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Airene Bianca d’Eclaire

- Quiet and lethargic

- Studies the art of language
- Unexpressive and often spaces out
- Embodies the element water
- A botanist that could either poison or heal
- Does not like pseudoscience
- Does not like attention
- Slightly suicidal (drowns herself but realizes she can’t die from drowning)
Xenos Skylark
- Rebellious and vengeful
- Studies the science of alchemy
- Capable but self-centered
- Represents the element of earth
- Experiments with weapon making
- Studious but close-minded
- Does not listen well to others
Fidelia Este Runic
- Loud and adventurous
- Does not like boring things
- Studies ranged magic
- Symbolizes the element of air
- Occasional explosions of telekinetic energy
- Does test runs for Xenos’ weapons
- Partially immune to Airene’s poison
- Barrages Airene’s garden on a regular basis
- Hated by a lot of people
Sylvette Amaryllis
- Can only be seen by Airene (most of the time)
- Logical and collected
- Possesses the ancient magic of time
- Lives in the old journal that Airene carries
- Is a hundred year old tree spirit
Mikhail Alaire
- Son of the royal family’s branch family
- Was exempted from going to Little Garden due to his lineage
- Secretly possess the element of fire
- Intelligent but very aloof
- A genius in sword-fights
- Owns Astria’s great library for himself

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