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David Warren Morris

Marta Zetina Morris

American Indian Museum of Plants and Healing


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First published March 2003

© David Warren Morris and Marta Zetina Morris

© Cambridge International Science Publishing

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The English-Spanish Dictionary of Plant Biology has been

written to fill a need for increased communication between English and
Spanish speaking people who are working in or are being affected by
the many sub-fields of plant biology. Its general purpose is to aid,
stimulate, and facilitate a two-way flow of information and understanding
between the peoples of North, South, and Central America in an era of
economic and environmental interdependence.
The specific purpose is to provide a representative selection from
the huge vocabulary of plant biology for those who work in the field or
in laboratories, including botanical researchers, students, agriculturists,
conservationists, communicators, translators, educators, and interpreters.
The extensive range of the subject has meant that the authors could not
aim at completeness, nevertheless, care was taken to obtain a
proportionate selection of terms from all areas of plant biology. Included
are plant-related terms from the fields of botany, ecology, genetics,
taxonomy, oceanology, microbiology, physiology, cytology, marine
biology, forestry, silviculture, horticulture, anatomy, organology,
phytopathology, agriculture, biochemistry, paleobotany, phenology,
photobotany, phycology, systematics phytology, phytogeography,
phytochemistry, phytosociology, morphology, pomology, and
Because of the immensity of the field of plant biology, the problem
of how to present specialized professional terminology and still provide
a useable bridge between language and culture, was a difficult problem
to solve. We addressed this issue by a decision to be more inclusive in
our choices. The range of entries and expressions, while not always strictly
“scientific terms,” are frequently encountered in biological texts,
professional journals, and in field activities.
We hope this book will prove useful to professionals and
committed amateurs. Your suggestions, additions, or corrections will be
appreciated. They may be sent email to the authors at:

David Warden Morris

Marta Zetina Morris
About the Authors:

David W. Morris, Ph.D.

Marta Zetina Morris, M.A.

This husband and wife field botanist team have more than 30 years of plant
identification and collecting experience in the rainforests of Mexico, Belize,
Guyana, Honduras, Micronesia, and Hawaii.
Their academic credentials are from six U.S. and U.K. institutions,
including the University of Texas (Austin), Lamar University, Texas College,
Chadron State, St. Augustine’s (Kent), and Walden University. In addition,
Mrs. Morris is a Maya Indian medicine woman, traditionally trained in the
identification and use of medicinal plants.
Most recently, their Latin American fieldwork has been in the Yucatan
region of Mexico’s newest state, Quintana Roo. Project funding was provided
by a U.S. government Fulbright grant, a Carlos Robles grant from the
government of Mexico, state government funds from Nebraska, and
corporate assistance from the Polaroid Corporation.
The authors are curators of the herbarium at the American Indian
Museum of Plants and Healing, located in Jasper, Texas, U.S.A. The Museum
serves as an international center for identifying, collecting, and preserving
the plants and practices of indigenous peoples of North, South and Central

About the Book:

The English-Spanish Dictionary of Plant Biology, Including Plantae, Monera,

Protoctista, Fungi is designed as a tool for both professionals and students. It
is the only one volume dictionary that provides a full range of plant
definitions, English terms, and their Spanish equivalents, currently used
academically and commercially.
Included are more than 22,000 English and Spanish plant-related
terms from the fields of botany, ecology, horticulture, genetics, taxonomy,
oceanology, microbiology, physiology, morphology, cytology, marine biology,
forestry, silviculture, anatomy, organology, phytopathology, agriculture,
biochemistry, paleobotany, phenology, photobotany, phycology,
phytogeography, phytosociology, and ethnobotany.

This book is divided into two parts.

Part One is the English-Spanish portion of selected plant
biology terms. The alphabetical arrangement contains more than
twelve thousand English words, phrases, and definitions each
followed by a Spanish equivalent.
Part Two is the Spanish-English Index. It is composed of more
than ten thousand Spanish words and phrases alphabetically listed
and followed by an equal or similar English term or phrase.
A bold type is used to identify each Spanish term. A standard
non-bold type is used for the English term. Bold type is also used
when a higher Latinized plant classification is referenced. These
Latinized plant classification terms have not been included as selected
words for translation as they are terms which, in general, do not
need translation.
Definitional reference to this type of classification terminology
may be found in other types of reference materials.
Italics are also used when a genus or genus-species is referred
to in a definition.
In this bi-lingual dictionary, we have not attempted to resolve
conflicts in use or interpretation; that is not the purpose of this
volume. Instead, we have included diverse usage of terms and
spellings so that a variety of users may increase their capacity to use
and share information.

Royalties from this volume are dedicated to maintaining theAmerican

Indian Museum of Plants and Healing and its mission to identify,
collect, and preserve the healing plants and practices of the indigenous
peoples of North, South, and Central America.

English – Spanish Dictionary....................................................1

Spanish to English Index...........................................................489

Dedicated to those of the

past and present who struggle
to identify, preserve, and share
their understanding of the
world of plants.
A 1 absciss(ion)

A. A. A class of flowers with fully produced without sexual fusion.

exposed nectar. aboriginal. aborigen. originario. Orig-
a-. a- . A Greek prefix that means, inal in the strictest sense; grow-
“without” or “lacking”, as in ing naturally, as corn or cotton are
asepalous. aboriginal or indigenous to North
a-. a-. A Latin prefix that means, “away America.
from”. abort. abortar. To be arrested in growth,
A-spore. spora A. Alpha spore. as thorns are sometimes aborted
AB. AB. A class of flowers with par- branches.
tially concealed nectar. abortion. abortado. aborto. The fail-
ab-. ab-. A Latin prefix that means, ure of an organ or structure to de-
“from”. velop completely or grow to ma-
abaxial. abaxial. Located on the side turity.
away from the axis, as the under- abortive. abortivo. An imperfectly
side of a leaf; also, called the dorsal formed or developed organ, as an
surface. abortive seed or organ; rudimen-
abbreviated. abreviado. Shorter, as tary.
an abbreviated perianth is shorter abortus. abortus. Latin for abortion.
than the tube of the corolla. abrupt. abrupto. Terminating suddenly;
aberrant. aberrante. Different from blunt or cut off horizontally, as
the usual; not a normal structure; abrupt leaves; truncate.
variable. abruptly. abruptamente. Ending sud-
aberration. aberración. Having an ab- denly.
normal structure; a deviation from abruptly pinnate. abrupto pinnado.
the normal. Pinnate leaflet ending evenly at the
abhymenial. abimenical. Opposite tip without an odd, terminal leaf-
the spore-producing surface. let; even pinnate.
abiotic. abiótica. Non-living; with- abscise (leaves). desprenderse (hojas).
out life. See biotic. To shed; to separate by abscission.
abjection. abyeción. The forcible sepa- abscisic acid. ácido abscisico. A plant
ration of a spore from its stalk by hormone that facilitates growth in-
the fungus. hibition, dormancy, and leaf abscis-
abjunction. abyunción. The separa- sion; dormin.
tion of a spore from its stalk by abscisin. abscisina. See abscisic acid.
means of a septum. absciss(ion). abscisión. The separa-
abnormal. anormal. Contrary to the tion or shedding of leaves or fruit
usual or the natural structure. from the stem or body of a plant.
aboospore. aboospora. An oospore The normal process is controlled
absciss(ion) layer 2 accentric
by abscisic acid at the abscission habitat.
zone which causes the breakdown acanaceous. aculeado. Prickly or sting-
of thin-walled cells at the base of ing.
the structure. acantha. acanta. A prickle.
absciss(ion) layer. abscisión estrato. acantho-. acanto-. A Greek prefix that
A layer of parenchyma with cork means, “spiny” or “thorny”.
on both sides which is found at the acanthocarp. acantocarpo. A spiny
base of leaf petioles of woody di- fruit.
cotyledons and gymhno-sperms. acanthocarpous. acantocárpico. Hav-
See separation layer. ing spiny fruit.
abscission zone. zona de abscisión. acanthocladous. acantoclado. Spiny-
A layer of cells extending across branched.
the base of a petiole or peduncle, acanthoid. acantoide. Having or shaped
whose breakdown separates the leaf like spines.
or fruit from the stem, resulting in acanthophysis. acantofisis. A thick,
the leaf or fruit falling to the ground. sterile hair with short, pointed
absent. ausente. Without petiole or outgrowths on the surface.
petiolule; sessile. acarodomatium. acarodomatio. A hol-
absolute transpiration. transpiración low protective structure formed by
absoluto. The rate of water loss some mite-harboring plants. This
from a plant determined experimen- is thought to be a symbiosis.
tally. acarophily. acarofília. A symbiosis be-
absorb. absorber. To take up water and tween plants and mites.
nutrients. acarpelous. acarpelo. A flower with
absorption. absorción. The process of no carpel.
taking up water, light, and nutri- acarpous. acárpico. acarpelado.
ents. acarpo. Producing no fruit; ster-
absorption ratio. ratio de absorción. ile; without carpels; no gynoecium.
The ratio of the final internal con- acaudate. acaudeo. Without a tail.
centration of a particular ion in plant acaulescence. acaulescencia. The con-
tissue (i) to the final external con- dition of having no stem or ap-
centration which is written as pearing to be stemless; an inflo-
i / e. rescence arising near the surface
abstrict. abstrictar. To separate by of the ground.
abstriction. acaulescent. acaulescente. Stemless;
abstriction. abstrición. In some fungi the stem is below ground or the
and algae, a separating of spores stem is so short that all the leaves
from spore-bearing filaments (hy- appear to be basal.
dra) by the formation of separat- acauline. acaule. sin tallo. Having no
ing walls (septa); also, the release stem; stemless.
of a spore from its stalk, especially acaulis. acaulis. Without a visible stem;
by constriction. acaulescent
abyssal zone. zona abisal. The deepest acaulous. acaule. acaulescente. Same
region of an ocean; sunless, high- as acaulescent.
pressure, cold, and an anaerobic accentric. acéntrico. A chromosomal
accentric chromosome 3 accumulator
fragment formed during cell divi- thesis.
sion that lacks a centromere. accessory spore. espora accesoria. An
accentric chromosome. cromosoma asexual spore; also, a conidium dif-
acéntrico. A chromosome or chro- fering from the normal type for the
matid lacking a centromere. species.
accelerator. acelerador. Any substance acessory tissue. tejido accesorio. Tis-
that increases the efficiency of an sues that are part of the flower or
enzyme. inflorescence which contributes to
accessory. accesorio. A secondary or the fruit as it matures.
extra part or function; something accommodation. acomodación. The ca-
additional, as an accessory bud. pacity of a plant to adapt itself to
accessory bud. yema accesoria. An changes in the environment, pro-
extra bud, other than the axillary viding that the changes occur gradu-
(primary) bud, forming in a leaf ally.
axil. accidental species. especies acciden-
accessory cell. célula subsidiaria. tal. Accidentals are a rare species
célula accesorio. A cell associ- in a community, present as a chance
ated with the guard cell of a stoma, invader or as a survivor from an
but differing in structure from it earlier community.
and other cells of the epidermis. acclimate. aclimatar. Acclimatize.
accessory character. carácter acces- acclimation. acclimación. See ac-
orio. A characteristic of a species climatization.
which is not essential to its diag- acclimatization. aclimatación. The
nosis, but is sometime used to dif- adaptation of a plant to changes
ferentiate races. in climate or other environmental
accessory chromosome. cromosoma conditions.
accesorio. Sex chromosome. acclimatize. aclimatar. To adapt to
accessory fruit. fruto accesorio. A changes in climate or other envi-
fleshy fruit growing from a suc- ronmental conditions.
culent receptacle rather than the accrescent. acrescente. Sepals growing
pistil. In strawberries (Fragaria), larger after flowering (anthesis);
the ripe ovaries are small achenes usually associated with aging; also,
on the surface of the receptacle. a calyx which enlarges as the fruit
accessory fructification. fructificación ripens.
accesorio. An asexual reproduc- accrete. acrete. Grown together.
tive structure of lower plants. acculeate. aculeado. Having narrow
accessory multiplication. multiplicac- spines.
ión accesorio. Any asexual re- accumbent. acumbente. Leaves or
productive process. organs lying against another sur-
accessory organs. órgano anexo. The face, as accumbent cotyledons lying
calyx and corolla. against the radicle along one edge.
accessory pigments. pigmento acces- See incumbent.
orio. Light absorbing pigments that accumulator. acumulador. In plant suc-
pass the electrons they emit to pri- cession studies, a pioneer species
mary pigments during photosyn- whose activities enrich the abiotic
acellular 4 acid humus
habitat with nutrients. ulaceae.
acellular. acelular. Lacking cells; non- achenial. aquénico. Pertaining to an
cellular. achene.
acentric. acéntrico. A piece of chro- achenium (pl. achenia). aquenodio.
mosome or chomatid without the One seeded, like a fruit; an achene.
centromere. achilous. achile. Having rudimentary
-aceous. – áceo. A suffix which means lips or no lips.
“having the appearance of” or achlamydeous. aclamídeo. Having no
“like”. Used to form descriptive floral envelope; without a perianth
forms (adjectives) of botanical (no calyx or corolla).
words ending in –aceae. achlorophyllous. sin clorofila. Without
acephalous. acéfalo. Headless or lack- chlorophyll; describes plants that
ing a clearly defined head. are not green.
acerate. acerato. Stiff and needle- achromatic. acromático. Without color.
shaped. See acerose. achromatic spindle. huso acromático.
acerose. aceroso. Needle-shaped, as In cell division, a system of ap-
the leaves of a pine (Pinus) or parent fibers which are not stained
spruce (Picea). by basic dyes. They join the poles
acervate. acervado. Growing in dense, of the nucleus and diverge toward
compacted clusters; heaped. the center of the cell.
acervulus. acérvulo. A compact mass achroos. incoloro. sin color. Colorless.
of hyphae bearing condiophores and aciclum. aciclo. Acicula.
conidia formed by some parasitic acicula. acícula. Small, needle-shaped
ascomycetes. The corresponding spines or bristles.
structure of saprophytic ascomyc- acicular. acicular. Needle-shaped; more
etes is called sporodochium. slender than acerose; having a slen-
acetabuliform. acetabuliforme. acet- der pointed shape, as some leaves.
abulado. Shaped like a cup or a acicular leaf. hoja acicular. Needle-
saucer; saucer-like. shaped, long and slender.
acetaldehyde. acetaldehido. aldehido aciculate. aciculado. Needle-shaped;
acético. An intermediate in the also, marked with randomly ar-
aerobic and anaerobic respiration, ranged pin pricks. See acerose.
retarding or inhibiting germination aciculiform. aciculiforme. Having
and growth of some fungi. the shape of a needle.
acetylation. acetilación. The produc- acid. ácido. A chemical substance that
tion of an acetyl radical, coenzyme yields hydrogen ions when dis-
A, from pyruvate during photosyn- solved in water; serves as a pro-
thesis. ton donor, accepts electrons, and
achene. aquenio. Any small, hard, has the capacity to react with bases
usually one-seeded, dry fruit with and some metals to form salts.
a thin outer covering that does not acid dye. colorante ácido. Dyes having
burst open when ripe, as a sunflower an active acid radical, combining
(Asteraceae) seed. with metal and staining cytoplasm.
achenecetum. aqeneceto. An aggre- acid humus. humus ácido. A humus
gation of achenes, as in Ranunc- formed in soil lacking calcium, and
acidity 5 acrocarpous
other bases. transformed into D-isocitrate, by
acidity. acidez. The degree of acid the addition of a water molecule.
quality, as the acidity of the soil. acorn. bellota. The dry, hard, one-
See acid soil. celled, one-seeded, indehiscent fruit
acid plant. planta ácido. A plant hav- of an oak (Quercus), in a cup-like
ing acid sap (with pH less than 7) base.
due to the production of ammonium acotyledon. acotiledón. A plant with
salts of organic acids, e.g. malic no cotyledons, as a fern (Filic-
or oxalic acid, as in many species opsida).
of Begoniaceae and Oxalidaceae. acotyledonous. acotiledóno. Having
acid rain. lluvia ácido. Rain that con- no cotyledons or seed-leaves; with
tains a high concentration of acid very indistinct or no seed lobes,
(5.6 pH or less) from atmospheric composing a large division of the
pollution, especially sulfur and ni- plant kingdom, including ferns, li-
trogen oxides. chens and others; cryptogamous.
acid soil. suelo ácido. A soil that has acquired character. carácter adquirido.
a pH of less than 7; often peaty. A change in the structure or func-
acidophile. acidófilo. Of cells or cell tion of a plant as a result of con-
content stained by acid dyes; also, tinuous use or disuse, or altered
see acidophilous. environmental conditions (e.g. pros-
acidophilous. acidófilo. Acid loving; trate habit developed by individuals
describes plants that grow best in of normally erect populations when
acid soil. exposed perpetually to wind-blown
acies. acies. The edge. conditions).
aciform. aciforme. Shaped like a nee- acquired variation. variacion adquir-
dle. ido. A structural variation which
acinaceous. acináceo. Having numer- becomes evident as the individual
ous pips. develops.
acinaciform. acinaciforme. Having acramphibrya. acramfibria. Plants pro-
the shape of a scimitar, as acinaci- ducing side as well as terminal buds
form leaves. or growths.
aciniform. aciniforme. Growing in acrandrous. acrandro. Having anther-
clusters, as grapes (Vitis). idia at the top of the stem, as in
acinous. acinosa. A cluster of small some mosses (Musci).
berries. acrid. acre. A sharp, bitter taste, or
acinus. ácino. One of the small, fleshy smell.
berries in compound fruits, such acro-. acro-. A Greek prefix than
as raspberries (Rubus). means, “apical”.
acme. punto culminante. The period acroblast. acroblasto. The part that
of maximum vigor of an individual, forms the acrosome in spermatogen-
race, or species. esis.
aconitrase. aconitrasa. An enzyme acrocarpous. acrocárpico. Producing
involved in the Citric Acid Cycle fruit at the top of the stem or at
(Kreb’s Cycle). It dehydrates citrate the end of a branch, as some mosses
forming cis-aconitrate, which is then (Musci).
acrocentric 6 actinomycete
acrocentric. acrocéntrico. Having the Borne at the tips and along the sides.
centromere located at one end so acrosarcun. acrosarco. A berry pro-
that the chromosome has one long duced from an ovary with an adnate
and one short arm. calyx, as the cranberry (Ericaceae).
acrocidal capsule. cápsula acrocidal. acroscopic. acroscópico. acróscopo.
A capsule that dehisces through Facing the apex (tip), as acroscopic
terminal slits, as in Staphyleaceae. leaves.
acrodrome. acrodroma. Having the acrosome. acrosoma. A small struc-
principle veins uniting and join- ture at the front end of a sperm cell
ing at the tip of the leaf, as an which produces enzymes involved
acrodrome leaf. in the perforation of the egg cell.
acrodromous (veins). acródroma acrospire. acrospira. The first sprout
(nervadura). Veins of a leaf which to appear in germinating grain; also,
having run parallel to the edge of to sprout; plumule.
the leaf, fuse and terminate at the acrospore. acrospora. A spore borne
tip. at the tip of a hypha; also, a na-
acrogen. acrógeno. A flowerless plant, ked spore borne at the end of the
such as a fern (Filicopsida) or moss mother cell, in some fungi.
(Musci), that grows only from the acrosporous. acrósporo . Bearing
apex (tip) of the perennial stem. acrospores.
acrogenic. acrógenico. Acrogenous. acrostichoid sorus. soro acrosticoide.
acrogenous. acrógeno. Increasing in A fern sorus consisting of several
size by growth at the apex. fused sori.
acrogyny. acroginia. Said of the game- acrotonic. acrotonico. Of orchids
tophyte of some Bryophyta when (Orchidaceae) having the tip of the
growth stops on the formation of anther next to the rostellum.
the archegonia. The apical cell usu- actino-. actino-. A Greek prefix that
ally forms the last archegonium. means rayed or star-like.
acronychius. acronicio. Curved like actinocytic. actinocítico. A type of
a claw. stomatal complex where the sub-
acropetal. acropetal. Developing up- sidiary cells form a circle radiat-
ward toward the apex from the base, ing outward from the guard cells.
as the flowers in an indeterminate actinodromous. actinodroma. Hav-
inflorescence; usually applied to ing the main veins of a leaf radi-
the sequence of blooming in an in- ating from the tip of the petiole.
florescence. actinomorphic. actinomorfo. Having
acropetal inflorescence. inflorescencia a radial symmetry so that a line
acropetal. Raceme. drawn through the middle along any
acropetal movement. movimiento plane will produce a mirror image
acrópetal. Movement of substances on either side; often used to de-
within a plant toward its root and scribe a regular flower.
shoot apices. actinomorphy. actinomorfía. Arrange-
acrophytium. acrofitio. An alpine plant ment of parts of the flower in ra-
formation. dial symmetry.
acropleurogenous. acropleurogeno. actinomycete. actinomiceto. A group
actinorrhiza 7 adaptive breakthrough
of soil-living bacteria that are struc- aculeate. aculeado. Covered with
turally similar to certain fungi. prickles or needle-like outgrowths;
actinorrhiza. actinorizo. Root nodule; prickly.
small, gall-like growths resulting aculeolate. aculeolado. Covered with
from bacteria on the roots of some very tiny prickles.
plants, especially legumes. aculeus. aculeo. A prickle growing
actinostele. actinostela. A protostele from bark, as on roses (Rosaceae).
which is stellate in a cross-section acumen. ápice. Apex or tip; also, a
with the protoxylem at the star tips; tapering point.
a primitive stele found in the early acuminate. acuminado. The gentle ta-
Pteridophytes. pering of a leaf to a sharp point
action spectrum. espectro de acción. with concave sides forming along
Relates the amount of photosyn- the tip; ending in a tapering point.
thetic activity for an equal amount acutangular. acutangular. Said of a stem
of light to the wavelength of the which has several sharp, longitu-
light. dinal edges.
activation energy. energia de activac- acute. agudo. The tapering of a leaf
ión. The energy required for a sys- to the apex with straight sides; form-
tem to increase the incidence of a ing less than a right angle; less ta-
reaction; also, the energy at which pering than acuminate; also, char-
ions or molecules are no longer sta- acterized by a rapid onset and short
ble; also, enzymes are able to act duration.
in various metabolic reactions by acutifolius. acutifolio. acutifoliado.
reducing the activation energy of With an acute leaf.
a reaction. acyclic. aciclico. Not cyclic; arranged
activator. activador. agente activador. in spirals rather than in circles or
Accelerator. whorls.
active site. centro activo. locus activo. ad. ad. A Latin prefix that means, “to,”
The portion of the enzyme molecule “toward” or “against”.
that binds it to the substrate(s) to adapt. adaptarse. To change in form,
form an enzyme-substrate complex. structure, or habits in response to
active transport. transporte activo. altered conditions.
Within a cell, the chemical proc- adaptable. adaptable. Able to originate
ess that moves substances or par- an ecad.
ticles through the membrane in a adaptation. adaptación. A change in
direction opposite to that of dif- structure, form, or habits to fit or
fusion; also, the accumulation of better adjust to different conditions,
materials in a cell against the con- as environmental stress.
centration gradient i.e. involving adaptive. adaptivo. Characterized by
the use of energy. adaptation or showing evidence of
actium. actio. A rocky seashore for- adaptation.
mation. adaptive breakthrough. cambio adapt-
actophilous. actófilo. ripario. Liv- ivo. An evolutionary change that
ing on the bank of a river. permits a species or population to
acuate. acuado. Sharp pointed. move from one zone or taxon to
adaptive capacity 8 adenosine diphosphate
another; the most extreme exam- whose stamens, instead of grow-
ple being from water to land or from ing singly, have one or more par-
land to air. cels of fused filaments.
adaptive capacity. capacidad de adelphogamy. adelfogamia. A con-
adaptación. Having the ability to dition in plants in which the sta-
fit into a certain environment or mens instead of growing singly,
condition. combine by the filaments into one
adaptive character. carácter adaptivo. or more parcels; also, union be-
carácter de adaptación. Charac- tween a vegetative mother cell and
ters that respond to the changing one of its daughter cells.
environmental conditions enabling adelphous. adelfo. Joined in a group,
the organism to survive by an al- as an androecium with the filaments
teration of its structure and/or func- of the stamens partly or wholly
tion. united.
adaptive convergence. convergencia aden-. aden-. A Greek prefix that
adaptivo. The tendency in distantly means, “gland”.
related plants, under similar con- adeniform. adeniforme. Shaped like
ditions, to take on comparable shape a gland.
and structural characteristics. adenine. adenina. 6-aminopurine which
adaptive enzyme. enzima ap(ta)tiva. combines with the sugar ribose to
enzima inducible. An enzyme pro- form the nucleoside adenosine;
duced, especially by bacteria in found in beet juice and tea leaves.
response to growing on an unu- adenoid. adenoide. Gland-like.
sual substrate; inducible enzyme. adenophore. adenóforo. A stalk sup-
adaptive radiation. radiación adaptivo. porting a gland.
The tendency in closely related adenous. adenoso. Having glands;
plants to evolve into sharply dif- gland-like.
ferent forms as a result of changed adenophyllous. adenófilo. Having glan-
environmental conditions. Some- dular leaves.
times used as a synonym for adenosine. adenosina. A nucleoside
cladogenesis. derived from the combinating of
adaptive value. valor adaptativo. valor adenine with a ribose sugar which
de adaptación. See fitness. gives rise to the nucleotide ade-
adaxial. adaxial. Located on the side nylic acid, one of the nucleic ac-
nearest to the axis, as the upper ids; adenylic acid.
surface of a leaf facing the stem. adenosine diphosphate (ADP). aden-
See abaxial. osina difosfato (ADP). The diphos-
adcrustation. adcrustación. The de- phate ester of adenosine. It is closely
positing of a substance on a cell linked with the adenosine triphos-
wall in contrast to being laid down phate in the transfer of energy
between the existising molecules; through ‘high energy” bonds dur-
referred to as encrusting. ing the respiration of carbohydrates.
adelphia. adelfia. One or more bunches The energy is released during the
or groups of stamens with combined production of ester phosphates by
filaments; also, describes plants the ADP, which acts as a phospho-
adenosine monophosphate 9 adventitious
rylating agent; also, a high energy, that permits haustoria or holdfasts
phosphoric ester (nucleotide). to adhere to a surface.
adenosine monophosphate. adenosina adiabatic. adiabatico. Incapable of
monofasfato. A nucleotide that is translocation.
a monophosphate derivative of ad- adnascens. adnascens. A Latin term
enosine. that means, “growing upon some-
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). adenos- thing”.
ina trifosfato (ATP). The triphos- adnate. adnato. The fusion or grow-
phate ester of adenosine. Two of ing together of unlike parts, as the
the phosphate ‘high energy’ radi- stamens to the corolla.
cals are changed to ‘low energy’ adnate stipule. estípula adnato. Hav-
links during the formation of es- ing the stipule attached to a peti-
ter phosphates by the ATP; energy ole.
is thereby released during phospho- adnation. adnación. One organ attached
rylation. ATP also acts as a phos- to another by its whole length; also,
phate donor by converting glucose the fusion of the vascular bundles
to glucose-6-phosphate which is of floral parts; also, sometimes used
necessary for glucose to be further as an equivalent to adhesion; the
converted to a disaccharide or condition of being adnate.
polysaccharide. ATP is the major adnexal. adnexal. Connected to or
source of metabolic high energy for adjunct to one or more other parts,
biochemical reactions that is pri- as gills and tubes of Basidio-
marily stored in the terminal phos- mycete, touching but not attached
phate ester linkage (nucleotide). to the stipe.
adenylic acid (AMP). ácido adenílico ADP. ADP. Adenosine diphosphate.
(AMP). Adenosine monophosphate. adpressed. adpreso. See appressed.
A constituent of DPN. adsorption. adsorción. The process
adermin. adermina. A B vitamin nec- where chemical ions or molecules
essary for the growth of lactic acid stick to the surface of other mate-
bacteria, certain yeasts, and fungi; rials; usually related to clay or
pyridoxine. humus.
adesmy. adesmia. An abnormal con- adspersed. adsperso. Widely distrib-
dition in a flower, when parts that uted; scattered.
are normally united are separated. adsurgent. adsurgente. See ascending.
adherent. adherente. The growing or adult. adulto. A fully developed in-
sticking together of unlike parts, dividual plant, mature to the point
as the anthers to the style; not as of being capable of sexual repro-
firm or solid as adnate. duction.
adhesion. adhesión. adherencia. The aduncate. aduncado. Hooked.
fusion of members of distinct whorls adventitia. adventicia. A membrane
of a flower, as occurs when the calyx that covers an organ but is not con-
grows up with ovary wall; also, the sidered part of the organ.
union of dissimilar organs. adventitious. adventicio. Structures
adhesive cell. célula adhesivo. Any or organs growing in unusual po-
cell that secrets a sticky substance sitions or locations; usually indi-
adventitious root 10 aerobic fermentation
cates roots or buds growing on a aerate. airear. To supply with oxygen.
stem or hair where it does not usu- aerate roots. raíz airear. Vertical or
ally grow. horizontal above ground roots; knee
adventitious root. raíz adveniticia. Fi- roots; stem roots; also, roots grow-
brous, aerial roots growing out from ing in soft mud which contain
the stem. aerenchyma, which stand above the
adventive. advenedizo. Not native; in- surface of the ground, acting as
troduced but not well established. ventilating organs.
Refers to plants moving into new aeration. aeración. The exchange of
areas. oxygen and carbon dioxide within
adverse. adverso. Turned toward the the soil, which is necessary for the
stem or main axis. respiration of roots; also, bubbling
adynamandry. adinamandria. Self- air through water to increase the
sterility. dissolved oxygen; also the proc-
aecidiosorus. aecidiosoro. See aecium. ess by which air in the soil is repaced
aecidiospore. ecidióspora. Aeciospore. by air from the atmosphere.
aecidium. ecidio. In rusts, a cup-shaped aerenchyma. aerencima. Tissue with
structure that produces a chain of large air spaces, commonly occur-
spores formed by the fusion of ring in aquatic plants providing
spores of opposite mating types; bouyancy for them, and in the roots
often occurs on the underside of of many bog plants.
the host plant leaf; also, a cup- aereolae. aereolae. Cracks in the sur-
shaped aecium with the free edge face of a crustaceous lichen due
of the periderm toothed. Sometimes to growth strains which aid in aera-
considered synonymous with aec- tion.
ium. aerial. aéreo. Growing in the air, out
aeciospore. ecióspora. A spore formed of soil or water, as roots or shoots
in a aecium. See aecidiospore. above the ground or water.
aecium. ecidio. A globular, cup-shaped aerial bulb. bulbo aéro. Bulbs emerging
fungus fruit body which bursts from above ground level.
through the epidermis of the host. aerial mycelium. micelio aéreo. Part
Typical of the rust fungi (Uredinio- of a mycelium held aloft from the
mycetes). substrate.
aenius. aenius. latón de color. Brass- aerial plant. planta aéreo. An epiphyte.
colored. aerial root. raíz aérea. raíz epigea.
aequalis. aequalis. igual. Similar in A fibrous, adventitious root, of-
size. ten with an adhesive disk; cram-
aequi-. aequi-. A Latin prefix that pon.
means, “equal”. aerial shoots. brote aéreo. Shoots grow-
aequi-hymeniferous. aequihimenífero. ing above the ground.
Having the hymenium developed aerobe. aerobio. A plant that needs
equally over each gill surface. elemental oxygen for respiration.
aequilateral. aequilátero. In describing aerobic fermentation. fermentación
leaves, equal sided, as opposed to aerobio. Cellular respiration, re-
oblique. quiring oxygen, glycolysis. the citric
aerobic 11 agamic reproduction
acid cycle, and the respiratory chain. aestivation. estivación. The arrange-
aerobic. aerobic. Living and growing ment of sepals, petals, and other
only in the presence of atmospheric floral parts in an unopened bud;
oxygen. also, summer dormancy due to
aerobic respiration. respiración aer- drought; prefloration.
obio. Enzymatic destruction of aethallium. aetalio. The fruit body of
substrate to release energy, involv- some myxomycetes. It is sessile or
ing elemental oxygen and evolv- slightly raised, involving nearly all
ing carbon dioxide and water. of the plasmodium and consisting
aerobiology. aerobiología. The study of a number of incompletely indi-
of the biological composition of vidualized sporangia.
the atmosphere, such as spores, pol- affinity. afinidad. A structural resem-
len, bacteria, viruses, and their ef- blance between species, genera, or
fects on plants. other natural characteristics that
aerobiosis. aerobiosis. Living in the makes common ancestry presum-
presence of oxygen. able; likeness.
aerogenic. aerogénico. A bacteria that affixed. unido. That part or organ which
produces gas during the metabo- is joined.
lism of certain types of substrate. afforestation. aforestación. plantación
aeropalynology. aeropalinologia. The de bosques. The changing of open
study of pollen grains and spores land into forest by planting and
in the atmosphere. seeding trees.
aerophyte. aerófito. A plant receiv- aflatoxin. aflatoxina. Any of a group
ing nourishment from the air rather of poisonous substances produced
than soil; epiphyte. by molds that contaminate stored
aerotaxis. aerotaxis. The movement food crops.
of a motile plant or gamete in re- after-ripening. postmaduración. Meta-
lation to the oxygen concentration bolic changes that must take place
in the water. in a dormant seed before germi-
aerotolerante. aerotolerante. Organ- nation can occur.
isms, usually bacteria, that are agamandroecious. agamandroecio.
normally anaerobic, but can sur- Having male and neuter flowers in
vive or tolerate the presence of air. the same inflorescence.
aerotropism. aerotropismo. A growth agamete. agámeto. agámeta. An asex-
curvature in relation to the oxy- ual reproductive cell.
gen concentration. agamic. agámico. Asexual generation
aeruginous. aerugino. Bluish-green or produced without gamete for-
or verdigris-colored. mation, as agamic plants or agamic
aestival. estival. Flowering or appear- reproduction; asexual. Produced
ing in the early summer; to spend without sexual union.
the summer in dormancy; also, used agamic generation. generación agám-
in reference to the six part divi- ico. Formation of seed without
sion of the year: aestival, autum- meiosis or fertilization; agamo-
nal, hibernal, prevernal, serotinal, spermy.
and vernal. agamic reproduction. reproducción
agamogenesis 12 agronomy
agámico. Being formed asexually; stools and mushrooms.
agamogenetic. agaricolous. agaricole. Living on mush-
agamogenesis. agamogenesis. Asexual rooms or toadstools.
reproduction. agent. agente. Any substance capa-
agamogenetic. agamog¾netico. Re- ble of producing a change, as phos-
producing or being reproduced phorus, which is an important agent
asexually. in stimulating heavy, unintended
agamogynoecious. agamoginoecio. growth of algae in many bodies of
Having female and neuter flowers water.
in the same inflorescence. agglomerate. agglomerado. agregado.
agamohermaphrodite. agamoherm- conglomerado. Crowded into a
afrodita. Having hermaphrodite and dense cluster but not fused.
neuter flowers in the same inflo- agglutinate. aglutinado. Stuck together.
rescence. aggregate. agregado. Densely crowded
agamospecies. agamospecie. A type together but not united, as many
of plant that produces seeds asexu- florets arranged in a dense mass.
ally, by agamospermy. aggregate fruit. fruto agregado. A clus-
agamospermy. agamospermia. Asexual ter of drupelets, making a single
reproduction in plants without berry, formed from separate pis-
meiosis or fertilization; apomixis. tils within a single flower, such as
agamospore. agamospora. A spore a raspberry (Rubus) or blackberry
produced asexually. (Rubus). Also referred to as com-
agamotropic. agamotrópica. Said of posite fruit and compound fruit.
a flower which does not shut af- aggregate ray. radial agregado. A group
ter having opened. of closely placed, narrow vascu-
agamous. ágamo. asexual. neutro. lar rays.
Refers to species which usually aggregate species. especie agregado.
produce seeds asexually; also, hav- A group of closely related species
ing no flowers or seeds. called by a single name.
agar (-agar). agar (-agar). A carbo- aggregation. agregación. The coming
hydrate free of nitrogen produced together of plants into groups.
by various seaweeds and used as agrad. agrado. A cultivated plant.
a mucilage where microorganisms agrestal. agrestal. Growing wild in cul-
are grown. tivated fields, as weeds.
agar gel. gel de agar. A gelatinous agrestis. agrestis. A Latin word that
extract from certain seaweed used means, “growing in fields”.
in making culture media for bac- agrobiology. agrobiologia. biologia
teria and fungi. agrícola. The study of plant growth
agaric. agaric. Any fungus that has in relation to soil and nutrition, es-
an umbrella-like shape and gill; a pecially to increased crop produc-
fungus of the genus Agaricus tion.
(Agaricaceae). agroclimatology. agroclimatología.
agaricaceous. agaricaceo. Belong- The study of climate and its effect
ing to the gill fungi family (Agaric- on plant production.
aceae), which includes most toad- agronomy. agronomia. The study of
agrostology 13 albumin
soil with the purpose of improv- especially movement of some kind.
ing crop production; also, the sci- aitionastic. aitionástico. Said of the
ence of farm mangement; also, the curvature of a plant-member in re-
study of the cultivation of field sponse to a diffuse simulus.
crops. akene. aquenio. See achene.
agrostology. agrostologia. The branch akenium. aquenio. See achene.
of botany that specializes in grasses akinete. acinete. A thick-walled, non-
(Poaceae); also, the study of motile spore which contains oil and
grasses. other food reserves with the spore
agynous. agino. Said of an abnormal wall indistinct from the cell wall.
flower in which the gynecium is ala (pl. alae). ala. A wing-like structure
not developed. or part; the membranous border of
A-horizon. horizonte A. The top layer some seeds; one of the two side
of soil; topsoil. (lateral) petals of a papilionaceous
aiphytium. aifitia. An ultimate forma- corolla, such as a sweet pea
tion. (Lathyrus); also, a narrow, leafy
air. aire. A colorless, tasteless, and outgrowth down the stem of a de-
invisible mixture of gases that is current leaf.
necessary for all life. alabastrum. alabastra. A flower-bud.
air bladder. vejiga llenade aire. A alanine. alanina. An amino acid oc-
large sac of air growing on certain curring combined in proteins.
water plants that help hold it up alar. alar. Situated in the fork of a stem.
when covered with water. alate. alado. alatus. Having thin, wing-
air chamber. cámara aerífera. A cavity like extensions or parts; winged,
in the upper surface of the thallus as alate leaves.
of some liverworts, opening extern- albescent. albescente. Whitist, or turn-
allly by an air pore and contain- ing white.
ing chains of photosynthetic cells; albidus. albidus. A Latin word that
also, an intercellular space in a leaf means, “whitist color”.
into which a stoma opens. albinism. albinismo. A deficiency of
air layering. acodo aéro. A method chromoplasts, the carotenoid-con-
of vegetative propagation causing taining plastids, that provide color
a branch or stem to form roots by to mature fruit and flowers.
making a cut half way through the albino. albino. A plant or plant part
branch and wrapping it in moss with a pale, defective coloring,
(Musci) or soil. occasioned by the incapacity of the
air plant. planta aérea. Epiphyte. plant to process chlorophyll; also,
air pollution. contaminación del aire. an abnormal form lacking pigment
polución del atmosférica. The or nearly so.
contamination of the atmosphere albumen. albumen. In some seeds, a
with various pollutants, as indus- nutritive material or tissue that
trial gases, auto exhaust fumes, occurs outside the embryo. (An old
smoke, and other human activities. term usually replaced by endo-
aitiogenic. aitogénico. Said of a re- sperm).
action of a plant to external stimuli, albumin. albúmina. Water soluble pro-
albuminous 14 alga
tein of many cereal seeds and an ferent alcohols during the anaerobic
enzyme constitituent of various respiration of carbohydrates by vari-
plant cells; soluble in water and ous microorganims, e.g. the pro-
coagulates with heat. duction of ethyl alcohol by yeasts
albuminous. albuminoso. Pertaining fermenting the sugars in malt during
to or containing albumen. See al- the brewing process.
bumen. aldehyde. aldehído. Oxidation prod-
albuminous cell. célular albuminoso. ucts of primary alcohols that are
A densely cytoplasmic cell in the liquid, colorless, pungent, and
phloem of gymnosperms with ex- volatile.
tensive interconnections to sieve aleuriospore. aleurispora. A single-
cells; are thought to control their celled, asexual fungal spore at the
metabolism. Albuminous cells are tip of aerial hypha; also, an asexual
analogous to the companion cells cell that is released when the spore-
in angiosperms but differ in that bearing hypha bursts open.
they are not usually sister cells to aleurone layer. capa de aleurona.
the associated sieve cells. aleurónica. A row of cells, con-
albuminoids. albuminoides. A general taining aleurone, rich in protein
term for proteins. granules, located in the endosperm
alburnum. albura. The white, softer of a plant embryo.
part of wood (xylem), between the aldohexose. aldohexosa. An aldose with
inner bark and the heartwood; gen- six carbon atoms.
erally considered an obsolete word aldol. aldol. The condensation prod-
for sapwood. ucted of two acetaldehyde mol-
albus. albus. A Latin word that means, ecules.
“white”. aldopentose. aldopentosa. An aldose
alcohol. alcohol. A hydrocarbon in with five carbon atoms, as ribose.
which a hydrogen atom is replaced aldose. aldosa. A monosaccharide sugar
by a hydroxyl (OH) group; also, with an aldehyde (CHO) in the first
the colorless, flammable, liquid in position and a HCOH group in the
wine, beer, whiskey, gin, and other second position.
fermented and distilled, intoxicating aldotetrose. aldotetrosa. An aldose
liquids, derived from plants. with four carbon atoms.
alcohol series. serie de soluciones aldotriose. aldotriosa. An aldose with
alcohólicas. The alcohols occur- three carbon atoms.
ring in plants include the mono- alepidote. alepidota. Smooth; with-
hydric alcohols, e.g. ethyl alcohol; out scales or scurf.
the trihydric alcohols with three aleuriospore. aleuriospora. A thick-
OH groups, e.g. glycerol that oc- wall, terminal spore, formed from
curs as oxidized derivatives and the the end of a hypha from which it
polyhydric alcohols, e.g. sugars with is separated by a cross-wall.
the general formula ROH, where alga (pl. algae). alga. Any of a large
R is a long chain or cyclic. group of single or multi-celled
alcoholic fermentation. fermentación photosynthetic organisms, aquatic
alcohólica. The production of dif- or sub-aquatic, that contain chlo-
alga fungi 15 allogamous
rophyll but not water; formerly clas- stamens alternatively inserted on
sified as plants, but currently con- the torus and on the petals.
sidered as moneransand protists. allantoid. alantoide. Sausage-shaped.
There is never any vascular tissue allele. alelo. One member of a pair of
and the reproductive organs are genes for a given trait at a specific
essentially one-celled with the gam- locus on homologous chromosomes;
etes mostly flagellates a shortened form of allelomorph.
alga fungi. ficomicetos. See phyco- allelic exclusion. exclusioón alélico.
mycetes. The principle that in an antibody-
alganin. alganin. See algin. producing cell, the DNA splicing
algicolous. algícolo. Living on algae. process required for the formation
algin. algin. A magnesium–calcium salt of an active antibody gene occurs
of alginic acid which is present in in only one allele.
brown algae. It is used commer- allelism. alelismo. The relationship be-
cially in the manufacture of confect- tween alleles.
ionaries and man-made fibers. allelomorph. alelómorfo. A term com-
alginic acid. ácido alginico. The ge- monly shortened to allele; also, in
latinous compound in the cell wall Mendelian terms, either of a pair
of brown alage (Phaeophyta). of contrasting characters inherited
algology. algología. The branch of alternatively.
botany that pertains to algae; allelopathy. alelopatia. The anti-
phycology. competition effect which occurs
alien. extranjero. exótico. introd- when a plant reaches a toxic sub-
ucido. A plant that has been in- stance that inhibits the growth or
troduced by humans, and has be- germination of other organisms.
come naturalized. allergen. alergeno. Any substance that
aliform. aliforme. Resembling a wing provokes an allergic response.
in shape; wing-shaped. allergy. alergia. The altered, usually
alkaline soil. suelo álcali. suelo exaggerated, immune response to
alcalino. A soil with soluble min- an allergen.
eral salts in amounts sufficient to alliaceous. aliaceo. With the odor of
reduce or prevent the growth of garlic or onion.
plants; found mostly in arid regions; alliance. alianza. A grouping used in
also, soil with a pH factor more phytosociology of closely related
than 7. associations. See protocooperation.
alkaloid. alcaloide. One of a group of allocarpy. alocarpia. Fruiting after
nitrogen-based compounds with a cross-fertilization.
heterocyclic ring, derived from allochronic speciation. especiación
plants with pharmacological sig- alócrona. The formation of new
nificance, including alkaloids as species during the passage of time,
morphine, strychnine, and cocaine. tending to form a gradation from
Sometimes used to include nitro- one species to the next.
gen bases that do not have a hetero- allochrous. alocro. Changing from one
cyclic ring, e.g. caffeine. color to another.
allagostemonous. alagostémono. With allogamous. alógamo. Caused by or
allogamy 16 alpha helix
pertaining to cross-fertilization. tion on a protein molecule in a
allogamy. alogamia. Cross-fertiliza- manner that affects the properties
tion. of the same molecule at another
allogene. alógeno. See recessive allele. location.
allograft. alotransplantar. A relatively allosyndesis. alosinde. The pairing in
compatible tissue exchange between a cross of two polyploids or of chro-
non-identifical members of the same mosomes derived from opposite
species; homograft. parents; also, pairing in an allo-
allometry. alometría. The growth of polyploid between chromosomes
one part of a plant at a different derived from ultimate diploid an-
rate than the remainder. cestors.
allopatric. alopátrico. Two populations allotetraploid. alotetraploide. An allo-
occurring in different, widely sepa- polyploid formed by the doubling
rate geographic areas. See sympatric of the chromosome number in a
and parapatric. diplid hybrid, i.e. tetraploid with
allopatric speciation. especiación a diploid set of chromosomes from
alopátrico. A new species forma- each parent. See amphidiploid.
tion from an ancestral species as allotropous flower. flor de alotropo.
a result of geographical separation A flower with the nectar freely
that produced climate changes such exposed and available to a wide
as glaciation, growing aridity, or variety of insects.
chance migration across major dis- allotype. alotipo. A single specimen
persal barriers. of the opposite sex of the speci-
allopatry. alopatria. The occurrence men (holotype) on which a plant
of species in different geographic description is based.
areas are known as allopatric spe- allotypic. alotipico. Of or pertaining
cies. to an allotype, as an allotypic char-
allophanoids. alofanoides. Hydrated acter.
aluminium silicates found in soils. alluvial soil. tierra aluvial. A soil de-
allopolyploid. alopoliploide. A apolypl- rived from marine, esturine, or river
oid organism in which the differ- depoists. A young soil with an un-
ent chromosomal sets originate from developed profile but usually with
different species, i.e. the individual high fertility.
has two or more sets of chromo- alone. solo. See solitary.
somes, which have different chro- alpestrine. aplestrino. Subalpine.
mosome compliments; polyploid alpestris. alpestris. A Latin word that
derived from hybridization between means, “growing at a high altitude
widely different species. but below the snow-line”.
allosome. alosoma. An abnormal chro- alpha amino acid. aminoácido de alfa.
mosome; also, a sex chromosome. The basic building compounds of
allosomal inheritance.herencia alosóm- peptides and proteins.
ico. Inheritance of characters car- alpha helix. hélice alfa. The right-
ried on an allosome. handed, but sometime a left-handed
allosteric effect. efecto alostérico. The spiral of a polypeptide chain, which
binding of a ligand to one loca- is the secondary structure of some
alpha-ketoglutarate oxidase 17 altitude
protein molecules, especially the heteroecious rust. See alternative
globular type. host.
alpha-ketoglutarate oxidase. alfa- alternation of generations. alternación
cetoglutarado oxidasa. An enzyme de generación. In the life cycle,
in the Citric Acid Cycle (Kreb’s alternational of a generation is
Cycle) which oxidizes aketoglutar- having sexual reproduction with a
ate to succinic acid, by oxidative generation having asexual repro-
decarboxylation. duction. The sexually and asexu-
alpha spore. espora alfa. A fertile spore ally reproducing forms are often
of the imperfect state of the different, especially in plants and
Diaporthaceae. This family of the animals. In animals, such as
fungi also produces beta-spores, hydroids, jelly fish and tapeworms,
which are generally filiform and both generations are independent.
sterile. The fern is a diploid sporophyte
alpha taxonomy. taxonomia alfa. The and reproduces asexually by the
stage in botanical development in formation of haploid spores, fol-
which taxonomists are engaged in lowing meiosis. Germination of the
the exploration and description of spores begins in the gametophyte
plant species; current in most tropi- generation, with a small prothallus,
cal and some sub-tropical regions which reproduces sexually. Male
of the world. and female gametes fuse, forming
alpine. alpino. Living or growing on a zygote, that develops into a new
mountains above the timberline, but fern. However, it must be noted that
below the snow-line. there are great differences between
alpine zone. zona alpino. A region with the various plant-like forms as to
different altitudes in temperate and the prominence and degree of in-
tropical mountain areas that occurs dependence shown by gametophyte
above the tree-line and below the and sporophyte generations. Among
snowline but is characterized by Algae and Fungi, this may be fur-
the absence of trees. ther complicated. If the two gen-
alsad. alsade. A grove plant. erations look alike, the alternation
alsium. alsio. A grove formation. is homologous, and if they do not
alternate. alterno. Of leaves or branches look alike, the alternation Is anti-
that are arranged singly on the par- thetic; heterogenesis.
ent axis; usually refers to one leaf alternative host. huésped alternativa.
per node and occurring at inter- One of the hosts of a plant patho-
vals along the stem, but not op- gen, usually referred to the wild
posite each other; also, occurring host(s) of a disease-causing organ-
between other parts such as sta- ism of a cultivated plant. See al-
mens between petals; also arranged ternate host.
at differing levels or in spiral po- alternative inheritance. herencia altern-
sitions, especially used for leaves ativa. See allelomorph.
on a stem. See opposite. altitude. altitud. The height above the
alternate host. huésped alternativo. earth’s surface, as measured from
One of the two unlike hosts of a sea level.
altitudinal zone 18 aminoacid
altitudinal zone. zona altitudinal. zona amensalism. amensalismo. A type of
de altitud. Usually as altitudes symbiotic relationship in which an
increase, conditions become cooler organism affects or inhibits another
and damper, so that vegetation in without being affected or inhibited
the mountains show correspond- in return.
ing changes; in the tropics, zonal ament. amento. A dense, often droop-
changes may extend from the rain ing flower cluster (inflorescence)
forest on the lower slopes to al- consisting of small, scale-like,
pine communities. In the higher apetalous, unisexual flowers, grow-
latitudes, the elevation of the tree- ing on birches (Betulaceae) and
line gradually declines to sea level. willows (Salicaceae); catkin.
alveolate. alveolado. Pitted, like a hon- amentaceous. amentáceo. amenti-flo-
eycomb with the pits separated by ras. Ament-like or ament bearing;
thin, ridged membranous partitions; bearing catkin or catkin-like.
honeycomb-like. amentiferous. amentífero. Bearing cat-
alveolus (pl. alveoli). alvéolo. A small kins, as the pussy willow (Salicac-
surface pit; also, a pore of a poly- eae).
porous fungus. amentiform. amentiforme. Resembling
amber. ámbar. The fossilized resin of an ament or catkin in shape.
ancient trees. amentum. amento. A catkin.
ambi-. ambi-. A Latin prefix that means, ameristic. ameristico. Unable to com-
“around’ or “ round about”. plete development due to lack of
ambient. ambiente. Relating the en- nutrients.
vironment or surroundings. amerospore. amerospora. A one-celled
ambient temperature. temperatura spore.
ambiente. Air temperature at a amide. amida. A derivative of an or-
given time and place, as distin- ganic acid in which the hydroxyl
guished from radiant temperature. group is replaced by an amino
ambiguous. ambiguo. ambigua. Of group.
uncertain origin or doubtful sys- amide plant. planta amida. A plant
tematic position. which accumulates amides, espe-
ambilinearity. ambilinearidad. The in- cially asparagine or glutamine,
heritance of cytoplasmic particles rather than ammonium salts.
(plastogenes or plasmagens) from amine. amina. A salt (ester) of an anino
the male or female parent. acid.
ambiparous bud. bulbo ambiparo. A amino acid. aminoácido. ácido amin-
bud containing both young vegeta- ado. Any of a large group of or-
tive leaves and young flowers. ganic compounds synthesized from
am(o)eboid. ameboide. Like an amoeba, simple inorganic compounds by
constantly changing shape. autotrophic plants and many
ameiosis. ameiosis. Having one divi- microorganisms. They are deriva-
sion of the nucleus instead of two tives of acetic acid in which one
at meiosis so that the chromosome hydrogen of the alkyl group is re-
number of the mother cell is not placed by a nitrogen group; involved
reduced. in protein synthesis.
amino acid sequence 19 amphidiploid
amino acid sequence. secuencia de ous.
aminoácidos. The sequence of amorph. amorf. A recessive mutant
amino acid residues in a polypep- gene which has no obvious effect
tide chain; the primary structure on the characteristics affected by
of a protein. the non-mutant allelomorp.
amino group. grupo amino. The amorphous. amorfo. Shapeless, without
chemical part of a molecule that any definite form.
imparts basic properties to an amino AMP. AMP. Adenosine monophos-
acid. phate; adenosine monophosphoric
amino sugar. azúcar aminado. amino- acid.
azúcar. A monosaccharide that has amphi-. anfi-. A Greek prefix that
an amino group rather than one or means, “double” or “on both sides
more hydroxyl groups. of”.
amitosis. amitosis. A type of cell di- amphiaster. anfiáster. The spindle and
vision of the nucleus by a median two asters that form during the
constriction where the cell sepa- prophase of mitosis.
rates into two new cells without amphibian. anfibio. A plant that grows
the appearance of the usual mitotic on land or in water.
chromosomal configurations. The amphibiotic. anfibiótico. An organ-
chromosomes do not become vis- ism that can be parasitic or sym-
ible and it is unlikely that two iden- biotic, depending on the host.
tical nuclei result. amphibious. anfibio. Living both in
amitotic. amitótico. Reproducing with- water and on land; usually grow-
out mitosis. ing submerged, but can live for long
ammonia. amoniaco. A colorless gas periods out of water.
composed of nitrogen and hydro- amphicarpic. anficárpico. Same as
gen; an intermediate in the metabo- amphicarpous.
lism of nitrogen. amphicarpous. anficárpico. Bearing
ammonification. amonificación. The two different kinds of fruit or bear-
biochemical process of infusing ing at two different times.
ammonia in the nitrogen cycle, when amphicarpy. anficárpia. A type of
nitrogen is made available to green heterocarpy where a plant produces
plants from nitrogen-containing one type of fruit above ground and
organic compounds; also, the pro- a different type of fruit below
duction of ammonia in the decom- ground.
position of organic matter. amphiclinous hybrid. híbrido anfícl-
ammonium. amonio. An ionic form by ino. A family resulting from a cross
which (a) nitrogen is absorbed by with some of the progeny resem-
roots from the soil, or if nitrogen bling one parent and some the other.
is absorbed as a nitrate, form which amphidiploid. anfídiploide. Forming
nitrate is reconstituted within the new species through polyploid
plant, and (b) nitrogen is utilized speciation; a hybrid organism with
in the synthesis of an amino acid. a diploid set of chromosomes do-
ammophilous. amófilo. Living and nated by each parent; double dip-
growing well in sand; psammophil- loid; allotetraploid.
amphigastria 20 ampliate
amphigastria. anfigastr(i)os. Minute, amphitrichous. anfítrico. Having a
rudimentary leaves on the under- flagellum at each end of the cell.
side of the stem of some liverworts amphitrophic. anfitrófico. An organism
(Hepaticae). that can use photosynthesis in
amphigean. anfiges. Global; species lighted conditions or can use chem-
found throughout the world. osynthesis in darkened conditions.
amphigenous. anfigeno. Growing in amphitropical species. especie anfitr-
many lateral directions, as with li- opical. Species with disconnected
chens. distribution patterns; one part of
amphigynous. anfígino. Said of the the range north of the equator and
antheridium of the Pythiaceae the other to the south, with a sharp
which has the oogonial incept grow- geographical separation.
ing through it. amphitropous. anfitropo. Of an ovule
amphikaryon. anficario. A normal dip- that bends both ways on the stalk.
loid nucleus with two haploid sets amphitropous ovule. óvulo anfitropo.
of chromosomes. A half-inverted, immature ovule
amphilepsis. anfílepsis. Inheritance of attached near the middle of one side
characteristics from both parents. and parallel with the placenta.
amphimixis. anfímixis. The fusion of amphivasal bundle. haz anfívasal. A
two distinct cells and nuclei, as vascular bundle in which the xy-
antheridium and archegonium, re- lem surrounds the central strand
sulting in the formation of a new of phloem.
individual. amphora. anfora. A pitcher-shaped
amphiphlole. anfiflóle. Pertaining to organ.
a stem that has the phloem on both ampholyte. anfolito. Amphoteric elec-
the inner and outer surface of the trolyte.
xylem. amphoteric electrolyte. electrólito
amphiploid. anfíploide. Polyploid re- anfótero. electrolito anfótero. A
sulting from hybridization between substance that can exist as posi-
two or more diploid species sepa- tively or negatively charged ions
rated by barriers of hybrid steril- in solution, as proteins and their
ity. derivatives.
amphispore. anfíspora. A thick-walled amplectant. amplectante. Twining or
uredospre produced in drought clasping, as an amplectant tendril.
conditions by some Uredinales and amplective. amplectivo. Encircling or
germinating after a period of dor- clasping, as an amplective tendril.
mancy. amplexicaul. amplexicaule. Encircling,
amphitene. anfíteno. The stage in meio- as leaves that surround and clasp
sis when the spireme threads are or encircle the plant at the base of
paired. the stem. See stipule.
amphithecium. anfitecio. The outer amplexus. amplexo. In vernation, the
layer of cells in moss spore cases overlap of two sides of one leaf
that surround the endothecium; also, with the two sides of the leaf di-
the thalline margin of a lichen rectly above it.
apothecium. ampliate. ampliado. Enlarged.
ampulla 21 anagenesis
ampulla. ámpula. A flask or bladder- metabolism which uses energy from
shaped sac on some aquatic plants. food and water to construct com-
ampullaceous. ampuláceo. Swelling plex compounds of living tissue;
outward; bladder-shaped. constructive metabolism.
ampulliform. ampulíforme. Flask or anadromic helicoid branching. ramific-
bottle-shaped. ación helicoide anádromico. A type
amygdaliform. amigdalíforme. Having of branching found in some fern
the shape of an almond. leaves (Filicopsida) in which new
amygdoloid. amigdoloide. Almond- branches arise from only one side
shaped. of the main axis. This results in a
amylaceous. amilaceo. Starchy. helix developing. If the side bearing
amylase. amilasa. One of a group of the branches faces away form the
enzymes that hydrolyses starch or main axis of the leaf, the helix is
glycogen, producing the sugars glu- anadromic.
cose, dextrin, or maltose. anadromous. anádromo. Running up.
amyloid. amiloide. Of spores turning anaerophyte. anaerofito. A plant which
blue with iodine solution with the does not require a direct supply of
presence of starch; also, starch-like. air.
amylopectin. amilopectina. A polysac- anaerobe. anaerobio. A microorganism
charide composed of branched that can live where there is no at-
chains containing a large number mospheric oxygen; getting oxygen
of glucose units linked in the 1:4 by the decomposition of compounds
or 1:6 position. containing it.
amyloplast. amiloplasto. A colorless anaerobic. anaerobio. Without oxy-
body in plant cells which form gran- gen; living or growing where there
ules; plastids that are specialized is no atmospheric oxygen, as in
for the storage of starch. swamps or peat bogs.
amylose. amilosa. A long straight- anaerobic respiration. respiración
chained polysaccharide composed anaerobio. A process involving the
of about 300 glucose units linked decomposition of organic com-
in the 1:4 position. It is a constituent pounds without the intake of at-
of starch and is responsible for the mospheric oxygen, resulting in the
typical blue color of starch when formation of carbon dioxide and
treated with an iodine solution. alcohol, the most common form
amylostatolith. amilostatolito. A starch being alcoholic fermentation; also,
grain acting as a statolith. the enzymatic breakdown of a sub-
anabolic. anabólico. Pertaining to the strate releasing energy without using
process where proteins are synthe- oxygen. Facultative anaerobes can
sized through a chemical combi- use free oxygen and obligate anaer-
nation of amino acids. obes do not. anaerobiosis.
anabiont. anabionte. An organism in anaerobiosis. A process by which life
which anabolic processes predomi- is being continued or sustained with-
nate over catabolic processes, as out oxygen.
green plants. anagenesis. anagénesis. The type of
anabolism. anabolismo. The phase of evolutionary change that takes place
anakinetic 22 androdynamous
within a species which results in during meiosis
phyletic evolution, in contrast to anastomose. anastomosar. To connect
cladogenesis. or unite by anastomosis, commonly
anakinetic. anacinética. Leading to the used for the merger of two ducts,
restoration of energy and the for- pits, or vascular bundles.
mation of reactive, energy-rich anastomosing. anastomosado. After
substances. forming, veins that connect and
anakinetomere. anacinétomera. Reac- become an interveining network,
tive, energy-rich molecules. as in leaves, roots, and stems.
analog(ue). análogo. An organ analo- anastomosis. anastomosis. The linking
gous to another organ; also, in or connecting, as in woody plants;
chemistry, a compound that closely the twining of branches; also, a cross
resembles another in structure. connection in a branching system,
analogous. analógico. Having a similar as the veins of leaves. See anas-
function, but not a similar struc- tomosing and strangler.
ture or origin; in contrast to ho- anatomy. anotomia. Structural details
mologous. revealed in dissection; sometimes
analogous variation. variación analóg- used synonymously with morphol-
ico. Characteristics that have simi- ogy.
lar functions but have developed anatropous. anátropo. An ovule that
independently in unrelated taxo- is inverted so that the micropyle
nomic groups in response to similar is next to the hilum, and the em-
environments, as phyllodes (flat- bryonic root is at the other end.
tened petioles providing leaf func- ancad. ancad. A canyon plant.
tions). anceps. anceps. A Latin word that
anamorphosis. anamorfosis. An unu- means, “two-edged”.
sual change of form in a plant; also, ancipital. ancipital. A fattened plant
a gradual change in form in a group stem with two sharp edges, espe-
of plants over a long period of time. cially in grasses (Poaceae).
anandrous. anandro. Without stamens. ancipitous. ancipito. Two-edged.
anantherous. anantero. Without an- ancistroid. ancistroide. Shaped like
thers. a hook.
ananthous. ananto. Without flowers; andro-. andro-. A Greek prefix that
flowerless. means, “male”.
anaphase. anáfase. The third stage in androcyte. androcito. A pair of andro-
mitosis or meiosis when the two cytes are formed by the division
sets of daughter chromosomes move of the androgonal mother cell and
to the opposite ends of the spin- are metamorphosed into atherozoids
dle; occurring after metaphase and in the antheridium of the Bryophtya
before telophase. and Pteridophyta; a sperm mother
anaphysis. anafisis. A sterigma-like cell.
thread in the apothecium of some androdioecious. androdioico. Flowers
lichens. staminate on one plant, perfect on
anascistic. anascistico. Said of tetrads another.
that divide twice longitudinally androdynamous. androdinamo. Hav-
androecious 23 aneuploid
ing stamens of unusual develop- anth; a column of united stamens,
ment. as in Malvaceae.
androecious. androecio. Plants with androsporangium. androsporangio.
only male flowers. A sporangium producing andros-
androecium (pl. androecial). androceo. pore.
The collective name for all the sta- androspore. andróspora. A special form
mens in a flower; the male organ of zoospore produced by the
of a flower; also, a group of Oedogoniales which germinates to
antheridia of mosses (Musci). form the dwarf male filament.
androgenous. andrógeno. Bearing sta- androtomous. andrótomo. Having the
mens only. filaments of the stamens divided.
androgenesis. androgénesis. Develop- anemo-. anemo-. A Greek prefix that
ment from a male cell. means, “wind”.
androgonal cell. célula andrógino. The anemochoric. anemocoro. Dispersed
developing antheridium of the by wind.
Bryophyta and Pteridophyta con- anemochorous. anemocoria. Plants
tains four primary androgonal cells whose fruits and seeds are wind-
which divide repeatedly to form the dispersed, especially plants that re-
cubical androgonal cells. At their tain their seeds or fruit through-
last division, they are called andro- out the winter, ready for dispersal
cyte mother-cells. These divide di- in the spring.
agonally to give the androcytes. anemochory. anemocoria. The dispersal
androgyne. andrógeno. Hermaphro- of pollen by the wind; wind dis-
dite; an androgynous plant. persal.
androgynophore. androginóforo. The anemophile. anemófilo. A plant that
supporting stalk for the androecium produces seeds or spores that are
and gynoecium in some flowers. dispersed by the wind.
androgynous. andrógino. In the same anemophilous. anemófilo. Fertilized
spike, having staminate flowers by wind-carried pollen, as grasses
above and pistillate flowers below, (Poaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae),
as on certain sedges (Cyper-aceae); and pines (Pinaceae); wind- pol-
also, having stamens and ovaries linated; also, wind-loving.
in distinct parts of the same inflo- anemophily. anemofília. The pollina-
rescence. tion of plants by the wind.
androgyny. androginia. Hermaphr- anemochory. anemocoria. Wind dis-
oditism. persal.
andromonoecious. andromonoico. A anemosis. anemoe. A crack in young
single plant with both staminate and trees resulting from the force of
perfect flowers. intense winds.
andropetalous. andropetalario. Hav- anemotropism. anemotropismo. The
ing double flowers by the stamens active response of a plant to air
changing into petals. currents.
androphore. andróforo. A single stalk aneuploid. aneuploide. Having a
supporting a group of stamens above number of chromosomes that are
the point of attachment of the peri- not a multiple of the haploid number
aneuploidy 24 anisophyllous
for the species. unites with water to form an acid
aneuploidy. aneuploidia. A loss or in- or base.
crease of chromosome from its basic anion. anion. anión. An ion that carries
number. a negative electrical charge. anion
aneurine. aneurina. The vitamin thia- exchange capacity.
mine which promotes root, fungus, capacidad de cambio anion. See ex-
and bacteria growth. change capacity.
anfractuosus. anfractuosus. A Latin aniso-. aniso-. A Greek prefix that
word that means, “sinuous”. means, “unequal” or ”unlike”.
angiocarp. angiocarpo. Any fruit that anisocarpic. ansiocarpico. With fewer
grows enclosed in an external cov- carpels than other floral parts.
ering. anisocotylous. anisocótilo. Having
angiocarpous. angiocarpo. Of a fun- cotyledons of unequal size in the
gus fruit body which is closed dur- seedling.
ing maturation. anisocytic. anisocitico. A type of sto-
angiocarpy. angiocarpia. A type of matal complex in which there are
fungal fruit development where the three subsidiary cells of unequal
spore-bearing tissue is enclosed for sizes.
part of the period. anisogamete. anisogameto. Either of
angiosperm. angiosperma. A plant pro- the pair of conjugating gametes that
ducing flowers and bearing seeds differ from one or the other in form
(ovules) enclosed in an ovary (fruit), or size.
as grasses (Poaceae), and straw- ansiogamous. anisogamo. Character-
berries (Rosaceae); one of two ized by anisogamy.
groups, angiosperm and gymno- anisogamy. anisogamia. The union of
sperm, that make up the seed-bear- motile gametes of unequal size, as
ing classification spermatophytes. with some algae; heterogamy.
angle. angulo. The region between two anisogenomatic. anisogenomatico.
rays (sides) having a common end Having a chromosome complement
point (vertex). of unlike sets of chromosomes.
anguilluliform. anguilluliforme. Worm- anisogeny. anisogenie. Having different
like in form. inheritance in reciprocal crosses.
angular. angular. Having angles or anisomerous. anisomero. Having asym-
being irregularly shaped. metrical floral parts; also, having
angular divergence. divergencia ang- an unequal number of parts in each
uloso. The angle between the lines whorl.
of insertion of two adjacent leaves. anisomery. anisomeria. Of flowers
angulate. angulado. See angular. having different numbers of flowers
angustate. angusto. Narrowing rapidly in successive whorls.
in width, as with some leaves. anisometric. ansometrico. Having non-
angusti-. angusti-. A Latin prefix that symmetrical parts or unequal meas-
means, “narrow”. urements.
angustifoliate. angustifolio. Narrow- anisopetalous. anisopétalo. Having
leaved. unequal petals.
anhydride. anhídrido. Any oxide that anisophyllous. anisofilo. Having un-
anisophylly 25 anthcyanin
equal leaves; producing large and annulate. anular. Marked by or made
small leaves on the same plant. up of ringed segments; also, hav-
anisophylly. anisofilia. Difference in ing a membranous ring on the stipe
form between upper and lower (of Agarics); annular.
leaves of a horizontal shoot, or annulus. anillo. A ring of specialized
between upper and lower surfaces cells along one side of a fern
of such leaves, frequently as a (Filicopsida), moss (Musci), or
result of external forces, as grav- some mushroom sporangium that
ity and light; heterophylly. assist in the spore dispersal; ring-
anisoplanogametes. anisoplanog- like markings.
ametos. Flagellate gametes of anode. ánodo. A positive electrode
different sizes. to which anions are attracted.
anisosepalous. anisosépalo. Having anomaly. anomalía. Deviation from
unequal sepals. the norm or type.
anisostemonous. anisostémono. Hav- anomocytic. anomocitico. A type of
ing stamens not equal in number stomatal complex in which there
to the petals or the sepals. are no obvious subsidiary cells.
anisotropic. anisotropico. Responding antagonism. antagonismo. Growth
differently or unequally to envi- inibition of one organism by an-
ronmental conditions; also, crys- other; also, the ability of one toxic
talline. xalt to reduce or remove the toxic
anisotropy. anisotropia. The condi- effect of another.
tion or state of being anisotropic. antagonist symbiosis. simbiosis anta-
annexed. anexo. adnato. Adnate. gonista. The parasitism of one
annotinal. anotinal. Yearly. organism on another, especially of
annotinous. anotino. One year old, as one lichen on another.
annotinous branches; also, yearly, ante-. ante-. A Latin prefix that means,
or in yearly growths. “before” or “in front of”.
annotinus. anotinus. A Latin word that antecedent genom(e). genoma ante-
means, “applied to the branches of cedente. The genom when it plays
the previous year ’s growth”. it the principle role in determin-
annual. anual. A plant that completes ing inheritance.
the life cycle in one year and then antepetalous. antepétalo. Located di-
dies; of one year’s growth dura- rectly in front of the petals.
tion from seed to seed production. anterior. anterior. Located on the front
annual ring. anillo annual. The sec- side away from the axis; Compare
ondary xylem produced during a posterior.
single growing season; any of the antesepalous. antesépalo. Located
rings of heart wood (xylem) that in front of or opposite the sepals;
are seen when a tree trunk is cut also, in the blossom, the part next
across; also, referred to as growth to the bract, i.e. external; while the
rings. posterior side is that next to the
annular. anular. With ring-like mark- axis of inflorescence.
ings or with rings; also, forming anthcyanin. antocianina. A group of
a circle; ring-like. pigments in the cell sap of plants,
anthela 26 anthracnose
which produce the deep red, blue antho-. anto-. A Greek prefix that
lavender, and purple colors of petals means, “flower”.
and fruits. anthocarp. antocarpo. A multiple fruit,
anthela. antela. A form of cymose in- as a pineapple (Bromel-iaceae),
florescence with the lateral branches formed from the ovaries of several
growing beyond the axis; an open blossoms.
paniculate cyme. anthocyan(in). antocia(ni)na. antoc-
anther. antera. The male reproductive íano. Nitrogenous, water-soluble
organ that encloses and contains pigments that are involved in the
the pollen grain; pollen-bearing por- red to blue flowers and the autumnal
tion of a stamen; in flowers, the color of leaves in temperate cli-
terminal part of the male organ (sta- mates. Anthocyanins are red if the
men), usually a double-celled sac, sap is acidic and blue if it is slightly
located at the end of a thread-like alkaline.
stem (filament). anthoid. antoide. Flower-like.
antheridial cell. célula anteridial. A antholeucin(e). antoleucina. The white
cell that develops into an atheridium pigment in flowers.
in bryophytes and pteridophytes. antholite. antolita. A fossil plant or
antheridial chamber. cámara de a fossil that resembles a flower.
anteridial. The cavity in a thal- antholysis. antolisis. A retrograde trans-
lus containing an antheridium. formation of a flower in which parts
antherid(i)ophore. anterid(i)óforo. A that are normal combined become
gametophore that bears only an separate.
antheridium. anthophore. antóforo. An elongated
antherid(ium). anterido. anteridio. stalk supporting the corolla, sta-
An organ that produces male sex mens, and pistil above the recep-
cells in algae, fungi, mosses tacle and calyx; a stipe between the
(Musci), and ferns (Filicopsida); calyx and corolla.
the multi-cellular male sex struc- anthophorous. antóforo. Flower-bear-
ture of plants other than seed plants. ing.
antheriferous. anterífero. Anther bear- anthotaxy. antotaxia. The arrangement
ing. of the flowers on the axis of the
antheriform. anteriforme. Having the inflorescence.
appearance of an anther. anthoxanthin(e). antoxantina. A gly-
antheroid. anteroide. Having the ap- coside that gives the yellow colors
pearance of an anther. to cell-sap.
antherozoid. anterozoide. Male sexual anthraciny. antracinia. The breakdown
cell from the antheridium; sperma- of organic material by fungi fol-
tozoid. lowed by its further digestion in
anthesis. antesis. The period when the the alimentary tracts of insects and
flower is fully open; also, the open- worms, providing dark colors to
ing of the flower bud; also, the soil.
duration of the flower ’s life from anthracnose. antracnosa. A general
the opening of the bud to the set- term for any of the plant diseases
ting of the fruit. that produce dark spots or sunken
anthropo- 27 aphaptotropism
formations on leaves, fruit, and zyme.
other parts. antigen. antigeno. A substance that
anthropo-. antropo-. A Greek prefix causes a plant to produce antibodies.
that means, “man” or “human”. antimorph. antimorf. Having an ef-
anthropochory. antropocoria. Disper- fect opposite to that of the normal,
sal by man. non mutant allelomorph.
anthropogenic climax. climax de antiparallel. antiparalela. Directionally
antropogénico. A climax in the opposite, as in the structure of the
vegetation occurring under the in- two strands of DNA.
fluence of human intervention. antipetalous. antipétalo. Opposite the
anthropophyte. antropófite. A plant petals. See antepetalous.
introduced by human cultivation. antiphyte. antífite. A sporophyte.
anti-. anti-. A Latin and Greek pre- antipodal cell. célula antipodal. In most
fix that means, “against”. angiosperms, any of three nuclei
antibiosis. antibiosis. An association at the end of the embryo sac,
between organisms that may be opposite the egg apparatus.
harmful to one of them but is im- antisepalous. anitsépalo. Opposite the
portant to the structure and com- sepals. See antesepalous.
position of many plant communi- antithetic. antitetico. The alternation
ties. See allelopathy. of morphologically unlike genera-
antibiotic. antibiótico. A substance tions, i.e. not homologous.
produced or derived from an or- antitropic. antitropico. Twisting clock-
ganism, such as fungus, bacteria, wise.
or plant that destroys and/or weak- antitropous. antitropo. Orthotropous.
ens other organisms. antrorse. antrorso. Bent forward or
anticlinal. anticlinal. Sloping down- upward; often used to describe hair
ward; in anatomy, used to describe or prickles.
a wall perpendicular to the near- anurous. anuro. acaudeo. Tailless;
est important organ or duct surface; acaudate.
radial. apandrous. apandro. Lacking or hav-
anticodon. anticodón. Three nucleot- ing non-functional male organs;
ides in transfer RNA that bind to also, forming oospores when no
a corresponding codon in Messenger antheridia are present.
RNA during the synthesis of pro- apetalous. apétalo. Having flowers
tein. without petals; having no corolla.
anticous. antico. Placed on the ante- apetaly. apétalia. The condition of
rior side of an organ; also, same having no petals, the result of peri-
as anterior. anth reduction (aphanisis).
antidromy. antidromia. Left- and right- apex. ápice. The tip; also, that part
handed twining in the same spe- of a root or shoot containing the
cies; also, a change in direction of apical and primary meristems.
ascending spirals connecting leaf aphanisis. afanisis. Perianth reduction
attachments. with flowers lacking petals and
antienzyme. antienzima. Any substance corollas.
that inhibits the function of an en- aphaptotropism. afaptotropismo. Not
apheliotropic 28 apoenzyme
responding to contact stimuli. apical meristem. meristema apical.
apheliotropic. afeliotropico. Aphot- The formative cells at the tip of
otropic. roots or shoots which differenti-
aphlebia. aflebia. Aborted pinnae found ate by division, allowing the plant
in some living and fossil ferns. to grow in depth and height.
aphotic. afótico. Capable of growth apical placentation. placentación api-
in the absence of light. cal. Of ovule(s) when attached at
aphotic zone. zona afótica. In the the top of the ovary.
marine ecosystem, a deep water area apiculate. apiculado. Ending abruptly
below the depth of light, analogous in a slender, soft point, as apiculate
to the profundal zone in freshwa- leaves; tipped with a soft point;
ter; disphotic zone. pointled.
aphotometric. afotometrico. Said of apiculus. apículo. A small point or tip.
a leaf that does not respond to light; apileate. apileado. Having no pileus.
also, said of a motile organism that aplanetism. aplaneismo. A condition
always turns the same end towards where no motile stage is formed;
the light. having non-motile spores instead
aphototactic. afototactico. Of a motile of gametes.
organism that does not move in aplanogamete. aplanógameto. aplan-
response to light intensities. ogámeta. A non-motile gamete.
aphototropic. afototropico. Growing aplanospore. aplanospora. A non-
away from the light. motile, asexual spore borne by some
aphyllopodic. afilópodo. The lowest algae and ferns (Filicopsida).
leaves become reduced to scales. apo-. apo-. A Greek prefix that means,
aphyllous. áfilo. sin hojas. afoliado. “away from”, “down”, or “separate”.
Having no leaves; leafless, as cacti Used to indicate that certain parts
(Cactaceae). exist as individuals, not fused with
apical. apical. Located at the tip or anything else.
apex, as an apical cell. apobasidium. apobasidio. A basidium
apical cell. célula apical. The single with terminal spores which are
meristematic cell at the tips of the arranged symmetricaly on the ba-
branches of the thallus in complex sidium.
algae; also, the merist-ematic cell apocarp. apocarpo. An ovary or fruit
at the tip of a bryophyte thallus; with separate or distinct carpels.
also, the single merist-ematic cell apocarpous. apocárpico. A flower
at the tips of root and shoot branches with separated carpels; also, when
of the Pteridophyta. the several pistils of the same flower
apical dominance. dominancia apical. are separate.
Growth restraint of the lateral buds apocarpy. apocarpia. Bearing apocarps.
or shoots by the apical meristem apocyte. apócito. A multinucleate mass
due to auxins produced by the apical of protoplasm with no cell walls.
bud; growth occurs primarily at the apoenzyme. apoenzima. The protein
top of the plant. part of an enzyme, to which the
apical growth. crecimiento apical. coenzyme attaches, to form an active
Growth at the tip or terminal. enzyme.
apogamety 29 apostemonous
apogamety. apogametia. The devel- curs at the base of some mosses
opment of an embryo from a dip- (Musci), or the part of a cone scale
loid gametophyte by division of a which is exposed, when the cone
cell other than an egg-cell, with is closed; also, a swollen hypha of
or without pollination and (partial) a fungus.
fertilization; the zygote so formed apoplast. apoplasto. Areas of the plant
being maternal in genetic consti- that lie outside the cell membrane,
tution. such as cell walls and dead tissues
apogamic. apogámico. Of or pertaining of the xylem through which wa-
to apogamy. ter, salts, etc. have to pass before
apogamy. apogamia. The production reaching the other tissues of the
of a new plant (sporophyte), without plant.
sexual reproduction, by budding apoplastic. apoplastico. Of or pertain-
from a prothallus, as in ferns ing to the movement of water in
(Filicopsida) and some mosses the free space of tissue, including
(Musci). cell walls and intercellular spaces.
apogeotropic. apogeotrópico. Bending aporogamy. aporogamia. The penetra-
or turning away from the earth, as tion of the ovule by the pollen tube
apogeotropic leaves; negatively geo- by some other path than the mi-
tropic. cropyle.
apogeny. apogenia. Sterility. aposepalous. aposépalo. Having the
apogeotropism. apogeotrópismo. A sepals separate from each other.
type of tropism where shoots grow aposporic. apospórico. The develop-
away from the pull of gravity. ment of gametophytes by the di-
apoheliotropic. apoheliotrópico. Nega- vision of somatic cells without
tively heliotropic. meiosis; a type of agamospermy
apomict. apomict. An organism that where a seed is produced without
reproduces by apomixis. fertilization.
apomictic. apomíctico. Of or exhib- apospory. apospória. A process where
iting apomixis. some ferns (Filicopsida) and
apomixis. apomixis. A rare asexual re- mosses (Musci) have the prothall-
productive process where a new ium generated from the sporangium
plant is produced from a female instead of by spores; also, the for-
cell or cells other than an egg; seed mation of a diploid gametophyte
production without fertilization or by the direct (ameiotic) division
meiosis; seedling characteristics are of a cell of nucellus or the integu-
the same as those of the maternal ment of an unfertilized ovule or,
parent; apogamy. more commonly from the soral or
apomorph. apomorf. An evolutionary sporangial tissue of ferns (Filicops-
advanced character. The opposite ida).
of plesiomorph. apostasis. apostase. Internodal growth
apopetalous. apopétalo. Having sepa- which separates whorls or other
rate petals; choripetalous. parts.
apophysis. apófisis. A natural swelling apostemonous. apostómono. Having
or outgrowth of an organ, as oc- separate stamens.
apothecium 30 arbuscule
apothecium. apotecio. The cup-shaped hypha.
fruiting body of various lichens and approximate. aproximado. Close to-
fungi to which the spore sacs (asci) gether but not joined; also, of gills
are attached. of agarics, near but not touching
apostrophe. apóstrofe. The arrange- the stipe.
ment of the chloroplasts against the apricus. apricus. Growing in dry and
radial walls of the palisade layer sunny places.
in bright light. apterous. áptero. Having no wing-like
apothecium.apotecio. The fructification extensions or parts; wingless.
of some Ascomycetes which is aquatic. acuático. Living or growing
flattened or cup-shaped with the in water or under extremely moist
asci on the upper surface in a pali- conditions, as in bogs. Applied to
sade-like layer, usually mixed with plants whether growing under water,
sterile hyphae. It is angiocarpic if or with all but the base raised out
it is closed before maturity and of it.
gynocarpic if open. aqueous tissue. tejido acuoso. A tissue
apotropous. apotropo. Said of an of enlarged cells that carry water.
anatropous ovule with a ventral aquifer. acuífero. A subterranean body
raphe. of rock, gravel, or sand with the
appendage. apéndice. A secondary part capacity of storing significant quan-
coming from or attached to a main tities of water, underlain by imper-
structure. meable material, and through which
appendicled. apéndiclado. With small water moves.
appendages. arabinose. arabino. A pentose sugar
appendiculate. apendiculado. Bearing obtained from plant polysaccharides
appendages; also, having out- occurring in various plant gums.
growths at the throat of a corolla; arachnoid. aracnoide. Having cobweb-
of mosses, having a fringe of small like, entangled, fine hair.
pieces; of agarics, retaining veil araneose. araneo. Arachnoid.
fragments. arboreal. arbóreo. Tree-like; living in
appendix. apéndice. An appendage. trees.
applanate. aplanado. plano. Lying arborescent. arborescente. Tree-like
in a plane, as leaves on twigs giv- in structure or growth, as bamboo,
ing applanate foliage; flat. an arborescent grass (Bambus-
applied. aplicada. Lying against each aceae).
other by a flat surface. arboretum. arboreto. A place where
apposition. aposición. Growth by the trees and shrubs are grown for sci-
addition of layers of tissue to the entific and educational purposes.
cell wall; intussusception. arbuscle. arbuscle. A dwarf tree, or
appressed. adpreso. Lying flat or close shrub-looking tree.
to another organ, as appressed arbusclar. arbusclar. Resembling a
leaves on a stem. shrub.
appressorium. apresorio. The adhe- arbuscule. arbuscule. A tuft of branch-
sive or attachment organ of a para- ing fungal filament (hypha) formed
sitic fungi; composed of a flattened by the fungi of a mycorrhizal as-
archegonia 31 arginine
sociation, usually found in the cells antiaceae.
near the endodermis. archilichens. arquiliquens. Lichens
archegonia. arquegonio. Plural of with bright green gonidia.
archegonium. archimycetes. arquimicetes. Fungi with
archaebacteria. arqueobacteria. A type a simple thallus and reproducing
of microorganism that is chemically by zoospores; includes Plasmodio-
and genetically different from other phorales and Myxochytridiales.
bacteria (Eubacteria) and higher archiplasm. arquiplasma. In a cell,
living organisms; lives in a warm, the protoplasmic substance of an
oxygen-free environment by con- aster and spindle during mitosis;
suming carbon dioxide and hydro- sometimes spelled archoplasm.
gen, converting them into meth- archoplasm. arquoplasm. See archip-
ane; also, the taxon Archaebact- lasm.
eria. arcuate. arqueado. Curved, bent, or
archegoniophore. arquegonióforo. An arched, as a bow.
outgrowth of the prothallium of ardella. ardela. A small spot-like
mosses (Musci) and ferns (Filicops- apothecium.
ida), which bear archegonia. arenaceous. arenaceo. Growing in sand.
archegonium. arquegonio. The flask- arenicolous. arenícola. Sand-loving.
shaped female reproductive organ arenose. arenoso. Growing in sand.
in mosses (Musci) and ferns areolar. areolado. Of or pertaining
(Filicopsida), corresponding to the to an areola.
pistil in flowering plants. areolate. areolado. Divided into small
archespore. arquesporo. The cell or areas, bounded by cracks, lines, or
cells from which spores develop. veins; characterized by having
archesporial cells. célula arquesporial. areole.
The inner cells of the developing areolation. areolación. A net pattern
sporangium of a pteridophyte; most formed by the boundaries of cells.
ultimately give rise to spore mother- areole. aréola. The open spaces be-
cells. tween the veins of a net veined leaf;
archesporium. arquesporio. The cells also, in cacti, the bud-like projec-
of a sporangium which give rise tions on pads where the spines are
to the archesporial cells; also, a produced; also, a small pit; also,
single cell or group of cells which a small space on the surface of a
differentiates within a developing lichen, delimited by lines or cracks.
anther or ovule to spore mother arescent. arescente. Dying.
cell(s). ar genteous. argénteo. Silvery;
archicarp. arquicarpo. The cell, hypha, silver-like.
or coil of hyphae of Ascomycetes argillicolous. argilícola. Living on clay
that develop in to the fruit body; soil.
the first fruit stage in some fungi. argillophilous. argilófilo. Pertaining
arching. arqueado. Curved like a bow. to plants growing on clay.
archigoniophore. arquigonióforo. argillose. argiloso. Growing in clay.
Stalked vertical branches which bear arginine. arginina. An amino acid in
archegonia, especially in March- plant protein.
argos 32 artificial classification
argos. argos. Pure white in Greek. armor. armadura. A covering of odd-
argophyllous. argófilo. White-leaved. leaf bases on the stems of cycads
argutus. argutus. Acutely dentate. and some ferns; armature.
arhizous. arizoma. Without roots. aroma. aroma. The fragrance of plants.
arid. árido. A geographical area with aromatic. aromático. A sweet smelling
insufficient rainfall to support trees or fragrant plant; having an agree-
or woody plants. able odor.
aridity. aridez. Arid or dry condi- around. rodear. Encircle.
tion. arrange. arreglar. disponer. Placed
arididity index. índice de aridez. A in a particular order.
term first used by C.W. Thornwaite arrect. arecto. Brought into an up-
to provide a quantitative criteria right position; stiffly upright.
of moisture deficit; calculated as arrhenokaryon. arrenconcarion.
100× the water deficit / potential arrenonúcleo. A nucleus having
evaporation. two separate sets of haploid chro-
aril(lus). arilo. An outgrowth devel- mosomes.
oping at or near the hilum or fu- arrhizal. arrizo. Having no roots; root-
niculus of a seed, sometimes spongy less.
and sometimes encircling the seed; arrow-shaped. sagitado. Sagittate.
an extra covering on certain seed arthro-. artro-. A Greek and Latin
coats, often developing after fer- prefix that means, “in relationship
tilization. or connection to a joint”.
arillate. arilado. With an aril. arthrogenous. artrogeno. Of bacte-
arilliform. ariliforme. Aril-like. ria where the individual develops
arillode. arilodio. An aril that does into a spore; also, developed from
not emerge from the stalk; a false pieces separated from the parent
aril. plant.
arista (pl. aristae). arista. Awn or a arthrospore. artróspora. Various fun-
stiff bristle; the beard-like part of gal or algal spores that appear as
grain or grasses (Poaceae), located a string of beads, formed by the
at the tip. fragmentation of the hyphae.
aristate. aristado. Having an arista. arthrosterigma. artrosterigma. An
aristulate. aristulado. Diminutive of individual sterigma of the lichens.
aristate; also, short-awned. article. articulo. A joint of a stem
arm. brazo. A main branch or limb or fruit which breaks at maturity.
of a tree. articulate. articulado. Segmented or
armature. armadura. Prickles, spines, jointed; at maturity, separating along
or thorns that serve as a defense; a well defined line; also, at matu-
also, the woody scales at the base rity, breaking into distinct pieces.
of leaves and stems of many tree articulate leaf. hoja articulado. A leaf
ferns (Cyatheaceae). that is cut off by an absciss layer.
armed. armado. Having prickles, spines articulation. articulación. A joint or
or thorns. point of attachment between the
armillate. armilado. Edged, fringed, parts of a plant.
or frilled. artificial classification. clasificación
artificial gene 33 ascorbic acid
artifícial. A classification of plants ascocarpous. ascocarpo. Of or per-
based on prominent points of re- taining to an ascocarp; having an
semblance or difference rather than ascocarp.
on genetic or bio-chemical relation- ascoconidiophore. ascocnidióforo. An
ships. ascus-like conidophore.
artificial gene. gen artifícial. A chemi- ascoconidium. ascoconidio. A conid-
cally synthesized copy of a gene ium in an ascoconidiophore.
made by combining nucleotide se- asogenic cell. célula asogenico. The
quences. cells bearing the asci in the
artificial selection. selección artifícial. Laboulbeniales; homologous with
The modification of natural selec- ascogenous hyphae of the other
tion by human intervention in the Euascomycetes.
process of gene selection. ascogenous. ascogenoico. Ascus sup-
arundinaceous. arundináceo. Resem- porting or producing.
bling a reed; reed-like. ascogonial. ascogonial. Of or pertain-
arvensis. arvensis. A Latin word that ing to an ascogonium.
means, “of arable land”. ascogonium. ascogonio. The female
ascendent. ascend(i)ente. Growing sex organ in the gametophyte of
upward. See ascending. ascomycetous fungi (Eumycota);
ascending. ascend(i)ente. Growing ob- also, the cell or group of cells of
liquely upward, usually curving. the Ascomycete, fertilized by the
ascending aestivation. aestivacion antheridium.
ascendente. Aestivation in which ascolichen. ascoliquen. Any of the li-
each petal overlaps the edge of the chens that the mycobiont is an as-
petal posterior to it. comycete (sac fungi).
asci. asci. Elongated sacs where spores ascoma. ascoma. A sporocarp having
are formed in various fungi; the asci.
plural of ascus. See ascomycetous. ascomycete. ascomicetos. Any of a
ascidiform. ascidiforme. Bottle-shaped. large class of Ascomycetes that
ascidium. ascidio. The sac-shaped or includes yeasts, molds, rusts, and
pitcher-shaped part of a plant, as others; sometime referred to as sac
a leaf in the pitcher plant (Neph- fungi.
enthaceae) or bloodwort (Rumex); ascomycetous. ascomiceto. Of or per-
vasculum. taining to any of a large class (As-
ascigerous. ascigero. Bearing asci. The comycetes) of fungi, including
stage in the life cycle of an asco- molds, yeasts, mildews, etc. char-
mycete when the asci are produced. acterized by the formation of spores
ascigerous centrum. centro ascigero. in elongated sacs (asci).
The special tissue of pyrenomycete ascophore. ascóforo. An ascus pro-
which develops into the asci and ducing hypha in an ascocarp;
paraphyses. apothecium.
asciiform. asciforme. Hatchet-shaped. ascorbic acid. ácido ascórbico. The
ascocarp. ascocarpo. A spore produced vitamin C in fruit and vegetables;
in an ascus; the mature fruit of as- needed in aerobic respiration, re-
comycetous fungi (Ascomycotina). placing cytochromes as the elec-
ascospore 34 associes
tron carrier in some plants. rough leaves.
ascospore. ascospora. A sexually pro- aspermous. aspermo. Without seeds.
duced haploid spore that is formed asperous. áspero. Harsh, rough, un-
within an ascus by fungi of the even to touch.
subdivision Ascomycotina (Eum- asperulate. asperulado. Finely asperate.
ycota); release occurs with the asporogenous. asporógeno. Does not
rupture of the cleistothecium wall. produce spores.
ascostome. ascostoma. The pore at the asporous. asporógeno. Sporeless; hav-
top of an ascus. ing no spores.
ascostroma. ascostroma. A fungal fruit assemblage of plants. agrupación de
body that asci develop in or within plantas. A collection of plants,
a stroma. characteristically associated with
ascus. asco. asca. A very small, bag- a particular environment, which are
like structure in which ascospores used as an environmental indica-
develop in fungi (Eumycota); single tor in geobotanical exploration.
form of asci. assimilate. asimilar. To change non-
ascyphous. ascifo. Without a scyphus. living, absorbed substances into
asepalous. asépalo. Without any leaf living protoplasm by the process
divisions (sepals) in the calyx; of anabolism.
having no sepals. assimilation. asimilación. The process
aseptate. aseptado. Having no parti- of taking in food and water for
tions or septa. conversion into protoplasm. See
asexual. asexual. Reproducing without anabolism.
male or female gametes, as in bud- assimilation ratio. proporción de
ding; also, lacking sex organs or asimilación. The amount of photo
sex spores. synthesis occurring in unit mass
asexual generation. generación asex- of a leaf in an hour, and consider-
ual. See agamic generation. ing the weight of chlorophyll in
asexual reproduction. reproducción the tissue. It is expressed as the
asexual. The type of reproduction ratio of weight of carbon dioxide
without the process of gamete for- (in mg) absorbed / time (in hours)
mation, consisting of vegetative / weight of chlorophyll (in mg) in
reproduction, apospory, and apog- the tissue.
amy; occurring by budding (gem- assimilatory quotient. cociente de
mation) in many liverworts (Hep- asimilación. The ratio of carbon
aticae) and mosses (Musci). dioxide intake to oxygen output.
asparagine. asparagina. One of the assimilative. asimilativo. Concerned
amino acids in proteins. The amide with growth before reproduction
of aspartic acid occurs widely in association. ascociación. A stable plant
plants. community named after the domi-
asperate. asperado. Roughened with nant plant. Related associations
projections, points, or bristles. form alliances. See plant associa-
aspergilliform. aspergilliforme. Tufted, tion.
like a brush. associes. ascosie. A developing asso-
asperifoliate. asperifoliado. Having ciation, which is therefore unsta-
assortative breeding 35 atom
ble. divided into two equal halves, as
assortative breeding. apareamiento with some leaves; irregular.
de semejanza. A type of sexual asynapsis. asinapsis. The failure or ab-
reproduction where the pairing of sence of synapsis in meiosis; the
male and females is not random, failure of chromosomes to pair at
but involves a tendency for males pachytene or the absence of chi-
of a particular kind to breed with asmata formation.
the females of a particular kind, atactostele. atactoestela. The stele of
or the opposite. Positive assortative monocots, composed of a three
mating is when the match is bet- dimensional network of collateral
ter than could be expected by vascular bundles.
chance. atavism. atavismo. In a plant, the re-
assurgent. ascendente. Rising at an ob- appearance from remote ancestry
lique angle, as with some stems; of characteristics not found in its
ascending. immediate ancestors.
astelic. astelico. Without a stele. atelomitic. atelomitico. Said of a
astemonous. anantero. Having no stem. chromsome having the spindle fiber
aster. áster. A genus of mostly per- attached somewhere along its side.
ennial herbs, common in northern ater. ater. A Latin word that means,
temperate areas; also, a group of “black”.
cytoplasmic fibrils surrounding the atmosphere. atmósfera. The mass of
centrosome immediately before and gases (air) that surrounds the earth
during cell division; also, the star- and held in place by the force of
shaped arrangement of the chro- gravity; composed of approximately
mosome during metaphase. 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% ar-
asteroid. asteroide. Star-shaped. gon, with traces of carbon diox-
asterophysis. asterófisis. A stalked, ide, water vapor, neon, helium,
stellate structure in the hymenium methane, and others.
of some fungi. atmospheric. atmosférico. Pertaining
astichous. astico. Not arranged in rows. to or existing in the atmosphere.
astomatous. aestomatoso. With no atmospheric nitrogen. nitrógeno atmo-
stomata. sférica. Nitrogen in a gaseous form
astro-. astro-. A Greek prefix that which composes about 78% of the
means, “stellate” or “star-like”. earth’s atmosphere; important in
astroid. astroide. The star-shaped fig- the building of organic molecules.
ure formed by looped chromosomes Plants obtain nitrogen from the soil
collected at the equator of the spin- as a nitrate or an ammonia.
dle during cell division. atmospheric oxygen. oxígeno atmo-
astropholate. astrofólado. Lacking sférica. Oxygen in a gaseous form
a strophiole. which makes up about 21% of the
astrosclereid(e). astroesclereida. A earth’s atmosphere, however, in
star-shaped sclereid that is highly higher altitudes, as in moutainous
branched with several arms pro- areas, this may be less.
jecting from the central body. atom. átomo. The smallest part of a
asymmetric. asimétrico. Can not be chemical element that can partici-
atomate 36 autobasidium
pate in a chemical reaction with- fining character or characteristic.
out being permanently altered. -atus. –atus. A Latin suffiex that means,
atomate. atomado. Having a powdered “having” or “provided with”.
surface. atypical. atípico. anormal. Unusual,
ATP. ATP. The abbreviation for ad- or not normal.
enosine triphosphate. aulophyte. aulófito. A plant living non-
ATPase. ATPasa. An enzyme that parastically in a cavity of another
catalyzes the hydrolysis of the plant.
amino acid adenosine triphosphate. auranticous. aurantico. Orange-
atratous. atrato. Blackening. colored.
atricolor. atricolor. Inky. aureous. aureo. Golden.
atro-. atro-. A Latin prefix that means, aureus. aureus. A Latin word that
“black”. means, “golden”.
atrophy. atrofía. An arrested devel- auricle. aurícula. An appendage that
opment of an organ; the reduction resembles an ear, often occurring
in size and utility of an organ or at the base of a leaf.
tissue; stunted. auriculate. auriculado. Having ears
atropous. átropo. An ovule that is or ear-like appendages.
straight, not bent, such that the australis. australis. Latin for “south-
micropyle is directed away from ern”.
the funiculus; orthotropous. aut-. aut-. A prefix that means, “self”
atropurpureus. atropurpureus. Latin or “individual”.
for “dark purple”. autapomorph. autapomorf. A char-
atrovirens. atrovirens. Latin for “dark acter state that is unique to a par-
green”. ticular species or lineage. See
attach. sujetar. Fasten apomorph.
attached. sujeto. Connected or fused. autecious. autecio. See autoecious.
attachment. acoplamiento. The point autecology. autecologia. autoecologia.
or region of connection. The study of an individual species
attachment constriction. constricción or population and its relationship
acoplamiento. Spindle attachment; to its environment.
centromere. auteform. auteforme. An autoecious
attachment organ. órgano acoplam- rust having all spore stages.
iento. An enlargement of the base auto-. auto-. A prefix that means,
of an algal thallus which attaches “self”, as in autogamy, self- fer-
it to a solid object; also, a hooked tilization.
hair attaching a seed to an animal, autoallogamy. autoalogamia. Species
thereby aiding in disperal. of flowering plants which have some
attenuate. atenuado. Gradually nar- members capable of self-pollina-
rowing into a tip or base. tion, and others capable of cross-
attraction sphere. esfera atractiva. The pollination.
mass of protoplasm with the autobasidiomycete. autobasidimiceto.
striations raditating through it from A basidiomycete with a non-
the centrosome during cell divison. septate basidium.
attribute. atributo. In taxonomy, a de- autobasidium. autobasidio. A basidium
autocarp 37 autosyndesis
that is septate; also, a basidium with duced in the cell due to the disor-
spores at the side and asymmetri- dered metabolism of the cell; pro-
cal. duced by substances not normally
autocarp. autocarpo. A fruit result- present in the cell; self-dissolution.
ing from self-fertilization. automixis. automixis. The mingling
autocatalysis. autocatálisis. An accel- of chromatin derived from two sex
eration of a catalytic process by cells produced by one individual
products of reaction themselves plant.
acting as catalysts, as the break- autonomism. autonomismo. Movement
down of cell structure by products due to an internal stimulus, as pro-
formed with the cell. toplasmic flow in a cell.
autochthonous. autóctono. Native to autoparasite. autoparasito. A parasite
a particular place, as plant mate- living on another parasite.
rial in a peat bog which grew where autophagic vacuole. vacuola auto-
it was found; indigenous. fágico. A membranous fluid–filled
autodeliquescent. autodelicuescente. space (vacuole), derived from within
Becoming liquid by the process of the cell that contains material to
self-digestion. be digested.
autoecious. autecio. Going through autophagy. autófagia. The breaking
the complete life cycle on a sin- down of parts of a cell by the cell’s
gle host, as some parasitic fungi; own lysosomes.
autecious. autophyte. autófito. A plant with the
autoecology. autoecología. The inter- capacity of producing its own food
relation of an organism with its from inorganic substances, as green
environment plants.
autogamous. autógamo. Of or pertain- autopolyploid. autopoliploide. A poly-
ing to autogamy. ploid with chromosomes that have
autogamy. autogamia. Self-fertiliza- come from the same species and
tion; also, the fusion of sister-cells; are identical; also, a polyploid de-
also, the fusion of nuclei in pairs rived from a single ancestral spe-
within one cell of a female organ cies, usually by intraspecific hy-
without cell fusion having occurred. bridization. Many garden flowers
autogenic. autogéno. A successional are autopolyploid.
change resulting from a modifica- autopotamous. autopotamo. Originat-
tion of the environment by vegeta- ing in fresh water.
tion, as providing shade. autosome. autosoma. Any of the chro-
autoicous. autoico. Having male and mosomes in the nucleus other than
female inflorescences on the same a sex chromosome.
plant, as in some mosses (Musci). autospore. autospora. An aplanospore
autolysin. autolisina. Any substance, of algal cells similar in shape and
especially enzymes, capable of size to the parent cell.
breaking down cells of an organ- autosyndesis. autosíndesis. The pair-
ism’s own tissue. ing of chromosomes from the same
autolysis. autoisis. The destruction polyploid parents or remote poly-
of cell contents by enzymes pro- ploid ancestors.
autotetraploid 38 axeny
autotetraploid. autotetraploide. A tetra- lates longitudinal growth in the cells
ploid with four similar sets of chro- of higher plants; also responsible
mosomes. for the bending effect in some
autotroph. autótrofo. Organisms able grasses (Poaceae).
to manufacture their own food from auxocyte. auxocito. A cell in which
inorganic materials by photosyn- meiosis has begun.
thesis or chemosynthesis. auxospireme. auxospirema. The spir-
autotrophic. autótrofico. Character- eme formed after syndesis in meio-
izing plant or plant-like organisms sis.
which are able to manufacture their auxospore. auxóspora. auxospora.
own food of inorganic materials as A rejuvenescent spore produced
in photosynthesis or chemosynthe- under adverse environmental con-
sis; green plants, algae, and some ditions by some diatoms. When pro-
bacteria containing chlorophyll are duced by pennate diatoms, forma-
autotrophic, in contrast to hetero- tion is associated with sexual
trophic. reproduction by the enlargement
autotropism. autotropismo. A ten- of a zygote or parthenogenetic gam-
dency to grow in a straight line. ete; also, a diatomaceous reproduc-
autumn. otoño. The third season of a tive cell (zygote).
year when divided into spring, sum- auxotroph. auxótrofo. A microorgan-
mer, autumn (Fall), and winter; ism that has lost the capactiy to
common in the northern temper- synthesize substances needed for
ate zones, beginning with the equi- its own nutrition.
nox on September 23 rd and ending available water. agua asimilable. agua
with the winter solstice, Decem- disponible. Water in the soil that
ber 21 st. can be readily absorbed by plant
autumnal. otoñal. In the autumn (Fall); roots; usually water held in the soil
also, used in reference to the six under a pressure of 0.3 to about
part division of the year: autum- 15 bars.
nal, aestival, hibernal, prevernal, avascular. avascular. no vascular.
serotinal, and vernal. A large grouping of plant or plant-
auxanometer. auxanómetro. An ap- like organism without a vascular
paratus used to measure the elon- system. See non-vascular.
gation of shoots; incorporates a avenius. avenius. Latin for veinless.
lever which exaggerates the actual averse. opuesto. Turned back.
growth. awl-shaped. alesnado. Small, nar-
auxesis. auxesis. Cell growth by row, triangular shaped leaves; also,
expansion rather than by division. sharp-pointed from a broader base.
auxilliary cell. célula auxiliar. An awn. arista. A bristle-like organ found
accessory cell in the thallus of some on many grasses (Poaceae).
Floridae from which the gonimo- awned. aristado. Having an awn or
blast filaments grow after the a long bristle-shaped awn.
zygote nucleus has migrated into axenic culture. cultivo axénico. See
it from the carpogonium. pure culture.
auxin. auxina. A hormone which stimu- axeny. axenia. The resistance of a
axial 39 azygospore
plant to a pathogen, without the axile plancentation. plancentación axil.
presence of morphological barri- plancentación axial. Said of an
ers; sometimes referred to as pas- ovary having the ovules attached
sive resistance. to the tissue of the central axis.
axial. axial. A term used to describe axilla. axila. In or growing from an
a structure which is morphologi- axil. See axil.
cally a shoot. See axile. axillant. axillante. Subtending at an
axial bundle. haz axial. One of the angle.
main bundles of a shoot or root; axillary. axilar. Positioned in or arising
cauline bundle. in an axis or in the upper angle
axial cell. célula axial. The central between a leaf and the plant stem;
cell in the early stages of the de- used when referring to axillary buds
velopment of the archegonium of lying between the twig and a sub-
Bryophytes and Pteridophytes. It tending leaf.
gives rise to the lower central and axillary bud. yema axilar. Any bud
cover cells. on the stem other than the termi-
axial gradient. gradiente axial. A physi- nal bud at the shoot apex; lateral
ological gradient along the axis of bud.
a plant. Activity is higher at one axis (pl. axes). eje. The main stem on
end and gradually becoming less which organs are formed or
as it passes along the axis. branches are arranged; also, the
axil. axila. The angle formed between main stem and roots.
two or more structures, as between axoneme. axonema. The arrangement
the upper side of a leaf and the sup- of microtublules that form the
porting stem where buds often are flagella structure.
formed; the point of attachment of axospermous. axospermo. Having axile
a bud or shoot other than at the placentation.
apex of the stem; the angle where azureus. azureus. A Latin word that
a small stem joins a larger one. means, “sky-blue”.
axile. axial. Positioned or attached to azgote. acigoto. An individual devel-
the central axis; also, coinciding oped without fertilization from a
with the longitudinal axis. haploid individual.
axile chloroplast. cloroplasto axil. A azygospore. azigospora. A fungal spore
chloroplast lying along the axis of resembling a zygospore that devel-
the cell. ops parthenogenetically.
B 40 bacteriophage

B B. The chemical symbol for bo- croorganisms, without a distinct nu-

ron, a trace element, essential to clear membrane; often motile but
plant growth. a few, such as blue-green algae,
B. B. A class of flowers which have obtain food by photosynthesis, al-
their nectar fully concealed. though they are no longer classi-
B¹. B¹. A class of flowers similar to fied as plants.
B but having the flowers in heads. bacterial. bacterial. bacteriano. Of
bacca. bacca. An indehisent, many or relating to bacteria.
berried fruit, with seeds that scat- bacterial virus. virus bacterial. See
ter throughout the fleshy area when bacteriophage.
ripe, as gooseberries (Grossular- bactericidal. bactericida. Any agent
iaceae). that kills bacteria.
baccacetum. bacario. An aggregate of bacteriochlorin. bacterioclorina. Seee
berries. bacteriochlorophyll.
baccate. abayado. Like a berry in bacteriochlorophyll. bacterioclorofila.
pulpy texture or shape; bearing ber- A specialized photosynthetic pig-
ries. ment, similar to chlorophyll, found
bacci-. bacci- . A prefix that means, only in anaerobic and photosyn-
“berry”, as bacciform. thetic bacterial systems.
bacciferous. baccífero. Having or pro- bacteriocin. bacterioncina. A pro-
ducing berries. tein produced by a strain of bac-
bacciform. bacciforme. Having the teria that is deadly or inhibitory
shape or form of a berry; berry- to other related strains. These pro-
shaped. teins are coded and transferred in
bacilliform. baciliforme. Rod-shaped. plasmids.
bacillus (pl. bacilli). bacilo. Any rod- bacteriod. bacteriode. Irregular, en-
shaped bacterium; also, a generic larged forms of rod-shaped bacteria,
name. especially of the root-nodule form-
backcross. retrocruzamiento. cruz- ing species. These are ultimately
amiento retrógrado. The fertili- absorbed by the cells of the root-
zation of gametes from a hybrid nodule.
by gametes from one of the par- bacteriology. bacteriología. A branch
ents of the hybrids. of biology specializing in the study
back mutate. mutar revertida. To of bacteria.
mutate back to the original form. bacteriophage. bacteriófago. A cat-
bacteria. bacteria. bacterio. Plural egory of viruses that are parasitic
of bacterium. A large group of on certain bacteria, but not all, in-
single-celled, non-chlorophyll mi- fecting and destroying them. Some-
bacteriorhiza 41 barbellate
times referred to as phages. many-seeded, many-loculed fruit
bacteriorhiza. bacterióriza. A sym- with a leathery pericarp, as in the
biosis between a root and bacte- pomegranate (Punicaceae).
ria. bald. sin pelo. pelado. Lacking the
bacteriostatsis. bacteriostasis. The usual covering or awn, as bald wheat
arrest of bacterial growth without (Poaceae).
their death. ballistospore. ballistóspora. A type of
bacteriostat. bacteriostát. An agent fungal spore attached asymetr-ically
that arrests the growth or devel- to the sterigma which is forcefully
opment of bacteria but does not kill expelled from its sporophore at
them. maturity.
bacteriostatic. bacteriostático. Ar- balsam. bálsamo. An oily or gummy,
resting the growth or development arromatic, resinous substance flow-
of bacteria. ing spontaneously or by cutting
bacterium. bacteria. bacterio. A sin- from certain trees and shrubs, es-
gle bacterial cell. pecially one of the genus Abies
bacteroid. bacteroide. A bacterium (Pinaceae).
with an irregular or modified form, balsamiferous. balsamífero. Yield-
especially one in the root nodules ing balsam.
of nitrogen-fixing plants. bamboo. bambú. Various species of
baculiform. baculiforme. Rod-shaped jointed, reed-like plants in the fam-
(of fungus spores). ily Bambusaceae (bamboos), which
badius. badius. A Latin word that is closely related to the grasses
means, “chestnut-colored”. (Poaceae); sometimes considered
baeocyte. baeócita. A type of repro- a grass subfamily, Bambusoidea.
ductive cell, earlier known as an banded. franja. Traverse stripes of
endospore, which is formed in a one color crossing another.
cyanobacterial cell. banner. estrandarte. The upper and
balance of nature. balanza de often the largest petal of a
naturaleza. A condition of equi- papilionaceous corolla or “sweet-
librium in an ecosystem which keeps pea-type” flower (Lathyrus); stand-
the numbers relatively constant. ard; vexillum; vane.
balanced lethal. letal equilibrado. A bar of Sanio. crásula. See crassula.
dominant or recessive gene when barb. uncinulo. A hooked or dou-
substituted for its normal allelo- ble-hooked bristle or hair-like pro-
morph converts a viable to an in- jection; a bristle that ends in a hook.
viable gamete or zygote; lethal gene. barbate. barbado. Having long
balanced polymorphism. polimorfismo trichomes, often in a tuft; bearded.
equilibrado. A form of genetic sta- barbed. uncinulado. Having rigid points
bility in a population that is main- that are directed backwards, as in
tained by natural selection because a fish hook.
the heterozygotes for particular barbel. barbilla. A very small or minute
alleles have a higher adaptive ca- barb.
pacity than either homozygote. barbellate. ancistroso. Finely barbed
balausta. balausta. A dry, indehiscent, with short, stiff hairs or barbs, as
barbellulate 42 base pairing
barbellate stems which are longer Having the placenta at the base of
than denticulate, but shorter than the ovary.
when plumose. basal rosette. roseta basal. Leaves clus-
barbellulate. barbelulado. Diminu- tered at the ground level, some-
tive of barbellate; having barbules. times alternate or whorled, but with
barbule. barbula. The inner row of short internodes.
peristome teeth in the capsules of basal stipule. estipula basal. Stipules
some mosses (Musci). attached near the base of the peti-
bark. corteza. The tough, outer layer ole.
of stems, branches, roots, main base. base. The part of the organ near-
trunks of trees, and other woody est the point of attachment, as fruit
plants, but not the cambium and where it unites with the peduncle
inner wood. or the part of the leaf next to the
barren. estéril. Unable to produce stem; also, a chemical substance
seeds; also, lacking pollen. that yields hydroxyl ions when
basal. basal. Located at or near the dissolved in water, accepts protons,
lower end of the stem, as leaves donates electrons, and reacts with
growing from the base of a stem. acids to form salts. In molecular
basal analog. análogo de base. A DNA biology, any of the five nitrogenous
or RNA base that resemble the compounds that are present in the
normal bases but is different so that nucleic acid of cells that combine
it is incorporated into the nucleic to make the genetic code: adenine,
acid molecule in place of the nor- cytosine, guanine, thymine, and
mal base. uracil.
basal body. cuerpo basal. The part base exchange. cambio de bases.
of the thallus of the Blasto- intercambio de bases. The inter-
cladiaceae fixed to the substrate change of the cations of the soil-
by rhizoids at the lower end; also, water with those of the soil-
a deeply staining granule at the base colloid complex or root surfaces.
of a flagellum. base exchange capacity. capacidad de
basal cell. célula basal. In angiosperm cambio base. See exchange
reproduction, one ot the first two capacity.
cells produced by the transverse basement membrane. membrano de
division of the zygote; commonly sótano. A thin layer of protein and
contributes to the suspensor, not polysaccharide found at the base
to the embryo; also, a specialized of epithelial tissues.
cell located in the deepest layer of base pair. par de bases. In DNA, the
the epithelium. AT and GC pairs.
basal corpuscle. corpúsculo basal. base pair. pareja de bases. A pair of
See basal cell. bases joined in the formation of a
basal granule. gránulo basal. A tiny double-helical molecule of DNA
structure at the base of the cilia or RNA.
and flagella that relate to their for- base pairing. apareamiento de bases.
mation; kinetosome. emparejamiento. The putting to-
basal placentation. placentación basal. gether or pairing off of adenine with
basi- 43 basiscopic
thymine (or uracil), or of guanine basidiomycetes. basidiomicetes. See
with cytosine, in forming a nucleic club fungi.
acid double helix. basidiomycetous. basidiomiceto. Per-
basi-. basi-. A Greek and Latin pre- taining to basidiomycetes.
fix that means, “the base” or “po- basidiophore. basidóforo. A fruit-body
sitioned at or near the base”. bearing mycelia.
basic. básico. Having a pH of more basidiospore. basidiospora. basidió-
than 7.0; also, having a large number spora. One of the sexually pro-
of hydroxyl (OH). duced spores formed on a basidium;
basic dye. colorante básico. A stain also, the part of the fungus that bears
having an organic basic radicle basidia.
which is active and combines with basidiosporous. basidiósporo. Pertain-
an acidic radicle which is usually ing to or having the characteris-
inorganic. They stain nucleopro- tics of basidiospore.
tein. basidium (pl. basidia). basidio. A re-
basic type. tipo básico. The chromo- productive cell created when the
some complement characteristic of swollen terminal cell of a hypha
a species and varying only in develops filaments (sterigmata) that
heterozygotes. form spores.
basicidal capsule. cápsula basicida. basifixed. basifíjo. Attached at the base,
A capsule that opens or dehisces or lower end, as an anther is at-
through basal slits or fissures, as tached at its base to the apex of
in some species of birthworts the filament. Compare versatile and
(Aristolochiaceae). dorsifixed.
basichromatin. basicromatina. A form basifugal. basifugal. Tending or lean-
of chromatin containing a fairly high ing away from the base; acropetal.
proportion of nucleic acid that stains basigamic. basigamico. Said of an em-
deeply with basic dye. bryo sac in which the synerdidae
basidia. basidios. Plural of basidium. and egg nucleus lie at the base and
basidial. basidial. Having basidium. not at the end nearest the micro-
basidiocarp. basidiocarpo. The densely pyle.
growing hyphae of the fruiting body basilar. basilar. Located at the base
in the basidiomycetes (Eumycota). or pertaining to the base.
basidiogenetic. basidiogenético. Origi- basinerved. basinervio. Of a leaf hav-
nating from basidia. ing the main nerves running from
basidiolichene. basidioliquen. A tropi- the base.
cal group of lichen which have a basipetal. basípeto. Developing from
Basidiomycete as the fungal com- the apex downward, as inflores-
ponent. cences that bloom in succession
basidiomycete. basidiomiceto(e). Any from the top downward.
of the fungus from the large sub- basipetal movement. movimiento
division Basidiomycotina that form basípetal. Movement of substances
spores on a basidium; includes toward the base of the plant from
smuts, rusts, mushrooms, and the root and shoot apices.
puffballs. basiscopic. basiscópico. Facing toward
basitonic 44 biannual
the base. tles; awn.
basitonic. basitonico. Of orchids bearded. barbado. ligulado. Having
(Orchidaceae) where the base of long hair; also, refers to certain
the anther lies against the rostel- plants that have a small, red, hairy,
lum. tongue-like appendage inside the
basophilous. basófilo. Cells that can petals, as Iris germanic (Iridaceae);
be easily stained. barbate.
bast. bast. A fibrous inner bark in some bearer. portador. Any plant that pro-
species of trees or shrubs that carry duces fruit or flowers.
fluids, especially sugars; phloem. bearing (flowers). florífero (flor). The
bast bundles. haz bast. In leaves with process of producing (flowers).
one vein and no leaf gap, periph- bent. torcido. curvado. Curved or in-
eral strands of thick-walled cells clined; also, the stiff flower stalk
lying parallel to the midrib, as in of certain grasses (Poaceae); any
the Isoetes. of a number of related grasses, usu-
baumgrenze. baumgrenza. A line mark- ally low growing and spreading.
ing the last of the stunted trees; benthic. béntico. Pertaining to the
near the upper limits of the timb- bottom region of an ocean, lake,
erline where trees are growing uni- or pond.
formly erect and with forest-like benthos. bentos. Organisms living on
density. the bottom of oceans, rivers, or
beach. playa. A zone of accumulated streams.
sand, stone, or gravel deposited berry. baya. A fleshy fruit with a skin
above the water line at a shore. or rind which has developed from
bead collar. moniliforme. Having a a single pistil and contains several
series of alternating swellings and or many seeds, as a tomato (Lyco-
constrictions, as in some stems and persicon) or grape (Vitaceae); also,
roots; moniliform. the dry seed or grains produced by
beak. pico. A sharp, projecting struc- wheat (Triticum), coffee (Coffea),
ture or prolonged tip in some plants; and others.
a narrow, rigid, conical tip as found betacyan(in). betacina(ni)na. A water-
in some fruits, such as the Gera- soluble pigment that is involved
nium ; also, a projection in an with the blue color of some plants.
Orchidaceae flower that separates beta oxidation. oxidación beta. The
the anther from the stigma surface degradation of long-chain fatty
below it; rostellum. acids. Two-carbon fragments are
beaked. rostrado. Ending in or hav- formed as a result of enzymatic
ing a firm tip, as some fruits; attack directed against the second
rostriform. or beta carbon of the hydrocarbon
bean. frijol. Any one of the various chain. Aided by coenzyme A, the
kidney-shaped, smooth, often ed- fragments enter the Krebs cycle and
ible seeds of leguminous plants or are processed for ATP synthesis.
herbs. bi-. bi- . A Latin prefix that means,
bear. dar. To produce, as fruit. “two”, “twice”, or “having two”.
beard. barba. A tuft or group of bris- biannual. bianual. Occurring twice a
biarticulate 45 bifurcate
year, as flowering; semiannual. bicuspid. bicúspide. Having two short
biarticulate. biarticulado. Having two horn-like points.
nodes or joints. bicyclic. bicíclica. Arranged in two
biaxial. biaxial. Having two axes. whorls, as bicyclic stamens.
biatorine. biatoro. Refers to a lichen bidentate. bidentado. Having two teeth
apothecium which is soft, waxy, and or toothed.
often brightly colored. biduous. biduo. Having a two-day du-
bibacca. bibacca. A fused double berry, ration, as biduous flowers.
as in the Lonicera. biennial. bienal. A plant with a total
bibracteate. bibracteado. Bearing two life span of two growing seasons,
bracts. usually, producing roots and foli-
bibulous. bibulo. Capable of absorbing age the first year, and flowers and
water. fruit the second year.
bicalcarate. bicalcarado. Two-spurred. bifacial. bifacial. Having upper and
bicapsular. bicapsular. Having two lower surfaces that are dissimilar
capsules; also, a capsule with two in color or texture, as some leaves.
cells. bifacially. bifacialmente. Having two
bicarpellate. bicarpelar. Having two unlike, opposite surfaces.
carpels. bifarious. bifaro. Pointing two ways
bicellular. bicelular. Having two cells. or occurring in two opposite, ver-
bicilate. biciliado. Biflagellate. tical rows, as leaves growing on
bicollateral bundle. haz bicolateral. opposite sides of a branch.
A vascular bundle with phloem biferous. bífero. Appearing or bear-
inside and outside the xylem. ing twice a year, as biferious fruit
bicolor. bicoloro. Having two sharply or flowers.
different colors. bifid. bífido. Divided into two parts
bicolorous. bicoloro. With two colors. or lobes, most often at the tip;
biconcave. bicóncavo. Concave shaped forked.
on both sides. bifistular. bifistuloso. Having two chan-
biconic. biconico. Having the appear- nels.
ance of two cones placed base to biflabellate. biflabelado. Fan-shaped
base. on two sides.
biconjugate. biconjugar. Growing in biflagellate. biflagelado. Having two
double pairs, as leaflets on the axis. flagella.
biconvex. biconvexo. Convex shaped biflorous. bifloro. Bearing two flow-
on both sides. ers; also, bearing flowers twice a
bicornuate. bicornuado. Having two year, as autumn and spring.
horn-like parts; crescent-shaped. bifoliate. bifolio. Having two leaves;
bicostate. bicostillado. Having two also, a compound leaf with two
longitudinal ribs, as leaves. leaflets.
bicrenate. bicrenado. Doubly crenate, bifoliolate. bifoliolado. Having two
as when the teeth of crenate leaves leaves or leaflets emerging from
are also crenate; twice scalloped. a common point; saiod of a com-
bicuminate. bicuminado. Having two pound leaf with two leaflets.
diverging points. bifurcate. bifurcado. Divided into two
big bang theory 46 biocenose
forks or two branches; forked. 2-merous.
big bang theory. la teoria del big bang. bimodal. bimodal. Said of a frequency
de la gran explosión. A theory distribution with two modes.
proposing that the entire universe binary fission. fisíon binaria. división
was created at one time. binaria. A division of one cell into
bigeminate. bigeminado. Occurring two similar or identical cells; a type
in double pairs; also, a decompound of asexual reproduction, common
leaf with a forked petiole and leaf- in single-celled organisms; bipart-
lets at the end of each segment; ition.
bijugate. binate. binado. Consisting of two parts
bigeneric. bigenérico. Having the char- or growing in pairs, as binate leaves;
acteristics of two genera. geminate.
biguttulate. bigutulado. Contianing binomial nomenclature. nomenclatura
two vacuoles or two oil droplets. binomial. The Linnaeus developed,
bijugate. biyugado. With two pairs two word, Latin based, international
of leaflets, as certain pinnate leaves. scientific name or naming of plants
bilabiate. bilabiado. Two-lipped co- with the first indicating the genus
rolla, as with many irregular flowers and the second the species.
or having an upper and lower lip, binomial. binomial. The two name,
as flowers in the mint family genus and species, comprising the
(Labiatae). scientific name of plants.
bilabiate dehiscence. dehiscencia binucleate. binucleado. Having two
bilabiado. Opening by a traverse nuclei.
split across the top. binucleolate. binucléolado. Of an as-
bilaciniate. bilacinado. Doubly fringed. cospore with two oil droplets.
bilaminar. bilaminar. Having two lay- bio-. bio-. A prefix that means, “life”
ers. or “living things”, as in biology.
bilateral symmetry. simetría bilateral. bioaccumulation. bioacumulación. The
Having parts arranged in two halves, accretion of unwholesome chemi-
so that each half is the mirror im- cals in plants.
age of the other, divisible in one bioacoustics. bioacústica. The study
plane only; irregular symmetry; of sound as it affects living things.
zygomorphic. bioassay. bioensayo. A quantitative
bilateral. bilateral. Having two sym- evaluation of a particular substance
metrical sides, as leaves along a using a portion of or an entire or-
stem. ganism; the evaluation of the ef-
bilobate. bilobado. Having two lobes, fect of a substance on an organ-
as bilobate leaves. ism under controlled conditions,
bilobed. bilobar. Two-lobed. e.g.bioassay of fungicides
bilocular. bilocular. Divided into two bioblast. bioblasto. Chondriosome.
chambers or locules, as some ova- biocenose. biocenoso. A community
ries; two-loculed. of organisims of a particular habitat.
bimaculate. bimaculado. Having two biochemical. bioquímico. Petaining
spots or blotches. to biochemistry or a biochemical
bimerous. bimero. Having two parts; substance.
biochemistry 47 biogenetic law
biochemistry. bioquímica. The sci- bioecology. bioecología. A branch of
ence that deals with the chemical ecology that studies the relation-
processes of living matter. ships of organisms, especially be-
biochore. biocora. A biotic district tween plants and animals.
or minor habitat; also, can describe bioelectric. bioeléctrico. Pertains to
a precise biological boundary be- the effects of electricity on plant
tween major climatic regions and tissue.
their subdivisions as determined bioelectromagnetics. bioelectromag-
by the type of life forms. nético. The study of how organ-
biochrome. biocroma. A compound isms interact with electromagnetic
that produces color in the tissue (EM) fields. Electrical phenomena
of living organisms. are found in all living organisms.
biocide. biocida. Any substance that Moreover, electrical currents ex-
is poisonous to plants and other ist in organisms that are capable
living organisms. of producing magnetic fields that
bioclimate. bioclima. The effect of cli- extend outside the organism, as a
mate on living organisms. consequence, they can be influenced
bioclimatology. bioclimatologia. The by external magnetic and EM fields
study of the effects of climate on as well.
organisms. bioenergetics. bioenergética. The study
bioc(o)enosis. bioc(o)enosis. The in- of the flow and transformations of
terrelationship between organisms energy in living organisms, espe-
in a habitat; also, the biome, or liv- cially the formation of ATP in pho-
ing community; also, the associa- tosynthesis and other mechanisms
tion of plants and animals, espe- in metabolism.
cially in relation to a specific feed- bioethics. bioética. The study of social
ing area of the animals; biotic com- or moral correctness arising from
munity. scientific explorations, especially
biocoenosium. biocoenosio. A com- in the various areas of biology, in-
munity of both animals and plants. cluding medicine.
biocoenotic. bioc(o)enótico. Refers to bioflavonoid. bioflavonoide. A deriva-
the interrelationship of organisms tive of a flavone compound, as
within a community. vitamin P.
biodegradable. biodegradable. Capable biogen(e). biógeno. Thought to be
of being decomposed, especially the smallest unit of protoplasm.
by bacteria. biogenesis. biogénesis. Same as bio-
biodiversity. biodiversidad. Refers to synthesis; also, the origin of liv-
the variety of living things in the ing organisms from other living or-
natural world, especially species, ganisms.
ecosystems, and their genetic com- biogenic. biogénico. Pertaining to
positions. the formation of fossils, rocks, or
biodynamics. biodinámica. The branch other structures as a result of the
of physiology that deals with the activities of living organisms.
processes of plants and animals: biogenetic law. ley biogenética fun-
opposed to biostatics. damental. The hypothesis that an
biogenous 48 biometry
individual, during its development, species; can imply the use of
repeats the evolution of its race, legally protected biospheres.
but in a shortened form. biological spectrum. espectro bio-
biogenous. biogeno. Living on another lógico. A table for a defined area,
living organism. Changes in an showing in percentages, the fre-
organism’s natural fields may pro- quency of occurrence of the vari-
duce physical and behavioral ous plants and animals.
changes. biologist. biólogo. One who is engaged
biogeoc(o)enosis. biogeocenosis. A in studying life and living things.
biome and its habitat; ecotope. biology. biología. The study of life and
biogeochemical cycle. ciclo biogeo- living things, including origins,
químico. A circular or cyclic move- diversity, structure, functions, and
ment of chemical elements from or- distribution.
ganisms to the physical environ- bioluminescence. bioluminiscencia.
ment and back again to the organ- The property of some plants to bio-
isms; referred to as a nutrient cy- logically produce and emit light
cle if the elements are necessary using the energy of ATP, as some
for life; renewal cycle. mushrooms.
biogeochemical exploration. explorac- biolysis. biólisis. The decomposition
ión biogeoquímico. The use of in- of organic substances by living
dicator plant species to locate the organisms.
possible presence of metal-rich de- biomass. biomasa. Solar energy that
posits; geobotanical exploration. has been converted into chemical
biogeography. biogeografía orgánica. energy, stored in the chemical bonds
The study of the geographic dis- of organic compounds in trees and
tribution of plants and animals, other plants; also, the total amount
especially as this applies to the of organic material produced, usu-
rapidly changing ecological rela- ally expressed as a dry weight.
tionships between plants, animals, biomass pyramid. pirámide de la
and humans. biomass. See pyramid of biomass.
biological. biológico. Of or pertain- biome. bioma. An ecosystem composed
ing to living things. of all the plants, animals, and other
biological clock. reloj biológico. In organisms that make up a defined
plants, an innate capacity that con- natural community in any climatic
trols the cycles or rhythms of vari- region; may be terrestrial or aquatic.
ous life functions, such as photo- biomechanics. biomecánica. The study
synthesis; possibly phytochromes of the mechanics of living organ-
figure in the time mechanism. isms, especially the effects of grav-
biological conservation. conservación ity.
del biológico. conservación del biometric. biométrica. bioestadística.
medio ambiente. An active, long- Of or pertaining to biometry.
term management of biological re- biometry. biometria. The branch of bi-
sources to ensure the survival of ology that studies living things using
species diversity and the continu- quantitative measurements and sta-
ation of genetic variations within tistics; sometimes referred to as
bion 49 biotic potential
quantitative biology. biometry.
bion. bíon. See biont. biosynthesis. biosintesis. The assembly
bionomic. bionomico. Relating to the of various chemical compounds,
environoment; ecological. lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and
biont. bionte. An individual plant, in- nucleic acids to make up a plant
dependent, and capable of a sepa- cell; also, the formation o f
rate existence; bion. living organisms; biogenesis.
biophagous. biófago. Subsisting on biosystematics. biositematica. An ex-
living organisms, as the white-flow- perimental taxonomic classification
ered Venus flytrap ( Dianae system of species based on genetic
muscipula). biogenous. and ecological findings.
biophilous. biófilo. Biogenous. biota. biota. The plant and animal life
biophore. bióforo. A minute particle of a particular region.
capable of growth and reproduc- biotechnology. biotechnolgia. The use
tion. of microorganisms for industrial
bioplasm. bioplasma. Protoplasm. or other human purposes, especially
bioremediation. bioremediación. The in reference to gene engineering.
use of microbes and plants to re- biotic. biótica. Pertaining to the living
duce or degrade pollutants and in- part of the environment, as distinct
dustrial wastes, and household gar- from the non-living.
bage. See phytoremediation. biotic adaptation. adaptación biótica.
biorhythm. biorritmo. In plants, in- Changes in form or physiology,
nate cyclic changes that occur in presumed to have arisen from com-
the life functions. petition with other plants.
bios factor. factor bios. A substance biotic association. asociación biótica.
essential for the growth of plants A community of plants and animals.
and yeasts. It is a mixture of aneurin, biotic climax. clímax biótico. A stable
biotin, and other substances. plant community arising from a
bioseries. bioserie. In evolution, a his- succession arrested or deflected by
torical sequence formed by the some type of human activity,
changes in any one inheritable char- either directly or indirectly; plagio-
acter. climax.
biosphere. biosfera. A part of the biotic community. comunidad biótica.
Earth’s environment in which there The living components of a bio-
are living organisms interacting to sphere or ecosystem, as distinct
produce a steady-state system, in- from the non-living (abiotic); bio-
cluding the relationship between coenosis.
biotic and abiotic components; lim- biotic factor. factor biótico. The in-
ited to the waters of the earth, a fluence on the environment of an
portion of the crust, and the lower organism due to the presence of
region of the surrounding air; also, other organisms, as shade in an area;
legally protected areas of the world different from a physical, abiotic,
that have been designated and set environmental factor.
aside for biological conservation. biotic potential. potencial biótico. Per-
biostatistics. bioestadistica. See taining to the living part of the
biotin 50 bitunicate
environment, as distinct from the tubes, one at each end.
non-living. biramous. birramoso. Having two
biotin. biotina. Vitamin H, considered branches; forked.
an essential growth substance for biramous appendage. apéndice bifurc-
yeasts. ado. One of the two branches of a
biotope. biótopo. See biocoenosium. forked branch.
biotroph. biotrof. A parasitic organism birefringence. birefringencia. Having
that obtains nutrients from the liv- two or more refractive incices due
ing tissues of a host organism. to the asymmetry of the molecu-
biotype. biotipo. tipo biológico. A lar structure. The study of the
group of organisms with the same birefringent properties of a mate-
genotype. Usually only one indi- rial helps to determine its molecular
vidual of cross-fertilized plants will configuration at rest or under stress.
retain the genotype but progeny bisaccate. bisacado. Having two of the
from a self-fertilizing population sepals each with a small pouch at
with a pure genetic constitution will the base; also, having two small
belong to the same biotype. sacs or pouches.
biozone. biozona. The total range of biscutate. biscutado. Resembling two
a species defined within time limits buckers or shields placed side by
or periods. side, as the Dionaea muscipula leaf.
bipalmate. bipalmado. Having a pal- bisected. bisecto. Cut or divided into
mate arrangement on secondary two parts.
petioles which are arranged palm- biseriate. biseriado. Occurring in two
ately on the primary petiole. rows.
biparous. biparo. Flower clusters with biserrate. biserrado. Doubly serrate
two branches or axis; dichasium. or leaves that have notched teeth
bipartite. bipartido. Divided in two, along the margins.
almost to the base, as with some bisetous. bisetáceo. Having two bris-
leaves. tles.
bipartition. bipartición. See binary bisexual. bisexual. A flower with both
fission. male (stamens) and female (pistils)
bipetal. bipétalo. Two petals. organs within the same envelope;
bipetalous. bipetalado. Having two a perfect flower; hermaphrodite.
petals; dipetalous; two-petaled. bisulcate. bisulado. Having two grooves
bipinnate. bipinnado. Doubly pin- or channels.
nate leaves; having pinnate leaf- bisymmetric. bisimétrico. Symmet-
lets on stems that grow opposite ric in two planes, at right-angles
each other on a main stem; a pin- to each other.
nate leaf with pinnate leaflets. biternate. biternado. Doubly ternate,
bipinnatifid. bipinnatifido. Leaves that as when a petiole has three ternate
are twice divided pinnately. leaflets.
bipolar. bipolar. At the opposite ends bitunicate. bitunicado. Having two
of a bacterial cell; also, having two walls; also, an ascus in which the
sexual sorts or phases; also, of a outer and inner layers of the as-
spore germinating by two germ cus separate during ascospore
biunciate 51 blepharoplast
release. cross-wall but connected by a tube.
biunciate. biunciado. Having two blasto-. blasto-. A prefix from the Greek
hooks. that means, “bud” or “budding”.
biuret reaction (test). reacción del blastochore. blastocoro. A plant that
biureto. Protein in the presence is dispersed by off-shoots.
of a strong alkaline solution and blastogenesis. blastogénesis. Trans-
copper ions (as copper sulphate) mission of inherited characters by
give a pinkish-mauve color. A test the germ-plasm only.
for protein. blastogenic. blastogeno. Belonging
bivalve. bivalvado. At maturity, the to the hereditary characteristics due
splitting into two symmetrical or to the make-up of the germ-plasm.
asymmetrical portions or valves, blastomycete. blastomiceto. Yeast-like
as seeds or fruit; also, a separa- fungi that reproduce by multiple
ble, two part seed case. budding cells; sources of skin and
bivalvent. bivalvente. Two homolo- tissue eruptions in humans.
gous chromosomes associated in blastoparenchymatous. blastoparen-
a parallel manner; formed during quimática. Said of an algal thal-
meiosis I. lus which consists of filaments
biverticillate. biverticilado. Having joined at the side and not recog-
branches or whorls at two levels nizable as separate filaments
in the same species. blastospore. blastospora. A fungal
bladder. vesicula. A thin-walled, in- spore formed by budding, e.g.
flated structure; an enlarged mem- yeasts.
branous pericarp (ovary); also, a bleed. exudar savia o resina. To lose
modified leaf found on the bladd- or collect sap from a surface that
erwort (Lentibulariaceae) which has been cut or scratched, as a tree
is used to catch small aquatic ani- or vine.
mals. bleeding. lacrimación. Exuding con-
bladder-like. vesiculado. Having the tents of the xylem stream (sap)
form or appearance of a thin-walled, through a cut or scratch due to root
inflated bladder. pressure.
bladder-shaped. vesiculiforme. ves- blemmatogen. blematogeno. A layer
iculoso. Thin-walled and inflated. of hyphae, usually with thickened
blade. lámina. The broad, often flat walls, which covers the button of
portion of a grass, leaf, or petal; an agaric and may form the veil.
also, the flattened part of the thallus blemish. cicatriz. imperfección. A
of the larger seaweeds; lamina. scar on the surface, as on a stem,
bladeless. sin lámina. Without blades. indicating the previous location of
blastema. blastema. The initial point a leaf.
of growth for an organ or part; the blending inheritance. herencia mez-
axial part of an embryo gymnosperm clada. The inheritance of charac-
or angiosperm, but not the coty- ters so that the progeny and suc-
ledon. ceeding generations are interme-
blasteniospore. blasteniospora. A li- diate between the original parents.
chen spore which is divided by a blepharoplast. blefaroplasto. A cylin-
blight 52 boreal forest
drical structure composed of par- a rounded end; obtuse.
allel peripheral rods connected to boat-shaped. cimbiforme. Resembling
the axial filaments at the base of the shape of a boat. See cymbiform.
the flagellum that divides when the body cell. célula corporal. A cell in
nucleus and cell divide. the pollen grain of the Gymno-
blight. añublo. arruinar. infestar. A sperms which releases the male
non-specific term for diseases that nuclei; somatic cell.
cause plant leaves, stems, fruits, body structure. estructura del cuerpo.
and tissues to wither and die; many The complete material structure of
by infestation of rusts, mildew, and a plant.
smuts. bog. pantano. A permanently soft,
blind. ciego. Abortive, as a blind bud. water-logged ground with a plant
blistered. ampolloso. A swelling on community of mosses (Musci),
the surface. heaths (Erica), and rushes (Juncus).
bloom. flor. The flower. bole. fuste. The trunk of a tree.
bloom. abrise. The opening of a flower. boll. cápsula. A rounded seed pod, es-
bloom. florecer. To flower. pecially of cotton (Malvaceae) and
bloom. pruina. vello. pelusa. A white flax (Linaceae).
powdery coating that occurs on bombycine. bombicina. Like silk.
some fruits, as the plum (Prunus), bond. enlace. A force that holds chemi-
or on some leaves or stems. cals together; chemical bond.
blooming. floración. The time of flow- booted. peronado. Having a stipe cov-
ering. ered by a thick, felted sheath, es-
blossom. flor. capullo. pimpollo. A pecially at the base; peronate.
flower. bordeaux mixture. mezcla bordeaux.
blotched. maculado. Marked with an A fungicide made of copper sul-
irregular spot or discoloration. phate and quick lime.
blue-green algae. algas verdeazules. bordered. marginado. bordeado. The
One of the two main types of al- margin of the flower or structure
gae with the blue-green (Cyano- which has a different color than
phyta) composed of prokaryotic the main body; also, one color sur-
cells. The second type has three rounded by the edging of another.
main divisions (Phyaeophyta bordered pit. punteadura areolada.
((brown)), Chlorophyta ((green)), poro areolado. A thick hollow area
Rhodophyta ((red)) ) which are in the wall of a tracheid where a
composed of algae with eukaryotic thickened cellular growth over-
cells. NOTE: Blue-green algae is hangs.
currently referred to as cyano-bac- boreal. boreal. Of the north or north-
teria (Cyanobacteria) to avoid ern.
confusion with true algae. boreal forest. bosque boreal. bosque
bluish. azuloso. Somewhat blue in septentrional. Subarctic woodlands
color. which are often swampy and sup-
blunt. disafilado. The shape is not port extensive stands of evergreen
pointed; rounded at the apex with conifers. See also taiga and lake
an angle greater than 90º; having forest.
borne 53 bract-leaf
borne. portado. Past participle of zontal, as with maple trees (Acer).
“bear”, as flowers borne along a brachy-. braqui-. A Greek prefix that
stem. means, “short”.
boron. boro. A chemical element with brachyblast. braquiblasto. A short
the symbol B, which is involved branch of limited growth, bearing
in metabolism and the membrane leaves and ocassionally, flowers and
functions; essential to plant growth. fruits; a spur.
bostryx. bóstrix. An inflorescence with brachycladous. braquicladio. Hav-
the flowers in a cyme or flattish ing very short branches.
cluster, occurring only on one side brachyform. braquiforme. Of the life
of the axis and curving at the end; cycle of some autoecious rusts
helicoid cyme. which lack an acedial stage.
botanical. botánico. de botánica. Per- brachymeiosis. braquimeiosis. A sim-
taining to botany. plified form of meiosis which is
botanist. botánico. fitólogo. A sci- completed in one cell division; also,
entist who studies plants. the second reduction division in
botanize. herborizar. To study plants the production of ascospores.
in their natural habitat; also, to brachysclereid. braquiesclereida. A
collect plants for study or classi- sclereid that is relatively isodiam-
fication. eteric in shape; stone cell.
botany. botánica. The branch of brackish. salobre. Slightly saltly water.
biology that studies plants; the sci- bract. bráctea. Modified or small leaves
ence of plants, their structure, func- that sometimes grow at the base
tion, growth, classification, and of a flower or flower stalk, often
terms used in their description and resembling a petal; also, a small
denomination; phytology. leaf-like organ surrounding the sex
botry-. botri-. A Greek prefix that organs of liverworts; also, a ster-
means, “bunch”. ile leaf subtending the sporangi-
botryoid. botrioide. Like a bunch ophore of some Equisetinae; also,
of grapes; racemose. a sterile leaf-like growth in the stro-
botuliform. botuliforme. Sausage- bilus of the Lycopodinae.
like; shaped like a sausage with bracteate. bracteado. With bracts or
rounded ends. bract-bearing.
bouquet stage. estado de ramillete. bracteody. bracteodia. The replace-
When the chromosomes, during ment of flower members by bracts.
zygotene and pachytene, lie in loops bracteole. bractéola. Very small bracts
with their ends near one part of the occurring on the flower stalk above
nucleus wall. the bract and below the calyx.
bourgeon. bourgeone. To bud or sprout. bracteomania. bractéomania. The ab-
bowed. arqueado. Having a curved normal production of large num-
shape, as a bow. bers of bracts, often at the expense
brachiate. braquial. Having widely of normal flower production.
spreading branches arranged al- bracteose. bractéoso. Having conspicu-
ternately in pairs, each pair at right ous bracts.
angle to the next and nearly hori- bract-leaf. bráctea foliosa. A modi-
bract scale 54 broad-leaved forest
fied leaf growing at the base of a wise reunion of broken chromatids.
flower or a flower cluster. breaking of meres. ruptura del est-
bract scale. escama tectriz. The small anque. The sudden development
outer scale at the base of the large of large amounts of blue–green al-
cone scale of conifers (Coniferales). gae in small bodies of fresh wa-
bractlet. bractéola. See bracteole. ter.
brady-. bradi-. A prefix from the Greek breast-shaped. mamiforme. Having
that means, “slow”. the form or shape of a breast; mam-
bradyspore. bradispora. A plant that miform.
releases seeds slowly. breed. seleccionar. propagar. prod-
bradytelic. braditélico. Refers to a ucir. To produce offsprings.
plant that releases seeds slowly. breed. variedad. Any of the subspe-
bramble. zarza. A thorny plant. cies of artificially derived inter-
bramble bush. zarzamora. A small breeding plants with common an-
thorny plant, as a blackberry (Ro- cestors and distinguishing charac-
saceae). teristics.
branch. escar ramas. To produce brevi-. brevi-. A Latin prefix that
branches or to spread into branches. means, “short”.
branch. rama. A woody extension brevicidal dehiscence. dehiscencia
or subdivision growing out of a tree brevicidal. Said of a fern sporan-
or shrub. gium when the annulus is inter-
branched. ramificada. Having bran- rupted by the stalk.
ches. brevicollate. brevicolado. Short-
branching. ramificación. Dividing into necked.
branches; producing branches; bristle. cerda. Short, stiff, hair-like
ramose. structures; seta; chaeta.
branchlet. ramula. A very small branch bristly. cerdoso. Having short, stiff,
or ramulus. hair-like structures.
branch out. ramificar(se). To put forth brittle. quebradizo. Crisp or easily bro-
or form branches or shoots. ken.
branch roots. raíz de rama. Lateral broad leaf forest. bosque latifoliadas.
roots arising from the pericycle of A type of forest that is generally
a larger root. evergreen (the exception occurring
branch tendril. zarcillo ramoso. in the Chilean Patagonia) and re-
sarmiento. A tendril formed from quires an abundant rainfall spread
a modified branch; sarment. throughout the year.
branch trace. traza rama. Branches broadleaf. latihoja. Having leaves that
of the vascular tissue running to a are wide and flat rather than nee-
branch. dle-shaped, as a broadleaf tree;
breakage and reunion. ruptura y latifoliate.
reunión. ruptura-reunión. In ge- broad-leaved forest (hardwood). árbol
netic crossing-over, the pairing of frondoso. bosque de frondosas.
homologous chromosomes during A forest of angiospermous trees with
the prophase I state of meiosis by broad, flat leaves, as ebony
the physical breakage and cross- (Ebenaceae) and maples (Acer-
broad-leaved tree 55 bud mutation
aceae), as opposed to the needle- ter”.
shaped foliage of the softwoods, brunneus. brunneus. Latin for “brown”.
pine (Pinaceae) and fir Pinaceae). bryony. brionia. Any one of a group
broad-leaved tree. árbol frondoso. of woody vines belonging to the
Angiospermous trees; any tree that gourd family (Cucurbitaceae),
is not a conifer. which have large fleshy roots, five-
broad-leaved. latifolioso. latifolio. lobed leaves, and clusters of green-
Refers to angiospermous tree; ish-white flowers.
latifoliate. bryophytes. briofítos. briófitas. Any
brochidodromous. broquidódroma. of a division (Bryophyta) of non-
Venation in leaves where loops are flowering plants composed of
formed within the blade. mosses (Musci) and liverworts
bromeliad. bromelia. A group of plants (Hepaticae).
common to the tropics, with gray, bud. brotar. abotonar. The process
dry foliage, often growing in trees of sprouting or budding; to bud.
and belonging to the Bromeliaceae bud. yema. An immature branch, leaf
family. or flower, appearing as a small
bromeliiform. bromeliiforme. Belong- swelling, often enclosed by pro-
ing to or having the appearance of tective scales; also, an unopened
Bromeliaceae. flower; also, in some yeast (Sac-
brood bud. yema reproductora. charomycetaceae), new cells ap-
A small muticellular organ serv- pearing as small bubbles from the
ing for vegetative reproduction in mother yeast are referred to as buds;
some of the red algae; also, a bubil a meristematic shoot located at the
of the Bryophyta; also, a vegetative terminal or lateral position of a
reproductive organ of lichens. See shoot.
soridum bud-bearing. geminifloro. geminífloro.
brown algae. feofitos. A type of multi- Producing buds, especially by
celled marine algae (Phaeophyta) gemma(e); gemmiferous.
that the green of the chlorophyll budding. injerto de yema. gemación.
is obscured by brown pigmentation The insertion of a bud of one tree
(fucoxanthin). under the bark of another, for
brown (color). pardo (color). Hav- asexual propagation; a form of graft-
ing the color of chocolate or cof- ing; a type of asexual reproduc-
fee. tion, as in yeast plants; also, asexual
Brownian movement. movimiento de reproduction in which some cells
Brownian. The passive, erratic, differentiate and grow outward from
nondirectional motion exhibited by the parent, then the bud breaks away
microscopic particles. The jostling to form a new individual; gemma-
comes from being randomly bumped tion.
by submicroscopic particles, usu- bud mutation. mutación de yema.
ally water molecules, in which the mutación de brotes. The outgrowth
visible particles are suspended. of a bud from an ordinary plant,
brownish. pardusco. Somewhat brown. producing a sport; many new va-
brumalis. brumalis. Latin for “win- rieties in plants arise from bud mu-
bud-fission 56 bush
tation; bud variation; sport. bulbillate. bulbilado. Of the stipe of
bud-fission. fisión de yema. A type some fungi when it has a small,
of budding in some fungi where ill-defined bulb-like structure at the
the bud or daughter cell is sepa- base.
rated from the parent cell by a bulbous. bulbosa. Having bulbs or
septum. growing from bulbs.
bud scale. pérula. escama gemaria. bulge. bulto. A protrusion.
Scales or modified leaves cover- bullate. bulado. Blister-like projec-
ing and protecting a bud; tegmen- tions or swellings, as between the
tum; cataphyll. veins of leaves.
bud sport. sport mutación de yema. bulliform cell. célula buliforme. A
A branch, flower, or fruit with a large epidermal cell found on the
genetic constitution defferent from upper surface of many grasses
that of the parent body. (Poaceae); turgor pressure in these
bud variation. variación de yema. See cells controls the lateral rolling of
bud mutation. leaves during drought and water
buffer. tampón. A substance, usu- stress; motor cell.
ally a salt, in living cells that com- bundle. haz. A cluster or group of fibers,
bines with and releases hydrogen as a vascular bundle; also, a group
ions as a function of pH; the buff- of cells for conduction and sup-
ering is highly important as most port in stems and leaves.
cells survive only within narrow bundle sheath. vaina fascicular. The
pH limits. Colloids and solutes parenchyma and/or sclerenchyma
present in most soils and to a lesser cells surrounding a vascular bun-
extent in roots have the property dle.
of buffering the pH of a soil. bur. cipsela erizada. A prickly, cling-
bulb. bulbo. A rounded, underground ing, hooked, or barbed seedcase or
storage organ (bud) made of fleshy, flower of certain plants.
circular layers of scale leaves and burdo. burdón. A graft hybrid thought
attached to a very short, conical to have been formed by the fusion
stem, as an onion (Allium) or Nar- of vegetative neclei from the stock
cissus bulb. and scion.
bulbel. bulbillo. A diminutive bulb burgundy mixture. mezcla borgoña.
growing from the base of a larger A fungicide similar to Bordeaux
bulb; cormel. mixture, but sodium carbonate re-
bulbiferous. bulbífero. Producing places the lime.
bulbs. burgeon. brotar. A bud or sprout.
bulbiform. bulbiforme. Having the burr. abrojo. cadillo. erizo. See bur.
shape of a bulb. bursicule. bursicula. Having a sac
bulbil. bulbilo. A small, above ground or pouch.
aerial bud, growing most often in bursiculate. bursiculado. See bursi-
a leaf axil, or taking the place of form.
a flower; can be separated from the bursiform. bursiforme. Shaped like
parent plant for vegetative repro- a bag, sac, or pouch.
duction. bush. mata. A low, many-branched
woody plant (shrub), usually start- buttress root. raíz zanco. raíz fúlcrea.
ing near the ground, growing less Flattened, specialized aerial roots
than10 meters tall, and with no clear that arise from the trunk of cer-
trunk; also, an uncultivated, wild tain mature tropical trees, as Ficus,
area of land. Tarrietia, Sloanea spp. providing
bushy. breñoso. Having many close support; stilt root; prop root.
twigs and branches; also, resem- butyric acid. ácido butirico. An acid
bling a bush. produced during the anaerobic
butterfly flower. flor de mariposa. A respiration of carbohydrates that
flower that is pollinated by but- smells of rancid butter.
terflies. butrous. butíro. Like butter.
buttress. contrafuerte. A structure byssaceous. bisáceo. Having fine, silky
that provides support, such as flared threads, or filaments; cotton-like.
trunks on certain trees.
C 58 calcification

