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The movie15 Package

Alexander Grahn

16th May 2012

A LATEX package for inclusion of movies, sounds and 3D objects into PDF
documents with PDF-1.5/1.6 compatibility.
Keywords: embed, movie, LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, PDF, 3D, JavaScript, include,
sound, video, multimedia, animation

Note: This package is obsolete now. Consider using package ‘media9’.

1 Introduction 1

2 Installation 2

3 Requirements 2

4 Using the package 2

5 The user interface 3

5.1 Media inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5.2 Inclusion of 3D objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.3 Media hyperlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.4 Compatibility commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

6 Examples 15

A 3D quick-start guide 16

B Media formats 19

1 Introduction
The way multimedia content, i. e. movies and sounds, is included into PDF
has changed with Adobe’s PDF specification, version 1.5. PDF-1.5 supports a

larger variety of movie and sound formats, limited only by the number of plug-
ins available for Adobe Reader® . With PDF-1.6, support for 3D objects, stored
in the U3D file format, has been added. See Table 3 for a list of viable media
formats. The specification allows media file contents to be completely embedded
into the PDF output, thus producing self-contained PDF documents.
This package provides an interface to embed movies, sounds and 3D objects into
PDF documents for use with LATEX as well as pdfLATEX. Media file contents is
incorporated into PDF output by default. This is done either directly during
source processing using pdfLATEX or during conversion from Postscript to PDF
using Ghostscript’s ps2pdf.
The final PDF output can be viewed with Windows® and Mac OS® versions of
Adobe Reader. However, embedded media file data can also be extracted and
saved to disk from within Readers which support file attachments. This makes
PDF documents a little more portable to Readers which do not ship with a
multimedia plug-in.
‘movie15’ works well together with the presentation making package ‘Beamer’.
In particular it supports its overlay concept. See this example. Also read the
comments in the example’s source file, ‘overlay-example.tex’, on how to use
‘movie15’ with ‘Beamer’.

2 Installation
The file ‘movie15.sty’ should be stored in a place where LATEX can find it.

3 Requirements
pdfTEX, version ≥ 1.20, is needed for direct PDF output.
If the package option ‘3D’ is set, ‘movie15’ loads Michael Mehlich’s ‘fp’ package
for fixed point arithmetic. Since it does not belong to the core packages of most
TEX distributions it must be installed prior to selecting the ‘3D’ option.
Adobe Reader, version 6, is required for playing movies and sounds, version 7
for rendering embedded 3D content.

4 Using the package

Invoke the package by putting the line
\usepackage[<package options>]{movie15}
to the preamble of your document, i. e. somewhere between \documentclass
and \begin{document}.
‘movie15’ honours the following package options:

Enables the 3D feature from the PDF-1.6 specification. Inclusion of 3D files into
PDF is discussed separately in section 5.2.
Media files are not included. Just the file name is printed in a box of size
The opposite of draft. Useful to override a global draft option specified in the
\documentclass command.
If PDF is generated via DVI and Postscript by the usual latex → dvips →
ps2pdf sequence of commands, the ‘graphicx’ package is required.
Note that several runs may be necessary to resolve internally created cross-
references. Appropriate warnings will be issued in such cases.

5 The user interface

5.1 Media inclusion

Movies, sounds and 3D objects are embedded into the document using the com-
\includemovie[<options>]{<width>}{<height>}{<media file>}
Unless left empty, the <width> and <height> arguments must be given in valid
TEX dimensions. Horizontal and vertical dimensions of the media clip are scaled
independently to fit <width> and <height> or, if the two latter are empty,
to fit the size of the text box, given as argument to the ‘text’ option; see
below. <media file> specifies the file name of the media clip. If the media
file is embedded as part of the final PDF output, which is the default, it may
reside wherever TEX or Ghostscript search for input files, depending on the PDF
producing method.
Below, common options to \includemovie are listed. Options specific to em-
bedding of 3D content are discussed separately in section 5.2. The impatient
reader may advance directly to the 3D quick-start guide, which summarizes the
basic steps for embedding 3D objects.
By default, the embedded data stream is re-used as embedded file attachment.
This makes ‘movie15’ a little more portable to PDF Readers which do not have
a multimedia plug-in because it gives the user the opportunity to extract the
media file and to save it to disk for later playback with an external player.
However, support of file attachments is required. Re-use as file attachment can
be suppressed with option ‘attach=false’. Note that ‘attach=false’ is a poor
method to prevent the user from obtaining a copy of the media file. There are

