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Ruben Camacho

Mrs. Carol

September 23, 2018

​The Title

I chose epigraph #2. In stage 2, you would see that Mirabella acts ignorant and carefree to the point where

they can't stop her. For the past three stages she's been nothing but inhuman and unable to adapt to the

new culture, which is exactly like her in stage 2.

At the beginning of stage 2, Claudette points out,´´the whole pack was irritated, depressed. We were all

uncomfortable, and between language.´´(229) But then later on in stage two, the pack started to adjust.

Not mirabella, Claudette then states,´´ mirabella would rip foamy chunks out of the church pews and

replace them with ham bones and girl dander.´´(230) This means Mirabella is the only one who still lives

her past culture and did not adjust.

Furthermore, claudette states in stage 2 that Mirabella would,´´go bounding around, gleefully spraying on

their gilded statue of St.Lucy's...´´(231). Russell includes the word gleefully to show that she is carefree.

My theory is that Mirabella's part in the story is the one who fails to forget her past that causes something

terrible such as separation from the pack. Then it plays a big role in the story.

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