C. C. See carbon. that is used medicially; also, a reed

Ca. Ca. See calcium. or cane.
caduciflorous. caducifloro. The ten- calathide. calatido. The involucre of
dency of leaves to shed or fall early. a capitulum; also, the capitulum
caducifolious. caducifolio. Decidu- itself.
ous leaves. calathidium. calatidio. The flower
caducous. caduco. caedizo. Leaves, head of a composite plant.
spores, or petals falling early. calathiform. calatiforme. Concave;
caecum. caeco. An extension of the cup-shaped.
embryo sac into the endosperm. calcar. calcar. A basal spur or spur-
caeoma. caeoma. An aecidium with like projection from a petal or se-
no peridium; sometimes with para- pal.
physes or represented by a sterile calcarate. calcariforme. Having a cal-
ring of hyphae. car, spur, or spur-like appendage.
caepitose. caepitoso. Matted or tufted, calcareous. calcáreo. calizo. Refers
as hummock-forming grasses to substances containing calcium
(Poaceae). carbonate.
caeruleus. caeruleus. Latin for pale calcariform. calcariforme. Having a
blue in color. spur or a spur-like appendage.
caesious. caesio. Having a bluish- calceiform. calceiforme. Having the
grey, waxy bloom. shape of a shoe or slipper.
caesius. caesius. Latin for a laven- calceolate. calceiforme. Having the
der-blue color. shape of a shoe or slipper, as the
caespitose. cespitoso. Growing in labellum of many orchids (Orchid-
dense clumps or tufts. aceae); calceiform
caffeine. cafeina. A purine in coffee calcicole. calcícola. A plant that grows
beans, tea leaves, and cacao beans. on calcareous soil, chalky limestone
An oxidation product of the me- soil, or soil containing free calcium
thyl derivative of purine. carbonate.
caffeic acid. ácido cafeico. A vegetable calcicolous. calcícolo. Refers to plants
acid found in coffee tannin. that prefer to grow in or can only
calamiferous. calamífero. Reedy or grow in a calcium–rich soil.
having reeds; hollow-stemmed. calcification. calcificación. The ac-
calamiform. calamiforme. Reed-like cumulation of calcium in soils, es-
or having the shape of a reed. pecially soils of cool temperate
calamus. cálamo. The sweet flag or regions where leaching occurs
sweet rush Acorus calamus slowly; also, the accumulation of
(Araceae), a pungent, aromatic root calcium cabonate on or in a cell
calciform 59 calyptrate
wall. of certain orchid flowers, as
calciform. calcíforme. Chalk-like. Cyrtosylis, Caladenia, Chiloglottis,
calcifuge. calcífuga. A plant that Glossodia, and others.
avoids chalky limestone or calcar- calorie. caloria. A unit of heat; one
eous soil. calorie is the mount of heat required
calcifugous. calcífugo. Avoiding to raise the temperature of one gram
calcereous soils, as said of some of water one degree centigrade.
lichens. calvescent. calvescente. Naked or
calciphilous. calcífilo. Chalk-loving. bald or becoming so.
calciphobe. planta calcífuga. See calyc-. calic-. A Greek prefix that
calcifuge. means, “a cup”.
calcium carbonate. calcio carbonato. calycanthemy. calicantemia. A par-
cácico carbonato. A compound of tial or complete change of sepals
calcium occurring naturally in mar- into petals.
ble, limestone, shells, and to some calycate. calicado. Having a calyx.
extent, in plants. calycifloral. calicifloral. See calyci-
caline. calino. A growth promoting sub- florate.
stance. Rhizocalines promote root calyciflorate. caliciflorado. With the
growth and caulocalines promote calyx bearing the petals and sta-
stem growth. mens.
calli-. calli-. A Greek prefix that means, calyciform. caliciforme. Calyx or cup-
“beautiful”. shaped.
callose. calosa. Hard or thick, some- calycine. calicino. calicinar. Re-
times rough; also, an insoluble sembling a calyx or calyx-like
carbohydrate in cupraammonia bracts.
(soluble in 1% solutions of alka- calycle. calículo. A small cup-shaped
lies) deposited seasonally or per- structure like an outer calyx; set
manently on sieve plates, causing of leaflets or bracts looking like a
them to stop functioning; also found calyx; an epicalyx; also, with slime
in calcified walls and in the cells molds (Myxomycetes), a calyx-like
of some algae. appendage below the sporangium.
callosity. callosidad. A hardened or calycoid. calicoide. Like a calyx.
thickened area. calyculate. caliculado. Having bracts
callus. callo. Hardened tissue that de- around the calyx or around the
velops over the wound on a stem; involucre; cup or calyx-shaped
also, in some grasses (Poaceae), bracts.
the thick basal extension of the calyculus. calículo. Same as calycle.
lemma at the point of its attach- calyptra. caliptra. A hood or cap-like
ment to the rachilla; also, a mass structure on some flowers or fruit;
of material formed on a cell wall may be used to describe the cap
around the germ tube of a para- covering the spore case of some
sitic fungus. mosses (Musci) and liverworts
callus (orchids). callo (orquídea). A (Hepaticae); also, the root cap on
prominence, varied in number, form the tip of roots.
and arrangement, on the labellum calyptrate. caliptrado. Capped.
calyptrogen 60 cancellate
calyptrogen. caliptrógeno. The meris- campestris. campestris. A Latin term
tem of the central region of the root that means, “growing in fields”.
cap. Also see calyptra. camptodromous. camptódroma. A
calyx (pl. calyces). cáliz. The outer system of leaf venation in which
covering (perianth) of a flower, the veinlets join after curving near
made of leaf whorls or sepals and the leaf margin.
usually less delicate than the co- campylodromous. campilódroma.
rolla; collective term for all the se- Having a vein-curvature which ends
pals of a flower; flower cup. at the apex of the leaf.
calyx lobe. lobo cáliz. One of the free campylotropous. campilótropo. Cur-
portions of a calyx of united se- ved oveules in which the nucleus
pals. is folded over on itself.????
calyx tube. tubo cáliz. The portion of canal. canal. A tube or duct that carries
a calyx where the sepals are united. liquid or nutrients from one part
cambial meristem. meristemo cambial. of the plant to another; also, a duct
Tissues inside the stem that divide containing oils or resins.
and allow the plant to increase in canal cell. célula canal. The initial
girth. cell which later divides to fill the
cambiform cell. célula cambiforme. central canal of the neck of the
An elongated, pointed parenchy- archegonia of Bryophyta and
matous cell found in the phloem. Pteridophyta. These cells disin-
cambium (pl. cambia). cámbio. zona tegrate when the archegonium is
generatriz. In vascular plants, one ripe.
of two types of embryonic tissue canaliculate. acanalado. Longitudi-
that produces secondary growth; nal channels or grooves.
vascular cambium, a layer of di- canaliculation. acanaliculación. Any
viding cells in the stems and roots minutely channelled or grooved
that lies between the phloem and structure.
xylem by which a stem increases canalization. canalización. encauzam-
in girth; and cork cambium (phello- iento. A process involving the
gen) that gives rise to periderm development of cells along particu-
which displaces epidermis as a pro- lar pathways, despite disturbing
tective secondary tissue system. environmental or genetic forces,
cambium initial. inicial cámbial. One until the cells mature and are dif-
of the permanently meristematic ferentiated into adult forms.
cells of a cambium. canalizing selection. selección canaliz-
camelinus. camelinus. A Latin word ante. The elimination of genotypes
that means, “tawny”. that render developing individu-
camnium. camnio. A succession of als sensitive to environmental fluc-
plants caused by cultivation. tuations, thereby providing standard
campaniform. campaniforme. Hav- phenotypes over the range of the
ing the shape of a bell. environment common to that spe-
campanulate. campanulado. Bell- cies.
shaped, especially applied to a co- cancellate. cancelado. fenestrado.
rolla. Having a regular, net-like or spongy
candidus 61 capsule
structure. absorbed by a root; held in the soil
candidus. candidus. A Latin term that against the force of gravity.
means, “pure white”. capilliform. capiliforme. Like a hair.
cane. caña. A slender, jointed stem, capillitium. capilicio. A tangle of hair-
woody but flexible, as with bam- like filaments inside the spore cases
boo (Bambusaceae), sugar cane of some slime molds and fungi.
(Saccharum) , or some palms capitalist. capitalista. A plant with
(Palmae). stored food reserves.
canescent. canescente. Gray or white capitate. capitado. Flowers growing
in color because of a covering of in a dense, head-like cluster.
fine hair; incanous. capitellate. capitelado. Flowers grow-
canker. cancro. A general term for a ing in small, head-like clusters.
disease occurring in woody plants capitellum. capitelo. A small head.
in which bark fails to form, prob- capitular. capitular. Having a capitu-
ably from a fungal or bacterial in- lum or head.
fection. capituliform. capituliforme. Having
canopy. dosel. A high covering or the shape of a dense cluster of flow-
shading, such as the top layer of a ers attached to a single stem.
forest, where the branches spread capitulum. capítulo. A dense, head-
out and the foliage sharply limits like cluster of flowers attached to
the amount of light reaching the a single stem, as in red clover (Tri-
ground; often subdivided into folium); also, a globose apical li-
emergent, middle, and lower zones. chen apothecium.
canus. canus. A Latin word that means, capreolate. capreolado. Having ten-
“grey-white”. drils.
cap. caperuza. sombrerete. The top capreolus. capreolo. A tendril.
portion of a mushroom; also, the caprification. caprificación. The form-
leather-like structure where hymen- ation of an inflorescence of a
ium-bearing tissues occur in a fun- number of flowers on a common
gal fruit body; pileus. receptacle which grows upwards
cap cell. célula caperuza. The cell to enclose the flowers except for
at the apex of the fern antheridium. a small pore at the apex.
It is shed when the antherozoids capsid. cápsida. A protein coat on
are liberated. virus.
capiliform. capiliforme. Shaped like capsomere. capsómero. One of the
hair. the identical units making up a
capillaceous. capilar. Having long, capsid.
hair-like filaments; resembling hair. capsular. capsular. Capsule-like.
capillary. capilar. Hair-like. capsulate. cápsulado. Enclosed in a
capillary water. agua de capilaridad. capsule or pod, as a capsulate pod.
agua de capilar. The part of soil capsule. cápsula. A dry, dehiscent
moisture retained as film on, and fruit with two or more seeds; also,
within the pores of soil particles the spore-bearing structure of a
in a continuous inter-particle sys- moss (Musci) or liverwort
tem, the source of most water (Hepaticae); the gelatinous outer
carbohydrase 62 carnivorous
surface of a cell. ganic molecule composed only of
carbohydrase. carbohidraza. Any of the carbon molecule.
a group of enzymes that speeds the carbonic anhydrase. anhidrasa carbón-
hydrolysis of carbohydrates. ica. The enzyme that catalyses the
carbohydrates. carbohidrato. hidrato formation of bicarbonate ions from
de carbono. A generic term for a carbon dioxide and water.
large group of compounds made of carboxydismutase. carboxidismutasa.
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen pro- An enzyme which catalyses the
duced in green plants by photosyn- combination of ribulose-diphos-
thesis. phate and carbon dioxide to form
carbon. carbono. A non-metallic el- two molecules of phosphoroglyceric
ement with the chemical symbol acid.
C, which is extracted from gase- carboxyl group. grupo carboxilo.
ous carbon dioxide by plants dur- carboxilico. An acid group attached
ing photosynthesis. to a molecule; COOH.
carbon assimilation. asimilación del carboxylase. carboxilasa. An enzyme
carbono. Photosynthesis. that speeds up the addition or re-
carbon cycle. ciclo del carbono. The moval of carbon dioxide into or
circulation of carbon in nature from an organic compound.
where plants take in carbon diox- carcerule. carcérulo. A fruit that splits
ide from the atmosphere and con- at maturity into several one-seeded
vert it to carbohydrates by photo- portions.
synthesis; animals consume the carcerulus. carcérulo. See carcerule.
plants and return the carbon to the cardinal points (temperature). puntos
atmosphere by respiration and de- cardinal (temperatura). The mini-
cay. mum point is when growth begins;
carbon dioxide. dióxido de carbono. the optimum is when growth is best;
A heavy, colorless, ordorless gas and the maximum is when growth
consumed by plants during pho- stops.
tosynthesis and produced during carina. carina. quilla. A keel or ridge-
respiration. shape found in certain flowers or
carbon dioxide acceptor. accepdor de fruits, as the pair of petals on many
carbono dióxido. A molecule that flowers of the pea family
assimilates from the atmosphere (Fabaceae).
carbon dioxide into a plant. carinate. carinado. Keeled with one
carbon dioxide fixation. fijación de or more longitudinal ridges, espe-
carbono dióxido. The first stage cially used when describing parts
of light reactions in photosynthe- of the perianth and hypanthium.
sis when carbon dioxide from the carneus. carneus. Latin for “flesh-
air is combined with a sugar phos- colored”.
phate to form an intermediate nec- carnivore. carnivoro. Plants that eat
essary in the synthesis of glucose insects, as the sundew (Droser-
and other carbon compounds. aceae), and pitcher plants (Nep-
carbon skeleton. esqueleto de carbon- enthaceae).
ado. The central part of any or- carnivorous. carnívoro. carnicero.
carnivorous plants 63 carrier
Insect-eating. (Rhodophyceae) or fungi; gametan-
carnivorous plants. planta carnivora. gium.
Plants which are capable of catching carpology. carpología. The study of
and digesting insects or other small the structure of seeds, seed ves-
animals. sels or fruit.
carnose. carnosa. A whitish, flesh carpophore. carpóforo. The long, slen-
color or texture, as carnose leaves. der part of the floral axis which
carnulose. carnuloso. Somewhat fleshy. supports two hanging carpels; also
carotene. caroteno. A yellow, orange, the stalk of the fruiting body or
or red, water insoluble pigment sporocarp of a fungus; also, the
found in carrots (Daucus) or other projection between carpels of a
vegetables. They are the precur- gynoecium formed as prolongation
sors of vitamin A. of a receptacle; sometimes as in
carotin. carotina. See carotene. Triglochin striata, united to form
carotinoid. carotinoide. See carote- sterile carpels. See gynophore.
noid. carpophyll. hoja carpelar. A carpel
carpel. carpelo. The central, ovule- or modified leaf.
bearing female organ of a flower, carpophyte. carpófita. A cryptoga-
with a modified leaf forming one mous plant, as red algae, that on
or more sections of the pistil. It fertilization bears spores and true
bears the stigma and frequently an fruit.
elongated style and encloses the carpopodium. carpopodio. A stipe;
ovules. Carpels may be separate or podogyne.
united and there may be more than carposporangium. carposprangio. A
one carpel per flower. sporangium in which the carpo-
carpellary. carpelar. Belonging to, spores are formed. It is character-
resembling, or containing carpels, istic of the Rhodophyceae.
as carpellary leaves. carpospore. carpospora. A red al-
carpellary scale. escama carpelar. gae spore resulting from the ferti-
Bract scale. lization of a carpogonium.
carpellate. carpelar. Having carpels, carposporophyte. carposporófito. A
as carpellate cones; also a unisexual term used for the cystocarp of the
flower with carpels but no stamens. Rhyodophyceae, when it is con-
carpelloid. carpeloide. Said of some sidered to be an asexual spore-pro-
member of a flower which is in part ducing generation, parasitic on the
changed into a carpel. sexual generation.
carpid. carpido. A little carpel. carpotrophic. carpotrófico. The move-
carpo-. carpo-. A Greek prefix that ment of a flower stalk after ferti-
means, “fruit” or “seeds,” as in lization into a favorable position
carpophore. for fruit ripening and seed dispersal.
carpogenous. carpogeno. Living on carrier. portador. sustancia porta-
fruit, parasitically or saprophyti- dora. A catalyst which helps in the
cally. transfer of an element or group from
carpogonium. carpogonio. A single- one compound to another; also, a
celled female sex in some seaweed phenotypic, normal individual het-
carrying capacity 64 cation
erozygous for a normal allele and down of complex food molecules
a mutant allele; also, a plant in- into simpler one; destructive me-
fected with a virus and showing tabolism; dissimilation.
no symptoms, but capable of in- catacorolla. catacorola. A second co-
fecting another plant, especially rolla formed externally to the true
through an insect vector. one; also spelled katacorolla.
carrying capacity. capacidad de carga. catadromous. catadroma. Fern ve-
The maximum number of organ- nation when the first nerves in each
isms that can live in balance with leaf segment are on the basal side
the natural food supply of a par- of the midrib; also spelled katad-
ticular area. romous.
cartilaginous. cartilaginoso. Tough catalase. catalasa. An enzyme occur-
and firm but elastic; cartilage-like. ring in most living cells that
caruncle. carúncula. A fleshy out- catalyzes the separation of hydro-
growth or appendage, less tendril- gen peroxide into gaseous oxygen
like than an aril, often oily or waxy, and water.
located near the hilum of a seed, catalysis. catálisis. The action of a
as those of Ricinocarpus spp. and catalyst in a chemical reaction.
the Ricinus communis. It is often catalyst. catalizador. A substance that
brightly colored and nutritive, aid- speeds the rate of a chemical re-
ing in seed dispersal, commonly action without undergoing any per-
by ants. manent change in its own compo-
carunculate. carunculado. Pertain- sition, as enzymes (proteins that
ing to a caruncle. act as catalysts).
caryallagic. cariallagico. Of repro- cataphyll. catafilo. A rudimentary leaf,
duction involving nuclear change. such as a bud scale, preceding the
caryo-. cario-. A Greek prefix that true foliage.
means, “nut-like”. catapult mechanism. mecanismo cata-
caryoid. carioide. A small mass of pulta. A method of seed disper-
protein found in some algal cells. sal depending on the jerking of a
caryopsis. cariopsis. cariópdide. A long stalk swaying in the wind.
one-celled, one-seeded, dry fruit catathecium. catatecio. A name some-
with the ovary wall fused to the times given to the thyriothecium
seed coat, as with a grain of wheat of the Trichothyiaceae.
(Triticum) or barley (Hordeum). catechol. catecol. A dihydroxyphenol.
Casparian strip. banda de Caspary. catenate. catenado. Occurring or linked
The suberize layer covering the in the form of a chain, e.g.of spores.
radial and transverse walls of catenation. catenación. The arrange-
endodermal cells. ment of chromosomes in chains or
cassideous. casideo. Helmet-shaped. rings.
castaneous. castaño. A dark, reddish- catenuliform. catenuliforme. Like a
brown color. chain.
catabolism. catabolismo. The point cation. catión. An ion with a posi-
in cellular metabolism when en- tive electrical charge, the form in
ergy is released through the breaking which mineral elements are ab-
cation exchange 65 caulis
sorbed by a plant. acaulescent.
cation exchange. cambio de cationes. caulicle. caulículo. A small or rudi-
The replacement of hydrogen ions mentary stem; also, the neck of the
absorbed on a surface (e.g. a clay) embryo that distinguishes it from
by cations. Cations with the property the seed leaves (cotyledons).
of hydrogen ion displacement are caulicolous. caulocole. Having a para-
exchangeable cations and provide sitic fungus on the stem; living on
the condition which mineral ele- herbaceous stems.
ments of the soil become available caulicule. caulicula. A caulicle.
to plants. cauliculus. cauliculo. See caulicle.
cation exchange capacity. capacidad cauliferous. caulífero. See caulescent.
de cambion cation. See exchange cauliflorous. caulífloro. Flowers are
capacity. produced on the stem or trunk;used
catkin. amento. An inflorescence, usu- especially to describe tropical trees
ally a drooping or pendulous spike in which flower shoots commonly
of apetalous, unisexual flowers; emerge from the main trunk.
ament. cauliflory. caulifloria. The produc-
catkinate. amentáceo. amentiforme. tion of flowers on leafless woody
Pertaining to or having the form stems or main trunks, with the flow-
of a catkin. ers developing from axillary buds
catothecium. catotecio. A an inverted borne on shoots and either contin-
perithecium with the asci hanging ued from year to year or until the
from its base. shoot has become a thick branch
cauda. cauda. A tail-like appendage. or even the main trunk, remaning
caudate. caudado. Having a tail or tail- dormant until the shoot has reached
like appendage. a considerable diamenter. Common
caudex. cáudice. The woody base of in rainforest trees and vines of the
a herbaceous, otherwise annual Sapotaceae, Myrtaceae, Morac-
plant; also, a woody, trunk-like eae, Anacardaceae, Menisperm-
stem, especially of tree ferns aceae, Aristolochiaceae, Flacourt-
(Cyatheaceae, Thyrsopteridaceae) iaceae; also, used to mean bear-
and palms (Palmae). ing flowers on old stems.
caudicle. caudículo. In orchids cauliform. cauliforme. Stem-like.
(Orchidaceae), a thin, flexible stalk cauligenous. cauligeno. Carried on
where much of the pollen accumu- a stem.
lates; also, a stalk of mucilaginous cauline. caulinar. caulino. Grow-
threads holding the pollen mass of ing on a stalk or stem, especially
orchids to the rostellum. above ground, as cauline leaves;
caudiculate. caudiculado. Having or also, formed from the internal tis-
pertaining to a woody stem. sues of the stem.
caul-. caul-. A Latin prefix than means, cauline bundle. haz caulinar. A vas-
“stem”. cular bundle formed entirely from
caulescent. caulescente. Having a stem the tissue of the stem; axial bun-
growing above ground; in the proc- dle.
ess of becoming stalked. Compare caulis. caulis. The main stem of her-
caulocarpic 66 cell inclusion
baceous plants. ing structural unit, is differentiated
caulocarpic. caulocárpico. Stems that in plants by a wall to a protoplast
for several years annually produce with a system of organelles func-
flowers and fruit. tioning interdependently. The pro-
caulocarpous. caulocárpo. Bearing toplast is enclosed from the wall
fruit repeatedly on the same stem. by a double-layered membrane with
cauloid. cauloide. Stem-like. the method of entry of a substance
caulocystidium. caulocistidio. A into the cell being an invagination
cystidium on a stipe. process, the membrane surround-
caulome. eje caulinar. caulomo. The ing and engulfing either a solution
stem or axial portion of a plant. (pinocytosis) or finely-dispersed
cavernicolous. cavernícola. Living particle (phagocytosis) which may
in caves. then be carried within vaculoles to
cavitation. cavitación. The break- the interior.
ing of hydrogen bonds in water that cell biology. biologia celular. The
forms a bubble in water. When this biological study of cells and their
occurs within the xylem, the up- functions; cytobiology.
per portion of the water colunm is cell cycle. ciclo célula. Refers to the
not in contact with the lower por- sequence of activity that occurs
tion and cannot pull it upward. This between the cell formation and its
causes a loss of conduction in the division into daughter cells.
tracheids and vessels and is a fac- cell differentiation. diferenciación
tor in the conversion of sapwood celular. The process where de-
to heartwood. scendants of a cell produce struc-
cavity. cavidad. An enclosed space. tural and functional specialization
cecidium. cecideo. A plant gall caused which are continued during the life
by an insect or a fungus. of that individual cell.
cecidization. cecidización. The for- cell division. división celular. The
mation of a plant gall. dividing of a cell into two or more
cell. lóculo. In plant identification, cells, each having its own dupli-
a cell is any hollow space or cav- cated nucleus and divided cyto-
ity within a structure, as within plasma.
an ovary or the hollow space in a cell fusion. fusión celular. An ex-
honeycomb; also, a pollen or spore perimental process of joining nu-
sac; locule. clei and cytoplasma from differ-
cell. célula. The fundamental living ent somatic cells to form a single
unit of all matter; made of proto- hybrid; especially used with dif-
plasm and when occurring with a ferent species.
nucleus and an enclosing membrane, cell growth. crecimiento celular. An
they are known as eukaryotic cells; unchangeable increase in the size
others, without a distinct membrane- of a cell either from a change in
bound nucleus, are known as the osmotic potential within the cell,
prokaryotic cells (bacteria and blue- or by a reduction of the pressure
green algae). The cell, an organ- exerted by the cell wall.
ized, self-regulating, self-reproduc- cell inclusion. inclusión celular. Any
cell line 67 cellulase
non-living material in the cyto- ther through turgidity of the con-
plasm. tained protoplast or thickening of
cell line. línea celular. See cell lin- the wall itself, for mechanical sup-
eage. port of tissue. Primary walls are
cell lineage. linaje celular. A heredi- largely pectic substances; those of
tary line of cells that are related adjacent cells may fuse to form a
through asexual division. middle lamella, secondary devel-
cell membrane. membrana celular. opment is intracellular and mainly
A sheet-like tissue that encloses cellulose, added by either apposi-
and delimits the contents of a cell. tion or intussusception but with
cellobiose. celobiosa. A reducing small areas (pits) left unthickened,
sugar; beta-glucose and beta-glu- and at maturity of the wall, thick-
coside. ened according to its function, e.g.
cell plate. placa celular. lámina celu- lignification, suberization, cutiniz-
lar. The partition that is formed ation. Continuity of protoplasm
between daughter cells during from cell to cell is provided for
cytokinesis; also, the first formed by minute pores throughout the wall
wall structure in a dividing cell. through which pass strands of cy-
cell respiration. respiración celular. toplasm (plasmodesmata).
The chemical process that occurs cellular. celular. Composed of cells:
in living cells when organic com- all plant tissue is cellular; also, a
pounds are broken down to release plant with no spiral vessels and
energy needed for life. bearing no flowers, as lichens and
cell sap. jugo celular. savia celular. mosses (Musci).
Liquid in a large vacuole that is cellular endosperm. endosperma celu-
formed from water absorbed through lar. In angiosperm reproduction,
the epidermis and moved from the a type of endosperm in which cell
roots to the leaves through the xy- division accompanies nuclear di-
lem. vision and the endosperm consists
cell theory. teoría celular. The theory of cells during its entire develop-
that plant and animals are made of ment.
cells with growth and reproduction cellular metabolism. metabolismo
as a product of cell division. celular. See metabolism.
cell tissue. tejido celular. A group cellular respiration respiracíon celular.
of cells formed from the division The process by which enzymes
of one or a few cells, and func- acting on carbohydrates in living
tioning as a whole. cells yield energy.
cell wall. pared celular. A strong, cellular spore. espora celular. A mul-
sometimes rigid wall-like structure, ticellular body, released as a sin-
mostly cellulose, that lies inside gle unit like a spore, but each cell
the capsular layer, but outside the is capable of germinating separately.
plasma membrane of cells. The rigid cellulase. cellulaso. An enzyme that
outermost covering of the plant cell breaks down cellulose. Associated
is metabolically inert, a secretory with saprophytes and parasites, and
product of protoplasm serving, ei- particularly important when pro-
cellulose 68 centrifugal xylem
duced by the microflora of the her- loid polar nuclei; also, the cell in
bivore’s large intestine. the center of developing archegon-
cellulose. celulosa. Linked glucose ium of the Bryophyta and Pteri-
molecules serving as the principal dophyta. It divides to form the
structural material of plants, such primary canal-cell and primary
as the woody parts of trees and ventral cell; also, the cell at the
plants, biologicallly broken-down base of the archegonium in the
only by fungi and termites with Gymnospermae containing the egg
necessary cellulose-splitting en- and ventral canal-cell; polar cell.
zymes. central cylinder meristem. meristemo
cementation. cementación. The un- cilindro central. The part of a root
ion of fungal hyphae by means of apical meristem that gives rise to
a sticky substance. the stele.
censer mechanism. censairo mecan- central placentation. placentación
ismo. A method of seed dispersal centro. Ovules and seeds on a cen-
whereby the seeds are shaken out tral axis in a single celled pistil
of pores in the fruit as it sways in or fruit.
the wind. centric fusion. fusión céntrica. The
center of diversity. centro de divers- whole-arm fusion of chromosomes
idad. A geographical area where by the union of two accentric chro-
a particular taxon or species pro- mosomes to form one metacentric
vides greater genetic variations than chromosome.
anywhere else, most often occur- centric oosphere. oosfera céntrica.
ring in the tropics; genecenter. An oosphere of a fungus which has
center of origin. centro de origen. one or more layers of oil droplets
A geographical area where a par- surrounding the central protoplasm.
ticular taxon or species is thought centrifugal. centrífugo. Developing
to have originated; thought by some from the center or apex outward
to be the same location as the center or downward, as a centrifugal plant;
of diversity. also, when developing, turning from
centonate. centonado. Having dif- the center toward the side of the
ferent colors which produces a fruit, as a radicle.
patchwork appearance. centrifugal inflorescence. infloresc-
central. central. In the middle or mid- encia centrífugo. A flower clus-
dle plane of a structure. ter that develops and opens from
central body. corpúsculo central. The the center outward.
colorless inner portion of the pro- centrifugal thickening. engrosamiento
toplast of the Myxophyceae. It centrífugo. The disposition of
contains nucleic acid and may func- material on the outside of the cell
tion as a nucleus. wall. This only occurs if the cell
central bud. yema central. The middle is free from its neighbors, e.g. the
or central flower bud. markings on pollen grains.
central cell. celular central. A bi- centrifugal xylem. xilema centrífugo.
nucleate cell in the center of an A xylem in which differentiation
embryo sac containing the two hap- occurs away from the center of a
centriole 69 chaetoplankton
stem or root. growth.
centriole. centríolo. Small bodies, cephalobranchial. cefalobranquial.
often in pairs, located in the cyto- Used to describe a chromosome
plasm near the nucleus, and in- which has a small rounded projec-
volved in the formation of the spin- tion at one end.
dle. cephalodium. cefalodeo. An area in
centripetal. centrípeta. Towards the a lichen thallus where blue-green
center. algae carry out nitrogen fixation.
centripetal inflorescence. infloresec- cephaloid. cefaloide. Resembling or
encia centrípeta. A flower clus- shaped like a head.
ter that develops and opens from ceraceous. cerífero. Waxy; wax-like
the outer edge toward the center. in texture or color.
See raceme. ceranoid. ceranoide. Having horn-
centripetal thickening. engrosamiento like branches.
centrípeta. The deposition of wall cerat-. cerat-. A Greek prefix than
material on the inner side of a cell means, “horn”.
wall. cereals. cereales. Members of the grass
centripetal xylem. xilema centrípeta. family Poaceae whose grain is used
A xylem in which differentiation for human consumption. e.g. wheat,
occurs from the center of the stem barley, and oats.
or root. cereal plants. plantas de cereal. Any
centrodesmus. centrodesma. Attrac- of a group of edible grasses
tion spindle. (Poaceae).
centromere. centrómero. The point cerebriform. cerebriforme. Having
of attachment of the spindle fiber a convoluted appearance; resem-
to the two halves of a chromosome bling a brain.
(chromatids). ceriferous. cerífero. Wax-producing.
centrosome. centrosoma. In a few cernuous. inclinado. Hanging down-
lower plants, the part of a cyto- ward; drooping.
plasm that organizes the assembly ceruus. ceruus. Latin for “hanging”,
and disassembly of microtubules “drooping”, or “nodding”.
and which contains the centriole. cespitose. cespitoso. Growing in dense
cepaceous. cepáceo. Smelling or tast- clumps or tufts; caespitose.
ing of onions. certation. certación. Competition be-
cephal-. cefal-. A Greek prefix than tween pollen grains placed at the
means, “head”. same time on the same stigma. They
cephalin. cefalina. A group of com- have different genetic constitutions
pounds derived from phosphorus giving unequal chances of bring-
which are an important component ing about fertilization.
of membranes. chaeta. queta. Bristle; seta.
cephalium. cefalio. The reproduc- chaetiferous. quetífera. Having stiff
tive portion of certain cacti hairs.
(Cactaceae) in which the growth chaetoplankton. quetoplancton. Small
that occurs after sexual maturity aquatic organism whose power to
is sharply different from juvenile float is aided by small spiny
chaff 70 chelate
outgrowths. and deciduous trees.
chaff. bráctea involucral. Small, dry, character. carácter. A distinctive or
scale-like bracts, as found on the well-defined feature in the struc-
heads of some Asteraceae. ture or function of a plant or plant
chaffy. paleáceo. Having brown to species; also, genetically, any fea-
grey scales; chaff-like. ture that is transferred from par-
chaistobasidium. caistobasidio. A ent to offspring.
club-shaped basidium with the character-gradient. gradiente de
nuclear spindles across it at the same caracteres. See cline.
level. characteristic. caracteristico. See char-
chalaza (pl. chalazas). cálaza. The acter.
basal part of an ovule or seed which charophytes. charófita. A group of
serves as a point of attachment and plants generally classified as al-
where the outer coverings join with gae that resemble bryophytes be-
each other and the nucleus. cause of the structure of the male
chalazogamy. calazogamia. The proc- gametes and a sterile envelope en-
ess in which a pollen grows into closing the sex organs.
the ovule through the chalaza. chartaceous. cartáceo. Paper or tis-
chalk gland. glándula caliza. A se- sue-like texture, usually devoid of
cretory organ occurring on some green.
leaves around which calcium car- chasmocleistogamic. casmocleistog-
bonate is deposited. amico. Producing chasmogamous
chalky. gredso. A soil with a high and cleistogamous flowers.
concentration of calcium carbon- chasmogamic. casmógamico. Said of
ate or limestone. a flower that opens before polli-
chamae-. camé-. A Greek prefix than nation.
means, “ground”. chasmogamous. casmógama. Flowers
chamaephyte. caméfito. A plant in that open the perianth before fer-
which the perennating bud or shoot tilization resulting most often in
apices are produced very close to cross-pollination. Compare cleisto-
the ground; also, one of Raunkiaer’s gamous.
life-form classifications. chasmogamy. casmogamia. The open-
chamber. cámara. An enclosed space ing of the perianth for the purpose
in an organ; cavity. of fertilization. Opposite of cleisto-
chambered. dividido en cámaras. Said gamy.
of an ovary divided by incomplete chasmophyte. casmófito. A plant grow-
partitions extending inwards from ing among rocks, having taken root
the walls. in the debris of the crevises, as a
channelled. acanalado. Having deep, fern.
longitudinal grooves. cheilocystidium. ceilocistidio. A
chaparral. chaparral. In the United cystidium at the edge of the pileus
States and the Mediterranean re- surface.
gion, a type of vegetation that con- chela. quela. Having a claw or pin-
sists of dense stands of thorny or cer.
roughly branched evergreen shrubs chelate. quelado. An organic compound
chelation 71 chemoorganotroph
which forms in solution a strong one or more substances, resulting
affinity for mineral ions (chelation) in the formation of one or more
which prevents precipitation of the additional substances which may
ion even under conditions of high have different properties.
alkalinity, e.g. chelates E.D.T.A. chemiluminescence. quimiluminis-
(ethylene diamine tetra acetic acidi) cencia. The emission of light during
and H.E.E.D.D.T.A. (hydroxyethyl- a chemical reaction without a rise
ethylene diamine triacetic acid) have in temperature.
a strong affinity for iron in solu- chemiluminescent. quimiluminiscente.
tion and may be used as a foliar Producing light or light produced
spray in correcting the iron defi- by chemiluminescence.
ciency in chlorosis. chemistry. química. The study of the
chelation. quelación. An ion bound properties, composition, structure,
at two or more points to a ligand, and intreactions of energy and mat-
forming an equilibrium reaction ter.
between a metallic ion and an or- chemoautotroph. quimioautótrofo. An
ganic molecule. organism that uses carbon dioxide
cheliform. queliforme. A chemical as its main or sole source of car-
ring structure formed from the re- bon.
action of a metal ion with two or chemoautotrophic. quimioautrotró-
more groups on a ligand; also, fico. An organism that does not
pincer-like. obtain energy from sunlight or or-
chemical. quimico. Pertaining to, made ganic molecules but from the oxi-
by, or used in chemistry. dation of nitrogen, sulfur, iron, or
chemical bond. enlace quimíco. A gaseous hydrogen.
union between the electron struc- chemoheterotroph. quimioheterótrofo.
tures of two or more atoms or ions. An organism that obtains carbon
chemical control. control químico. mainly or solely from organic com-
A means of regulating the life proc- pounds.
esses by transmitting messages chemolithotroph. quimiolitótrofo. An
chemically, mainly through hor- organism that obtains energy from
mones. the oxidation of inorganic com-
chemical element. elemento químico. pounds or elements, as bacteria from
See element. the gram-negative family Nitro-
chemical oxygen demand (COD). bacteraceae.
demanda química de oxígeno chemolithotrophic. quimiolitotrófico.
(DQO). A chemical rather than a Deriving energy from inorganic
biological method of measuring chemicals and carbon from carbon
water or effluent quality; uses dioxide.
postssium dichromate as the oxi- chemonasty. quimionastia. The change
dizing agent with oxidation occur- in the position or form of a plant
ring in two hours. organ in relation to a diffuse chemi-
chemical reaction. reacción química. cal stimulus.
A change involving the rearrange- chemoorganotroph. quimiorganótrofo.
ment of atoms and molecules of An organism that obtains energy
chemosmosis 72 chlorenchyma
from metabolism of organic com- chilling-sensitive plant. planta sensit-
pounds. iva al frio. A plant that is badly
chemosmosis. quimioósmosis. quimio- injured or killed by temperatures
osmosis. A chemical reaction below freezing (32º Fahrenheit).
occurring through semi-permeable chimera (pl. chimeras). quimera. A
membranes. plant with two or more tissues of
chemosynthesis. quimosintesis. The different genetic composition, aris-
formation of carbohydrates from ing from mutation or grafting.
carbon dioxide and water with en- chimney. chimenea. An upgrowth of
ergy from a chemical reaction rather epidermal cells above a stoma, form-
than from light, as in photosynthe- ing a long pore.
sis. chimonophilous. quimonófilo. Grow-
chemotaxis. quimiotaxis. The move- ing chiefly during the winter.
ment of plant or plant parts toward chin. mentón. An axial protuberence
or away from a chemical substance. which grows in a way that makes
chemotaxonomy. quimiotaxonomia. the sepals appear to arise from the
The classification of plants by their labellum, as in some orchids
chemical composition. (Orchidaceae).
chemotroph. quimiótrofo. An organ- chiropterophilous. quiropterófilo.
ism that obtains its energy from Pollinated by bats.
chemical reactions. chitin. quitina. A polysaccharide made
chemotropism. quimiotropismo. The up of N-acetyl-2-glucose amine
tendency of plants or plant parts units (carbohydrate derivative)
to move or bend in response to found in the walls of many fungi.
chemical stimuli. chlamydo-. clamido-. A Greek pre-
chiasma (pl. chiasmata). quiasma. The fix that means, “wearing a cloak”.
point where paired homologous chlamydeous. periantado. clamideo.
chromosomes remain in contact as Having a floral envelope (perianth).
they begin to separate during the chlamydocyst. clamidóciste. A two-
first prophase of meiosis, form- walled resting zoosporangium in
ing a cross shape. a hypha of the Blastocladiaceae.
chiasma interference. interferencia chlamydospore. clamidóspora. A thick
quiasmática. A non-random fre- walled asexual spore which serves
quency of more than one chiasma to survive adverse conditions. It
occurring in a bivalent segment is intercalary or terminal and non-
during meiosis; if higher than an- deciduous, consisting of one or
ticipated, it becomes a negative chi- more cells; also, a dark fungal rest-
asma interference, if lower, it is ing spore formed from a cell in a
considered a positive chiasma in- vegetative hypha, such as smuts.
terference. chledium. cledio. A formation on waste
chiasmata. quiasmata. The points ground.
where the homologous chromo- chloranthy. clorantia. The reversion
somes remain attached during the of floral leaves to green leaves.
later stages of prophase of meio- chlorenchyma. clorénquima. Plant
sis; plural of chiasma. tissue that contains chlorophyll.
chlorine 73 choriopetalous
chlorine. cloro. An element with the gether with many enzyme systems,
chemical symbol of Cl, which is in all forming and operating the
needed for normal plant growth by process of photosynthesis.
its contribution to the control of chlorosis. clorosis. An abnormal or
turgor and involvement in the light diseased condition identified by a
reaction of photosynmthesis. pale green or yellow leaf color in-
chloro-. cloro-. A Greek prefix that dicating a reduction in the produc-
means, “ natural green”, as in tion of chlorophyll; often result-
chloranthy. ing from an iron or magnesium
chlorophyll. clorofila. A green pig- deficiency in the soil or from in-
ment in plants that absorbs the sun’s adequate light; yellowing.
energy during the chemical proc- chlorostatolith. cloróstatolito. A
ess of photosynthesis; composed chloroplast containing starch, and
of a complex ring system with in acting as a statolith.
which is a single atom of magne- cholesterol. colesterol. A steroid found
sium. Chemically there are two in some plants in low concentra-
forms: the more abundant chloro- tions.
phyll a, and chlorophyll b which choline. colina. Ethanol trimethyl-
has the methyl group of chlorophyll ammonium hydroxide. It is found
a replaced by an aldehyde group. in many seeds, and with fatty ac-
It is localized in granules of disc- ids, glycedrol, and phosphoric acid
shaped cell-inclusions, chloroplasts, yields lecithins from which it is
in photosynthetic tissue. liberated by hydrolysis.
chlorophyllase. clorófilase. An en- chomophyte. comófito. A plant grow-
zyme occurring in association with ing on rocky, detritus-laddened
chlorophyll and able to hydrolyse ledges.
the phytol group in the chloro- chondriocont. condrioconto. A mitoch-
phyll and thereby decompose it. ondrium which has the form of a
chlorophyllogen. clorofilógeno. A rod or thread.
hypothetical precursor of chloro- chondriolysis. condriolisis. The dis-
phyll formed in darkness but solution of the mitochondria.
changed to chlorophyll in light. chondriomite. condriomita. A chond-
chlorophyllous. clorófilo. Having or risome having the form of a chain
pertaining to chlorophyll. of granules.
chloroplast. cloroplasto. An enve- chondriosome. condriosoma. See mi-
lope (plastids) containing chloro- tochondrion.
phyll in the cells of green plants chondroid. condroide. Said of the me-
and microorganisms. It is composed dulla of a lichen when it is hard
of green pigmented particles, grana, and tough, consisting of thick-
dispersed in a colorless stroma and walled hyphae in very firm asso-
enclosed by a membrane system. ciation.
In addition to the chlorophylls and chori-. cori-. A prefix than means,
their associated yellow carotenoid “separate”, as in choripetalous.
pigment, grana contain proteins, choriopetalous. coriopétalo. Poly-
lipids, and inorganic elements, to- petalous.
choripetalous 74 chromophorous
choripetalous. coripétalo. Having un- chromatophore. cromatóforo. A spe-
connected or separate petals; cialized enzyme, pigment-contain-
apopetalous. ing cell of prokaryotes, important
chorisepalous. corisépalo. Polyse- in photosynthesis; chromoplast. See
palous. xanthophore.
chorisis. corisis. The splitting into chromatophoric. cromatóforico. Per-
two or more lobes; often applied taining to or having chromatophore.
to abnormalities. chromatoplasm. cromatoplasma. The
C horizon. horizonte C. The mate- outer region of the cytoplasm of
rial from which a soil is derived. the Myxophyceae. It contains the
chroma. croma. One of the three meas- cell pigment.
ures of color (hue, chroma, and chromidium (pl. chromidia). cromidio.
value) with chroma indicating the An algal cell in the thallus of a li-
degree of strength of red, yellow, chen.
green, blue, and purple. chromiole. cromiolo. One of the deeply
chromasic. cromasico. An increase staining granules of which chro-
in the chromatin. matin is composed.
chromatic adaptation. adaptación chromo-. cromo-. A prefix that means,
cromático. A variation in the col- “colored”, as in chromoplast.
oration in relation to the amount chromocenter. cromocentro. Any ac-
of light reaching a plant. cumulation of chromatin in the
chromatid. cromatido. cromátida. nuclear reticulum, staining more
cromatidio. One of two daughter darkly than the rest of the chro-
strands of a chromosome that has matin network in the resting cell.
divided during interphase; two chromochondria. cromocondria. Mi-
chromatids joined in the region of tochondria concerned with pigment
the centromere make a chromosome. formation.
chromatidia. cromatidios. Pieces of chromogen. cromogeno. A pigment
chromatin not aggregated into a producing organism.
nucleus, but lying free in the cy- chromogenic. cromogenico. Color-
toplasm. producing.
chromatid interference. interferencia chromomere. cromómero. A bead-
cromatídica. A non-random in- like structure in a chromosome
volvement of non-sister chromatids during prophase of meiosis and mi-
resulting in a deviation from the tosis when uncoiled.
anticipated ratios. chromonema (pl. chromonemata).
chromatin. cromatina. A substance cromonema. The longitudinal
of DNA and proteins in the nucleus strands making up a chromatid
of a cell that condenses to form which have an inner core of DNA
chromosomes during mitosis. It is with an outer protein sheath.
made up of two proteins (one of chromoparous. cromoparo. Said of
which is histone) DNA and RNA. colorless bacteria which secrete a
chromatolysis. cromatólisis. The break- colorless material.
up and eradication of chromatin in chromophorous. cromóforo. Of bac-
the cell nucleus. teria having coloring pigment as
chromoplast 75 ciliate
part of their make-up. ísmo cromosómico. In an inter-
chromoplast. cromoplasto. A red or breeding population, the presence
yellow substance in the cytoplasm of one or more chromosomes in two
that influences the color of flow- or more alternative structural forms.
ers or fruits and serves as an at- chromosome set. dotación cromo-
traction to pollinators and fruit- sómico. The complete haploid set
dispersing animals; a specialized of chromosomes characteristic of
plastid. a species.
chromosomal. cromosómico. cromo- chromosome substitution. sustitución
somal. Of or pertaining to chro- cromosómico. A switch of one or
mosomes. more chromosomes for others from
chromosomal chim(a)era. quimera another strain of the same or re-
cromosomal. A chimera in which lated species which will permit
the nuclei do not all contain the hybridization.
same number of chromososmes. chromosome theory of inheritance.
chromosome. cromosoma. Thread- toría cromosómica de la herencia.
like bodies in the nucleus of A 1902 clarification put forward
eukaryotic cells that are derived by W.S. Sutton that Mendel’s laws
from parents and carry the genes of inheritance may be understood
that determine heredity. by assuming that genes are located
chromosome arm. brazo cromosómico. in specific sites on chromosomes.
One of the two parts of a chromo- chronispore. cronispora. A resting
some to which the spindle fiber is spore.
attached along the side. chronospecies. cronospecie. See evo-
chromosome complement. comple- lutionary species.
mento cromosómico. The set of chrysochrome. crisocromo. The golden
chromosomes characteristic of a cell brown pigment of the Chryso-
of a species. phyceae.
chromosome cycle. ciclo cromosómico. chrysogonidium. crisogonidio. A yel-
The complete changes in the chro- low algal cell in a lichen.
mosomes during the life-cycle. chylocauly. quilocaulia. Having a
chromosome map. mapa cromosómico. succulent stem.
A map of the relative locations (loci) chylophylly. quilófilia. Having suc-
of genes along the length of a chro- culent leaves.
mosome. cicatrix. cicatriz. A scar on a plant,
chromosome matrix. matriz cromo- especially where a leaf or branch
sómico. A sheath of weakly staining has fallen; also, the scar where a
material around the more stainable seed was attached to a seed pod
substance of a chromosome. or capsule.
chromosome number. número cromo- cilia. cilia. Hair-like growths extending
sómico. Under normal conditions, from certain cells, often produc-
the number of chromosomes present ing a fringe on the underside or
in the cell nuclei of a species; usu- margin of some leaves; plural of
ally constant for each species. cilium.
chromosome polymorphism. polimorf- ciliate. ciliado. Having a hair-like
ciliatulate 76 clade
(cilium) growth around the leaf mar- the base.
gin. circumcaulous. circuncaulo. Circling
ciliatulate. ciliatulado. Having widely around the stem.
separated cilia. circumference. circunferencia. The
ciliolate. cilolado. Having a diminu- distance around a circle or circu-
tive hair-like growth around the leaf lar object, especially used in the
margin. growth measurements of tree trunks.
cilium. cilio. A hair-like growth along circumferential. circunferencial. Sur-
the margin or underside of a leaf rounding a rounded structure.
or flower; singular of cilia. circumnutate. circumnudado. The ten-
cininnate. cininado. Curled or rolled dency of growing plant parts to bend
around. or move in a circular pattern.
cincinnus. cincino. A type of dense circumnutation. circumnutación. The
flower cluster (cyme) with alter- upward spiral movement of a shoot
nate branching that displays short apex as its grows.
pedicels on the developed side. circumscissile. circuncisil. A seed
cinereous. cinéreo. Gray or grayish dehiscing or opening along a
color from a covering of short hairs. traverse circular line, leaving a top
cinerus. cinerus. Latin for “ash-grey”. and a bottom.
cingulate. cingulado. Edged all around. cirrate. cirado. Rolled around or be-
circadian rhythm. ritmo circadiano. coming so, as wavy hair.
diurno circadiano. A physiological cirrhous. cirriforme. With tendrils
activity occurring in an organism (cirri).
in a 24 hour pattern which is gov- cirrus (pl. cirri). cirro. A tendril.
erned by a “biological clock” within cisternae. cisternae. Large, flattened,
the organism. membranaceous sacs in cell organ-
circadian. circadiano. Reoccurring elles, as the Golgi body and in the
in a 24 hour pattern or cycle. endoplasmic reticulum.
circinate. circinado. Rolled or coiled cis-trans test. prueba cis-trans. Test
downward from the tip to the base, to find whether two mutant sites
as with young fern (Filicopsida) of a gene are on the same cistron;
leaves; rolled in a lengthwise man- complementation test.
ner, as an arrangement of bud scales cistron. cistrón. The smallest unit
or young leaves in a bud; coiled of genetic material that produces
like a watch spring. a phenotypic effect, with each con-
circle. circulo. Round in shape. trolling the structure of a protein;
circular. circular. Around or having also, a section of the DNA mol-
the shape of a circle. ecule involving the formation of
circulation. circulación. The move- one polypeptide chain.
ment of materials within plant cells citric acid cycle. ciclo del ácido cítrico.
or throughout the multicellular plant See tricarboxylic acid cycle; Krebs
system. cycle.
circum-. circun-. A prefix than means, citriform. citriforme. Lemon-shaped.
“all around”. Cl. Cl. See chlorine.
circumbasal. circunbasal. Around clade. clado. In cladistics, a lineage
cladistic 77 clearing
branch that has occurred from split- division.
ting in an earlier lineage thereby clan. clan. estirpe. A small group of
creating two new taxa, each a clade individuals covering a small area
or branch in the phylogenetic dia- and derived from the same parent
gram. either by vegetative propagation or
cladistic. cladistico. Pertaining to the from seed.
classification of plants based on clasped. abrazado. Generally refers
assumed lines of ancestral or evo- to a leaf that has partially or com-
lutionary relationships; phylo- pletely encircled the stem.
genetic classification. clasping. amplexicaule. A leaf base
cladocarpous. cladocarpo. Having that surrounds the stem.
fruit at the end of a lateral branch. class. clase. A group of related plants,
cladode. cladodio. A branch or a por- taxonomically ranked below a phy-
tion of a flattened, leaf-like stem lum and above an order.
that functions as a leaf, as Opunita classification. clasificación. An ar-
spp.; cladophyll. rangement of plants into groups on
cladodromous. cladódromo. Having the basis of evolutionary or struc-
a branch or part of a stem that func- tural relationships (in descending
tions as a leaf. order), as kingdom, phylum, class,
cladogenesis. cladogénesis. The order, family, genus, species, sub-
branching of a taxon; based on a species or variety.
view that each new taxon comes clathrate. clatrado. Net-like or divided
from the splitting of a lineage, re- like latticework, as clathrate foli-
sulting in two, equal, sister taxa, age; clathroid.
taxonomically separated from the clathriform. clatriforme. Having the
parent or ancestral taxon. See note shape of a lattice; reticulated.
in adaptive radiation. clathroid. clatroide. See clathrate.
cladogenous. cladogeno. Producing clava. clava. The club-like fruit body
flowers at the end of the branch. of some fungi.
cladogram. cladograma. A diagram clavate. clavado. Thickened toward
that depicts the branching sequences the end, like a club; club-shaped.
in a system of developmental evo- claviform. claviforme. Club-shaped;
lution. a leaf shape that widens toward the
cladophyll. cladofilo. A stem or branch apex.
that looks like a leaf; phylloclade. clavulate. clavulado. Slightly club-
cladosiphonic. cladosifónico. A like.
siphonostele having branch gaps claw. uña. The narrowed basal part
but no leaf gaps. of some petals or sepals with the
clambering. semitrepador. A climbing wider part being the blade.
plant with only a weak tendency clay. arcilla. A stiff, sticky, fine-
to climb. grained soil, mostly composed of
clamp-connection. unión fibular. In aluminum silicate.
some fungi, a bulge or loop-like clayey. arcilloso. A stiff, sticky tex-
connection along a wall (septum) ture. See clay.
of the mycelium formed during cell clearing. claro. An open space in a
clearing agent 78 climax theory
forest. in determining the type of vegetation
clearing agent. agente aclarante. of an area.
aclarador. A reagent used in climax. climax. The stable vegetation
microscopy for treating sections to of an area under the prevailing
make them capable of examination environmental condtions.
by transmitted light. climax community. comunidad climax.
cleft. hendido. Having deeply cut or comunidad climácico. comunidad
divided lobes, as a leaf divided to final. The final stage of plant suc-
the midrib or further. cession when vegetation attains a
cleistocarp. cleistocarpo. An asco- state of equilibrium with the
carp with the asci completely en- environment; also, the plant asso-
closed. ciation that is permanently estab-
cleistogamous. cleistógama. Having lished in an area.
small, closed, bud-like flowers that climax dominant. climax dominante.
are self-fertilizing in addition to Any species that dominates a cli-
regular flowers, as violets (Viol- max community.
aceae). Compare chasmogamous. climax ecosystem. sistema ecológico
cleistogamy. cleistogamia. The self- climax. The last stage in ecological
fertilization of certain closed flow- succession when populations of all
ers, borne often close to or within organisms are in balance with each
the soil surface, as some members other and with existing abiotic fac-
of the Violaceae and Poaceae. tors.
cleistogene. cleistogen. A plant that climax species. especie climax. Any
produces cleistogamous flowers. plant species that is a characteris-
cleistothecium. cleistotecio. See cleis- tic member of a climax community.
tocarp. climax theory. teoría climax. A theory,
climacteric. climacterico. The phase first proposed by F.E. Clements in
of increased respiration when fruit 1904 (monoclimax) and restructured
ripens, immediately before senes- by A.G. Tansely in 1916 (poly-
cence. climax), of the successional devel-
climate. clima. A general description opment of a vegetation community
of the average temperature and rain- reaching optimum sustainable level
fall conditions of a region over the when in equilibrium with its en-
course of twelve months. vironment. The monoclimax model
climatic climax. clímax climático. A views the development of vegeta-
plant community that is in equi- tion having an end point control-
librium with a region’s climate. led by climate. Polyclimax, the
climatic community. comunidad climá- alternative, views reaching equi-
tico. A plant community that is librium as being influenced by
determined and maintained by the climate and other factors, such as
prevailing climatic conditions. fire and soil. However, the major
climatic factor. factor climático. An difference between the two mod-
environmental condition such as els is the time scale for reaching
the amount of rainfall, sunshine, the climax community. The mono-
etc. that plays a controlling part climax approach uses a series of
climax vegetation 79 club-shaped
sub-climax stages and terminology. individual of a clonal line is a ramet.
climax vegetation. vegetación climax. closed (vascular) bundle. haz cerrado.
vegetación climácica. A model A vascular bundle that does not have
that holds that vegetation which be- a cambium and therefore cannot
gins on bare soil, will in time, pass increase in diameter by normal sec-
through a succesion of stages in- ondary thickening.
volving simpler plants being re- closed canopy. dosel cerrado. A forest
placed by more complex ones, ul- condition of overlapping tree
timately reaching a climax or equi- crowns forming an almost continu-
librium with the climate and other ous layer of foliage.
factors. closed community. comunidad cerr-
climbing. trepador. voluble. Growing ado. A plant community which
upward by twining or clinging to completely covers the ground it
something. occupies which as a consequence
clinandrium. clinandrio. In some or- prevents the introduction of other
chids (Orchidaceae), a cavity at species.
the top of the column where the closed population. población cerrado.
anther is concealed. A plant population with little or
clinanthium. clinanto. The flower re- no gene flow, often because of geo-
ceptacle of a composite plant. graphical barriers.
cline. clina. A gradual, continuous closing layer. acodo oclusiva. A layer
change in particular inherited char- of closely packed cells over a
acteristics across populations in lenticel preventing diffusion of
adjacent geographic areas; charac- water vapor and gases.
ter-gradient. closing membrane. membrana oclus-
clinostat. clinóstato. A rotating disk iva. membrana obturante. The
to which a plant can be attached thin wall between adjacent pits in
so that it can receive an equal vessels or tracheids.
amount of a stimulus on all sides. closterospore. closterospora. A multi-
Rotating in a horizontal plane, a nucleate phragmospore.
clinostat is used to study photo- closteroviruses. closteroviruses. A
tropic responses and vertically to group of RNA-containing viruses
study geotropism. carried by aphids that infect a wide
clonal. clonal. Of or like a clone, as range of plants, causing consider-
clonal propagation. able economic loss.
clone. clono. clon. A group of ge- cloud forest. bosque de neblina. A
netically identical plants or cells dense, moist, tropical montane for-
orginating from a single parent by est, usually more than a thousand
vegetative reproduction; also, if a meters above sea-level and in clouds
section of DNA is taken into the most of the day.
chromosome of a bacterium, phage, club fungi. basidiomicetes. Fungi of
or plasmid vector and duplicated, the Clavariaceae and Clavul-
each copy is a DNA clone; the entire inaceae familes that have club-
vegetatively produced descendants shaped fruit bodies.
from a single original seedling. The club-shaped. claviforme. See cla-
clump 80 coelomycetes
vate. coccoid. coccoide. Being unicellu-
clump. grupo. Grouped together in lar and motionless when vegeta-
a cluster. tive, but releasing motile spores.
cluster. ramillete. A general term for coccus (pl. cocci). coco. A berry-like
closely gathered together inflores- seed; a single seed in a compound
cence of small flowers. carpel (schizocarp) which separate
clustered. agregado. agrupado. Grow- at maturity, characteristic fruit of
ing together in a bunch or bunches. the Rutaceae; also, bacteria with
clypeate. clipeado. Shaped like a shield; oval shapes; a mericarp.
round. cochlea. cóclea. A tightly coiled leg-
clypeiform. clipeiforme. Having the ume.
shape of a round shield; clypeate. cochlear. coclear. Spoon-shaped.
co-. co-. A Latin prefix that means, cochleate. cochleado. Having a spi-
“together”. ral shape; coiled like a snail’s shell.
coacervate. coacervado. Massed or COD. DQO. See chemical oxygen de-
heaped together. mand.
coaction. coacción. Reciprocal effects codominant. codominante. One of two
of plants and animals, ranging from or more species of the most com-
symbiosis with its mutual aid, to mon or important species in a plant
death which can occur with the community; also, a heterozygote
absence of one from the other. that shows the phenotypic effects
coadaptation. coa(da)ptación. The de- of both alleles at a gene location.
velopment of advantageous genetic codon. codón. During protein synthesis,
traits, so that mutual relationships a sequence of three nucleot-ides
will continue to increase the of mRNA that code a specific amino
effectiveness of the relationship, acid for placement in a polypep-
as often found in flower-pollinator tide chain.
relationships. coefficient of coincidence. coeficiente
coadnate. coadnato. Joined. de coincidencia. The value of the
coadunate. coadunato. Connate. observed number of cross-overs
coagulation. coagulación. The solidi- (double recombinants) divided by
fying or setting of protein by heat the expected number.
or poisons. This change is irrevers- coefficient of inbreeding. coeficiente
ible. de endogamia. The probability that
coalesce. fusionarse. To grow together, two allelic genes forming a zygote
fuse, or merge. are both descended from a gene in
coalescent. coalescente. Growing to- an ancestor common to both par-
gether to form a single unit. ents; also, the proportion of loci
coarctate. coarctado. Crowded to- at which an individual is ho-
gether. mozygous.
cocaine. cocaína. An alkaloid derived coelo-. celo-. A Greek prefix than
from the leaves of Erthroxylum means, “hollow”.
coca. coelomycetes. celomicetos. A group
coccineus. coccineus. Latin for “scar- of Fungi Imperfecti which form their
let” in color. spores in a cavity of the substrate.
coelospermous 81 coiled
coelospermous. celospermo. Bear- genases.
ing boat-shaped, hollow seeds. coenzyme A. coenzima A. A coenzyme
coeno-. ceno-. A prefix that means, necessary for the oxidative decar-
“living together”, e.g. multinucleate. boxylation of pyruvate.
coenobium. cenobio. A colony of algae coetaneous. coetáneo. Leaves and
composed of a definite number of flowers developing at the same time,
cells in a specific arrangement, as with some willows (Salix).
behaving as an individual organ- coevolution. coevolución. The evo-
ism. lution of two species at the same
coenocentrum. cenocentro. A small time making their survival and re-
deeply staining body at the center production mutually beneficial.
of the multinucleate oosphere of cofactor. cofactor. A non-protein sub-
the Peronosporales to which the stance needed by enzymes for func-
egg nucleus goes. tioning; if they are metallic ions
coenocyte. cenocito. A mass of cy- or organic molecules, they are re-
toplasm with numerous nuclei en- ferred to as coenzymes.
closed in a single cell wall, which cohere. coherirse. To stick together.
occurs in some green algae and coherent. coherente. United but only
many fungi. slightly, so that the joined organs
coenocyst. cenocisto. A multinucle- appear free when viewed superfi-
ate aplanospore. cially.
coenogametangium. cenogametangio. cohesion. cohesión. The hereditary
A gametangium in which a attraction or sticking together of
coenogamete is formed. two similar parts, as water molecules
coenogamete. cenogameto. A multi- cohere to each other or in the de-
nucleate gamete produced by the velopment of flowers with whorls
Mucorales, and on fusion give rise uniting laterally.
to a coenozygote. cohesion mechansim. cohesión mecan-
coenosorus. cenosoro. Multiple spore ismo. Any mechanism that depends
cases. on the cohesive properties of
coenospecies. cenospecie. A species water, e.g. the dehiscence of a spo-
that is incapable of genetic recom- rangium which bursts open when
bination with other similar species. the stains set up by the drying out
coenzyme. coenzima. An organic sub- of one part over come the water ’s
stance that attaches to the apoen- cohesive properties.
zyme to form an active enzyme cohesion-tension theory. teoría de la
which is important in the metabo- tensión-cohesión. A theory that
lism of organic acids in plants. explains the rise of water in plants
coenzyme 1. coenzima 1. Diphos- through a combination of cohesion
phopyridine nucleotide. of water molecules in capillaries
coenzyme 2. coenzima 2. Phopyridine and tension on the water columns
nucleotide.These are dinucleotides brought about by transpiration.
containing adenine and nicotamide, cohort. cohorte. A group of related
acting as hydrogen carriers when families, i.e. an Order.
substances are oxidized by dehydro- coiled. enrollado. Gathered in a cir-
colchicine 82 colony
cular form around something, as collateral. colateral. Lying side-by-
a vine coiled around a tree. side; also, individuals in a family
colchicine. colquicina. colchicina. but not related by direct descent.
An alkaloid from the corm of the collateral bud. yema colateral. An
autumn crocus Colchicum accessory bud lying beside the ax-
autumnale. It causes abnormal di- illary bud.
vision of nuclei, resulting in an in- collecting cell. célula colector. A thin-
crease of the chromsome number walled cell in the mesophyll of a
from a polyploid. leaf below the palisade layer, and
cold treatment. tratamiento (por el) in contact with it. The collecting
frio. Treatment of a plant with low cell transports elaborated food
termperatures in the initial stages materials from the palisade.
of seedling development, inducing collective fruit. fruto colectiva. Mul-
a rapid development towards a tiple fruit; also, a single fruit from
physiologically older condition and several flowers.
resulting in a shortening of the in- collenchyma. colénquima. Living plant
terval between sowing and flow- tissue with long, thick cell walls
ering; vernalization. just below the epidermis, occur-
coleogen. coleógeno. The layer of ring most often at the corners of
meristematic cells from which the angular stems.
endodermis is derived. collet. collete. Collar.
coleoptile. coleóptilo. The first seedling colliculose. coliculoso. Having
leaf which becomes a short-term rounded swellings.
protective sheath at the tip of grasses collinus. collinus. Latin for “living
(Poaceae) and other similar on low hills”.
monocotyledons. It appears above colloid. coloide. Solid particles sus-
the ground first as a sheath around pended in a liquid.
the plumule and contains little chlo- colonial. colonial. A multi-celled
rophyll. organism that produces a colony
coleorhiza. coleóriza. A sheath en- of cells, especially when referring
closing the rudimentary root in the to colonial algae or plants connected
embryo of grasses (Poaceae) that to each other by underground or-
is penetrated by the root at germi- gans.
nation. colonist. colonista. A weed on culti-
colinearity. colinearidad. Correspond- vated land.
ence between the nucleotides in a colonization. colonización. The pio-
portion of DNA and the amino acids neer or initial establishment of
in the polypeptide, specified by the vegetation on a previously unveget-
cistron. ated area, as lichens on a rock.
collabent. colabente. Collapsing in- colonize. colonizar. To establish a com-
ward. munity of vegetation.
collar. cuello. The point of union of colony. colonia. A group of plants
the root and stem; an area on the or organisms of the same species
outside of a grass leaf (Poaceae) growing together;also, microorgan-
where the blade and sheath join. isms growing together so that the
colophony 83 community ecology
population as whole has color and by commensalism.
texture. commensals. comensals. Two organ-
colophony. colofonia. Rosin. Same isms living in association with each
as resin. other, not parasites or symbionts,
color. color. The quality of a sub- but mutually benefiting from the
stance in relation to the reflected association.
light, usually measured by stand- commensalism. comensalismo. An
ardized measures of hue, chroma, interaction between two species in
and value. which one population is benefited
colorless. incoloro. Transparent; with- but the other is not affected; also,
out color. a relationship between two organ-
columella. columela. The central col- isms in which one lives in or on
umn in a capsule with the seeds another, but not as a parasite,
fixed around it; the central axis of thereby leaving the host unaffected.
a fruit; the central axis of sterile commissure. comisura. The line of
tissue on which sporangia are borne junction where one carpel joins
in some fungi and gymnosperms, another, as in the Umbelliferae; a
as Diselma (Cupressaceae). bridge between two parts or two
columelliform. columelliforme. Hav- organs; the joint between the lid
ing the shape or form of a small and the mouth of a moss sporan-
column. gium; the line where the antical and
column. columna. The united stamens postical lobes of the leaf of a
and styles when they form a solid, liverwort join; a general term for
central body, as in the Orchidaceae; any seam or joint.
the structure formed by the union common bundle. haz común. A vas-
of stamens in some of the Malv- cular bundle running through the
aceae. stem and leaf.
columnar. columnar. Having a col- common name. nombre vulgar. A
umn-like structure. regional name for a plant in the
com-. com-. A Latin prefix that means, language of the area, rather than
“together”. the Latin scientific name.
coma. coma. A tuft of hairs at the common receptacle. receptáculo
end of a seed; a bunch of branches; común. The part of the stem from
a terminal cluster of bracts on a which all the flowers on a head arise.
flowering stem, as on pineapples community. colonia. The biotic com-
(Ananas). ponent of an ecosystem; also, a gen-
comate. comado. Comose. eral term for any population of dif-
comate disseminule. disenínulo ferent organisms living in a par-
comado. A seed or fruit with fine ticular environment (regionally re-
long hairs which aid in wind dis- ferred to as biomes); also, a dis-
persal. tinct unit of vegetation composed
comb. cresta. See crest. of two or more species.
comb-like. pectinado. Pinnatifid with community ecology. ecología comun-
closely set segments; pectinate. idad. A type of ecological study
commensal. comensal. Characterized focused on the living constituents
comose 84 complementary community
of a community; providing quan- the release of carbon dioxide; the
titative descriptions and analysis point at which photosynthesis
of the patterns, particularly those equals respiration.
relating to interactions. compensation tongue. lengua de
comose. comoso. Having a tuft of hairs compensación. A strand of vas-
(coma). cular tissue passing from one vas-
comose disseminule. disemínulo cular ring to another, as in the
comoso. A seed or fruit with long siphonosteles of some ferns.
fine hairs which aid in wind- competition. competencia. The fourth
dispersal. of six stages in plant succession
compaginate. compaginado. Joined in which an interaction occurs be-
tightly together. tween individuals of the same spe-
companion cell. célula acompañante. cies, or between different species
célula anexa. In angiosperm populations that affects one or more
phloem, a specialized cell derived species adversely either through
from the same parent cell as the replacement or modification; also,
closely associated sieve-tube ele- demand for the same resources by
ment, directly adjacent to it. two or more species. See sere.
compartalization. compartiment- competitive exclusion principle. princ-
a(liza)ción. Division of labor in ipio de la exclusión competitiva.
living cells; as enzymes which are A concept experimentally demon-
related to a particular function are strated in 1934 by G.F. Gause that
usually separated from other cell two or more species with identi-
contents by a membrane. cal patterns of resource-needs can-
compatible. compatible. Capable of not coexist in a stable environment;
cross-fertilization. results in one species becoming bet-
compensation. compensación. The in- ter adapted and eliminating (out-
creased size or functioning of one competing) the other; Gause prin-
part to make up for the loss or weak- ciple.
ness of another part. competitive inhibition. inhibición
compensation level. profundidad de competitiva. The reversible repres-
compensación. In aquatic ecosys- sion of enzyme activity by an in-
tems, the depth at which light pen- hibitor molecule.
etration is reduced to the level of compital. compital. Intersecting at
producing only enough oxygen by different points, as the sori of ferns
photosynthesis to equal consump- (Filicopsida), which occurs at the
tion by respiration. junction of two veins; also, leaf
compensation period. período de veins crossing at various angles.
compensación. The time required complanate. complanado. comprim-
for a green plant to be in light to ido. Even surface; flattened.
make-up the cabrohydrate lost dur- complementary cell. célular complem-
ing respiration in the dark. entario. One of the lenticel tis-
compensation point. punto de comp- sue cells.
ensación. In a living plant, when complementary community. com-
the uptake of carbon dioxide equals unidad complementario. A group
complementary chromatic .... 85 compound
of two or more species, occupy- at the phenotypic level. This oc-
ing the same area, but not competing curs when both a recessive gene
with each other, as they may veg- in the homozygous state and a domi-
etate at different times or have their nant gene produces a phenotypic
roots at different levels. effect.
complementary chromatic adaptation. complex character. cáracter complejo.
adaptación cromatico compl- A difference in phenotype deter-
ementario. A concept applied to mined by more than one gene, and
the Myxophyceae and Rhodo- therefore not transmitted to the off-
phyceae, that the color of the light- spring as a unit.
absorbing pigment is complemen- complex gradient. gradiente complejo.
tary to the color of the light in which A gradient of environmental con-
the plant is living, e.g. plants grow- ditions that are linked, as rainfall,
ing in blue light are red, and those wind speed, and temperature found
in red light are green. along a line at a particular eleva-
complementary factor. factor compl- tion.
ementario. A factor in inherit- complex tissue. tejido complejo. A
ance, which, with other similar fac- tissue composed of cells of more
tors, leads to the appearance of some than one type.
character in the progeny. complicate. conduplicado. Folded
complementary gene. gen complem- together; folded lengthwise as com-
entario. Mutant alleles at differ- plicate leaves.
ent locations (loci) which balance Compositae. compuestas. A taxonomic
one another to give a wild-type phe- grouping now referred to as Ast-
notype. eraceae with the characters of the
complementary society. sociedad daisy, aster, and dandelion. The
complementario. A community of flowers are individually small, but
two or more species, occupying the are clustered into heads (capitula,
same area, but not competing with See capitulum) resembling flow-
each other, e.g.they may vegetate ers; the florets are seated on re-
at different times, or have their roots ceptacles of varied form and the
at different levels. heads are surrounded by an involu-
complementary tissue. tejido complem- cre or bracts resembling a calyx.
entario. Loose, thin-walled cells composite. compuesto. Having the
in the cavity of a lenticel, which characters associated with Aster-
allows the diffusion of gases. aceae flowers or plants.
complementation test. prueba de composite fruit. fruto compuesto. See
complementación. See cis-trans aggregate fruit.
test. compost. abono orgánico. abono veg-
complete flower. flora completa. A etal. compost. Organic materi-
complete flower is one having ca- als such as litter, vegetable waste,
lyx, corolla, stamens, and pistils. or manure, which may be broken
complete penetrance. penetración down in soil to form humus.
completa. A condition when speci- compound. compuesto. With two or
fied genotype always manifests itself more similar parts combined into
compound fruit 86 concrete
one organ; as a compound flower associated portions.
head from the Order of Asteraceae compound umbel. umbela compuesto.
(Compositae); also, in chemistry, A raceme composed of a large
a substance formed by a chemical number of heads rising very close
combination of two or more ele- together at the end of a main branch.
ments in definite proportions by Each bears a number of flower stalks
weight. similarly arranged, and each of these
compound fruit. fruto compuesta. See bear one flower. Commonly, the
aggregate fruit. whole umbel is flat headed.
compound head. cabezuela compuesta. compressed. comprimido. Flattened
A receptacle made up of many sin- along its length, as a compressed
gle-flowered heads, each with its seed; complanate.
own involucre concatenate. concatenado. In chains.
compound leaf. hoja compuesta. A concave. cóncavo. Hollow or curved
leaf composed of several independ- inward, like a saucer.
ent blades, called leaflets, variously concentric bundle. haz concentrico.
arranged on a single petiole. These A vascular bundle in which one
may be palmate (leaflets spread- tissue surrounds another.
ing fan-wise) or pinnate (leaflets conceptacle. conceptáculo. A flask-
arranged feather-fashion). When shaped or urceolate cavity where
pinnate, the leaflets are in oppo- gametes are formed, as in some
site pairs along an axis (rhachis) brown algae (Phaeophyta).
and may terminate with a single conchate. conchado. Like a scallop
leaflet (imparipinnate) or when the shell.
terminal leaflet is absent, the leaf concinnus. concinnus. Latin for “neat”.
is even, or abruptly pinnate. Pin- concolor. concolor. Latin meaning,
nate leaves may again be divided “of uniform color”.
(bipinnate) with the secondary leaf- concolorous. concoloro. The same
lets (pinnules) arranged on a mi- color, as a leaf with both surfaces
nor axis or rachilla, the primary of the same color intensity.
leaflets being pinnae (single pinna). concordance. concordancia. Simi-
From the rachilla, a further axis larity in a twin pair, with both mem-
may alsp arise, the leaf then be- bers expressing a specific trait.
ing tripinnate. concrescence. concrescencia. Two or-
compound oosphere. oosfera compu- gans that when immature are sepa-
esta. A multinucleate body in an rate, but become fused as they
oogonium probably composed of mature. They may form a single
a number of female gametes which structure but function separately,
have not become individuals. e.g. fused petals and stamens.
compound ovary. ovario compuesta. concrescent. concrescente. Two or
An ovary of two or more carpels. more individual parts that have
compound pistil. pistilo compuesto. grown together.
With two or more united carpels. concrete. concrescent. Growing to-
compound pyrenoid. pirenoide compu- gether to form a single structure;
esto. A pyrenoid of two closely also, adhering closely to anything.
condensation 87 conifer
condensation. condensación. Crowded confluent. confluente. Flowing to-
vertically, due to the absence or gether so that one part blends into
suppression of internodes. another.
condensed. condensado. Said of an congeneric. congénere. Similar or same
inflorescence in which the flow- in origin; of the same genus.
ers are crowded together, and are congenital. congénito. Grown to.
near or quite sessile. congested. congestado. Dense or
condiosporangium. condioesporangio. crowded very closely together.
A structure that produces condio- conglobate. conglobado. Of the bases
spores. of stipes, when they are massed into
condiospore. condióspora. An asexual a fleshy ball.
spore produced singly or in chains. conglomerate. aglomerado. conglo-
conductive tissue. tejido conductor. merado. Densely clustered.
A tissue system composed mostly conglutinate. conglutinado. Stuck to-
of phloem and xylem which plants gether in a sticky mass.
use for the conduction of water, congregate. congregado. Collected
mineral salts, and foods, as well into a dense group.
as for strength and support; vas- congression. congresión. The move-
cular. ment of chromosomes on to the
conduplicate. conduplicado. Folded metaphase plate, especially at the
in half, lengthwise; also, said of a first meiotic division.
cotyledon which is folded longi- conic. cónico. Cone-shaped.
tudinally about the radicle; vern- conical. cónico. See conic.
ation. conidiophore. conidióforo. A special-
cone. estróbilo. cono. The fruit of ized filament (hyphae) in some fungi
several evergreen trees, including that bear one celled, asexual spore
pine (Pinus), fir (Pseudotsuga), (conidium).
cedar (Cedrus), and spruce (Picea), conidiosporangium. conidiosporangio.
that are composed of a woody axis A sporangium which will under
with leaf-like scales containing certain conditions germinate di-
ovules or pollen; strobilus. rectly.
cone-like. estrobiliforme. Resembling conidium (pl. conidia). conideo. Sin-
the shape of a cone. gle-celled, asexual spore formed
confertus. confertus. A Latin term in the pycnidium of certain fungi.
meaning, “crowded”. conifer. conífera. A gymnosperm,
confervoid. confervoide. Composed characterized by the production of
of threads. non-motile microspores and a typi-
configuration. configuración. Refers cal structure that is frequently a
to surface patterns on plant parts tall, monoecious tree with simple,
or organs exclusive of venation and needle-shaped or scale-like leaves,
epidermal outgrowths. bearing small male cones and ovu-
confined aquifer. acuífero limitado. late cones which become woody;
An aquifer between two layers of also, any of a large group of cone-
relatively impermeable materials, bearing, gymnosperm trees and
such as rock, shale, or clay. shrubs, generally evergreen, from
conifer forest 88 conservationist
the Order of Coniferales. petalous corolla; also, the union
conifer forest. bosque de coníferas. of bases of opposite sessile leaves
bosque aciculifolio. A large tree to form connate leaves, as the
population composed primary of Eucalptus perfoliata.
needle-leaved, softwood trees connate-perfoliate. conato perfoliado.
(Coniferae). Two leaves joined at the base and
coniferous. conífero. Refers to cone- around the stem forming a broad
bearing plant communities. base through which the stem passes,
conjugate. conjugado. Growing in as with opposite sessile leaves.
pairs, as leaflets in a compound leaf. connective. conectivo. The type of
conjugate division. división conjug- tissue on the stamen that joins the
ado. Division of a pair of associ- two halves of an anther sac; also,
ated nuclei at the same time, as in disjunctor (fungi).
the Basidomycetes. connivent. conivente. Gradually con-
conjugate nuclei. núclei conjugado. verging or coming very close to-
Two nuclei in one cell, which un- gether but not actually joining or
dergo division. fusing, as with some petals or sta-
conjugation. conjugación. In certain mens.
algae and fungi, the process be- consanguinous. consanguinea. A re-
tween two one-celled organisms lationship through a common an-
uniting for the transfer of nuclear cestor.
material; also, the lateral associa- conservation. conservación. The man-
tion of chromosomes in the early agement and/or protection of natural
prophase of meiosis. resources, such as plant or animal
conjugation protein. proteína conjug- species.
ada. heteroproteido. A protein conservation of nature. conservación
with a non-protein component that de la naturalleza. The maintenance
may be a metal ion or an organic and protection of environmental
substance. quality and resources, including
conjugation tube. tubo conjugación. physical, biological, and cultural
In some algae and fungi, a tube that considerations. It implies a usage
bridges between two, one-celled of resources within social and eco-
organisms transferring material in nomic constraints, producing goods
the process of conjugation. and services for human consump-
conjuctive parenchyma. parénquima tion without destruction of the natu-
conjuctivo. Parenchyma formed ral ecosystem diversity. This is
between specialized tissue, i.e. sometimes contrasted with preser-
between vascular strands. vationist views that promote the
connate. conato. Applied to similar protection of species and landscapes
organs that have fused, such as without reference to human require-
leaves, petals, or anthers. Compare ments.
adnate. conservationist. defensor de la natur-
connation. conación. The union of aleza. protección de la naturaleza.
similar parts, as the connation of A person who is engaged in the con-
petal margins to form a gamo- servation of nature.
consimilar 89 continuum
consimilar. conparecido. Having a carnivorous plants; also, any het-
common resemblance. erotrophic organism that feeds on
consociation. consociación. A com- living or dead organic material. See
munity with a single, dominant microconsumer.
species; sometimes, used to indi- contabescent. contabescente. Abortion
cate that there are several domi- of pollen and stamens.
nants in an association. contact inibition. inhibición de
consortism. consortismo. The mutaul contacto. Cell division cessation
relationship, as between the fun- when the surface of one cell comes
gus and alga in a lichen thallus. into contact with the surface of
conspecific. conspecifíco. congénere. another cell.
Belonging to or of the same spe- contact point. punto de contacto.
cies. Where chromosomes first come
constant species. especie constante. together in pairing at zygotene.
In phytosociology, a species com- contaminant. contaminante. producto
mon in a particular association or sustancia contaminadora. A sub-
community, but not confined to that stance which creates an impure
community, as are the faithful spe- condition, usually natural, such as
cies. pollen or volcanic ash. See pol-
constellate. constelado. To cluster. lutant.
constipate. constipado. Crowded to- contaminated. contaminarse. Bear-
gether. ing or mixed with a pathogen, e.g
constitutive enzyme. enzima constit- fungus spores on seeds; also, bac-
utiva. An enzyme that is always terial or fungus cultures contain-
produced even if there is not a suit- ing contaminants.
able substrate; produced at a con- conterminous. contermino. The mar-
stant rate. ginal ray cells when they form an
constricted. constricto. Irregularly uninterrupting row.
small in some places, as with a context. contexto. The type of tissue
constricted pod which is narrowed that makes-up a fungal fruit body.
at regular intervals between seeds; contiguous. contiguo. Near or touching
narrowed suddenly at one or more each other but not fused.
points along the length. contingent. contingente. Touching.
constriction. constricción. A narrow- continuous. continuo. Having an un-
ing; also, part of a metaphase chro- interrupted contour; without a septa;
mosome which is in a fixed poisition also, having a smooth surface.
and not twisted into a spiral. continuous variation. variación con-
constructive metabolism. metabolismo tinua. Small changes of parental
constructive. metabolismo asimil- character occurring in the same spe-
ador. The phase of metabolism cies.
which uses energy from food and continuum. continuo. A concept that
water to construct complex com- holds vegetation to be continuously
pounds of living tissue; anabolism. variable, as it shows gradual change
consumer. consumidor. An organism in response to environmental fluc-
that consumes other organisms, as tuations, therefore it cannot be clas-
contorted 90 coralloid
sified into discrete entities. Ordi- each strain in separate lines, and
nation methods are used to analyze selecting for the desired features
this type of change data. of each strain in that line of which
contorted. contorsionado. Twisted it is not the reccurrent parent.
or bent into itself; also, twisted convex. convexo. A surface that curves
together, as sepals and petals that outward, as the outside of a cir-
overlap in the bud. cle; rounded.
contorted aestivation. estivación convolute. convoluto. Rolled up length-
contorsionado. The arrangement wise so that one half is covered
of the perianth in the bud, when by the other, as a convolute leaf
all the perianth segments overlap or, as the overlapping petals of a
by either their right-hand or left- flower.
hand edges; convolute aestivation. convolute aestivation. convoluto
contortoduplicate. contorsiondup- estivación. See contorted aestiva-
licado. Twisted and folded. tion.
contractile root. raíz contráctil. A copal. copal. A hard resin from the
fleshy root which becomes trans- Protium copal (Burseraceae) tree
versely corrugated as it ages, re- that is used by Maya Indians for
sulting in the plant being pulled incense.
deeper into the ground. copper. cobre. An element with the
controlled pollination. polinización chemical symbol of Cu which is
regulada. In plant hybridization, required by plants in small amounts.
the technique of wrapping pistil- Deficiency can be seen in chloro-
late flowers in bags to protect them sis or in dark green leaves; in wood
from unwanted pollen and at the plants, bark may show blisters;
appropriate time, unwrapping and shrubs may become excessively
dusting them with the desired pol- bushy. Copper in plants is bound
len. to proteins and is involved in the
convergence. convergencia. A product molecular oxygen reactions during
of natural selection where morpho- oxidation–reduction.
logically dissimilar and distantly coprophilous. coprófilo. Plants that
related species become similar to grow best in dung; dung-loving.
each other. copse. matorral. A thicket of bushes
convergent evolution. evolución or small trees.
convergente. The appearance of copulation. copulación. cópula. The
similar characteristics in plants not fusion of gametes.
closely related to each other, as cacti copulation tube. tubo de copulación.
growing in the southwestern United Conjugation tube.
States being similar to certain coral. coral. A stony substance, mostly
Euphorbia species growing in Af- calcium carbonate, made of the
rica. skeletons of polyps.
convergent improvement. mejora coral-like. coraloide. See coralloid.
convergente. The simultaneous coralline. coralino. Pertaining to or
improvement of two inbred strains like a coral.
by back crossing their hybrids to coralloid. coraloide. Many branched,
coral reef 91 corolliferous
as a coral; also, coral-like, espe- to cork tissue; phellogen.
cially brain coral. corky. corchoso. suberoso. Cork-
coral reef. arrecife de coral. arrecife like; suberose.
de coralino. A rock-like structure corm. cormo. A thickened, bulb-like,
in shallow tropical sea water made fleshy, underground stem covered
from plants and animals encrusted with paper-like scales. Compare
with calcium carbonate. bulb.
cordate. acorazonado. Heart-shaped; cormel. cormillo. A small corm grow-
often used to describe a leaf. ing at the base of a larger corm.
cordifolius. cordifolius. Latin for “hav- cormophyte. cormófito. A plant with
ing heart-shaped leaves”. a stem, root, and leaf.
cordiform. cordiforme. Having the corm(us). cormo. A plant body de-
shape of a heart, as an ovate leaf veloping a definite shoot system.
with a pointed tip and a heart-shaped corn. maiz (Zea). choclo. Maize or
base. See cordate. corn in the Americas, but in the
core. corazón. The hard, inner part United Kingdom wheat (Triticum)
of a fruit containing seeds, as the and sometimes barley (Hordeum)
core of an apple (Malus); also, the or oats (Avena).
plant material that forms the in- corneous. córneo. Horny in texture.
ner part of a periclinal chimaera; corniculate. corniculado. Having
centrum. pointed, horn-like projections.
coremiform. coremiforme. Forming corniform. corniforme. Having the
a tight bundle of elongated elements. shape of a horn; horn-like.
coremium. coremio. A shelf-like bunch corolla. corola. The petals or outer
of conidiophores bearing conidia envelope of a flower; collective
which form a head; also, a rope- name for petals; the inner series
like strand of hyphae. of the perianth. When the petals
corepressor. co-represor. correpresor. are separated from each other to
A substance that inhibits produc- the bases, the corolla is termed
tion of an enzyme. choripetalous or polypetalous; when
coriacellate. coriacelado. Slightly leath- the petal margins connate, gamo-
ery in texture. petalous or sympetalous, the co-
coriaceous. coriáceo. Having a rough, rolla forming a tube with each
leather-like texture. ununited part of the petal is termed
corium. corion. A layer of tissue below lobe or tooth which may expand
the epidermis; dermis. radially to form a limb. Compare
cork. corcho. súber. The outer, sub- calyx.
erous bark of any tree; specifically, corollaceous. coroláceo. Having a
the Quercus suber that grows in corolla or pertaining to a corolla.
Spain and Portugal; also, the sec- corollate. corolado. Having or like
ondary tissue produced by cork a corolla.
cambium; the outer part of the peri- corollet. corolete. One of the small
derm. flowers that compose a compound
cork cambium. cámbium suberígeno. flower.
The secondary cambium giving rise corolliferous. corolífero. Bearing co-
corolliform 92 costate
rolla. cortical. cortical. Pertaining to the
corolliform. coroliforme. Having the cortex; also, relating to or living
shape of a corolla. on the bark.
corolline. corolino. Pertaining to a cortical bundle. haz cortical. A vas-
corolla. cular bundle in the cortex.
corona. corona. The petal-like or corticate. corticado. Having a cor-
crown-like appendage between the tex; also, covered with an unbro-
petals and stamens, as in a daffo- ken sheath of interwoven hyphae.
dil (Narcissus) or milkweed (As- corticolous. corticícola. Growing on
clepias); also, the appendage at the or in a tree bark.
top of some seeds which enables cortin(a). cortina. In some umbrella-
them to disperse; also, a five-celled shaped fungus (agarics), a mesh of
cap of small cells on the oogonium web-like fibers extending from the
of the Charales. edge of the pileus to the stipe in
coronate. coronado. Having an ap- the fruit body.
pendage that resembles a crown. corymb. corimbo. A flat-topped or
coroniform. coroniforme. Having the rounded inflorescence with the outer
shape of a crown; crown-like. flowers on the longer stalks opening
coronule. coronula. The little crown first, as with cherry blossoms
of a seed. (Prunus).
corpuscle. corpúsculo. Any small cell corymbiform. corimbiforme. Hav-
inclusion. ing the appearance of corymbs.
correlation. correlación. When a plant corymbose. corimboso. Growing in
utilizes nutrients and hormones, a corymbs.
mutual relationship or correlation coscinocystidium. coscinocistidio. A
occurs between organs, functions, cystidium which clearly projects.
and characteristics. coscinoid. coscinoide. A pitted con-
corrugated. ondulado. corrugado. ducting element in Linderomyces.
Wrinkled or folded into alternat- cosmopolitan. cosmopolita. Refers to
ing, parallel ridges; having a wrin- the world-wide or pandemic dis-
kled or rigid surface. tribution of plant species of which
corrugation. ondulación. arruga. A there are very few that occur on
wrinkle or ridge. all six continents.
cortex. corteza. córtex. The bark costa. costa. The midrib of a leaf or
of a tree; root and stem tissue of frond; also, the midrib of the thallus
higher plants between the epider- of a liverwort; also, a rib or valve
mis and the stele; also, an outer of a diatom.
layer of cells in some algae, fungi, costal. costal. Near or pertaining to
and lichens; also, the rind in some the midrib of a leaf.
fruits; also, a continuous column costapalmate. costapalmado. The
of tissue of the stem and root, the branching main ribs of a palmate
primarily protective layer, bounded leaf.
on the inner periphery by the vas- costate. nervado. Ribbed longitudi-
cular system and on the outer, by nally or having the appearance of
the epidermis. being ribbed.
costule 93 crenium
costule. costilla. Pertaining to the Pteridophyta.
leaf ribs or veins. crampon. crampón. An aerial root
cottony. gosipino. Cotton-like; fluffy which provides support, as in ivy
with soft long hairs. (Araliaceae); aerial root.
cotyledon. cotiledón. A seed leaf on craspedodromous. craspedódromo. A
a plant embryo; the first or one of venation system where the leaf veins
the first leaves growing out of a run to and meet the leaf margin.
seed having the function of nour- crassi-. crasi-. A Latin prefix that
ishing the young plant by storing means, “thick” or “short”.
and absorbing nutrients from the crassula (pl. crassulae). crásula. A dark
endosperm. Of a species, the number pattern between the circular bor-
of cotyledons developed is normally dered pits of gymnosperms; a hori-
fixed, one in most monocots, two zontal rod or band of thickening
in most dicots, and from two to fif- consisting of petic materials or
teen in gymnosperms. cellulose, occurring between pits
cotyliform. cotiliforme. Shaped like in the walls of tracheids and ves-
a cup; cup or disk-like. sels; bar of Sanio.
coupling. acoplamiento. The pres- crassus. crassus. Latin for “thick”.
ence of two given genes in the same crateriform. crateriforme. Shaped like
chromosomes in a double hetero- a bowl; bowl-like.
zygote. creationism. creacionismo. A belief
coupling phase. fase de acoplamiento. that the origin of life and its di-
fase de atracción. The condition versity is a result of acts of God
in linked inheritance by which hy- with each species created separately.
brid heterozygous for two pairs of It implicitly rejects evolution.
factors receive the two dominant creeper. planta rastrera. A plant pro-
factors from one parent and the two ducing roots at the nodes and grow-
recessive factors from the other par- ing along the ground or just
ent. below the surface.
covalent bond. covalente enlace. In creeping. reptante. rastrero. Of a
chemistry, a bond in which a pair stem growing along the ground or
or pairs of electrons is shared be- just below the surface and rooting
tween two atoms. at the nodes.
cover. cubre. When describing plant cremocarp. cremocarpo. diachenium.
communities, cover is a proportional A dry fruit formed from two one-
(percentage) visual measure of the seeded carpels that remain sepa-
ground occupied by individuals of rate and form indehiscent mericarps;
the species being studied; also, a characteristic of the Umbelliferae
ground crop such as rye (Secale), (carrot family); also, a fruit split-
vetch (Vicia), or red clover (Tri- ting into two or more one-seeded
folium), grown to protect soil from sections.
erosion. crenate. crenado. A leaf margin with
cover cell. célula tectriz. One of four rounded or scalloped teeth that point
cells closing the neck of the arche- forward.
gonium of the Bryophyta and crenium. crenio. A spring (upsurging
crenulate 94 crossover value
water) formation. ant; also, the act or product of a
crenulate. crenulado. Having very cross fertilization, i.e. the fusion
small, minute notches or scalloped of gametes contributed by differ-
teeth along the margin of the leaf. ent individuals; interbreeding
crepuscular. crepuscular. Becoming cross breed. cruce. cruza. To breed
active in the twilight or before sun- hybrid forms by mixing varieties,
rise. as a loganberry (Rosaceae) is a cross
crescentric. crescentrico. Same as between a raspberry (Rosaceae) and
crescent-shaped. a blackberry (Rosaceae), but is
crescent-shaped. lunular. media luna. different from either of their line-
Shaped like the moon in its first age.
and last quarter; a shape with one cross breed. cruzar. Produced from
concave and one convex edge. cross breeding.
crest. cresta. An elevated ridge on cross breeding. cruzamiento. The
the surface of some structures; a breeding of genetically unrelated
horn-like projection from the hood individuals, as the transfer of pollen
of the corona in some milkweeds from one individual to the stigma
(Asclepias). of another of a different genotype.
crested. crestado. Having a ridge (crest) cross fertilization. fertilización cruz-
on the surface. ada. The fertilization of the ovum
cribriform. cribriforme. With a sieve- of one individual flower by the
like structure. pollen of another; allogamy.
crinite. crinito. Having tufts of long cross fertilize. fecundar mediante.
hairs. fecundación cruzada. To undergo
crinitus. crinitus. Latin for “having or facilitate cross fertilization.
soft hairs”. crossing over. sobrecruzamiento.
crispate. crespo. Having a wavy or entrecruzamiento. During pro-
curved shape, as with some leaves phase I of meiosis, a mutual ex-
or hairs. change of portions of chromatids
criss-cross inheritance. herencia between homologous chromosomes
cruzada. The transmission of a gene by breakage-reunion; formation of
from father to daughter or mother a chiasma.
to son. crossover. sobrecruzamiento. Chro-
crista(e). crestas mitocondriales. The mosomes that have exchange parts
internal projection or one of the that have undergone crossing over.
folds of the inner mitochondrial The changed segments are recog-
membrane; also, a ridge-like mem- nized by the genes that mark them;
brane running the length of some recombinant. See crossing over.
bacterial cells. crossover unit. unidad de crossing-
cristatus. cristatus. Latin for “crested”. over. unidad de sobrecruzam-
cristate. crestado. cristato. Having iento. A 1% frequency of inter-
a crest or tuft, as some anthers. change between a pair of linked
cross. cruzar. cruza. cruce. Cross genes.
breeding of different varieties or crossover value. proporción de cross-
species to produce a new descend- ing-over. tasa de crossing-over.
cross pollinate 95 cryptophyte
porcentaje crossing-over. The “blood-colored”.
percentage of gametes that show crustaceous. crustáceo. Dry and brit-
crossing-over of a particular gene. tle; having a brittle thallus, as some
cross pollinate. polinizar cruada. To lichens.
undergo or to facilitate cross pol- crustose. crustoso. Lichens and al-
lination. gae growing like a crust by stick-
cross-pollination. polinización cruz- ing fast to rock, bark, or soil and
ada. The transfer of pollen from detachable only in small pieces.
the anther of one flower to the crymium. crimio. A polar, barren for-
stigma of another, achieved mostly mation.
by wind and insect activity. cryobiology. criobiología. The study
cross-shaped. cruciforme. Having of the effects of low temperatures
the shape or form of a cross. on living things.
crowded. agregado. agrupado. denso. cryophil. criófilo. See psychrophile.
Being very close together. cryophyte. criófito. An organism that
crown. copa. The upper part of a plant, grows best in low temperature.
especially a tree, including the cryoplankton. crióplancton. Algae
leaves and branches; also, an in- which live on the the surface of
ner appendage to a petal or the throat snow and ice in polar regions and
of a corona; also, the part of the on high mountains.
seed plant where the root joins the crypto-. criptó-. A Greek prefix than
stem. means, “hidden”.
crown. copado. Having a terminal cryptobiosis. criptóbiosis. Dormancy,
outgrowth, as a group of hairs; also, especially in relationship to micro-
having an appendage on the up- bial spores that may not show no
per surface of a leaf or flower petal. life for many years.
crown graft. injertar corona. A graft cryptogam(ous). criptógamo. A class
inserted at the crown of the root of plants that do not produce seeds,
of the stock. but grow from spores, including
crozier. crosier. The spirally coiled mosses (Musci), algae, ferns
“fiddlehead” of a young fern (Filicopsida), and lichens. Oppo-
(Filicopsida); also, a hook-shaped site of phanerogam.
hypha tip that comes before the cryptomere. criptómero. A genetic
development of an ascus in sac factor which is not seen.
fungi. cryptomerism. criptomerismo. A fail-
cruciate. cruciado. Having petals ar- ure of characters to show in the
ranged in the shape of a cross. progeny, which nevertheless con-
cruciform. cruciforme. Having the tain the corresponding hereditary
shape of a cross; cross-like. factor.
cruciform division. división crucif- cryptophyte. criptófito. A corm or bulb
orme. Promitosis. producing plant whose dormant
crude fiber. fibra bruta. fibra cruda. buds are beneath the soil or under
The residues in the soil formed from water; also, a small group of al-
the woody parts of plants. gae (Cryptophyceae); also, one of
cruentus. cruentus. A Latin term for Raunkiaer’s life-form categories in
cryptoplasm 96 curved
which the perennating bud occurs natural variety. It is classified in
below the water or ground. a subdivision of a species because
cryptoplasm. criptóplasma. That part of its distinct morphological char-
of the cytoplasm that appears to acter and is given a Latin name
lack granules. according to the rules to the
cryptostoma. criptóstoma. A flask- International Code of Botanical No-
shaped cavity in the thallus of some menclature.
of the larger brown algae. It con- cultriform. cultriforme. Shaped like
tains mucilage-secreting hairs. a knife.
crystalloid. cristaloide. A crystal of culture. cultivo. The growth of or-
protein found extensively in the ganisms, especially microorganisms
cells of seeds and other storage under clearly defined conditions,
organs. which are usually artificial. Such
cteno-. cteno-. A Greek prefix that methods may be used experimen-
means, “comb” tally, e.g. with fungi or bacteria,
ctenoid. ctenoide. Comb-like. or horticulturally, e.g. with toma-
Cu. Cu. The chemical symbol for toes, orchids, and roses.
copper. cumulate. cumulado. Heaped in a mass.
cubical. cúbico. Describes a solid shape cuneate. cuneado. Shaped like a wedge;
with the widest axis at midpoint, wedge-like; triangular and taper-
parallel margins, and as wide as ing to a point; sphenoid.
it is long. cuneiform. cuneado. cuneiforme. Hav-
cucullate. cuculado. Having the shape ing the shape of a wedge; wedge-
of a hood, wide at the top and drawn like; broad and truncate at the top
to a point below; hooded. and tapering down to the base;
cuculliform. cuculado. cuculiforme. wedge-shaped.
Formed like or resembling a hood, cup. copa floral. cáliz. A hollow
wide at the top and narrowing at floral receptacle; also, an apothec-
the bottom, as a conical roll of pa- ium.
per. cupreous. cobre. Copper colored.
cucurbitaceous. cucurbitáceo. Gourd- cup-shaped. cupuliforme. Having the
like. shaped of a cup; cyathiform.
culm. caña. The jointed stem of a cupulate. cupulado. acopado. cupuli-
grass, solid only at the nodes; the forme. Cup-shaped.
solid, usually three-sided stem of cupule. cúpula. A cup-shaped or in-
a sedge; also, the stem of any dented structure that surrounds a
monocotyledon; haulm. fruit, like an acorn cap (involucre).
culmicole. canaóla. Growing on a grass cupuliform. cupuliforme. Resembling
stem. a cup; a cupule bearing plant.
cultigen. cultigeno. A cultivated plant, curtain. cortina. Cortin.
such as corn (Zea), where the wild curvature. curvatura. A change in
counterpart is not known. the direction of growth of part of
cultivar. cultivar. A derived plant a plant due to one side growing
variety, produced from selective faster than the other.
breeding, as distinguished from a curved. curvado. Having a part-
cushion 97 cycle
circle shape. pieces of stems or roots are planted
cushion. almohadón. The central por- and developed into new plants;
tion of the prothallus of a fern which portions of stems, with two or three
bears rhizoids and sex organs. nodes, used for propagation by the
cushion(y) plants. plantas pulvini- production of adventitious roots;
formes. plantas pulvinadas. pl- also, any part from a plant used
antas en almohadilla. A subcate- for grafting or propagation, as a
gory of Raunkiaer ’s life forms; leaf cutting.
describes plants that have small, cyaneus. cyaneus. Latin for “bright
hairy, or thick leaves on short stems blue”.
and growing close to the ground, cyano-. ciano-. A Greek prefix that
as an adaptation to cold, dry, or means, “dark blue”.
windy conditions. cyanobacteria. cianobacteria. A large
cusp. cúspide. A short, sharp point group of bacteria which possess
at the apex of a leaf or other struc- chlorophyll and carry out photo-
ture. synthesis; formerly regarded as
cuspidate. cúspidado. Terminating in algae (Cyanophyta), and commonly
a sharp point or tip, as a cuspidate referred to as blue-green algae.
leaf. Their classification still remains
cuticle. cutícula. The thin, waxy coat- somewhat confused, although cya-
ing (mainly fatty acids) on the epi- nobacteria is now grouped into five
dermis of some leaves and stems, sections.
usually absent in roots and broken cyanoplast. cianoplasto. A small
in aerial parts only by the stomata pigmented granule in the cytoplasm
and lenticels, which provides pro- of the cells of the Myxophyceae.
tection and reduces water loss. cyath-. ciat-. A Latin and Greek prefix
cuticular. cuticular. Pertaining to a that means, “cup-like”.
cuticle, as cuticular transpiration. cyathiform. ciatiforme. In the shape
cuticular diffusion. difusión cuticular. of a narrow, conical cup; cup-like.
The passage of gases through the cyathium. ciatio. The inflorescence
cuticle of a plant. in the genus Euphorbia that con-
cuticular transpiration. transpiración sists of unisexual flowers in a cup-
cuticular. The loss of water vapor like involucre with a single pistil
from a plant through the cuticle. and male flowers with a single sta-
cutin. cutina. A lipid layer found in men.
the outer walls of epidermal cells; cyathus. cestilla de propágulos. copa
a waxy, waterproof substance, the propagulífera. See gemma cup.
major ingredient of the plant cu- cycad. cicad. Any member of the prim-
ticle. itive, palm-like family Cycad-aceae
cutinization. cutinización. The modi- with fern-like leaves growing in
fication of a cell wall, making it clusters at the top of the stem.
waterproof through the presence of cycle. ciclo. Any period of time or
cutin; the formation of a cuticle. complete process of growth or ac-
cutting. esqueje. estaca. A method tion that repeats itself in the same
of vegetative propagation where order, as the seasons of spring,
cyclic 98 cystocarp
summer, autumn and winter; also, either repeats the unilateral branch
a closed circle or whorl of leaves. order, as in a helicoid cyme or (b)
cyclic. cíclico. Pertaining to or coming repeats the branch order as an
in cycles; also, having the parts alternating series, as in a scorpiod
arranged in the form of a whorl. cyme or cincinnus.
cyclic photophosphorylation. foto- cymule. cimula. A small cyme; also,
fosforilación cíclica. The forma- a small section of a compound cyme.
tion of ATPase by the activation cynarrhodion. cinorrodon. A fruit
of Photo System I, but a failure to with a deeply concave or urn-shaped
activate Photo System II with the receptacle, enclosed by the calyx
result that NADP is not reduced. and bearing many achene on its
cyclo-. ciclo-. A Greek prefix that inner surface, as in the rose (Rosa).
means, “a circle” or “circular”. cypress knee. rodilla ciprés. A ver-
cyclosporous. ciclosporo. Having the tical, aerating upgrowth from the
embryo coiled around the endo- roots of the swamp cypress.
sperm. cyphella. cifela. Small circular de-
cyclosis. ciclosis. The streaming or pressions, which are aerating or-
spontaneous movement of the cy- gans, in the under surface of some
toplasm and some organelles within foliose lichens.
the cell, as in living vaculolate cells. cypsela. cipsela. A seed pod (achene)
cylinder. cilindro. A solid or hol- with two spore-bearing carpels and
low shape, wrap-around parallelo- a calyx directly attached to it, as
gram, somewhat elongated and sau- in sunflowers (Asteraceae); also,
sage-like. a one-seeded fruit formed from a
cylindric. cilíndrico. Having the shape syncarpous, inferior ovary.
of a cylinder; cylinder-like. cyst. quiste. ciste. In green algae, a
cylindrical. cilíndrical. Having the spore in dormancy that later ger-
shape of a cylinder. minates, producing a new plant; a
cymbiform. cimbiforme. Having the tiny oil sac in the rind of some fruits;
shape of a boat; boat-like. also, in seaweeds (Phaeo-phyta,
cyme. cima. A determinate inflores- Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta), the
cence in which the central or top surrounding envelope of spores; the
flower of each group is the old- seed cells of some non-flowering
est; a loosely used term for com- plants; a thick-walled resting spore,
plex flower clusters that are more or sporangium.
or less rounded or flat-topped. cysteine. cisteina. A crystalline, sul-
cymose. cimoso. Having the shape phur-containing amino acid that
of a cyme; with flowers in a cyme; occurs in many proteins.
also, a determinate in flowering by cystidium. cistidio. A sterile cell in
termination of the floral stem with the hymenium of some basido-
a flower, e.g. flowers forming a mycetes.
dichasium or dichasium modified cystine. cistina. An amino acid formed
to a single lateral, flower-termi- by the polymerization of two
nated branch which gives rise to cysteine molecules.
another single branch and (a) cystocarp. cistocarpo. A small sac
or pericarp that contain the repro- ship between the appearance of
ductive spores of red algae; chromosomes and the genotype/
sporocarp. phenotype of the individual.
cystogenous. cistógeno. Producing cytogenous. citogeno. Cell forming
a cyst. or producing.
cystolith. cistolito. Tiny crystalline cytokinesis. citocinesis. citoquinesis.
outgrowths of calcium carbonate The division of a cell into two or
found in the cells of plants. more cells, usually by the forma-
cystosorus. cistosoro. A group of tion of walls; cytoplasmic division.
united cysts found in the Chytrid- cytokinin. citoquinina. A plant hor-
iales (microscopic fungi). mone, originally found in young
cystospore. cistosporo. An encysted corn (Poaceae); zeatin.
zoospore formed in the Chytrid- cytological. citológico. Of or per-
iales. taining to cytology.
cyto-. cito-. A prefix that means “a cytology. citología. An academic dis-
cell” or “cells”, as in cytochrome. ciple that involves the study of the
cytobiology. citobiología. See cell structure, function, and life history
biology. of the cell.
cytochemistry. citoquímica. A branch cytolymph. citolinfa. Cell-sap.
of biochemistry exploring the cytolysin. citolisina. Any substance
chemical compositon and activity causing the breakdown of cells.
of cells. cytolysis. citólisis. A process by which
cytochrome. citócroma. citócromo. the cell ruptures, allowing the pro-
A group of pigments (cytochrome toplasm to be dispersed.
a, b, and c) that are haemochromo- cytome. citoma. The whole of the
gens which act as oxygen carriers chondrisomes present in a cell.
and are involved in cellular res- cytomicrosome. citomicrosoma.
piration and electron transfers in Mitochondria.
the oxidation process; compounds cytomorphosis. citomorfosis. The
containing iron, ring groups, and changes that take place in a cell
proteins that are involved in elec- from its formation to death; or the
tron transfers during photosynthesis changes that take place in a suc-
and aerobic respiration. cessive generation of cells derived
cytode. citodo. A mass of cytoplasm from one individual.
not containing a nucleus. cytopathogenic. citopatógeno. Pertain-
cytodiaeresis. citodiéresis. Mitosis ing to the destruction of cells by
cytogamy. citogamia. The union of a pathogenic agent, such as a vi-
cells. rus.
cytogenesis. citogénesis. The forma- cytopharnyx. citofaringe. The nar-
tion and differentiation of cells. row neck in the opening of the gullet
cytogenetics. citogenética. An aca- of the Euglenophyta.
demic disciple which combines the cytoplasm(a). citoplasma. The jelly-
fields of cytology and genetics; usu- like substance of a cell that enve-
ally involves microscopic studies lopes the nucleus; also, the matrix
of chromosomes; also, the relation- of a cell, bounded by an outer
cytoplasm(at)ic 100 cytotropism
membrane, forming a complex sys- other structures are anchored or or-
tem of diffusion barriers that control ganized.
the movement of substance dis- cytosome. citosoma. The body of a
persed within. cell, not including the nucleus; also,
cytoplasm(at)ic. citoplasmático. the cytoplasm of a cell; also, the
citoplásmico. Of or pertaining to area on the surface of the cell of
the cytoplasm. the Euglenophyta through which
(cyto)plasmic inheritance. herencia the food particles are ingested. It
(cito)plásmica. The inheritance of is usually in the form of a gullet.
genetic units through the cytoplasm cytotaxonomy. citotaxonomia. The
instead of through nuclear chro- classification of cells based on their
mosomes. structure, especially chromosomes;
cytoplasmic matric. citoplasma fun- also, the classification of plants
damental matriz. citoplasmática. based on a study of their cell- struc-
See hyaloplasm. ture.
cytosine. citosina. A nitrogen base cytotropism. citotropismo. The move-
found in DNA and RNA. See base. ment or bending of cell masses to-
cytoskeleton. citoesqueleto. In the ward or away from each other; the
cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell, an reaction of response to the stimu-
internal framework of microtubules, lus of mutual attraction or repul-
microfilaments, and other fine sion betweeen two cells.
strands on which organelles and
dacryoid 101 day-length

dacryoid. dacrioide. Tear or pear- which will germinate only if kept

shaped. in the dark when other conditions
dactyloid. dactiloide. Finger-like. would normally favor germination.
daedaleous. daedaleo. Having an ir- darnel. cizaña. Any grass (Poaceae)
regularly wrinkled or plaited sur- of the genus Lolium, but most of-
face. ten Lolium temulenum.
dam(m)ar resin. resina damar. A resin dasy-. dasi-. A Greek prefix that
from various pine trees (Pinaceae) means, “shaggy” or “hairy”.
used in the manufacture of var- dasyphyllous. dasífilo. Having leaves
nishes. with a thick coat of cottony hairs;
damping-off. secadera de las plántulas. also, having thick or crowded
pudrición de las plántulas. meurte leaves.
súbita. A disease causing abrupt dauermodification. modificación
death of apparently healthy seed- duradera. A lasting inheritable
lings, in which the stem decays at change, possibly cytoplasmic, which
ground level and the seedlings col- is produced by some treatment.
lapse; caused by soil-inhabiting daughter. hija. Belonging to or per-
fungi (as Rhizoctonia and Pythium taining to the first generation of
spp) virulent to plant growth un- offsprings or resulting from a pri-
der conditions of high humidity and mary division or segmentation.
temperature. daughter cell. célula hija. Two iden-
dark. oscuro. Refers to dark color. tical cells occurring with the com-
dark reaction. reacción “oscura”. Any pletion of a cell wall in the prophase
of the chemical reactions in pho- of mitosis.
tosynthesis that are not dependent daughter chromosome. cromosoma
on light and are controlled by en- hijo. The product of each chro-
zymes; occurs in the stroma of mosome dividing lengthwise.
chloroplasts. The dark reaction takes daughter nucleus. núcleo hijo. In mi-
place during the photosynthetic tosis, when a cell divides, two
process, when oxygen is evolved daughter nuclei are formed, each
from a complex peroxide (formed identical, with each getting one
from water). Carbon dioxide is fixed chromatid from each chromosome.
to form sugars by combining with day-length. duración del dia. Number
hydrogen. This is a complex reac- of hours of daylight in each 24 hour
tion that involves the reduction and period. Plants are often classified
subsequent oxidation of a hydro- in two groups according to their
gen-carrier and takes place in the response to day length: short-day
stroma of the chloroplast. plants, which flower only when ex-
dark seed. semilla oscuro. A seed posed to short daily amounts of
day-neutral plants 102 deciduous seasonal forest
light, as orchids (Orchidaceae) and times the haploid number of chro-
long-day plants which flower only mosomes.
with long daily amounts of light, decarboxylase. descarboxilasa. An
as red clover (Trifolium); photope- enzyme that makes possible the
riod. removal of a molecule of carbon
day-neutral plants. plantas de dia- dioxide from an organic compound.
neutro. Those capable of flower- decarboxylation. descarboxilación.
ing under either long or short day The revoval of one or more car-
lengths, irrespective of the light boxyl groups.
period being short or long, as dan- decay. descomposición. See decom-
delions (Taraxacum). position.
day position. posición de dia. The decem-. decem-. A Latin prefix than
pitch or posture adopted by leaves means, “ten”.
during the day, if they alter their deciduous. deciduo. caducifolio. The
position when there is a decrease seasonal falling off or shedding of
in light intensity. parts, such as leaves; generally
day sleep. sueño del día. The fold- refers to trees or shrubs that lose
ing of leaflets of a compound leaf their leaves every fall, as distin-
in bright light, bringing the sto- guished from evergreens, which re-
matal surfaces together, effecting tain them or constantly replenish
a protection against water-loss. their foliage throughout the year.
de-. de-. A Latin prefix that means, Also applies to bark which peri-
“downward” or “away from”. odically shed, contrasting with per-
dealbate. dealbado. Whitened, usu- sistent barks.
ally by a covering of hairs. deciduous leaves. de hoja caduca. de
deamination. desaminación. The re- hojas caedizas. Leaves on spe-
moval of an amino group from an cific types of trees, as maples (Acer)
organic compound. or elms (Ulmus), that are periodi-
deassimilation. deasimilación. The uti- cally or annually shed by season;
lization of food by a plant. the opposite of evergreen.
death. muerte. The permanent end- deciduous forest. selva baja caduci-
ing of living functions. folia. bosque caducifolio. An area
deca-. deca-. A Greek prefix that of trees mostly composed of spe-
means, “ten”, as in decandrous, with cies that shed their leaves periodi-
ten stamens. cally.
decamerous. decámero. Having parts deciduous seasonal forest. bosque
in tens, as with flowers; having ten caducifolio estacional. Two types
stamens; having ten parts in each of broad-leaved forests grow in the
whorl; sometimes written 10- middle latitudes; one, the decidu-
merous. ous summer forest (most common
decandrous. decandro. Refers to flow- in the northern hemisphere and ab-
ers in the class Decandria, which sent in the southern hemisphere)
have ten stamens; having ten sta- is composed of broad-leaved trees
mens. that shed their leaves in the win-
decaploid. decaploide. Having ten ter season; the second is composed
deciduous summer forest 103 definite inflorescence
of broad-leaved and evergreen trees. ward along the stem; also, of the
deciduous summer forest. bosque gills of an agaric when they run
caducifolio de verano. One of the some distance down the stipe.
two types of broad-leaved forests decurved. decurvado. Bent or curv-
occurring in the middle latitudes. ing over backward and down, as
See deciduous seasonal forest. decurved bracts; upcurved; recurv-
decipiens. decipiens. Latin for “de- ate.
ceiving”. decussate. decusado. Arranged in pairs
declinate. declinado. Curved or bent along a stem with each pair at a
downward, as the stamens of flow- right angle to the pair above or
ers. below, as decussate leaves and
declined. declinado. Same as declinate. branches.
declivate. declivado. Sloping. dedifferentiation. dediferenciación.
decolorate. decolorado. Without color. The reduction of the cells of a dif-
decompose. descomponerse. To de- ferentiated tissue to a common
cay or rot; also, to degrade into undifferentiated form.
simpler compounds. dediploidization. dediploidización.
decomposer. descomponedor. degrad- The production of haploid cells (or
ador. A varied group of hetero- hyphae) from a dikaryotic diploid
trophic bacteria and fungi which cell (or mycelium).
obtain organic nutrients by breaking dedoublement. dedoblemente. Branch-
down the remains or products of ing.
other organisms; aids in the cycling deep (color). intenso. Vivid, dense,
of simple compounds back to and opaque in color.
autotrophs. deficiency. deficiencia. The loss of
decomposition. descomposición. Deg- a terminal acentric segment of a
radation into simpler compounds; chromosome; also, somtimes used
rotting or decaying. to include deletion.
decompound. decompuesto. Made deficiency disease. enfermedad por
up of a number of parts that are carencia. enfermedad carencial.
already compounded, as with An abnormality caused by the ab-
decompound leaves. sence of an essential chemical
deconjugation. deconjugación. The element.
separation of chromosomes before definite. definida. Always having the
the end of prophase of meiosis. same number in a given species;
decorticate. decorticado. Having no also, of a stem, ending in a flower
outer covering; stripped, peeled, which stops growth; of a stem when
or husked; devoid of bark. the bud grows rapidly to its full
decumbent. decumbente. Trailing or length and then stops; said of an
lying on the ground with the tip inflorescence when all its stems end
of the stem turned upward. in flowers, i.e. cymose.
decurrent. decurrente. Extending definite inflorescence. inflorescencia
down beyond the stem from the definida. An inflorescence with
point of insertion; a decurrent leaf all its branches ending in flowers,
having its base extending down- i.e. a cymose.
definite variation 104 dehydrogenation
definite variation. variación definida. ing or being decomposed.
A change taking place in a defi- degrade. desdoblar(se). degradar.
nite direction in the history of a demoler. To decompose into sim-
race. pler, less complex compounds; to
deflexed. deflexo. Bent sharply out- degenerate.
wards and downwards. dehisce. dehisce. To burst open, dis-
deflorate. deflorado. In flowers, hav- charging seeds, usually along a
ing cast its pollen; also, in plants, definite line.
having shed its flowers. dehiscence. dehiscencia. At matu-
deflowering. desfloración. The pre- rity, the bursting open of seedpods,
mature fall or loss of flowers. anthers, or other organs along defi-
defoliant. defoliante. defoliador. With- nite lines or sutures to release seeds,
out leaves. pollen, or other substances.
defoliate. defoliar. To cause leaves dehiscense papilla. papila dehiscencia.
to fall from a tree, especially pre- A small rounded projection on the
maturely. surface of a zoosporangium of the
defoliation. defoliación. A shedding Blastocladiaceae, later becoming
or loss of leaves, either as a sea- a dehiscence pore.
sonal normality or as a consequence dehiscent. dehiscente. Mature fruit
of severe insect attack or physi- that splits open along definite lines
ological disturbance. to release the seed or spore. When
deforestation. desmonte. de(s)forest- a multicarpelled fruit splits along
ación. Removing stands of trees lines midway to the carpel walls,
or a forest. it is referred to as loculicidally
deformation. deformación. malform- dehiscent; when along lines con-
ación. An abnormal growth or current with the carpel walls, it is
development. septicidally dehiscent. Other fruits
degenerate. degenerar. To evolve by and buds may split in a transverse
losing an organ, function, or some circular line to cut off a segment
other hightly developed character- (circumscissile dehiscence) or split
istic; also, coding for the same to form pores (poricidal dehis-
amino acid, as other condons. cence).
degenerate code. código degenerado. dehydrase. dehidrasa. An enzyme that
A term given to the genetic code catalyses the removal of water, i.e.
because a particular amino acid may condensation.
be encoded by more than one dehydrogenase. de(s)hidrogenasa.
condon. de(s)hidrasa. An enzyme that
degeneration. degeneración. The speeds the removal and transfer of
change from a complex to a sim- hydrogen from a substrate.
pler form during evolution; also, dehydrogenate. de(s)hidrogenar. To
the loss of morphological or physi- revove hydrogen from a compound;
ological features by a fungus or bac- oxidize.
terium kept in culture. dehydrogenation. de(s)hidrogenación.
degradation. degradación. desdoblam- The removal of hydrogen from a
iento. The process of decompos- compound.
delayed development 105 dendrometer
delayed development. retraso del denaturation. desnaturalización.
desarrollo. A trait that is not Changes in the activity of proteins
expressed at birth, but does show or nucleic acids brought about by
up later. changes in structure other than the
delayed inheritance. retraso del breaking of the primary bonds be-
herencia. When each successive tween amino acids or nucleotides;
generation has the genotype of the usually occurs from changes in pH,
female parent for a particular char- temperature, or abuse of the mol-
acter. ecules.
deletion. deleción. The loss of a seg- denature. desnaturalizar. To change
ment of a chromosome set, vary- the structure and properties of a
ing from a single nucleotide to substance, such as a protein, by
serveral genes; if occurring at the using heat, pressure, or chemicals.
end, the deletion is referred to as dendriform. dendriforme. Like a
terminal and if occurring elsewhere, branching tree in form.
intercalary. dendritic. dendrítico. Having a
deletion mutant. mutante deleción. branching pattern.
A mutation where the base pair dendro-. dendro-. A prefix that means,
undergoes deletion and shifts the “tree”, as in dendroid, tree-like.
sequence out of phase by one pair. dendrochronology. dendrocronología.
delignification. delignificación. The The study of growth or annual rings
destruction of lignin in wood by a of trees to determine dates and
fungus. environmental conditions of the
deliquescent. delicuescente. To di- past; tree-ring dating.
vide into many smaller divisions, dendroecology. dendroecología. A
as in branching or venation; or, as specialized area of dendrochron-
with some fungi, portions melt away ology which focuses on the rela-
in the process of growth. tionships between the patterns of
deltate. deltado. A triangular shaped dated tree-ring series and all the
plane with three equal sides. ecological factors that may effect
deltoid. deltoide. A triangular shaped those patterns, including climate,
solid with three equal sides. predation, and competition.
dematoid. dematoide. Black and web- dendrograph. dendrógrafo. An in-
like; having a covering of dark in- strument that provides a continu-
terwoven hyphae; also, said of sooty ous record of the circumference of
molds that are dark and moniloid. a tree stem, sometimes called
deme. demo. A sub-population of a girthing.
species with very limited genetic dendroid. dendroide. Resembling a
exchange, if any, with other demes tree or small shrub; also, tall with
although adjacent to one another. an erect main stem or freely branch-
demersus. demersus. Latin for “sub- ing.
aquatic”. dendrology. dendrología. The scien-
demicyclic. demicíclico. Of Uredinales tific study of trees.
which have a life cycle in which dendrometer. dendrometro. An in-
no uredospores are produced. strument used in measuring a tree’s
-dendron 106 depauperate
height and diameter. dentation. dentación. Of a leaf mar-
-dendron. -dendro. A Greek suffix gin with a small, blunt, or pointed
that means, “tree” or “tree-like”, outgrowth; also, a collective term
as a rhododendron. for the thickening of the wall pro-
dendrophysis. dendrófisis. A para- jecting into the lumina of ray
physis-like structure bearing sim- tracheids in the wood of pines
ple or branched spines. (Pinus).
denigrate. denigrado. Blackened. denticidal capsule. cápsula denticida.
denitrification. desnitrificación. The A type of fruit that opens at the
process of converting nitrates or top, apically, leaving a ring of teeth,
nitrites present in water and soils as in Plantago.
into gaseous or atmospheric nitro- denticulate. denticulado. Having a
gen or nitrogen oxide by soil bac- leaf margin with small teeth, as a
teria; also, a process used in the denticulate leaf.
treatment of sewage effluents. dentiform. dentiforme. Having the
denitrifying bacteria. bacterias de(s)ni- shape of a tooth or teeth.
trifícantes. A group of soil bac- denudate. denudado. Stripped bare,
teria which break down nitrites and as denudate trees; also, hairless by
nitrates anaerobically to produce loss of scales.
nitrogen. deoperculate. deoperculado. Lack-
denizen. morador. A species of plant ing an operculum; also, having an
which can maintain itself in the wild, operculum that does not break away
but was probably introduced by spontaneously from the spore case.
man. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ácido
dens. dens. Latin for “tooth”. desoxirribonucleico (ADN). A
density dependent. dependiente de substance in the chromatin of all
la densidad. The regulation of size plants and many viruses, that is the
by mechanisms controlled by the genetic material passed from gen-
size of the population, whose ef- eration to generation, replicating
fectiveness increases as the size of and controlling through messen-
the population increases. ger RNA, the inheritable charac-
density independent. independiente teristics. Structurally, it is a dou-
de la densidad. Population den- ble-stranded nucleic acid, helically
sity of an organism increases coiled with hydrogen bonds between
exponentially but stops abruptly the strands, that can be unzipped,
with seasonal changes. which exposes the DNA’s chemi-
density measure. medida de densidad. cal messages to protein synthesis
An estimate of the number of a or DNA replication.
particular plant species, using the deoxyribose. desoxirribosa. A five-
ratio of individuals per unit area. carbon (pentose) sugar found only
dent. abolladura. Toothed or notched. in DNA.
dentate. dentado. Having the leaf depauperate. depauperado. Diminu-
margin toothed or serrated, as a tive; also, looking starved and un-
dentate leaf; having tooth-like pro- derdeveloped.
jections. dependent. dependiente. Hanging
dependent 107 desmosome
down. leaves.
depilation. depilación. The natural descending aestivation. estivación
loss of hair as a plant matures. descendente. Aestivation in which
deplanate. deplanado. Flattened. each segement overlaps the one an-
deplasmolysis. deplasmólsis. Water terior to it.
entering into a plant cell, causing descent. ascendencia. Ancestry or
the cell membrane to return to the lineage.
cell wall. desert. desierto. A dry region, usu-
depressed. deprimado. Flattened ver- ally sandy or rocky with limited
tically, as from above; sunken to tree vegetation; most often located
become concave. about 30° north and south of the
dermal. dermal. Pertaining to the epi- equator; also, a vegetation form
dermis or other superficial layer. characterized by sparse coverage
derivative hybrid. híbrido doble. of annual herbs, low succulent
híbrido derivado. A hybrid derived shrubs, larger xerophytic shrubs,
by crossing one hybrid with another and hummock-forming grasses
or with one of its parents. (Poaceae).
dermatocystidium. dermatócistidio. desert biome. bioma del desierto. A
A cystidium on the cuticle or pel- warm, arid region with rainfall of
licle. less than 250 mm a year; populated
dermatogen. dermatógeno. A layer by organisms adapted to drought
of cells that develops into the epi- and heat, as water storing cacti and
dermis; the external layer of a stem a high percentage of annual spe-
or root apex, one cell thick, that cies.
gives rise to the epidermis; pro- desertification. desertificación. desert-
toderm. ización. A trend in which fragile,
dermatocalyptrogen. dermatocaliptr- semi-arid, ecosystems lose produc-
ogeno. A meristematic layer in the tiveness because of a loss of plant
apex of the root of many dicoty- cover resulting in soil erosion,
ledon, giving rise to the root-cap salinization, or water logging;
and dermatogen. often associated with misuse of hu-
dermatosome. dermatosoma. One of mans, as occurs with overcultivation
the small pieces into which a cell or overgrazing.
wall can be resolved by prolonged desiccation. desicación. The proc-
treatment with dilute hydrochlo- ess of drying; drying up.
ric acid, followed by heat at 50– desmolase. desmolasa. Enzymes
60º C. breaking or forming a C–C link
dermis. dermis. The layer of tissue without hydrolysis, e.g. carboxy-
beneath the epidermis; corium. lase catalyses the change of pyru-
desalinization. desalinización. desalac- vic acid to acetaldehyde and car-
ión del agua. The removal of salts bon dioxide.
from saline soil or water via dis- desmosome. desmosoma. An adhe-
tillation or microfiltration. sive part of an epithelial cell that
descending. descendente. Directed or adheres to adjoining cells.
growing downward, as descending destarch. dealmidón. The process of
destarch 108 dextran(e)
reducing the starch content of a which can be easily removed, leav-
green plant. This is brought about ing the surface bare.
by keeping the plant in the dark, detritus. detrito. detritus. Dead or-
thereby stopping photosynthesis; ganic matter, such as fallen leaves,
any starch present will either be branches, or other plant and ani-
used or translocated. mal wastes that occur in ecosys-
desthiobiotin. destiobiotina. A sub- tems.
stance which may replace biotin deut(o)ero. deutero. A prefix that means
(vitamin H) in the growth yeasts, second or secondary; also spelled
but in some cases may inhibit the deuto, deuter and deut.
effect of biotin. deuteroconidium. deuteroconidio. A
destructive metabolism. metabolismo spore-like cell of dermatophytes
destructivo. The point in cellu- produced by the division of a hemi-
lar metabolism when energy is re- sphere (protoconidium).
leased through the breaking down deutrogamy. deutrogamia. Any proc-
of complex food molecules; catabo- ess which replaces normal fertili-
lism; dissimilation. zation.
desynapsis. desinapsis. The abnor- deuteromycetes. deuteromicetos. Fungi
mally early breaking of synapsis Imperfecti.
in meiosis. deuteroplasm. deuteroplasma. Meta-
detachable. desprendible. Capable plasm.
of being separated or disjoined. development. desarrollo. Changes in
determinant. determinante. With a the form of a plant resulting from
well-marked edge; of an inflores- growth and differentiation of its
cence that ends in a flower; a gene; cells into tissues and organs; the
also, a hereditary factor correspond- succession of stages in the life of
ing to the function of a gene. the plant, as distinct from simple
determinate. determinado. Clearly growth.
marked; also, flowers that bloom developmental biology. biología del
from terminal buds, which stops desarrolo. Changes in the form of
the growth and further lengthen- a plant resulting from growth and
ing of the main stem, allowing most differentiation of its cells into tis-
of the fruit to ripen about the same sues and organs.
time; also, a flower at the end of deviation. desviación. The departure
the primary axis and of each sec- of a quantity from its normal or
ondary axis. A plant with a deter- expected value.
minate growth has a genetically lim- dew. rocío. Moisture from an atmos-
ited size and cannot grow indefi- pheric condition producing wetness,
nitely. especially in the early morning.
determination. determinación. A taxo- dewy. róridulado. A leaf surface cov-
nomic action of establishing a ered with waxy platelets, giving the
plant’s position, rank, character- appearance of dew; roridulate.
istic, name, or relationship to a dextran(e). dextrana. A polysaccha-
taxon. ride that serves as a storage com-
detersile. detersil. Said of fine hairs pound in bacteria and yeasts.
dextrinase 109 diandrous
dextrinase. dextrinasa. A plant en- diakinesis. diacinesis. diaquinesis.
zyme which hydrolyses dextrin. The final stage in the prophase of
dextrins. dextrinas. A series of poly- meiosis when all the chiasmata
saccharides intermediate in struc- reach the ends of the tetrads and
ture between glucose and starch with the homologues can separate dur-
5–10 glucose units in straight ing anaphase; chromosomes are
chains. Formed during starch hy- tightly coiled and have formed the
drolysis. compact tetrad which are spread
dextrorse. dextrorso. Twining or out in the nucleus, and the nucleolus
spiraling upward from left to right, disappears. The five stages of
as a climbing plant stem or a chain prophase in meiosis are: leptotene,
of spores; opposite of sinistrorse. zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and
di-. di-. A Greek prefix that means, diakinesis.
“two” or “twice”; also, a Latin pre- diallelic. dialélico. A polyploid in-
fix that means, “apart from”. dividual with more than two sets
dia-. dia-. A Greek and Latin prefix of chromosomes that have two dif-
that means, “transverse” or ferent alleles at a particular gene
“through”. locus.
diachene. diaquenio. See diachenium. dialycarpous. dialicarpo. A flower or
diachenium. diaquenio. Two or more fruit with separate carpels; apo-
indehiscent, one-seeded carpels, carpous.
adhering around a distinct and sepa- dialypetalous. dialipétalo. A corolla
rable axis, as that of parsley and of many separate petals; poly-
other Umbelliferae; cremocarp. petalous.
diad. diada. See dyad. dialysepalous. dialisépalo. Having
diadelphous. diadelfo. Stamens fused separate sepals that make up a ca-
into two bundles or sets by their lyx; polysepalous.
filaments; also, in a group with one dialysis. diálisis. The separation of
free stamen. colloids or large molecules from
diadromous. diadromo. Venation dissolved substances of ions or
resembling the ribs of a fan. small molecules, using a partially
diageotropic. diageotropico. A ten- permeable membrane that permits
dency to grow horizontally to the the passage of the former but not
ground, as branches or roots. the latter (e.g. cellophane, collodian,
diageotropism. diageotropismo. parchment). This is then placed in
Exhibiting diageotropic growth. water, and the smaller particles
diagnosis. diagnóstico. A statement diffuse out into it.
of the determining characteristics dialystelic. dialistelico. Having several
of a genus, species, and other separate stele.
groups, as used in taxonomy; also, diamines. diaminas. Compounds con-
the identification of a pest or dis- taining two amine groups.
ease. diandrous. diandro. Having two sta-
diagonal. diagonal. Said of any part mens, as diandrous flowers or
of a flower situated in a position diandrous plants.
other than median or lateral. diaphanous. hialino. translúcido.
diaphanous 110 dichotomous ramification
Translucent or to show through. dicaryon. dicario(n). dicarionte.
diaphototropism. diafototropismo. The Dikaryon.
tropic response of a plant organ that dicentric. dicéntrico. Of a chromo-
grows at right angles to the light. some or chromatid with two
diaphragm. diafragma. A transverse centromeres.
plate of cells across a stem, usu- dicha-. dica-. A Greek prefix that
ally at the nodes; also, a cross par- means, “in two.”
tition in the air chambers of dichasium. dicasio. cima bípara. A
hydrophytes, usually perforated. cyme where the main axis produces
diaphysis. diáfisis. An abnormal height two branches below the terminal
increase in the center of the flower flower, and each of those produce
or flower cluster. another pair and so on; simple cyme.
diaschistic. diasquistico. Said of tet- dichlamydeous. diclamídeo. A flower
rads which divide once transversely with both a calyx and a corolla.
and once longitudinally in meio- dichogamous. dicógamo. In hermaph-
sis. rodite flowers, stamens, and pis-
diaspore. díaspora. A spore, seed, tils mature at separate times, pre-
or other structure that provides venting self-fertilization.
dispersal; a propagule; disseminule. dichogamy. dicogamia. Maturation
diastase. diastasa. Any of a group of of male or female flowers at dif-
enzymes occurring in plants that ferent times, ensuring cross pol-
aid in the process of converting lination; common to maples
starch into sugar; amylase. (Aceraceae) and walnuts (Jugland-
diaster. diaster. In cell division, when aceae).
the daughter chromosomes are situ- dichophysis. dicófisis. In the Theleph-
ated in two groups near the poles oraceae, a sterile structure in the
of the spindle, ready to form the hymenium or trama having succes-
daughter nuclei; daughter star. sively dichotomous branching, thick
diastole. diástole. The growth and walls, narrow lumen, and subulate
expansion of a nucleus from the apices.
end of one mitosis to the begin- dichopodium. dicopodio. A sympodial
ning of the next. branch system composed of suc-
diatoms. diatomeas. Any of the mi- cessive parts of a dichotomizing
croscopic aquatic algae (Bacillario- branch system, of which only one
phyceae) that have hard shells; part assists in forming the axis.
made mostly of silica. dichotomous. dicotómo. dicotómico.
diatropism. diatropismo. The ten- A system of forked branching by
dency of some organs to take a the repeated subdivision of an apical
position cross-wise to the direc- meristem into two branches of the
tion of the stimulus. same size. This is a primitive form
diazotroph. diazotrof. An organism of branching.
which can utilize atmospheric ni- dichotomous ramification. ramific-
trogen (fixation). ación dicotómico. Branching or
dicarpellary. dicarpelar. Having two forking by repeated division into
carpels. two part that are nearly equal, as
diclinous 111 differentiation
with surface patterns of visible leaf dicyclic. dicíclico. Having two whorls.
veins. didymous. didimo. Growing in pairs;
diclinous. diclino. Having stamens also, of a fruit composed of two
and pistils in separate flowers in similar parts, slightly attached along
the same plant (monoecious) or on the edge.
separate plants of the same spe- didymospore. didímospora. A spore
cies (dioecious); also, having only with two cells.
stamens or only pistils; unisexual. didynamous. didínamo. Having four
dicot. dicot. Any plant with two seed stamens arranged in two pairs of
leaves in the embryo; dicotyledon. unequal length.
dicotyledon. dicotiledón. Having two differential affinity. afinidad difer-
seed leaves (cotyledons) in the encial. The failure of two chro-
embryo. mosome to pair at meiosis in the
Dicotyledoneae. dicotiledóneas. One presence of a third, although they
of the two major divisions in the pair in its absence.
Angiospermae (flowering plants) differential host. huésped diferencial.
with the embryo characteristically A particular species or plant vari-
having two cotyledons. Also see ety whose reaction is used to de-
Monocotyledoneae. termine physiological races of para-
dicotyledonous. dicotiledóneo. dicotil- sites.
edónico. Pertaining to dicotyle- differential permeability. permeabil-
dons. idad diferencial. The capacity of
dictyosome. dictiosoma. Cytoplas- a membrane to pass selectively
mic particles composed of several certain molecules more freely than
layers of lamellae surrounded by others, as small molecules passing
small vesicles; involved in preparing while stopping the passaage of
material for transport out of the cell, larger ones.
usually by adding sugars on to pro- differential reproduction. reproducción
teins; a subunit of the Golgi diferencial. The predilection of
apparatus; Golgi body. bearers of adaptive traits to repro-
dictyosporangium. dictiosporangio. duce more successfully than bearers
A septate sporangium; also, a spo- of less adaptive traits resulting in
rangium found in some oomy-cetes an increasingly greater proportion
in which the spores encyst in the of the reproductive base for each
sporangium, then emit their con- new generation.
tents separately, leaving a network differential segment. segmento difer-
of empty spore walls. encial. A block of genes in re-
dictyospore. dictiospora. A multi- spect of which two pairing chro-
cellular spore divided by transverse mosomes differ, in a permanent
and longitudinal walls. hybrid, in contrast to a pairing seg-
dictyostele. dictiostela. A hollow tube ment when they pair and crosso-
(siphonostele) whose vascular tissue ver, and are therefore homologous.
is broken into a number of longi- differentiation (of cells). diferenc-
tudinal strands or vascular bundles iación. The process by which cells,
as in some ferns (Filicop-sida). tissues, and organs become altered
difformed 112 digestive gland
or modified to provide specialized concentration through the random
functions; also, the change from energetic movements of individual
homogeneous tissue to heteroge- molecules.
neous tissues, as from meristem to diffussion carrier. portador de defus-
primary tissues. ión. A substance to which a dis-
difformed. diforme. Of unusual or solved particle becomes attached
irregular shape. on one side of a membrane, mov-
diffract. difráctea. Said of a surface ing with the dissolved particle
divided into areolae; also, cracked through the membrane, and then
into small areas. depositing it on the other side.
diffuse. difuso. Widely spread or scat- diffusion coefficient. coefíciente de
tered, as a prostrate stem that defusión. A law of diffusion, some-
branches freely and loosely over times referred to as Fick’s Law.
a large area; also, said of parenchy- dm = –D · A · (dc/dx) · dt, where,
matous cells scattered through the dm = the amount of substance dif-
xylem. fusing in the time dt, dc/cs = the
diffuse growth. crecimiento difuso. concentration gradient, A = the area
The growth of an algal thallus by of cross-section through which dif-
the division of any of its cells. fusion occurs, D = diffusion co-
diffuse nucleus. núcelo difuso. The efficient.
chromatidia sometimes present in diffusion pressure deficit (DPD).
non-nucleated cells. déficit de la presión de difusión
diffuse-porous. poros difusos. poros (DPD). The net tendency of wa-
dispersos. When the vessels are ter to diffuse into a cell expressed
scattered evenly thoughout the xy- as the difference between the os-
lem or when there is little differ- motic concentration and the turgo
ence in the size of the vessels formed pressure of the cell.
in different seasons, In some trees, digenic. digenico. Of hereditary dif-
the conducting vessels or pores are ference determined by two genes.
arranged uniformly throughout the digest. digerir. To change nutrients
year ’s growth, so as to make the chemically into matter that can be
annual rings almost indistinguish- assimilated, stored, or oxidized for
able; common in maple (Acer), plant growth or maintenance.
birch (Betula) and some other dif- digestion. digestión. The process by
fuse-porous trees. which macromolecules of insolu-
diffuse stimulus. estímulo difuso. A ble nutrients are broken down into
stimulus not coming from any fixed micromolecules of soluble com-
position. pounds.
diffuse tissue. tejido difuso. A tis- digestive cell. célula digestiva. One
sue of single or small groups of of the cells in the cortex of a root
cells distributed througout a dis- in which the hyphae of an endo-
tinct tissue. trophic fungus are killed and di-
diffusion. difusión. The relocation gested.
of particles from a region of high digestive gland. glándula digestiva.
concentration to a region of low A glandular hair characteristic of
digestive pouch 113 dinucleotide
carnivorous plants, producing en- ponents.
zymes which digest their food. dimerous. dímero. Having two mem-
digestive pouch. bolsa digestiva. A bers in each whorl; often written
layer of cells at the apex of a lat- 2-merous.
eral root which secretes enzymes dimidiate. demediado. Split on one
that break down the cortical cells side, as some capsules; also, lop-
of the parent root, as the lateral sided or appearing to lack one side,
root grows through it. as an anther with a missing lobe,
digitate. digitado. Radiating lobes a pileus with one side larger than
or veins, spread like fingers on a the other, or a lichen perithecium
hand; palmate. when the upper side only is enclosed
digitiform. digitiforme. Having the in a wall; sometimes, hood-shaped.
shape of a finger or arranged like diminute (-ly). diminuto (-amente).
fingers; finger-like. Small.
digynous. digino. Having two carpels. diminutive. diminuto. A small form
diheterozygote. diheterocigoto. dihete- of a generally larger structure or
rozigoto. Heterozygous in respect part.
of two genes. dimittic. dimitico. Having two different
dihybrid cross. cruce dihíbrido. A forms of hyphae.
mating between individuals differ- dimonoecious. dimonocio. Having
ing in two pairs of alleles. bisexual flowers, as well as male,
dihybridism. dihibridismo. The proc- female, and neuter ones.
ess of producing a cross between dimorphic. dimórfico. Characterized
organisms differing in two inher- by dimorphism.
itable characters. dimorphic heterostyly. heterostilia
dikaryon. dicario. dicarionte. A fun- dimórfico. When the flowers of
gal hypha or mycelium with each the same species have styles of two
cell having a nuclei. different lengths, thereby encour-
dikarophase. dicariofase. fase dicar- aging cross-pollination.
iótica. A diploid phase having a dimorphism. dimorfísmo. The occur-
dikaryon. rence of two different forms of a
dikontan. dikontán. Having two flower, leaf, or other part on the
flagella. same plant or in the same species;
dilacerate. dilacerado. As if torn into generally sex-linked, but not al-
strips. ways, as in the water crowfoot
dilatation. dilatación. The expansion (Ranunculaceae).
of secondary phloem that prevents dimorphous. dimorfo. Occurring in
it from being torn apart by the ac- two forms, as the occurrence two
cumulation of secondary xylem in- different forms of flowers, leaves
terior to it; referred to as dilation or other parts on the same plant,
tissue. or the in the same species, as the
dilated. dilatido. Expanded and flat- disk and rays in composite flow-
tened. ers.
diluted. dilutido. Pale and faint colored. dinucleotide. dinucleótido. A unit
dimer. dimer. A polymer of two com- derived from deoxyribose, linked
dioecious 114 diploid gametophyte
through a phosphate radical. Some Dichlaymdeous.
are important as prosthetic groups diplochlamydeous chimaera. quimera
of enzymic globular proteins. diploclamideo. A periclinal chi-
dioecious. dioico. Unisexual or im- maera composed of an outer skin
perfect; having the pistils and sta- of one constituent, and two cells
mens of the same species on dif- thick, surrounding a core of the
ferent plants, therefore, plants of other constituent.
both sexes must grow near each diplochromosome. diplocromosoma.
other to provide pollen before fruits A chromosome which has divided
and seed can be produced, as twice instead of once since the pre-
ginkgo, the maidenhair tree ceding mitosis, the centromere being
(Ginkgoaceae); having male and undivided.
female organs on separate individual diplococcus. diplococo. A coccus in
plants. which the individuals tend to form
dioxin. dioxina. A synthetic chlorinate pairs.
hydrocarbon used in some herbi- diplodesmic. diplodesmico. Having
cides, but highly toxic to humans; two parallel vascular systems.
causing widespread environmen- diplodization. diplodización. The proc-
tal pollution. ess of fusion of hyphae, followed
dipeptide. dipéptido. A compound of by the division of nuclei in pair-
two anion acid residues, joined by ing fungi, whereby haploid cells
a peptide link, or mycelia become diploid.
dipetalous. dipetalado. Having two diplohaplont. diplohaplonte. Having
petals; bipetalous; two-petaled. a life-cycle in which a many-celled
diphotic. difotico. Having two sur- haploid generation alternates with
faces unequally lighted. a similar diploid one.
diphyletic. difilético. Descending from diploid. diploide. With two sets or
two distinct ancestral groups. double the number of chromosomes
diphyllous. diofilo. Having two leaves. in the germ cell. Germ cells have
diplanetism. diplanetismo. Produc- one set and are haploid; somatic
ing zoospores of two morphological cells have two sets and are diploid
types. (except for polyploid plants).
diplecolobous. diplecolobo. Said of diploid apogamy. apogamia diploide.
an embryo with an incumbent radi- Euapogamy. The development of
cle and with cotyledons folded twice a sporophyte containing diploid nu-
or more. clei from one or more cells of the
diplo-. diplo-. A Greek prefix that gametophyte, without any prelimi-
means, “double”. nary fusion of gametes.
diplobiont. diplobionte. A plant which diploid zygote. cigoto diploide. zigoto
as two different kinds of individuals diploide. A fertilized gamete.
in it life-cyle; if dioecious, there diploid gametophyte. diploide gametó-
will be three different kinds. fito. The phase of gametophytic
diplocaulescent. diplocaulescente. apomixis in which somatic (mitotic)
Having a central axis with branches. division within an ovule forms di-
diplochlamydeous. diploclamideo. rectly an embryo sac with an un-
diploidy 115 disarticulated
reduced chromosome condition. of prophase are: leptotene, zygo-
diploidy. diploidia. The diploid con- tene, pachytene, diplotene, and
dition. diakinesis.
diplokaryotic. diplocariotico. Hav- dipolar ion. ion dipolar. ión dipo-
ing twice the normal diploid number lar. An ion having both positive
of chromosomes. and negative charges, e.g. on an
diplonema. diplonema. The stage in amino acid in solution.
the meiotic division at which the dipterocarp. dipterocarpo. A two-
chromosomes are clearly double; winged fruit with elongated sepals.
also, a small diploid plantlet in the dipterous. diptero. bialdo. Seeds
life cycle of some of the Phaeo- or fruits that have two wing-like
phyta. appendages.
diplont. diplonte. An organism at the direct adaptation. adaptación directa.
diploid stage of the life cycle; also, Any adaptation which does not
having the alternation of a one- appear to stand in relation to natural
celled haploid generation with a selection.
many celled (or coenocytic) dip- direct germination. germinación
loid one. directa. The germination of a spore
diplophase. diplofase. fase diploide. to produce a hypha or filament
The diploid stage in the life cycle rather than a sporangium.
of plants; also, the stage in the life directed speciation. especiación direcc-
cycle of Basioiomycetes when the ional. A speciation trend where
cells have two nuclei. the species does not conform to the
diplosis. diplosis. The doubling of continuum associated with adap-
the chromosome number. tive types, but rather to the step-
diplosome. diplosoma. A paired type succession of distinct species.
heterchromosome; also, a double directional selection. selección direcc-
centrosome lying in the cytosome. ional. In a period of gradual en-
diplospory. diplosporia. The formation vironmental change, the normal
of a diploid gametophyte from a process of modification is for in-
sporogenous cell of an ovule with dividuals at one extreme of the
meiotic division either omitted or population variation be selected for
modified so that pairing and reduc- change and the remaining, remain
tion of the chromosomes does not unchanged. This results in the norm
occur. being moved in a specific direc-
diplostemonous. diplostémono. Hav- tion toward an end of the range of
ing two stamens to each petal; also, variability.
having stamens in two whorls, the disaccharide. disacárido. A conden-
outer located opposite of the se- sation product of two mono-
pals and the inner located oppo- saccharides.
site the petals. disarticulate. desarticular. To sepa-
diplotene. diplóteno. diplótena. The rate at a joint.
point in the prophase of meiosis disarticulated. desarticulado. Sepa-
when the points of interchange of rated at a joint.
chromatids appear. The five stages disarticulating. desarticulándose. At
disarticulating 116 disjunct
maturity, separating at a joint, most rets; also, said of an algal thallus
often as a means of vegetative re- which is one cell thick and closely
production. applied to the substratum.
disassortative breeding. disapare- discolorous. discoloro. Changing in
amiento de semejanza. Mating color; fading; not the same color
between individuals of dissimilar throughout.
phenotype. See also assortative discontinuous distribution. distribuc-
breeding. ión discontinuo. The occurrence
disc. disco. Same as disk. An out- of a species in one area, then in
growth from the receptacle of a another area far from it, but not
flower, beneath the carpels or sta- in any areas in between.
mens; also, the central part of a discontinuous variation. variación
capitulum; also the portion of an discontinuo. The rare occurrence
apothecium that bears the asci and of large differences between mem-
paraphyses. bers of the same species; sport;
disc flowers. flores del disco. The saltation.
floret in the center of a daisy, as- discoplankton. discoplancton. Plank-
ter or other Asteraceae flower is ton in which the cells form thin
a disc flower. Asteraceae flowers disks.
are a combination of two kinds discrete. discreto. Remaining separate.
of flowers, the disc flower and the discrimenant function. función dis-
ray flower. Sometimes spelled disk. crimenante. A linear compound of
disc floret. flósculo discoide. A regu- a series of variates, obtained by
lar, tubular flower in the center of maximizing the differences between
a capitulum when it contains two the classes relative to the differ-
types of flowers. ences between individuals in the
discal. discal. Pertaining to a disc classes, for the particular factor
flower. being measured.
discifloral. discifloral. Flowers with disc-shaped. orbicular. Round and
an enlarged disk-like receptacle flat; orbicular.
surrounding the ovary, usually dis- discus. disco. The hymenium of an
tinct from the calyx. apothecium.
disciform. disciforme. In the shape disease. enfermedad. Any change from
of a disk (disc), round and flat. the state of metabolism necessary
disclimax. disclímax. In the mono- for the normal development and
climax model of vegetation, the functioning of any organism.
plant community that replaces the disepalous. disepalo. Having two se-
climax community following an pals.
environmental disturbance; simi- disinfection. desinfección. The killing,
lar to plagioclimax and biotic cli- rather than removal, of micro-
max. ogrganism in water or soil where
discocarp. discocarpo. Apothecium. they might pose a threat to health,
discoid. discoide. Resembling a disc; as water chlorination.
disciform; sometimes used to de- disjunct. disyunto. Disjoined; oc-
scribe a capitulum with no ray flo- curring in separate geographic areas.
disjunction 117 distal
disjunction. disyunción. The sepa- disperse. dispersar. To scatter, es-
ration of chromosomes at anaphase. pecially the scattering of seeds by
disjunctor. disyuntor. A small cell wind, water, and animal consump-
between two neighboring conidia tion.
in a chain. It disintegrates, thereby disphotic zone. zona disfótica. See
aiding in dispersion. aphotic zone.
disk floret. flósculo discoide. flósculo dispireme. dispiema. The stage of
disco. One of the two flowers (flo- telophase in which the spireme
rets) in the center portion (disk) thread of each daughter nucleus has
of a composite head flower, the been formed.
other being a ray flower. disruptive selection. selección disrupt-
disk. disco. discoide. The ring of woody iva. A selection that changes the
fiber of certain trees, visible in a frequency of alleles which leads
longitudinal section; also, the sur- to the fixation of alternative alleles
face of a leaf or petal (as opposed in members of the population. After
to the leaf margin); also, the yel- several generations, there are two
low center of Asteraceae flowers; divergent phenotypic extremes,
also, an expanded receptacle, com- within the population.
monly a nectary. Same as disc. dissect. disecar. To cut apart a plant
disk-like. discoide. Having the ap- or cell tissue to examine.
pearance of a disk. dissected. disecado. Divided into many
disome. disoma. Bivalent. lobes or segments, as dissected
disomic. disomico. Relating to two leaves; divided deeply into narrow
homologous chromosomes or genes. lobes.
disomic inheritance. herencia disomico. disseminate. diseminar. To scatter.
Arising from the determinate as- dissemination. diseminación. The dis-
sociation of chromosomes in persion or scattering of seedsor
bivalents at meiosis. spores by wind, water, and animals.
disomy. disomia. The condition of disseminule. diseminulo. See dia-
having one extra chromosome that spore.
is homologous with a chromosome dissepiment. disepimento. A parti-
of the haploid set. tion that separates the cells of some
dispermic. dispérmico. Two-seeded. fruits and seeds, as in a green pep-
dispermous. dispermo. Containing per (Piper); a septum.
two seeds, especially fruits. dissilient. disiliente. Bursting apart
dispersal. dispersión. The tendency of a dry seed pod or capsule, as a
of organisms to move away from dissilient pericarp.
their birth or breeding site; also, dissimilation. desimilación. Respi-
the establishment of individuals in ration; also, see destructive metabo-
a new area. The opposite of philo- lism.
patry. dissociation. disociación. A muta-
dispersal barrier. barrera dispersión. tion or saltation.
An unfavorable habitat separating distal. distal. Toward the tip, away
two areas of favorable habitat, as from the center of an organ and
the separation by an ocean or desert. the point of attachment.
distant 118 dodeca-
distant. distante. Describes parts that order, or higher to the extent that
are widely scattered or loosely ar- distinct new taxa result.
ranged and often irregular. divergens. divergens. A Latin word
distended. hinchado. Swollen. that means, “separating”.
distichous. dístico. Arranged alter- divergent. divergente. Moving in dif-
nately in two vertical rows on op- ferent directions from the same
posite sides of the axis, as distichous point; an evolutionary tendency for
leaves. plants coming from common an-
distichous. dístico. In two ranks. cestors to evolve into different forms
distinct. distinto. Separate; not united when living under different con-
or fused to like parts—strictly ap- ditions; also, said of two or more
plied to members of one series. organs which spread so that they
distinctly. conspicuamente. marcad- are further apart at the top than the
amente. Without the union of like base.
parts. divergent evolution. evolución diverg-
distribution. distribución. The occur- ente. The appearance of different
rence of a species as it relates geo- characteristics in plants closely re-
graphical considerations; also, dis- lated by common ancestry.
semination. diversity. diversidad. Refers to the
distribution area. área de distribución. number of types or varieties of taxa
The geographic spread, range, or in the plant kingdom.
location of particular species. diversity index. índice de diversidad.
disturbance. factor perturbador. An A mathematical description of the
interruption in the pattern of veg- species diversity of a community;
etative succession by human or non- an important means for compari-
human activity, such as fire, flood, son of community structure and
or cultivation. stability.
disulfide bond. enlace bisulfito. The diverticulum (pl. diverticuli). divert-
linking of sulfur atoms of two dif- ículo. A pocket.
ferent amino acids in a protein. divided. dividido. partido. A leaf
dithecal. ditécica. Having two cavi- cut almost to the midrib or base,
ties in the ovary or an anther with forming distinct parts.
two loculi. division. división. A major classifi-
ditheous. diteo. Having two cavaties. cation of the plant kingdom, listed
diurnal. diurno. Recurring or repeated in increasing rank: Order, Class and
every day, as flowers that open Division; same as the older term
during the day and close in the Phylum; also, as in plant cell di-
evening or night, as the morning vision, the dividing of the cell into
glory (Convolvulaceae). two or more cells, each having its
divaricate. divaricado. Widely spread- own nucleus.
ing or branching at a wide angle, DNA. ADN. Desoxyribose nucleic
as from a stem. acid.
divergence. divergencia. The genetic dodeca-. dodeca-. A prefix that means,
segregation and differentiation “twelve”.
within a species, genus, family, dolabrate. dolabriforme. malpigiáceo.
dolabrate 119 dothidiaceous
Fleshy leaves that are straight at riod of not growing or germinat-
the front, tapered at the base and ing, usually associated with envi-
compressed at the upper end of the ronmental conditions of cold or dry
back. seasons external dormancy or qui-
dolabriform. dolabriforme. Having escence, or to factors within the
the form of an axe or pick-axe and organ itself, internal dormancy or
usually attached near the middle. rest; hypobiosis.
doliform. doliforme. Barrel-shaped. dormant. durmiente. Plants or plant
domatium. domatio. A cavity formed parts (seeds, bulbs, etc.) that are
by a plant in which live insects or not growing or are in suspended
mites live in a sybiosis with the development, especially during the
plant. winter or dry seasons.
domestication. domesticación. The dormany. dormania. The temporary
selective breeding and cultivation suppression of growth, frequently
of plants by humans. for survival. Of a seed, due to the
dome. cúpula. The growing point of presence of a growth inhibitor or
the receptacle of a flower. the possession of a coat imperme-
dome cell. célula cúpula. The api- able to essential external growth
cal cell of the developing antherid- material.
ium of some ferns. It divides to form dormin. dormina. See abscisic acid.
the cap and the secondary cell. dorsal. dorsal. The under surface of
dominance. dominancia. The qual- a leaf; the surface farthest from the
ity or condition of being dominant, axis; of a perianth, the back or lower
as expressed in Mendel’s Law of side; abaxial.
Dominance; also, in genetics, the dorsal wall. pared dorsal. In a guard
designation of the allele of any pair cell, the wall farthest from the sto-
of contrasting alleles that prevails, matal pore.
when both are present in the geno- dorsiferous. dorsífero. Producing clus-
type. ters of sporangia on the underside
dominant gene. gen dominante. In of a frond, as a dorsiferous fern.
diploid organisms, a gene that pro- dorsifixed. dorsifijo. Attached at the
duces the same phenotypic char- back or dorsal surface, as a
acter when its alleles are present dorsifixed anther; adnate.
in a single dose (heterozygous) per dorsiventral. dorsiventral. Leaves
nucleus as it does in a double dose with the upper (dorsal) and lower
(homozygous). (ventral) sides structurally differ-
dominant. dominante. In genetics, ent, as the juvenile leaves of the
designating as dominant one of any eucalyptis.
pair of opposite characters (or the dorsiventral symmetry. simetria
character it influences) that pre- dorsiventral. Having both bor-
vail in the germ plasma and the other ders with the same shape but the
as recessive; also, in ecology, des- top (dorsal) and bottom (ventral)
ignating the most extensive spe- different, as most leaves.
cies in a plant community. dothidiaceous. doticiaceo. Having
dormancy. latencia. letargo. A pe- the asci in cavities in the stroma.
dosage compensation 120 dry season
dosage compensation. compensación have notched teeth along the mar-
de dosificación. The cellular mech- gins; biserrate.
anisms that make up for the activ- doubling time. tiempo de duplicación.
ity of genes, which because of their The amount of time it takes a plant
location on the X chromosome, exist population to double in size, as-
in two doses in females and one suming a particular rate of growth.
in males. down. bozo. Soft, fine hair, as pu-
dotted. punctato. punteado. Covered bescence on plants and some fruits;
with small, round spots. the feathery substance on some
double. doble. Having more than one seeds that are carried by the wind.
set of sepals or petals. drepaniform. drepaniforme. Having
double fertilization. fertilización doble. the shape of a sickle; falciform.
fecundación doble. In seed plants, drepanium. drepanio. A sickle-shaped
the union of one sperm nucleus with cyme.
the egg nucleus and the other sperm drift. deriva. An irregular variation
nucleus with the polar nuclei; or, in the genotype of a population due
a type of angiosperm reproductive to random processes.
strategy in which two sperm are driodium. driodio. A dry thicket for-
involved in the fusion with other mation.
nuclei. drooping. inclinado. Hanging down.
double flower. flor doble. A flower drought. sequía. An environmental
having more than the usual number condition in which precipitation is
of petals. not adequate to maximize biological
double flowering. floración doble. The productivity.
abnormal production of flowers in drought cycle. ciclo de sequía. A tem-
the spring, and again in the autumn. porary and repetitious period of
double fusion. fusión doble. The si- reduced or low precipitation, in an
multaneous joining of a sperm and otherwise favorable environment.
egg and the union of another sperm drupaceous. drupado. Pertaining to
and polar nuclei that occurs in the or producing drupes, as drupaceous
embryo sac of flowering plants. fruit.
double-helix structure. estructura en drupe. drupa. A fruit containing a sin-
doble hélice. Consisting of two gle carpel, usually hard and one-
strands that coil around each other seeded, surrounded by soft, pulpy
to form a double spiral or helix. flesh (mesocarp), and a thin exo-
double heterozygote. heterocigoto carp.
doble. A heterozygote in respect drupelet. drupéola. A small drupe;
of two genes. one of the small drupes that make-
double recessive. recesivo doble. A up blackberries (Rubus) and rasp-
diploid homozygote for a recessive berries (Rubus).
gene. dry season. estación de sequía. A
double reduction. redución doble. regular period each year when there
Non-disjunction. is little or no precipitation; occur-
double-serrated. doble-serrado. biser- ring in tropical areas during the win-
rado. Doubly serrate; leaves that ter months, in the summer months
dry spore 121 dystrophy
in the subtropics, and in the low axial embryo that varies in size in
latitudes, twice a year. relation to the seed but ranges from
dry spore. espora seco. A spore that smaller to nearly the same size as
separates from the cell producing the seed.
it, without any slime. dwarfism. enanismo. An underdevel-
duct. conducto. A large tubular ca- oped growth condition that may
nal; a tube-like canal made from result from genetic malformation
a row of cells whose cell walls have or environmental deficiencies, as
disappeared; usually refers to the low light; nanism.
trachea. dwarf shoots (spurs). enano vástago.
dulcis. dulcis. A Latin term that means, Shoots that emerge from preformed
“sweet”. buds that have short internodal
dull (color). opaco. Not bright. intervals.
dumose. dumoso. Shrubby. dyad. diada. Occurring in groups of
duplex. duplexo. In two layers, one two, as grains of pollen; also, a
harder than the other; also, the product of disjunction of the tet-
condition of a polyploid when a rads, at the first meiotic division;
particular dominant allelomorph is one of the pairs of chromatids
represented twice. formed when a group of four spores
duplex group. grupo duplex. The or pollen grains (tetrad) split during
diploid complement of factors and meiosis.
chromosome. dygenic. digénico. Referring to any
duplicate genes. gens duplicado. factor that tends to decrease the
Genes which have an identical, but fitness of the race.
non-accumlative effect. dysphotic. disfótica. Growing in the
duplication. duplicación. The union lower depths of deep water where
of a fragment of a chromosome with there is little light, as dysphotic
a whole chromosome of the same vegetation.
sort. dystrophic. distrófico. Containing
duramen. duramen. The heartwood large amounts of humus or peat
of an exogenous tree; also, the through organic and inorganic sedi-
woody portion of a vine. mentation, as a dystrophic lake.
duration. duracíon. The period of time dystrophy. distrófia. Insects removing
a plant continues to exist. the nectar from a flower by some
dwarf. enano. A tree or plant that is abnormal method, and consequently
much below the ordinary height or not operating the pollinating mecha-
size of its kind or related species. nism.
dwarf embryo. enano embrión. An
e- 122 ecological backlash