several (free) tools for decompressing and extracting stream objects from PDF
Close the media player when the page is closed. Use of this option may be
necessary for streamed media, such as Real Video.
Pause playing when the page is closed.
Start playback of the media clip after the page has opened. This is especially
useful if there are multiple movie clips on the current page to be played at the
same time. Also resumes playback of previously paused media. In the case of
embedded sound being started this way, <width> and <height> can safely be
set to ‘0pt’ since no further user interaction is necessary to start playing.
Stops playing but keeps the media loaded when the page is closed. The media is
rewound to its beginning or its ‘startat’ position. This option is set by default
if neither of the options ‘autopause’, ‘autoclose’ or ‘continue’ is set.
Resume previously paused playback when the page is opened again.
Continue playback in background on premature page change. However, paused
media remain paused. So do media that have reached the end or that still show
the poster.
Player specific controls or toolbars are displayed during playback of the media
clip, if available. The default is ‘false’; controls are not shown.
Specifies how far the media display area should extend below the bottom line
of the running text. Any valid TEX dimension is accepted.
Locally switches to draft mode.
Opens and plays the media in an external application.
Locally disables draft mode.

Media file data are embedded into PDF output by default. This can be sup-
pressed with option ‘inline=false’.
label=<label spec>
The media is labelled with <label spec> such that it can be referenced by
the \movieref command elsewhere in the document. The \movieref command
creates a hyperlink to either stop, pause, resume the media, to play it with
different settings, such as frame rate or volume, or to show a different part of it.
See section 5.3 for details. <label spec> may consist of any sequence of letters,
digits or punctuation characters.
According to the PDF specification, the viewer application needs to know the
MIME type of <media file>. Package ‘movie15’ tries to make a guess from
the file name extension. If, however, a media file is of unknown type or has a
non-standard file name extension, its MIME type must be explicitly specified
using this option. See Table 3 for a list of known file name extensions.
Enable mouse interaction: Clicking onto the media (giving it the focus) pauses
the playback while clicking outside resumes it. Alternatively, once the media has
got the focus, repeated pressing of key ‘P’ on the keyboard switches between
Play and Pause (at least with some players). In 3D context it specifies whether
the 3D annotation should be interactive, i. e. responsive to mouse interaction.
3D annotations are interactive by default.
The media is played forward and backward, if supported by the media player.
In combination with option ‘repeat’ this forward-and-reverse playback repeats
as many times as specified. Each complete forward and reverse playback counts
as one repeat.
Forces a particular media player plug-in to be used instead of the default one.
Currently, the following values are recognized:
ADBE_MCI (Adobe builtin player)
The first frame of the movie or the frame at the beginning of the movie section
specified by the ‘startat’ option is shown.
Inserts still image from file <image> to be shown when the media clip is not ac-
tivated. The file type of <image> depends on the output driver: PS or EPS when
using LATEX together with dvips; PDF, PNG or JPEG when using pdfLATEX.

This option is obsolescent and should not be used any longer. Instead, use op-
tion ‘text’ if a still image from an external file is to be inserted. See option
‘text’ for a possibility to scale the media display area according to the poster
image dimensions.
<rate> specifies the playback rate, where 1 is normal playback, 0.5 is half speed,
2 is double speed, −1 is normal speed in reverse etc.
Specifies how often the media clip or embedded 3D animation will be played.
Without argument this option causes the player to repeat forever.
Start/stop playback at the specified offsets. <offset> may be an absolute time
or frame value, or a named marker, or a marker plus a time or frame. In the
latter case, time or frame values are regarded as relative to the named marker.
Support of markers, time and frame offsets is media type dependent. Media
incompatible offsets are ignored. The following syntax applies to <offset>:
time:<time in seconds>
frame:<frame number>
marker:<quoted string>
Some <offset> examples:
{marker:’Chapter 1’, time:60}
<text> is typeset onto and centred within the media display area which has been
specified by the <width> and <height> arguments as well as the ‘depth’ option.
If either or both of the <width> and <height> arguments are left empty, any
unspecified dimension of the media display is scaled to match the corresponding
dimension, i. e. width and height, of <text>. Likewise, the depth of the media
display is adjusted to the depth of <text> if the optional ‘depth’ has not been
given. Therefore, option ‘text’ can be used to scale the media display to the
natural or scaled dimensions of a poster image file, such as (requires package
‘graphicx’; also note the empty <width> and <height> arguments!):
In combination with the ‘poster’ option, which causes the poster image to
be rendered from the movie during runtime, the PDF file size can be reduced
somewhat by putting \includegraphics into a \phantom box:

