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Student affiliation




1. Besides from the challenges he poses due to the Asperger’s syndrome, it is true to

state that kenyon has numerous strengths. Some of his strengths include his

exceptional memory for figures and facts which are evident in his class performance,

direct communication that sees him call others out when they are incorrect, intensive

focus when working on a favorite activity, detail oriented and honesty.

2. From the case study, Kenyon interests mostly lies in video gaming. His goal is to

become a video game developer and even writes video games openly in front of his

teachers when he gets bored in class. In addition, Kenyon also enjoys working by

himself and dominates group discussions and will not entertain or include other ideas

that are different from his own.

3. Self-determination means making things happen in our own lives instead of others

doing things for us. People who are high in self-determination like Kenyon tend to

believe that they have control over their own lives. Kenyon unlike most children his

age knows exactly what he wants to do after high school. He also talks in class,

refuses to stop an activity h enjoys doing and even hates working in group works. In

addition, Kenyon has a naïve view of work and has thus never worked any paid or

volunteer jobs.

4. Kenyon possess an exceptional memory for figures and facts and is therefore

classified as an A/B student, even in honors classes. According to his algebra teacher,

Kenyon has a natural ability in math, so much that he is able to ‘’intuit’’ the answers

to complex algebraic problems. Despite possessing academic skills, Kenyon does not

exhibit any functional, communication or social skills. It is because of this that it is

said that his social maturity is well below his academic maturity.

5. To accomplish his vision Kenyon will need more than just academic skills which he

so possesses. He will require functional skills such as teamwork which will enable

him work in partnership with his core workers. Despite taking all the work for

himself, \kenyon will need to adopt the spirit of unity if he is to achieve his video

gaming vision. On matters of daily living, Kenyon needs to learn how to conduct

simple chores such as cooking, sewing, home budgeting, cleaning his room and

laundry. Without such skills it is impossible for one to live a successful life.

Communication skills are also important in the work filed. According to the text,

Kenyon often antagonizes students and argues with his teachers, does not ask for help

when he needs it nor does he explain his thinking. Without clear communication,

kenyon would find it hard to accomplish his vision. Last but not least, social skills are

essential because they help individuals communicate more efficiently and effectively

and, as a result, help one build, maintain and grow relationships with new contacts,

clients, and colleagues. While academic skills play a crucial part in accomplishing his

vision of becoming a video game developer, without social skills, Kenyon is unable to

achieve this for no man is an island.

6. Kenyon has no previous work experience for he has never worked any paid or

volunteer jobs. He has a very naïve view of work and due to his behavioral issues, his

parents have never trusted that he would be appropriate and safe at work.

7. To inform his decision making and prepare him for life beyond high school, Kenyon

would need to have hold a paid or volunteer job for which he may shoulder adult-

level responsibilities. For community experiences, Kenyon would need to engage in

various community service projects as they provide leaners with the opportunity to

become active members of their community and have a lasting positive impact on

society at large. According to the text, Kenyon has never helped a neighbor or

delivered newspaper which is an indication of irresponsibility. To build a good

rapport he may engage in community service projects such as mowing his neighbor’s

lawns, raking leaves for an elderly neighbor, offer dog-walking services or walking

kids from school.

8. A truly successful transition process is the result of comprehensive team planning that

is driven by the dreams, desires and abilities of the student. During the planning

process, Kenyon’s school and VR agencies may work together to identifying the

leaner’s transition needs, such as his need for rehabilitation or assistive technology,

mobility and orientation services or travel training, and career exploration via

vocational assessments or work experiences opportunities.

9. Instead of a program-based approach, I suggest an investigation on specific program

elements that is, discrete activities and their relationships with leaner’s career and

academic outcomes. Knowing the relationships between specific high school and

career preparation activities and high school and work outcomes would be helpful for

practitioners and policy makers to make informed decisions on what activities to

invest funding and time into.

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