamenco music and bullfighting, because even when there is no bullfighting in the video,
the stage is a bullring.

The using of these themes associated to Spain will be considered offensive for some
people, but is a well-known fact that the Spanish culture based in stereotypes is very
popular in Asia, especially in China and Japan, so it must be seen just as a commercial

Stereotypes are slowly disappearing thanks to globalization, but they are still common
nowadays. Television, cinema, literature… have helped us to create a wrong image of
many countries that we don’t know by first hand. That is the main reason why people
love those stereotypes, because before knowing a country, they grew up imagining it from
equivocated images and they still cling to these.

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