Set this option to ‘false’ if you wish <text> to be obscured by the external
poster image which has been inserted with the poster option. Deprecated.
Treat <media file> as URL. Sets option ‘inline’ to ‘false’ automatically.
volume=<percentage of original volume>
The meaning of this option should be self explaining.

5.2 Inclusion of 3D objects

The PDF-1.6 specification, which was introduced with the advent of Adobe
Acrobat/Reader 7, allows embedding of 3-dimensional graphic objects, such as
CAD models or 3D scientific data, and lets the user interactively manipulate
them. At the time of writing this documentation, the only supported file types
were U3D [2] and Adobe’s PRC format, and only one commercial software [3]
for exporting into the U3D format, yet from a number of CAD and 3D vector
formats, including DXF and VRML, was known. Nevertheless, a try-out version
of [3] can be downloaded without charge.
Selection of the ‘3D’ package option enables the 3D feature. Most of the com-
mand options listed in section 5.1 do what they are supposed to do in the case
of embedded 3D as well. Other options are ignored, in particular ‘startat’,
‘endat’, ‘volume’ and ‘playerid’. Options ‘inline=false’ and ‘url’ are sup-
ported, but imply option ‘externalviewer’, because the 3D Reader plug-in
handles embedded files only.
There are a few options to \includemovie which define how the 3D object
is positioned within the view port of a virtual camera, or conversely, how the
virtual camera is positioned and oriented within a coordinate system, called
‘The World’, which bears the 3D object at a fixed position. Fig. 1 should help
to visualize the scenery: The virtual camera is orbiting at a distance of ROO
around the centre of orbit, specified by the position vector COO; ^AAC is the
camera’s aperture angle. In addition, the direction vector C2C is needed to
specify the initial camera position.
The default view, i. e. the view that is shown initially after activating the 3D
object in the Reader, can be set using the options ‘3Dcoo’ for the centre of orbit,
‘3Dc2c’ for the centre of orbit to camera vector, ‘3Droo’ for the orbital radius
and ‘3Daac’ for the aperture angle of the camera:
This option sets the aperture angle of the camera, measured in degrees. Fixed
point real numbers between 0 and 180 are admissible. A sensible value of 30 is
pre-set by default. Larger values can be used to achieve wide-angle or fish-eye
effects. See example 3 in section 6.
3Dc2c=<x> <y> <z>




−−→ Y


(0, 0, 0)

Figure 1: Camera and 3D object in the World System XY Z; centre of orbit

position vector COO,
~ centre of orbit to camera direction vector C2C,
~ radius of
orbit ROO, aperture angle of camera ^AAC.

<x> <y> <z> specify a direction vector C2C of arbitrary length, originating in
the centre of orbit and pointing to the virtual camera. Only fixed point numbers
in the range from
are allowed.
3Dcoo=<x> <y> <z>
<x> <y> <z> specify the positional vector COO of the centre of orbit. See option
‘3Dc2c’ for the number format of <x> <y> <z>.
Prescribes an initial camera roll around the optical axis (in clockwise direction,

