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In this unit we were seeing issues such as emotional and psychological problems where
we were shown how to talk about a health problem, from making a medical appointment
to talk about health problems to the doctor, and emotional as well as mood.
For this we could talk about the problem or give suggestions or indications for problems
using should or had better.

Example 1:
Good morning dr. Smith office
How many help you?
Hollo my name is Humberto. I would like to make an appalment whit the doctor for today
Today? I am afraid he is booked op for the day
What about tomorrow
Yes of course.

Example 2:
I feel terrible
Why? What is wrong?
I suffer from stress and I can’t sleep at night
You should go on vacations
Yes i good idea, thank you.

We also saw topics about SOS where he told us about the history of why it is called SOS
when asking for help, and it is easy to use in morse code, and that is why those letters
were implemented because to make a call in morse code or with light of a lamp is easy
to make the call.

In my opinion, we should buy a house in the country.

I used to work downtown. In fact.
My sister and I have nothing in common, but amazingly, we get along well.

The verbs with "ING" are used to represent an action that is taking place in the present,
for that it is necessary to use the "ing" in the last part of a verb, not all verbs can be
conjugated with "ing" in the same way sometimes at the end of a "y" is changed to an "e"
and the "ing" is added.
Simple past
Subject + verb in past r ed + complement
I went to Guadalajara
I did not eat banana
Did you eat pasta?
Present simple
I like run the park
I do not like potato
Do you like tennis?

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