e-. e-. A Latin prefix that means, “with- ecesis. ecesis. The adaptation of a
out” or “out of”. species to a new habitat by ger-
-eae. –eae. In plant taxonomy, the minating, growing, and reproduc-
ending or suffix used to indicate ing successfully; the third stage in
a tribe. a series of six steps in plant suc-
ear. espiga. On cereal plants, the struc- cession. See sere.
ture that bears flowers from which echinate. aguijonado. Having prickles
grains develop, as corn, wheat, and or spines, as an echinate pericarp;
barley (Poaceae); spike. prickly.
eared. See auriculate. echinulate. aguijónulado. Having a
early. precoz. variedad precoz. A covering of small prickles or spines.
variety that germinates and fruits eciliate. sin cilios. Having no cilia,
before others of the same kind. or hair-like growth which is found
earlywood (spring wood). leña tempr- on the underside of some leaves.
ano. leña de primavera. The less eco-. eco-. A prefix that means, “of
dense part of the growth ring made the environment”.
of cells with thinner walls; hav- ecocline. ecolina. A gradation from
ing a greater radial diameter and one ecosystem to another when there
shorter length than those formed is no sharp boundary between the
later in the year. two systems.
ebeneous. ebeneo. Black as ebony. ecocrine. ecocrino. See ectocrine.
ebenaceous. ebenáceo. Pertaining to ecodeme. ecodeme. A group of plants
Ebenaceae, the ebony family found in a specific, unique habitat. See
mostly in the tropics. deme.
ebracteate. ebracteado. Without ecological. ecológico. Pertaining to
bracts, as an ebracteate flower. the environment of an organ or
ecalcarate. ecalcarado. Without spurs. organism; having to do or pertaining
ecarinate. sin quilla. Without a keel. to ecology.
eccentric. excéntrico. Off-center; not ecological amplitude. amplitud ecológ-
located directly on the central axis; ico. A species tolerance range;
having a trunk not regularly shaped; those with a narrow range are of-
also, having fatty droplets lying to ten used as an ecological indica-
one side of a globular structure. tor species.
ecdysone. ecdisona. A steroid hor- ecological backlash. reacción violenta
mone occurring in some ferns ecológico. The unexpected and
(Filicopsida), conifers (Coniferae), harmful consequences of an envi-
and flowering plants; the signifi- ronmental modification (e.g.
cance and function in plants, is not hydroelectric dam construction)
clearly understood. which may outweigh the gains ex-
ecological efficiency 123 ecospecies
pected from the change. in local populations and distrib-
ecological efficiency. eficiencia uted over a large geographical area.
ecológica. A ratio, expressed as ecological succession. sucesión ecológ-
a percentage, of energy flow meas- ica. The sequential replacement
ured at different points in a food of one vegetative community by
chain. another through a series of stages
ecological energetics. energéticos ending in a climax community.
ecológico. The study of energy ecological system. sistema ecológico.
transformations within an ecosys- See ecosystem.
tem. ecologically. ecológicamente. Per-
ecological factor. factor ecológico. taining to ecology.
Anything in the environment which ecologist. ecólogo. A person who stud-
affects the growth, development, ies organisms in terms of their re-
and distribution of plants and lationships with other organisms
thereby determines the character- and with their environment; envi-
istics of the plant community. ronmentalist.
ecological genetics. genética ecológ- ecology. ecología. A subdivision of
ico. The study of genetics with a biology that studies the organic
particular emphasis on geographic diversity of life forms and their in-
or global variations. teractive relationships with each
ecological indicator. indicador ecológ- other and with their physical and
ico. A species or group of species chemical environment; the study
that indicate a particular type of of organisms in relationship to their
environment, as lichens detecting environment.
air pollution or fossils indicating ecophene. ecofeno. The range of phe-
conditions of the past. notypes produced by one genotype
ecological isolation. aislamiento (or closely related genotype) within
ecológico. The separation of groups a particular habitat; also, a group
of species as a result of changes of plants essentially, of the same
in their environment. genetic constituion, with members
ecological niche. nicho ecológico. The differing in appearance and repro-
functional position a species oc- ductive vigor, due to the influences
cupies in its environment; composed of their varying environments.
of the habitat, the periods of time ecorticate. ecorticado. Lacking a cor-
during which it is active, and the tex, expecially seaweeds.
resources available to it. ecoscience. ecociencia. See environ-
ecological pyramid. pirámide ecológ- mental science.
ico. A graphic depiction developed ecospecies. ecospecie. A category of
by Dr. Charles Elton of the trophic variant individuals capable of ge-
structure and function of an eco- netic recombination with other simi-
system; sometimes referred to as lar groups, often resulting in a re-
the Eltonian pyramid. duction in fitness or fertility; al-
ecological race. estirpe ecológico. A though interfertile, they either do
race or group of many similar vari- not cross with other ecospecies or
ants of the same species occurring produce progeny with reduced vigor.
ecosphere 124 ectostroma
Approximates the taxonomic spe- ing decomposition that effects other
cies. organisms; ecocrine.
ecosphere. ecosfera. A whole planet, ectoenzyme. ectoenzima. An enzyme
steady-state ecosystem with inter- that exists on the outside of a cell;
acting biotic and abiotic compo- exoenzyme.
nents; biosphere. ectogenesis. ecogenia. Variations due
ecosystem. ecosistema. A complete to conditions ouside the plant.
ecological system of an area, ectogenic. ectogenico. Describes the
including plants, animals, and effect of pollen on the tissue of the
environmental factors; also, an female organs of a flowering plant;
interacting group of organisms that also, bacteria living on the outside
relate to each other and their physi- of a body.
cal and chemical environment by ectomycorrhiza. ectomicorriza. A type
being self-sustaining, balanced, and of mycorrhiza where the fungal
self-perpetuating; also, an equili- hyphae do not enter the root cells,
brated biotic system formed by the but do cover the root and grow
balance of environoment influences between the root cells, especially
with interdependent organic life; in forest trees.
first used in 1935 by A.G.Tansley. ectone. ectono. A well defined tran-
See biome. sition zone between two or more
ecotone. ecotono. A transition area different plant communities.
between two communities, usually ectoparasite. ectoparásito. When re-
with characteristics of both as well ferring to a plant, a parasite which
as its own. feeds from the inside the host, but
ecotope. ecótopo. A biome and its the bulk of the plant body and re-
habitat; biogeoc(o)enosis. productive organs are outside the
ecotype. ecotipo. A genetic variant host.
of a species which has adapted to ectophlocodal. ectoflocodal. Living
a specific area within its overall on the outside of bark.
distribution, yet remains infertile ectophloic. ectoflóico. Refers to stems
with all other members of the spe- with the phloem on the outside of
cies; variant type. the xylem.
ecrustaceous. ecrustaceo. Said of li- ectophyte. ectofito. A plant parasite
chen without a well-defined thal- living on the outside parts of a host
lus. plant.
ecto-. ecto-. A Greek prefix that ectoplasm. ectoplasma. The semiclear,
means,“to,” “out of” or “on the out- somewhat rigid outer part of the
side,” as ectoenzyme. cell cytoplasm; ectosarc; exoplasm.
ectoascus. ectoasco. An outer ascus. ectosarc. ectosarc. See ectoplasm.
ectocarp. epicarpo. exocarpo. The ectospore. ectospora. A spore devel-
outer layer of the pericarp of a fruit oped on the outside of a hyphae;
or ripened ovary of a plant, as the formerly, a term for basidospore.
skin on a mango (Mangifera). ectostroma. ectostroma. The part of
ectocrine. ectocrino. Refers to a chemi- the stroma formed on the surface
cal substance that is released dur- of the bark, beneath, or within the
ectothecal 125 eglandular
periderm, commonly only fungus fluence of two bordering commu-
tissue; epistroma. nities on the types and numbers of
ectothecal. ectotecal. Of ascomycetes, plants and animals in their adjoining
not having the hymenium covered. fringes.
ectotrophic. ectótrófo. Obtaining nour- edged. marginado. bordeado. The
ishment from outside, as some fungi margin of a flower or other struc-
that live on the outside of roots. ture that may have a different color
ectotrophic infection. infeción ectótr- than the main body; bordered.
ofo. Pertaining to root-infecting edulis. edulis. A Latin term that means,
fungi growing on the surface of the “edible”.
root but sending infection hyphae efficiency index. indice de eficiencia.
into the host tissue below; also hy- The rate at which dry matter ac-
phae running between the epider- cumulates in plants.
mal cells. effigurate. efigurado. Having a defi-
ectotrophic mycorrhiza. micorriza nite shape.
ectótrofo. A mycorrhizal associa- effigurations. efiguracións. Out-
tion where the bulk of the fungus growths from the receptacle.
covers the root, with hyphae grow- efflorescence. floración. The pro-
ing into the intercellular spaces. duction of flowers; also, the pe-
ectrotropic. ectrotrófico. Curving out- riod of flowering; flowering.
ward. effuse. efuso. Spreading out loosely
edaphic. edáfico. More influenced or in an unrestrained, or indefinite
by soil composition rather than by manner, as effuse flowers.
climate, as an edaphic plant. egg. huevo. The middle of three hap-
edaphic climax. clímax edáfica. A loid cells at the micropylar end of
climax that is primarily produced the embryo sac which becomes a
by soil conditions, such as moist, zygote when fertilized; a nonmo-
dry, or acid. tile female gamete; a rudimentary
edaphic factor. factor edáfica. Any embryo.
soil factor which affects the organ- egg apparatus. aparato de ovular. Usu-
ism that grows in or on it. ally three cells in an embryo sac,
edaphology. edafología. The study one is the egg and the other two,
of plants and their relationship to synergids.
the soil. egg cell. célula de huevo. ovocélula.
edaphon. edafón. The plants and ani- óvulo. In angiosperms and gym-
mals living in a soil that affect the nosperms, the female reproductive
nitrogen content. cell that becomes a zygote after
edema. edema. A large mass of un- fertilization. See egg.
healthy parenchyma; also, an ab- egg sac. saco ovígero. A membrane
normal swelling of large areas of or covering around an egg.
tissue due to excess water; oedema. egg-shaped. obovado. obovoide. ob-
edentate. sin dientes. Without teeth. voide. A three-dimensional struc-
edge. borde. Margin, as the margin ture that has the oblong shape of
or edge of a leaf; border. a bird’s egg.
edge effect. efecto de borde. The in- eglandular. eglandular. Without
eisodal aperature 126 electrophysiology
glands. charged particle that is one of the
eisodal aperature. orificio eisodal. The three units (electrons, protons, neu-
enlargement of the stomata pore trons) that make up an atom.
nearest to the surface of the leaf. electron carrier. (trans)portador de
ejaculation. eyaculación. The forci- electrones. A chemical compound
ble expulsion of spores from a spo- that serves as an acceptor and do-
rangium, or seeds from a fruit. nor of electrons and/or protons in
ejection. eyección. See ejaculation. an electron transport system.
ektexine. ectexina. The outer layer electron transport. transporte de
of the exine of a pollen grain; usu- electrones. The carrying of an elec-
ally has projections on it. tron from one substrate to another,
elaioplast. elaioplasto. eleoplasto. involving the oxidation of one and
cuerpo oleoso. A plastid that con- the reduction of the other, e.g.
tains stored oil. HA + B = HB + A. The enzyme
elaiosome. eleosoma. An outgrowth bringing about such a transfer is
containing fats or oils from the termed an electron carrier; also, a
surface of a seed which often at- sequence of chemical activity in-
tracts ants that may aid in seed- volving the transfer of electrons
dispersal. from one energy level to another
elaminate. elaminado. Without a blade. in which the energy is made avail-
elastic growth. crecimiento elástico. able to the cell.
The part of a cell wall extension electron transport chain. cadena
that is reversible. transportadora de electrones. A
elater. eláter. One of four filaments system of electron carriers, present
curled once or twice around spores in mitochondria, which sequentially
in Equisetaceae; a spiral filament transport electrons and or protons
which is used in the dispersion of from glycolysis, the citric acid cycle,
spores, as in liverworts (Hepaticae); and other metabolic reactions; also
also, in bryophytes, an elongated, a system of electron transport in
spirally thickened cell derived from metabolic pathways, as photosyn-
the sporangenous tissue, and some- thesis; respiratory chain.
times aiding in spore-dispersal; in electron transport particle, ETP.
some Lycoperdales, a spirally thick- partícula transportadora de
ened structure in the fruit body. electrones, PTE. The morphologi-
elaterophore. elateróforo. A tissue cal site of the enzymes involved
that bears the elaters; also, a cen- in electron transport.
tral column-like mass of sterile tis- electrophoresis. electroforesis. The
sue in the spornagium of the movement of charge particles in a
Jungermanniales. stationary liquid under the influ-
electrolyte. electrolito. electrólito. ence of an electric field; the rate
A substance that ionizes in solu- varying according to the charge on
tion, i.e. conducts electricity when the particle, its size, and shape.
in solution, by the movement of electrophysiology. electrofisiología.
ions. The study of the relationship be-
electron. electrón. A negatively tween living organisms and elec-
electropism 127 embryology
tricity. emasculation. emasculación. A step
electropism. electrotropismo. The in the hybridization process that
curving of plant growth due to involves removing a plant’s
slight electrical currents. anther(s) to avoid self-pollination.
electrotaxis. eclectrotaxis. The move- Embden-Meyerhop-Parnas sequence.
ment of cells or organisms in re- secuencia de Embden Meyerhop-
sponse to electric currents. Parnas. The second phase in gly-
element. elemento. A substance com- colysis during aerobic respiration.
posed of atoms that are chemically A molecule of hexose diphosphate
alike and which cannot be sepa- is formed into two molecules of
rated in to simpler parts by any triose phosphate. Two energy-rich
known chemical means. phosphates are released. ADP is
eleutheropetalous. eleuteropetalo. converted to ATP and DPN is re-
Polypetalous. duced, with the formation of pyruvic
eligulate. sin ligula. Without a ligule; acid.
without the strap-shaped portion embracing. abrazador. abrazado.
of the perianth or a ray or ligulate Clasping or enwrapping.
corolla. embryo. embrión. The undeveloped
ellipsoid. elipsoide. A solid body or rudimentary plant developed
which is elliptic in the long sec- from an ovum sexually or asexu-
tion and circular in the cross sec- ally and, in seed plants contained
tion. within the seed.
elliptic. elíptico. With the widest axis embryo sac. saco embrional. saco
at midpoint of the structure and with embrionario. The female repro-
margins symmetrically curved, as ductive organ usually consisting of
in the leaves of the Ficus macro- the egg cell, three antipodal cells,
phylla; narrow and tapering at each two polar nuclei, and two synergids;
end. the female gametophyte of flow-
elongate. alargado. Long and nar- ering plants. The embryo sac arises
row, as certain leaves; extended; from the megaspore by successive
drawn out. mitotic divisions.
elongation. elongación. A lengthening embryogenesis. embriogénesis. The
of some parts; the growth of a cell formation and development of an
by an increase in length. embryo.
emarginate. emarginado. Lacking a embryogeny. embriogenia. The proc-
distinct margin; also, the rounded ess leading to the formation of an
lobe of a leaf or petal with a shal- embryo.
low notch at the apex; also refers embryoid. embrioide. Resembling
to a fungal gill with a notch near- an embryo, as embryoids developing
est the stipe. inside pollen grains, eventually
emasculate. emascular. To remove emerging as root and stem
the anthers from a bud or flower meristems.
before pollen is shed; a normal embryology. embriología. The branch
preliminary step in hybridization of study that deals with the for-
preventing self-pollination. mation and development of em-
embryonal 128 endemic
bryos. (Nymphaeaceae).
embryonal. embrional. Related to an empty glume. gluma estéril. Sterile
embryo. glume.
embryonic. embrionario. Pertaining emulsin. emulsina. An enzyme that
to embryos. breaks down gluosides to give a
embryonic axis. axón embrionario. sugar and an aromatic group.
The main root-shoot body of a seed- emulsion. emulsión. A collodial sus-
ling; hypocotyl. pension of one liquid in another.
embryonic tissue. tejido embrionario. enation. enación. An abnormal growth
A tissue made up of actively di- of an organ or an excrescence on
viding cells. the surface of any part of the plant;
embryoniform. embrioniforme. Shaped also, tissue flaps growing out from
like an embryo. the stem, possibly the origin of
embryophytes. embriófitas. embrió- microphylls.
fitos. Any plants that develop em- enatiostylous. enacioestilo. Refers
bryos, as mosses (Musci), ferns to a flower which has the style(s)
(Filicopsida) and flowering plants. projecting from one side.
embryostega. embriostegio. In some enchylema. enquilema. The more fluid
seeds, a cap that covers a portion constituents of the cytoplasm.
of the embryo before germination encircle. encerrar. Surround.
and pushed off by the growth of enclosed. envuelto. Surrounded.
the radicle; a disk-like callus on a encrustation. encrustación. Adcrust-
seed. ation.
emergence. emergencia. Various encystment. encistamiente. enquist-
outgrowths that come from the tis- amiento. The formation of a walled,
sue beneath the epidermis, such as non-motile body from a swimming
thorns on a rose bush (Rosa). spore.
emergence marsh. marisma de endangered species. especie amen-
emergencia. The upper zone of a azada. A living species that is in
salt marsh from the general mean danger of becoming extinct because
high water level to the mean high of small population sizes, poor re-
water level of spring tides; usu- production, reduced available habi-
ally with sharply limited periods tat, or combinations of two or more
of continuous submergence. of these factors.
emergents. emergentes. Individual endarch. endarchar. The direction
trees or group of trees that stand of differentiation of the xylem when
strikingly higher than the top of a it is cut off from the cambium to-
continuous canopy of low land wards the center of the axis. The
tropical rain forests. protoxylem develops outward to the
emersed. salir. Standing out of sur- edge nearest the center of the axis,
rounding water, as part of an aquatic as an endarch stele.
plant. endecandrous. endecandro. Having
emersed leaf. hoja emergida. An eleven stamens.
aquatic plant leaf standing out of endemic. endémico. Species that are
the water, as some water lilies native to a particular environment
endemism 129 endogenous spore
or geographic locality; not intro- it is later expelled.
duced or naturalized. Applied endocytosis. endocitosis. Cellular in-
strictly when the element has not gestion where the cell membrane
yet attained maximum area. folds inward to enclose and incor-
endemism. endemismo. A situation porate foreign substances, as bac-
where a species or whole taxonomic teria.
group is limited to a particular geo- endodermal pressure. presión endo-
graphic region due to isolation, soil dermal. Root pressure.
composition, or climate; as to the endodermis. endodermis. The cyl-
region. inder of cells surrounding the vas-
endergonic. endergónico. A chemi- cular bundle of a root. The radial
cal reaction showing a net gain in walls are thickened by the Casparian
energy, but does require an energy strip so that substances entering
input, as it is never spontaneous. or leaving the vascular bundle have
endergonic reaction. reacción enderg- to pass through the protoplasm of
ónico. A reaction that needs en- the endodermal cells; also, a layer
ergy put into the system for it to of cells delimiting the cortex from
take place. the stele.
endo-. endo-. A Greek prefix that endoenzyme. endoenzima. An enzyme
means, “within,” “inside,” or “in- that responds or exists within the
ner.” cell in which it originated; endo-
endoascus. endoasco. An inner as- cellular enzyme.
cus. endoform. endoforma. Of the Ured-
endobasidial. endobasidial. Said of inales where the teliospores are like
a lichen sporophore having a sec- the aeciospores in form.
ondary sporing branch. endogamy. endogamia. The pollination
endobasidium. endobasidio. A basid- of a flower by another flower of
ium developing inside the fruit body. the same plant; also, the union of
endobiotic. endobiótico. Growing in- two related gametes; also, the un-
side a living organism, as a para- ion of two sister gametes, both fe-
site. male.
endocarp. endocarp(i)o. In fruit, the endogelatin. endogelatina. A gelati-
inner area of the pericarp, if the nous layer on the inner wall of the
texture is different from the outer macrosporangia of some brown
layer, as with peaches (Amygdalus) seaweeds (Fucales). When wet,
or mangoes (Mangifera). it swells, forcing out the macro-
endocarpous. endocarpico. Having spores.
the mature hymenium covered over. endogenic. endógeno. See endo-
endocellular enzyme. enzima endo- genous.
celular. An enzyme which func- endogenous. endógeno. Growing from
tions within the cell in which it was within, as endogenous spores.
formed. endogenous spore. espora endogéno.
endoconidium. endoconidio. An A spore formed within a sporan-
asexual spore of fungi, formed in- gium.
side a cell or coenocyte, from which endogenous thallus. talo endogéno.
endogenous thallus 130 endoscopic
Describes a lichen thallus in which essarily as a parasite.
the alga predominates. endoplacodial. endoplacodial. Having
endogonidium. endogonidio. A gonid- the ostiolar disk developed from
ium developing inside a recepta- the endostroma.
cle. endoplasm. endoplasma. The inner
endolithic. endolitico. Growing in a part of cell cytoplasm.
stone, as the thalli of some lichens. endoplasmic reticulum. retículo endo-
endomitosis. endomitosis. Producing plásmico. A group submicro-
a polyploid by the doubling of chro- scopic, double layer membranes,
mosomes in a non-dividing nucleus; consisting of canaliculi and cister-
can be repeated many times in a nae, that permeate the cytoplasm
single nucleus. of the cell; sometimes there are mi-
endomycorrhiza. endomicorriza. A crosomal particles, usually ribo-
type of mycorrhiza where the fungus somes, associated with them and
hyphae enter the cells of roots. serve as a tubular system of the
endonuclease. endonucleasa. An en- colorless cytoplasm in the cell. This
zyme that catalyzes a break at some association is responsible for the
point within the DNA molecule. major biosynthesis to the cell.
endoparasite. endoparásitico. endos- endopleura. endopleura. The inner
ito. parásito internal. A para- seed coat of the Cycadaceae.
sitic plant or animal living in the endosmosis. endosmosis. The move-
tissues or cavities of a plant. ment of a fluid inward through a
endopeptidase. endopeptidasa. An membrane toward a solution of
enzyme that speeds the hydroly- greater concentration.
sis of proteins and peptides; in par- endorhizal. endorizal. Monocotyle-
ticular, the interior peptide bonds; donous.
proteinase. See exopeptidase. endorhizoid. endorizoide. A rhiz-
endoperidium. endoperidio. In some oid formed at the base of the seta
terrestrial fungi (Gasteromycetes), of a bryophyte and penetrating the
the inner, palisade-like layer of a gamotophyte.
double layered peridium. endosperm. endospermo. endo-
endophelloderm. endofelodermo. sperma. The nourishment or nu-
endofeloderma. endofelodermis. tritive tissue that surrounds the
Cells cut off from the inner face embryo of a seed; formed from the
of the phelloderm. fusion of a haploid sperm nucleus
endophytic mycorrhiza. micorriza with the two haploid polar nuclei
endófitico. Endotrophic mycorrh- in the ovule of angiosperms.
iza. endosaprophytism. endosaprofitismo.
endophyllous. endofilo. Pertaining The destruction of the lichen alga
to a plant member developing in by the fungus.
the shelter of a sheathing leaf; also, endosclerotium. endosclerotio. A
said of a parasite living inside a sclertotium of an endogenous spore.
leaf. endoscopic. endoscopico. Of a plant
endophyte. endófito. A plant that grows embryo, which divides transversely
inside another plant, but not nec- at the first division, the inner daugh-
endosome 131 enol form
ter cell being thebembroyonic one endotrophic. endotrófico. endótrofo.
and the outer one the suspensor, Obtaining nourishment from within,
i.e. the embryo points to the base as some fungi that live inside plant
of the archegonium. roots; also, having hyphae enter-
endosome. endosoma. Karyosome. ing the cells.
endosperm. endosperma. endospermo. endotrophic mycorrhiza. endotrófico
The nutritive material developed micorriza. A mycorrhiza in which
in the embryo sac of flowering the fungus is growing almost com-
plants from the fusion of one fe- pletely internally within the cor-
male nucleus with one or more oth- tex of the root.
ers, or with a male nucleus, or with endozoic. endozoico. Living inside an
both. animal; also, a method of seed dis-
endospermous. albuminoso. Relating persal where plant seeds are swal-
to the nourishing material that sur- lowed by an animal and voided
rounds the embryo of a seed. unharmed in the feces.
endospore. endóspora. The inner coat energid. enérgida. A volume of pro-
of some spores; also, a type of rest- toplasm which is controlled by the
ing cell that develops inside a veg- enclosed nucleus.
etative cell under some conditions energy. energia. The capacity for doing
and is quite resistant to adverse work; may be chemical, electrical,
environmental conditions; also, a mechanical, thermal, or nuclear, but
spore formed within a cell of some always a measure of the work done.
Myxophyceae and bacteria. The energy flow. flujo de energia. flujo
spore wall is not fused to the wall energético. The exchange and dis-
of the parent cell. persion of energy along the food
endostome. endóstoma. The opening chains of the ecosystem.
at the top of the inner coat of an energy of activation. activación de
ovule. energia. The energy required to
endosymbiosis. endosimbiosis. A con- render molecules capable of reac-
cept that some cellular organelles tion.
arose by the incorporation of a energy pyramid. pirámide de la
prokaryote into the cytoplasm of energia. See pyramid of energy.
a eukaryote; also, a type of sym- enfold. envolver. envolviendo. To en-
biosis where an organism lives in- wrap; to twine or coil around.
side another organism. enlarge. agrandar. To make bigger,
endothecial. endotecial. Of or per- as an area or hole.
taining to the endothecium. enlarge. dilatar. To make bigger, as
endothecium. endotecio. The inner a pore or vein.
lining of the cell or cell layer of enlarged. agrandado. Expanded or
an anther. swollen.
endotoxin. endotoxina. A compo- enlargment. dilatación. Expanded pore
nent of the walls of Gram-nega- or vein.
tive bacteria; toxic to humans and enol form. forma enol. A cyclic mol-
animals, but not released until the ecule with an –OH group on the
cell disintegrates. second carbon atom.
enolase 132 environmental science
enolase. enolasa. The enzyme catalyz- ión entomófila. Pollination through
ing the formation of phosphoe- the activities of insects.
nolpyruvic acid from 2-phos- entoparasite. entoparásito. A para-
phoglyceric acid. site inside the host.
ennea-. enneo-. A Greek prefix that entostroma. entostroma. The part of
means, “nine”. the stroma within the host which
enneaphyllus. enneofilo. Having nine is composed of fungus and host tis-
leaves. sue.
enrichment. enriquecimiento. The re- entozoic. entozoico. Living inside an
placement of trees in a forest af- animal.
ter timber extraction. entrance cone. cono entrada. See fer-
enrolled. enrollado. Wrapped up or tilization cone.
surrounded. enucleation. enucleación. The removal
ensiform. ensiforme. Having the shape of the nucleus of a cell by manipu-
of a sword, as an ensiform leaf; lation.
sword shaped; xiphoid. envelope. envoltura. Any surrounding
entangled. enmarañado. A confused or enclosing structure, as a calyx
mass of things such as branches or floral envelope.
or hair-like growths from certain environment. medio ambiente. All
vines; intertwine. the surroundings and conditions af-
entelechy. entelequia. A concept which fecting the growth and survival of
holds that evolution proceeds by various life forms.
the actualization of that which was environmental. ambiental. medio-
always potential. ambiental. Pertaining to the en-
enterotoxin. enterotoxina. A type of vironment.
poison produced by some bacte- environmental degradation. degradac-
ria which affects the function of ión ambiental. The depletion or
the intestines of animals, causing destruction of a potentially renew-
diarrhea. able resource, such as a forest, by
entine. entina. The inner layer of a using it at faster rate than it is
pollen grain shell. naturally replenished. If such a
entire. entero. Without teeth, notching, process continues, the resource
undulations, or division; a smooth, becomes nonrenewable or extinct.
undivided leaf margin. environmental insults. insulto ambien-
entire leaf. hoja entera. A leaf with tal. Any environmental factor that
an unbroken, continuous leaf mar- hinders the growth or development
gin. of an organism.
ento-. ento. A Greek prefix than means, environmental resistance. resistencia
“within”. ambiental. resistencia del amb-
entomogenous. entomógeno. Living iente. The combined biotic and
on or in insects. abiotic factors which prevent a
entomophilous. entomófilo. A group population from reaching its biotic
of flowers that depend on insects potential.
for fertilization. environmental science. ciencias
entomophily. entomofilia. polinizac- ambientales. The holistic study
environmentalist 133 epicalyx
of the interactive factors associ- taxonomically.
ated with various environments; ephemeral. efímero. A plant that under
may include the physical, biological, favorable conditions, germinates,
social, cultural, and other academic blooms, and sets seed several times
disciplines; ecoscience. a year, as with certain desert plants;
environmentalist. ecologista. A person also, temporary, as vegetation that
working to identify and solve the completes its life cycle in a short
physical and societal factors causing time.
the degradation of the air, water, ephemeral movement. movimiento
soil, plant, animal, and human con- efimero. The movement of a part
dition; See ecologist. which cannot be repeated, as the
enzymatic. enzimático. Of or pertain- opening of a bud.
ing to enzymes. epi -. epi-. A Greek prefix that means,
enzyme. enzima. A molecule, largely “upon” or “on top of”.
protein, functioning as a catalyst epiascidium. epiascidio. An abnor-
and control in cellular metabolism; mal funnel-shaped leaf with the up-
causes or accelerates chemical re- per surface of the leaf lining the
actions in other substances with- inside of the funnel; pitcher leaf.
out being changed itself. Many are epibasal cell. célula epibasal. One
linked with non-protein groups of the upper cells of the Bryophtya
(prosthetic) essential to function- or Pteridophyta embryo, which
ing, the coenzymes often of com- gives rise to the capsule and part
plex constitution. Components of of the seta, or to the stem and coty-
specific prosthetic groups are e.g. ledon.
heavy metals (iron, magnesium, epibasidium. epibasidio. A structure
manganese, zinc) and trace food that develops between the hypo-
accessories, as thiamine and ribo- basidium and the sterigmata.
favin. epibenthos. epibento. Plants and other
enzymology. enzimologia. The study organisms that live below the low-
of enzymes and the reactions they tide mark and above the 100 fathom
produce. line; also, organisms that live just
epaleate. sin pálea. Without scales. above the sea floor.
epappose. sin paposo. Without a pap- epibiont. epibionte. A non-parasitic
pus, as with certain composite flow- organism living on the surface of
ers. another, as occurs with many li-
epetiolate. epeciolado. Without a peti- chens or mosses (Musci).
ole, the stalk by which a leaf is epibioses. epibioses. Living on the
attached, as with a sessile leaf. surface of the water.
epetiolulate. epeciolulado. Without epibiotic. epibiótico. Growing on the
a petiolule, the stalk of a leaflet, surface of a living organism.
as with a sessile leaflet. epiblast. epiblasto. A small outgrowth
epharmonic convergence. convergente from a grass embryo.
de efarmonico. A likeness in ex- epicalyx. epicáliz. calículo. A whorl
ternal appearance and structure in of sepal-like appendages which
plants that are not closely related resembles but is not a true calyx.
epicarp 134 epilittoral
epicarp. epicarp(i)o. The outer skin (Phaseolus); also, of germinating
of a fruit or ripened ovary; exocarp. seeds when the cotyledons are
epicormic. epicormico. Pertaining to brought above the surface of the
a branch developing from a dor- ground.
mant bud on the trunk of a tree epigean. epigeo. Occurring on the
which becomes active as a result ground.
damage or some other environmen- epigeic. epigeico. Pertains to a plant
tal abnormality. with stolons on the surface of the
epicormic shoot. vástago epicormico. ground.
A type of shoot that grows from epigenesis. epigénesis. The develop-
dormant lateral buds on trunks ment of the embryo from the sub-
which have long and often vari- stance of the egg.
able internodal lengths or intervals; epigenetics. epigenética. The study
water shoots. of the processes by which genes
epicotyl. epicótilo. epicotilo. In the produce their phenotypic effects.
embryo, the part of the stem that epigenous. epigeno. Said of a leaf
is above the attachment point of fungus which grows on the surface.
cotyledons and below the first true epigeous. epideo. See epigeal.
leaves. epigynous. epígino. Pertaining to the
epictesis. epictesis. The ability of living stamens, petals, and sepals that
cells to accumulate salts in a higher appear to be or are growing from
concentration than that in which the top of the ovary; also, said of
they occur in the surrounding so- a flower when the receptacle en-
lution. closes the carpel(s), so then the
epidermal excrescence. epidérmico other flower parts arise above the
excrecencia. Refers to various carpel(s); also, having the antherid-
types of surface outgrowths or se- ium arising above the oogonium.
cretions on plant parts or organs. epigyny. epigínia. An arrangement
epidermal. epidérmico. Pertaining of flower parts where the ovary is
to the epidermis. embedded in the receptacle so that
epidermis. epidermis. A protective the other parts appear to come out
outer layer of cells, especially on from the top of the ovary.
the stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, epilimnion. epilimnion. The upper,
and seeds, but absent from the root warm, circulating water in a ther-
cap and on apical meristems. The mally stratified lake during the hot
outer wall may be thickened by summer months; commonly a very
the production of a cuticle and the shallow layer as compared to the
cells may be extended into hairs. hypolimnion.
epigeal. epigeo. Growing above ground; epilithic plant. planta rupestre. Plants
a type of seed germination in dicots that grow on or are attached to rocks
characterized by epigeal cotyledons and stones; rupicolous plant.
which are borne on an axis, above epilittoral zone. zona epilitoral. A
ground, and serve as true leaves; zone on the coast which is next to
epigeal germination occurs in the the zone occupied by plants which
sunflower (Asteraceae) and beans cannot withstand exposure to salt.
epilose 135 epithecium
epilose. glabro. Having no hair or fuzz. cospore formation; initially rich in
epimatium. epimatio. The ovuliferous glycogen, but later lost.
scale of conifers. epipterous. epiptero. Having a wing
epinastic. epinástico. The bending at the apex.
downward of a part or organ caused epirhizal. epirrizo. Growing on a root.
by a more rapid growth along the epirhizous. epirrizo. See epirhizal.
upper surface, as with many leaves. episepalous. episépalo. Attached to
epinasty. epinastia. Differential growth the sepals; used to describe sepals
of the upper part of a plant organ, fused to stamens or calyx.
involving auxin and ethylene; com- episodic evolution. evolución episód-
monly seen in the rapid growth of ico. The fossil record reflects in-
a petiole, causing the leaf to bend termittent extinction events fol-
downward. lowed by succeeding phases of rapid
epipelic. epipélico. Growing on mud. evolutionary change.
epipetalous. epipétalo. Stamens fused episperm. episperma. The outer por-
with petals or corolla; attached to tion of a seed coat.
the petals, as epipetalous stamens. epispore. epispora. The thick, outer
epipetric. rupicola. Living on top of coat of a fungus zygote.
rocks, as some mosses and lichens. epistasis. epistasia. epistasis. Mask-
epiphloedal. epifloedal. Growing on ing, as when one gene has a masking
the surface of bark. effect on the expression of another
epiphoedic. epifoedico. See epiphlo- nonallelic gene; the former is said
edal. to be epistatic.
epiphragm. epifragma. The membrane epistatic. epistatico. Said of a char-
stretching across the top of a moss acter which is dominant to another
capsule and is bordered by the and is not an allelomorph.
peristome teeth; also, a membrane epistroma (pl. epistromata). epistroma.
over the young fruit body of the Ectostroma.
Nidulariaceae. epistropha. epistrofa. The position-
epiphyllous. epifílo. Growing on leaves. ing in diffuse light of the chloro-
epiphysis. epifisis. A growth around plasts on the periclinal walls of the
the hilum of a seed. palisade cells.
epiphyte. epífito. Mosses (Musci) epithalline. epitalino. Growing on a
and various plants, such as orchids thallus; also, a falsely thalline
(Orchidaceae), that grow on other apothecial edge in lichens.
plants for physical support but draw epithallus. epitalo. The upper layer
nourishment from the air and rain of fungal hyphae in a lichen thal-
rather than from the host; especially lus.
common in tropical forests. epitheca. epiteca. The older outer
epiphytic. epifítico. Having the char- layer of the half-wall of diatoms
acteristics of an epiphyte. and dinoflagellates.
epiphytotic. epifítotico. A disease epithecium. epitecio. A layer of tis-
epidemic in a plant population. sue that covers the hymenium in
epiplasm. epiplasma. The residual cy- an ascocarp; also, the outer dark
toplasm left in an ascus after as- colored layer of a peridium; also,
epithelial layer 136 ergastoplasm
a thin, colored layer over the asci equatorial plane. plano ecuatorial. The
in an apothecium, particulary in li- plane midway between the two
chen, formed from the tips of the daughter nuclei of a dividing cell.
paraphyses. equatorial plate. placa ecuatorial. The
epithelial layer. estrato epitelial. A position of chromosomes in the
layer of elongated cells set end- equatorial plane during metaphase.
on to the endosperm in grass fruit, equilateral. equilátero. With halves
forming the border of the scutellum. or sides equal in shape and size;
epithelium. epitelio. A thin layer of often used when describing a par-
tissue covering structures that are ticular leaf.
protective, secretive, or perform a equilibrium. equilibrio. In population
variety of other functions. genetics, the condition when the
epithem. epitema. A group of cells forces that tend to change gene fre-
in the mesophyll of a leaf which quencies are counterbalanced so that
exude water. there is no net change in gene fre-
epithem hydathode. hidatodo epitema. quencies from one generation to
A hydathode which is directly con- the next.
nected to the vascular bundle in a equilibrium species. especie equilibrio.
leaf. A group of plants in which com-
epithet. epíteto. The second (specific) petitive ability rather than dispersal
part of the scientific name that iden- ability or reproductive rate is the
tifies species or any other division principal method for survival.
of the genus, as “cordifolia” in Vitis equinoctial. equinoccial. Having flow-
cordifolia. ers that open and close regularly
epitrophic. epitrófico. Having buds at particular hours of the day or
on the upper side; also, growing night.
more on the upper than lower side. equitant. equitante. A two-ranked ar-
epitropous. epitropo. Hanging or pen- rangement of leaves with overlap-
dulous ovule; used to describe the ping bases, usually sharply folded
position of the ovule in locule. along the midrib.
epixylous. epixilo. Growing on wood. erect. erecto. Standing upright, not
epizoic. epizoico. An external para- spreading; also, set at right angles
site. to the organ from which it arises;
equal. igual. Evenly proportioned; also, of an ovule which is upright
not lop-sided. with its stalk at the base.
equational division. división ecuac- eremium. ermio. A desert formation.
ional. A nuclear division that eremophilous. eremófilo. deserticola.
maintains the same polyploidy level Pertaining to the trees and shrubs
of the cell. of the genus Eremophila that thrive
equatorial division. división ecua- in hot dry areas.
torial. During the metaphase of ergastic substance. sustancia ergastico.
mitosis or meiosis, the division of A non-living inclusion in cells,
each chromosome into two equal e.g.crystals, starch grains, etc.
halves which are then incorporated ergastoplasm. ergastoplasma. Endo-
into separate daughter nuclei. plasmic reticulum.
ergot 137 ethnobotany
ergot. cornezuelo. A spore-produc- escape. huida. To grow wild after slip-
ing fungus, Claviceps purpurea, ping away from a cultivated field;
found on grain crops, especially also, a cultivated plant that grows
rye (Poaceae); also, the sclerotium wild.
of this fungus which replaces the esculent. esculente. Edible.
seeds of the host and contain al- essential element. elemento esencial.
kaloids which cause ergotism in A chemical nutrient that is vital
animals and humans. for the growth, development, and
ericaceous. ericáceo. Heather-like. maintenance of an organism.
ericetal. ericetal. Growing on moss. essential oils. aceites esencial. Highly
ericoid. ericoide. Having narrow, nee- volatile and aromatic oils formed
dle-like, rolled leaves, like heather. in special cells by some plants; prob-
erinose. erinoso. An abnormal devel- ably involved in the pollinator
opment of hairs, usually resulting attraction–repulsion of herbivores;
from mites, other pests, or diseases. volatile oils.
erio-. erio-. A Greek prefix that means, essential organs. órganos esencial. Sex
“woolly”. organs.
eriophorous. erióforo. Having a thick establishment. establecimiento. The
covering of cottony hairs. successful germination and growth
erose. eroso. Irregular leaf margin with of a plant, especially in a new area.
shallow teeth or lobes; appearing ester. éster. Any of a group of or-
gnawed. ganic compounds formed from the
erosion. erosión. The process of soil condensation (water removed) of
particles being worn away by wind an acid and an alcohol; fats and
or water with the effect of degrading oils of plants are esters.
the soil to a coarser, sandier, stonier estipulate. estipulado. Having no stip-
texture. ules; exstipulate.
erostrate. sin rostro. errostro. Irregular estival. estival. Refers to the sum-
leaf margin without sharp points. mer. See aestival.
erratic. errático. Of lichens not fixed estivation. estivación. See aestiva-
to the substratum. tion.
erubescens. erubescens. A Latin word estuary. estuario. A marshy area where
that means, “bluish-red”. the fresh water from a stream or
erumpent. erumpente. Bursting thr- river joins with salt water from the
ough. ocean.
erythose. eritoso. D-erythose is an ethanol. etanol. One of the end prod-
aldodextrose sugar. ucts of an alcoholic fermentation.
erythro-. eritro-. A Greek prefix that Same as ethyl alcohol.
means, “red”. ethanolamine. etanolamina. A pre-
erythrophyll. eritrofil. The red–brown- cursor of choline.
violet group of water soluble sap ethene. etene. See ethylene.
pigments, especially in flowers; ethnobotany. etnobotánica. The sci-
anthocyanin. entific study of local people’s in-
erythrulose. eritruloso. A ketose, tet- teractions with plants, including
rose sugar. their uses of plants for food, shelter,
ethnoecology 138 euglenoid
medicine, and religion; considered eubacteria. eubacterios. The true bac-
by some to be a sub-discipline of teria. They have rigid cell walls,
ethnoecology. the motile species move by flagella,
ethnoecology. etnoecología. The sci- and the cells divide by binary trans-
entific study of local people’s verse division.
interactions with their natural eucamptodromous (venation). eucam-
environment, including the sub- ptódroma (nervadura). A system
disciplines of ethnobotany, ethno- of venation where the veinlets join
zoology, ethnoentomology, and oth- after curving near the margin of
ers. the leaf.
ethyl alcohol. alcohol etílico . A eucarpic. eucarpico. Refers to a fungus
colorless, volatile liquid made by where only part of the thallus dif-
the fermentation of grain, sugar, ferentiates to form a reproductive
and other plant items; ethanol. structure; also, having both sexual
ethylene. etileno. A gaseous growth and asexual reproductive organs
hormone produced naturally by separate and functioning at the same
plants that regulates vegetative time.
growth, fruit ripening, and abscis- eucaryote. eucaryota. See eukaryote.
sion of plant parts. euchromatin. eucromatina. The ac-
etiolate. etiolado. The whitening of tive chromatin of a chromosome
plants through inadequate light. during the interphase; also, a chro-
etiolated. decolorado. Blanched; turned mosomal region that stains normally
white because of inadequate sun and thought to contain the normally
light. functioning gene; also, the part of
etiolation. etiolación. ahilamiento. the chromatin having its maximum
The abnormal whitened condition nucleic acid attachment on the
of plants or the elongation of plant mitotic spindle.
stems and small leaves that have euchromocenter. eucromocentro. A
had insufficient light. Etiolated part of a chromosome which stains
stems often lack chlorophyll. very deeply, and does not loosen
etiological. etológico. Of etiology. out to form part of the reticulum.
etiology. etiología. The study of euchromosome. eucromosoma. A typi-
causes, especially the cause of dis- cal chromosome in contrast to a
ease. sex-chromosome.
eu-. eu-. A Greek prefix that means, eucyclic. euiclico. Having the same
“true,” “real,” “good,” or “well;” number of organs in each whorl.
used especially in ecology to de- eugenic. eugenético. That which tends
note abundance, as euphotic, “light- to increase the fitness of the race.
rich”. eugeogenous. eugeógeno. Weather-
euapogamy. euapogamia. The devel- ing readily.
opment of a sporophyte from the euglena. euglena. One cell, spindle-
tissue of a gametophyte and not from shaped algae (Euglena) that are
a zygote in sexual fusion. usually green and have one
euapospory. euaposporia. The fail- flagellum.
ure to form spores. euglenoid. euglenoide. Pertaining to
eugonidium 139 eutrophication
euglena, as a euglenoid movement euploid. euploide. Having all the chro-
involving worm-like contractions. mosomes of the set present in the
eugonidium. eugonidio. A unicellu- same member; also, a cell with any
lar member of the Chlorophyceae, number of complete chromosome
forming part of the thallus of a sets; polyploid.
lichen. eupotamous. eupotamo. Living in riv-
euhymenial. euhimenial. Said of a ers and streams.
hymenium in which all the basidia eurybathic. euribático. Able to live
are formed nearly at the same time. in a wide range of water depths.
eukaryote. eucariota. Having a euryecious. euriecio. Having a wide
nucleus; a nucleus surrounded by range of habitats.
a membrane. euryhaline. eurihalino. Able to tol-
eukaryotic. eukaryotico. Multicel- erate a wide range of salinity.
lular plants, all of which have a eurythermic. euritérmico. Able to
distinct nucleus surrounded by a survive in a wide range of tempera-
membrane. tures.
eumitosis. eumitosis. A normal mi- eurytopic. eurítopo. Capable of sur-
tosis in which all the basidia are viving in a wide range of environ-
formed nearly at the same time. ments.
eumorphic. eumorfico. Well formed. eusporangiate. eusporangiado. In the
eumycetae. eumicetos. The true fungi. sporangium-type ferns, having the
There is no photosynthetic pigment spore cases produced by a group
and the food is stored as glycogen. of cells rather than by a single parent
Most have a definite cell wall con- cell.
taining cellulose and or chitin, and eustele. eustela. Denotes a siphon-
have a branching filamentous ostele with phloem only to the out-
thallaus (mycelium) consisting of side of the xylem; an arrangement
individual hyphae; also, the term where the xylem and phloem are
is sometimes used to include the not surrounded by endodermis but
ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and occur in discrete strands separated
the Fungi Imperfecti. by parenchymatous tissue.
euphotic. eufótica. Describes an upper eutrophic. eutrófico. In water, a high
layer of water that receives ad- concentration of phosphate, nitrates
equate light for photosynthesis, and other nutrients that encourages
often only a few centimeters deep. a rapid growth of algae, which de-
euphotic zone. zona eufótica. The pletes the oxygen and causes the
top layer of a sea or lake that light extinction of other plants; also, said
can penetrate, allowing photosyn- of a type of lake habitat with gen-
thesis to take place; usually up to tly sloping shores a wide belt of
about 100 meters deep. littoral vegetation.
euphotometric. eufotométrico. Said eutrophication. eutroficación. The
of a leaf which is permanently natural process of dead organisms
placed in a plane perpendicular to gradually filling a standing body
the direction of the strongest dif- of water as eutrophic (nutrient-rich)
fuse light reaching it. cycles cause rapid population in-
eutrophous 140 evolutionary lineage
creases followed by sharp declines green leaves or needles through-
due to a nutrient shortage; also, the out the year; not deciduous; never
process of becoming eutrophic. entirely leafless.
eutrophous. éutrofo. Climbing plants ever-bloomer. florece constante. A
that turn with the sun. plant that produces leaves and flow-
eutropic. eutropico. Turning with the ers for a long period of the grow-
sun, as occurs with some climb- ing season and often bears flow-
ing plants. ers and friuts at the same time.
evaginate. evaginado. Not having a ever-sporting. siempre esta mutando.
sheath. Producing frequent sports; espe-
evagination. evaginación. The proc- cially a heterozygote which seg-
ess of turning inside out or pro- regates homozygous recessives, but
truding, as occurs in the develop- not homozygous dominants in every
ment of some tubular organs; also, generation.
the release of the contents of mem- evergreen. siempreverde. de hoja
branaceous vesicles to the exterior. perenne. Bearing and losing leaves
evanescent. evanescente. Passing away continuously throughout the year.
quickly; soon disappearing, as eva- evergreen forest. bosque perennifolio.
nescent flowers. A forest where there is no com-
evaporate. evaporar. To change from plete seasonal loss or shedding of
a liquid into a vapor. leaves.
evaporation. evaporación. The process evergreen mixed forest. bosque
of changing from a liquid into a mezclado perennifolio. A forest
vapor with the rate determining the where the dominant trees are both
effectiveness on plant growth. conifers (Coniferae) and broad-
evapotranspiration. evapotranspir- leaved hardwoods.
ación. A water loss into the at- everted. evertado. Turned outward
mosphere through soil surface abruptly.
evaporation and plant transpiration; evolute. evoluto. Having the mar-
the combined water loss from both gins rolled outward.
leaf surfaces and from the soil sur- evolution. evolución. The process
face. of gradual change from simpler,
even. liso. uniforme. Not irregular; earlier forms of life by the modi-
equally balanced; uniform or fication of characteristics of suc-
smooth surface. cessive generations to more com-
evenly. uniformemente. Having a plicated life forms.
smooth, uniform surface. evolutionary determinism. determin-
even-pinnate. paripinnado. A com- ismo evolutivo. The change in gene
pound leaf arrangement with the frequencies by directed processes,
leaflets equally located on both sides in contrast with random change.
of a common axis, and a terminal evolutionary lineage. linaje evolutivo.
pair of leaflets or a tendril rather líea evolutiva. The line of descent
than a single terminal leaflet. of an organism from its ancestral
evergreen. perennifolio. siempre- taxon; includes the species to the
verde. sempervirente. Having genus, genus to the family, family
evolutionary rate 141 exclusion principle
to the order, and continuing. ber.
evolutionary rate. velocidad de evoluc- excelsus. excelsus. A Latin term that
ión. The amount of evolutionary means “lofty”.
change that occurs in a given pe- excentric. excéntrico. Eccentric; also,
riod of time; various time or number of a pileus in which the stipe is
units are used in the process, in- not central.
cluding biological, chronological, exchange capacity. capacidad de
and geological units. cambio. The total ionic charge of
evolutionary species. especie evolut- the adsorption complex active in
iva. According to the idea of evo- the adsorption of ions. Also referred
lution contained in the theory of to as anion exchange capacity,
phyletic gradualism, a new organ- cation exchange capacity, and base
ism is descended from its ances- exchange capacity.
tor by a process of slow, steady evo- exchange pairing. intercambio de
lutionary change; the descended apareamiento. A pairing of ho-
organism might not necessary be mologous chromosomes which al-
classed as a member of the same lows genetic cross-over to occur.
species as its ancestor, in which exciple. excípulo. A true exiple is
case it is classified as a new spe- produced as a rim of apothecial tis-
cies, an evolutionary species; sue from a lichen and does not con-
chronospecies. tain algal cells. A false exciple is
evolutionary trend. tendencia evol- produced by the thallus around the
utiva. A steady change in a par- apothecium and does contain algals
ticular adaptive direction, as the cells; also, the outer layer of the
height of an organism. wall of an apothecium or perith-
evolvate. evolvado. Lacking a volva. ecium.
evolve. evolucionar. To undergo evo- excipulum. excípulo. In lichens, a cup-
lution. shaped layer of partially enclos-
ex-. ex-. Prefix that means, “without”. ing sterile tissue that contains the
exaggeration. exageración. The ex- hymenium; also, the outer layer of
pression of a hypomorphic gene the wall of an apothecium or
placed opposite a deficiency. perithecium; exciple
exalbuminous. exalbuminoso. Without excipuliform. excipuliforme. Cup-
albumen; lacking endosperm. shaped.
exannulate. exanillo. Lacking an excitation. excitación. The action of
annulus. a stimulus on a plant or plant or-
exarch. exarch. Having protoxylem gan.
tissue developing toward the center, exclusion principle. principio de
as exarch vascular tissue. exclusión. A view that two spe-
exarillate. sin arilo. Without an aril. cies cannot coexist in the same
exasperate. exasperado. Covered with locality if they have identical eco-
short, stiff points; rough surface logical requirements; also, that no
with sharp, projecting points. two electrons or subatomic parti-
exceed. rebasar. sobrepasar. To cles in an atom can occupy the same
project beyond a neigboring mem- energy level or have the same set
exclusive species 142 exogamy
of quantum numbers. dency to exfoliate.
exclusive species. especie exclusivo. exindusiated. exindusiado. Without
A species confined or almost com- an indusium, as some ferns (Fili-
pletely confined to a particular com- copsida).
munity; in phytosociology the op- exine. exina. The outer layer of a
timum fidelity class 5. two-layered spore wall; also, the
excrescence. excrecencia. An out- decay resistant, exterior coat on a
growth or disfiguring addition oc- pollen or spore grain; extine.
curring on plant parts or organs. exit tube. tubo de salida. A small
See upgrowth. outgrowth occurring in some Phy-
excrescent. excrescente. Forming an comycetes, which functions to in-
abnormal addition. vade the host cell; also, an out-
excrete. excretar. To element waste growth from a zoosporangium
substances from the cells. through which the zoospores es-
excretion. excreción. A substance ex- cape.
uded or discharged from a plant; exo-. exo-. A Latin prefix that means,
also, the removal of the wastes of “outer”; also, a Greek prefix that
metabolism, often insoluble salts means, “without”.
in the cells. exobasidial. exobasidial. Having the
excurrent. excurrente. The midrib basidia uncovered; also, separated
projecting beyond the tip, as in some by a wall from the basidium; also,
leaves; having an undivided main of a lichen sporophore having no
stem, as with fir (Pinaceae) trees; secondary sporing branch.
in some leaves, the base extend- exobiology. exobiología. The sci-
ing down the stem further than is entific study of the possibility of
typical. life on other planets.
excurved. excurvado. Curving out- exocarp. exocarp(i)o. The external
ward from the stem. layer of the pericarp of a ripened
exendospermous. exendospermo. Per- fruit; epicarp.
tains to a seed that lacks endosperm. exochite. exoquito. The firm outer wall
exergonic. exergónico. A chemical of the macrosporangium of the
reaction that produces a net loss Fucales.
in energy and occurs spontaneously. exocrine. exocrina. See ectocrine.
exergonic reaction. reacción exert- exocytosis. exocitósis. A secretion
ónico. A chemical reaction which discharge process by which a vacu-
releases energy. ole fuses with the plasma to dis-
exfoliate. exfoliar. To peel off in layers, charge its contents outside the cell.
as tree bark that cracks and splits exodermis. exodermis. The outer layer
off in large sheets; also, to remove of the cortex in roots, immediately
of leaves. under the epidermis; corresponds
exfoliation. exfoliación. The proc- to the hypodermis in stems.
ess of tree bark splitting off from exoenzyme. exoenzima. An enzyme
the trunk in large sheets, flakes, that is discharged outside the cell;
layers, or scales. ectoenzyme
exfoliative. exfoliativo. Having a ten- exogamy. exogamia. The joining of
exogenous 143 expressivity
two gametes of different descent; guity with the gametophyte.
out-breeding. exosmosis. exosmosis. The move-
exogenous. exógeno. Produced from ment of a fluid through a membrane
the outside, as a type of stem that toward a solution of lower concen-
grows by adding layers of wood tration.
on the outside under the bark, as exospore. exóspora. The outer coat
exogenous stems of gymnosperms of a spore in some plants, espe-
and dicotyledons. cially an asexual spore formed by
exogenous spore. espora exógeno. A abstriction; exine.
spore formed at the end of a hy- exosporium. exosporio. The outer
pha, not inside a sporangium. layer of a spore wall.
exogenous thallus. talo exógeno. The exothecium. exotecio. The outer layer
thallus of a lichen in which the in the wall of a moss capsule; also,
fungus is dominant. the outer layer of the micro- spo-
exogynous. exogino. Having the style rangium of the gymnosperms.
projecting beyond the corolla. exotic. exótico. aloctono. A plant
exolete. exoleto. Of a fungus fruit that is not native; also, an intro-
body when it is long over-mature duced species that has not been
but has nothing inside it. completely naturalized.
exon. exón. The “sense” segments exotoxin. exotoxina. Any poison se-
of mRNA that contain the genetic creted by a living organism, espe-
message for producing a particu- cially by bacteria.
lar protein. expanded. expandirse. Enlarged; also,
exonuclease. exonucleasa. An en- flattened out and becoming less
zyme that attacks the free ends of concave as growth proceeds.
the nucleotide sequence of DNA explant. explanta. Living tissue re-
or RNA, breaking up the sequence. moved from a body and placed in
exopeptidase. exopeptidasa. An en- an artificial medium for tissue cul-
zyme that speeds the hydrolysis of ture.
proteins and peptides, particularly exponential growth. crecimiento
those adjacent to a free amino or exponencial. Growth in which
carboxyl group. See endopeptidase. some quantity, such as population
exoperdium. exoperidio. In some size or pollution, increases by a
Gasteromycetes, the outer layer of fixed percentage of the whole in
the peridium. a given time period; providing a
exophelloderm. exofelodermo. exo- plotted curved J shape.
feloderma. Phelloderm cells cut exponential growth equation. crecim-
off on the outside of the phellogen. iento exponencial ecuación. A
exoplasm. exoplasma. See ectoplasm. compound interest equation which
exoscopic. exoscopico. Of a plant assumes that the absolute rate of
embryo when the first division is growth of an organism or popula-
at right angles to the archegonial tion is dependent on the original
neck; the apex of the embryo grow- size, or number, and that the rela-
ing towards the archegonial neck tive growth rate is constant.
and the basal region is in conti- expressivity (gene). expresión (gen).
exserted 144 eye-spot
The degree a particular genotype Occurring outside the chromo-
is expressed in the phenotype. somes, as extrachromosomal influ-
exserted. exserto. Projecting beyond ences.
another part, as stamens exserted extrafloral nectary. nectario extraf-
or extending from a corolla. loral. A nectary that is found in
exsiccatus. exsiccatus. A dried plant, some place other than the flower.
especially one in a herbarium. extramatrical. extramatrical. Said
exstipulate. exestipulado. Having no of a fungus which as the greataer
stipules. part of the thallus, expecially the
extant. existente. Having living mem- reproductive bodies, outside the
bers, as a particular species. Op- host, or on the surface of the sub-
posite of extinct. strate.
extended. extendido. Protruding or extranuclear. extranuclear. Located
projecting outward. or occurring outside the cell nu-
extension factor. factor extensión. cleus, as extranuclear determinants.
Genes which incrase the express- extratropical. extratropical. Origi-
ivity of other genes. nating outside the tropics, as an
external plasma membrane. externo extratropical species.
membrana plasmática. Ectoplasm. extrorse. extroso. Facing or turned
extinct. extinto. desaparecido. De- outward; away from the axis.
scribes a species or other taxonomic exudate. exudado. A liquid substance
group that is no longer living; dead. discharged or excreted from a plant
extinction. extinción. desparición. or certain tree barks; resin.
The permanent removal of all in- exudation. exudación. The discharging
dividuals of a species from earth. of liquid or sap from special pores
extine. extina. The outer coat of a on the plant.
pollen grain; exine. exude. exudar. To discharge a sub-
extra-. extra-. A Latin prefix that stance, as exude resin.
means, “outside” or “beyond”. eye (bud). ojo (yema) The bud or
extra-axillary. extra-axilar. Said of shoot of a tuber or plant.
a bud which is formed in other than eye-spot. mancha ocular. A light sen-
in the axil of a leaf. sitive patch of orange or red
extracellular. extracelular. Located carotenoids in some unicellular and
or taking place outside a cell, as green algae; also, a fungal disease
extracellular fluid. of cereal plants; sometimes called
extrachromosomal. extracromosoma. stigma.
F 145 fairy ring

F. F. A class of flowers pollinated facultative anaerobes. anaerobio

by butterflies and moths. facultativo. Microorganisms ca-
F1. F1. First filial generation; the pable of switching pathways of res-
progeny of a cross between two piration, depending on the pres-
parent plants. ence or absence of oxygen.
F2. F2. Second filial generation; the facultative gamete. gameto facultativo.
progeny of F plant family; a clas- A zoospore that can function as a
sification category between an order gamete.
and a genus. facultative parasite. parásito facult-
faboid. faboide. Bean-like. ativo. A saprophyte which may
face. superior. arriba. The upper become a parasite under certain con-
surface of an organ that has two ditions.
distinct sides. facultative saprophyte. saprófito
facet. faceta. On some seeds, there facultativo. A parasite which can
are surfaces, like a gem that has live as a saprophyte.
been cut with many facets or sur- FAD. FAD. See flavin adenine di-
faces. nucleotide.
facies. facies. The appearance or com- faded. descolarido. Discolored, as
position of a population, species, faded flower blooms.
or other grouping. faded. mustio. marchito. Withered
facilitated diffusion. difusión facil- or shriveled.
itado. The movement of solutes fading. decoloración. The discoloring
across a plasma membrane in the of flowers or leaves.
direction that diffusion would take fading. marchitado. Wilting, drying
them, but with the passive assist- or shriveling, as fading leaves or
ance of carrier proteins. flowers.
factor. factor. That which is respon- Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit. Of or based
sible for the independent inherit- on a temperature measuring scale
ance of a Mendelian difference. in which 32º marks the freezing
See gene. point of water and 212º marks the
facultative. facultativo. A plant with boiling point of water at standard
the capacity to survive under a va- atmospheric pressure.
riety of conditions, such as a sapro- faint. tenue. A subdued or pale color.
phyte which can also act as a para- fairy ring. anillo de hada. A circle
site; referred to as a facultative para- of dark green grass in which mush-
site; a plant that can respire un- rooms are found. The circle is
der aerobic and anaerobic condi- formed by a radial expansion of a
tions. fungus through the soil;often the
faithful species 146 farinaceous
Marasmius oreade (Tricholom- and not a wall between one carpel
ataceae). and the next.
faithful species. especie fiel. I n false fruit. fruto falso. A fruit formed
phytosociology, a species confined, from other parts of the flower as
or almost confined to an associa- well as the gynecium; pseudo-
tion with certain other community carp.
types. false germination. germinación falso.
falcate. falcado. Having the curved An appearnace of germination by
shape of a sickle or scimitar, or the a dead seed, due to the swelling
beak of a falcon; seculate. of the embryo, as it takes up wa-
falcato-secund. falcado-secundo. ter.
Curved to one side. false hybrid. híbrido falso. A plant
falciform. falciforme. Having the developing after cross-fertilization
curved form or shape of a sickle. but having the characteristic of only
fall. otoño. Autumn; the season be- one parent.
tween summer and winter. false indusium. indusio falsa. A folded
fall. tépalo. The outer perigone leaf. leaf margin protecting the sorus
falls. brácteas espatiformes. The se- rather than a tissue flap.
pals of an Iris (Iridaceae). false septate. septado falsa. A false
fallow. en barbecho. Crop land left septum, division or partition.
idle for one or more seasons. false septum. septo falso. A false
false. falso. Inaccurate, usually be- septum, wall or partition.
cause of its resemblance to another false tissue. tejido falso. Pseudoparen-
part or species. chyma.
false annual ring. anillo anual falso. false vein. nervadura espuria. Small
A second ring of xylem formed in vein-like areas of thick walled cells
one season following an abnormal in the leaves of some lower vas-
defoliation, commonly caused by cular plants.
insects. false whorl. verticilo falsa. See
false axis. eje falso. A monochasium verticillaster.
which looks like one axis, but is family. familia. A subdivision in plant
really a number of successive lat- taxonomy composed of one or more
eral branches in a line;sympodium. related genera, ranking above a
false berry. baya falso. A fleshy fruit genus and below an order. The
which looks like a berry, but has names of botanical families usu-
some of the flesh derived from the ally end in –aceae.
receptacle. fan-shape. forma de abanico. Hav-
false dichotomy. dicotomia falso. ing the shape of an open, hand-held
Branching in which two lateral folding fan; triangular with the
branches arise on opposite sides upper side concave; flabelliform.
of the main axis and overtop it. farctate. farctado. Having the center
false dissepiment. disepimento falso. softer than the outer layer; stuffed.
A wall which divides the loculus farinaceous. farinoso. Mealy or starchy
of an ovary into two compartments, in texture or odor; also, of an
but is an ingrowth of the carpel wall, endosperm that is starchy.
farinose 147 feedback regulation
farinose. farinoso. Covered with a hydrogen, and oxygen, but no
mealy powder; powdery in appear- nitrogen; chiefly glycerides, and
ance or texture. compound esters of several acids.
farinous. farinoso. Covered with a Plants such as corn (Poaceae),
white, mealy substance, as on the olives (Oleaceae), cotton Malvac-
leaves of certain popular trees. eae, and walnuts (Juglandaceae)
fasciated. fasciado. fasciada. Un- change carbohydrates into fats and
naturally compressed into a bun- store them in seeds.
dle, with the coalesced stems mal- fatiscent. fatiscente. Cracking and
formed and flattened like a ribbon, falling apart.
often proliferating in number and fatty acids. ácido graso. Any of a
size, as the inflorescence of Celosia. long unbranched hydrocarbon with
fasciation. fasciación. Coming together little or no oxygen, terminating in
to form a bundle; the condition of an acid (—COOH) group, such as
being fasciated; often the result of palmitic acid; the basic unit in the
a bacterial infection. formation of fats and lipids.
fascicle. fascículo. A tight bundle, faveolate. faveolado. panal. Hon-
tuft, or cluster of fibers, flowers eycomb in appearance; alveolate.
or leaves, but especially needles Fe. Fe. The chemical symbol for iron.
borne on a small, short shoot in feathery. como pluma. plumoso. Cov-
the axil of a primary leaf, as in the ered with long, branched hair.
Pinus; also, a set of fibers bound fecund. fecundo. Able to produce
closely together, as a vascular bun- off-springs or vegetable growth; fer-
dle. tile.
fascicular cambium. cámbium fascic- fecundate. fecundar. To impregnate,
ular. The section of the cambium as pollen fucundates the stigma;
that occurs within the vascular bun- fertilize.
dle. fecundation. fecundacíon. The process
fasciculate. fasciculado. fasciculada. of pollination.
A tuft or cluster with the members fecundity. fecundidad. See fertility.
coming from a common point, as feedback inhibition. inhibición por
fasciculate leaves. retroacción. retroinhibición. A
fasciculate basidium. basidio fascic- cellular control device where an
ulado. One of a group of basidia. increase in a substance or activity
fastigiate. fastigiado. fastigiada. Hav- obstructs the very process leading
ing branches that are erect and par- to the increase.
allel, as on certain popular (Pop- feedback loop. bucle de regulación.
ulus) trees; also, tapering to a nar- circuito de regulación. A circuit
row point, as a pyramid. of sensing, evaluating, and respond-
fastigate cortex. córtex fastigiado. ing to changes in environmental
Of lichen composed of parallel conditions resulting from informa-
hyphae at right angles to the axis tion fed back into the system.
of the thallus. feedback regulation. regulación por
fat. grasa. Any of a class of organic retroacción. regulación retro-
compounds containing carbon, activo. The self-control placed on
feeder root 148 fertility
the activity or amount of one or Having window-like holes, or see-
more enzymes by the product of a through tissue, as in leaves or other
metabolic pathway; usually inhibi- parts; also, of spores, muriform.
tory. ferment. fermentar. To make a gradual
feeder root. raíz nutrífera. A thin- chemical change in which yeast,
walled, hair-like tube that absorbs aided by enzymes, change sugar into
from the soil, water and minerals; alcohol and produce carbon diox-
root hair. ide; also, a chemical change caused
Fehling’s Solution. solución de by a ferment.
Fehling. Fehling’s A contains 34- fermentation. fermentación. A form
66 grams of copper sulphate crys- of respiration carried on by yeast
tals, dissolved in 500 ml. of wa- cells with a partial breakdown of
ter, and Fehling’s B, 173 grams of glucose, in the absence of oxygen,
potassium sodium tartrate, and 50 yielding ethyl alcohol, carbon di-
grams of sodium hydroxide dis- oxide, and a release of energy;
solved in 500 ml. of water. They anaerobic respiration.
are used in equal parts, and give a fern. helecho. Seedless plants with
red-orange precipitate when boiled alternate, compound leaves, a
with a reducing sugar. This is due branching system of veins and spor-
to the reduction of the cupric ions angia borne on the bottom of leaves
to cuprous. in clusters (sori); also, any plant
Fehling’s Test. Prueba Fehling. A belonging to the class of plants
test for the presence of reducing Filices.
sugars and aldehydes in solution, fern-like. filiciforme. Having the ap-
using freshly boiled Fehling’s pearance of a fern (Filicopsida).
Solution. See filicicoid.
fell. páramo. An area of low-lying -ferous. -fero. A suffix that means,
vegetation on a mountainside. “producing”, “containing”, or “con-
felted. afelpado. Pannose; closely veying”.
matted with intertwined hairs or a ferrodoxin. ferrodoxina. A protein
felt-like texture or appearance. that functions as an electron car-
female flower. flora hembra. A flower rier in both photosynthesis and ni-
that has pistils but no pollen-bearing trogen fixation.
stamens. ferruginous. ferrugineo. Reddish-
female. hembra. pistilada. Desig- brown color; having the color of
nating the sex opposite to male; iron rust.
having a pistil but no stamens; the fertile. fértil. Able to produce fruit,
reproductive part containing large seeds, spores, or pollen; also, a
gametes; any part that can produce perfect pistil, as a perfect flower
fruit after being fertilized. (does not refer to the presence or
fen. turbera. A marshy area or bog absence in grasses).
of wet peat, typically alkaline but fertile hypha. hifa fértil. Conidi-
occasionally neutral or slightly ophore.
acidic; swamp. fertility. fertilidad. The condition
fenestrate. fenestrado. fenestrada. of being fertile; productiveness;
fertilization 149 -fid
also, the soil condition relative to which many organic and some in-
the elements necessary for plant organic materials are composed.
growth. fiber tracheid(e). traqueida fibriforme.
fertilization. fertilización. The process An elongated cell in wood which
of fertilizing by the union of two has thicker walls and fewer pits than
haploid gametes, male (sperm) and a tracheid, but thinner and fewer
female (egg), to form a new dip- than a fiber.
loid zygote capable of developing fibril. fibrilla. One of the hairs on a
into a new plant; also, an applica- root; a root hair; also, a small fiber
tion to soil of plant nutrients, such or fiber-like structure.
as nitrogen, phosphoric acid, pot- fibrillar. fibrilar. Pertaining to or like
ash, and others. a fibril.
fertilization cone. cono de fertilizac- fibrillose. fibriloso. Having fine,
ión. A conical protrusion formed thread-like root hairs.
by the protoplasm of an egg cell fibrous. fibroso. Made of fibers or
at the point of entrance of the sperm organic, thread-like material, com-
in fertilization; entrance cone. monly used to describe a branch-
fertilization membrane. membrana de ing root system.
fecundación. The membrane that fibrous cortex. cótex fibrosa. Of li-
surrounds the female gamete and chens, having a cortex composed
prevents the entry of additional male of hyphae lying parallel with the
gametes after fertilization has oc- longitudinal axis of the thallus.
curred. fibrous layer. estrato fibrosa. A layer
fertilization tube. tubo de copulación. of cells found in the wall of an
Conjugation tube. anther. The cell walls are thickened
fertilize. fecundar. To pollinate or irregularly by bands of material,
to produce the fusion of male and which set-up uneven strains, causing
female gametes; also, to add soil it to rupture.
nutrients. fibrous protein. proteína fibrosa. A
fertilizer. fertilizante. abono. Any type of protein molecule that com-
organic or inorganic material of poses the structural cells found in
natural or synthetic origin added the cortex, phloem, and xylem.
to a soil to supply nutrients essential fibrous root. raíz fibrosa. A sys-
to the growth of plants. tem of mat-like roots with many
fetid. fétido. hediondo. Having a slender, thread-sized fibers, but with
disagreeable odor. no tap root, as in grasses (Poaceae).
feulgen stain. tintura feulgen. A stain See filamentous.
which stains DNA purple, e.g. chro- fibrovascular bundle. haz fibro- vas-
mosomes. cular. hacecillo fibrovascular.
fiber. fibra. Woody, thread-like cells A vascular bundle surrounded by
in the bast or sclerenchyma; the long fibers, as a leaf vein.
part of an edible plant that resists fibrovascular. fibrovascular. Com-
human digestive enzymes; also, a posed of woody fibers and ducts.
thin, thread-like root; any of the -fid. –fido. A suffix meaning “sepa-
long, fine, thread-like pieces of rated into” or “split”, as palmatifid.
field capacity 150 fire climax
field capacity. capacidad de campo. having equal growth on either side
The soil water storage capacity; of the line of innoculation
also, the saturated soil profile af- filipendulous. filipéndulo. Tuberous
ter gravitational percolation stops swellings developed in the middle
flowing. of small, thread-like radicels
field layer. estrato herbáceo. The (rootlets).
herb and small shrub layer com- filoplasmodium. filoplasmodio. A net-
posing the plant community; her- like pseudoplasmodium.
baceous layer. fimbria(e). fimbrias. A fringe or
field. campo. A space used for the fringed border.
cultivation of plants. fimbriate. fimbriado. A fringed border,
fil-. fil-. A Latin prefix that means, usually fringed with hair, or hair-
“thread-like”. like growths, as fimbriate leaf mar-
filament. filamento. The stalk-like gins, stigma or styles.
structure of a stamen that supports fimbricolous. fimbricolo. Growing on
the anther; also, any very slender, or in dung.
thread-like part; also, one of the fimbriolate. fimbriolado. Minutely
strands of protein, grouped accord- fimbriate.
ing to diameter, found in many cells; fimetarious. fimetario. Growing in or
also, a chain of cells set end-to- on dung.
end; also, in the Cyanophyta, a fimicolous. fimícolo. Fimbricolous.
trichome(s) and its enclosing sheath. finite resources. recursos finito. Re-
filamentoid. filamentoide. Resem- sources that are limited; not bound-
bling a filament. less; a resource that has a small
filamentose. filamentoso. Leaves with concentration or is formed at a rate
coarse marginal fibers or threads. much slower than the rate of con-
filamentous. filamentoso. Having sumption, becoming for practical
long, tubular or thread-like struc- purposes, a non-renewable resource.
tures, as filamentous alga. fir. abeto. The general name of a number
filar. filar. Of or pertaining to a thread- of trees included in the genus Abies,
like structure. which are similar to pine (Pinus),
filial generation. generación filial. An but differ in that their leaves grow
off-spring generation of a hybrid. singly on the stem and their cone
filicicoid. filicicoide. Propagating, as scales are round, smooth, and thin.
a fern (Filicopsida). fire blight. encendido bacteriano.
filiciform. filiciforme.Having the shape fuego bacteriano. tizón de fuego.
of a fern (Filicopsida); fern-shaped. A disease which affects many spe-
filiferous. filifero. Having coarse mar- cies of the Rosaceae family, es-
ginal fibers or filament-like growths, pecially apple, pear, and hawthorn,
as filiferous leaves. giving them the appearance of hav-
filiform. filiforme. Thread-like; having ing been scorched by fire. The
the shape of a filament, slender and causal carrier is the bacterium
of equal thickness from the top to Erwinia amylovora.
the bottom, as a filiform pedun- fire climax. fuego clímax. A climax
cle; also, of bacterial stab-culture, community for which fire is the
fire ecology 151 flagellum
controlling factor, as in pine for- ter or attribute of a plant or plant
ests and grasslands. part.
fire ecology. ecología de fuego. The fixed light position. posición fijo de
study of the environmental effects luce. The position of a fully de-
of fire. veloped leaf in respect of the
fissile. fisible. Split or tending to split. direcion of the strongest diffuse
fission. fisión. A type of asexual re- light that reaches it.
production that occurs in some flabellate. flabelado. Shaped like a
unicellular organisms in which the fan; fan-shaped.
parent cell divides to form two or flabelliform. flabeliforme. Having
more similar daughter cells; repro- the shape of a fan; fan-shaped;
duction by the splitting of the nu- rhipidate.
cleus and cytoplasm into equal parts. flabellinerved. flabelinervio. Having
fissiparous. fisíparo. Spliting. nerves branching from a base in a
fissure. fisura. A deep groove. fan-like or flabellate manner, as in
fissured bark. corteza fisurada. Bark a leaf or petal.
that is cracked or split. flaccid. fláccido. Limp, without ri-
fistular. fistuloso. Hollow, like a pipe, gidity, as a cell or tissue with less
and herbaceous. than full turgor pressure; wilted.
fistulose. fistulo. See fistulous. flaccidity. flacidez. Limpness.
fistulous. fistuloso. Having a part which flagella. flagela. Elongated append-
is tubular or like a hollow cylin- ages of certain cells used in mov-
der, as a culm without a pith. ing through the environment; longer
fitness. eficacia reproductora. fit- and fewer than cilia. Plural of
ness. The balance of genetic ad- flagellum.
vantages and disadvantages that de- flagellar movement. movimiento
termine a genotypes capacity to flagelar. A locomotion or feeding
survive in an environment; adap- process requiring energy from res-
tive value. piration, similar to muscle contrac-
fixation. fijación. The process in soil tion.
by which chemical elements, which flagellar. flagelar. Pertaining to flagella.
are essential for plant growth, con- flagellate. flagelado. Having long slen-
vert from a soluble form to a much der runners; also, algae having one
less soluble form; also, the treat- or more whip-like parts used for
ment of a specimen with a reagent movement or obtaining food.
which will fix its structure and flagelliform. flageliforme. Having the
appearance in a life-like condition. shape or form of a whip, long, thin,
fixation of nitrogen. nitrógeno de and flexible.
fijación. The formation of nitrog- flagellum. flagelo. A long, thin, whip-
enous compounds from gaseous like runner growing from a plant;
nitrogen by soil bacteria. in algae, serving as a means of lo-
fixative. fixativo. A reagent which comotion in finding food; also, a
will bring about fixation. runner of a plant; in some liverworts
fixed. fijo. In taxonomy, refers to (Hepaticae), a runner-like stem with
the seemingly invariable charac- small leaves.
flange 152 flexuous hypha
flange. reborde. Projecting outward, chiefly as coloring agents in flowers
as a rim or edge. and fruits, which attract pollinators
flanged. realzado. Having a flange or and are useful in chemical identi-
projecting rim. fication processes; possibly con-
flask-shaped. lageniforme. Having the tained in petals that reflect ultra-
shape of a Florentine vase or a violet patterns.
narrow-necked bottle. flavoprotein. flavoproteina. fermento
flat. aplandado. Having an even sur- amarillo. Compounds involved in
face, without risings or indenta- electron transfer and associated with
tions, usually horizontal. the cytochromes; also, conjugated
flavescent. flavescente. Becoming proteins in which the prosthetic
yellow or yellowish; also, having group is riboflavin-phosphoric acid,
yellow or yellow-green spots mixed or a compound of this with another
with the normal surface green. nucleotide. They function as hy-
flavi-. flavi-. A Latin prefix that means, drogen carriers in oxidation; yel-
“yellowish”. low enzyme.
flavidulous. flavescente. amarillo flavus. flavus. Latin for “yellow”.
pálido. Having a diseased condi- flesh. pulpa. The soft, juicy, edible
tion that causes the green parts of part of fruits.
plants to turn yellow. fleshy. carnoso. pulpejo. The soft,
flavins. flavinas. Mono- or dinucleo- sometimes juicy, pulpy part of
tides which occur as components leaves, stems, or fruits.
of reductases; also, a generic name fleshy disseminule. diseminula carn-
for a group of light-sensitive pig- oso. A seed or fruit consisting of
ments that influence the action of a large amount of fleshy material
phytochrome and phototropism. fleshy fruit. fruto carnoso. Any fruit
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). formed from an ovary that has pulpy
flavin-adenin-dinueleótido (FAD). (not dried) walls at maturity; also,
A coenzyme of the vitamin ribo- fruits that include fleshy parts of
flavin, which is involved in de- the perianth, floral tube, or the re-
hydrogenation reaction interposed ceptacle.
by flavoproteins; an important in- fleshy root. raíz suculenta. Succu-
termediate in oxidative phospho- lent roots.
rylation. flexicaulis. flexicaule. A pliant, easily
flavin mononucleotide (FMN). fla- shaped stem.
vin-mononucleótido (FMN). In flexuous. flexuoso. Alternately bent
aerobic respiration, an electron ac- in opposite directions; waving,
ceptor in the electron transport bending, or winding from joint to
scheme. joint or flower to flower, as a
flavone. flavona. A colorless, crys- flexuous stem.
talline compound found in many flexuous hypha. hifa flexuoso. Of
plants and produced synthetically; the Uredinales. A branched or
used in dye production. unbranched hypha growing from
flavonoid. flavonoide. A group of a pycnidium which may be
organic plant compounds, found diplodized by a pycnidium of the
floating 153 floral province
opposite sex. perianth of a flower; a collective
floating. flotante. Located on the sur- term for the sepals and petals; the
face of the water; also, used to de- calyx and corolla, or perianth.
scribed the placement of organs of floral formula. fórmula floral. A sum-
certain plants; also, of structural mary of the characteristics of a
or gene changes for which a mat- flower. K= calyx, C= corolla, A =
ing group is not uniform; also, of andrecium, G = gynecium (carpels).
a tissue in water-dispersed fruits The number following represents
and seeds that contains air and is the number parts. ( ) means that
not easily waterlogged. the parts are fused, e.g. C (5) means
floccose. flocoso. Patches or tufts 5 fused petals. M indicates 1 whorl
of soft, tangled trichomes; also, fused to another, e.g. C(5)MA5
having a cottony surface; having would mean a corolla of 5 fused
a dense covering of tangled, wool- parts to which are joined 5 free sta-
like hair that is easily detached from mens. A line below the figure for
the plant. the gynecium means that it is su-
flocculent. flocculente. Having tufts perior, e.g, G(5), beside it, that it
or patches of very fine, woolly hairs; is perigynous, e.g.G(5)-, and above
also, of bacterial liquid cultures it inferior. One problem in using
when they have small masses of floral formulas is that the symbols
bacteria throughout or as a deposit. and systems have not been stand-
floodplain. tierras que quedan ardized.
inundadas durante la crecida de floral incompatibility. incompatib-
un rio. Any low lying area that has ilidad floral. A genetic condition
the potential for flooding, includ- in which some normal male gam-
ing coastal areas; also, a flat val- etes are incapable of functioning
ley floor next to a river channel. in some pistils.
flora. flora. A collective term for all floral kingdom. reino floral. See floral
the plants of a particular country, province.
region, or time period, as the flora floral leaf. hoja floral. A bract or
of the Yucatan Peninsula; also, a bracteole; also, a petal or sepal.
descriptive list of the plants of an floral leaf bud. yema floral de hoja.
area, including a key for identifi- A bud that contains leaf and stem
cation. primordia that will produce a branch
floral axis. eje floral. Receptacle. with leaves.
floral bud. yema floral. capullo floral. floral primordium. primordio floral.
A bud that contains flower primor- Meristematic tissue that becomes
dia that will produce one or more a flower.
flowers. floral province. provincia florística.
floral diagram. diagrama floral. A A major geographical grouping of
composite diagram of a transverse plants, particularly flowering plants,
section through a flower to show identified on the basis of floristic
the position of the various parts distinctiveness with special atten-
and their relation with other parts. tion to the degree of endemism at
floral envelope. envoltura floral. The family and generic levels. Some
floral terminal bud 154 flowering
authorities distinguish between flo- flos. flos. Latin meaning “flower”.
ral kingdom and floral realm, clas- floscular. floscular. Made-up of flo-
sifying them as having the high- rets; discoid.
est status. In this system, groups floscule. flósculos. floret. A single
of provinces make up the kingdom flower of a compound or compos-
or realm. ite flower; a floret.
floral terminal bud. yema floral ter- flower. flor. A blossom. The collec-
minal. A bud occurring at the apex tive reproductive stem of angio-
or end of a stem. sperms. Typically it is composed
floral. floral. Pertaining to flowers. of a calyx of sepals, a corolla of
floret. florecilla. florecita. A small petals (these being the perianth),
flower in a densely flowered an andrecium of stamens, and a
involucrate head of members of the gynecium of carpels. Any of these
Sun Flower Family (Asteraceae); parts may be absent in a particu-
also, in the spikelet of grasses lar flower. The floral axis is the
(Poaceae). receptacle.
floribundus. floribundus. Latin mean- flower. florecer. To bloom or blos-
ing “producing many flowers”. som.
floriferous. florífero. Flower-bear- flower bud. botón floral. yema flo-
ing. ral. yema florífera. capullo flo-
floridean starch. almidón floridean. ral. A bud containing a rudimen-
An insoluble carbohydrate storage tary shoot that will bear only flow-
product found in red algae. It stains ers.
red rather than blue-black with io- flower cluster. glomérulo floral. A
dine solution. cyme condensed into a head-like
floridus. floridus. Latin meaning cluster, as the flowering dogwood
“showy”. (Cornaceae); glomerule.
florigen. hormona florígena. floríg- flower cup. cáliz floral. The cup-
eno. The hypothetical flowering shape of some flowers; also, the
hormone (compound or compounds) calyx.
which has not been identified chemi- flower head. cabezuela floral. capítulo
cally, which may be synthesized in floral. A dense cluster of florets
the leaves during a photoperiod. growing on the top of a stem, as a
floristics. florístico. The study of dandelion or sunflower (Aster-
species diversity in relation to habi- aceae); capitulum.
tat diversity within a geographic flower secund. secundiflora. Flow-
area. See phytogeography. ers arranged on the stem on one
floristic composition. composición side only.
florística. A complete list of the flower sheath. vaina floral. In or-
plants forming a plant community. chids (Orchidaceae), the enclosure
-florous. -floro. A suffix that means, where flower stalks develop.
“having many flowers”, as multi- flower stalk. pedúnculo floral. The
florous. stem of a plant that bears a flower
-florus. –florus. A Latin suffix that or flowers; a peduncle.
means, “flowered”. flowering. floración. The act of bear-
flowering glume 155 follicle
ing flowers. foliage leaf. hoja foliácea. hoja
flowering glume. glumela florífera. vegetativa. A green leaf.
A glume which subtends a flower foliar. foliar. Pertaining to or like a
in a grass spikelet. leaf.
flowering stem. tallo florífero. The foliate. folioso. foliado. foliífero.
stalk that supports a flower or flow- Covered with leaves.
ers. foliation. foliación. The process of
fluitans. fluitans. Latin meaning putting out leaves; being in leaf;
“floating”. also, foliage.
fluorescence. fluorescencia. In at- folicole. folícolo. A plant living on
oms or molecules, a type of lu- leaves, either as a saprophyte or
minescence which emits radiation parasite.
as electrons pass from a higher to folicolous. folicole. Growing on leaves;
a lower energy state. The subse- epiphyllous.
quent release of energy is in longer foliferous. folioso. See foliiferous.
wavelengths than the absorption foliiferous. foliífero. foliado. Pro-
wavelengths, but is still in the vis- ducing leaves or leaf-like append-
ible spectrum. ages.
fluorescent. fluorescente. Giving out foliiform. foliíforme. Leaf-like.
light when placed in ultra-violet folioform. folioform. See foliiform.
(or other radiation). foliolate. folioado. With small leaves,
fluted. acostillado. costato. costillado. as in bifoliolate leaves.
Channeled; having grooves or fur- foliole. folíolo. One leaflet in a com-
rows, as a fluted stem. pound leaf; leaflet.
fly trap. atrapamoscas. Refers to a foliolose. folioloso. Consisting of
hinged leaf structure that is in- minute flattened lobes.
sectivorous, capturing insects that foliose. folioso. Having many leaves;
light on it, as in Dionaea. also, composed of thin, flat, ex-
FMN. FMN. See flavin mononucle- panded, leaf-like lobes, as in the
otide. thalli of some lichen and algae;
fog. niebla. A low cloud or thick mist, foliaceous; leafy; foliaceous.
as surrounds cloud forests. -folium. –folium. A Latin suffix that
folded embryo. embrión doblado. means, “leaved”.
embrión plegado. A type of foloiate follice. folice. A small bladder on
embryo with thin, folded, and ex- the the leaves of some mosses
tensively expanded leaves. (Musci); also, a many-seeded dry
folded vernation. vernación doblado. fruit, derived from a single carpel
vernación plegado. The condition and splitting longitudinally down
in which the leaf is folded about one side at dehiscence.
the midrib with the two faces follicetum. plurifolículo. A group
brought together. or aggregate of follicles, as in
foliaceous. foliáceo. Having leaves Caltha.
or the shape of leaves; also, flat follicle. folículo. A dry fruit that de-
and leaf-like; foliose. velops from one carpel and dehisces
foliage. follaje. The leaves of a plant. along one suture when mature, as
food body 156 forested
milkweed pods (Asclepias) and food from the gametophyte; also,
magnolia (Magnoliaceae). a small, thick-walled segment of
food body. corporal alimenticia. A the hyphae from which a conidi-
mass of cells on the outside of a ophore of Aspergillus arises; also,
seed coat, attracting ants which aid the lower of two cells derived from
in dispersal. The attraction is due a binucleate basal cell in the early
to stored food, usually oils. stages of the development of a
food chain. cadena alimentaria. uredospore.
cadena alimenticia. cadena foramen. foramen. An opening in
trófica. A cycle of organisms where the covering of the ovule; micro-
plants are the primary food source pyle
for herbivores, that are in turn the forb. forb. Any herbacenous plant,
food source for carnivores, and excluding the grasses.
continues until the top carnivore forcing. forzado. A cultivation de-
level is reached. vice used to hasten flowering or
food cycle. ciclo alimentario. ciclo growing plants outside their natural
alimenticio. See food web. season.
food pollen. polen alimenticio. In- forcipate. forcipado. Deeply forked;
fertile pollen, sometimes produced furcate.
in special anthers. It attracts in- foreshore. parte de la playa entre
sects which bring about the dis- la pleamar y la bajamar. The lower
persal of the fertile pollen. shore zone that lies between the
food pyramid. pirámide alimenticia. normal high and low water mark;
pirámide trófica. A gradually nar- gradually sloping with a smooth
rowing structure which represents bottom or a bottom with ridges and
the amount of nutrients moving runnels, depending on the wave ac-
along a food chain, as at each up- tion.
ward step, the amount of energy forest (tropical). selva. A tropical plant
passed along, becomes smaller. In community, including a large
a forest, grassland, lake, or desert, number of trees whose crowns touch
photosynthetic plants provide the and form a continuous canopy.
basic nutrients and is the base of forest (woodland). bosque. A plant
a food pyramid. community, including a large
food web. sistema trófico. A net- number of trees growing close to-
work of many food chains portray- gether, as an oak (Quercus) for-
ing which species feed on each other est; also, a collective term refer-
and their special interrelationships; ring to the trees and other plants
encompassing primary producers, that make-up a tree-covered area.
consumers, decomposers, and forest climax. clímax de bosque. A
detritivores. climax community composed of
foot. pie. The absorbing basal struc- trees.
ture of embryonic sporophyte in forestation. forestación. The proc-
liverworts (Hepaticae), mosses ess of planting or taking care of
(Musci), and seedless vascular forests.
plants; it is attached to and absorbs forested. arbolado. An area heavily
forester 157 fossilized
populated with trees. The zone just behind the dividing
forester. silvicultor. A person working zone of the stem or root growing
in or managing a forest. point, where the tissues begin to
forestry. silvicultura. ingenieria differentiate.
forestal. The science of system- formic acid. ácido fórmico. A colorless
atic planting and managing forests liquid, irritating to the skin, which
for the benefit of humans. is produced by nettles (Urticaceae);
forficulate. forficulado. Shaped like H.COOH.
a scissors. formic dehydrogenase. de(s)hidrogen-
fork. bifurcación. A fork. asa fórmico. An enzyme that breaks
fork. bifurcarse. To fork. down formic acid to carbon diox-
forked. bifurcado. bifurcada. Having ide and water in the presence of
two or more parts, as a forked co-enzyme 1.
branch or thorn. formic hydrogenlyase. hidrogenliasa
form. forma. In taxonomy, one of fórmico. An enzyme in a few
the three measures of character: groups of bacteria which cataly-
form, function, and structure; shape. ses the combination of carbon
-form. –forme. A suffix that means, dioxide and hydrogen, or bicarbo-
“having the shape of ____”. nate ions and hydrogen to form for-
form genus. género forma. A group mates.
of plants without a definite genetic fornicate. forniculado. Forming an
relationship but classed together arch or arching over, as a forni-
as a genus because they show simi- cate leaf or petal; hood-like arch-
larities of form, structure, behavior ing.
or other characteristics; especially fornicle. fornículo. An arch or arching.
common with fungi groupings. fornix. fornix. A small arch or crest
formaldehyde. formaldehído. aldeh- in the throat of a corolla.
ído fórmico. The aldehyde deriva- fossae. surcos. A long, shallow de-
tive of methyl alcohol (methanol); pression.
HCHO. fossil. fósil. Any impression, natu-
formation. formación. The process ral or impregnated remains of once-
of originating or developing, as the living plants; usually prior to the
formation of new cells; a classifi- last glacial period or more than
cation unit describing a specific 10,000 years old.
physiological shape rather than fossil fuels. fósiles combustibles. Oil,
species; also, an association or sta- gas, and coal which are derived from
ble plant community named after partially decayed plant and animal
the dominant plant, but sometimes matter produced during the Car-
referred to by the habitat rather than boniferous period.
the dominant plant(s). fossilization. fosilización. The process
formative. formativo. Pertaining to of becoming hardened, as a plant
the formation or development of fossil.
new organs or parts, as formative fossilized. fosilizado. Having become
tissue. hardened in some previous geologi-
formative region. regíon formativo. cal period, and become preserved
fovea 158 frondescence
in a rock formation. the base, in the center of a single-
fovea. fóvea. A small, round depres- chambered ovary.
sion or pit; in reproductive struc- free nuclear division. división de
tures, a depression with the spor- nuclear libre. Nuclear division
angium in the leaf base, as Isoetes. not accompanied by the formation
foveate. fovéado. Marked with small of cell walls.
depressions or pits. free-living. de vida libre. Living in-
foveola. fovéola. Small or diminu- dependent of a host; non-parasitic.
tive fovea. free veins. nervado libre. Leaf veins
foveolate. foveolado. Pitted or hav- that are not united into a network.
ing depressions. frequency. frecuencia. The number
fovilla. fovila. The material inside a of cases of the data being consid-
pollen grain. ered falls within a particular class
fragment. fragmento. A new acen- interval.
tric product of chromosome break- frequency distribution. distribución
age; also, a small supernumerary de frecuencia. The distribution
chromosome. of the frequencies of observations
fragmentation. fragmentación. An with respect to the classes into
asexual form of reproduction among which the observations are divided.
some algae in which an organism frequency factor. factor frecuencia.
splits into two or more individu- The percentage occurrence of a
als, especially common in blue- species in a plant community.
green algae. freshwater. agua dulce. Of or living
fragmentation spores. esporas de in water that has a relatively low
fragmentación. Conidia produced salt concentration or is not salty,
by hyphae breaking into separate as distinguished from sea or salt
cells. water.
fragrance. fragancia. A pleasant, sweet friable. friable. A term applied to
smelling odor. soil that crumbles easily.
fragrant. fragante. oloroso. Hav- fringe forest. selva hilera. A luxu-
ing a delicate or sweet odor. riant, ribbon-like plant community,
free. libra. Not attached to other parts usually found along a river bank,
or organs; also, said of the gills that connects a rain forest to an
of agarics that reach the stipe, but adjacent savannah.
are not joined to it. fringe. flequillo. fleco. Describes
free basal placentation. basal libre hair or other structures on petals,
placentación. Having ovules ar- sepals, tepals, or lips.
ranged on a basal placenta in a frond. fronda. fronde. A photosyn-
unilocular ovary. thetic leaf blade of a fern, palm
free cell formation. formación celular or cycad; also, a leaf-like part, as
libre. The formation of daughter the thallus of a lichen; also, the
cells that do not remain united. blade-like thallus of a seaweed.
free-central. de central libre. Re- frondescence. frondescencia. The
fers to the location of ovules on a process or period of putting forth
free standing column, attached at leaves; also, the foliage put forth;
frondescent 159 fugacious
phyllody. hard pericarp.
frondescent. frondescente. Leaf-like; fruiting body. cuerpo fructífero. A
also, having a lot of leaves. well-defined group of fungal spores
frondose. frondoso. Frondescent. and the hyphae which bear and
frontal cavity. cavidad frontal. The surround them; also, the reproduc-
opening of a stomata nearest the tive structure of some fungi; also,
exterior. any part of a plant that produces
frost. escarcha. hielo. Feather-like spores.
ice crystals that are formed when fruit sugar. azúcar de fruto. See fruc-
water vapor condenses at a tem- tose.
perature below freezing (0º Cel- fruiting. fructificación. The proc-
sius or 32º Fahrenheit). ess of bearing fruit.
fructiferous. fructífero. Fruit-bear- frustule. frústulo. The silica, bivalve
ing. wall and its contents of a diatom.
fructification. fructificación. The proc- frutescent. frutescente. Shrubby or
ess of forming fruit; also, the fruit shrub-like.
itself; also, a general term for the frutex. frútice. See shrub.
body which develops after fertili- fruticole. fruticola. Of parasitic fungi
zation and contains spores or seeds; living off fruit.
also, any spore bearing structure, fruticose. fruticoso. Shrub-like or
whether developed after fertiliza- branching like a shrub, as in the
tion or vegetatively. thalli of some lichens or in fruticose
fructofuranose. fructofuranoso. The stems.
furanose form of fructose in which fucoid. fucoide. Seaweed or resem-
it exists in disaccharides, poly- bling seaweed, especially Fucaceae.
saccharides, and in its phosphates. fucopyranose. fucopiranoso. The
fructopyranose. fructopiranoso. The pyranose form of fucose.
pyranose form of fructose in which fucosan. fucosán. A polysaccharide
it exists in solution. in brown algae. It is built up of
fructose. fructosa. A natural sugar fucopyranose units, joined in the
sometimes occurring with glucose l : 4 position.
in the form of disaccharide sucrose; fucose. fucoso. A methyl sugar found
also, a deto-hexose sugar which in brown algae.
rotates a beam of polarized light fucoxanthin. fucoxantina. ficoxant-
the left; fruit sugar; levulose. ina. A brown pigmentation in the
fruit. fruto. An angiosperm’s, rip- chlorophyll of brown algae and
ened ovary (pistil), including other some protists.
structures that enclose it; the seed- fucus. fuco. Pertaining to a seaweed
bearing organ; or, the mature ovary that has flat, leathery fronds; also,
of a seed plant, composed of seeds, in the family Fucaceae.
related tissues, and their coverings. fugacious. fugaz. Refers to falling,
Taxonomists place fruits into four fading, or wilting parts, especially
main types (except aggregate and early in the growing season; parts
multiple fruits): 1) berries 2) drupes that shed or are not permanent;
3) pomes 4) single-seeded with a short-lived, as fugacious corollas.
fugitive species 160 fungus
fugitive species. especie fugitivo. Spe- tal. The parenchyma tissue in
cies with a strong dispersal capacity, monocots comparable to the cor-
often found in deserts and other tex and pith in dicots.
extreme environments; opportunist fungal gill. laminilla. The thin, leaf-
species. like plates on the underside of a
fulcrate. fulcrado. Downward turn- mushroom.
ing, as a fulcrate branch or stem. fungal. fúngico. Resembling or caused
fulcrum. fulcro. An accessory organ, by a fungus.
as bract or tendril; also, an out- fungal cellulose. cellulosa fúngico.
growth from the wall of the zy- A carbohydrate like cellulose in
gospore of some fungi; also, a spo- fungal cell walls. Sometimes called
rophore. “chitin”.
fulignous. fuligno. Having the color Fungi. Fungi. One of the taxonomic
of soot; dusky colored. kingdoms consisting of eukaryotic,
fulvic acid. ácido fúlvico. An acid non-photosynthetic (non-green) or-
in humus. It is soluble in cold al- ganisms, including, mushrooms,
kali from which it is precipitated mildews, molds, smuts, and oth-
by dilute acid and is then soluble ers, which obtain nutrients by the
in water. It also forms the yellow absorption of organic compounds
pigment of Penicillium fulvus. from their surroundings. The body
fulvous (color). pardo-amarillento is made of simple filaments (in the
(color). A dull yellow or a deep true fungi), hyphae, and asexual
reddish–yellow, including a little (and usually sexual) reproduction
gray and brown. is by spores. There is no fission.
fumaginous. fumagino. Smoky- They accumulate glycogen rather
colored. than starch.
fumarase. fumarasa. The enzyme fungi. hongos. micófitos. micófitas.
catalyzing the reciprocal change Plural of fungus.
from malic acid to fumaric acid and fungicide. fungicida. A chemical or
water. biological agent that destroys or
fumaric acid. ácido fumárico. A inhibits fungal growth.
dicarboxylic acid, an intermediate fungiform. fungiforme. Terminating
in the Citric Acid Cycle which is in a shape similar to the cap of a
produced from succinic acid. mushroom; having the shape or form
function. función. In plant taxonomy, of a fungus.
one of the three measures of char- fungistatic. fungistático. A compound
acter: form, structure, and function; occurring in the bulbs of some
also, describers the action of an orchids (Orchidaceae) that stops
organ or part. the development of a fungus without
functional group. grupo funcional. killing it.
Atoms or groups of atoms bonded fungoid. fungoide. Spongy, like a
to an organic molecule and con- fungus; also, sometimes used to
tributing to its characteristic struc- describe an unhealthy growth on
ture and properties. plants.
fundamental tissue. tejido fundamen- fungus. hongo. A large group (Fungi)
funicle 161
of acotyledonous or cryptogamous funnel-shaped. infundibuliforme. See
organisms without chlorophyll, funnelform.
comprising mushrooms, rusts, fur. pelo. Any coating, like fur on
yeasts, toadstools, smuts, molds and plants.
mildews, traditionally considered furanose form. forma furanoso. Said
as plants, but today treated as a of a compound built upon on a five-
separate kingdom by many profes- sided ring.
sional botanists and mycologists. furanose sugar. azúcar furanoso. An
funicle. funiculo. The stalk of an ovule hexose sugar in its furan form.
(and later the seed) by which it is furcate. ahorquillado. To branch or
attached to the placenta; funicu- to fork, as furcate venation which
lus. occurs in some ferns (Filicopsida);
funicular. funicular. An elongated forcipate.
stem, funiculus, attached to a seed furcipulate. furipulado. Pincer-like.
coat, as in the Magnolia; also, cord- furfuraceous. furfuráceo. Covered
like. with bran-like scales; scurfy.
funiculate. funiculado. Having a fu- furrowed. acanalado. Channeled.
niculus. fuscous (color). pardo oscuro (color).
funiculus. funiculo. The stem that A dusky, brownish or gray-brown
attaches the ovule to the placenta; color.
also, of the Nidulariaceae, the cord fuse. fusionar(se). To unite or to be-
of hyphae by which the peridioles come one.
are first fixed to the inner wall of fused. fusionarse. The combining of
the peridium. a similar or dissimilar structure or
funiculose. funiculoso. Forming ropes structures.
of intertwined hyphae. fusiform. fusiforme. Having the shape
funiform. funiforme. Rope-like. of a spindle, thick in the middle
funnelform. infundibuliforme. Having and tapering at each end, as a fusi-
the form of a funnel that gradu- form root.
ally widens from the base to the fusion nucleus. núcleo de fusión. The
apex, as some monopetalous co- product of fusion of nuclei in the
rollas. embryo sac.
funnel cell. celular embudo. A cell fusoid. fusoide. Rounded in the center
in the palisade layer of a leaf which and tapering at each end but not
is widest just below the epidermis markedly elongate; fusiform.
and narrows below.
162 gamete formation

galacto-. galacto-. A Greek prefix gallery forest. bosque de galería. A

that means, “milky”. ribbon-like forest that runs along
galactan. galactán. A polysaccha- riverbanks that connects a rainforest
ride that occurs during the ger- to a savannah; fringing forest.
minative period in plants and pro- Galton’s laws. leyes de Galton. Of
duces galactose on hydrolysis. ancestral inheritance: “any offspring
galactoaraban. galactoarabán. A of bisexual parentage derives ½
polysaccharide which is a polymer of its inherited characters from
containing galactose and arabinose. its parents, (½ from each), ¼ from
galactolipid. galactolípido. galactol- its grandparents, one eighth from
ipina. A lipid that contains ga- great grandparents etc. These frac-
lactose, an important constituent tions whose numerators are 1,
of plant membranes. and denominators are the succes-
galactopyranose. galactopiranoso. sive powers of 2, add up to 1, e.g.
The pyranose form of galactose ½+¼ + — = 1 9 .
which polymerizes to form the hemi- galvanotaxis. galvanotaxis. Changing
cellulose galactan. the direction of movement in a
galactose. galactosa. A 6-carbon sugar. motile organism or cell in response
galacturonic acid. ácido galacturónico. to an electrical stimulus.
An organic compound formed by galvanotropism. galvanotropismo. A
hydrolysis of pectins, and related tropism in responsee to an elec-
to galactose. trical stimulus; electrotropism.
galbulus. gálbulo. A scaly cone, as gametangium (pl. gametangia). game-
in the fruit of the juniper (Junip- tangio. A structure where gametes
erus). are produced in some fungi, mosses
galea. gálea. Helmet-like; also, the (Musci), and ferns (Filicopsida).
upper lip of an open corolla. See carpogonium.
galeate. galeado. Having flowers that gamete. gameto. gameta. célula sex-
resemble a helmet, as the monks- ual. A sex cell; a mature repro-
hood, Aconitum napellus. ductive cell (haploid) capable of
galeiform. galeiforme. Helmet-shaped. uniting directly without fusion with
galerculate. galerculado. Covered another of the opposite sex, to form
by a a cup-like lid. a fertilized cell that can develop
galeriform. galeriforme. Cup-shaped. into a new plant; germ cell.
gall. agalla. An abnormal growth on gamete formation. formación gameto.
stems, leaves, and roots caused by A specialized haploid or sex cell
fungi, insects, or parasitic bacte- whose nucleus and sometimes its
ria; cecidium. cytoplasm combines with another
gametic 163 gas vacuole
gamete of the opposite sex in the gamo-. gamo-. A Greek prefix that
process of fertilization, forming a means, “joined”, “united”, or
diploid zygote. “fused”.
gametic. gamético. Of or pertaining gamochlamydeous. gamoclamideo.
to gametes. Having a fused floral envelope.
gametic equilibrium. equilibrio gamét- gamogastrous. gamogastro. Said of
ico. A condition in which the fre- a syncarpous gynecium in whlch
quency of gametes formed by the the ovaries are fused but the styles
association of alleles at different and stigmas are free.
locations is equal to the product gamogenesis. gamogénesis. Sexual
of the frequencies of the alleles that reproduction.
compose them. gamogenic. gamogénico. Resulting
gametic number. número gamético. from sexual fusion.
The number of chromosomes in a gamopetalous. gamopétalo. Having
gamete nucleus, usually the hap- the petals united, as a gamopetalous
loid number. corolla; sympetalous; flowers with
gametocyte. gametocito. A cell that fused or partially fused petals.
produces gametes by meiosis. gamophase. gamófase. The haploid
gametogenesis. gametogénesis. The phase of the life cycle.
process of forming gametes from gamophyllous. gamófilo. Having the
gametocytes by meiosis. leaves united, usually by the mar-
gametogenic. gametogénico. Of or gins, as a gamophyllous perianth.
pertaining to gametogenesis. gamosepalous. gamosépalo. Having
gametogenous. gametogénico. Having the sepals united, as a gamosepalous
to do with gametogenesis. calyx; synsepalous.
gametophore. gametóforo. A special- gamostely. gamostelia. The fusion
ized branch or filament bearing of steles.
gametangia or gametes, as in some gamotropic. gamotrópico. Movement
liverworts (Hepaticae). before fertilization.
gametophyte. gametófito. The hap- gamma rays. rayos gamma. That part
loid phase in the life cycle of an of the sun’s total range of radia-
individual vascular plant or gen- tion in which rays are shorter than
eration of a plant that produces X-rays.
gametes during mitosis. It arises -gamy. -gamia. A suffix meaning
from a haploid spore produced by “joined together”.
meiosis from a diploid sporophyte; gangliform. gangliforme. Having
also, in mosses (Musci), the knots; knotted.
gametophyte is the dominant gen- gas exchange. intercambio de gas.
eration; also, commonly used for A reciprocal change of respiratory
the prothallus of ferns (Filicop- and other gases between a plant and
sida); also, that stage in the life the environment; also, the diffu-
cycle of thallophytic plant in which sion of gases in and out through a
the sexual organs are produced. cell wall.
gametrophic. gametrófico. The move- gas vacuole. vacuola de gas. vacúolo
ment of organs before fertilization. de gas. A small, gas-filled vesi-
Gause principle 164 gene dosage
cle that provides buoyancy for some plantlets (gemma) capable of start-
aquatic bacteria and cyanobacteria. ing new gametophytes; cyathus.
Gause principle. principio de Gause. gemmaceous. gemáceo. Resembling
See competitive exclusion princi- or pertaining to leaf buds.
ple. gemmate. gemado. Having or repro-
geitonogamous. geitonógamo. Fer- ducing by buds.
tilization occurring between flowers gemmation. gemación. The act of bud-
on the same plant. ding; the structure of a bud; bud-
geitonogamy. geitonogamia. A fer- ding; reproducing by budding. See
tilization where a flower is polli- asexual reproduction
nated by another flower on the same gemmiferous. gemífero. Bud produc-
plant. ing.
gel. gel. The apparently solid, often gemmification. gemificación. The for-
jelly-like, material formed from a mation of a bud.
colloidal solution. It offers little gemmiflorate. gemiflorado. Having
resitance to liquid diffusion and bud-shaped flowers.
may have as little as 0.5% solid gemmiform. gemiforme. Bud-like.
matter. gemmoid. gemoide. Like a bud or
gelatinous. gelatinoso. A texture that gemma.
is jello-like; soft and quivery. gemmule. gémula. A small bud; com-
geminate. geminado. Occurring in monly the rudimentary terminal bud
two’s, as having two leaves or fruits of the seed embryo.
coming from the same point; also, gene. gen(e). In heredity, the basic
two branches from the same node physical unit that transmits the
on the same side of the stem. See characteristics of the plant; also,
bifoliolate and jugate. segments of various DNA molecules
geminated. geminado. Growing in that control inherited characteris-
pairs; binate. tics in plants.
geminiflorous. geminifloro. geminí- genecenter. genocentro. centro
floro. Producing flowers in pairs. genético. centro génico. A geo-
gemma. gema. yema. A leaf bud; graphical area, especially in the
also, a vegetative reproductive bud tropics, where a particular taxon
on a stem; a bud-like reproductive provides greater genetic diversity
group of cells on liverworts than it does in other locations; pos-
(Hepaticae) and mosses (Musci) sible the center or origin; center
that become detached and grow into of diversity.
new plants; a specialized reproduc- gene conversion. conversión de gene.
tive structure on the parent plant, A process where a member of a gene
as the lateral bulbils occurring on family acts as a blueprint for the
the Agave americana (Agavaceae); correction of others by suppress-
a type of asexual reproduction. ing new mutations or lateral spreads
gemma cup. copa propagulífera. in the genome.
cestilla de propágulos. A struc- gene dosage. dosis génica. The number
ture on the gametophyte of some of times a gene is present in a nu-
liverworts that produce asexual cleus.
gene duplication 165 generic name
gene duplication. duplicación de gene. eral. An adaptation that fits an
A process in evolution in which a organism for living in a broad range
gene is copied twice, with both lying of environmental conditions, as op-
side by side along the same chro- posed to a specialized adaptation
mosome. which fits an organism for life in
gene family. familia gene. A group a narrow set of circumstances.
of similar or identical genes that generation. generación. A group of
often lie along the same chromo- plants with the same parent or
some, having originated from a gene parents, making up a single step
duplication process. in the line of descent; also, a form
gene flow. flujo de gene. flujo génico. or stage of a plant that refers to
The transfer of genes from one the method of reproduction, as the
population to another. asexual generation of a fern
gene frequency. frecuencia de genes. (Filicopsida).
frecuencia génica. The frequency generation time. período de generac-
a particular gene occurs in a par- ión. tiempo de generación. The
ticular species or other group. time needed for a cell to complete
gene locus. locus de gene. The one full growth cycle.
location of a specific gene on a chro- generative. generativo. generador.
mosome. Pertaining to the production of
gene mapping. mapaje genético. The progeny; reproductive.
strategies that locate the position generative apogamy. apogamia gener-
of gene loci on chromosomes. ativo. Reduced apogamy.
gene mutation. mutación génica. The generative cell. célular generativo.
occurrence of a heritable alteration célular generador. The cell of the
in the genotype which was not male gametophyte of angiosperms
handed down from its ancestors; that divides, producing two sperms;
point mutation. also, the cell of the male gameto-
gene pair. par de genes. In diploid phyte of gymnosperms that divides,
cells, the two alleles at a given gene producing a sterile cell and a sper-
locus on homologous chromosomes. matogenous cell.
gene pool. fondo genético. acervo generative nucleus. núcleo generativo.
génico. All genetic information in Produced by the haploid microspore
a reproducing population of a par- nucleus of a pollen grain, the gen-
ticular species; more accurately, erative nucleus divides during mi-
allele pool. tosis to form two sperm nuclei.
gene redundancy. redundancia de gene. generic. genérico. The characteris-
The presence in a cell of many cop- tics of a species or class; also, the
ies of a single gene. term may be used to refer to a kind,
gene regulation. regulación gene. The class, or group, as opposed to a
method by which genes are turned specific.
on and off to regulate growth and generic characters. caráters genérico.
development. In taxonomy, diagnostic characters
genera. genus. Plural of genus. used in delimiting a genus.
general adaptation. adaptación gen- generic name. nombre genérico. In
genesis 166 genetic polymorphism
taxonomy, the Latinized scientific dom changes in allele frequencies
name of an organism which makes over time, due to chance alone.
use of a binary system with the ge- genetic engineering. manipulación
nus (generic name) first and the genética. ingenieria genética. The
specific epithet (species) second, process of modifying DNA infor-
as Quercus alba. mation by splicing in selected ge-
genesis. génesis. The orgin, forma- netic information from another
tion, or development of a group, organism by using recombinant
species, individual, organ, tissue, DNA technology.
or cell. genetic equilibrium. equilibrio genét-
genetic. genético. Of, or having to ico. The stability of allelic and
do with, or pertaining to genes. genotypic ratios in a population over
genetic adaptation. adaptación genét- successive generations. The refer-
ica. A change in the genetic com- ence point signifying zero evolu-
position of an organism that al- tion is used for measuring rates of
lows the species to reproduce and evolutionary change.
gain a competitive advantage un- genetic hom(o)eostasis. hom(e)ostasis
der changing envnironmental con- genética. See genetic equilibrium.
ditions. genetic load. carga genética. lastre
genetic alphabet. alfabeto genética. genético. The average number of
A set of symbols that identify the lethal mutations per individual in
four nucleic acid bases that com- a population; divided into three
bine in various combinations to principal types: An input load oc-
form the genetic code. curs when inferior alleles are in-
genetic code. código genético. clave troduced into the gene pool of a
genética. The various combinations population, a balanced load is cre-
of nucleotides in chromosomes that ated with a selection favoring ge-
determine the make-up of genes and netic combinations that form in-
gene products; also, the basic lan- ferior genotypes every generation,
guage of protein synthesis in which and a substitutional load is gen-
nucleotide triplets in DNA (and then erated by a selection favoring the
RNA) call for particular amino acids replacement of an existing allele
used in protein synthesis; or, the by a new allele.
sequence of nitrogen bases in a genetic map. mapa genético. mapa
DNA molecule that codes for an génico. The linear arrangement of
amino acid or protein. mutable sites on a chromosome; de-
genetic complex. serie genético. The duced from genetic recombination
sum total of the hereditary factors studies.
contained in the chromosomes and genetic marker. marcador genético.
cytoplasm. A trait or gene variation in the DNA
genetic diversity. diversidad genética. that can be tracked from genera-
Variability in the genetic compo- tion to generation.
sition among individuals within a genetic polymorphism. polimorfismo
single species. genética. The existence of three
genetic drift. dervia genética. Ran- or more distinctly different genetic
genetic rearrangement 167 genus
forms of a plant species. Genetic combination, or gene interaction.
polymorphism is said to be bal- genic. génico. Of or like a gene.
anced, or in equilibrium with one genicular. genicular. Growing at or
another at a particular locus. In on a node; also, growing in the
the transient form, mutations spread tissue of a node.
through the population in a con- geniculate. geniculado. Bent at the
stant direction. joint, as a geniculate stalk.
genetic rearrangement. restructuración geniculum. feiculio. nódulo. The node
genética. Any process that pro- or joint of a stem.
duces a new combination of heredi- genocenter. genocentro. Reproducto-
tary determinants, as a crossing center.
over. genom(e). genoma. The complete ge-
genetic recombination. recombinación netic composition for a particular
genética. The presence of a new organism; also, a haploid set of
combination of alleles in a DNA chromosomes with their genes.
molecule from a cross over at meio- genotype. genotipo. The genetic make-
sis, a chromosomal aberration, or up of a haploid nucleus or indi-
a gene mutation. vidual plant, as opposed to its physi-
genetic resources. recursos genética. cal appearance (phenotype).
The diverse gene pool of natural genotypic control. control genotípica.
and cultivated organisms available The control of chromosome behav-
for human use. ior by the genotype, in contrast to
genetics. genética. A branch of botany structural control, especially at
that studies heredity and gene vari- meiosis through the effects of dis-
ations in similar or related species; similarity of the pairing choromo-
the science of heredity, including somes in hybrids.
the study of its chemical founda- genotypic environment. medio amb-
tion, its developmental expression, iente genotípica. The aggregate of
and its bearings on variation, se- all the genes considered as acting
lection, adaptation, evolution, on one or more of them.
breeding, and the activities of man. genotypic variation. variación genotíp-
genetic spiral. espiral genética. A ica. Variation due to differences
hypothetical line drawn on a stem, in the gametes. See genetic vari-
passing by the shortest path through ation.
the points of insertion of succes- genra. género. A particular kind or
sive leaves. type.
genetic system. sistema de genética. gentianose. gentianoso. A trisaccha-
The organization of genes in a spe- ride composed of gentiobiose and
cies and the method of transmis- fructose, or surcrose and glucose.
sion from the parental generation It is found in gentian roots
to the filial generation. (Gentianaceae).
genetic variation. variación genética. genus. género. In taxonomy, the clas-
Refers to the differences in geno- sification of plants by distinguish-
types within a population or spe- ing characteristics with genus as
cies produced from mutation, re- the main subdivision of the fam-
genus name 168 germ tube
ily; usually composed of one or to gravitation forces.
more species; as a group or groups geotropic bending. curvatura
of structurally or phylogenetically geotrópica. The tendency of plants
related species. to curve or bend in response to
genus name. nombre genérico. The gravity. Upward movement is nega-
first name in a scientific binomial. tive geotropism and downward
geo-. geo-. A Greek prefix that means, movement (growing roots) is posi-
“pertaining to earth”. tive geotropism; gravitropism.
geobotanical exploration. exploración geotropism. geotropismo. The growth
geobotánica. The use of indica- of part of a plant due to the influ-
tor plant species to identify the ence of gravity.
possible presence of metal-rich de- geranial. geranial. An open chain
posits; biogeochemical exploration. olefinic aldehyde.
geobotany. geobotánica. The study geraniol. geraniol. An open chain
of plants and their relationship to olefinic alcohol.
their geological and geographical germ. germen. Seed, spore, or bud;
environments; phytogeography. the rudimentary form of a new, in-
geocarpel. geocarpelo. A plant that dividual plant; an embryo plant in
fruits underground, as a peanut the seed.
(Arachis). germ cell. célula germinal. célula
geocarpy. geocarpia. The ripening germinativa. A fertile cell from
of fruits underground. The young which a new plant emerges; a fer-
fruits are pushed into the soil by tile seed, bud, or spore cell; gam-
a post-fertilization curvature of the ete.
stalk. germen. germen. The ovary.
geoflorous. geofloro. A plant that germ layer. hoja embrionaria. hoja
bears flowers underground. germinal. Embryonic tissue that
geographic isolation. aislamiento becomes the tissues and organs of
geográfico. A physical separation the adult.
by location, which prevents gene germ plasm. germoplasma. The in-
exchange between individuals or herited material transmitted to
populations. offsprings through the germ cells.
geonasty. geonastia. Curvature to- germ pore. poro germinal. A thin
wards the ground. walled area on a spore wall, or pol-
geophilous. geófilo. Growing in the len grain, through which a germ
ground, especially plants with deep, tube is produced.
underground buds. germ seed. semilla germinal. See germ
geophyte. geófita. geófito. A plant cell.
that has deep, underground buds. germ sporangium. esporangio germi-
geoplagiotropic. geoplagiotrópico. nal. A sporangium formed at the
Growing in a direction at an an- end of a germ tube produced by a
gle to the ground surface zygospore.
geotaxis. geotaxis. geotactismo. germ tube. tubo germinal. The fila-
Change in the directional move- ment that comes out at spore ger-
ment of an organism in response mination; also, a tubular outgrowth
germinal 169 girdling
of a germinationg spore from which to the growth of the embryo and
the thallus develops by branching, development of a seedling.
or a germ sporangium is produced; gibberellic acid. ácido giberélico. A
also, a tube growing down through crystalline compound first found
the style from a germinating pol- in a fungus, that increases the size
len grain which carries the male and growth rate in plants.
nuclei. gibberellin. giberelina. A group of
germinal. germinal. Capable of ger- natural growth hormones that are
mination in the right conditions; synthesized in the protoplasm, in-
characteristic of or like germ cells; creasing a plant’s rate and amount
also, occurring in the earliest de- of growth, especially the elonga-
velopmental stage. tion of its stem. They increase gen-
germinal disk. disco germinal. A disk- eral physiological activity, e.g. in-
like spot on the fertilized ovum, crease cell elongation, promote ger-
indicating a developing embryo; mination, and flowering.
also, a flattened plate of cells de- gibbose. giboso. See gibbous.
veloping at the end of the filament- gibbous. giboso. A swelling or bulging,
ous young thallus of some Hepat- especially on one side; also,
icae, and ultimately producing the pouched; also, convex above and
adult thallus. flattened below.
germinal protoplasm. protoplasma ger- gigantic. gigante. gigantesco. Be-
minal. The protoplasm from which ing especially large in size.
gametes are formed. gigantism. gigantismo. Abnormally
germinal selection. selección germinal. large vegetative growth, often as-
The selection during gametogen- sociated with polyploidy.
esis against induced mutations that gill. laminilla. A leaf-like structure
retard the spread of mutant cells. or slits in the underside of a mush-
germinal tube. tubo germinal. The room cap where basidiospores are
tube produced by the elongation produced; also, simply the fruit-
of the spore-contents during the ger- bearing under-surface of some
mination of a spore of the Hepat- fungi.
icae. gill cavity. cavidad branquial. The
germinal vesicle. vesícula germinal. ring-shaped hollow in the young
An enlarged nucleus of an ovum fruit body of an agaric; in it the
before meiosis or segmentation early stages of organization of the
begins. gill is completed.
germinate. germinar. To sprout or gill cleft. hendidura branquial. Gill
start growing, as from a bud, seed, slit.
or spore. gilvous. gilvo. Brownish.
germination. germinación. The be- girdling. decorticación anular. Cut-
ginning of growth or development, ting completely around a tree trunk
as the sprouting or budding of a to a depth that penetrates through
seed, bud, or spore; also, a sequence the bark and into the wood so that
of events in a viable seed starting the downward transport of sub-
with imbibition of water that leads stances cannot occur, resulting in
girth 170 globular protein
the tree’s death; also, the condi- glasswort. cristalwort. Any of a group
tion when a leaf trace arises on the of marine herbs (Salicornia) having
opposite side of the stele from the fleshy, leafless stems that grow in
leaf which it serves, and in reaching salt water marshes.
the leaf curves widely through the glassy. vidrioso. Resembling glass,
cortex. smooth, transparent, and brittle.
girth. circunferencia. The measure glaucescent. glaucescente. Having
around anything; commonly used a glaucous luster or appearance.
in the description of a stem or trunk. glaucous. glauco. Covered with a white
glabrate. glabro. Smooth, lacking hair. or blue-green powdery or waxy
glabrescent. glabrescente. Very thinly coating, as on plums (Prunus) or
covered with hair; also, becoming the leaves of cabbage (Brassica)
nearly hairless as it matures; be- plants.
coming glabrous. gleba. gleba. Spore-bearing tissue
glabrous. glabro. Hairless; smooth, in the fruit bodies in some fungi
without any trichomes, as glabrous (Gasteromycetes).
fruit glebula. glebula. A rounded proc-
gladiate. ensiforme. Sword-shaped, ess from a lichen thallus.
as a gladiate leaf. glebulose. glebuloso. Bearing rounded
gland. glándula. Any of a group of lumps on the surface of the thal-
structures, generally near the sur- lus.
face, that secrete a variety of sub- gliadin. gliadina. A protein, espe-
stances, as digestive glands on the cially found in wheat grains.
leaves of a Venus flytrap (Droser- gliding growth. crecimiento desliz-
aceae) or a pungent oil in the rind ante. The slipping, during growth,
of oranges (Citrus). of a cell wall over that of its
glandiform. glandiforme. Having the neighbors, over the surface of con-
shape of a gland; acorn-like. tact, so that new areas of contact
glandular. glandular. Having minute, are made with a contiguous cell,
blackish to translucent, secretory, and with neighboring ones with
or excretory glands, or trichomes. which no previous contact had been
glandular serrate. serrado glandular. established.
Having a toothed margin, with gliotoxin. gliotoxina. An antibiotic
glands at the tips of the teeth. produced by Aspergillus fumigatus.
glandular-pubescent. peloso-glandu- globoid. globoide. A rounded inclusion
lar. Having hairs with an enlarge- in an aleurone grain, consisting of
ment at the apex. a double phosphate of calcium and
glandular-punctate. punteado-glan- magnesium, combined with globu-
dular. Covered with minute se- lins.
cretory depressions. globose. globoso. Round or sphere-
glandulose. glanduloso. Same as glan- shaped, as a globose flower head.
dular. globular protein. proteina globular.
glans. glande. A single-celled, com- esferoproteina. A protein with a
pound inferior fruit with a dry outer globular configuration that func-
wall, as an acorn (Quercus). tions in a variety of ways, includ-
globular 171 glumiferous
ing enzymes, facilitating transport, glucan. glucan. Any of the polysacch-
and providing storage. arides that produce sugar on hy-
globular. globular. Round or spherical. drolysis; glucosan.
globulin. globulina. One of a group gluconeogensis. neoglucogénesis. The
of globular proteins, that are soluble synthesis of non-carbohydrate
in dilute salt solutions but not in substances, such as proteins, amino
freshwater, occurring in the seeds acids, fatty acids and others, into
of some plants. glucose.
glochid. gloquidio. A barbed, hairy glucoprotein. glucoproteína. A large
structure occurring on the micro- molecule composed of a carbohy-
spore of some aquatic ferns drate-protein complex other than
(Azollaceae) and as fine hair on a nucleic acid.
some cacti (Opuntia). glucopyranose. glucopiranoso. The
glochidiate. gloquidiado. Having a pyranose form of glucose.
barbed tip, usually occurring in glucosamine. glucosamina. An amino-
tufts; having barbed bristles. sugar which represents the link
glochidium. glochidio. Hair-like proc- between the carbohydrates and pro-
esses on the masses microspon- teins.
rangia produced by Azolla. They glucosans. glucosáns. Carbohydrates,
provide attachment to the macro- which give only glucose on hydroly-
sporangium. ???? CHECK sis, and are made up of ß-
gloecystidium. gloecistidio. A horny D-glucose only, e.g.starch, dextrin,
or gelatinous cystidium. cellulose.
glomerate. glomerado. Growing in glucose. glucosa. The most common
a dense, rounded cluster. type of plant sugar from which
glomerulate. glomerulado. Bearing starch and cellulose are synthesized;
small clusters of spores. a 6-carbon sugar with 12 atoms of
glomereular. glomereular. Of or like hydrogen and 6 atoms of oxygen.
a glomerule. A hexose sugar. Only D-glucose
glomerule. glomérulo floral. An in- exists in plants.
determinate dense cymose cluster glucoside. glucósido. A glycoside,
of flowers, as in the head of the especially if it contains glucose.
flowering dogwood (Corn-aceae); glumaceous. glumáceo. Thin, brown,
also, adherent spores in some papery in texture; also, having the
lichens. appearance of or bearing glumes,
glomerulus. glomerulus. A cymose as a glumaceous calyx.
inflorescence in the form of a glume. gluma. One of a pair of scale
crowded head of small flowers. or chaff-like bracts at the base of
glosso-. gloso-. A Greek prefix for the spikelet of some grasses
“tongue-like”. (Poaceae) and sedges (Carex,
glossopodium. glosopodio. The Cladium); and with wheat (Trit-
sheathing base of a leaf, as in the cum), oats (Avena), and barley
quillworts (Isoetaceae). (Hordeum), they are enclosing.
glossy. brillante. Smooth and shiny glumiferous. glumífero. Having the
surface. flowers enclosed in glumes.
glutamic acid 172 goni-
glutamic acid. ácido glutámico. ácido and the only one that does not ex-
aminoglutérico. A crystalline hibit optical activity.
amino acid occurring in plants and glycogen. glicógeno. A highly branch-
animals, especially in seeds. ed saccharide not found in higher
glutamic acid dehydrogenase. dehidro- plants but in some bacteria, cyano-
genasa ácido glutámico. The bacteria, and fungi; a glucosan.
enzyme that catalyzes the revers- glycol. glicol. A colorless, sweet
ible reaction a-ketoglutaric acid to alcohol derived from a variety of
glutamic acid. ethylene compounds.
glutamine. glutamina. One of the glycolysis. glicólisis. The breakdown
amino acids; an amide. of glucose into two acid molecules;
glutamine synthetase. sintetasa glutam- the series of reactions preceding
ina. The enzyme which catalyzes anaerobic or aerobic respiration
the synthesis of glutamine from when glucose is oxidized to pyru-
glutamic acid and ammonia. vic acid, e.g. in an alcoholic fer-
glutathione. glutation. glutationa. mentation.
A polypeptide occurring in plants glycoprotein. glicoproteína. glicopro-
and animals tissues, involved in the teido. See glucoprotein.
physiological oxidation processes. glycoside. glicósido. The product
gluten. gluten. In wheat (Triticum) formed from alcohol or phenol re-
and other grain seed, a sticky, elastic acting with sugar.
protein substance. glyoxylic cycle. ciclo glioxílico. ciclo
glutinous. glutinoso. Having a moist, del glioxalato. A modification of
gummy, surface exudation, as glu- the Citric Acid Cycle. It seems to
tinous leaves. be limited to tissues where fats
glyceric acid. ácido glicérico. A are being rapidly consumed, e.g.
colorless, syrupy compound pro- the endosperm of germinating fatty
duced from a partial oxidation of seeds.
glycerol during alcoholic fermen- gold color. color oro. Yellowish.
tation. Golgi apparatus. aparato de Golgi.
glyceraldehyde. gliceraldehido. A A cellular organelle with stacks of
triose aldose sugar. flattened secretor sacs that pack-
glyceride. glicerida. An ester of glyc- age and synthesize membranes and
erol and fatty acids. cell walls; a type of cytoplasmic
glyceric dehydrogenase. dehidro- particle common in both plants and
genasa glicerico. An enzyme that animals; a cytoplasmic organelle
calyzes the reversible reaction, found in all cells except bacteria.
changing glyceric acid to hydropyr- It is composed of a cluster of flat-
uvic acid and hydrogen. tened, parallel, smooth-surfaced
glycerol. glicerol. An intermediate sacs, and many smaller vesicles;
in the metabolism of carbohydrates dictyosome.
and fats; a trihydric alcohol which Golgi body. cuerpo de Golgi. A unit
combines with fatty acids to form of the Golgi apparatus; seen by
fats. staining; dictyosome.
glycine. glicina. A simple amino acid, goni-. goni-. A Greek prefix that
gones 173 grafting
means, “angled” or “angular”. some ferns, as in the Hymenophyll-
gones. gonios. The group of four nu- aceae, where ripening occurs in a
clei, or cells which are the imme- sequence from the apex to the base.
diate result of meiosis. It contrasts with the simple sorus,
gonidial layer. estrato gonidial. The as in the Osmndaceae, where there
algal layer in a lichen thallus. is a simultaneous ripening of all
gonidiophore. gonidióforo. Conidi- the sporangia, or with the mixed
ophore. sorus, as in the Polypodiaceae,
gonidium. gonidio. An asexually pro- where there is an irregular ripen-
duced reproductive cell, such as a ing.
zoospore; also, a cell filled with gradient analysis. análisis gradiente.
chlorophyll which is formed in the An ordination method used to de-
thallus of lichens. scribe and compare vegetation, in
gonimum. gonumo. A cell of one of which the characteristics of a site
the Myxophyceae when it occurs rather than the composition of the
as part of a lichen thallus. species is the base. One or more
gonimoblast filament. filamento gon- environmental factors are identi-
imoblasto. In the Florideae, a fila- fied and stands arranged accord-
ment developing from the zygote, ing to the characteristics of their
and ultimately producing carpo- sites.
sporangia. gradient. gradiente. A system of pro-
gonioautoecious. gonioautoecio. Bear- gressively increasing or decreas-
ing the antheridia as a bud-like ing differences in the rate of growth,
outgrowth from the branch bear- functions or other plant properties.
ing the archegonium. gradualism. gradualismo. See phyletic
gonophore. gonóforo. Having an elon- gradualism.
gated receptacle that raises the sta- gradually. gradualmente. In degrees,
mens and pistil above the perianth. or step by step, when describing
gonoplasm. gonoplasma. In some increasing or decreasing lengths or
oomycetes, the protoplams that layers, as with bracts or petals.
passes through the fertilization tube graft. injertar. A shoot, bud, or branch
and unites with that of the oosphere. from one kind of tree or plant placed
gonosphere. gonosfera. A zoospore into a slit in another related plant,
of the Chytridiales. so that the added part will continue
gossypine. gosipino. Cottony. to grow; also, to place a detached
gourd. calabaza. jicaro. The fruit branch (scion) in close cambial
of a tendril-climbing herb with contact with a rooted stem (root-
sappy stems and palmate leaves stock) in a way that the scion and
Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). rootstock unite to form a new plant.
When dry, commonly used for a graft hybrid. híbrido de injerto. A
drinking or food container. chimaera produced by grafting dis-
gracilis. gracilis. Latin meaning “slen- similar plants.
der”. grafting. injerto. An asexual propa-
gradate sorus. soro gradato. A type gation method that places a shoot
of sorus or group of sporangia in (scion) onto the rootstock (stock)
grain 174 gravitational water
of another plant. mostly annual or perennial herbs,
grain. cariopsis. A dry, one-celled as the cereal grasses wheat (Triti-
indehiscent fruit with the pericarp cum), barley Hordeum), corn (Zea)
fused to the seed coat; also, the and rice Oryza), but a few are
arrangement or direction of fibers woody, as the bamboo (Bambus-
in wood; in pollen, a grain or aceae). Most have hollow stems,
microspore contains one mature or nodes capable of intercalary growth,
immature male gametophyte. and spikelets with one to numer-
gramineous. gramineo. Grass-like or ous replaced by florets.
pertaining to grasses. grassland. pastizal. pradera. A
graminiform. graminiforme. Grass- region of vegetation mainly com-
like. posed of grasses (Poaceae) or grass-
gram-negative bacteria. bacteria like plants; also, pasture land or
gramnegativo. Bacteria that do grass-covered, as may occur after
not stain with crystal violet and io- the removal of primary or secondary
dine. trees; one of the main divisions of
gram-positive bacteria. bacteria vegetation, others are forest, desert,
grampositivo. Bacteria that retain tundra, and taiga.
the violet stain when treated with grass-like. graminiforme. Having the
Gram’s iodine, as staphylococci. appearance of grass; commonly
grana. grana. Plural of granum. used to describes sedges (Carex,
grandi-. grandi-. A Latin prefix that Cladium) and rushes (Juncus).
means, “large”. grassy. graminoso. Covered with grass
granular. granular. A fine, mealy sur- or grass-like plants.
face; covered with granules or small gravelly. de grava. A loose mixture
projecting points. of small rocks or rock fragments
granule. gránulo. A small, rounded, containing clay or other soil that
grain-like particle. is coarser than sand mixtures.
granuliferous. granulífero. Covered graveolent. graveolente. Having a
with very small granules. strong, rank smell.
granulose. granuloso. Finely raised graviperception. gravipercepción. The
bumps or a rough surface. perception of gravity by plants.
granum. grano. A disk-shaped stack gravitation. gravitación. The attraction
of platelets within the chloroplasts of one body or particle for another,
of plant cells where sunlight en- or the effective force of one body
ergy is trapped and ATP is formed. or particle moving toward another.
grandiflorus. grandiflorus. Latin gravitational. gravitacional. Of or
meaning “large flowered”. pertaining to gravitation.
grandifoliate. grandifoliado. The gravitational induction. inducción de
leaves are more conspicuous than gravitación. The development of
usual, commonly on short stems. a structure from the underside of
grandis. grandis. Latin meaning a plant member.
“large”. gravitational water. agua de gravitac-
grass. grama. The grass or Poaceae ión. agua gravitacional. Water
(Gramineae) family, which are that drains from the pores of a soil
gravitropism 175 ground water
after a rain. of green, as the leaves are green-
gravitropism. gravitropismo. Direc- ish-yellow.
tional growth of a coleoptile, root, gregarious. gregario. Growing close
or shoot in response to the earth’s together, but not matted.
gravity; geotropism. grenadin. grenadin. A noticeable or-
gravity. gravedad. The natural force ange or brick-red color associated
that causes objects to move or tend with the petals of the Sphaeralcea.
to move toward the center of the grenadine. granadina. Very red in
earth. color, as the juice from the fruit
greasy. graso. grasoso. untuoso. of the pomegranate (Punica
Slick, oily, as a greasy epidermal granium).
secretion; unctuous. groove. surco. A long, narrow hol-
great. gran. A distinction of large lowed, line, as if cut by a tool.
size from other plants of the same grooved. sulcado. Having a long, nar-
genus. row furrow, as on the surface of
green. verde. The color of growing an organ.
plants. ground. suelo. The soil or earth, as
green algae. alga verde. A division plants growing in the ground.
(Chlorophyta) of mostly green- ground layer. estrato de suelo. The
green algae, composed of organ- lowest level of a plant community,
isms with definite nuclei and generally composed of mosses
chloroplasts, living mainly in fresh (Musci), lichens, and fungi, and
water. herb species with trailing stems or
green cell. celular verde. A cell of rosette forms.
the alga Chlorella living inside cer- ground meristem. meristemo del suelo.
tain simple animals. In the embryonic vascular plant,
greenhouse effect. efecto de invern- a group of cells that develop into
adero. A natural effect that traps the cortex, pericycle, and pith; lo-
heat in the atmosphere (troposphere) cated just below and derived from
near the earth’s surface. Some flows the apical meristem are the primary
back toward space and is absorbed meristematic tissues, protoderm,
by water vapor, carbon dioxide, ground meristem, and the procamb-
ozone, and several other gases. As ium.
the atmospheric concentrations of ground parenchyma. parénquima de
these greenhouse gases rises, the suelo. The basic ground tissue
temperature of the lower atmosphere composed of living parenchymal
also gradually increases. cells.
greenhouse gases. gas invernadero. ground tissue. tejido fundamental. The
Gases in the earth’s lower atmos- general mass of parenchyma out-
phere (troposphere) that produces side and between the vasucular
the greenhouse effect; carbon di- strands of a young stem or root.
oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, ozone, ground water. agua subterránea. agua
methane, water vapor, and nitrous del subsuelo. agua freática. Wa-
oxide. ter that seeps or flows down into
greenish. verdoso. Having a tinge the soil or rocks, supplying springs.
ground water table 176 growth ring
ground water table. nivel freático. growth of a plant or plant popula-
nivel de agua freática. The level tion in relation to time.
of soil below which is saturated growth factor. factor de crecimiento.
with water. See ground water. Any determinant that affects the
group. conjunto. An indefinite term, growth of a plant.
denoting a number of species or growth form. forma de crecimiento.
genera belonging or classed together The morphological structure of a
but without reference to specific plant, especially as it reflects a
taxonomic designations or relation- physiological adaptation to its as
ships. expressed by a growth curve.
group translocation. tra(n)slocación growth inhibiting substance. sustancia
de grupo. A natural method used inhibidor del crecimiento. A sub-
for the movement of sugars across stance formed inside the cells which
bacterial membranes and possibly slows down or stops growth, of-
across some of the higher cells. ten in some other part of the plant.
grow. crecer. To develop toward ma- Many of these substances have been
turity through the division, enlarge- identified and synthesized.
ment, and differentiation of cells, growth promoting substance. sustancia
which in higher plants occurs in promotor del crecimiento. A sub-
specific regions called meristems. stance which promotes, or accel-
growing point. punto vegetativo. The erates growth. It may be formed
apical meristem of an axis where inside the plant, or may be obtained
cell division occurs, and differen- from an external source.
tiation begins. growth rate. indice de crecimiento.
growing season. período de crecim- velocidad de crecimiento. Increase
iento. In areas of the world with in the size of a population per unit
distinct seasonal climates, the pe- of time, such as in a year.
riod of rapid plant growth. growth regulator. regulador de crecim-
growing zone. zona de crecimiento. iento. A synthetic or natural com-
The portion of an organ in which pound that controls growth in
elongation proceeds. plants.
growth. crecimiento. An irreversible growth retardant. retardante del crec-
increase in cell size, weight, or imiento. A chemical that selec-
number with or without differen- tively interferes with hormonal
tiation of a plant or plant part. promotion of growth with limited
growth apical meristem. meristemo de toxic effect.
crecimiento apical. The tip where growth ring. anillo de crecimiento.
growth is occurring. In trees, the annual layer(s) of
growth curvature. curvatura de wood, just under the bark; each year
crecimiento. The curving of an a new annual ring is formed; also,
elongating part of a plant organ due a cylinder of secondary wood laid
to one side growing faster than the down in a single season in a stem
other. or root; it is seen as a circle in a
growth curve. curva de crecimiento. transverse section and is not nec-
A graphic representation of the essarily the same as an annual ring.
growth substance 177 gymnospore
growth substance. sustancia de guttifer. gutífera. Any species that
crecimiento. A natural compound, produces gum or resin.
other than a nutrient, that modi- gymno-. ginmo-. A Greek prefix that
fies, promotes, or inhibits plant means, “naked” or “bear”.
growth. gymnocarpous. gimnocarpo. Bear-
guanidine. guanidina. Imino urea. ing fruit where the spore-bearing
guanine. guanina. One of the pu- tissue is naked (hairless) during its
rine based substances of DNA and entire development or the floral
RNA found in the nucleic acid of envelope does not cling to the outer
cells. See base. skin, as a gymnocarpous species
guard cell. célula de guarda. célula of lichen.
de cierre. célula oclusiva. In the gymnocidium. gimnocidio. A swelling
epidermis, one of a pair of special- at the base of the spore case in urn
ized, chlorophyll-bearing cells that mosses (Musci).
surround a stoma; a pair of reni- gymnocyte. gimnocito. A cell with-
form cells bounding a stoma with out a cell wall.
walls differentially thickened, and gymnogen. gimnogeno. A gymno-
the cells containing chloroplasts. sperm.
gum. goma. Any of the soft, sticky gymnogenous. gimnogeno. Having
substances (polysaccharides) that naked seeds; gymnospermous.
are exuded by various trees and gymnogynous. gimnogino. Having
other plants that harden in the air a naked ovary, where the seeds are
and dissolve in water; differing from without a pericarp, as gymnogynous
resins in chemical make-up and grain.
solubility. These collodial plant gymnogrammoid ferns. helechos
products either dissolve or swell gimnogramoide. The ferns which
in water. On hydrolysis they give lack a sorus and have the sporangia
complex organic acids, pentoses, distributed over the lower surface
and hexoses. of the leaf.
gummiferous. gomífero. Producing gymnoplasm. gimnoplasma. An amor-
gum. phous mass of naked protoplasm.
gummosis. gomosis. The exuding of gymnosperm. gimnospermas. Seed
various gummy substances as a plants not enclosed by a megasporo-
result of cell degeneration, espe- phyll or pistil, borne outside an
cially in some stone fruits. ovary or seed pod, and on the sur-
gutta. guta. An oil drop in a spore face of cone scales, as pine (Pinus)
or fungal hypha; also, a general term and others (Coniferae, Cycadaceae,
for a small vacuole. Genetaceae).
guttate. gutado. Containing small gymnospermal. gimnospermal. Per-
drops of material. taining to gymnosperms.
guttation. gutación. The oozing of gymnospermous. gimnospermo. Of
drops of water or salts from leaves, or resembling gymnosperms; having
as the result of root pressure, par- seeds not surrounded by a capsule
ticularly at night when transpira- or ovary.
tion rates are low. gymnospore. gimnospora. A naked
gymnosporous 178
spore. gynehermaphrodicephalous. gineher-
gymnosporous. gimnosporo. Having mafrodicéfalo. See gynehermaph-
naked spores. roditic.
gymnostromous. gimnostromo. Lack- gynehermaphroditic. ginehermaf-
ing a peristome. rodita. An inflorescence with pis-
gyn-. gin-. A Greek prefix that means, tillate flowers inside or above and
“female”. hermaphroditic flowers outside or
gyn(o)ecium. gineceo. The female below; gynehermaphrodicephal-
organ or organs of a flower; also, ous.
a collective term for all the pis- gynobase. ginobase. An enlargement
tils; also, the group of carpels in of the base or receptacle of the
the center or at the top of the flower; flower.
also, the group of archegonia in gynobasic. ginobásico. A type of style
mosses (Musci). that is attached to the base of an
gynagamocephalous. ginagamocéfalo. invaginated ovary.
See gynagamous. gynodioecious. ginodioico. Within
gynagamous. ginagamo. An inflo- the species, some plants that bear
rescence with pistillate flowers pistils and others that bear perfect
inside or above and neuter flow- flowers.
ers outside or below; gynagamo- gynomonoecious. ginomonoico. Within
cephalous. the species, a plant with pistillates
gynandrial. ginandrial. See gynostem- and perfect flowers.
ial. gynodioecy. ginodioecia. The con-
gynandrium. ginandro. A column with dition in a plant population or spe-
fused stamens and pistils, common cies in which female and hermaph-
in orchids (Orchidaceae). rodite indivduals are formed
gynandrophore. ginandróforo. A gynophore. ginóforo. The stipe or
gynophore with stamens and pis- stalk of a pistil; also, the elonga-
tils. tion of the receptacle of a flower
gynandrous. ginandro. Having the with the gynoecium at the apex;
stamen and pistil united in one also, of the Pyronemaceae, the de-
column. veloping multinucleate female struc-
gynandry. ginania. Hermaphroditism. ture.
gynantherous. ginantero. Having the gynostegium. ginostegio. A cover-
stamens converted into pistils. ing of the gynoecium.
gynaphore. gináforo. A special struc- gynostemial. ginandro. A column
ture on the fruit of the peanut formed by the fusion of stamens
(Aracnis hypogaea) for absorbing and carpels (stigma and style), as
ions. in the orchid (Orchidaceae) fam-
gynecandrous. ginecandro. An in- ily; same as gynandrial.
florescence with pistillate flowers gynostemium. ginostemo. A column
inside or above and staminate flow- that is formed from the fusion of
ers outside or below, as in the spikes the androecium and gynoecium, as
of some Carex. in trigger plants (Stylidiodeae).
gyn(o)ecium. gineceo. Gynaecium. gyrate. girar. Circinate; coiled in a
circle; having convolutions as, a deposit in eutrophic bodies of water,
gyrate cyme or gyrate foliation. produced by algae, macrophytes and
gyrose. girosa. Having a folded sur- other organisms.
face marked with sinuous lines or ß-galactosidase. ß-galactosidasa. The
ridges. enzyme that splits lactose into glu-
gyttja. gyttja. An organic, muddy cose and galactose.
H 180 half-race