if <roll> is greater that zero); measured in degrees.
<r> (always positive!) specifies the radius of orbit ROO of the virtual camera.
See option ‘3Dc2c’ for the number format of <r>.
Without the above options the virtual camera sits at the origin (0, 0, 0) of the
World, looking in the positive Y direction, i. e. default settings of 3Droo=0,
3Dcoo=0 0 0 and 3Dc2c=0 -1 0 are assumed. (Note that C2C is the opposite
of the view vector!) Thus, in order to get a ‘front view’ of the 3D object it
is sufficient to set the radius of orbit, i. e. the distance between camera and
object appropriately. Sometimes you may want to adjust the orbital centre,
i. e. the target of the camera as well, in particular, if the object is irregularly
shaped. Fortunately, it is possible to let the values of the corresponding options
be determined automatically. Simply insert a hyperlink using the \movieref
command together with the ‘3Dcalculate’ option. Once the settings for ‘3Droo’
and ‘3Dcoo’ have been calculated, the hyperlink can be removed again. See
section 5.3 for an explanation and example 3 in section 6.
3Dbg=<r> <g> <b>
This option sets the background colour of the canvas. Only fixed point real
numbers in the range from 0 to 1 are allowed for the colour components.
3Dlights=<lighting scheme>
Sets the default lighting scheme. The following values are honoured: ‘None’,
‘White’, ‘Day’, ‘Night’, ‘Hard’, ‘Primary’, ‘Blue’, ‘Red’, ‘Cube’, ‘CAD’, ‘HeadLamp’.
The default is to use the lighting scheme as specified within the 3D artwork.
3Drender=<render mode>
Sets the default render mode. The following values are honoured: ‘Solid’,
‘SolidWireframe’, ‘Transparent’, ‘TransparentWireframe’, ‘BoundingBox’,
‘TransparentBoundingBox’, ‘TransparentBoundingBoxOutline’,
‘Wireframe’, ‘ShadedWireframe’, ‘HiddenWireframe’, ‘Vertices’,
‘ShadedVertices’, ‘SolidOutline’, ‘Illustration’, ‘ShadedIllustration’.
3Dviews=<views file>
Deprecated. Superseeded by the ‘3Dviews2’ option and a new, more flexible
views file syntax (see below). File <views file> specifies predefined camera
positions. It contains lines with the following syntax:
[<name>]{<coo_x> <coo_y> <coo_z>}{<c2c_x> <c2c_y> <c2c_z>}{<roo>}{<roll>}{<aac>}
The <name> entry is optional. If <name> is not given, a default name consisting
of ‘View’ followed by the number of the current entry in the list is formed. For
<coo_x>, <coo_y>, <coo_z>, <c2c_x>, <c2c_y>, <c2c_z>, <roo>, <roll> and
<aac> the same rules as for the corresponding options ‘3Dcoo’, ‘3Dc2c’, ‘3Droo’,
‘3Droll’ and ‘3Daac’ apply. Empty braces, {}, are possible and cause default
values to be used. Trailing spaces or comment signs (%) are allowed. Reading of
the file stops either at its end, at the first empty line encountered or at the first
line containing nothing but spaces and/or a comment sign followed by arbitrary

3Dviews2=<views file>
Instead of or in addition to the default view, further named views can be set
in an auxiliary file ‘<views file>’. Besides the virtual camera position, it is
possible to adjust the rendering attributes, such as visibility and transparency,
of every single part in the scene. Moreover, background colour and scene lighting
can be set individually for every view. The additional views can later be selected
either from a drop down list in the tool bar that is associated with the activated
3D object in the Reader or from the context menu of the 3D object.
The file <views file> is structured into view sections, one for every view:
VIEW[=<optional name>]
COO=<coo_x> <coo_y> <coo_z>
C2C=<c2c_x> <c2c_y> <c2c_z>
BGCOLOR=<r> <g> <b>
RENDERMODE=<render mode>
LIGHTS=<lighting scheme>
PART=<part name (required) as in the Model Tree>
VISIBLE=true | false
OPACITY=<part opacity>
RENDERMODE=<see option ‘3Drender’ for possible values>
A view section starts with the keyword VIEW, optionally followed by a name for
the view, and ends with the keyword END. If no name is given to the view, a
default one is created, consisting of ‘View’ followed by the number of the current
VIEW section in the file. A VIEW section contains optional entries for setting the
camera position and global rendering attributes of the scene as well as PART
subsections for setting rendering attributes of parts individually. Table 1 lists
the entries in a VIEW section. Part sub-sections are opened by PART=<part name>
and closed by END. There may be as many part subsections as there are parts a
3D object is composed of. Table 2 lists the possible entries in a PART sub-section.
All entries are optional. <part name> is required and must match the part name
as indicated in the Model Tree of the 3D object (accessible via right-click onto
the model in the Reader). In order to avoid trouble it is recommended that
part names be exclusively composed of ASCII characters. You may need to load
the U3D/PRC model into the authoring application and edit the part names

