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Students’ needs: questionnaire. Google form poll

Why are you learning English? Do You like English?
Do you use English outside the class?
Which are harder your for you: listening, speaking, writing, reading?
Do you like listening to music in English?
How do you feel about the people presented in the English books?
Post communicative approach
Project: school: spaces and people. No dar las tipicas reglas de present simple be
The teaching sequence may look something like this: introduce yourself to the class
and model introductions; show students a video of people introducing themselves; have
students match the faces with occupations, age and other personal information; ask students
to make a list occupations in school; ask students to make a list of questions for the school
staff; offer relevant feedback on content and one element of language use at a time; design
pedagogic tasks with a focus on grammar/language use; organise a special opern-class day
when students use English to introduce school staff to the community.

Definicion task. Nunan (2004). Piece of classroom work that involves learners in
comprehending, manipulating producing or interacting in the target language while their
attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to express meaning,
and in which the intention is to convey meaning rather than manipulative form. The task
should also have a sense of completeness, being able to stand alone as a communicative act in
its own right with a beginning, a middle and en end.
Basically, tasks are usually integrated towards a greater goal, which should be as close
as possible to a real-life situation; as a result, language is not as predetermined; and
experience with the class is what informs planning on following pedagogic tasks with a
language focus. Every task implies a cycle which involves a pre-task, the task itself, analyzing
and reporting. During the pre-task, students may make lists, research on a topic on carry out a
moe controlled language activity like matching or labeling. Then, the task may involve listening
to a story and making notes to later report on a podcast, write paragraph sub-headlines
Information gap.
Dar a un estudiantes un folleto de vacaciones, receta con huecos y tienen que rellenar
preguntando a otro compañero que lo tiene complete. Dar vocabulario de antemano, fijar una
situación ficticia les dices que estamos de vacaciones, y no tenemos conexión a internet, el
perro nos ha mordido el leaflet y necesitas resolver el problema
Role plays
Sin conflicto: un comprador pide por ítems en una lista a un vendedor que le sirve.
Conflicto: las cartas del comprador incluye that they are out of sugar y necesita º kg of
sucar, so negotation of meaning is pushed.
Lee un pequeño texto a normal velocidad. Después de leerlo la priemra vez,
preguntales si lo han comprendido: Where are they? What is the problema? Who is the
narrator? Se usan historias cortas, o una situación con un conflicto. 300 palabras
Lee el mismo texto otra vez pero mas lento. Esta vez pide que tomen notas, porque
ellos tendrán que originar una historia que se acerque a la versión original.
Pide a los estudiantes que trabajen en parejas, compara las versión y escribe una
versión unificada.
Pide a los estudiantes que editen los errores,
Da la versión original del texto y pideles que las comparen. Que contenidos son
diferentes? Gramatica?
Recoge las versiones y usalas para estudiar el nivel de la producion de los estudiantes.
Toma nota en los usos del lenguaje
Find your pair. Da a los estudiantes una carta y los estudiantes tienen que encontrar a
la pareja y hacer al acción mostrada en la tarjeta.
Point, repeat, listen, look. En un circulo en el suelo, jugar a simon says con 4 acciones.
Simon says: point to the door, window, walll. Simon says: repeat after me: today is a beatiful
day. Simon says: listen to a friend who is sharing something nice with us. Simon says: look at
me after clapping three times. Now, look at maria after stamping your feet.
Point to something yellow, how do we call that object in English, is it a pencil?
What colour is your pencil.
The telephone: sentados en un circulo. Responder a un telephone escucha y
habla.listen to me, repeat what you have Heard. Es bueno usar frases y luego escribirlas en las
pizarra. I cut a beautiful yellow flower with my new pair of scissors. I ave a new book to read
when I get hoe. I listen to my teacher whispering something. I like to draw and colour.
Say in mime: empezar una frase para que un estudiante la termine. The teacher says:
I’m Reading a… 8and students mime Reading a book, a magiine, a copybook). What are you
reading? Los niños tienen que responder que estan estudiando. I am pasting a picture of a girl
on…. I am cutting the imagge of a
Do all three. Enseña esta canción y actúala con realia. The mulberry bush.
This is the way. This is the way I cut with scissors, cut with scissors, cut with
scissors, this is the way I cut with scissors, every day at school, this is the way I paste with glue,
paste with glue, paste with glue. This is the way I paste with glue. Every day at school. This is a
way I read a book, read a book, read a book. This is the way I read a book. Every night at home.
This is the way I write my name, write my name, write my name. this is the way I write my
name, every afternoon.

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