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ComponentOne MVC Tools GrapeCity, Inc -


The Ultimate UI Tools for ASP.NET MVC powered by HTML5 and jQuery

We believe that the best UI practices in MVC are simply rendered markup enhanced
with jQuery UI. Our MVC Scaffolding automates that entire process. The Wijmo MVC
Scaffolding generates rich interactive Views and Controllers for your entire Model.

We also provide a Project Template that is already enhanced with jQuery UI and
Wijmo. This studio will help you rapidly develop MVC applications with interfaces
richer than WebForms.

* High Performance: Fully extensible client-side widgets written in jQuery

* Latest Standards Support: CSS3 and HTML5 compliance.
* Major Browser Support: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
* Themes: Built-in premium CSS3 themes and all Controls are compatible with jQuery
UI Themeroller.
* Tightly integrated with jQuery UI.
* MVC Scaffolding for generating rich UIs
* Custom Project Template to accelerate development in MVC.

Community support is provided in the following forum:

- Installed Files

The ComponentOne MVC Tools installs the following.

Custom C# Template: MVC3 Wijmo Application

Custom VB Tamplate: MVC3 wijmo Application
Custom C# Template: MVC4 Wijmo Application
Custom VB Tamplate: MVC4 wijmo Application

This studio requires Visual Studio 2010+ with SP1, NuGet, and the ASP.NET MVC Tools

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