Table 1: Entries in a VIEW section

key type value

COO three numbers centre of orbit, see op-
tion ‘3Dcoo’
C2C three numbers centre of orbit to cam-
era vector, see option
ROO number radius of orbit, see op-
tion ‘3Droo’
AAC number camera aperture angle,
see option ‘3Daac’
ROLL number camera roll, see option
BGCOLOR three numbers canvas background col-
our (RGB), see option
RENDERMODE string render mode of the
3D object, see option
LIGHTS string lighting scheme, see op-
tion ‘3Dlights’
PART sub-section part name as in the
model tree, see Table 2
for list of possible

The views file can be commented. As usual with LATEX, comments start with
the percent sign.
To facilitate the creation of a views file, a \movieref link with option ‘3Dgetview’
can be temporarily inserted into the document. When clicked, it outputs a com-
plete VIEW section corresponding to the current view of the 3D object in the
Reader GUI, including camera position as well as all part and viewing options
that may be set via the context (right-click) menu of the 3D object. See section
5.3 for details.
3Djscript=<JavaScript file>
Things like animation, lighting, background etc. may also be script driven. Op-
tion ‘3Djscript’ associates <JavaScript file> with the 3D object. The script
will be executed upon activation of the object. Refer to the Acrobat 3D JavaS-
cript Reference [4] for details. Directory ‘doc/javascript’ contains JavaScript
example files for animation and rotation control. The files work off-the-shelf
with any 3D file and may be concatenated to combine their effects.
3Dresource=<resource file 1>[, 3Dresource=<resource file 2> [, ...]]
Embeds additional 3D or rasterized image files that can be used as resources
while rendering the 3D artwork. Possible file types are U3D, Postscript (LATEX +
dvips) and PDF/JPEG/PNG (pdfLATEX). Embedded resources must be loaded

Table 2: Entries in a PART sub-section

key type value

VISIBLE boolean a flag (‘true’ or
‘false’) indicating the
visibility of this part
OPACITY number a number between 0.0
and 1.0 specifying the
opacity of this part
RENDERMODE string rendermode of this
part, overrides global
parent VIEW section, see
option ‘3Drender’

by the JavaScript method

Resource(’pdf://<resource path>’)
where <resource path> stands for the path to the resource file as specified
by the ‘3Dresource’ option. (This is just a naming convention; the files are
physically embedded in the final PDF.) The following JavaScript loads an image
file that was attached by ‘3Dresource=images/sunset.jpg’ as the background.
sunset = new Image(new Resource(’pdf://images/sunset.jpg’));
reh = new RenderEventHandler();
reh.onEvent = function(event) {

5.3 Media hyperlinks

A movie, sound or 3D object may serve as the destination of hyperlinks, which

are inserted into the document using the command
\movieref[<options>]{<label spec>}{<text>}
It makes <text> a hyperlink to the media that has been labelled with <label
spec> using the ‘label’ option of the \includemovie command. Media hyper-
links can be inserted at any location within the document. Clicking onto the
hyperlink causes the Reader to open the page containing the media it is pointing
to. The primary purpose of media hyperlinks, however, is to provide a means to
control the playback.
In 2D context, clicking onto the hyperlink causes the media to stop, pause or
resume, or to restart at different settings, such as frame rate, volume, starting
and ending positions, depending on the <options> being in effect.

Options that control the playback characteristics are: ‘controls’, ‘endat’, ‘mouse’,
‘palindrome’, ‘rate’, ‘repeat’, ‘startat’ and ‘volume’. Their meaning is the
same as for the \includemovie command and can be looked up in section 5.1.
Another option, ‘default’ causes the media to play at the original settings which
were in effect during media inclusion. These options can be used in combination
with the ‘play’ option only.
The options which follow let the hyperlink change the playback state of media.
If none of them is specified, ‘play’ is assumed.
Immediately restarts playback. If new playback settings have been specified
through the options given above, they override the original settings being in
effect during media inclusion.
Stops and rewinds the media to its beginning or to the ‘startat’ position.
Resumes paused media. In fact, this option makes the hyperlink a toggle switch:
repeated clicking switches between paused and resumed state.
Has the same effect as option ‘resume’. Added for completeness only.
Immediately closes the media player.
In 3D context, \movieref can be used to define an additional view of the object,
to access a particular view from the list of predefined views or to run a JavaS-
cript. Moreover, a link can be created for calculating optimal camera settings
‘3Droo’ and ‘3Dcoo’, instead of finding them manually. The following options
are recognized:
Go to a predefined view of the 3D object. <index> can take ‘F’, ‘L’, ‘N’ or ‘P’
to access the first, last, next or previous element of the list of additional views,
see option ‘3Dviews’ of \includemovie, or an integer specifying an index into
the list. In the case of ‘N’ and ‘P’, repeated clicking onto the hyperlink allows to
cycle through the list in forward or backward direction. ‘D’ gives access to the
default view.
3Dc2c=<x> <y> <z>
3Dcoo=<x> <y> <z>
Instead of referencing an existing view of the 3D object, a new one can be defined
using any of these options. See section 5.2.
3Dcalculate[=<aac angle>]

