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Installing and configuring Eclipse 3.

1. Installing Eclipse

1.1 Install/copy JDK 1.4x. Note that Eclipse 3.1 requires JDK 1.4.x to start.

1.2 Unzip Eclipse SDK ( from

\\arcotindc\xfer\Software\Eclipse\3.1M4 to a suitable location (say C:\tools)

2. Installing pluggins for Eclipse

2.1 Unzip,, JEM- from \\arcotindc\xfer\Software\Eclipse\3.1M4\pluggins to the
directory where you installed eclipse(C:\tools). These files are prerequisites to
install eclipse Web Tools Platform plugin.

2.2 Unzip from \\arcotindc\xfer\Software\Eclipse\3.1M4\pluggins to

the directory where you installed eclipse(C:\tools). This is the eclipse Web Tools
Platform plugin.

3. Running Eclipse
After you install (unzip) the Eclipse driver in a directory (such as c:\tools\eclipse),
start the Workbench by running the Eclipse executable file found in the top level
install directory. The executable file is called eclipse.exe on Windows systems and
eclipse on Linux systems. Note: the following discussion describes setting up on
Windows systems. Setup on Linux is analogous.
If you do not specify otherwise, the platform creates a default workspace
directory as a sibling of the executable (for example, c:\eclipse\workspace). This
workspace directory is used as the default content area for your projects as well as
for holding any required metadata. For shared or multi-workspace installs you
should explicitly state the location of your workspace rather than using the
default. There are two ways to control the location of your workspace: using the
current working directory or using the -data command line argument.

3.1 Setting the workspace location to be inside the current working directory

In this scenario, the workspace location will be a directory called workspace

inside the current working directory.
Perhaps the easiest way of doing this is to create a shortcut using the following
1. Navigate to eclipse.exe in the Windows Explorer and using a right button
drag, create a shortcut to eclipse.exe.
2. Edit the properties of the shortcut such that the Start in: field identifies
the parent directory of your workspace location (for example,
3. Close the properties dialog and double-click on the shortcut (if the
provided directory was c:\users\robert, the workspace location would be
Of course you can get the same effect using a command prompt by changing
directory to your workspace parent's directory and then running eclipse.exe.

3.2 Setting a specific location for the workspace with -data

To use the -data command line argument, simply add -data

your_workspace_location (for example, -data c:\users\robert\myworkspace) to the
Target field in the shortcut properties, or include it explicitly on your command
3.3 If you have JDK 1.4x installed on your machine eclipse will start normally.
3.4 If JDK 1.4x is not installed but just copied to your machine you need to pass
in run time parameter to eclipse specifying the VM. It is better to create a shortcut
to eclipse at your desktop for this. You can also pass runtime parameters to
specify memory heap size.

3.4.1 Setting the java VM using -vm

It is recommended that you explicitly specify which Java VM to use when

running Eclipse. This is achieved with the -vm command line argument
(for example, -vm c:\jre\bin\javaw.exe). If you don't use -vm, Eclipse will
use the first Java VM found on the O/S path. When you install other
products, they may change your path, resulting in a different Java VM
being used when you next launch Eclipse.

3.4.2 If you have created shortcut to eclipse right click on the shortcut and select
3.4.3 In the Target textbox copy the following text:
C:\tools\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\jre\bin\javaw.exe
-vmargs -Xmx256m

Here C:\tools\eclipse\eclipse.exe is the eclipse path on your machine and

C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\jre\bin\javaw.exe is the path to javaw.exe of JDK 1.4x
installed on your machine.

4 Remote debugging with Tomcat

Remote debugging is the easiest and most useful form of debugging. In this
debugging mechanism Eclipse assumes that the app server/web server is running in
Debug mode.

4.1 Running Tomcat in Debug mode:

Start Tomcat using the following script:
set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
set classpath=
set CATALINA_HOME=C:\ArcotES // set as per your application
set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3.1_01 // set as per your JDK

c:\ArcotES\bin\catalina jpda start // as per path of your Catalina.bat

Important: Transfort developers running Transfort on Tomcat 4.0.3 will face

problem. The Catalina.bat file for them has to be replaced with the Catalina.bat
file saved at \\arcotindc\xfer\Software\Eclipse\config\Catalina.bat .
The sample startup script for tomcat is saved at

4.2 Running Eclipse Debugger:

4.2.1 Go to Debug perspective.

4.2.2 Select Run -> Debug
4.2.3 Select Remote Java Application.
4.2.4 Click New
4.2.5 Set appropriate connection properties. The Port will be same as
4.2.6 Click on Debug.

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