H. H. A flower class containing flowers an important part in cellular oxi-

which are usually zygomorphic with dations. They exist in combina-
a corolla tube 6–15 mm long, and tion with nitrogenous organic sub-
suited to pollination by bees. stances which are called haemochro-
habit. hábito. The form, shape, oc- mogens. See haem.
currence, or mode of growth of a haemochromogens. hemocromógenos.
plant, as climbing, erect, prostrate, See haematin.
or others. haerangiomycetes. herangiomicetos.
habitat. hábitat. The natural living A group of the Ascomycetales,
area or type of living area of a plant including some of the members in
or plant community, characterized which the ascus does not have a
by its biotic and abiotic compo- definte cell wall.
nents. haerangium. herangio. A funnel-like
habitat form. forma hábitat. A plant extension formed by filaments from
showing features which are abnor- the edge of an ostiole.
mal but can be related to the place hair. tricoma. A thread-like growth
where it is growing e.g. dwarfing on a plant.
under poor growing conditions. hair-like. piliforme. Having the ap-
habitat group. grupo hábitat. A set pearance of hair.
of unrelated plants which occupy hairy. peloso. A hair-like covering.
the same kind of situation. half-inferior. medio-inferior. De-
hadrocentric vascular bundle. haz vas- scribes an ovary when the lower
cular hadrocentrico. A concentric part is embedded in the pedicel and
vascular bundle in which the the upper part is exposed, as in
xylem is surrounded by phloem. Tetragonia.
hadromase. hadromasa. An enzyme half-life. período de vida media.
present in some fungi, which ena- semiperíodo. The time needed for
bles them to decompose wood. half the radiation of a radioisotope
haem. hema. One of a group of iron- to be emitted; also, the length of
porphyrins which are conjugated time needed for half of a given sub-
with proteins to form peroxidase, stance deposited in a living organ-
catalase, and all the cytochromes. ism to be metabolized or eliminated;
haematochrome. hematocromo. An also the length of time it takes for
orange-red pigment, probably a half the species in a group to be-
carotinoid, found in some Chloro- come extinct; also the time required
phyceae. for a chemical reaction to affect
haematin. hemátina. Its derivatives half of the reactants.
are present in living cells and play half-race. media raza. A race of plants
haliplankton 181 haplomonoecios
in which only a few of the seed- at the tip or a bent trichome.
lings show the characteristic of the hamulate. armado de púas. Having
race, the other have the ordinary a small hook or the appearance of
characteristic of the species, and a small hook.
in which selection does not lead handle-shaped. manubrio. In some
to the fixing of a pure race. algae, a cylinder-like cell protruding
haliplankton. haliplancton. The plank- out from the shield in the wall of
ton of the seas. the antheridium; manubrium.
hallucinogen. alucinógeno. A com- hapaxanthic. hapaxántico. hapaxanto.
pound that produces mind-altering monocárpico. During a life span,
effects when ingested by humans. fruiting or flowering only one time
halo-. halo-. A prefix that means, “per- haplo-. haplo-. A Greek prefix that
taining to salt”. means, “single”.
halobiotic. halobiótico. Living in a haplobiont. haplobionte. A plant
strongly salty environment, as which has only one type of indi-
around a seashore. vidual in its life cycle; also, hav-
halobiontic. halobiontico. Strictly ing one type of thallus which is
confined to salt water. typically haploid.
halonate. halonado. Of a leafspot haplocaulescent. haplocaulescente.
fungus whose symptoms are con- Having a sinlge axis.
centric rings; also, of a spore having haplochlamydeous chimaera. quimera
a ring around it. haploclamideo. A periclinal chi-
halophile. halófilo. A freshwater spe- maera in which one component is
cies capable of living in saltwa- present as a single-celled layer,
ter. forming an epidermis.
halophilic. halófilo. Growing or living haplodioecious. haplodioecia. Hetero-
in an area rich in salt. thallism.
halophilous. halófilo. Thriving in or haplodiplont. haplodiplonte. A spo-
having a preference for salty soil, rophyte in which the cells contain
as in salt marshes and mudflats; the haploid number of chromo-
also, pertains to microorganism that somes.
tolerate high concentrations of salt. haplogonidium. haplogonidio. A
halophobe. halófobo. A plant that gonidium produced singly, not in
will not grow in a soil containing a group.
an appreciable amount of saltwa- haploid. haploide. Describes a nu-
ter. cleus cell with a single set of un-
halophyte. halófita. Plants that grow paired chromosomes; brought about
naturally in salty soil or salt laden by meiosis, which is necessary for
air, as some glassworts (Salicornia). gamete formation; sometimes
halosere. haloser(i)e. A sequence of referred to as the sex cell.
communities associated with the haploid phase. fase haploide. See
developmental stages in plant suc- haplophase.
cession on a salt marsh or salt desert. haploidy. haploidia. The condition
hamate. hamoso. Hook-shaped or hav- of being haploid.
ing a hook, as a narrow leaf hooked haplomonoecios. haplomonoecia.
haplomorphic 182 haustorial
Homothallic. perature, or nutrient supply; espe-
haplomorphic. haplomorfo. Flower cially used prior to transplanting.
parts spirally arranged in a semi- hardening. aclimatación. Adapting
spherical or hemispherical form. plants to outdoor conditions. See
haplont. haplonte. An organism that harden off.
is haploid during its entire lifetime, hardwood. leñosa. An angiospermous
except as a zygote. wood or tree species that has a high
haplophase. haplofase. The haploid density (mass per unit of volume),
phase of an organism. broad, flat leaves, as distinguished
haplopolyploid. haplopoliploide. A from the softwood, coniferous or
plant derived from a polyploid by needle-leaved trees.
haploid parthenogenesis and there- hardy. resistente a las heladas. Not
fore having half the number of chro- harmed by climate extremes; usu-
mosomes of the orignial polyploid. ally applied to plants growing in
haplosis. haplosis. The decrease in the temperate zone that can sur-
the number of chromosomes to half vive frost.
during meiosis. Hardy-Weinberg law. ley de Hardy-
haplostele. haplostela. A protostele Weinberg. A law stating the ex-
with a smooth circular outline in pected allele frequencies from one
a transverse section. generation to the next under a set
haplostemonous. haplostémono. Hav- of specific conditions that precludes
ing the stamens in one whorl. allele frequency changes; that ran-
haplostromatic. haplostromatico. dom mating of individuals is
Having only an ectostroma or equivalent to the random union of
endostroma. gametes.
haplosynoecious. haplosinoecia. harlequin chromosome. cromosoma
Homothallic. arlequín. Sister chromatids that
haploxylic. haploxílico. Said of a stain differently so that one appears
leaf having one vascular strand. dark and the other light. See sis-
haptera. hapterios. Attachment ap- ter chromatid exchange.
pendages or root-like forms of harsh. áspero. Having a rough sur-
holdfast growing from the stems face, as on some leaves.
of aquatic plants and marine algae. hastate. hastado. Triangular or ar-
haptonasty. haptonastia. A move- row-shaped with two flaring ba-
ment induced by touch but not sal lobes, as a hastate leaf;
influenced by the direction of the halbert-shaped.
stimulus. hastiform. hastiforme. Resembling
haptotropism. haptotropismo. The or having the shape of an arrow;
tropic response (closing) of a plant having hastate or triangular-shaped
being touched. See thigmotropism. leaves.
hard bast. liber duro. Sclerenchyma haulm. caña. A stem of grass (Poac-
produced in the phloem. eae), especially of cultivated ce-
harden off. aclimatar. To adapt a plant reals or bamboos (Bambusaceae);
to new, outside conditions by with- culm.
holding water, lowering the tem- haustorial. haustórico. Of or per-
haustorium 183 helmet-shaped
taining to a haustorium. of a helix.
haustorium (pl. haustoria). haustorio. helicoid. helicoide. Coiling in a spiral,
In some parasitic fungi, an out- like a snail shell.
growth from a thread-like filament helicoid cyme. cima helicoide. A de-
that enters a host to absorb nutri- terminate inflorescence in which
ents; also, in some parasitic flow- the branches coil and develop only
ering plants, one of the small roots on one side, as in the Boragin-
that attaches itself to and penetrates aceae; bostryx.
the host to absorb nourishment. helicoid dichotomy. dichotomia helic-
hazard. peligro. Anything that can oide. A branch system of repeated
cause injury, disease, economic dichotomies, giving a weak and
loss, or environmental damage. strong branch, the latter always
head. cabezuela. A crowded group being on the same side.
of sessile or subsessile flowers on heliophilous. heliófilo. Attracted by
a compound receptacle or torus, the sun, as heliophilous flowers.
as the inflorescence of the Aster- heliophyte. heliófita. Plants that can
aceae (Compositae); a type of in- adapt to bright, sunny habitats, as
florescence with the individual opposed to the shade-preferring
flowers grouped closely together sciophytes.
on a receptacle; capitulum; also, heliosciphyte. helioscífita. A plant
a group of conidia and sterigmata which will tolerate shade but grows
crowded into a dense mass, which better in the sun.
is rounded in outline. heliospore. heliospora. A coiled, cork-
heart-shaped. cordiforme. acorazon- screw-shaped spore which is com-
ado. Having the form of a heart, monly septate.
as some leaves; cordate; cordiform. heliotaxis. heliotaxis. Movement in
heartwood. corazón de la madera. response to sunlight.
The dead, central wood of an heliotropic. heliotrópico. A plant or
exogenous tree, frequently impreg- part of a plant that grows in the
nated with tannins, resins, and other direction of light; phototropic.
excretory products, with the heart- heliotropism. heliotropismo. The ten-
wood harder, somewhat darker and dency of some plants to bend or
more solid than the surrounding turn under the influence of light,
sapwood; duramen. especially sunlight; positive heli-
heath. brezo. brezal. A flat, uncul- otropism causes a movement to-
tivated region without trees; usu- ward the light and negative heli-
ally covered with low, shrubby otropism causes a movement away
plants. from the light; phototropism.
hebetate. hebetado. Having a blunt helix. hélice. A spiral form often used
or soft point. in reference to the double spiral
height. altura. The distance from the of the DNA molecule.
bottom to the top. helmet. casco. The upper lip of an
hekistotherm. hekistotermia. Cold- open corolla or any similar hood-
tolerate plants of the Polar Regions. like part; galea.
helical. helicoidal. Having the form helmet-shaped. galeiforme. Flowers
helminthoid 184 hemizygote
with the shape of a helmet, as the five-carbon sugars, which form part
monkshood and various other aco- of the matrix where cellulose fibers
nites (Aconitum); galeiform. are embedded; similar to cellulose,
helminthoid. helmintoide. Worm- but more easily degraded.
shaped. hemicryptophyte. hemicriptófito. A
helodrium. helodrio. A thicket for- Raunkiaer category of plants whose
mation. perennating buds are at ground level
helophyte. helófito. Plants typically and the aerial shoots die down at
found growing in marshes and the beginning of unfavorable con-
along the edge of lakes, in which ditions.
the perennating bud lies in the soil hemicyclic. hemicíclico. Designat-
or mud below the water level, but ing flowers which have the sepa-
the aerial shoots stick out above rate portions of the inflorescence
the water, as the reed Phragmites arranged in spirals.
communis; a bog plant. hemiform. hemiforme. A form of life
helotism. helotismo. A form of sym- cycle in the Uredinales, which
biosis in which one partner ben- includes only uredospores and
efits more than the other, e.g. the teleutospores.
fungus in a lichen thallus benefits hemigamous. hemigamo. Having one
more than the alga. of the two florets in the same
hemi-. hemi-. A Greek prefix that spikelet neuter, and the other uni-
means, “half” or “partial”. sexual; said of grasses (Poaceae).
hemianatropous. hemianátropo. hemikaryon. heminúcleo. A cell with
hemítropo. Describes an ovule the haploid number of chromo-
which is half-inverted so that the somes.
funiculus is attached near the middle hemiparasite. hemiparásito. A par-
with the micropyle terminal at a tially parasitic plant that has chlo-
right angle. Same as hemitropous. rophyll and photosynthesizes but
hemiangiocarpic. hemiangiocarpo. adds to its nutrient supply by also
Said of the fruit body of a fungus feeding on a host; characteristically
when the hymenium begins its de- form haustorial connections (root
velopment enclosed, but is exposed grafts) with plants around them;
at maturity; also, said of sporocarp sometimes referred to as a semi-
which opens just before it is ma- parasite; facultative parasite.
ture. hemisaprophyte. hemisaprófito. Fac-
hemiascus. hemiasco. hemiasca. An ultative parasite.
atypical, multispore ascus. hemispore. hemispora. Used espe-
hemiautophyte. hemiautófito. A para- cially for the fungi attacking skin:
site that contains chlorophyll so a cell at the end of a filament which
that it can manufacture some car- later becomes a deuteroconidium
bohydrate. by division.
hemicarp. hemicarpo. Mericarp. hemitropous. hemitropo. hemianát-
hemicellulose. hemicelulosa. A het- ropo. See hemianatropous.
erogeneous group of gummy com- hemizygote. hemicigoto. hemizigoto.
pounds in plant cell walls, rich in A plant or animal whose chromo-
hemizygous 185 hereditary determinant
somes have only one pair of genes. perennials that die back to the
hemizygous. hemizigótico. The con- ground level each year.
dition of having only one set of herbaceous layer. estrato herbáceo.
alleles instead of two, as in the case See field layer.
of loci on the X chromosome in herbal. de hierbas. Of or pertaining
males; also, of or pertaining to a to herbs or uses for herbs, as herbal
hemizygote. or medicinal tea.
hendeca-. hedeca-. A prefix that herbalist. herbolario. herborista.
means, “eleven of _______”. yerbatero. yerbatera. A person
hendecagynous. hendecagio. Hav- who collects or deals in herbs; for-
ing eleven pistils. merly, a descriptive botanist; a
hendecandrous. hendecandro. Hav- traditional physician that uses herbs.
ing eleven stamens. herbarium. herbario. An institutional
hepatica. hepática. Liverworts; plants repository for dried and pressed
from the class Hepaticae, which plant collections that may addition-
are similar to mosses (Musci), and ally conduct research, provide train-
together are termed bryophytes ing, facilitate referrals, engage in
(Bryophyta). documentation, and serve as a spe-
hepta-. hepta-. A Greek prefix that cialized library and data storehouse.
means, “seven”. herbicidal. herbicidal. That which
heptamerous. heptamero. Having inhibits or kills plant growth, a her-
seven members, as in each whorl; bicidal compound.
often written 7-merous. herbicide. herbicida. A chemical that
heptandrous. heptandro. Having seven kills a plant or inhibits its growth;
stamens. may work against a narrow or wide
heptapetalous. heptapétalo. Having range of plant species.
seven petals. herbivore. herbívoro. Animals that
heptasepalous. heptasépalo. Having feed only on plants.
seven sepals. hercogamy. hercogamia. The con-
heptaspermous. heptaspermo. Hav- dition of a flower when the sta-
ing seven seeds. mens and stigmas are arranged so
heptose. heptoso. A monosaccharide that self-pollination is impossible.
with seven carbon atoms. hereditary. hereditario. Being trans-
herb. hierba. Seed plants whose non- mitted or capable of being trans-
woody stems die back to the ground mitted by genes from parents to off-
at the end of the growing season, spring; passed down by inheritance.
distinguishing them from trees and hereditary character. carácter hered-
shrubs; also, a plant whose flow- itario. See hereditary character-
ers, leaves, roots, or stems can be istic.
used for medicine, seasoning, or hereditary characteristic. característica
perfume. hereditario. Any detectable at-
herbaceous. herbáceo. Having the tribute, character, or property of
characteristics of an herb; plants the plant that is transmitted from
that do not develop woody tissues; parent to off-spring, as color; trait.
typically annual and biennial plants; hereditary determinant. determinante
hereditary factor 186 heterochrony
hereditario. A gene; also, a he- allelic mutation which occurs at
reditary factor corresponding to the different sites within one gene, as
function of a gene. opposed to homoallele mutants of
hereditary factor. factor hereditario. a gene that have different muta-
A gene. tions at the same site.
heredity. herencia. The transmission heteroauxin. heteroauxina. Indolyl-
or capability of transmission of acetic acid; indole-3-acetic acid.
morphological and physiological heterobasidium. heterobasidio. A sep-
characters from parent to child tate basidium.
through chromosomes and their heterobrachial. heterobraquial. A
thread-like genes. chromosome bent into two parts of
heritability. heredabilidad. A measure unequal length.
of the extent to which a phenotype heterocarpous. heterocarpo. Bear-
is genetically influenced and can ing fruit of two kinds or shapes,
be modified by selection; a herit- as in Amphicarpaea.
able condition. heterocarpy. heterocarpia. See hetero-
heritable. heredable. Capable of being carpous.
inherited, as a physical trait. heterocaryon. heterocarionte. See het-
hermaphrodite. hermafrodita. A erokaryon.
flower having both stamens (male) heterochlanydeous. heteroclamideo.
and pistils (female) reproductive The flower whorl is different in
parts in a single floral envelope or form, size and color; also having
on the same receptacle; bisexual; a distinct calyx and corolla.
perfect; monoclinous. heterochromatic. heterocromático.
hermaphroditic. hermafrodita. See Having more than one color, as
hermaphrodite. heterochromatic flowers.
hermaphroditism. hermafroditismo. heterochromatin. heterocromatina.
The condition of a hermaphrodite; A portion of chromatin with tightly
gynandry. coiled DNA, inactive in the tran-
hesperidin. hesperidina. A flavonoid scription of the genetic code, and
occurring in citrus fruit peel and staining intensely during the inter-
in most citrus fruit when immature. phase of mitosis; an effective gene
hesperidium. hesperidio. A fleshy repressor which neutralizes protein-
berry-type fruit, covered by a tough, forming activities genes.
leathery skin, divided internally by heterochromosomes. heterocromo-
separable pulpy cells, and grow- soma. Chromosomes composed
ing on Citrus trees, such as grape- mostly of heterochromatin.
fruit, orange, or lemon. heterochromous. heterocromo. Having
heterandrous. heterandro. Having different colored florets in the
stamens that are not all the same center than those on the margin,
size. as asters or daisies (Asteraceae).
hetero-. heter-. hetero-. A Greek heterochrony. heterocronia. Disso-
prefix meaning “different”, “other” ciation during the development of
or “not normal”. shape, size, and maturity, so that
heteroallele. heteroalelo. A type of these features mature at earlier or
heterocylic 187 heterokaryon
later growth stages. heterogamy. heterogamia. Reproduc-
heterocylic. heterocíclica. The ring tion by the union of two different
system of a compound molecule types of gametes; anisogamy.
made up of atoms of different el- heterogeneity. heterogeneidad. A phe-
ements. notype that can be produced by
heterocyst. heterocisto. heterociste. different genetic mechanisms.
A large, specialized cell located heterogeneous. heterogéneo. heteró-
along filaments in blue-green geno. Made of dissimilar parts;
algae. varied; not homogeneous.
heterodromous. heterodromo. Hav- heterogenesis. heterogénesis. See
ing leaves on stems that spiral in alternation of generations.
one direction and leaves on branch- hetergenic. hetergénico. Of a popu-
es, spiraling in the opposite direc- lation or gamete containing more
tion. than one allelomorph of a particiular
heterodynamic. heterodinamíco. Of gene or genes.
unequal potentiality. heterogonic coefficient. coeficiente
heterodynamic hybrid. hibrido hetero- de heterogonico. An allometric
dinamíco. A hybrid that resem- coefficient which is used in express-
bles one parent more than the other. ing the ratio of relative growth rates.
heteroecious. heteroico. In some para- Expressed as log Y/d log X, where
sitic fungi, having various stages X is the measure of the organ, or
of growth take place on different part of the organ, and Y is the meas-
hosts; heteroxenous. urement of the whole organism, or
heteroecy. heterocia. Dioecious; also, part of it.
heteroecious. heterogonous. heterogono. Refers to
heterofertilization. heterofertilización. monoclinous flowers that occur in
The fertilization of the endosperm two or more forms but cross-
nucleus and egg-nucleus by gam- fertilization is still possible because
etes of different genetic composi- of the differing lengths of stamens
tion. and pistils.
heterogametangic. heterogametangico. heterogony. heterogonia. An alter-
Having gametangia of more than nation of generations in which a
one type. parthenogenetic generation alter-
heterogamete. heterogameto. Two dif- nates with a sexual generation; also,
fering gametes, either in structure the condition of being heterogo-
or behavior, which can unite with nous.
the other to form a zygote. heteroicous. heteroico. Said of the
heterogametic. hetergamético. With Bryophyta which have more than
respect to sex chromosomes, pro- one kind of arrangement of the
ducing two types of gametes. antheridia and archegonia on the
heterogamous. heterógamo. Having same plant.
flowers or florets that are sexually heterokaryon. heterocarión. A cell
different borne on the same plant; with several genetically different
maturation of flower parts occur- nuclei, especially a fungal mycelium
ring at different times. or hypha.
heterokaryosis 188 heterostyly
heterokaryosis. heterocariosis. Of a heteroploid. heteroploide. Having
cell having more than one geneti- a chromosome number that is not
cally different nucleus. the same multiple of the haploid
heterokinesis. heterocinesis. Differ- number of chromosome of the spe-
ential divison of chromosomes. cies; aneuloid.
heteromerous. heterómero. Composed heteropucnosis. heteropucnosis.
of units, such as cells, of differ- Excessive charging of heterochro-
ent types; also, having the flower matin with nucleic acid at meio-
parts of one or more whorls dif- sis and premeitotic divisions.
fering in number from the others; heterosepalous. heterosépalo. Hav-
also, layered, as with a lichen thallus ing different types of sepals on the
where the algae cells lie between same plant.
two layers of fungus hyphae; heterosis. heterosis. The increased
anisomerous. vigor, growth, size, yield, or func-
heteromorphic. heteromórfico. Oc- tion of a hybrid progeny over the
curring in different forms, as in the parents by crossing genetically
relative length of the stamens and unlike organisms; hybrid vigor.
pistils; also, chromosome pairs with heterosporangy. heterosporangia. The
some homology but differing in size formation of more than one kind
and shape, especially at meiosis. of sporangium containing more than
heteromorphic incompatiability. incom- one kind of spore.
patibilidad heteromórfico. Incom- heterosporic. heterospórico. Produc-
patibility associated with or depend- ing both microspores and mega-
ent on morphological variations. spores.
heteromorphous. heteromorfo. Ex- heterosporous. heterospóro. hetero-
isting in more than one form; also, spóreo. Having two different kinds
having more than one kind of flower of spores, often different in size.
on the same plants. See hetero- heterospory. heterosporia. The pro-
morphic. duction of more than one kind of
heteronomous. heterónomo. Having asexual spore on the same plant.
different growth modes, as heter- heterostylism. heteroestilismo. Poly-
onomous appendages. morphism found in angiosperm
heteropetalous. heteropétalo. Hav- flowers; heterostyly.
ing two different types of petals heterostylous. heterostilo. Styles of
on the same plant. different lengths on different plants
heterophyllous. heterófilo. Having of the same species which tends
two different types of leaves on the to encourage cross-pollination.
same plant; heterophyllous shoots heterostyly. heterostilia. Anthers and
come from winter buds and are dif- styles of different heights that fa-
ferent than the other leaves that cilitate cross fertilization through
develop later. pollination by insects; also, the
heterophylly. heterofíia. polimorfísmo division of a species into two or
foliar. A condition of having dif- three kinds of individuals by the
ferent shaped leaves on the same relative positions of the stigma(ta)
plant. and anthers; heterostylism.
heterosynapsis 189 hexuronic acids
heterosynapsis. heterosinapsis. The zigosis. See heterozygosity.
pairing of two dissimilar chromo- heterozygote. heterozigoto. hetero-
somes. cigoto. A plant whose chromosomes
heterotaxis. heterotaxis. An abnor- have both genes of a contrasting
mal or an irregular arrangement, pair, as tallness and shortness, and
as parts of a plant. therefore do not always breed true
heterothalism. heterotalismo. Refers to type; and, having non-identical
to algae and fungi having separate, alleles at a specific gene locus; also,
physiologically different male and a zygote derived from the union
female thalli; or in the fungi, both of gametes dissimilar in quality,
types of sex organs may be present quantity, or arrangement of their
on the same thallus, but self- genes, so that it is heterozygous
fertilization is impossible. Sexual for one or more allelomorphs.
reproduction only occurs when two heterozygous. heterozigótico. hetero-
appropriate strains come together. cigótico. Having different genes
heterothallic. heterotálico. Having of a Mendelian pair present in the
two types of haploids, one serv- same cell, as a tall pea (Pisum) with
ing as male and the other female, genes for both tallness (T) and
as fungi that are designated plus dwarfness (t).
and minus are said to be hetero- hexa-. hexa-. A Greek prefix that
thallic. means, “six”.
heterotroph. heterótrof. An organ- hexamerous. hexamero. Having parts
ism that cannot make its own food, arranged in sixes or multiples of
but is dependent on organic sub- six; 6-merous.
stances for nutrition, as fungi and hexandrous. hexandro. Having six
most bacteria. stamens.
heterotrophic. heterotrófico. Obtain- hexaploid. hexaploide. In each cell,
ing nutrients from organic mate- having six full sets of chromosomes.
rial; unable to use inorganic mat- hexaploidy. hexaploidia. The con-
ter. dition of having six times the hap-
heterotropous. heterótropo. Having loid set of chromosomes in the so-
the embryo or ovule oblique or matic cells.
traverse to the axis of the seed; the hexasomic. hexasomico. A diploid
ovule position not fixed in the ovary. with one chromosome represented
heterotypic. heterotipica (inflores- six times.
cencia). Identifies the first mei- hexokinase. hexoquinasa. The en-
otic division of a germ cell. zyme which combines the phosphate
heteroxenous. heteroico. See hetero- in ATP with glucose to give glu-
ecious. cose 6-phosphate.
heteroxeny. heteroxenia. See hetero- hexosans. hexosáns. Hemicelluloses
ecious. formed from hexose sugars.
heterozygo(si)ty. heterozigotismo. hexose. hexosa. A monosaccharide
Developing from a heterozygote; sugar having six carbon atoms.
being heterozygous. hexuronic acids. ácido hexuronico.
heterozygosis. heterocigosis. hetero- Acids derived from six carbon sug-
hians 190 histochemistry
ars found mostly in the pectic sub- seed that shows where it was
stances and the hemicellulose of attached to the funicle; also, the
the cell wall. nucleus in grasses (Poaceae); also,
hians. hians. Latin meaning “gap- the point on a fungal spore where
ing”. it was attached to its sporophore;
hiascent. hiascente. Becoming wide also, the lateral depression in which
open. the flagella are inserted in reniform
hibernaculum. hibernáculo. The part zoospores.
of a plant that is specialized to pro- himantoid. himantoide. Said of a myc-
tect the embryo during winter, as elium which spreads out in fan-like
a bud or bulb. cords.
hibernal. hibernal. Flowering or ap- hinge. ginglimo. A thin strip in the
pearing in the winter time; also, wall of a guard cell about which
used in reference to the six part movement can occur.
division of the year: hibernal, hip. cinarrodon. A small, fleshy
aestival, autumnal, prevernal, hypanthium that surrounds numer-
serotinal, and vernal. ous achenes, as on mature rose
hibernate. hibernar. invernar. To bushes (Rosa).
live through the winter in an hippocrepiform. hipocrepiforme. Hav-
inactive state. ing the shape of a horseshoe.
hibernation. hibernación. Remain- hircinus. hircinus. Latin meaning
ing quiescent during the winter. “with a goaty smell”.
hibernating. hibernante. invernante. hirti-. hirti-. A Latin prefix that means,
Overwintering. “with long hairs”.
hiematis. hiematis. Latin meaning hirsute. hirsuto. Covered with long,
“winter”. stiff trichomes.
high. alto. alta. Greater than usual hirsutidin. hirsutidina. An anthocy-
development; more complex, es- anin.
pecially in structure, as higher fungi. hirsutulous. hirsútulo. Covered with
higher fungi. hongos superiores. very small hirsute.
Fungi belonging to the subdivisions hirtellous. hírtulo. Having bristles;
Ascomycotina, Basidomycotine, hirsutulous.
and Deuteromycotina; true fungi hirtose. hirtoso. Having hairs.
Hill reaction. reacción de Hill. The hirtus. hirtus. Latin meaning “hir-
splitting of a molecule of water sute”.
during the light reactions of pho- hispid. hispido. Covered with very
tosynthesis; occurs when chloro- long, bristles, spines, or stiff
plasts exposed to light yield oxy- trichomes.
gen even in the absence of carbon hispidulous. hispídulo. Similar to
dioxide, provided the hydrogen ac- hispid but the trichomes are smaller
ceptors are present to cause the dis- or more delicate.
sociation of water and the result- histidine. histidina. A basic, polar
ing release of oxygen; the photolysis amino acid. See polar molecule.
of water. histochemistry. histoquímico. The
hilum. hilo. A scar on the testa of a study of tissues and cells, using
histocompatibility 191 holophytic
procedures from chemistry and bi- ecosystem rather than its compo-
ology. nent parts.
histocompatibility. histocompati- hollow. hueco. An empty space.
bilidad. The condition in which hollowed. fistuloso (en órganos
grafted or transplanted tissue is ac- cilíndricos). Tubular or reed-like.
cepted (without rejection) by sur- holo-. holo-. A Greek prefix that means,
rounding tissue. “entire” or “complete”.
histogen. histógeno. Any area of a holobasidium. holobasidio. A ba-
plant in which tissue differentia- sidium which is not septate.
tion occurs. holobenthic. holobéntico. Living at
histogenesis. histogénesis. The de- the bottom of the sea during all
velopment of tissues from embry- stages of development.
onic germ layers. holoblastic. holoblástico. An ovum
histogenous. histógeno. Produced composed mostly or completely of
from tissues; also, of spores pro- germinal matter.
duced from hyphae or cells with- holocarpic. holocarpico. Used to de-
out conidiophores. scribe a fungus in which the whole
histogeny. histogenia. Histogenesis. thallus differentiates to form one
histoid. histoide. Covered with soft or more reproductive structures;
fibers or hairs, appearing like a also, said of a fungus which is com-
cobwed. pletely enclosed in the host.
histology. histología. The study of holocentric. holocentrico. Chromo-
tissue structures of plants or ani- somes in which the properties of
mals, especially the microscopic the centromere are diffused over
structures. the entire chromosome.
histolysis. histólisis. The disintegration holoenzyme. holoenzima. A fully ac-
of tissues due to the disappearance tive complex enzyme composed of
or solution of the walls or tissues. a protein component and a coenz-
histone. histona. Proteins, rich in amino yme.
acids, found in the nucleus and hologamete. hologameto. A gamete
associated with the eukaryotic chro- formed from the entire cell body,
mosomes and nucleolus. in Protista.
hoarfrost. escarcha. See white frost. hologamy. hologamia. The fusion of
hoary. canescente. Covered by dense, two mature cells each of which has
grayish-white hair. be completely changed into a
holandric. holándrico. Of or pertaining gametangium.
to the inheritance of genes located holophyte. holófita. A plant that pro-
on the Y chromosomes. duces its own food by photosyn-
holdfast. órgano fijador. órgan de thesis.
sujeción. A structure at the base holophytic. holofitico. Capable of syn-
of macroalgae that attaches the thesizing complex molecules from
stalk to a rocky surface. simple ones, thus storing chemi-
holistic. holistico. Pertaining to the cal energy, and builidng new tis-
whole. In ecology, the term is used sues from them; refers particularly
to indicate the study of an entire to photosynthesis.
holosaprophyte 192 homolog(ue)
holosaprophyte. holosaprófito. A true nal processes change in response
saprophyte. to changes in external conditions
holotype. holótipo. ejemplar tipo. to maintain constant internal con-
A single specimen on which the ditions; a state of balance.
description of a species or variety homogametic. homogamético. Pro-
is based; type specimen. ducing one type of gamete or sex
homo-. homo-. A Greek prefix that chromosome.
means, “same” or “similar”. homogamous. homógamo. Having
homoallele. homoalelo. A type of flowers of the same sex; also, sta-
allele mutant of a gene that has dif- mens and pistils maturing at the
ferent mutations at the same site, same time.
as opposed to heteroallelic mutants homogamy. homogamia. Having a
which occur at different sites within homogamous condition; especially
one gene. having stamens and pistils of a
homobasidium. homobasidio. A non- monoclinous flower mature at the
spetate basidium. same time.
homobium. homobio. A self-suporting homogeneous. homogéneo. Having
association of a fungus and an alga, all the same character or kind of
as in lichens. parts; uniform.
homocarpous. homocarpo. Having homogenesis. homogénesis. The or-
similar carpels or fruits, as in the dinary path of generation in which
head of a composite flower. the offspring is like the parent, both
homocaryon. homocarión. homocario. in structure and development.
See homokaryon. homogenic. homogénico. Of a popu-
homochlamydeous. homoclamideo. lation or gamete containing only
Having the same flower whorls; one allelomorph of a particular gene
with the perianth having similar or genes.
parts and each part a tepal. homogenous. homogéno. Having the
homodromous. homodroma. Leaves same structure because of a com-
on the stem and branches spiraling mon origin.
in the same direction; also, hav- homograft. homoinjerto. See allo-
ing all the leaves turned the same graft.
way. homoimerous. homoímero. Said of
homodynamic hybrid. hibrido homodi- a lichen thallus in which the algal
namico. A hybrid having an equal and fungal components are mixed,
grouping of characters derived from not in layers.
each parent, and differing in ap- homokaryon. homocarión. homo-
pearance from both. cario. A fungal mycelium where
homoeosis. homoeosis. A type of vari- all the nuclei are genetically iden-
ation in which a plant member takes tical.
on the characters of an unlike mem- homolog(ue). homologue. Something
ber, e.g. when a petal changes into that shows correspondence in struc-
a stamen. ture or origin. The corresponding
homoeostasis. homeostasis. A dy- portion of a homologous chromo-
namic steady state in which inter- some.
homologous 193 homothallism
homologous. homólogo. Being iden- strains of a fungus which look iden-
tical in morphology and in arrange- tical.
ment of genetic loci; also, corre- homomorphism. homomorfismo. The
sponding in type of structure and condition of being homomorphic.
in origin; in contrast with analo- homonym. homónimo. In botanical
gous. nomenclature, one of two or more
homologous chromosome. cromosoma separately published names for the
homólogo. A chromosome which same taxon or identical names for
contains an identical linear sequence different taxa.
of genes, and pair during meiosis. homopetalous. homopétalo. All the
Each is a duplicate of one of the same type of petals.
chromosomes provided by one of homophyllous. homófilo. Having the
the parents and each is identical same kind of leaves.
in shape and size; also, the pairs homophytic. homofítico. Having the
of chromosomes present in a dip- diploid (sporophytic) thallus bi-
loid nucleus. sexual.
homologous recombination. recomb- homoplasmic. homoplásmico. Homo-
inación homólogo. Crossing over karyotic.
and the exchange of segments be- homosporangic. homosporangico.
tween homologous chromosomes Having only one kind of sporan-
during meiosis I. The exchange can gium.
occur anywhere along the chromo- homosporic. homospórico. Having
some, and is reciprocal, fairly long, asexual spores of one kind only,
and with staggered joint forms be- as opposed to heterosporic.
tween the interacting DNA strands. homosporous. homósporo. Having
homologous variation. variación ho- only one kind of asexually produced
mólogo. The occurrence of simi- spores, as opposed to heterospo-
lar variations in related species. rous; also, producing spores that
homology. homología. Having a simi- are all the same size; isosporous
lar structure occurring in differ- homospory. homosporia. The pro-
ent organisms; as seen in the fer- duction of only one kind of asexual
tilization of lower plants, which spores.
is often achieved by motile male homostylous. homostílo. Describes
gametes. This is homologous to the species that have styles of the same
male gamete of Spermatophytes length and character, as opposed
which is non-motile and transferred to heterostylous.
in the pollen grain. homostyly. homostilia. Having styles
homomorphic. homomorfo. All of a all the same length.
similar shape, size, and form, but homosynapsis. homosinapsis. The
not the same structure or origin. pairing of two similar chromosomes.
homomorphic incompatibility. incom- homothallic. homotálico. Having one
patibilidad homomorfo. Incom- haploid type, that produces self-
patibilty not dependent for its ac- fertile cells which mate with each
tion on morphological variation, other: a homothallic fungus.
e.g. the incompatibility between two homothallism. homotalismo. homo-
homozygosis 194 horotely
talia. Said of the Thallophyta uncinado. A fruit, seed, or spore
which bear male and female sex with a hook that aids in disperal
organs on the same thallus and are by becoming attached to animals.
capable of self-fertilization. If both hordein. hordeina. A gluten pro-
male and female organs are present tein.
but there is no self-fertilization, horizon. horizonte. A stratum of
the organism is physiologically the soil. They start with the A ho-
heterothallic. rizon at the surface and usually end
homozygosis. homozigosis. homozig- with the C horizon, which is the
osis. Homozygosity. parent material.
homozygosity. homozigotismo. The horizontal. horizontal. Lying flat
condition of being homozygous; or parallel to the ground, as a hori-
coming from a homozygote. zontal stem.
homozygote. homozigoto. homoc- hormesis. hormesis. The stimulus
igoto. A plant whose chromosomes given to an organism by a non-toxic
have an identical pair of alleles at concentration of a normally toxic
a given gene locus; for example substance.
tallness (T), which therefore will hormocyst. hormociste. A short
always breed true to type. hormogonium enclosed in a thick,
homozygous. homocigoto. homoz- stratified sheath.
igótico. Having similar genes of hormogone. hormogonio. Short sec-
a Mendelian pair in the same cell tions of the trichome which are
as a dwarf pea (Pisum) with genes organs of vegetative reproduction
for dwarfness (tt) only; having iden- in some of the Myxophyceae.
tical genes at the same locus on hormogonium. hormogóneo. In some
each member of a pair of chromo- algae, a segment of the filament
somes which are homologous. that becomes detached and devel-
hood. capuchón. cubierta. The cover- ops into a new filament.
shaped part of a perianth with a hormone. hormona. Growth producing
turned down margin; the upper petal substances in the protoplasm of
or sepal, as in the monkshood, plants.
Acontium napelius; flower parts hormospore. hormospora. A thick
shaped like a hood, especially the walled, multicellular body, which
arched upper areas of the corolla is spore-like and produced by some
or calyx in some species. Myxophyceae.
honey guide. señal del néctar. Lines, horological. horológico. Said of a
dots, etc. on perianth lobes show- flower which opens and shuts at
ing insects the way to nectar; nectar a definite time of the day.
guide. horn. cornículo. A curved, pointed,
hook. ganchuelo. ganchillo. A small and hollow extension from the
hook, bent down or curved. perianth.
hooked. uncinado. ganchudo. hamoso. horny. córneo. Describes a tapering
Curved like a hook; bent like a hook; projection similar to a cow’s horn.
uncinate. horotelic. horotélico. See horotely.
hooked disseminule. disemínulo horotely. horotémente. The average
hortensis 195 hyaline cell
rate of evolution per million years in which organic matter (dead
for a taxonomic group or genera. leaves etc.) in the upper soil is re-
hortensis. hortensis. Latin meaning duced to finely divided pieces of
“of gardens”. humus or partially decomposed
horticultural. horticola. de horticult- organic material; essentially an oxi-
ura. Of or pertaining to horticul- dation process that reduces organic
ture. molecules into organic acids that
horticulture. horitcultura. The study are mineralized into simple, inor-
and growing of various plants, ganic forms, suitable for uptake by
especially decorative as flowers, plants. With the aid of saprotroph
fruits, shrubs, and trees. organisms, which use these dead
hortus siccus. hortus siccus. Latin materials for their own food, humi-
for a herbarium or collection of fication is a vital stage in the cy-
dried plants. cling of nutrients. In short, the trans-
host. huésped. hospedero. A plant formation of organic material into
that provides nourishment protec- humus.
tion for a parasite; also, the domi- humifusus. humifusus. Latin mean-
nant partner in a symbiotic or ing “spreading on the surface”.
commensal relationship. humilis. humilis. Latin meaning
host-specific. hospedero-específico. “dwarf”.
Living in or on a particular spe- humin. humina. The fraction of the
cies as a host. soil organic matter which is insolu-
hue (color). tono (color). One of the ble in cold alkali.
three measurements of color (hue, humus. humus. mantillo. A slightly
chroma, and value) indicating the soluble, dark brown or black, par-
degree of lightness of reds, yellows, tially decomposed organic mate-
greens, blues and purples. rial in top soil, formed from
hull. casco. The outside covering of decayed leaves and other vegeta-
a seed or fruit; also, the calyx of ble matter, which helps retain water
some fruit, as the green leaves and water-soluble nutrients and is
around the stem of a strawberry stable enough to release its nutri-
(Ericaceae). ents to plants.
humic acid. ácido húmico. A frac- humus nucleus. núcleo humus. A com-
tion of the soil organic matter which bination of lignin and protein which
is soluble in cold alkali, then pre- forms the basis of humus.
cipitated in dilute acid, and then husk. cáscara. The dry, outer cov-
insoluble in ethanol. ering of a variety of nuts, fruits
humicolous. humico. Growing on soil and vegetables, such as the coco-
or humus. nut husk, enclosing both the hard
humid. húmedo. Very moist, with shell and the inner parts.
the air containing much water vapor. hyaline. hialina. Translucent or
humidity. humedad. The amount of transparent; used to describe the
moisture or water vapor in the air. consistency of an organ as thin and
See relative humidity. hyaline.
humification. humificación. A process hyaline cell. célula hialina. A colorless
hyalo- 196 hydrogen acceptor
cell lying between those contain- hybridize. hibridar. To produce by
ing chlorophyll in a ‘leaf ’ of hybrids.
Sphagnum. hybritity. hibridez. See hybridism.
hyalo-. hialo-. A prefix referring to hydathode. hidatodo. An opening on
spores which are hyaline or brightly the tip or margin of some leaves
colored. that secretes water during guttation;
hyalogen. hialogéno. A particle formed also, a water-secreting gland found
by the secretory processes of a cell. on the edges and tips of leaves.
hyalogenesis. hialogénesis. The se- hydosphere. hidrosfere. The earth’s
cretory processes of a cell. water deposits, including: liquid
hyaloplasm. hialoplasma. The ground water (oceans, lakes, and other sur-
substance of cell cytoplasm where face and underground waters); fro-
organelles and membranaceous zen water (polar ice caps, float-
constituents are implanted; cyto- ing ice caps, and ice in the soil ((per-
plasmic matrix. mafrost)); and, water vapor in the
hyalosporous. hialosporo. Having hya- atmosphere.
line, one-celled spores. hydric. hidro. Characterized by the
hybrid. híbrido. The offspring of two need for much moisture, as hydric
parent plants that are from differ- plants.
ent varieties, species, sub-species, hydrase. hidrasa. An enzyme which
or genera. can add or remove water without
hybrid cell. célular hibrido. A cell hydrolysis.
derived from the fusion of cells from hydration. hidración. The addition
different cultured cell lines. of water, either physically, or in
hybrid swarm. enjambre de hibridos. chemical combination.
A continuous series of morphologi- hydrocarbon. hidrocarburo. Any of
cally distinct hybrids attributable a large group of organic compounds
to the hybridization of two species containing only hydrogen and car-
followed by a crossing and back- bon.
crossing of later generations. hydrocarpic. hidrocarpico. Said of
hybrid vigor. vigor híbrido. See het- aquatic plants which ripen their
erosis. fruits under water after pollination
hybrid zone. zona híbrida. A geo- has taken place in the air above.
graphical area where the hybrids hydrochoric. hidrocoro. Dispersed
of two geographical races may be by water.
found. hydrochory. hiddrocoria. Water dis-
hybridism. hibridismo. The produc- persal.
tion of hybrids; crossbreeding; hydrogen. hidrógeno. A colorless,
hybritity. odorless, gaseous element with the
hybridization. hibridación. The cross- chemical symbol H.
ing of individuals of unlike genetic hydrogen acceptor. aceptor de hidróg-
composition; also, a method of eno. In the equation AH + B =
breeding new cultivars that uses BH + A, AH is the hydrogen do-
crossing to obtain genetic recomb- nor, and B is the hydrogen accep-
inations. tor.
hydrogen bond 197 hydroxyl group
hydrogen bond. puente de hidrógeno. in water or moist, wet conditions;
enlace de hidrógeno. A type of also, pollinated by water.
chemical bond in which an elec- hydrophobic. hidrofóbico. The quality
tronegative atom interacts with a of a substance, molecule, or sur-
hydrogen atom that is participat- face to cause water to be repelled.
ing in a polar covalent bond. hydrophyte. hidrófita. Plants that are
hydrogen donor. donador de hidróg- adapted morphologically and/or
eno. See hydrogen acceptor. physiologically to grow only in
hydrogen ion. hidrogenión. ion hid- water or very wet soil, as most al-
rógeno. See ion. gae.
hydrogen ion concentration. concentr- hydrophytium. hidrofítio. A water-
ación de hidrogeniones. The pH. plant formation.
hydrogenase. hidrogensa. An enzyme hydroponics. cultivo hidropónico.
that activates processes involving hidropóni(c)a. Growing plants in
the addition of hydrogen to a sub- aerated water containing all the
strate. essential nutrients.
hydroid. hidroide. Plants that grow hydropote. hidropota. A cell or group
well in water or in very wet sur- of cells easily permeable to water
roundings; also, empty, thin-walled and dissolved salts; found in sub-
cells in the central cylinder of cer- merged leaves.
tain mosses (Musci). hydrosere. hidroser(i)e. A continu-
hydrolase. hidrolasa. An enzyme that ity of communities that reflects
activates processes involving the developmental stages in plant suc-
hydrolysis of a substrate. cession which began in soil sub-
hydrologic cycle. cíclica hídrico. The merged by fresh water.
movement of water from the atmos- hydrostatic equilibrium. equilibrio
phere to the earth and its return hidroestático. Water that is in a
to the atmosphere. state of perfect balance between the
hydrolysis. hidrólisis. A decompo- forces of gravity and pressure.
sition process by which one com- hydrotaxis. hidrotaxis. hidrotactismo.
pound is broken down into other The movement of an organism to-
compounds by taking up elements ward or away from water in response
in water; water serving as a reac- to the stimulus of water.
tant and not as a solvent; also, the hydrotropic. hidrotrópico. Plant roots
addition of water to a large mol- that have a strong tendency to move
ecule to produce smaller ones. toward water, as willows (Salix)
hydrolytic. hidrolítico. Of or per- and cottonwoods (Populus).
taining to hydrolysis. hydrotropism. hidrotropismo. The
hydrolyze. hidrolizar. To decompose directional growth of a plant or plant
by hydrolysis. organ, towards moisture in response
hydrophilic. hidrofílico. The qual- to the stimulus of water.
ity of a substance, molecule, or hydrous. hidratado. Watery.
surface to attract water. hydroxyl group. grupo hidroxilo. A
hydrophilous. hidrófilo. Water lov- univalent group –OH; one unit of
ing plants; plants that grow best oxygen and one unit of hydrogen,
hygrochastic 198 hypertonic
found in all hydroxides. on a wall of a capitulum, as in the
hygrochastic. higroquistic. Of a fruit Ficus.
which opens by the absorption of hyper-. hiper-. A Greek prefix that
water. means, “beyond” or “above”.
hygrometric. higrométrico. Said of hyperbasal cell. célula hiperbasal.
a movement due to changes in the One of the two lowermost cells of
atmospheric humidity. the developing sporophyte of bryo-
hygrophanous. higrófano. Having a phytes and pteridophytes. It usu-
translucent or watery appearance. ally develops into part of the seta
hygrophilous. higrófilo. higrófita. and foot.
Growing well in damp places, as hyperchimaera. hiperquimera. A chi-
water lilies (Nymphaeaceeae). maera in which the components are
hygrophobe. higrófobo. Living in dry intimately mixed.
conditions. hyperdiploidy. hiperdiploidía. The
hygroscopic. higroscópico. Absorbing condition where the full diploid
water from the air; also, used to complement of chromosomes is
describe absorbed moisture held in present, as well as a portion of one
soil and unavailable in amounts chromosome which has become
necessary for plants to survive. translocated.
hylium. hilio. A forest formation. hypermorph. hipermorf. A mutant
hylodium. hilodio. An open, dry wood- gene having a similar but greater
land. effect than the non-mutant allelo-
hylophyte. hilófito. A plant growing morph.
in damp woods. hyperparasite. hiperparasíto. A para-
hymatomelanic acid. ácido himato- site, as parasitic on another para-
melanico. A constituent of soil site; superparasite.
organic matter. It is soluble in cold hyperplasia. hiperplasia. An abnor-
alkali from which it is precipitated mal increase in the size of tissue
by dilute acid and is then soluble by cell division.
in ethanol. hyperploid. hiperploide. Having the
hymenium. himenio. The spore-bear- number of chromosomes greater
ing, gill covering surface of mush- than, but not a multiple of, the dip-
rooms; also, the palisade-like layer loid number for the species.
of basidia. hypersensitivity. hipersisibilidad. A
hymenophore. himenópteros. Any method of resistance to invasion
sturcture bearing a hymenium. by an obligate parasite. The first
hymenopodium. himenópodio. The few host cells that are invaded first
tissue under the hymenium. die rapidly, thus removing the food
hypanthium. hipanto. A cup or tube- supply for the parasite, which con-
like enlargement of the flower re- sequently dies.
ceptacle below the calyx; the fused hyperstromatic. hiperstromatico. Hav-
basal portion of sepals, petals, and ing the stroma on the upper sur-
stamens around the ovary. face of a leaf.
hypanthodium. hipantodio. An in- hypertonic. hipertónico. Of a solu-
florescence of sessile flowers borne tion, having a greater osmotic pres-
hypertrophy 199 hypogynous
sure than the one with which it is located below the cotyledons and
being compared. above the radicle; embryonic axis.
hypertrophy. hipertrófia. The abnormal hypocotylespermous. macrópodo. A
increase in the size of a tissue by seed type that has nourishment
an enlargement of the original cells. stored in the hypocotyl; macro-
hypertrophyte. hipertrófito. A parasite podial.
causing hypertrophy. hypocrateriform. hipocrateriforme.
hypha. hifa. A long, thread-like fila- Salver-shaped; having a short tube
ment with a transparent wall, with the limb spreading into a flat
often reinforced with chitin, that surface, as in the primrose (Primul-
is the structural unit of the mesh- aceae); used to describe a gamo-
like mycelium of many fungi and petalous corolla.
actinomycetes. hypocraterimorphous. hipocrater-
hyphomycetous. hifomiceto. Mold imorfo. Same as hypocrateriform.
or cobweb-like. hypodermis. hipodermis. hipodermo.
hyphopodium. hifopodio. A more or The outer layer of cortex in stems,
less lobed ougrowth from a hypha, immediately under the epidermis;
often serving to attach an epiphytic corresponds to the exodermis in
fungus to a leaf. roots.
hypnocyst. hipnociste. A thick-walled hypodermal. hipodermal. Beneath
resting spore of some algae. the epidermis.
hypnospore. hipnóspora. A thick- hypogeal germination. germinación
walled aplanospore. hipogeo. In dicots, a type of seed
hypnozygous. hipnócigo. Said of a germination where the cotyledons
zygote which remains inert for some remain below the soil surface, as
time after formation. peas (Pisum).
hypoascidium. hipoascidio. An ab- hypogean. hipogeo. Growing under-
normal cup-shaped outgrowth from ground.
a leaf; also, a transformation of a hypogenous. hipógeno. Produced
leaf, the inner surface corresponding lower down.
to the lower surface of the leaf. hypogeous. hipógeo. Living or grow-
hypo-. hipo-. A prefix that means, ing under ground; attached and
“under”. growing under a leaf; subterranean.
hypobasidium. hipobasidio. An en- hypogynium. hipoginio. A perianth-
larged cell of a hyphae, in which like structure of bony scales located
a nuclear fusion takes place before at an angle to the ovary and oc-
the formation of the basidium. curring in Scleria and other mem-
hypobiosis. hipobiosis. Dormancy. bers of Cyperaceae; also, a con-
hypocarpogenous. hipocarpógeno. dition in some flowers in which all
Flowering and fruiting underground. the floral parts, calyx, corolla, and
hypochnoid. hipoquinoide. Having stamens are attached below and free
effused, resupinate, dry, rather from the ovary.
loosely intertwined hyphae. hypogynous. hipógino. Located on
hypocotyl. hipocótilo. The embry- the receptacle below the ovary, as
onic stem (in the seed) which is sepals, petals, and stamens; also,
hypogyny 200 hysteresis
of an antheridium developing on hypostatic. hipostático. Recessive,
a branch of the oogonial stalk; also, when relating to one of two char-
said of a flower in which the other acters which are not allelomorphic.
parts arise below the gynecium. hypostomatic. hipostomática. Hav-
hypogyny. hipoginia. A condition ing stomata on the lower surface
in flowers where the calyx, corolla, of a leaf.
and stamens are inserted on the re- hypostroma. hipostroma. A stroma
ceptacle or axis below and unat- found beneath the epidermis of the
tached to the ovary. host.
hypolimnion. hipolimnion. The lower, hypothallus. hipotalo. In some lichens,
cooler, non-circulating water in a a layer of fungal tissue under the
thermally stratified lake during the thallus and extending beyond the
hot summer months. Commonly, edges; also, in myxomycetes, a layer
this layer is below the compensa- of material where sporangium are
tion level and the dissolved oxy- positioned or the stalk.
gen supply depletes gradually with hypotheca. hipoteca. The inner of
replenishment by photosynthesis the two half-walls of the cell wall
prevented until stratification breaks of diatoms, and dinoflagellates.
down in the autumn. hypothecium. hipotecio. The lower
hypomorph. hipomorf. Of a mutant layer of an ascocarp of the Hyster-
gene having an effect similar to, iales. It contains the ascogenous
but less than that of the non- hyphae.
mutant allelomorph. hypothesis. hipótesis. A postulated
hyponasty. hiponastia. A nastic growth explanation for one or more ob-
on the lower part of a plant organ, servations that must be tested ex-
such as a nastic growth on the un- perimentally before it can be ac-
derside of a leaf which causes the cepted as valid or discarded if in-
blade to curve upward. correct; an idea or belief than can
hypophloeodal. hipofloeodal. Growing be tested by experimentation.
or living underneath or inside tree hypotonic. hipotónico. Said of a so-
bark. lution having a smaller osmotic
hypophyllous. hipofilo. Attached to pressure than that of the solution
or growing on the under surface with which it is being compared.
of a leaf. hypotrophy. hipotrófia. Eccentric
hypoplasia. hipoplasia. A state of thickening of the underside of an
having growth less than others; a approximately horizontal shoot or
developmental deficiency. root.
hyploid. hiploide. A diploid lack- hypoxyloid. hipoxiloide. Forming a
ing a piece or pieces of chromo- cushion-shaped, or crust-like
some from its complement. stroma.
hypopolyploid. hipopoliploide. A hysophyllary leaf. hoja hisofilaria.
polyploid in which one or more of A bract.
the chromosomes are lost from the hysteranthous. histeranto. Developing
complete set. leaves after flowering.
hypostasis. hipostasis. See epistasis. hysteresis. histeresis. A lag in move-
hysteriaceous 201 hysterothecium
ment at one level, in response to which springs from and lives upon
a stress at another level. organic matter; also, of the order
hysteriaceous. histeriaceo. Long and Hysterophyta; also, a fungus or
cleft. any similar colorless organism.
hysteriform. histeriforme. Having hysterothecium. histerotecio. An
the shape of a long, narrow ridge, elongated perithecium, remaining
with a longitudinal opening along closed as it develops and opening
the top. when ripe, by a slit-like cleft at
hysterophyte. histerófito. A plant the top.
i.e. 202 immature community

i.e. i.e. es decir. esto es. An abbre- imbibition. imbibición. The absorption
viation for the Latin phrase, Id est, of water into the small spaces or
which means, “that is.” pores of cellulose, pectin, and the
IAA. AIA. An abbreviation for in- cytoplasmic proteins in seed; it
doleacetic acid. occurs when a solvent enters a col-
IBA. AIB. An abbreviation for loid between the free capillary
indolebutyric acid. spaces and the intermicellar spaces.
ICF. LIC. An abbreviation for inter- It causes the colloid to swell and
cellular fluid. utimately to be disperesed. The
ICSH. ICHS. An abbreviation for swelling causes considerable pres-
interstitial cell stimulating hormone. sure – the imbibitional pressure.
identification. identificación. The imbricate. imbricado. Overlapping;
taxonomic determination of the laying over each other in a regu-
specimen, its naming, placement, lar order, as leaf buds.
and refinement in the classifica- imbrication. imbricación. The con-
tion system. dition of being imbricate.
idioblast. idioblasto. An isolated plant imine. imina. A compound composed
cell that is quite different from the of the imino group NH.
surrounding cell system; also, a sup- imino acid. ácido imino. An acid de-
porting thick-walled, elongated cell, rived from an imine in which the
lacking chlorophyll, among chloro- components are combined to the
phyllaceous tissue. same carbon atom. Proline is an
idiochromatin. idiocromatina. A sub- imino acid.
stance within the nucleus of a cell imitation. imitación. Mimicry.
which controls the reproduction of imitative. imitativa. Closely resem-
the cell. bling, as an imitative coloration in
idioplasm. idioplasma. Germ-plasm. flowers.
idoses. idoses. Monosaccharides be- immaculate. inmaculado. Without
longing to the aldohexoses. colored spots; spotless.
illegitimate pollination. polinización immarginate. inmarginado. Lacking
ilegitimo. Self-pollination which a distinct edge.
takes place inspite of the flower immature. inmaduro. inmaturo. Un-
appearing to be adapted for cross derdeveloped, as with fruits or
pollination. leaves; juvenile; not completely
imberbate. glabro. imberbe. Hav- grown; unripe.
ing no hair; smooth. immature community. comunidad
imbibe. embeber. empapar. To ab- inmaduro. A community in eco-
sorb moisture. logical succession, characterized
immature 203 inactivity
by only a few species and ecological which a protein is synthesized by
niches; unable to efficiently cap- an organism to counteract some
ture and use energy or cycle critical pathogenic agent.
nutrients. imparipinate. imparipinnado. Odd-
immature. inmaduro. inmaturo. Un- pinnate; leaflets arranged on both
derdeveloped, as with fruits or sides of an axis but ending with a
leaves; juvenile; not completely single terminal leaflet.
grown; unripe. imperfect (flower). imperfecto (flor).
immaturity. inmadurez. The state or With stamens or carpels absent in
quality of being immature. the flower; unisexual.
immediate germination. germinación imperfect fungus. hongo imperfecto.
inmediato. Germination without Any fungi of the Order Fungi
under going a period of inactiv- Imperfecti that only form asexual
ity. spores.
immersed. sumergido. Growing com- imperfect hybridization. hibridización
pletely under water; also, embed- imperfecto. An abortive attempt
ded in the tissues of the plant; also, to form zygospores between the
arising beneath the surface of the hyphae of two distinct species of
substratum. Zygomycetes.
immigration. inmigración. The flow imperforate. imperforado. Having
of different genes into a popula- no holes or openings.
tion, caused by new individuals that impermeability. impermeabilidad. The
inbreed with the resident species. quality or state of being imperme-
immobilis. immobilis. Latin mean- able.
ing “immovable”. impermeable. impermeable. Charac-
immobilization. inmovilización. The terized by the capacity to restrict
conversion of an inorganic com- the passage of substances.
pound to an organic form by bio- impervious. impermeable. no poroso.
logical activity that removes it from Resistant to penetration by roots
the reservoir of compounds avail- or fluids.
able to plant roots. implicate. implicado. Entangled; in-
immune. inmune. Free from attack terwoven; twisted together, as
by a specific pathogen; also, not implicate hair.
subject to the disease. impressed. impreso. Having the sur-
immunity. inmunidad. Acquired: a face marked by slight depressions
natural or an acquired resistance below the surface, as with some
to a pathogenic agent or substance. leaf venation.
Structural: e.g. a thick cuticle may in vitro. in vitro. Living in a test
prevent the penetration of the fun- tube or outside the organism, as
gal hyphae. in an artificial environment; Latin
Physiological: e.g. the protoplasm for “in glass”.
is an unfavorable environment for in vivo. in vivo. Residing in the liv-
the development of the parasite. ing organism; Latin for “in living”.
immunological. inmunológico. Per- inactivity. inactividad. Not vegetating;
taining to an immune response in dormancy, as plants in a state of
inaequale 204 incomplete flower
inactivity. indentations, sometimes jagged or
inaequale. inaequale. Latin mean- notched, as on the outer edge or
ing “unequal”. margin of certain types of incised
inarticulate. inarticulada. Not joined. leaves.
inbred line. linea consanguinea. incision. incisión. A deep notch or
filiación consanguinea. A pure indentation, as on a leaf margin.
line, generally originating by self- inclinate. inclinado. Rising in an up-
pollination and selection. ward direction and at a moderate
inbred. endogámico. Reproduced from angle.
closely related parents; developed included. incluido. Not extending
from inbreeding. beyond the surrounding parts, as
inbreeding. entrecruzamiento. cruz- stamens which don’t protrude
amiento. endogamia. Reproducing beyond the edge of the corolla, or
by the continuous mating of indi- as veinlets ending inside areoles;
viduals of the same or closely re- also, embedded in the xylem.
lated stock. inclusion. inclusión. A body occur-
inbreeding coefficient. coeficiente de ring in the cytoplasm of a cell.
consanguinidad. coeficiente de inclusion body. cuerpo de inclusión.
inbreeding. The probability that corpúsculo de inclusión. A non-
an individual has a pair of alleles living material present in the cy-
that are identical by descent from toplasm of a cell, such as a starch
a common ancestor; the proportion grain.
of loci that carry alleles that are incompatibility (floral). incompat-
identical by descent from a com- ibilidad (flor). A failure to achieve
mon ancestor. fertilization and seed formation after
inbreeding depression. degeneración pollination, generally because of
consanguínea. depresión consan- slow pollen tube growth in the
guínea. A decline in successful stylar tissue; also, differences in
breeding as a result of continuous the physiology of a host and para-
inbreeding. site which inhibits or stops the
incanus. incanus. Latin meaning growth of the latter.
“hoary-white”. incompatibility (graft). incompat-
incanous. incano. Covered with a ibilidad (injerto). The failure of
dense, grayish-white hair that grows two graft components (stock and
on certain stems or leaves; canes- scion) to unite and develop into a
cent. successfully growing plant.
incertae sedis. incertae sedis. Of un- incomplete. incompleto. Lacking one
certain taxonomic position. or more parts, as a leaf without
incipient plasmolysis. plasmólisis blade, petiole or stipules; or lack-
incipiente. The condtion when ing one of the four flower parts,
about half the cells of a tissue are sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils,
plasmolysed. It is in this condition as some willows (Salix).
that the osmotic pressure of cell incomplete dominance. dominación
sap is usually measured. incompleto. A partial controlling
incised. inciso. Having sharp or deep influence in which a heterozygote
incomplete flower 205 indicator species
shares a phenotype that is inter- that at maturity do not split open
mediate between those of the cor- along definite lines to release their
responding homozygotes. seeds.
incomplete flower. flor incompleta. indentation (margin). mella (margen).
Without one or more of the four Notching on the outer border of
floral parts: sepals, petals, stamens, leaves.
pistils. independence. independencia. The
incrassate. engrosado. Thickened or relation between two variates, the
thickening, as an incrassate node. variation of one being uninfluenced
incrustation. incrustación. A coat- by the variation in the other.
ing of iron carbonate or iron com- independent assortment (of genes).
pounds on the surface of some al- distribución independiente (de los
gae. genes). A Mendelian principle that
incubation period. período de incubac- the alleles of two or more gene pairs
ión. The time between the inocu- on non-homologous chromosomes
lation with a pathogen and the de- tend to be assorted independently
velopment of symptoms. of one another into gametes; also,
incubous. incubo. In leaf arrange- a random alignment of homologous
ments, the lower edge of each leaf chromosomes in meiosis.
is hidden by the upper edge of the indeterminate inflorescence. infloresc-
next leaf down; commonly used to encia indeterminado. A type of
describe a type of leafy liverwort inflorescence in which the lower
(Jungermanniales). See succu- or lateral flowers develop first and
bous. the primary axis continues to grow
incumbent. incumbente. Leaning or and elongate.
resting against another part, as indeterminate. indeterminado. Of or
incumbent stamens or anthers lean- pertaining to a stem that produces
ing against the inner side of a fila- unrestricted growth and does not
ment. terminate with flowering; also,
incurved. incurvado. Bent or curved without a distinctive edge.
inward or upward toward the apex index fossil. fósil característico. The
or base; also, said of a radical which fossil remains of an organism that
is bent back to lie on one of the lived in a particular geologic age.
cotyledons; campylotropous. index species. especie indexa. See
indeciduous. no deciduo. de hoja indicator species.
persistente. perennifolio. Trees indicator species. especie indicadora.
not losing their leaves seasonally; In a community classification sys-
also, not deciduous, as a leaf. tem, an indicator species denotes
indefinite. indeterminado. Having the more characteristic member(s);
a large, but indefinite number. also, in geobotany, they may high-
indefinite inflorescence. inflorescencia light particular environmental fac-
indefinida. Not ending in a flower, tors, such as species which are
and so theoretically, capable of heavy-metal tolerant indicating the
further elongation; also racemose. presence of metallic ore; ecologi-
indehiscent. indehiscente. Dry fruits cally, indicative of a specific habi-
indifferent species 206 inferior ovary
tat; also, an organism at the top indumentum. indumento. A hairy or
of a food chain that indicates the scaly covering that is often easily
lower levels by its food residues; rubbed off, especially pubescence.
index species. induplicate. induplicado. Having leaf
indifferent species. especies indifer- or flower margins bent inward and
ente. A species without an affin- touching the margin of each ad-
ity for any particular community, joining structure.
but not rare, as an accidental spe- indurated. endurecido. Hardened.
cies would be. indusium. indusio. In ferns, a thin,
indigenous. indígena. nativo. A spe- epidermal outgrowth that covers the
cies that is living naturally in an sorus; often breaking at the time
area; not introduced; native. of spore maturation.
individual. individuo. A single or- inequilateral. inequilátereo. With
ganism or plant that can not exist halves or sides unequal in shape
independently. and size; not symmetrical.
indoleacetic acid (IAA). ácido indol(il)- inermis. inermis. Latin meaning “un-
acético (AIA). A natural or syn- armed” or “thornless”.
thetic plant growth regulator; an inermous. inerme. Having no prick-
auxin. les or spines; unarmed.
indolebutyric acid (IBA). ácido indol- inert. inerte. Having very limited or
butírico (AIB). A synthetic com- no physiological properties.
pound used to regulate plant growth inertia. inercia. The ability of an eco-
and development. system to resist being disturbed or
inducer. inductor. agente inductivo. altered.
A compound that stimulates the infection. infección. The invasion
induction of a particular enzyme. of plant tissue by a pathogenic
inducible enzyme. enzima inducible. microorganism.
An enzyme that is present only when infection tube. tubo infección. The
stimulated by some particular sub- germ tube which pentetrates the
strate; adaptive enzyme. host from the germinating spore of
induction. inducción. The process a parasitic fungus.
of initiating or increasing the pro- inferior. inferior. infero (relativo
duction of an enzyme or other pro- al ovario). Growing below some
teins. other part, as having the floral or-
induction of flowering. inducción de gans attached above the ovary with
la floración. The process of ini- the hypanthium fused to the lower
tiating or regulating the time of half. The flower is then epigynous.
flowering. Also, inferior is used to describe
induction of mutation. inducción de the annulus of an agaric when it
mutaciones. The process of mu- is placed low on the stipe.
tation determined by external con- inferior ovary. ovario infero. An ovary
ditions. where parts of the calyx, corolla,
inductor. inductor. An embryonic tis- and stamens are more or less joined
sue that influences the differentia- so that they appear to be attached
tion of other embryonic tissue. at the top of it.
inferior palea 207 initial cell
inferior palea. palea inferior. In the illary bud surrounded by the base
florets of grasses, the 2-nerved of the petiole; subpetiolar.
membrane (palea) in the inner bract infrared. infrarroja. The portion of
which is located between the flower the sun’s total radiation which has
and the rachilla (a shortened axis). wave lengths immediately longer
Together, the lemmas (bearing in than the longest of the visible spec-
their axis a single flower), the trum (red).
flower, and the palea, constitute infraspecific. infraspecífico. Occur-
the floret. ring within a species.
infertile. infértil. infecundo. Not infructescence. infrutescencia. A fruit-
able to reproduce; barren; unpro- ing structure that has more than a
ductive. single fruit; also, the inflorescence
infiltration of water. infiltración de after the flowers are fallen, and the
agua. The downward movement of fruits are formed.
water through soil. infundibular. infundibuliforme. Hav-
inflated. inflado. Swollen, thickened, ing the shape of a funnel, as a fun-
or distended, as a perianth or nel-shaped corolla.
pericarp. infundibuliform. infundibuliforme.
inflexed. inflexo. Bent or curved Having the shape of a funnel, as
downward or inward, as with a petal an infundibuliform flower; funnel-
or sepal. shaped.
inflorescence. inflorescencia. An axis infundibulum. infundíbulo. A fun-
bearing flowers or a flower clus- nel-shaped organ or structure.
ter; also, the arrangement of flowers inheritance. herencia. The acquisi-
on a stem in relation to each other: tion of the species characteristics
classified as determinate or inde- or qualities by germ cells, from
terminate; a flower structure that parent to offspring, generation to
supports more than a single flower. generation.
influx. entrada. The gross uptake inherited. heridado. Acquired char-
of ions by a plant root. acteristics transmitted by germ cells
inflorescent. inflorescente. Flower- from parent to offspring.
ing. inherit from. heredar de. To acquire
informosome. informosoma. Mes- characteristics from one’s parents
senger RNA synthesized during by germ cells.
oogenesis and deposited in the egg inhibit. inhibir. To slow down or hold
cytoplasm, with ribosome, as an back the growth of a plant or cell;
inactive complex; maternal mes- also to hinder or block the action
sage. of an enzyme.
infra-. infra-. infr-. A Latin prefix inhibitor. inhibidor. Anything that
that means, “below” or “beneath”. inhibits or regulates the action of
infracted. infracto. Abruptly bent, an enzyme or other chemical re-
as at a node; geniculate. action.
inframedial. inframedio. Below the initial cell. célula inicial. A cell which
middle. remains meristematic, divides re-
infrapetiolar. infrapeciolar. An ax- peatedly, and gives rise to many
initial spindle 208 inserted
daughter cells, from which, after or seeds of leguminous plants with
further division, the permanent tis- bacteria to induce nitrogen-fixa-
sues of the plant are differentiated. tion in the roots.
initial spindle. huso inicial. Netrum. inoculum. inóculo. A substance con-
initiator. inicío. The transfer ribo- taining bacteria or other agents for
nucleic aid (tRNA); also, a sub- innoculation.
stance or molecule that starts a re- inoculum potential. potencial de
action but different than a catalyst, inóculo. The energy of growth of
in that it is usually chemically a fungus or other microorganism,
changed in the reaction. available for the colonization of a
inland wetland. pantano interior. Land substrate.
away from the coast, such as a inodorous. inodoro. Odorless; without
swamp or marsh that is covered with an odor.
fresh water, all or part of the year. inoperculate. inoperculado. Said of
innate. innato. Attached to the end a sporangium which lacks a lid.
of the filament, as an anther; oc- inordinate. inordinado. Not arranged
curring within the substance of a in any special order.
plant; also, originated in or sunken inorganic. inorgánico. Composed of
into the thallus. matter that is not animal or veg-
inner endodermis. endodermis interno. etable, as water and minerals; also,
The endodermis internal to the a chemical compound without car-
vascular tissues in a solenostele. bon as its skeleton atom.
inner fissure. grieta interno. The inner inorganic compound. compuesto
layer of the raphe (wall) of the inorgánico. A chemical compound
Bacillariophyceae. that usually is not derived from life
inner glume. gluma interno. The inner processes; also, compounds that do
glume is the second or inside bract not contain carbon.
in a pair of chaff-like bracts at the inositol. inositol. A sugar alcohol
base of the spikelet of some grasses common to both plants and animals.
(Poaceae). inrolled. enrolledado hacia adentro.
innoculation. inoculación. The process Rolled inward, as inrolled or in-
of inoculating; also, the convey- volute petals.
ance of an infection to a host plant insculptate. ensculptada. Having holes
by any means of transmisssion; or depressions in the surface.
also, the entry of the germ tube of insectivore. insectívoro. A plant ca-
a parasitic fungus into a host; also, pable of capturing and deriving
the placing of spores, or pieces of nutrition by digesting insects.
myclium of growing fungi, or bac- insectivorous. insectívoro. Plants that
teria into a culture medium. capture and feed on insects.
innovation. brote. A new shoot or a inseminate. inseminar. To sow or plant
new annual growth on an existing seeds.
stem. inserted. inserto. insertado. Attached
inoculate. inocular. To induce a disease or growing out of another part; also
in a living organism by introduc- an introduced section of DNA or
ing a pathogen; also, to treat soil other genetic material into another
insertion 209 interchromocenter
sequence or region; in grafting, a tional presence of its complementary
scion is inserted into root stock. color.
insertion. inserción. The placement inter-. inter-. A Latin prefix that
of one section of DNA or other means, “among” or “between”.
genetic material into another; also, interact. interactura. To act upon each
the section inserted. other.
insertion mutant. mutante de inserc- interaction. interacción. An action
ión. A mutation caused by the ad- upon or an influence by and on each
dition or deletion of one or two other.
nucleotides in the DNA chain, so interbreed. interprogenie. interselecc-
that some nucleotide sequences are ionar. To mate different varieties
read in incorrect group of three or species of plants.
during translation; sometimes re- intercalar. intercalar. Intercalary.
ferred to as a frameshift. intercalary. intercalario. Growing
insignis. insignis. Latin meaning “no- in locations other than at the apex,
table”. commonly between the apex and
insipid. insipido. Without taste; taste- the base.
less. intercalary cell. célula intercalar. A
insolation. insolación. Exposure to small cell between two aecidio-
the sun. spores which disintegrates as the
insolubility. insolubilidad. The quality spores ripen and breaks down as
or characteristic of not being dis- they are set free.
solvable, especially into a fluid intercalary growth. crecimiento
form. intercalar. A pattern of stem elon-
insoluble. insoluble. A substance or gation occurring in grasses (Poac-
matter that can not be dissolved. eae); lengthening starts at through
inspersed. insparcido. Having granules the differentiation of meristematic
penetrating the substance of the tissue at the base of each internode.
thallus. intercalary meristem. meristema in-
insular. insular. Occurring in iso- tercalar. The area of growth near
lated patches or locations. the internode base or at the base
integrifolius. integrifolius. Latin mean- of a blade.
ing “simple-leaved”. intercalary plates. placa intercalar.
integument. integumento. The outer A layer of plates between the api-
protective covering of an ovule cal and precingualar plates of the
perforated by the micropyle; com- cell wall of the Peridiniales.
monly, angiosperms have two in- intercellular space. espacio inter-
tegument and gymnosperms one; celular. Positioned between or
also, the membrane enclosing the among cells.
female gametophyte in the Lepido- interchange. complementación inter-
carpales. cistrónica. An exchange of non-
intemperate phage. intemperado fago. homologous terminal segments of
See virulent phage. chromosomes; reciprocal translo-
intensity. intensidad. The degree of cation.
color as influenced by the propor- interchromocenter. intercromocentre.
intercostal 210 International Code of Botanical..
The areas of a chromatid composed mosome replication.
of euchromatin. intermediate filament. filamento int-
intercostal. intercostal. Lying between ermedio. A fiber or filament that
the rib or the vein. contributes to the cytoskeleton
intercross. intercruzada. Interbreed; structure of eukaryotic cells
to cross with each other. intermediate inheritance. herencia int-
interfascicular cambium. cámbium ermediaria. herencia inter-
interfasicular. A layer of cambium media. A type of inheritance where
that develops between vascular heterozygous offspring are different
bundles and connects with the in phenotype than their homozygous
fascicular cambium to form the vas- parents.
cular cambium of woody tissues. intermediate-day plant. planta de dia
interference. interferencia. The prob- intermedio. A plant with two criti-
ability of another crossing-over cal photoperiods so that it will not
occurring along or in the vicinity flower if the days are either too
of the chromosome where one has short or too long.
already occurred. intermittent. interrumpido. Describes
interfertile. interfértil. Able to in- a renewal-stopping period of
terbreed, as interfertile plant spe- growth that produces clusters of
cies. stems or leaves along the stem.
interfoliar. interfoliar. Being between intermolecular. intermolecular. Be-
opposite leaves but placed alter- tween molecules.
nately with them, as interfoliar flow- internal environment. medio interno.
ers. The fluid that surrounds tissue and
intergeneric. intergenérico. Occur- organ cells.
ring between genera, as an inter- internal factor. factor interno. Any
generic hybrid. factor which depends on the ge-
intergrade. intergrado. An interme- netic constituiton of the plant and
diate form of a plant; also, to be- which influences its growth and de-
come alike through a repeated flow velopment.
of intermediate forms, as one popu- internal phloem. floema interno. A
lation of plants with another. phloem lying between the xylem
intergradation. intergradación. The and the center of the stem.
process of intergrating. See inter- International Code of Botanical No-
grade. menclature. Código Internac-
intergrana lamella. laminilla inter- ionales de Nomenclatura Botánico.
granular. The fine plate-like struc- A set of rules for the scientific nam-
ture of a chloroplast made of a layer ing of plants, accepted by botanists,
of chlorophyll and lipid, bounded in which the underlying objective
on either side by a layer of pro- (not always the practice) is the as-
tein. signment of a single, unambigu-
interkinesis. intercinesis. The activi- ous name to each taxon. To guide
ties occurring between meiosis I those who are selecting a new name,
and meiosis II which are similar the Code is composed of a group
to interphase but are without chro- of 6 Principles, 75 Articles, and a
internodal 211 intranuclear
series of Recommendations. It is interstitial. intersticial. Growth oc-
mandatory to observe the Articles, curs in the entire organ rather than
but not the Recommendations. localized, as in some fruits; also,
internodal. internodal. Pertaining to occupying the narrow spaces or
nodes or the intervening area be- interstices of tissue.
tween nodes or joints. intertidal zone. zona intermareal.
internode. entrenudo. internodio. zona de (entre)marea. The area
The space on the stem between two between low and high tide. See lit-
successive nodes or joints; also, toral zone.
the part of the thallus of the intertwine. entrelazarse. Entangled
Charales, where the branch-like or snarled, as trichomes.
filaments arise. intervarietal. intervarietal. Said of
internuclear. internuclear. Located a cross between two individuals of
or occurring in the area between the same variety and of the same
the nuclei of atoms or cells. species.
interpetiolar. interpeciolar. Between intervein. internervadura. Refers to
the petioles; also, connate stipules the areas between the veins, as with
from two opposite leaves. leaves.
interphase. interfase. The period of interxylary phloem. floema inter-
time between the close of one cell xilaria. A strand of secondary
division and the beginning of the phloem surrounded by secondary
next. xylem.
interrupted. interrumpido. Not con- intine. intina. The inner membrane
tinuous; having the main leaflets of a spore; also, the endospore in
or flower spikes divided by a se- the spores of bryophytes.
ries of smaller ones. intorsion. intorsión. The twisting or
interrupted pinnately compound. winding of a plant stem.
pinnado compuesta interrumpido. intort. intort. To twist, curl, or twine,
A leaf type with the smaller and as an intort stem.
larger leaflets alternating along the intra-. intra-. A Latin prefix that
main axis. means, “within” or “on the inside”.
intersex. intersexo. intersexuado. intracellular. intracelular. Occurring
A member of a bisexual species that within a cell or cells.
has sexual characteristics interme- intrafoliar. intrafoliar. Growing on
diate between male and female. the inside or in front of a leaf, as
interspecies hybrid. híbrido inter- intrafoliar stipules.
especie. Occurring between two intramarginal. intramarginal. Within
species. in the margin.
interspecific competition. competencia intramolecular. intramolecular. Oc-
interespecífica. Two or more spe- curring within a molecule or mol-
cies trying to use the same limited ecules.
resources in an ecosystem. intramolecular respiration. respiración
interspecific hybrid. híbrido inter- intramolecular. Anaerobic respi-
específico. See interspecies hy- ration.
brid. intranuclear. intranuclear. Within
intrapetiolar 212 inversion
the nucleus of an atom or cell. calized pathological swelling, con-
intrapetiolar. intrapeciolar. Grow- sisting mainly of parenchyma.
ing inside the petiole; also, a pair intussusception. intususcepción. The
of stipules at the base of a peti- process of taking in nutrients by
ole, united by the margins that are a living organism and converting
next to the petioles, giving the ap- it into living tissue.
pearance of being a single stipule inulase. inulasa. The enzyme that
between the stem and the petiole. hydrolyses inulin to fructose.
intraspecies. intraespecie. Involv- inulin. inulina. A white, starchy sub-
ing members of the same species. stance obtained from the roots of
intraspecific. intraespecífico. See a variety of composite plants, es-
intraspecies. pecially elecampane (Inula helen-
intraspecific competition. competencia ium) and dahlia (Asteraceae); used
intraespecífica. Two or more in- as a substitute for starch in foods
dividual organisms of the same for diabetics.
species try to use the same limited invader. invasor. A plant occurring
resources in an ecosystem. in a community to which it does
intrastaminal. intraestaminal. Within not belong.
the androecium. invagination. invaginación. Placing
intravaginal. intravaginal. Located or placed in a sheath.
inside the sheath, as within a invariance. invarianza. The recip-
sheathing petiole in grasses. rocal of variance.
intraxylary phloem. floema invasion. invasión. The growth in
intraxilaria. Internal phloem. an area of a large population of a
intricate. intrincado. Tangled hair, species not previously present.
as intricate hair. inverse. inverso. Reverse in order or
intro-. intro-. A Latin prefix that relationship; said of the condition
means, “inside”. of an embryo in which the radicle
introduced. introducido. exótico. A is turned towards a point in the seed
species that has been intentionally at the opposite end to the hilum.
brought from another area; not inverse analysis. análisis inverso. The
native. arrangement of individual charac-
introgressant. introgresante. A gene teristics in groups based on an analy-
acquired by introgression. sis of the individuals that posses
introgression. introgresión. The or lack those characteristics. In plant
merger of genes of one species into ecology, the method is used to group
the gene pool of another through species according to their presence,
hybridization and chance backcross- absence, or relative abundance at
ing. sample sites.
introgressive hybridization. hibrid- inversion. inversión. The reversal
ación introgresiva. Introgression. of one segment of a chromosome
introrse. introrso. Turned inward, by turning it around 180º and then
or toward the axis, as introrse an- reinserting it at the same position
thers. in the chromosome; also, the hy-
intumescence. intumescencia. A lo- drolysis of some carbohydrates,
invert 213 irradiation
such as sucrose into glucose and charge; also, in chemistry, an atom
fructose by reversing the optical or compound with a negative or
rotation of the solution; also, the positive electric charge as a result
turning inside-out of the colony of of having lost or gained one or more
some of Volvocales. electrons.
invert. invertir. To decompose by ionic antagonism. antagonismo iónico.
inversion. antagonismo de iones. The effect
invertase. invertasa. An enzyme re- of adding one element as its ions
sponsible for the catalytic hydrolysis to the soil, causing deficiency of
of sucrose to fructose and glucose; another in a crop, e.g. adding po-
sucrase. tassium may cause symptoms of
inverted. invertido. Opposite in or- magnesium deficiency.
der, direction, or relationship; ionic bond. enlace iónico. An asso-
turned upside down. ciation of two oppositely charged
inviability. inviabilidad. The con- ions.
dition of being inviable. ionic linkage. linkage iónico. The
inviable. inviable. Unable to survive, linkage between an acid and a base.
especially because of some genetic ionize. ionizar. To split a molecule
defect. into two or more parts with each
involucel (lum). involucelo. involu- part becoming electrically charged.
cela. A small or secondary clus- ionizing radiation. radiacione ioniz-
ter of bracts. ante. High energy gamma rays or
involucral. involucral. Pertaining to fast-moving alpha or beta particles
involucre, as involucral bracts. emitted by radioisotopes which can
involucral bract. bráctea involucral. dislodge one or more electrons from
See involucre. atoms they hit, forming charged ions
involucrate. involucrado. Having an in tissue which can damage living
involucre. tissue.
involucre. involucro. A cluster or circle iridescent. iridiscente. Having or dis-
of small leaves or bracts below or playing many colors, as a rainbow;
subtending an inflorescence; also, versicolor.
a shield-like structure growing over iridoid. iridoide. A class of com-
the calyptra and enclosed embryo pounds, mostly lactones, used by
of some Hepaticae and Anthoc- taxonomists in their study of
erotae. interfamilial relationships of the
involute. involuto. Margins rolled Asteraceae.
inward toward the upper surface. iron. hierro. A magnetic element with
involution. involución. An infolding the chemical symbol of Fe; required
of membranes which produces an by plants in which rapid oxidation
increased surface area. reductions occur during electron
ion. ion. ión. An atom, groups of transfers, as in photophosphoryla-
atoms, a compound, or molecule tion and oxidative phosphorylation.
that has gained (anions) or lost (cati- irradiation. irradiación. Exposing seed,
ons) an electron, resulting in a pollen, or other plant parts to X-
positive or negative electrical rays or other short wave lengths
irregular 214 isoelectric point
(gamma rays) to increase mutation In desert ecology, the area directly
rates. below a tree or shrub where leaves
irregular (flower). irregular (flor). fall and decay, producing a nutri-
Having floral parts in a whorl that ent circle around the plant.
are dissimilar in shape or size; flow- island. isla. A body of land, smaller
ers that are bilaterally symmetri- than a continent, surrounded by
cal with parts usually reduced in water.
number, as a snap dragon (Antir- iso-. iso-. A Greek prefix that means,
rhinum); zygomorphic. “equal” or “alike”.
irregular symmetry. simetria irregular. isocarpic. isocárpico. A flower with
Bilateral symmetry; having only one the same number of carpels as other
plane through which a flower can floral parts.
be cut to result in mirror image isobilateral. isobilateral. Refers to
halves; zygomorphy. leaves having the same structure
irrigation. irrigación. Artificially ap- on both surfaces, e.g. monocotyl-
plying water to the soil. edons; also, divisible into symmetri-
irritability. irritabilidad. The capacity cal halves by two distinct planes.
of living plant tissue to respond isobrachial. isobraquial. Said of a
to a stimulus; sensitiveness to chromosome which is bent into two
stimuli. equal arms.
irritable. irritable. Responding to isochromosome. isocromosoma. A
stimuli. metacentric chromosome produced
irritate. irritar. To stimulate. during cell division when the cen-
irrorate. irorado. Covered with dew. tromere splits transversely instead
irruption. irrupción. A sudden change of longitudinally; the arms of the
in the population density of an chromosome are equal in length and
organism. genetically identical.
isadelphous. isadelfo. A diadelphous isochrous. isocro. Being of equal color
flower in which the separate bun- throughout.
dles of stamens are equal in number. isocitric acid. ácido isocítrico. An
isidium. isidio. A branched or unbran- acid in the Citric Acid Cycle formed
ched projection from the thallus from aconitic acid; oxidizes to
in some lichens; thought to func- oxalo-succinic acid.
tion as propagules. isocitric enzyme. enzima isocítrico.
island biogeography. biogeografía isla. The enzyme that catalyses the for-
The study of plants and animals, mation of isoctiric acid from
on islands or in isolated areas that a-ketoglutaric acid.
resemble islands, to establish re- isocotylous. isocótilo. isocotiledóneo.
lationships between land area and Having two embryonic leaves.
species numbers, as an equilibrium isodiametric. isodiamétrico. Of the
between immigration and extinc- same length, vertically and hori-
tion. zontally.
island biotas. biotas isla. The plants isodynamous. isodínamo. Having an
and animals of oceanic islands. equal size.
island of fertility. fertilidad de isla. isoelectric point. punto isoeléctrico.
isogametangic 215 isoprene
See amphoteric electrolyte. isolating mechanism. mecanismo
isogametangic. isogametangico. Hav- aislante. mecanismo de aislam-
ing gametangia of the same size iento. Some characteristic of the
and form. structure or functioning that pre-
isogamete. isogameto. Two gametes vents interbreeding between popul-
of the same character or behavior ations that are undergoing or have
that can unite with one another to undergone speciation.
form a zygote, as isogamete algae. isoleucine. isoleucina. An amino acid
isogamous. isogamo. Having isogam- found in protein.
etes; also, reproducing by the unit- isomer. isómero. Any of the two or
ing of two similar gametes, as some more compounds that have the same
algae and fungi. molecular composition but different
isogamy. isogamia. The fusion of two molecular structure; differing only
similar gametes or gametangium, in their physical and chemical prop-
as in some algae and fungi. erties.
isogenic. isogénico. Pertains to a graft isomerase. isomerasa. enzima isom-
using a scion and stock that are erizante. An enzyme that catal-
genetically identical. yses the interconversion of one iso-
isogenomatic. isogenomatico. Said mer into another; glucose 6-phos-
of chromosome complements which phate to fructose 6-phosphate.
are composed of similar genomes. isomerous. isomero. Having an equal
isogenous. isogéno. Having parts origi- number of members in each whorl
nating from the same or correspond- or having an equal number of parts
ing tissue of the embryo. or markings.
isogeny. isogenia. Originating in or isomorph. isomorf. An isomorphic
derived from the same or corre- organism or substance.
sponding tissue. isomorphic. isomorfo. Having a simi-
isokont. isoconto. Having flagella lar appearance or structure but
of equal length. belonging to a different species or
isolateral. isolateral. Having an equal genotype; also, refers to an altera-
number on the side of the struc- tion of generations when the spo-
ture. rophyte and gametophyte genera-
isolation. aislamiento. The preven- tions are morphologically similar.
tion of crossing among plant popul- isomorphism. ismorfismo. The prop-
ations because of distance or geo- erty of being isomorphic; the ap-
graphic barriers; also, the condi- parent likeness between individuals
tion in which chromosomes of com- belonging to different species or
mon ancestry are prevented from races.
undergoing effective recombination. isopetalous. isopétalo. homopétalo.
isolation transect. transecto aislam- Having all the petals alike.
iento. A belt of land to whlich graz- isophase. isofase. The condition when
ing animals are admitted under ob- one hereditary factor influences the
servation so that the effect of graz- development of several character-
ing on the vegetation may be stud- istics.
ied. isoprene. isopreno. Five-carbon com-
isoprenoid 216 isthmus
pounds that are the basic unit of sure as the one with which it is being
terpenes. compared.
isoprenoid. isoprenoide. A compound isotope. isótopo. Two or more forms
composed of two or more isoprenes of a chemical element that have the
or their spin-offs. same number of protons but dif-
isoreagent. isoreactivo. A variety of ferent mass numbers which denotes
microspecies. the different numbers of neutrons
isosporous. isóporo. Having asexu- in their nuclei.
ally produced spores of only one isozyme. isoenzima. Different chemi-
kind. See homosporous. cal forms of the same enzyme, occ-
isostemonous. isostémono. With sta- urring possibly as a response to
mens equal in number to the se- various environmental extremes.
pals or petals. isthmus. istmo. The narrow connecting
isotonic. isotónico. Said of a solu- zone between the semi-cells of
tion having the same osmotic pres- Desmidiancea.
jaculator 217 juvenility

jaculator. jaculator. A plant or fungi junceous. junceous. Latin meaning

that bursts and hurls spores, as a “rush-like”.
puffball (Gasteromycetes); reti- juncoid. juncoide. Rush-like.
naculum. juncous. junco. Full of rushes or per-
joined. unido. United but not neces- taining to the Order of Juncaceae.
sarily fused. jungle. selva. jungla. A subclimax
joint. nudo. A part of the stem where tropical rain forest, composed
a leaf or branch grows, especially mainly of liana, bamboo (Bambus-
when thickened, as in grasses aceae), palm (Palmae), and a wide
(Poaceae); node. variety of other densely growing
jointed. articulado. Said of an elongted tropical plant species.
plant member which is constricted juvenile form. forma juvenil. A young
at intervals, and ultimately sepa- plant that has leaves and other fea-
rates into a number of portions by tures different from those of a ma-
breaking across the constrictions; ture plant of the same species.
also, having a stem that easily can juvenile leaf. hoja juvenil. Imma-
be pulled apart at the nodes, as in ture or undeveloped, as juvenile
certain Equisetaceae. leaves that can differ in form, at-
jugate. yugado. Having two leaflets tachment, or arrangement from
from a common point; bifoliolate; mature leaves; primary leaf.
geminate. juvenile stage. estad(i)o juvenil. A
jugum. jugum. Occurring in pairs, as special stage in the life of some
a pair of opposite leaflets in a pin- algae in which the orginary plant
nate leaf. develops as an outgrowth.
julaceous. julaceo. Cylindrical and juvenility. juventud. Having the char-
smooth; also, resembling a catkin. acteristics of being young.
K 218 keel

K. K. The chemical symbol for the nucleus into darkily staining gran-
element potassium. ules, during the necrosis of the cell
karyaster. cariáster. A group of chro- karyosome. cariosoma. A body of
mosomes arranged like the spokes chromatin in the nucleus which is
of a wheel. similar to but distinguished from
karyo-. cario-. A Greek prefix that a nucleolus; also, a type of nucleolus
means, “nuclues”. of the lower plants which stain with
karyogamy. cariogamia. The divid- basic dyes and furnish material for
ing of a nucleus into two, passing the chromosomes during mitosis;
to the opposite sides of the cell; nucleosome; a nucleus; a chromo-
also, the union of two nuclei, es- some.
pecially gametic nuclei. karyotheca. carioteca. Nuclear mem-
karyokinesis. cariocinesis. The di- brane.
vision of the cell nucleus, espe- karyotin. cariotina. Chromatin.
cially in mitosis. karyotype. cariotipo. The character
karyology. cariología. Nuclear cy- of a set of chromosomes grouped
tology. by their arrangement, size, shape,
karyolymph. cariolinfa. The fluid por- or other defined characteristics.
tion within the nucleus of the cell; kata-. cata-. A Greek prefix that means,
or, the matrix lying in the reticu- “down”.
lum of the nucleoplasm; nuclear katadromous. catadroma. Said of the
sap. venation in ferns when the first
karomere. cariómero. A swollen con- nerves in each leaf segment come
dition sometimes seen in chromo- off on the basal side of the midrib.
somes towards the end of a nuclear katakinetic. catacinético. Tending
division. to discharge energy.
karyomicrosome. cariomicrosoma. A katakinetomere. catacinetómero. An
nuclear granule. energy-poor, stable protoplasm
karyomite. cariómito. Chromosome molecule.
karyoplasm. carioplasm. The proto- kataphase. catafasa. The stages of
plasm in the nucleus of a cell; nu- mitosis from the formation of the
cleoplasm. chromosomes up to the division of
karyoplasmatic ratio. nucleoplasmático the cell.
ratio. The ratio of the volume of keel. quilla. A conspicuous linear
the nucleus and that of the cyto- seam, or longitudinal ridge, like
plasm of the same cell. the keel of a boat; also, the two
karyorhexis. cariorrexis. The dis- lower united petals of a papilon-
integration of the chromatin of the aceous flower, as in the Fabaceae;
keeled 219 knot
carina. fiber; centromere.
keeled. carenado. aquillado. Hav- kinetomere. cinetómero. Molecules
ing a pronounced seam or ridge, of protoplasm which may be
as on a leaf; carinate. energy-rich and reactive, or energy-
keimplasm. ceimplasma. Germplasm. poor and stable.
kelp. kelp. Large brown algae or sea- kinetosome. cinetosoma. See basal
weed that grows below the low tide granule.
sea level in temperate waters; for kingdom. reino. The common taxo-
example Laminaria in which the nomic classification from most gen-
thallus is composed of a holdfast, eral to most specific, as kingdom,
a stipe, and a flattened blade. phylum, class, order, family, ge-
kernel. pepita. The soft, inner part nus, species, subspecies, or vari-
of hard shell nut or inside the stone ety; the highest classification, e.g.
of a fruit; also, the body of a seed, Kingdoms: Plant, Protista, Fungi,
inside its coat. Monera, Animal.
ketoglutaric acid. ácido cetoglutárico. kinin. quinina. A group of plant hor-
An acid in the Citric Acid Cycle, mones influencing the rate of mi-
produced from oxalosuccinic acid, tosis; found in young developing
with the evolution of carbon di- tissue and embryos; citoquinina.
oxide, and oxidized to succinic acid. kinked. enroscado. A short twist or
ketone. quetona. cetona. The oxi- coil on some vines.
dation products of secondary kino. kino. cino. A resin-like sub-
alcohols. stance, soluble in water, astringent
ketose. quetosa. cetosa. A hexose and used medicinally and in tan-
sugar having a = O group on the ning.
second carbon atom and no HO kinoplasm. cinoplasma. Protoplasm
group on the first one, e.g. fruc- which is composed of fibrils and
tose. which in cell division composes the
keto-uracil. ceto-uracilo. One of the spindle fibers, attraction sphere,
precursors of nucleosides. and astral rays.
keystone species. especie piedra an- klinostat. clinóstato. Clinostat.
gular. Species that affect many klinotrophic. clinotrófico. Placed at
other organisms in an ecosystem. a slant to the direction of a given
kinase. kinasa. The enzyme which stimulus.
catalyses the transfer of phosphate knee. rodilla. A knob on the root of
to ADP, forming ATP. a tree that grows in the swamp or
kinetic body. cuerpo cinética. A small wet area, as a cypress (Cupress-
granular body lying where a chro- aceae).
mosome is attached to the spindle. knob-like. obpiriforme. A hard swell-
kinetic energy. energia cinética. The ing or rising; obpiriform.
energy that results from the ran- knot. nudo. A hard mass of wood that
dom movement of molecules. is formed where a branch grows
kinetochore. quinetócoro. The por- out from a tree; a node on a stem,
tion of a chromosome where the such as a joint on grasses (Poaceae);
attachment is made to a spindle a nodr where leaves grow from a
knotted 220 krummholz
stem. into carbon dioxide; molecules re-
knotted. nudoso. Full of knots or hav- duced in the process can be used
ing knots. in forming electron carriers for use
Kranz anatomy. anatomía de Kranz. in the last stage of the aerobic path-
A specialized leaf anatomy in which way; tricarboxylic
the vascular bundle is surrounded acid cycle; Citric Acid Cycle.
by bundle sheath cells. kremnophyte. cremnófito. A plant
Krebs Cycle. ciclo de Krebs. A stage that grows alongside a steep wall.
of aerobic respiration in which there krummholz. krummholz. Literally
is a mitochondrial oxidation of crooked forest; the low, wind-
pyruvic acid being broken down distorted forest at timberline.
L 221 lactone

L. L. In botany, an abbreviation for fringe.

Linnaeus. lacinla. lacinla. One of the straps
labellate. labelado. Having a labellum forming the fringe on the outer
or lip-like parts. portion of the blade of the petals
labellum. labelo. labium. Lip; the of certain flowers; also, one of the
lowest or middle of the three pet- incisions making this fringe.
als of the corolla, usually larger lack. falta. Deficient; being with-
than the other two and sometimes out.
with a spur or different in color lacking. ausente. The condition of
or shape, as in the Lamiaceae and not having any.
Orchidaceae. lacrimiform. lacrimiforme. Teardrop-
labial. labial. Of the lips. shaped.
labiate. labiado. Lipped; having the lactase. lactasa. An enzyme in cer-
corolla or calyx divided into two tain yeasts, capable of decompos-
parts and overlapping in such a ing lactose into glucose and ga-
manner that gives the suggestion lactose.
of lips. lactescence. lactescencia. The large
labium (pl. labia). labio. The lower flow of sap from a wounded tree.
lip of a two-lipped corolla. lactic acid. ácido láctico. A colorless,
labyrinthiform. labirintiforme. Marked odorless acid formed by lactoba-
by sinuous lines; maze-like. cilli in vegetable and fruit juices.
laccate. laccado. hoja laciniada. Hav- lactic dehydrogenase. de(s)hidro-
ing the shiny appearance of hav- genasa lático. The enzyme which
ing been waxed or varnished, as reduces pyruvic acid.
in laccate leaves. lactiferous. lactífero. Producing a
lacerate. lacerado. Having the appear- milky latex or substance.
ance of an irregular cut or tearing, lactiferous tube. tubo lactífero. In
as with a lacerate leaf. some fungi, tubes filled with la-
lacinia. lacinia. An incision in a leaf, tex that coagulates on a wound.
petal, etc; also, a slender lobe, lactific. lactifico. Producing latex.
projecting from the margin of a thal- lactoflavin. lactoflavina. A yellow
lus. pigment produced by Eremothecium
laciniate. laciniado. Cut or deeply ashbyii; one of the vitamin B’s; ri-
incised, forming irregular segments boflavin.
or lobes; said of leaf margins, petals, lactone. lactona. Any of a group of
and bracts, which appear as if cut anhydrides produced by the loss
into bands. of a molecule of water from the
laciniform. laciniforme. Resembling hydroxyl.
lacuna 222 lamination
lacuna (pl. lacunae). laguna. A hol- characters are inherited during
low air space or chamber within a sexual reproduction.
tissue; a small hollow in the thal- lamella (pl. lamellae). laminilla. Erect
lus of a lichen; also, a depression foliage scales on the petals of certain
in the surface of a plant. corolla that form part of the co-
lacunose. lagunar. Having a pitted rona; gills forming the fruit-bearing
surface or a surface with many hol- surface of some fungi; also, an erect
low spaces, or lacunae, as a lacunose layer of cells on the midrib of some
leaf. mosses (Musci); also, membranes
lacustrine. lacustre. Pertaining to a that occur in plastids and form the
lake; also, living in or on the shores basic structural unit of the chloro-
of a lake. plasts; also, a gill of an agaric.
lacustrine peat. turba lacustre. The lamellar. lamelar. Having foliage cells
decomposition of vegetation to form arranged in erect layers.
peat under anaerobic conditions. lamellate. lamelado. Covered with
lacyeous. lacieo. Milky. thin foliage plates or scales.
laevi-. laevi-. A Latin prefix that lamelliform. lameliforme. Having the
means, “smooth”. form or structure of lamella.
laevigate. laevígado. Shining or lus- lamellose. lameloso. Stratified.
trous, commonly used to describe lamina. lámina. A flat, sheet-like struc-
an epidermal excrescence; levigate. ture, as leaf tissue, other than veins;
lag-period. fase de retardo. The period the blade, as distinguished from the
between the initial inoculation of stem; the border or the broad part
a culture medium with an organ- of the petal in a polypetalous co-
ism and the resumption of normal rolla; the flat, broad portion of a
growth. leaf surface; the blade or the ex-
lageniform. lageniforme. Flask- panded part of a leaf or petal.
shaped; shaped like a Florentine laminar. laminar. A leaf-like stamen
vase. without a distinct anther or fila-
lake forest. bosque lago. A conifer ment but having a superficial or
(Coniferae) dominated forest in embedded microsporangia; also,
North America, occurring around thin, flat, and expanded, as a leaf
the Great Lakes, and in the north- blade.
ern New England; said to be a tran- laminarin. laminarina. A polysac-
sition area between the boreal co- charide storage product found in
niferous forests and the southern brown algae. It is constructed of
deciduous forests with little sur- ß-D-glucopyranose units, linked in
viving 19 th century harvesting. the 1 : 3 position.
lake. lago. A large, natural body of laminate. laminado. Arranged in thin
fresh water formed from precipi- plates or layers.
tation, land runoff, ground water, laminate placentation. placentación
or a combination of one or more laminado. Having the placenta
of these. located over the inner surface of
lamarckism. larmarckismo. lamar- the ovary wall.
quismo. The theory that acquired lamination. laminación. Arrangement
laminated bulb 223 lateral meristem
in thin layers; also, a layered struc- lapidicolous. lapidicólo. Living un-
ture. der or around rocks, as lapidicolous
laminated bulb. bulbo laminado. A moss (Musci).
bulb composed of a number of lasio-. lasio-. A Greek prefix that
swollen leaf bases, each of which means, “woolly”.
completely encloses all parts of the late. tardío. tarde. After the set time,
bulb inside it, e.g. onion. as late blooming.
lammas shoot. vástago lamas. An latent. latencia. Dormant or unde-
abnormal, non-recurring shoot that veloped, as buds not externally vis-
develops late in the season from a ible.
terminal bud. latent period. periodo de latencia.
lanate. lanso. Covered with long, tan- tiempo de latencia. A period of
gled hair or trichomes; woolly. suspended development, often oc-
lanceolate. lanceolado. A flat sur- curring at the beginning of the dry
face with the shape of a lance; longer season, winter or autumn; dormancy.
than wide with the widest point lateral. lateral. Growing on the side
below the middle and the margins of a structure, as a side shoot from
symmetrically curved, as a lanceo- a shoot or root, or side growths
late leaf; lance- shaped. which develop from the main bran-
lanceoloid. lanceoloide. A solid struc- ches of a tree, shrub, or other plants;
ture with the shape of a lance; egg- also, on or near the edge of a thallus
shaped. or fruit.
lanci-. lanci-. A Latin prefix that lateral branch. rama lateral. Branches
means, “lance-shaped”. that grow on the sides of stems.
land. tierre. terreno. suelo. The lateral bud. yema lateral. Buds that
solid part of the earth’s surface, emerge from nodes located below
divided into four landforms with the terminal bud and in axils of
distinct vegetation: plains, plateaus, leaves or leaf scars where the pre-
hill lands, and mountains. When vious year ’s leaves were attached;
broadly used, refers to soil, sur- axillary bud.
face soil, mineral deposits, and lateral embryo. embrión lateral. A
water supplies in a certain area. basal embryo surrounded by abun-
landlocked. sin salida al mar. sin dant endosperm.
litoral. Living in waters shut off lateral flower. flor lateral. An in-
from the sea. florescence that develop from nodes
lani-. lani-. A Latin prefix that means, below the apex of the main stem.
“woolly”. lateral leaf. hoja lateral. A leaf oc-
lanuginose. lanuginoso. Cottony, with curring on the side of the stem, as
soft, finely intertwined hair, similar in the heterophyllous family Selag-
to lanate but with shorter hair. inellaceae.
lanugo. lanugo. A covering of soft, lateral lobe. lobo lateral. One of the
thick downy hairs on the surface two lobes to either side of the
of leaves or fruit. midlobe of a three-lobed labellum.
lanulose. lanuloso. Short, cottony hair; lateral meristem. meristemo lateral.
a very shortened form of lanate. Plant growth that occurs in the
lateral root 224 layer
cambium, as distinct from apical heat, light, or frost.
meristem; responsible for secondary lati-. lati-. A Latin prefix that means,
growth that increases diameter; “wide” or “broad”.
vascular cambium. laticifer. laticífero. A plant cell that
lateral root. raíz lateral. See secondary secretes latex.
root. laticiferous. laticífero. Producing la-
lateral shoot. brote lateral. vástago tex.
lateral. Shoots that emerge below laticiferous duct. tubo lacticífero. A
the principal bud. cavity into which latex is secreted.
lateral stipule. estípula lateral. Having laticostate. latiacostillado. Broad-
stipules joined to the petiole and ribbed, as a laticostate leaf.
the free part of the stipules located latidentate. latidentado. Broad-
along the petiole. toothed, as latidentate leaves.
lateral style. estilo lateral. The style latifoliate. latifolio. Broad-leaved.
is located at the side of the ovary. latifolious. latifolioso. Broad-leaved.
latewood. leña tardio. leña de otoño. latifolius. latifolius. Latin meaning
leña estrecho. The denser portion “broad-leaved”.
of an annual growth ring which is latiseptate. latiseptado. Having wide
produced late in the season; com- septa or dissepiments.
posed of thick-walled xylem cells, latitude. latitud. The distance north
a smaller radial, and cells gener- or south from the equator with one
ally longer than those formed earlier degree of latitude equaling approxi-
in the season. mately 69 statute miles or 60 nau-
latex (latices. pl) látex. A white or tical miles.
yellowish sticky substance produced latrorse. latrorso. Dehiscing longi-
in specialized tissues within plants, tudinally and laterally.
including poppies (Papaveraceae), lattice. retícula. A vestigial sieve
milkweeds (Asclepias) and others plate on the side wall of a phloem
used to make chicle (Achras) and sieve tube, with vaguely defined
rubber (Hevea) products. edges and very minute pores.
latex cell. célula látex. A simple or latticed. clatrado. de celosia. Hav-
branched cell, derived from the ing venation-like latticework or
enlargement of a single cell and threads of a net; also, a crystal-
containing latex. line-like appearance caused by the
latex duct. tubo látex. An elongated, orientation of molecules in a solid
branched, aseptate system of anas- or liquid; reticulated; clathrate.
tomosing hyphae, containing latex laurium. laurio. A drain formation.
and present in some of the larger lawn. césped. pasto. Covered with
agarics. grass, especially around a house.
latexosis. latexosis. An abnormal se- lax. laxo. Loose, not compacted, as
cretion of latex due to a pathological a lax cluster of flowers.
conditon. laxi-. laxi-. A Latin prefix that means,
lath house. cobertizo. An open wood “loose” or “unstrung”.
lath or plastic screen structure for layer. estrato. A branch from a liv-
protecting plants from excessive ing plant bent into the ground and
layer 225 leaf divergence
covered with soil so that it will take the stem of a plant.
root and form a new plant while leaf abscission. abscisión de las hojas.
attached to the parent; also, a plant The shedding or falling of leaves
propagated by layering; also, a stra- that occurs from the breakdown of
tum of vegetation, as the shrubs at the cells base of the leaf;
in a forest. shed(ding).
layer. tejido. Tissue of a uniform thick- leaf area index. indice (de superficie)
ness spread over a definite area; foliar. indice del área foliar. A
stratum. numerically based index of the ratio
layering. acodadura. A type of artifical of leaf area to ground area in a plant
vegetative or asexual propagation community.
that produces a root by a branch leaf axil. axila de la hoja. The an-
being bent down and covered with gle between the leaf and the stem.
soil, so that rooting of a new plant leaf base. base foliar. The bottom
occurs while attached to the par- or lower portion of the leaf; also,
ent plant; also the banding seen in the base of the leafstalk where it
thick cell walls, due to the pres- joins the stem.
ence of wall layers differing in water leaf blade. limbo (foliar). lámina
content, chemical composition, and foliar. lámina de hoja. The flat,
physical structure; also the grouping enlarged part of a leaf.
of vegetation in a forest into two leaf bud. yema foliar. A plant bud
or more defined layers differing in that produces a leaf or branch rather
height, as trees, shrubs, and ground than a flower bud which produces
vegetation. a flower; a bud that develops into
leach. lixiviar. lavar. To remove solu- a leafy branch.
ble materials from soil or plant tis- leaf cushion. cojinete foliar. A swollen
sue with water; to treat by down- leaf base; pulvinus.
ward drainage, as rain washing away leaf cutting. esqueje de hoja. A cutting
nutrients from the soil. made from a single leaf, as with a
leaching. lixivación. A natural or ar- succulent leaf. When purposely
tificial process in which various rooting a succulent leaf, the leaf
chemicals in the upper layers of can be placed on top of clean sand,
soil are dissolved and carried to where it will begin to root after a
the lower layers, and in some cases week. Once there are a sufficient
to groundwater. number of roots, set the leaf root
leader (of a tree). guí (del arbol). The down into a shallow hole in the
main or terminal shoot of a plant, sand. The leaf will soon produce
such as the topmost point of a fir leaves from the base of the plant.
(Pinaceae) or the strongest shoot The mother leaf will soon die, leav-
of a young fruit tree. ing a new plant.
leaf. hoja. A thin, usually flat part leaf divergence. divergencia foliar.
of a plant growing from a stem or The angle of the intersection of the
up from the roots, that photosynth- planes passing longitudinally thro-
esizes and transpires, developing ugh the middles of two successive
usually from a bud and borne on leaves.
leaf gap 226 lectin
leaf gap. espacio foliar. A paren- leaf scar. cicatriz foliar. cicatriz de
chyma-filled interruption in a stem’s la hoja. The mark that remains on
cylinder of vascular tissue, imme- the twig where a leaf once grew.
diately above the point where a leaf scorch. escaldadura foliar.
branch of vascular tissue occurs; quemadura foliar. Foliage that ap-
also, a space in the stele of plant pears to have been dried by heat,
where the leaf trace emerges; la- occurring from a variety of con-
cuna. ditions, including dryness, high tem-
leafless. áfilo. sin hojas. afoliado. perature, disease, or lack of cer-
deshojado. Having no leaves or tain nutrients in the soil.
bearing no leaves; aphyllous. leaf sheath. vaina foliar. vaina de
leaflet. folíolo. hojilla. Small blades la hoja. A leaf base or other tu-
or separate segments of a compound bular portion of the leaf that wraps
leaf attached to a stalk (rachis) that around the stem where it grows.
is without buds in the axil of its leafstalk. pecíolo. tallo de la hoja.
petiole; a subdivision of a com- Petiole; the supporting stem of the
pound leaf. leaf which attaches to a twig or
leaf-like. foliiforme. Foliiform. branch.
leaf margin. margen foliar. The sur- leaf surface. superficie de la hoja.
rounding, outer edge of a leaf. superficie foliar. The upper side
leaf mold. moho de hoja. mantillo of a leaf.
de hoja. Decomposing leaves on leaf tip. ápice foliar. The top point
the surface of wooded areas; also, of a leaf.
mold (fungi) living from decom- leafy. folioso. foliado. hojoso. Having
posing foliage. many leaves; foliose.
leaf mosaic. mosaico de hoja. The lecanorine. lecanorina. A type of
arrangement of leaves on trees, apothecium surrounded by a rim
shrubs, or vines where the petiole of tissue of the same color as the
length and position enables each thallus; especially occurring in the
leaf to receive the maximum amount genus Lecanora.
of sunlight. lecideine. lecideina. A type of
leaf primordium. primordio de hoja. apothecium that lacks a margin of
primordio foliar. In buds, merist- thalline tissue; especially occur-
ematic tissue that develops into a ring in the genus Lecidea.
flower. lecithin. lecitina. A group of nitro-
leaf trace. rastro foliar. traza foliar. gen-phosphorous fatty substances
The vascular bundle(s) extending (phosphatidyl choline) found in both
from the stem to the leaf. plant and animal tissues.
leaf raceme. racimo foliar. A raceme lecithinase. lecitinasa. An enzyme
in which the bracts differ little, or for hydrolyzing lecithin and its
not at all, from the ordinary foli- components.
age leaves of the plant. lecithoprotein. lecitoproteina. Li-
leaf rosette. roseta foliar. A cluster poprotein.
of leaves crowded on short lectin. lectina. A generic term for
internodes. proteins extracted from plants.
lectotype 227 leptoform
lectotype. lectotipo. One of a group Citrus limon (Cistaceae).
of syntypes, which prior to publi- lentic. léntico. Pertaining to or liv-
cation of the original description, ing in freshwater habitats, such as
is selected and designated through stagnant or swamp-like water; as
published papers to serve as the lentic plants.
type specimen. lenticel. lenticela. A lens-shaped group
leeward. sotavento. The side away of cells that form pores in the corky
from the direction of a prevailing layer of bark (periderm); appear-
wind, as the leeward or lee side ing as a raised spot, filled occa-
of a rock. sionally with a powdery substance.
leggy. ahilamiento. Weak-stemmed, These pores permit atmospheric
spindly plants with sparse foliage gases to reach tissues below the
caused by too much heat, shade, surface.
crowding, or over fertilization. lenticular. lenticular. Shaped like a
legume. legumbre. Any plant of the lentil or a double convex lens, as
pea family, Fabaceae (Legum- some seeds; biconvex.
inosae); any of the dicotyledonous lentiform. lentiforme. Lenticular.
plants which bear pods that have lentiginous. lentiginoso. Covered with
a number of seeds, as beans (Phase- minute dots; freckled; speckled.
olus) and peas (Clianthus); also, lentil. lenteja. Lens esculenta, an an-
from one carpel, a dry dehiscent nual plant of the pea family or the
fruit, with an elongated pod that small edible seeds which are shaped
splits in two along two sutures, like double convex lens.
containing seeds attached along one lepido-. lepido-. A Greek prefix that
edge; has a capability to fix atmos- means, “scaly”.
pheric nitrogen in nodules on its lepidote. lepidoto. Covered with
roots if inoculated with proper bac- minute scales, as some parts of cer-
teria. tain Bromeliaceas or leaves of
leguminous. leguminosa. Pertaining Aetoxicaceae; squamulose.
to or of the group of plants bear- lepis. lepis. The minute scales on
ing legumes, or pods to which peas the fruits of some rattans, Myrialepis
(Clianthus) and beans (Phaseolus) spp.(Palmae).
belong. leprose. leproso. Having powdery
leio-. leio-. A Greek prefix that means, or scurfy granules or scales.
“smooth”. lepto-. lepto-. A Greek prefix that
leiosporous. leiosporo. Having smooth means, “narrow” or “thin”.
spores. leptocentric vascular bundle. haz vas-
lemma. lema. The lower bract of the cular liptocentrico. A concentric
pair (lemma and palea) surround- vascular bundle in which a central
ing the flower in a spikelet of grass strand of phloem is surrounded by
(Poaceae); also, the outer bract of xylem.
a grass floret, e.g. has the grass leptodermous. leptoderma. Thin-
floret in its axile. skinned or thin-walled, especially
lemon. limón. The pale yellow fruit of a bryophyte capsule which is soft.
of the semi-tropical evergreen tree leptoform. leptoforma. A life cycle
leptome 228 lichen
of the rusts in which there are only lethals destroy only homozygotes.
teleutospores which germinate with- leucine. leucina. An aliphatic amino
out rest. acid, unlike most, which is slightly
leptome. leptoma. The conducting soluble in water.
elements in the phloem. leuco-. leuco-. A Greek prefix that
leptonema. leptonema. Leptotene means, “white”.
leptophyllos. leptófilo. angustifolio. leucoanthous. leucoanto. White-flow-
Having narrow leaves. ered.
leptosporangiate. leptosporangiado. leucoplast. leucoplasto. A colorless
Having sporangia that are each plastid in the cytoplasm that is
derived from a single cell of the involved in processing and stor-
epidermis, as most ferns (Filicops- ing of oils and starches.
ida). leucosporous. leucosporo. Having
leptotene. leptóteno. In meiosis I, white spores.
during prophase, the point just be- levan. levana. A polysaccharide; a
fore the chromosomes unite when polymer of fructose.
the chromatids are not yet visible levigate. levigado. Having a smooth,
as separate structures. Prophase is polished surface.
divided into five stages: leptotene, levulose. levulosa. Fructose.
zygotene, the pachytene, the diplo- liana (liane). bejuco. liana. Any free
tene, and diakinesis. hanging, woody or wiry vine, that
leptotichous. leptótico. Said of a tissue roots in the ground, climbs and en-
that is thin-walled. twines, especially around trees; usu-
lesion. lesión. A wound; also, a well- ally have anomalous secondary
marked but limited disease area. thickening; often hanging from the
lethal. letal. In genetics, a mutant canopy;
whose presence can only be inferred liber. líber. A plant bast or phloem.
from the absence of an expected liberate. liberar. To set free from a
class of individuals in the prog- combination, as to liberate energy
eny; also, death-causing, which may or gas; to give off or liberate as
apply to a normal or abnormal en- heat.
vironmental factor, or to a hereditary liberation. liberación. The act of free-
factor. ing, as the liberation of energy.
lethal factor. factor letal. See lethal libriform. libriforme. Resembling
gene. bast; also, elongated, woody, thick-
lethal gene. gen letal. Any gene whose walled cells.
action results in the death of the libriform fiber. fibra libriforme. An
plant; dominant lethals kill hetero- elongated thick-walled element of
zygotes and recessive lethals kill the xylem, formed from a single
homozygotes. cell.
lethal mutation. mutación letal. A lichen. liquen. A composite organ-
gene mutation which results in the ism, that looks similar to moss
premature death of the organism (Musci), generally found growing
carrying it. Dominant lethals de- in patches on rocks and tree trunks,
stroy heterozygotes while recessive made of a fungus and an alga liv-
lichen woodlands 229 light dependent reaction
ing in a symbiotic relationship. They individual plant in a population,
are classified according to the fun- involving fertilization, reproduc-
gus in the association, commonly tion, death, and replacement by a
Ascomycotina. Due their sensitivity new generation.
to environmental factors they are life expectancy. esperanza de vida.
sometimes viewed as useful pol- expectativa de vida. The length
lution indicators. of time a plant is expected to live,
lichen woodlands. bosque liquen. A as established by statistical prob-
boreal conifer area, located south ability studies.
of the forest tundra and north of life form. forma biológica. The struc-
the closed forest; characterized by ture, form, habits, and life history
a sparsely forested, open woodland, of plants with special focus on mor-
set in a ground layer dominated by phological features and their
lichens. See taiga. relationship to different environ-
lichen zone. zona de liquen. An area ments, especially the Raunkiaer
characterized by lichen flora rang- scheme of 1934.
ing from complete absence to a full life history. historia vivo. The suc-
complement of foliose and fruticose cessive stages of plant development,
species. from inception to death.
lichenic acid. ácido liquénico. Or- life sciences. ciencias biológicas.
ganic acids special to the lichens, A collective term for any of the
lichenicolous. liquenícolo. Growing fields of study dealing with living
on lichens, said especially of para- matter and biological processes,
sitic fungi. such as botany, biochemistry, micro-
lichenin. liquenina. A glucan found biology, and zoology.
in lichens. life zone. zona biológica. biozona.
lichenology. liquenología. The spe- área vital. A regional environment
cialized study of lichens. with a uniform climate, plant and
lichenometry. liquenometría. The animal life.
measurement of lichen diameters ligand. ligande. A molecule that can
for determining the age of areas bind to a specific location on a cell
in which they grow; commonly used membrane, as an antibody; also,
methodology in the non-forested electron–donor partner in coordi-
alpine and arctic areas. nation bonds.
lichenous. liqueno. Pertaining to or ligase. ligasa. An enzyme that trig-
covered with lichens. gers a reaction joining two sub-
lid. opérculo. tapadera. In mosses strates, by using energy from the
(Musci), the top of spore cases; hydrolysis of a nucleotide; syn-
also, the top of a pitcher-shaped thetase.
leaf; also, the cap of a box-like seed light dependent reaction. reacción
capsule that bursts open trans- lumínica dependiente. The first
versely; operculum. phase of photosynthesis where the
life cycle. ciclo de vida. ciclo vital. sunlight is used as an energy source
A series of developmental changes for synthesizing ATP alone or ATP
that take place in the life of every and NADPH.
light independent reaction 230 liguliform
light independent reaction. reacción posited in their walls, giving them
lumínica independiente. The sec- a rigid, woody structure.
ond phase of photosynthesis when ligniform. ligniforme. Resembling
sugars and other compounds are wood.
brought together with ATP and lignify. lignifícarse. Changing into
NADPH produced in the first phase. wood as cells thicken by the in-
See light dependent reaction. troduction of lignin.
light microscopy. microscopia de luz. lignin. lignina. An organic substance,
microscopia de luminoso. The use closely related to cellulose; when
of a microscope where light, rather lignin and cellulose are combined
than electrons, is passed through they provide strength and rigidity
or impinges on the object being to many secondary cell walls and
viewed. make up the essential part of woody
light reaction. reacción lumínica. tissue (up to 15 to 30 percent by
reacción luminosa. In photosyn- weight).
thesis, a series of physical and lignocellulose. lignocelulosa. Lignin
chemical reactions that are depend- and cellulose linked, forming the
ent on light, such as photophos- essential component of woody tis-
phorylation and photolysis in which sue.
light energy is converted to chemical ligulate (of shape). ligular. Shaped
energy with the aid of chlorophyll like a tongue, as a corolla, leaf,
molecules. During the process wa- or a petal.
ter produced molecules are split, ligulate. ligulada. Having a ligule;
with hydrogen ions, electrons, and having a tongue-like projection at
oxygen gas being released. the base of a blade or at the tip of
light stage. estada lumínica. The stage a leaf sheath; also, said of a co-
in photosynthesis when triosephos- rolla which has a very short tube
phate is formed from a 3-carbon and is prolonged above into a flat-
acid (phosphoroglyceric acid). The tened group of united petals; also,
energy absorbed by the chloroplasts said of a capitulum in which all
is used to split the water molecule the flowers have a ligulate corolla.
into hydrogen and oxygen. ligule. lígula. A tongue-shaped co-
ligneous. leñoso. Woody, as distin- rolla or flattened ray in some mem-
guished from herbaceous. bers of the daisy family (Aster-
lignescent. lignescente. Tending to aceae); an outgrowth from the top
be or become ligneous or woody; of the leaf sheath, as in the Poaceae;
somewhat woody. a membrane at the base of the lamina
lignicolous. lignícola. Living on deco- of a grass leaf where the blade meets
rticate wood, as fungi. the leafstalk, as that of millet
lignification. lignificación. The proc- (Panicum); also, a flattened mem-
ess of becoming woody or lignified; brane arising from the base of the
also, the deposition of lignin on leaves of some lycopods.
and in a cell wall. liguliflorate. liguliflorado. Having
lignified. leñosa. Pertaining to cells ligulate flowers.
with large amounts of lignin de- liguliform. liguliforme. lorado.
lilac 231 limnology
Having the shape of a tongue and faces, and caverns. Often there are
flat like a strap. a few endemic genera which are
lilac (color). lila (color). A pale purple limited to the habitat.
color. limestone. piedra caliza. piedra
limb. límbo. In the perianth, the ex- calcárea. caliza. Rock mostly com-
panded part of the corolla or ca- posed of calcium carbonate, yielding
lyx that lies above the tube, throat, lime when processed.
or claw; in the hypanthium, the free, limicolous. limícolo. Living in mud,
flared portion. as limicolous species.
limb. rama. A primary branch of a limit of trees. límite de arbols. The
tree; also, the lamina of a leaf; also, line north or south or upwards on
the widened upper part of a petal; mountains, beyond which trees do
also, the upper, often spreading part not naturally occur.
of a sympetalous corolla. limiting factor. factor limitante. factor
limbate. limbato. Bordered, as a flower limitador. Any single factor that
with a different colored edge. prevents or inhibits the growth,
lime (agricultural). enclar (agrícola). abundance, or distribution of a
cal. A material containing the car- species in an ecosystem; also, the
bonates, oxides, and/or hydroxides environmental conditions that most
of calcium, and/or magnesium that nearly approximates the maximum
are used to alter soil pH or neu- or minimum limits of tolerance for
tralize soil acidity. The amount of a given organism.
lime in the soil determines whether limiting nutrient. nutritivo limitante.
the soil is acid, neutral, or alka- Any substance added to or removed
line. from a body of water that will stimu-
lime (fruit). lima (fruta). A fruit from late or inhibit eutrophication.
the species Citrus aurantiifolia limits of tolerance. límites de toler-
(Rutaceae), or in British usage, lime ancia. límites de tolerado. The
may also refer to the linden tree upper and lower bounds of a par-
(Tiliaceae). ticular environment (light, heat,
lime green. verde lima. A yellow- water) within which an organism
green color. can survive. Same as tolerance limit.
lime tree. limero. The Citrus aurantii- limnetic zone. zona limnética. The
folia (Rutaceae). deeper, open freshwater ecosystem
lime tree (British). tilo (británico). that lies beyond the littoral (lake-
tila (británico). A linden tree, Tilia edge) zone; sublittoral.
cordata or the natural hybrid T. limnetic. limnético. Plants that thrive
europea. in the open water of lakes.
limestone forest. bosque caliza. A limnium. limnio. A lake formation.
distinguishing type of forest oc- limnodium. limnodio. A salt marsh
curring in tropical rain forest re- formation.
gions that grow on special lime- limnology. limnologia. The study of
stone formations (karst) that are inland freshwater ecosystems, es-
characterized by underground pecially lakes and their surround-
drainage, sinkholes, rolling sur- ing habitat.
limoniform 232 lipase
limoniform. limoniforme. Lemon- than ligulate, and somewhat fleshy
shaped. with a blunt apex.
limp. flácido. fláccido. Wilted; having lingulate. lingulado. Tongue-shaped;
lost stiffness, as a limp leaf. ligulate.
linamarin. linamarina. A cyanoge- linin. linina. The more solid, form-
netic glucoside present in flax roots. conserving part of the nucleus,
line. línea. A group of individuals from which holds the chromioles in defi-
a common ancestry that retain their nite relationshiip with each other;
characteristics when propagated by achromatin.
seed; also, a type of cultivar. linkage. ligamiento. linkage. The
line breeding. crianza de lineas. The proclivity of genes on the same
mating in successive generations chromosome being inherited to-
of individuals having the same com- gether instead of under going in-
mon ancestor. dependent assortment.
lineage. linaje. The descent in a line linkage disequilibrium. desequilibrio
from an ancestor; ancestry. de ligamiento. The non-random
linear (leaf). linear (hoja). lineal. association of alleles at different
Narrow and uniform in width, with gene locations in a population.
the widest axis at midpoint and the linkage equilibrium. equilibrio de
margins mostly parallel, as with ligamiento. See gametic equilib-
certain willow leaves. (Salix). rium.
linear embryo. embrión linear. A type linkage group. grupo de ligamiento.
of axil embryo several times longer A assembly of genes that are trans-
than wide, straight, curved or coiled, mitted together.
expanded cotyledons, but endo- linkage map. mapa ligamiento. A chro-
sperm not always present. mosome map, determined by recom-
linear growth. crecimiento linear. bination relations.
Growth in which a quantity in- Linnaeus. Linnaeus. The 18 th cen-
creases by some fixed amount dur- tury (1707–1778) Swedish naturalist
ing each unit of time. Carolus Linnaeus, famed for his
linear leaf. hoja linear. A leaf type system classifying plants and ani-
that is narrow, flattened, triangu- mals. The Linnean system of naming
lar or quadrangular, usually ½ to uses two words, the first for the
2 inches long, as some spruce genus and the second for the spe-
(Pinaceae). cies.
linear tetrad. tétrade linear. A row lip. labio. labelo. labium. One of
of four megaspores, as is usual in the upper or lower parts of a
flowering plants. bilabiate (two-lipped) flower; also,
lineate. lineado. Marked with lines, in orchids (Orchidaceae), it is one
as lineate leaves or stigma. of the three petals that has a dif-
lineolate. lineolado. Marked with ferent shape than the other two. See
minute, fine lines that are often par- labellum.
allel. lipase. lipasa. An enzyme breaking
linguiform. lingúiforme. Having the down a true fat into its component
form of a tongue; shorter and wider fatty acid(s) and glycerol.
lip cells 233
lip cells. célula de labio. The line of the lithophilous benthos.
of cells between which the spor- lithophyte. litófito. A plant that grows
angium dehisces. on the surface of rocks, getting
lipid(e). lípido. A chemical compo- nourishment from the air, as some
nent, generally a hydrocarbon, orchids (Orchidaceae).
which is composed of three fatty lithosere. litoserie. litosere. The flow
acids and glycol that are insolu- of plant communities, proceeding
ble in water but soluble in organic through all the stages of a succes-
solvents. Their function is diverse, sion to a climax vegetation that be-
including energy storage as hor- gins on a bare rock.
mones or as structural components lithotroph. litótrofo. An organism
in membranes. that obtains energy from inorganic
lipochondria. lipocondria. Golgi Ap- compounds or elements; not the
paratus. same a autotroph.
lipochrome. lipocromo. Fat soluble litter. basura. The more or less
pigments, such as carotenoids. undercomposed plant residues on
lipoid. lipoide. Lipid or any of a group the surface of soil in a forest;
of fat or oil-like substances. horticulturally used in weather pro-
liponic acid. ácido lipónico. It may tection for plants.
be concerned with the transfer of litter layer. hojarasca. Dead organic
the acetyl radical to coenzyme A, matter such as branches, leaves, tree
and hydrogen to coenzyme 1 in the trunks, and grasses (Poaceae) that
pyruvate oxidation system; thioctic accumulate on the forest floor.
acid. littoral. litoral. Growing along the
lipophilic. lipofilíco. Attracted by sea or lakeshore.
hydrocarbons and repelled by littoral zone. zona litoral. In a fresh-
hydroxy- (OH) substances. water ecosystem, the shallow area
lipoprotein. lipoproteína. Any of a around a lake where light penetrates
class of proteins, one of which is into the sedimentation and provides
lipid, which are most commonly conditions conducive to root-plant
found in membranes. colonization; in a saltwater or ma-
liposome. liposoma. A drop of fat rine area, the shore or intertidal
or a lipid in the cell cytoplasm. zone where periodic submersion by
lipoxidase. lipoxidasa. An enzyme tide water is normal.
which plays a part in fatty acid oxi- lituate. lituado. Forked with the points
dation by breadking the chain at turned outward.
the double bond. liturate. liturado. Spotted.
lipped. labiado. Labiate. liverwort. hepática. The common
lirella. lirella. A long, narrow name for a group of green, red,
apothecium with a ridge in the mid- purple, or yellowish non-vascular
dle, found in some lichens. plants with undifferentiated stems
lirelliform. lirelifome. Like a furrow. and leaves, belonging to the class
lithophilous. litófilo. Growing on rocks, Hepaticae and similar to mosses
as algae, mosses, and flowering (Musci), together, classified as
species which comprise a portion bryophytes; hepatica.
liveus 234 lodicule
liveus. liveus. Latin meaning “pale of an organism to move from place
lead-colored”. to place, increasing its probabil-
living fossil. fósil viviente. An or- ity of surviving.
ganism that is one of the last liv- locular. locular. Having one or more
ing species of an extinct stock cells or loculi, as bilocular or
known only from fossil remains. trilocular.
lobate. lobado. Having rounded lobes, loculate. loculado. Having locules.
varied depths and the outer and loculatus. loculatus. Latin meaning
inner margins concave, as lobate “divided into compartments by
leaves. septa”.
lobe. lobo. A rounded projection or loculation. loculación. Separation into
division of an organ, as leaves, fruit, locules.
or other organs. locule (pl. loculi). lóculo. A small
lobed. lobulada. Leaf shapes that are cell or cavity in plant tissue that
deeply cut, but less than half way is separated from another locule
toward the midrib, as compound by a septum, as in an ovary, an-
leaves; divided into segments. ther or fruit; also, one portion of
lobed margin. margen lobulada. The a septate spore; seed cavity;
outer edge of a leaf with gaps more loculicidal. loculicida. A lengthwise
or less to the center of the leaf. splitting through the back suture
lobular. lobular. Having the shape of each locule or carpel; also, one
of a lobule or small lobe. of the three types of dehiscence:
lobulate. lobulado. Divided into septicidal, septifragal, and loculic-
lobules. idal.
lobule. lóbulo. A small lobe, as a loculose. loculoso. Divided into locules
smaller subdivision of lobe. or cells.
localization. localización. The re- loculus . lóculo. See locule.
striction of crossing over and chi- locus (pl. loci or loca). locus. The
asma formation to certain corre- position or location of a gene on
sponding parts of all the chromo- a chromosome.
somes. This is genetically deter- locusta. locusta. In grasses (Poaceae),
mined. It may be procentric or a long spike or flower cluster.
proterminal, according to whether lodge. acamado. A condition in which
the contact points are near the cen- plants permanently bend near the
tromere or near the ends. soil surface and fall more or less
localized. localizado. Limited or flat on the ground; especially com-
confined to a particular area. mon with cereals (Poaceae) with
locellate. locelado. Subdivided into an excess of nitrogen.
smaller loculi. lodicule. lodícula. One of the two
lochmium. lochmio. A thicket for- or three small hyaline scales lo-
mation. cated near the base of the ovary
loci. loci. Plural of locus. and below the stamens in the flowers
lock. esclusa. The cavity of the ovary of many grasses (Poaceae); they
in plants; a locule. become distended with water and
locomotion. locomoción. The capacity assist in the separation of the
loment(um) 235 luciferase
glumes. longitudinal axis. eje longitudinal.
loment(um). lomento. Indehiscent leg- Running lengthwise along the axis
ume seed pods with spaces between of a structure.
the seeds which break into many longitudinal dehiscence. dehiscencia
dry, one-seeded pieces when ripe. longitudinal. Describes a type of
lomentaceous. lomentáceo. Pertaining anther that opens or dehiscenses
to or bearing loments. along the long axis of the theca.
long bud shoot. vástago de yema largo. long-night plant. planta de noche
An abnormal bud or shoot that larga. Plants that require long
grows in length but does not de- nights and short days for matura-
velop leaves or branches. tion, as poinsettias (Euphorbi-
long shoots. vástago largo. Normal aceae).
shoots that grow from the termi- loose. laxo. Describes an arrange-
nal or axillary buds that have nor- ment of widely separated or scat-
mal internodal intervals. tered parts, often irregular.
long-day plant. planta de día largo. loosely. laxamente. Markedly loose.
planta macrohémera. Any plant lophium. lófio. A hill formation.
that requires many hours of light lophotrichous. lofótrico. Said of an
to bloom, usually those indigenous organism which has the flagella in
to latitudes greater than 60º both one group arising at one point on
north and south of the equator. the surface of the cell.
Long-day plants bloom in late spring lorate. loriforme. Having long, ver-
and early summer, following long- tical waves in the margins; strap-
days of light, fourteen to seven- shaped; ligulate.
teen or more hours daily, and cor- loriform. loriforme. Having the form
respondingly short dark periods. or flat shape of a strap or tongue.
Lettuce (Asteraceae) is a common lotic. lotíco. torrentícola. Pertains
long-day plant. to freshwater habitats involving rap-
longevity. longevidad. The continu- idly running water, such as springs,
ance of an individual for longer than rivers, and creeks.
most members of its species or of low. bajo. baja. Not advanced in
a genus or species over a sustained organization or development.
period of geologic time. lower fungi. hongos inferiores. Fungi
longi-. longi-. A Latin prefix that belonging to the subdivisions
means, “long”. Mastigomycotina and Zygomyco-
longicollous. longicolo. Having a long tina; phycomycetes.
beak or neck. lower. inferior. Below or not as ad-
longiflorous. longiflo(ro)(ra). Long- vanced in organization or devel-
flowered. opment.
longitude. longitud. Distances east lubricous. lubrico. Having a slip-
and west on the earth’s surface, as pery surface.
measured in degrees from a cer- luciferase. luciferasa. An enzyme oc-
tain meridian; ordinarily the me- curring in the cells of luminescent
ridian passing through Greenwich, organisms, which acts on luciferin
England. to produce luminosity.
luciferin 236 lytic response
luciferin. luciferina. A chemical sub- a bacteria as a result an infection
stance in the cells of luminescent by a bacteriophage.
organism, which produces heatless lysogenic phage. fago lisogénico. A
light. bacteriophage which does not kill
lucifugous. lucífugo. Shunning light. its host.
lumen. luz. lumen. The central cavity lysogenic response. respuesta lisogén-
within the wall of a cell. ico. The rupture and death (lysis)
luminescence. luminescencia. The of a bacterial cell from infection
giving off of light. by a bacteriophage which does not
luminescent. luminescente. Pertaining reproduce, but instead responds as
to luminescence. a prophage.
lunate. lunular. Crescent or half moon- lysogeny. lisogenia. A generally stable,
shaped with acute ends. non-destructive association between
lustrous. brillante. Bright and shin- a bacteriophage and it host bacte-
ning. rium.
luteic acid. ácido luteico. A meta- lysosome. lisosoma. Small cytoplasmic
bolic product of Helminthosporium bodies containing enzymes, sur-
leersi. rounded by a single unit membrane,
lyase. liasa. sintasa. An enzyme that that can break down all polysacch-
catalyses non-hydrolytic reactions arides, nucleic acids, and proteins,
that either remove or add to a sub- as well as some lipids; essential
strate, causing a double bond. in the cell’s material recycling and
lycopene. licopino. licopina. A red biosynthesis.
pigment, carotenoid, in ripe fruit, lysozyme. lisozima. A substance
especially tomatoes (Solanaceae). present in some plants, which has
lyrate. lirado. Lyre-shaped; having the power to kill bacteria. It re-
large terminal lobes, cut more than sembles and enzyme in some re-
halfway to the midrib and smaller spects, but cannot reproduce itself.
lower lobes, as lyrate leaves. lytic phage. fago lítico. A bacteri-
lyriform. liriforme. Having the shape ophage which causes lysis.
of a lyre. lytic response. respuesta lítico. The
lysine. lisina. An amino acid that is rupture and death (lysis) of a bac-
essential for growth but of limited terial cell from infection by a bac-
occurrence in plant proteins, but teriophage which then reproduces
abundant in animal proteins. inside the cell.
lysis. lisis. The rupture and death of
macrandrous 237 macromolecule

macrandrous. macroandro. Having and patterns among groups of spe-

very tall male plants, as certain cies over extensive time periods.
algae. macrofibril. macrofibrilla. Very large
macro-. macro-. A Greek prefix that root hairs; also, a group of
means, “large” or “long”. microfibrils, as cellulose fibrils.
macroalgae. macroalga. Multicellular macroflora. macroflora. The mac-
brown, red, and green algae. roscopic plants in a particular place
macrobiotic. macrobiótica. Long- or in a particular time segment.
lived. macrofossil. macrofósil. A plant found
macrocephalous. macrocéfalo. Having in the earth’s strata, large enough
massive embryonic cotyledons, as to be seen without a microscope.
compared to other embryonic parts. macrofungi. macrohongos. macró-
macroclimate. macroclima. The char- fitas. Fungi having large fruit bod-
acteristic weather of a large locale. ies.
macroclimatic. macroclimático. Per- macrogamete. macrogameto. The
taining to a macroclimate. larger of the two conjugating gam-
macroconidium. macroconideo. A etes, which reproduce by the un-
very large or long conidium. ion of unlike gametes; a large gam-
macrocyclic. macrocíclico. Having ete containing food reserves, e.g.
a long or complex life cycle, as a the female gamete.
macrocyclic plant; also, said of rusts macrogametocyte. macrogametócito.
which have two alternative hosts, A gametocyte that gives rise to
and all the stages in the life cy- macrogametes.
cle. macrogametophyte. macrogametófito.
macrocyst. macroquiste. A large re- The larger of the gametophytes of
productive sac in some fungi; also, the heterosporous pteridophytes.
the resting form of the young plas- It produces the female gametes.
modium of the myxomycetes. macrogonidium. macrogonidio. A large
macroelement. macroelemento. See gonidium.
macronutrient. macrohabitat. macrohábitat. A par-
macroenvironment. macroecológico. ticular locality, regardless of size,
macro de medio ambiente. The containing a large number and va-
surroundings of a large area inhab- riety of organisms or species.
ited by a particular species or com- macromolecular. macromolecular.
munity, as the macroenvironment Pertaining to macromolecules.
of the eastern deciduous forest. macromolecule. macromolécula. The
macroevolution. macroevolución. very large, organic molecules such
Large scale changes in rates, trends as proteins and nucleic acids that
macromycetes 238 male sterility
make up the structural and func- as a macula of color on a petal;
tional parts of cells; also, many also, a small tubercule; also, a small
small molecules linked together, shallow pit.
as in a resin. maculate. maculada. Having spots
macromycetes. macromicitos. Macro- or being speckled.
fungi. maculation. maculación. The pattern
macronutrient. macronutriente. El- of spots on leaves or flowers.
ements in relatively large amounts maculatus. maculatus. Latin mean-
required for plant growth, such as ing “spotted”.
calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, po- maculicolous. maculícolo. Growing
tassium from the soil, and hydro- spots, e.g. leaf-spots.
gen, oxygen and carbon from the magnesium. magnesio. A metallic el-
air. ement with the chemical symbol
macrophyll. macrofílo. Having large of Mg used by green plants in the
leaves. formation of chlorophyll.
macrophylline. macrofilina. Having magnoliophyta. magnoliófita. En-
large lobes. closed, seed bearing flowering
macrophyllous. macrofíle. Large- plants with varied leaf shapes, sizes,
leaved; also, said of leaves with a and venation patterns.
branched vascular system. maintenance evolution. evolución
macrophyte. macrófito. A macroscopic mantenimiento. See stabilizing
plant, commonly used with plants selection.
living in water. major. mayor. Greater in size, shape,
macropodial. macrópodo. With a long or order.
stem, as a macropodial leaf; also, major gene. gen mayor. A gene with
having food stored in the hypo- conspicuous phenotypic effects, in
cotyl; hypocotylespermous. contrast to a modifier gene which
macropodous. macropodio. Said of alters the phenotypic expression of
an embryo without cotyledons. another gene; oligogene.
macroscopic. macroscópico. The size majus. majus. Latin meaning “greater”.
is large enough to be seen with- malacoid. malacoide. Like mucilage.
out magnification. malacophily. malacófilia. Pollinated
macrosporangium. macrosporangio. by snails.
See megasporangium. malacophyllous. malacófilo. Having
macrospore. macróspora. A large soft leaves; said of xerophytic plants
spore; megaspore. which have fleshy leaves contain-
macrosporophyll. macrosporofilo. ing much water-storing tissue.
Megasporophyll. malate dehydrogenase. de(s)hidro-
macrostyle. macroestilo. With a long genasa malado. See malic acid.
style. male flower. flora masculina. A flower
macrotaxonomy. macrotaxonomía. having stamens but no carpels.
The taxonomic classifications that male sterility. esterilidad macho. A
pertain to family, order and other condition in some plants where
larger groupings. pollen is not formed or does not
macula. mácula. A spot or blotch, function normally, even though the
male 239 mangrove swamp
stamens may appear normal. D-glucose molecules, in the 1 : 4
male. masculino. In fertilization, a and a position; malt sugar.
designation of the organs, as male maltotriose. maltotriosa. A tria-
gametes; also, a flower with only saccharide sugar.
stamens and no pistils. malvidin. malvidina. A blue anthocy-
malformation. malformación. Anoma- anin pigment.
lous formation of organs or struc- mammillar. mamilar. Having a rounded
ture. outgrowth, ending in a papilla or
malformed. deforme. mal formado. point.
With a faulty form or shape. mammiform. mammiforme. Shaped
malic. málico. Pertaining to or ob- like a nipple, papilla, or breast;
tained from apples (Rosaceae). breast-shaped.
malic acid. ácido málico. A dicarb- mammilla. mamila. pezón. A floral
oxylic acid formed during the cit- structure or any other protuberance
ric acid cycle and found in apples with the shape of a woman’s breast
(Rosaceae) and some other fruits. or the tip of a breast; nipple.
It is formed from fumaric acid by mammillae. mamilae. Plural of mam-
hydrolysis (enzyme fumarase) and milla.
is changed to oxaloacetic acid by mammillate. mamilífero. Having mam-
dehydrogenation by malic dehydro- millae or nipples.
genase. mammose. mamoso. Breast-shaped.
malodorous. maloloroso. Having a manganese. manganeso. A chemical
bad or unpleasant odor. element with the symbol Mn; re-
malolactic. maloláctico. Pertaining quired in small amounts for plants
to the bacterial conversion of malic to bind protein and for light to func-
acid to lactic acid in wine. tion correctly in photosynthesis.
malpighiaceous hair. pelo malpigiáceo. mangrove. mangle. Any of a group
Straight hair that is tapered at the of tropical trees or shrubs that grow
ends, as a pick and attached at the in swampy ground along riverbanks,
middle; dolabriform. producing branches that spread and
malpighian cell. célula de malpighi(o). send down roots, thereby forming
One cell of a layer of closely packed, more trunks which cause thick
radically directed, think-walled cells growth, as Rhizophora mangle.
occurring in the testas of some mangrove forest. bosque de manglar.
seeds. A forest growing in tropical or sub-
malpighian layer. estrato de malp- tropical brackish water areas, par-
ighi(o). A layer of closely packed, ticularly on mudflats; characteris-
radically directed, thick-walled cells tically the mangrove forest is low
occurring in the testas of some and dense with a tangle of aerat-
seeds. ing roots rising above the mud.
maltase. maltasa. An enzyme breaking mangrove swamp. pantano de mangl-
maltose into its two componet glu- ar. Characteristic vegetation oc-
cose molecules. curring in brackish or saline wa-
maltose. maltosa. A disaccharide sugar ter along tropical and subtropical
made from the condensing of two coasts, particularly at river mouths;
mannon 240 marsh gas
typically made up of numerous structures; also, the edge of a grow-
stands of aerating roots rising above ing fungal mycelium.
the surrounding mud flats and man- marginal. marginal. Situated on or
grove; encourages the gradual sea- arising from the edge of a mem-
ward extension of the land area. ber; also, of a placenta, in a sin-
mannon. manon. A polymer of gle carpel, or on the edges of the
D-mannose. carpels; having a nerve running par-
mannitol. manitol. A sugar alcohol allel along the edge of the leaf.
of mannose. marginal community. comunidad mar-
mannose. manosa. A monosaccha- ginal. A plant community bordering
ride occurring in a wide variety of on another community of slightly
organisms, including vegetable dfferent character.
gums, bacterial capsular layers, and marginal placentation. placentación
fungi; a hexose sugar. marginal. With the placenta lo-
manocyst. manociste. The receptive cated along the margin of a sim-
papilla of some Oomycetes. ple ovary; ventral placentation.
manoxylic wood. madera manoxilico. marginal ray cell. célula radial mar-
Wood of a somewhat loose texture ginal. A more or less specialized
and contains a large amount of cell, occurring with others of the
parenhyma. same kind, at the edge of a vascu-
manubrium. manubrio. Shaped like lar ray.
a handle; handle-cell. marginal species. especie marginal.
many. mucho. A relatively large A plant that grows along the edge
number, usually more than ten. of a woodland.
many-stemmed. multicaule. Having marginal veil. velo marginal. Par-
a number of stems. tial veil.
map distance. distancia de mapa. A marginate. marginado. Having a well
measure of distance between two marked border, which is often com-
gene loci based on the frequency posed of cells or elements differ-
of crossing over between them; a ing in form or color from those
map unit is equal to one percent making up the rest of the organ.
crossing over. marine. marino. Of or pertaining to
maranta. maranta. malvito. A group plants living in or near saltwater.
of plants having tuberous roots, marine biology. biología marina. A
commonly associated with the ar- branch of biology that studies living
rowroot (Marantaceae). organisms of the sea.
marbled. veteado. Marked with ir- marine ecology. ecología marina. The
regular streaks of color. study of the sea environment.
marcescent. marcescente. Leaves with maritime. maritimo. Growing near
a short duration that do not fall off, saltwater.
but only wither, remaining attached marl. marga. saskab. Lime-rich clay,
to the plant. often occurring in alluvial depos-
margin. margen (márgenes). The outer its and containing large amounts
edge of leaves, petals, sepals, of calcium carbonate.
bracts, scales, or other flattened marsh gas. gas metano. gas de los
marsh plant 241 matrix potential
pantanos. Methane gas. as food.
marsh plant. planta palustre. Heloph- master factor. factor mayor. Any pow-
yte. erful acting ecological factor, which
marsh. pantano. A tract of low, very plays the main part in determin-
wet mineral soil, as distinct from ing the occurrence, in a given area
peaty soil, occasionally, or some- of a plant community of major rank.
times permanently covered with mastigoneme. mastigonemo. A stiff,
water, growing coarse grasses lateral projection on the flagellum
(Poaceae), reeds (Poaceae) and of some algae cells.
sedges (Cyperaceae); bog, swamp maternal inheritance. herencia mat-
or fen. erno. herencia maternal. An in-
marshy tundra. tundra pantanoso. heritance pattern where all the prog-
Marsh-like tracts found in the Arctic eny have the genotype and pheno-
tundra which support a luxuriant type of the maternal parent.
growth of mosses (Musci), and an maternal messager. mensajero ma-
array of grasses (Poaceae), sedges ternal. See informosome.
(Carex, Cladium) and dwarf wil- mating continuum. continuo de apar-
lows (Salix). eamiento. An aggregate of indi-
marshy. pantanoso. Like a marsh, viduals whose gens systematically
soft, sometimes wet, growing trees, recombine.
rushes (Juncaceae), reeds (Poac- mating group. grupo apareamiento.
eae) and sedges (Cyperaceae); liv- A group of individuals, haploid or
ing in marshes. diploid, within which mating is
marsupium. marsupio. Upgrowths favored at the expense of mating
around the “stem” apex of the ouside the group, by genetic or en-
Acrogynae. vironmental conditons character-
masculine. masculino. estaminado. istic of the group.
See male. mating type. tipio apareamiento. In
mass spectrometry. espectrómetria microorganisms, the equivalent of
de masas. A method for measur- sex designations (male-female) in
ing atomic and molecular masses. higher organisms.
massula. másula. A small group of mastoid. mastoide. Like a nipple;
adherent pollen grains produced by nipple-like.
the same mother cell and occur- matorral. matorral. Refers to drought
ring in many members of the resistant, evergreen shrubs and
Orchidaceae; in ferns (Filicops- small trees with thick, leathery
ida), a sticky mass of micro- leaves; sclerophyllous vegetation.
sporesalso, one of the four alveo- matrix. matriz. The substance be-
lar from the plasmodial tapetum of tween the cells of plant tissue; the
Azolla. One contains the functional outer layer of stainable material in
macrospore. a chromosome; also, any substra-
mast. bellota. The fruit of oak tum, living or dead, in which a fun-
(Quercus) trees, especially as food. gus grows.
mast. hayucos. The fruit of the beech matrix potential. potencial de matriz.
(Fagus) and related trees, especially The water potential component
matromorphic 242 medullary ray cell
produced by the attraction of wa- mechanical tissue. tejido mecánico.
ter molecules to a hydrophilic ma- Tissues, usually made of thick-
trix. walled cells, which give support
matromorphic. matromórfico. Resem- to the plant body; supporting tis-
bling the female parent. sue.
matroclinus. matroclino. Exhibiting medial. medio. Near the middle of a
the characters of the female par- longitudinal axis; also, the value
ent more prominently than the male. of a variate on each side of which
maturation. maduración. The final lie equal numbers of observations.
stage in the fertilization process, median. medina. valor central. The
including meiosis and changes in middle value of a group of num-
the cytoplasm; also, refers to the bers arranged in order of size; also,
time of development of organs and a nutritive substance on, or in
their parts; also, the formation of which, tissues or cultures of mi-
gametes or spores by meiosis. croorganisms maybe grown.
mature (fruit, vegetables). maduro. median leaf. hoja mediana. The leaf
Ripe, fully developed, as mature on top of the stem, as in the hetero-
mangoes (Mangifera). phyllous species of the Selaginell-
mature. (tree, plant). adulto (arbol, aceae family.
planta). Fully grown, or completely median stipule. estípula mediana. Stip-
developed, as a mature flower or ules that are adnate to the petiole
fruit. with the free part near the middle
maturity. madurez. Full development of the petiole.
or mature condition. medio-. medio-. A prefix that means,
matutinal. matutino. Occurring in “middle”
the morning time, as flowers open- mediolittoral. mediolitoral. Identi-
ing in the morning hours. fies the portion of a shore that is
mauve color. color malva. Various approximately equal to the inter-
shades of light purple. tidal or littoral zone, but does not
maximus. maximus. Latin meaning include the lowest reaches which
“very large”. remain uncovered for only very lim-
mazaedium. mazaedio. A type of as- ited periods.
cocarp in which the asci, paraphy- medulla. médula. The pith or cen-
ses, and others, disintegrate into tral part in cylindrically stemmed
powder. plants; the cellular matter around
meadow. pastizal. A low growing, which wood is formed in trees; in
grassy, open clearing in a landscape, lichens, the inner tissue of the thal-
sometimes associated with grazing lus.
animals. medullary. medular. Pertaining to
mealy. harinoso. Covered by a scurfy or like a medulla.
powder. medullary bundle. haz medular. A
mean. valor medio. The arithmetic vascular bundle runnng in the pith.
average; the sum of all quantities medullary ray cell. célula de los ra-
divided by the number of quanti- dios medulares In stems and roots,
ties. strands of radiating vascular tis-
medullary sheath 243 meiophase
sue. In the stems, the vertical tis- Same as macrophyll.
sue extends from the pith that sepa- megaphanerophyte. megafanerófito.
rates the vascular bundles and con- A tree over thirty meters high.
nects the pith to the bark of megaphyllous. megafilo. Having very
dicotyledons and gymnosperms. large leaves, especially when sup-
They are concerned with food stor- plied with a vascular bundle(s).
age and lateral conduction of food megasporangiate (female) cone. estr-
materials, water, etc. They may be óbilo megasporangiado. In gym-
primary or secondary, e.g. produced nosperms, a group of sporangia-
from the cambium, when they are bearing ovules at the tip of the stem.
called vascular rays. megasporangium (pl. megasporangia).
medullary sheath. vaina medular. The megasporangio. A spore producing
innermost ring or layer of woody sac (sporangium) or ovule that usu-
tissue that surrounds the pith in ally contains four megaspores.
some plants. These peripheral cells Known as the ovule in flowering
surrounding the pith are smaller plants.
cells than those of the pith, and megaspore. megáspora. One of two
usually have thicker walls and types of spores arising from meiosis
denser content than the pith; my- with the megaspore being rather
elin sheath. large and producing the female
medullary stela. estela medular. A gametophyte; in seed plants, it is
meristele lying in the center of a the seed sac.
fern stem. megaspore mother cell. megáspora
medullate. medulado. Pithy; hav- célula madre. A diploid cell which
ing a pith. produces megaspores upon under-
medullose. meduloso. Having a tex- going meiosis.
ture that is soft and spongy, like a megasporocyte. megasporócito. In
pith. an ovule, a diploid megaspore
mega(lo)-. mega(lo)-. A Greek pre- mother cell that forms four hap-
fix that means, “very large” or loid megaspores by meiosis, only
“great” in size. one of which remains functional.
megagamete. megagameto. mega- megasporogenesis. megaesporogén-
gámeta. Macrogamete. esis. The process of large spores
megagametogenesis. megagameto- (megaspores) being produced dur-
génesis. The production of large ing meiosis.
gametes (megagametes) from mega- megasporophyll. megaesporófilo. A
spores in the ovules of angiosperms. sporophyll or specialized leaf that
megagametophyte. megagametófito. bears one or more megasporangium
The gametophyte stage containing or ovules.
eight haploid nuclei within the em- meiocyte. meiocito. Any cell in which
bryo sac; a female gametophyte that meiosis has begun.
comes from a megaspore. meiomerous. meiomero. Having a small
megalogonidium. megalogonidio. number of parts.
Macrogonidium meiophase. meiofasa. The part of a
megaphyll. megafíl. Large-leaved. life cycle in which a diploid nu-
meiosis 244 Mendel’s second law
cleus undergoes reduction. dark”.
meiosis. meiosis. A two-cell nuclear melanosporous. melanosporo. Hav-
division in which chromosomes are ing black spores.
reduced to half the original number, melibiose. melibiosa. A disaccharide
resulting in gametes or spores; also, of D-glucose and a D-galactose
the process of two sequential nu- linked in the 6 : 1 position.
clear and cellular divisions produc- melieus. melieus. Latin meaning
ing four haploid cells from a sin- “honey-colored” or “honey-tasting”.
gle diploid cell. member. miembro. A part or organ
meiosporangium. meioesporangio. A of a plant from the view of mor-
sporangium in which meiosis phology.
occurs. membral. membral. Pertaining to a
meiospore. meiospora. A haploid cell member.
that divides by mitosis and differ- membranaceous. membranáceo. Soft,
entiates into multicelled haploid thin, and flexible, like a membrane;
bodies (gametophytes); also, the pertaining to a membrane.
resulting spore from meiotic divi- membrane. membrana. A soft, thin,
sion. sheet-like layer of tissue that lines,
meiotaxy. meiotaxia. The failure of covers, separates, or connects parts
a whorl or whorls to develop. of the plant.
meiotic. meiótico. Pertaining to meio- membranous. membrano. Of or like
sis or the period between two mei- a membrane, but usually thin, dry,
otic divisions. not green, flexible.
meiotic euapogamy. euapogamia meió- Mendel’s laws. leyes de Mendel. A
tico. The development of a spo- series of three laws formulated by
rophyte from a cell or cells of a Gregor Mendel (1822–1884); each
gametophyte, without any fusion is generally true but each is true
of gametes, giving a plant whose with exceptions. The laws are: l)
nuclei have the gametic number of law of dominance, in which char-
chromosomes. acters exhibit alternative inherit-
meiotic nondisjunction. nondisyunción ance, being either dominant or re-
meiótico. nondisyunción meyót- cessive; 2) law of segregation, when
ico. The failure of two members each gamete receives one member
of a chromosome pair to separate of each pair of factors present in
properly during meiosis, so that both a mature individual; and 3) law
go to one daughter cell, and the of independent assortment in which
remaining daughter cell receives reproductive cells combine at ran-
nothing. dom.
meiotic spindle. huso meiótico. The Mendel’s first law. primera ley de
spindle-shaped system of micro- Mendel. Law of dominance or of
tubules that crosses the nuclear uniformity (of hybrids). See Men-
region of eukaryotic cells during del’s laws.
cell division. Mendel’s second law. segunda ley de
mela(no)-. mela(no)-. A Greek pre- Mendel. Law of segregation or of
fix that means, “black” or “very the purity of the gametes. See Men-
Mendel’s third law 245 meristogenetic
del’s laws. surround the other.
Mendel’s third law. tercera ley de mericloning. mericlonación. The mul-
Mendel. Law of independent as- tiplication of plants through cul-
sortment or of recombination (of turing and artificial dividing of
genes). See Mendel’s laws. shoot meristems.
Mendelian character. carácter mendel- merism. merismo. The development
iano. Allelomorph. of more than one member of the
Mendelian inheritance. herencia same kind, usually in such a way
mendeliana. Inheritance in accord- that a symmetrical arrangement or
ance with Mendel’s laws; particul- pattern is formed.
ate. merismatoid. merismatoide. Said of
Mendel’s Law of Inheritance. Ley de a pileus composed of smaller pelei.
las herencia de Mendel. (1) The merispore. merispora. One segment
Law of Segregation – that the gam- of a multiple spore.
etes produced by a hybrid or het- meristele. meristela. A group of spe-
erozygote contain unchanged, ei- cialized cells associated with the
ther one or the other, of any two growth of xylem and phloem in the
factors determining alternative unit stems and roots; the vascular tis-
characters, in respect of which, its sue of a dictoyostele, running be-
parental gametes differ. (2) The tween two overlapping leaf-gaps.
Law of Recombination – that the meristem. meristemo. A group of spe-
factors determining different unit cialized cells in the cambium (lateral
characters are recombined at ran- meristem) or at the tip of a stem
dom in the gametes of an individual or root (apical meristem) that pro-
heterozygous, in respect of these vides growth by dividing; also
factors. within the leaf and stem sheaths
meniscoidal. meniscoidal. A thin, of grasses (intercalary meristem).
solid, concave-convex figure. meristem spore. espora meristemo.
mentum. mentón. A chin; also, an Phialo-spore.
axial growth in orchids (Orchid- meristematic. meristemático. Pertain-
aceae) that carry the sepals forward. ing to or consisting of the meristem.
merenchyma. merenquima. Plecten- meristematic tissue. tejido meriste-
chyma. mático. Plant tissue formed by the
merging. pasando. Uniting or com- specialized cells occurring at the
ing together to the extent of los- tips of stems, roots and in the
ing individual identity. cambium. See meristem.
mericarp. mericarpo. One part of a meristematic variation. variación
dry fruit that at maturity divides meristemático. Variation in the
into two or more one-seeded parts number of organs or parts.
and that does not split open (schizo- meristemoid. meristemoide. Having
carp); fruit parts that mature and the shape or resembling meristem.
appear as separate fruit. meristic. meristico. Having or com-
mericlinal chim(a)era. quimera posed of segments.
mericlinal. A chimaera in which meristogenetic. merisitogenético.
one component does not completely Formed from or by a meristem.
meristogenous 246 mesospore
meristogenous. meristógeno. Said of nous layer separating the exochite
pycnidia and others, formed by the from the mesochite of the Fucales.
growth and division of one hypha. mesohaline. mesohalino. Brackish
merogamy. merogamia. The union water.
of two individualized gametes. mesomitosis. mesomitosis. Mitosis
meromictic. meromíctico. Identifies which takes place within the nu-
lakes that have permanently strati- clear membrane without any coop-
fied waters, usually because of some eration form the cytoplasmic
chemical differences, such as elements.
salinities, therefore densities. mesophanerophyte. mesofanerófito.
meront. meronte. One of the daugh- A tree having the height of eight
ter myxamoebae, cut-off in turn by to thirty meters.
a parent myxamoeba. mesophil(e). mesofilico. Plants that
merosporangium. merosporangio. Of grow best at moderate temperatures,
the Mucorales, a cylindrical pro- between 20º–45º C.
jection from the swollen end of a mesophilic bacteria. bacteria mesofil-
sporangiophore, in which a chain- ico. Bacteria which grows best at
like series of sporangiospores are a temperature of 10–40º C.
generally produced. mesophyll. mesófilo. The inner green
-merous. -mero. A suffix that means, tissue that occurs between the upper
“having a specified number of and lower epidermis of a leaf; also,
parts”, as in bimerous (sometimes the parenchymal tissue of a leaf,
written as 2-merous). differentiated into the palisade cells
mesic. mésico. Describes a habitat with a large number of chloroplasts
that is not very wet (hydric) or very and arranged with a cylindrical axis
dry (xeric), but uses a medium at right angles to the epidermis;
amount of moisture. and the spongy mesophyll of
meso-. meoso-. A prefix that means, loosely packed cells with fewer
“in the middle” or “intermediate”, chloroplasts, and larger air-spaces.
as in mesocarp. mesophyte. mesófito. mesófita. A
mesocarp. mesocarp(i)o. The mid- plant that lives well in an environ-
dle, fleshy layer of a fruit, located ment that is neither very wet nor
between the exocarp and endocarp; very dry.
as found in a plum (Prunus); the mesopod. mesolegumbre. Said of the
middle layer of the periderm; fruit body of a fungus which has
pericarp. a central stipe.
mesochite. mesócito. The firm in- mesosaprobe. mesosaprobio. A plant
ner wall of the macrosporangium living in foul water.
of the Fucales. mesosome. mesosoma. An infolding
mesoclimate. mesoclima. A general of the plasma membrane that oc-
term to describe the characteris- curs in prokaryotic cells.
tics of a relatively small geographic mesospore. mesospora. A teliospore,
area, as a valley or metropolitan usually one-celled; also, the mid-
area. dle layer of the zygote wall in the
mesogelatin. mesogelatina. A gelati- Volvocales; also, a layer of a spore
mesosporium 247 metamitosis
wall developed inside the first formation of a metabolite.
formed outer layer, sometimes hav- metabolic reaction. reacción metaból-
ing ridges, pointed projections, and ica. A type of energy change in a
other configurations. cell.
mesosporium. mesosporio. The thick metabolic stage. fase metabólica. The
middle layer of a spore wall of resting phase between two succes-
Ricciaceae. sive cell divisions.
mesotrophic lake. lago mesótrofo. A metabolism. metabolismo. The process
lake with moderate amounts of plant by which plants grow and main-
nutrients. tain life by breaking down organic
messenger RNA (mRNA). ARA- compounds to yield energy, which
mensajero. A form of RNA (ri- is then used to build cells and tis-
bonucleic acid) which is produced sue; also, the balance between
in the nucleus and carries genetic anabolism and catabolism.
information from the DNA in the metabolite. metabolito. Chemical sub-
cell nucleus to the ribosomes in stances required in metabolism, e.g.
the cytoplasm; determines the se- oxygen during respiration, or carbon
quence of amino acids in the protein dioxide during photosynthesis.
molecule. metaboly. metabolia. The capacity
meta-. meta-. A Latin and Greek prefix of some cells to alter their exter-
that means, “next to” or “after”. nal form.
metabasidium. metabasidio. Hetero- metacellulose. metacelulosa. The cel-
basidium. lulose of fungi and lichens.
metabiosis. metabiosis. The associa- metacentric chromosome. cromosoma
tion of two organism acting or livng metacéntrico. A chromosome with
one after the other. the centromere at or near the mid-
metabolic. metabólico. Of or pertaining dle.
to metabolism. metacentric. metacéntrico. A term
metabolic energy. energía metabólica. used to identify a chromosome that
Energy from ATP that is produced has its centromere in the middle,
in metabolism. as a metacentric chromosome.
metabolic inhibitor. inhibidor metab- metachromatic granule. granúlo
ólica. A substance which is closely metacromático. An inclusion in
related chemically to the normal the cytoplasm consisting of meta-
metabolite, and can occupy the same chromatin.
place on an enzyme preventing the metachromatin. metacromatina. A
normal reaction. substance occurring in granules in
metabolic nucleus. núcleo metabólica. cytoplasm.
A nucleus when it is not dividing, metagenesis. metagénesis. The al-
and when the chromatin is in the teration of generations, as the regu-
form of a network; energic nucleus. lar alteration of sexual and asexual
metabolic pathway. ruta metabólica. generations.
via metabólica. An ordered series metakinesis. metacinesis. Metaphase.
of enzymatic reactions involving metamitosis. metamitosis. Mitosis in
the synthesis, degradation, or trans- which the nuclear membrane dis-
metamorphosis 248 Mg
appears and the karyokinetic fig- water.
ure lies free in the the cytoplasm. metasyndesis. metasíndesis. End-to-
metamorphosis. metamorfosis. A end union of the elements of a pair
change in form or structure dur- of chromosomes.
ing the development of an individual metaxenia. metaxenia. Any effect that
or species. may be exerted by pollen on the
metaphase. metafase. The stage in nu- tissues of the female organs.
clear division, mitosis or meiosis, metaxylem. metaxilema. The primary
when chromosomes move to the and last xylem formed from the
center of the cell. In mitosis, met- procambium and the protoxylem.
aphase occurs in the second stage The cells are heavily lignified and
at which the single chromosomes have reticulate thickening or pit-
move about until they arrange them- ted walls and cannot be stretched.
selves into their equatorial divi- methane. metano. A colorless, odorless
sion along the middle of the spin- gas formed by the decomposition
dle. In meiosis, homologous chro- of plant and other organic matter,
mosomes enter metaphase during as in marshes, volcanoes, and in
the first division as pairs of chro- coal mines; sometimes referred to
mosomes (bivalents) instead of as as “marsh gas”.
single chromosomes longitudinally methanogenic. metanogénico. Meth-
doubled; pairing index. ane producing.
metaphase plate. placa metafase. The methanotroph. metanótrofo. A bac-
cellular plane where chromosomes terium that uses methane as a nu-
are aligned during mitosis or meio- trient.
sis; also, the group of chromosomes methionine. metionina. An amino
arranged in the equitorial plane of acid.
the spindle. methoxone. metoxona. A synthesized
metaphloem. metafloema. The pri- substance with the properties of
mary phloem, composed of sieve auxin.
tubes, companion cells, paren- methyl alcohol. alcohol metilo. The
chyma, and fibrous sclerenchyma, simplest alcohol, many of whose
is formed from the procambium and esters are found in plants.
after the protophloem. It is the last metoecious. metoecio. Heteroecious
primary phloem to develop. metoxenous. metoxeno. Heteroecious.
metaphyll. metafilo. In seedlings, the metromorphic. metromórfico. Re-
adult leaf. sembling the female parent.
metaphysis. metafisis. Paraphysis. metula. metula. A sporophore branch,
metaplasm. metaplasma. Any sub- bearing futher branches and chains
stance in the cell body which is of conidia.
not protoplasm, especially food ma- metuliform. metuliforme. Resembling
terial. a pyramid.
metaprotein. metaproteina. Any of metuloid. metuloide. An encrusted
the group of products from hydro- cystidium.
lytic decomposition which are solu- Mg. Mg. The chemical symbol for
ble in acids or alkalis but not in magnesium.
micro embryo 249 microelement
micro embryo. embrión micro. An microclimate. microclima. The small,
axial embryo in minute, undiffer- distinct atmospheric environment
entiated seeds. near a plant, as around a glacier,
micaceous. micaceo. Said of a pileus or in a river bottom, or banana plan-
surface covered with bright parti- tation, including the interchanges
cles. of energy, gases, and water between
micella. micela. A crystalline struc- the atmosphere and the soil.
ture, which may, with many other micrococcus. micrococo. Any of a
similar structures, form the foun- group of spherical parasitic or
dation of cell walls, starch grains saprophytic bacteria, with some that
etc. produce disease and others produc-
micellar region. región micelar. An ing fermentation.
area of crystallinity in a cellulose microcolony. microcolonia. A group
molecule. of organisms living in a microha-
micelle. micelle. Micellar region. bitat.
micranthous. micranthous. Latin microconidium. microconidio. A small
meaning “small-flowered”. conidium produced by some spe-
micro-. micro-. A Greek prefix that cies of fungi, differing in form, as
means, “small” or “little”. well as in size, from the larger co-
microaerobic. microaerobio. An en- nidia characteristic of the species.
vironment where the concentration microconsumer. microconsumidor. In
of oxygen is less than in air. its broadest usage, consumers are
microaerophile. microaerófilo. An heterotrophic organism that feed
organism which cannot grow well on living or dead organic material;
in the atmospheric concentration divided into animals (macrocons-
of oxygen, but only when it is lower umers) and bacteria and fungi
than normal. (microconsumers), that feed on dead
microbe. microbio. A microorgan- cytoplasm, absorbing some of the
ism. decomposition and releasing inor-
microbial genetics. genética micro- ganic substances into the environ-
biana. The study of the genetics ment.
of microorganism. microculture. microcultivo. A cul-
microbial. microbiano. Pertaining ture of an organism in very small
to microorganisms. amounts of medium, usually so that
microbic. micróbico. Pertaining to the whole can be viewed under the
microorganisms. microscope.
microbiology. microbiología. The microcyclic. microcíclico. Of the
study of microorganisms. Uredinales, short cyclic.
microbiota. microbiota. Microscopic microecology. microecología. The
or submiscopic life. study of environmental conditions
microchemistry. microquímica. The in a very small area, as a garden.
branch of chemistry dealing with microcyst. microciste. An encysted
minute amounts of chemicals or the myxamoeba or swarm spore.
chemistry of cells and microorgan- microelement. microelemento. A
isms. chemical element present in very
microenvironment 250 microphyllous
small amounts. microgametes.
microenvironment. micromedio. The microgametogenesis. microgameto-
environment of a very small area, genésis. The production of small
and particularly, the immediate sur- gametes (microgametes) from
roundings of a specific species. microspores in the anthers of flow-
microenvironmental. microambiental. ering plants.
micromedioambiental. Pertaining microgametophyte. microgametófito.
to a microenvironment. In the reproductive cycle of mosses
microevolution. microevolución. The (Musci) and other bryophytes, the
evolution of subspecies due to a haploid stage or dominant phase
succession of small genetic varia- when the sex organs are produced;
tions in response to natural selec- also, a male gametophyte that de-
tion. velops from a microspore.
microfibril. microfibrilla. Having mi- microgonidium. microgonidio. A very
croscopic cell walls composed pri- small green body in a lichen thal-
marily of cellulose; also, very fine lus.
root hairs. microhabitat. microhábitat. A small
microfilament. microfilamento. An area habitat with a small number
extremely long, fine fiber in the of organisms.
cytoplasm of cells, that is associ- micronemous. micronemo. Having
ated with protoplasmic motility, small hyphae.
cytokinesis, and cytoplasmic stre- micronutrient. micronutriente. A
aming. chemical element in amounts less
microflora. microflora. The micro- than one part per million, but es-
scopic plants or plant-like organ- sential for plant growth, as boron,
isms in a particular area or time copper, iron, manganese and zinc.
period; also, the plants found in a microorganism. microoganismo. Min-
microhabitat. ute organisms that are microscopic
microfloral. microfloral. Pertaining or submicroscopic, as bacteria and
to microflora, as microfloral algae.
growths of yeast. microparasite. microparásito. A para-
microfossil. microfósil. Primitive, sitic microorganism or pertaining
microscopic fossilized plants, as to or caused by a microparasite.
pollen grain. microphanerophyte. microfanerófito.
microfungus. microhongos. A mi- A woody plant from two to eight
croscopic fungus. meters in height.
microgametangium. microgametangio. microphyll. microfilo. A small leaf
A gametangium which produces or a small leaf with a single,
microgametes. unbranched vein; especially used
microgamete. microgameto. The with certain pteridophytes that have
smaller of two gametes, usually the single, unbranched midribs.
male, that reproduces by the joining microphylline. microfilina. Composed
of unlike gametes. of small scales or lobes.
microgametocyte. microgametócito. microphyllous. microfilo. Said of
A gametocyte that divides to form leaves which are small and with a
microspore 251 microtubular
single central vein, especially of haploid spores that originates from
the Pteridophyta; said of xero- the meiotic division of the micro-
phytic plant leaves. sporocyte in the anther of the flower
microphyte. micrófito. A microscopic that gives rise to the pollen grain;
plant or plant-like organism, such in seed plants, a small spore
as a fungus. (meiospore) that becomes a male
micropopulation. micropoblación. A gametophyte.
large group of microorganism living microspore mother cell. micróspora
in a particular habitat. célula madre. A diploid cell that
micropylar. micrópilar. Pertaining produces microspores upon under-
to the characteristics of a micro- going meiosis.
pyle. microsporocyte. microsporocito. A
micropyle. micrópilo. A tiny hole diploid cell in the anther that gives
or passageway in the outer layer rise through meiosis to four hap-
of an ovule where the pollen tube loid microspores; pollen mother
passes through during fertilization; cell.
also, the corresponding opening on microsporogenesis. microsporogen-
a developed seed; also, the open- ésis. The process of small spores
ing in the integument of the Lepido- (microspores) being produced dur-
carpales. ing meiosis in the anthers of
microsome. microsoma. A minute angiosperms.
particle, free or fused to the en- microsporophyll. microsporofilo. A
doplasmic reticulum, and containing specialized leaf that bears micro-
RNA; reponsible for metabolim, es- sporangium; in Angiospermae, a
pecially respiration and protein syn- stamen.
thesis; also, a small, membranous microsystem. microecosistema. Small
vesicle thought to consist of frag- scale experimental ecosystems that
mented endoplasmic reticulum and may be laboratory or field based.
ribosomes. microtherm. microterm. A cool tem-
microspecies. microespecie. Single perature plant, where temperatures
parent plant populations, frequently in warm months should range be-
hybrid and with a limited geographic tween 10ºC to 22ºC and during the
presence; sometimes, a species cold months, the temperature should
variety. not fall below 6ºC.
microsporangiate (male) cone. micro- microtome. micrótomo. An instru-
sporangiado cono. In gymno- ment for cutting thin sections of
sperms, a group of sporangia-bear- specimens; section cutter.
ing pollen sacs. microtubular spindle. huso microtu-
microsporangium. microsporangio. bular. A group of microtubules
A structure (sporangium) in ferns that helps establish the polarity
(Filicopsida) and club mosses necessary for chromosome move-
(Lycopsida) containing or produc- ments during nuclear division.
ing microspores that germinate into microtubular. microtubular. A tiny
male gametophytes. tube-like filament in cells that as-
microspore. micróspora. One of four sist in the formation and mainte-
252 missense mutant
nance of distinctive cellular shapes, as the white juice of a plant, tree,
motion, and growth. or nut.
microtubules. microtúbulos. A tubular mimesis. mimesis. Mimicry.
structure that occurs in large num- mimetic. mimético. Exhibiting mim-
bers in all eukaryotic cells providing icry.
cell motility, cell shape, and the mimic. mimetizar. To take on a re-
transport of materials within cells; semblance to an unrelated organ-
important in the synthesis of cer- ism or surrounding in form, color
tain membranes. or some other aspect.
middle lamella. lamela medio. The mimicry. mimetismo. The resemblance
primary layer of a cell wall, mostly of one organism to a completely
made from calcium pectate which unrelated organism or surrounding;
serves as the base on which sec- with the similarity in color, form,
ondary layers of cellulose are de- or behavior, possibly providing
posited; also, the area of the cell protection or some other advantage,
wall common to two cells. as mimicry plants.
midrib. costilla media. nervio medio. minioluteic acid. ácido minioluteico.
In a simple leaf, the large conducting A metabolic product of Penicillium
vein and supporting structure. minioluteum.
midvein. nervadura media. In a leaf- minimal area. área minima. In the
let, the main supporting and con- graphic plotting of an ecosystem,
ducting structure. the smallest area that can contain
migrate. migar. To spread from one the species representative of a par-
localized area to another or to ex- ticular plant community.
pand into a larger area. minimal medium. medio (de cultivo)
migration. migración. One of the six minimo. Of culture media, which
stages of vegetative succession in includes the minimum amount of
which migrating propagules arrive materials for complete metabolism
at a newly denuded location; also, to occur.
the movement of individuals from mineralization. mineralización. The
one area to another prompted by deposition of inorganic subtances
internal responses to seasonal in a cell wall.
changes or other periodic factors minor element. oligoelemento. A
such as day-length. See sere. chemical element essential in trace
miktohaplont. mictohaplonte. A hap- or small amounts for plant growth;
lont made of cells having genoty- micronutrient.
pically different nuclei. minute(ly). diminuto(-amente). Very
mildew. mildiú. A general term for small.
various fungi (Ascomycetes) that misdivision. misdivisión. The spon-
grow on organic matter; also, any taneous crosswise division (not
fungal disease where the mycelium lengthwise) of the centromere on
of the causal agent appears white the spindle, especially of univalents.
and powdery on the plant leaves. missense mutant. mutante errónea.
milk secretion. secreción láctea. A mutante con sentido erróneo. A
type of liquid that resembles milk, mutant with a codon which has been
mitotic nondisjunction 253 mixochromosome
altered by mutation so that it en- mitotic spindle. huso mitótico. The
codes a different amino acid result- spindle-shaped system of micro-
ing in the production of an unsta- tubules, that crosses the nuclear
ble enzyme. region of eukaryotic cells during
missense mutation. mutación errónra. cell division.
A condon change that results in the mitriform. mitriforme. Having the
substitution of one amino acid for shape of a bishop’s hat; miter or
another. mitra-shaped; folded inwards at the
mistus. mistus. A crossbreed between top; also, of a calyptra when not
two forms of a species. split down one side; also, split on
mitochondrion (pl. mitochodria). two or more sides at the base in a
mitocondria. A double membrane symmetrical manner.
organelle with its own DNA and mixed. mixta. Describes an inflores-
ribosome, which reproduces by cence that combines both determi-
binary fission, and houses the en- nate and indeterminate arrange-
zymes involved in the tricarboxy- ments, as in the lilac (Syringa) and
lic acid cycle; primarily concerned horse chestnut (Hippocastan-
with energy conversion by aero- aceae); thyrse.
bic respiration; chondriosome; mixed bud. yema mixta. A small,
plastosome. swollen structure that contains both
mitogenic. mitogénico. Able to induce rudimentary leaves and vegetative
mitosis. shoots; also, a bud that contains
mitogenetic rays. rayos mitogenéticos. both foliage and flower(s).
rayos mitógenos. A form of ra- mixed forest. bosque mixto. A stand
diant energy, possibly ultraviolet of trees composed of both deciduous
radiations of low intensity, emit- and evergreen species, but the mi-
ted by some actively growing parts nority not amounting to less than
of plants, and said to influence de- 20% of the total.
velopment. mixed inflorescence. inflorescencia
mitosis. mitosis. A four stage proc- mixto. Having both racemose and
ess when a cell nucleus divides into cymose on a single inflorescence.
two parts, forming two new nuclei mixed pith. médula mixto. A pith
with the same number of chromo- composed mostly of parenchyma,
somes as the original. but with isolated tracheids scattered
mitosome. mitosoma. Mitochondria. in it.
mitotic index. indice mitótico. The mixed sorus. soro mixto. See gra-
proportion of dividing cells in any date sorus.
tissue. mixochim(a)era. mixoquim(a)era. A
mitotic nondisjunction. nondisyunción chimaera produced experimentally
mitótico. The failure of two mem- in fungi by mixing the contents of
bers of a chromosome pair to sepa- two hyphae of different strains.
rate properly at mitosis, so that both mixochromosome. mixocromosma. A
members go to one daughter cell, new chromosome formed by the
and the other daughter cell gets fusion of a pair of normal chro-
nothing. mosomes.
mixoploid 254 monandrous
mixoploid. mixoploide. A diploid- lecular. A molecule that cannot
polyploid chimaera. be divided into an equal portion,
Mn. Mn. The chemical symbol for therefore not able to be superim-
manganese. posed on its mirror image.
Mo. Mo. A chemical symbol for the molecular biology. biología molecu-
element molybdenum. lar. The branch of biology that
mode. modo. The class of numbers studies the formation, structure, and
that contains the largest number of activity of macromolecules essen-
representatives in a statistical sam- tial to life, such as nucleic acid and
ple. protein molecules, and their par-
moder. moder. sustancia vegetal en ticipation in cell replication and
descomposición. Material in which the transmission of genetic infor-
biological decomposition has been mation.
arested, but still shows cellular molecular genetics. genética molecu-
structure, sometimes more less lar. The study of heredity deal-
felted together with fungal hyphae. ing with the background and vari-
modification. modificación. In a plant, ation in the sequence of nucleotide
a non-inheritable change resulting bases of the genetic code.
from external or situational circum- molecular. molecular. Of or pertaining
stances, usually associated with a to molecules.
beneficial functional adaptation. molecule. molécula. The smallest par-
modifier gene. modificador de gen. ticle into which an element or com-
A gene that alters the phenotypic pound can be divided without
expression of another gene. changing its chemical and physi-
moist evergreen forest. selva alta per- cal character. A molecule usually
ennifolia. A stand of trees in a consists of two or more atoms that
wet climate that retain their leaves share electrons and therefore bond
all year long. together.
moist. húmedo. mojado. Slightly molendinaceous. molendiáceo. With
wet; damp. large, wing-like projections, as a
moisture. humedad. Water or some molendinaceous stem.
other liquid which causes a slight mollis. mollis. Latin meaning “soft
wetness. and hairy”.
mold (mould). moho. A group of wool- molybdenum (Mo). molibdeno (Mo).
like fungi (Ascomyctes) with vari- A microelement essential to nitrogen
ous colors, usually found on the assimilation and fixation in plants.
surface of food that has a had pro- monad. mónada. A separate individual
longed exposure to warmth and part, rather than united or fused
moisture; also, in ecology, humus with other similar individual parts,
or loose, broken crumbly soil, rich as monad pollen grains.
in decayed leaves, manure or other monadelphous. monadelfo. Having
organic matter. stamens united by their filaments
moldy. mohoso. enmohecido. Cov- into one bundle, as with various
ered with mold, as moldy bread. mallows (Malvaceae).
molecular asymmetry. asimetria mo- monandrous. monandro. Having a
monandry 255 monocotyledon
single stamen, as a monandrous then die.
flower; also, having one antherid- monocaryon. monocario. A fungal
ium. mycelium or hypha with each cell
monandry. monandria. The condi- having a single nucleus. Also
tion of having only one perfect sta- spelled monokaryon.
men. monocaulous. monocaule. One-
monangial. monangial. Said of a sorus stemmed; unicaulous.
with a single sporangium. monocentric. monocéntrica. Describes
monanthous. monato. Single-flowered; a thallus with a single reproduc-
bearing a single flower on each tive center, as the thallus of the
stem. Chytridiales with one center of
monarch. monarca. Having a single growth and development.
strand of protoxylem in the stele. monocephalic. monocéfalo. Having
monaxial. uniaxial. uni-áxico. Bear- a single head.
ing flowers directly from the main monochasium. monocasio. A cymose
axis; uniaxial. inflorescence or flower cluster with
monecious. monecio. See monoecious. one main axis.
moneran. monerana. Any member monochlamydeous. monoclamídeo.
of the Monera Kingdom, composed Having a single perianth with the
of the prokaryotes, such as bacte- corolla missing; also, said of a
ria and blue-green algae. flower with only one whorl in the
moniliform. moniliforme. Having the perianth.
shape of an alternating swelling- monochromatic. monocromático. Of
constriction, like a string of beads, one color.
that occurs on some roots, stems, monoclimax model. modelo mono-
and seed pods, as the moniliform climácica. A theory that proposed
root of Pelargonium; toruliform. the successional development of
mono-. mono-. A Greek prefix that vegetative communities to an op-
means, “one”. timum sustainable level in equi-
monoallelic. monoalélico. A polyploid librium with their environment. Two
with all the alleles at a particular important climax models exist:
locus being the same. monoclimax by F.E. Clements, 1904
monoaxial thallus. talo monoaxial. and 1916, and polyclimax by
Said of the Florideae in which there A.G.Tansley, 1916 and 1920.
is a single axial filament that gives monoclinous. monoclino. herma-
off filaments laterally on all sides. frodita. A perfect flower; having
monocarp. monocarpo. A plant that pistils and stamens in a single
bears fruit only once in its life. flower; also, having the antheridium
monocarpellate. monocarpelar. Hav- on the oogonial stalk; hermaphro-
ing a single carpel, as legumes. ditic.
monocarpellary. monocarpelaria. monocot. monocot. Any plant with
Having one carpel. a single monocotyledon.
monocarpic. monocárpico. Describes monocotyledon. monocotiledónea.
some annuals, biennials, and certain The subclass of flowering plants
trees that bear fruit one time and (Monocotyledoneae) that have only
Monocotyledoneae 256 monopetalous
a single cotyledon at the first node of the thallus.
of the primary stem; referred to as monogerm. monogermen. Having or
a monocot. containing a single seed which
Monocotyledoneae. monocotiledón- becomes an isolated plant, as
eas. One of the two major divi- monogerm sugar beet varieties
sions in the Angiospermae (flow- (Chenopodiaceae).
ering plants) with the embryo char- monogynous. monogino. Having only
acteristically having one cotyledon, one pistil or stigma; also, having
usually amplexicaul and with par- one carpel.
allel nervation. Also see Dicotyled- monohybrid cross. cruce monohíbrido.
oneae. A cross between individuals dif-
monocotyledonous. monocotiledóneo. fering in a single pair of alleles.
Having a single cotyledon or seed monohybrid. monohíbrido. Having
leaf; also, belonging to the Mono- parents whose genetic composition
cotyledonae. differs in only one pair of inherit-
monoculture. monocultivo. Cultiva- able characters, as tall versus short;
tion of a single species. heterozygous in respect of one gene.
monocyclic. monocíclico. Single- monoicous. monoíco. Said of mosses
whorled; also, an annual plant. (Musci) which have the antheridia
monodesmic. monodesmico. Said of and archegonia borne on the same
a petiole which contains one vas- plant, but in separate groups.
cular strand. monokaryon. monocario. A nucleus
monoecious. monoico. An imperfect with only one centriole. See mono-
flower; the condition of being uni- caryon.
sexual by having the staminate and monokaryotic. monocariótico. Having
pistillate on separate flowers, but a single nucleus in each cell or unit
borne on the same plant; also, hav- of the mycelium in club fungus
ing male and female sex organs on (Clavariaceae and Clavulinaceae).
the same thallus. monomerous. monómero. Having one
monofactorial. monofactorial. Involv- member in each whorl; sometimes
ing or being controlled by only one written 1-merous.
gene; unifactorial. monomitic. monomítico. Having one
monogenesis. monogénesis. Asexual kind of hypha.
reproduction; also, a theory that monomorphic. monomórfico. Hav-
many living things originated from ing a single form or appearance.
a single, common ancestor. monomycelial. monomicelial. Per-
monogenic. monogénico. Control- taining to an isolate of a fungus
led by a single gene; also, of an grown from one spore or hyphal
hereditary difference determined by end.
one gene difference, as opposed to mononucleate. mononucleado. With
2, 3, or many. a single nucleus.
monogenocentric. monogenocéntrico. monopetalous. monopétalo. Having
Said of the Chytridiales, having a single petal; having all the pet-
the development of one reproduc- als joined together by their mar-
tive structure at the center of gravity gins; having the petals joined as
monophagous 257 monotypic
in the morning glory (Ipomoea); monosiphonous thallus. talo mono-
gamopetalous. sifono. A thallus of a single row
monophagous. monófago. Said of a of cells, joined end-to-end.
fungal parasite which only attacks monosome. monosoma. A single, iso-
one host cell. lated ribosome; also, an unpaired
monophyletic. monofilético. Devel- sex chromosome; also, an individual
oped from a single stock or ori- with less than the usual number of
gin; a group of species that come chromosomes, as a diploid miss-
from common ancestry; also, ing one chromosome from the set.
descended from a single parent monosomic. monosomico. Of an oth-
form; synapomorphic erwise diploid organism, lacking
monophyletism. monofíletismo. Des- one chromosome of its normal com-
cending from a single, interbreed- plement.
ing, ancestral population. monosomy. monosomia. Lacking one
monophyllous. monofilo. Having only chromosome of a set; 2n-1.
one leaf, as a monophyllous calyx; monospermous. monospermo. Hav-
unifoliate. ing or producing a single seed.
monoplanetic. monoplanético. Having monosporangium. monosporangio. A
one period of locomotion. sporangium producing monospores
monoploid. monoploide. A single set borne terminally on short lateral
of chromosomes in the gamete; also, branches.
having the number of haploid chro- monospore. monospora. A large 4-
mosomes in a polyploid series; hav- nucleate aplanospore produced by
ing the basic number of chromo- some brown algae.
somes; haploid. monosporous. monosporo. Containing
monopodial. monopodial. monopód- one spore or derived from a sin-
ico. Like a monopodium; having gle spore.
branches that come from a single monostele. monostela. A single central
axis. stele in a shoot. See protostele.
monopodium. monopodio. A single monostichous. monostico. Being ar-
main axis that continues to grow ranged in a single vertical row, line,
and produce lateral branches or series on one side of an axis,
below, as the trunk of a pine (Pinus) as monostichous flowers.
tree. monostylous. monoestilo. Having a
monosaccharide. monosacárido. The single style.
basic unit of carbohydrates; a class monosy. monosia. The separation of
of sugars, such as glucose and fruc- parts that are usually fused.
tose, that cannot be decomposed monosymmetrical. monosimétrico. Bi-
by hydrolysis; a sugar in its sim- laterally symmetrical; zygomorphic.
plest functional unit, the single sac- monotheca. monoteca. Having a single
charide. pollen sac or sac-like cell.
monose. monosa. See monosaccha- monotrichous. monotrico. Having a
ride. single flagellum.
monosepalous. monosépalo. Having monotypic. monotípico. A botani-
united sepals; gamosepalous. cal taxon with a single representa-
monoxerous 258 mosaic
tive, as a family with a single ge- in cool climates, especially under
nus or a genus with a single spe- conifer forests, moors, and heaths.
cies. morass. ciénaga. An area of low, soft
monoxerous. monoxero. Said of a ground; marsh.
parasitic fungus which is restricted moriform. moriforme. Like a mul-
to one species of host plant. berry (Morus) fruit in shape.
monozygotic. monocigótico. Produced morophogenesis. morfogénesis. The
by the splitting of a single ferti- growth, shaping, modification, and
lized embryonic cell mass; uni- arrangement of cells during their
ovular. development; the origin and devel-
monsoon forest. bosque monzónico. opment of morphological charac-
selva monzónica. A type of tropical teristics.
forest producing a wide variety of morph. morf. In plants, a variant form.
hardwoods and characterized by morphological. morfológico. Relat-
sharp seasonal changes induced by ing to plant form or structure.
alternating wet and dry seasons re- morphology. morfología. The branch
sulting in trees both flowering and of biology that studies and classi-
loosing their leaves during the dry fies plants by form, structure, and
period. development without regard to func-
montane forest. bosque montano. A tion.
type of forest occurring in the morphosis. morfosis. The manner of
mountainous zone of tropical and formation and development of an
middle latitudes, which differ in organism or any of its parts.
the flora and ecology of the lower morphospecies. morfospecie. A group
elevations but similar to the for- of organisms which differ in some
ests in the lowlands of adjacent morphological aspect from all other
higher latitudes. groups.
montane rain forest. bosque caduci- mortar fruit. fruto mortar. A struc-
folio. selva mediana o baja per- ture consisting of a persistent ca-
ennifolia. A mountainous rain lyx from which the true fruits are
forest. thrown-out by wind, or by shak-
montane. montano. Of or pertaining ing caused by animals.
to plants growing in a mountain mosaic evolution. evolución en
habitat, below the subalpine zone. mosaico. Different rates of devel-
montanus. montanus. Latin meaning opment of adaptive characteris-
“mountain”. tics within the same evolutionary
moor. llanura. páramo. A high area lineage.
of open, acidic land cover by peat, mosaic. mosaico. A term used for
sometimes bogy, usually with various viral diseases in plants
heather (Ericaceae) and coarse characterized by angular areas of
grasses (Poaceae) growing. yellow color on the leaves; also,
mor. humus ácido. mantillo humus. an organism or part with adjacent
humus bruto. A type of acidic raw cells or tissues of a different ge-
humus, lacking microbial action, netic type; also, the arrangement
except that of fungi, which occurs of the leaves on a plant in such a
mosaicism 259 mull
way that the leaves above do not for messenger RNA.
shade those below. mucedineous. mucedineo. Mold-like;
mosaicism. mosaicismo. The presence also, white and cottony.
of different or antagonistic genetic mucilage. mucílago. Any of the vari-
characteristics in adjoining cells ous types of moist, gummy, or ge-
or tissues, which is often caused latinous substances secreted by
by faulty cell division. some plants; also, a polymer of ga-
moss. musgo. A common name for a lactan.
group of terrestrial, small stemmed, mucilaginous. mucilaginoso. Slimy
non-vascular plants belonging to and moist; having or secreting
the class Musci (Bryophyta) that mucilage.
grow on the ground, on rocks, or mucoid. mucilaginoso. Resembling
on trees. mucous.
mother cell. célula madre. The cell mucoprotein. mucoroteína. Any of
from which daughter cells are a group of viscous protein com-
formed in cell division; a cell with pounds, containing a mucopoly-
a diploid nucleus which gives rise saccharides in their structure in
to four haploid nuclei by meiosis. which large numbers of disacchar-
mother. madre. The female parent of ides are bound to a protein chain.
a plant; producing others. mucous. mucoso. A moist, gummy sub-
motile. motil. Capable of spontane- stance occurring in some plants;
ous, independent movement, as slimy.
some algae that are not attached. mucro. mucrón. A sharp point formed
motor cell. célula motor. One of a by the continuation of the midrib
number of cells whlich together ex- of a leaf or other organ.
pand or contract and thereby cause mucronate. mucronato. Tipped with
movement in a plant member. a stiff, straight, abruptly pointed
motor systems. sistemas de motor. mucro.
Any system which causes or allows mucronulate. mucronulato. Having
movement. There are three types: on a leaf tip or other organ, a very
1) having non-living tissues which small mucro that is broader than
move suddenly, e.g. dehiscence 2) long.
parts capable of differential growth, mulch. arropar. acolchar. A loose
e.g. tendrils 3) movement by al- soil surface, occurring naturally or
ternation of tugor, e.g. pulvini. applied, of organic or mineral ma-
motility. motilidad. Ability to move. terials that protect the soil or roots
mottled. manchado. Having spots from damage caused by extreme
or blotches of color. temperatures, rain, or wind evapo-
mould (mold). moho. A loose term ration.
for any superficial fungus. See mold. mull. comedor de fango. limivoro.
mountain. montano. montaña. A mantillo. A type of soil surface
large mass of rock and soil rising humus, well aerated, which is
high above the surrounding terrain; chemically neutral or alkaline that
usually higher than 600 meters. provides favorable conditions for
m-RNA. ARN m. An abbreviation decomposition of organic matter;
multi- 260 multiple factors
common to deciduous forest soils. leaves or leaflets.
multi-. multi-. A Latin prefix that multiform. multiforme. Diverse in
means, “much” or “many”. shape.
multiapical. multiapical. Having many multigenic. multigénico. Inheritance
points or tips. where the genetic control for a trait
multiallele. multialelo. This condi- results in the phenotypic expres-
tion arises when more than one al- sion varying all the time.
lele occupies the same position on multilobate. multilobular. Having
a chromosome. These genes do not many lobes, as a multilobate leaf.
usually exhibit any dominance. multilocular. multilocular. plurilocu-
multiaxial thallus. talo multiaxial. Said lar. Many-chambered; with many
of the Florideae that have a cen- locules or cells.
tral core of axial filaments, each multinecleate(d). multinuclear. multi-
giving off lateral filaments. nucleado. plurinucleado. polic-
multicarpellate. multicarpelar. Having ario. Having two or more nuclei.
many carpels. multinodal shoot. vástago multinodal.
multicaulous. multicaule. Many- A shoot that emerges from a ter-
stemmed. minal winter bud, producing two
multicellular. multicélular. pluri- or more whorls during the spring
celular. Composed of many cells. growth cycle.
multiciliate. multiciliado. policiliado. multinodal. multinodal. Having many
Many-cilia or marginal hairs. nodes.
multicostate. multiacostillado. Many- multinucleate. multinucleado. With
ribbed. many nuclei.
multienzyme system. sistema enzimát- multiparous. multiparo. A cyme with
ico complejo. Such a condition many lateral axes.
exists when several enzymes can multiperennial. multiperenne. Liv-
catalyse a similar number of reac- ing several to many years before
tions in the same place at the same flowering, as some of the Agav-
time, without mutual interference. aceae.
multidentate. multidentado. Having multiple alleles. alelos múltiples. More
many teeth, as a leaf margin. than two forms of alleles that can
multifactorial. multifactorial. Two occur at a given gene location (lo-
or more pairs of genes acting to- cus).
gether to produce a trait; polyfactor- multiple allelomorph. alelómorfo
ial. múltiple. A group of two or more
multiferous. multifero. Heavy bear- allelomorphs of one gene, only two
ing or producing. of which can be present in a dip-
multifid. multifido. Separated into loid cell. They originate by muta-
many narrow parts or lobes. tion.
multiflora. multiflora. Producing multiple chromosome. cromosoma
many flowers. múltiple. The product of the fu-
multiflorous. multifloro. Many-flow- sion of two chromosomes.
ered. multiple factors. factor múltiple.
multifoliate. polifilo. Producing many poligen. A postulated association
multiple fruit 261 mutarotation
of two or more pairs of genes which peded drainage.
act together to produce a trait; poly- muscariform. muscariforme. Brush-
meric genes. like, as a part of a style that is brush-
multiple fruit. fruto múltiple. A fruit like.
formed from a group of ripened muscarin(e). muscarina. One of the
ovaries produced by a number of alkaloid poisons in certain mush-
separate flowers, as the mulberry rooms, rotten fish, etc.
(Moraceeae) or pineapple (Bromel- muscicolus. muscícola. Growing on
iaceae); also, described as a col- or among mosses (Musci).
lective fruit or compound fruit. muscology. muscología. briología.
multiplication. multiplicación. In- The study of mosses (Musci) and
crease by vegetative means. liverworts (Hepaticae); bryology.
multiradiate. multiradiado. Having mushroom. hongo. A common name
many rays. for a group fungi (Basidiomycetes)
multiseptate. multiseptado. Partitioned that generate an above ground re-
or divided by many septum; hav- productive structure; also, a fruiting
ing a number of septa. body of certain fungi that contain
multiseriate. multiseriado. Arranged no chlorophyll for nourishment from
in many rows; also, said of asco- the sun, but instead, extract nour-
spores arranged in several rows in ishment from the soil or other ma-
the ascus; also, said of a vascular terials; traditionally regarded as
ray, which is several to many cells plants, but are now in a kingdom
wide. of their own.
multivalent. multivalente. An asso- mutable gene. gen mutable. A gene
ciation of three or more chromo- that is inclined to frequent muta-
somes during the first division of tion.
meiosis. mutafacient. mutafaciente. One gene
muralis. muralis. Latin meaning or genetic element which determines
“growing on walls”. or increases the chance of muta-
muramic acid. ácido murámico. A tion of another.
derivative of lactic acid found in mutagen. mutágeno. sustancia
the cell walls of bacteria and blue- mutágena. A chemical or ioniz-
green algae. ing radiation that causes inherit-
muricate. muricado. Covered with able changes in the DNA molecules
short, pointed protuberances. in genes; any substance able to ini-
muriculate. muriculado. Having very tiate a mutation.
small muricate or spines. mutagenesis. mutagénesis. Mutant
muriform. muriforme. Made in formation.
courses that resembles the layered mutant. mutante. A new species or
organization of a brick wall, as variety whose inheritable charac-
muriform cellular tissue. teristics differ from those of the
murran. murran. A highly indurated parents; the result of a mutation;
concretionary material with de- sport.
posits of iron oxide. It develops mutarotation. mutarotación. Said of
in certain tropical soils under im- a compound, which, if it crystal-
mutate 262 mycorrhiza
izes under different conditions, has mycelioid. micelioide. Like a myc-
different physical properties, and elium.
if dissolved in water rotates a beam myceloconidium. miceloconidio.
of polarized light through differ- Stylospore.
ent angles. mycetism. micetismo. Mushroom poi-
mutate. mutar. To undergo or to cause soning.
mutation. mycetome. micetoma. A cellular organ
mutation. mutación. A sudden, her- inside an aphid, containing sym-
itable change within a chromosome biotic yeasts.
that results in the appearance of a mycobiont. micobionte. The fungal
new, inheritable character feature. symbiont in a lichen.
mutation frequency. frecunencia de mycobiota. micobiota. The mycolog-
mutación. See mutation rate. ical flora.
mutation pressure. presión de mutac- mycocecidium. micocecidio. A gall
ión. The measure of the action of on a plant caused by a fungus.
mutation in tending to alter the fre- mycocriny. micocrinia. The decom-
quency of a gene in a given popu- position of plant material by fungi.
lation. mycoderma. micoderma. A name
mutation rate. frecuencia de mutación. sometimes applied to the yeasts.
The number of mutations per gene mycogenous. micógeno. Coming from,
per unit of time; also, referred to or living on fungi.
as mutation frequency. mycology. micología. The study of
mutation theory. teoria mutación. That fungi; also, the fungi of a particu-
new species arise by single muta- lar area; or details pertaining to a
tions. particular fungus.
muticous. mútico. Having no awns mycophagy. micofagia. Using fungi
or spines; spineless. as food.
muton. mutón. The smallest genetic mycophthorous. micofitoro. Said of
unit able to produce a mutation. a fungus that is parasitic on an-
mutualism. mutualismo. simbiosis other fungus.
mutualista. An interrelationship mycoplasm(a). micoplasma. Any of
between two or more organisms a varied group of small, primitive
where all the participating species bacteria that lack rigid cell walls,
benefit from their association. are gram-negative, that were pre-
myc(et)-. mic(et)-. A prefix than viously referred to as pleuropneu-
means, “fungus”. monia-like organisms; often living
mycelium (pl. mycelia). micelio. The parasitically or saprophytically with
perennial, white, interwoven fila- plants or animals.
ments of a fungus that remain in mycorrhiza. micorriza. A symbiotic
the soil year after year, spawning connection between certain fungi
new fruit;also, the collective term and the roots of higher plants.
for the vegetative fungal hyphae; Ectotrophic mycorrhiza is when the
also, the somatic thallus of a fun- fungus forms an envelope over the
gus; also, a similar group of fila- small roots. Endotrophic mycorrhiza
ments in the bacteria. is when the fungus are in the cells
mycosin 263
of the root cortex. myriosporous. mirosporo. Having a
mycosin. micosina. A nitrogenous ma- large number of spores.
terial, like animal chitin in the cell myrmecophilous. mirmecófilo. Pol-
wall of fungi. linated by ants; also, said of fungi
mycose. micoso. Ergot sugar or tre- that provide cover or food for ants.
halose. myrmecophily. mirmecófilia. A sym-
mycosis. micosis. The growth of para- biotic association between plants
sitic fungi in any part of a body; and ants.
also, a disease caused by the in- mytiliform. mitiliforme. Resembling
vasion of a fungus. a mussel shell in shape.
mycostatic. micostática. Fungistatic. myxamoeba. mixameba. An amoe-
mycotic. micotico. Pertaining to or boid cell produced by a slime mold;
cause by mycosis. a naked, non-flagellate amoeboid
mycotoxin. micotoxina. A poison pro- cell, produced on the germination
duced by fungus. of a spore of the Myxothallophyta.
mycotrophic. micotrófico. Refers to myxobacteria. mixobacteria. A group
any plant with a mycorrhiz rela- of saprophytic bacteria that secrete
tionship. a slime in which they crowd to
mycovirus. micovirus. A virus that form extensive colonies.
lives and reproduces in a fungus. myxomycete. mixomicetos. A cellu-
myiophillous. miofilo. Having incon- lar slime molds (Myxomycota),
spicuous, unpleasant smelling flow- commonly found in humus and de-
ers, pollinated by flies. caying wood.
myllita. milita. A large sclerotium.
n 264 nastic movement