Mainly used during document authoring. Creates a link for calculating op-
timal ‘3Droo’ and ‘3Dcoo’ settings of the virtual camera, which may be used
to define a default view. Clicking the link opens a dialogue box from which
the settings can be copied to the clipboard for later insertion into the option
list of \includemovie. The parameter <aac angle> which is the camera aper-
ture angle ^AAC used for calculation is optional. If omitted, the one set by
\includemovie option ‘3Daac’ is taken.
Mainly used during document authoring. Camera settings as well as part and
scene rendering attributes that correspond to the current view are printed to
a dialogue box. The output is a readily formatted VIEWS section to be inserted
into or appended to a file of predefined views. See option ‘3Dviews2’.
3Djscript=<JavaScript file>
Runs the script <JavaScript file> after clicking the link. Unlike the script
that has been associated with the 3D annotation during object embedding, this
JavaScript is not directly run by the JavaScript engine of the 3D plug-in, but is
run by the Reader’s own scripting engine. However, full access to the API of the
3D script engine is provided through the ‘context3D’ property of the ‘Annot3D’
object. For convenience, an associative array ‘annot3D’ has been provided for
use within <JavaScript file>, in order to easily access the ‘Annot3D’ object
of the annotation the enclosing link is pointing to. The particular element of
the array is referenced by the annotation’s label <label spec>, enclosed in
quotation marks. As an example, the ‘scene’ object can be referenced within
<JavaScript file> by
annot3D[’<label spec>’].context3D.scene
For details about Acrobat JavaScript and its Annot3D object, see [5].

5.4 Compatibility commands

Two user commands have been provided that make ‘movie15’ a replacement for
the ‘multimedia’ package which is part of Till Tantau’s ‘Beamer’ Class:
\movie[<options>]{<poster text>}{<media file>}
\hyperlinkmovie[<options>]{<label spec>}{<text>}
All of the optional arguments to \includemovie and \movieref can be used
with the compatibility macros as well. In addition, they honour the following
height=<height of display>
width=<width of display>
Set the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the media display area (\movie
The same as ‘autoplay’.

The same as ‘repeat’.
The same as ‘repeat=1’.
The same as ‘controls’.
start=<offset in seconds>s
Start playback at the specified temporal offset. The trailing ‘s’ is mandatory.
duration=<duration in seconds>s
The duration of the media segment to be played. The trailing ‘s’ is mandat-
ory. Note that ‘duration’ cannot be used together with option ‘startat’ from
\includemovie. In order to define a media segment options can be combined
as follows: ‘startat’/‘endat’, ‘start’/‘endat’, ‘start’/‘duration’.

6 Examples
1. A short circular MPEG movie, taken from
2. Another MPEG movie, loaded on the fly from http://www.linux-video
.net/Samples/. Hence, a working Internet connection is required. This
time, we force the QuickTime plug-in to be used instead of MediaPlayer
(Windows boxes only). Well, the latter seems to be bugged. Quod erat

url, (AlienSong.mpg)
.375\linewidth Slow Normal Fast Play/Pause Stop

3. Embedded U3D file. It is based on a VRML model by Peter Whitehouse, Conversion to U3D has been
made with DeepExploration® [3]. The file ‘dice.vws’ provides predefined
views to be selected from the 3D toolbar or by right click.
]{dice}{Click here} ... Click here to cycle through the list of
\movieref[ predefined views. This link calculates
3Dcalculate=60 3D option settings for a 60° aperture
]{dice}{This link} ... angle of the virtual camera.

