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Instructional Plan

Unit: Blogger

1. Subject: Technology Skills
2. Topic: Blogger Proficiency
3. Grade/Level: Soon-to-be High School Graduates
4. Objective: Students will be able to…
a. Create a Blogger account and personalize their blog
b. Write blog posts
c. Create a digital portfolio

Learning Context

Students should understand the context of the technology module. The three-part objective is a
way to ensure they will be proficient in blogger. Creating a digital portfolio will help them
throughout their professional life, whether they intend to start college or careers post high school
graduation. The technology skills test now required for high school graduates is intended to
prepare all students for entering the global and technological world of the 21st Century.


Student engagement is crucial for any lesson, especially ones that culminate in standardized
testing. Educators must stress professionalism and the importance of these units, not the
standardized test results. Throughout this unit on Blogger tools and techniques, students will
create their own blog for housing their school work or future career opportunities. This allows
students to make a digital portfolio that contains their interests and work. The goal of this unit is
to teach them a way to display what they are passionate about for the betterment of their careers.

Lesson 1: Students will be able to create a Blogger account and
personalize their blog.

a. Anticipatory Set
a. Present the objective for Lesson 1
b. Give students context for the module
i. Show a variety of sample blogs (“Example Blogs” Handout)
b. Direct Instruction
a. Teach specific skills for creating and personalizing blog
i. Use “Step by Step Instructions (“Creating a Blogger” Handout)
c. Guided Practice
a. Students will create their blog account and blog
b. Guide students through experimenting with various layouts
d. Check for Understanding
a. Ensure all students understand the basic features of Blogger
i. Ask for understanding throughout each lesson
ii. They can edit the blog throughout the project
e. Independent Practice
a. Incorporate time for further tinkering with layout and formats
f. Closing
a. Students should have a functional blog at the end of Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Students will be able to write blog posts.

a. Anticipatory Set
a. Introduction question: Why is clear and concise writing necessary for a blog post?
b. Present Lesson 2 objective
b. Direct Instruction
a. Revisit the sample blogs (“Example Blogs” Handout)
b. Students will complete the blog worksheet (Blogging Worksheet)
c. Guided Practice
a. Upon completing brainstorming assignments, students will work on their blog
i. Students will begin with an “introduction” blog post about themselves
d. Check for Understanding
a. Review student blog posts, focusing on concise writing
e. Independent Practice

a. Students should revisit layout once they have added their introduction post
b. Students should make this a “featured post”
i. Add the “Featured Post” Gadget in the Layout Tab
ii. Click “edit”
iii. Under “Featured Post” options, choose “Select a featured post”
iv. Then choose the “introduction” post they just created
f. Closing
a. Students will have a functional blog and one featured, introductory post
b. Instruct students that creating a digital portfolio

Lesson 3: Students will be able to create a digital portfolio.

a. Anticipatory Set
a. Introduction question: Why would we create a digital portfolio?
b. Direct Instruction
a. Instruct students how to upload their resume and documents (“Uploading Files”
c. Guided Practice
a. Aide students in uploading their resume
d. Check for Understanding
a. Ensure students made their document sharable
b. Check that they are able to replicate this process for other works
e. Independent Practice
a. Students will upload additional blog posts and works
i. The goal of this project is a digital portfolio regarding class, work,
applications, or hobbies (like artistic blogs)
ii. Students should write related posts about their educational experiences or
professional development
iii. Supporting work should also be included, be it reflections on internships,
notable projects, or other portfolio materials.
f. Closing
a. Ensure individuals have completed a cohesive digital portfolio
b. Students should possess the skills necessary to continue adding to their portfolio.

Materials & Resources

a. Instructional Materials:

a. Computers for each student
b. Internet access
b. Resources:
a. Online tool: Blogger, Google Drive
i. Schools with google accounts will be able to use their existing accounts
b. Online resources: Example blogs (“Example Blogs” Handout)

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