n. n. In the study of genetics, n is an nanism. enanismo. nanismo. The

abbreviation for the gametic (hap- state of being dwarfish or abnor-
loid) number of chromosomes, dif- mally small; dwarfism.
fering from 2n (the somatic or dip- nannandrium. (e)nanandrio. A dwarf
loid number), 3n (triploid) number, male filament produced by some
etc. Oedogoniales.
N. N. An abbreviation for the chemical nannocyte. (e)nanocito. A small,
element nitrogen; also, the haploid spore-like cell produced by some
or gameitic number of chromo- non-filamentous Myxophyceae.
somes. They are not true spores.
nacreous. nacreo. Like mother- nano-. (e)nano-. A Greek prefix that
of-pearl. means, “very small” or “dwarf”.
na(n)noplankton. nanoplancton. Very nanofossil. (e)nanofosil. Very small,
small, one-celled plants and ani- petrified, one-celled plant or ani-
mals. mal remains.
Na. Na. An abbreviation for the chemi- nanophanerophyte. (e)nanofanerofito.
cal element sodium. A plant 25 centimeters to 2 me-
NAD. NAD. See nicotinamide ad- ters in height with resting buds
enine dinucleotide. above the ground surface.
NADP. NADP. See nicotinamide ad- nanophylous. (e)nanófilo. Having very
enine dinucleotide phosphate. small leaves.
naked. desnuda. Nude; any part lack- nanus. nanus. Latin meaning “dwarf”.
ing the typical covering or append- napiform. napiforme. Shaped like a
ages, as a flower without a peri- turnip (Brassica), large and round
anth, a seed without a case or ovary, above, and slender below.
stems without leaves or hair. narrow. angosto. estrecho. Not wide
naked branch. rama desnuda. A from side to side.
branch without leaves. narrowed. angostada. Less wide; ta-
naked bud. yema desnuda. A bud pering, especially downward.
without scales. nascent. naciente. Starting to grow
naked flower. flor desnuda. A flower but not yet fully developed.
without a calyx or corolla. nastic. nástico. The response of leaves
naked seed. semilla desnuda. A seed to touch or other stimuli; also, per-
not enclosed in a case or ovary; tains to the response or growth of
having no pericarp, as the seeds cellular tissue on one surface at a
of a pine (Pinus). greater rate than on another, as in
naked stalk. pedúnculo desnuda. A the opening of flowers or leaves.
stalk without leaves. nastic movement. movimiento nástico.
nasty 265 near
A non-directed movement of a flat istry, etc.
organ, such as a petal or leaf, in natural selection. selección natural.
which the organ alternately bends A process occurring in the envi-
up and down; also, a respose to a ronment that determines which
stimulus, independent of its direc- members of a species survive, re-
tion, e.g. opening of buds under produce, and pass on their genes
different light intensities. to the next generation; survival of
nasty. nastia. The response of a plant the fittest; also, the mechanism of
to a non-directional stimulus, as evolution put forth by Charles Dar-
the opening or closing of flowers win (1859). Within a population,
in response to light intensity or individuals vary slightly. Certain
temperature changes. variations are more favored by the
natant. natante. Floating on the surface environment and consequently sur-
of water, as the natant leaf of a water vive and reproduce, thus propagat-
plant. ing the variation.
natans. natans. Latin meaning “swim- natural woodland. bosque natural.
ming (under water)”. A forested area with trees that have
native. nativo. indigen. Species that not been planted and where no
occur naturally in an area; a spe- human interference has occurred.
cies not introduced to an area by naturalize. naturalizar. To introduce
humans, either accidentally or in- or establish plants in another area.
tentionally. naturalized plant. planta aclimatado.
native protein. proteina nativa. Pro- A plant introduced from one en-
tein in its naturally occurring state. vironment into another in which
natural. natural. Not introduced to the plant has become established
the area, as a community of natu- and more or less adapted to a given
ral or native plants. region by growing there for many
natural classification. clasificación generations.
natural. A taxonomic placement naturalized. naturalizado. Species
of plants into groups or taxa on that behave as a native, but origi-
the basis of their evolutionary re- nally came from another area and
lationships. now maintain themselves without
natural history. historia natural. The human intervention.
study of plants, animals, minerals nature reserve. reserva natural. A
and other things of nature, espe- geographical area set aside for
cially in the field rather than in a conservation and other scientific
laboratory. research with public access re-
natural resources. recursos naturales. stricted, either partially or com-
Materials supplied by nature that pletely.
are useful or necessary for life, as nautiloid. nautiloide. Spiral-shaped,
water, minerals, etc. like a Nautilus shell.
natural science. ciencias naturales. navicular. navicular. Shaped like a
Any or all of the sciences dealing boat; boat-shaped.
with nature or the laws of nature, near. cercano. próximo. Close in
as botany, zoology, geology, chem- distance.
nebulous 266 negative geotropism
nebulous. nebulose. Clouded, dark. to attract insects to disperse spores.
nebulose. nebuloso. Indistinct, as nectar guide. guía del nectario. señal
nebulose inflorescence occurring del néctar. Lines or spots occur-
on some grasses (Poaceae). ring on the petals of flowers, of-
neck. cuello. A narrowed section, as ten invisible, except with ultra violet
the neck of the hypanthium, be- light, that direct various pollinators
tween the base and a flared limb; to the nectaries.
also, the upper tubular part on an nectariferous. nectarifero. Nectar pro-
archegonium and of a perianth; also, ducing.
the lower part of the capsule of a nectary. nectario. The flower or plant
moss (Musci), just above the junc- gland that secretes nectar.
tion with the seta. necton. necton. Nekton.
neck canal cell. célula canal del cuello. nectonic benthos. bentos nectonico.
One of the central cells of the central Small organisms floating at the
canal in the neck of an archegon- bottom.
ium. needle. aguja. A thin, elongated shape,
neck initial. inicial del cuello. A cell as the pointed leaf on conifers, like
derived from a jacket cell of the a pine needle (Pinus); acicular.
bryophyte and pteridophyte arche- needle-leaved. aciculifolio. Having
gonium. It ultimately divides to needle-like leaves, as on softwood
give the neck of the archegonium. trees.
necrogenic abortion. aborto necrogen- needle-like. acicular. Having the elon-
ico. The rapid death of the tis- gated appearance of a needle.
sues of a plant just under the point negative. negativo. The moving or
of attack by a parasite, thus retarding turning away from any of a group
or stopping the spread of the lat- of stimuli, as light, water, gravity
ter. or loud sounds, thereby exhibit-
necrosis. necrosis. A gradual decay ing negative tropism.
of tissue, as in trees; associated with negative chiasma interference. inter-
discoloration and dehydration of ferencia quiasmática negativa.
all or some plant parts; also, a dis- See chiasma interference.
ease of plants, for example, tobacco negative feedback mechanism. mecan-
necrosis, caused by a virus; death ismo de retroacción negativa. An
of a cell or group of cells, while organism’s internal control which
still part of the living plant. increases in some instance or in-
necrotic. necrótico. Showing necrosis. hibits at other points, the very proc-
necrotrophic. necrotrófico. A para- esses leading to or allowing the
sitic organism that obtains nutri- increase. Ecologically the mecha-
ents from dead cells and tissues of nism favors keeping an equilibrium
the host. in individuals, populations, and in
nectar. néctar. A sweet, sticky liq- ecosystems.
uid secreted by many flowers that negative geotropism. geotropismo
attract insects and birds involved negativo. The movement of a plant
in the process of pollination; also, part in the opposite direction of
a similar solution produced by fungi gravity, as the vertical growth of
negative heteropycnosis 267 network
primary shoots. as nervate leaves.
negative heteropycnosis. hetero- nervation. nervadura. The vein struc-
picnosis negativo. A subnormal ture or arrangement of veins or ribs
amount of nucleic acid in the het- in leaves; venation.
erochromatin in mitotic and preme- nervature. nervadura. See nervation.
iotic divisions. nerve. nervio. The midrib, or large
negative reaction. reacción negativo. vein in a leaf.
A taxis or tropism in which an nerved. nervio. Having nerves or nerve-
organism moves or a member grows like structures.
from a region where the stimulus nerveless. enervio. Having no nerves.
is stronger to one where it is weaker. nervicolous. nervicolo. Said of a para-
nekton. necton. Actively swimming sitic fungus which lives on the veins
aquatic organisms, in contrast to of leaves.
those which are primarily drifting, nerviform. nerviforme. Resembling
e.g. plankton. a nerve.
nemathecium. nematecio. A sorus- nervose. nervado. Same as nerved;
like, fertile layer in the Rhodo- having distinctive nerves or nerve-
phyceae, containing carpogonia, shapes.
spermatongia, or sporangia. nervure. nervio foliar. The princi-
nemoral. nemoral. In ecology, per- pal vein of a leaf.
taining to living in woods or groves. net knot. nudo neta. A small accu-
neo-. neo-. A Greek prefix that means, mulation of chromatin, particularly
“new” or “recent”. at the intersection of the nuclear
neogenesis. neogénesis. The growth reticulum.
of new tissue. netplasmodium. netaplasmodio. The
neomorph. neomorf. An amorph hav- plasmodium of the Labyrinth-
ing an effect apparently unrelated ulales, which develops from the 4
to that of the non-mutant allelo- naked cells that penetrate the cell
morph. walls of the host plant.
neoplasm. neoplasma. Newly formed netrum. netro. A minute spindle which
tissue; also, a tumor. arises within the centrosome during
neotropical region. región neotrópica. the division of the centromere.
Of the “new world tropics”; per- net venation. venación neta. A net-
taining to the tropical areas of the work of veins characteristic of a
Americas. dicot leaf.
neotype. neotypic. In taxonomy, a nettle. ortiga. Any species of the genus
type specimen that has been selected Urtica with sharp bristles on the
to replace a holotype. leaves and stems that sting when
nephro-. nefro-. A Greek prefix that touched.
means, “kidney-shaped”. net-veined. nervadura reticulada. In
nephroid. nefroide. Reniform; kid- the form of a network; having veins
ney-shaped, either flat or solid. running irregular courses; reticu-
neritic. nerítico. Living in the sea late.
at a depth less than 200 meters. network. interconectar. A linkage
nervate. nervado. Having ribs or veins, of related parts, as in a network
neuromotor apparatus 268 nipple
of veins or net-veined. tat, function, and way of life of a
neuromotor apparatus. aparato de neu- plant within an ecosystem; its bi-
romotor. An organelle found in otic and trophic relationship; also,
the motile cells, probably includ- the distinct set of environmental
ing gametes and zoospore, of the conditions for a given species.
Chlorophyta. It is closely asso- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
ciated with the nucleus, and is re- (NAD). nicotinamida-adenina-
sponsible for the production of inucleótide (NAD). A coenzyme
flagella. that acts as an electron acceptor
neurotoxin. neurotoxina. A substance with an important function in res-
that can damage or destroy animal piration.
or human nerve tissue. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
neuston. neuston. The surface film phosphate (NADP). nicotinamida-
of water characterized by growing adenina-dinucleótido-fosfato
microflora. (NADP). A coenzyme that acts as
neuter. neutro. neutra. Apparently an electron acceptor with an im-
sexless, especially of strains of portant function in photosynthe-
fungi which usually show sexual- sis; together with ATP, a major
ity; also, of flowers in which the coupling agent between degradative
andrecium and gynecium are funct- and biosynthetic pathways.
ionless or absent. nicotine. nicotina. An alkaloid, l –
neuter flower. flor neutro. Lacking 1methyl – 2(3pyridyk) – pyrrolidine,
or having underdeveloped stamens derived from tobacco (Nicotiana
or pistils; functioning asexually. tabacum) leaves; used an an insec-
neutral flower. flor neutral. Not ticide.
developed sexually; neuter. See neu- nicotinic acid. ácido nicotinico. Pro-
ter flower. motes growth of some bacteria;
neutral soil. suelo neutro. Soil with niacin.
a pH value of 6.6–7.3, neither nictonasty. nictonastia. A diurnal nastic
excessively acid or alkaline. movement, as the opening and clos-
neutral spore. espora neutra. An ing of morning glory (Convolvul-
asexual spore produced by some aceae) flowers.
algae. They are produced in vari- nidose. nidoso. Having an unpleas-
ous ways but are never in sporangia. ant smell.
neutralism. neutralismo. A popula- nidulant. nidulante. Lying loose or
tion condition in which two dif- free, as seeds in a pulp; also,
ferent species coexist, with neither lying partially in a nest-like reposi-
being affected by the association. tory, as sporangia.
neutron. neutrón. Uncharged suba- nidus. nido. A place where seeds or
tomic particles of essentially the spores develop, as in the pulp of
same mass as protons. fruit.
neutrophilous. neutrófilo. Plants that niger. niger. Latin meaning “black”.
prefer habitats that are neither acid nigrescent. negruzco. Blackish or
nor alkaline. changing to black.
niche. nicho. In ecology, the habi- nipple. niple. anilla. A projection
nitid 269 nocturnal
that has the appearance of a breast ids; made of a nitrogen-contain-
tip. ing molecule of purine or pyrimi-
nitid. nítido. lustroso. Bright, shin- dine.
ing, or lustrous; laevigate. nitrogen cycle. ciclo del nitrógeno.
nitrate. nitrato. A form of nitrogen The circulation of nitrogen and
that can be assimilated by plants. nitrogen compounds by living or-
nitrification. nitrifícacion. The con- ganisms; as atmospheric nitrogen
version of ammonium ions into moving into the soil where it is
nitrates through the activities of changed into nitrates which are used
chemolithotrophic bacteria (Nitro- by green plants, and then by ani-
bacteraceae), e.g. Nitromonas mals.
oxidizes ammonium ions to nitrites, nitrogen fixation. fijación de nitró-
and Nitrobacter oxides nitrites to geno. The transformation of
nitrates. atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates
nitrifier bacterium. bacteria nitrific- by a variety of soil borne blue-green
ante. See nitrobacteria. algae and bacteria in nodules on
nitrify. nitrificar. To oxidize ammonia the roots of leguminous plants.
compounds to nitrates or nitrites nitrogenase. nitrogenasa. An enzyme
by bacterial action. of nitrogen-fixing bacteria that ac-
nitrifying bacteria. bacterias nitrific- tivates the changing of nitrogen
antes. Nitrobacteria. to ammonia in the process of ni-
nitrite. nitrito. A form of nitrogen trogen fixation.
that is toxic and can not be assimi- nitrogenous base. base nitrogenada.
lated by plants. A nitrogen compound found in
nitrobacteria. nitrobacterio. nitro- DNA and RNA, that in sequence,
bacteria. Any of a variety of bac- designates defined genetic infor-
teria that live in the soil and par- mation.
ticipate in the nitrogen cycle, by nitrogenous. nitrogenado. Contain-
changing ammonium compounds ing nitrogen or nitrogen compounds.
into nitrites or nitrites into nitrates. nitrophilous. nitrófilo. Said of plants
nitrogen. nitrógeno. Identified by the characteristic of places with a high
chemical symbol N, nitrogen is an concentration of nitrogen com-
essential element in all plant life, pounds.
especially in the protein and nu- nitrous acid. ácido nitroso. A clear,
cleic acid structures. liquid that is usually obtained by
nitrogen assimilation. asimilación de the oxidation of ammonia and used
nitrógeno. The process of taking in organic synthesis.
in nitrogen and converting it to liv- nitrosation. nitrosación. The con-
ing matter. version of ammonium compounds
nitrogen balance. balance nitrogenado. to nitrites by bacteria.
The difference between the amount nivalis. nivalis. Latin meaning “grow-
of nitrogen taken into the plant or ing near snow”.
soil, and the amount lost. niveus. niveus. Latin meaning “white,
nitrogen base. base nitrogenada. The as snow”.
basic composition of nucleic ac- nocturnal. nocturno. Having flow-
nodal analysis 270 nondisjunction
ers that open at night, as some on the root of leguminous plants
Datura. which contains nitrogen-fixing bac-
nodal analysis. análisis de nodal. A teria; also a swelling on a stem.
comparative statistical method used nodulose. noduloso. Having very small
in plant ecology in which charac- nodules or knots.
teristics are grouped according to nodum. nodo. A characteristic vegeta-
an analysis of individuals with or tion unit employed in plant ecol-
without those particular character- ogy in which similar sites are
istics. These findings are then ap- grouped together, using phytosocio-
plied to the presence, absence, or logical techniques; also, refers to
abundance of those species at dif- groups doubly defined in nodal
ferent sample sites. Data that has analysis.
been analyzed using both normal nomenclature. nomenclatura. The
analysis and inverse analysis is then assignment of names to the kinds
compared by nodal analysis. If a and groups of plants in a taxonomic
high coincidence between the fi- classification, as the Linnaean sys-
nal groups is found, it is assumed tem of binomial nomenclature.
that there exists an important type nomen. nomen. Latin meaning “name”.
of community or nodum. The non-. non-. A Latin prefix that means,
method is particularly useful to “not”.
researchers using numerical clas- non-articulate. no articulado. Not
sification systems. cut off by an absciss layer.
nodal. nodal. Pertaining to plant nodes noncellular. no celular. Lacking cells;
or having the function of nodes. acellular.
nodding. péndulo. Having the top non-conjunction. no conjunción. The
bent downward. complete failure of synapsis.
node. nudo. The place or joint on a noncompetitive inhibition. inhibición
branch or stem where a leaf emer- no competitiva. The irrevocable
ges; also, the zone on the thallus restraint of enzyme activity pro-
of the Charales where the lateral duced by an inhibitor that is gen-
branches and cortex arise. erally structurally unrelated to the
node cell. célula nudo. Hyphopodium. normal substrate.
nodiferous. nodifero. Having nodes. non-cyclic photophosphorylation. non-
nodose. nodoso. Knotty or with a ciclico fotofosforilación. In higher
node-like appearance or character- plants, the part of photosynthesis
ized by many nodes. that requires light obtained by using
nodose-septum. unión fibular. Clamp- an electron donor, resulting in the
connection. production of oxygen as a waste
nodular. nodular. Having or occur- product; the result is the forma-
ring in the form of nodules or nodes. tion of ATP and NADP.
nodulate. nodulado. To form nodu- nondegradable pollutant. poluante no
lar growth. degradable. Material not broken
nodulation. nodulación. The proc- down by natural processes, for ex-
ess of becoming nodular. ample lead and mercury.
nodule. nódulo. The small swelling nondisjunction. nondisyunción. no
non-essential organs 271 notate
disjuyunción. The failure of a pair of disease.
of sex chromosomes to separate and nonsexual. no sexual. Having no sex,
go to different cells during male as in nonsexual or asexual repro-
meiosis. duction.
non-essential organs. orgános no non-vascular. no vascular. avascu-
esencial. Sepals and petals. lar. A large and varied grouping
non-exchangeable ions. ions no of plant or plant-like organisms that
canjeable. Ions in the cell or sur- do not reproduce from seed (sper-
rounding water, which cannot be matophytes and pteridophytes), and
exchanged for ions in the surround- has no vascular system that con-
ing water or cell. veys fluids throughout the body
non-homologous pairing. no apaream- system; includes fungi, liverworts,
iento homólogo. The association algae, and molds. See thallophyte.
of non-homologous segments of NOR. RON. See nucleolus organizer
one or two chromosomes at pach- region.
ytene. non-viable. no viable. Incapable of
non-modified. no modificar. Not survival.
changed or altered to provide spe- norm. norma. The value of a quan-
cialized functions. tity or a state which is statistically
nonmotile. nonmotil. Unable to move most frequent.
on its own. normal analysis. análisis normal. In
non-polar. no polar. A molecule that plant ecology, groupings that are
shares equally the electrons between based on an analysis of the char-
the nuclei, resulting in little attrac- acteristics of individuals which are
tion or reactivity. then used to group sample sites by
non-protein. no protínico. A substance species; sometimes used to referred
that is not a protein nor does it to sample plots rather than species.
contain a protein. normal curve. curva normal. The
non-reduction. no reducción. Ameio- limit which is reached either by the
sis. binomial or the multinomial series,
nonsense codon. cóndon sin sentido. where the power is large and one
cóndon absurdo. A codon that does of the summed quantities very small
not code for an amino acid because in relation to the power and to one
there is no normal tRNA molecule. another. This frequency distribu-
Three types are currently known: tion is expected from a series of
amber, ochre, and opal. observations on a variate whose
nonsense mutation. mutación sin magnitude is affected by a large
sentido. A mutation that alters a number of agents having small in-
gene so that a nonsense codon is dependent effects.
inserted resulting in the ending of normal deviation. desviación normal.
translation or the end of the poly- The ratio of an observed deviation
peptide chain. to the appropriate, or corresponding
non-sensibility. no sensibilidad. The standard deviation, as fixed by the
ability of a plant to support a para- hypothesis.
site without showing marked signs notate. notado. Said of a surface marked
notch 272 nucleic acid
by straight or curved lines. trast to plasmagenes.
notch. muesca (en fruto). escotadura nuclear membrane. membrana nuclear.
(en lámina). A slot or groove. The double layer of tissue enclos-
notched. emarginado (en lámina). A ing the cell nucleus; nuclear en-
slotted leaf margin. velope.
novem-. novem-. A Latin prefix that nuclear plate. placa nuclear. The ag-
means, “nine”. gregation of chromosomes in the
nucellar. nucelar. Pertaining to or equitorial plane during mitosis or
produced by the nucellus. meiosis.
nucellar embryony. embrionia nucelar. nuclear pore. poro nuclear. Open-
A form of apomixis where the ings in the nuclear membrane that
embryo arises directly from the may be true openings or they may
nucellus. be filled or plugged.
nucellus. nucela. The female spor- nuclear reticulum. retículo nuclear.
angium or mass of tissue in the redecilla nuclear. A honeycomb
ovule of a plant that contains the or mesh of delicate threads of chro-
embryo sac; megasporangium in matin seen in stained preparations
seed plants. of metabolic nuclei.
nuciferous. nucifero. Nut producing. nuclear sap. jugo nuclear. In the nu-
nuciform. nuciforme. Resembling a cleus, a colorless liquid (nucleo-
nut. plasm) other than the chromatin and
nuclear. nuclear. Pertaining to the nucleolus; karyolymph.
nuclei or a nucleus; also, of or per- nuclear spindle. huso nuclear. The
taining to atoms. fusiform structure consisting of fine
nuclear budding. gemación nuclear. fibrils arranged longitudinally and
The production of two daughter converging at the poles, which ap-
nuclei of unequal size by constric- pears in the cytoplasm of a cell sur-
tion of the parent nucleus. rounding the nucleus during mi-
nuclear cap. casquete nuclear. Of the tosis and meiosis.
Blastocladiaceae, a body at one nuclear stain. colorante nuclear. A
side of the nucleus of a zoospore stain which will highlight the nu-
or gamete. clei in a tissue or organism with
nuclear division. división nuclear. Mi- a different color or shade.
tosis; meiosis; amitosis. nucleate. nucleado. To form a nu-
nuclear envelope. envoltura nuclear. cleus; also, to form around a nu-
The structure that divides the nu- cleus.
cleus of eukaryotic cells from the nucleic acid. ácido nucleico. A group
cytoplasm; nuclear membrane. of acids occurring in organic nu-
nuclear fragmentation. fragmentación clear material which is composed
nuclear. The formation of two or of phosphoric acid with a carbo-
more portions from a nucleus by hydrate and a base. They have a
direct break-up and not by mito- high molecular weight and consist
sis. of alternate units of phosphate and
nuclear genes. gens nuclear. Genes a pentose sugar, which has a pu-
that occur in the nucleus, in con- rine and pyrimidine base attached
nucleochylema 273 nudation
to it. Also see DNA and RNA. plast.
nucleochylema. nucleoquilema. Nu- nucleoplasm. nucleoplasma. The pro-
clear sap. toplasm in the nucleus of a cell.
nucleo(cyto)plasmic ratio. relación It may appear granular or fibrils;
(cito)plasmática. The ratio of nu- nuclear sap.
cleus volume to cytoplasm volume; nucleoprotein. nucleoproteína. prot-
alteration of this volume may be eína nuclear. A conjugated pro-
a cause of cell division. tein, consisting of a histone bound
nucleoid. nuceloide. The area in the to a nucleic acid, the non-protein
prokaryotic cell containing the part. It is combined with or com-
chromosomal DNA; also, in bac- binable with a nucleic acid.
teria cells, the irregularly shaped nucleoside. nucleósido. A chemcial
area where DNA is concentrated group composed of a purine or
but not bound by a membrane. pyrimidine base and a pentose sugar.
nucleolar. nucleolar. Pertaining to nucleotide. nucleótida. nucleótido.
the nucleolus. A chemical group composed of a
nucleolus. núcleolo. In the eukaryotic purine or pyrimidine base, ribose
nucleus, a small, round, but con- or deoxyribose sugar, and phos-
spicuous structure containing a high phoric acid.
concentration of ribonucleic acid nucleosome. nucleosoma. The ba-
and protein; often, more than one sic structural unit of chromatin,
nucleolus is present; also, a body composed of DNA coiled around
not containing desoxyribose nucleo- histones; karyosome.
tides and secreted by a specific or- nucleotide. nucleótido. nucleótida.
ganizer, gene or super-gene, in the The unit structure of nucleic ac-
resting nucleus. ids (DNA and RNA) composed of
nucleolus organizer region (NOR). a sugar, a phosphoric acid, and a
región del organizador nucleolar purine or pyrimidine base.
(RON). A secondary constriction nucleus (pl. nuclei) núcleo. The
on a spiralized chromosome, which double-membrane-bound structure
organizes the production of the containing chromosomes found in
nucleolus. most non-dividing eukaryotic cells;
nucleolate. nucleolado. Said of spore also, the minute center of an atom,
which contains one or more con- containing one or more positively
spicuous oil drops. charged protons and one or more
nucleoline. nucleolina. Special par- neutrons with no electrical charge,
ticles occurring with the nucleosis except for hydrogen-1 atom, which
which do not disappear during has one proton and no neutrons in
mitosis. its nucleus; also, an oil-drop.
nucleolo-centrosome. nucleolo-centro- nucule. neucecilla. núcula. A hard,
soma. A prominent deeply stain- one-seeded fruit; also, the female
ing body found in the nucleus of fruit body of the Charales; nutlet.
some lower plants. nudation. nudación. The initiation
nucleome. nucleoma. The whole of of a new plant succession by a major
the nuclear substance in a proto- environmental disturbance, as a
nude 274 nyctinasty
flood or volcanic eruption; also, nut. nuz. nuez. A woody, one-seed,
the formation of an area bare of dry, indehiscent fruit, similar to an
plants, by natural or artificial achene, but larger and with a thicker
means. See sere. pericarp (shell), as an acorn
nude. desnudo. Naked. (Quercus) or pecan (Carya); de-
nudi-. nudi-. A Latin prefix that means, rived from a syncarpous ovary.
“naked”. nutant. nutante (ligeramente pédulo).
nudicaul. nudicaule. Leafless stems. Drooping or having the top bent
nulliplex. nuliplexo. A condition of downward.
a polyploid in which all the chro- nutation. nutación. The spiraling or
mosomes of one homologous type twisting of a stem, especially as
carry the recessive allelomorph of it grows; caused by a variation in
a particular gene. the rate of growth of the meristem-
nullisomic. nulisómico. In a diploid atic areas; also, the lateral sway-
individual or tissue, the condition ing of the tip of a growing organ.
where both members of a chromo- nutlet. nuececilla. clusa. núculo.
some pair are missing; 2n-2. A small nut or nut-like fruit, as in
numerical hybrid. híbrido numérico. Labiatae; also, the pit or stone,
A hybrid whose parental gametes as in a cherry (Prunus), peach
differ in respect to the number of (Amygdalus), or plum (Prunus).
chromosomes. nutrient absorption. asimilación de
numerical mutation. mutación numér- nutrientes. The process of tak-
ico. A change in the number of ing in and assimilating nutrients
chromosomes, either balanced to through the root and leaf systems.
give polyploid, or unbalanced to nutrient cycle. ciclo de nutrientes.
give aneuploidy. See biogeochemical cycle.
numerical pyramid. pirámide numér- nutrient. nutriente. A substance that
ica. See pyramid of numbers. provides nourishment; also, nour-
numerical taxonomy. taxonomía ishing.
numérica. Any of the numerical nutriment. nutrimente. Any element
description approaches to describing needed for organisms to live, grow,
plants, plant communities, or com- and reproduce; nourishment.
parisons of these, such as similarity nutrition. nutrición. A series of proc-
indices, principal components ana- esses when food is taken in and
lysis and classification. used by plants for growth, energy
numerous. numeroso. In botany, the and reproducing.
term generally refers to more than nyctanthous. nyctanto. Night flow-
ten. ering.
nurse cell. célula nutricía. Any cell nyctigamous. nyctígamo. Leaves or
or tissue in contact with develop- flowers that close or open at night,
ing gametes, and concerned with as leaflets of clover (Trifolium)
their nutrition; also, in Scleroderma, closing at night.
hyphae giving food material to nyctinasty. nictinastia. movimiento
spores which have become detached nictinástico. movimiento de sueño.
from the basidia. The “sleep movements” of leaves
nyctinasty 275 nyctitropic
in response to change in turgor pres- ing of flowers.
sure of cells at the base of the peti- nyctitropic. nyctitrópico. Bending or
ole; the response of plant organs changing at night, as nyctitropic
to the periodic alterantion of day leaves in response to light inten-
and night, e.g.opening and clos- sity, bend or change.
O 276 obligate anaerobe

O. O. The chemical symbol for oxy- of cordate; heart-shaped with the

gen. attachment at the narrow point, as
oak. roble. Any tree of the genus in obcordate leaves.
Quercus. obcordiform. obcordiforme. See
oak-moss. roble-musgo. The common obcordate.
name for a greenish-grey, lichen obdeltate. obdeltado. Having the shape
Evernia prunastri (Lecanora)used of an inverse deltate or triangle with
as a scent and fixative in the per- the attachment at the narrow point.
fume industry. obdeltoid. obdeltoide. Inversely del-
oak-nut. roble-nuez. A common name toid; having a triangle-shape with
for a gall that forms on an oak tree the attachment at the narrow end.
(Quercus). obdiplostemonous. obdiplostémono.
oasis. oasis. An isolated area in arid Having stamens in two whorls with
regions where the water table lies the inner whorl opposite the se-
close to the surface, making pos- pals and the outer whorl opposite
sible year-round support of water the petals.
loving plants. In a strict consid- obelliptic. obelíptico. An almost el-
eration, an oasis is not part of the liptical shape, but the top is slightly
desert, as the climate is artificially larger than the bottom where it is
altered. attached, as an obelliptic leaf.
ob-. ob-. A Latin prefix that means, oblanceolate. oblanceolado. An in-
“opposite the usual shape or po- versely lanceolate or sword-shaped
sition”; also, “to,” “toward” or leaf which is attached to the leaf
“against”. stalk at the narrow end.
obclavate. obclaviforme. Club-shaped oblanceoloid. oblanceoloide. subblan-
with a narrowing toward the apex ceolado. Having the shaped of a
and attached at the wider end; op- reverse lance with the tapering point
posite of clavate. or narrow end attached to the leaf
obcompressed. obcomprimido. Flat- stalk.
tened in the opposite shape or di- oblate. oblato. An elliptic shape with
rection of the usual, as an obcom- flattened poles, used to describe
pressed ovary or seed; also, com- surface outlines, as leaf shapes.
pressed so that the two sutures of obligate. obligado. Able to survive
a fruit are brought together. in only one type of environment,
obconic. obcónico. Inversely coni- as a parasite that must have a host.
cal; cone-shaped with the attach- obligate anaerobe. anaerobio obligado.
ment at the narrow end. A microorganism that survives only
obcordate. obcordiforme. Opposite in anaerobic conditions.
obligate parasite 277 ocean
obligate parasite. parásito obligado. seen.
An organism that must live as a obscurely. inconspicuamente. Incon-
parasite and cannot survive oth- spicuously located.
erwise. obsolescence. obsolescencia. The
obligate saprophyte. saprófita obli- gradual disappearance of a part or
gado. An organism that lives on organ.
non-living plant or animal tissue. obsolescent. obsolescente. Imperfectly
oblique. oblicuo. Having unequal sides, or slightly developed, as an obso-
especially the basal portion of some lescent structure.
leaves, as an oblique leaf. obsolete. obsoleto. Imperfectly
oblique division. división oblicuo. The developed, sometimes dysfunc-
development of a septum which is tional, especially when compared
neither parallel to the long axis of to similar structures in other in-
the cell, nor across it at right an- dividual plants or related species;
gles. vestigial.
oblique plane. plano oblicuo. Any plane obtriangular. obtriangular. Inversely
of a flower, other than the median triangular.
and lateral plane. obtrullate. obtrulado. Inversely trull-
obliteration. obliterado. The crush- ate.
ing and closing of tubular elements obtruncate. obtruncado. To cut or
within a plant by the pressure set- lop off the top, as to obtruncate
up by new elements as they develop. trees.
oblong. oblongo. Used in describing obtuse. obtuso. A leaf that is blunt
structures that have the widest axis or rounded at the tip, margins
at midpoint and the margins essen- straight to convex, and ending with
tially parallel, as in certain leaves; a more than 90º angle.
elliptical, blunt at each end, hav- obvolute. margen sobrelapado. Hav-
ing nearly parallel sides, and two ing overlapping petals, as with
to four times as long as broad. some poppy flowers (Papaver).
obovate. obovado. Inversely ovate; occasional species. especie aislado.
egg-shaped in outline, as with some A species found from time to time
leaves which are attached at the in a given plant community but is
narrow end. not a regular member.
obovoid. obovoide. Inversely ovoid; occidentalis. occidentalis. Latin mean-
egg-shaped in form, as some fruit ing “western”.
with the attachment at the narrow occulsion. oculsión. The closure of
end. a passageway or vessel; also, the
obpiriform. obpiriforme. Knob-like absorption or retention of a gas or
or having the shape of a knob. other substance; also, the block-
obpyramidal. obpiramidal. Inversely ing of a stoma by the ingrowth of
pyramidal; pyramid-shaped and parenchymatous cells into the sub-
attached at the narrow end. stomatal cavity.
obscure. obscuro. Said of venation occurs. ocurrir. Exists or can be found.
which is poorly developed, so that ocean. océano. The immense body of
little more than the midrib can be salt water that covers almost three
ocean desert 278 octoradiate
fourths of the earth’s surface; clas- ochrosporous. ochrosporo. Having
sified into four main divisions: yellow or yellowish-brown spores.
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic ocrea. ócrea. A tube-like stipule above
oceans. the node and around the stem, as
ocean desert. ocean de desierto. A in buckwheat (Polygonaceae). See
region in the ocean where a lack ochrea.
of nutrients produces a limited ocreate. ocreado. Having a stipular
amount of plant life; a region of tube surrounding the stem above
low biological productivity. the insertion of the petiole or blade;
oceanic. oceánico. Of or belonging sheathed.
to more than 200 meters below the ocreolate. ocreolado. The diminu-
sea, as oceanic plants or an oce- tive form of ocreate, commonly
anic climate; also, an ocean for- applied to bract bases.
mation. octamerous. octamero. Flowers with
oceanographer. oceanógrafo. A person eight members in each whorl, some-
who participates in the field of times written as 8-merous. Same
oceanography. as octomerous.
oceanography. oceanografía. The octanoic acid. ácido octanóico. A
study of the oceans and seas, in- fatty acid formed in coconut oil.
cluding marine life, ocean waters, octant division. división octante. The
and the ocean floor. division of an embryonic cell by
oceanology. oceanología. Oceanog- walls at right angles; giving eight
raphy. cells.
ocellated. ocelado. Having ocellus; octapeptide. octapéptido. A polypep-
spotted. tide chain composed of eight amino
ocellus. ocelo. An eye-like marking, acids.
made of two colors; an enlarged octo-. octo-. A Latin and Greek pre-
discolored cell in a leaf; also, a fix that means, “eight”.
swelling on the sporangium of some octoandrous. octoandro. Having eight
fungi, which may be a light receptor. stamens.
ocher. ocre. A dark yellow or red- octogynous. octógino. Having eight
dish brown color. pistils or styles.
ochery. ocheria. A yellowish brown octolocular. octolocular. Having eight
color. locules.
ochre. ocre. Same as ocher. octomerous. octomero. Having eight
ochrea. ócrea. A cup-shaped struc- members in each whorl.
ture around a stem, formed from octopetalous. octopetalario. Having
united stipules or united leaf bases. eight petals.
See ocrea. octoploidy. octoploidia. A condition
ochreate. ocreado. Sheathing. See in which an individual has eight
ocreate. sets of homologous chromosomes,
ochrocarpous. ocreocarpo. Bearing instead of the two sets in normal
yellow fruit. diploid organisms.
ochroleucous. blanco-amarillento. octoradiate. octoradio. Having eight
Yellowish white in color. ray flowers.
octosepalous 279 oligocarpous
octosepalous. octosépaloso. Having oidium. oidia. A thin-walled cell
eight sepals. formed by the fragmentation of
octosporous. octosporo. Containing hypha which can function as a gam-
eight spores. ete or germinate to become a new
odd-pinnate. imparipinnado. A com- hypha; also, a spore that is formed
pound pinnate leaf with a single simultaneously throughout the
terminal leaf; unevenly pinnate; length of a filament; also, spermatia
imparipinate. formed on hyphal branches, espe-
odonto-. odonto-. A Greek prefix that cially in heterothallic Hymen-
means, “tooth-shaped”. omycetes; argthrospore.
odontoid. odontoide. Tooth-like. oil. olesa. A fat in a liquid state at
odor. olor. Fragrance or discrete smell; normal atmospheric temperature.
also, perceptible to the sense of Essential oils have relatively low
smell. molecular weights and are volatile,
odoriferous. olorifero. Having a dis- many having a strong aroma.
crete odor or fragrance. oil body. cuerpo oleoso. A large single
odorless. inordoro. Having no dis- droplet of oil in isolated cells of
crete fragrance or smell. some of the liverworts, especially
(o)ecology. ecología. Ecology. the Marchantiaceae.
(o)edema. edema. A large mass of oil drop. gota oleosa. Any small drop-
unhealthy parenchyma (swollen let of oily material included in the
tissue) due to an excess of water. cytoplasm.
(o)edocephaloid. edocefaloide. Having old-growth forest. selva virgen.
a swelling at the end or tip. bosque virgen. An uncut, virgin
officinales. officinales. Latin meaning forest with ancient trees, some-
“medicinal”. times hundreds or thousands of
offset. hijuelo. A side shoot from years old; virgin forest.
the base of an offshoot that takes oleaginous. oleaginoso. Oily or oil
root and starts a new plant. producing.
offshoot. retoño. A new stem grow- oleic acid. ácido oleico. A fatty acid
ing laterally from the main stem. found in both plant and animal fats.
offshore zone. zona afuera de costa. oleiferus. oleiferus. Latin meaning
The zone that extends seaward from “oil bearing”.
the point of low tide to the edge olein. oleína. An ester of oleic acid
of the continental shelf. and glycerin, which is derived from
offspring. progenie. prole. descend- vegetable oils, such as cottonseed
encia. descendientes. The young (Malvaceae) and olive oils (Olea-
plant that is derived from breed- ceae).
ing. oleosome. oleosoma. A large fatty in-
-oid. -oide. A suffix that means, the clusion in the cytoplasm of a cell.
“shape” or “form” of a three-di- oligo-. oligo-. olig-. A Greek prefix
mensional structure, as opposed to that means, “few”, “small”, “less”,
-ate, describing the surface shape or “lack of”.
or form. oligocarpous. oliocárpico. Having less
oidiospore. oidiosporo. Oidium. than the usual number of fruit.
oligocarpy 280 ontogenetic
oligocarpy. oliocarpia. The stage or In aquatic ecosystems, a nutrient-
condition of bearing few fruit. depletion process or a reduction
oligogene. oligogen. See major gene. in the rate of nutrient cycling.
oligohaline. oligohalino. salobre. A oligotrophophyte. oligotrofófito. A
body of water that is saline but has plant growing in a soil poor in
less salt than seawater. soluble mineral salts.
oligomerous. oligómero. With fewer oligotrophy. oligotrofia. The con-
members than the typical whorl; dition of being oligotrophic.
having few parts. olivaceous. oliváceo. Olive green color
oligomictic. oligomictico. Describes or olive-like.
lakes with high surface tempera- ombrogenous peat bog. turbera omb-
tures (20º–30º C), especially in the rógeno. A vegetative, peat- forming
tropics, where the water is ther- community that lies above ground
mally stable, mixing only rarely. water, separated from ground flora
oligonucleotide. oligonucleótido. and mineral soil, dependent on rain-
oligonucleótida. A substance with water for minerals, is an area de-
relatively few nucleotides (two to sirable for the growth of Sphagman
ten) as compared to a polynucle- species.
otide. ombrophil. ombrófilo. A plant which
oligopeptide. oligopéptido. A lin- thrives in places that have abun-
ear peptide with 2–10 amino ac- dant rainfalls; a rain-loving plant.
ids. ombrophilous. ombrófilo. Rain-
oligopetalous. oligopétalo. Having few loving.
petals. ombrophilous plant. planta ombrófito.
oligophyllous. oligofilo. Having few ombrófila. Rain-loving plants
leaves. ombrophobe. ombrófobo. A plant that
oligosaccharide. oligosacárido. oligó- can not survive in continuous rain.
sida. A branched carbohydrate with ombrophyte. ombrófito. A plant
2–10 monosaccharides. inhabitating rainy locations.
oligosepalous. oligosépalo. Having few omnivore. omnivoro. An organism
sepals. that feeds on both plants and ani-
oligospermous. oligospermo. Hav- mals.
ing few seeds; few-seeded. omnivorous. omnivoro. Said of a para-
oligosporous. oligosporo. Having or sitic fungus which attacks serveral
containing few spores. or many species of host plants;
oligostemonous. oligostémono. Hav- pantophagous.
ing few stamens. one-celled. unicelular. Having one
oligotaxy. oligotaxia. A reduced cell; single-celled; unicellular
number of whorls. one-celled. unilocular. Having a single
oligotrophic. oligótrofo. oligotrófico. cavity or chamber, as in an ovary
Not adequate nutriments, as an “cell” which contains the seed(s);
oligotrophic lake with little veg- one-sided. unilateral. As leaves grow-
etation due to few nutrients; ing only on one side of the stem.
nutrient-poor. ontogenetic. ontogenético. Genetic
oligotrophication. oligotroficación. characters that pertain to individual
ontogenesis 281 open community
development. productive organ of some algae and
ontogenesis. ontogénsis. The history fungi, usually a rounded cell or sac
of the developmnent of an indi- containing one or more oospheres;
vidual. See ontogeny. a cell giving rise to oocytes, di-
ontogeny. ontogenia. The life cycle rectly or by mitosis.
of an individual organism; indi- oolysis. oolisis. The conversion into
vidual development from fertiliza- leafy structures of carpels and
tion to adulthood. ovules.
oo-. oo-. A prefix that means, “egg” oophyte. oofito. In ferns (Filicopsida),
or “eggs”. mosses (Musci) and liverworts
ooblast. ooblasto. A primitive ovum (Hepaticae), the generation that
or an ovum not yet developed into bears the reproductive organs in
a true ovum. Found in the Flori- the alternation of generations.
deae. A tubular outgrowth from ooplasm. ooplasma. The central plasma
the carpogonial base which con- in the oogonium of some Oomyc-
nects the carpogonium and the etes, representing a more or less
auxillary cell. undifferentiated egg.
oocyte. oocito. A cell with a diploid oosphere. oosfera. The female gam-
nucleus, which, during meiosis, ete in the oogonium; also, the large
gives four haploid nuclei that form non-motile fertile gamete of some
female gametes, usually by further algae and fungi; an ovum.
division; also, an ovum in the stage oospore. oospora. Following fertili-
before maturation; a female game- zation of an oosphere, a thick-wall
tocyte; an egg cell in which meio- resting oospore is formed.
sis takes place. ootid. oótida. ovótida. A haploid cell
oogamete. oogameto. Either one of coming from the meiotic division
two gametes which can unite with of a secondary oocyte.
the other to form a zygote; hetero- ooze. cieno. Mud or slime, especially
gamete. at the bottom of an ocean, river,
oogamous. oógamo. Reproducing by or lake.
the joining of a large non-motile opaque . opaco. Light not passing
egg and a small, motile or non- through; having a dull surface.
motile sperm; heterogamous. open aestivation. estivación abierta.
oogamy. oogamia. The fusion of a Aestivation in which the perianth
large, non-motile female gamete leaves neither overlap nor meet by
with a small, motile or non-motile their edge.
male gamete, producing fertiliza- open bundle. haz abierta. A vascu-
tion. lar bundle that has a cambium.
oogenesis. oogénesis. The formation open canopy. dosel abierta. Tree
of eggs and ova; in angiosperms, crowns that do not touch because
the formation of the embryo sac; of the distance separating individual
ovogenesis. trees.
oogenetic. oogenético. Of or pertaining open community. comunidad abierto.
to oogenesis; ovogenetic. A plant community which does not
oogonium. oogonia. The female re- occupy the ground completely, so
open forest 282 opsis-form
that there are bare spaces visible. a cap that protects the peristome
open forest. bosque abierto. A for- of a moss sporangium.
est in which individual tree crowns operon. operón. A unit of gene ac-
do not touch, leaving some ground tivity composed of a series of ge-
areas open to direct sunlight. netic material that functions to-
open population. población abierto. gether by means of an operator, pro-
A plant population that is freely moter, a set of structural genes, and
exposed to gene flow, as opposed a terminator; primarily involved in
to a closed population in which there the control of gene transcription.
is a barrier to gene flow. ophio-. ofio-. A Greek prefix that
open vascular bundle. has vascular means, “snake-like”.
abierto. Open bundle. opiothial aperture. apertura opiotial.
open woodland. bosque abierto. The opening between the base of
Grassy ground with occasional trees the stomatal pore and the sub-
here and there, often in clusters. stomatal cavity.
opening (flowers). apertura (flor). opportunist species. especie oport-
The beginning or initial stage of unista. Species common to un-
the floral petals spreading to ex- stable or periodically extreme con-
pose the reproductive organs. See ditions, such as deserts; generally
nastic. small in size and can colonize an
operator gene. gen operador. A gene area rapidly during favorable con-
responsible for the activation and ditions; fugitive species.
deactivation of the structural genes. opposite. opuesto. An arrangement
operator. operador. A region of DNA of leaves along a stem that occur
at one end of an operon which in pairs, directly across from each
serves as the binding site for a spe- other; not alternate; also, coming
cific repressor protein, that con- between an organ and its axis, as
trols the functioning of adjacent a stamen which lies next to the mid-
cistrons. dle of a petal; also, inserted at the
opercular cell. célular opercular. A same level.
lid cell by which some antheridia oppositifolious. antifolio. folio
open. opuesto. With opposite leaves.
operculate. operculado. Having an oppositipetalous. antipétalo. pétalo
operculum; having or opening by opuesto. Opposite a petal, used
a lid. when describing the location of a
operculate capsule. cápsula oper- stamen.
culado. A capsule that dehisces oppositisepalous. antisépalo. sépalo
through pores, as in Papaver. opuesto. Opposite a sepal, used
operculiform. operculiforme. Shaped when describing the location of a
like and operculum; operculum- stamen.
shaped. -opsis. –opsis. A Greek suffix than
operculum. opérculo. A small lid, as means, “like”.
on a pitcher-shaped leaf; the lid opsis-form. opsis-forma. Said of
of spore cases in some mosses hetereoecious or autoecious Uredin-
(Musci) or of types of sporangia; ales that produce pycnidia, unredo-
orange 283 organize
spores and teleutospores. specialized part of a cell, as a vacu-
orange (color). naranja (color). A ole, corresponding to an organ in
reddish-yellow color like the fruit multi-celled organism; a subcellular
of the orange tree (Citrus). particle with a specialized func-
orangish (color). anaranjado (color). tion; cell organ.
A shade of the color orange. organic. orgánico. Of or derived from
orbicular. orbicular. Round and flat living organisms, e.g. plants; also,
body, as an orbicular leaf; disk- compounds containing carbon.
shaped. organic acid. ácido orgánico. Any
orbiculate. orbicular. In the form of of the carbon compounds that dis-
a circle. See orbicular. play acidic properties, especially
orbital. orbitario. Discrete pathways those containing the carboxyl radi-
surrounding an atom through which cal –COOH.
electrons move. organic axis. eje orgánico. The prin-
orchid. orquídea . Any plant of the ciple axis of a cell, passing through
orchid family (Orchidaceae); also the centrosome and nucleus of the
a light bluish-red color. resilng cell.
orculiform. orculiforma. Said of a organic chemistry. química orgánica.
2-celled spore having a thick septum The branch of chemistry that deals
pierced by a connecting tube with compounds of carbon.
between the two cells. organic compound. compuesta orgán-
order. orden. In taxonomy, the group ico. A chemical substance contain-
of related plants that rank below ing carbon formed of two or more
a class and above a family. elements in definite proportions by
ordinal. ordinal. Pertaining to an order weight.
of organisms; the specific, generic, organic fertilizer. fertilizante orgánico.
or ordinal names of organisms. See Nutrient materials from organic
ordination method. matter, such as animal manure,
ordination method. método de orden- green manure, and compost.
ación. A systematic manner of organic matter. materia orgánico. De-
arranging data along one or more composing plant or animal mate-
lines; sometimes used by botanist, rials.
biologists, and most often, ecolo- organic soil. suelo orgánico. A soil
gists. A considerable body of eco- containing greater than 20% organic
logical literature examines the matter.
method and its merit as opposed organism. organismo. A living plant,
to classification. or other living things, made of
oreo-. oreo-. A Greek prefix that separate parts such as ribosomes,
means, “mountain.” cells, and tissues that work together
orgadium. orgadio. An open wood- to produce the processes of life;
land formation. any form of life.
organ. órgano. Any part of a plant organization. organización. The man-
that is organized to perform a special ner in which parts of a plant are
function, as a leaf, stamen, or pistil. arranged to work together.
organelle. orgánulo. organela. A organize. organizar. To become liv-
organized 284 orthotropous
ing tissue. Plants that grow best in a habitat
organized. organizado. Showing the rich in bird droppings.
characteristics of an organism; ornithophilous. ornitófilo. Pollinated
having the tissues and organs by birds.
formed into a unified whole. ornithophily. ornitófilia. Pollinated
organism. organismo. A living plant by birds.
or life-form. orophilous. orófilo. Growing well
organizer. organizador. Substances in mountainous areas.
which exercise control over regions orophyte. orófita. Plants growing in
of the embryo adjoining them. or limited to mountainous areas.
organogenesis. organogénesis. The orophytium. orófitio. A sub-alpine
differentiation of organs. plant formation.
organogeny. organogenia. The study ortho-. orto-. ort-. A Greek prefix
of the differentiation of organs. that means, “straight” or “upright”.
organography. organografía. A de- orthocladous. ortoclado. Having
scriptive study of the external form straight branches.
of plants and their relation to func- orthogenesis. ortogenésis. An early
tion. theory of the nature of change;
organology. organología. The branch proposed successive generation
of biology that addresses the struc- evolution is directional and leads
ture and function of plant and ani- toward a new form. Later research
mal organs. has shown this to be improbable.
organotroph. organótrofo. An organ- orthogeotropism. ortogeotropismo.
ism that obtains energy from or- Growth of a stem, vertically up-
ganic compounds; not a synonym wards, or of a root vertically down-
for heterotroph. wards, in relation to gravity.
orientale. orientale. Latin meaning orthoselection. ortoselección. A di-
“eastern”. rectional selection pressure result-
orientation. orientación. The posi- ing in a self-perpetuating evolu-
tion, or change of position, of a tionary trend.
part or organ in relationship to the orthostichies. ortósticos. A vertical
whole, or change of position of an rank of leaves on a stem.
organ under stimulus; also, the orthotropic. ortotrópo. A tendency
movement of the centromeres so to grow straight up or straight down.
that they lie axially with respect orthotropism. ortotropismo. The ten-
to the spindle, either as to their dency of a tropism (growth response
potenital halves at mitosis or as to of a plant) to be in line with the
members of a pair or higher con- stimulus, as a plant growing straight
figuration at meiosis. up or straight down in response to
ornithine. ornitina. A precursor in the stimulus of gravity.
the preparation of argenine; an orthotropous. ortótropico. A type of
essential amino acid. ovule having a straight nucellus
ornitho-. ornito-. A Greek prefix that with the chalaza at the base and
means, “bird”. the micropyle at the other end; also,
ornithocoprophilous. ornitocoprófilo. said of an organ which shows a
osculant 285 outer perigone leaf
sharp positive or negative tropism on the stronger solution side.
in respect to a given stimulus; osmotic. osmótico. Pertaining to
atropous. osmosis.
osculant. osculante. Intermediate be- osmotrophic. osmotrófico. An organism
tween two or more groups, as gen- that absorbs nutrients from a so-
era or families, that link others to- lution rather than by ingesting
gether. matter.
osculate. ósculado. To share char- osseous. óseo. Having a bony texture,
acters of two or more groups; be commonly used to describe the
intermediate. consistency of a part or organ.
oscule (pl. oscula). ósculo. A pore in ossiculus. osiculo. The stone or pit
a rust spore. in some fleshy fruits; pyrene.
-ose. -oide. A suffix that means, “con- ossiform. osiforme. Having the shape
taining”, “full-of” or “like”. of a bone; bone-like.
-osis. –osis. A suffix that means, “con- osteosclereide. osteosclereida. A
dition of” or “state caused by”. thick-walled idioblast which is
osmophilic. osmofílico. Plants that shaped somewhat like a thigh bone.
grow best in high concentrations ostiolate. ostiólado. Having an open-
of salts or sugars, producing rela- ing.
tively high osmotic pressure. ostiole. ostílo. A general term for
osmoregulation. osmoregulación. An an opening; also, a fruit body open-
internal process that facilitates a ing (perithecium) where spores are
plant’s control over osmotic pres- discharged to the outside.
sure, irrespective of variations in outbreeding. exogamia. outbreeding.
the environment. The mating and union of gametes
osmosis. ósmosis. osmosis. The pas- of different individual plants that
sage of water or other fluids through are not closely related; resulting
a semi-permeable membrane or in cross-pollination in seeds.
porous partition that separates two outcrossing. cruzamiento exógeno.
solutions of different concentration; The transfer of pollen from the
the chief means dissolved nutri- flower of one plant to the flower
ents pass in and out of plants. of another plant.
osmotic potential. potencial osmótico. outer bark. corteza exterior. The outer
The part of the water potential of skin of a tree trunk, outside the
a tissue that comes from the pres- secondary vascular cambium. It is
ence of solute particles; equivalent made of living phloem tissue and
to osmotic pressure but opposite dead outer zones with the outer zone
in sign; solute potential. penetrated by periderms made from
osmotic pressure. presión osmótica. phelloderms; rhytidome.
The pressure required to stop the outer perigone leaf. hoja exterior del
movement from a pure solvent into perigonio. The exterior leaf that
a solution, indicated by the sym- encloses reproductive organs, as
bol II, occurring when the two so- the perianth in flowering plants or
lutions reach equal concentration bracts in mosses (Musci); also, the
or by applying pressure to the liquid walls of a spore cell in hydroids.
outgrowth 286 oxaloacetic acid
outgrowth. brote. excrescencia. An at a peat bog site.
offshoot or projection growing from overwinter. sobreviven al invierno.
the main stem or some other part. invernación. Remaining through
outlier. outliera. A plant that appears the snow, ice, and cold of the winter,
naturally at a considerable distance as dahlia tubers (Compositae) can
from its principal area of concen- overwinter in the ground.
tration. ovi-. ovi-. A prefix that means, “egg,”
outward. hacia afuera. In the direc- “ovum” or “egg-shaped”.
tion away from the axis. oviform. oviforme. Having the shape
oval. ovalado. Shaped like an ellipse of an egg.
with margins curving and the width ovisac. ovisac. A sac, cell, or cap-
over one-half the length. sule containing an ovum or ova.
ovaricolous. ovarícolo. Living in ova- ovogenesis. ovogénesis. See oogen-
ries. esis.
ovary. ovario. In flowering plants, ovogenetic. ovogenético. See oogenetic.
the enlarged lower part of the pis- ovoid. ovoide. Having a three-dimen-
til that contains the ovules and gives sional shape of an egg.
rise to the fruit. ovular. ovular. Pertaining to or
ovate. ovado. Having a surface shape being an ovule, as an ovular mem-
of an egg with the broader end being brane.
the point of attachment, as with an ovulate. ovulado. Producing and ex-
ovate leaf. pelling ova or ovules from the
overdominance. sobredominancia. The ovary; also, pertains to the designing
occurrence when the character of of specialized ovulate cones in
the heterozygotes is expressed more conifers (Coniferae) that bear
distinctly in the phenotype than in megasporangia rather than smaller,
that of either homozygote; super- pollen-bearing cones.
dominance. ovule. óvulo. A structure that becomes
overgrazing. sobrepasto. pasto exces- a seed after fertilization; a mega-
iva. Destruction of plant life by sporangium protected by an integu-
too many grazing animals feeding ment; the portion of the female re-
too long and exceeding the carry- productive structure of a flower en-
ing capacity of the area. cased by an ovary; a young seed
overpopulation. exceso de población. in the course of development.
The condition in which the size of ovuliferous scale. escama ovulífero.
a species population temporarily A reproductive structure bearing
exceeds the carrying capacity of ovules, which is a modified lateral
its habitat, resulting in a sharp branch in the axil of a leaf (bract),
population reduction. as in Pinaceae.
over-representation. representación ovum (pl. ova). huevo. A non-
de sobre. In palynology, an abun- motile female gamete.
dance of highly local pollen which oxalic acid. ácido oxálico. A dibasic
may hide the overall pattern of acid occurring in many plants.
changes in the regional pollen-rain oxalacetic acid. ácido oxalacético.
record, e.g. pollen from bog plants A dicarboxylic acid which serves
oxidant 287 ozonosphere
as an important intermediate in the an atom or ion; dehydrogenate; also
citric acid cycle, by condensing to remove an electron from an atom
to form citric acid and coenzyme or molecule.
A, thereby initiating the cycle. oxidoreductase. oxidoreductasa. An
oxidant. oxidante. A substance that enzyme that speeds the oxidation-
oxidizes or causes another substance reduction reaction.
to oxidize. oxodium. oxodio. A humus marsh
oxidase. oxidasa. An enzyme that formation.
speeds the oxidation of a substrate oxy-. oxi-. A Greek prefix that means,
using molecular oxygen as an elec- “sharp”.
tron acceptor. Several may be in- oxychromatin. oxicromatina. A form
volved in oxidizing a substrate to of chromatin which lightly stains
its final form. and contains little nucleic acid.
oxidation. oxidación. The removal oxygen. oxígeno. A chemical element
of hydrogen from a compound or with the symbol of O; a colorless,
the loss of electrons from an atom odorless, and tasteless gas which
or molecule; often, hydrogen is also is the by-product of photosynthesis.
transferred along with the electron oxygen cycle. ciclo de oxígeno. A
or electrons. cyclic movement of oxygen in vari-
ß-oxidation. ß-oxidación. An oxida- ous chemical forms from the en-
tion which occurs between No. 2 vironment, to organisms, and then
and No. 3 carbon atoms to form a back to the environment.
double bond. oxygen debt. débito de oxígeno. Oxy-
oxidation–reduction. reducción- gen consumed in excess of normal
oxid-ación. A chemical reaction amounts, or when an organism, or
involving the transfer of electrons part of an organism, has been re-
from one atom or ion to another spiring with an inadequate oxygen
atom or ion. supply.
oxidative decarboxylation. descarbox- oxytaxis. oxitaxis. A response or re-
ilación oxidativa. Oxidation by the action of an organism to an oxy-
removal of carbon dioxide. gen stimulus.
oxidative phosphorylation. fosforilac- oxylophyte. oxilófito. A plant that
ión oxidativa. The process in cell thrives on acidic soil.
metabolism by which the mitochon- ozone layer. capa del ozona. A layer
dria oxidizes organic molecules and of gaseous ozone in the stratosphere
stores the energy of respiration; with that protect life on earth by filter-
the release of energy through a series ing out harmful ultraviolet radia-
of cytochromes; three molecules of tion from the sun; ozonosphere.
ATP are made; also, the formation ozone. ozona. A molecular form of
fo ATP from DPNH and oxygen, oxygen.
or TPNH and oxygen. ozonosphere. ozonósfera. See ozone
oxidize. oxidar. To unite with oxy- layer.
gen; also, to remove electrons from
P 288 pal(a)eospecies

P. P. The symbol for the chemical active when they come together,
element phosphorus. and passive when they stay together
pachy-. paqui-. A Greek prefix that during the first metaphase; synapsis.
means, “thick”. paleo-. paleo-. A Greek prefix that
pachycarpous. paquicarpo. crasi- means, “old”.
carpo. Having a thick pericarp. pal(a)eobotany. paleobotánica. The
pachycaulous. paquicaule. crasicaule. study of fossil plants.
Having a short, thick stem, as the pal(a)eoclimnology. pal(a)eoclimno-
succulent stems on some cacti logía. The study of the history and
(Cactaceae). development of freshwater ecosys-
pachycladous. paquiclado. crasiclado. tems, with particular interest in
Having thick branches. lakes.
pachynema. paquínemo. Pachytene. pal(a)eoecology. pal(a)eoecología.
pachyphyllous. paquífilo. Having thick The study of the relationship of
leaves. living things to the environment
pachypleurous. paquípleuro. Thick- and each other in ancient times;
walled. the ecology of prehistoric life.
pachytene. paquíteno. paquiteno. The pal(a)eoflora. pal(a)eoflora. The fossil
third stage of the prophase of meio- flora of a geological period or spe-
sis when the homologous chromo- cific formation.
somes thicken and four chromatids pal(a)eola. pal(a)eola. Very small
become apparent. The five stages palea; having small, membranous
of prophase are: leptotene, zygo- scales, as in the inflorescence of
tene, the pachytene, the diplotene, grasses (Poaceae). See lodicule.
and diakinesis. pal(a)eolae. pal(a)eolae. Plural of
packing cell. célula de relleno. An pal(a)eola.
individual parenchymatous cell. pal(a)eolate. pal(a)eolado. Having a
p(a)edogenesis. pedogénesis. paido- lodicule.
génesis. Markedly precocious flow- pal(a)eomorphic. pal(a)eomorfo.
ering. Without symmetry, as paleomorphic
pagina. pagina. Refers to the surface, flowers. See amorphous.
as of a leaf ; also, the thallus of a pal(a)eontology. pal(a)eontología. The
lichen; lamina. science that studies pre-historic life
paired. pareado. yugado. Coupled, forms represented by fossils, in-
as paired leaves, occurring oppo- cluding plants.
site each other. pal(a)eophytology. pal(a)eofitología.
pairing of chromosomes. apareamiento See pal(a)eobotany.
de cromasomas. It is said to be pal(a)eospecies. pal(a)eoespecie. A
pal(a)eotropical 289 palmate-pinnate
group of organisms known from Any of the cells that compose the
fossils, which differ in some re- palisade layer; also, one of the ter-
spects from all other known organ- minal cells of the hyphae forming
isms. the cortex of a lichen thallus.
pal(a)eotropical. pal(a)eotropical. Be- palisade fungi. micófitas en empaliz-
longing or in reference to the tropi- ada. Basidiomycetae.
cal and subtropical regions of the palisade layer. estrato en empalizada.
Eastern Hemisphere. In a leaf or thallus, a layer of elon-
Palade’s granules. granos de Palade. gated cells between the upper and
See ribosome. lower epidermis that contains many
palate. paladar. The convex base on chloroplasts and is involved in pho-
the lower lip of the corolla which tosynthesis; found in dicots, but
partially or in some species, com- not in monocots.
pletely closes the throat. palisade mesophyll. mesófil en empa-
palea. pálea. One of the bracts at lizada See palisade layer.
the base of each floret in many palisade stereide. stereida en empal-
composite flowers; also, one of the izada. A rod-shaped cell found in
two inner bracts (lemma and palea) the testa of a seed. It is thick-walled,
enclosing the stamens and pistils elongated, and lies at a right an-
in the flowers of grasses (Poaceae); gle to the surface of the seed.
also, the scales on the stems of some palisade tissue. tejído en empalizada.
ferns (Filicopsida). One or more layers of palisade cells
paleaceous. palaeáceo. Having or re- beneath the epidermis of a leaf.
sembling palea; having chaff y palisade parenchyma. parénquima en
scales. empalizada. See palisade layer.
paleo-. paleo-. A prefix that means, pallens. pallens. Latin meaning “pale
“ancient” or “prehistoric”. colored”.
paleoa. paleoa. Lodicule. pallescent. palescente. Becoming
paleobotanical. paleobotánico. Having lighter in color with age.
to do with paleobotany. pallid. pálido. Light-colored.
paleobotany. paleobotánica. A branch palm. palma. palmera. Any of a
of botany or paleontology which group of tropical or subtropical
focuses on plant fossils. trees included in the family of
paleochronology. paleocronología. Arecaceae or Palmae.
The dating of fossil organisms by palmate. palmado. Radiating lobes
counting the ridges on fossil shells (5–7), veins, or leaves emerging
and corals. from a common center, as fingers
paliform. paliforma. Having the form on a hand.
of a stake. palmately compound leaf. palmati-
palingenesis. palingénesis. In the em- compuesta. hoja palmado com-
bryonic stage, the development of puesta. Leaflets emerging from one
characteristics which repeats with- point at the end of a petiole.
out change, ancestral characteris- palmate-pinnate. palmado-pinnado.
tics. With the first order of leaflets
palisade cell. célula en empalizada. palmately arranged and the second
palmatifid 290 papain
order pinnately arranged. ber of particles (pangenes) derived
palmatifid. palmatífido. Cut or lobed from all parts of the body tissues
palmately. and variably affected by variation
palmatiform. palmatiforme. Having in the environment.
a palmate shape. panicle. panícula. A branching, com-
palmatisect. palmatisecto. Palmate pound raceme inflorescence with
with the cleft almost to the base. flowers growing from pedicles.
palmella. palmela. The zooglea stage panicoid. panicoide. Having flowers
of bacteria, when forming a jelly- that are borne on pedicles.
like mass. paniculate. paniculado. Having flow-
palmelloid. palmeloide. An algal colony ers that grow from panicles.
made up of an indefinite number paniculiform. paniculiforme. Having
of nonmotile cells in a gelatinous the appearance of a branching in-
or mucilaginous matrix. florescence but not necessarily the
palmitic acid. ácido palmítico. A crys- structure of a true panicle.
talline acid which is solid at room panmixes. panmixes. panmixia. Un-
temperatures; a glyceride in palm restricted, random mating.
oil (Palmae) and in most solid fats. panniform. paniform. Having the ap-
paludal. palúdico. pantanoso. Of or pearance of felt.
pertaining to a marsh; marshy. pannose. afelpado. Covered with a
paludicolous. paludícolo. Living in layer of trichomes giving the ap-
ponds, streams, and marshes. pearance or texture of wool, mat-
paludification. empantanamiento. The ted, and felt-like.
transformation into a swamp. pannosus. pannosus. Latin meaning
palustrine. paludícola. Growing in wet “panniform”.
areas, such as in marshes or panphotometric. panfotométrico. Said
swamps. of a narrow leaf which stands nearly
palynology. palinología. The study or quite erect.
of spores and pollen, especially in panto-. panto-. A Greek prefix that
fossils. means, “all”.
pampinody. pampinodia. The change pantophase. pantófago. An organ-
of leaves, or parts of leaves into ism that feeds on both plants and
tendrils. animals; omnivore.
pandurate. pandurado. Shaped like pantothenic acid. ácido pantoténico.
a violin; violin-shaped, as some A vitamin B, synthesized by green
leaves. See panduriform. plants and microorganisms, that
panduriform. panduriforme. Obovate forms a part of the metabolic com-
shaped leaves with an indentation pound coenzyme A. It is needed
on each side near the base and with for the growth of yeasts and some
two small basal lobes. See pand- bacteria.
urate. pantropical. pantropical. Plants com-
pangenesis. pangénesis. The theory mon to the tropics or found in most
that the heredity of organisms is tropical environments.
determined by the summation of papain. papaina. An enzyme (or group
influences from an indefinite num- of enzymes) found in the leaves and
paper-like 291 paramylum
unripe fruit of paw-paw (papaya) parabolic. parabólico. Having a broad
Carica papaya. In neutral solution, base and gradually narrowing by
it hydrolyses proteins to poly- curved sides to a blunt point.
peptides. paracentric inversion. inversión para-
paper-like. cartáceo. Having the tex- céntrico. An inversion that does
ture, feel, or consistency of paper. not include the centromere.
papery. papiráceo. Having the thin- paracorolla. paracorola. Corona.
ness or feel of paper. paradesmose. paradesmosa. A small
papilionaceous. papilionácea. Refers transverse fibril of stainable ma-
to an irregular corolla with a large terial which connects the belepharo-
posterior petal (banner-like), two plasts at the base of the flagella
lateral petals (wing-like), and usu- of some Chlorophyta.
ally two lower petals (keel-like), paraffinic acid. ácido parafinico. One
as in the Fabaceae; said of flow- of the acids in humus.
ers that look like butterflies. paragynous. paragino. Said of anth-
papilla (pl. papillae). papila. A tiny eridium which is applied to the side
protruding cell or nipple-like pro- of an oogonium.
jection, especially on the surface parallel. paralelo. Lines or planes
of many flower petals. equidistantly extending alongside
papillate. papiloso. Having papilla. one another, as with the surface pat-
papillose. papiloso. Having very small terns of some leaf veins.
papillae or short protuberances. parallel evolution. evolución paralela.
pappose. comoso. paposo. Covered The manner of derivation of struc-
with a pappus or a downy chaff, ture which are similar, but occur
as dandelion (Taraxacum) seeds. on plants not descended from an
pappus. vilano. papo. A ring of fine, obvious common ancestor.
sometimes feathery hairs, devel- parallel venation. nervadura paralela.
oped from the calyx, and cover- Venation in which the major veins
ing the fruit. It acts as a parachute are more or less parallel to one
and aids in wind dispersal; also, another; characteristic of monocot
having bristles, scales or awns at leaves.
the apex of the achene in the ca- parallelodromous. paralelinervio.
lyx of an (Asteraceae); a downy paralelódromo. Refers to leaves
chaff. with the main veins parallel to the
papular. papular. Covered with or leaf axis or to other veins parallel
pertaining to papillae or pimples. to each other.
papyraceous. papiráceo. Papery in parallelotropic. paralelotrópico. Said
texture. See papery. of a plant member set along the
para-. para-. A Greek prefix that direction of a stimulus.
means, “near” or “beside”. parameter. parámetro. A quantity
para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). ácido necessary for the specification of
par(a)aminobenzoico. A yellow, a population.
crystalline acid, a component of the paramylum. paramilo. A starch-like
vitamin B complex in yeast and food found in the chloroplast of
bran. some single-celled organisms, e.g.
paranema 292 parent
Euglenophyta. parasporangium. parasporangio. A
paranema. paranema. A sterile hair. sporangium containing paraspores.
parapatric. parapatrico. Describes paraspore. paraspora. A spore pro-
species whose habitats are sepa- duced on the tetrasporophyte of
rate but adjoining. some Rhodophyta. They are likely
parapatric speciation. especiación to be diploid and always germinate
parapatrico. A rapid speciation that to produce a new tetrasporophyte.
occurs in some small breeding parastichies. parásticos. A spiral line
populations that are not completely passing once around a stem through
isolated genetically or geographi- the bases of successive leaves.
cally; stasipatric speciation. parasymbiosis. parasimbiosis. The
paraphototropic. parafototrópico. condition when two organisms grow
Diaphototropic. together without assisting or harm-
paraphyllum. paráfilo. A leaf-like or ing one another.
filamentous appendage near a “leaf” parasyndesis. parasíndesis. The side-
in mosses (Musci), but they are not by-side association of a pair of
in any specific position. chromosomes, as in zygotene and
paraphysis. paráfisis. Erect, sterile pachytene; parasynapsis.
filaments occurring in the repro- parathecium. paratecio. A layer of
ductive organs of some ferns (Fili- hyphae around the apothecium of
copsida), mosses (Musci), and fungi a lichen or Discomycete.
(Fungi). paratonic. paratónico. Said of a plant
paraphysoid. parafisoide. A plate of movement induced by external
cells occurring between the asci in stimulus.
some ascomycetes. paratracheal. paratraqueal. Said of
paraplasm. paraplasma. The inac- xylem parenchyma which occurs
tive vegetative part of the proto- at the edge of the annual ring,
plasm. around the vessels, but nowhere
paraplectenchyma. paraplecténquima. else.
Pseudoparenchyma. paratype. paratipo. A specimen, other
parasite. parasito. An organism that than the type specimen, that is used
lives on or in another organism, by a botanist at the time of the origi-
obtaining some or all of its nutri- nal description, and designated as
tional needs from the host. such; allotype.
parasitic castration. castración pará- parenchyma. paréquima. Thin-walled,
sita. The condition when a plant unspecialized, living cells with large
is uable to fruit due to the dam- vacuoles that are active in photo-
age of the reproductive organs by synthesis, storage, or secretion;
a parasite. most of the soft tissue of leaves,
parasitic plant. planta parásita. A plant the pulp of fruits, or the pith of
that lives on another plant, obtaining stems is parenchyma.
nutrition from the host, and lives parenchymatous. parequimato. Per-
at the host’s detriment, as mistle- taining to or having the nature of
toe (Loranthaceae) on oak trees parenchyma.
(Quercus). parent. planta promogenitor. planta
parent material 293 partially permeable
madre. A plant, organism, or cell development of fruit without seeds
that produces an offspring. or fertilization.
parent material. roca madre. The ma- parthenogenesis. partenogénesis. In
terial form which a soil is formed many angiosperms, the development
by physical and chemical weath- of one of the sexual cells without
ering. previous fusion with a cell of the
parental generation. generación pa- opposite sex, often referred to as
terna. The generation composed “beginning without fertilization”;
of the immediate parents of the filial the development of an embryo from
generation. a gamete without gametic union.
parichinos. parimarca. parichinos. See thelytoky.
In certain lower vascular plants, parthenogenetic. partenogénetico. Re-
a pair of scars, one on each side production by the formation of egg
of the leaf base; each scar marks cells capable of development with-
the end of a strand of parenchyma out fertilization; exhibiting parthe-
passing into the stem. nogenesis.
parietal. parietal. Connected with parthenospore. partenóspora. Azygo-
cells (as ovules) or attached to the spore.
inner wall of hollow organs, as an parthenote. partenodo. An individual
ovary. developed from an egg containing
parietal placentation. placentación pa- only one nucleus which is haploid.
rietal. Having ovules attached to partial. parcial. Secondary; subsidiary;
the walls of a unilocular syncarpous not complete.
ovary; ovule attachment. partial dominance. dominancia incom-
paripinnate. paripinnado. Even-pin- pleta. A type of incomplete domi-
nate with no terminal leaflet. nance with the heterozygote resem-
paroicous. paroico. Said of the bling one homozygote more than
Bryophyta in which the antheridia the other; semi-dominance.
and archegonia occur on the same partial habitat. hábitat parcial. The
branches but are not mixed, the habitat occupied by a plant dur-
antheridia being lower on the stem ing one stage in its life cycle.
than the archegonia. partial parasite. parásito parcial. A
part. parte. A portion of a plant, as plant that has some power of pho-
stamens and pistils are floral parts. tosynthesis, but obtains from a host
parted. partido. Leaves that are deeply some material, mainly mineral salts
cleft, usually one half to three and water.
fourths distance to the base or partial umbel. umbela parcial. One
midvein. of the smaller groups of flowers
parthenoapogamy. partenoapogamia. which altogether make-up a com-
The fusion of vegetative nuclei. pound umbel.
parthenocarpic. partenocarpico. De- partial veil. velo parcial. A mem-
veloping fruits from unfertilized brane joining the edge of the pi-
ovaries; the resulting fruit is usu- leus to the stipe in the immature
ally without seeds. fruit bodies of some agarics.
parthenocarpy. partenocarpia. The partially permeable. permeable
particulate inheritance 294 pea-shaped
parcialmente. Denotes a membrane patchy. parchada. Forming or char-
that only allows passage of solvent acterized by patches.
molecules; semi-permeable. patella. patela. A structure with the
particulate inheritance. herencia mend- shape of a shallow pan, as the spore-
eliana. Inheritance occurring in bearing part of some lichens; a ses-
one individual of distinctive char- sile apothecium with a distinct
acteristics from both parents. margin.
partim. partim. Latin meaning “partly”. patelliform. pateliforme. Having the
partition. partición. A wall dividing shape of a knee-cap, shallow pan,
the loculi of a syncarpous ovary. or disk.
See septum. patent. patente. Horizontal spread-
part spore. parte espora. One of the ing, as the branches of a tree; di-
one-celled spores resulting from the vergent; divaricate.
breaking up of a two-or-more-celled pathfinder. explorador. Honey-guide.
ascospore. pathogen. patógeno. Any agent
parvi-. parvi-. A Latin prefix that capable of producing a disease,
means, “small”. especially a living organism.
parviflorus. parviflorus. Latin mean- pathogenic. patogénico. Producing
ing “small-flowered”. or causing a disease.
parvifoliate. parvifoliado. Having pathology. patología. The study of
leaves which are small in relaiton diseases, their effects on plants or
to the size of the stem. animals, and their treatment.
passage cell. célula de paso. The thin- patroclinal. patroclino. Exhibiting
walled cell of the endodermis of the characteristics of the male parent
a root, found opposite the proto- more prominently than those of the
xylem element, through which so- female parent.
lutions can diffuse in a transverse patromorphic. patromorfo. Resem-
direction. bling the male parent.
passive absorption. absorción pasivo. patulous. patulo. Spreading apart,
The accumulation of a substance as a patulous calyx or bearing flow-
inside a cell by physical processes. ers loosely, as a peduncle.
passive transport. transporte pasivo. pauci-. pauci-. A Latin prefix that
The movement of a substance means, “few”.
across a cell membrane without any pauciflorous. paucifloro. Having few
direct energy outlay. flowers.
pasture. potrero. An area with grasses pauciflorus. pauciflorus. Latin mean-
or similar herbage, usually im- ing “few-flowered”.
proved; where animals are grazed. pauciwhorls. pauciverticilo. Having
patch (pl. patches). parche. Grow- few whorls.
ing in small, isolated spots; also, PCB. PCB. See polychlorinated
leaves that have zones of differ- biphenyls.
ing colors. pear-shaped. piriforme. Resembling
patchily. con parches. Growing only a pear (Pyrus) in shape; pyriform.
in localized or isolated areas rather pea-shaped. pisiforme. Resembling
than plentifully. a pea (Pisum) in shape.
peat 295 pedology
peat. turba. A somewhat heavy, spaced, like the teeth of a comb;
unconsolidated soil of semicar- comb-like.
bonized, only partially decomposed pedate. pedato. A leaf divided in a
vegetable matter due to the lack fan-like or palmate manner with the
of oxygen, i.e. waterlogging, which lower two lateral lobes sometimes
does not allow the bacteria to live redivided into smaller segments.
which produces decomposition, pedicel. pedicelo. The main stalk of
such as in sphagnum moss (Musci). a single flower.
peat bog. turbera de esfagnales. An pedicellate. pedicelado. Having a
area of wet, spongy ground in which pedicle(s), as pedicellate flowers.
peat has formed and accumulated pedicle. pediculo. A small, second-
through a partial decomposition of ary stalk, supporting a single flower
mosses (Musci), sedges, trees, and when there are several attached to
other organisms; bog. a peduncle in a branching inflo-
peat moss. musgo de turba. musgo rescence.
de pantano. The common name pediculate. pediculado. Supported
for a relatively sterile, inert me- by a pedicle, as a pediculate flower.
dium consisting of partially decayed pedafid. pedafido. Having the lamina
plants of the genus Sphagnum deeply cut in a pedate manner.
(Musci). pedicel. pedicelo. A small stalk; also,
pectic substances. sustancia péctica. the stalk of an individual flower
Compounds composed primarily of in an inflorescence.
polysaccharid acids found in the pedicle cell. célula pediculo. A large
cell walls of unlignified tissue. They basi-central cell in the globule of
are soluble in water and form gels the Charales. It bears all the other
under certain conditions: A = ara- structures of the globule which
binose; GA = galacturonic acid; developed in a division of a cell
G = galactose; MGA = methyl- at its apex.
ated galacturonic acid. pedicellate. pedicelado. Said of a
pectic sheath. vaina péctica. A layer flower or fruit having a stalk; also,
of pecose formed on the ouside of having a stalk.
the cellulose cell wall of the Chloro- pedigree. pedigree. registro geneal-
phyta. ógico. A table of ancestry.
pectin. pectina. A group of water pedogamy. pedogamia. Pseudomixis
soluble substances related to car- between young or immature organ-
bohydrates; when combined with isms.
alcohol and sugar, they form a jelly pedogenesis. pedeogénesis. Repro-
which occurs in the rind of citrus duction in young or immature or-
and other fruits. ganisms; also, the natural process
pectinase. pectinasa. An enzyme, pro- of soil formation, including sup-
duced by many parasitic fungi, plementary processes as humific-
which destroys the pectin of the ation, weathering, leaching, and cal-
middle lamella of cell walls. cification.
pectinate. pectinado. Pinnatifid leaves pedology. pedología. The study of
with closely set segments, regularly soils; soil science.
peduncle 296 pentacoccous
peduncle. pedúnculo. The main stalk structure, as a leaf or fungus, at-
of a flower cluster; also, in some tached to a stalk at the center of
fungi, the stalk bearing the repro- the lower surface; scutiform.
ductive structure. peltatífid. peltatífido. Peltate and di-
pedunculate. pedunculado. Having vided into sections.
or growing on a peduncle. peltiform. peltiforme. Shield-shaped,
peg. estipite. A ridge or line going or rounded as peltiform venation.
down a stem below the point of at- pendent. pendiente. péndulo. Nod-
tachment of a decurrent leaf, as on ding.
some thistles or conifers (Coni- pendulous. colgante. Hanging loosely
fer-ales); also, an outgrowth from or swinging; also, said of an ovule
the hypocotyl of seedllings of some which is suspended from a point
Cucurbitaceae, which plays some at or near the top of the ovary.
part in assisting the seedling to penetrance (genetic). penetranción
emerge from the testa; also, the (génica). The percentage of indi-
spore-supporting filament in a fun- viduals of a specific genotype that
gus; sterigma. express an expected phenotype.
peg-like. estipitiforme. Having the penicil. penicil. A tuft of hair, as on
appearance of a peg. an artist’s paintbrush.
pelagic. pelágico. Pertaining to the penicillate. penicilado. Having or form-
ocean. ing a small tuft or tufts of hairs;
pelagium. pelágio. A surface sea for- brush-shaped.
mation. penicillic acid. ácido penicilínico. An
pelargonidin. pelargonidina. A red antibiotic produced by Penicilium
anthocyanidin pigment. puberlum and P. cycloplum.
pellicle. películo. The outer layer of penicillin. peniclina. An anitibiotic
the upper surface of a pileus, when produced by strains of Penicillium
it can be stripped off as a delicate notatum and P. chrysogenum.
membrane; also, of bacteria, a penicilliopsin. penicilliopsina. A yel-
growth on the surface of a liquid low pigment produced by Penicill-
culture. iopsis clavarilformis.
pellucid. pelúcido. Translucent or trans- penicilliform. penicilado. Penicillate.
parent, admitting the passage of penni-. penni-. A prefix that means,
light. “feather-like”.
pelophile. pelófilo. A plant which penniform. penniforme. Having the
occurs in clayey soil. shape or form of a feather.
peloria. peloria. In flowers which are penninerved. penninervado. pinnati-
normally irregular or unsymmet- nervio. Pinnately nerved or veined
rical, the bearing of regular or sym- leaves; leaf veins arranged like a
metrical flowers; flowers most often feather.
subject to peloria are those near- penta-. penta-. A Greek prefix that
est to the stem. means, “five”.
peloton. pelotón. A type of endophytic pentacarpellary. pentacarpelar. Hav-
mycorrhiza. ing five carpels.
peltate. peltado. Shield-shaped; a flat pentacoccous. pentacocco. Having or
pentacyclic 297 perennating bud
containing five seeds; also, hav- glucose-6-phosphate + 2 triose
ing five united cells with one seed phosphate + 12 NADPH (2).
in each cell. NADPH (2) is only oxidized in the
pentacyclic. pentaciclico. Having five presence of oxygen and the cycle
whorls or whorls of five parts each. does not occur anaerobically.
pentadactylous. pentadactilo. Divided peonidin. peonidina. A magenta colored
into five finger-like parts. anthoxanthin pigment.
pentadelphous. pentadelfo. Having pepo. pepónida. A group of many-
stamens arranged in groups of five seeded, fleshy fruits with leathery,
or in five clusters. non-septate rinds, such as melons,
pentagonal. pentagonal. Having five gourds, or cucumbers (Cumcurbit-
angles with convex surfaces be- aceae). It is a particular type of
tween them. berry.
pentagynous. pentágino. Having five peptide. péptido. A compound of two
pistils or styles. or more amino acids with the car-
pentamerous. pentámero. Having five boxyl group of one amino linked
parts or divisions in each whorl; by the peptide bonds of another
sometimes written as 5-merous. amino group.
pentandrous. pentandro. Having five peptide bond. vinculo peptideo. A
stamens. chemical connection formed by the
pentapetalous. pentapétalalo. Hav- removal of water from two adja-
ing five petals. cent molecules of amino acid.
pentaploid. pentaploide. Having five peptone. peptono. One of the first
times the haploid number chromo- derivatives of the digestion of pro-
somes characteristic of the species; tein.
having five complete sets of chro- per-. per-. A Latin prefix that means,
mosomes. “through”.
pentasepalous. pentasépalo. Having perception. percepción. The first
five sepals. changes to occur when a plant is
pentosan. pentosana. Any of a group stimulated.
of sugars which form pentoses in percolation. percolación. A gravity
hydrolysis; xylan. induced movement of water down
pentose. pentosa. A class of mono- through soil.
saccharides containing five atoms percurrent. percurrente. Extending
of carbon. the entire length, as with the midrib
pentose-phosphate cycle. ciclo pentosa- of a leaf extending from the mar-
fosfato. An oxidation cycle similar gin to the apex.
to the citric acid cycle. This cycle perennate. perennado. To last or live
results from the oxidation of glu- through a number of years, as a
cose-6-phosphate by oxidized perennial plant.
NADP, with the formation of perennation. perennidad. Living from
pentose phosphates and the release season to seaon, generally with a
of carbon dioxide. Some glucose- period of reduced activity between
6- phosphate is reformed to: 6-glu- each season.
cose-6-phosphate +12 NADP = 4- perennating bud. yema invernante.
perennating organ 298 perichaetium
The bulb or seed by which bien- peri-. peri-. A Latin and Greek pre-
nial and perennial plants survive fix that means, “around” or “en-
periods of unfavorable conditions circling”.
(winter cold) when the aerial parts perianth. perianto. The flower enve-
die back and food for next year ’s lope usually containing the greenish
growth is stored in an underground calyx and the colorful corolla; also,
organ. in liverwort, the tube-like sheath
perennating organ. órgano invernante. surrounding the archegonium.
See perennating bud. periblem. periblema. At the end of
perennial. perenne. A plant with un- stems and roots, the layer of
derground parts that lives for two meristem between the dematogen
or more seasons, and after an ini- and plerome, from which the cortex
tial period produces flowers annu- develops.
ally; a plant that grows from the pericambium. pericámbio. Pericycle.
root each year, and does not need pericarp. pericarpio. pericarpo. The
to be replanted. walls of a ripened fruit of a flow-
perfect. perfecta. Said of the stage ering plant; also, a structure that
in the life cycle of a fungus which holds the spores of some algae, such
produces spores by sexual fusion; as red algae; also, the body of a
also, said of a flower which has fruit developed from the ovary wall
functional anthers and ovules. and enclosing the seeds; also, the
perfect flower. flor perfecta. A flower layer of vegetative tissue cover-
having both stamens (male) and ing a friut body, as in some fungi.
pistils (female) reproductive organs; pericentral cell. célula pericentral.
also, indicates the stage in the life A cell cut off in a radial plane which
cycle when a fungus produces occurs in the thalli of some
sexual spores; monoclinous. Rhodophyta.
perfoliate. perfoliado. A leaf with a pericentral siphon. sífon pericentral.
base that completely surrounds the One of the tubular elements sur-
stem, giving the appearance of the rounding the central siphon in the
stem passing through the leaf. thallus of some Rhodophyta.
perforated. perforado. With holes. pericentric inversion. inversión peri-
perforation. perforación. Having many céntrico. The reversal of one seg-
holes or rows of holes, as in a sieve ment of a chromosome that involves
cell; also, an interruption in the the centromere.
continuity of a stele, not due to a perichaetial bract. bráctea pericaetial.
leaf gap. One of the “leaves” composing the
pergamentaceous. apergaminado. perichaetium in a moss (Musci).
Having the texture or feel of parch- perichaetium. pericaetio. A cup-like
ment. sheath enclosing the archegonia in
pergelic. pergelico. Soils of the tem- some liverworts; also, the group
perate regions and occurring in the of “leaves” enclosing the sex or-
lowest soil-temperature classes for gans of some mosses. They are
family groupings of the USDA Soil closely packed and different in
Taxonomy system; thermic. structure from the normal “leaves”.
pericladial 299 perine
pericladial. pericládico. Having a the gleba having a separate wall
sheathing base, as in the Apiaceae. and frequently acting as a unit of
periclinal. periclinal. A flower sur- distribution, especially in the
rounded by bracts. See involucre. Nidulariaceae.
perichylous. períciloso. Having wa- perdium. perdio. The outer wall of
ter storing tissue surrounding the the fruit body of a fungus when it
chlorophyll-containing tissue. is constructed of sterile tissue and
periclinal. periclinal. Said of cell organized as a distinct layer.
walls running parallel to the sur- perigamium. perigamio. Part of a re-
face of the plant; also, curved in duced branchlet containing the
the direction of or parallel to the achegonia of some mosses (Musci).
surface of a plant organ. perigone. perigonio. The structure
periclinal chim(a)era. quimera peri- that encloses the reproductive or-
clinal. A chimaera in which the gans, as the perianth in angiosperms
distinct tissues are arranged con- or bracts in mosses (Musci); also,
centrically. a perianth which is not clearly dif-
pericycle. periciclo. A thin layer of ferentiated into calyx and corolla.
living tissue that lies between the perigonial bract. bráctea perigonial.
endodermis and the phloem, con- One “leaf” of the perigonium in
sisting mainly of parenchyma, where mosses.
the lateral roots originate. perigonium. perigonio. A group of
pericyclic fiber. fibra pericíclica. A “leaves” often forming a flat ro-
strand of sclerenchyma in the sette around the base of the group
pericycle. of antheridia in mosses.
periderm. periderm. The cork lay- perigynium. periginio. A sac-like bract
ers and cork-producing tissue of that surrounds the pistil, as in
stems; also, a secondary protective Carex or in some sedges; also, a
tissue formed in secondarily thick- disk or cup-shaped receptacle that
ened stems and roots, consisting surrounds the pistil.
of the phellogen (cork cambium), perigynous. perigino. Stamens, se-
phellem (cork), and phelloderm pals or petals located on the edge,
(secondary cortex); also, the outer but not attached to a cup-shaped
membrane that surrounds the spores receptacle (hypanthium) surround-
in the fruit bodies of some fungi ing the pistil, as perigynous sta-
and slime molds. mens, sepals, or petals. The recep-
peridermal. peridermal. Having to tacle remains distinct from the car-
do with the periderm. pels.
peridium. peridio. The outer enve- perigynum. perígino. The “leaves”
lope enclosing the sporophore of surrounding the group of arghegonia
some fungi. in mosses; also, a tublular sheath
peridinin. peridinina. An alcohol- surround the archegonia in liver-
soluble reddish pigment in the worts.
chromatophores of the Dion- perimedullary zone. zona perimedular.
phyceae. Medullary sheath.
peridiolum. peridíolo. A division of perine. perina. An outer covering
perinium 300 perithecium
of some fern spores, as the by the disintegration of the tape-
Equisetum, but with a different tum in sporangia of Pteridophyta
appearance than the exospore; and Phanerogamae. It helps in the
perispore. nutrition of the developing spores
perinium. perinio. The outer coat of and pollen grains.
the spore wall in certain liverworts periplast. periplasto. A cell wall or
(Hepaticae), developed from the cell membrane.
membrane of the special mother periplastic. periplastico. Of or oc-
cells; epispore. curring within a periplast.
periodicity. periodicidad. Rhythmic perisperm. perisperma. perispermo.
activity. A food storage tissue derived from
peripheral. periférico. On the outer the nucellus, occurring in plants
edge or surface. where the endosperm does not re-
peripheral cell. célula periférico. One place the nucellus completely.
of the derivatives from the divi- perispermous. perispermado. Hav-
sion of a periclinal cell in the ing food reserves in the perisperm,
tetrasporophytic generations of the derived from a diploid nucellus of
Ceramiales. the ovule.
peripheral cytoplasm. citoplasma perispore. perispora. The remains
periférico. The cytoplasm lining of the contents of the cells of the
the cell membrances. tapetum, forming a deposit on the
periperal initial. inicial periférico. outside of the walls of the spores
Peripheral cell. of ferns; also, perine; epispore.
periphery. periferia. The outside sur- peristomate. peristomado. Having a
face of a solid structure; also, the peristome.
total margin. peristome peristoma. The fringe or
periphyses. perifises. Short, thread- appendages around the mouth of
like filaments that line the open- the capsule or theca in mosses; the
ing of a perithecium in some fungi; fringe is sensitive to changes in
also, thread-like extensions at the humidity and facilitates the release
end of a hypha, forming with oth- of spores; also, a fringe of hyphae
ers, a pile-like lining in the ostiole around the opening of the fruit body
of a globose structure containing of some Gasteromycetes; also, a
reproductive organs. form of lip arising as an outgrowth
periplasm. periplasma. The area near in some Protophyta, which assists
or immediately within the cell wall; in the ingestion of solid food.
also, the plasma lying just within peristromium. peristromio. The bound-
the oogonial wall in some Oomyc- ing membrane of a chloro-plast.
etes, enclosing the egg cell and perithecium. peritecio. The fruiting
containing degenerating nuclei. It body of some ascomycetes and li-
contributes to the formation of the chens. They have an internal hym-
wall of the oosphere. enium of asci and paraphyses and
periplasmodium. periplasmodia. A with an apical pore (ostiole),
fluid enclosing developing micro- through which the ascospores are
spores; also, the material formed discharged.
peritrichous 301 personate
peritrichous. peritrico. Said of bac- permease. permeasa. One of a class
teria when there are flagella dis- of proteins that serve as carrier
tributed over the whole surface the molecules in cells, making possi-
cell. ble the active or passive transport
permafrost. permafrost. A layer of of a variety of substances across
subsoil that remains permanently membranes.
frozen; occurs throughout the arctic peronate. peronadio. Having a stipe
regions. covered by a thick, felted sheath,
permanent collenchyma. colénquima particulary at the base.
permanente. Functional collench- pernicious. pernicioso. Highly de-
yma found in the stems and peti- structive or deadly to the environ-
oles of herbaceous plants. ment.
permanent hybrid. híbrido perma- peroxidase. peroxidasa. An enzyme
nente. A hybrid which breeds true that speeds the oxidation of some
because some types of possible compounds by using hydrogen per-
offsprings are prevented from de- oxide as an electron acceptor to re-
veloping by the operation of lethal move the hydrogen.
factors. peroxisome. peroxisoma. A cellular
permanent tissue. tejido permanente. microbe containing enzymes in-
A tissue made of cells that have volved with photorespiration and
assumed a variety of shapes and photosynthesis.
sizes related to their functions as perpetual flowering. floración con-
they matured. tinua. The characteristic of pro-
permanent wilting. marchitez perma- ducing flowers continuously.
nente. Wilting from which a plant perpetual resource. recurso continua.
does not recover if placed in a satu- Resources that are essentially in-
rated atmosphere. exhaustible (from a human perspec-
permanent wilting point. punto de tive), as solar energy.
marchitez permanente. The soil perpusillus. perpusillus. Latin mean-
moisture content at the point when ing “very small”.
a specific plant’s roots can no longer perrumpent. perumpente. Breaking
absorb water. through.
permeability. permeabilidad. The ex- persistent. persistente. Pertains to
tent to which underground rock and parts that remain attached after
soil pores are interconnected and similar parts have been shed on
thus a measure of the capacity of completing their function, as per-
water to flow from one pore to an- sistent leaves or styles.
other; also, the extent to which persistent perianth. perianto persist-
molecules of a given kind can pass ente. A perianth which remains
through a membrane. unwithered and often enlarged
permeable. permeable. Giving pas- around the fruit.
sage or entrance freely; pervious. personate. personado. A single-petaled,
permeable soil. suelo permeable. Soil two-lipped flower with the upper
that allows a free passage of lip arched and the lower lip pro-
water and nutrients to vegetation. truding into the throat with a con-
perthecia 302 pH
spicuous projection emerging; petaly. petalia. The normal perianth
sometimes has a likeness to a mask structure of flowers with petals.
or face of an animal. petiolar. peciolar. Attached to or sup-
perthecia. pertecia. Plural of perith- ported by the petiole, as petiolar
ecium. buds or a petiolar sheath.
perthophyte. pertófita. A plant-para- petiolate. peciolado. Having a peti-
sitic fungus which lives on dead ole, as a petiolate leaf.
tissue in a living host. petiole. pecíolo. The thin stalk by
pertusate. pertusato. Perforated; also, which the leaf is attached to the
pierced by slits. stem; leafstalk.
perulate. perulado. Having scales or petiolulate. peciolulado. Having
a leaf bud. petiolule.
perule. perulo. A leaf bud or scales; petiolule. peciolulo. A small or re-
also, in some orchids, the sac in duced petiole (stalk) that attaches
the perianth. the leaflets to a compound leaf; a
pervious. permeable. Same as per- leaflet stalk.
meable. petraeus. petraeus. Latin meaning
petal. pétalo. One of the leaves, of- “growing on rocks”.
ten showy and colored, of a co- petrifaction. petrifación. A fossil
rolla or segments of an angiosperm- formed when plant parts are infil-
ous flower; attached just inside the trated by mineral substances so that
sepals. the structure is preserved but the
petalantherous. petalantero. Having fossil is actually rock.
a terminal anther and a clearly petrified. petrificado. Organic ma-
petaloid filament, as in Saxifraga. terials, such as plant or plant parts,
petaliferous. petaláceo. Having petals. which have turned into rock by the
petal-like. petaloide. See petaloid replacement of organic material with
and petalode. minerals.
petalode. petalodio. An organ which petrium. petrio. A rock formation.
resembles a petal, most often sta- petrodium. petrodio. A formation of
mens. boulders.
petalody. petalodia. The transfor- petrophilous. rupícola. Rock-loving;
mation of stamens into petals. used to describe plants that grow
petaloid. petaloide. Like a petal; petal- best in rocky environments.
like or having the color or texture petrophyte. planta rupestre. planta
of petals, as some modified, flat- rupícola. A rupicolous plant.
tened bracts or stamens without a pezizoid. pezizoide. Resembling a cup-
distinct anther or filament. shaped apothecium.
petalomania. petalomania. Abnor- PGA. AFG. Phosphorogyceric acid.
mal in the number of petals. pH (hydrogen ion concentration). pH
petalostemonous. petalostémono. (potencial de hidrógeno). The
Having filaments fused to the co- negative logarithm of the hydro-
rollas and the anthers free. gen ion concentration in grams per
petalous. petalo. Petaled or having liter; thus, pH7 is neutral, less than
petals. 7 is acid and more than 7 is alka-
pH 303 phellium
line. phagotrophic. fagotrófico. Obtain-
pH. pH. A numerical scale used to ing food by ingesting solid organic
measure the acidity or alkalinity particles.
of a solution in terms of the rela- phailide. failido. A one-cell, flask-
tive concentration of hydrogen ions like structure from the end of which
in the solution.The pH scale ranges conidia (phailospores) are abstr-
between pH 0 to pH 14; pH 6 to icted.
pH 0 are increasingly acid and pH phailospore. failospora. See phailide.
8 to pH 14 are increasingly alka- phalange. falange. Two or more sta-
line; most soils range between pH mens joined by their filaments.
3 and pH 10. phanero-. fanero-. A Greek prefix
phaenantherous. faenantéro. Having that means, “easily seen” or “vis-
protruding stamens. ible”.
phaenocarpous. faenócarpo. Having phanerocotylar. epigeo. A seedling
the carpel free from the other flo- with the emergent cotyledons usu-
ral parts. ally appearing above ground;
phaenogamous. faenógamo. Pertaining epigeous.
to flowering plants. phanerogam. fanerógamia. Flower-
phaenology. faeneología. The study ing, seed-producing plants with
of the periodic phenomena of veg- clearly developed pistils and sta-
etation. mens, that differ from the crypto-
phaeo-. faeo-. A prefix that means, gam algae, mosses, and ferns; the
“dark colored” or “swarthy”. term has generally been replaced
phaeophytin. faeofitina. A grayish with spermatophytes.
pigment in chlorophyll. phanerophyte. fanerófito. A peren-
phaeoplast. faeoplasto. The chromato- nial plant with buds high enough
phore in the Phaeophyceae. above ground to project freely into
phaeosporous. faeospora. Having dark the air; also, one of Raunkiaer ’s
colored, one-celled spores. life form categories of a plant with
phage. fago. A shortened form of bac- perennating buds or shoot apices
teriophage; bacteriophage. borne on aerial shoots occurring
phagocytosis. fagocitosis. The method in a moderate environment.
by which a cell membrane invagin- pharyngeal rod. abastonado faríngeo.
ates and encloses externally ob- One of a pair of rod-like organs
tained food within a vacuole, with- running along side the gullet of the
out disturbing the continuity of the Euglenales, supporting the dis-
cell surface. tended gullet.
phagotroph. fagótrofo. In its broad- phase. fase. One of the distinct stages
est usage, a heterotrophic organ- in meiosis or mitosis.
ism that feeds on living or dead phaseoliform. faseolíforme. Shaped
organic material, as some bacte- like a bean.
ria and fungi. In its narrow usage, phellem. felem. An outer layer of
the term applies mostly to animal cork cells of the periderm, formed
herbivores, carnivores, and detrit- by the phellogen.
ivores. phellium. felio. A rock-field forma-
phelloderm 304 phloem
tion. phenotypic. fenotípico. Caused or pro-
phelloderm. feloderma. A layer of duced by environmental factors.
parenchymatous cells, commonly phenotypic adaptation. adaptación
containing starch and sometimes fenotípico. A change that facili-
chlorophyll, formed in stems and tates fitting into different condi-
roots from the inner cells of cork tions.
cambium. It is considered by some, phenotypic variation. variación feno-
a secondary cortex. típico. A morphological or physi-
phellogen. felógeno. suberofelod- ological change produced by the
érmica. The secondary cambium action of different environments on
giving rise to cork tissue and in one or more genotypes.
some plants, internally to phello- phenylalanine. fenilalanina. An aro-
derm; also, a layer of meristematic matic, non-polar amino acid occur-
cells lying in the cortex of a stem ring in proteins.
or root, forming cork on its outer phenylpropane. fenilpropano. The
surface and phelloderm on the in- repetitive unit recurring in lignin.
side; cambium cork. pheromone. feromona. A substance
phellandrene. fellandrena. A terpene produced by an organism that fa-
found in Eycalyptus spp. cilitates chemical communication
phelloic. feloide. A crust of non-suber- with another organism.
ized or slightly suberized cells on phialid(e). fialide. A bottle-shaped
the surface of some plants, replacing sterigma.
true cork. phialiform. fialiforme. Having the
phenetic classification. clasificación shape of a saucer or cup.
fenetico. A taxonomic system of phialomeristem spore. espora fialom-
grouping plants based on overall eristema. Phialospore.
similarities regardless of their being phialopore. fialopora. A small hole
s y m p l e s i o m o r p h o u s . C o m p a re in the cynobium of the Volvocaceae,
phylogenetic classification. found at the posterior end.
phenocopy. fenocopia. An environ- philopatry. fidelidad. A tendency for
mentally induced phenotype that organisms to remain at the site
mimics the phenotype produced by where they were born or bred; site-
a specific genotype. attachment.
phenol. fenol. An aromatic compound -philous. –filo. A Greek suffix that
of one or more hydroxyl groups. means, “ loving” or “dwelling in”.
phenology. fenología. The study of phlobahene. flobáfeno. A yellow-
the timing of periodic phenomena brown substance occurring in cork
such a growth cessation, flower- cells from the decomposition of
ing, and growth initiation, espe- tannins.
cially seasonal changes in tempera- phloem. floema. The tissue in vas-
ture and amounts of available light. cular plants through which the sap,
phenotype. fenotipo. The external ap- containing dissolved food, passes
pearance of a plant resulting from downward to the stem and roots.
the interaction of its genotype and It is characterized by the presence
its environment. of sieve tubes and in some plants
phlem fiber 305 phosphorescence
companion cells, fibers, and pa- with a nitrogen-containing base
renchyma; bast. Compare xylem. through a molecule of orthophos-
phlem fiber. fibra floema. An ele- phoric acid. See phospholipid.
ment of sclerenchyma (or a strand phosphatidic acid. ácido fosfatídico.
of such elements) present in the An intermediary in a carrier mecha-
phloem, helping to support the sieve nism across a cell membrane,
tubes. formed from, and producing licethin
phloem island. isla floema. A patch in a cyclic membanism.
of phloem surrounded by second- phosphilipine. fosfilipina. Phosph-
ary wood. atide.
phloem parenchyma. parénquima phosphoenolpyruvic acid. ácido fosfo-
floema. The unspecialized cells enolpirúvico. A carbon dioxide
occurring in the phloem. acceptor during photosynthesis,
phloem ray. rayo floema. The part resulting in the production of pyru-
of a vascular ray that passes through vic acid and phosphate.
the phloem. phosphoglyceric acid (GPA). ácido
phloem sap. savia descendente. savia fosfoglicerico (AFG). The prod-
elaborado. The dissolved sub- uct formed from ribulose-diphos-
stances from the soil, chiefly min- phate by combination with carbon
eral salts and nutrients, previously dioxide during the dark phase of
stored in the roots and stem pass- photosynthesis. It is then reduced
ing through the xylem. by NADH (3). It is also an inter-
phobotaxis. fobotaxia. fobotactismo. mediate product in the anerobic res-
In motile microorganisms or cells, piration of hexosediphosphate to
a random change in locomotive pyruvic acid.
direction in response to a stimu- phospholipid. fosfolípido. A special-
lus. ized lipid molecule in which glyc-
phloeoterma. floeoterma. An endo- erol is attached to two fatty acids
dermis in which the radial walls plus a phosphate group; particu-
and the inner tangential walls are larly important in the functioning
heavily suberized. and structure of plant membranes;
phoeniceus. phoeniceus. Latin mean- phosphatide.
ing “scarlet”. phosphonucleotide. fosfononucleótido.
phoenocin. foenocina. A dye pro- A nucleotide combined with phos-
duced by some fungi. phoric acid.
-phore. -foro. A suffix that means, phosphoroglyceric acid. ácido fosforo-
“bears” or “carries”. glicérico. Phosphoglyceric acid.
phosphatase. fosfatasa. An enzyme phosphorescence. fosforescencia. The
that speeds reactions involving the process of emitting light without
hydrolysis of esters of phosphoric burning; also, light emitted as a
acid. result of the absorption of certain
phosphatide. fosfátido. A glycerol tri- rays, such as X-rays or ultravio-
ester resembling fats, but only two let rays which continue for some-
fatty acids are involved. The thrid time after exposure; biolumines-
glycerol –OH group is combined cence.
phosphorescent 306 photolithotroph
phosphorescent. fosforescente. Be- to sunlight.
ing luminous; exhibiting phospho- photoautotroph. fotoautótro. Plants
rescence. that obtain energy and nourishment
phosphoric acid. ácido fosfórico. A from light, as most blue-green al-
colorless, odorless acid containing gae; also, a phototroph that obtains
phosphorus, obtained by the de- most or all of its carbon from car-
composition of phosphates. bon dioxide.
phosphorus. fósforo. A chemical el- photoautotrophic. fotoautotrófico.
ement with the symbol P that is Able to use light energy in syn-
essential to plant development, thesizing protoplasm from inorganic
commonly obtained from phos- compounds.
phates in the soil. Plants deficient photobotany. fotobotánica. The branch
in phosphate may experience a re- of botany dealing with the effect
duction in growth, detectable by on plants of light or radiant en-
the leaves becoming dark green or ergy.
blue green. photochemical reaction. reacción
phosphorus cycle. fósfor ciclo. A cy- fotoquímico. A chemical change
clic movement of phosphorus in produced by light.
various chemical forms from the photodissociation. fotodisociación.
environment, to organisms and then The splitting of a molecule into
back to the environment. atoms or other molecules from ab-
phosphorylase. fosforilasa. An en- sorbing radiation.
zyme which catalyses the conver- photodynamic. fotodinámico. Per-
sion of glucose 1-phosphate to amy- taining to or involving toxic re-
lase, or, more commonly, it brings sponses to light, especially ultra-
about a combination with phos- violet light.
phoric acid. photogenic. fotogénico. Emitting light
phosphorylation. fosforilación. Con- or producing light; luminescent;
version into a phosphorus com- phosphorescent.
pound. Generally a combination photoheterotroph. fotoheterótrofo. A
with phosphoric acid but more spe- phototroph that used organic com-
cifically, the accumulation of en- pounds as its only or main source
ergy by ATP and the release of the of carbon.
energy by the back reaction to ADP. photoinhibition. fotoinhibición. The
See oxidative phosphorylation. slowing or stopping of plant proc-
phosphoserine. fosfoserina. The amino esses with light, as occurs in the
acid serine combined with phos- germination of seeds.
phoric acid. photokinesis. fotocinesis. In a mo-
photo-. foto-. A Greek prefix that tile organism or cell, the change
means, “light”. in locomotive speed in response
photic. fótic. Pertaining to light, to the intensity of the light.
especially as it affects or stimu- photolithotroph. fotolitotótrofo. A
lates plant growth. phototroph associated with the
photic zone. zona fótica. The area of oxidation of an inorganic com-
water where organisms are exposed pound, as green plants gaining en-
photolysis 307 photoreduction
ergy from sunlight by photosyn- ecule when exposed to light; some-
thesis during which water is oxi- times called bleaching.
dized to yield oxygen. photopathy. fotopatía. Negative pho-
photolysis. fotólisis. fotolisis. The totaxis.
grouping of the chloroplasts in photoperiod. fotoperíodo. The length
response to the amount of light of time each day a plant is exposed
falling on the plant; also, the de- to light with particular reference
composition or dis-association of to the effect on growth and devel-
a molecule as the result of the ab- opment.
sorption of light; this is brought photoperiodism. fotoperiodismo.
about by the destruction of an fotoperiodicidad. The induction
O–H bond by its excitation with of flowering and other vegetative
photons of light; also, the break- activities in response to relative
ing down of water with the use of lengths of day and night.
light during photosynthesis; it oc- photoperiod responsive. responsivo
curs in non-cyclic photophospho- al fotoperiodo. The response of
rylation; Hill reaction. a plant to the length of its daily
photomorphogenesis. fotomorfo- exposure to light as shown by
génesis. The effect of light in regu- changes in developmental proc-
lating plant development. esses.
photomorphosis. fotomorfosis. A photophilous. fotófilo. Flourishing in
change in the structure of a plant strong light, especially sunlight;
after exposure to strong light. said of plants that flourish in sun-
photon. fotón. An elementary parti- light.
cle of light; also, a discrete unit photophosphorylation. fotofosfori-
of light energy; also, quantum of lación. Phosphorylation induced
electromagnetic energy having both by the presence of radiant energy
particle and wave behavior; it has in the form of visible or nonvisible
no charge or mass but possesses light; the formation of ATP using
momentum: the energy of light, X the light energy in photosynthesis;
rays, gamma rays, etc. is carried also, the formation of ADP and ATP
by photons; light quantum. in the presence of inorganic phos-
photonasty. fotonastia. Response to phate during the light phase of pho-
a general, non-directional light tosynthesis.
stimulus, e.g. the opening and clos- photopositive. fotopositivo. Attracted
ing of flowers at night. to light; photophilous.
photonegative. fotonegativo. Plants photoreception. fotorecepción. The
that avoid light or prefer deep shade. detection and absorption of light
photo-organotroph. foto-organótrofo. by plant cells sensitive to radiant
A phototroph associated with the energy, a process essential to pho-
oxidation of organic compounds; tosynthesis and phototropism.
some photosynthetic bacteria are photo(re)ceptor. foto(rre)ceptor. A
photo-organotrophic. light-absorbing pigment used in
photooxidation. fotooxidación. A struc- developmental processes.
tural change that occurs in a mol- photoreduction. fotoreducción. Anaer-
photorespiration 308 phototropic
obic reduction in the presence of a leaf to the number of grams of
light by molecular hydrogen chlorophyll which that unit con-
photorespiration. fotorespiración. A tains.
light-activated respiration that photosynthetic quotient. coeficiente
occurs in the chloroplasts of some fotosintético. The volume of oxy-
plants. gen released in photosynthesis as
photosensitivity. fotosensibilidad. The a proportion of the volume of carbon
quality of being stimulated to dioxide used in the process.
action by light or other radiant en- photosynthetic unit. unidad foto-
ergy. sintético. In chloroplasts, 250 to
photostage. fotoéstato. The stage in 400 pigment molecules group to-
photosynthesis in which light is gether as a light-harvesting com-
necessary. In this stage PGA is con- plex in each granum.
verted into triose-phosphate; also, photo system I. sistema de foto I. In
an early stage in the growth of a photosynthesis, there are two kinds
seedling when light is required. of photo systems which begin the
photosynthesis. fotosíntesis. The proc- chain reaction on the central chlo-
ess plant cells use to make carbo- rophyll molecule, culminating in
hydrates by combining carbon di- sugar formation. Photo system I ab-
oxide and water in the presence of sorbs light most efficiently at a red
chlorophyll and light, releasing wavelength of 700 nm. It is the
oxygen as a by-product; thereby second part of the Z-scheme.
transforming electromagnetic en- photo system II. sistema de foto II.
ergy into chemical energy. In photosynthesis, there are two
photosynthetic. fotosintético. A stipule kinds of photo systems which be-
or stipel that is blade-like and green. gin the chain reaction on the cen-
photosynthetic autotroph. autótrofo tral chlorophyll molecule, culmi-
fotosintético. An organism capa- nating in sugar formation. Photo
ble of building all of the organic system II absorbs light most effi-
molecules it requires using carbon ciently at a red wavelength of 680
dioxide as the carbon source and nm. It is the first part of the Z-
sunlight as the energy source. scheme.
photosynthetic capacity. capacidad de phototactic. fototáctica. Having to
fotosintético. The efficiency of a do with or characterized by pho-
plant cell or a chloroplast in car- totaxis.
rying out photosynthesis. phototaxis. fototaxis. fototaxia. The
photosynthetic efficiency. eficiencia proclivity of a plant to bend or move
fotosintético. The ratio of light- in response to light.
energy absorbed by the chloroplasts phototroph. fototrofo. Any organism
of a tissue in unit time to the amount that takes energy from sunlight with
of energy fixed per unit time. the most common occurrence in
photosynthetic number. numero foto- photosynthesis.
sintético. The ratio between the phototropic. fototrópico. A plant that
number of grams of carbon diox- grows in the direction of light;
ide absorbed per hour by a unit of heliotropic.
phototropic conduction 309 phylloclade
phototropic conduction. conducción phycoerythrin. ficoeritrina. A red
fototrópico. The differential con- photosynthetic pigment occurring
duction of auxin down either side in cyanobacteria and red algae.
of a shoot which is unilaterally il- phycology. ficología. The branch of
luminated so that growth is towards botany which specializes in the
the light. study of algae; algology.
phototropic induction. inducción phycomycetes. ficomicetos. ficomi-
fototrópico. The effect of light on cetes. The lower fungi.
the apex of the plant affects the phycopyrrin. ficopirina. A red–brown
growth of the stem below it, i.e. water soluble pigment in the chro-
the tip, under the influence of light, matophores of the Dinophyceae.
induces growth lower down. phyletic. filético. Pertaining to phy-
phototropism. fototropismo. Plants lum.
which tend to turn or change di- phyletic classification. clasificación
rection in response to light; heli- filética. A systematic organiza-
otropism. tion of plants based on their pre-
phragmobasidium. fragmobasidio. A sumed evolutionary descent.
basidium which becomes septate phyletic evolution. evolución filética.
and is then divided into four cells. An evolutionary change within a
phragmoplast. fragmoplasto. The cy- lineage produced by a gradual ad-
toplasmic mechanism in cell divi- justment to environmental condi-
sion responsible for the formation tions.
of the cell plate; also, the region phyletic gradualism. gradualismo
between the daughter nuclei of a filético. A view of evolution that
dividing plant cell. over long periods of time small
phragmospore. fragmospora. A spore changes occur in organisms, accu-
having two or more transverse septa. mulating to the point at which de-
phreatophyte. freatofito. Plants that scendants of the ancestral popu-
obtain water by a deep penetration lation diverge into separate spe-
of their roots into the water table. cies or higher level taxa. See evo-
phycobilins. ficobilinas. Red and blue lutionary species.
pigments occurring in some pho- phyllary. filaria. One of the involucral
tosynthetic organisms. bracts on the ouside of a capitu-
phycobilosomes. ficobilosomas. Gro- lum.
ups of pigmented cells containing phyllo-. filo-. A Greek prefix that
phycocyanin and phycoerythrin. means, “pertaining to a leaf”.
phycobiont. filocobionte. The prin- phyllocarpic movement. movimiento
cipal algal or cynobacterial sym- filócarpo. A curvature of the fruit
biont in a lichen. stalk bringing the young fruit un-
phycochrysin. ficocrisina. The golden der the protection of the leaves.
brown pigment of the Chrysop- phyllochlorin. filóclorina. A chloro-
hyceae; chrysochrome. plast pigment containing chromo-
phycocyanin. ficocianina. A blue pho- protein molecules, lipoid molecules,
tosynthetic pigment occurring in and molecules of carotinoids.
cyanobacteria and red algae. phylloclade. filócladio. Flattened or
phyllocladium 310 physiologic form
enlarged stems or branches that ación filogenético. A taxonomic
function as leaves, as in cacti; method of grouping plants by their
cladophyll. shared features based on common
phyllocladium. filocladio. One of many evolutionary descent. Compare
small scale-like protuberances on phenetic classification.
the podetium of some lichens. phylogenetic systematics. sistemático
phyllode. filodio. An expanded, of- filogenético. See phylogenetic clas-
ten flattened petiole, resembling sification.
a leaf and having leaf functions, phylogeny. filogenia. Evolutionary
but the true leaf blade is absent or relationships between and within
at least greatly reduced in size, as taxonomic groups, particularly as-
in the Acaciae. pects related to descent.
phyllodial. filodial. The condition phylon. filón. A line of descent.
of being flattened and blade-like. phylum (pl. phyla). filum (pl. filums,
phyllodium. filodio. See phyllode. fila). filo. In taxonomy, a primary
phyllody. filodia. A disease condi- division of the plant kingdom, rank-
tion, when parts of a flower are ing above class; the term division
replaced by leaf-like structures. is preferred to phylum by many
phylloid. filoide. Leaf-like. botanists.
phyllomania. filomania. Producing physical factor. factor fisico. A com-
leaves in abnormal numbers or ponent in the abiotic environment
places. that affects the growth and devel-
phyllome. filoma. A general term for opment of organisms or commu-
leaves and leaf-like structures. nities.
phyllopodic. filópodico. With the physcion. fisción. A lichen acid.
lower leaves well developed rather physiological balance. equilibrio
than being reduced to scales, as in fisiológico. The balance between
aphyllopodic leaves. the ions in a culture solution so
phyllopodium. filopodio. filópodo. that none can have an adverse ef-
The petiole and rachis of a fern fect on the growth of a plant.
frond. physical barrier. barrera fisico. Any
phyllosiphonic. filosifiónico. Said of material impediment, e.g. a sea or
a siphonostele which has both leaf mountain range which can have an
gaps and branch gaps. adverse effect on the migration of
phyllotaxis. filotaxis. The arrange- plants or other organism.
ment of leaves on the stem, as op- physiogonomy. fis(i)ogonomía. The
posite pairs, whorls, alternate, or form and structure of natural com-
other configurations. munities by which they can be rec-
phyllotaxy. filotaxia. The arrange- ognized.
ment or distribution of appendages physiographic climax. clímax fisio-
on a stem, such as leaves or flow- gráfico. A plant community main-
ers. tained in particular stage of devel-
phylogenesis. filogénesis. The his- opment by some natural features
tory of the development of race. of the habitat.
phylogenetic classification. clasific- physiologic form. foma fisiológico.
physiologic variety 311 phytography
A race showing physiological phyte-. fito-. A Greek prefix that
speciation. means, “plant”.
physiologic variety. variedad fisio- -phyte. –fito. A suffix that means,
lógico. Biologic form. “growth” or “plant”, as in epiphyte.
physiologic(al). fisológico. Having phytic acid. ácido fitico. In some
to do with the healthy functioning seeds, a hexaphosphoric ester of
of plants. inositol, that stores phosphate.
physiological anatomy. anatomía phytin. fitina. An acid, calcium and
fisológia. The study of the rela- magnesium salt of inositolhexa-
tionship between structure and func- phosphoric acid, found in certain
tion. seeds.
physiological drought. sequía fisol- phyto-. fito-. A Greek prefix that
ógia. The condition when a plant means, “pertaining to a plant” or
is unable to take in water because “plants”, as in phytotoxic.
of the low ground temperature or phytoalexin. fitoalexina. An anti-
because it holds substances in so- fungal substance produced by a
lution which hinder the absorption plant in response to damage or
of water by the plant. infection.
physiological ecology. ecología fiso- phytobenthon. fitobentón. Plant
lógia. The study of the function- benthon.
ing of organisms in their relation phytochemistry. fitoquímica. A branch
to the environment. of botany or chemistry dealing with
physiological race. raza fisológia. the growth, metabolism, and prod-
Physiologic form. ucts of plants.
physiological specialization. especial- phytochrome. fitocromo. A light-
azación fisológico. Within a spe- sensitive, growth controlling pig-
cies, the occurrence of several forms ment which absorbs red or infra
that appear identical but differ in red rays, acting as an enzyme in
physiology. its influence on photoperiod re-
physiological speciation. especiación sponses.
fisológia. Existence within a par- phytocoenosis. fítocenosis. See plant
ticular species of a number of races community.
or forms which are indistinguish- phytogeography. fitogeografía. The
able in structure but show physi- study of plants in their geographic
ological, biochemical, or pathogenic setting with particular emphasis on
characters. their distribution at different taxo-
physiological zero. cero fisiológia. The nomic levels, patterns of climatic
threshold temperature below which and anthropogenic influences, mi-
the metabolism of a cell, organ, or gration routes, and continental
organism ceases. configurations; plant geography.
physiology. fisología. In plants, the phytography. fitografía. The descrip-
study of normal plant functions. tion of plants; also, the special
phytase. fitasa. An enzyme capable branch of botany that addresses the
of hydrolysing phytin, releasing question of plant names, descrip-
phosphate. tions and the rules that apply to
phytohormone 312 pilus
the process. rather than life-form considerations;
phytohormone. fitohormona. A com- referred to as the Braun–Blanquet
pound produced in plants (or manu- Scheme.
factured) which is not a nutrient, phytosterol. fitorsterol. fitosterina.
but regulates growth and other A steroid found in plants.
physiological processes of all or phytotomy. fitotomía. See plant
part of the plant; plant hormone. anatomy.
phytol. fítol. An alcohol chain that phytotoxic. fitotóxico. Anything that
makes up the major side-chain of is injurious to plants; poisonous
chlorophyll. to plants.
phytolithology. fitolitología. The phytotoxin. fitotoxina. Any substance
branch of botany with a special that is poisonous to plants that is
interest in fossilized plants; paleo- produced by a plant pathogen.
botany. picro-. picro-. A Greek prefix than
phytology. fitología. The scientific means, “bitter”.
study of plants; botany. pictus. pictus. Latin meaning
phytomorphology. fitomorfología. See “colored”.
plant morphology. pigment. pigmento. Any of a number
phytomitogens. fitomitógenos. Ma- of natural substances occurring in
terials of vegetable origin which tissues which provides color.
induce mitosis. pigmentation. pigmentación. The de-
phytoncide. fitoncida. A substance posit of pigment in the tissues caus-
produced by a normal plant that ing coloration of the plant or plant
is thought to have some form of parts.
antimicrobial activity. pigmentosa. pigmentosa. The pigmen-
phytopathology. fitopatología. The ted part of an eye-spot.
scientific study of plant diseases, pileate. pileado. Having a pileus; also,
especially of plants in relation to cup-shaped.
parasites. pileus. sombrerete. An umbrella-
phytophage. fitófago. Plant-eater. shaped cap, as on some fungi; also,
phytophagous. fitófago. Plant-eating. the cap of an agaric, bearing the
phytophilous. fitófilo. Attracted to hymenium on it lower surface.
plants, as some insects. piliferous. pilifero. Producing flexuous
phytoplankton. fitoplancton. Small, or curly hair; also, tipped with a
drifting plant-like organisms, mostly fine hair-like structure.
algae and bacteria, occurring in pilerous layer. capa pilífera. The part
aquatic ecosystems. of a root epidermis which bears the
phytoremediation. fitoremediación. root hairs; root hair zone.
The use of plants to reduce or de- piliform. piliforme. Hair-like.
grade polluntants, industrial wastes, pilocystidium. pilocistidio. A cystid-
and household garbage. See biore- ium on the pileus surface.
mediation. pilose. piloso. Covered with long, fine,
phytosociology. fitosociología. The shaggy trichomes (hair).
description and classification of pilus (pl. pili). pilo. A bacteria cell
plant communities based on floristic extension that makes contact with
313 pionnate
another cell in the exchange of ge- ranged as odd or even on two sides
netic material; also, a fringe or of an elongated stalk.
fringed border. See fimbria. pinnatifid. pinnatifido. A leaf pinnately
pimelic acid. ácido pimélico. An acid lobed, cut, or cleft more than half-
promoting the growth of various way but not completely to the
bacteria. midrib.
pincer-like. queliforme. See cheli- pinnatilobate. pinnatilobado. Lobed
form. in a pinnate manner, as a pinna-
pinching. despuntado. The removal tilobate leaf.
of the terminal bud or apical merist- pinnation. pinnación. The state or
ematic growth to stimulate branch- condition of being pinnate.
ing. pinnatisect. pinnatisecto . A leaf
pine barrens. pinares de sabanas. A pinnately lobed, cut, or cleft to the
stretch of poor land covered with midrib, but not forming separate
pine (Pinus) trees. leaflets. Compare pinnatifid.
pine cone. piña. The fruit of the pine pinnule. pinnula. Any of the leaflets
(Pinus) tree. of a pinna in a bipinnate compound
pine forest. pinar. An extensive area leaf, especially in ferns (Filicops-
of pine (Pinus) trees. ida).
pine needle. hoja de pino. The long, pinocytosis. pinocitosis. The proc-
green, needle-like leaves of the pine ess of a cell taking in fluids by being
(Pinus) tree. absorbed on the plasma membrane;
pine. pino. Any evergreen tree of the transferred inside by the membrane
genus Pinus having fruit cones and folding back into itself to engulf
clusters of needle-shaped leaves. the fluid and then becoming a vesi-
pink (color). rosado (color). A pale cle by closing.
red color. pioneer community. comunidad pion-
pinkish (color). rosado (color). See era. The first integrated group of
pink. plants, animals, and decomposers
pinna (pl. pinnae). pinna (pl. pinnas). found in a location involved in pri-
One of the leaflets or primarily di- mary ecological succession.
visions of a pinnate leaf, especially pioneer organism. organismo pionera.
in ferns (Filicopsida); also, a branch An organism that first colonizes
of a thallus, when arranged in op- soil or bare rock.
posite rows. pioneer species. especie pionera. In
pinnate. pinnado. A type of leaf having the sequential vegetative changes
a series of leaflets arranged as op- in plant succession, pioneer spe-
posites or alternates on two sides cies are the initial colonizers that
of an elongated, central stalk; also modify the environment, paving the
said of a thallus having branches way for new species to join or re-
arranged on each side of a middle place the pioneers or initial colon-
axis. izers. Most often, these are mi-
pinnately compound leaf. hoja pinnado crobes, mosses, and lichens.
compuesta. A leaf completely sepa- pionnate. pionnado. Having a con-
rated into two or more leaflets ar- tinuous layer of fungus spores,
pip 314 placentation
which are often slimy. also, the two opposite thin areas
pip. pepita. A small seed from a fleshy in the walls of two cells or ves-
fruit. sels in contact; also, a local thin
pipe. pipa. Any one of many types spot in the wall of the oogonium
of tubular or cylindrical shapes, of some Oomycetes.
such as a plant stem. pit cavity. cavidad punteadura. The
piperidine. piperidina. A heterocyclic excavation in a cell wall where the
secondary amine; a reduction prod- thinning is apparent.
uct of pyridine. pit membrane. membrana de la
piriform. piriforme. Pear-shaped punteadura. The thin sheet of un-
(Pyrus). Same as pyriform broken wall between two opposite
pisaceous (color). pisáceo (color). Pea- pit cavities.
green. pitted vessel. vaso punteado. A vessel
pisiferous. pisífero. Having or bearing with pits in the wall.
peas (Pisum). pitcher (leaf). ascidio. A leaf shaped
pisiform. pisiforme. Having the form like a pitcher that attracts insects,
of a pea (Pisum); pea-shaped. as in Sarracenia; ascidium.
pistil. pistilo. In flowers, the female, pith. médula. The spongy, centermost
seed-producing reproductive organ parenchymal tissue in the stems of
that is made up of an ovary, a style, most herbaceous plants and some
and a stigma, when complete; also, trees and occasionally in roots, but
each separate carpel of an apocarp- lacking in most roots of dicotyled-
ous gynecium; also, the gynecium onous plants.
as a whole, whether it is apocarpous pith ray. rayo médula. Vascular ray.
or syncarpous. pithy. medulado. Of or like pith;
pistillate. pistilado. Flowers having medullated.
a pistil or pistils; also, flowers placenta (pl. placentae). placenta. The
having a pistil or pistils but no sta- interior tissue of the ovary of flow-
mens. ering plants to which the ovules
pistillate flower. flor pistilada. A are attached; also, usually the struc-
plant with only pistillate flowers; ture that bears the sporangia in ferns
said of a flower which has carpels (Filicopsida).
but no anthers. Same as carpellate. placental cell. célula placentaria. A
pistillidium. pistilidio. Archegonium. food-supporting cell for the devel-
pistillode. pistiloidio. An abortive or oping carposporophyte of some red
non-functional pistil. algae; produced by the fusion of
pit. hueso. A hard seed in fleshy fruit, the carpogonial filament cells with
as a cherry (Prunus) or plum the inferior daughter cell of the
(Prunus). carpogonium.
pit(ted). fóvea. foveolado. punto placentation. placentación. The ar-
(eado). Marked with small depres- rangement of the placenta or pla-
sions, pits, or holes; also, a small centae in a syncarpous ovary. a)
sharply defined area of a plant cell parietal – the carpels are fused only
wall which remains unthckened by their margins so that the pla-
when the rest of the wall thickens; centas then appear as internal ridges
placentiferous 315 planosome
on the ovary wall, b) axile – the as a branch, root, or stem, influ-
margins of the carpel fold inwards enced by light, gravity or other
fusing together in the center of the external factors.
ovary, forming a single central pla- plagiotropous. plagiótropo. The ten-
centa, c) free central – the placenta dency of some plant organs to grow
is a central upgrowth from the base away from a vertical line, as the
of the ovary. result of reacting to the influences
placentiferous. placentífero. Hav- of light, gravity, and other exter-
ing or bearing a placenta. nal forces.
placentiform. placentiforme. Formed plait. trenza. Having a longitudinal
or shaped like a flat cake or cushion. folding or fluting, as in some co-
placodiod. placodiode. Refers to a rolla; plicate.
circular, crustose thallus with a plakea. placea. A curved plate of eight
determinate margin and radiating cells formed during the early stages
peripheral lobes. in the development of a colony of
placodiomorph. placodiomorf. A the Volvocaceae.
polarilocular lichen spore. planate. aplanado. Having a flat sur-
placodium. placodio. A hardened face.
hyphal layer surrounding the open- plane. planado. With an even or flat
ings of the perithecial ostiole, when surface.
the perithecium is embedded in plane of section. plano de sección.
stroma. The direction in which a plant
plagio-. plagio-. A Greek prefix that member is cut, or assumed to be
means, “slanted” or “oblique”. cut, in ascertaining its structure.
plagioclimax. plagióclimax. A sta- planetism. planetismo. Of Oomycetes,
ble vegetation community arising the condition of having motile
from a succession that has been ar- spores.
rested by some form of direct or plankton. plancton. Free-floating,
indirect human activity. Many con- mostly microscopic, aquatic organ-
sider the term synonymous with isms, generally, living near the
biotic climax. surface of the sea or lake.
plagiogeotropism. geotropismo trans- plank root. ráiz tabla. A root which
versal. A growth respose to gravity is markedly flattened so that it
so that the axis of the plant organ stands out from the base of a stem
makes an angle other than 90º with like a plank set on edge, giving
the line of the gravitational field. additional support to the plant.
It may be used to mean that the plano-. plano-. A prefix that means,
organ makes any constant angle with “motile”.
the axis and would thus include planocyte. planocito. A motile cell;
diageotropism as a special term. wandering cell.
plagiotropic. plagiótropico. Pertaining planogamete. planogameto. A motile
to or exhibiting plagiotropism. gamete; zoogamete.
plagiotropism. plagiotropismo. The planosome. planosoma. An odd chro-
tendency of a plant or plant part mosome resulting from the non-
to grow away from the vertical line, disjunction of a pair during meio-
planospore 316 plasm(a)
sis. fitoecología. The study of the re-
planospore. planoespora. A motile lationships and interactions between
spore. plants and their environment.
planont. espora móvil. Zoospore plant geography. geografía botánica.
planozygote. planocigoto. planozig- See phytogeography.
oto. A motile zygote. plant growth regulator. regulador de
plant. planta. Any member of the king- crecimiento vegetal. Any molecule
dom Plantae, which manufactures that has hormone-like effects in a
carbohydrates by photosynthesis, plant, whether synthesized or natu-
converting simple inorganic sub- rally occurring.
stances into organic compounds. plant hormone. fitohormona. hor-
When living organism were clas- mona vegetal. Anyone of a group
sified either as plant or animal, of organic compounds produced by
animals were distinguished (in plants that regulate growth and other
general) from plants by their au- functions.
tonomous movement and their Plant Kingdom. reino vegetal. Plantae,
heterotrophic nutrition. Bacteria, the primary division of living things
algae, fungi, and autotrophs were that includes all multicellular plants
grouped with plants, however, in with the capacity to manufacture
the present-day five-kingdom sys- carbohydrates by photosynthesis;
tem, the term “plant” is confined vegetable kingdom.
(in general) to multicellular pho- plantlet. plantón. A young plant.
tosynthetic organisms; also, some- plant morphology. morfología vegetal.
times it is reserved for soft-stemmed The study of plant form and de-
organisms, as distinct from woody velopment; phytomorphology.
trees or shrubs. plant pathology. patología vegetal.
plant. sembrar. To sow seeds or set See phytopathology
plants. plant physiology. fisiología vegetal.
plant anatomy. anatomía vegetal. The The study of the functions and life
branch of botany that addresses the processes of plants.
internal structure of plants; phyto- plant succession. sucesión vegetal.
tomy. See succession.
plant association. asociación vegetal. plant systematics. botánica sistem-
A loosely used term but most com- ática. fítotaxonomia. See plant
monly understood to be a basic taxonomy.
vegetation unit, floristically defined plant taxonomy. taxonomia vegetal.
from field data; each association taxonomia botánica. The botanical
supports a distinctive faithful spe- disciple that addresses classifica-
cies and a group of constant spe- tion, naming, and identification of
cies. plants.
plant community. comunidad vegetal. plantule. plántula. A plant embryo.
A group of different plant species plaque. placa. A clear area caused
living together in a particular en- by a bacteriophage in a bacterial
vironment; phytocoenosis. colony.
plant ecology. ecología vegetal. plasm(a). plasma. Protoplasm.
plasma membrane 317 plasmon
plasma membrane. membrana plasma. thread of protoplasm passing
A sheet of selectively permeable through fine pores in the cell wall,
tissue that encloses the cytoplas- thus forming a connection between
mic contents of a cell while allowing the cytoplams of adjacent cells.
water molecules to pass freely but plasmodesma. plasmodesma. plasmo-
limiting the passage of most oth- desmo. Singular of plasmodesmata.
ers; cell membrane. plasmodesmata. plasmodesmata.
plasmagel. plasmagel. The outer, clear Strands of cytoplasm which extend
cytoplasm lying against the cell through cell walls and form con-
wall; ecotplasm. nections between the plasma mem-
plasmagene. plasmagen(e). A self- branes of adjacent cells; cytoplasmic
producing particle in the cytoplasm threads.
of a cell, affecting the character- plasmodic granule. gránulo plasmo-
istics of the cell bearing it. Being dico. A very small dark colored
ouside the nucleus, it is usually particle on the surface of the peri-
transmitted only in the female gam- derm and commonly on the spores
ete. See plasmid. of the Cribariaceae.
plasmalemma. plasmalema. A thin plasmodiocarp. plasmodiocarpo. An
membrane consisting of fat and irregular body that produces spores
protein, surrounding the protoplasm of some fungi; also, a sporangium
or a cell organelle. It is responsi- formed by some myxomycetes
ble for the restricted penetration which is irregular or sinuous in
of many substances into the cell. shape.
Severe damge to it kills the cell. plasmodium (pl. plasmodia). plasmo-
In plants it is in contact with the dio. A mass of protoplasm formed
cell wall and around vacuoles; by fusion or some other form of
plasma membrane. joining, as in slime molds, which
plasma membrane. membrana plasm- have an animal-like movement when
ática. See plasmalemma. food is ingested; also, a multinu-
plasmasol. plasmasol. Endoplasm. cleate, naked amoeboid organism
plasmatoogosis. plasmatoogosis. Said as found in Myxothallophyta and
of the Pythiaceae which produce some Chrysophyta.
a bud-like outgrowth in the host plasmolysis. plasmólisis. The shrink-
tissue. ing or movement of protoplasm
plasmatoparous. plasmatóparo. Said away from the cell wall due to liquid
of a spore which germinates to loss by osmosis.
produce a naked protoplast which plasogamy. plasogamia. The fusion
then forms a wall and produces a of the cytoplasm between two or
germ tube. more cells, in contrast to the nu-
plasmid. plásmido. A very small ge- cleoplasm; also, the fusion of two
netic unit of DNA that replicates sexual cells.
in a cell, independent of the chro- plasmon. plasmón. The cytoplasm of
mosomal DNA, occurring particu- an individual cell considered as a
larly in the cytoplasm of bacteria. single hereditary unit. The sum of
plasmoderm. plasmoderma. A fine the plasmagenes; plasmotype.
plasmosome 318 plectostele
plasmosome. plasmosoma. A small plastocyanin. plastocianina. A pro-
cytoplasmic granule. A type of tein with two copper atoms per mol-
nucleolus which stains with acidic ecule that serves as an electron car-
dyes and disappears during mito- rier linking photosystems I and II
sis without mingling with the chro- during photosynthesis.
mosomes; nucleolus. plastogene. plastógeno. A gene at-
-plast. -plasto. A suffix that means, tached to a plastid which determines
“a small structure of living mat- the likeness of the daughter palstid
ter”, as in chloroplast. to the parent.
plastic. plástico. Having the capac- plastonema. plastonema. The deeply
ity to become or be organized into staining peripheral material in the
living tissue. sporogenous tissue of mosses
plasticity. plasticidad. The ability of (Musici).
a material to change shape continu- plastoquinone. plastoquinona. A de-
ously under applied stress and re- rivative of quinone that serves as
tain the impression after the re- an electron carrier linking photo-
moval of the stress. The plasticity systems I and II during photosyn-
of a soil gives an indication of its thesis.
moisture content. plastosome. plastosoma. The lightly
plastid. plastido. plasto. Any of a staining internal cytoplasm in the
group of small, often pigmented sporogenous tissue of mosses
organelles in the cytoplasm of a (Musci). See mitochondrion.
cell such as a chloroplast or chro- platy-. plati-. A Greek prefix that
moplast; involved mainly in the means, “broad”.
formation and storage of carbohy- platycarpous. platicarpico. Broad
drates. fruited.
plastid inheritance. herencia plastíd- platyform. platiforme. Flattened.
ica. Inheritance determined by platyphyllous. platífilo. Broadly lobed;
plastogenes. also, having wide leaves.
plastid mutation. mutación plastídica. platysperm. platisperma. A seed which
mutación plastidial. A change in is flattened in transverse section.
a chloroplast affecting its ability plates. escama. Thin, flat, overlap-
to produce chlorophyll. ping structures that form protec-
plastidome. plastidoma. The total tive coverings, as on buds.
compliment of plastid in a cell. pleated. plegado. See plait or pli-
plastin. plastina. A acidophillic sub- cate.
stance occurring in masses in the plectenchyma. plecténquima. A thick
nuclei of cells. tissue formed by hyphae becom-
plastochrone. plastocrona. The pe- ing twisted and fused together.
riod of time that elapses between plectostele. plectostela. A dissection
the formation of one leaf primodium of the protostele, the central tube-
and the next, on a shoot which has like structure in stems and roots
a stable spiral phyllotaxy. where food and liquid pass, showing
plastocont. plastoconte. Chondrio- the connecting network of veins
some. (anastomosing); an actionstele in
pleiandrous 319 pleur(o)-
which the xylem is divided into a pleiotropy. ple(i)otropia. A single gene
number of longitudinal plates. action that affects the expression
pleiandrous. pleiandro. Having a large of several traits.
and indefinite number of stamens. pleiotropism. pleiotropismo. The con-
pleio-. pleio-. A prefix that means, dition when one factor has an
“many” or “multiple”. effect simultaneously on more than
pleiochasium. ple(i)ócasio. A cymose one character in the progeny.
inflorescence having multiple pleomorphic. ple(i)omórfico. An
cymules, each producing three or actinomorphic flower with the
more lateral branches. number of parts reduced, as in the
pleiomerous. ple(i)ómero. A condi- Tripogandra; also, having more
tion where there are an increasing than one independent spore stage
number of members within a whorl or form in the life cycle; also, of
of floral parts, leaves, or stems; dermatophytes, changes due to de-
having a large number of parts or generation in culture.
organs. pleomorphism. pleomorfismo. The
pleiomorphy. ple(i)omorfo. The chang- capacity for an organism to exist
ing of a flower, normally irregu- in different forms or shapes.
lar, into a regular flower by the pleophagous. pleófago. Said of a par-
growth of some previously incom- asite which attacks several species
plete part or parts. of host plants.
pleiopetalous. ple(i)opétalo. Having plerome. pleroma. The soft, inmost
an unusually large number of pet- tissue of the apical meristem made
als. of actively dividing cells; procamb-
pleiophyllous. ple(i)ofilo. Having an ium.
abnormally large number of leaf- plerotic. plerótico. Said of the oospo-
lets in a compound leaf; also, an res of the Pythiaceae which fill the
unusually large number of leaves oogonium.
starting from one point. plethysmothallus. pletismotalo. A
pleiosepalous. ple(i)osépalo. Hav- dwarf stage produced by some
ing an unusually large number of brown algae which bear reproduc-
sepals. tive organs that produce unilocu-
pleiosporous. pleiospora. Having many lar or neutral spores.
spores. plesiomorph. plesiómorf. A primi-
pleiotaxy. pleyotaxis. A condition tive or old-featured character. The
where there is more than usual or opposite of apomorph. See plesio-
an increasing number of whorls of morphic.
floral parts, leaves, or stems. plesiomorphic. plesiomorfo. Char-
pleiotomy. pleiotomia. Multiple apical acters that are shared by different
division with the production of organisms inherited from a com-
multiplets. mon ancestor; means “old-fea-
pleiotropic. ple(i)otrópico. A gene tured”, formerly referred to as
that is responsible for a number of “primitive”.
phenotypic effects that appear to pleur(o)-. pleur(o)-. A Greek prefix
be unrelated. that means, “side-“.
pleuracrogynous 320 pneumathode
pleuracrogynous. pleuracrógino. Pro- plume.
duced at the tip and at the sides. plumose. plumoso. Hairy on both sides
pleurocarpous. pleurocárpico. A type of an axis; feathery, as a plumose
of moss (Musci) in which fruit is stigma.
borne on short, lateral branches and plumule. plúmula. The stem and leaf
not at the tips of stems and branches; producing structure in the termi-
also, having fruit in a lateral po- nal bud of the embryo of a seed
sition. which is located at the end of the
pleurogenous. pleurógeno. Borne in hypocotyl and enclosed by cotyl-
a lateral position. edon(s); epicotyl.
pleurorhizal. pleurorizal. Said of the pluri-. pluri- . A Latin prefix that
embryo of a flowering plant when means, “many” or “several”.
the radical is placed against the pluricelled. pluricélula. Having many
edges of the cotyledons. cells.
pleurosporous. pleurospora. Bear- pluricellular. pluricelular. Composed
ing the spores on the sides. of two or more cells.
pleurotropous (dorsal). pleurótropo plurilocular. plurilocular. Having many
(dorsal). An ovule that is hori- cells with each cubical cell pro-
zontal with the micropyle toward ducing a single reproductive cell;
the ventral bundle and the raphe said of a sporangium or ovary which
above. is divided by septa into several
pleurotropous (ventral). pleurótropo compartments.
(ventral). An ovule that is hori- pluripotent. pluripotente. Capable of
zontal with the micropyle toward developing, growing, or produc-
the ventral bundle and the raphe ing in a number of ways, as pluripo-
below. tent cells.
plexiform. plexiforme. In the form pluriseriate. pluriseriado. Occurring
or shape of a network. in many series or rows.
plicate. plegado. Having a series of plurisporous. plurisporo. Having two
fluted, longitudinal folds, as birch or more spores.
leaves (Betulaceae); also, folded plurivalent. plurivalente. In some
like a fan; plait. types of cell division, said of com-
plicate aestivation. estivación plegado. pound chromatin rods formed of
A type of valvate aestivation in more than two chromosomes.
which the perianth segments ar pli- plurivorous. plurivoro. Attacking a
cate. number of hosts, or living on a
plococarpium. plococarpia. A fruit number of substrates.
with follicles around an axis. + strain. variedad +. One of the two
plumbeus. plumbeus. Latin mean- strains of a heterothallic mold,
ing “lead-colored”. commonly distinguished from the
plume. pluma. A light, hairy or feath- corresponding –strain by its stron-
ery appendage on a seed or fruit ger growth.
which aids in wind dispersal. PMC. CMP. Pollen mother cell.
plumed disseminule. disemínulo con pneumathode. neumátodo. The out-
plumas. A fruit or seed bearing a let of a plant’s ventilating system,
pneumatophore 321 polarilocular spore
usually having some loosely packed of point mutation. A mutation that
cells on the surface through which can be mapped to one location (lo-
gas exchanges occur. cus); gene mutation.
pneumatophore. neumatóforo. A spe- poison. veneno. A substance caus-
cialized “breathing” root provid- ing illness or death. See toxin.
ing a channel for air; arising from poisonous fungi. hongos venenosos.
the roots of various trees that grow hongos venenosas . A group of
in swampy places; also, a special- fungi, commonly referred to as toad-
ized root which grows vertically stools, that produce a toxic sub-
into the air from roots embedded stance which is harmful to humans
in mud, providing gaseous ex- and some animals.
changes for submerged roots. poisonous. venenosa. Containing or
pneumotaxis. neumotaxis. The re- having the effect of poison. See
sponse of an organism to carbon toxic.
dioxide in solution; also, the re- poium. poio. A meadow formation.
sponse to the stimulus of any type polar (sperm). polar. Pertaining to
of gases. the poles of an ovum or nerve cell;
pneumotropism. neumotropismo. at the end, especially of spores,
Pneumotaxis. bacteria etc.
poculiform. poculiforme. Cup-shaped. polar body. corpúsculo polar. One
pod. vaina. legumbre (en legumin- product of oogenesis; extruded as
osas). baya. mazorca (del cacao). a small, nonfunctional haploid prod-
A dry, bivalve, dehiscent fruit case, uct with little cytoplasm; polocyte.
that usually opens along two su- polar cap. casquete polar. A group
tures at maturity and most com- of fine protoplasmic strands formed
monly found in legumes. early in division at the pole of a
podetium. podetio. In some lichens, dividing nucleus which contribute
a stalk or shrub-like part of the to the formation of the spindle.
thallus which supports the fruit- polar cell. célular polar. During mei-
ing body. otic division, a small cell that comes
podium. podio. A footstalk or other from an oocyte; a binucleate cell
supporting part. in the center of an embryo sac con-
podo-. podo-. A Greek prefix that taining the two haploid polar nu-
means, “of a foot” or “stalk”. clei; central cell.
podocarp. podocarpo. A stipe sup- polar cleft. bisulco polar. A linear
porting a fruit; also, a stalk to a expansion of the outer tissue of the
carpel. raphe of some Chrysophyta.
podogyne. podogiene. A basal stalk; polarilocular. polarilocular. A type
stipe; carpopodium. of lichen spore with two cells sepa-
point mutation. mutación puntual. rated by a perforated partition;
mutación puntiforme. A change orculiform.
in the genetic composition of a cell polarilocular spore. espora polaril-
due to a change in a single triplet ocular. A two-celled spore with
of the DNA template; also, dele- a very thick median septum tra-
tion and inversion can be the cause versed by a canal; blasteniospire.
polarinucleate 322 pollen flower
polarinucleate. polarinucleado. Said polar nucleus. núcleo polar. The nu-
of a spore with an oil-droplet at cleus formed in the embryo sac by
each end. the union of the two polar nuclei,
polarity. polaridad. The establishment later it fuses with a male nucleus
of poles or areas of specialization to give rise to the first endosperm
at opposite ends of a cell, tissue, nucleus.
organ, or organism which serve to polar pyrenoid. pirenoide polar. A
differentiate, as roots from shoots. pyrenoid which is not wholly en-
polarization. polarización. Of chro- veloped in a sheath of starch grains.
mosomes at telophase of mitosis polar transport. transporte polar. The
and later, the maintenance of their directed movement of compounds
proximal parts on the polar side (usually harmones) within plants,
of the nucleus; also, of chromosmes mostly in one direction, by a mecha-
at zygotene, the movements of their nism which requires metabolic en-
ends towards the part or parts of ergy, which overcomes the tendency
the nuclear surface where the for diffusion in all directions; does
centrosomes lie; also, of centro- not need intact xylem or phloem
meres, the initiation of orientated streams.
division during mitotic metaphase. pole. polo. The extreme axis, espe-
polarized light. lus polrizada. Light cially an elogated spore or of an
in which the waves oscillate in one egg cell; also, the extremity of the
plane only. achromatic spindle which is formed
polar molecule. molécular polar. A during mitosis and where the spindle
molecule without a net electric fibers come together.
charge, instead, the electrons are polioplasm. polioplasma. Granular
unequally shared between the nu- protogplasm.
clei. In molecules such as water, politus. politus. Latin meaning “pol-
this results in the pull of the oxy- ished”.
gen nucleus on the shared neutrons pollen. polen. In seed plants, fine,
being greater than the pull of the yellowish powder-like grains (mic-
hydrogen nuclei, resulting in the rospores), each containing a male
oxygen end having a slightly nega- gametophyte, that are produced in
tive charge and the hydrogen ends the microsporangium of gymno-
having a slightly positive charge. sperm or in the anther of angio-
polar nodule. nódulo polar. A swelling sperm; microspore of Gyno-sperms
at the the end of the raphe of the and Angiosperms.
Chrsophyta; also, button-like pollen chamber. cámara polínica. The
thickening of wall material, fill- cavity formed in the apex of the
ing the pores between heterocysts nucellus of Gymnosperms in which
of the Cyanophyta. pollen grains lodge after pollina-
polar nuclei. nuclei polar. The two tion has occurred. The pollen grains
haploid nuclei of the angiosperm slowly develop there and ultimately
female gametophyte that migrate bring about fertilization.
to the center from the poles of the pollen flower. flor polínica. A flower
gametophyte. which produces no nectar but lib-
pollen grain 323 polyandry
erates large amounts of pollen whcih masses, common in many species
attracts insects. of orchids (Orchidaceae) and
pollen grain. grano de polen. grano milkweeds (Asclepias).
polínico. A microspore contain- pollinodium. polinodio. Antherdium.
ing a mature or young male game- pollutant. poluntante. agente de polu-
tophyte. ción. A substance introduced into
pollen mother cell. célula madre del the environment, usually by man,
polen. A 2n cell that divides (once which contaminates the air, water,
by meiosis and once by mitosis) or soil. See contaminant.
to form a tetrad of four pollen pollute. polucionar. contaminar.
grains; microsporocyte. poluar. impurificar. To contami-
pollen rain. illuvia polen. Pollen grains nate or introduce an impure sub-
and spores that fall on a specific stance into the environment.
site. pollution. polución. contaminación.
pollen sac. saco polínico. A bag-like impurificación. The contamina-
structure in the anther where the tion of air, water, or soil with un-
pollen is produced; male sporan- desirable amounts of material or
gium. heat which may be natural, such
pollen tube. tubo polínico. A tube as phosphate in excessive amounts,
that grows from a pollen grain which or it may be small quantities of a
provides a passage for male repro- synthetic compound such as dioxin
ductive cells into the ovule; a tube that is highly toxic.
formed on germination of a pol- pollution carpet. alfombra de poluc-
len grain that carries male gametes ión. In a stagnant and polluted wa-
to the egg, and one to the central ter, a slimy layer occurring on the
fusion nucleus with which it fuses bottom, usually composed of bac-
to form the endosperm nucleus from teria, detritus feeding protozoa, and
which arise the endospersm. fungi.
polleniferous. polinifero. Pollen car- polocyte. polocito. See polar body.
rying or bearing. poly-. poli-. A Greek prefix that means,
pollinate. polinizar. To convey pol- “many”.
len from the anther to the stigma. polyad. poliad. Pollen grains occurring
pollination. polinización. In flow- in groups of more than four.
ering plants (angiosperms), the polyadelphous. poliadelfo. Having
conveyance of pollen either by wind stamens united in three or more
or insects from the anthers to the groups in one flower; also, said of
stigma for fertilization; also, in gym- an andrecium when several of the
nosperms, the transfer of pollen stamens are joined by their fila-
from the microsporangium to the ments to form several bundles.
micropyle of the ovule. polyandrous. poliandro. Having many
pollinator. agente polinizador. poliniz- groups of stamens in one flower.
ante. Any organism that effects polyandry. poliandria. Having more
pollination. than twenty groups of stamens in
pollinium (pl. pollinia). polinio. Grains one flower; also, of oospores formed
of pollen in uniform, coherent, waxy when more than one functional
polyanthous 324 polygamodioecious
antheridium is present. polycormic. policormico. Said of a
polyanthous. polianto. Having many wood plant which as several strong
small flowers on a single head. vertical trunks.
polyascus. poliasco. poliasca. Having polycotyledon. policotiledón. A plant
many asci, especially when they are with two or more cotyledons in the
in one hymenium and not separated embryo, as most cone-bearing spe-
by sterile bands. cies.
polycarpellary. policarpelar. Hav- polycotyledonous. policotiledóno.
ing many carpels, as the lemon. Having more than two cotyledons.
polycarpic. policárpico. Bearing fruit polycyclic. policíclico. Having many
year after year; perennial. whorls; many-whorled; also, said
polycarpous. policarpo. Having two of a stele in which there are two
or more carpels in the ovary or fruit; or more concentric rings of vas-
also, having a gynecium made up cular tissue.
of several free carpels. polyeder. polieder. A solitary rest-
polycarpy. policarpia. The stage or ing cell which develops from a
condition of bearing two or more zoospore of some of the Hydro-
carpels in the fruit perennially. dictyaceae. They grow and form
polycentric. policéntrico. A thallus zoospores which remain within a
that forms several reproductive vesicle, ultimately forming a veg-
centers; also, of a chromosome or etative colony.
chromatid which has several centro- polyembrony. poliembrionia. The pro-
meres. ducing of more than one embryo
polycephalous. policefálo. A single within the testa of one seed of a
plant with many flower heads. flowering plant, either from one or
polychasium. policásio. A cymose in several zygotes, the extra zygotes
which each axis bears more than being sexual or parthenogenic, from
two lateral axes. reduced or unreduced eggs. The
polychateous. policáteo. Having many extra eggs may be derived from
setae or bristles, as Polychaeta. vegetative nucellar cells, sister
polychlamydeous chim(a)era. quimera mother-cells, sister spores, or sister
policlamideo. A periclinal chima- nuclei within one embryo sac.
era in which the skin is more than polyembryonate. poliembriónado.
two layers of cells thick. Having many embryos.
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). polyenergid. polienégida. Coenocyte.
bifenils policlorinado (BPCs). A polyenergid nucleus. núcelo poli-
group of 209 different toxic, oily, enégida. A nucleus which contains
synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon several sets of chromosomes.
compounds that can be biologically polyfactorial. polifactorial. See mul-
amplified in food chains and webs. tifactorial.
polychrome. policromo. Multicolor. polygamodioecious. poligamodioico.
polyclimax. policlimax. A succes- A sexual condition where two types
sional climax model proposed by of plants occur: one with some
A.G. Tansley, 1916 and 1920. See perfect and some staminate flow-
also monoclimax. ers, the other with some perfect and
polygamomonoecious 325 polymorphism
some pistillate flowers. rial.
polygamomonoecious. poligamomon- polygonal. poligonal. Having more
oico. A sexual condition where than four sides and angles.
some perfect and some staminate polygynous. poligino. Said of a flower
flowers are made on the same plant. having many distinct styles.
polygamous. polígamo. Producing polyhaline. polihalino. Refers to a
some perfect and some unisexual highly salt-tolerant species not
flowers on the same plant; having usually seen outside very saline
the antheridia and archegonia vari- environments; also, in the Venice
ously disposed in the same species. brackish water classification sys-
polygene. poligen(e). One of a group tem, the second most saline zone.
of genes that collectively control polyhaploid. polihaploide. Haplo-
a quantitative character, such as polyploid.
height; also, members of a poly- polymer. polímero. A large molecule
genic system. formed by the linkage of a number
polygenic balance. equilibrio poligén- of smaller, identical molecules. The
ico. A condition produced by the combination is usually brought
adjustment of the proportions of about by a simple condensation and
polygenes having opposite effects. the polymer has the same empiri-
A balanced set of polygenes within cal formula as the individual unit.
a chromosome is a balanced poly- polymeric genes. gens polímero. Genes
genic combination. Where the bal- that are not alleolomorphic but have
ance is achieved with a single the same cummulative effect on the
represetative of the chromosome, phenotype.
and is displayed by a homozygote, polymerase. polimerasa. An enzyme
it is an internal balance, and where that catalyses the replication and
the balance is achieved by two repair of nucleic acids.
homoogous chromosomes acting to- polymerous. polímero. Having many
gether, and displayed by a hetero- members in each whorl, as a
zygote, it is a relational balance. polymerous floral whorl.
polygenic character. carácter poligén- polymery. polimeria. The condition
ico. A quantitatively variable char- when a whorl consists of many
acter (phenotype), such as height, members.
which is dependent on the inter- polymictic. polímictico. Refers to
action of a group of genes. high altitude tropical lakes with
polygenic system. sistema poligénico. continuously circulating water.
Pertaining to genes having effects polymitosis. polimitosis. The inter-
similar and supplementary to each calation of rapid supernumerary
other, and small in comparison to mitosis in the life cycle immedi-
the total variation. The members ately after meiosis, with or with-
of such a system are replaceable out division of the chromosomes.
in their effects. polymorphic. polimorfo. Having many
polygenic. poligénico. Determined by forms, as in a species or genus.
many genes at different loci, with polymorphism. polimorfismo. In a
small additive effects; multifacto- population, the continuance of two
polynucleate 326 polysaprobe
or more forms of a trait, at a regu- polyphyletism. polifiletismo. The oc-
larity that is greater than can be currence in taxa of species or groups
maintained by newly arising mu- that have descended from differ-
tations alone; if changed, will re- ent ancestral lineages; some phyletic
turn to its former value over sev- taxonomists hold that these are
eral generations; also, of a fungus unnatural, and are therefore errors
having more than one spore form. of classification rather species or
polynucleate. polinucleado. Multi- groups that have originated as a
nucleate. result of convergent or parallel evo-
polynucleotide chain. cadena poli- lution.
nucleotídica. The attachment of polyphyllous. polifilo. With many
one nucleotide to another in a linear leaves, as a polyphyllous perianth;
manner. also, having separate or distinct
polynucleus. polinucleolus. Having leaves; multifoliate.
several nuclei. polyplanetism. poliplanetismo. Said
polyoicius. polioicio. Said of a bryo- of zoospore when they have rest-
phyte in which antheridia and ing and motile phases alternating.
archegonia may occur on the same polyploid. poliploide. Having three or
plant or on separate plants. more complete sets of chromosomes
polypeptide chain. cadena polipeptica. in each cell; euploid.
Ten or more amino acids linked by polyploidy. poliloidia. A condition
peptide bonds. in which a plant has somatic cells
polypeptide. polipéptido. A chain with more than 2n chromosomes
of covalent-linked amino acids per nucleus. This condition comes
joined by peptide bonds; a conden- from the replication within a nu-
sation product of dipeptides. cleus of complete chromosome sets
polypetalous. polipétalo. A corolla without later nuclear division.
with separate petals; pertaining to polypodiaceous. polipodiáceo. Re-
a flower which has the petals free fers to a family of ferns, Polypodi-
from each other; dialypetalous. aceae, having erect and creeping
polyphagy. polifagia. Said of a para- rootstock and an elastic ring en-
sitic fungus which has the thallus closing the spore cases.
branching through while attacking polyribosome. poliribosoma. Groups
several host cells at the same time. of ribosomes linked by a strand of
polyphore. políforo. Having a recep- messenger RNA functioning as a
tacle bearing many ovaries, as in unit in synthesizing protein.
Rosa. polysaccharide. polisacárido. polió-
polyphenol. polifenol. A compound sido. poliholósido. A carbohydrate
compose of several phenol units. composed of many simple sugars
polyphenol oxidase. oxidasa polifenol. united in a large molecule that can
An enzyme bringing about the oxi- be decomposed into two or more
dation of polyphenols. monosaccharides by hydrolysis.
polyphyletic. polifilético. Having its polysaprobe. polisaprobio. An organ-
origin from more than one ances- ism capable of living in highly
tral type. polluted water.
polysepalous 327 population distribution
polysepalous. polisépalo. Having many level.
separate and distinct sepals; chori- polytopism. politopismo. A type of
sepalous; dialysepalous. monophyletism where a new taxon
polysiphonous. polisifono. Pertain- occurs in more than one place from
ing to an algal tallus consisting of conspecific parents.
a central row of elongated cells polytypic. politipíco. Having sev-
surrounded by one or more layers eral variant forms, as subspecies
of peripheral cells. or varieties.
polysome. polisoma. See polyribos- polytypism. politipismo. The occur-
ome. rence of several variant forms,
polysomic. polisómico. Having more especially in geographically sepa-
than the normal number of chro- rate areas.
mosomes; also, a polysomic organ- pomaceous. pomáceo. Having a core
ism or cell. with many seeds and a fleshy outer
polyspermous. polispermo. Producing portion, as a pomaceous fruit.
many seeds. pome. pomo. An inferior, indehisent,
polyspermy. polispermia. The entrance many-seeded fruit coming from a
of more than one antherozoid into compound ovary in which the re-
any egg. ceptacle forms the outer, fleshy
polysporangium. poliesporangio. A portion, as in apples (Malus).
sporangium with many spores. pomiform. pomiforme. Apple-shaped.
polyspore. poliespora. A many-celled pomology. pomología. The branch
spore; also, pertains to Rhodo- of botany that pertains to fruit and
phyta, an asexual spore, more than growing fruit.
one of which is produced in a spo- population. población. A group of
rangium. individual plants of one species
polystemonous. polistémono. Hav- living in a specific area (usually
ing many stamens, usually more separated from other similar
than twice the number of petals and groups); also, genetically a mat-
sepals; polyandrous. ing group, limited for special con-
polystichous. polístico. Arranged in sideration, either by environment
more than one row, as polystichous or breeding.
leaves. population density. densidad de (la)
polystylous. poliestilo. With many población. The number of indi-
styles. viduals in a particular population
polysymmetrical. polisimétrico. In found in a specific area.
regular flowers, capable of being population dispersion. dispersión de
divided into similar parts at more la población. The general pattern
than one plane. in which the individual members
polythetic. politético. Using many of the population are arranged
criteria as the basis for a subdivi- throughout the habitat.
sion of a sample population or for population distribution. distribución
the grouping of individuals. de la población. The variation of
polytomous. polítomo. Having sev- a population’s density over a spe-
eral branches arising at the same cific area.
population dynamics 328 position effect
population dynamics. dinámica de las pearance of a pore.
poblaciones. Major biotic and abi- porogamy. porogamia. The entry of
otic factors that tend to increase the pollen tube through the micro-
or decrease the population physi- pyle.
cal characteristics. porophyllous. porofilo. Having leaves
population ecology. ecología de covered with pores or transparent
poblaciones. The study of the in- dots.
teraction of a specific species or poroid. poroide. Having distinct pores;
other taxon with its environment. also, a fine, incomplete canal run-
population explosion. explosión demo- ning through the areola of some
gráfica. The sudden and rapid in- centric diatoms.
crease in the population size of a porose. poroso. Pertaining to cells
species or other taxon, commonly which are pierced by pores.
occurring when a species is intro- porosity. porosidad. Having a po-
duced into a new locality with the rous quality or condition.
necessary life support resources. porous. poroso. Having tiny holes in
population genetics. genética de (las) tissue which allows the passage of
poblaciones. The study of inher- liquids, air, or light; also, a soil
ited variations in populations and with abundant air space between
its modulation in time and space; soil particles.
generally involving gene frequency, porous dehiscence. dehiscencia poroso.
selection, mutation, and migration The liberation of pollen from an-
studies. thers, or seeds from fruits through
population size. tamaño de la poblac- pores in the wall of the contain-
ión. The number of individuals ing structure.
that make up the gene pool. porphin. porfina. The parent com-
porandrous. porandro. Having anthers pound of the porphyrins.
that open with pores, and not slits. porphyrin. porfirina. A derivative of
pore. poro. A small opening in the a porphin which forms part of the
tissue, as in leaves, allowing for structure of many important botani-
the passage of water and carbon cal structures, including chlorophyll
dioxide; also, in soil, a crack or and cytochromes.
space not filled by a soil particle; porrect. porrecto. Pointing outward
also, the aperture of a stoma; also, or extending horizontally outward,
one of the tubular cavities lined as a parrot beak.
by basidia in the pore-bearing position. posición. In plant taxonomy,
fungi; also, a minute vertical ca- the position of a taxon refers to
nal running through the areola of its place as an element of a taxon
some of the centric diatoms. of the next higher rank; for exam-
poricidal. poricida. In capsules, one ple, the position of Quercus is a
that opens through pores, as in genus in the family Fagaceae.
Triodanis; also, an anther that position effect. efecto de posición.
opens through a pore at the apex The change in the expression of
of the pollen sac. a gene when its position is changed
poriform. poriforme. Having the ap- with respect to adjacent genes; can
positioned 329 potence
be induced through inversions and post-fertilization stages. estados de
translocations. los postfertilización. The devel-
positioned. situado. Refers to the place- opmental processes which go on
ment or attachment of plant organs between the union of the gametic
to other dissimilar organs or ma- nuclei in the embryo sac and the
jor parts; also, refers to the plant’s maturity of the seed.
relationship to its environment. post-floral movement. movimiento
positive. positivo. Describes the mov- postfloral. A change in the posi-
ing or turning toward any of a group tion of the flower stalk or inflo-
of stimuli, as light, water or grav- rescence stalk after fertilization has
ity, thereby exhibiting positive tro- occurred, so as to bring the fruit
pism. into a more favorable position for
positive chiasma interference. inter- developemnt, or placing the seeds
ferencia quiasmática positivo. See in good conditions for germination.
chiasma interference. postical. postical. Relating to or be-
positive feedback. realimentación longing to the back or lower part
positivo. In the operation of a sys- of a leaf or stem.
tem, the mechanism that intensi- posticous. postico. Outward or behind.
fies the process as each cycle postmeiotic division. división post-
establishes conditions favorable to meiotic. The first nuclear division
repetition. See negative feedback after meiosis has been completed.
mechanism. post-reduction. postreducción. As op-
positive reaction. reacción positivo. posed to pre-reduction, the segre-
A taxis or tropism from a region gation of differences between part-
where the stimulus is weaker to one ners at the second, as opposed to
where the stimulus is stronger. the first meiotic division.
postclimax. postclímax. In the mono- postventitious. postventitio. Delayed
climax model of climax vegetation, in development.
the term describing communities potamium. potamio. A river forma-
that differ from the climatic cli- tion.
max resulting from cooler and/or potamoplankton. potamoplacton. The
moister conditions than are char- plankton living in rivers and stre-
acteristic of the area; common to ams.
higher elevations, especially on the potamous. potamo. Living in rivers
windward slopes of mountains. and streams
posterior. posterior. Located on the potassium (K). potasio (K). An ele-
side nearest the axis, as the pos- ment with the chemical symbol of
terior or upper lip of a bilabiate K which is essential to control in
corolla; also, inserted on the back the water potential of cells. A po-
of another organ; also, the rear; tassium deficiency reduces plant
adaxial; superior. growth, detectable by dark or blue-
postcingular plate. placa postcingular. green leaf colors.
One of a series of plates next to potence. potencialidad. The property
the girdle in the hypotheca of the of a group of polygenes, correspond-
Peridiniales. ing to the degree of dominance of
potential energy 330 premeiotic mitosis
the major gene. climax model, the name given to
potential energy. energia potencial. communities that differ from the
Available energy, not yet expressed. climatic climax due to a hotter and/
potometer. po(te)tómetro. An instru- or drier environment than associ-
ment used to measure a plant’s ated with the regional climate.
water uptake and to estimate tran- precocious. precoz. Developing unu-
spiration rates. sually early, as flowers or fruits
pouch. bolsa. A bag-like cavity or cyst. occurring before the leaves.
poussieroid. pousieroide. Said of a precocity. precocidad. The property
stage of meiotic division, prior to in the nucleus at meisois of begin-
prophase in which the chromatin ning prophase before the chromo-
is distributed as fine granules. somes have divided. Differential
powdered. pulverulento. Dust-like precocity is when some chromo-
particles, as with certain fungus or somes, or their parts, condense,
mildew. divide, or pair before the rest of
prae-. prae-. A Latin prefix that means, the chromosomes during prophase.
“before” or “very”. precocity theory. teoría de precocidad.
praecox. praecox. Latin meaning “ap- That meiosis is primarily distin-
pearing early”. guished from mitosis by showing
praemorse. premorso. Same as pre- a precocity of prophase, which suc-
morse. cessively determines pairing, cross-
prairie. pradera. llanura. A broad, ing-over, chiasma formation, and
flat grassy plain, characterized by non-division of the centromeres.
tall grasses (Poaceae) and occa- A second division is inserted to-
sional shrubby plants and trees. gether with the reduction of chro-
pratal. pratal. Growing in meadows. mosome number and the segrega-
pratensis. pratensis. Latin meaning tion of differences.
“of meadows”. preferential species. especie prefer-
pre- pre-. A prefix that means, “be- ente. In phytosociology, a species
fore (time)” or “earlier”. growing in a number of commu-
prebiotic. prebiótico. Before the ex- nities but especially abundant in
istence of living things. one particular location.
precingular plate. placa precingular. prefloration. prefloración. The ar-
One of the series of plates adjoining rangement of the flower petals in
the girdle in the epitheca of the the bud before it opens; aestiva-
Peridinales. tion.
precipitation. precipitación. The pres- prefoliation. prefoliación. Vernation.
ence of moisture in the form of dew, prehensile. prensil. Adapted for grasp-
rain, snow, or any other form of ing, as tendrils on certain vines.
water that falls from the atmosphere prelamellar chamber. cámara pre-
onto the ground or into bodies of laminar. A transverse chamber in
water. the lower surface of the pileus of
preclimax. preclímax. The commu- agarics where the gills and hymen-
nity that develops immediately be- ium develop.
fore the climax; also, in the mono- premeiotic mitosis. mitosis premeiót-
premature sprouting 331 primary constriction
ico. The nuclear divison immedi- to the six part division of the year:
ately preceding the organization of prevernal, aestival, autumnal,
nuclei which will divide by meiosis. hibernal, serotinal, and vernal.
premature sprouting. retoño prema- prickle. aguijón. A small, slender,
turo. An early or abnormal emer- sharp-pointed outgrowth from the
gence of leaves or buds. cortex or epidermis of an organ; a
premature. prematuro. Occurring be- hard pointed dermal appendage that
fore the regular or normal time, as does not contain a vascular bun-
premature sprouting. dle.
premorse. premorso. Ending abruptly, prickly. aguijonoso. aguijonado. Hav-
as a root or leaf that appears to have ing prickles; echinate.
been bitten off. primary. primario. First, as the first
prepotency. prepotencia. The abil- part to emerge or to be formed; also,
ity of some pollen to bring about the most important.
fertilization more readily than other primary air pollutant. polutante del
pollen. aire primaria. The harmful chemi-
prereduction. prerreduccion. Dis- cals emitted into the air as direct
junction in the heterotype division. by products of combustion or other
presence and absence theory. teoría processes as opposed to those that
de la presencia-ausencia. That the form as a result of various chemical
dominace of an allelomorph is due reactions occurring in the atmos-
to the presence of something in it phere (secondary air pollutants).
which is absent from its alterna- primary axis. eje primaria. The main
tive. shoot of a plant; also, the main stalk
presentation time. tiempo de present- of an inflorescence.
ación. The minimum time that an primary body. corpúsculo primaria.
organism has to be exposed to a The part of the plant formed
stimulus before there is a percep- dircectly from cells cut off from
tible response. the apical meristem.
pressure potential. presión potencial. primary branch . rama primario.
The quality of water potential pro- Branch emerging directly from the
duced by the force created by real main inflorescence axis.
pressure (turgor pressure) against primary cell wall. pared celular
a membrane. primario. The cellulose wall of
prevailing climax. climax predomin- all plant cells which develop at the
ante. The most common, stable, time of mitosis and cytokinesis; the
undisturbed community in a spe- cell wall surrounds the protoplast
cific region. until it is nearly mature and fully
preventitious bud. botón preventitio. grown. It is thin, usually non-strati-
A dormant bud which will produce fied and contains less cellulose and
an epicormic bud under suitabale more pectin than the mature wall.
conditions. It later persits as the middle lamella.
prevernal. prevernal. In the early primary constriction. constricción pri-
springtime; also, flowering early mario. Centromere.
in the year; also, used in reference primary consumer. consumidor pri-
primary consumer 332 primary uredo
mario. Any organism that consumes primary pigments. pigmentos prim-
a producer organism as a food aria. Pigments that emit electrons
source; a herbivore. which directly drive photosynthetic
primary ecological succession. suces- reactions.
ión ecológic primario. A serial de- primary production. producción prim-
velopment of communities in a bare aria. An ecosystem’s capture and
area that has never been occupied storage of chemical energy.
by a community or organisms. primary productivity. productividad
primary growth. crecimiento primario. primaria. The rate at which an
Following seed germination, the cell ecosystem’s producers capture and
divisions, elongation, and differ- store a specified amount of chemical
entiation that give rise to the pri- energy as biomass in a specific
mary plant body. amount of time.
primary increase. aumentación pri- primary root. raíz primario. The one
mario. The increase in the size of root that grows from the embryo.
a stem or root brought about by primary sere. sere primario. A plant
the addition of cells from the succession beginning on land which
cambium. has never borne vegetation in re-
primary lamella. laminilla primario. cent geological time.
The first formed layer of the wall primary structure. estructura prim-
of a spore. aria. The composition of the poly-
primary leaf. hoja primaria. The first peptide chain, including the type,
leaf to emerge from the embryo; number, and sequence of amino
juvenile leaf. acids or nucleotides in the chain.
primary medullary ray. rayo medular primary succession. sucesión primario.
primario. radio medular prim- Plant successional events occur-
ario. A vascular ray passing radially ring in a virginal or new forming
from the pith to the cortex. habitat; primary ecological succes-
primary meristem. meristemo prim- sion.
ario. The meristem that remains primary thickening. engrosamiento
growing from the time of its de- primario. The first layers of wall
velopment in the embryo within the material to be laid down on the very
seed. young cell wall, often rich in pec-
primary mycelium. micelio primario. tic material.
The haploid mycelium produced by primary tissue. tejidos primario. A
the germination of a basidiospore, tissue that has differentiated from
as in a mushroom. a primary meristem.
primary node. nudo primario. The primary trisomic. trisómico primario.
node at which the cotyledons are A plant which has the ordinary dip-
inserted. loid chromosome complement, to-
primary phloem. floema primario. The gether with one extra chromosome.
phloem formed from a procambial primary universal veil. velo univer-
strand and present in a primary vas- sal primario. Protoblem.
cular bundle. It consists of proto- primary uredo. uredo primario. Ured-
phloem and metaphloem. ium.
primary wall 333 producer
primary wall. pared primario. A thin proanthesis. proantesis. Flowering
membranous enclosure around a before the normal or usual time.
growing cell. probasidium. probasidio. A teliospore,
primary wood. leña temprano. leña or the basidium from nuclear fu-
de primavera. Early or spring sion to the start of the epibasidium,
wood. sterigma, or spore development in
primary xylem. xilema primario. The any basidomycete; hypobasdium.
xylem formed from a procambial probe. sonda. A defined segment of
strand and present in a primary vas- DNA or RNA, commonly carrying
cular strand. It consists of proto- a radioactive label, used to iden-
xylem and metaxylem. tify a specific segment of DNA that
prime type. tipo primo. In Datura, carries the complementary base se-
one of the homologous types of quence.
chromosome structures, as distin- procambium. procambio. A group of
guished from other types by inter- elongated cells at the growing apex
change, and used as a basis of ref- of roots and stems which become
erence. vascular bundles as the plant con-
primine. primino. The outer cover- tinues its growth.
ing (integument) of an ovule. procarp. procarpo. A multicellular,
primitive. primitivo. Preserving the female reproductive organ in red
character of an ancestral develop- algae (Rhodophyta), consisting of
mental stage; original; first formed. an archcarp and trichogyne.
primordial. primordial. Primitive. procaryotes. procariotas. See prokar-
primordial cell. célula primordial. yote.
A cell which has not yet formed a procerus. procerus. Latin meaning
cell wall. “lofty”.
primordial germ cell. célula germi- process. protuberancia. A project-
nal primaria. Sex cell. ing part or appendage.
primordial leaf. hoja primordial. Em- prochromosome. procromosoma. A
bryonic leaf. body of heterochromatin seen in
primordial meristem. meristema pri- the resting stage of a nucleus.
mordial. Promeristem. procumbent. procumbente. A plant
primordium (pl. primordia). primordio. that trails or lies on the ground but
The early cells that are the precur- does not send out roots from the
sors of an organ. nodes. See prostrate.
primospore. primospora. A spore very prodiploidization hypha. hifa prodip-
like a cell of a thallus. loidización. A hypha which may
prisere. priser(i)e. presere. Primary be diploidized.
succession. producer. productor. Any organism
prismatic. prismático. Having sharp that uses solar energy (green plants)
angles and flat sides. or chemical energy (some bacte-
pristine. pristino. A natural, virginal, ria) to create the organic compounds
or undisturbed site. needed as nutrients from simple
pro-. pro-. A Latin prefix that means, inorganic compounds from the
“before” or “coming earlier”. environment.
production ecology 334 prolification
production ecology. ecología de la simple community with few spe-
producción. The division of ecol- cies to an optimum sustainable
ogy that addresses energy flow and community.
nutrient cycling within ecosystems. prohybrid. prohíbrido. A mycelium
productivity. productividad. See pri- having additonal nuclei from hyphal
mary productivity. fusions.
proembryo. proembríon. The group prolamine. prolamina. A simple pro-
of cells, few in number, formed as tein, insoluble in water and saline
the zygote begins to divide, and solutions, but soluble in 70 % etha-
from one or some of which, the em- nol.
bryo is formed. projected. saliente proyectado. Grow-
proenzyme. proenzima. Zymogen. ing outward, as projected branches;
profile position. posición perfil. A po- salient; porrect.
sition assumed by chloroplasts and projection. prominencia. A bump or
by leaves when the edge of the struc- protuberance.
ture is turned towards the position prokaryote. procaríoto. A cell or or-
from which the light is coming. ganism without a distinct nucleus,
profoundly. profundamente. Grow- as blue–green algae (Cyanophyta).
ing deep below the surface. See cyanobacteria.
profundal zone. zona profunda. The prokaryotic. procaríotico. Lacking
bottom or deepwater area of fresh- a membrane-bounded nuclei, plast-
water ecosystems where light does ids, Golgi apparatus, and mitochon-
not penetrate; may not be present dria.
in shallow ponds and lakes. prolate. prolado. Somewhat globular,
progametangia. progametangia. En- but flattened equitorially.
larged fungi hyphae that join at the proleptic. proléptico. Developing ab-
point of contact and eventually form normally late, as proleptic shoots
gametangia. developing from lateral buds di-
progametangium. progametangio. A rectly underneath the terminal.
short side branch developed in the proletarian. proletario. A plant having
Mucorales from which a gametan- little or no reserves of food mate-
gium is cut off by a transverse rial.
septum. proliferous. prolífico. Multiplying
progeny test(ing). prueba de descend- by producing bulblets or plantlets
encía. prueba de progenie. The from buds, or side branches, or leafy
method of assessing the genetic shoots growing from flowers or
character of an individual by the fruits.
performance of its progeny. prolification. prolificación. Producing
progressive cleavage. división progr- outgrowths, as a second flower from
esiva. The cleavage of the nucleus the substance of the first, either
or cells, to give 2, 4, 8, etc. daughter from the center of a simple flower
cells, one after the other. or from the side of an aggregate
progressive succession. sucesión prog- flower; also, a renewal of growth
resiva. In a particular setting, the in a mature organ after a period
consecutive development from a of inactivity; also, the formation
proline 335 prosenchyma
of a sporangium inside the empty lysogenically.
walls of a previously discharged propagulum. propágulo. A small re-
sporangium; also, the production productive branch which becomes
of off-shoots which may become detached from the parent and
detached and establish themselves growns into a new plant; referred
as new plants. especially to structures occurring
proline. prolina. A heterocylic, non- in brown alage.
polar amino acid, formed by the prophase. prófasa. profase. The first
decomposition of proteins. stage of mitosis when chromatin
promeristem. promeristemo. Apical is formed into the chromosomes and
tissue growth that develops into they become visible; also, the first
other bud parts. stage in meiosis, from the point
prometaphase. prometafase. The stage when chromosomes appear (lepto-
between the dissolution of the tene) to the point when chromatids
nuclear membrane and the aggre- contract (diakinesis). The stages
gation of the chromosomes on the of meiotic prophase are leptotene,
metaphase plate. zygotene, the pachytene, the diplo-
prominently. prominente. Noticeably tene, and the diakinesis; also, the
raised from the surface, as promi- stage in mitosis or meiosis when
nently veined. the chromosomes appear within the
promitosis. promitosis. The special nucleus, and in meiosis when un-
type of nuclear division during the dergoing pairing.
growth stage in the Plasmodiophor- prophyll. profilo. One of two bract-
aceae. eoles subtending the flowers of
promoter. promotor. promotora. A some species, as Juncus; bracteole.
segment of DNA that directs a proplastid. proplastido. An immature
group of structural genes. or new structure that precedes the
promycelium. promicelio. A short plastid and generally describes the
filament that bears sporidia, devel- plastids in the meristematic cells
oped in spore germination; a short which give rise to the other plas-
germ tube put out by some fungal tid forms during differentiation.
spores, on which other spores of proplectenchyma. proplecténquima.
different types develop. A false tissue of elongated fungal
propagate. propagar. To reproduce hyphae.
or multiply. prop root. raíz fúlcrea. raíz zanco.
propagation. propagación. The proc- raíz de apoyo. raíz aéra de sostén.
ess of reproducing or multiplying, raíz sestentativa. Adventitious
commonly used with vegetative roots, usually emerging from the
reproduction. lower nodes, that help support the
propagule. propágulo. A bud, seed, stem, as on mangrove trees.
spore, or any other structure able prosenchyma. prosénquima. Long,
to develop into a new plant. narrow cells with pointed ends that
prophage. profágo. The genome of form ducts or vessels that are char-
a bacteriophage whose host bac- acteristic of the woody and bast
terium responds to it presence portions of plants; also, plecten-
prosorus 336 proterandry
chyma in which the hyphae are the place where a leaf comes away
evident and distinct. at leaf-fall. It checks a water loss
prosorus. prosoro. In the Chytridiales, and the entry of parasites.
a cell giving rise to a group of protein. proteína. Organic compounds
sporanagia. containing carbon, hydrogen, oxy-
prosporangium. prosporangio. Of Phy- gen, nitrogen and frequently sul-
comycetes, a sporangium-like body phur and phosphorus, found in the
which puts out a vesicle (sporan- protoplasm of plant cells. They are
gium) in which zoospores may de- synthesized from amino acids and
velop and from which they are freed. are one of the main constituents
prospory. prosporia. The formation of protopasm. They are mainly a-
of sporangia on a very young plant. amino acid residues joined by pep-
prostheca. prosteca. In some bacte- tide linkages.
ria, a narrow, stem-like projection protein molecule. molécula proteína.
from the cell. molécula prote(in)ica. A large
prosthetic group. grupo prostético. molecule composed of many amino
A non-protein component of a acids, and the most important class
conjugated protein or the cofac- of compounds in the cell. They are
tor of an enzyme. divided structurally into two groups,
prostrate. postrado. See procumbent. globular and fibrous proteins. Func-
protamine. protamina. Any of a group tionally, they act variously as en-
of globular proteins of low molecu- zymes, hormones, structural ele-
lar weight containing large amounts ments, respiratory pigments, con-
of the amino acid arginine, but no tractile elements, antibodies, and
sulfur; associated with nucleic acids. as genes.
protandrous. protandro. Stamens or proteinase. proteinasas. Proteases.
anthers (male) developing before proteolysis. proteólisis. proteolisis.
carpels or stigma (female); oppo- The breaking down of proteins into
site of proterogynous. their component amino acids by
protandry. protandria. The matura- proteolytic enzymes, as in diges-
tion of anthers (male) before car- tion.
pels (female), as in dandelions proteolytic enzyme. enzima proteo-
(Asteraceae). lítica. An enzyme that breaks down
protantherous. proteranto. With leaves proteins; protease.
appearing before flowers. proteose. proteosa. These are pro-
protease. proteasa. An enzyme that tein derivaitives, soluble in water,
speeds the hydrolysis of the pep- and not coagulated by heat. They
tide bonds of proteins and peptides. are precipitiated by saturation with
protective color. color protectora. A ammonium or zinc sulphate, and
color some plants display that pro- condense to form protein.
vides protection from predators by proterandrous. protándrico. Char-
allowing them to blend with their acterized by the male reproductive
environment. organ maturing before the female.
protective tissue. tejido protector. A proterandry. proterandria. Prote-
layer of suberized cells lying across randrous.
proterogynous 337 protohymenial
proterogynous. proterógino. In her- o r, “primordial”, as in proto-
maphrodite flowers, the stigma (fe- plasm.
male) matures before anthers (male) protoaecium. protoecidio. A haploid
release the pollen; opposite of structure which, after diploidiz-
protandrous. ation, becomes a fruiting structure.
prothallium. prótalio. See prothallus. protobasidium. protobasidio. A primi-
prothallus. protálo. In ferns (Filicops- tive basidium.
ida) and mosses (Musci), the struc- protoblemmatogen. protoblemató-
ture that bears the sex organs; as geno. A loose flocculent layer
an independent gametophyte plant covering the universal veil.
of the Pteridophyta, it is a small protoconidium. protoconidio. Hemi-
green parenchymatous thallus bear- spore.
ing antheridia and archegonia. protocooperation. protocooperación.
It shows little differentiation, and A population interaction where both
is usually prostrate on the soil sur- populations benefit but neither is
face, to which it is attached by dependent on the relationship;
rhizoids. It may be subterranearn alliance.
and mycotrophic; also, the simi- protocorm. protocormo. A tuber-like
lar life cycle of gymnosperms; also, structure formed in the early stages
the earliest stages in the developmet of the development of club mosses
of a lichen thallus; protonema; and some other plants which ap-
gametophyte. pear to live in close association with
Protista. protistas. In some taxonomic fungi when young. In the culb
classification systems, Protista is mosses, it develops from the distal
a separate kingdom and in others, 4 cells of the eight-celled embryo
a super phylum or phylum. In and produces rhizoids and conical
either usage, it is a grouping of sim- protophylls which are leaf-like in
ple, undifferentiated, unicellular or function.
multicellular organisms that in- protoderm. protoderma. A thin layer
cludes algae, bacteria, fungi, and of tissue out of which the epider-
protozoans or various combinations mis develops; dermatogen.
of these groups. protogamy. protogamia. The union of
protists. protistos. protistas. gametes without the fusion of their
Eukaryotic, generally single-celled nuclei.
organisms, such as diatoms, amoe- protogonidium. protogonidio. proto-
bas, some algae (golden brown gonidia. The first of a series of
and yellow–green), protozoans, gonidia.
and slime molds. Some produce protogynous. protógino. Character-
their own nutrients through pho- ized by carpels or stigma matur-
tosynthesis, while others are ing before stamens or anthers.
decomposers feeding on bacteria, protogyny. protoginia. A condition
other protists or multi-celled in which the female organs develop
organisms. first.
proto-. proto-. A prefix that means, protohymenial. protohimenial. Having
“first in time, first in formation”, a primitive hymenium.
protolysis 338 prototype
protolysis. protolisis. The decompo- plasmática. flujo plasmático. The
sition of chlorophyll by light. streaming motion that may occur
proton. protón. A positively charged in the protplasm of living cells.
particle in the nuclei of all atoms protoplast. protoplasto. The living
with a relative mass of 1 and a single protoplasm within a cell that has
positive charge. a cell wall and composed of the
protonema (pl. protonemata). proto- nucleus, cytoplasm, and plasma
nema. The product of spore ger- membrane; the protoplasm, as dis-
mination in mosses (Musci) and tinct from the cell wall.
some liverworts (Hepaticae); also, protoplast fusion. fusión del proto-
thread-like structures from which plasto. A hybridizing method of
the leafy portions grow; also one using enzymes to digest the cell
of the initial branches produced wall of two distinctly different cells,
from a germinating spore of the then treating the plasma membrane
Charales, one branch ultimately so that the protoplasts of the two
producing the new plant. cells fuse. The result is generally
protopectin. protopectina. A substance not possible with traditional plant
similar to pectin, but consisting of breeding methods.
longer chains, which occurs in cell protosome. protosoma. A hypothetical
walls, especially of algae. central body in a gene.
protoperithecium. protoperitécio. See protospore. protospora. Said of the
protoaecium Synchytriaceae when a uninucleate
protophloem. protofloema. Elongated, piece of protoplasm becomes the
narrow cells (procambial strands) sporangium.
forming the first phloem tissue, protostele. protostela. In the plant
which lies closest to the outer piece axis, a solid core of xylem sur-
of the stem. It may be generalized rounded by phloem. The most sim-
in structure with poorly formed ple and primitive form of stele, made
sieve tubes and no companion cells. of a rod of xylem surrounded by a
protophyll. protófil. A sterile leaf. cyllinder of phloem. It is present
See protocorm. in the stems of some ferns and
protophyte. protófito. The game- lycopods and is universally present
tophyte in an alteration of genera- in roots.
tions, when the two generations are protothallus. prototalo. The first stage
unalike; also, a unicellular plant. in the formation of a lichen thal-
protoplasm. protoplasma. The living lus, often before the fungus and
substance of a cell which includes alga have become associated. The
the cytoplasm and nucleus, but term is sometimes applied to the
excludes vacuoles and cell wall fringe of hyphae growing out from
mass secrtetions. the edges of a mature thallus.
protoplasmic respiration. respiración prototroph. prototrofo. A microor-
plasmática. Respiration proceeding ganism that has the nutritional re-
at the expense of protein materi- quirements and capabilities char-
als in a starved plant acteristic of a non-mutant type.
protoplasmic streaming. corriente prototype. prototipo. A primitive or
protouredium 339 pseudanthium
original form of a species; arche- nitrile.
type. prune. podar. To reduce the number
protouredium. protouredinio. See of lateral branches or roots by cut-
protoaecium. ting.
protoxylem. protoxilema. The first pruina. pruina. A powdery bloom or
xylem tissue to develop; located secreton the surface of a plant.
closest to the pith. It is derived from pruinose. pruinoso. Covered with a
the apical growing point, and be- waxy or powdery bloom; also, cov-
gins to thicken before elongation ered with minute points that give
is complete. the appearance of frost.
protozoa. protozoario. protozoo. Any prunasin. prunasina. A glucoside, d-
of a phylum or subkingdom of mandelonitrile, in the bark of wild
mostly microscopic, single-celled, cherry.
animal-like organisms that repro- pruniform. pruniforme. Shaped like
duce by budding, dividing into a plum.
spores, or by fission. See Protista. pruning. poda. The selective removal
protruding. sobresaliendo. Project- of parts of a plant, usually woody
ing or bulging outward, as a bump. shrubs or trees; for improving qual-
protrusion. protuberancia. promi- ity and size of fruits or flowers,
nencia. An outward swelling or or for eliminating diseased tissue.
bulging. pruriens. pruriens. Latin meaning
protuberance. protuberancia. An out- “causing itching”.
ward projection, swelling or bulging psammon. psa(m)mon. Microscopic
that may give the appearance of be- flora and fauna living in the spaces
ing a special part. between grains of sea and lake shore
provascular tissue. tejido provascular. sand.
The procambium. psammophile. (p)samófil. A plant
provenance. procedencia. The natural which lives in sandy soil.
origin of a tree or stand of trees. psammophilous. (p)samófilo. aren-
proviral state. estado provírica. The ícola. Living or growing in sand
condition of a host cell after trans- or in a sandy environment; ammop-
formation. hilous.
provirus. provirus. A plasmagene psammophytes. psamófitas. Sand
which may develop into a virus. plants.
proximal. proxiamal. The point of psammosere. psa(m)mosere. The suc-
attachment of an organ, near the cessional sequence of changes char-
base; also, the part of a chromo- acteristic of plant life on sand-
some arm which is nearer to the dunes.
centromere than another part. pseud-. seud-. A Greek prefix that
proximate. próximo. Near or nearest. means, “closely similar,” “ficti-
pruinose. pruinoso. Covered with tious,” or “false”.
white, powdery granules, somewhat pseudanthium. seudantio. A compact
waxy, as a pruinose stem; sebiferous floral head composed of many small,
or frosted. individual flowers which gives the
prulaurasin. prulaurasina. Mandelo- appearance of being a single, simple
pseudoaethalium 340 pseudomorph
flower. mobile cytoplasmic process pro-
pseudoaethalium. seudoaetalio. Of duced by the cells near the edge
the myxomycetes, a group of sepa- of the colonies of the Tetrasporales.
rate sporangia looking like an pseudocolumella. seudocolumela. Of
aethalium. the Physaraceae, lime-knots
pseudoamitosis. seudoamitosis. An massed like a columella in the center
irregular nuclear division caused of the sporangium.
by treating the cells with poison. pseudocyphella. seudocifela. A cavity
pseudoapogamy. seudoapogamia. The like a cyphella on the under side
replacement of the normal fusion of the thallus of some lichens.
of sexual nuclei by the fusion of pseudodrupe. seudodrupa. A two to
two female nuclei, a female nucleus four-celled nut, enclosed by a fleshy
with a vegetative nucleus, or two involucre, as in Juglans.
vegetative nuclei. pseudo-epithecium. seudoepitecio. In
pseudoapospory. seudoaposporia. The the fruiting bodies of some asco-
formation of a diploid spore without mycetes, a layer above the hymen-
meiosis first taking place. ium made of the tips of paraphy-
pseudoaquatic. seudoacuático. Not ses in an amorphous matrix.
a true aquatic plant, but living in pseudogamy. seudogamia. A union
wet places. between two vegetative cells that
pseud(o)axis. seudeje. A false stem are not closely related; also, the
or axis; sympodium; monochasium. development of an egg cell into a
pseudoberry. seudobaya. A fleshy fruit new individual from the stimulus
which looks like a berry, but in of a male gamete, but without nu-
which some of the fleshy parts are clear fusion.
derived from an enlarged perianth. pseudogene. seudogen. Genes that
pseudobubil. seudobulbilo. In some no longer have any function hav-
ferns (Filicopsida), a prothallus that ing been switched off at some time
replaces the sporangia. during the evolutionary process.
pseudobulb. seudobulbo. In many or- pseudoidium. seudoidio. A separated
chids (Orchidaceae), a swollen, hyphal cell capable of germination.
aerial internode storing food. pseudomarine. seudomarina. Applied
pseudocapillitium. seudocapilicio. In to fresh water forms bearing a re-
the myxomycetes, a sterile struc- semblance to marine types but not
ture in the fruit body which has necessarily closely related.
no connection with the sporogenous pseudomixis. seudomixis. Fusion be-
protoplasm. tween two vegetative cell or be-
pseudocarp. seudocarpo. A fleshy tween cells which are not differ-
fruit that is also an aggregation of entiated as gametes.
achenes, as strawberries (Arbutus); pseudomonomerous. seudomonómero.
also, a fruit having more than a rip- A whorl that appears to have one
ened ovary, as an apple (Rosaceae), member that is actually a fusion
pineapple (Bromeliaceae), and of two or more parts.
many others; false fruit. pseudomorph. seudomorf. A stroma
pseudocilium. seudocilio. A long im- composed of plants parts kept to-
pseudomycelium 341 pseudoterminal
gether by plectenchyma. aceae. It bears the sporophyte and
pseudomycelium. seudomicelio. Said remains short until the sporophyte
of yeasts and others, when the cells is mature, then elongates; also, a
are loosely united in chains. leafless branch formed by some
pseudomycorrhiza. seudomicorriza. mosses (Musci), and bearing gem-
An association between a fungus mae.
and a higher plant in which the pseudopycnidium. seudopicnidio. A
fungus is distinctly parasitic. pycnidium-like structure of hypal
pseudonucleolus. seudonucléolo. A tissue, as in certain Fungi-Imper-
net knot. fecti.
pseudoparaphysis. seudoparáfisis. pseudoramulus. seudoramulo. A false
Paraphysoids. filament occurring in some algae.
pseudoparenchyma. seudoparénquima. pseudoraphe. seudorafe. A longitu-
A mass of loosely interwoven fila- dinal strip running the length of a
ments which look like parenchyma valve of the Pennales. It lacks a
in section. longitudinal slit.
pseudoperianth. seudoperianto. A pseudorhiza. seudoriza. A “rooting”
cylindrical upgrowth, one cell thick, base, as in the fungus Collybia
around a archegonium of the radicata.
Marchantiaceae. pseudoscape. seudoescapo. A false
pseudoperidium. seudoperidio. A scape, where some leaves are not
sheath of sterile hyphae surrounding basal but only appear to be.
the aecidium of the Uredinales. pseudoseptate. seudoseptado. A false
pseudoperithecium. seudoperitecio. partition or division.
Of the Laboulbeiales, a perithec- pseudoseptum. seudosepto. A septum
ium-like structure in which asci and which is perforated by one or more
spores become free; also, the perith- pores; found in the lower fungi.
ecium-like fruit body characteris- pseudosperm. seudoespermio. A small
tic of the Pseudosphaeriles; proto- indehiscent fruit which looks like
perithecium. a seed.
pseudophysis. seudofisis. A paraphys- pseudospore. seudospora. An ecysted
oid structure in the Cyphellaceae, myxamoeba; also, an obsolete term
which is thin-walled, smooth, swol- for basidiospore.
len at the end and moniliform. pseudostem. seudotalo. A false stem
pseudoplasmodium. seudoplasmodio. made from swollen leaf bases, as
A mass of closely associated uni- with bananas (Musa).
nucleate myxamoebae which retain pseudostipule. seudostípula. An ap-
their identity; also, in cellular slime pendage at the base of a leaf stalk
molds, a plasmodium-like structure which looks like a stipule but is
composed of many separate amoe- really part of the lamina.
boid cells. pseudoterminal bud. yema seudoterm-
pseudopodium. seudopodio. A mo- inal. A bud that appears apical but
bile and variable extension of the is actually lateral near the apex,
protoplasm; also, a leafless stalk developing when the terminal bud
of the gametophyte of the Sphagn- fails to emerge.
pseudoverticillate 342 pulpous
pseudoverticillate. seudoverticilado. pteropsida. pterópsidos. The vascular
Only appearing to be whorled. plants which have leaf gaps in the
pseudowhorl. seudoverticilo. An ar- stele, including ferns, gymno-
rangement of leaves that rise close sperms, and angiosperms.
enough together as to appear to rise pterospermous. pterospermo. Hav-
at the same level, although in fact ing winged seeds.
do not do so. ptyxis. ptixis. The way an individual
pseudozygospore. seudozoospora. leaf is folded in the bud.
Azygospore. puberulent. puberulento. Covered with
psilium. psilio. A prairie formation. a minutely straight, slender, almost
psilophilous. psilófilo. Pertaining to invisible hair; diminutive of pu-
the primitive pteridophytes, the bescent.
earliest vascular plants with scale- pubescent. peloso (en general). pub-
bearing stems occurring in the Pala- escente (en particular). Having
eozoic Era. or covered with soft, slender
psychrophile. psicrófilo. An organ- trichomes, as pubescent leaves.
ism that grows best at temperatures puffball. bejin. abombado. abullo-
of 15º C or lower; cryophil. nado. The common name for a fruit
psychrophilic. psicrófilio. Growing body in some fungi (Gaster-
best at low temperatures. mycetes) which are more or less
psychrophyte. psicrófito. Plants that spherical and the spores inside are
thrive in cold temperatures (15ºC released through pores in the
or lower). peridium.
psychrotroph. psicrótrofo. An or- puffing. formación de puffs. The si-
ganism that can grow at 15º C, multaneous and violent discharge
however, it grows better at higher of ascospores from many asci at
temperatures. the same time.
pterate. pterado. Having wings. pulchellus. pulchellus. Latin mean-
pteridology. pteridología. The branch ing “beautiful”.
of botany that deals with ferns pullulate. pululado. The sprouting or
(Filicopsida). germination of a seed; also, repro-
pteridophyte. pteridofita. Belong- duction by budding.
ing to the fern (Filicopsida) or re- pullulate. pulular. To multiply greatly
lated family having no seeds and or rapidly.
included in the Pteridophyta, the pullulation. pululación. Budding or
highest type of flowerless plants. sprouting.
pteridosperms. pteridospermas. Seed pulp. pulpa. The soft pith in the in-
ferns. terior of a stem; also, the soft,
ptero-. ptero-. A Greek prefix that succulent part of a fruit or vegetable,
means, “winged” or “feathered”. as the pulp of a grapefruit (Cit-
pterocarpous. pterocarpo. Having rus).
winged fruit. pulpous. pulpo. Pulpy; having pulp.
pterocaulous. pterocaulo . Having pulse. pulso. Edible seeds of any of
winged stems. the legumes; also the bloom of al-
pteroid. pteroide. Fern-like. gae.
pulsule 343 putamen
pulsule. pulsulo. A vacuole in the pro- pure culture. cultivo puro. A culture
toplast of the Dinophyceae which of pure stock of one species of
looks like a contractile vacuole, but plant. The term is used especially
on careful examination, has a dis- for bacteria and fungi; axenic cul-
tinct wall and does not contract. ture.
pulverulent. pulverulento. Covered pure line. línea pura. Plants which
with fine, waxy granules like pow- have descended by self-fertiliza-
der. tion from a single homozygous
pulvinar. pulvinular. Resembling or individual; also, an inbred homozy-
like a cushion or pillow; cushion- gous strain.
like. purine. purina. A colorless, crystal-
pulvinate. pulvinado. Swollen like line compound from which adenine
a pillow, as in a pulvinate leaf, a an guanine, nucleic acid compo-
leaf stalk, swollen at the base. nents are derived; also, an organic
pulviniform. pulvinforme. Same as nitrogenous base, slightly soluble
pulvinar. in water, that is a major compo-
pulvinule. pulvinulo. The small nent in DNA and RNA.
pulvinus of a leaflet. purine group. grupo purina. A group
pulvinus. pulvínulo. An enlargement of cyclic diureides derived from one
on the stem below the leaf; also molecule of dibasic hydroxyacid
an enlargement of the base of the and two molecules of urea. The
petiole. simplest is purine.
pumilus. pumilus. Latin meaning purple (color). púrpura (color). A
“low” or “small”. dark color that is a blend of red
punctate. punteado. Having pores and blue.
or point-like, small depressions. purplish. purpúreo. Somewhat pur-
puncticulate. punticulado. Diminu- ple.
tive of punctate. purpureus. purpureus. Latin mean-
punctiform. punctiforme. Having the ing “purple”.
shape or form of a point, as bac- pusillus. pusillus. Latin meaning
terial colonies which are very small “small”, “weak”, or “slender”.
but can be seen without a lens; about pustulate. pustulado. Having scat-
a millimeter or smaller in diam- tered blister-like swellings or erup-
eter. tions.
punctum vegetationis. punctum vegeta- pustule. pústula. A small elevation
tionis. Latin meaning “growing or pimple-like swelling; also, a
point”. mass of fungal spores and the hy-
pungent tip. ápice punzante. Ending phae bearing them.
in a sharp point; sharp-pointed, as pustulose. pustuloso. Having promi-
pungent leaves. nent, blister-like swellings.
pungent. punzante. Having a sharp pusule. pusulo. A small vacuole present
point; also, having a penetrating in the protoplast of some lower
odor or taste. plants, which is able to expand and
puniceus. puniceus. Latin meaning contract.
“bright carmine”. putamen. pireno. The hard endocarp
putrefaction 344 pyriform
or stone of some fruits, as a peach tem; reflecting the rates of pho-
(Amygdalus) which is a hollow tosynthesis, respiration, and oth-
endocarp surrounding the seed. ers, but not as a standing crop, as
putrefaction. putrefacción. Anaerobic in the pyramid of biomass.
digestion by bacteria of protein pyramid of numbers. pirámide de los
material, as meat. números. A diagram depicting the
pycnidiophore. picnóforo. A fruit body number of organisms of a particular
having pycnidia. type than can be supported at each
pycnidiospore. picnóspora. A conid- trophic level from a specified in-
ium formed inside a pycnidium; a put of solar energy at the producer
spore formed inside a pycnidium; trophic level in a food chain or food
also, of Uredinales, a spore from web; numerical pyramid.
a pycnium. pyramidal. piramidal. Cone-like and
pycnidium. picnidio. A spherical or pointed, as with some prickles;
flask-shaped fruiting body in which triangular-shaped, like a pyramid.
conidia are formed and released by pyran. pirano. The ring form of a hex-
some basidiomycetous fungi. ose sugar.
pycnium. picnio. Spermogonium. pyrene. pireno. A fleshy fruit, with
pycnocondium. picnocondio. A conid- each seed enclosed in a bony
ium formed inside a pycnidium. endocarp, as the seed of apples
pycnogonidium. picnogonidio. Stylo- (Malus) and pears (Pyrus), also
spore. A small hard body containing a
pycnosis. picnosis. Contraction of single seed, rather like the stone
the nucleus as the cell dies. It forms of a drupe, but many pyrenes may
a compact, strongly-staining mass. occur in a single fruit.
pycnospore. picnóspora. A spore pyrenocarp. pirenocarpo. drupa. The
formed in side a pycnidium; sperm- pit of drupes or drupelets, as cher-
atuium. ries (Prunus) or raspberries (Ru-
pycnothecium. picnotecio. A fruit body bus); perithecium.
formed by pycnosis. pyrenoid. pirenoide. The starch form-
pycnoxylic wood. leña picnoxilico. A ing and storing area in the chloro-
compact wood which contains lit- plasts of some algae and bryo-
tle or no parenchyma. phytes.
pygmaeus. pygmaeus. Latin mean- pyrenomycetes. pirenomicetos. A group
ing “dwarf”. of ascomycetes including those
pyramid of biomass. pirámide de la which produce true perithecia with
biomass. A diagram representing ostioles, or stromata containing
the biomass at different trophic cavities within which the asci are
levels in an ecosystem, by indicating developed. The orders of this group
dry matter or calorific value per are not necessarily related.
unit area or volume. pyrenium. pirenio. An obsolete term
pyramid of energy. pirámide de la for the sporocarp of the Sphaer-
energia. A diagram showing the iales.
flow rate of energy through the dif- pyriform. piriforme. Having the shape
ferent trophic levels in the ecosys- of a pear (Pyrus); pear-shaped.
pyrimidine 345 pyxis
pyrimidine. pirimidina. A liquid or vantage from fire.
crystalline organic base, six- memb- pyruvic acid. ácido pirúvico. A 3-car-
ered ring, containing nitrogen; also, bon acid that is central to cell
any of a group of compounds natu- metabolism and is the final prod-
rally derived from pyrimidine, a uct of glycolysis in aerobic respi-
major nucleic acid component of ration.
DNA and RNA. pyxidate. pixidado. Having a pyxis.
pyro-. piro-. A Greek prefix that means, pyxidium. pixidio. A circumscissile
“fiery”. seed that opens transversely into
pyrophilous. pirófilo. Fire-loving; a top and bottom part, with the top
describes a plant that can withstand acting as a lid, as in Plantago; di-
conditions created by fire. minutive of pyxis.
pyrophyte. pirofito. A plant able to pyxis. pixidio. Same as pyxidium,
withstand or gain competitive ad- but larger.
Q 10 346 quantasome