A 3D quick-start guide
1. Insert the 3D object with default camera settings and a \movieref refer-
encing it:

\includemovie[poster, label=my_label]{
\movieref[3Dcalculate]{my_label}{Click here!}
2. Compile and recompile the document until no more ‘movie15’ related
warnings appear.
3. Open the PDF document in Adobe Reader and go to the page containing
the 3D object. Click the link and wait for a dialogue box to pop up.
Optionally, drag the object with the mouse to change the viewpoint of the
camera (the dialogue must be closed beforehand) and click the link again.
4. Copy the settings (3Droo=..., 3Dcoo=..., etc.) from the dialogue box
into the option list of \includemovie. Remove the link from the document
poster, 3Droo=33.3333, 3Dcoo=1.2345 9.8765 0
5. Again, compile and recompile the document until no more ‘movie15’ re-
lated warnings appear.
Optional steps:
6. Create a file with predefined views of the 3D object and attach it to the
latter using the ‘3Dviews2’ option:
..., label=my_label, 3Dviews2=my_views.vws
The views file can easily be populated using a temporarily inserted \movie-
ref link:
\movieref[3Dgetview]{my_label}{Click here!}
Manipulate the 3D object using the mouse and any of the ‘Part’ and

‘Viewing’ options from the 3D context menu in the Reader. Visibility,
lighting, transparency, render mode etc. of individual parts or of the object
as a whole can be changed this way. Sometimes you may wish to move
the camera target into the centre of a single part or of a group of visible
parts. The context menu items ‘Part Options→Zoom to Part’ and ‘Part
Options→Fit Visible’ can be used for this purpose.
When you are done, click the link to get the VIEW section, readily formatted
for insertion into the views file. Repeat this procedure to get any number
of views you want to predefine. The views file can be edited manually to
give meaningful names to the views (change the value of the VIEW entry)
or to further tweak camera settings, opacity etc.
If you are satisfied with the predefined views in the views file, the default
view first specified through the options of \includemovie can be deleted.
The first view in the views file becomes the default view then.
7. Associate a JavaScript with the 3D object:
..., 3Djscript=my_script.js
JavaScript is not required to make use of embedded keyframe animation.
Just click the ‘Play’ button in the 3D toolbar of the 3D annotation. How-
ever, the example file ‘animation.js’ in the ‘doc/javascript’ directory
provides additional controls (accessible via the context menu of the 3D
annotation) that can be used to change the speed of a running animation.
The ‘Up’, ‘Down’ and ‘Home’ keys of the keyboard can also be used.
Another useful example file you may want to experiment with is ‘turn-
table.js’. It improves the rotational behaviour of the 3D object, because
it prevents the object from tilting to the side while dragging the mouse.
All files in ‘doc/javascript’ work off-the-shelf and can be copied into a
single file in order to combine their effects.

B Media formats

Table 3: Media formats for use with Adobe Reader (partially from [1])

Extension MIME type Description

aif, aifc, aiff audio/aiff Audio Interchange File
au, snd audio/basic NeXT/Sun Audio Format
avi video/avi Audio/Video Interleaved
gif image/gif (animated) GIF
mid, rmi audio/midi Musical Instrument Digital
mov, qt video/quicktime Apple QuickTime
mp3, m3u audio/x-mp3 MPEG Audio Layer-3
mp4 video/mp4 MPEG-4 Video
mpeg, mpg video/mpeg MPEG-1 & 2 Video
prc model/prc Adobe PRC Format (3D),
requires Reader-8.1 or
ra audio/vnd.rn-realaudio Real Audio
rm, rv application/vnd.rn-realmedia Real Media (video & sound)
smil application/smil Synchronized Multimedia
Integration Language
swf application/x-shockwave-flash (Adobe?) Macromedia
u3d model/u3d Universal 3D File Format
wav audio/wav MS Audio Format
wma audio/x-ms-wma Windows Media Audio
wmv video/x-ms-wmv Windows Media Video

[1] Adobe Systems Inc.: PDF Reference, fifth edition: Adobe Portable Document
Format version 1.6, 2004, Implementation note 144, Appendix H.3, available
[4] Adobe Systems Inc.: JavaScript for Acrobat® 3D Annotations API
Reference, 2006, available at
[5] Adobe Systems Inc.: JavaScript for Acrobat® API Reference, 2006, available


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