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Value Education (18LEM102J)

B.Tech II Sem

Name:- Shariq Aftab

Reg No. :- RA2011026030021

Q1. What is the relevance of developing social skills in the society?

Not everyone has an easy time getting out, meeting people, and making friends.
Some individuals tend to avoid social situations because of the anxiety and
discomfort they might experience. Others are simply introverted and like
spending time alone rather than being surrounded by people. No matter which
category you fall into, it’s still best to cultivate healthy social skills and effective
strategies for communication with others. Social skills, also referred to as soft
skills or interpersonal skills, are important because they enable you to foster and
maintain meaningful relationships with employers, colleagues and network
contacts. No matter which industry you work in or the experience level you have,
social skills are beneficial to and can elevate your professional career.
Having a solid set of social skills allows you to communicate, relate to, and
connect with other people. This is essential for establishing friendships and
navigating your way through life with a better degree of satisfaction. It can be
surprising how many doors open in life and how many opportunities can fall into
your lap when you have good social skills.

Q2. What is the contribution of an engineer in the development of the society?

Ans.Engineers contributed very significantly to a country’s development from an

agricultural economy to one that includes manufacturing, communication
services and exploitation of the country’s natural resources like tin, hydropower,
oil and gas. They built the infrastructure and the tools necessary for progress.
Without road, highways, bridges, clean water supply, electrical power supply,
telephone and cell phone communication, we would be living lives in the jungle,
where it will be dark at night and water is from well. Engineers build new
townships and residential areas which create more jobs opportunity to the
adjacent areas.

In the city, engineers build high rise building which maximize land usages,
provide a better and comfortable working environment to increase quality &
productivity of work. Engineers also forecast & plan for future water demands &
make proposals to solve current water supply problems. Example: Proposal of
building new water treatment plants & reservoirs, or replacement of old
pipelines to reduce loses due to leakages and so on, all these were developed and
built with the input from engineers. One of the engineer’s contributions that have
major impact of the lives of many members of society is in the Transportation
sector.Better transportation networks such as PLUS, KESAS, ELITE, will boost
many new residential area & township development of suburban area. Upgrading
of road network and transportation system improve production and economy;
improve unity of nation and communication between state. People find easier
and more convenient in moving around from one place to anther place. It only
takes about 4 hours to travel from Penang to KL with North South Highway. Rest
& Recreation Area provide a place for road users to rest and a new optional place
for food, recreation and public services.

Q3. Are you “Self-Motivated”? How do you keep yourself motivated? Illustrate.

I have always been self-motivated. No one in my family had attended college, but
I was always determined to do so. I, therefore, put myself through college and
graduate school with no financial support from my family. In the workplace, I
bring that same drive to managing projects and deadlines. I know how to set a
goal for myself and achieve it.Being a fatherless , eldest son. i find myself
surrounded by lots of responsibility . whenever i get stuck somewhere these
responsibilities push me to do it face it and make it.

Q4. Explain any five personal values.

Achievement values are the incentives or purposes that individuals have for
succeeding on a given task. Children’s achievement values affect their
self-regulation and motivation because goals influence how children approach,
engage in, and respond to academic tasks . When students value a task, they will
be more likely to engage in it, expend more effort on it, and do better on it.
Research indicates that children’s subjective task values are strong predictors of
children’s intentions and decisions to continue taking coursework in both Math
and English .

Courage. Integrity is the ability to stand by an idea. That seems about right but
it’s missing one important ingredient. Moral courage in our personal lives means
to stand up and be counted when a wrongdoing occurs. It means to support
people of good will. It means, at least sometimes, to put the interests of others
ahead of our own self-interest. After all, if you run into a burning building to save
the occupants you certainly have done just that.

Friendship.Everyone needs special people to laugh, share secrets and celebrate

life with, but friendships aren’t just about enjoying good times together.
Maintaining true friendships is important for physical, emotional and spiritual
well being—having good friends also means being one. Let these quotes inspire
you to find and cherish meaningful friendships while being a nurturing and
loving friend to those around you.

Health isn’t just about fitness or exercise; it’s about movement and embodiment,
being fully alive here and now, regardless of whether things are going the way we
want them to or not.Health is about feeling and accepting our emotions, letting
them run their course, and being our authentic selves through whatever curves
come up in our life journeys.Health is about receiving nourishment and pleasure
from our food. Balancing our intake of foods that are good for us with foods that
we love even if they’re not.Health is about finding windows of relaxation, even in
the midst of busy days and nights. It’s about taking time for self-care, to unwind,
to slow down, rest, and recharge.

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