Q10. Q10. The rate of increase of a chemi- sides.
cal process (expressed as a multi- quadrilobate. cuadrilobado. Having
ple of the initial rate) produced by four lobes, as a quadrilobate leaf.
raising the temperature 10º C. For quadrilocular. cuadrlocular. Having
biological processes, as with many four cells or parts resembling cells,
chemical ones it is often between as a quadrilocular pericarp.
2 and 3. quadripartition. cuadripartición. The
quadrangular. cuadrangular. Having division of a spore mother cell into
four angles, as a quadrangular stem. four spores.
quadrat. cuadrate. A basic sampling quadriphyllous. cuadrifilo. Having four
unit for studying the relative abun- leaves.
dance of species, especially non- quadripinnatifid. cuadripinnatífido.
woody plant communities; tradi- Four times pinnately cleft.
tionally, plots are 1 m². quadriplex. cuadriplexo. Having four
quadrate. cuadrado. Square or nearly dominant genes.
square; a square of vegetation usu- quadrivalent. cuadrivalente. An
ally one square meter) selected at associaiton of four chromsomes held
random for the examination of the together between diplotene and
vegetaton of a given area. metaphase of the first meiotic di-
quadri-. cuadri-. A Latin prefix that vision, usually by chiasmata; also,
means, “four” or “having four”. a nucleus having two pairs of ho-
quadricapsular. cuadricápsular. Hav- mologous chromosomes, or an in-
ing four capsules. dividual containing such nuclei.
quadrifarious. cuadrifario. Arranged quadruplex. cuadruplexo. A poly-
in four rows or ranks. ploid in which a particular domi-
quadrifid. cuadrifido. Divided into nant allelomorph is present four
four parts, as a leaf or petal. times.
quadrifoliate. cuadrifoliado. Hav- qualitative characters. carácter cualit-
ing four leaves attached laterally ativo. Inherited characteristics that
to a stem; also, having leaves in relate to form, structure, behavior,
whorls of four. or function.
quadrifoliolate. cuadrifoliolado. A qualitative inheritance. herencia cualit-
compound leaf with four leaflets. ativo. The acquisition of a char-
quadrifurcate. cuadrifurcado. Dou- acter that is distinctively different
bly dichotomous. in its expression from other indi-
quadrijugate. cuadriyugado. Bear- viduals of the species; the varia-
ing four pairs of leaflets, as the peti- tion is not continuous.
ole of a pinnate leaf. quantasome. cuantasoma. The fun-
quadrilateral. cuadrilateral. With four damental unit of organization of
quantitative biology 347 quinone
the chloroplast; also, one of the quaternate. cuaternado. Arranged in
granules containing chlorophyll sets of four, as a quaternate leaf.
inside the chloroplast. quercitin. cuerctina. A flavonal oc-
quantitative biology. biología cuantit- curring in the free state or com-
ativo. Biometry. bined in glycosidal forms in a wide
quantitative characters. carácter cuant- range of flowers and leaves.
itativo. Characteristics that de- quiescence. quiescencia. The condi-
scribe the species in terms of tion in which a seed or other plant
number and size, as spore produc- part will not germinate or grow
tion in ferns (Filicopsida), height without the appropriate environ-
of trees, and nectar production in mental factors being present.
clover Trifolium). quill-like. púa. More or less tapering,
quantitative inheritance. herencia usually hollow; terete.
cuantitativo. The acquisition of a quinary. quinaria. In fives.
character that is produced by the quinate. quinado. With five similar
cumulative action of many genes, structures, as leaflets from a com-
each producing only a small effect, mon point.
as spore production in ferns quincuncial aestivation. estivación
(Filicopsida) or the height of trees. quincuncial. A particular type of
quantum evolution. evolución del imbricate aestivation in a five-
cuanto. evolución cuántica. In an petalled corolla. Two petals overlap
evolutionary lineage, the sudden their neighbors by both edges, two
spurt of diversification. are overlapped on their edges, and
quantum. cuanto. quántum. A “pack- one overlaps one neigbor, and is
et” of energy; a fixed elemental unit, overlapped by the other.
as energy. quincuncial phyllotaxy. filotaxia
quantum speciation. especiación quincuncial. A spiral arrangement
cuanto. Describes a rapid change of leaves on a stem in which five
that can take place in species that leaves make up one turn of the spiral
are isolated from their large ances- and the angular distance between
tral population. any two consecutive leaves is two
quartet. cuarteto. The group of four fifths of the circumference.
related cells or nuclei formed as a quincuncial. quincuncial. Having an
result of meiosis. arrangement of five leaves or petals
quasi-sympatric speciation. especiac- with two parts outside, two parts
ión casisimpátrico. The separation inside and one both inside and out-
of one species into two by the ad- side, as with buds.
aptation of different subpopulat- quincunx. quincuncial. An overlap-
ions. ping arrangement of five petals or
quaternary structure. estructura leaves, with two inside, two out-
cuaternaria. The structure of a pro- side, and the other, only partially
tein resulting from the interaction outside.
of two or more individual poly- quinone. quinona. A yellowish, crys-
peptides to give large functional talline compound of benzene with
molecules. two hydrogen atoms replaced by
quinque- 348 quintuplinerved
two oxygen atoms that act as elec- quinquejugate. quinqueyugado. Ar-
tron carriers in mitochondria and ranged in five pairs.
chloroplasts. quinquelobate. quinquelobado. Hav-
quinque-. quinque- . A Latin prefix ing five lobes; divided almost to
that means, “having five” or “five the middle into five distinguish-
times”, as quinquefoliate, having ing parts with convex margins, as
five leaves. a leaf.
quinquecostate. quinqueacostillado. quinquelocular. quinquelocular. With
Having five ribs. five cells or locules.
quinquefarious. quinquefario. Ar- quinquenerved. quinquenervio. Hav-
ranged in five ranks, as quinque- ing five main nerves.
farious scales. quinquepartite. quinquepartitia. Di-
quinquefid. quinquefido. Five-cleft; vided into five parts almost to the
about halfway from the margin to base.
the base with the linear sinuses and quintuplinerved. quintuplinervio.
straight margins, as a leaf. Having five nerves, all proceed-
quinquefoliate. quinquefoliado. Hav- ing from above the base of the
ing five leaves or leaflets; also, lamina, as quintuplinerved leaves.
having leaves in whorls of five.
race 349 radiate

race. raza. estirpe. A term occasionally or frond.

used to indicate any interbreeding racket cell. célula raqueta. Of dermato-
subvariety species, as a breed or phytes, a hyphal cell having a swell-
strain. ing at one end.
racemation. racemación. A cluster of radial. radiado. radial. With floral
grapes (Vitaceae). parts radiating from a central point,
raceme. racimo. An unbranched, elon- as spokes on a wheel; also, the lat-
gated inflorescence with pedicel- eral spines of a cactus; actino-
late flowers which matures from morphic.
the bottom upwards, as lily of the radial bundle. haz radial. A vascu-
valley (Convallaria); also, a group lar bundle, commonly occurring in
of sporangia maturing in a simi- roots, with the primary xylem and
lar manner. phloem lying on alternate radii.
racemiferous. racemífero. Bearing radial dot. punto radial. The Casparian
racemes. Strip, when it is cut in a transverse
racemiform. racemiforme. Raceme- section, or in certain longitundinal
like or growing in the shape of ra- sections, it appears as a dot on the
ceme, but not necessarily the struc- wall of the endodermis.
ture of a true raceme. radial symmetry. radial simetría.
racemose. racemoso. Bearing raceme; simetría radiada. If an organ or
also, flowers borne on racemes; organism can be split down any ra-
racemous. dius longitudinally to give two iden-
racemous. racemoso. Same as race- tical halves, it is radially symmetri-
mose. cal.
racemule. racemula. A small raceme. radial wall. pared radial. An anticli-
rachilla (inflorescence) . raquilla nal wall placed on or across the
(inflorescencia). The central axis radius of an organ.
of a grass or sedge; a spikelet. radiant. radiante. Radiate.
rachilla (leaf). raquilla (foliar). The radiant energy. energía radiante. En-
secondary axis of a compound leaf; ergy in the form of waves.
also, the axis in the center of a grass radiant umbel. umbela radiante. An
spikelet. umbel in which the outer flowers
rachis (inflorescence). raquis (inflor- are larger than those in the mid-
escencia). The major axis within dle.
an inflorescence; the axis that bears radiate (whorled). radiado (verti-
the flower. cilado). With three or more parts
rachis (leaf). raquis (foliar). The main spreading from a central point, as
axis of a pinnately compound leaf in the Asteraceae; also, said of a
radiate-veined 350 radiosperm
stigma in which the receptive sur- radicular. radícular. Relating to roots.
face radiates outward from the radiculose. radiculoso. Having many
center; said of a capitulum which rootlets; also, said of the “stem”
has ray florets. of a moss which bears many rhizoids
radiate-veined. radiado-vena. Hav- at the base.
ing palmate veining. radioactive carbon-14. carbono 14
radiatiform. radiatiforme. Appearing radiactivo. radiocarbono. A ra-
to radiate, as the heads of a dioactive isotope of carbon.
Centaurea cyanus (Asteraceae). radioactive tracer. trazador radiativo.
radiation ecology. radioecología. See A radioactive isotope whose move-
radioecology. ment is or can be traced through
radiation. radiación. Energy in the organisms, living systems, or the
form of waves or particles, espe- abiotic environment.
cially electromagnetic waves. X rays radioactive. radiactivo. Giving off
and visible light are forms of ra- or capable of giving off radiant en-
diation. ergy in the form of particles or rays.
radical (basal). radical (basal). At radioactivity. radiactividad. Nuclear
the bottom or base of a structure; change where unstable nuclei of
pertaining to a leaf arising from a atoms spontaneously shoot out
rhizome or from the base of a stem. chunks of mass, energy, or both,
radicant. radicante. The root grow- at a fixed rate. There are three prin-
ing on a prostrate stem. cipal types: gamma rays, beta par-
radicate. arraigado. Rooted. ticles, and alpha particles.
radication. radicacíon. enraizamiento. radiobiology. radiobiología. The
Rooting; also, the general charac- branch of biology which studies the
teristic of the root system of a plant. effects of radiation on living cells
radicel. raicilla. radicela. A rootlet and organisms.
or the branch-like extension of a radiocarbon dating. radiocronometria.
root. dataciónde radiocarbónica. Car-
radicellose. radicelosa. Bearing bon dating is based on the fact that
rhizoids. radioactive carbon-14 decays at a
radi(ci)colous. radicícola. Said of a fairly regular rate. By measuring
parasite which attacks roots. the amount of radioactive carbon-
radiciferous. radicífero. Bearing roots. 14 which remains in preserved
radiciflorous. radicifloro. With the organic materials, scientists can tell
flower emerging directly from the within a margin of error, when the
root crown. organism died.
radiciform. radiciforme. Appearing radioecology. radioecología. A branch
or shaped like a root. of ecology that studies the effects
radicle. radícula. The lower part of of radioactive material on living
the axis of an embryonic seedling systems and on the avenues by
which develops into a root; the pri- which they are diffused through the
mary or rudimentary root; also, the ecosystem, including the abiotic
rhizoid of a moss; also, any small environment.
root. radiosperm. radiosperma. A seed which
radioisotopes 351 ramiflorous
is approximately circular in cross fall occurring on the downwind side
section; also, a plant, especially of mountainous areas, as a result
fossil forms, bearing such seeds. of the warm air moving downslope,
radioisotopes. radioisótopo. Unsta- which usually prevents atmospheric
ble isotopes of certain elements that condensation
emit particles of radioactive decay. rainy. lluvioso. pluvioso. Character-
Used to date the age of fossil ma- ized by much rain.
terials based on the rate of disin- rainy season. estación de lluviosa.
tegration of the radioisotopes. época de lluvia. A regular, system-
radius. radio. The group of ray flo- atically occurring period of rain.
rets in a capitulum. raise. cultivar. aporcar. To grow or
radula spore. espora rádula. A spore cultivate.
on a sterigma which has no rela- ramal. rameal. Pertaining to or resem-
tion to the growing point of the bling a branch or a ramus, as a ramal
hypha. leaf of the Crescentia cujete (Bigon-
radix. raíz. The root of a plant, es- iaceae), which is attached directly
pecially one used for medicine. to a branch.
raffinose. rafinosa. A trisaccharide rambler. callejero. A weak-stemmed
sugar made of a galatose residue, plant that leans on and scrambles
a glucose residue, and a fructose over the surrounding vegetation.
residue. rameal sheath. vaina de la rameal. A
rain. lluvia. precipitación pluvial. leaf sheath on the stem joints, as
Water falling to earth from con- on horsetails (Equisetum).
densed moisture in the atmosphere. ramentaceous. ramentáceo. ramen-
rain factor. factor de lluvia. An ex- toso. Covered with ramentum.
pression of the humidity as a func- ramentum. ramento. A thin, flat, mem-
tion of rainfall and temperature. branous scale formed on the leaves,
The ratio of the mean annual rainfall petioles, and stems of certain ferns
in mm. to the mean annual tem- (Filicopsida).
perature in degrees centigrade. rameous. rameal. Growing on or com-
rain forest. selva alta perennifolia. ing out of a branch.
selva tropical. bosque pluvial. ramet. rameto. The individual member
pluv(i)selva. bosque lluvioso. A of a clone, as a leaf of a clover
perennial tropical forest, the old- (Trifolium).
est of all vegetative types, which rami-. rami-. A Latin prefix that
occurs in the equatorial lowlands means, “pertaining to branches”.
and is characterized by plants that ramiferous. ramífero. Producing
flower, fruit and leaf continuously branches.
throughout the year; also found ramificated. ramificarse. Branched
occasionally in northern areas, such or branched out.
as southeastern Alaska. ramification. ramificación. The ar-
rain-loving. ombrófilo. Plants that rangement of branches or offshoots
thrive on large amounts of rain. on a stem; branching.
rain shadow. sombra de illuvia. A ramiflorous. ramifloro. Borne on the
condition of relatively little rain- branches.
ramiform 352 ravenelin
ramiform. ramiforme. Branched or re- chance of being chosen.
sembling a branch. randomization. randomización. The
ramify. ramifia. To be divided or sub- process of arriving at a random
divided, as the branching of a stem. combination of event types.
ramoconidium. ramoconidio. A spore range. zona. pradera. The area of dis-
derived from a part or branch of tribution of a species; also, exten-
conidiophore. sive open grazing land with native
ramose. ramoso. ramificada. Branched vegetation that is predominantly
or bearing many branches. composed of grasses (Poaceae) or
ramulose. ramuloso. Having many shrubs suitable for grazing animals.
small branches or ramuli. rank. serie. categoria. A vertical row;
ramular. ramular. Pertaining to a for example leaves that are 2-ranked
branch. are in two rows along the stem; also,
ramular trace. traza ramular. See the level within a taxonomic hier-
branch trace. archy or the location of a category
ramulus. ramula. A very small branch of a taxon in a classification hier-
or branchlet. archy, as family, genus, and spe-
ramus (ramuli, pl.). rama. A branch. cies.
ramuscule. ramuscule. A little ramus raphal. rafal. Pertaining to the ra-
or branchlet; a ramulus. phe.
random. azar. Pertaining to or involv- raphe. rafe. In some ovules, the lon-
ing the same or equal chances or gitudinal cord of vascular tissue
probability of occurrence for each connecting the hilum with the
member of a group. chalaza; also, on seeds, the ridge
random branching. ramificación al formed from adnate funiculus; also,
azar. Branches emerging from buds a rib on a valve of a diatom.
without relation to leaves. raphides. rafidios. Very small, needle-
random drift. desviación al azar. The shaped crystals of calcium oxalate
chance fluctuations of gene frequen- which are present in many plant
cies in a population so that the genes cells.
among the offsprings are not per- rareripe. raramaduro. Early matur-
fectly representative of the parental ing or ripening, as certain fruits
genes. or vegetables.
random mating. apareamiento al azar. Raunkiaer categorization. Categoriz-
The situation within a population ación de Raunkiaer. A plant clas-
where each individual has an equal sification system of the Danish
chance of mating with any other botanist C. Raunkiaer (1876–1960),
individual, including itself; sub- based on the position of perennating
ject to any known restrictions, e.g. buds in relation the soil surface.
dioecy or incompatibility. See chamaeophyte, epiphyte, geo-
random sample. muestra al azar. phyte, hemicryptophyte, phane-
muestra aleatoria. A method of rophyte, and therophyte.
selection from a group that is drawn ravenelin. raveneline. A metabolic
from the total group in a manner product of Helminthosporium
so that every item has an equal ravenelii and H. turclcu.
ravine 353 recapitulation theory
ravine. barranca. In the earth’s sur- reactant. reactante. An element or
face, a long, deep, narrow valley compound that is involved in a
which is larger than a gully but chemical reaction.
smaller than a canyon, and has been reaction. reacción. The fifth step in
formed by a stream or a rushing a six step process of plant succes-
flood. sion, in which the species or plant
raw humus. humus bruto. Mor. community modifies the physical
ray. rayo. The branch of an umbel location to such a degree as to en-
or a similar inflorescence; also, the hance further successional devel-
strap-like part of a ligulate flower opment; for example, a reduction
in the Asteraceae, especially used in water run-off with a resulting
to refer to the marginal flowers that increase in silt accumulation that
differ from the regular flowers in provides adequate soil for the
the center; also, one of the verti- growth of shallow-root species;
cal bands of tissue between the pith also, in biochemistry, a rearrange-
and the bark of a tree or other plant; ment of one or more of the mo-
also, the non-vascular tissue de- lecular components resulting in the
veloped in a stele. The material formation of one or more additional
between the primary vascular bun- substances that may have differ-
dles is the interfascicular ray, and ent properties; also, the degree of
that developed in the secondary vas- soil acidity or alkalinity expressed
cular tissue, by division of the as a pH value; also, any change in
cambium, the vascular ray. the activity of an organism in re-
ray floret. flósculo radial. flor radial. sponse to a stimulus. See sere.
Any of the flowers around the reaction center. centro de reacción.
margin of the head of certain In a photosynthetic unit, the hy-
Asteraceae, as a daisy; also, one pothetical site where energy com-
of the small flowers radiating out ing from the absorption of light is
form the margin of a capitulum or used to transport electrons for pho-
other dense inflorescence. tophosphorylation.
ray flower. florecilla radial. Same reaction time. tiempo de reacción.
as ray floret. The time interval between the ap-
ray initial. inicial radial. One of the plication of a stimulus and the ap-
cells of the cambium which takes propriate reaction.
part in the formation of a ray. reafforestation. repoblación forestal.
raylets. rayuelos. Minute or very small See reforestation.
ray. recalcitrant seed. semilla recalcitrante.
ray tracheid(e). traqueida radial. A A seed that is viable for only a short
thick walled cell which occurs in time, commonly for one year or less;
the vascular rays of pines (Pin- especially true for many tropical
aceae). It has bordered pits and con- genra.
ducts aqueous solution horizontally. recapitulation theory. teoria de la
RDP. RDF. Ribulose diphosphate. recapitulación. The theory that the
re-. re-. A Latin prefix that means, ancestral characters are reflected
“back”. in the development of an individual.
recedent 354 reclining
recedent. recedente. A term applied activated by a stimulus in the in-
either to the genom or the pasmon ternal or external environment.
when they are of subsidiary impor- recessive. recesivo. The allele in a
tance in heredity.???????? pair of contrasting alleles that is
receptacle. receptáculo. The enlarged latent or subordinate when both are
area at the end of the pedicel that present in the germ plasma; also,
bears the flower bracts and florets, the relationship of two allelomorphs
as in the Asteraceae; also, in ferns where the single gene heterozygote
(Filicopsida), the axis of the theca; does not resemble one of the the
the torus; in some algae, such as two homozygous parents because
Fucus, a swollen part of the thal- its effect is masked by the domi-
lus; also, in fungi, a spore-bear- nant allelomorph.
ing structure, especially if it is more recessive allele. alógeno. In the het-
or less concave; in liverworts, a erozygous state, an allele whose
cup containing gemmae; thalamous. expression is fully or partially hid-
receptacular. receptaculares. Pertain- den by its partner’s expression, but
ing to or growing on the recepta- can be fully expressed in the ho-
cle. mozygous state.
receptaculum. receptaculo. A fleshy recessive gene. gen recesivo. A gene
part below the seed which is formed that is masked by a dominant
from the bases of bracts and the allelic partner, with the recessive
swollen receptacle or cone axis, as phenotype expressed only when
in the Podocarpaceae. both alleles for a specific trait are
receptive body. cuerpo receptivo. A recessive.
small branched or unbrached proc- reciprocal cross. cruzamiento recíp-
ess from the stroma, capable of roco. cruce recíproco. In genet-
being “spermatized” by micro- ics, one of a pair of crosses where
condia. the male parent in one cross is of
receptive hypha. hifa receptivo. the same kind as the female par-
Flexuous hypha; trichogyne. ent in the other, i.e. where the
receptive papilla. papila receptivo. In sources of male and female gam-
some phycomycetes, a small out- etes are reversed.
growth from the oogonium into the reciprocal gene. gen recíproco. A non-
antheridium, where the antherid- allelic gene that reciprocates or
ium become attached. complements another. See comple-
receptive spot. lugar receptivo. The mentary gene.
clear area in the female gametes reciprocal translocation. tra(n)sloc-
of some fungi and algae, through ación de recíproca. Mutual ex-
which the male gamete enters. change of segments between non-
receptiveness. receptividad. The homologous chromosomes; inter-
conditon of a stigma when effec- change.
tive pollination and fertilization is reclinate. reclinado. Bent or turn-
possible. ing abruptly downward, as a leaf
receptor cell. célula receptora. A sen- in a bud.
sory cell or cell part that can be reclining. reclinado. Bent or turn-
recognition surface 355 red alga
ing downward; also, lying on or number of progeny, expressed as
being supported by something; pro- a percentage or fraction; which
cumbent. shows the relative distances between
recognition surface. superficie de loci on a genetic map.
reconocimiento. A three-dimen- recombine. recombinar. To form new
sional structure of a membrane genetic combinations; to undergo
surface that provides distinctive- or cause recombination.
ness due to macromolecules of recon. recón. The smallest unit of DNA
various sizes and shapes extend- capable of recombination.
ing above the lipid bilayer. recreation ecology. ecología entre-
recolonization. recolonización. The tenimiento. The study of the ef-
reestablishment of a natural plant fects of recreational activities on
community following a natural or ecosystems.
unnatural event that removed the rectangular speciation. especiación rec-
existing community. tangular. The sudden appearance
recombinant DNA. DNA recombi- of species after long periods of little
nante. Whole molecules or seg- change in the lineage.
ments that incorporate parts of dif- rectangular. rectangular. Box-like,
ferent parent DNA molecules, longer than wide, used to describe
formed by natural recombination both plane and solid shapes.
or by recombinant DNA technol- rectinerved. rectinerviado. Having
ogy. straight or parallel veins.
recombinant. recombinante. An in- rectipetaly. rectipetalía. The tendency
dividual with a genotype produced of plant members to grow in a
by an exchange of chromosomes; straight line.
cross over. rectiseral. rectiseral. Arranged in
recombinase. recombinasa. An en- straight rows.
zyme that catalyzes genetic recom- recumbent. recostado. reclinado.
bination. Leaning or resting on the ground,
recombination (genes). recombinación as a recumbent plant; prostrate.
(gene). During meiosis in sexually recurrent. recurrente. Said of the
reproducing organisms, any one of small veins of a leaf when they bend
several processes that gives rise to back towards the midrib.
a new combination of hereditary recurvate. recurvado. To recurve or
characteristics that produce new bend backwards, downwards, or
genotypes; also, any method that outwards.
generates new gene or chromosome recurved. recurvo. Describes the end
combinations not present in either of a structure in relation to the axis,
parent; meiosis generates recombi- as curved outward, downward, or
nants through the independent as- backward.
sortment of chromosomes and cross- red (color). rojo (color). A primary
ing over. color or pigment.
recombination frequency. frecuencia red alga. alga rojo. Any of the red
de recombinación. The number of or purplish, marine algae (Rhodo-
recombinants divided by the total phyta).
redox potential 356 reduction separation
redox potential. potencial redox. A and female gametes or nuclei of
scale expressed in potential milli- some other nuclei, e.g. the fusion
volts, which shows the reduction of two female nuclei.
(gaining of electrons) and oxida- reducing agent. agente reductor. Any
tion (loss of electrons) for a ma- of a number of substances that
terial. A reading requires a pH sam- diminishes a compound, by donating
ple. an electron or electrons.
redox reaction. reacción redox. reducing center. centro reductor. The
Producing or containing the proc- –Ch.OH group in the C1 position
esses of reduction (addition of elec- of a monosaccharide or disaccha-
trons) and oxidation (removal of ride sugar. This causes the posi-
electrons). tive reaction with the Fehling’s Test.
redox system. sistema redox. An oxi- reductant. reductante. A reducing
dation–reduction system in which agent, as chlorophyll which can act
one substance is oxidized and an- both as an oxidant and as a reduct-
other reduced. ant.
red snow. nieve rojo. In the alpine reductases. reductasas. Flavoproteins
and arctic, a red-pigmented (haema- which are enzymes that bring about
tochrome), unicellular green algae reductions, e.g. of nitrate (NO3) ions
that produces a light red sheen when to ammonium ion. They are also
growing on snow; important in the oxidation of NAD
red tide. marea roja. A reddish color and NADP.
appearing on the surface of seawater reduction. reducción. Diminished in
produced by a sudden clustering size or number, as a chemical re-
of billions of one-celled organisms action involving atoms or molecules
that are toxic to fish. that lose oxygen or gain hydrogen;
red violet color. color roja-violeta. also, the gaining of one or more
A reddish color with a strong pres- electrons by an atom; also, the halv-
ence of purple. ing of the number of chromosomes
reddish. rojizo. One of the many hues at meiosis.
of red. reduction(al) division. división reduct-
reduced. reducido. Diminished in size ora. división reduccional. A nu-
or shape; also, simplified in struc- clear division in which the chro-
ture, as compared with some prob- mosomes are reduced from the dip-
able ancestral form. loid to the haploid number; the first
reduced apogamy. apogamia reducido. division of meiosis including pro-
The development of a sporophyte phase, metaphase I and anaphase
from a cell or cells of a gametophyte I. It results in a haploid number
without the fusion of gametes. This of chromosomes gathering at each
produces a plant which has the ga- end of the nuclear spindle. See
metic number of chromosomes; meiosis.
meiotic euapogamy. reduction separation. separación
reduced fertilization. fertilización reductora. The separation of ho-
reducido. The substitution for a mologous parts of non-sister chro-
normal sexual fusion between male matids at anaphase of one or other
reductive amination 357 regression
meiotic divison. refracted. refracto. Bent backwards
reductive amination. aminación red- from the base, as a refracted co-
uctivo. The reduction of a sub- rolla.
stance by the additon of an NH 2 , refringent. refringente. Refracted.
e.g. a ketoglutaric acid is trans- refuge. refugio. zona de refugio. área
formed to glutamic acid. reliquia. A small isolated area
redundant cistron. cistrón redundante. which has not undergone the ex-
A section of a DNA molecule that tensive changes of the surround-
is present in many copies on one ing region. Plants and animals for-
chromosome, all but one being su- merly characteristic of the region
perfluous. have found sanctuary from the new
reduplicate. reduplicado. Having the unfavorable conditions. Also re-
margins of the sepals or petals ferred to as refugium.
folded back so that they project or refugia. refugios. Plural of refuge.
are turned outward. regenerate. regenerar. To grow or
reduplication. reduplicación. The oc- renew a part that has been lost; also,
currence of a segment of a chro- to develop an entire new plant from
mosome twice in a haploid set. existing parts, as from a root or a
reed sedge peat. turba de caña juncia. leaf.
A sedge peat, especially of the regeneration. regeneración. The re-
Phragmites or Carex species. newal or replacement of any lost
reed. caña. A group of tall, broad- part or organ with another; also, a
leaved grasses (Poaceae) with form of asexual, vegetative repro-
jointed, hollow stems; specifically, duction in which an entire new plant
plants of the genera Arundo, can be produced from parts of an
Ammophila, and Phragmites. existing plant; also, in bryophytes,
reed-like. calamiforme. Having the the growth of a diplid gametophyte
form or shape of a reed. directly from a sporophyte after in-
reflexed. reflexo. Bent backwards or jury.
downward at a sharp angle. region. región. zona. A division of
refoliate. refoliado. To bear leaves the earth according to plant or
again, as after a loss from wind, animal life.
rain, or disease. regma. regma. A dry fruit of three
reflorescence. reflorescencia. Dou- or more carpels that separates from
ble flowering. the axis at maturity, as in the
reforestation. reforestación. repoblac- Eurphorbia; also, a fruit which
ión forestal. The renewal or re- breaks up into rounded one-seeded
placement of trees and other veg- portions when ripe.
etation with seeds from nearby trees regression. régression. A reversion to
or by artificially planting seedlings a less developed form; in genet-
on land where the trees have been ics, the tendency of offspring to
removed; also, the replacement of exhibit physical characteristics of
one type of tree crop for another an earlier type than those of their
by planting into an existing but parents; also, the dependence of
different type of forest. one variate, the dependent, on an-
regression coefficient 358 renewal cycle
other, the independent; also, a ten- chromatids during despiraling.
dency to return from an extreme relative humidity. humedad relativa.
to an average condition, as when The relationship between the
a tall parent gives rise to plants amount of water vapor in the air
of average stature. See Galton’s Law. and the greatest amount the air could
regression coefficient. coeficiente de contain at the same temperature.
regresión. The rate of change of relative sexuality. sexualidad relativa.
the dependent variate. The occurrence in a species of
regression line. recta de regresión. strains giving gametes able to fuse
A straight line or curve showing with those produced by either of
a regression in a co-ordinate rep- the normal strains.
resentation. releasing factors. factors de liberación.
regular. regular. Having floral parts factors liberador. In genetics, pro-
within a whorl that are similar or teins that connect with the grow-
the same in shape and size; actino- ing polypeptide when a termina-
morphic. tion codon is met during transcrip-
regular distribution. distribución regu- tion, and then mediate the discharge
lar. See underdispersion. of the finished polypeptide form
regular flower. flor regular. See regu- the ribosome.
lar. relic(t) community. comunidad reliq-
regularly. regularidad. regularmente. uial. A community that had a much
Uniformly wider distribution at one time but
regular sample. muestra regular. One now can be found only on very local
of a number of samples taken sys- sites, such as communities wide-
tematically by the use of regularly spread during glacial times may now
spaced quadrats along a randomly be restricted to mountain tops.
selected site; systematic sample. relic(t). relicto. A plant that has sur-
regulatory gene. gen regulador. A vived from a previous geologic
gene that participates in the switch- period while other related ones have
ing on or off of the transcription become extinct.
of structural genes at other loci. remote. remoto. Distantly spaced; also,
The regulatory gene is not part of said of the gills of agarics which
the operon do not reach the stipe but leave a
rehetropism. rehetropismo. The free space around it.
growth orientation of plants in renewable resource. recursos renov-
response to air or water currents. able. Natural assets that theoreti-
rejuvenescence. rejuvenecimiento. A cally can last indefinitely without
process where the contents of a cell reducing the available supply be-
break the cell wall and form a new cause they are replaced more rap-
cell with a new wall; also, the re- idly through natural processes than
newal of vigor by the exchange of are non-renewable resources, e.g.
material between two different cells, trees, grasses (Poaceae), and water
as during conjugation. in lakes and rivers.
relational coiling. arrollamiento renewal cycle. círculo de renovación.
recíproco. The loose coiling of two círculo de renuevo. A biogeo-
reniform 359 reproductocenter
chemical cycle. duced by a regulatory gene whose
reniform. reniforme. Having the shape function is to curb the action of
of a kidney; kidney-shaped, as a an operating gene which switches
reniform leaf; usually attached at off an operon.
the center of the incurved side. reproduce. reproducirse. To produce
r-enzyme. r-enzima. One of the en- offspring.
zymes that breaks down the l:6 reproducer. reproductor. That which
starch linkages. reproduces.
repand. repando. A slightly wavy or reproduction. reproducción. The sexual
sinuate leaf margin with very small or asexual process by which plants
indentations; serrulate; undulate. produce other plants like them-
repent. rastrero. Prostrate or creep- selves. Sexual reproduction in flow-
ing, rooting at the nodes. ering plants takes place with pol-
repeated emergence. salida repetido. lination. Asexual reproduction in
A condition in fungi which the plants occurs through budding and
zoospores after swimming for some sporulation.
time, encyst and then emerge form reproductive. reproductivo. repro-
the cysts without any change in ductor. For or concerned with
morphology. reproduction.
repetition. repetición. A method of reproductive capacity. capacidad
spore germination where a new reproductora. Procreative abil-
spore is produced like the first. ity.
replicate. replicado. Folded back- reproductive isolating mechanism.
wards; also, to duplicate or repro- mecanismo aislante reproductivo.
duce by genetic processes. Any factor relating to structure or
replicate septum. septo replicado. A functioning that prevents successful
septum in some algae which bears interbreeding (gene flow) between
a collar-like appendage projecting populations or within a population.
into the cavity of the cell. reproductive isolation. aislamiento
replication. replicación. A doubling reproductivo. Long term geo-
or folding over of a surface; a fold; graphical separation of members
also, in research, the repeating or of a specific sexually reproducing
copying of a study; also, in cell species.
division, the production of a sec- reproductive maturity. madurez
ond molecule of DNA exactly like reproductiva. Sexual maturity.
the first molecule. reproductive method. modo repro-
replum. replo. A partition, septum, ducción. Mode of reproduction.
or frame that remains after the reproductive phase. fase reproductora.
valves or silicles have fallen off, The stage in the growth of a plant
as in the Brassicaceae (Cruci- when it changes from purely veg-
ferae). etative growth to producing repro-
repressible enzyme. enzima represible. ductive bodies.
Enzymes whose production can be reproductocenter. reproductocentro.
inhibited by a corepressor. Of the Chytridiales, having the
repressor. represor. A protein pro- development of one or more repro-
reptant 360 respiration
ductive bodies at the center of grav- composed mostly of esters and or-
ity of the thallus. ganic acid derivatives that are sticky
reptant. reptante. Prostrate and rooting. and yellow, occasionally brown,
repulsion. repulsión. The presence of differing from gums in chemical
two given genes in different ho- composition and solubility.
mologous chromosomes; also, the resinaceous. resináceo. Having resin.
tendency shown by dominant char- resin canal. canal resinífero. See resin
acters to separate. duct.
research. investigación. An organ- resin duct. conducto resinoso. In trees,
ized scientific investigation to ad- especially conifers (Coniferales)
dress and solve problems, test hy- and some angiosperms, a tubular
potheses, or develop or invent new duct or canal through which resin
approaches or products. is secreted and conducted; adja-
researcher. investigador científico. cent parenchymal cells secrete the
A scientist who examines a spe- resin into the canals.
cific area of interest. resinoferous. resinofero. Yielding
research team. equipo investigador. resin, as a resinoferous tree.
A group of scientists and techni- resinoform. resinoforme. Having the
cians working together on a project. nature of resin.
reserve cellulose. célulosa de reserva. resinogenic. resinogenico. Giving rise
Cellulose present in endosperm or to resin.
other storage tissue and subse- resinous. resinoso. Exuding a yel-
quently used in the nutrition of the low or brown sticky substance from
plant. the bark of various trees such as
reservoir. reservorio. cavidad. The pines or firs (Pinaceae).
part of the plant which collects or resistance. resístancia. The abiltity
retains a fluid or secretion. of an organism to withstand more
residual shrinkage. encogimiento re- than the normally lethal dose of a
sidual. The shrinkage that occurs toxic substance; also, the ability
when a soil dries, with the loss of of a plant to remain productive if
volume, directly proportional to the attacked by a parasite which would
loss of water. normally kill it, or reduce its pro-
resilent. elástico. Returning or spring- ductivity below an expected level.
ing back into shape or position. respiration. respiración. Internal and
resilience. elasticidad. The quality external process in which organic
or ability to spring back into shape substances are reduced to simple
or position after being touched; also, products with a release of energy
the ability of a living system to re- used in various other metabolic
store itself to its original condi- processes. In most plants, oxygen
tion after be exposed to an outside is required with carbon dioxide as
disturbance. an end product; oxygen enters
resin. resina. A transparent or trans- through pores on the plant surface
lucent liquid exudate from some and is then diffused through tis-
tree barks and other plants, which sues via intercellular spaces or is
becomes solid on exposure to air; dissolved. The taking in of oxy-
respiratory chain 361 restraint
gen and the subsequent release of ments, as fertilizer trials etc.
carbon dioxide is referred to as a restans. restans. Latin meaning “per-
gaseous exchange. sistent”.
respiratory chain. cadena respiratorio. resting bud. yema en reposo. Dor-
See electron-transport chain. mant.
respiratory chromogen. cromogeno resting cell. célula en reposo. A cell
respiratorio. A colorless substance which is not undergoing or prepar-
which gives rise to a colored one ing to undergo division; dormant
on oxidation or reduction. cell.
respiratory enzyme. enzima respirato- resting nucleus. núcleo en reposo. A
rio. Any of the enzymes that aid nucleus which is not dividing;
in bringing about respiration in metabolic nucleus.
cells, such as oxidase; an enzyme rest(ing) period. periodode de latencia.
whlich catalyses oxidation–reduc- An endogenous physiological con-
tion reactions. dition of viable seeds, buds, or bulbs
respiratory index. indice de respirat- that prevents growth even in the
orio. The number of milligrams of presence of favorable environmen-
carbon dioxide released from one tal conditions; latent period.
gram of plant material (dry weight) resting period. período de reposo. Any
at 10º C, when the amount of re- time in the life of plant or plant
spirable material is unlimited, and organ when no growth or activity
when the oxygen is in the same pro- appears to be in progress.
portion as it is in the ordinary at- resting spore. espora en reposo. A
mosphere. spore which germinates after a rest-
respiratory pigment. pigmento respir- ing period; also, a thick-walled
atorio. Any of the proteins that spore which can survive adverse
carry oxygen in cellular respira- conditions, remaining dormant for
tion. some time before it germinates;
respiratory quotient (RQ). cociente dormant.
respiratorio (CR). The ratio of resting stage. fase de reposo. Said
the amount of carbon dioxide ex- of a nucleus, when the chromosomes
pired to the amount of oxygen con- are not clearly visible as individuals.
sumed during a specific time pe- restitution. restitución. The forma-
riod. RQ = carbon dioxide con- tion of the original chromosome
sumed divided by oxygen utilized. after breakage, especially by X-ray.
response. respuesta. reacción de res- restitution nucleus. núcleo restitución.
puesta. A change in an organism, The single nucleus found instead
organ, or cell resulting from the of two due to the failure of the first
application of a stimulus. or second division of meiosis.
response curve. curva de respuesta. restraint. limitación. A limitation of
A graph showing the relationship the random arrangment of combi-
between the amount of a stimulus nations in an experimental design,
or substance applied, and the re- so that error variations, while still
sponse (reaction). The term is com- capable of being estimated with-
monly used in relation to experi- out bias, is reduced or potentially
restriction enzyme 362 retrorsely serrate
reduced. or patterned arrangement.
restriction enzyme. enzima de restricc- reticulum. reticulo. Any of a number
ión. An enzyme that separates DNA of network-like structures; com-
strands of an organism at a par- monly used to describe the web at
ticular site, matching the DNA frag- the base of palm frond Palmae.
ment of another organism cut by retiform. retiforme. Appearing net-
the same enzyme, thereby enabling ted.
segments of DNA from different retinacular. retinacular. Of or per-
sources to be linked in new com- taining to a retinaculum.
binations. retinaculum. retináculo. The viscid
resultant. resultante. The product or gland connected to the stigma that
substances produced in a chemi- holds pollen in orchids (Orchid-
cal reaction. aceae) and members of the milk-
resupinate. resupinado. The twisting weed family (Asclepiadaceae).
or turning of parts so that the natu- retinerved. retnervio. Net-veined.
rally occurring upper parts become retral. retral. At the back; posterior.
the under parts, and visa versa, as retro-. retro-. A prefix that means,
a resupinate corolla or resupinate “backward” or “back behind”.
leaf; appearing as up side down; retroculture. retrocultura. The re-iso-
also, reversed in position, usually lation of a pathogen from a host
through 180º, e.g. the hymenium into which it has been introduced
of some fungi being on the upper experimentally.
surface, or the twisting of the flow- retrocurved. retrocurvado. Bent back-
ers, as some orchids. wards. See recurved.
resupination. resupinación. Inver- retroflexed. retroflexo. See reflexed.
sion of parts or appearing upside retrogress. retroceder. A return to a
down. lower or less complex form.
reticular. reticular. Having the form retrogression. retrogradación. A suc-
of a net or being net-like, as reticular cessional change, usually from a
tissue. climax community, moving down-
reticulate evolution. evolución ward to a less diverse, less pro-
reticulado. The rise of a network ductive, and less structurally com-
of closely related taxa within and plex community; often by negative
at the species level, by chromo- environmental factors, such as
some doubling or polyploidy. pollution.
reticulate. reticulado. In the form of retrorse. retrorso. Bent or turned
a network of threads; net-veined, downward or backward; also, point-
as a reticulate leaf or reticulate ing in a direction contrary to nor-
venation; also, having the surface mal.
marked by a network of fine up- retrorsely barbellate. retrobarbado.
standing ridges. Backward bending bristles.
reticulate venation. engrosamiento retrorsely crenate. retrocrenado. A
reticulado. Netted venation; a sys- backwardly notched, round toothed
tem of leaf veins that are net-like. leaf margin.
reticulation. reticulación. A networked retrorsely serrate. retroserrado. Shar-
retrorsely 363 rhizoflora
ply barbed teeth directed backward rheotaxis. reotaxis. reotaxia. The
or toward the base of the leaf. movement of a cell or plant in re-
retrorsely. retromente. In a back- sponse to air or water currents.
ward direction. rheotropism. reotropismo. A tropism
retroserrate. retroserrado. Having in response to water.
marginal teeth strongly directed rhexigenous. rexígeno. Lysigenic.
backwards. rhipidate. ripidado. Having the shape
retuse. retuso. Terminating in a round of a fan; flabelliform.
end, with a depressed center, as in rhipidium. ripidio. A monochasial cyme
a retuse leaf. in which the branches lie in one
revegetate. revegetar. The replace- plane, so that the whole is fan-
ment of plants into a cleared area; shaped; a flattened, fan-shaped
also, the recurrence of the same cyme.
plant community which had existed rhiz(o)-. rizo-. A Greek prefix that
prior to clearing. means, “pertaining to roots”; rhiz-
reverse. reverso. The underside. is used before a vowel.
reverse mutation. mutación reversiva. rhizanthous. rizanto. Producing a
By the further mutation of a mu- flower or flowers almost directly
tant gene, the reappearance of an from the root.
ancestral character. Same as rever- rhizine. rizino. A rhizoid-like out-
sion. growth from the underside of a li-
reverse transcriptase. transcriptasa chen thallus. It may be single, or
reversa. The enzyme that synthe- a strand of rhizoids.
sizes DNA from an RNA interme- rhizobium. rizobio. Any of a genus
diate. of nitrogen-fixing bacteria found
reversion. reversión. The reappear- in root nodules of certain plants,
ance of an ancestral character. Same as beans (Phaseolus) and clover
as reverse mutation; atavism. (Trifolium).
revertant. revertante. A mutant that rhizoblast. rizoblasto. Of zoospores,
returns to an earlier or normal the thread joining the belepharoplast
condition, commonly by a second and the nucleus.
mutation. rhizocaline. rizocalina. Caline.
revolute. revoluto. With margins rolled rhizocarpic. rizocárpico. Plants that
back and under, as a revolute leaf. have roots which live for many years
rhabdocarpous. rabdocarpo. Having but stems that die back annually,
long, rod-shaped fruits. as perennial herbs.
rhachilla. raquillar. See rachilla. rhizocarpous. rizocarpo. Producing
rhachis. raquis. See rachis. flowers underground as well as in
rhagadiose. ragadioso. Deeply marked the normal postion.
with cracks or fissures. rhizocorm. rizocormo. A stout fleshy
rhamnose. ramnosa. A non-nutritive rhizome.
sugar found in combination with rhizodermis. rizodermis. Piliferous
glycoside in many plants; amethyl layer.
pentose. rhizoflora. rizoflora. The microflora
rhaphe. rafe. See raphe. growing in the rhizosphere.
rhizogen 364 rhytidome
rhizogen. rizógeno. A group of plants duction by yeasts.
that live parasitically on the roots rhizoplane. rizoplana. The interface
of other plants. between the roots and the soil.
rhizogenic. rizogénico. Having the ca- rhizoplast. rizoplasto. A delicate fiber
pacity to produce roots, as rhizo- connecting th paradesmone of the
genic cells. neuromotor apparatus to a small,
rhizoid. rizoide. In mosses (Musci) intranuclear centrosome; rhizobast.
and ferns (Felicopsida), the uni- rhizopod(ium). rizopodo. The myc-
cellular or multicellular root-like, elium of a fungus.
anchoring and absorbing filaments rhizopodal stage. estada rizopodal.
which lack vascular tissue and a An amoeboid stage formed by some
root cap; also, a short hypha which algal macrozoospores before they
attaches a fungus to the substrate develop into filaments.
and collects nutrients. rhizosphere. rizosfera. The soil im-
rhizoidal cell. célula rizoidal. Basal mediately surrounding a plant root
cell. that is being changed by the plant’s
rhizomatous. rizomatoso. Having rhi- respiration, growth, and use of
zomes, or structures that resemble nutrients.
rhizomes; also, having rhizomes that rhizotaxis. rizotaxis. rizotaxia. The
reproduce when a leaf is removed type of root arrangement.
and put in soil. rhizotaxy. rizotaxia. See rhizotaxis.
rhizome. rizoma. Elongated, usually rhodo-. rodo-. A Greek prefix that
fleshy, but occasionally wiry, hori- means, “ rose-red”.
zontal stems, most often growing rhodoplast. ródoplasto. One of the
underground, and serves for perenn- chromatophores which contain the
ation and vegetative propagation. red coloring in the cells of red al-
rhizomorph. rizomorfo. A mycelia that gae (Rhodophyta).
attaches to the roots of plants; also, rhodosporous. rodósporo. Having pink
a root-like hypha in some fungi. spores.
rhizomorphous. rizomorfo. Root-like. rhoium. roio. A creek formation.
rhizomycelium. rizomicelío. In some rhombic. rómbico. Used to describe
Chytridiales, a gradually attenu- leaves having the widest axis at the
ated system of rhizoidal branches midpoint of the structure and with
in which fertile areas develop at straight margins.
various points on the branching rhomboid. rómboide. A solid part
system. that is rhombic in outline.
rhizophilous. rizófilo. Growing on rhynchosporous. rincosporógeno.
roots. Having beaked spores.
rhizophore. rizóforo. Root-bearing rhynchosporous fruit. fruto rinco-
structure or area. sporógeno. Fruit which ends in a
rhizophorous. rizóforo. Root-bearing. beak.
rhizophyllous. rizofílo. Roots growing rhytido-. ritido-. A Greek prefix that
out from leaves. means, “wrinkled” or “rumpled”.
rhizopin. rizópino. A growth substance rhytidome. ritidoma. A tissue cut-off
increasing the carbon dioxide pro- outside a periderm. The cells die
rib 365 rind
leaving a crust composed of alter- ribosomal RNA (rRNA). ARN ribosó-
nate layers of cork and dead phloem mico. A type of RNA that is little
or cortex. See outer bark. understood in its structural and
rib. costilla. The thick, main vein of functional relationship to ribo-
a leaf. somes.
ribbed. acostillado. costato. costill- ribosome. ribosoma. A subcellular
ado. nervado. With prominent, granule made of RNA and protein
longitudinal nerves or veins. which is found in the cytoplasm
ribitol. ribitol. A 5-carbon sugar al- of living cells and is the site of
cohol forming a part of the flavins; protein synthesis; sometimes re-
a sugar alcohol found in ribofla- ferred to as Palade’s granules. It
vin and flavin-adenine-nucleotide, is seen as a dense particle in elec-
and possibly in all plant cells. tron micrographs.
riboflavin. riboflavina. A vitamin B 2 ribulose diphosphate. ribulosa difos-
composed of an organic base con- fato. Ribulose 1,5-diphosphate is
nected to a ribitol; common in plants a carbon dioxide receptor during
and functioning as an integral part photosynthesis. Each molecule is
of the coenzymes flavin adenine formed into two molecules of phos-
dinucleotide and flavin mononu- phoglyceric acid.
cleotide, which are involved in cel- rictus. ricto. The mouth of a bilabiate
lular oxidation. corolla.
ribonuclease. ribonucleasa. An en- ridge. cresta. costilla. See ribbed.
zyme that speeds the hydrolysis of ridged. estriado. Having a narrow,
RNA, resulting in the production raised crest.
of mono- and oligonucleotides. rigens. rigens. Latin meaning “gap-
ribonucleic acid (RNA). ácido ribonuc- ing”.
léico (ARN). One of two nucleic rigescent. rigescente. Becoming rigid.
acids found in plant and animal cells rigid. rigido. Stiff, inflexible.
and occurring in three main forms, rigidity. rigidez. Being stiff or inflex-
all of which are involved in the syn- ible.
thesis of protein and genetic trans- rigor. rigor. An inert condition as-
mission. It is found on the nucleo- sumed by a plant when conditions
lus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticu- for growth are unfavorable.
lum, and free in the cytoplasm. That rim. borde. Outer edge.
on the ribosomes and endoplasmic rima. rímula. A long, narrow open-
reticulum is messenger RNA, the ing or crack; fissures, as in the bark
template for protein synthesis, and of an old tree.
that in the cytoplasm is transfer rimose. remoso. Having many cracks
RNA, which convey amino acids or openings, as in the bark of old
to the correct site on the messen- trees.
ger RNA. rimous. rimo. Same as rimose.
ribose. ribosa. A five carbon sugar im- rimulose. rimuloso. Having small
portant in RNA and other com- cracks.
pounds; a pentose which exists rind. cáscara. corteza. The thick, outer
naturally in the furanose form. covering of a pepo, as a melon
ring 366 RNA
(Cucurbitaceae); cortex. numerous in spring growth than in
ring (annual). anillo (annual). The summer growth, so that it is marked
concentric circles of xylem in stem in cross section by rings or por-
of a tree or shrub, generally not- tions of rings of small holes; com-
ing one year of growth. mon in oak (Quercus), hack-berry
ring. anillo. Bacteria growth at the (Ulmaceae), ash (Oleaceae).
surface of a liquid culture which riparian forest. bosque ribereño. A
sticks to the container. forest growing along the bank of
ring (chemical). anillo químico. A a river.
closed chain of atoms linked by riparian. ribereño. Plants that grow
bonds, graphically depicted in a well along the banks of moving wa-
circular form. ter, as rivers and streams.
ring bark. ritidoma anular. Bark which riparious. ribereñio. Growing along
splits off in more or less complete the bank of moving water.
rings. ripe. maduro. Fully developed, as a
ring chromosome. cromosoma anular. ripe fruit.
A structurally abnormal chromo- ripeness. madurez. The state of be-
some whose ends or tips have been ing fully developed or mature.
deleted and the broken arms united ripening. maduración. Chemical and
to form a ring; also, in meiosis, physical changes in a fruit that fol-
chromosomes associated in rings, low maturation, characterized by
usually by terminal chiasmata, and the softening, coloring, and sweet-
in twos, fours, sixes, etc. ening of the tissue, and a decrease
ringed bark. corteza anillado. A tree in acidity; also, approaching ma-
bark with circular cracks or splits. turity or becoming mature.
ring cell. célula circular. One of two rivalis. rivalis. Latin meaning “grow-
cells lying one above the other, cut ing by brooks”.
off during the early stages of de- river. rio. A flowing body of surface
velopment of the most advanced water, larger than a creek that
Leptosporangiatae antheridia. empties into an ocean, lake, or an-
Each cell completely surrounds the other river.
antheridium and with the apical cap riverbank. ribera. margen. The land
cell, completely enclose the large area immediately along side a river;
central cell. sometimes rising steeply above the
ringed. anillado. Having old bud-scale river due to erosion.
scar rings. riverbed. lecho de un rio. The bot-
ringent. ringente. Having widely sepa- tom or bed of a river.
rated lips, as a ringent corolla. riverside. ripario. The environment
ring-like. anular. Having a circular ap- along a river.
pearance. rivulose. rivuloso. Marked by lines
ring-porous. anillo-poroso. de poros or gully-like channels.
anillados. de poros en circulos. RNA. ARN. An abbreviation for ri-
In trees, the annual circular rings bonucleic acid, a genetic material
with pores which differ in size and occurring in all plants and many
distribution, being larger and more viruses.
RNA polymerase 367 root sheath
RNA polymerase. polimerasa ARN. records based on the species rooted
The enzyme responsible for forming in a quadrat, as distinct from shoot
mRNA during transcription. frequency, which also includes those
roadside. borde de camino. The en- species rooted outside the quadrat,
vironment along the side of a road but with foliage overhanging into
or highway. the quadrat.
robust. robusto. Vigorous, hardy, or root fungus. hongo de la raíz. A fungus
sturdy, as a robust stand of trees. growing in a symbiotic association
roesteloid. roesteloide. Of an aecium with the roots of a plant; mycorr-
which is long and tube-like. hiza.
roestelia. roestelia. A type of aecium root hairs. pelo absorbente. pelo
with an elongated cylindrical peri- radicular. pelo radical. The lat-
derm, split into segments. eral, unicellular, nutrient absorb-
rogue. picaro. An individual plant that ing outgrowths of the epidermal
varies from the established stand- cells. They have thin walls and are
ard; to remove such variants and in close contact with the soil par-
plants infected by disease from a ticles so that they can absorb wa-
crop. ter and dissolved materials. They
rolled. enrollado. Sides enrolled, usu- occur in greatest abundance just
ally loosely, over upper or lower behind the root tip.
surfaces. root leaf. hoja radical. A leaf growing
root. raíz. The downward growing from or appearing to grow from the
plant part, often covered with hairs roots.
but without nodes or internodes, root mass. masa radical. A collec-
that absorbs and stores nutrients tive term for the root system.
while providing support. root nodule. nódulo radical. A small
root bud. yema radical. An imma- growth on the roots of leguminous
ture vegetative or floral shoot, often plants as a result of nitrogen-
covered by scales. fixing activities of certain bacte-
root cap. cofia. caliptra. ápice de ria (Rhizobium or Bradyrhizob-
la raíz. The cone-shaped parenchy- ium); actinorrhiza.
matous protective covering over the root penetration. penetración radi-
apical meristem of the root. It is cal. The process of roots pierc-
formed from the promeristem, ing or entering the soil.
dermatogen, or from the calyptro- root pressure. presión radical. The
gen; calyptra. pressure under which aqueous
root collar. cuello de la raíz. The lo- solutions from the living cells in
cation at the base of a plant where the root are transported to the
the swelling and spreading of roots xylem.The force developed in the
begin. roots of some species can cause fluid
root exudation. exudado radical. A to exude when the shoot is cut off.
liquid substance discharged from See root exudation.
some roots. See root pressure. root sheath. vaina radical. One of the
root frequency. frecuencias de raíz. epidermal coverings that surround
In vegetative frequency studies, some rudimentary aerial and grass
root stock 368 rotundifolious
roots; coleorhiza. like the petals of a rose (Rosa).
root stock. rizoma. Rhizome. rosette. roseta. A dense cluster of leaves
root symbiosis. simbiosis radical. A or other organs, especially when
symbiotic relationship between surrounding the base of a plant, as
certain types of fungi, bacteria, and a dandelion (Taraxacum); also, the
roots of higher plant forms. four cells in the embryo of a pine,
root tip. ápice de la raíz. punta radicu- which lie just above the suspensor.
lar. ápice radical. The apical rosin. colofonia. See resin.
meristem of a root. rostellate. rostelado. Having a very
root tuber. tubérculo radicular. A small, short, terminal beak, as a
fleshy, underground rhizome bear- rostellate fruit; beaked.
ing nodes and buds. rostelliform. rostilliforme. Having the
root tubercle. tubérculo radical. A shape of a rostellum.
small root-like nodule produced on rostellum. rostelo. A small beak-like
the roots of leguminous plants by shape on certain fruit; also, a pro-
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. jection from the upper edge of the
rootbound. atado de raíces. A re- stigma in some orchids (Orchid-
stricted root system caused by aceae).
excess growth in too small a vol- rostrate. rostrado. Having a beak, as
ume of soil; sometimes referred to a rostrate fruit; also ending in a
as potbound. long, and usually hard point; also,
rooting medium. medio de enraizm- of the lid of a moss, when elon-
iento. Materials such as peat, sand, gated.
perlite, or vermiculite in which the rostriform. rostriforme. Beaked or
basal ends of cuttings are placed resembling a beak in shape.
vertically during the development rostrum. rostro. A beak-like projec-
of roots. tion, as on the stigma of some
rooting. enraizando. Vegetative propa- Asclepiadaceae.
gation with the use of rootstock. rosulate. arrosetado. Arranged in rose-
rootless. arrizo. Having no roots; like clusters, or rosettes, as rosulate
arrhizal. leaves. Same as rosellate.
rootlet. raicilla. A small root, often rotate. rotáceo. A flat, circular spread-
used to describe aerial supporting ing out in the manner of a wheel;
roots on vines. used to describe a sympetalous co-
rootstock. portainjerto. pie. patrón. rolla with a short tube and spreading
A trunk or root material in which lobes.
buds or scions are inserted in grafts; rotation. rotación. The movement of
also, a general term describing the protoplasm in a cell in a con-
various underground plant parts; stant direction.
rhizome. rotund. rotundi. An unbroken curve,
roridous. rórido. Dewy. as a rotund leaf; approximatlely
roridulate. roridulado. Covered by circular.
waxy platelets, which gives a moist rotundate. redondeado. Rounded, as
or dewy appearance. rotund; orbicular.
rosellate. roselado. Leaves arranged rotundifolious. rotundifolio. Hav-
rounded 369 rusty
ing round leaves. pale, with dark lines, having a
rounded. redondeado. A curved edge, chewed appearance, as with an
as a rounded leaf. endosperm; also, an endosperm with
RQ. CR. See respiratory quotient. a mottled coloration.
rRNA. ARN ribosómico. An abbre- runcinate. runcinado. Pinnatifid or
viation for ribosomal RNA. with course tooth-like serration
rubens. rubens. Latin meaning “bluish- pointing backwards, as a runcinate
red”. dandelion leaf (Taraxacum).
rubescent. ruborizarse. Becoming runner. estolón. A stolon with a bud
red; redden or pinkish. at the end, growing along or be-
rubiginose. rubiginoso. See rubiginous neath the ground, which produces
rubiginous. ladrillo. herrumbre. a new plant by taking root; also, a
rojizo. Rust colored. plant that spreads in this manner.
ruderal. ruderal. Growing in disturbed rupestral. rupestro. Living or growing
environments, as in residential or on rocks or in rocky areas, as a
agriculturally developed areas, in- rupestral plant; also, rupestrine.
dicating “weeds”; also, plants that rupicolous. rupícola. planta rupestre.
grow on rubbish or garbage dumps Growing on or among rocks or
or other waste areas; ruderal plants. walls; epilithic plant.
rudiment. rudimento. An incompletely ruptile. rúptil. Dehiscing irregularly.
developed part; an embryonic or ruralis. ruralis. Latin meaning “liv-
vestigial organ. ing in rustic places”.
rudimentary. rudimentario. Imper- rush. junco. Any of a number of spe-
fectly developed; vestigial. cies in the Juncaceae family, which
rudimentary embryo. embrión rudi- are tufted, usually perennial, dis-
mentario. A type of embryo that play entire leaves, open leaf sheaths,
is a small, basal, in a relatively large and brown bisexual flowers.
seed and undifferentiated. rush-like. juncoide. Rush or grass-like
rufescent. refescente. Reddish-brown in appearance.
or tinged with red color. rust fungi. micofitos roya. Uredinales.
rufous. rojo-pardusco. A reddish- rust (color). herrumbre (color). A
brown color. brownish-red color.
ruga. arruga. A fold, a wrinkle, or a rust (disease). roya (enfermedad). A
ridge. plant disease cause by a fungus of
rugose. arrugoso. Wrinkled or hav- the class Urediniomycetes, which
ing many ridges. is characterized by spots of pow-
rugulate. arrugulado. Wrinkled, folded, dery yellow, brown or rust-colored
or having ridges. spores, and sometimes gall-like
rugulose. arruguloso. Slightly wrin- swellings.
kled, folded, or with small ridges. rusty (color). ladrillo (color). Hav-
ruminate. ruminado. Greatly wrinkled, ing a brick-red color.
sabulose 370 saline-sodic soil

