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The War on Terror has contributed to the growing abuse of Human Rights


 The War on Terror has provided world leaders with a ‘legal’ cover to infringe upon the
Human Rights of in the name of National Security.
 Thesis Statement
 “Man separated from law and justice is the worst kind of Animal”--Aristotle
 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Geneva Conventions (1949)

Main Body

 How war on terror has violated Human Rights?

o Right to Life (Drone Attacks, Carpet bombings, death of innocent civilians)
o Right to free and Fair trials (Guantanamo, Abu Gharib, CIA detention cells)
o Extra-judicial killings (Saddam Hussain, Gaddafi, OBL operation, Al-Qaida)
o Right to Privacy (NSA Mass Surveillance)
o Right to Religious freedom ( Islamophobia, Chinese laws in Xinjiang)
o Right to education, employment
o Discussed everything in this section (Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan)
 How States have contributed to the abuse of Human Rights?
o Blank cheque by Congress to Bush Administration post 9-11
o Protection of Pakistan Ordinance 2014
 21st Amendments (Military Courts)
o Anti-Terror laws in Germany, France and other European countries
o Chinese Anti-terror laws in Xinjiang province
o US Senate standing committee report on CIA Torture techniques
 Enhancive Interrogation Techniques
 Impact of Abuse of Human Rights
o Propaganda tool used by Terrorist organizations to recruit bombers
o Rise of ISIS
o Birth of TTP
 Critical Analysis
o Winning war on terror is necessary for ensuring global peace but winning it by
abusing fundamental rights will not lead to productive results.
 Case Study of Singapore
o Fighting terror by reinforcing Human rights rather than abusing it


 A vicious cycle has been created in which governments’ abuse human rights and the
terrorist organizations use it as a justification for their terrorist activities.

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