sabulose. sabuloso. Growing in sandy of a saccule.
places. saccule. sáculo. Having a very small
sac. cavidad. A bag-shaped enclo- sac or cavity.
sure or structure, as the cavity of sagittate. sagitado. Shaped like an ar-
an anther. rowhead with the basal lobes di-
sac fungi. ascomicetes. ascomicetos. rected downward, as sagittate
Ascomycete. leaves.
saccate. sacciforme. sacular. Sac- sagittiform. sagitado. aflechado. Hav-
shaped, as a saccate corolla. ing the form or shape of an arrow-
saccate fruit. fruto sacciforme. A head. See sagittate.
fruit having bag-like envelope sack-pustule. pústula bolsa. Pustule.
around it. salic horizon. horizonte sálico. A
saccharase. sucrasa. Invertase; su- soil horizon, usually below the
crase. surface, that has no less than a 2%
saccharide. sacárido. Carbohydrates salt content.
composed of carbon, oxygen, and salicylic acid. ácido salicílico. A com-
hydrogen atoms; a sugar in its sim- pound in willow bark (Salicaceae)
plest functional unit. and other plants that has pain re-
saccharine. sacárino. Covered with lieving characteristics; basic in-
sparkling grains, like grains of gredient of aspirin.
sugar; not to be confused with sac- salient. saliente. proyectado. por-
charin, a coal tar-derived, white recto. Pointing or jutting outward,
crystal, chemical substitute for as a salient thorn.
sugar. salina. salina. A salt marsh or salt
saccharobiose. sacarobiosa. Sucrose. lake.
saccharolytic. sacarolitico. Said of salination. salinación. The process
bacteria which use simple carbo- of accumulating soluble salts in soil,
hydrates and starches as sources usually by an upward capillary
of energy. movement from an underground
saccharomyces. sacaromices. Any saline source. Also spelled saliniz-
member of the genus Saccharomy- ation.
ces, single-celled yeasts produc- saline. salino. Of salt or pertaining to
ing alcoholic fermentation in sugary an aqueous solution of sodium
fluids. chloride.
sacciferous. saccífero. Sacciform saline-sodic soil. suelo salino-sodico.
sacciform. sacciforme. Having the Soil with more than 15% exchange-
form or shape of a bag or sac; able sodium and a pH of 8.5 or less
saccate. which interferes with the growth
sacculate. saculado. With the shape of most plants.
saline soil 371 sample
saline soil. suelo salino. Soil with tano salada. A marsh or swamp
enough soluble salt to reduce its with a high concentration of so-
fertility; developed in an area of dium chloride (salt) in the water;
waterlogging and high evaporation, also, grassland subject to the over-
so that there is a high acculation flow of salt water.
of salts, expecially calcium carbon- salt-marsh vegetation. vegetación
ate, gypsum, and sodium salts. marisma. A type of plant life found
salinity. salinidad. The saline qual- on mud banks at river mouths which
ity or quantity, which is a major has adapted to a brackish or salty
determinant in the structure and environment. See halophytes.
type of plant life found in a par- salt stress. tensión salada. Osmotic
ticular environment. pressure exerted on plants caused
salinization. salinización. An accu- by growing in salt marshes or in
mulation of salts in soil that can other elevated saline conditions.
eventually make the soil unable to saltwater. agua salada. salobre.
support plant life. Also spelled Seawater or water with a high sa-
salination. line content.
salsuginosus. salsuginosus. Latin saltwater intrusion. intrusión de agua
meaning “growing in a salt marsh”. salada. The movement of saltwater
salsuginous. salsugino. Growing in into freshwater aquifers in coastal
a salt marsh. and inland areas, as groundwater
salt. sal. A white crystalline substance is withdrawn faster than it is re-
composed of sodium chloride charged by precipitation.
(NaCl) found in natural deposits saltwort. sosa. barrilla. Glasswort;
and in seawater. also, any of a number of related
saltant. saltante. A mutation of a fun- plants used in making soda ash.
gus or bacterium in culture. salverform. hipocraterimorfo. Trum-
saltation. saltación. The movment of pet-shaped, as a corolla with a long,
medium sized soil particles by wind. slender tube, flaring sharply into
Sand particles are picked up by eddy a circular limb.
winds into the horizontal air stre- samara. sámara. A winged, dry,
ams. The vertical lift is dissipated indehiscent achene, as in the ash
and the particle falls back to the (Fraxinus) and elm (Ulmus) fruits;
ground, throwing up more parti- a single-seeded, dry indehiscent
cles; also, saltant. fruit with a wing-like extension of
salt gland. glándula salífera. A the pericarp.
hydathode which exudes a saline samaracetum. plurisámara. A group
solution that evaporates and leaves or aggregation of samaras, as in
a salt deposit on the leaf; salt- the tulip poplar (Liriodendron).
secreting gland. samariform. samariforme. Shaped
salt lake. lago salobre. lago salino. like a samara.
A lake with a high concentration samaroid. samaroide. Samara-like.
of salts, some saltier than oceans. sample. muestra. A finte series of ob-
salt marsh. saladar ó marisma. servations or individuals taken at
marisma. terreno salobreño. pan- random from the hypothetical in-
sampling error 372 saprovore
finitely large population of potenial a pleasant taste”.
observations or individuals. sapling. árbol joven. A young tree,
sampling error. error muestral. er- especially one less than four inches
ror de muestreo. The variance of in diameter.
a statistic arising from, and a fuction saponaceous. saponaceo. Having a slip-
of, the limited size of samples. pery quality, as soap; slippery, as
sand. arena. Grains of disintegrated covered with sap.
mineral particles, mainly of silica; sapor. saporo. The quality in a plant
also, a class of soil with particles that produces its taste.
between 0.05 and 2.0 mm in di- sapro-. sapró-. A Greek prefix that
ameter. means, “rotten,” “dead, “ as feed-
sand culture. cultura de arena. An ing on dead matter.
experimental method for determin- saprobe. saprobio. An organism that
ing the elements required for the obtains food directly from non-
healthy growth of a plant. The plants living organic matter; also, a plant
are grown in purified sand and sup- growing in foul water; saprophyte;
plied with solutions of known con- saprobiont.
stitution. saprobiotic. saprobiótico. Feeding on
sand-dwelling. arenícola. Arenicolous. dead or decaying organic matter.
sand plants. psamófilas. Psammo- saprogenous. saprógeno. Growing on
phytes. decaying matter.
sandy soil. suelo arenoso. Soil con- saprophage. saprófajo. A heterotrophic
taining up to 85% sand and no more plant or plant-like organism that
than 10% clay. consumes dead material; saprovore.
sanguineous. sanguineo. Blood-red saprophylous. saprófilo. Saprogenous.
color. saprophyte. saprófito. Fungus or bac-
sanguineus. sanguineus. Latin mean- teria that live on dead, decaying
ing “blood-red” material; also, a plant or plant-like
Sanio’s band. crásula. Crassula. o rganism lacking chlorophyll;
sap. savia. A fluid or juice that moves saprotroph; saprophage; saprovore.
through the vascular system of saprophytic plant. saprófitico. planta
plants carrying water and miner- saprófita. Pertaining to or having
als upward and water and dissolved the practices of saprophytes, as
food downward; an aqueous solu- obtaining food by absorbing solu-
tion of mineral salts, sugars, and ble, non-living organic material.
other organic substances present saproplankton. saproplancton. Plank-
in the xylem. ton growin in polluted water.
sap cavity. cavidad savia. A large, saprotroph. saprotrof. Any organism
fluid-filled vacuole in the middle that absorbs soluble organic ma-
of an adult cell. terial from inanimate sources, as
sap flow. flujo de savia. Circulation a dead plant. If the organism is a
of sap. See sap. plant or plant-like, it is called a
sapid. sapido. Having an agreeable saprophyte.
taste. saprovore. sapróvoro. See sapro-
sapidus. sapidus. Latin meaning “with phage.
saprozoic 373 scalariform thickening
saprozoic. saprozoico. Feeding on with water.
dead or decaying organic material. saturated soil. suelo saturado. Soaked
sapwood. albura. The soft, living wood through with moisture or water;
(xylem) between the cambium and waterlogged.
the heartwood. It contains living saturnine. saturnino. Said of acro-
cells and funtional water-conducting spores which have a flat edge around
and food-storage tissue; alburnum. the middle.
sarciniform. sarciniforme. Formed sausage-shaped. botuliforme. A thin,
in small packets. tubular shape; botuliform.
sarco-. sarco-. A Greek prefix that savannah. sabana. An extensive tropi-
means, “flesh” or “fleshy”, as cal grassland with an occasional
sarcocarp. shrub and a few trees.
sarcocarp. sarocarpo. The fleshy savannah woodland. bosque sabana.
mesocarp of some fruits, as peaches A savannah that supports deciduous
(Amygdalus) and plums (Prunus). and evergreen trees and shrubs;
sarcocaulous. crasicaule. sarcocaule. providing a light canopy.
With a fleshy stem. saxatiles. saxatiles. Latin meaning
sarcocauly. sarcocaulmente. A type “growing on rocks or stones”.
of stem that is fleshy. saxicolous. saxícola. Living on or
sarcody. sarcodia. Conversion, so among rocks and stones.
as to have a fleshy texture. scab. costra. roña. A fungal dis-
sarcotesta. sarcotesta. A sheet of ed- ease (Sphaceloma) affecting cer-
ible pulp with one or more embed- tain plants.
ded seeds, as in the genus Calos- scaberluent. escaberluente. An epi-
patha; a fleshy layer in the testa. dermal outgrowth that is almost
sarcous. carnoso. Fleshy, as a sar- scabrous.
cous leaf or sarcous seed coat. scaberulous. escaberúoso. Slightly
sarment. sarmiento. A long, slender scabrous or rough to the touch from
runner. epidermal outgrowths.
sarmentose. sarmentoso. Having a scabious. escabiosa. Rough; also, any
stem which arises as a small arch plant of the genus Scabiosa.
from the roots and then becomes scabrid. escábrido. Slightly rough-
prostrate; producing slender run- ened; scaberulous.
ners or stolons, as strawberries scabridulous. escabriúoso. Minutely
(Fragaria). scabrous.
satellite. satélite. A short segment of scabrous. escabroso. áspero. rugoso.
a chromosome separated from the Having a harsh, wart-like surface;
rest by one long constriction, if ter- scrufy.
minal, or two if intercalary, which scalariform. escalariforme. Having
typically occurs during the forma- the shape of a ladder, as scalariform
tion of a nucleolus. cells or markings of the rungs of
sativus. sativus. Latin meaning “cul- a ladder; also, any plant of the genus
tivated” or “planted”. Scalaria.
saturate. saturar. To cause to become scalariform thickening. engrosamiento
completely soaked, as soil saturated escalariforme. Internal lignific-
scale 374 scented
ation of the wall of a xylem, ves- rosette, as a dandelion (Taraxa-
sel, or tracheid, laid down trans- cum).
versely like the rungs of a ladder. scaphoid. scafoide. Boat-shaped.
scale. escama. Rudimentary leaves on scapiform. scapiforme. Scape-like but
leaf buds of most perennial decidu- not completely leafless.
ous plants that cover and protect scapigerous. scapigero. Having a scape
the bud during winter; also, a thin, or scapes.
flat plant member, which may be scapose. escapifero. A single flower
green when very young and usu- on a leafless peduncle or scape
ally small; also, the hardened, usu- emerging from a basal rosette.
ally non-green bract of a catkin; scar. cicatriz. A blemish, as on a stem
squama. where a leaf was attached; also, the
scale bark. ritidoma escamoso. mark on a seed after detachment
Rytidome; also, bark which becomes from the placenta.
detached in irregular patches; scaly scarification. escarificación. A process
bark. to shorten germination performed
scale hair. pelo escamoso. A multi- by scratching or making cuts on
cellular flattened hair. seeds so that oxygen and water can
scale leaf. escama hoja. A small veg- penetrate the hard layers.
etative structure, usually appressed scarify. escarificar. Scratching or cut-
and imbricated, as on the Juni- ting seed coats to shorten the pe-
perus; also, a membranous tough riod of germination.
leaf, commonly smaller than the scarious. escarioso. Having a dry, thin,
normal leaf, and usually protective. somewhat membranous appearance,
scale-like hair. escamiforme. Same usually at the tips and edges, as a
as scale hair. perianth.
scaly. escamoso. Scruffy or flaky. scarlet (color). escarlata (color). A
scalloped. festoneado. Said of a margin bright red color.
bearing rounded teeth. scarred. cicatricoso. Indicates a blem-
scalpelliform. scalpeliforme. Shaped ished surface area, as on a branch
like a scapel or the blade of a pen- or stem.
knife. scattered. esparcido. Irregular; lacking
scaly bulb. bulbo escamiforme. A any regular pattern, as scattered
bulb in which the swollen leaf bases branches.
do not form a complete circle in a scent. esencia. fragancia. aroma.
cross-section. olor. Odor, smell, or fragrance.
scandens. scandens. Latin meaning scented flower. flor con aroma. A
“climbing”. flower with a distinct or discrete
scandent. escandente. trepador. Grow- odor or fragrance.
ing mostly erect by twining or lean- scented foliage. follaje aromático.
ing on another structure for sup- Plants, especially leaves, that emit
port; climbing. a distinct or discrete odor or fra-
scape. escapo. A leafless flower stem grance.
rising from the crown of the root, scented. perfumado. oloroso. Hav-
surrounded most often by a basal ing a distinct or discrete fragrance
scentless 375 scientific name
or odor. schizocotyly. esquizocotilia. A forking
scentless. inodoro. Having no odor. of the cotyledons.
schisto- esquisto-. A Greek prefix schizogenic. esquizogenico. See schi-
that means, “split” or “cleft”. zogneous.
schizo-. esquizo-. A Greek prefix that schizogenous. esquizogeno. Formed
means, “deeply divided”. by tissue that separates or splits;
schizocarp. esquizocarpo. A dry fruit, also, said of a secretory, intercel-
intermediate between dehiscent and lular cavity which is formed by the
indehiscent types, with two or more separation of the cells.
carpels, that at maturity splits into schizogony. esquizogonia. Reproduc-
two or more one-seeded units, which tion by fission or budding; the
remain closed, as carrots (Dacus). division of a schizont.
schizocarpic achene. aquenio esquizo- schizomycetous. esquizomicetos. Per-
carpico. A separating, dry, indehis- taining to a class of vegetable-like
cent, one-seeded fruit with the seed microorganisms comprising the bac-
attached to the fruit wall and de- teria (Schizomycetes).
rived from a superior ovary, as in schizont. esquizonte. A vegetative thal-
Sidalcea. lus which has no wall and under-
schizocarpic berry. baya esquizo- goes simple or multiple division.
carpico. A separating fruit with schizopetalous. esquizopétalo. Having
a fleshy pericarp, as in Phytolacca. petals that are cut.
schizocarpic carcerule. carcérulo schizophyta. esquizófita. An artifi-
esquizocarpico. A separating fruit cial group of plants containing Bac-
that is dry, few-seeded, and with teria and Myxophyceae.
indehiscent locules, as in Althaea. schizophyte. esquizófito. Any of the
schizocarpic follicle. folículo esquizo- plants Schizophyta, which include
carpico. A dry, separating, dehis- a single cell, or a chain or colony
cent fruit derived from one carpel, of cells, and reproduce only by sim-
that splits along one suture, as in ple divsion or by asexual spores.
Apocynaceae. scia-. scia-. A prefix that means,
schizocarpic mericarp. mericarpo “shade” or “darkness”.
esquizocarpico. A dry, separat- sciaphilic. sciafilico. Shade-loving.
ing, seed-like fruit, derived from scientific method. métado científico.
an inferior ovary, as in the Apiac- An approach to a problem that
eae. consists of stating the problem,
schizocarpic nutlet. nuececilla esquizo- establishing one or more hypoth-
carpico. A dry, separating, indehis- eses as solutions to the problem,
cent, four parted fruit with a hard testing these hypotheses by experi-
pericarp around a gynobasic style, mentation or observation, and ac-
as in the Lamiaceae. cepting or rejecting the hypotheses.
schizocarpic samara. sámara esquizo- scientific name. nombre científico.
carpico. A dry, separating fruit that Latin or Greek names for plants that
has wings, as in Acer. are derived from a systematic
schizocarpous. esquizocarpo. Pertain- method of classifying and labeling
ing to or resembling a schizocarp. according to the rules and recom-
scion 376 sclerotium
mendations of the International sclerides. These occur singly or
Code for Botanical Nomenclature. in groups. See sclerotic parenchyma.
The system is binomial providing scleride. esclerido. A thick-walled cell
a genus and species for each iden- mixed with the photosynthetic cells
tified organism, unique to each. of a leaf, giving them mechanical
scion. púa de injerto. A bud, stem, support; also, a stone cell. See
branch, or some other plant part eslerenchyma.
which is inserted into a rootstock sclerocaulous. esclerocaule. Plant
in grafting; also, a young plant stems that have become slender,
formed at the end of, or along the hard, and dry.
course of, a runner; a stolon. scleroid. escleroide. Hard and thick
sciophilous. umbrófilo. Growing or in texture, as a nutshell.
living in the shade; shade-loving. sclerophyll. esclerofil. A stiff, firm,
sciophyte. sciófito. A group of plants leathery leaf that remains firm even
that require or prefer shade or partial when wilted.
darkness. sclerophyllous. esclerófilo. Having
sciophytium. sciofitio. A shade for- tough, leathery leaves that protect
mation. against moisture loss; having
scissile. escísil. Capable of splitting sclerophylls; hard-leaved.
easily; also, said of the flesh of a sclerophyllous forest. bosque esclero-
pileus which can be separated into filo. See sclerophyllos vegetation.
horizontal layers. sclerophyte. esclerófito. See sclero-
sciuroid. sciuroide. Having the ap- phyll.
pearance of a squirrel’s tail, as with sclerophyllous vegetation. vegetación
barley (Hordeum) and other grass esclerofilo. Commonly scrub veg-
(Poaceae) inflorescences. etation where the leaves of trees
scler-. escler-. A Greek prefix that and shrubs are evergreen, small,
means, “hard” or “tough”. hard, thick, and leathery from hot,
scleranthium. esclerantio. An achene dry seasons.
encircled by a hardened calyx tube. sclerosis. sclerosis. The hardening of
sclereid. esclereido. A lignified cell walls or tissues, usually by
sclerenchyma cell, short and often thickening and lignification.
pitted, found in seed coats and some sclerotesta. esclerotesta. A hardened,
fruits, as a pear (Pyrus); also called outside seed coat.
stone cells. sclerotic. esclerosado. esclerótico.
sclerenchyma. esclerencima. Short- escleroso. esclerocio. Hardened or
celled, hardened, thick-walled plant thickened; having hard, usually
cells, as occur in nutshells and palm lignified walls.
stems; mechanical tissue composed sclerotic cell. célula esclerótico.
of cells with thick lignified walls Scleride; stone cell.
and small lumens. If the cells are sclerotic parenchyma. esclerótico
elongated, they are called fibers and paréqiuma. Hardened but not
have pointed ends, commonly oc- thickened cell walls. See scleren-
curring in bundles. When the cells chyma.
are oval or rounded, they are called sclerotium. esclerocio. A fungal resting
sclerous 377 scutellum
body that can remain dormant for scotophyte. scotófito. A plant that lives
long periods awaiting favorable in the dark.
environmental conditions; also, of scrambler. trepador. A climber; a plant
Myxomycete, the firm, resting which has long, weak shoots, and
condition of a plasmodium; also, grows over and above other plants.
a compact mass of fungal hypae scrobiculate. escrobiculado. Having
often with a thickened rind, varying many shallow depressions; pitted.
in size from a pin-head to a man’s scrotiform. escrotiforme. Having the
head. They are organs of perenn- appearance of a scrotum; like a
ation and may give rise to fruit bod- bladder.
ies. scrub vegetation. vegetación mator-
sclerous. escleroso. Hardened or thick- rales. A general term for the low
ened due to lignification. lying, woody plant life that domi-
scobiform. scobiforme. Having a saw- nates in an intermediate commu-
dust or raspings appearance. nity between grass and high for-
scobina. escobina. The zigzag axis est.
on some grass spikelets. scrub. matorral. Land that is over-
scobinate. escobinado. Having a rough grown with stunted trees and shrubs.
surface, giving the appearance of scrupose. scruposo. Roughened with
having been filed or rasped. very small hard points.
scolecite. scolécito. Archicarp; also, scum. capa. Green slime as occurs
a loosely coiled hyphae at the center on a pond; spumeous.
of a perithecium which later gives scurf. escamosa. Scales or bran-like
rise to ascogenous hyphae. particles on the leaves of some
scolecospore. scolecospora. A long, plants.
thread-like spore. scutate. escutado. Having a small
scopiferous. scopífero. Having tufts shield-like shape, especially used
of hair. to describe leaves joined to the stalk
scolecosporous. scolecósporo. Having at about the center of the lower
thread-shaped spores. surface instead of at the base; scu-
scopiform. scopiforme. Having the tiform.
appearance of a brush or broom. scutelliform. escuteliforme. Having
scopulate. scopulado. Having the shape the shape of a small shield.
of a broom or brush; brush-like. scutellar epithelium. epitelio scutelar.
scorpioid. escorpioide. Rolled or A layer of elongated cells cover-
coiled, as the tail of a scorpion. ing the scutellum, lying against the
scorpioid cyme. cima escorpioide. A endosperm, and producing enzymes
type of unbranched, determinate in- which assist in the utilization of
florescence with pedicellate flowers the subtances stored there.
which branch alternately on op- scutellate. escutelado. Having a
posite sides of the rachis. The bud, scutellum; also, shaped like a shield
the axis of the inflorescence is or round platter.
coiled; cincinnus. scutellum. escutelo. Having a rudi-
scotophil. scotófile. Having an af- mentary, leaf-like covering at the
finity for or requiring darkness. first node of an embryonic stem
scutiform 378 secondary cell wall
(culm), as a cotyledon of some such as blooming.
grasses; also, the single cotyledon seasonal. estacional. Pertaining to
of a monocotyledonous seedling; the season or happening at regu-
also, a shield-like cover, as in some lar intervals of the year.
ascoma. seasonal isolation. aislamiento estac-
scutiform. escutiforme. Having a shield ional. A mechanism that prevents
or saucer shape. gene exchange between species by
scutum. scuto. An enlarged style tip, having different times of the year
as in Asclepia. when pollination can occur for each
scyphi-. scifi-. A Greek and Latin species.
prefix that means, “cup-like”. seawater. agua de mar. The saltwa-
scyphiferous. scifífero. Having scyphi. ter of the sea or ocean.
scyphiform. scififorme. Cup-shaped. seaweed. alga marina. A common
scyphiphorous. scifíforo. Cup-bearing. name for large, multicellular plant-
scyphus. scifus. Having a cup or funnel like organisms that grow in the sea
shaped part, as a floral corolla or or the intertidal zone, especially
the structure at the apex of some marine algae.
lichen fruit stems ( Cladonia). seaweed. varec. Algae living in, or
Sometimes spelled scypha. in close promimity to the sea.
Se. Se. The symbol for the chemical sebaceous. sebáceo. Tallowly or fatty.
element selenium. sebiferous. sebífero. Having a heavy
seacoast. costa litoral. Land that is waxy coat; frosty in appearance;
adjacent to the sea. pruinose.
seafloor. fondo marino. lecho marino. second growth. crecimiento secundar.
fondo del mar. The floor or bot- A growth of vegetation replacing
tom of a sea or ocean. one that has been previously cut
sea ice. hielo marino. Frozen seawater. or destroyed.
sea level. nivel del mar. The surface secondary air pollutant. poluntate del
of the sea, especially halfway be- aire secundario. Harmful chemi-
tween mean high and low tide. Plant cal(s) formed in the atmosphere
communities are measured or lo- when a primary air pollutant re-
cated as so many meters above or acts with normal air components
below sea level. or with other air pollutants.
seashore. orilla del mar. The area be- secondary association. asociación
tween the lines of ordinary high secundario. The coming together
and low tide; seacoast. of bivalent chromosomes during
season. estación. One of various regu- meiosis.
larly recurring periods of the year, secondary cell wall. pared celular
as spring, summer, autumn, or win- secundario. A cellulose wall, usu-
ter which relates to meteorologi- ally containing lignin, occurring
cal or climatic conditions; in tropi- inside the primary cell wall of many
cal region reference is to rainy and woody species. The amount of cel-
dry seasons; also, a time or spe- lulose is usually higher than in the
cial part of the year during which primary wall, and the amount of
a plant performs specific functions, pectin less.
secondary compounds 379 secondary xylem
secondary compounds. compuesto sec- clei.
undario. Organic molecules secondary peduncle. pedúnculo secun-
produced by some species of plants dario. The branch of an inflores-
but generally believed not directly cence.
involved in essential metabolism. secondary petiole. pecíolo secundario.
secondary consumer. consumidor The petiole of a leaflet of a com-
secundario. An organism that feeds pound leaf.
only on primary consumers, mostly secondary phloem. floema secundario.
animals, but some are plants. Phloem cells formed by activity of
secondary contraction. contracción the vascular cambium that occurs
secundario. Shortening and thick- in biennials and perennials, but un-
ening of the chromatid threads in common in annuals.
diplonema stage of meiosis, as dia- secondary pollutant. polutante secun-
kinesis comes on. daria. Air pollutants that form as
secondary cortex. cortex secundario. a result of various chemical reac-
corteza secundario. Phelloderm. tions occurring in the atmosphere.
secondary forest. bosque secundario. secondary root. raíz secundaria. Any
Stands of trees occurring from sec- root that comes off the primary root.
ondary succession. secondary segregation. segreación
secondary growth. crecimiento secun- secundario. The segregation in an
dario. An increase in the thickness allopolyploid of differences between
of shoots and roots through growth its ultimate diploid parents.
in the vascular cambium and cork secondary spore. espora secundario.
cambium which occurs in dicoty- Spores, other than basidiospores,
ledons and gymnosperms but not formed by basidiomycetes.
in monocotyledons; secondary secondary succession. sucesión secun-
thickening. dario. The change in vegetation
secondary leaflet. folíolo secundario. caused by a disruption of a previ-
The leaflet just below the termi- ous seral or climax community by
nal leaf. a major environmental disturbance,
secondary meristem. meristema secun- as a fire or cultivation.
dario. A region of active cell di- secondary thickening. engrosamiento
vision that has arisen from perma- secundario. The formation of new
nent tissue. tissue by repeated lateral cell di-
secondary mycelium. micelio secun- vision in the cambium of a woody
dario. The mycellium of the bi- plant, adding successive layers of
nucleate segments, bearing clamp- new growth. See secondary growth.
connections, found in many Basidi- secondary tissue. tejido secundario.
omycetes; also, hyphae which grow Tissue formed by secondary thick-
down from the developing fruit body ening.
of a fungus, absorbing food mate- secondary wall. pared secundario. A
rial from the substratum. cell wall which is often rich in lignin
secondary nucleus. núcleo secundario. and formed after elongation has
The nucleus formed in the embryo ceased.
sac by the union of two polar nu- secondary xylem. xilema secundario.
second division 380 seed stalk
Xylem cells formed by activity of of a group of grass-like plants
the vascular cambium which form (Carex and Cladium) with non-
the annual tree rings. jointed stems, growing in clumps
second division. división secundo. The or tufts in marshes or swamps.
second of two divisions of meio- sedge peat. turba de juncia. Decom-
sis. posed sedges, occurring in beds.
secrete. secretar. To produce and dis- sedohepulose. sedohepuloso. A seven
charge a substance. carbon sugar involved in photosyn-
secretion. secreción. The act of pro- thesis.
ducing or the material discharged seed. semilla. simiente. In Spermato-
from cells, as resin. phyta (seed plants), a fertilized,
secretory canal. canal secretorio. ca- mature ovule capable of germina-
nal secretífero. An intercellular tion into a plant similar to that from
space, usually elongated, in which which it came; also, the mature
secretions accumulate. ovule of a flowering plant composed
secretory cell. célula secretora. A cell of an embryo, an endosperm (some-
producing a substance or substances times), and a seed coat.
that are moved outside the cells. seed bank. banco de semillas. An
secretory tissue. tejido secretora. A institutional location where seed
tissue producing a substance or varieties are collected, identified,
substances that are moved outside and stored for research and devel-
the area; a group of secretory cells. opment activities.
section. corte tranversal. sección. seed breeder. criador de semillas.
A thin slice of tissue that has been mejorador de semillas. The origi-
removed for microscopic examina- nator that controls and provides the
tion; also, a division of a genus seed or vegetative material for the
containing a number of closely re- initial increases of foundation seed.
lated species. seed bud. yema testa. An ovule that
sectorial chim(a)era. quimera secto- develops into a seed; plumule.
rial. A chim(a)era in which a plant seed capsule. cápsula seminal. cáp-
with two or more types of tissue sula de semilla. Pericarp. Same as
is arranged in a cross section as seed vessel.
sectors of a circle. seed cavity. lóculo de semilla. See
seculate. esculado. Sickle-shaped; locule.
falcate. seed coat. testa. tegumento. The outer
secund. unilateral. Curved to one side protective covering of a seed that
or arranged on only one side of the develops from the integuments
axis, as the flowers of the Lily of around a maturing ovule.
the Valley (Convallaria); unilat- seed leaf. cotiledón. hoja de semilla.
eral. The primary leaf of the cotyledon.
secundine. secundino. The second or seed plant. plantas de semilla. Any
inner integument of the ovule that seed bearing plant.
will become the seed coat. seed stalk. pedículo de semilla. The
sedentary. sedentario. Inactive. structure that connects the ovule
sedge. juncia. junco. cañavera. Any to the placenta; funicle.
seed vessel 381 selection differential
seed vessel. vasco de semilla. The able characters.
pericarp; any dry, hollow fruit pod segregant. segregante. An organism
that contains the plant seeds; seed resulting from segregation.
capsule. segregate. segregar. To undergo seg-
seedbed. semillero. plantel. plantío. regation; to keep separate; also, in
cama de siembra. Soil that has taxonomy, a group which is based
been prepared for planting seeds on part of an earlier group.
or transplants. segregation. segregación. The sepa-
seedless. sin semillas. sin pepitas. Hav- ration of opposing (allelic) pairs
ing no seeds. of genes, occurring during meio-
seedling. sementera. plántula. A young sis.
plant, especially one grown from seismonasty. s(e)ismonastía. A nastic
seed; a young shoot and root axis. movement in response to a touching
segetalis. segetalis. Latin meaning stimulation or a non-directional
“growing in grain fields”. mechanical stimulus.
segment. gajo. A section of a citrus sejugous. seyugo. With six pairs of
(Rutaceae) fruit. leaflets.
segment. segmento. A section or di- selection. selección. In natural se-
vision of an organ or structure, as lection, refers to a process during
a portion of the lamina of a leaf, evolution that preserves variants
when it is deeply lobed, but not best adapted to their competitive
divided into leaflets.; also, a daugh- environment; also, in statistics, dis-
ter cell cut off from a single api- crimination in sampling or arrange-
cal cell; also, the free part when a ment, as opposed to randomness;
calyx or a corolla consists of par- also, in biology, any non-random
tially fused lobes; also, a multi- process which will lead to individu-
nucleate portion of a filament or als of different genotype being rep-
hypha which is cut off by a cross resented unequally by their prog-
wall. eny in later generations of a popu-
segment half-cell. semicélula de lation of self-propagating units.
segmento. One of the two smaller Selections can be natural or arti-
cells cut off from the pialac cells ficial.
of most Acrogynae, which ulti- selection coefficient. coeficiente de
mately gives rise to a “leaf”. selección. A measure of the rela-
segmental interchange. intercambio tive excess or deficiency of fitness
de segmentos. The exchange of of a genotype compared with an-
pieces between two chromosomes other genotype in the population.
which are not homologous. e.g. If s = 100 then 1 out of a 100
segmentation. segmentación. The pro- individuals of a specific genotype
gressive growth and division of a fails to reproduce.
single cell into many others to form selection differential. diferencial de
a new plant; cleavage. selección. The difference between
segmented. segmenado. Jointed. the average value of a quantitative
segregable. segregable. Capable of character in the whole population
undergoing segregation, as segreg- and the average value of those se-
382 self-incompatibility
lected to reproduce the next gen- ment of a particular ion from one
eration. part of a plant to another so that
selection pressure. presión selección. the ion appears in higher concen-
In evolution, the force exerted by tration in some parts than others.
the environment during natural se- selective value. valor selectivo. The
lection; strong selection pressure balance of genetic advantages and
producing significant change and disadvantages that determines the
weak selection pressure producing capacity of an individual organism
little evolutionary change. or genotype to survive and repro-
selective absorption. absorción select- duce in a specific environment; fit-
ivo. The ability of a cell, or the ness.
cells of an organ, to accumulate a seleniferous. selenífero. Bearing the
particular ion in a higher concen- chemical selenium, as seleniferous
tration in its vacuole, than it is in soils.
the surrounding medium; or alter- selenium. selenio. A non-metallic el-
natively not to accumulate a sub- ement with the chemical symbol
stance which is present in the sur- Se which is found in gypsum and
rounding medium, and would nor- sulfur-laden soils.
mally pass into it by diffusion. selenophyte. selenófito. Species that
selective advantage. ventaja selectiva. thrive on seleniferous soils.
The genotypic condition of a cell, self. auto. Said of a flower with the
individual, or genetic class of same color throughout; also, to
individulals which increases its pollinate with its own pollen.
chances relative to others, of rep- self-adaptation. autoadaptación. The
resentation in later generations of change in structure, function, or
cells or individuals. form of a plant in response to new
selective cutting. esqueje selectivo. conditions.
The cutting of intermediate aged, self-branching. autoramificación. In
mature, or diseased trees in an un- horticulture, plants that have ax-
even aged forest, either singly or illary buds that initiate new growth
in small groups, to encourage the without the necessity of pinching.
growth of younger trees and to self-colored. autocolor. Having the
maintain an uneven aged tree stand. same color all over.
selective fertilization. fecundación self-compatibility. autocompati-
selectiva. fertilización selectiva. bilidad. Self-fertility.
The fusion of gametes of differ- self-fertility. autofertilidad. The abil-
ent sexes in a non-random man- ity to fertilize and produce viable
ner. seed after self-pollination.
selective species. especive selectivo. self-fertilization. autofecundación.
A species of plants common to a The combining of male and female
particular type of environment but gametes from the same individual,
occasionally found growing in other as opposed to cross-fertilization in
conditions. which the gametes come from dif-
selective transport. transporte ferent individuals; self-pollination.
selectivo. The preferential move- self-incompatibility. autoincompati-
self-pollination 383 semievergreen
bilidad. A genetically controlled a gamete.
process that prevents self-pollina- semiaquatic. semiacuática. Plants that
tion, and facilitates promotes cross- grow close to or partly in water.
breeding, as in various species of semi-arid. semiárido. A transition zone
day lilies (Hemerocallis); self-ster- between a true desert and a humid
ile. climate where evaporation exceeds
self-pollination. autopolinización. The precipitation; also, a geographical
transfer of pollen from the anther area that is marginally arid, with
to the stigma in the same flower sufficient rainfall to support short
or from a different flower, but on grasses (Poaceae) and shrubs.
the same plant; self-fertilization. semicarpous. paracárpico. With the
self-propagation. autopropagación. ovaries of nearby carpels partly
Reproduction. fused, and the styles and stigmas
self-replication. autoreplicación. The separate.
ability to reproduce oneself or it- semicell. semicélula. One of two
self, as a DNA molecule is self- halves of a cell of a desmid.
replicating. semiconservative replication. replicac-
self-sterile. autoestéril. Unable to pol- ión semiconservativa. Designat-
linate itself, as the sweet cherry ing a kind of replication in which
(Prunus) because the pollen from the original molecular strands are
one tree can not pollinate itself or conserved individually rather than
any tree of the same variety; also, together.
the inability of gametes of oppo- semicraspedodromous. semicraspedó-
site sex, but produced by the same dromo. A venation system where
individual, to fuse. the nerves of the leaf run to and
selfing. autofecundación. Self-pol- almost reach the leaf margin. See
lination; autogamy. craspedodromous.
selva. selva. A tropical rainforest. semi-dominance. semidominancia.
semataxis. semátaxis. The arrange- See partial dominance.
ment of the petals, sepals and tepals, semidouble. semidoble. With the outer
which function as an attraction to stamens converted into petals and
pollinators. the inner ones remaining perfect,
semen. semen. A seed. as with roses (Rosaceae) and pop-
semi-. semi-. A Latin prefix that means, pies (Papaveraceae).
“half” or “partially”. semi-evergreen seasonal forest. selva
semiamplexicaul. semiamplexicaule. alta o mediana subcaducifolia. A
Said of a leaf base which half clasps distinct type of forest dominated
the stem. by both evergreen and deciduous
semiannual. semianual. Occurring broad-leaved trees, along side a
twice a year. rainforest in a region marked by
semiapogamy. semiapogamia. The regular dry seasons.
fertilization of one cell by another semievergreen. semisiempreverde.
when the cells are not of opposite Plants with foliage that become
sexes, but at least one of them is partially latent in the autumn and
semigametic, e.g. can function as drop all their foliage only if there
semilunar 384 sensitive period
are temperature extremes. throughout the year.
semilunar. semilunar. Shaped like a senescence. senescencia. The changes
half-moon. that occur between maturity and
seminal leaf. hoja semilla. cortiledón. death, as in deciduous trees the
Seed leaf. shedding of senescent leaves in the
seminal. seminal. The first stage in Fall is a normal physiological proc-
development. ess; also the ending of a cycle as-
seminiferous. seminífero. Seed bear- sociated with fruiting and flower-
ing. ing; aging.
semi-parasite. semiparásita. Living senescent. senescente. viejo. Growing
on a host but containing chloro- old; aging.
phyll, as a mistletoe (Loranth- senility. senilidad. Senescence in an
aceae); hemiparasite. individual or race.
semi-permeable membrane. membrana sense. detectar. To automatically de-
semipermeable. A membrane which tect or to react to stimuli, as light,
only allows the passage of solvent gravity, or touch.
molecules; partially permeable. sense organ. órgano sensorial. Any
semi-species. semiespecie. A group organ or cell adapted for the re-
of organisms taxonomically between ception of stimuli.
a race and a species with limited sense organelle. orgánulo sensorial.
outbreeding and gene flow; pos- organela sensorial. A specialized
sibly the advanced stage in spec- part of a cell functioning as a sense
iation. organ.
semi-spherical. semiesfrico. Having sense triplet. trillizo sensorial. Three
the shape of half a sphere. adjacent nucleotides on RNA, nec-
semisterile. semiestéril. Said of a gene essary for the production of an
heterozygote of structural hybrid amino acid. Theoretically, thought
in which approximately half the to be the smallest number which
male and female gametes are in- will code the production of an amino
viable. acid.
semiterete. semiterete. semirrollizo. sensibility. sensibilidad. The degree
Half-round or half-cylindrical in of reaction of a plant attacked by
shape. a parasite.
semiterrestrial. semiterrestre. Not sensible. sensible. Young plants that
growing or living entirely on land. can not survive excessively hot
semitropical. semitropical. Having temperatures; tender.
some of the characteristics of tropi- sensitive. sensitivo. Rapidly respon-
cal; See subtropical. sive to external stimuli, as leaves
semper-. semper-. A Latin prefix that that close when touched.
means, “always”. sensitive period. período de sensitivo.
sempervirens. sempervirens. Latin período crítico. período sensi-
meaning “evergreen”. ble. The period of development
sempervirent. sempervirente. Ever- during which the action of a gene
green. is sensitive to the influence of ex-
semperflorous. semperfloro. Flowering ternal conditons.
sensitivity 385 sequential analysis
sensitivity. sensibilidad. Sensibil- septem-. septem-. A Latin prefix that
ity; physical responsiveness. means, “seven” or “seventh”.
sepal. sépalo. One of the outermost septem(i)fid. septem(i)fido. Deeply
leaf-like floral parts, usually green, divided into seven parts.
located at the base of a flower, that septentate. septentado. With parts in
collectively make up the calyx. sevens.
sepaline. sepalino. Like a sepal. septicidal. septicida. One of the three
sepalody. sepalodia. An abnormal con- types of dehiscence: septicidal,
dition when some members of a loculicidal, and septifragal with
flower are converted to sepals. septicidal meaning to burst open
sepaloid. sepaloide. Resembling a sepal along the septa; said of a fruit which
or calyx in color and texture; opens by the loculi splitting through
sepaline. the middle, forming several com-
separate. separado. Occurring singly partments.
or apart from others of the same septifolious. septifolio. Having seven
species; sporadic. leaves or leaflets.
separation. separación. The freeing of septifragal. septifrago. One of the three
a reproductive body from the par- types of dehiscence: septicidal,
ent plant. loculicidal, and septifragal with the
separation disk. disco de separación. latter characterized by the valves
A biconcave disk of intercellular breaking away from the septa; said
material found occasionally between of the dehiscence of a fruit when
the cells of a filament of the blue- the outer wall breaks away from
green algae which aids in the break- the walls of the loculi.
up of the filament into hormogones. septulate. septulado. Fruit with im-
separation layer. estrato de separación. perfect septa.
The region of cell weakness in septum (pl. septa). septo. A dividing
which there is cell separation and cross-wall or partition, as the
rupture during the abscission of a septum that separates the chambers
leaf, flower, or other deciduous of an ovary; also, a wall between
organ; abscission layer. two adjoing cells; also, a transverse
septa. septa. Cross walls, as in the wall in a fungal hypha, an algal
hyphae of some fungi; plural of filament, or a spore.
septum. sequence hypothesis. hipótesis de
septal. septal. Of or pertaining to a secuencia. A concept how RNA
septum; also, of a row of bushes codes the production of a protein,
or shrubs. which holds that a particular se-
septate. septado. Divided by one or quence of nucleotides on the RNA
more partitions or septa; also, said molecule is responsible for the
of the ovary of flowering plants manufacture of a particular amino
when it is divided into chambers acid.
by partitions. sequential analysis. análisis secuencial.
septate fiber. fibra septado. A fiber In biochemistry, the working out
in which the lumen is divided by of the order of bases or other sub-
transverse walls. units in a molecule, compound, etc;
seral community 386 seta
also, in genetics, the “reading” of nal, prevernal, and vernal.
the genetic code that is stored in serotinous. serótino. Late flowering
the DNA. or leafing.
seral community. comunidad seral. serotonin. serotonina. A derivative
A stage in the succession of the of tryptophan and found in nettles
development of a plant community (Urtica), bananas (Musa), and to-
towards it climax. matoes (Lycopersicon). In mam-
seral stage. etapa seral. One stage mals, an important vasoconstric-
of the communities in an ecologi- tor, especially in the brain; also,
cal succession. found in some snake and toad
sere. sere. The characteristic sequence venoms.
of vegetative change (succession) serra. serra. A tooth of a serrated
that occurs in six stages: nudation, leaf margin.
migration, ecesis, competition, re- serrate. serrado. Having sharp notches
action, and stabilization. along the margin, all pointing to-
serial bud. yema serie. A supernu- ward the apex, as a serrate leaf.
merary bud beside an axillary bud. serration. borde dentado. Having a
seriate. seriado. Arranged in rows or serrate edge; also, a single tooth
series. or notch in a serrate leaf margin.
sericeous. seríceo. Having long, silky See serra.
trichomes, which usually are appr- serriferous. serrífero. Having a serra
essed, as sericeous leaves; silky. or a serrate structure.
serine. serina. A colorless amino acid serriform. serriforme. Having teeth,
present in many proteins and of like a saw.
particular importance in bacterial serrulate. serrulado. Having diminu-
metabolism. tive, forward-pointing teeth or
serology. serología. A method of iden- notches along the margin.
tifying microorganism and viruses, serrulation. serrulación. Being ser-
their chemical omponents, and their rulate; also, a single tooth or notch.
relations to one another. One acts sesamoid. sesamoide. Granular.
as an antigen in blood serum, against sessile-. sesil-. A Latin prefix that
which the activities of another can means, “sessile”.
be examined. See serotaxonomy. sessile. sésil. Lacking a petiole or
serotaxonomy. serotaxonomía. The petiolule; leaf blade attached di-
classification of similar plants by rectly to a shoot, non-motile; also,
grouping their differences in pro- fixed and stationary.
tein composition and from the sessile benthos. bentos sésil. Plants
number and type of antibodies pro- growing attached to the bottom,
duced in animals injected with plant below water.
proteins which serve as antigens. seta(e). seta. seda. A bristle-like
serotinal. serótino. Opening late or extension of the leaf, as in homo-
appearing late in the summer sea- phyllous species of Selaginella
son; also, used in reference to a (Selaginellaceae); also, in liverwort
six part division of the year: (Hepaticae) and moss (Musci)
serotinal, aestival, autumnal, hiber- sporophytes, the stem-like region
setaceous 387 sexual
between the foot and the capsule; tablishing maleness or femaleness.
also, a long hollow outgrowth from sex differentiation. diferenciación
a cell wall; also, a thick unicellu- sexual. The production by an in-
lar structure found among the asci dividual or group of individuals,
of some acomycetes; also, a sin- of gametes of two types, differeing
gle elongated cell, or row of cells in size and mobility (male and fe-
with scanty colorless contents oc- male gametes) such that the one
curring in some algae; bristle; cha- type can only fuse with the other
eta. type.
setaceous. setáceo. Having bristles, sexfarious. sexfario. In six rows.
as a setaceous leaf or leaflet; setose. sex-intergrade. sexintergrado. A plant
setiferous. setífero. Producing bris- bearing staminate and pistilate
tles. flowers but belonging to a species
setiform. setiforme. Having the form which is normally dioecious.
of a bristle. sexless. asexual. Without sex; neu-
set of chromosomes. juego de cromo- ter.
somas. A group of chromosomes sex-limited. limitado por el sexo.
consisting of one of each kind con- sexual-limitado. Capable of pheno-
tained in the nucleus of a gamete. typic development in one sex but
setose. setoso. Bristly. See setaceous. not in the other; said of the inher-
setula. setula. A diminutive bristle; itance of differences which are
also, the stipe of some fungi. expressed in one sex only, or if in
setulose. setuloso. Being covered with the two sexes, then differently.
setula. sex-linkage. ligamiento al sexo.
sex. sexo. Organisms having male or sexual-connexión. An organism
female parts and functions. whose sex and other traits are de-
sex-. sex-. A Latin prefix that means, termined by chromosomes.
“six”. sex-linked. ligado al sexo. Located
sexangular. sexangular. Having six in a sex chromosome; also, desig-
angles. nating a character transmitted by
sex cell. gameto. gámeta. célula genes located in the sex chromo-
sexual. An egg cell or sperm cell; some.
also called gamete, germ cell. sexpartite. sexpartito. Divided deeply
sex chromosome. cromosoma sexual. into six lobes or segments.
A pair of thread-like bodies in the sex ratio. proporción de (los) sexos.
cell nucleus which, in combination proporción sexual. The frequency
with each other, determine sex and of males to females in a given popu-
sex-linked characteristics. lation, commonly stated as the
sex determination. determinación del number of males per 100 females.
sexo. The mechanism by which sex sexual. sexual. Plants are generally
is determined; currently it is un- divided into two major divisions,
clear whether sexual determination Sexual and Asexual, in which re-
is a direct genetic determination production by seed is sexual and
or an indirect determination depend- reproduction by budding, sporu-
ent on a hormone balance for es- lation, or regeneration is asexual;
sexual diamorphism 388 shelf fungus
also, separated into two sexes, male Wiener. An ecological measure
and female. derived from the 1949 information
sexual diamorphism. diamorfísomo theories of Claude E. Shannon and
sexual. Structural differences be- Norbert Wiener. A small sample is
tween the males and females of a taken and indexed in ecosystems
species, especially if the differences with too many individuals for each
are superficial. to be identified and examined. The
sexual generation. generación sexual. index is the ratio of the number
generación sexuada. The sexual of species to their importance values
phase in the alternation of genera- within a trophic level or commu-
tions; gametophyte. nity.
sexual isolation. isolación sexual. Ge- shape. forma. In botany, shape per-
netic isolation by a sexual mecha- tains to plant and plant part form,
nism. figure or outline, as two or three
sexual reproduction. reproducción dimensional structures as well as
sexual. The propagation of plants the configuration of apices, bases,
through the medium of seeds; also, and margins of flat structures or
the fusion of male and female gam- portions of solid figures.
etes, or their nuclei, to form a zy- sheath. vaina. A tubular portion of
gote which develops in to a new the leaf that rolls around or partly
individual. surrounds the stem or culm of a
shade. sombra. To screen from light sedge (Cyperaceae) or grass (Poac-
or heat, as a tree provides shade eae); also, the outer layer of the
in the garden; also, a location that cell in cyanobacteria; also, a cup
is screened or darkened from di- of tubular cells without protoplasts
rect light, especially sun light. formed around the base of the ligule
shade chromophore. cromóforo de of the Lycopodinae.
sobra. A plant living in a shaded sheathing. envainador. Having a tu-
rock crevice. bular structure that surrounds the
shade plant. planta de sombra. A blade or petiole.
plant that grows best in shade; also, sheathing stipel. estipela envainador.
a plant grown to shade a crop plant. A tubular, amplexicaul structure that
shade-loving. umbrófilo. Plants that encloses the base of a leaflet.
require or thrive best in shade; sheathing stipule. estípula envainador.
sciophilous. A tubular, amplexicaul structure
shady. umbroso. sombreado. Scree- that encloses a bud or flower.
ned from the sun and heat, as a shed(ding). desprendimiento abscisión
shady location. de las hojas. See leaf abscission.
shaggy. enmarañado. Covered with shed. mudar. To cast off natural
long, weak hairs. growth, as trees that shed leaves
shallow. superficial. poco profundo. in the Fall.
bajo. Not deeply growing, as shal- shelf fungus. hongo estante. A com-
low roots. mon name for any basidomycete
Shannon–Wiener index of diversity. fungi, saprophytic, or parasitic,
indice de diversidad Shannon- growing horizontally out from a tree
shelf ice 389 sieve
trunk or log. short-day plant. planta de dia corto.
shelf ice. hielo estante. A ledge of planta microhémera. planta bre-
ice protruding out into the sea from vidiurna. Plants that flower or can
an ice sheet; some species of ma- be induced to flower with less than
rine plants thrive in the lightless twelve hours of light, as strawberries
waters under the ice shelf. (Rosaceae); also, flowers that
shell. cáscara. The hard, wood-like bloom only when the amount of
outside covering of a nut, seed, or daily light is relatively short, as
fruit, as a coconut shell. in the spring or late fall, e.g. sugar
shell bark. corteza cáscara. Rhyti- cane (Saccharum).
dome. shortly. brevemente. Briefly.
shelterbelt. faja de protección. banda short-night plant. planta de noche-
de protección. See windbreak. corta. Plants that respond or can
shifting cultivation. cambio de cultivo. be induced to flower with long
A traditional agricultural system periods of light and short periods
of semi-nomadic peoples, in which of darkness; the opposite of short-
a small area of forest is cut, cleared day plant.
by burning, and cultivated for 1– shred. desmenuzar. To flake or crum-
5 years, then abandoned as soil fer- ble; also, in forestry, to remove
tility and crop production falters branches from a mature or stand-
and weeds encroach. In low human ard tree.
population areas, plant climax com- shreddy bark. corteza Bark that is
munities return to the area; slash coarse, fibrous and often shallowly
and burn agriculture. fissured.
shikimic acid. ácido siquímico. A shrivel (fruit). resecarse (fruto).
cyclic compound formed from an arrugarse. Wrinkling or drying
aromatic unit, and intermediary in up of a fruit.
the synthesis of lignin. shrivel (leaf). marchitarse (hoja).
shining. brillante. Polished or lus- secarse. Withering or wrinkling
trous; nitid; laevigate. of a leaf.
shoot. vástago. retoño. rebrote. shrub. arbusto. A perennial woody
brote. A young stem or branch; plant, deciduous or evergreen, less
also, the aerial part of a vascular than ten meters tall, with many sepa-
plant that develops from the plum- rate stems starting from the ground
ule, composed of a stem, supporting or near the ground; frutex.
leaves, buds and flowers. shrubby. arbustivo. Resembling a shrub
shoot axis. eje caulinar. See caulome. or covered with shrubs, as a shrubby
shoreline. costa. ribera. The line plain.
where land and water meet. Si. Si. The symbol for the chemical
short shoot. brevibrote. Very short element silicon.
internodes with little growth (in- siccus. siccus. Latin meaning “dry,
determinate), as Ginkgo biloba juiceless”.
(Ginkgoaceae) or no growth (de- sickle-like. drepaniforme. falciforme.
terminate), as Pinus fascicle Having a crescent shape.
(Pinaceae). sieve. cribar. To sift or the process
sieve area 390 silicon
of selecting. chains of ribonucleic acid.
sieve area. área cribosa. A limited sigmoid. sigmoidea. Having the dou-
area on the longitudinal wall of a bly curved shape of an “s”.
sieve tube, perforated by many small sikyotic. siquiótico. Parasitic by the
pores through which material may fusion of the protoplasm of the host
pass. and parasite.
sieve cell. célula cribosa. An elon- silage. ensilaje. ensilado. Food for
gated, organic solute-conducting, livestock prepared from green crops,
thin-walled cell with perforations especially grasses (Poaceae); the
forming the phloem of gymno- crop is cut and stored in pits or
sperms, ferns (Filicopsida) and silos with bacteria on the plants
other lower vascular plants. facilitating fermentation, with the
sieve field. área cribosa. One of the by-product preserved from further
perforated areas into which a sieve decay and loss of nutrients.
plate may be divided by a nework silent allele. allela silencioso. An
of thick strands of wall material. allele that does not have a detect-
sieve-like. cribforme. Resembling a able product, therefore is not ex-
sieve in appearance or function. pressed in a phenotype.
sieve plate. placa cribosa. One of the silent mutation. mutación silencioso.
thin, perforated walls, usually at A permanent genetic change, but
the end, of a sieve-tube member. one not expressed by the pheno-
sieve tissue. tejido cribosa. Tissue type.
composed of sieve cells or sieve silica. silice. A hard, glassy mate-
tubes. rial occurring in a variety of forms,
sieve tube. tubo criboso. A tube within as in sand, quartz, and opals.
the phloem tissue composed of a siliceous. silíceo. Same as silicious.
series of sieve cells that lie end to silicified. silicificado. Having become
end, to form the tube. It translocates converted into or impregnated with
food materials synthesized into the silica, as wood.
plant. The cells are living, thin- silicious. silíceo. Growing or thriv-
walled and in longitudinal rows. ing in soil containing a great deal
They are connected by perforations of silica; also, containing silica,
in their transverse walls, through as some woods.
which pass strands of cytoplasm. silicle. silícula. A specialized lon-
The performated walls are called gitudinally flattened and divided
sieve plates. Sieve areas may be lengthwise, two-cavity capsule
present in the longitudinal walls. made from a bicarpellary ovary that
sieve-tube element. elemento de tubo- is broader than a silique, as the
criboso. One of the tube-like cells fruits of Alyssum (Brassicaceae).
that compose sieve tubes which are silicolous. silicólo. Growing on rocks
associated with parenchyma cells which contain much silica.
that contain all the components silicon. silicio. An abundant, non-
found in living plant cells. metallic chemical element with the
sigma factor. factor sigma. A protein symbol Si, when combined with
which activates the synthesis of oxygen forms silica; helpful in small
silique 391 single
quantities to some plants by col- not the same size or position.
lecting in the walls of epidermal simple. simple. sencilla. Not divided
and vascular tissue with the effect into several like parts, as a leaf not
of reducing water loss and retard- divided into leaflets (although the
ing fugal infections. leaf may be lobed); also, a pistil
silique. silicua. The long, narrow pod, with one carpel; also, as having an
typically more than twice as long unbranched stem.
as wide, with two valves which fall simple cyme. cima simple. A type of
away from the frame (replum) bear- unbranched inflorescence with
ing the seeds, as plants of the mus- pedicellate flowers that are deter-
tard family (Brassicaceae). The minate, dichotomous, and have
fruit is formed from a superior ovary pedicels of equal length; dichasium.
of two united carpels and divided simple fruit. fruto simple. A fruit de-
by a septum between the carpels rived from the ovary of a single
into two loculi. Dehiscence is by pistil (single or compound) of a
the separation of the carpels from single flower.
below upwards, leaving the seeds simple leaf. hoja simple. A leaf with
exposed on the septum. A silicle a single, undivided blade, but one
is similar, but short and broad, never that may be lobed, as an oak leaf
more than four times as long as (Quercus).
broad. simple sorus. soro simple. See gra-
silk. seda. Hair-like styles, as in corn date sorus containing one sporan-
(Zea). gium.
silky. sedoso. Soft, straight appressed simple sugar. azúcar simple. Any of
hair; the appearance or texture of the monosaccharides, such as glu-
soft appressed hair; sericeous. cose.
silt. cieno. Very fine particles of soil, simple tissue. tejido simple. A tissue
sand, and clay that are carried by composed of all the same kind of
moving water and deposited as sedi- cells.
ment. A soil textural class compo- simple venation. venación simple. A
sed of particles between 0.05 and type of venation in which only the
0.02 mm in diameter. midrib is clearly visible.
silvery. argénteo. Having the appear- simple umbel. umbela simple. An
ance of silver, either in color or umbel in which the flower stalks
luster. arise directly from the top of the
silviculture. silvicultura. The culti- main stalk.
vation, development, and care of simplex. simplejo. The condition of
forest trees used in the timber pro- a polyploid in which all the chro-
duction industry; also, the science mosomes of one homologous type
of forest management to produce carry the dominant allelomorph of
renewable supplies of timber; for- a particular gene once.
estry. single. sencilla. solo. Solitary; plants
similar. semejante. similar. Having that produce only one stem, one
a general resemblance but not the flower, or one set of petals rather
same, as having the same shape but than double petals, as in many
single celled 392 slender grass
cultivated varieties. Either of a pair of genetically iden-
single celled. unicelular. Having one tical chromatids.
cell. sister chromatid exchange. cromátida
single flower. flor singlular. A flower hermana de cambio. An occur-
which has one set of petals with rence similar to crossing over, that
no sign of doubling. It is referred can take place between sister
loosely to the flower head of the chromatids at mitosis and meiosis,
Asteraceae, when it is like a daisy. detectable in harlequin chromo-
single stemmed. tallo sencillo. Having somes.
one, unbranched stem. sister group. grupo de hermana. Twin
sinistrorse. levovoluble. sinistrorso. products of cladogenesis. In phylo-
Rising spirally from right to left, genetic systematics, sister groups
as the sinistrorse stem of a vine; are classified at the same taxonomic
opposite to dextrorse. rank.
sinkhole. cenote. A natural, funnel- sister nucleus. núcleo hermana. One
shaped cavity or well occurring in of the two nuclei formed by the
friable limestone through the ac- division of a pre-exiting nucleus.
tion of rain or running water. site. sitio. The position within a cistron
sinuate. sinuado. Having a margin occupied by a mutation.
that is distinctly wavy, as a sinuate size. tamaño. Refers to the spatial
leaf; also, said of the gills of agarics dimensions of a plant or plant struc-
which curve suddenly on reaching ture, expressed as a number in ref-
the stipe. erence to length, width, and depth,
sinuous. sinuoso. serpenteante. Wind- or as a comparative amount.
ing, twisting, or undulating. skein. mazo. The nuclear reticulum.
sinus. seno. A rounded depression skin. piel. Epidermis; also, the outer
or recess between two consecutive tissue of the periclinal chimaera.
lobes, as a leaf sinus. skiophyll. hoja de sombra. Shade leaf
siphon. sifón. An elongated cell which or a leaf that prefers shade; also
extends the whole length of a joint spelled sciophyll.
in some red algae. skiophyte. planta esciófila. planta
siphoneous. sifoneo. Tubular. de sombra. Sciophyte.
siphonaceous. sifonáceo. Used to de- slash and burn agriculture. cortar y
scribe algae when the thallus is not quemar agricultura. See shifting
divided by the septa or the numerous cultivation.
nuclei are not separated into cells. sleep movement. movimiento de sueño.
siphonostele. sifonostela. Vascular movimiento nictinástico. The fold-
tissue in the shape of a hollow tube, ing of the leaflets of a compound
with the pith in the center, found leaf at night time. This brings the
in some stems, as ferns (Filicops- stomatal surfaces together; nyct-
ida). inasty.
sister cell. célula hermana. One of slender grass. zacate delgado. Any
two cells formed by the division of a group of grasses (Poaceae) with
of a pre-exiting cell. ?????? slender spikes that are classified
sister chromatid. cromátida hermana. in the genus Lepiochioa.
sliding carrier 393 sobol(e)
slender. delgado. Long and slender mucous.
in size; thin. slippery zone. zona resbaloso. A shiny
sliding carrier. portadora deslizante. surface a little below the rim of a
A hypothetical carrier of ions across pitcher on which insects slip and
membranes. It is suppose to slide fall to the bottom of the pitcher.
along the membrane surface, pick slit. hendidura. A lengthwise fissure
up the ion, and slide through a pore or opening.
in the membrane, depositing the slope. ladera. An inclined surface,
ion on the other side. The carrier as a hill or mountainside.
stays in contact with the membrane small. pequeña. Little in size, number,
all the while. or amount.
sliding growth. crecimiento deslizante. smaller. menor. Less in size, number,
The movement of developing trach- or amount when compared with
eids and vessels along their mu- others of the same kind.
tually touching longitudinal walls smaragdine. smaragdino. Emerald
as the cells elongate. or dark bluish-green color.
slime flux. flujo de mucus. An exu- smog. niebla tóxica. Combinations
dation of a watery solution of sugars of chemical pollutants, smoke, and
and other substances from trees fog in the air; commonly found in
which are wounded or attacked by and around large urban and indus-
parasites. trial areas.
slime plug. tapón de mucus. A mass smoke. humo. Solid particles in a gas-
of slimy material which blocks the eous form; as smoke from wood,
pores in a sieve-plate. cigarettes, gasoline engines, and
slight. reducido. Limited in size or industrial exhausts.
amount; small. smooth. liso. Having an even surface,
slightly. escasamente. Barely; small without configuration; not rough
in size or amount. to the touch; also, used to indicate
slime fungus. hongo viscoso. See slime an absence of hair or appendages.
mold. smooth bark. corteza liso. A bark with-
slime mo(u)lds. mohoes mucosos. out fissures.
mixomicetos. moho viscoso. A type smuts. tizón. añublo. A group of
of eukaryotic microorganism that basidiomycete fungi, often seen on
shows amoeboid movement and the ears of cereal plants as a mass
ingests small particles of food but of dark spores; Ustilaginales.
reproduces by means of spores; snail plant. planta caracol. A plant
sometimes included in mycological pollinated by snails.
classifications and at other times snow-line. linéa de nieve. The lower
in zoological classifications, as they limit of permanent snow cover,
exhibit characteristics of both sim- which varies locally with latitude,
ple plants and simple animals; also prevailing winds, snow-types, and
sometimes referred to a slime fun- summer temperatures.
gus; Myxomycophyta. sobol(e). renuevo. sobole. A shoot
slimy. mucoso. A moist, gummy sub- or elongated caudex branch near
stance occurring in some plants; the ground which emerges from the
soil horizon 394 soboliferous
base of a stem or from the rhizome. all terrestrial plants and essential
soboliferous. sobolífero. Forming to the water conserving capacity
shoots or soboles near the ground. of succulents and other drought re-
sociability scale. escala de sociabil- sistant plants.
idad. A 5 point visual, vegetative soft. suave. Smooth to the touch.
analysis measure used to indicate soft bast. suave liber. The sieve tubes
the degree of clumping or gregari- and phloem parenchyma.
ousness of individual plant species; softwood. semileñoso. Refers to coni-
1 on the scale denotes a shoot grow- fer (Coniferae) trees or wood, as
ing singly and 5 indicates shoots distinguished from hardwood trees
growing in large groups. or wood (somewhat inaccurately).
social (botany). social (botánica). soil air. suelo del aire. Gases below
Growing in patches or clumps. ground occupying the pore space
social plants. plantas social. Spe- of the soil and occurring in the same
cies which grow in large groups forms but in different proportions
and occupy wide areas. as the gases above ground.
society. sociedad. A group of plants, soil classification. clasificación del
especially a single species, is con- suelo. An organization of soil pro-
sidered a unit in an ecological com- files contained in the United States
munity; also, a minor community Department of Agriculture (USDA)
within a consociation, arising as Soil Taxonomy system.
a result of local variation in the soil conservation. conservación del
enviromnent, and dominated by suelo. A combination of soil man-
species other than the consociation agement and land use methods that
dominant. safeguard the soil against deple-
sod. cubrir de césped. The top 3 to tion or deterioration by natural or
7 cm of soil held together with grass human interventions.
roots or grass-legume roots. soil erosion. erosión del suelo. The
sodic soil. suelo sodico. Soil with a movement of soil components,
sodium content of more than 15% especially topsoil, from one place
exchangeable sodium; sufficient to to another through the action of
interfere with plant growth. wind and water.
sodication. sodicación. In soils, an soil fertilization. fertilización del
increase in the percentage of so- suelo. The application of fertilizers
dium which can affect its perme- to the soil.
ability to the extent of rendering soil flora. flora del suelo. The plants,
it impermeable to water. chiefly fungi, living in the soil.
sodium chloride. cloruro sódico. soil formation. formación del suelo.
cloruro de sodio. A chemical com- The action of weathering and
pound of sodium and chloride, humification to alter or rearrange
common table salt, which occurs mineral and organic materials to
along sea shores or in salt marshes; form soil; pedogenesis.
especially in tropical regions. soil horizon. horizonte edáfico. A hori-
sodium. sodio. An element with the zontal zone that makes up a par-
chemical symbol of Na found in ticular mature soil. Each horizon
soil management 395 solenostele
has a distinct texture and compo- dissociated from the surfaces of the
sition that varies with different types soil particles and other soluble ma-
of soil. terials.
soil management. manejo del suelo. soil sterilization. esterilización del
The total tillage operation, crop- suelo. Treating soil by gaseous
ping practices, fertilizing, liming, fumigation, chemicals, or heat (com-
and other treatments conducted on monly steam at 100ºC), to destroy
or applied to a soil for the produc- all living organisms.
tion of plants. soil structure. estructura del suelo.
soil pasteurization. paste(u)rización The particle make-up of a soil.
del suelo. Treating soil with heat, soil texture. textura del suelo. The
commonly steam at 60ºC to 70ºC, relative percentages of sand, silt,
to destroy most of the harmful and clay in a soil.
pathogens, nematodes, and weed soil type. tipo de suelo. The lowest
seeds; not as severe as soil steri- unit in the natural system of soil
lization. classification; also, a subdivision
soil permeability. permeabilidad del of a soil series.
suelo. The rate at which water and soil water. agua del suelo. Under-
air move from upper to lower soil ground water that partially fills the
layers. pores between soil particles and
soil porosity. porosidad del suelo. rocks within the upper soil and rock
The cracks and spaces (pores) in layers of the earth’s crust but above
soil or the amount of the soil’s the water table.
volume not occupied by the soil soil. suelo. The top layer of the earth’s
itself. surface composed of animal and
soil profile. perfil del suelo. A cross- vegetable matter, rock and mineral
sectional view of a soil horizon. particles, which, when mixed in
soil salinity. salinidad del suelo. The varying proportions, provide nu-
amount of soluble salts in a soil, trients and water toplants.
expressed as parts per million or sol. sol. A colloidal solution.
by some other useful ratio. sola. solo. See solum.
soil science. ciencia del suelo. An solar energy. energía solar. Direct
academic discipline directed toward radiant energy from the sun and a
the study of the composition, dis- number of indirect forms of energy
tribution, and formation of soils, produced by the direct input, such
as they occur naturally; pedology. as wind, falling and flowing wa-
soil series. serie del suelo. The ba- ter, and biomass.
sic unit of soil classification; also, solarization. solarización. The tem-
a subdivision of a family, composed porary stopping of photosynthesis
of soils that are essentially alike in a leaf which is exposed to strong
in all major soil profile character- light for a long time.
istics. sole. sole. The bottom end of the car-
soil solution. solución del suelo. The pel.
aqueous liquid phase of the soil solenostele. solenostela. The type of
and its solutes composed of ions vascular cylinder, a siphonostele,
soliflucation 396 somatotropism
in which there is a central stem and The development of the sporophyte
an outer cortex, as found in many from the tissues of a gametophyte,
ferns (Filicopsida), with phloem without the fusion of nuclei. It there-
both on the inside and outside of fore has the same chromosome
the xylem. number as the gametophyte.
soliflucation. soliflucación. A down- somatic cell hybrid. híbrido de célula
flow, or slip of surface soil mate- somática. A hybrid cell coming
rial. from the union of two somatic cells.
solitary. solitario. One-flowered, not somatic cell. célula somática. A cell
an inflorescence; occurring singly not destined to become a gamete
and not on a cluster; alone. and whose genes are not inherit-
solopathogenic. solopatogénico. Of able.
a smut, a pathogenic monosporidial somatic crossing-over. entrecruzam-
strain. iento somática. The crossing-over
soluble RNA (s-RNA). ARN soluble. during mitosis of somatic cells, such
Transfer-RNAs which are quite that heterozygous parent cells for
small molecules and more soluble a given allele, instead of giving two
in acid than other RNAs. identical heterozygous daughter
soluble. soluble. The relative capacity cells, results in a homozygous
of a solute to be dissolved. daughter cell for each of the two
solum. solo. In a soil profile, the upper alleles.
part where soil formation occurs somatic doubling. duplicación somát-
and where plant roots are found. ico. The doubling of the number
solute potential. potencial de soluto. of chromosomes in the nuclei of
The water potential component somatic cells.
produced by solutes in the water. somatic mitosis. mitosis somática. The
solute. soluto. Any substance dissolved division of a metabolic nucleus.
in a solvent. somatic mutation. mutación somática.
solution. solución. A homogeneous A mutation in a somatic cell, rather
mixture with the molecules of the than in a germ cell; a non-inherit-
dissolved substance (solute) are dis- able mutation.
persed among the molecules of the somatic segregation . segregación
solvent; also, the abnormal sepa- somática. The formation by mi-
ration of parts which are normally tosis of cells differing from one
united. another, either through mutation,
solvent. solvente. The liquid in which or by somatic crossing over in the
a solute is dissolved. nucleus, or by an unequal assort-
soma (pl. somata). soma. All the tis- ment of cytoplasmic determinants.
sues of a plant except the germ cells. somatic tissue. tejido somático. Non-
somatic. somático. Pertains to all the productive vegetative tissue pro-
cells of a plant other than those duced through mitosis that will not
that are reproductive (germ mother undergo meiosis.
cells and gametes); vegetative; not somatotropism. somatotropismo. A
reproductive or germinal. directed growth movement in a plant
somatic apogamy. apogamia somática. so that the members come to be
sooty mold 397 spathe
placed in a definite position in re- sorosis. sorosis. A type of collective
lation to the substratum. fruit composed of a spike or ra-
sooty mold. moho cubierto de hollín. ceme modified into a fleshy fruit
A dark, soot-like, fungal growth by the cohesion of a single mass
appearing on plants covered with of the ovaries and the floral enve-
sap-sucking aphids or scales; these lopes, as the mulberry (Moraceae)
insects produce a sugary substance or pineapple (Bromeliaceae).
which enhances their continued sorosphere. soroesfera. A hollow ball
growth and development. of spores formed by some of the
soralium (pl. soralia). soralio. A mass lower plants
of soredia surrounded by a distinct sorus. soro. A cluster of plant re-
margin formed from the thallus of productive, spore-producing bodies
a lichen. See soredium. on the under surface of a fern frond
soral membrane. membrana de soral. (Filicopsida), which are seen as
The wall surrounding the sorus in rows of small brown dots (spor-
some lower fungi. angia); also, a reproductive area
sorbitol. sorbitol. The sugar alcohol on the thallus of some algae; also,
of glucose. spore-producing structures in some
sordid. sórdido. Dirty or muddy in fungi, especially the spore mass of
color. rusts and smuts; also, a group of
sordidus. sordidus. Latin meaning fruit bodies in the Synchytriaceae.
“dirty-colored”. spaced. espaciado. Occurring at in-
soredia . soredia. Reproductive bodies tervals.
in some lichen, that are groups of space parasite. parásito espacial. A
hyphae with a few entwined algal plant which lives in the intercel-
cells, forming in the thallus and lular spaces in another plant, ob-
reaching the surface through cracks taining shelter, but possibly nothing
in the cortex. else.
sorediate. sorediado. Having small spadiceous. espadiceo. Having a spadix
patches on the surface. or the appearance of a spadix, as
soredium. soredio. A powder-like, a spadiceous flower; also, chest-
microscopic structure composed of nut colored.
fungal hypha and a few cells of the spadix. espádice. A fleshy spike of
phycobiont that is formed by some tiny flowers, usually enclosed in
lichen to achieve vegetative repro- a spathe. See spathe.
duction. sparingly. escasamente. Scanty or lim-
sori. soros. Plural of sorus. ited.
soriferous. sorífero. Bearing sori. sparsely. esparcidamente. Not oppo-
sorocarp. sorocarpo. In a few slime site, alternate, nor in any regular
molds, a fruiting structure composed order, as peduncles, branches or
of an unenclosed mass of spores leaves.
at the tip of a stalk; the fruiting spathaceous. espatáceo. Having a
structure of the Acrasiales. spathe or the appearance of a spathe.
sorophore. soróforo. The sorus stalk. spathal. espatal. Having a spathe.
sorose. sorosa. Having sori. spathe. espata. A large bract or pair
spathella 398 species group
of bracts that encloses a flower gesting a narrow habitat or niche.
cluster, especially a spadix, as the specialize. especializarse. To adapt
calla lily (Lilianceae). to a different mode of life by the
spathella. espatela. A grass flower changing of a structure’s function,
glume. shape, size or color.
spathellula. espatelula. A grass flower specialized (modified). especializado
palea. (modificar). Adapted or modified
spathiform. espatiforme. Having the to meet the conditions of an altered
shape of a spathe. environment; also, the tendency of
spathulate. espatulado. Having a broad, a parasite to attack only one spe-
rounded end and a long, narrow cies or variety of a host plant.
base, as a spatulate leaf; spoon- speciate. especiado. To form of one
shaped. or more species from an existing
spatulate embryo. embrión espatulado. species through evolutionary proc-
A type of foliate embryo that is esses.
erect, with variable cotyledons, speciation. especiación. The forma-
ranging in shape from thin to thick tion of new species of freely
and slightly expanded to broad. interbreeding plants, adapted to
spatulate. espatulado . Same as their environment and reproduct-
spathulate. ively isolated from other such
spawn. generar. producir. Mush- populations, through evolutionary
rooms are said to spawn from myc- processes.
elium, the perennial, vegetative part species. especie. A category used in
of fungus that remains in the soil the taxonomic classification of
producing fruit annually. plants composed of a one or more
spawn. micelio. The perennial, veg- groups (populations) that resem-
etative part of a fungus. See myc- ble each other, breed among them-
elium. selves, and produce fertile offspring.
special Creation. Creación especial. A species ranks just below a ge-
The belief that the origin and di- nus in taxonomic classification and
versity of life is from acts of God may be divided into varieties, races,
with each species created separately. or breeds, which can also be sub-
Evolution is implicitly rejected as divided into smaller groups known
the explanation of these phenomena as geographic varieties, races or
and classified as a theory. breeds.
specialist species. especie especialista. species diversity. diversidad de espec-
Species that occupy a narrow eco- ies. The number of different species
logical niche; only able to live in and their relative abundances in a
one type of habitat, tolerate a narrow given area.
climate range and other environ- species group. grupo especie. Some-
mental factors. times called “superspecies”, as it
specialization. especialización. A de- refers to a complex of morphologi-
gree of adaptation of a plant or plant cally related species that when
structure to its environment with crossed can sometimes produce
a high degree of specialization sug- hybrids.
species-specific 399 spermatozoid
species-specific. especie-específico. smaller than the female gamete.
Describes a reaction that is lim- spermagonium. espermagonio. In some
ited to the effect on one species. lichen and fungi, a cup-shaped
specific. específico. Pertaining to or cavity where the spermatia, single-
related to a species. In the bino- celled, male reproductive cells are
mial naming system, every plant produced.
belongs to a species which is as- spermaphytic. espermáfitico. Seed-
signed two Latin names and together bearing, as gymnosperms and
they represent the plant’s specific angiosperms.
name, as Wild Sage, Lantana spermatiophore. espermatióforo. A
camara; with Lantana represent- hypha that bears a spermatium.
ing the genus name and camara the spermatium (pl. spermatia). esperm-
specific name or kind of Lantana. atio. In some fungi and lichen,
specific character. carácter específico. spermatium are the single-celled
In taxonomy, diagnostic characters male reproductive organs which are
used in delimiting species. produced like spores; also, a non-
specific epithet. epíteto específico. motile gamete that fuses with the
In taxonomy, the Latinized scien- carpogonium in some algae; also,
tific name of an organism which a non-motile male sex cell, present
makes use of a binary system with in red algae, in some ascomycetes
the genus (generic name) first and and basidiomycetes, and some li-
the specific epithet (species) sec- chens.
ond, as Quercus alba. spermatocyte. espermatócito. A cell
specific name. nombre específico. Epi- that becomes an antherozoid without
thet. further division; antherocyte.
speciosus. speciosus. Latin meaning spermatogenous cell. célula espermat-
“handsome”. ógeno. One of two cells formed by
specimen. espécimen. Samples of plant the division of the generative cell;
populations and taxa taken from the other is known as the sterile
nature or gardens. cell.
speckled. manchado. moteado. Hav- spermatophyte. espermatófito. Any
ing or being marked with small spots of the angiosperm or gymnosperm
of color; spotted plants that produce seed.
speckled. manchado. moteado. mos- spermatozoid. espermatozoide. One
queado. Having or being marked of the motile male gametes produced
with small spots of color; spotted. in the antheridium that fertilizes
spectabilis. spectabilis. Latin meaning female organs; antherozoid.
“remarkable”. spermatozoon (pl. spermatozoa).
spectaus. spectaus. Latin meaning espermatozoo. The male gamete,
“opposite”. usually referred to as antherozoid.
speiranthy. speirantia. Having twisted Sperma(to)phyta. esperma(tó)fitos.
flowers or flower parts. esperma(tó)fitas. Seed plants.
sperm. espermatozoide. anterozoide. spermatoplast. espermatóplasto. A
espermio. In angiosperms, the re- male gamete.
productive male gamete, which is spermatozoid. espermatozoide. Anth-
spermium 400 spiculate
erozoid. sphere; having multidimensional
spermium. espermio. See spermato- radial symmetry; globular.
zoon. spherical bacterium. bacteria esférico.
spermogonium. espermogonio. Of Coccus.
fungi, a flask-shaped, or flattened spheridium. esféridio. Capitulum.
hollow, structure in which spermatia spheroid. esferoide. A body that is
are formed. almost spherical or round, but not
sperm nucleus. núcleo espermático. quite.
Each pollen grain produces two spheroidal. esferoidal. Having the
sperm nuclei, which effects dou- form of a spheroid; almost spherical.
ble fertilization in angiosperms. spherome. esferoma. A cell inclusion
spermophyte. espermófito. See sperma- which gives rise to globules of fats
tophyte. and oils.
sphacelate. esfacélado. Dark and spheroplast. esferoplasto. Mitochon-
shrunken. dria.
sphaerocarpous. esfaerocárpico. Hav- spherule. esferulo. A chlamydospore-
ing a globular fruit. like structure.
sphaerocrystal. esfaerocristal. A spherosome. esferosoma. Cytoplas-
rounded crystalline mass of calcium mic particles which move rapidly
oxalate found in the cells of some through the cytoplasm and may be
plants. involved in fat synthesis and stor-
sphaerocyst. esfaeroquiste. A spheric- age.
ally shaped cell, clustered and spicate. espigado. espiciforme. Hav-
present in the fleshy fruit of some ing the form of a spike or arranged
fungi (Russulaceae). in a spike, as a spicate flower.
sphaerraphide. esfaeráfido. A rounded spice. especia. An aromatic substance
spiky mass of calcium oxalate used to flavor or season food or
found, usually singly, in the cells drink.
of many plants. spiciform. espiciforme. An inflores-
sphagnum moss. musgo esfágneo. One cence with the appearance of a spike
or more aquatic mosses (Musci) but without the structure of a true
of the genus Sphagnum, widely dif- spike.
fused in temperate climates, espe- spicose. espicoso. See spicous.
cially in bogs and swamps, and eas- spicous. espico. Having ears or spikes,
ily recognized by their pale gray as corn (Zea).
color, fasiculate branches and ses- spicula. espicula. A small spike or
sile globose capsules. spikelet; also, a pointed, fleshy
spheno-. esfeno-. A Greek prefix that appendage.
means, “wedge-shaped”. spicular. espicular. Having, composed
sphenoid. esfenoide. Having a wedge of, or covered with spicules.
shape; cuneate. spiculate. espiculado. espiculífero.
sphere. esfera. Any round shape with Having the shape of a spicule;
the center equally distant from the bearing spicules; also, a crystal-
center at all points. line excrescence in or on the sur-
spherical. esférico. Shaped like a face.
spicule 401 spiral
spicule. espiculo. A small spike of mosome to the spindle during mi-
flowers; also, a short, pointed pro- tosis or meiosis.
jection, as a needle or spine; also, spindle fiber. fibra del huso. Pro-
an obsolete term of sterigma. tein fibers which are formed dur-
spiculisporic acid. ácido espiculis- ing prophase; chromosomes attach
porico. A metabolic product of to these fibers at the centromere.
Penicillium spiculisporum. spindle-shaped. fusiforme. A rounded
spiculose. espiculoso. See spiculate. shape that is broad near the mid-
spiculous. espicule. Having spicules. dle and tapers toward each end; fusi-
spiculum. espiculo. A spicule; a small form.
spine. spine. espina. A modified leaf or stip-
spike. espiga. An unbranched, inde- ule with a stiff, slender, midrib, vein,
terminate inflorescence with ses- or sharp-pointed petiole, as on cac-
sile flowers; like a raceme but the tus (Cactaceae) and hawthorn
flowers are attached directly to the (Crataegus); also, the end of a
stem; also, an ear of grain. branch or leaf which has become
spikelet. espiguilla. A small spike, com- rounded in section, and is hard and
mon to the grasses, sedges, and sharply pointed.
some reeds. It consists of a cen- spineless. sin espina. Without spines
tral rachis bearing one or more ster- or sharp-pointed processes, as
ile glumes at the base, followed by spineless cactus (Cactaceae).
one or more flowers, each enclosed spinescent. espinescente. Having
between a flowering glume and spines; with spine-like point at the
palea. All the parts are crowded tip, as on some holly (Aquifoli-
together. aceae) leaves.
spike-like. espiciforme. Having the spinicarpous. espinícarpico. Having
general appearance of a spike but spiny fruit.
not the structure of a true spike. spiniferous. espinífero. Bearing spines
spinaceous. espinaceo. Having the or thorns.
characteristics of spinach (Spin- spiniform. espiniforme. Thorn-like.
achia) or other members of the spinigerous. espinigero. Producing
goosefoot family (Chenopod- thorns.
iaceae). spinose. espinoso. Sharp-pointed, as
spindle. fusus. The set or collection spinose leaves; pungent.
of tiny fibers, each composed of spinous. espinoso. Covered with
microtubular that extend the spines; thorny.
centromeres to the opposite ends spinule. espinula. A small spine.
of the region of the cell occupied spinulescent. espinulescente. Bear-
by the nucleus; appearing to move ing small spines.
the chromosomes of eukaryotes dur- spinulose. espinuloso. Bearing spinules.
ing mitosis and meiosis in cell di- spiny. espinoso. Thorny; spine-shaped.
vision. spiral. espiral. Winding about a fixed
spindle attachment. acoplamiento area, as a corkscrew; also, a coil
fusus. The point of attachment on of the chromosome, chromatid, or
a chromosome which ties the chro- chromosome–thread at mitosis or
spiral tracheid(e) 402 spongy parenchyma
meiosis; helix. embryo having spirally rolled coty-
spiral tracheid(e). traqueida espiral- ledons.
ada. The tracheid in which the splendens. splendens. Latin mean-
secondary wall is laid down. ing “glittering”.
spiral flower. flor espiralada. A flower splice. coser. ayustar. To join a gene
having its members arranged in or DNA segment of one organism
spirals. to that of another; also, recombine
spiral hypha. hifa espiralada. A hy- strands of DNA molecules from
pha ending in a flat or helical coil. different organisms to form new
spiralled. espiralado. Curved or wound genetic combinations; also, to in-
around a fixed area. sert a new or altered gene or DNA
spire. aguja. A young shoot or blade segment into another organism so
of grass; also, a young tree grown as to alter its genetic composition,
for timber with the lowest branches especially to enable it to produce
at a considerable height above the some specific chemical substance.
ground. split gene. escisión gen(e). A segment
spireme. espirema. The tangle of of DNA with one or more non-
thread-like chromosomes at the coding sectors.
beginning of prophase of mitosis. spodogram. espodograma. A prepa-
spiricle. espiriculo. One of the thin, ration of the ashes of a plant, es-
coiled threads (uncoiled when wet) pecially a woody portion, used in
on the surface of some seeds and the investigation of the structure.
fruits which assist in germination. spongioplasm. espongioplasma. The
spirillium (pl. spirilla). espirilio. Cork- more viscid components of cyto-
screw shaped bacterium, some of plasm, forming a threadwork.
which are motile with terminal spongiose. esponjoso. Full of small
flagella. cavities.
spiroch(a)ete. espiroqueta. espiro- spongy cell. célula esponjoso. One
queto. A bacterium of the order of the cells that form the spongy
Spirochaetales. These are elon- layer.
gated, spirally twisted organism, spongy layer. capa esponjoso. A layer
which move by flexing the body of irregularly shaped cells occur-
and not by flagella. Some are free- ring below the palisade layer in a
living and others are parasitic in leaf.
aminals and man. They are classi- spongy mesophyll. mesófilo esponjoso.
fied with the Bacteria. Mesophyll with loosely arranged
spirogyra. espirógira. Any one of the cells and numerous air spaces, often
green algae from the genus Spiro- found in the lower portion of the
gyra with ribbon-like chloro-plasts interior of a leaf just above the lower
winding to the right which have epidermis.
the appearance of scum on fresh- spongy parenchyma. paréquima es-
water ponds. ponjoso. The tissue formed by a
spirolobal. espirólobos. Having lobes layer of spongy cells extending from
arranged in a spiral form. the palisade parenchyma to the
spirolobous. espirólobo. Said of an lower epidermis of a leaf.
spongy pith 403 spore
spongy pith. médula esponjoso. A pith sporangiocyst. esporangíocist. A thick-
that is porous and easily com- walled sporangium which is able
pressed. to remain alive but inert under
spongy. esponjoso. Porous; sponge- unfavorable conditions.
like; full of holes. sporangioid. esporangioide. Having
spontaneous generation. generación the appearance or characteristics
espontáneo. Abiogenesis. of a sporangium.
spontaneous movement. movemiento sporangiogenic band. banda de spo-
espontáneo. The movements of a rangiogénico. A strip of cells, 2-
plant which do not depend on an 3 cells broad and several cells tall,
external stimulus. in the fertile spike of Osmundaceae.
spontaneous mutation. mutación Ultimately, it becomes differenti-
espontáneo. A naturally occurring ated into blocks of archesporial cells
mutation, usually due a change in and sterile cells.
the functioning of cellular enzymes, sporangiole. esporangiólo. A small
as distinguished from an artificially sized sporangium; also, a sporan-
induced mutation from the use of gium which contains one, or a very
chemicals or irradiation. few spores.
spontaneous. espontáneo. Growing sporangioliferous head. capítulo esp-
without being planted; indigenous. rangiolífero. A rounded group of
spoon-shaped. coclear. Having the hol- sporangia.
lowed out shape of a spoon bowl. sporangiolum. esporangiólio. A
sporabola. esporabola. The curve made sporangiole.
by a basidiospore after discharge sporangiophore. esporangióforo. In
from its sterigma, as it falls under some molds, a hypha bearing a
the force of gravity. sporangium at the apex; the axis,
sporaceous. esporáceo. Pertaining to stalk, or columella on a sporangia-
spores. bearing structure; also, the um-
sporadic. esporádico. Occurring singly brella-shaped, sporangium-bearing
or in a scattered distribution; scat- portion of the strobilus, as horsetails
tered over a wide area; separate. (Equisetum).
sporangia. esporangios. Plural of spo- sporangiospore. esporangióspora.
rangium. Any spore produced from sporan-
sporangial. esporangial. Pertaining to gium, but especially a non-motile
the sporangium, as the sporangial spore formed within a sporangium.
layer. sporangium. esporangio. A spore case
sporangial vesicle. vesicula espor- or sac; also, same as capsule in
angial. A very thin-walled, com- mosses (Musci); also, the struc-
monly evanescent outgrowth from ture containing asexual spores.
the sporangium of many lower sporation. esporación. See sporu-
fungi, in which the zoospores com- lation.
plete their development and from spore. espora. A type of reproductive
which they are set free. structure, usually single-celled,
sporangiferous. esporangífero. Bear- resulting from meiotic cell divi-
ing sporangia. sion, which becomes free (the first
spore ball 404 sporodochium
cell of the gametophyte generation), sporidia.
and is capable of growing into a sporidole. esporidolo. A small spore.
new plant, as ferns (Filicopsida) sporidium. esporidio. A small spore;
and mo(u)lds (Hyphomycetes). also, a case containing small spores;
spore ball. bola espora. A globular also, a spore formed from a promy-
mass of spore, either hollow or celium.
solid. sporiferous. esporífero. Spore-
spore case. estuche de espora. A re- producing; bearing spores.
ceptacle which contains spores; sporification. esporificación. The pro-
sporangium. duction or formation of spores.
spore fruit. fruta espora. Any plant sporiparity. esporiaridad. Reproduc-
part that produces spores, as an tion by the means of spores.
ascocarp. sporiparous. esporiparo. Reproducing
spore group. grupo de esporas. A by spores.
multicellular spore, each cell of sporo-. esporo-. A Greek prefix that
which is capable of independent means, “spore” or “spores”, as
germination. sporocarp.
spore membrane. membrana espora. sporoblast. esporoblasto. A one cell
The firm membrane surrounding the segement of a spore group.
contents of a spore. sporocarp. esporocarpo. A multicel-
spore Mother Cell. madra del espora lular structure for the formation of
celular. A diploid plant cell that spores, as in red algae and asco-
gives rise to four haploid spores mycetous fungi; also, a sorus com-
during meiosis. See sporocyte. pletely enclosed by the indusium,
spore print. grabado espora. The pat- as with some water ferns; also, in
tern of spores obtained on a sheet mosses (Musci), a sporangium; in
of paper when the cap of a fungal heterosporous ferns (Filicopsida),
fruit is placed gills down and left a hard, nut-like structure contain-
for a period of time. ing sporangia.
spore sac. cavidad espora. The sac sporocladia. esporocladia. The spe-
which lines the cavity of sporan- cial sporogenous branches in the
gium; part of a moss sporangium Kickxellaceae.
which contains the spores. sporocyst. esporoquiste. A resting
spore tetrad. tétrade espora. A group cell giving rise to asexual spore,
of four spores formed from a spore- as in algae.
Mother Cell. sporocyte. esporocita. A cell from
spori-. espori-. A Greek prefix that which a tetrad of spores are de-
means, “seed”. rived meiotically; a spore Mother
sporid. esporido. Same as sporidium. Cell.
sporidesm. esporidesmo. A cellular sporoderm. esporoderma. The skin
structure whose cells are each ca- or wall of a spore.
pable of germination. sporodochium. esporodochio. A cush-
sporidia. esporidios. Plural of sporid- ion-like mass of fungal tissue
ium. densely covered with conidiophores;
sporidiferous. esporidífero. Bearing acervulus.
sporogenesis 405 spring
sporogen. esporógena. A spore-pro- sporophyte. esporófito. The diploid,
ducing plant. spore-producing form that bears
sporogenesis. esporogénesis. The for- asexual spores in plants that have
mation of spores; also, reproduc- alternating generations. Compare
ing by means of spores. gametophyte.
sporogenic. esporógenico. Sporog- sporophytic. esporofítico. Charac-
enous. teristic of a sporophyte.
sporogenous. esporógeno. Producing sporoplasm. esporoplasma. The spore
spores; also, reproducing by means producing protoplasm within the
of spores, as sporogenous plants. epiplasm of a sporangium or as-
sporogenous cell. célula esporógeno. cus.
Spore Mother Cell. sporopollenin. esporopolenin. A highly
sporogenous layer. capa de esporó- chemical and temperature resist-
geno. Hymenium. ant substance that makes up the
sporogenous tissue. tejido de esporó- outer wall of pollen grains, except
geno. A layer or group of cells from those of aquatic plants.
which spore mother cells are sporosac. esporosaco. A sporocyst.
formed. sporous. esporo. Resembling or per-
sporogonium. esporogonio. The spo- taining to a spore.
rangium in mosses (Musci) and sport. sport. mutación de brotes.
liverworts (Hepaticae); also, a spore mutación de yema. mutante. An
bearing capsule on a stalk; also, organism that is sharply varied from
the sporophyte gneration of these the normal type; a mutant. See bud
plants. variation and bud mutation.
sporogony. esporogonia. A type of sporulation. esporulación. The process
reproduction in which a zygote of spore formation.
experiences multiple fission. spot. mácula. salpicado. A small
sporoid. esporoide. Having the appear- area that is different, as in color
ance of a spore. or texture.
sporont. sporonte. A thallus on which spotted. maculado. moteado. salpic-
spores will be produced. ado. Having color disposed in small
sporophore. esporóforo. An organ or spots.
structure that bears spore; the spore- sprawling. desparramado. Lying on
bearing part (umbrella), which is or being supported by something;
the stalk that has emerged from the curving or bending in a downward
mycelium, commonly referred to direction.
as the “mushroom”. spray. ramillete. A slender branch with
sporophorous. esporóforoso. Pertain- flowers, leaves, or fruits.
ing to a sporophore; spore-bear- sprig. ramito. Rhizomes.
ing. sprigging. sembrando ramitos. Veg-
sporophyll. esporófilo. A sporangium- etative propagation by planting
bearing leaf or leaf-like structure stolons or rhizomes.
bearing spore or sporangia. spring. primavera. The season of the
sporophyta. esporófita. Plants that year when plants begin to grow after
do not produce seeds; cryptogamia. lying dormant all winter; the pe-
spring wood 406 squarrosus
riod between the vernal equinox spurious fruit. fruta espuria. A group
and the summer solstice. of fruit having the appearance of
spring wood. leño temprano. leño de a single fruit.
primavera. Secondary xylem form- squama. escama. One of the bracts
ed during the spring and early sum- of an ament or catkin; also, one
mer, distinguished by the large, thin- of the parts of a plant that is over-
walled elements of which it is com- laid, as the undeveloped leaves of
posed; primary wood. a bud; also, a scale or scale-like
sprout. brotar. germinar. retoñar. structure.
To bud or germinate. squamaceous. escamaceo. See squa-
sprout. vástago. renuevo. retoño. mate.
Shoot. squamae. escamae. Plural of squama.
sprout cell. célula vástago. A cell squamate. escamoso. Covered with
formed as a bud from a mother cell. or having many squama; scaly.
sprout germination. vástago germinac- squamella. escuámula. A small chaffy
ión. The elongation of axillary or bract, scale-like appendage;squama.
adventitious buds; also, the pro- squamellae. escuámulas. Plural of
duction of daughter cells as rounded squamella.
outgrowths, as in yeasts. squamellate. escuamelado. Bearing
spumeous. capa. Having scum or froth, squamellae.
as on a pond. squamiform. escuamiforme. Scale-
spur. estolón. A lateral, dwarf shoot like.
that develops on some woody plants; squamose. escuamoso. escamoso. See
also, a slender, usually hollow, sac- squamate.
like projection from a flower petal squamous. escuamoso. Having coarse
or sepal, or of the calyx or scales; squamate.
gamopetalous corolla, as from the squamula. escuamula. A small scale.
calyx of the columbine (Thymel- squamule. escuamula. The lodicule
aeaceae); also, a short branch on of a grass flower.
which flowers and fruits are borne; squamulose. escuamuloso. Bearing or
also, the extension of the base of covered with minute scales (squam-
a leaf beyond its point of attach- ules); lepidote.
ment; calcar. squarrose. escuarroso. Having scales,
spur pelory. peloria estolón. An ab- bracts, or other parts, as a calyx
normal condition in which all the or involucre, that project outward
petals of an irregular flower de- at a right angle and usually recurved
velop spurs, so that the flower be- at the tips, as in some species of
comes regular. asters (Asteraceae); also, in mosses
spurred. estolonado. Bearing a spur (Musci), leaves in which the up-
or spurs. per part is curved sharply back into
spurious dissepiment. disepimento the lower part.
espuria. False septum; a partition squarrulose. escuarruloso. Having
in a fruit which is not an ingrowth diminutive recurved parts.
from the edges of the carpel, nor squarrosus. squarrosus. Latin meaning
an upgrowth from the receptacle. “spreading in all directions bent
s-RNA 407 staminose
backwards”. stalk. tallo. The stem or supporting
s-RNA. ARN soluble. See soluble structure of a plant.
RNA. stalkless. sin tallo. Without a stem.
s-shaped. sigmoide. Having the curved stamen. estambre. The male reproduc-
shape of the letter “s”; sigmoid. tive structure of a flower that con-
stable community. comunidad estable. tains the pollen; composed of an
A plant community which remains upper fertile part, the anther, and
unaltered in its general characters a thin sterile stalk; the filament;
for a long time. also, the microsporophyll of
stability. estabilidad. The capacity angiosperms.
of a living system to withstand or staminal disk. disco estaminal. The
recover from externally imposed elevated, fleshy cushion part of the
changes or stresses. androecium which is formed from
stabilization. establización. The sixth coalesced staminodia or nectaries.
and final stage in a six part proc- staminal tube. tubo estaminal. The
ess of plant succession in which lower, united portion of fused fila-
the stabilizing influence of natu- ments.
ral selection results in little change, staminal. estaminal. Pertaining to
tending to inhibit evolutionary in- stamen, as a staminal tube.
novation and accounting for the fos- staminate flower. flor estaminada.
sil groups that produced little A male flower having stamens but
change over long periods of time. no pistils.
See sere. staminate. estaminada. Having sta-
stabilizing selection. selección estabili- mens but no pistils, as a staminate
zadora. The steadying influence (male) plant which does not pro-
of natural selection in an environ- duce fruit or seeds
ment that changes very little in space staminiferous. estaminífero. Having
and time, tending to inhibit evo- or producing stamens; staminate.
lutionary innovation, as evidenced staminode. estaminodio. Stamens are
by fossil groups that changed lit- referred to as staminodes if they
tle over long periods of time; main- are without anthers or if the an-
tenance evolution. thers fail to produce pollen; how-
stachyo- stacio-. A Greek prefix that ever, these rudimentary stamen may
means, “spiked”. function as nectaries or petals; an
stage. etapa. fasa. A phase in a life abortive stamen that may be highly
cycle. modified or reduced.
stalagmoid. stalagmoide. Said of spores staminodium (pl. staminodia) estam-
shaped like a long tear or drop. inodio. A sterile stamen that may
stalk. pedículo. peciolo (petiole) . be modified as a nectary or on oc-
pedúnculo (peduncle). cabillo casion, as a petaloid structure.
(stalk). The stem or supporting staminody. estaminodia. The changing
structure of a flower or leaf. or metamorphosis of various flo-
stalk. rabillo. The stem or support- ral structures, as bracts, pistils etc.
ing structure of a fruit or bearded into stamens.
darnel. staminose. estaminoso. Said of a flower
stand 408 statistical analysis
in which the stamens are very ob- temporary starch.
vious. starch sheath. vaina de almidón. An
stand. población vegetal. manchón. endodermis that contains starch
In ecology, the term refers to a grains; also, a one-layered cylin-
standing growth of plants, espe- der of cells lying on the inner
cially trees; in taxonomy, stand boundary of the cortex of a young
describes a distinctive plant asso- stem, with prominent starch grains
ciation, which facilitates compari- in the cells. It is homologous with
sons of different plant communi- an endoermis; also, a layer of starch
ties. grains around the pyrenoid in an
standard. estandarte. crecimiento algal cell.
estándar. The large upper petal starter. iniciadora. The pure culture
of a papilionaceous corolla; also, or mixture of microorganisms used
one of the three upper petal-like for starting a fermentation proc-
structures of an iris (Iridaceae); ess.
vexillum; banner; vane. starter solution. solución iniciadora.
standard deviation. desviación stand- A mixture of fertilizer to aid in the
ard. desviación standard. The establishment of a recently planted
square root of the variance. cultivar.
starch. almidón. A chemically com- stasigenesis. estasigénesis. An evo-
plex white, odorless, tasteless car- lutionary condition in which a lin-
bohydrate found in all parts of plants eage passes through time without
that store food, and especially plen- dividing or changing; referred to
tiful in potatoes (Solanum), wheat as “living fossils”.
(Triticum), rice (Oryza), and corn stasipatric. estasipatrico. A rapid
(Zea) ; a polysaccharide that is speciation that occurs within some
formed by the condensation of glu- small breeding populations that are
cose units and is a storage substance not completely isolated genetically
in many plants. It does not reduce or geographically; parapatric.
Fehling’s solution but forms a blue- stasis. estasis. estancamiento. A pe-
black compound with iodine so- riod of little or no evolutionary
lution. change.
starch crescent. almidón cresciente. statenchyma. estatenquima. A tissue
A strand of cell, crescentric in cross- composed of cells containing
section, containing starch grains. statoliths.
starch grain. grano de almidón. A statismospore. estatismosporo. A fun-
rounded or irregular-shaped inclu- gal spore that is not forcefully dis-
sion in a cell, composed of a se- charged at maturity.
ries of layers of starch, giving a statistice. stadistica. The estimate of
stratified appearance and surround- a parameter arrived at from an
ing a central hilum. observed sample. It bears the same
starch plant. planta de almidón. A relation to the sample as the pa-
plant in which the carbohydrate rameter does to the population.
formed in excess of immediate re- statistical analysis. análisis estadíticos.
quirements is stored in the leaf as A method of studying data based
stato- 409 stenobathic
on probability where the calcula- and growing upward, as distin-
tion of a value is established by guished from the descending root
observations and then tested for structure; also, the peduncle of the
significance by comparison with fructification; the pedicle of a
the values that might be expected flower; the petiole of a leaf.
to occur by chance. stem apex. ápice del vástago. ápice
stato-. estato-. A Greek prefix that del las ramas. The tip of the stem
means, “fixed” or “standing”. or the point farthest from the point
statocyst. estatocisto. An organ of of attachment.
gravitation composed of cells that stem body. cuerpo impulsor. The part
contain starch grains, statoliths, and of a spindle between two groups
ectoplasm which are sensitive to of chromosomes separating at ana-
pressure. phase.
statolith. estatolito. A starch grain stem bulblet. bulbillo del tallo. A small
in the statocyst of root tips which bulb produced from an underground
are thought to be responsive to node, as on Lilium longiflorum
gravitational impulses. (Liliaceae).
stegium. estegio. Thread-like hair on stem leaves. hojas caulinares. Leaves
the styles of some tropical and growing on a stem, especially the
subtropical species of Asclepiad- upper part of the stem.
aceae. stem root. raíz del tallo. Vertical or
stegocarpous. estegocarpico. Said horizontal aboveground roots; also,
of the capsule of a moss (Musci) aerate or knee roots.
when it has a lid. stem succulent. planta de tallo
stele. estela. A cylinder of the pri- suculento. A plant with a succu-
mary vascular tissue inside stems lent stem and very small leaves
and roots separated from the cor- which are often reduced to spines.
tex by endodermis and pericycle, stem tendril. zarcillo de tallo. A tendril
and in some cases pith and med- whlich is a modified stem.
ullary rays. The detailed structure stem tuber. tubérculo caulinar. A
differes in different groups of plants. thick, storage stem, usually not
stelipilous. estelípile. Having stellate upright. See tuber.
hairs. stemless. acaule. sin tallo. Having
stellate. estrellado. Slender segments no stem; acauline.
or hairs spreading out from a com- stem-like. cauliforme. caulinar. Hav-
mon center like the points of a star; ing the form of a caulis or stem.
star-shaped. sten(o)ecious. estenocio. Capable of
stelliform. estelliforme. Having the living in only a narrow or restricted
shape of a star; star-like. range of habitats, as stenoecious
stellulate. estelullado. Resembling species.
a small star. steno-. esteno-. A Greek prefix that
stem. tallo. In angiosperms, the as- means, “small” or “narrow”, as in
cending support and conducting stenopetalous.
structure (axis) of a plant, usually stenobathic. estenobático. Living in
developed initially from the epicotyl water with a narrow range of depth,
stenocarpus 410 sterile cell
as stenobathic plants. arrangement in space.
stenocarpus. estenocarpus. Latin stereome. estereoma. The elements
meaning “narrow-fruited”. that give strength to a fibrovascular
stenohaline. estenohalino. Capable of bundle in a plant.
living in only a narrow range of stereome cylinder. cilindro estereoma.
saline water or osmotic pressures, A cylinder of strengthening tissue
as a stenohaline plant. in a stem usually just outside the
stenomorph. estenomorfo. A very small phloem.
plant due to a cramped habitat. stereomorphic. estereomorfo. A type
stenopetalous. estenopétalo. Having of flower that is three-dimensional
narrow petals. with radial symmetry, usually regu-
stenophyllous. estenófilo. Having nar- lar but often having many reduced
row leaves. parts, as the Narcissus (Amaryllid-
stenosepalous. estenosepalo. Having aceae) and columbines (Ranucul-
narrow sepals. aceae).
stenothermal. estenotermal. Only able stereotaxis. estereotaxis. The move-
to survive in a very narrow tem- ment of a plant in response to con-
perature range, as stenothermal tact with a solid body (touch); thig-
species. motaxis.
stenothermic. estenotermico. See stereotropic. estereotrópico. The
stenothermal. bending or turning in response to
stenothermous. estenotemoso. Un- contact with a solid body.
able to tolerated a wide tempera- stereotropism. estereotropismo. The
ture range. turning toward (positive) or turning
stenothery. estenoteria. Tolerance of away (negative) from a solid body
only a very narrow range of tem- or rigid surface; stereotropism.
perature. sterigma. esterígma. The persistent
stenotopic. estenotópico. Species that needle base of some coniferous
are limited to a particular habitat. trees; also, a stalk bearing the spore
stenotropic. estenotrópico. Very lim- in a fungus; a ridge extending down
ited capacity to adapt to varied a stem below the point a decurrent
conditions. leaf is attached; peg.
stephanokont. estefanokonte. A cell sterigmata. esterigmas. Plural of ster-
with a ring of cilia or flagella at igma.
one end. sterile. estéril. Infertile, as a flower
steppe. estepa. A vast, extensive grass without a pistil that does not bear
plains in Eurasia; also any dry, seed; a stamen without an anther
treeless grassland, plain or prai- that doesn’t bear pollen or a leafy
rie. shoot without flowers; not able to
stereo-. estereo-. A prefix that means, germinate, as a sterile spore; also,
“hard” , “solid”, or “three dimen- free from living microorganisms.
sional”, as stereomorphic. sterile cell. célula estéril. One of
stereoisomer. estereoisómero. Hav- the two cells formed in the divi-
ing isomers consisting of the same sion of the generative cell; the other
groups of atoms, differing in their is known as the spermatogenous
sterile flower 411 stimulate
cell; the terminal cell is a chain stickiness. viscosidad. pegajosidad.
of aecidiospores. The quality or condition of being
sterile flower. flor estéril. A staminate sticky, clinging, or adhesive.
flower. sticky end. extremo adhesiva. The
sterile glume. gluma estéril. One of ends of single strands of DNA
the glumes at the base of a grass molecules that complement each
spikelet which does not subtend a other in the sequence of their
flower. nucleotides;can be rejoined in the
sterile vein. vena estéril. A strand or presence of the enzyme ligase.
sheet of interwoven hyphae occur- Restriction enzymes are used to
ring with the spore-bearing hyphae produce sticky ends.
in the fruit bodies of some fungi. sticto-. sticto-. A Greek prefix that
sterilization. esterilización. A method means, “spotted”.
of eliminating organisms in a soil sticky. pegajoso. Adhesive, tending
by raising temperature to 100º C to cling to anything touched; also,
or by using chemicals; also, to make covered with an adhesive substance.
sterile. stiff. rígido. Rigid, firm, not flex-
sterilize. esterilizar. To make free ible, or pliant.
from living organisms, especially stiffly. rígidamente. In a stiff man-
microorganisms by heating; also, ner.
to make a plant unable to bear fruit stigma. estigma. The apical portion
or germinate. of the pistil which receives the
sternotribe. esternotribu. A flower pollen; eyespot.
which dusts pollen on the under- stigmatic. estigmático. Part of or char-
side of a visitor. acteristic of the stigma.
steroid. esteroide. A compound con- stigmatiferous. estigmatífero. Bearing
taining the carbon ring of the sterols, a stigma.
found in small amounts in some stigmatocyst. stigmatocisto. Hypho-
plants; also, saturated hydrocarbons basidium.
containing seventeen carbon atoms stilboid. stilboide. Said of a fungus
in a system of rings, 3 six-mem- having a stalked head of spores or
bered and one five-membered, con- other reproductive structures.
densed together (six atoms being stilt. fulcrante (raíz). fúlcrea. zanco.
shared between rings). See cho- zancuda. A root that comes off
lesterol. the lower bole and runs diagonally
stichidium. sticidio. A special branch to the ground, as in mangroves and
of the thallus in red algae on or in some palms (Palmae); prop root;
within which tetraspores are formed. buttress root.
stichobasidium. sticobasidio. A ba- stilt root. raíz fulcrante. raíz zanco.
sidium, usually elongated and cy- raíz fúlcrea. An adventitious root
lindrical, which the spindle of the formed by a stem from a point above
dividing nuclei lie obliquely or lon- the ground level passing downwards
gitudinally. into the soil and affording support
sticker. cadillo. A common name for to the plant; prop root; buttress root.
a bur, barb, or thorn. stimulate. estimular. To induce func-
stimulation 412 stolon
tional activity. stipellate. estipelado. Bearing a stipel
stimulation. estímulo. The act of in- or stipels.
ducing a functional change or al- stipellule. estipela. See stipel.
teration. stipiform. estipiforme. Having the form
stimulose. estimuloso. Bearing sting- of a stipe; same as stipitiform.
ing hairs. stipatatic acid. ácido stipatatico. A
stimulus. estímulo. Something that metabolic product of Pencillium
excites the organism, organ, or cell stipitatum.
into producing a specific response stipitate. estipitado. Having or grow-
without itself providing energy for ing on a stipe.
the new activities. stipitiform. estipitiforme. Having the
sting. picar. A response to touching shape or form of a stipe; same as
a stiff, sharp-pointed hollow, glan- stipiform.
dular hair that secretes an irritat- stipular scar. cicatriz stipular. A mark
ing substance when touched, as net- on a twig surface that indicates the
tle (Urticaceae). former place of attachment of a stip-
stinging hair. pelo urticante. A stiff, ule.
sharp-pointed hollow, glandular hair stipular trace. traza stipular. The vas-
that secretes an irritating substance cular tissue running to a stipule.
when touched, as nettles (Urtic- stipular. estipular. Of or resembling
aceae); also, a multicellular hair a stipule; also, growing on or close
with a brittle tip which breaks off to stipules.
on contact with an animal, leav- stipulate. estipulado. Bearing stip-
ing a sharp edge which penetrates ules, as a stipulate stem.
the skin and injects an irritant fluid; stipule. estípula. One of a pair of small
urent. leaf-like appendages at the base of
stipate. stipado. Crowded. a leaf stalk or leaf petiole, usually
stipe. estípite. pecíolo (enhelechos). united but standing separately;
The stalk of flowering plants formed common to many roses (Rosa) and
by the receptacle or by a carpel, geranium (Geran-iaceae).
especially when attaching the ovary stipuliform. estipuliforme. Having
to the receptacle; also, the petiole the shape or form of a stipule; stip-
of a fern (Filicopsida) or seaweed ule- like.
frond; in a tree fern, the caudex stipulose. stipuloso. Bearing con-
(Cyatheaceae and Thyrsopterid- spicuous stipules; stipulate.
aceae); also, the stem which sup- stock. tallo subterráneo. The main
ports the pileus (cap) of some mush- stem of a plant or tree; also, in a
rooms; also, a leaf stalk; podogyne; graft, that portion of a stem that
carpopodium. grows underground, root fragments,
stipe bundles. haz estípite. The vas- called stock, that are attached to
cular fibers of the fern (Filicopsida) a stem cutting, called a scion.
petiole. stolon. estolón. An elongated slen-
stipel. estipela. In a compound leaf, der stem, shoot, or filiform that
a secondary stipule located at the grows horizontally along or beneath
base of a leaflet. the ground, taking root at the nodes
stoloniferous 413 strain
and producing new plants; also, a lilgnified walls, that composes the
stolen with a bud at the end which sclerenchyma and supports other
is referred to as a runner; also, a tissues, especially in seeds and fruit;
long hypha lying on the substra- brachysclereid.
tum and producing tufts of rhizoids stone. pireno. hueso. cuesco. carozo.
and sporangiophores at intervals. pepa. The hard covering of a seed,
stoloniferous. estolonífero. Producing especially those of soft, pulpy fruit,
or growing stolons, as stoloniferous as peaches (Amygdalus) and plums
grasses (Poaceae). (Prunus); the hard endocarp of a
stoloniform. estoloniforme. Stolon- drupe.
like. stone fruit. fruto pireno. A fruit whose
stoma. estoma. A pore in the epider- seeds are covered with a hard shell
mis of plants, present in large num- surrounded by pulp, as cherries
bers, particularly on leaves, through (Prunus); drupe.
which gaseous exchanges take stony soil. suelo pedregoso. Soil con-
place. Each stoma is surrounded taining an abundant amount of small
by the sausage-shaped guard cells rocks.
which open and close the stoma by storage leaf. hoja de reserva. hoja
changes in their turgidity; also, used almacenaje. A succulent, fleshy
to refer to pore and guard cells. leaf.
See stomate. storage pith. médula de reserva. A
stomata. estomata. Plural of stoma. fibrous mass where starch or wa-
stomatal. estomático. aerifera. Hav- ter is stored, as in palms and rushes.
ing a stoma, or slit-like opening storage tracheid(e). traqueida de
in the epidermis of the leaf; some- reserva. A thick-walled cell, re-
times referred to as the stomatal sembling a tracheid(e) without liv-
apparatus which exercises a great ing contents, in which water is
deal of control over water loss. stored.
stomate. estoma. A small opening store (nutrients). almacenar (nutr-
on a leaf ’s surface through which iente). To accumulate for future
water and gases pass into and out use.
of plants. storey. piso de vegetación. A layer
stomatiferous. estomatífero. Bear- of vegetation.
ing stomata. stout. robusto. Sturdy, strong.
stomatopodium. estomatopodio. A straight. recto. Without a curve, bend,
hypha branch or “plug” , above or or angle.
in a stoma. Also spelled stomo- strain. raza. A group of genetically
podium. identical organisms, natural or ar-
stomium. estomio. The thin-walled, tificial, that are part of race, breed
lip cell region of a fern (Filicopsida) or variety but are distinguished from
sporangium which ruptures to re- related plants by some feature, as
lease spores. wheat strains which have differ-
stone cell. célula pétrea. célula ing sizes, disease resistance, or
esclerosa. A short, firm cell not growing periods; also, a variety of
much longer than broad, with species with distinct morphologi-
stramineous 414 streptomyces
cal and/or physiological characters. stratified cambium. cambium estrati-
stramineous. pajizo. Having the yel- ficado. A cambium in which the
lowish color of straw. cells, seen in tangential section,
strand plant. planta de playa. A plant appear arranged in fairly regular
growing by the sea where it is not horizontal rows.
submerged at high tide but may be stratified thallus. talo estratificado.
splashed by spray. A lichen thallus composed of a layer
strangler. estrangulador. A type of of algal cells between layers of fun-
plant, such as a strangling fig gal hyphae.
(Moraceae), common to tropical stratose. estratoso. estratificado.
rainforests, which germinates high Composed of well defined layers;
in a host tree, sends roots to the layered.
ground for physical support by stratose thallus. talo estratificado.
twining branches or aerial roots talo estratoso. A lichen tallus hav-
around the host (anastomosis), and ing the tissues in horizontal lay-
eventually envelops and kills the ers.
supporting tree. stratum society. estrato de sociedad.
strangling fig. higo estrangulamiento. A plant society occurring as a
A fig tree (Ficus) that germinates clearly defined layer in a plant com-
high in a host tree, sending roots munity, e.g.shrubs in a wood.
to the ground which eventually streak. estría. A common name for
anastomoses; and as it grows, en- a virus disease in a monocotyled-
velops, and kills the supporting host onous plant in which necrotic
tree. streaks of yellow color appear on
strap leaf. hoja deshilada. The leaf the leaves; also, a furrow; also, a
of certain grasses (Poaceae), ex- layer of tissue differing in color
cluding the sheath. or structure from the tissue on each
strap. deshilada. The flat part of a side of it.
corollet in lingulate florets. streaked. rayado. listado. Having
strap-shaped. en forma deshilada. Flat stripes, as white flowers streaked
and long. with red.
stratification. estratificación. The stream. arroyo. riachuelo. A flow-
practice of exposing imbibed seeds ing body of surface water, as a small
to cool (2ºC to 10ºC) temperatures river or creek.
for a period of time prior to ger- streaming. corriente. The metabolic
mination in order to break dor- motility of protoplasm that occurs
mancy; also, the banding seen in laterally through the proplasmic
thick cell walls due to the pres- materials and longitudinally through
ence of wall layers differing in water files of connected cells.
content, chemical composition, and streptocarpous. estreptocárpico. Hav-
physical structure; also, the group- ing fruits that are twisted.
ing of vegetation in woods or for- streptomyces. estreptomices. Any of
ests into two or more well-defined the organisms of the genus Strep-
layers differeing in height, as trees, tomyces found in the soil and con-
shrubs, and ground vegetation. sidered to be an intermediate be-
streptomycin 415 strong
tween bacteria and fungi. ing over takes place.
streptomycin. estreptomicina. An an- strobilaceous. estrobiláceo. Of or per-
tibiotic, active against Gram + and taining to a cone or an inflores-
some Gram - bacteria, produced by cence that resembles a cone; cone-
Streptomyces griseus. like.
streptothricin. estreptotricina. An strobilate. estrobilado. Cone produc-
antibiotic active against bacteria ing.
and fungi, produced by Streptomy- strobile. estróbilo. Same as strobilus.
ces lavendulae. strobiliferous. estrobilífero. Bearing
streptococcus. estreptococo. A coc- strobilus.
cus in which the individuals tend strobiliform. estrobiliforme. Having
to be grouped in chains. the shape of a cone.
stress (water). estrés (agua). Plants strobilus. estróbilo. A cone-like mass
that are unable to absorb enough of closely packed, scale-like, spo-
water to replace the amount being rangia bearing structures at the apex
lost by transpiration; may experi- of the stem, as of the horsetail
ence wilting, cessation of growth, (Calamitaceae); also, a seed-bear-
or death of the plant, or plant parts. ing cone, as pine (Pinaceae); cone.
stria. estria. A fine line or furrow. stroma. estroma. The fleshy, substance
striate. estriado. Having fine longi- of some fungous plants, in which
tudinal lines, ridges, or grooves; the perthecia are embedded; also,
lineolate. the matrix of chloroplasts where
strict. estricto. Straight, stiff, rigid, the grana are embedded; also, the
upright position, not spreading. zone between the intergranum la-
strictus. strictus. Latin meaning mellae of a chloroplast; also, the
“rigid”. tissue that forms the framework of
striga. estriga. A straight, hair-like an organ, as the tissue of the ovary
bristle. that surrounds the reproductive
strigillose. estriguloso. Having very cells.
small, firm, slender bristles stroma starch. almidón estroma.
(strigose). Starch formed in the stroma of a
strigose. estrigoso. Being covered with chloroplast when photosynthesis is
sharp, stiff, often bulbous-based, active.
trichomes, all pointing in the same stromata. estromata. Plural of stroma.
direction, as on some leaves. stromatiform. estromatiforme. Having
strigulose. estriguloso. Same as the shape or form of a stroma.
strigillose. strombuliferous. estrombulífero. Pro-
strigulous. estriguloso. See strigillose. ducing strombuliform pods.
stringy. fibroso. filamentoso. Com- strombuliform. estrombuliforme.
posed of strings or fibers. Twisted, coiled, or spiraled into the
striolate. striolado. Finely striate. shape of a screw or helix.
striped. rayado. listado. Having lon- strombus. estrombo. Twisted, turned,
gitudinal stripes of color. or spirally coiled, as some legumes.
stripsistine. estripsistino. A stage strong. fuerte. Having a large amount
in meiotic prophase when cross- of its essential quality.
strongly 416 stylopod
strongly. marcadamente. Markedly. having a swelling at one side of
strophiolate. estrofoliado. Having an the base; bullate.
elongated aril or strophiole in the stunt. atrofia. raquitismo. Atrophy.
hilum. stunted growth. retardo del crecim-
strophiole. estrofíolo. An append- iento. Plant development which has
age at the hilum in some seeds; abnormally ceased; atrophied.
caruncle. stunted. atrofiado. raquítico. Atro-
structural change. alteración estruct- phied.
ural. Change in the genetic struc- stupeous. estupeo. Wooly.
ture of one or more chromosomes. stupose. estuposo. Bearing mats of long
structural control. control de estruct- hair; also said of a tissue formed
ural. Genotypic control. from hyphae which are not gelati-
structural deviation. desviación estruct- nized.
ural. Any departure from the usual stylar. estilar. Of or pertaining to a
structure of a plant. style.
structural gene. gen estructural. A stylar canal. canal estilar. A tube or
sequence of nucleotides that codes mass of loose tissue running through
for the amino acids and the structure the center of the style through which
of a protein. the pollen tube grows.
structural hybrid. híbrido de estruct- stylar column. ginostemo. The col-
ural. A hybrid whose parental gam- umn formed by the combining of
etes differed in respect of the ar- the stamens and style in orchids;
rangement of their genes. gynostemium.
structural mutation. mutacíon de stylate. esilado. Having a persistent
estructural. An intergenic change or long-lasting style.
in the linear arrangement of genes. style. estilo. The narrow, non-ovule
structure. estructura. In taxonomy, bearing, stalk-like part of a pistil
one of the three measures of char- which connects the ovary and
acter: form, function and structure; stigma.
with plant, plant organ, and plant style branch. ramas del estilo. A
organ parts described and classi- branch of the style, as in some
fied in that order according to type, composite flowers.
color, shape, size, number, and dis- styliferous. estilífero. Style-bearing.
position pertaining to each part; stylidium. stilidio. The upper part of
also, the potentially permanet linear an archegonium.
order of the particles, chromomeres, stylocarpellous. estilocarpelo. A nor-
or genes in the chromosome. mal carpel that has a style but not
struma. estruma. A cushion-swell- a stipe.
ing at the base of an organ or or- stylocarpepodic. estilocarpépodico.
gan part; also, a swelling on one A type of carpel with both a style
side at the base of a moss capsule. and a stipe.
strumiferous. estrumífero. Bearing one stylodious. estilodio. A type of gyno-
or more struma. ecial fusion with a solitary, free
strumose. estrumoso. Having a cov- carpel; unicarpellous.
ering of cushion-like swellings; stylopod. estilopod. See stylopodium.
stylopodic 417 suberification
stylopodic. estilopódico. Having a low an axil.
stylopodium or basal enlargement. subbasal. subbasal. Near the base.
stylopodium. estilopodio. A disk-like, subbasifixed. subbasifijo. Attached
basal enlargement of the style, as near the base or lower end, as an
in the carrot family Apiaceae anther attached near its base to the
(Umbelliferae). apex of the filament.
stylospore. estilóspora. A term for- subcapitate. subcapitado. Almost capi-
merly used for a spore on a pedi- tate.
cel or hypha. subcellular. subcelular. Smaller in
suaveolent. suaveolente. aromático. size than the ordinary cells.
fragante. Fragrant. subcentric oosphere. oosfera subcént-
sub-. sub-. A Latin prefix that means, rica. An oosphere with the pro-
“under”, “below”, or “beneath”; toplasm surrounded by one layer
also, resulting from further divi- of fatty globules and with two to
sion, as in subdivision; also, “a three additional layers on one side.
constituent of”; also, “subordinate” subclass. subclase. In taxonomy, a
or “secondary”. group of plants ranking above an
subacute. subagudo. Slightly acute. order and below a class.
subalpine forest. bosque subalpino. subclimax. subclímax. An ecologi-
A predominately conifer-dominated cal stage preceding a climax, es-
wooded area in the subalpine zone pecially when further development
of temperate latitudes, but with an has been arrested because of some
occasional incursion south of the factor other than climate.
Tropic of Cancer. subcordate. subcordato. Almost cor-
subalpine. subalpino. Growing in the date.
mountains at a level below the al- subcortical. subcortezal. Located
pine zone but above the montane beneath the cortex of a tree.
zone. subcorymbose. subcorimboso. Al-
subalternate. subalterno. Alternate most corymbose.
but with a tendency to become subculture. subcultivo. A culture of
opposite. bacteria or fungi prepared from a
subapical. subapical. Near the apex, pre-existing culture.
as a style near the apex of the ovary. subcylindric. subcilindrico. Almost
subaqueous. subaquose. Living, form- cylindrical in shape.
ing, or growing underwater, as subentire. subentero. Almost entire;
subaqueous plants . said of a margin which is very
subartic. subartico. Designating a slightly indented.
region just south of the Arctic Cir- subepidermal tissue. subepidérmica.
cle. Hypodermis.
subatomic particles. particulas subat- suber. suber. Cork.
ómico. Very small bits of matter, suberect. suberecto. Upright below,
such as electrons, protons, and nodding at the top.
neutrons, that make-up the inter- subereous. subereo. Pertaining to cork;
nal structure of atoms. cork-like; corky.
subaxillary. subaxilar. Located be- suberification. suberificación. Suberi-
zation. a herb.
suberin. suberina. A waxy, water- subhumid. subhúmedo. Having rain-
proofing substance in cork tissue; fall equal to supporting the plant
a mixture of oxidation and respi- needs of tall grasses (Poaceae) and
ration products of fatty acids, similar plant life.
present in the walls of cork cells, subhymenium. subhimenio. In some
making them impervious to water. fungi (Basidomycotina and
suberin lamella. suberina de laminilla. Ascomycotina), a layer of tissue be-
A layer of wall material impreg- low the hymenium.
nated with suberin. subiculum. subiculo. A cottony mass
suberization. suberización. Making of hyphae underlying the fruit body
cell walls into cork by forming of some fungi.
suberin. subinferior. seminferior. Growing
suberize. suberizar(se). suberificar. slightly below some other part; also,
To change into cork by the forma- belonging to some part that is some
tion of suberin in the cell walls. distance from the main stem.
sub-erose. sub-eroso. Appearing sublignous. subleñoso. Almost woody.
gnawed and eroded. sublittoral. sublitoral. Near the sea-
suberose. suberoso. Corky in tex- coast (but not on the shore) or be-
ture; cork-like in appearance. low the littoral (intertidal) zone,
suberous. suberoso. Of or like cork; as a sublittoral plant; also, in fresh-
suberose. water areas, an alternate name for
subfamily. subfamilia. In taxonomy, the limnetic zone.
a group of related plants ranking submarginal. submarginal. Near the
above a genus and below a fam- edge or margin of an organ or part.
ily. submarine. submarino. Growing un-
subfoliaceous. subfoliáceo. Almost derwater, as submarine plants.
foliaceous. submerged. sumergido. Submersed;
sub-formation. subformación. In below the water surface.
phytosociology, a sub-unit of a submergence marsh. marisma sumers-
major vegetation group which is ión. The lower division of a salt
geographically distinctive. marsh, from the mean highwater
subgenus. subgénero. In taxonomy, level of neap tides to the general
a group of related plants ranking level of mean high water; com-
above a species and below a ge- monly, with more than 360, one hour
nus. submerged days per year and never
subglabrate. subglabrescente. Almost more than nine days of continu-
glabrous. ous submergence. Sometimes re-
subglobose. subgloboso. Almost round ferred to as an emergence marsh.
in shape. suborder. suborden. In taxonomy, a
subgroup. subconjunto. A subordi- group of related plants ranking
nate group or subdivision of a below a class and above a family.
group. subpetiolar bud. subpeciolar. An ax-
subherbaceous. subherbáceo. Hav- illary bud surrounded by the base
ing some of the characteristics of of the petiole; infrapetiolar.
subpetiolate 419 subulate
subpetiolate. subpetiolado. Pertaining self by ordinary means of repro-
to a bud concealed by the petiole. duction.
subpotency. subpotencia. A lessen- subsporangial vesicle. vesícula sub-
ing in the capacity to transmit in- sporangial. A swelling on the spo-
herited characteristics. rangiophore immediately beneath
subramose. subramoso. Not branching the terminal sporangium.
freely; also, having few branches. substantive variation. variación de
subrhizomatous. subrizomatoso. Al- substantivo. Variation in the con-
most rhizomatous. stitution of an organ or organism,
subrotundate. subredondeado. Almost as opposed to a variation in the
rounded. number of parts.
subscapose. subescapífero. Almost substomatic chamber. cámara substo-
scapose. matico. A large intercellular cham-
subsere. subsero. A secondary suc- ber below a stoma.
cession of plant communities. substrate. substrado. The reactant
subsessile. subsésil. Nearly sessile. acted on by an enzyme; also, an
subshrub. subarbusto. sufrútice. A object or material on which a plant
suffrutescent perennial plant; a plant grows or to which it is attached;
smaller than a shrub which produces also, an underlying layer; also, the
wood at the base and branches up- solid object to which an organism
ward with growth that dies back is attached, e.g. a seaweed.
at the end of each growing season. substrate mycelium. micelio substrado.
subsidiary cell. célula subsidiaria. The part of the mycelium that is
Accessory cell; auxillary cell. in contact with the substrate.
subsoil. subsuelo. The layer of soil subtemperate. subtemplado. Pertain-
that lies just beneath the top or ing to, or found in the colder ar-
surface soil that plants with long eas of the Temperate Zone.
roots often grow into seeking nu- subtending. subyacente. Lying below
trients and water. and close to, as a bract may sub-
subspecies. subespecie. In taxonomy, tend an inflorescence; also, hav-
a group of related plants ranking ing a bud, or developed from a bud,
below a species that must be geo- or a sporangium, in its axil.
graphically distinct, populations not subterete. subterete. Almost terete.
just morphs, and different to some subterranean. subterráneo. Below
extent from other geographic the surface of the ground; hypo-
populations; a subdivision of a geous.
species, larger than a race. See va- subtraction. subtracción. The loss of
riety. a hereditary factor.
subspicate. subespigado. Almost subtropical. subtropical. Nearly tropi-
spicate, but on some or all of the cal; subtropical distribution, as
flowers or florets there are short occurring in areas between tropi-
pedicels. cal and temperate regions; semi-
subspontaneous. subspontáneo. Per- tropical.
taining to a plant which has been subula. sizna. A fine, sharp point.
introduced but has maintained it- subulate. subulado. alesnado. Awl-
subvalvate 420 suffrutex
shaped. juicy leaves or stems; a xerophyte
subvalvate. subvalvado. Almost storing water in the tissue, giving
valvate. it a fleshy appearance.
subvariety. subvariedad. In taxonomy, sucker. súrculo. brote adventicio.
any interbreeding group of plants chupón. An adventitious, under-
below a species, as a breed, strain, ground shoot from the trunk or
or variety. branch of a tree or plant, initially
succession. sucessión. The sequen- nourished by the parent, that
tial change or replacement in veg- emerges from the soil to form a new
etation that may result in a climax plant; one of the small roots of a
community, either in response to parasitic plant by which it absorbs
alterations in the environment or materials from the host; See haus-
by internal properties in the plants torium and turion.
themselves; occurring in a sere of suction pressure. presión de succión.
six stages: nudation, migration, When said of a cell, the force which
ecesis, competition, reaction, and is available for taking in water. It
stabilization. is equivalent to the osmotic pres-
successional species. especie sucess- sure of the cell sap (OP), less the
iónal. In a changing ecosystem, inward pressure of the cell wall
species that other species; as an (WP), and the osmotic pressure of
example, after many years low grow- the surrounding medium (OPM),
ing plants produce enough soil to which is zero if the cell is in pure
support trees, which then shade out water. SP = OP – WP – OPM.
the previous low growers; also, sucrase. sucrasa. An enzyme respon-
pertaining to the classification of sible for the catalytic hydrolysis
phyletic lineages. of sucrose to fructose and glucose;
succineus. succineus. Latin mean- invertase.
ing “amber colored”. sucrose. sacarosa. A carbohydrate
succinic acid. ácido succínico. The formed by chemically joining a
acid produced from a-ketoglutaric molecule of glucose with a mol-
acid, in the Citric Acid Cycle by ecule of fructose; functions as the
oxidation of CO to CO 2 . common storage and transport sugar
succinic dehydrogenase. de(s)hidro- in plants; also the commercial ta-
genasa auccínico. An enzyme ble sugar extracted from cane or
which catalyses the oxidation of beets; a disaccharide compound of
succinic acid. glucose and fructose.
succise. suciz. Appearing to be cut suffrutescent. sufruticoso. Slightly
or broken off at the lower end. shrubby or woody at the base; also
succubous. súcubo. A type of leaf ar- woody at the base and herbaceous
rangement in which the upper edge at the top.
of each leaf is hidden beneath the suffrutex. subarbusto. sufrútice. A
lower edge of the leaf above, as diminutive shrub with a woody
occurs in leafy liverworts (Hepa- stem; also, a plant with a woody
ticae). See incubous. base but with a herbaceous annual
succulent. suculento. Having thick, growth, common to perennials;
suffruticose 421 superdominance
undershrub. in the spring or early summer, flower
suffruticose. sufruticoso. Having the and fruit in late summer or early
quality of a suffrutex; same as fall and then die.
suffrutescent. summer dormancy. letargo estival.
suffuse. difundir. Spread out on the Being dormant during the summer;
substratum. aestivation.
suffused. matizado. Tinted or tinged summer flower. flor estival. A plant
with color. that blooms in the summer, espe-
sugar. azúcar. Any of the class of cially a summer annual.
carbohydrates that are soluble in summer spore. espora de verano. A
water, sweet to taste, and directly nonsexual spore produced in some
or indirectly fermentable; manu- rusts in their uredo stage; uredo-
factured by most plants. spore.
sulcate. sulcado. Marked with par- summer wood. leña de verano. leña
allel grooves, furrows, or ridges, tardio. Secondary wood formed
as a stem. in the summer, as secondary thick-
sulcus. sulcus. A groove or furrow. ening comes to an end for the sea-
sulfatase. sulfataso. A type of en- son; the elements are often thick-
zyme commonly found in plant tis- walled and smaller than those of
sue that catalyzes the hydrolysis spring wood; also, sometimes re-
of esters of sulfuric acid. ferred to as autumn wood.
sulfur. azufre. A non-metallic element sun. sol. The light, heat and vitaliz-
with the chemical symbol of S. ing energy provided plant life by
sulfur bacteria. bacterias de azufre. the sun, as distinguished from shade.
Any of a group of bacteria that are sun plant. planta de sol. A plant tol-
able to oxidize sulfur compounds; erant of exposure to much bright
bacteria which live in situations light or needing much light.
where oxygen is scarce or absent, sun scald. quemadura por el sol.
and which act on sulphur com- escaldadura. A high temperature
pounds releasing the element; thio- injury to tissue from intense warm-
bacteria. ing of tree trunks during winter,
sulfur cycle. ciclo del azufre. The resulting in bark cracking and split-
cyclic movement of sulfur in dif- ting.
ferent chemical forms from the envi- sunny. soleado. Of, like, or coming
ronment, to organisms, and then from the sun.
back into the environment. super-. super-. A Latin prefix that
sulphureous. sulfureo. Pale, clear means, “above” or “over”.
yellow. superaxillary. superaxilar. Growing
summer. verano. The season of the above the axil; above the axil, as
year when the sun is most directly a peduncle; supraaxillary.
felt; in the North Temperate Zone, superclass. superclase. A subdivision
includes the months of June, July, of a subphylum; on occasion,
and August. subphylum.
summer annual. anual estival. A group superdominance. superdominancia.
of plants with seeds that germinate See overdominance.
superfamily 422 suprafoliaceous
superfamily. superfamilia. A group species based on geographical or
of related families. ecological criteria.
superficial. superficial. On the sur- supervolute. supervoluto. Having one
face of the substratum. margin rolled inwards and envel-
supergene. supergen(e). A chromo- oped by the opposite margin, or
some segment protected from cross- as in morning glory leaves (Ipo-
ing-over which is transmitted in- moea), one edge rolled inward.
tact from generation to generation, supine. supino. Prostrate, with parts
like a recon; a group of genes act- oriented upward, as a supine stem.
ing as a mechanical unit in par- supinus. supinus. Latin meaning “lying
ticular allelomorphic combinations. face upwards”.
superhelical. superhelicoidal. Of or suppressed. suprimido. In forestry,
pertaining to a superhelix. undeveloped.
superhelix. superhélice. A form of suppression. supresión. Failure to de-
DNA composed of a double helix velop, referred to a member which
coiled around itself. is normally present.
superior. súpero. Growing above some suppressive. supresivo. Said of a
other part, as an ovary located plasmagene which suppresses the
above or free from the (inferior) expression of an alternative con-
calyx; also, a calyx attached to the dition in a particular respect in a
sides of an (inferior) ovary, mak- hybrid individual and its descend-
ing it appear to rise from its top; ants.
also, said of an annulus near the suppressor. supresor. A mutant gene
top of the stipe. See hypogyny. that reverses the effect of another
superior ovary. ovario súpero. An mutant gene.
ovary located above the recepta- suppressor mutation. mutación sup-
cle with all other floral parts de- resor. A second mutation that
veloping below the base of the masks the phenotypic effects of a
ovary. previous mutation, however, as it
superior radicle. radícula súpero. A occurs at a different site in the ge-
radicle which points towards the nome, it may not necessarily be con-
apex of a fruit. sidered a reversion in the strictest
superorder. superorden. In taxonomy, sense.
a group of plants classified above supra-. supra-. A Latin prefix that
an order and below a class. means, “above” or “over”.
superparasite. superparasito. A para- supraaxillary. supraaxilaria. See sup-
site on another parasite. eraxillary.
superparasitism. superparasitismo. suprabasal. suprabasal. Located above
The infestation of parasites by other the basal area.
parasites. supracellular. supracelular. Pertaining
superposed. sobrepuesta (yema). se- to systems of biological organiza-
rial. Located directly over some tion above the level of the cell.
other part, as a bud or buds located suprafoliaceous. suprafoliáceo. In-
above axillary buds. serted into the stem above the leaf,
superspecies. superespecie. Related petiole, or axil, as a peduncle or
supragenic 423 suspensor
flower. surficial. surficial. Growing on or
supragenic. supragenico. Pertaining spreading over the surface of the
to hereditary factors above the level ground; epigeous.
of the gene. surround. rodear. To enclose.
supraligular. supraligular. Attached surrounded. envuelto. To lie around
above the ligule. or be on nearly all sides.
supralittoral zone. zona supralitoral. surviorship curve. curva de supervi-
The seashore area immediately vencia. A graphical representation
above the littoral fringe and be- of the survival of individuals in a
yond the reach of tidal submergence, population from birth to the maxi-
although an area still receiving sea mum age reached by any one mem-
spray. ber; a constant mortality rate is
supramolecular. supramolecular. Hav- reflected by a straight line.
ing more complexity than a mol- survival of the fittest. supervivencia
ecule; also, composed of more than del másto. A elaborate process in
one molecule. which the total environment re-
sur-. sur-. A Latin prefix that means, solves which members of a species
“somewhat” or “above”. survive to reproduce and pass on
surcle. surcula. A very small shoot their genes to the next generation,
or sucker. although not necessarily involving
surculigerous. surculigero. Produc- a struggle between organisms; natu-
ing suckers or sucker-like out- ral selection.
growths. suscept. suscept. A living organism
surculose. renuevo. súrculo. Produc- which is susceptible to a given
ing suckers or sucker-like out- disease or pathogen.
growths. susceptibility. susceptibilidad. The
surculose-proliferous. súrculo-proli- whole properties of a plant which
fíco. Producing runners from the dispose it to be attacked by a para-
base or rootstock. site.
surculum. surculum. A fern (Filicops- suspended. péndulo. Hanging free;
ida) rhizome. pendulous.
surculus. surculo. A leafy structure suspended placenta. placenta péndulo.
coming from an underground base. Having a placenta at the top of the
surcurrent. surcurrente. Running up ovary.
the stem from the point of emer- suspensor. suspensor. In the embryo,
gence, as a leaf base that extends a group of cells at the extremity
along a stem; opposite of decur- which aid in positioning the em-
rent. bryo in relationship to its food
surface fire. fuego superficie. A forest supply; also, a cell or set of cells
fire that burns only the undergrowth derived from the zygote but not part
and leaf litter on the forest floor. of the embryo of seed plants and
surface. superficie. The outer face some pteridophytes, that push the
of a plant organ or part as it per- embryo into the nutritive tissues
tains to the configurations, vestiture, (endosperm or prothallus); also, a
and epidermal excrescences. cell supporting the gametangium
sustainable management 424 sympatric speciation
of the Mucorales. florescence stalk inside in which
sustainable management. sostenible tiny flowers develop; small drupes
de gestión. A form of environmental are produced by the female flow-
resource planning and use which ers.
does not deplete or degrade the syleptic shoots. vástago sileptico. Ab-
natural resources of the commu- normal outgrowths that develop
nity, region, or country. from lateral buds before they reach
suture. sutura. A line of fusion; the maturity.
area of dehiscence of an anther or symbiont. simbionte. An organism
fruit. In flowering plants, the line living in the state of symbiosis.
of fusion of edges of a carpel is symbiosis. simbiosis. A general term
the ventral suture. The midrib of describing any prolonged, close
the carpel is the dorsal suture, not association of two or more organ-
implying any fusion of parts to form ism of different species living to-
it, but to distinguuish it from the gether for their mutual benefit,
ventral suture; line of junction, within the same community.
where a fruit split. symbiotic. simbiótico. An associa-
swarm cell. célula enjambre. Of myxo- tion of two or more different or-
mycete, and some Chrtridiales, a ganisms in which both or all ben-
motile cell acting before and af- efit; also, of or characterized by
ter division, as an isogamete. symbiosis.
swarm sporangium. zoosporangio. symbol. símbolo. A letter, or group
Zoosporangium. of letters or numbers representing
swarm spore. espora móvil. Zoospore. an element, atom, molecule, or com-
swamp forest. bosque pantanoso. See pound.
mangrove swamp. symmetric. simétrico. Symmetrical.
swamp. pantano. ciénega. fangal. symmetrical. simétrico. Similar in
marisma (sal). A wet area normally shape or arrangement to the extent
covered by water; fen or marsh. that a line drawn through the middle
swelling. hinchazón. A bulge or pro- of the structure will produce a mir-
trusion. ror image on either side; regular.
sweet. dulce. Sweet or pleasant to See actinomorphic.
the taste or smell, as honey or vio- symmetry. simetria. Similarity in shape
lets. or arrangement on either side of a
swollen. engrosado. hinchado. En- dividing line, as a flower with the
larged, bulging. same number of parts in each flo-
sword-like. ensiforme. A long, thin ral whorl.
shape; gladiate. sympatric evolution. evolución simpat-
sychnocarpous. sichnocárpico. Capac- rico. The development of new taxa
ity to bear fruit many times, as some from the ancestral taxon within the
trees. same geographical areas.
syconium. sicono. Same as syconus. sympatric speciation. especiación
syconus. sicono. A type of compos- simpatrico. The origin of a spe-
ite fruit, like a fig (Ficus), which cies as a result of ecological or
is formed from a hollow fleshy in- genetic barriers that arise within
sympatric 425 synapsis
the boundaries of a single popu- main stem stops growing, often
lation, as the appearance of a new terminating in a flower spike (sym-
polyploid plant species. podial inflorescence) but growth
sympatric. simpatrico. Describes spe- is continued at the tip of one or
cies that occupy similar geographic more lateral buds.
habitats or whose habitats overlap. sympodium. simpodio. A type of
sympatry. simpatri. The occurrence branching where the main axis
of closely related species in the same imitates a simple stem, but is com-
area with the character differences posed of many lateral branches, each
usually increasing (diverge) when arising successively from the one
they occur together in a process before; each extension grows from
called character displacement which the lateral axes, not from the original
may be morphological or ecological. tip, as in grapevines (Vitaceae);
sympetalous. simpétalo. Having united also, a composite axis produced and
petals; gamopetalous. increased in length by successive
symphogenous. simfógeno. Of pycnidia development of lateral buds, just
etc. formed by the growth and di- behind the apex. The main axis stops
vision of several hyphae. growing; pseudaxis; false axis.
symphysis. concrescencia. sinfisis. syn-. sin-. A Greek prefix that means,
The growing together or coalescence “together”, “alike”, or “jointly”.
of parts that are usually separate. synandrium. sinandrio. A mass of
symplast. simplasto. The continua- united anthers.
tion of cytoplasm throughout a plant synandrous. sinandro. Having fused
by the cytoplasm in different cells anthers; having several united sta-
being connected, resulting in the mens.
formation of an important pathway synangium. sinangio. A compound
for auxins, as an example; also, a structure in certain ferns, formed
uninucleate cell formed by frag- by the lateral fusion of sporangina.
mentation of the nucleus within a synantherous. sinantero. Character-
single energid. ized by stamens that are joined by
symplesiomorphous. simplesiomorfo. their anthers, as composite flow-
Describes a shared primitive char- ers.
acter state between two or more synanthous. sinanto. Characterized
taxa, but this is not viewed as evi- by an abnormal fusion of two or
dence that the taxa are related. more flowers; also, having flow-
sympodial. simpodial. simpódico. Of ers and leaves that emerge simul-
or pertaining to, or producing sym- taneously.
podium. synapomorphic. sinapomorfico. In
sympodial growth. crecimiento simp- phylogenetic systematics, a term
odial. crecimiento horizontal. See that describes shared derived char-
sympodial inflorescence and sym- acter states from unique evolution-
podium. ary events by two or more taxa;
sympodial inflorescence. infloresc- monophyletic.
encia simpódica. After each sea- synapsis. sinape. The joining of ho-
son’s growth, the shoot tip of the mologous chromosomes during the
synaptene 426 syngynous
zygotene stage of meiosis (Prophase synecology. sinecología. The branch
I); syndesis. of botany or ecology that studies
synaptene. sinápteno. The stage of plant communities as distinguished
the prophase of meiosis when ho- from individual species; concerns
mologous chromosomes become the structure, development, and
paired; zygotene. causes of the distribution.
synaptinemal complex. complejo synema. sinema. The column formed
sináptinemal. A tripartite, thread- of fused filaments in a flower with
like group of proteins that extends monoadelphous stamens.
between chromosomes during the synergid. sinergide. One of the two
prophase of meiosis. haploid cells that lies beside the
syncarp. sincarpo. A multiple fleshy ovum, inside the embryo sac, pro-
fruit; also, an aggregate fruit, as viding nourishment to a flowering
an Anona squamosa (Annonaceae) plant.
or blackberries (Rosaceae). synergism. sinergismo. A correlated
syncarpous. sincárpico. Of or pertain- action of a group of organs or sys-
ing to a syncarp; also, composed tems, as auxins and gibberellin in
of united carpels or having stig- plant development; also, the com-
mas, styles, and ovaries completely bined activities of substances such
fused. as drugs, hormones, etc. which
syncarpy. sincárpia. The stage or con- separately influence a reaction in
dition of producing aggregate fruit. the same direction, such that the
syncladous. sinclado. Said of branches effect produced is greater than the
growing in groups from the same sum of effects of each substance
point. acting alone; also, a similar effect
synconium. sinconio. Multiple fruit produced by two organisms.
surrounded by a hollow, compound, synergistic. sinergistico. Of or per-
fleshy receptacle, as in Ficus. taining to synergism.
syncotylous. sincotile. Having united synergistic interaction. interacción
cotyledons. sinergistico. The interplay of two
syncytium. sinciteo. A single cell with or more factors so that the net ef-
several nuclei. fect is greater than that expected
syndesis. sindesis. In meiotic nuclear from adding together the independ-
division, the fusion of homologous ent effects of each factor.
chromosomes. synergy. sinergia. The combined or
syndiploidy. sindiploidía. Doubling; correlated action of two or more
the fusion of sister nuclei to give parts of an organism or system.
a doubled chromosome number, syngamic. singamico. Syngamous.
particularly in the divisions imme- syngamous. singamo. Of or pertain-
diately preceding meiosis. ing to syngamy; syngamic.
syndrome. sindrome. A group of symp- syngamy. singamia. The union of two
toms characteristic of the same cells, as gametes in fertilization.
infection or abnormal genetic con- syngenesious. singenésico. With sta-
dition, but not necessarily all ap- mens fused by their anthers, usu-
pearing together. ally forming a ring or tube shape.
synizesis 427 syrtidium
syngynous. singino. Epigynous. lous.
synizesis. sinizesis. In meiotic prophase, synsepalous. sinsépalo. gamosépalo.
contraction of the chromatin to one Having united sepals; gamosep-
side of the nucleus, obscuring the alous.
individual loops. synspermous. sinespermo. Of or per-
synkaryon. sincaríon. In fertilization, taining to synspermy.
the nucleus that results from the synspermy. sinespermía. A union or
fusion of two nuclei; also, a pair connecting of two or more seeds.
of nuclei in close association in a synstemonous. sinstemono. United
hyphal segment, and dividing at the stamens.
same time to give daughter nuclei synstylovarious. sinstilovarios. Hav-
which associate in the same way. ing ovaries and styles of adjacent
synnema. sinnema. An erect bunch of carpels fused, but stigmas separate.
hyphae, bunched together and pro- syntenic. sintenico. Positioned on the
ducing spores. same chromosome pair.
synobasic. sinobásico. Having a united synteny. sintenía. The positioning of
base. particular genes on the same chro-
synoecious. sinocio. Having male and mosome pair, irrespective of any
female flowers in the same head, hereditary linkage between the two.
as in some composite plants; also, syntepalous. sintépalo. Having par-
having male and female organs in ticular genes on the same chromo-
a single receptacle, as in some somal pair.
mosses (Musci). synthesis. sintesis. The forming of com-
synoecy. sinoecia. The condition where plex compounds or other substances
male and female gametes are pro- from simpler elements or other
duced by the same individual. compounds, as enzymes, hormones,
synonym. sinónimo. A plant name, antibodies, genes, and viruses are
that differs from the official name, synthesized in the cells of plants.
usually older and not conforming synthesize. sintetizar. To produce by
to the standards governing prior- chemical synthesis.
ity in the application of names; also, synthetase. sintetasa. See ligase.
in genetics, a condon that can be syntype. sintipico. All specimens in
substituted for another to produce a type series where no type speci-
the same amino acid. men has been designated.
synonymous. sinónimo. Of or per- synusia. sinusia. A distinct vegetative
taining to synonyms. layer composed of plants of a similar
synonymy. sinónimo. Lists of dif- life form, as Polytrichum moss
ferent scientific names that have (Musci) on the ground layer of open
been applied to a species or other oak wood (Quercus); different
groups by different taxonomists. synusia may occur on the same layer
synovarious. sinovarios. Having ova- at various times of the year; also,
ries of adjacent carpels fused, but an ecological unit based on the life
styles and stigmas separate. forms of organisms growing in com-
synpetalous. sinpétalo. gamopétalo. pany.
Having united petals; gamopeta- syrtidium. sirtidio. A dry sand bar for-
system 428 systylous
mation. variations in the world of plants
system. sistema. An integrated com- is composed of discrete units (spe-
bination of diverse components that cies) that are identifiable, classi-
form a whole, as in taxonomy which fiable, describable, nameable, and
includes systems for classification, the product of evolution; taxonomy.
identification, nomenclature, and systematic sample. muestra sistem-
description; also, a set of parts ático. See regular sample.
ororgans serving to perform some systemic. sistémica. Of or pertaining
function; and each of the primary to supplying or affecting the en-
tissues or parts in higher plants, tire plant or plant system as sys-
as the vascular system. temic poison affects the entire plant,
systematic. sistemático. Of or pertain- not just its leaf or root surface.
ing to a system; also, generally systrophe. sistrof. The clumping of
distributed throughout the organ- chloroplasts when exposed to very
ism. bright light.
systematics. sistemáticos. The sec- systylous. sistilo. Said of the lid of
tion of botany that classifies groups mosses when adhering to the colu-
of plants based on the view that mella.
tabashir 429 tapering

tabashir. tabashir. A mass of silica tandem selection. selección en tan-

occurring in the stems of bamboos. dem. The occurrence of two or more
tabescent. tabescente. Shrivelling. copies of a gene in a row; ribos-
tabular. tabular. Horizontally flat- omal RNA genes typically occur
tened. as tandem repeats.
tabular root. ráiz tabular. Roots hav- tangential section. sección tangente.
ing a flattened shape. A longitudinal section that does not
tachytely. taquítemente. The rate of pass through the center of the struc-
evolution within a group that is ture.
much faster than the average tangle. enredo. A confused mass or
(horotelic) rate, and occurs when snarl of things, as vines or branches;
an organism enters a new zone, trig- also, the common name for either
gering adaptive functions. one of two, edible, large brown
tachysporous. taquisporo. Said of a seaweeds Laminaria digitata or
plant which releases its seeds Laminaria saccharina.
quickly. tangled. enredado. To become in-
tactile bristle. táctil de cerda. A stiff tertwined, as branches or hair
hair which transports a contact (trichomes).
stimulus. tannic acid. ácido tánico. A yellow-
tactile pit. punteadura táctil. A ish, astringent substance, derived
sharply defined area of a thin cell from oak bark (Quercus), gallnut
wall in an epidermal cell of a ten- (Quercus infectoria) etc., and used
dril which appears to be concerned in tanning, dyeing, medicines, etc;
in the perception of pressure. also, any of a number of other simi-
taiga. taiga. The name applied to the lar substances.
swampy, coniferous evergreen, tannin. tanino. Tannic acid which is
boreal forests, especially those in extracted from the bark of oak
the subarctic zones, as in Eurasia (Quercus) and other trees; also, a
and the northern regions of the generic term for non-nitrogenous
North American continent; some- compounds (phenols, glycosides,
times referred to as lichen wood- hydroxyl acids) that occur in a wide
lands. variety of plant leaves, unripe fruits,
tailed. caudado. Having a tail-like and tree barks, making them un-
appendage or appendages; caudate. palatable to herbivores.
tallow. sebo. Any of a variety of greases tanniferous. tanífero. Yeilding tan-
or greasy substances obtained from nic acid.
plants. tapering. atenuado. Gradually get-
tan. pardo-amarillento. A yellow- ting smaller in size toward one end,
ish-brown color. as a leaf base which becomes gradu-
tapetal 430
ally narrowed towards the petiole. the flavor of a substance is iden-
tapetal. tapete. Pertaining to the tape- tified by the taste buds; commonly
tum. used in Native American systems
tapetal cell. célula del tapete. See of taxonomy.
tapetum. tautonym. tautónimo. In taxonomy,
tapetal plasmodium. plasmodio tapete. an illegitimate binomial in which
A multinucleate mass formed by the generic name and specific epi-
the breakdown of the cell walls thet is the same.
between the cells of the tapetum. tawny. leonado. pardo rojizo. A dull
tapetum. tapete. The cell or cells in yellowish color with a tinge of
the endothecial layer around each brown; tan.
sporangium which provides nour- taxa. taxa. Plural of taxon.
ishment to the maturing spores; a taxis. taxis. taxia. tactismo. The
food rich layer of cells around a movement in motile organisms or
group of spore–Mother Cells in cells, such as gametes in response
vascular plants which disintegrate to an external stimuli, as light in
to liberate the contents that are ab- phototaxis; also, the movement of
sorbed by the developing spores. a whole organism towards or away
taphonomy. tafonomíia. The study from a stimulus. See tropism.
of the processes and conditions that taxon. taxón. In taxonomy, a cat-
surround fossilization. egory, such as genus or species in
taphrium. tafrio. A ditch formation. the hierarchical classification of
tap root. raíz pivotante. raíz axono- plants.
morfa. raíz central. The elongated, taxonomic. taxónomico. taxinómico.
primary root continuing the axis Of or pertaining to taxonomy.
of the plant downward from which taxonomic series. serie de taxónomico.
smaller root branches emerge, as The range of extant living organ-
in most dicots. It may be swollen ism, ranging from the simplest to
with stored food. the most complex forms.
tartaric acid. ácido tartárico. A taxonomist. taxonomista. taxónomo.
colorless, crystalline acid occur- One skilled in the classification of
ring in unripe grapes (Vitaceae). organisms according to some sys-
tartarous. tartaro. Said of the surface tem, especially a system involving
of a lichen when it is rough and phylum, species, etc; one versed
crumbly. in taxonomy.
tassel. borla. In corn (Zea), the long, taxonomy. taxonomía. taxinomía.
staminate (male), flower-bearing The branch of botany dealing with
stems that hang from the top of a the hierarchical classification of
cornstalk, which fertilize the corn living and extinct plants on the basis
“silk” of the ear carrying the of differences and similarities; also,
female flower; also, the staminate the science of classifying living
inflorescence of maize (corn, U.S.); organisms.
also, the downward hanging inflo- tectum. tecto. The outer layer of tis-
rescence of some plants. sue surrounding a pollen grain.
taste. probar. The sense by which T.D.P. T.L. Thermal death point.
teeth 431 telophase I
teeth. dientes. Small lobes or points when teleutospores are formed.
along leaf margins. telial. telial. The final stage in the
tegmen. tegmen. The thin, soft in- life cycle of a rust fungi; also, of
ner coat of a seed, surrounding the or pertaining to a telium.
embryo; the inner coat of a testa; teliosorus. teliósoro. See telium.
integument. teliospore. telióspora. A resting or
tegmental. tegmental. Of or pertaining dormant rust fungi spore that is
to the tegmentum. produced in the Fall and remains
tegmentum. tegmento. The scaly coat in the tissue of a host during Winter,
or one of the leaf scales that cov- germinating in the Spring to pro-
ers a bud; bud scale. duce basidia; winter spore; teleutog-
tegule. tegula. One of the bracts of onium; teleutospore.
the involucre in the Asteraceae. teliostage. telioetapa. The last stage
tegulicolous. tegulicole. Growing on in the life cycle of rust fungi when
ceramic tiles, as on rooftops. two-celled, resting spores develop.
tegument. tegumento. Any natural cov- telium. telio. A sorus bearing telio-
ering, as a shell or capsule; integu- spores of rust fungi; teleutosorus;
ment. teliosorus.
teleoblema. teleoblema. Universal veil. telmatium. telmatio. A wet meadown
teleology. teleología. The interpre- formation.
tation of structures in terms of pur- telocentric chromosome. cromosoma
pose and utility. telocéntrico. A chromosome with
telemorphosis. telemorfosis. The the centromere at one end or in a
growth of a gametophyte into the terminal position.
clear area between two strains of telomere. telómero. Sequences of
a heterothallic fungus grown in DNA at the tip of a chromosome
solid culture. that counteract its condensation
teleutobud. yema perenne. See winter before the onset of nuclear divi-
bud. sion; also, the tip or end of a chro-
teleutosorus. teleutósoro. telio. A mosome arm.
group of teleutospores with their telomitic. telomitco. Havng chromo-
supporting hyphae forming a pus- somes attached to the fibers fo the
tule on the surface of the host. See spindle by their ends.
telium. telophase. telofase. The fourth and
teleutospore. teleutóspora. telióspora. final stage of mitosis or meiosis,
A thick-walled spore, consisting during which the nuclei revert to
of two or more cells, formed by a the resting stage, the spindle dis-
rust fungus towards the end of the appears, the chromosome becomes
growing season. They can remain less visible, and the nuclear mem-
dormant for some time and then brane reappears; in many higher
germinate to give one or more plants the telophase of the first
promycelia on which the basidio- meiotic division is omitted.
spores are formed. See teliospore. telophase I. telofase I. The first te-
teleutostage. teleutóetapa. The stage lophase of meiosis; in telophase I,
in the life history of a rust fungus chromosomes decondense, the spin-
telophase II 432 tender
dle apparatus disintegrates, and a in the vegetative or lytic form that
new nuclear envelope forms around eventually destroys the cell.
each daughter nucleus; in many or- temperate zone. zona templada. In
ganism, telophase I is bypassed and geography, the part of the North-
the meiotic nuclei go directly from ern Hemisphere between the Tropic
anaphase I to metaphase II. of Cancer and the Arctic Circle,
telophase II. telofase II. The second or in the Southern Hemisphere, the
telophase of meiosis; in telophase part between the Tropic of Capri-
II, chromosomes decondense, the corn and the Antarctic Circle.
spindle apparatus disintegrates, and temperate. temperado. See temper-
a new nuclear envelope forms ate zone.
around each of the four new daugh- temperature. temperatura. The de-
ter nuclei. gree of heat or cold as measured
telosynapsis. telosinapsis. The end by any of the various scales as Cel-
to end association of chromosomes sius or Fahrenheit.
in zygotene and pachytene; meta- temperature coefficient (Q 10). coefic-
syndesis. iente de temperatura (Q10). The
telotaxis. telotaxia. telotactismo. The ratio of the rate of progress of any
movement of an organism toward reaction or process in a plant, at a
a particular stimulus, excluding oth- give temperature, to the rate at a
ers. temperature 10ºC lower.
temperate deciduous forest. bosque temperature inversion. inversión de
caducifolio temperado. Decidu- temperatura. A weather condi-
ous summer forests with large tracts tion in which a layer of warm air
of broad-leaved hardwoods com- overlies cooler air near the ground
mon to the middle latitudes. and prevents the rising and disper-
temperate grassland. pradera tempe- sion of air pollutants.
rado. A type of prairie vegetation template. plantilla. A macromolecule
found in the northern hemisphere that serves as a mold for the syn-
of North America, the southern thesis of another macromolecule.
hemisphere of South Africa, the template RNA. plantilla ARN. See
steppes of Eurasia, the pampas of RNA.
Argentina, the Canterbury Plains temporary collenchyma. colénquima
of New Zealand and in large ar- temporario. Collenchyma present
eas of Australia. It is common to in a young organ, disappearing
the temperate latitudes and is char- gradually as secondary thickening
acterized by insufficient moisture progresses.
for the growth of most trees. temporary starch. almidón temporario.
temperate phage. fago temperado. A Starch which is stored for a time
non-virulent phage which fuses its in the chloroplasts when the plant
genetic material with the host; lys- is forming carbohydrates more rap-
ogenic phage; a bacteriophage that idly than they are being used or
enters into a less virulent state by removed from the leaf.
becoming incorporated into the host tender. oferta. sensible. Young plants
genome as a prophage instead of that can not survive excessively hot
tendril 433 terminus spore
temperatures. leaves, having three petioles grow-
tendril. zarcillo. A slender, twining, ing from a common point with a
thread-like appendage of a climb- pair of leaflets on each petiole.
ing plant that attaches itself to some tergiferous. tergifero. Bearing spores
thing and helps support the plant; on the back.
most are leaf structures; also, a stem, termifolius. termifolius. Latin meaning
leaf, or part of a leaf modified as “thin-leaved”.
a branched or unbranched filam- terminal. terminal. Growing at the
entous structure, used by many end or apex of a stem or branch;
climbers for attachment ot a sup- also, located at the end or tip; also,
port by twining, or by adhesive said of secondary wood parenchyma
terminal disks. when this develops only at the end
tenellus. tenellus. Latin meaning of the growing season, and there-
“dainty” or “delicate”. fore at the limit between one an-
tendrillate. zarcillado. Having tendrils. nual ring and the next. See apical.
tendril-pinnate. zarcillo-pinada. Pinn- terminal affinity. afinidad terminal.
ately compound, ending in a ten- The property by which chromo-
dril, as in the sweet pea (Lathyrus). somes are held together end-to-end
tensile strength. resistencia a la tracc- from diplotene till first metaphase
ión. The maximum amount of of meiosis, or brought together in
lengthwise pull that a substance can this way at metaphase.
bear without tearing apart. terminal bud. yema terminal. A bud
tentacle. tentáculo. A sensitive fila- located at the apex of a stem.
ment, as the glandular hairs of some terminal flower. flor terminal. A
insectivorous leaves (Droseraceae), flower located at the apex of a stem.
which helps in capturing insects terminalization. terminalización. The
and produces enzymes which di- expansion of the association of the
gest the prey. two pairs of chromatids on one side
tentacular (leaf). tentacular (hoja). of a chiasma at the expense of that
Having tentacles. on the other side; referred to as
tenui-. tenui-. A Latin prefix that terminalization because the result-
means, “slender” or “thin”. ing “movement” of the chiasma is
tenuous. tenuo. Slender or thin in shape. towards the ends of the chromo-
tepal. tépalo. A segment of a perianth somes.
which is not differentiated into dis- terminal leaf. hoja terminal. A leaf
tinct sepals and petals. located at the apex of a stem.
tephro-. tefro-. A Greek prefix that terminals. terminals. The fine end-
means, “ash gray”. branches of the veins of a leaf.
terebrate. terebrado. Having scat- terminal shoot. brote terminal. A shoot
tered perforations. growing at the apex of a branch.
terete. terete. Having an elongated terminal style. estilo terminal. A style
shape like a cylinder. located at the apex of the ovary.
terebrator. terebratador. The tricho- terminator condon. cóndon de paro.
gyne of a lichen. See nonsense mutation.
tergeminate. trigeminado. In compound terminus spore. espora terminus. A
tern- 434 tetracyclic
phialospore of a one-spored phial- terrestre.
ide, terminating its growth. terricolous. terrícola. Living on or
tern-. tern-. A Latin prefix that means, in the ground.
“in three” or “threes”. territory. territorio. An area with
ternary. ternario. Pertaining to three definite boundaries.
or three’s; growing in groups of tertiary root. raíz terciario. A branch
three’s, as some leaves and fruits. of a secondary root.
ternary fission. fisión ternario. A type tertiary structure. estructura terciario.
of cell division that forms 3 daugh- The portion of a protein’s shape
ter cells from a single parent cell. that is maintained by disulfide
ternate. ternado. Having three leaf- bonds, ionic interactions, or hy-
lets; also, having leaves in whorls drophobic attraction between aminio
of three; also, arranged in threes, acids with the polypeptide chain
as branches arising at about the bent sharply to form a roughly
same point from a stem. spherical, three dimensional mass.
ternately compound leaf. hoja compu- tertiary thickening. engrosamiento
esta ternada. Having leaflets in terciario. The deposit of wall thick-
groups of three. ening on the inner surface of a sec-
ternatopinnate. ternatopinnado. Tern- ondary cell wall, tracheid, or vessel,
ately compound, especially second- usually in the form of rings or a
ary petioles, on the sides where loose spiral.
leaflets are attached in groups of tesselate. teselado. Having a checkered
three from the top of a common pattern.
petiole. tessellated. teselado. ajedrezado.
terpene. terpeno. A group of com- escaqueado. abigarrado. Check-
pounds consisting of two to many ered.
isoprene units in a ring; sometimes testa. testa. tegumento. The hard,
categorized as unsaturated hydro- outside covering of a seed. See in-
carbons, essential oils with straight- tegument.
chain or ring-structures derived testaceous. testaceo. Having a brown-
from isoprene. ish-yellow or brownish-red color.
terpenoid. terpenoide. Any compound test cross. cruzamiento de prueba.
that is derived from five-carbon In genetics, a cross between a het-
precursors called isoprene units; erozygote and a recessive homozy-
examples include methol (two iso- gote for determining the genotype
prene units), beta-carotene (eight of an individual showing the domi-
isoprene units), and rubber (up to nant phenotype.
6,000 isoprene units). tetra-. tetra-. A Greek prefix that means,
terraqueous. terracuoso. Living on “four”.
land and in water, as a terraqueous tetracarpellary. tetracarpelar. Hav-
plant. ing four carpels.
terrestrial. terrestre. Living or growing tetracoccous. tetracocco. Having four
in soil, as a terrestrial plant. cells elastically dehiscing and sepa-
terrestric acid. ácido terestrico. A meta- rating.
bolic product of Penicilllium tetracyclic. tetracíclico. Having four
tetracyte 435 tetrapyrrole
whorls; also, having four rings in flagella.
the molecules. tetrameric. tetramerico. With four
tetracyte. tetracito. One of the four similar parts, as tetrameric enzymes.
cells after a meiotic division. tetramerous. tetrámero. Having four
tetrad. tétrada. A group of four, as flowers in each whorl; sometimes
four homologous chromatids in a written 4-merous; also, arranged
bundle during the first meiotic in fours; also, arranged in multi-
prophase and metaphase; also, a ples of four.
group of four chromosomes formed tetrandrous. tetrandro. Having four
by the division of a pair during stamens.
meiosis, and the pair is visibly four- tetrapetalous. tetrapétalo. Having
stranded. four petals.
tetrad analysis. análisis de tétrada. tetraphyllous. tertrafilo. Having four
The use of tetrads in studying chro- leaves or leaflets.
mosome and gene behavior during tetraploid. tetraploide. Having four
meiosis. representatives of each type of
tetrad division. división de tétrada. chromosome or four sets of chro-
The nuclear and cell divisions mosomes in each cell; also, hav-
occurring when a spore mother cell ing four times the haploid number
divides to give four spores. of chromosomes characteristic of
tetrad scar. marca de tétrada. A scar the species. See diploid and hap-
on a primitive spore at the point loid.
of attachment to three other spores, tetraploidy. tetraploidia. The circum-
all four having developed after stance in which and individual has
meiosis; germination takes place four times the haploid number of
in the general area of the scar. chromosomes found in the species.
tetradidymous. tetradidimo. Four- tetrapolar. tetrapolar. Said of basidio-
fold. mycetes which have the sex fac-
tetradinous. tetradíno. Occurring in tors in four groups: AB, Ab, aB,
tetrads. ab.
tetradymous. tetradímo. Having four tetrapterous. tetraptero. Having four
cells. wings or wing-like appendages, as
tetradynamous. tetradínamo. Hav- tetrapterous fruit.
ing six stamens, four of which are tetrapyrenous. tetrapireno. Having
uniformly longer than the others. four stones, as some fruit.
tetragonal. tetragonico. Having four tetrapyrrole ring. anillo tetrapirole.
angles. The tetrapyrrole molecule is com-
tetragonous. tetragono. Having four posed of four joined rings consisting
angles and four convex faces. of four carbon–hydrogen units and
tetragynous. tetragino. A hermaph- one nitrogen–hydrogen unit, which
rodite with four styles. maybe linear (joined side by side)
tetrahedral. tetraédrico. Having four or cyclic.
faces, as a three-sided pyramid with tetrapyrrole. tetrapirole. A group of
a base. pigments occurring in most living
tetrakonton. tetraconton. Having four organisms ; in plants, they are light
tetraquetrous 436 thallophyte
sensitive. tetraxial. tetraxial. Having four axes,
tetraquetrous. tetracuetro. Having as tetraxial spicules.
four sharp, wing-like corners, as tetraxon. tetraxon. A tetraxial spi-
the stalk of some plants. cule; having four axes.
tetrarch. tetrarea. Having four strands tetro-allelic. tetroalélico. A polyploid
of xylem. with four different alleles at a spe-
tetrasaccharide. tetrasacharido. A car- cific locus.
bohydrate formed by the conden- tetrose. tetroso. A monosaccharide
sation of four hexose units. sugar with four carbon atoms.
tetraschistic. tetracistico. Divided texture. textura. Pertains to the con-
into four parts by fission. sistency of an organ or its parts;
tetrasepalous. tetrasepalo. Having for example, ceraceous is a type
four sepals. of texture which refers to the waxy
tetrasomic. tetrasómico. Pertaining consistency of a leaf; also, in soil,
to a nucleus, organism which has the relative proportions of the vari-
the diploid number of chromosomes, ous-sized groups of individual soil
except of one which is present four grains in a mass of soil (sand, silt,
times. and clay) in a specific amount of
tetraspermous. tetraspermo. Having soil.
four seeds. thalamifloral. tálamifloral. Pertaining
tetrasporange. tetrasporangina. A to a flower which has all its mem-
tetrasporangium. bers inserted separately on the re-
tetrasporangium. tetrasporangio. In ceptacle, with the gynecium supe-
red algae, a sporangium that gives rior.
rise to four spores after meiosis; thalamium. tálamio. The hymenium of
a tetraspore producing sporangium. an apothecium.
tetraspore. tetraspora. Any of the thalamous. tálamo. See thalamus.
asexual spores, usually four, pro- thalamus. tálamo. The receptacle of
duced by red algae, from the divi- a flower.
sion of the mother cell; also, a dip- thalassium. tálasio. A sea formation.
loid spore produced by some thalassophyte. talasófito. A sea weed.
Phaeophyceae. thalli. talli. Plural of thallus.
tetrasporophyte. tetrasporófita. In thalliform. taliforme. Having the shape
red algae, the diploid phase in the or form of a thallus.
life cycle that produces tetraspores. thalline exciple. excípulo talino. An
tetrastachyous. tetrastachio. Having exciple which contains algal cells.
four spikes. thalline margin. margen de talino. The
tetraster. tetráster. A complex mitotic margin of an apothecium of a li-
figure formed in an ovum after chen when it has the same struc-
polyspermy. ture as the thallus, usually colored
tetrastichous. tetrástico. Occurring like the thalllus.
in four vertical rows, as the flow- thalloid. taloso. Having a thallus or
ers on some spikes. thallus-like.
tetrathecal. tetrathecal. Having four thallophyte. talófito. Any of the non-
cells or cavities in the ovary. vascular plant or plant-like organ-
thallose 437 thermal pollution
isms not differentiated into root, duced.
stem, and leaves, as bacteria, al- thelytoky. telitoquia. telitocia. Ob-
gae, fungi, lichens, and liverworts.; ligatory parthenogenesis produc-
the body is known as the thallus. ing an entirely female population
Formerly considered to comprise or non-functioning males with evo-
a major taxonomic division (Thal- lution dependent on mutation in a
lophyta) of the Plant Kingdom, but single individual, and continuing
most biologists and taxonomists no only in the line from that individual;
longer consider them to be part of the only genetic system where fer-
the Plant Kingdom; a term once used tilization is eliminated completely.
to designate fungi an algae collec- therium. terio. A hot-spring formation.
tively. See non-vascular. thermal death point (TDP). tempera-
thallose. taloso. Flat and showing no tura letal (TL). The temperature
differentiation into a stem or leaves, at which an organism is killed or
as in liverworts. a plant virus inactivated, after a
thallospore. talospora. An asexual given time, usually ten minutes;
fungal spore, having no conidi- also, the lowest temperature that
ophore, or one which is not sepa- achieves sterilization in a given
rated from the hypha or conido- quantity of broth culture upon a
phore, which develops from part 10 minute exposure, e.g. 55ºC for
of a fungal hypha. Escherichia coli and 120ºC for
thallus (pl. thalli). talo. Plant-like, non- spores.
vascular organisms (without leaves, thermal death time. tiempo de tempe-
stems, and roots), as fungi, algae, ratura letal. The least time required
liverworts, and lichen; also, hav- to kill all cells of a culture at a
ing body characteristics of thallo- specified temperature.
phytes. thermal emissivity. emisivitidad tér-
theca. teca. A sac, or sac-like cap- mica. The loss of heat from a leaf
sule; also, one half of an anther by radiation, conduction, and con-
which contains two pollen sacs or vection.
male sporangia, especially in lower thermal enrichment. enriquecimiento
plants; also, an ascus; the capsule térmica. Beneficial effects in an
of a moss. aquatic ecosystem from a rise in
thecae. tecas. Plural of theca water temperature. Compare to ther-
thecal. tecal. Pertaining to a theca. mal pollution.
thecaspore. tecaspora. An ascospore. thermal inversion. inversión térmica.
thecate. tecar. Having a theca. Layer(s) of dense, cool air trapped
theciferous. tecífero. Containing asci. under a layer of less dense warm
thecium. tecio. The hymenium of an air, preventing an upward flow of
ascomycete or lichen. air currents. In a prolonged inver-
thelephorous. teléforo. Having nip- sion, air pollution in the trapped
ple-like protuberances. layer can build up to harmful levels.
thelytokous. telitoq. Pertaining to a thermal pollution. polución térmica.
form of parthenogenetic reproduc- The addition of abnormal and un-
tion where only females are pro- desirable amounts of heat to air or
thermal shock 438 therophyte
water; especially pertains to the theromoperiodism. termoperiodismo.
discharge of waste heat from electric The response of a plant to daily
generating or nuclear power plants changes in temperature.
into natural bodies of water. thermophile. termófilo. An organism
thermal shock. choque térmica. A that grows well under temperatures
rapid change in water temperature exceeding 45º C or above.
than can kill or harm plant life and thermophilous species. especie termó-
other aquatic organisms. filo. Any species that grows best
thermal stratification. estratificación under warm temperatures.
térmica. The layering of different thermophilic bacteria. bacteria termo-
temperatures of water or air occa- filico. bacteria termófilo. Bacte-
sioned by different densities, less ria which require a temperature
dense floating on more dense lay- of 45–65º C for their development.
ers. thermophyte. termófito. A plant grow-
thermic. termico. Soils of the lowest ing in warm conditions.
soil-temperature class and occur- thermostage. termóetapa. A stage in
ring in the temperate regions ; the life of a flowering plant when
pergelic. at the onset of development from
thermocline. termoclina. A zone of the embryo in the seed, low tem-
gradual temperature decrease be- peratures are needed to ensure fur-
tween the warmer surface water ther normal development.
(epilimnion) and colder deep wa- thermotaxis. termotaxis. termotaxia.
ter (hypolimnion) in a lake or ocean. termotactismo. The reaction of a
thermoduric. termodurico. Capable plant in response to changes in tem-
of withstanding relatively high tem- peratures.
peratures, especially microorgan- thermotolerant. termotolerante. Able
isms that survive the process of to endure high tempertures but not
pasteurization. growing well under the conditions.
thermogenic soil. suelo termogénico. thermotropism. termotropismo. The
A soil occurring in sub-tropical or tendency of a plant to turn toward
tropical regions where the domi- or away from the sun or some other
nant factor in its formation is the heat source; thermotaxis.
high temperature. theronine. teronina. An aliphatic, polar,
thermograph. termógrafo. A type of amino acid.
automatic recording instrument that therophyllous. terófilo. Having leaves
gives a continuous record of tem- only in the warmer part of the year;
peratures for periods of time. deciduous.
thermonasty. termonastia. The response therophyte. terófito. One of Raunkiaer’s
to general non-directional tempera- six life-form categories of a plant
ture stimulus. that completes its life cycle rap-
thermoperiod. termoperíodo. The idly during favorable conditions and
amount of time during which a plant survives under unfavorable condi-
is exposed to a particular tempera- tions, as seed; generally an annual
ture during each twenty-four hour or ephemeral plant, occurring in
period. deserts or under cultivation. See
thersiferous 439 thorny bush
chamaeophyte, cryptophyte, epi- when coming in contact with it; ster-
phyte, hemicryptophyte, and phane- eotropism.
rophyte. thin. esbelto. delgado. Having lit-
thersiferous. tirsífero. Having thyrsoid tle thickness or depth from one
inflorescences. surface or side to the other; also,
thiamin(e). tiamina. Vitamin B1 that in forestry, to remove some of the
aids in the formation of the coen- trees to enable the remaining ones
zyme pyrophosphate; aneurin. to increase in girth.
thick. grueso. espeso. Having rela- thinly. delgadamente. esparcid-
tively great depth from one sur- amente. Not compact, as an area
face or side to the other; also, com- thinly populated with perennial
pact. species.
thickened. engrosado. To be inspis- thin out. aclara. ralear. entresacar.
sated, as plant fluids become thick- To remove young plants from a row
ened when their volatile constitutes to provide the remaining plants with
are evaporated. more space to develop; also, to re-
thickening fiber. fibre engrosamiento. move fruits from a tree so that the
One of the spiral bands of thick- remaining fruits will grow larger.
ening on the wall of a cell, tracheid, thin-shelled. cáscara delgada. Having
or vessel. an outer case with very little depth
thicket. conjunto de matas. An area or thickness.
of thick underbrush and shrubs; a thin-walled. pared delgada. Having
copse. a cell partition or case with little
thickly. gruesamente. Compactly, as thickness.
an area thickly populated with thiobacteria. tiobacteria. See sulfur
perennial species. bacteria.
thick-shelled. cáscara espesa. Hav- thioctic acid. ácido tióctico. ácido
ing an outer case that is of rela- tioctánico. Lipoic acid.
tively great depth, as a coconut thorn. espina. A stiff, woody, sharp
(Palmae) shell. pointed structure growing on a stem,
thick-walled. pared espesa. pared tree branch, or other plant; some-
grueso. Having a cell partition or times applied to any thorn-like
case that is of relatively great depth. structure, as blackberries (Ro-
thigmorphogenesis. tigmorfogénesis. saceae), roses (Rosaceae), hawt-
A change in growth and develop- horns (Crataegus), and cacti (Cact-
ment due to mechanical distur- aceae). See sticker.
bances; typically a decrease in elon- thorn forest. bosque espina. A tropical
gation. type vegetation of small, thorny
thigmotaxis. tigmotaxis. tigmotaxia. shrubs and bushy trees, with an oc-
The response of an organism when casional tall tree, little or no grasses
it comes in contact with a solid (Poaceae) which distinguishes the
structure; stereotaxis. area from a savannah woodland.
thigmotropism. tigmotropismo. A ten- thorny. espinoso. Having thorns or
dency to bend, turn, or entwine spines, or being thorn-like; spinous.
around a solid structure or body thorny bush. matorral espinoso. A
thread-like 440 tidal estuary
thicket or area of scrub land popu- thrum. trum. Having a filamentous or
lated with small, prickly brush and fringe-like appendage, as a hetero-
shrubs. stylous flower with short style and
thread-like. filiforme. como hilo. long stamens.
Having the form of a thread or fila- thrum-eyed. de ojos trum. Having the
ment, slender and of equal thick- throat of the corolla more or less
ness from the top to the bottom, closed by the anthers.
as a thread-like style; filiform. thylakoid. tilacoide. The photosyn-
threatened species. especie(s) amenaz- thetic lamella of a chloroplast; also,
adas de extinción. Plant species a sac-like membranous structure
that are still in their natural range of the grana of chloroplasts, which
but are likely to become endangered house chlorophylls. Solar energy
because of a decline in numbers. trapped in the thylakoids is used
threatened with extinction (species). in photosynthesis.
amenazado de extinción (especie). thymine. timina. A chemical base that
A species which is declining pre- occurs in DNA, corresponding to
cipitously. uracil in RNA. See base.
threconine. treconina. An amino acid thryptophyte. triptófito. An organ-
found in proteins. ism increasing the sensitivity of a
three-flowered. trifloral. Bearing three suspect to outside factors.
flowers only; also, bearing clus- thyriothecium. tiriotecio. An inverted
ters of three flowers. perithecium in which the asci hang
three-ranked. tres-rango. Arranged down.
in three vertical ranks or rows thyrse. tirso. A type of branched, mixed
around an axis. inflorescence with a contracted
threshold. umbral. That intensity of panicle, in which the main branch
stimulus below which there is no or central axis is indeterminate, and
response by a given irritable tis- the secondary is determinate with
sue. many opposite lateral dichasium,
threshold effect. efecto umbral. The bearing large numbers of pedicel-
harmful or fatal effect of a small late flowers, as lilac (Oleaceae) and
change in environmental conditions horse chestnut (Hippocastan-
that exceeds the limit of tolerance aceae); also, any closely branched
of an organism, species, or popu- inflorescence with many small-
lation. stalked flowers.
threshold trait. umbral caracteristica. thyrsiform. tirsiforme. Having the ap-
A trait that shows discontinuous pearance or form of a thyrse.
variation, but whose inheritance is thyrsoid. tirsoide. Thyrse-like.
polygenic. thyrsula. tirsula. A small cyme occur-
throat. garganta. An orifice of a ring in a leaf axil, as in a number
gamopetalous corolla or gamo- of Lamiaceae.
sepalous calyx; also, the expanded tidal estuary. estuario de marea. Areas
tube of the corolla in the perianth; of marsh grasses (Poaceae) and
the upper margin of the leaf sheath reeds along the broad mouth of a
in grasses (Poaceae). river into which the tide flows,
tidal range 441 tolerance limit
especially an inlet of the sea at the baumgrenze.
lower part of the river where the tip growth. crecimiento apical. The
ground is covered by high tides but growth of a cell only at the ends
drained at low tide. or at a localized area, as in the case
tidal range. variedad de las mareas. of root hairs.
The difference in height between tip. ápice. At the top or end of a struc-
consecutive high and low waters ture.
with spring tides being high and tiphium. tífio. A pool formation.
neap tides being low. tissue. tejido. A group of cells, bound
tide. marea. The rise and fall of the together by cell walls, working
surface level of the sea, usually together toward a common func-
occurring about every twelve hours tion, as vascular or epidermal tis-
by the gravitational attraction of sue.
the sun and the moon on water; also, tissue culture. cultivo de tejido.
the in and out movement of river cultivo tisular. A technique for
or coastal waters. growing and manipulating pieces
tigellum. tallo embrional. Plumule. of tissue in a nutrient medium un-
tiller. hijuelo. A basal shoot emerg- der sterile conditions after their re-
ing from the stem of some grasses moval from the organism.
(Poaceae); also, basal and subter- tissue system. sistema tejido. The
ranean shoots, generally erect, as whole tissues in a plant having the
from elm trees (Ulmaceae). same function, whether or not they
tillering node. nudo de macollamiento. are in continuity, and whatever their
A node occurring on the root or position in the plant.
bottom of the original stalk which tissue tension. tensión tejido. The
produces a new plant. mutual compression and stretchings
tillering. macollamiento. amacollado. exerted by the tissue of a living
ahijamiento. The production of plant.
lateral buds and shoots near the toadstools. hongos tóxico. hongos
ground resulting in a plant with venenosos. setas venenosas. A
several shoots instead of one, es- common name for an umbrella-
pecially important in grasses (Poac- shaped fungal fruit body that is
eae) and grain crops; also, a type considered poisonous; the fruit body
of vegetative reproduction achieved of agarics, other than mushrooms.
with the use of tillers. tocopherol. tocoferol. One of the group
tilth. condición de la tierra. tierre of terpene compounds that is an
cultivable. The physical condition anti-oxidant in cells; vitamin E.
of the soil, as to ease of tillage, tolerance. tolerancia. The ability of
fitness for a seedbed, and suitability a plant to withstand adverse envi-
for plant growth. ronmental condtions; also, the abil-
timberline. límite del arbolado. de ity of a plant to withstand the de-
la vegetación arbórea. The geo- velopment of a parasite within it,
graphic area on mountains and in without showing serious smptoms
polar regions beyond which trees of disease.
will not grow; tree line. See tolerance limit. límite de tolerancia.
tolerant 442 toric
límite de tolerado. See limits of top soil. suelo superficial. The sur-
tolerance. face layer of soil, which is rich in
tolerant. tolerante. Capable of growing humus and other organic material,
in a specialized environment, as both living and dead; often with a
shade tolerant plants. loose, crumbly structure. In many
tomenta. tomenta. Plural of tomen- cases, the top soil may be absent
tum. due to erosion, development, or
tomentellous. tomenteloso. See tom- mining; A-horizon.
entose. topogenous peat. turba topogeno. A
tomentose. tomentoso. A type of type of bog that has formed in re-
vestiture; covered with wooly, duced rainfall areas with resulting
dense, interwoven trichomes. low humidity and summer drought
tomentulose. tomentuloso. Slightly conditions, that restricts Sphagnum
tomentose. growth to areas where moisture is
tomentum. tomento. A soft cover- concentrated, as in lower valley
ing of long, entangled trichomes, areas.
pressed close to the surface, as topography. topografía. The science
leaves covered with a white tomen- of mapping and charting the sur-
tum. face conditions of an area of land,
tongue. lengua. Any of a number of including hills, valleys, rivers, etc;
parts that are flattened, strap, or relief features.
tongue-shaped, as a projection from topoisomerase. topoisomerasa. A type
the top of a leaf sheath in some of enzyme that relieves the kinks
grasses (Poaceae) or the corolla in DNA that would otherwise block
in the ray florets of some composites the movement of replication forks;
(Astraceae); ligule. topoisomerase function by break-
tonoplast. tonoplasto. A thin mem- ing one or both strands, thereby
brane that encircles the vacuole of allowing the strands to uncoil by
a plant cell, separating it from the swiveling around one another; af-
cytoplasm; vacuolar membrane. ter uncoiling, the strands are again
tooth. diente. One of the projections linked back together by topoisom-
along the margin of a leaf or flower erases.
petals; also, the freetip of a petal topotaxis. topotaxis. The response
of a gamopetalous corolla. or reaction of an organism to a
toothed. dentado. Having margins stimulus when the organism ori-
with rounded or sharp, coarse teeth entates itself in relation to the
that point outward at right angles stimulus, and then moves towards
to the midvein; dentate or away from it.
top cross. cruzas radiales. The off- topotype. topotipo. A taxonomic speci-
spring produced when a variety is men of a named taxon collected
crossed with one inbred line. from the original type locality or
top dressing. abono de cobertura. Ap- from the area where the species was
plying materials such as fertilizer described.
to the soil surface while plants are toric. torico. Of, pertaining to, or
growing. shaped like a torus.
torose 443 trabeculate
torose. toroso. Having a cylindrical toxic substance. sustancia tóxica.
shape with constrictions or bulges Chemicals that are hazardous or
at intervals, as a torose pericarp. fatal to various species.
See moniliform. toxic. tóxico. Producing a poison;
tormentose. tormentoso. Cottony. poisonous.
torrid zone. zona tórrido. The warm toxicity. toxicidad. Having a poi-
region between the tropic of Cancer sonous or toxic quality.
and the tropic of Capricorn, divided toxicology. toxicología. The study
by the Torrid Zone. of poisons and their effects, anti-
torsion. torsión. Twisting without dotes, and detection.
marked displacement; a spiral twist, toxigenic. toxígeno. Producing toxin.
as a vine. toxigenicity. toxigenicidad. The ten-
torsion pairing. apareamiento torsión. dency for a pathogen to produce
The non-homologous associaiton toxins. It is an important factor in
of chromosomes at pachytene which bacterial virulence.
release a torsion without satisfy- toxin. toxina. Any poison formed
ing an attraction, when it occurs by a plant; also, a microbial prod-
in continuance of homologous as- uct that is toxic to plants.
sociation. TPN. TPN. Triphosphoropyridine nu-
tortuous. tortuoso. Elongated and cy- cleotide. Obsolete. Now, nicoti-
lindrical, with evenly spaced swell- namide adenine dinucleotide phos-
ings; necklace-like. phate (NADP).
torula. torula. A small torus. trabant. trabante. A short segment
toruliform. toruliforme. Having the of a chromosome separated from
shape of a string of beads; mon- the rest by one long constriction,
iliform. if terminal, or two if intercalary;
torulose. toruloso. Slightly torose, satellite.
as in a small fruit which is slightly trabecula. trabécula (ósea). Crassula;
constricted between seeds. a structure that looks like a beam
torus. toro. The tip of a flower stalk or crossbar; a rod-like cell running
which bears the petals, sepals, sta- across a cavity; also, a gill prim-
mens and carpels; receptacle; tha- odium; also, plates of undifferen-
lamus; also, a thickened membrane tiated primodial tissue in a devel-
which surrounds the bordered pit oping gleba, forming a branch of
of a wood cell. a dendroid columella; also, plates
totipotence. totipotencia. The capacity of sterile tissue running transversely
of a cell to develop into a com- across the sporangia in some Lyco-
plete organ or organism. podinae; also, longitudianal plates
totipotency. totipotencia. Capable of tissue across the lumen of a stem
of developing into a complete or- in Selaginella, supporting the stele.
ganism or differentiating into any trabecular. trabécular. Of or relat-
kind of cell, tissue, or organ. ing to a trabecula.
totipotent(ial). totipotente. Capable trabeculate. trabedulado. Pertain-
of complete regeneration of any or ing to peristome teeth marked by
all of its parts, as some succulents. transverse bars; also, having trabe-
trace 444 transcribe
cula. skin.
trace. traza. A vascular connection trachyspermous. traqispermo. Seeds
leading from the stele of an axis with a rough texture.
to a leaf or bud. tractile fiber. fibre tráctil. The spin-
trace element. elemento traza. mic- dle fiber which begins to develop
roelemento. Any one of five chemi- from an attachment to a chromo-
cal constituents needed in small some and extend to the pole of the
amounts by plants; as copper, bo- spindle.
ron, zinc, manganese, and cobalt. trailing. rastrera. Creeping along the
trace scar. cicatriz traza. A mark ground, usually with adventitious
indicating the former point of at- roots, but not rooting.
tachment within the leaf scar of the trailer sequence. secuencia remolque.
vascular bundle or trace. An extra amount of non-coding
tracer. trazador. marcador. sustancia DNA that is transcribed into RNA
trazadora. An atom or an element, beyond the end of the gene.
commonly radioactive, that can be trait. caracteristica. Any visible,
traced and observed as it passes phenotypic property of an organ-
through a plant or plant system in ism; character.
order to study the biological proc- trama. trama. A fungal tissue with
esses or chemical reactions. a hymenium, as the gill of an agaric;
trachea. tráquea. A tubular series also, the loosely packed hyphae
of non-living cells in the plant xylem which occupy the middle of the gill
which supports and aids in the trans- of an agaric; context.
port of water and salts; a conducting tramp species. especie vagabundo. A
element of the xylem; wood ves- collective term for plant species
sel. that have spread to different parts
tracheary. tráquea. Dead (at matu- of the world through trade and ship-
rity), lignified, water conducting ping activities.
cells of vascular plants composed trans-. trans-. A Latin prefix that means,
of tracheids and vessel elements. “across” or “beyond”.
tracheid. traqueida. An elongated, transaminase. transaminasa. An en-
imperforate, single-celled, non-liv- zyme that catalyzes transamination.
ing, lignified, water conducting transamination. transaminación. The
element of xylem, found in almost reversible transfer of an amino
all lower vascular plants, gymno- group from one compound to an-
sperms, and in some angiosperms. other; also, the transfer of ammonia
tracheophyte. traqueofíto. Plants that during the formation of amino ac-
have vascular tissue through which ids from keto acids.
water and nutrients are transported; transcorrugated. transondulado. Wrin-
plants grouped in the division kled transversely to the axis.
Tracheophyta; vascular plant. transcribe. transcribir. To form or syn-
trachy-. traqui-. A Greek prefix that thesize by transferring genetic in-
means, “rough”. formation from a template, as to
trachycarpous. traqicárpo. Bearing transcribe DNA into messenger
fruit with a roughly textured outer RNA.
transcription 445 transgenic
transcription. transcripción. In ge- protein synthesis. A type of small
netics, the process in which DNA RNA molecule that binds to a spe-
information is transferred to a mol- cific amino acid and to a condon
ecule messenger RNA as the first on messenger RNA; it is called
step in protein synthesis; in mo- transfer RNA because it is asso-
lecular studies, the process of form- ciated with the transfer of amino
ing a nucleic acid molecule by using acids to mRNA in ribosomes; more
a template of another molecule. than forty different tRNA molecules
transduction. tra(n)sducción. In bac- have been found, with at least one
teria, a genetic modification effected for each protein aminio acid.
by the DNA of viruses (bacterio- transferase. transferasa. An enzyme
phages); the transfer of genetic ma- that catalyses the transfer of a func-
terial between bacteria by bacterio- tional group from one substance
phages. to another.
transgenic technology. tecnológico transfer-RNA. ARN de transferencia.
transgenico. Introduction of for- See transfer ribonucleic acid
eign DNA into cells or organisms. (tRNA).
Used in genetic engineering to cre- transformation. transformación. A
ate recombinant plant, animals, and genetic recombination that incor-
microbes. porates DNA from the environment
transect. transecar. A cross section of a microorganism (bacterium); the
of the vegetation of an area, most introduction of genetic material
often, a long, narrow strip as along from dead bacteria in suspension
side a road or river edge; also, a to living bacteria in the same sus-
straight line across an area in which pension.
measurements are taken at regu- transformation factor. factor de trans-
lar intervals or continuously for the formación. A substance that can
purpose of studying vegetation im- be passed from cell to cell caus-
mediately adjacent to it. ing a permanent hereditary change.
transeptate. transeptado. Having all transfusion cell. célular de transfus-
the septa placed transversely. ión. A thin-walled plant cell that
transfer cell. célular transferencia. facilitates water movement to ad-
A type of specialized cell in higher jacent tissues; passage cell.
plants, that have many protube- transfusion tissue. tejido de transfus-
rances in their walls and a number ión. A tissue lying on either side
of plasmodesmata, which exchange of the vascular bundle in the leaves
dissolved substances with their of most gymnosperms. It is an ex-
surroundings and transfer them tension of the vascular bundle per-
across plant membranes; found in forming the function of lateral veins
association with phloem and xy- and is composed of empty cells with
lem cells. pitted and occasionally internally
transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA). ARN thickened walls, and parenchym-
de transferencia (ARN t). A spe- atous cells containing protein.
cialized form of RNA that carries transgenic. transgenico. Refers to cells
amino acids to the ribosomes during or organisms that contain genes that
transglycosylation 446 transmutation
were inserted into them from other the removal or consumption of car-
organisms by genetic engineering. bohydrates.
transglycosylation. transglicosilación. translate. traducir. To cause the ge-
A glycoside bond formation, es- netic information in the mRNA to
pecially during polysaccharide syn- direct the specific sequencing of
thesis. amino acids in protein synthesis.
transgression variation. variación translation. tra(n)slación. The sequenc-
transgresión. The production of ing of amino acids in protein syn-
progeny with phenotypes that ex- thesis by using genetic informa-
ceed the parental extremes. tion contained in messenger RNA
transients. transeúnte. In normal flora, to form the polypeptide chain.
the assortment of superficial mi- translator. traductor. The connect-
crobes whose numbers and types ing, thread-like structure between
vary depending upon recent expo- the pollinia of adjacent anthers, as
sure. The deeper lying residents in tropical Asclepiadaceae.
constitute a more stable popula- translocase. translocaso. Permease.
tion. translocation. tra(n)slocación. The
transient polymorphism. polimorfismo movement of dissolved nutrients
transeúnte. The presence in a popu- from one part of the plant to an-
lation at a particular gene locus of other with salts moving upward
alternative alleles in which one is through the xylem and other ele-
continuously replaced by another ments moving in both directions
in contrast with a balanced poly- through the phloem; also, the trans-
morphism where the alleles are in fer of part of a chromosome into
equilibrium. a different part of a homologous
transition. transición. A type of ge- chromosome, or into a non-homolo-
netic mutation that involves the gous chromosome.
replacement in DNA or RNA of one translucent. translúcido. Letting light
purine or pyrimidine with another. pass through, but not clear enough
transition cell. célula de transición. for objects on the other side to be
A thin-walled cell at the end of a distinguishable; as seeing through
leaf, representing the last of the frosted glass.
phloem. transmission electron microscopy
transition zone. zona de transición. (TEM). microscopia de luz trans-
The portion of the axis of a young mitida (MLT). Microscopy that
plant in which the change from root focuses an electron beam through
structure to stem structure occurs. the thin section of a specimen to
transitional. de transición. Said of study its internal structure.
an inflorescence which has some transmitter substance. sustancia
racemose and some cymose char- transmisora. A chemical secre-
acters. tion released in small amounts from
transitory starch. almidón de trans- a neuron that triggers change in the
itorio. Starch found temporarily membrane potential of an adjacent
in a leaf in which photosynthesis cell.
is proceeding more quickly than transmutation. transmutación. The
transparent 447 traumatonasty
alteration of one element into an- in genetic order.
other by radioactive decay; also, transposon. transposone. A type of
the change of one species or type mobile genetic element that can be
to another. integrated at many different sites
transparent. transparente. Transmit- along the chromosome. An example
ting light so that objects on the other is a segment of bacterial DNA with
side can be easily distinguished; the capacity to transfer its own ge-
as seeing through a clear window netic characteristics from one bac-
glass. terium to another or from one lo-
transpicuous. transpicuo. See trans- cation in a cell to another location;
parent. many antimicrobial agents such as
transpiration. transpiración. The act penicillin reside upon transposons.
of transpiring or giving off mois- transverse. transversal. Lying across
ture, especially through leaf stom- the longitudinal axis of an organ
atas and stem lenticels. or structure; also, broader than long;
transpiration stream. corriente de also, lying crosswise between two
transpiración. corriente transpi- structures; also, connecting two
ratoria. The stream of water which structures in a crosswise fashion;
passes through a plant from the roots also, attached by the longer side.
to the leaves, where it escapes, transverse dehiscence. dehiscencia
mostly as water vapor. transversal. Dehiscing at a right
transpire. transpirar. To give off mois- angle to the longitudinal axis of
ture from the leaves or other parts. the theca, as some anther.
transplant. trasplantar. To remove transversion mutation. mutación trans-
a plant growing in one location and versión. A base pair substitution
plant it in another location. where the purine–pyrimidine ori-
transport. transporte. The process by entation on each DNA strand is re-
which nutrients are absorbed and versed.
distributed throughout the plant. transversional mutant. mutante trans-
transport protein. proteina de trans- versiónal. A type of mutation where
porte. A type of membrane pro- a purine–pyrimidine base pair is
tein that enables the transport of replaced by a pyrimidine–purine
specific solutes across the mem- base pair.
brane. trapeziform. trapeziforme. Of an
transposable element. elemento trans- unsymmetrical four-sided shape;
ponable. A type of mobile genetic shaped like a trapezium or trap-
element in eukaryotes, such as corn ezoid.
(Zea), which can undergo trans- trapezium. trapezio. A four-sided plane
position causing chromatid breaks figure with no sides parallel.
that modifies the action of adja- trapezoid. trapezoide. A four-sided
cent genes; also, any genetic unit plane figure having two sides par-
that can insert into a chromosome, allel and two sides not parallel.
exit, reinsert at another location. traumatic. traumático. Pertaining to
See transposon. wounds.
transposition. transposición. A change traumatonasty. traumatonastía. A
traumotaxis 448 tribe
nastic movement following wound- shrubs.
ing. tree-line. límite del arbolado. de la
traumotaxis. traumotaxis. The move- vegetación arbórea. See timberline
ment of protoplasts and nuclei af- and baumgrenze.
ter wounding tree-ring dating. dendrocronología.
trauma(to)tropism. trauma(to)trop- See dendrochronology.
ismo. The development of curva- tree-top. cima (de árbol). The high-
ture following wounding. est section or summit of a tree.
tree. árbol. A large, woody plant with trehalose. trehaloso. A carbohydrate
a main stem (although many spe- found in some fungi.
cies are multi-stemmed), which tremelloid. tremelloide. Gelatinous.
commonly grow more than 30 me- tri-. tri-. A Greek and Latin prefix
ters tall and have no aerial die-back that means, “three” or “having three
at the end of growing periods, apart parts”.
from foliage loss, and are classi- triacylglyceride. triaclglicerido. A
fied as either broadleaf or needle combination of a molecule of glyc-
leaf (conifers), deciduous, or erol with three long-chained organic
evergreen. fatty acids linked to the glycerol
tree crown. copa del árbol. The top by acylglyceride linkages.
part of the shrub or tree. triad. tríada. A union or group of
tree fern. helecho arborescente. three.
Massive, tree-like ferns, often quite triadelphous. tríadelfo. Having sta-
ancient in origin, with marginal gra- mens arranged into three groups.
date sori, which in some species, triallelic. trialélico. Pertains to a poly-
deflect to the under side of the frond; ploid in which three different alleles
generally placed by taxonomists in are at a given location (locus).
one of two families, Thyrosop- triandrous. triandro. Having three
teridaceae and Cyatheacae. stamens.
tree ring index. indicador anillo anual. triangle. triángulo. A closed plane
anillo anual indicador de arbol. with three sides and three angles.
An annual tree ring width that has triangular. triangular. Shaped like a
been standardized for age; used in triangle.
the field of dendrochronology. triangulate. triangular. Three-angled.
tree ring. anillo de arbol. anillo anual. trianthous. trianto. Having three flow-
Growth ring(s) or annual ring(s) ers.
that are a sheath of cells appear- triaristate. triaristado. Having three
ing as one of a series of concen- awns.
tric rings in a cross-section of a triaster. triáster. A complex mitotic
tree trunk that is usually the re- figure resulting from triple mio-
sult of a single year’s growth, start- sis, as in an ovum after polyspermy.
ing in the spring and ending in the tribe. tribu. A taxonomic rank between
late summer. family and genus, composed of
tree-like. arborescente. Having the genera whose shared characteris-
appearance of a tree but not the tics distinguish them from other
characteristics of a true tree, as some genera within the family; names end
tricamerous 449 tricostate
in –eae with groupings that pro- trichome. tricoma. Any hair-like
vide subfamilies and dividing, form- growth, as a prickle, bristle, root
ing subtribes. hair, and the stinging hair of net-
tricamerous. tricamero. Having three tle (Urticaceae) leaves; also, in
locules. some bacteria and cynobacteria,
tricarboxylic acid cycle. ciclo del ácido a chain of slimy sheathed, vegetative
tricarboxilico. A repeating, life- cells; and, a chain of cells in blue-
giving, cyclical series of intracel- green algae; also, in the Cyano-
lular chemical reactions that form phyta, a single row of cells which
acetic acid when triggered by en- with their sheath make up the fila-
zymes located in the mitochondria, ment.
resulting in an organism’s conver- trichome hydathode. hidatodo tricoma.
sion of nutrients into physical en- A multicellular hair which secretes
ergy; named after its principal dis- water.
coverer, Sir Hans Adolph Krebs; trichophore. tricóforo. The part of
Citric Acid Cycle; Krebs cycle. red algae that bears the trichogyne.
tricarinate. tricarinado. Having three trichophyllous. tricófilo. Said of a
ridges or keels. plant of dry places which has the
tricarpellary. tricarpelar. Having three young stems and leaves protected
carpels. from desiccation by a thick coat-
trichasium. tricasio. A cymose in- ing of hairs.
florescence with three axis. trichothallic growth. crecimiento
trichidium. trichidio. Sterigma. tricotalico. A type of growth of
trichite. tricito. A hypothetical crystal an algal filament in which cell di-
which is very thin and elongted and vision is confined to one or a few
presumed to be present in very large cells near or at the base of the fila-
numbers in a strach grain. ment.
tricho-. trico-. A Greek prefix that trichothecin. tricotecina. An antifungal
means, “hairy”. metabolic product of Trichothecium
trichoblast. tricoblasto. A colorless, roseum.
grannular or rod-like particle that trichotomous. tricótomo. trifurcado.
surrounds the gullet in the Crypto- Branching or forking into three
monadales; also, a branched mul- parts; also, giving shoots in threes.
ticellular filament produced from trichroic. tricróico. Having three colors.
small trichoblast at the apex of the tricoccous. tricoco. Having three cocci
filament of the Ceramiales. The or carpels, as Euphorbiaceae. See
trichoblast may divide to form a coccus.
surface layer of spermatogonia. tricolor. tricolor. Having three colors;
trichocarpous. tricocárpico. Having three-colored.
hairy fruit. tricolpate. tricolpado. Having three
trichogyne. tricógina. tricógino. In fossae.
red algae and ascomycete fungi, a tricoma. tricoma. Having three tufts
thin, elongated, hair-like part of of hair at the end of a seed.
a procarp that serves as a receptor tricostate. tricostado. Three-ribbed.
for the male fertilizing bodies. tricotyledonous. tricotiledóno. Having
tricyclic 450 triose
three cotyledons. trijugate. triyugado. Having three
tricyclic. tricíclico. Having three pairs of leaflets, as a pinnate leaf.
whorls. trilete. trilete. A tetrahedral shape of
tridentate. tridentado. Three-toothed. some spore, appearing sometimes
tridigitate. tridigado. Divided into three as round or triangular, with three
finger-like lobes or divisions. scar lines forming a Y.
tridynamous. tridínama. Having sta- trilobate. trilobado. With three lobes,
mens arranged in two equal groups as a trilobate leaf.
of three. trilocular. trilocular. With three
tri(o)ecious. tri(o)ecio. Having male, locules or cavities, as a trilocular
female, and bisexual flowers on pericarp.
separate plants; trioecious. trimerous. trímero. trimembre. Hav-
triennial. trienial. Lasting for three ing three members in each whorl
years. or arranged in sets of three, as in
trifarious. trifario. Arranged in three the flowers of most mono-cotyle-
rows. dons; often written 3-merous.
trifid. trifido. Three-cleft; divided trimitic. trimitico. Having three kinds
into three parts. of hyphae.
triflorous. trifloro. Three-flowered, trimonecious. trimonecio. Having
as a triflorous peduncle. male, female, and bisexual flow-
trifoliate. trifoliado. trifoliada. ers on the same plant; opposite
Having three leaflets or leaves, as of triecious.
clover (Trifolium). trimorphic. trimorfo. With three
trifoliolate. trifoliolado. Having three forms; said of a species which has
small leaves, pinnately compound three kinds of flowers, differing in
with the terminal petiolule longer the relative lengths and positions
than the lateral; also, palmately of the filaments, anthers, and stig-
compound with petioles equal in mas.
length, as trifoliolate leaves. trimorphism. trimorfismo. Having three
trifurcate. trifurcado. Having three distinct forms of flowers or leaves
forks, as a trifurcate branch. on the same plant or occurring in
trigamous. trigamo. Having staminate, the same species.
pistillate, and perfect flowers all trinervate. trinervado. Having three
in the same head. main nerves arising from the base.
trigeminate. trigeminado. Arranged Compare triplinervate.
in three equal pairs. trinerved. trinervino. Pertaining to
trigenic. trigenico. Refers to a he- a leaf with three main nerves emerg-
reditary difference determined by ing from the base.
three gene differences. trioecious. trioico. See triecious.
trigonal. trigonal. Triangular in cross- triolein. trioleína. A fat formed from
section. oleic acid (only) and glycerol.
trigonous. trígono. Having three con- triose. triosa. Any of a group of sugars
spicuous angles, as a stem or ovary. containing three atoms of carbon
trihybrid. trihíbrido. A trigenic hy- and produced from glycerol by oxi-
brid. dation.
triose phosphate 451 triserial
triose phosphate. triosa fosfato. The triplet. triplete. A group of three
compound formed from a triose nucleotides on a nucleic acid that
sugar and phosphoric acid. codes for a particular amino acid;
triose phosphate dehydrogenase. also, any combination of three bases
de(s)hidrogenasa triosa fosfato. in the genetic code: nonsense tri-
An enzyme which catalyses the oxi- plets; also, one of three individu-
dation of triose phosphate. als resulting from the division of
triphosphopyridine nucleotide (TPN). an ovum.
trifosfopiridina-nucleótido (TPN). triplex. triplexo. A tetraploid zygote
Obsolete. A substance closely re- which has three doses of any given
lated to DPN, and concerned with dominant.
biological oxication, and reductions. triplinervate. triplinervado. Pertaining
Replaced by nicotinamide adenine to three-nerved leaves with the two
dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). lateral nerves arising from the
tripalmate. tripalmado. Palmately com- midnerve above the base. Compare
pound three times. trinervate.
tripalmately compound leaf. hoja com- triplinerved. triplinervino. A leaf
puesto tripalmado. Having three with three nerves; the two lateral
orders of leaflets, each palmately nerves emerging from the midnerve
compound. above the base. Compare trinerved.
tripartite. tripartido. Divided into triploid. triploide. Having three times
three parts, nearly to the base, as the haploid number of character-
a tripartite leaf. istics of the species.
tripetaloid. tripetaloide. Appearing triploidy. triploidia. Having the con-
to have three petals. dition of a triploid organism.
tripetalous. tripétalo. Having three tripterous. trialdo. Having three wings
petals. or wing-like appendages.
triphyllous. trifilo. With three leaves. triquetrous. triquetro. Having three
tripinnate. tripinado. Pinnately com- pronounced edges or ridges, as a
pound three times, with pinnate triquetrous nutlet.
pinnules; bipinnate leaves with each triradiate. triradiado. Having three
division also pinnate, as some fern rays, radiating in three directions
(Filicopsida) leaves. from a central position, as triradiate
tripinnately compound. compuesta spore.
tripinado. Having three orders of trisaccharide. trisacárido. Any of a
leaflets, each pinnately compound. class of carbohydrates that yield
tripinnatifid. tripinatifido. Three times three molecules of monosaccharides
pinnately cleft. during hydrolysis.
tripinnatisect. tripinatisecto. Cleft trisect. trisecar. To divide into three
to the base in a tripinnate manner. parts.
triple fusion. fusión triple. The un- trisepalous. trisépalo. Having three se-
ion in the embryo sac of the two pals.
polar nuclei and a male nucleus, triseptate. triseptado. Having three
the starting point for the develop- septa or partitions.
ment of the endosperm. triserial. triseriado. Having three
triseriate 452 tropic
verticils. of a pulley.
triseriate. triseriado. Arranged in rows trochleate. trochleado. See trochlear.
or series of threes. trophic. trófico. Of or pertaining to
trisomic. trisómico. An otherwise dip- nutrition, as the trophic capacity
loid individual having one chro- of an area or ecosystem.
mosome represented three times; trophic level. nivel trófico. In ecol-
pertaining to trisomy. ogy, any of the stages in the flow
trisomy. trisomia. A condition which of food or feeding level from one
produces three of a given chromo- population of organisms to another,
some instead of the normal set of with green plants at the first trophic
two; 2n+1. level, primary consumers at the
trispermous. trisperma. Three-seeded. second level and so on.
trisporin. trisporina. A metabolic prod- trophochondriome. trofocondrioma.
uct of Helminthosporium tritivulg- A mitochonddria concerned with
ris. nutrition.
tristichous. trístico. Three-ranked; oc- trophochromatin. trofocromatina. A
curring in three vertical ranks or substance within the nucleus which
rows. controls the nutrition of the cell.
tristis. tristis. Latin meaning “dull trophchromidia. trofocromidia. Chro-
colored”. midia concerned with nutrition.
trisulcate. trisulcado. Having three trophocyst. trofociste. A hyphal swell-
furrows, as a trisulcate stem. ing from which a sporangium is
triternate. triternado. Three times produced.
ternate; used to describe a petiole trophogonium. trofogonio. Of
which separates into three and is ascomycetes, an atheridium whose
divided again at each point into sole function is to supply food.
three, and on each of these nine trophophyll. trofofílo. Species that
points, bears three leaflets. can thrive under alternating dry and
triterpene. triterpena. A compound moist conditions or cold and hot
that consists of six isoprene units temperatures, as deciduous trees;
linked together; sterols, such as also, a vegetative leaf.
beta-sitosterol, are triterpenes. trophophyte. trofófito. A plant which
trivalent. trivalente. Said of a chro- is xerophytic at one period of the
mosome which is threefold. year, and hygrophytic at another.
trivial. trivial. Of or pertaining to a trophoplasm. trofoplasma. Protoplasm
specific species which is mainly concerned with
trivial name. trivial nombre. The nutrition.
name added to the generic name trophoplast. trofoplasto. A plastid.
of a species to distinguish it; also, trophotropism. trofotropismo. A re-
the common name of a plant; spe- action in a growing organ induced
cific name. by the chemical nature of the en-
tRNA. ARN t. See transfer ribonu- vironment.
cleic acid. tropic. trópica. Either of two geo-
trochlear. troclear. Circular and nar- graphic parallels of middle latitudes;
rowed in the middle, as the wheel one, 23º 23 minutes north (Tropic
tropic curvature 453 true fungi
of Cancer) and the second, 23º 27 tropical wet forest. selva alta perenni-
minutes south of the equator (Tropic folia tropical. A perennial rain-
of Capricorn), the farthest points forest high in the mountains.
north and south that the sun always tropical. tropical. Of or pertaining
shines directly overhead. to the tropics, as bananas (Mus-
tropic curvature. curvatura trópica. aceae) are a native tropical spe-
A curvature of a plant organ caused cies.
by one-sided growth under the in- Tropics. el trópico. The equatorial
fluence of a stimulus falling on the regions with year around warm
plant from one side. weather.
tropic response. respuesta trópica. The tropism. tropismo. The directional
turning, changing, or closing in growth or movement of a plant or
response to a stimulus, as the clos- plant organ in response to an ex-
ing of a leaf in response to touch; ternal stimulus, such as light, touch,
haptotropism or gravity, either by attraction (posi-
tropical forest. bosque tropical. A tive) or repulsion (negative).
classification of vegetation com- tropophilous. tropófilo. Adapted to
posed of a variety of forest types climates that are alternately dry and
including rain forest, semi-ever- wet, or cold and hot, as tropophilous
green seasonal forest, monsoon vegetation.
forest, and deciduous seasonal tropophyte. tropófito. See tropho-
forest. phyll.
tropical montane forest. bosque mont- tropophytic. tropófitico. Of, pertaining
ano tropical. A mountainous rain to, or resembling tropophyte, as
forest growing in the middle lati- tropophytic flora.
tudes below the subalpine level. tropotaxis. tropotaxis. tropotaxia.
tropical rain forest. bosque de lluvia The growth or movement of a plant
tropical. selva tropical ombrófila. in response to two stimuli, espe-
The oldest of the world’s vegeta- cially lights, using different sense
tive types, occurring in the equa- organs.
torial lowlands, characterized by trucated. trucado. Pertaining to a soil
year-round warmth, very heavy profile in which the top layers have
rainfall, up to three tree strata, an been removed by erosion.
abundance of lianas, epiphytes, and true. verdadero. pura. puro. In
saprophytes; evergreen trees flow- accordance with the parental type.
ering, fruiting, and leafing continu- true breeding. cria verdadera. Per-
ously all year around. taining to purebred strains for a
tropical seasonal forest. bosque estac- given trait, which means that the
ional tropical. A broad-leaved, gene for that trait is homozygous.
evergreen forest in a tropical re- true fruit. fruto verdadero. A fruit
gion with marked dry seasons which formed only from the ovary.
produces some leaf shedding, and true fungi. hongos verdaderos.
a less luxuriant growth of climb- eumicetos. A taxonomic division
ing and herbaceous plants than in of fungi (Eumycota) that do not
a rain forest. form a plasmodium or pseudoplas-
true indusium 454 tuberosity
modium. mation of a hypha.
true indusium. indusio verdaderos. tube nucleus. núcleo vegetativo.
An indusium with an epidermal núcleo del tubo polínico. In a flow-
outgrowth that protects the sorus. ering plant, the vegetative nucleus
trullate. trulado. A plane with the (one of three in the male gameto-
widest axis below the middle and phyte) in a growing pollen tube
with straight margins; also, ovate which degenerates after double fer-
but with margins straight and an- tilization; vegetative nucleus.
gled below the middle; trowel- tuber. tubérculo. The fleshy, enlarged
shaped. tip of an underground stem (rhi-
trumpet hypha. hifa campana. A fila- zome), filled with stored nutrients,
ment inside the thallus of a brown usually starch, bearing modified
alga which is markedly enlarged axillary buds, called eyes, which
at each transverse septum. produce new plants, as an arrow-
truncate. truncado. Cut-off; blunt, root (Marantaceae) or a potato
as the truncate leaves of the (Solanaceae); also Tuber, a genus
Liriodendron tulipifera (Magno- of fungi that includes various spe-
liaceae) which appear sharply sev- cies of highly esteemed truffles.
ered. tubercle. excrecencia pequeña. A
trunk. tronco. The main stem of a small, tuber-like swelling or pro-
tree, as distinguished from the jection, as a nodule on the root of
branches and roots. a legume; also, a small knob on
tryma. trima. A two- to four-loculed the fronds of certain lichens.
nut enveloped by a fleshy dehiscent tubercular. tubercular. Of, pertain-
exocarp, as most species of hickory ing to, or having the shape of a
(Juglandaceae). tubercle.
trypsin. tripsina. An enzyme involved tuberculate. tuberculado. Bearing
in the proteolytic digestion of plants. small, wart-like tubercles; also, a
tryptamine. triptámina. A crystalline type of style with a swollen, hard,
substance related to serotonin, persistent tubercle.
formed in the tissues from tryp- tubercularoid. tubercularoide. Having
tophan, functioning as an interme- a warted surface.
diate in various metabolic processes. tuberculation. tuberculación. The de-
tryptophan(e). triptófano. A non- velopment of tubercles or becom-
polar, heterocylic, amino acid in ing tuberculed.
protein. tubercule. tubérculo. In sporophytes,
tyrosine. tirosina. An amino acid in silica deposits on stem ridges, as
protein. in horsetails (Equisetaceae).
tube. tubo. The hollow, cylindrical tuberiferous. tuberoso. See tuberous.
part of the hypanthium. tuberiform. tuberiforme. Having the
tube cell. célula de tubo. The cell form or shape of a tuber.
in the pollen grains of seed plants tuberoid. tuberoide. A thickened root
that develops into the pollen tube. resembling a tuber.
tube germination. tubo de germinación. tuberose. tuberoso. Tuberous.
Germination of a spore by the for- tuberosity. tuberosidad. The qual-
tuberous 455 turgid
ity of being tuberous. part.
tuberous. tuberoso. Producing tubers; tumid. tumescente. Swollen; inflated.
thickening and forming tubers. tumor. tumor. A globular mass of
tuberous root. raíz tuberosa. A true cells in which cell divisions oc-
root (usually one of a group), fleshy cur at random, commonly with no
and resembling stem tubers but control.
bearing no buds or scale leaves, tundra. tundra. A vast, treeless, con-
as the dahlia (Dahlia). tinuously frozen plain, as in the
tubiflorous. tubifloro. Bearing tubuala arctic regions, some plateaus of the
flowers. Andes, and other areas; a cold desert
tubiform. tubiforme. Having the form characterized by the scanty, xero-
of a tube. phytic vegetation in which mosses
tubiform floret. flor tubulosa. A tube- and lichens dominate.
shaped flower. tunic. túnica. A loose, membranous,
tubular. tubular. Having the shape natural covering, not formed from
of a hollow cylinder, as a tubular epidermis, as the tunic of a seed
corolla. or an onion (Liliaceae); also, the
tubuliflorous. tubulifloro. Having peridium of some fungi; exocarp.
tubular corollas in perfect flower tunica. túnica. A coat, especially a
heads of some species of thin, white membrane around the
Asteraceae. peridiole in most species of the
tubulin. tubuline. The protein from Nidulariaceae.
which microtubules are made. tunicate. tunicado. Composed of con-
tubulous. tubule. Having tubular flow- centric layers of tissue, as a tunicate
ers. bulb; having a coat or covering.
tubulus. tubulus. The neck of a tunicated. tunicadado. Being com-
perithecium; also, a pore lined by posed of multiple layers, as an onion
a hymenium bearing basidia (Liliaceae).
tuft. fascículo. Arranged in a clump tunicate bulb. bulbo tunicadado.
or dense cluster, as a tuft of grass. Laminated bulb.
tufted. faciculado (tricoma). Hav- turbinate. turbinado. Having the shape
ing a cluster of hairs or similar of an up side down cone, as tur-
outgrowths, all arising at about the binate fruit.
same height; also, stems growing turbinate cell. célula turbinado. A
in dense clusters. swelling on a vegetative thallus of
tugor movement. movimiento the Cladochytriaceae.
turgente. movimiento de turgent. turgente. abultado. Same
turgencia. Moment that results as turgid.
from changes in internal water pres- turgescence. turgescencia. The con-
sures in a plant part. dition of cells or tissue which are
tugor pressure. presión de turgencia. distended by water.
The real pressure produced in cells turgescent. turgescente. Swelling.
by pressing against a membrane. turgid. túrgido. Tumid or swollen; full
See wall pressure. of water taken in by osmosis; also,
tumescent. tumescente. A swollen said of a young or soft plant member
turgor 456 tyndallization
which is stiff or rigid due to the twins. gemelo. mellizo. Individuals
internal pressure arising from a arising from the division of a fer-
plentiful supply of water. tilized egg into two; each half de-
turgor. tugor. turgidez. The nor- veloping into an individual.
mal resiliency of living plant cells; twisted. retorcido. A winding dis-
also, the state of a cell when the tortion.
cell wall is stretched by an increase twisted aestivation. estivación contra-
in the volume of the vacuole by hecho. Contorted aestivation.
the intake of water. two-celled. bilocular. Having two cells.
turgor pressure. presión de turgencia. two-edged. de doble filo. Flattened
presión túrgida. The pressure on and having two sharp edges.
a cell wall that is created from within twofold. duplicado. Having two and
the cell by the movement of water two together or growing from the
into it. same place, as twofold leaves.
turion. turión. A type of scaly, often two-leaf. de dos hoja. Having two
succulent, solitary shoot, emerg- distinct leaves; diphyllous.
ing from the ground, as aspara- two-lipped. bilabiado. See bilabiate.
gus (Liliaceae); also, an under- two-lobed. bilobular. Having two lobes;
ground, over-wintering bud on root- bilobed; bilobate.
stock. See sucker. two-loculed. bilocular. Having two
turioniferous. turional. Having or locules; bilocular.
producing shoots. two-parted. de dos partidos. Divided
turnover rate. tasa de renovación. The from the margin almost to the base;
rate a population is replaced by the bipartite.
next generation. two-petaled. dipetalado. Having two
turnover time. tiempo de renavación. distinct petals; dipetalous.
The measure of an element in a two-ranked. de dos filas. Arranged on
biogeochemical cycle; the time it opposite sides of the stem so as
takes to fill or empty a nutrient to form two rows.
reservoir. two-seeded. de dos semillas. Con-
turpentine. aguarrás. trementina. taining two seeds, as a fruit;
The volatile, combustible compo- dispermous.
nent of resin that includes two tylo-. tilo-. A Greek prefix that means,
terpenes – camphor and pinene. “with knots” or “projections”.
tussock. mata de hierba. A clump tyloses. tilo. tilis. A bladder-like
or tuft of grasses, twigs, or sedges growth emerging from a cell wall
growing on wet or swampy ground. into the cavity of older woody tis-
twig. vara. ramita. ramo. A small sue, sometimes filled with gums,
branch from a tree or a young woody resins, or other colored substances,
stem. which results in the blocking of
twining. voluble. enredadera. A water conduction.
pattern of spiral stem growth in tympaniform. timpániforme. Like a
vines, coiling or twisting around drum head.
something; usually upward; climb- tyndallization. tyndallización. Frac-
ing. tional (discontinuous, intermittent)
type genus 457 tyrosine
sterilization designed to destroy type specimen. tipo ejemplar. The in-
spores indirectly. A preparation is dividual plant from which the taxo-
exposed to flowing steam for an nomic description of the species
hour, and then the material is al- or subspecies has been prepared
lowed to incubate to permit spore and on which the specific name
termination. The resultant vegeta- isbased; holotype.
tive cells are destroyed by repeated type. tipo. A structure that character-
steaming and incubation. izes a group of plants.
type genus. género tipo. The taxo- typical. tipico (estambre). The type
nomic genus from which the name of the species, family, or other
of the family or subfamily is taken; group, as the typical genus.
selected as most perfectly exhib- tyramine. tiramina. A colorless, crys-
iting the family characteristics. talline amino acid produced by
type species. especie tipo. The taxo- bacteria or by the decarboxylation
nomic species from which the name of tyrosine, found in citrus fruits.
of the genus is taken; selected as tyrosine. tirosina. An aromatic amino
most perfectly exhibiting the ge- acid.
neric characteristics.
ubiquinol 458 ultraviolet microscope

ubiquinol. ubiquinol. The reduced ruses) that cannot be seen with the
form of ubiquinone; ubiquinol do- common optical microscope.
nates electrons to cytochrome b in ultramicroscopic. ultramicroscopico.
the electron transport chain. Extremely small particles and or-
ubiquinone. ubiquinona. A generic ganisms that require an electron
term for a group of compounds that microscope to detect and examin
serve as electron carriers in the their structure. The way they dwarf
electron-transport chain of mito- their host is noticeable, i.e. even
chondria; a lipid-soluble guinone as small as bacteria are, more than
whose fucntion is to accept elec- 2000 ultramiscroscopic bacterial
trons from electron donors like viruses will fit into a single cell;
NADH and from the oxidation of and more than 50,000,000 ultra-
fatty acids; also called coenzyme microscopic polioviruses will fit
Q. into the average human cell.
ubiquitous. ubicuo. Widespread dis- Through special stains in combi-
tribution occurring in a wide va- nation with electron microscopy,
riety of habitats. they are most readily observed.
uliginose. uliginoso. Growing in swam- ultrasome. ultrasomo. An intracellu-
py areas. lar particle too small to be seen
ulmic acid. ácido ulmico. An acid by the usual optical microscopic
occurring in humus. methods.
ulmin. ulmina. A dark brown substance ultrastructure. ultrastructura. A struc-
that exudes from some trees, es- ture with notably fine details, in-
pecially oak (Fagaceae) and elm visible to non-electron microscopes.
(Ulmaceae); also, a substance re- ultraviolet light (UV light). luz ultra-
lated to ulmic acid found in hu- violeta (UV). Pertains to the in-
mus. visible part of the light spectrum
ultimate. última. The final section or whose rays have wavelengths
division of a structure. shorter than those of the violet end
ultra-. ultra-. A prefix that means, of the visible spectrum and longer
“beyond”, “excessive”, or “beyond than those of the X rays.
the range”. ultraviolet microscope. microscopio
ultracentrifuge. ultracentrifugador. de luz ultravioleta. A microscope
A high speed centrifuge that is ca- with quartz lens and slides which
pable of spinning at more than uses ultraviolet radiation for illu-
100,000 revolutions per minute. mination; enables user to obtain a
ultramicroscope. ultramicroscopio. sharper resolution of smaller ob-
A form of microscope that reveals jects and greater magnification for
the presence of particles (e.g. vi- viewing or photographing on a fluo-
ultraviolet radiation 459 unavailable nutrients
rescent screen with an image con- depressed in the center, as the ends
verter. of an apple (Rosaceae).
ultraviolet radiation. radiación ult- umbilicus. ombligo. A small depres-
ravioleta. Electromagnetic radia- sion, as the hilum of a seed;
tion similar to light but the wave- navel-like.
lengths are shorter than violet light umbiliform. umbiliforme. Having the
and with more energy which causes shape of an umbilicus.
it to severely burn and damage bio- umbo. umbòn. A blunt or rounded pro-
logical tissue. jection on the ends of scales on
ultraviolet rays. rayos ultravioleta. certain pine cones (Pinus); also,
ultraviolados. The portion of the a convex projection or knob in the
sun’s total range with wavelengths center, as in the pileus or cap of
shorter than the shortest of the vis- some fungal fruit bodies.
ible spectrum (purple); between umbonate. umbonado. Having an
approximately 380 and 100 nm. umbo; also, a solid round shape
umbel. umbela. A type of racemose with a projection in the center; with
inflorescence in which stalks a central boss.
(pedicels) nearly equal in length, umbonulate. umbonulado. Terminated
spread outward from the same point by a very small umbo.
on the flower axis, resembling the umbonule. umbonula. A small umbo.
struts of an umbrella, to form a flat- umbraculate. umbracúlido. Having
topped or slightly rounded surface; an umbrella-shape.
common to the family Umbelli- umbraculiferous. umbraculífero. Hav-
ferae. ing an expanded umbrella-shaped
umbellate. umbelado. Occurring in organ or part.
umbels, as umbellate flowers. umbraculiform. umbraculiforme.
umbellet. umbélula. One of the lit- Shaped like an umbrella, as some
tle or secondary umbels of a com- mushrooms.
pound umbel. umbraculum. umbraculo. An umbrella-
umbelliferous. umbelífero. Bearing shaped appendage.
umbels; of or pertaining to the umbrinus. umbrinus. Latin meaning
Umbelliferae family. “umber colored”.
umbelliform. umbeliforme. Like an umbrosus. umbrosus. Latin mean-
umbel; a determinate inflorescence ing “of shady places”.
having the general appearance but unable to reproduce. incapaz de
not the structure of an umbel, as reproducir. Sterile; failing to pro-
with condensed cymes rather than duce fruit or spores, as a plant or
condensed racemes of the true um- to germinate, as seed.
bel; also, forming an umbel. unarmed. inerme. Without spines,
umbellulate. umbelulado. Having or prickles, or thorns.
arranged in umbellules. unavailable nutrients. nutrientes
umbellule. umbélula. One of the sec- unasimilable. nutrientes undisp-
ondary umbels in a compound onible. Minerals which for some
umbel. reason, e.g. insolubility, cannot be
umbilicate. umbilicado. Peltate and absorbed by the plant from the soil.
unbalanced polyploid 460 ungulate
unbalanced polyploid. poliploide undershrub. subarbusto. A perennial
desequilibrado. Aneploid. plant with stems that are woody only
unavailable water. agua unasimilable. in the basal portion, the upper part
agua undisponible. Water that is dying back; subshrub; suffrutex.
present in the soil but cannot be understock. pie. patrón. The trunk
readily absorbed by plants because or root material to which buds or
it is strongly held to the surface scions are inserted in grafting; root-
of the soil particles. stock.
uncate. uncado. See uncinate. understory species. especie subpiso.
uncinate. uncinado. Having a hook The trees of the lower canopy levels
or barb at the end, as some spines in a forest ecosystem, differing from
and bristles. emergent, crown, or upper story spe-
unconfined aquifer. acuífero unlimit- cies; banana (Musaceae) is a char-
ado. A collection of ground wa- acteristic understory species.
ter above a layer of rock or clay understory. subpiso. The vegetation
through which water flows very which characterizes the lower level
slowly. of plants in a forest; below the forest
unctuous. graso. untuoso. Slick, oily, canopy.
slippery to touch; greasy. underwood. subpiso. See understory.
under surface. envés. The reverse or undifferentiated. indiferenciado. Not
underside, as the under surface of modified or specialized in the course
a leaf. of development.
underbrush. sotobosque. Bushes, undivided blade. lámina entero. Not
shrubs, and small trees growing separated into leaflets; simple blade
under large trees in forests; under- undivided. entero. Not lobed, cleft,
growth. or branched.
underdispersion. subdispersión. In undulate. ondular. A leaf margin that
plant ecology, a condition in which is wavy in three dimensions (up
the pattern of individuals of a spe- and down), with smooth, shallow
cific species within a community indentions; repand; serrulate; wavy.
is not random, but regular, with unequal crossing-over. sobrecruzam-
similar numbers recorded in all iento desigual. In genetics, a cross-
quadrats; regular distribution. ing-over after improper pairing
underdominance. subdominancia. See between chromosomes homologues
balanced polymorphism. that are not perfectly aligned.
underground stolon. estolón subter- unequally pinnate. pinada desigual-
ráneo. A determinate elongated that mente. See odd-pinnate.
forms a bulb or tuber at the end. unguiculate. unguiculado. Having a
underground. bajo tierra. Below or claw-like base, as unguiculate
under the soil, as growing under- flower petals.
ground. ungula. ungula. The narrow, claw-like
undergrowth. sotobosque. See under- base of some petals, where they are
brush. attached to the receptacle.
underneath. debajo. Below or under, ungulate. ungulado. Like a horse’s foot
as growing underneath the trees. in form.
uni- 461 unisexual
uni-. uni-. A Latin prefix that means, (Rutaceae).
“one.” unigeneric. monogenérico. Having a
uniaristate. uniaristado. One-awned. single character used in the iden-
uniaxial. uniaxial. uniáxico. Hav- tification of a genus.
ing one axis, as when the primary unijugate. uniyugado. A pinnately com-
stem does not branch and termi- pound leaf but with only one pair
nates in a flower; monaxial. of leaflets.
unicarpellate. unicarpelar. See unicar- unilateral. unilateral. Having all the
pellous. parts arranged on one side of an
unicarpellous. unicarpogónico. mono- axis, as unilateral flowers; also, of
carpogónico. Having a single, free a raceme with all the flowers turned
carpel in the gynoecium; stylodious to one side; also, of a stimulus fall-
unicaulous. unicaule. Having a sin- ing on the plant from one side;
gle stem; monocaulous. secund.
unicellular. unicelular. monocelular. unilocular. unilocular. Having one
Describes tissues, organs, or or- locule, cell, or single cavity, as
ganisms composed of a single cell, unilocular sporangium.
as the reproductive organs of some uniloculate. uniloculado. Having a
algae and fungi are unicellular; single locule.
single-celled; having one cell only. uninucleate. uninucleado. Having one
unicentric distribution. distribución nucleus.
céntrica. The occurrence of en- union. unión. The growing together
demic species in very localized of two parts or organs.
areas. uniovular. uniovular. Produced when
unicolored. concolor. unicolor. Hav- a single fertilized embryonic cell
ing a single color. mass splits; monozygotic.
unicostate. uninervado. Having one uniparous cyme. cima unípara. A type
large vein running down the mid- of cyme that develops a single axis
dle; midvein, as a unicostate leaf. at each branching.
unifactorial. unifactorial. Involving unipetalous. unipétalo. Having only
or controlled by one gene, in con- one petal; monopetalous.
trast with multifactorial; monofac- unipolar. unipolar. At one end only,
torial. especially of a bacterial cell.
uniflorous. unifloro. Having or bearing uniramous. unirama. Unbranched.
only one flower. uniseptate. uniseptado. Having one
unifoliate leaflet. folíolo unifoliado. septum or partition.
Having only one leaflet with a uniseriate. uniseriado. Arranged in a
petiolule distinct from the petiole single row, series, or whorl, as a
of the whole leaf. uniseriate perianth with sepals only;
unifoliate. unifoliado. Having only also, said of a vascular ray which
one leaf, as a unifoliate stem; is one cell wide in cross-section.
monophyllous. unisexual. unisexual. A flower or
unifoliolate. unifoliolado. A leaf which plant with either male (stamens)
is theoretically compound but has or female (carpels) reproductive or-
only one leaf, as in the orange gans but not both; not hermaph-
unistratose 462 unstable gene
roditic; also, having antheridia and univoltine. univoltino. Species in which
archegonia on separate gameto- one generation reaches maturity
phytes; imperfect; diclinous; dioec- each year.
ious. unpolluted. incontaminado. Without
unistratose. uni(e)stratificado. Form- a polluting or contaminating agent
ing a single layer. or medium. Note: A contaminant
unit character. carácter unidad. One may differ from a pollutant, as a
whose differences from an alter- contaminant may refer to an im-
native is transmitted as a unit in pure substance added to the envi-
heredity. These are independent ronment by man, whereas a pol-
characters which are traceable in lutant may be a natural substance,
each generation, and assorted and such as pollen or volcanic ash.
distributed by the laws of chance. unreduced gamete. gameto no reduc-
unit membrane. membrana unidad. ido. A gamete having the diploid
membrana unitaria. membrana number of chromosomes.
elemental. The basic unit of the unseptate. no septado. Lacking cross
membrane cell system which is walls.
composed of two layers of protein unreliable character. carácter poco
with a center of lipid molecules. fidedigo. Characters considered
unit of vegetation. vegetación de by taxonomists to be either incon-
unidad. Community. sistent, indistinct, or unrecogniz-
United States Department of Agriculture able and therefore not usable for
(USDA). Departamento de Agric- identification or classification pur-
ultura de los Estados Unidos. A poses.
branch of government of the United unripe. verde. inmaduro. Not mature,
States of America responsible for as an unripe fruit.
domestic and international agricul- unsaturated. no saturado. Refers to
tural activities. fatty acids or other hydrocarbon-
united. unido. Joined, combined, or containing chemicals whose car-
made one. bon-carbon bonds include double
unitunicate. unitunicado. A single bonds, as well as single bonds; oleic
integument or delicate tissue, es- acid (one double bond), linoleic
pecially applied to an ascus when acid (two double bonds), and li-
layers of the ascus wall do not re- nolenic acid (three double bonds)
lease during ascospore release. are examples of unsaturated fatty
univalent. univalente. Single; describes acids.
a chromosome that does not unite unstable community. comunidad
with its homologous chromosome inestable. A plant community which
during synapsis; also, one of the does not remain constant over a
single chromosomes which sepa- period of years.
rates in the first meiotic division. unsymmetrical. no simétrico. Said of
universal veil. velo universal. A coat- a flower in which al the parts are
ing of hyphae which completely not regular.
surrounds the fruit body of a fun- unstable gene. gen inestable. A gene
gus. liable to frequent mutations.
upcurved 463 utricle
upcurved. recurvado. To curve in an uredinium. uredinio. A blister-like
upward direction. prominence bearing uredospores of
upgrowth. excrescencia. crecimiento. rust fungi.
aumento. desarrollo. The proc- urediospore. urediospora. See uredo-
ess of growing in an upward di- spore.
rection. uredium. uredinio. An area of fun-
upper. superior. Higher in physical gal tissue within which uredospores
position; posterior. develop in plants infected with rust
upper lip. labio superior. The adax- fungi (Urediniomycetes).
ial portion of the limb of a bilabiate uredo stage. etapa uredo. The phase
corolla. when rusts develop one-celled sum-
upper surface. haz. The top surface, mer spores with red or yellow spots.
as the upper surface of a leaf; op- uredosorus. uredosoro. See uredium.
posite of the lower or under sur- uredospore. uredóspora. A nonsexual
face. fungal spore produced by some
upright plant. planta de crecimiento rusts in their uredo stage; summer
erecto. Standing or growing in an spore.
erect or straight up direction. urent. urticante. Stinging, as urent
uproot. desraizar. desarraigar. errad- hairs; stinging hairs.
icar. To root up, remove, or tear uridine. uridina. A form of uracil
out by the roots. present in RNA that binds and car-
uracil. uracilo. A pyrimidine base that ries sugar particles to where they
occurs in RNA, corresponding to are needed in the growth process.
thymine in DNA. uridylic acid. ácido uridílico. The
urceolate. urceolado. Having the shape nucleotide formed from uracil.
of a flask or urn; descriptive of a urn. urna. The theca where the spores
corolla of united petals having a of moss (Musci) are produced; also,
bulbous tube, a narrow neck, and the bottom portion of a pyxis; the
a very small limb. capsule of a moss.
urceolus. urceolo. Resembling a small urn-shaped. urniforme. Having the
pitcher or flask. shape of an urn.
urceus. urceo. Any structure that re- uro-. uro-. A Greek prefix that means,
sembles a pitcher, hollow, and “tailed”.
contracted near the mouth. urticate. urticado. To sting.
urease. ureasa. An enzyme present usnic acid. ácido usnico. A substance
in various fungi, bacteria, and found in some lichens that has
beans; also, an enzyme which ca- antibiotic activity; useful in some
talyses the splitting of urea into local skin infections involving
ammonia and water. Gram-positive bacteria.
urecicole. urecicolo. Growing as a uterus. útero. The peridium of some
parasite on rust fungi. fungi, especially the Gastero -
uredinial. uredinial. Of or relating mycetes.
to the uredinium. utricle. utrículo. A one-seeded fruit
urediniospore. urediniespora. See with a thin wall, frequently dehis-
uredospore. cent by a lid; also, a small bag or
utricular 464 uvarious
sac-like structure, such as a thin have floating bladders.
seed vessel resembling a bladder, utriculiform. utriculiforme. Having
as in spinach (Chenopodiaceae). the shape of a utricle.
utricular. utricular. Like a baldder; utriform. utriforme. Bag-like.
also, pertains to the utriculus. uva. uva. A berry formed from a su-
utricular leaf. hoja utricular. The perior ovary.
leaves of aquatic bladderwort uvarious. uvarious. Latin meaning “like
(Lentibulariaceae) plants which a bunch of grapes.”
vacuolar 465 valvate

vacuolar. vacuolar. Of or relating to valence. valencia. The combining
a vacuole, as a vacuolar wall. power of an atom based on the
vacuolar membrane. membrana vacu- number of electrons it can give or
olar. A thin membrane that encir- take.
cles the vacuole of a plant, sepa- valid. válido. Of names, in accord with
rating it from the cytoplasm; tono- the International Rules of Botanical
plast. Nomenclature.
vacuolate. vacuolado. Pertains to a valine. valina. An amino acid in pro-
cell or cytoplasm having one or teins, essential for growth.
more vacuoles; vesicular. vallecula. valecula. A furrow, groove,
vacuole. vacúola. vacuola. In a plant or depression.
cell, the centrally located, often vallecular. valecular. Of or pertain-
quite large cavity, which is limited ing to vallecula.
by a unit membrane and filled with vallecular canal. canal valecular. The
a dilute solution of sugar and salt, canal-like intercellular space run-
sometimes referred to as cell sap; ning in the cortex beneath a stem
also, the agueous cavity within the groove, and outside the carinal
cytoplasm which is surrounded by canal, as in the horsetails (Equiset-
the tonoplast that stores low mo- aceae).
lecular weight ions and molecules. valleculate. valeculado. Having a val-
vacuolization. vacuolización. The for- lecula.
mation of vacuoles. valsoid. valsoide. Having the perithecia
vagile. vágil. Applies to a plant that in a circle in the stroma; also, hav-
is free to move about, as vagile ing groups of perithecia with their
organisms. beaks pointing inwards or paral-
vagility. vagilidad. The condition of lel to the surface.
being able to move around freely, value (color). valor (color). One of
as spores and seeds blown by the the three measurements of color
wind which may float in the air for (hue, chroma, value) with value
several miles. indicating the degree of lightness
vagina. vagina. A sheath, as the sheath- or darkness; a color value of 5 is
ing petiole in grasses (Poaceae). visually midway between absolute
vaginate. vaginado. Sheathed. white and absolute black in the
vaginiferous. vaginífero. Bearing Munsell Soil Color Charts.
sheaths. valvate. valvar. An arrangement of
vaginule. vaginula. A minute sheath sepals, petals, bracts, cone scales,
surrounding the base of the seta etc. that have edges meeting but
in the bryophytes. not overlapping, as valvate petals.
valvate dehiscence 466 variety
Also a type of capsule or legume variant. variante. Within a popula-
dehiscence in which valves (seg- tion, an individual plant or group
ments) separate. of plants that can be recognized
valvate dehiscence. dehisencia valv- and defined; considered by some
ado. Liberation of pollen from an- to be the same as variety; also, a
thers or seeds from dry fruits by variable quantity whose measure-
means of little flaps of upraised ment or frequencies form all or part
wall material of the data for analysis; also, a
valve. valva. A part of a fruit wall specimen differing slightly in its
which separates at dehiscence; also, characteristics from the type.
half the cell wall (frustule) of a variant character. carácter variante.
diatom; also, a section in an an- A specific character that varies from
ther that opens like a lid; also, the the parent.
three enlarged inner sepals covering variation. variación. Differences from
the fruit of Rumex (Polygonaceae). a standard or norm occurring within
valvular. valvar. Having the form or individuals of the same species,
function of a valve, as a valvular which may be eliminated or con-
calyx; also, opening by means of tinued by natural selection; devia-
valves. tion from the parental form or struc-
valvular capsule. cápsula valvar. A ture; also, the occurrence of dif-
type of capsule having valves that ferences in the permanent struc-
break away from the septa, as in ture of cells; also, the occurrence
Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae). of differences in the environment;
valvular dehiscence. dehiscencia also, the differences between the
valvar. A type of anther which offspring of a single mating.
dehisces through a pore covered varicose. varicoso. Swollen or enlarged
by a flap of tissue. in places.
vane. vexilo. See vexillum; standard; variegated. variegado. abigarrado.
banner. rayado. jaspeado. veteado. Marked
variable. variable. Deviating from the with spots or patches of different
normal or recognized type, as a colors.
variable species; aberrant. variegation. variegación. The con-
variability. variabilidad. The capacity dition of having varied leaf or flower
of an individual or group of indi- colors that may be inherited or from
viduals to produce gametes hav- the presence of a virus; also, ir-
ing genotypic variation. regular variation in color of a plant
variable expressivity (gene). expresivi- organ, e.g. leaves or flowers due
dad variable (gen). Different phe- to the suppression of normal pig-
notypes produced by the same geno- ment development, which may occur
type. because of the action of a marginal
.variance. varianza. variancia. The genotype, somatic mutation, or
mean square deviation of a variate infection.
from its mean. Estimated as the varietal. varietal. Of or relating to
Mean Square. The square of the a variety.
Standard Deviation. variety. variedad. In taxonomy, plants
variously 467 vegetable
that are classified below the spe- vascular ray. rayos vascular. A sheet
cies and subspecies level, as they of conducting vascular tissue
differ morphologically in some formed during secondary growth
minor but transmissible character- of the plant axis; extending radially
istic. A taxonomic variety is known from the xylem through the camb-
by the first validly published name ium into the phloem; medullary ray.
applied to it so that the nomencla- vascular strand. cordón vascular. See
ture tends to be stable; cultivar. vascular bundle.
variously. diversamente. With diver- vascular system. sistema vascular. A
sity, as variously colored flowers. specialized network of tissues, the
vascular. vascular. Conductive tissue, xylem and phloem, forming a con-
as xylem and phloem which con- tinuous system for the circulation
vey fluids. of fluids throughout the plant. See
vascular anastomosis. anastomosis vas- vascular tissue.
cular. A small transverse vascu- vascular tissue. tejido vascular. The
lar bundle acting as a link between tissue, mostly phloem and xylem,
the main vascular bundles of a stem that conducts water and other nu-
or root. trients through the higher plants
vascular bundle. haz vascular. hace- (ferns and seed plants); conduc-
cillo vascular. A long, continu- tive tissue; vascular bundle.
ous strand of vascular tissue in seed vasculiform. vasculiforme. Shaped
plants and pteridophytes that goes like a little pot.
from the roots through the stem and vasculose. vasculoso. The substance
into the leaves, along which wa- composing the principal part of the
ter and soluble nutrients pass; plant’s vascular tissue.
contributes to the plant’s structural vasculum. vasculo. An ascidium.
support; fascicle. vasicentric. vasicentrico. Paratracheal.
vascular cambium. cambium vascu- vasiform tracheid(e). traqueida vasi-
lar. An actively dividing cell tis- forme. A wide tracheid capable of
sue in stems and roots which in- conducting water.
creases the girth of plants; char- vector. vector. A transfer agent, such
acteristic of secondary growth, giv- as an insect, in the process of pol-
ing rise to secondary xylem and sec- lination; also, in recombinant DNA
ondary phloem; lateral meristem. activities, the plasmid or phange
vascular cryptogam. criptógamo vas- chromosome used to carry the
cular. A non-flowering organism cloned DNA segment.
which has vascular tissue. vegetable. verdura. vegetal. In botany,
vascular cylinder. cilindro vascular. the word is used only as descrip-
See stele. tive word (adjective) not as a nam-
vascular plant. planta vascular. A ing word (noun), as vegetable mat-
plant formed in part of vascular ter or vegetable substance. In com-
tissue that comprise the seed-pro- mon usage (as a noun), vegetable
ducing plants (spermatophytes) and may refer to a group of plants, such
the fern and fern-like plants (pteri- as lettuce (Asteraceae) or cabbage
dophytes); tracheophyte. (Bassica).
vegetable ivory 468 vein
vegetable ivory. marfil vegetal. The tativo. A collective term referring
bony endosperm of certain palms to the growth of stems and foli-
(Palmae). age.
vegetable kingdom. reino vegetal. See vegetative nucleus. núcleo vegetativo.
Plant kingdom. The tube-nucleus of a pollen grain
vegetal. vegetal. Having character- in flowering plants.
istics common to both plants and vegetative pattern. diseño vegetativa.
animals, as absorption, growth, and The study of community diversity
nutrition. in relation to habitat diversity within
vegetation. vegetación. A collective a geographic area.
term for the total plant life grow- vegetative propagation. propagación
ing in a particular area; a mass of vegetativa. A form of asexual re-
growing plants. productive process in multicellu-
vegetation mosaic. mosaico de vegetac- lar plants in which new plants de-
ión. A general term for a virus in- velop from the unspecialized plant
fection in plants in which angular parts (roots, stems, leaves) of the
patches of yellow appear on leaves parent plant.
forming a mosaic pattern. vegetative reproduction. reproducción
vegetative. vegetativo. A state, con- vegetativa. A type of propagation
dition, or structure concerned with or reproduction that occurs with-
feeding and growing rather than out fertilization and seed forma-
with sexual reproduction, as veg- tion. Asexual reproduction by de-
etative reproduction is asexual; also, tachment of part of the plant which
in describing microbial develop- then develops into a complete plant.
mental stages, a metabolically ac- See vegetative propagation.
tive feeding and dividing form, as vegetative state. estado vegetativa.
distinct from dormant, seemingly A stage in a plant’s life cycle when
inert, non-dividing form, as a bac- reproduction occurs asexually with
terial cell versus its spore. the detachment of some part of the
vegetative bud. yema vegetativa. A plant and its ensuing development
bud that forms new branches and into a complete plant; also, the non-
leaves but not flowers. infective state in a phage.
vegetative cell. célula vegetativo. A vehicle. vehiculo. An inanimate ma-
growing cell, which differs from terial (solid object, liquid, or air)
a cell that forms spores (spore that serves as a transmission agent
Mother Cell). This refers particu- for pathogens.
larly to the tube cell of angiosperm veil. velo. An evanescent membrane
pollen grains, which is the only over an apothecium; also, a sheath
vegetative cell of the male game- of hyphae forming a complete mem-
tophyte. brane over the fruit body of an
vegetative core. corazón vegetativo. agaric.
The apical meristem of a shoot. vein. nervadura. vena. One of the
vegetative frond. fronda vegetativo. strands or bundles of conducting
Fronds that lack sporangia. tissue (xylem and phloem) that
vegetative growth. crecimiento vege- forms the main framework of a leaf
veinal 469 ventricose
or petal. Smooth or soft to touch or taste.
veinal. venal. nerval. Of or pertain- venation. venación. nervadura. The
ing to veins. pattern of vein development in a
vein-band. banda de vena. nervadura leaf; the surface arrangement of vis-
de banda. An indicator of a virus ible leaf veins.
infection in which bands of lighter venenatus. venenatus. Latin mean-
or darker color occur along the ing “poisonous”.
main leaf vein. venomous. venenoso. Poisonous.
vein-clearing. vena-aclarado. nerva- venose. venoso. Veiny.
dura-aclarado. An indicator of a venous. venosa. Of or pertaining to
virus infection in which the leaf veins.
veins become unnaturally clear or venter. ventir. In moss (Musci) and
translucent. fern (Filicopsida), the expanded
vein islet. islote de vena. A very small basal area of an archegonium in
patch of photosynthetic tissue in which the oosphere is developed.
a leaf, more or less surrounded by ventral. ventral. Refers to the surface
a small vein. that is toward or nearest the axis;
veined. nervado. Having veins or inner or lower face of an organ,
vein-like markings. as a carpel; the upper surface of a
veinless. enervio. Without veins. leaf; also, anterior or in front; adax-
veinlet. nérvulo. A small vein, usu- ial.
ally branching off from a larger vein. ventral placentation. placentación ven-
veiny. venia. Multi-veined. tral. A placenta position along the
velamen. velamen. A cork-like outer margin of a simple ovary; marginal
covering on the aerial roots of cer- placentation.
tain plants, e.g. epiphytic orchids ventral canal cell. célula canal del
(Orchidaceae), consisting of sev- vientre. An unwalled cell which
eral layers of dead cells, often with lies in the venter of an archegon-
spirally thickened and perforated ium, above the egg, which is a sister
walls, which soak up water run- cell.
ning over it. ventral side. lado ventral. Refers to
velate. velado. Having a velum or the top or upper side of a perianth
veil. part.
velum. velo. A membranous flap that ventral suture. sutura ventral. The
covers or partially covers the spo- presumed line of junction of the
rangium, as in Isoetaceae; veil. edges of the unfolded carpel.
velum partiale. parcial velo. Partial ventral trace. traza ventral. One of
veil. the two laterally placed vascular
velum universale. velo universal. Uni- strands often present in the wall
versal veil. of a carpel.
velutinous. velutino. A type of hairy ventral wall. pared ventral. In a guard
covering in which the trichomes cell, the wall closest to the stomatal
are dense, straight, long, velvety, pore.
and soft. ventricose. ventricoso. Swelling out
velvety. velutino. aterciopelado. on one side, as a perianth and
ventricosus 470 verticil
hypanthium structure that is inflated to bloom and bear fruit early by
on one side near the middle; a ven- subjecting the seed or bulb to low
tricose calyx; also, having an in- temperatures.
flated bulge at one side. vernation. vernación. The arrange-
ventricosus. ventricosus. Latin that ment of bud scales, young leaves,
means, “swollen, especially on one or fronds in the bud, when refer-
side”. ring to their folding, coiling, or
ventricular. ventricular. Having a bulge other similar characteristics; condu-
in the middle. plicate.
ventriculose. ventriculoso. Slightly verruca. verruga. A wart or wart-like;
ventricose. also, wart-like outgrowth on a thal-
venule. vénula. A small vein, espe- lus.
cially one that connects to a larger verruciform. verruciforme. Resembling
one. a wart.
venulose. vénula. Having veinlets. verruculose. verruculoso. Slightly ver-
venulous. vénulo. See venulose. rucose.
vermicular. vermicular. Having the verrucose. verrugoso. Having a wart-
shape of a worm. like appearance; tuberculate.
vermiform. vermiforme. Having the versatile. versátil. Attached at the back,
shape of a worm. near the middle rather than at one
vernacular. habla local. The common end, as an anther, which gives the
name of a plant, differing from the appearance of swinging free on the
scientific name, as Black-eyed filament, helping in the dispersal
Susan for Rudbeckia hiria. of pollen.
vernal. vernal. In the late spring; also, versicolor. versicolor. Having vari-
used in reference to the six part ous colors; iridescent.
division of the year: vernal, aestival, versicolorous. versicoloro. Not all
autumnal, hibernal, prevernal, and the same color; also, changing color
vernal; also, appearing in the late with maturity.
spring, as vernal flowers. versiform. versiforme. Changing form
vernalis. vernalis. Latin meaning with age; also, said of organs of
“spring”. the same kind but which are not
vernalization. vernalización. The proc- all the same shape.
ess of vernalizing or transforming, vertex. vértice. vertex. The point op-
as changing winter cereals into posite to and farthest from the base
spring varieties by soaking and of a triangle or other similar shapes
chilling; also, a flowering process with a base.
by which floral induction in some vertical. vertical. Lying in the direc-
plants is promoted by exposing the tion of the stem or axis, as leaves
plants to a chilling temperature for position with the blade perpendicu-
a specified time period; lowering lar, so that neither side is obviously
temperatures of a plant to shorten the upper or lower surface; length-
the interval between sowing and wise.
flowering. verticil. verticilo. An arrangement of
vernalize. vernalizar. Forcing a plant three or more flowers, leaves, or
verticillaster 471 vexillary
other parts which surround the stem cation with adjacent elements by
at the same plane; a whorl, as the means of numerous pits in the side
inflorescence in many Lamiaceae; walls.
whorl. vessel element. elemento vaso. In-
verticillaster. verticilastro. Arising dividual cells of xylem, that com-
from the nodes of an elongated ra- bine end to end, to form a vessel;
chis, a pair of axillary flower clus- also, one of two homologous
ters facing each other; a kind of tracheary elements, tracheid and
inflorescence which appears like vessel, with the vessel element
a dense whorl of flowers, but is perforate and found in some spe-
really a combination of two crowded cies of Equisetum (Equisetaceae)
dichiasal cymes, one at each side and Selaginella (Selaginellaceae),
of the stem; false whorl. a few ferns (Marsilea ((Marsile-
verticillate. verticilado. Arranged in aceae)), Pteridium ((Dennstaedti-
one or more whorls or verticils; as aceae)) , the Gnetales (Gneto-
verticillate leaves or flowers. psida), and almost all angiosperms.
vesicle. vesícula. Any small cavity, sac, vessel member. miembro elemento.
or bladder-like structure contain- See vessel element.
ing fluid or air, as often occurs in vestige. vestigio. A part or organ that
the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells; is no longer fully developed struc-
also, membrane-found particles turally or functionally useful.
pinched off by the constriction of vestigial. vestigial. A part or organ
a membrane, as in the Golgi ap- that is no longer fully developed
paratus. structurally or functionally, although
vesicular. vesicular. Of or pertain- believed historically to have been
ing to a vesicle; bladder-like. complete at an earlier time.
vesiculose. vesiculado. Having vesi- vestigial organ. órgano vestigial. An
cles; also, swollen like a bladder; organ or structure which is greatly
also having the appearance of be- reduced in size; often non-func-
ing composed of small bladders. tioning.
vespertine. vespertino. Opening in the vestigial stipel. estipela vestigial. The
evening, as vespertine flowers that remnants of a small or a minute
open in the evening or night; also, stipel found at the base of a leaf.
parts that appear or expand dur- vestigial stipule. estípula vestigial.
ing the evening. The remnants of small or minute
vessel. vaso. A tube carrying liquids leaf- like appendages (stipules) at-
and mineral salts, and acts in me- tached at the base of a leaf stalk
chanical support; in angiosperms, or leaf petiole.
the primary water-conducting cell vestiture. indumento. Any hairy, epi-
system in the xylem. It is a non- dermal covering on the surface of
living element of the xylem com- organs or parts.
posed of a tube-like series of cells, vexillar. vexilar. Relating to the stand-
arranged end-to-end, running par- ard.
allel to the long axis of the organ vexillary. vexilar. Of or pertaining
in which it lies, and in communi- to the vexillum.
vexillary estivation 472 virgatus
vexillary estivation. estivación vexilar. villous. viloso. Having or covered with
A form of estivation or prefloration long, soft, crooked hairs, but not
when the exterior petal, as in the matted.
case of the vexillum, is the larg- villus. villus. A thin branching out-
est, and sheathes the other petals. growth from the “stem” of a moss
vexillum. vexilo. estandarte. The (Musci).
upper, usually wide petal in a vimen. vimen. Long, flexible shoots.
papilionaceous corolla; standard; vimina. vimina. A long, flexible shoot.
banner; vane. vimineous. vimineo. Producing vimina
viability. viabilidad. The period of or long flexible twigs or shoots,
time an organism remains alive; as a vimineous plant.
also, used to describe the length vinaceous. vinaceo. Wine colored.
of time before a seed will fail to vine. bejuco. A type of annual or per-
germinate; also, the measure of the ennial plant that is characterized
number of individuals surviving in by an elongated, weak stem which
one class relative to another stand- climbs or trails on some support;
ard class. may have either a herbaceous or
viable. viable. Having the capacity to woody texture.
live, grow, or develop, as a spore, vinicolor. vinicolor. Having the color
or seed. of wine.
vicariad. vicariade. See vicariance. violaceous. violaceo. Violet in color;
vicariance. vicariancia. The geographi- also, pertaining to Violaceae, the
cal separation of similar species violet family.
by a barrier such as a mountain violet color. color violeta. A bluish-
range or by a shift in the earth’s purple color.
crust. viral. viral. vírico. Of or pertain-
vicarious distribution. distribución vi- ing to a virus.
varia. Closely related species pairs virdescent. virdescente. See virescent.
which are derived from a common virens. virens. verde. Green.
ancestor; as one species replaces virescence. virescencia. Plant parts
the other geographically (not eco- changing to a green color, by the
logically) their distribution is said abnormal presence of chlorophyll.
to be vicarious. virescent. virescente. Becoming green;
vicarious species. especies vicario. See greenish; also, an abnormal green
vicariance. condition, sometimes accompanied
vicillin. vicilina. A globulin occuring by the development of small,
in pea seeds. crowded leaf-like structures, due
vicinism. vicinismo. An unexpected to the attack of a parasite or other
outcrossing. disease.
villi. vellosidad. Long, straight, soft virgate. virguliforme. Wand-like; also,
hair that cover some fruit and flow- producing a large number of long,
ers. slender, and straight twigs, as a
villose. viloso. See villous. virgate stem.
villosulous. vilosule. Covered with tiny, virgatus . virgatus. Latin meaning
soft, crooked trichomes. “twiggy”.
virgin soil 473 visible
virgin forest. selva virgen. bosque teriophage that destroys the host
virgen. A forest in its natural state, bacteria by lysis; intemperate phage.
never cleared or cut by humans; virus (pl.viruses). virus. A crystal-like,
old-growth forest. non-cellular organism or particle,
virgin soil. suelo virgen. A soil that which has no metabolism of its own
has not been significantly disturbed and depends on other living cells
from its natural environment. for reproduction and growth; com-
virgin. virgen. In a natural state. posed of a protein coat and a central
virguliform. virguliforme. Rod or core of DNA or RNA, but not both.
wand-shaped. virusoid. virusoide. A particle similar
viridi-. viridi-. A Latin prefix for to a viroid but located inside the
“green”. protein coat of a true virus.
virion. virión. A mature individual virus virus particle. partícula vírica. See
particle composed of RNA or DNA virion.
surrounded by a protein shell (cap- viscid. víscido. Covered with a thick,
sid), sometimes enclosed in an en- sticky, or glutinous substance, as
velope, and constituting the infec- viscid leaves.
tious form of the virus. viscid disseminule. disemínulo víscida.
virogene. virogen. A virus producing A seed or spore with a sticky sur-
gene. face or hair, and is commonly dis-
viroid. viroide. Disease causing pieces persed by becoming attached to an
of nucleic acid which resemble vi- animal.
ruses, but are only small, closed viscidosus. viscidosus. Latin mean-
circles of RNA with no capsid. ing “sticky or clammy surface”.
Although all known viroids are plant viscidulum. viscidulado. A glandu-
pathogen, it is possible that ani- lar structure attached to the pollinia
mal versions exist. of an orchid; adheres to the body
virological. virológico. Petaining to of pollinating insects.
viruses. viscin. viscina. The sticky substance
virology. virología. The study of vi- produced in the fruits of mistle-
ruses. toe.
virologist. virologista. One who studies viscoid. viscoide. Viscid; rather sticky.
viruses. viscosity. viscosidad. A property of
virulence. virulencia. The disease pro- fluids that causes them to resist
ducing capacity of a microorgan- flowing.
ism; the capacity of a pathogen to viscotaxis. viscotaxis. A change in
invade and harm host cells; also, the direction of movement in a
the degree or measurement of patho- motile organism or cell, respond-
genicity. ing to a change in the viscosity of
virulent. virulento. Having the ca- the surrounding fluid.
pacity to break down or overcome viscous. viscico. Thick and highly
the resistance of the host; highly dense.
infectious, as virulent microorgan- visible. visible. In genetics, a mutant
isms. whose phenotype may be observed;
virulent phage. fago virulento. A bac- differing from lethals, which are
vital staining 474 vulviform
only inferred. essential oil.
vital staining. coloración vital. tinción volatilization. volatilización. The
vital. A process of staining than process of evaporation; to pass into
can enter a living cell without caus- the atmosphere as a gas.
ing it injury. volcanic soil. suelo de volcánico. A
Vitamin C. ceviatámico. vitamina C. soil derived from volcanic ash under
See ascorbic acid. tropical conditions. If basic they
vitamin. vitamina. A complex organic develop rapidly into fertile soils,
substance produced mostly by but take much longer if they are
photosynthetic organisms, essen- acid.
tial in minute amounts for human voluble. voluble. Ascending around
growth and development. other branches or stems in a spi-
viti-. viti-. A Latin prefix that means, ral; twining.
“pertaining to a vine”. volubilis. volubilis. Latin meaning
vitelline. vitelina. Egg-yellow in color. “twining”.
vitreous. vítreo. Transparent. volunteer plant. planta voluntario. A
vitta. vita. One of the many long, club- plant that occurs through natural
shaped tubes for carrying oil in the propagation rather than by having
fruit of the Umbelliferae; also, a been planted by humans.
type of virus disease in which volute. voludo. Rolled up.
necrotic streaks develop. volutin granules. gránulos de volutina.
vitate. vitado. Having longitudinal Granular cytoplasmic inclusions
ridges or stripes. which stain intensely with basic
viviparous. vivíparo. Sprouting on the dyes. They are believed to con-
parent plant, as bulblets which form tribute to the formation of chro-
in some inflorescences, as in some matin; also, stored food substances
grasses (Poaceae), the spider plant in fungi, especially yeasts.
(Commelinaceae) and in some volva. volva. A cup-shaped (cupuli-
mangroves; also, a form of asexual form) sheath that surrounds the stem
reproduction, as in onions (Lilia- of some agaric fruit in the early
ceae), in which a bulb-like struc- stages of growth, rupturing as the
ture develops, forming a new plant fruit body enlarges, and sometimes
when detached from the parent. remaining around the base of the
viviporous. viviporoso. Character- stipe, as a cup or pouch.
ized by beginning embryo growth volvate. volvado. Possessing a volva.
while still attached to the mother vulgaris. vulgaris. Common.
plant. vulviform. vulviforme. Cleft with
volatile oils. aceite volátil. Terpenes projecting edges.
made of two to four isoprene units;
W 475 water leaf

W. W. A class of flowers pollinated chlorine, with the residues pumped

by the wind. out and spread over land areas (often
wall. pared. The side part or rela- crop land).
tively rigid boundary of and hol- water bloom. flor de agua. A dense
low structure, as a cell wall. population of planktonic algae,
wall pressure. presión parietal. The mostly Myxophyceae, which may
hydrostatic pressure on water; in suddenly develop on bodies of fresh
a turgid plant cell, pressure potential water due to favorable growth con-
is said to be positive, but in tran- ditions.
spiring xylem, which is under con- water calyx. cáliz de agua. A closed-
siderable tension, the pressure po- sac calyx in which hydathodes
tential is said to be negative; some- secrete water so that other flower
times referred to as turgor pres- parts may continue their develop-
sure. ment without damage from dryness.
wanting. ausente. Not present; with- water conduction. conducción de agua.
out; absent. The process by which moisture is
warping (of land). aterramiento. moved (conducted) from the ground
cegamiento. colmatación. A type through the plant’s root and stem
of traditional farming where a river system.
is allowed to temporarily flood low- water culture. cultivo de agua. An
lying areas to obtain silt for crops experimental means of determing
and to reduce the need for further the mineral requirment of a plant.
irrigation that season. The plant is grown with its roots
wart. verruga. A firm protuberance; dipping into solutions of known
a small blunt-tipped, rounded components.
upgrowth. water cycle. ciclo del agua. The cy-
warty. verrucoso. Resembling warts cle in which precipitation falls with
or having bumps like warts. some of the water evaporating, some
waste. desecho. Unusable or excess running off, and some percolating
material left from the breakdown into the soil for plant use (taken
of tissue. in by the roots systems) and re-
wastewater lagoon. lagua de aguas leased back into the atmosphere by
residuales. A large pond where transpiration; used in plant pho-
air, sunlight, and microorganisms tosynthesis, and respiration.
break down wastes, allow solids water leaf. hoja acuática. Any of the
to settle out, and kill some disease- plants that are classified in the genus
causing bacteria; generally a 30 day Hydrophyllium (Hydr ophyll-
process involving the addition of aceae).
water lily 476 waxy
water lily. ninfea. nenúfar. Any plant Soaked or totally saturated with
of the family Nymphaeaceae. water, as a swamp.
water mold. moho de agua. An aquatic waterlogging. encharcamiento. satur-
fungus, especially Saprolegniales. ación de agua en el suelo. Satu-
water pollution. polución del agua. ration of the soil with irrigation
contaminación del agua. Any water or excessive precipitation,
physical or chemical change in with the water table rising close
surface or ground water that is ca- to the surface.
pable of harming living organisms. watershed. divisoria de agua. cuenca.
water pore. hidatodo. Hydathode. A natural land area or artificial
water potential. potencial del agua. drainage basin that delivers water,
In plant systems, the water poten- sediment, and dissolved substances
tial is the relative capacity of water to major rivers via small streams
molecules to do work by interacting and artificial drains.
with each other; it is made of the water vesicle. agua de vesicula. A
solute potential, the matrix poten- much enlarged epidermal cell which
tial, and the pressure potential. stores water.
water sprouts. vástago de agua. A W-chromosome. cromosoma W. Some-
type of shoot that grows from dor- times used for X chromosome
mant lateral buds on trunks which where the female is the hetergamous
have long and often variable in- sex.
ternodal lengths or intervals; Watson-Crick. Watson-Crick. Pertain-
epicormic shoots. ing to or derived from the double-
water storing tissue. tejido acuífero. helical model of the molecular struc-
A group of large, often thin-walled ture of DNA devised by James D.
cells inside a plant in which wa- Watson (1929) and Francis H. C.
ter is stored and from which it is Crick (1916)
withdrawn in times of drought. wavy. onduloso. Wave-like or un-
water table. tabla de agua. lámina de dulating on the border or surface,
agua. The point or depth at which as a leaf with a wavy margin.
the ground or soil below is per- wax cap. sombrerete de cera. gorra
manently saturated with water; also, de cera. The common name for the
the upper surface of ground wa- waxy, brightly colored fruit bod-
ter. ies of fungi, especially of the family
water. agua. A colorless, tasteless, Hygrophoraceae.
odorless liquid compound of hy- wax. cera. A wax-like substance se-
drogen and oxygen that is essen- creted by some species, as the palm
tial to most plants and animals. Ceroxylon andicola (Palmae); also,
waterlogged soil. suelo anegado. Soil a lipid material having a high melt-
that is temporarily or permanently ing point, somewhat impermeable
soaked or filled totally with wa- to water, and with oxygen inserted
ter; can result in the root systems in the molecule.
of some species not getting air and waxy. ceroso. Covered with wax; also,
dying. resembling wax in appearance;
waterlogged. anegado. inundado. having a smooth, shinny texture,
weak 477 wild type
as a waxy leaf. swamps, especially along coasts
weak. débil. Easily torn, broken, or which are regularly flooded by tides.
bent; also, low gluten content, as whiplash. flagelo. A little used word
in wheat (Poaceae). for flagellum, a whip-like tail or
weather. estado atmosférico. condic- structure for locomotion on cer-
iones meterológicas. Short term tain cells, bacteria etc; also, a run-
changes in the temperature, baro- ner of a plant.
metric pressure, humidity, precipi- whip-like. flageliforme. Having the
tation, sunshine, cloud cover, wind form of a whip, long, thin, and flex-
direction, and speed, and other fac- ible. See whiplash.
tors in the troposphere of a spe- white (haired). canoso (en indu-
cific place and time. mentos). A white, hairy covering.
weathering. meteorización. disgregac- white color. color blanco. A color like
ión. The various physical and milk, containing all of the visible
chemical changes occurring in rays of the spectrum; opposite of
rocks, at or near the earth’s sur- black.
face, by atmospheric agents. white frost. escarcha blanco; White,
webbed. palmado. palmeado. With feather-like, interlocking crystals
an interconnecting network of fila- of frozen dew; hoarfrost.
ments, fibers, hairs, or veins; pal- whitish. blanquecino. Moderately white
mate. in color; somewhat white.
wedge-shaped. cuneiforme. Broad and whorl. verticilo. A circle of three or
truncate at the top and tapering more buds or leaves around a stem;
down to the base; cuneiform. also, a cyclic group of sepals, pet-
weed. maleza. mala hierba. cizaña. als, stamens, or carpels; verticil;
Any troublesome plant that colo- also, the arrangement of organs in
nizes or appears opportunistically a way that they arise from another
on cultivated or otherwise disturbed organ at a common level.
habitats, especially those detrimen- whorled. verticilado. An arrangement
tal to crops or toxic to animals; also, of three or more leaves or other
any plant not valued for its beauty structures attached symmetrically
or use. at a node, as a whorled plant; ver-
weedy. arvense. Full of weeds. ticillate.
wet rot. podredumbre de la madera wide distribution. repartición exten-
causada por un hongo. A type of dido. área de distribución exten-
timber decay found only in wet dido. A condition in which taxo-
wood; caused by the fungus Conio- nomic groups have an extensive
phora puteana. range.
wet. húmedo. mojado. Moist or con- wild. silvestre. sin cultivar. Occurring
taining water; also, rainy, misty, in a natural state, without human
snowy, as wet weather. intervention.
wetland. pantano. A general term ap- wild type. tipo silvestre. tipo salvaje.
plied to water habitats that are The phenotype or genotype found
seasonally or permanently water- in nature or in the standard labo-
logged land, as marshes, bogs, and ratory stock for a particular organ-
wild-type gene 478 winged fruit
ism. the air, caused by the upward move-
wild-type gene. gen de tipo silvestre. ment of warm air and the subse-
The allele most frequently found quent in-rushing of cooler air to
at a particular gene locus, as dis- fill the void.
tinguished from a mutant type gene. wind dispersal. anemocoria. The
wilderness. yermo. desierto. An ex- spreading or scattering of pollen,
tensive area of land which has never seeds and fruit by wind currents;
been permanently occupied or de- anemochory.
veloped by humans; existing in a wind erosion. erosión eólica. A gradual
nearly natural state or condition. wearing away of top soil or rocks
wilt. marchitarse. To become limp or by wind.
flaccid from heat or the lack of wind pollination. anemofilia. anemo-
water; loss of turgidity. gamia. Fertilization by pollen car-
wilted. marchito. ajado. mustio. Lack- ried by the wind, especially plants
ing firmness or turgidity. with an inconspicuous flower, as
wilt disease. marchitamiento. march- in grasses (Poaceae) , birches
itez. A plant disease in which loss (Betulaceae), and sages (Labia-
of turgidity is the major symptom; tae); also, the conveyance of pol-
frequently due to an infection from len from anthers to stigmas by wind;
a fungus belonging to the Deutero- anemophily.
mycotina, as verticillium wilt. windborne. transportado por el viento.
wilting. secamiento. A limpness that Transported by the wind, as some
occurs when plant tissue contains pollen.
insufficient water to hold the cells windbreak. barrera contra el viento.
rigid. A row of trees or shrubs planted
wilting coefficient. coeficiente de to partially block wind flow and
marchitamiento. The percentage reduce soil erosion on cultivated
of water in a soil when a plant be- land.
gins to wilt. winding. sinuoso. serpenteo. Twisting
wilting percentage. porcentaje de or curving around.
marchitamiento. The percentage windward. barlovento. The side to-
of soil water not available to the ward which the wind is blowing.
roots; plants wilt when the soil wing. ala. Any structure that has a
moisture is reduced to the wilting thin, flattened extension or projec-
percentage. tion which appears to be a wing,
wilting point. punto de marchitez. as the lateral petals in the Fabaceae;
The moisture content of soil at also, a thin, dry membranous ap-
which plants wilt and fail to re- pendage of a structure, as the airfoil
cover; sometimes referred to as the of a samara; also, the downward
Permanent Wilting Point (PWP); continuing base of a decurrent leaf;
also, the pF value when the soil winged bark. corteza alado. A type
cannot supply water rapidly enough of tree bark with one or more long,
to make up the losses by transpi- thin, expanded longitudinal plates.
ration. winged fruit. fruto alado. sámara.
wind. viento. The natural motion of A dry fruit with a wing-like ex-
winged leaf 479 woodland
tension; samara. spore.
winged leaf. hoja alado. A pinnate wiry. alambrino. Like a wire in shape
or pinnately divided leaf. and texture; stiff and wire-like, as
winged nut. nuez alado. A type of ac- some vines.
cessory fruit in which the nut is with corona. coronado. Having a circle
surrounded by a wing-like bract, of florets, as a composite flower;
as in hornbeams (Betulaceae). also, having a cup-like appendage
winged seed. semilla alado. Seeds of the corolla or petals attached to
with wing-like extensions, as a a stem, as in milkweeds (Ascle-
maple tree (Aceraceae) which has piadaceae); also, having an append-
a double samara with one seed in age on top of a seed that aids in
each half. dispersal; corolliferous.
winged. alado. Having flatten, blade- with in. dentro. en el interior. In-
like margins, as with certain peti- side or internal.
oles; alate. with perianth. periantado. Having a
wing-shaped. aliforme. Resembling perianth.
a wing in shape; aliform. wither. marchitar. To wilt or become
winter. invierno. In the North Tem- limp from heat or lack of water.
perate Zone, the coldest time of withering. marchitamiento. Drying up
the year, which includes the months or becoming wilted from heat or
of December, January, and Febru- lack of water.
ary. without a style. astilo. Having no style.
winter annual. anual invernal. A spe- without lamina. elaminado. Having no
cies that lives less than one year leaves or blades.
but through the winter season, ger- wood. madera. leño. Secondary xylem
minating in late summer or fall with which is found in many perennial
flowering and fruiting in the early plants, forming the bulk of trees
spring of the next year. and shrubs; composed of water
winter bud. yema de invierno. yema conducting vessels and/or tracheids,
hibernate. A hibernating vegeta- fibers, and parenchyma cells.
tive shoot; teleutobud. wood ray. madera radial. xilema ra-
winter dormancy. latencia invernal. dial. A ray of parenchyma cells
reposo invernal. Dormant during growing from the pith to the camb-
the winter season; not vegetating ium in a woody stem; xylem ray.
during the winter, as winter dor- wood ray parenchyma. parénquima de
mancy plants. madera radial. The parenchy-
winter hardiness. resistencia al frio. matous cells in a wood ray.
The capacity of a plant to withstand wood sugar. azucar de madera. xilosa.
extreme winter conditions. A crystalline sugar present in
winter spore. espora de invierno. woody plants; xylose.
teleutóspore. teliospore. A resting wood vessel. tráquea. Vessel. See tra-
or dormant spore that develops in chea.
the telial stage of the rust fungi wooded. arbolado. Covered with trees.
and germinates at the end of the woodland. bosque. A vegetation com-
winter season; teleutospore; telio- munity with a large number of trees
woody 480 wrinkle
which are more spread apart than to large. It heals the damage and
in a forest; tree crowns generally prevents the entry of parasites into
do not touch. the plant.
woody. leñoso. boscoso. Applied to wound hormone. necrohormona. A
plants composed of wood; also, substance produced in wounded
having a hard, lignified texture; tissue which is able to influence
also, possessing a high percentage the subsequent development of
of cells with thich secondary walls; parts of the plant; necrohomone.
usually with an active vascular wound parasite. parásite de herida.
cambium; ligneous. A parasite which can only gain entry
woody tissue. tejido lignificado. Tis- into the body of plant through a
sue which has become hard because wound.
of the presence of lignin in the walls. wound response. respuesta de herida.
woody vine. bejuco leñoso. Any of A specialized metabolic activity,
a number of vines from the gourd triggered by hormones after a plant
family having large, fleshy roots, is damaged by wind, rain, freez-
five-lobed leaves, and clusters of ing etc., that includes an increased
greenish-white flowers; bryony. rate of synthesis of various repair
wool. lana. A soft covering of en- systems, followed by the differen-
tangled hair, lying compactly on tiation of roots and buds in higher
the surface of some plant parts; plants.
tomentum. wound tissue. tejido de herida. A
woolly. lanoso. lanuginoso. Covered pad of parenchymatous cells formed
with long, entangled, soft hairs; by a cambium after wounding. It
lanate. may result in groups of meriste-
wound. herida. lesión. An injury to matic cells from roots and buds
a plant caused by some external forming.
force, as cutting or scraping. wrinkle. arruga. A small furrow or
wound cork. súber cicatrizal. A layer ridge in an otherwise smooth sur-
of cork cambium and cork formed face; corrugation.
below and around wounds, if not
x 481 xeromorphic

x. x. The basic or haploid number of X-chromosome. cromosoma X. The
chromosomes. sex chromosome containing numer-
xanthein. xanteina. The water-soluble ous genes which show sex-linkage.
coloring pigment in flowers, as xenia. xenia. The genetic effects pro-
distinguished from xanthine, the duced by pollen on a developing
non-water-soluble portion; also, a embryo or on the maternal tissues
yellow pigment sometimes present (endosperm) of the fruit; as corn
in cell sap. with white endosperm being pol-
xanthic. amarillento. Yellowish in linated by one with dark yellow
color; especially flower colors rang- endosperm producing seeds with
ing from yellow through orange to pale yellow endosperm.
red; also, of or pertaining to xan- xenobiotic. xenobiótico. A foreign
thine. substance capable of harming or
xanthin(e). xantina. The yellow, non- affecting an organism.
water-soluble coloring pigment in xenogamous. alógamo. xenógamo.
flowers, as distinguished from Of or pertaining to xenogamy or
xanthein, the water soluble portion. produced by cross-fertilization.
xantho-. xanto-. A Greek prefix that xenogamy. xenogamia. Pollination
means, “yellow”. between flowers of separate plants;
xanthocarpous. xantocárpico. Bearing cross fertilization.
yellow fruit. xenogenesis. xenogene. The supposed
xanthophore. xantóforo. A type of making of offspring wholly
chromatophore that contains a yel- xeric. xerico. Xerophyte.
low pigment which does not nu- xeric environment. medio ambiente
merically increase or decrease in xeric. A very dry environment;
response to outside stimuli as other lacking moisture; xerophytic.
types. xero-. xero-. A Greek prefix that
xanthophyll. xantofíla. A yellow crys- means, “dry”, as xerophyte; also,
talline pigment located in plastids xer- before vowels.
and made of oxygenated deriva- xeromorph. xeromorf. A plant that
tives of carotene, acting as acces- thrives in saltwater marshes or in
sory pigments during photosynthe- alkaline soils.
sis; seen in the autumn leaves. xeromorphic. xeromorfo. Having a
xanthophyllic. xantofílaico. Pertaining form not typical of the species as
to or containing xanthophyll. a result of habitat influences; also,
xanthospermous. xantospermo. Bear- having adaptations for surviving
ing yellow seeds. drought or life in a dry environ-
xeromorphy 482 xyloid
ment, as the succulent, water-stor- found in the cell walls of woody
ing stem of cacti; also, plants which tissues which yields xylose on hy-
are protected from water loss by drolysis; a hemicellulose made of
specialized morphological charac- xylose units.
teristics, e.g. thick cuticle. xylem. xilema. The woody tissue of
xeromorphy. xeromorfismo. Having higher plants, composed mostly of
morphological characters which aid woody fibers, tracheids, parenchy-
in the reduction of water loss. matous cells, and tracheae (in
xerophile. xerófile. A xerophyte. angiosperms), through which most
xerophilous. xerófilo. Thriving in hot, of the water and dissolved miner-
dry habitats. als utilized by a plant are conducted
xerophyte. xerófita. Plants that thrive upward from the roots.
in dry or arid habitats. xylem core. corazón de xilema. A solid
xerophytic. xerófito. Of or pertain- strand of xylem in the center of a
ing to xerophytes. stele.
xerophytism. xerofitismo. The quality xylem Mother Cell. célula madre de
or condition of being xerophytic. xilema. A daughter cell cut off from
xerosere. xerosere. xeroserie. The a cell of the cambium which is later
sequence of communities reflect- converted into a component of the
ing the stages of plant succession xylem.
which begins in an arid habitat or xylem parenchyma. parénquima xil-
with bare rock. ema. Parenchymatous cells occur-
xerothermic. xerotermo. Being both ring in the xylem, apart from those
hot and dry, as a xerothermic re- occurring in the vascular rays.
gion; also, thriving in hot, dry habi- xylic gap. espacio de xilico. A gap
tats, as xerothermic organisms. in the xylem opposite a leaf base.
xerothermous. xerotermo. Pertaining xylem ray. rayo xilema. Parenchyma
to xerothermic. cells growing from the pith to the
x generation. generación x. The gam- cambium in a woody stem; wood
etes. ray.
xiphoid. xifoide. Shaped like a sword; xylo-. xilo-. A Greek prefix that means,
ensiform. “wood” or “woody”, as xylocarp.
xiphophyllous. xifófilo. Having ensi- xylocarp. xilocarpo. A hard, woody
form or sword-shaped leaves. fruit.
X-linked. ligado-X. Pertaining to genes xylocarpous. xilocárpico. Bearing
on the X chromosome. fruit that becomes hard or woody.
x rays. rayos X. The portion of the xylochrome. xilocromo. A mixture
sun’s range of radiation which is of substances containing tannins,
immediately shorter than ultraviolet; gums, and resins which produces
between 0.1 and 100 nm. the heartwood color.
x-ray crystallography. cristalografía xylogen. xilogeno. Wood in a forma-
de rayos X. A method for study- tive state; lignin. See xylem.
ing the molecular and atomic struc- xylogenous. xilógeno. Living in or on
tures of a substance. wood.
xylan. xilan. A yellow, gummy pentosan xyloid. xiloide. Of wood; wood-like;
xylology 483 xylose
ligneous. a woody tumor on a plant.
xylology. xilología. The study of the xylophilous. xilófilo. Preferring to grow
structure of wood. on wood.
xyloma. xiloma. A sclerotium-like body xylose. xilosa. A crystalline sugar
which forms spores internally and (pentose) present in woody plants
does not put out branches which and formed by the hydrolysis of
develop into sporangiophores; also, xylan; wood sugar.
Y-chromosome 484 young plant

Y-chromosome. cromosoma Y. The (Xanthophyta) with yellow–green

sex chromosome found only in the to green chloroplasts masking the
heterogametic sex; differing in size chlorophyll; typically functioning
from the X-chromosome and with as motile spores (zoospores).
few or no major genes. Commonly, yellowing. amarilleamiento. amar-
only a short part of it pairs with illez. A general term for any plant
the X-chromosome at meiosis. disease or mineral deficiency in
yearly. anual. anualmente. Once a which yellowing is a characteris-
year; also, a plant that lives only tic symptom; often caused by
one year or one growing season, viruses, bacteria, and fungi; chlo-
as a yearly plant; annotinal. rosis
yeast. levadura. Minute, one-celled yellowish. amarillento. Of or pertain-
ascomycetous fungi (Saccharomy- ing to one of the shades of the color
cetaceae) which produce alcoholic yellow; xanthic.
fermentation in sugary fluids. yellow snow. nieve amarillo. Snow
yellow color. color amarillo. A color colored yellow by the growth on
lying between red and green in the it of certain algae, sometimes oc-
color spectrum. curring in the Alps and Antarctic
yellow enzyme. fermento amarillo. regions.
enzima amarillo. Compounds in Y-linked. ligado-Y. Pertaining to genes
electron transfer which are clearly on the Y chromosome.
associated with the cytochromes; young plant. plántula. planta de
flavoprotein. semillero. A seedling or an em-
yellow-green algae. alga amarillo- bryo of a seed recently germinated.
verde. A mainly freshwater algae
zantho- 485 zone

zantho-. zanto-. A Greek prefix that zoid. zoide. Zoospore.

means, “yellow”. zonal. zonal. Having circular bands
Z-chromosome. cromosoma Z. The sex of color, as the leaves of some ge-
chromosome occurring in hetero- raniums (Geraniaceae) are zonal.
gametic females and homogametic zonal soil. suelo zonal. A broad group
males. of soils occurring in one of the main
zeatin. zeatina. A plant hormone (cy- climatic regions of the world.
tokinin), originally found in young zonate. zonado. Marked or colored
corn (Poaceae). in circular rings or zones; also, said
zeaxanthol. zeaxantol. Lutein. of tetraspores formed in a row of
zecanin. zecanina. A glutelin protein. four and not in a tetrahedral group.
zedoary. zedoarío. An aromatic sub- zonation. zonación. The distribution
stance occurring in the roots of of plants in zones of a particular
some plants in the genus Curcuma character; e.g. light availability de-
(Scitamineae), that is used in medi- termining the limits of distribution,
cines and perfumes. resulting in the zonation of the seas:
zein. zeinda. A protein found in corn red algae growing at great depths,
(Poaceae) used in the manufacture brown algae in the intermediate
of many plastics, adhesives and depths, and green algae growing
coatings. the well-lighted upper depths; also,
zeitgeber. zeitgeber. Any of the time- the formation of bands of differ-
based stimuli, such as light, dark, ent color on the surface of a plant;
or temperature that induces a re- also, the formation of fungi in cul-
sponse in the biological clock of ture, of a concentric band of color,
an organism, as night flowering. texture, abundance of spores etc;
zeromorph. zeromorf. See xeromorph. also, the occurrence of vegetation
zerophile. zerófile. See xerophile. in bands, each having its charac-
zerophyte. zerófita. See xerophyte. teristic, domininat species; also, a
zeugite. zeugito. A cell in which nu- stage in the development of an
clear fusion occurs. oogonium when the contents are
zinc. cinc. zinc. A shiny, bluish- arranged in two or more well-
white metallic element with the marked zones.
chemical symbol of Zn which is zone. zona. A geographic area char-
important in leaf and internode acterized by certain forms of plants
growth; deficiency gives a rosette- determined by environmental in-
style distortion of the leaves. fluences; also, in ecology an area
Zn. Zn. The chemical symbol for the or belt with more or less uniform
element zinc. vegetation; also, a band of color,
zone of saturation 486 zygotene
hairs, etc. on the surface. Photosystem II and Photosystem
zone of saturation. saturación de zona. I
An area where are available pores zwitterion. zwitterion. An ion with both
in the soil and rock are filled by a negative and positive charge (di-
water. See water table. polar).
zone lines. lineas zona. Narrow dark zygo-. cigo-. A Greek prefix that means,
brown or black lines in decaying “joined” or “married”.
wood, commonly caused by fungi zygomorphic. cigomorfo. zigomorfa.
zoobiotic. zoobiótico. A parasite living zigomórfica. A flower or another
in association with an animal. part that is bilaterally symmetri-
zoochorous. zoocoro. Said of spores cal on one plane; can be divided
or seeds dispersed by animals. equally into two identical halves
zoogamete. zoogameto. A motile gam- (mirror image) by one line being
ete; planogamete. drawn through the middle, as a
zoogl(o)ea. zooglea. A mucilaginous snapdragon (Scrophulariaceae) or
mass of bacteria embedded in a an orchid (Orchidaceae); irregu-
slimy material derived from the lar.
swollen cell walls. zygomorphism. cigomorfismo. Being
zoogonium. zoogonio. Zoospore. in a zygomorphic condition.
zoophile. zoófilo. A zoophilous plant zygomorphy. cigomorfiismo. See
or its seed. zygomorphic.
zoophilic. zoófilico. See zoophilous. zygonema. cigónema. Zygotene.
zoophilous. zoófilo. Plants that are pol- zygophase. cigófase. The diploid phase
linated by animals. in a life history.
zoophily. zoofilia. Pollinated by ani- zygophore. cigóforo. A mycelial branch
mals. bearing a gametangium.
zoophyte. zoófito. A group of inver- zygophyte. cigófito. A plant that re-
tebrate animals resembling plants, produces by the means of zygo-
such as sea anemones, corals, spores.
sponge, and others. zygosis. cigosis. zigosis. The union
zoosporangial. zoosporangial. Of or of cells or gametes.
pertaining to zoosporangium. zygosporangium. cigósporangio. zigó-
zoosporangium. zoosporangio. A spo- sporangio. A sporangium produc-
rangium or container that produces ing zygospores.
zoospore, releasing them through zygospore. cigospora. zigóspora. A
and opening at the apex of the spore formed by the union of two
zoosporangium. similar gametes; a zygote with a
zoospore. zoospora. An asexual spore thick, protective wall.
with independent motion, that zygosporophore. cigosporóforo. The
occurs in non-motile organisms, as suspensor of the Zygomycetes.
certain fungi and algae. zygote. cigoto. zigoto. The cell pro-
zoosporic. zoosporico. Pertaining to duced by the union of two gam-
or resembling a zoospore. etes; also, a fertilized ovum before
Z-scheme. Z-esquema. A diagram rep- further differentiation.
resenting electron flow through zygotene. cigóteno. zigóteno. The
zygotic 487 zwitter ion
substage of the prophase of meio- being an enzyme; also, a non-
sis I when homologous chromo- catalytic substance formed by plants
somes become paired. The five and animals as a stage in the de-
stages of prophase are: leptotene, velopment of an enzyme. It is con-
zygotene, the pachytene, the diplo- verted into an enzyme and a pro-
tene, and diakinesis. See synaptene. tein by the action of a kinase.
zygotic. cigótico. zigótico. Of, per- zymogenic. cimógeno. Of or pertaining
taining to, or resembling a zygote. to zymogen.
zygotic meiosis. meiosis cigótico. A zymogenous. cimógeno. See zymo-
meiosis occurring at the first two genic.
divisions of the nucleus resulting zymogenus. cimogénero. Producing en-
from gametic union. zymes.
zygotic number. número cigótico. The zymohexose. cimóhexosa. The enzyme
diploid chromosome number. which catalyses the splitting of
zygozoospore. cigózoospora. A motile hexose diphosphate to triose phos-
zygospore. phate.
zygotropism. cigótropismo. The cur- zymology. cimología. The study of
vature of the gametophore of one fermentation.
strain of a fungus towards one of zymolysis. cimolisis. The fermentative
an opposite strain. actions of enzymes on sugars.
zymase. cimasa. zimasa. An intra- zymophyte. cimófito. A bacterium that
cellular enzyme group in yeast, that causes fermentation.
in the absence of oxygen, changes zymotic. cimótico. Pertaining to or
sugar into lactic acid or alcohol and caused by fermentation.
carbon dioxide. zwitter ion. ion de zwitter. An ion
zyme. zima. A substance causing fer- with two active charges such as
mentation; ferment. when the two active groups of an
zymogen. cimógeno. enzima precusor. amphoteric substance are ionized
A bacteria with the capacity of together.
A accepdor de carbono dióxido


A. A. sion.
AB. AB. abscisión estrato. abscission layer.
a-. a-. absorción. absorption.
ab-. ab-. absorción pasivo. passive absorp-
abastonado faríngeo. pharyngeal rod. tion.
abaxial. abaxial. absorción selectivo. selective absorp-
abayado. baccate. tion.
aberración. aberration. absorber. absorb.
aberrante. aberrant. abstrición. abstriction.
abeto. fir. abstrictar. abstrict.
abigarrado. tessellated. variegated. abullonado. puffball.
abimencial. abhymenial. abultado. turgent.
abiótica. abiotic. abyeción. abjection.
abolladura. dent. abyunción. abjunction.
abombado. puffball. acamado. lodge.
abonar. compost. acanalado. canaliculate. channelled.
abono de cobertura. top dressing. acanalado. furrowed. canaliculate.
abono orgánico. compost. channelled.
abono vegetal. compost. acanaliculación. canaliculation.
abono. fertilizer. acanta. acantha.
aboospora. aboospore. acanto-. acantho-.
aborigen. aboriginal. acantocarpo. acanthocarpous.
abortado. abortion. acantocárpico. acanthocarpous.
abortar. abort. acantoclado. acanthocladous.
abortivo. abortive. acantofisis. acanthophysis.
aborto. abortion. acantoide. acanthoid.
abotonar. bud. acarodomatio. acarodamtium.
abortus. abortus. acarofília. acarophily
abrazado. clasped. embracing. acarpelado. acarpous.
abrazador. embracing. acarpelo. acarpelous.
abreviado. abbreviated. acárpico. acarpous.
abrise. bloom. acarpo. acarpous.
abrojo. burr. acaudeo. acaudate. anurous.
abruptamente. abruptly. acaule. acaulous. stemless. acauline.
abrupto. abrupt. acaulescencia. acaulescence.
abscisina. abscisin. acaulescente. acaulescent. acaulous.
abscisión. abscission. acaulis. acaulis.
abscisión de las hojas. leaf abscis- accepdor de carbono dióxido. car-
accesorio 490 ácido palmítico
bon dioxide acceptor. acid.
accesorio. accessory. ácido fitico. phytic acid.
accomicetes. sac fungi. ácido fórmico. formic acid.
acéfalo. acephalous. ácido fosfatídico. phosphatidic acid.
aceite volátil. volatile oil. ácido fosfoenolpirúvico. phosphoe-
aceites esencial. essential oils. nolpyruvic acid.
acelerado. accelerator. ácido fosfoglicérico (AFG). phos-
acelular. acellular. phoglyceric acid (PGA).
-áceo. –aceous. ácido fosfórico. phosphoric acid.
acéntrico. accentric. ácido fosforoglicérico. phosphoro-
aceptor de hidrógeno. hydrogen glyceric acid.
acceptor. ácido fúlvico. fulvic acid.
acerato. acerate. ácido fumárico. fumaric acid.
aceroso. acerose. ácido galacturónico. galacturonic
acervado. acervate. acid.
acervo génico. gene pool. ácido giberélico. gibberellic acid.
acérvulo. acervulus. ácido glicérico. glyceric acid.
acetabulado. acetabuliform. ácido glutámico. glutamic acid.
acetabuliforme. acetabuliform. ácido graso. fatty acids.
acetabulado. ácido hexuronico. hexuronic acid.
acetaldehido. acetaldehyde. ácido himatomelanico. hymatomelanic
acetilación. acetylation. acid.
achile. achilous. ácido húmico. humic acid.
aciclico. acyclic. ácido imino. imino acid.
aciclo. aciclum. ácido indol(il)acético (AIA).
acícula. acicula. indoleacetic acid (IAA).
aciculado. aciculate. ácido indolbutírico (AIB). indole-
acicular. acicular. needle-like. butyric acid (IBA).
aciculifolio. needle-leaved. ácido isocítric. isocitric acid.
aciculiforme. aciculiform. ácido láctico. lactic acid.
acidez. acidity. ácido lipónico. lipoic acid.
ácido. acid. ácido liquénico. lichenic acid.
ácido abscisico. abscisic acid. ácido luteico. luteic acid.
ácido adenílico (AMP). adenylic acid ácido málico. malic acid.
(AMP). ácido minioluteico. minioluteic acid.
ácido alginico. alginic acid. ácido murámico. muramic acid.
ácido aminado. amino acid. ácido nicotinico. nicotinic acid.
ácido aminoglutérico. glutamic acid. ácido nitroso. nitrous acid.
ácido ascórbico. ascorbic acid. ácido nucleico. nucleic acid.
ácido butirico. butyric acid. ácido octanóico. octanoic acid.
ácido cafeico. caffeic acid. ácido oleico. oleic acid.
ácido cetoglutárico. ketoglutaric acid. ácido orgánico. organic acid.
ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN). ácido oxalacético. oxaloacetic acid.
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). ácido oxálico. oxalic acid.
acido espiculisporico. spiculisporic ácido palmítico. palmitic acid.
ácido pantoténico 491 activación de energia
ácido pantoténico. pantothenic acid. acoplamiento. attachment.
ácido par(a)aminobenzoico. Para- acoplamiento fusus. spindle
aminobenzoic (PABA). attachement.
ácido parafinico. paraffinic acid. acorazonado. cordate. heart-shaped.
ácido penicilínico. penicillic acid. acostillado. fluted. ribbed
ácido pimélico. pimelic acid. acotiledón. acotyledon.
ácido pirúvico. pyruvic acid. acotiledóno. acotyledonous.
ácido ribonuclléico (ARN). ribonu- acramfibria. acramphibrya.
cleic acid (RNA). acrandro. acrandrous.
ácido salicílico. salicylic acid. acre. acrid.
ácido siquímico. shikimic acid. acrescente. accrescent.
ácido stipatatico. stipatatic acid. acrete. accrete.
ácido succínico. succinic acid. acro- . acro-.
ácido tánic. tannic acid. acroblasto. acroblast.
ácido tartárico. tartaric acid. acrocárpico. acrocarpous.
ácido terestrico. terrestric acid. acrocéntrico. acrocentric.
ácido uridílico. uridylic acid. acródroma (nervadura). acrodromous
ácido usnico. usnic acid. (veins).
acidófilo. acidophilous. acidophile. acrodroma. acrodrome.
acies. acies. acrofitio. acrophytium.
aciforme. aciform. acrógenico. acrogenic. acogenous
acigoto. azogote. acrógeno. acrogen. acrogenous.
acináceo. acinaceous. acroginia. acrogyny
acinaciforme. acinaciform. acromático. achromatic.
acinete. akinete. acronicio. acronychius.
aciniforme. aciniform. acropetal. acropetal.
ácino. acinus. acropleurogeno. acropleurogenous.
acinosa. acinous. acrosarco. acrosarcun.
aclamídeo. achlamydeous. acroscópico. acroscopic.
aclara. thin out. acróscopo. acroscopic.
aclarador. clearing agent. acrosoma. acrosome.
aclarante. clearing agent. acrospira. acrospire.
aclimación. acclimation. acróspora. acrospore.
aclimatación. acclimatization. hard- acrósporo. acrosporous.
ening. acrotonico. acrotonic.
aclimatar. acclimate. acclimatize. actino-. actino-.
harden-off. actinocítico. actinocytic.
aclimatar. harden off. actinodroma. actinodromous.
acodadura. layering. actinomiceto. actinomycete.
acodo aéreo. air layering. actinomorfía. actinomorphy.
acodo oclusiva. closing layer. actinomorfo. actinomorphic.
acolchar. mulch. actinorizo. actinorrhiza.
acomodación. accommodation. actinostela. actinostele.
aconitrasa. aconitrase. actio. actium.
acopado. cupulate. activación de energia. energy of
activador 492 adverso
activation. adelfogamia. adelphogamy.
activador. activator. aden-. aden-.
actófilo. actophilous. adeniforme. adeniform.
acuado. acuate. adenina. adenine.
acuático. aquatic. adenófilo. adenophyllous.
acuífero. aquifer. adenoide. adenoid.
acuífero limitado. confined aquifer. adenóforo. adenophore.
acuífero unlimitado. unconfined adenosina. adenosine.
aquifer. adenosina difosfacto (ADP). adeno-
aculeado. acanaceous. aculeate. sine diphosphate (ADP).
aculeate. acanaceous. aculeate. adenosina monofasfato. adenosine
aculeo. aculeus. monophosphate.
aculeolado. aculeolate. adenosina trifosfato (ATP). adenosine
acumbente. accumbent. triphosphate (ATP).
acuminado. acuminate. adenosintrifosfato ATP. adenosine
acumulador. accumulator. triphosphate (ATP).
acutangular. acutangular. adenoso. adenous.
acutifolio. acutifolius. adermina. adermin.
acutifoliado. acutifolius. adesmia. adesmy.
ad. ad. adherencia. adhesion.
adaptable. adaptable. adherente. adherent.
adaptación fenotípico. phenotypic adhesión. adhesion.
adaptation. adiabatico. adiabatic.
adaptación. adaptation. ádico glutámico. glutamic acid.
adaptación biótica. biotic adapta- ádido fumárico. fumaric acid.
tion. adinamandria. adynamandry.
adaptación cromático. chromatic ADN. DNA.
adaptation. adnación. adnation.
adaptación cromático complement- adnascens. adnascens.
ario. complementary chromatic adnato. adnate. annexed.
adaptation. adnexal. adnexal.
adaptación directa. direct adapta- ADP. ADP.
tion. adpreso. appressed. adpressed.
adaptación fenotípico. phenotypic adscendente. ascendent.
adaptation. adsorción. adsorption.
adaptación general. general adap- adsperso. adspersed.
tation. adsurgente. adsurgent.
adaptación genética. genetic adap- adulto. adult.
tation. adulto (arbol, planta). mature (tree,
adaptarse. adapt. plant).
adaptivo. adaptive. aduncado. aduncate.
adaxial. adaxial. advenedizo. adventive.
accrustación. adcrustation. adventicia. adventitia.
adelfia. adelphia. adventicio. adventitious.
adelfo. adelphous. adverso. adverse.
aecidiosoro 493 agrestis
aecidiosoro. aecidiosorus. aforestación. afforestation.
aenius. aenius. l afótico. aphotic.
aequi-. aequi- afotometrico. aphotometric.
aequihimenífero. aequ-hymeniferous. afototactico. aphototactic.
aequilátero. aequilateral. afototropico. aphototropic.
aeración. aeration. agalla. gall.
aérea. air. agamandroecio. agamandroecious.
aerencima. aerenchyma. agámeta. agamete.
aéreo. aerial. agámeto. agamete.
aereolae. aereolae. agámico. agamic.
aerifera. stomatal. ágamo. agamous.
aéro. aerial. agamogénesis. agamogenesis.
aerobic. aerobic. agamogenético. agamogenetic.
aerobio. aerobe. agamoginoecio. agamogynoecious.
aerobiología. aerobiology. agamohermafrodita. agamoherm-
aerobiosis. aerobiosis. aphrodite.
aerófito. aerophyte. agamospecie. agamospecies.
aerogénico. aerogenic. agamospermia. agamospermy.
aeropalinologia. aeropalynology. agamospora. agamospore.
aerotactico. aerotactic. agamotrópica. agamotropic.
aerotaxis. aerotaxis. agar (-agar). agar (-agar).
aerotolerante. aerotolerant. agaric. agaric.
aerotropismo. aerotropism. agaricaceo. agaricaceous.
aerugino. aeruginous. agaricole. agaricolous.
aestivacion ascendente. ascending agente. agent.
aestivation. agente aclarante. clearing agent.
aestomatoso. astomatous. agente activador. activator.
aetalio. aethallium. agente de polución. pollutant.
afanisis. aphanisis. agente inductivo. inducer.
afaptotropismo. aphaptotropism agente polinizador. pollinator.
afeliotropico. apheliotropic. aphoto- agente reductor. reducing agent.
tropic. agglomerado. agglomerate.
afelpado. pannose. felted. agino. agynous.
AFG. PGA. Phosphorogyceric acid. aglomerado. conglomerate.
áfilo. aphyllous. leafless. aglutinado. agglutinate.
afilópodo. aphyllopodic. agrado. agrad.
afinidad. affinity. agrandado. enlarged.
afinidad diferencial. differential agrandar. enlarge.
affinity. agregación. aggregation.
afinidad terminal. terminal affin- agregado. agglomerate. aggregate.
ity. crowded.
aflatoxina. aflatoxin. agregado. clustered. crowded.
aflebia. aphlebia. agglomerate.
aflechado. sagittiform. agrestal. agrestal.
afoliado. aphyllous. leafless. agrestis. agrestis.
agrobiologia 494 aldopentosa
agrobiologia. agrobiology. aislamiento ecológico. ecological
agroclimatologia. agroclimatology. isolation.
agronomía. agronomy. aislamiento estacional. seasonal
agrostología. agrostology. isolation.
agrupación de plantas. assemblage aislamiento geográfico. geographic
of plants. isolation.
agrupado. clustered. crowded. aislamiento reproductivo. reproduc-
agua. water. tive isolation.
agua asimilable. available water. aitionástico. aitionastic.
agua de capilar. capillary water. aitogénico. aitiogenic.
agua de cepilaridad. capillary wa- ajado. wilted.
ter. ajedrezado. tessellated.
agua disponible. available water. akineto. akinete.
agua de gravitación. gravitational ala. ala. wing.
water. alabastra. alabastrum.
agua de mar. seawater. alado. alate. winged.
agua del subsuelo. ground water. alagostémono. allagostemonous.
agua de vesicula. water vesicle. alambrino. wiry.
agua disponible. available water. alanina. alanine.
agua dulce. freshwater. alantoid. alantoide.
agua freática. ground water. alar. alar.
agua gravitacional. gravitational alargado. elongate.
water. alas. alae.
aguarrás. turpentine. alatus. alate.
agua del suelo. soil water. albescente. albescent.
agua salada. saltwater. albidus. albidus.
agua subterránea. ground water. albinismo. albinism.
agua unasimilable. unavailable water. albino. albino.
agua undisponible. unavailable water. albumen. albumen.
agudo. acute. albúmina. albumin.
aguijón. prickle. albuminoides. albuminoids.
aguijonado. echinate. prickly. albuminoso. albuminous. endo-
aguijonoso. prickly. spermous.
aguijónulado. echinulate. albura. alburnum. sapwood.
aguja. needle. albus. albus.
aguja. spire. alcaloide. alkaloid.
ahijamiento. tillering. alcohol. alcohol.
ahilamiento. etiolation. leggy. alcohol etílico. ethyl aclohol.
ahorquillado. furcate. alcohol metilo. methyl alcohol
AIA. IAA. aldehído. aldehyde.
AIB. IBA. aldehído acético. acetaldehyde.
aifitia. aiphytium. aldehído fórmico. formaldehyde.
aire. air. aldohexosa. aldohexose.
airear. aerate. aldol. aldol.
aislamiento. isolation. aldopentosa. aldopentose.
aldotriosa 495 ambiente
aldotriosa. aldotriose. almidón estroma. stroma starch.
aldosa. aldose. almidón floridean. floridean starch.
aldotetrosa. aldotetrose. almidón temporario. temporary starch.
alelismo. allelism. almohadón. cushion.
alelo. allele. alocarpia. allocarpy.
alelómorfo. allelomorph. alocro. allochrous.
alelómorfo múltiple. multiple allelo- aloctono. exotic.
morph. alofanoides. allophanoids.
alelopatia. allelopathy. alogamia. allogamy.
alelos múltiples. multiple alleles. alógamo. allogamous. xenogamous.
alepidota. alepidote. alógeno. allogene. recessive allele.
alergeno. allergen. alometría. allometry.
alergia. allergy. alopatria. allopatry.
alesnado. awl-shaped. subulate. alopátrico. allopatric.
aleurispora. aleuriospore. alopoliploide. allopolyploid.
aleurona. aleurone. alosindesis. allosyndesis.
aleurónica. aleurone layer. alosoma. allosome.
alfabeto genética. genetic alphabet. alotetraploide. allotetraploid.
alfa-cetoglutarado oxidasa. alpha- alotipico. allotypic
ketoglutarate oxidase. alotipo. allotype.
alfombra de polución. pollution alotransplantar. allograft.
carpet. alpino. alpine.
alga. alga. alsade. alsad.
alga amarillo-verde. yellow-green alsio. alsium
algae. alta. high.
alga rojo. red alga. alteración estructural. structural
algae. algae. change.
alga marina. seaweed. alternación de generación. alternation
alganin. alganin. algin. of generations.
alga rojo. red alga. alterno. alternate.
alga verde. green algae. altitud. altitude.
algas verdeazules. blue-green algae. alto. high.
algícolo. algicolous. altura. height.
algin. algin. alucinógeno. hallucinogen.
algología. algology. alveolado. alveolate.
aliaceo. alliaceous. alvéolo. alveolus (pl. alveoli)
alianza. alliance. amacollado. tillering.
aliforme. aliform. wing-shaped. amarilleamiento. yellowing.
allela silencioso. silent allele. amarillento. yellowish. xanthic.
almacenar (nutriente). store (nu- amarillez. yellowing.
trients). amarillo pálido. flavidulous.
almidón. starch. ámbar. amber.
almidón cresciente. starch crescent. ambi-. ambi-.
almidón de transitorio. transitory ambiental. environmental.
starch. ambiente. ambient.
ambigua 496 anaranjado
ambigua. ambiguous. amplectivo. amplective.
ambiguo. ambiguous. amplexicaule. amplexicaul. clasp-
ambilinearidad. ambilinearity. ing.
ameboide. am(o)eboid. amplexo. amplexus.
ameiosis. ameiosis. ampliado. ampliate.
amenazado de extinción (especie). amplitud ecológico. ecological am-
threatened with extinction (spe- plitude.
cies). ampolloso. blistered.
amensalismo. amensalism. ámpula. ampulla.
amentáceo. amentaceous. catkinate. ampuláceo. ampullaceous.
amentífero. amentiferous. ampuliforme. ampulliform.
amentifloras. amentaceous. anabionte. anabiont.
amentiforme. amentiform. catkinate. anabólico. anabolic.
amento. ament. catkin. amentum. anabolismo. anabolism.
ameristico. ameristic. anacinética. anakinetic.
amerospora. amerospore. anacinétomera. anakinetomere.
amfibiótico. amphibiotic. anádromo. anadromous.
amfitrófico. amphitrophic. anaerobio. anaerobe. anaerobic.
amida. amide. anaerobio facultativo. facultative
amigdaliforme. amygdaliform. anaerobes.
amigdoloide. amygdoloid. anaerobio obligado. obligate anaerobe.
amilaceo. amylaceous. anaerobiosis. anaerobiosis.
amilasa. amylase. anaerofito. anaerophyte.
amiloide. amyloid. anáfase. anaphase.
amilopectina. amylopectin. anafisis. anaphysis.
amiloplasto. amyloplast. anagénesis. anagenesis.
amilosa. amylose. análisis de nodal. nodal analysis.
amilostatolito. amylostatolith. análisis de tétrada. tetrad analysis.
amina. amine. análisis estadíticos. statistical analysis.
aminillae anillado. annulate lamellae. análisis gradiente. gradient analy-
aminoácido. amino acid. sis.
aminoácido de alfa. alpha amino acid. análisis inverso. inverse analysis.
aminación reductivo. reductive análisis normal. normal analysis.
anmination. análisis secuencial. sequential analysis.
aminoazúcar. amino sugar. análogico. analogous.
amitosis. amitosis. análogico variación. analogous vari-
amitotico. amitotic. ation.
amófilo. ammophilous. análogo. analog(ue).
amoniaco. ammonia. análogo de base. base analog. ba-
amonificación. ammonification. sal analog.
amonio. ammonium. anamorfosis. anamorphosis.
amorf. amorph. anandro. anandrous.
amorfo. amorphous. anantero. astemonous.
AMP. AMP. ananto. ananthous.
amplectante. amplectant. anaranjado (color). orangish (color).
anascistico 497 angustifolio
anascistico. anascistic. anemogamia. wind pollination.
anastomosado. anastomosing. anemotropismo. anemotropism.
anastomosar. anastomose. aneuploide. aneuploid.
anastomosis. anastomosis. aneuploidia. aneuploidy.
anastomosis vascular. vascular anas- aneurina. aneurine.
tomosis. anexo. annexed. adnate.
anatomía de Kranz. Kranz cycle. anfi-. amphi-.
Kranz anatomy. anfiáster. amphiaster.
anatomía fisológia. physiological anfibio. amphibian. amphibious.
anatomy. anfibiótico. amphibiotic.
anatomía vegetal. plant anatomy. anficario. amphikaryon.
anátropo. anatropous. anficárpia. amphicarpy.
ancad. ancad. anficárpico. amphicarpic. amphicarp-
anceps. anceps. ous.
ancipital. ancipital. anfídiploide. amphidiploid.
ancipito. ancipitous. anfiflóle. amphiphlole.
ancistriode. ancistroid. anfigastr(i)os. amphigastria.
ancistroso. barbellate. anfigeno. amphigenous.
andro-. andro-. anfiges. amphigean.
androceo. androecium. anfigino. amphigynous.
androcito. androcyte. anfílepsis. amphilepsis.
androdinamo. androdynamous. anfímixis. amphimixis
androceo. androecium (pl. androecial). anfíploide. amphiploid.
androdiocio. androdioecious. anfíspora. amphispore.
androecio. androecious. anfitecio. amphithecium.
andróforo. androphore. anfítrico. amphitrichous.
andrógeno. androgyne. androgenous. anfitrófico. amphitrophic.
androgénesis. androgenesis. anfíteno. amphitene.
andróginia. androgyny. anfitropo. amphitropous.
andrógino. androgynous. anfora. amphora.
androginóforo. androgynophore. anfolito. ampholyte.
andromonoico. andromonoecious. anfractuosus. anfractuosus.
andropetalario. andropetalous. angiocarpia. angiocarpy.
andróspora. androspore. angiocarpo. angiocarp. angiocarpous.
androsporangio. androsporangium. angiosperma. angiosperm.
andrótomo. androtomous. angostada. narrowed.
anegado. waterlogged. angosto. angustate. narrow.
anemo-. anemo-. anguilluliforme. anguilluliform.
anemocoria. anemochory. wind dis- angulado. angulate.
persal. anemochorous. angular. angular.
anemocoro. anemochoric. ángulo. angle.
anemoe. anemosis. anguloso. angular.
anemofilia. anemophily. wind pol- angusti-. angusti-.
lination. angustifolio. angustifoliate. lepto-
anemófilo. anemophile. anemophilous. phyllos.
angusto 498 antipétalo
angusto. angustate. anomocitico. anomocytic.
anhidrasa carbónica. carbonic an- anormal. abnomal. atypical.
hydrase. anotinal. annotinal. yearly.
anhídrido. anhydride. anotino. annotinous.
anilla. nipple. annotinus. annotinus.
anillado. ringed. anotomia. anatomy.
anillo. annulus. ansiocarpico. ansiocarpic.
anillo (anual). ring (annual). ansometrico. anisometric.
anillo anual. tree ring. annual ring. antagonismo. antagonism.
anillo anual falso. false annual ring. antagonismo de iones. ionic
anillo anual indicador de arbol. tree antagonims.
ring index. antagonismo iónico. ionic antago-
anillo de arbol. tree ring. nism.
anillo de crecimiento. growth ring. ante-. ante-.
anillo de hada. fairy ring. antela. anthela.
anillo-poroso. ring-porous. antepétalo. antepetalous.
anillo químico. ring (chemcial). antera. anther.
anillo tetrapirole. tetrapyrrole ring. anterid(i)óforo. antherid(i)ophore.
anion. anion. anterido. antheridium.
anión. anion. anteridio. antherid(ium).
aniso-. aniso-. anterífero. antheriferous.
ansiocarpico. anisocarpic. anteriforme. antheriform.
anisocitico. anisocytic. anterior. anterior.
anisocótilo. anisocotylous. anterocito. antherocyte.
anisofilia. anisophylly. anteroide. anteroide.
anisofilo. anisophyllous. anterozoide. antherozoid.
anisogameto. anisogamete. anterozoide. sperm.
anisogamia. anisogamy. antesépalo. antesepalous.
anisogenie. anisogeny. antesis. anthesis.
anisogamo. anisogamous. antheridio. antheridium.
anisogenomatico. anisogenomatic. anti-. anti-.
anisomeria. anisomery. antibiosis. antibiosis.
anisomero. anisomerous. antibiótico. antibiotic.
ansometrico. anisometric. anticlinal. anticlinal.
anisopétalo. anisopetalous. antico. anticous.
anisoplanogametos. aniso- anticodón. anticondon.
planogametes. anticuerpo. antibody.
anisosépalo. anisosepalous. antidromia. antidromy.
anisostémono. anisostemonous. antienzima. antienzyme.
anisotropia. anisotropy. antífite. antiphyte.
anisotropico. anisotropic. antifolio. oppositifolious.
anitsépalo. oppositisepalous. antigeno. antigen.
anual. annual. antimorf. antimorph.
ánodo. anode. antiparalela. antiparallel.
anomalía. anomaly. antipétalo. antepetalous. antipetalous.
antipétalo 499 apogamia reducido
antipétalo. oppositipetalous. apéndice. appendage. appendix.
antisépalo. antisepalous. apéndice bifurcado. biramous ap-
antitetico. antithetic. pendage.
antitropico. antitropic. apéndiclado. appendicled.
antitropo. antitropous. apendiculado. appendiculate.
antitrorso. antrorse. apergaminado. pergamentaceous.
anto-. antho-. apertura (flora). opening (flowers).
antocarpo. anthocarp. apertura opiotial. opiothial aper-
antocia(ni)na. anthocyan(in). ture.
antocianina. anthcyanin. apétalia. apetaly
antocíano. anthocyan(in). apétalo. apetalous.
antóforo. anthophore. anthophorous. apical. apical.
antoide. anthoid. ápice. acumen. apex. tip.
antoleucina. antholeucin(e). ápice de la raíz. root cap. root tip.
antolisis. antholysis. ápice del las ramas. stem apex.
antolita. antholite. ápice del vástago. stem apex.
antotaxia. anthotaxy. ápice foliar. leaf tip.
antoxantina. anthoxanthin(e). ápice punzante. pungent tip.
antracinia. anthraciny. ápice radical. root tip.
antracnosa. anthracnose. apiculado. apiculate.
antropo-. anthropo-. apículo. apiculus.
antropocoria. anthropochory. apileado. apileate.
antropófite. anthropophyte. aplanado. applanate. planate.
antrorso. antrorse. aplandado. flat.
anual. yearly. annual. aplaneismo. aplanetism.
annual estival. summer annual. aplanogámeta. aplanogamete.
anual invernal. winter annual. aplanógameto. aplanogamete.
anualmente. yearly. aplanospora. aplanospora.
añublo. blight. smuts. aplestrino. alpestrine. subalpine.
anular. annular. annulate. ring-like. aplicada. applied.
anuro. anurous. alpestris. alpestris.
apandro. apandrous. apo-. apo-.
aparato de Golgi. Golgi apparatus. apobasidio. apobasidium.
aparato de ovular. egg apparatus. apocarpia. apocarpy.
aparato de neuromotor. neuromo- apocárpico. apocarpous.
tor apparatus. apocarpo. apocarp.
apareamiento al azar. randon mat- apócito. apocyte.
ing. apoenzima. apoenzyme.
apareamiento de cromasomas. pairing apófisis. apophysis.
of chromosomes. apogametia. apogamety.
apareamiento de semejanza. apogamia. apogamy.
assortative breeding. apogamia diploide. diploid apogamy.
apareamiento de bases. base pair- apogamia generativo. generative
ing. apogamy.
apareamiento torsión. torsion pairing. apogamia reducido. reduced apogamy.
apogamia somática 500 arilo
apogamia somática. somatic apogamy. arbóreo. arboreal.
apogámico. apogamic. arborescente. arborescent. tree-like.
apogenia. apogeny. sterility. arboreto. arboretum.
apogeotrópico. apogeotropic. aborto necrogenico. necrogenic
apogeotropismo. apogeotropism. abortion.
apomict. apomict. arbusclar. arbusclar.
apomíctico. apomictic. arbuscule. arbuscule.
apomixis. apomixis. arbustivo. shrubby.
apomorf. apomorph. arbutsto. shrub.
apopétalo. apopetalous. arcilla. clay.
apoplastico. apoplastic. arcilloso. clayey.
apoplasto. apoplast. ardela. ardella.
aporcar. raise. área cribosa. sieve area. sieve field.
aporogamia. aporogamy. área de distribución extendido. wide
aposépalo. aposepalous. distribution.
aposición. apposition. área de distribución. distribution
apospória. apospory. area.
apospórico. aposporic. área minima. minimal area.
apostase. apostasis. área reliquia. refuge.
apostómono. apostemonous. área vital. life zone.
apóstrofe. apostrophe. arecto. arrect.
apotecio. apothecium. arena. sand.
apotropo. apotropous. arenaceo. arenaceous.
apresorio. appressorium. arenícola. arenicolous. psammo-
apricus. apricus. philous. sand-dwelling.
aproximado. approximate. arenoso. arenose.
áptero. apterous. aréola. areole.
aqeneceto. achenecetum. areolación. areolation.
aquénico. achenial. areolado. areolar. areolate.
aquenio. achene. akenium. arerramiento. warping (of land).
aquenio esquizocarpico. schizocarpic arescente. arescent.
achene. argénteo. argenteous. silvery.
aquenodio. achenium. argénteo. silvery.
aquillado. keeled. argilícola. argillicolous.
arabino. arabinose. argilófilo. argillophilous.
aracnoide. arachnoid. argiloso. argilose.
ARA-mensajero. messenger RNA arginina. arginine.
(mRNA). argos. argos.
ARN soluble. soluble RNA (s-RNA). argófilo. argophyllous.
araneo. araneose. argutus. argutus.
árbol. tree. aridez. aridity.
árbol frondoso. broad-leaved for- árido. arid.
est (hardwood). broad-leaved tree. arilado. arillate.
árbol joven. sapling. ariliforme. arilliform.
arbolado. forested. wooded. arilo. aril(lus).
arilodio 501 ascostoma
arilodio. arillode. arroyo. stream.
arista. arista(pl. aristae). awn. arruga. corrugation. rootless. ruga.
aristado. aristate. awned. wrinkle.
aristulado. aristulate. arrugarse. shrivel (fruit).
arizoma. arhizous. arrugoso. rugose.
armado. armed. arrugulado. rugulate.
armado de púas. hamulate. arruguloso. rugulose.
armadura. armature. armor. arruinar. blight.
armilado. armillate. articulación. articulation.
ARN. RNA. articulado. articulate. jointed.
ARN de transferencia (ARNt). trans- articulo. article.
fer ribonucleic acid (tRNA). artro-. arthro-.
ARN de transferencia. transfer-RNA. artrogeno. arthrogenous.
ARN m. m-RNA. artróspora. arthrospore.
ARN ribosómico. ribosomal artrosterigma. arthrosterigma.
RNA(rRNA). arundináceo. arundinaceous.
ARN ribosómico. rRNA. arvense. weedy.
ARN soluble. soluble RNA (s-RNA). arvensis. arvensis.
ARNt. tRNA. asca. ascus.
aroma. aroma. scent. ascdocarpo. ascocarpous.
aromático. aromatic. suaveolent. ascend(i)ente. ascending. ascend-
arqueado. arching. arcuate. bowed. ent. assurgent.
arquegonióforo. archegoniophore. ascendencia. descent.
arquegonio. archegonia. archegonium. asci. asci.
arqueobacterial. archaebacteria. ascidiforme. ascidiform.
arquesporio. archesporium. ascidio. ascidium. pitcher.
arquesporo. archespore. ascifo. ascyphous.
arquicarpo. archicarp. asciforme. asciiform.
arquigonióforo. archigoniophore. ascigero. ascigerous.
arquiliquens. archilichens. asco. ascus.
arquimicetes. archimycetes. ascocarpo. ascocarp. ascocarpous.
arquiplasma. archiplasm. ascociación. association.
arquoplasm. archoplasm. ascocnidio. ascoconidium.
arraigado. radicate. rooted. ascocnidióforo. ascoconidiophore.
arrecife de coral. coral reef. ascóforo. ascophore.
arrecife de coralino. coral reef. ascogenoico. ascogenous
arreglar. arrange. ascogonial. ascogonial.
arrenconcarion. arrhenokaryon. ascogonio. ascogonium.
arrenonúcleo. arrhenokaryon. ascoliquen. ascolichen.
arriba. face. ascoma. ascoma.
arrizo. arrhizal. rootless. ascomicetes. sac fungi.
arrollamient recíproco. relational ascomiceto. ascomycetous. sac fungi.
coiling. ascomicetos. ascomycete. sac fungi.
arropar. mulch. ascospora. ascospore.
arrosetado. rosulate. ascostoma. ascostome.
ascostroma 502 autecologia
ascostroma. ascostroma. astroesclereida. astrosclereid(e).
asépalo. asepalous. atactoestela. atactostele.
aseptado. aseptate. atado de raíces. rootbound.
asexual. agamous. asexual. sex- atavismo. atavism.
less. atelomitico. atelomitic.
asimetria molecular. molecular asym- atenuado. attenuate. tapering.
metry. ater. ater.
asimétrico. asymmetric. aterciopelado. velvety.
asimilación. assimilation. aterramiento. warping (of land).
asimilación del carbono. carbon atípico. atypical.
assimilation. atmósfere. atmosphere.
asimilación de nitrógeno. nitrogen atmosférico. atmospheric.
assimilation. atomado. atomate.
asimilación de nutrientes. nutrient átomo. atom.
absorption. ATP. ATP.
asimilar. assimilate. ATPasa. ATPase.
asimilativo. assimilative. atrapamoscas. fly trap.
asinapsis. asynapsis. atrato. atratous.
asociación. association. atributo. attribute.
asociación biótica. biotic associa- atricolor. atricolor. inky.
tion. atro-. atro-.
asociación secundario. secondary atrofía. stunt. atrophy.
associaiton. atrofiado. stunted.
asociación vegetal. plant associa- atrofiar. atrophy.
tion. átropo. atropous.
asocie. associes. atropurpureus. atropurpureus.
asparagina. asparagine. atrovirens. atrovirens.
asperado. asperate. -atus. –atus.
asperifoliado. asperifoliate. atutófito. autophyte.
aspergilliforme. aspergilliform. augua asimilable. available water.
aspermo. aspermous. aulófito. aulophyte.
áspero. asperous. scabrous. aumentación primario. primary in-
ásperso. harsh. crease.
asperulado. asperulate. aumento. upgrowth.
asporógeno. asporogenous. asporous. aurantico. auranticous.
astelico. astelic. aureo. aureous.
áster. aster. aureus. aureus.
asterófisis. asterophysis. aurícula. auricle.
asteroide. asteroid. auriculado. auriculate.
astico. astichous. ausente. absent. lacking. wanting.
astilo. without a style. australis. australis.
astro-. astro-. aut-. aut-.
astroesclereida. astrosclereid. autapomorf. autapomorph.
astrofólado. astropholate. autecio. autecious. autoecious.
astroide. astroid. autecologia. autecology.
auteforme 503 azureus
auteforme. auteform. autosoma. autosome.
auto-. auto-. autospora. autospore.
auto. self. autotetraploide. autotetraploid.
autoadaptación . self-adaptation. autótrofico. autotrophic.
autoalogamia. autoallogamy. autótrofo. autotroph.
autobasidimiceto. autobasidiomycete. autótrofo fotosintético. photosyn-
autobasidio. autobasidium. thetic autotroph.
autocarpo. autocarp. autotropismo. autotropism.
autocatálisis. autocatalysis. auxanómetro. auxanometer.
autocolor. self-colored. auxesis. auxesis.
autocompatibilidad. self-compatibil- auxina. auxin.
ity. auxocito. auxocyte.
autóctono. autochthonous. auxospirema. auxospireme.
autodelicuescente. autodeliquescent. auxospora. auxospore.
autoecologia. autecology. auxóspora. auxospore.
autoestéril. self-sterile. auxótrofo. auxotroph.
autófagia. autophagy. avascular. avascular. non-vascular.
autofecundación. self-fertilization. avenius. avenius.
selfing. axenia. axeny.
autofertilidad. self-fertility. axial. axial. axile.
autófito. autophyte. axila de la hoja. leaf axil.
autogamia. autogamy. axila. axil. axilla.
autógamo. autogamous. axilar. axillary.
autogéno. autogenic. axillante. axillant.
autoico. autoicous. axón embrionario. embryonic axis.
autoincompatibilidad. self-incom- axonema. axoneme.
patibility. axonomorfa (raíz). tap root.
autolisina. autolysin. axospermo. axospermous.
autolisis. autolysis. ayustar. splice.
automixis. automixis. azar. random.
autonomismo. autonomism. azigospora. azygospore.
autoparasito. autoparasite. azúcar. sugar.
autopolinización. self-replication. azúcar aminado. amino sugar.
self-pollination. azúcar de fruto. fruit sugar.
autopoliploide. autopolyploid. azucar de madera. wood sugar.
autopotamo. autopotamous. azúcar furanoso. furanose sugar.
autopropagación. self-progagation. azúcar simple. simple sugar.
autoramificación. self-branching. azufre. sulfur.
autoreplicación. self-replication. azuloso. bluish.
autosíndesis. autosyndesis. azureus. azureus.
B 504 barrera contra el viento

B. B. bacteriófago. bacteriophage.
B¹. B¹. bacteriologia. bacteriology.
babú. bamboo. bacterioncina. bacteriocin.
bacario. baccacetum. bacterióriza. bacteriohiza.
bacca. bacca. bacteriostasis. bacteriostasis.
bacci-. bacci-. bacteriostát. bacteriostat.
baccífero. bacciferous. bacteriostático. bacteriostatic.
bacciforme. bacciform. bacteroide. bacteroid.
baciliforme. bacilliform. baculiforme. baculiform.
bacilo. bacillus (pl. bacilli). badius. badius.
bacteria. bacteria. bacterium. baeócita. baeocyte.
bacteria esférico. spherical bacte- baja. low.
rium. bajo. low. shallow.
bacteria gramnegativo. gram-negative bajo tierra. underground.
bacteria. balance nitrogenado. nitrogen bal-
bacteria grampositivo. gram-posi- ance.
tive bacteria. balanza de naturaleza. balance of
bacteria termofilico. thermophilic nature.
bacteria. barlovento. windward.
bacteria termófilo. thermophilic balsamífero. balsamiferous.
bacteria. bálsamo. balsam.
bacterial. bacterial. ballistóspora. ballistospore.
bacteria mesofilico. mesophilic bac- balusta. balausta.
teria. bambú. bamboo.
bacteria nitrificante. nitrifier bac- banco de semillas. seed bank.
terium. banda de Caspary. Casparian strip.
bacteriano. bacterial. banda de protección. shelterbelt.
bacterias de azufre. sulfur bacte- banda de sporangiogénico. sporang-
ria. iogenic band.
bacterias de(s)nitrificantes. banda de vena. vein-band.
denitrifying bacteria. barba. beard.
bacterias nitrificantes. nitrifying barbado. barbate. bearded.
bacteria. barbula. barbule.
bactericida. bactericidal. barbelulado. barbellulate.
bacterio. bacteria. bacterium. barbilla. barbel.
bacterioclorina. bacteriochlorin. barlovento. windward.
bacterioclorofíla. bacteriochlorophyll. barranca. ravine.
bacteriode. bacteriod. barrera contra el viento. windbreak.
barrera dispersión 505 bifenils policlorinado
barrera dispersión. dispersal bar- baya. berry. pod.
rier. baya esquizocarpico. schizocarpic
barrera fisico. physical barrier. berry.
barrilla. saltwort. baya falso. false berry.
basal. basal. bejin. puffball.
basal libre placentación. free bejuco leñoso. woody vine.
basal placentation. bejuco. liane. vine.
base. base. bellota. acorn.
base foliar. leaf base. béntico. benthic.
base nitrogenada. nitrogen base. bentos. benthos.
nitrogenous base. bentos nectonico. nectonic benthos.
basi-. basi-. bentos sésil. sessile benthos.
basicromatina. basichromatin. betacina(ni)na. betacyan(in).
básico. basic. bi-. bi-.
basidial. basidial. bialdo. dipterous.
basidio. basidium. bianual. biannual.
basidiocarp. basidiocarpo. biarticulado. biarticulate.
basidio fasciculado. fasciculate biaxial. biaxial.
basidium. bibacca. bibacca.
basidióforo. basidiophore. bibulo. bibulous.
basidiogenético. basidiogenetic. bicalcarado. bicalcarate.
basidioliquen. basidiolichene. bicapsular. bicapsular.
basidiomicento. basidiomycetous. bicarpelar. bicarpellate.
basidiomicetes. basidiomycetes. club bicelular. bicellular.
fungi. bicíclica. bicyclic.
basidiomiceto(e). basidiomycete. biciliado. bicilate.
basidóforo. basidiophore. bicoloro. bicolor. bicolorous.
basidio. basidium (pl. basidia). bicomuado. bicornulate.
basidios. basidia. bicóncavo. biconcave.
basidiospora. basidiospore. biconico. biconic.
basidióspora. basidiospore. basidio- biconjugar. biconjugate.
sporous. biconvexo. biconvex.
basifíjo. basifixed. bicornuado. bicornuate.
basifugal. basifugal. acropetal. bicostillado. bicostate.
basigamico. basigamic. bicrenado. bicrenate.
basilar. basilar. bicuminado. bicuminate.
basinervio. basinerved. bicúspide. bicuspid.
basípeto. basipetal. bidentado. bidentate.
basiscópico. basiscopic. biduo. biduous.
basitonico. basitonic. bienal. biennial.
basodiogenético. basidiogenetic. bifacial. bifacial.
basófilo. basophilous. bifacialmente. bifacially
bast. bast. bifaro. bifarious.
basura. litter. bifenils policlorinado (BPCs).
baumgrenza. baumgrenze. polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
bífero 506 bion
bífero. biferous. biodinámica. biodynamics.
bífido. bifid. biodiversidad. biodiversity.
bifistuloso. bifistular. bioecología. bioecology.
biflabelado. biflabellate. bioeléctrico. bioelectric.
biflagelado. biflagellate. bioelectromagnetico. bioelectro-
bifloro. biflorous. magnetics.
bifolio. bifoliate. bioenergética. bioenergetic.
bifoliolado. bifoliolate. bioensayo. bioassay.
bifurcación. A fork. bioestadística. biostatistics.
bifurcada. forked. bioética. bioethics.
bifurcado. bifurcate. forked. biófago. biophilous. biogenous.
bifurcarse. fork. bioflavonoide. bioflavonoid.
bigeminado. bigeminate. biófilo. biophilous. biogenous.
bigenérico. bigeneric. bióforo. biophore
bigutulado. biguttulate. biogénesis. biogenesis.
bilabiado. bilabiate. two-lipped. biogénico. biogenic.
bilacinado. bilaciniate. biógeno. biogen(e).
bilaminar. bilaminar. biogeno. biogenous.
bilateral. bilateral. biogeocenosis. biogeoc(o)enosis.
bilobado. bilobate. biogeografía. biogeography.
bilobar. bilobed. biogeografía isla. island biogeog-
bilobular. two-lobed. bilocular. raphy .
bilocular. bilocular. two-celled. two- biogeografía orgánica. biogeogra-
lobed. phy.
bimaculado. bimaculate. biólisis. biolysis.
bimero. bimerous. biología. biology.
bimodal. bimodal. biología agrícola. agribiology.
binado. binate. biología celular. cell biology.
binomial. binomial. biología cuantitativo. quantitative
binucleado. binucleate. biology.
binucléolado. binucleolate. biología del desarrolo. developmental
bio-. bio-. biology.
bioacumulación. bioaccumulation. biología marina. marine biology.
bioacústica. bioacoustics. biología molecular. molecular bi-
bioblasto. bioblast. chondriosome. ology.
biocenoso. biocenose. biológico. biological.
bioc(o)enosis. bioc(o)enosis. biólogo. biologist.
biocoenosio. biocoenosium. bioluminiscencia. bioluminescence.
bioc(o)enótico. biocoenotic. bioma. biome.
biocida. biocide. bioma del desierto. desert biome.
bioclima. bioclimate. biomasa. biomass.
bioclimatologia. bioclimatology. biomecánica. biomechanics.
biocora. biochore. biometria. biometry.
biocroma. biochrome. biométrica. biometric.
biodegradable. biodegradable. bion. bion.
bionomico 507 bosque caliza
bionomico. bionomic. biunciado. biunciate.
bionte. biont. bivalente. bivalent.
bioplasma. bioplasm. bivalvado. bivalve.
bioquímica. biochemistry. biverticilado. biverticillate.
bioquímico. biochemical biyugado. bijugate.
bioremediación. bioremediation. blanco-amarillento. ochroleucous.
biorritmo. biorhythm. blanquecino. whitish.
bioserie. bioseries. blastema. blastema.
biosfera. biosphere. blasteniospora. blasteniospore.
biosintesis. biosynthesis. blasto-. blasto-.
biositematica. biosytematics. blastocoro. blastochore.
biostadística. biometric. blastogénesis. blastogenesis.
biota. biota. blastogeno. blastogenic.
biotas isla. island biotas. blastomiceto. blastomycete.
biotecnologia. biotechnology blastoparenquimática. blastoparen-
biótica. biotic. chymatous.
biotina. biotin. blastospora. blastospore.
biotipo. biotype. blefaroplasto. blepharoplast.
biótopo. biotope. blematogeno. blemmatogen.
biotrof. biotroph. bola espora. spore ball.
biozona. biozone. life zone. bolsa. pouch.
bipalmado. bipalmate. bolsa digestiva. digestive pouch.
biparo. biparous. bombicina. bombycine.
bipartición. bipartition. borde. edge. rim.
bipartido. bipartite. borde de camino. raodside.
bipetalado. bipetalous. borde dentado. serration.
bipétalo. bipetal. bordeado. bordered. edged.
bipinnado. bipinnate. boreal. boreal.
bipinnatifido. bipinnatifid. borla. tassel.
bipolar. bipolar. boro. boron.
birefringencia. birefringence. boscoso. woody.
birramoso. biramous. bosque. forest. woodland.
bisacado. bisaccate. bosque abierto. open forest. open
bisáceo. byssaceous. woodland.
biscutado. biscutate. bosque aciculifolio. conifer forest
bisecto. bisected. bosque boreal. boreal forest.
biseriado. biseriate. bosque caducifolio de verano.
biserrado. biserrate. double serrated. deciduous summer forest.
bisetáceo. bisetous. bosque caducifolio estacional.
bisexual. bisexual. deciduous seasonal forest.
bisulado. bisulcate. bosque caducifolio temperado.
bisulco polar. polar cleft. temperate deciduous forest.
bisimétrico. bisymmetric. bosque (plano)caducifolio. deciduous
biternado. biternate. forest. montane rain forest.
bitunicado. bitunicate. bosque caliza. limestone forest.
bosque de coniferas 508 brezo
bosque de coniferas. conifer forest. botánica. botany.
bosque de frondosas. broad-leaved botánica sistemática. plant system-
forest (hardwood). atics.
bosque de galería. gallery forest. botánico. botanical. botanist.
bosque de lluvia tropical. tropical botón floral. flower bud.
rain forest. botón preventitio. preventitious bud.
bosque de manglar. mangrove for- botri-. botry-.
est. botriode. botryoid.
bosque de neblina. cloud forest. botuliforme. botuliform. sausage-
bosque esclerofilo. sclerophyllous shaped.
forest. bourgeone. bourgeon.
bosque espina. thorn forest. bozo. down.
bosque estacional tropical. tropi- BPCs. PCBs
cal seasonal forest. bráctea. bract.
bosque lago. lake forest. bráctea foliosa. bract-leaf.
bosque latifoliadas. broad leaf for- bráctea involucral. chaff. involucral
est. bracts.
bosque liquen. lichen woodlands. bráctea pericaetial. perichaetial bract.
bosque lluvioso. rain forest. bráctea periognial. perigonial bract.
bosque mezclado perennifolio. ev- bracteado. bracteate.
ergreen mixed forest. brácteas espatiformes. falls.
bosque mixto. mixed forest. bracteodia. bracteody.
bosque montano tropical. tropical bractéola. bracteole. bractlet.
montane forest. bractéomania. bracteomania.
bosque montano. montane forest. bractéoso. bracteose.
bosque monzónico. monsoon forest. bradi-. brady-.
bosque natural. natural woodland. bradispora. bradyspore.
bosque pantanoso. swamp forest. braditélico. bradytelic.
bosque perennifolio. evergreen forest. braqui-. brachy-.
bosque pluvial. rain forest. braquiblasto. brachyblast.
bosque ribereño. riparian forest. braquicladio. brachycladous.
bosque sabana. savannah woodland. braquiforme. brachyform.
bosque secundario. secondary for- braquimeiosis. brachymeiosis.
est. braquiesclereida. brachysclereid.
bosque septentrional. boreal forest. braquial. brachiate.
bosque subalpino. subalpine forest. brazo. arm.
bosque tropical. tropical forest. brazo cromosómico. chromosome arm.
bosque virgen. old-growth forest. breñoso. bushy.
virgin forest. brevemente. shortly.
bosquelatifoliadas. broad leaf for- brevi-. brevi-.
est. brevibrote. short shoot.
bosques manglar. mangrove forest. brevicolado. brevicollate. short-
bóstrix. bostryx. necked.
botánica sistemática. plant system- brezal. heath.
atics. brezo. heath.
brillante 509 butrous
brillante. glossy. shining. lustrous. bulbífero. bulbiferous.
briófita. bryophyte. bulbiforme. bulbiform.
briófitas. bryophytes. bulbilado. bulbillate.
briofítos. bryophytes. bulbillo del tallo. stem bulblet.
briología. bryology. muscology. bulbillo. bulbel.
brionia. bryony. bullillo del tallo. stem bulblet.
bromelia. bromeliad. bulbilo. bulbil.
bromeliiforme. bromeliiform. bulbo. bulb.
broquidódroma. brochidodromous. bulbo aéro. aerial bulb.
brotar. bud. sprout. burgeon. bulbo escamiforme. scaly bulb.
brote. innovation. outgrowth. shoot. bulbo laminado. laminated bulb.
brote adventicio. sucker. bulbo tunicadado. tunicate bulb.
brote aéreo. aerial shoot. bulbosa. bulbous.
brote lateral. lateral shoot. bulto. bulge.
brote terminal. terminal shoot. burdón. burdo.
brumalis. brumalis. bursicula. bursicule.
brunneus. brunneus. bursiculado. bursiculate.
bucle de regulación. feedback loop. bursiforme. bursiform.
bulado. bullate. butrous. butíro.
C 510 callejero

C. C. calcáreo. calcareous.
Ca. Ca. calcariforme. calcarate. calcariform.
cabezuela. head. calceiforme. calceiform. calceolate.
cabezuela compuesta. compound head. calcícola. calcicole.
cabezuela floral. flower head. calcícolo. calcicolous.
cabillo. stalk. calcificación. calcification.
cácico carbonato. calcium carbon- calcífilo. calciphilous.
ate. calciflorado. calyciflorate.
cadena alimentaria. food chain. calciforme. calciform.
cadena alimenticia. food chain. calcifuga. calcifuge.
cadena polinucleotídica. polynucle- calcífugo. calcifugugous
otide chain. calcio. calcium.
cadena polipeptica. polypeptide chain. calcio carbonato. calcium carbon-
cadena respiratorio. respiratory chain. ate.
cadena transportadora de electrones. calic-. calyc-.
electron transport chain. calicado. calycate.
cadena trófica. food chain. calicantemia. calycanthemy.
cadillo. burr. sticker. calciflorado. calyciflorate.
caducifloro. caduciflorous. calicifloral. calycifloral.
caducifolio. caducifolious. decidu- calíciforme. calyciform.
ous. calcifuga. calcifuge.
caduco. caducous. calcifugo. calcifugous.
caeco. caecum. calicinar. calycine.
caedizo. caducous. calicino. calycine.
caeoma. caeoma. calicoide. calycoid.
caepitoso. caepitose. caliculado. calyculate.
caesius. caesius. calículo. calycle. calyculus.
cafeina. caffeine. caliculo. epicalyx.
caistobasidio. chaistobasidium. calino. caline.
cal. lime (agricultural). caliptra. calyptra. root cap.
calabasa. gourd. caliptrado. calyptrate. capped.
calamífero. calamiferous. caliptrógeno. calyptrogen.
calamiforme. calamiform. reed-like. cáliz. calyx. cup.
cálamo. calamus. cáliz de agua. water calyx.
calatidio. calathidium. calathide. cáliz floral. flower cup.
cálaza. chalaza. caliza. limestone.
calazogamia. chalazogamy. calizo. calcareous.
calcar. calcar. callejero. rambler.
calli- 511 capitelado
calli-. calli-. canal resinífero. resin canal.
callo (orquídea). callus (orchid). canal secretífero. canal secretory.
callosidad. callosity. canal secretorio. secretory canal.
caloria. calorie. canal valecular. vallecular canal.
calosa. callose. canalización. canalization.
calvescente. calvescent. canaóla. culmicole.
cama de siembra. seedbed. cañavera. sedge.
cámara. chamber. cancelado. cancellate.
cámara aerífera. air chamber. cancro. canker.
cámara de anteridial. antheridial candidus. candidus.
chamber. canescente. canescent. hoary.
cámara polinica. pollen chamber. canoso (en indumentos). white
cámara prelaminar. prelamellar (haired).
chamber. canus. canus.
cámara substomatico. substomatic capa. scum. spumeous.
chamber. capacidad de adaptación. adaptive
cámbio. cambium (pl. cambia). capacity.
cambio adaptivo. adaptive break- capacidad de cambio. exchange
through. capacity.
cambio de bases. base exchange. capacidad de cambio anion. anion
cambio de cationes. cation exchange. exchange capacity.
cambio de cultivo. shifting cultivation. capacidad de cambio base. base
cambium estratificado. stratified exchange capacity.
cambium. capadidad de cambio cation. cation
cámbium fascicular. fascicular exchange capacity.
cambium. capacidad de campo. field capac-
cámbium interfasicular. interfascicu- ity.
lar cambium. capacidad de carga. carrying capacity.
cámbium suberígeno. cork cambium. capacidad de fotosintético. photosyn-
cambium vascular. vascular cambium. thetic capacity.
camé-. chamae-. capacidad reproductor. reproduc-
camé(o)fito. chamae(o)phyte. tive capacity.
camelinus. camelinus. capa de aleurona. aleurone layer.
camnio. camnium. capa de esporógeno. sporogenous
campaniforme. campaniform. layer.
campanulado. campanulate. capa del ozona. ozone layer.
campestris. campestris. capa esponjoso. spongy layer.
campilódroma. campylodromous. capa pilífera. pilerous layer.
camptodromous. caperuza. cap.
campilótropo. campylotropous. capilar. capillaceous. capillary.
campo. field. capilicio. capillitium.
camptódroma. camptodromous. capiliforme. capiliform.
caña. cana. cane. haulm. reed. culm. capitado. capitate.
canal. canal. capitalista. capitalist.
canal estilar. stylar canal. capitelado. capitellate.
capitelo 512 cariopsis
capitelo. capitellum. character.
capitular. capitular. carácter mendeliano. mendelian
capituliforme. capituliform. inheritance.
capítulo. capitulum. carácter poco fidedigo. unreliable
capítulo esprangiolífero. sporangioli- character.
ferous head. carácter poligénico. polygenic char-
capítulo floral. flower head. acter.
capreolado. capreolate. carácter unidad. unit character.
capreolo. capreolus. carácter variante. variant charac-
caprificación. caprification. ter.
cápsida. capsid. característica hereditario. heredi-
capsómero. capsomere. tary characteristic.
cápsula. boll. capsule. caracteristica. trait.
cápsula acrocidal. acrocidal capsule. caracteristico. characteristic.
cápsula basicida. basicidal capsule. caráters genérico. generic charac-
cápsula denticida. denticidal cap- ters.
sule. carbohidrato. carbohydrates.
cápsula operculado. operculate cap- carbohidraza. carbohydrase.
sule. carbono. carbon.
cápsula de semilla. seed capsule. carbono 14 radiactivo. radioactive
cápsula seminal. seed capsule. carbon -14.
cápsula valvar. valvular capsule. carboxidismutasa. carboxydismutase.
cápsulado. capsulate. carboxilasa. carboxylase.
capsular. capsular. carboxílico. carboxyl group.
capuchón. hood. carcérulo. carcerulus.
capullo. blossom. carcérulo esquizocarpico. schizo-
capullo floral. flower bud. carpic carcerule.
carácter. character. carenado. keeled.
carácter accesorio. accessory char- carga genética. genetic load.
acter. cariallagico. caryallagic.
carácter adaptivo. adaptive char- cariáster. karyaster.
acter carina. carina.
carácter adquirido. acquired char- carinado. carinate.
acter. cario-. caryo-. karyo-.
cáracter complejo. complex char- carioide. caryoid.
acter. cariocinesis. karyokinesis.
carácter cualitativo. qualitative cariogamia. karyogamy.
characters. cariolinfa. karyolymph.
carácter cuantitativo. quantitative cariología. karyology.
characters. cariómero. karomere.
carácter de adaptación. adaptive cariomicrosoma. karyomicrosome.
character. cariómito. chromosome.
carácter específico. specific char- cariópdide. caryopsis.
acter. carioplasm. karyoplasm.
carácter hereditario. hereditary cariopsis. caryopsis. grain.
cariorrexis 513 caulifloro
cariorrexis. karyorhexis. casmófito. chasmophyte.
cariosoma. karyosome. casmógama. chasmogamous.
carioteca. karyotheca. casmogamia. chasmogamy.
cariotina. karyotin. chromatin. casmógamico. chasmogamic.
cariotipo. karyotype. casquete nuclear. nuclear cap.
carneus. carneus. casquete polar. polar cap.
carnicero. carnivorous. castaño. castaneous.
carnivoro. carnivore. castración parásita. parasitic cas-
carnívoro. carnivorous. tration.
carnosa. carnose. cata-. kata-.
carnoso. fleshy. sarcous. catabolismo. catabolism.
carnuloso. carnulose. catacinético. katakinetic.
caroteno. carotene. catacinetómero. katakinetomere.
carotenoide. carotenoid. catacorola. catacorolla.
carotina. carotin. catadroma. katadromous. catadro-
carotinoide. carotinoid. mous.
carozo. stone. catafasa. kataphase.
carpelar. carpellary. carpellate. catafilo. cataphyll.
carpelo. carpel. catalasa. catalase.
carpeloide. carpelloid. catálisis. catalysis.
carpido. carpid. catalizador. catalyst.
carpo-. carpo-. catalizar. catalyze.
carpófita. carpophyte. catatecio. catathecium.
carpóforo. carpophore. catecol. catechol.
carpogeno. carpogenous. categoria. rank.
carpogonio. carpogonium. categorización de Raunkiaer.
carpología. carpology. Raunkiaer categorization.
carpopodio. carpopodium. catenación. catenation.
carpospora. carpospore. catenuliforme. catenuliform.
carposporófito. carposporophyte. catenado. catenate.
carposprangio. carposporangium. catión. cation.
carpotrófico. carpotrophic. catotecio. cathothecium.
cartáceo. chartaceous. paper-like. cauda. cauda.
cartáceo. paper-like. caudado. caudate. tailed.
cartilaginoso. cartilaginous. cáudice. caudex.
carúncula. caruncle. caudiculado. caudiculate.
carunculado. carunculate. caudículo. caudicle.
cáscara. husk. rind. shell. caul-. caul-.
cáscara delgada. thin-shelled. caulescente. caulescent.
cáscara espesa. thick-shelled. caulicula. caulicule.
casco. helmet. cauliculo. cauliculus.
casco. hull. caulículo. caulicle.
casideo. cassideous. caulífero. cauliferous.
casmocleistogamico. chasmocleisto- caulifloria. cauliflory.
gamic. caulifloro. cauliflorous.
cauliforme 514 célula esporógeno
cauliforme. cauliform. stem-like. célula anteridial. antheridial cell.
cauligeno. cauligenous. célula antipodal. antipodal cell.
caulinar. cauline. stem-like. célula apical. apical cell.
caulino. cauline. célula auxiliar. auxilliary cell.
caulis. caulis. célula axil. axial cell.
caulocárpico. caulocarpic. célula asogenico. asogenic cell.
caulocárpo. caulocarpous. célula basal. basal cell.
caulocistidio. caulocystidium. célula buliforme. bulliform cell.
caulocole. caulicolous. célula cambiforme. cambiform cell.
cauloide. cauloid. célula canal. canal cell.
caulomo. caulome. célula canal del cuello. neck canal
causada por un hongo. wet rot. cell.
cavernícola. cavernicolous. célula canal del vientre. ventral canal
cavidad. cavity. reservoir. sac. cell.
cavidad branquial. gill cleft. gill célula caperuza. cap cell.
slit. célula circular. ring cell.
cavidad espora. spore sac. célula de cierre. guard cell.
cavidad frontal. frontal cavity. célula colector. collecting cell.
cavidad punteadura. pit cavity. célula columnar. columnar cell.
cavidad savia. sap cavity. célula corporal. body cell.
cavitación. cavitation. célula cribosa. sieve cell.
cecideo. cecidium. célula cúpula. dome cell.
cecidización. cecidization. célula de cierre. guard cell.
cefal-. cephal-. célula de guarda. guard cell.
cefalina. cephalin. célula de labio. lip cells.
cefalio. cephalium. célula de los radios medulares.
cefalobranquial. cephalobranchial. medullary ray cell.
cefalodeo. cephalodium. célula del tapete. tapetal cell.
cefaloide. cephaloid. célula de malpighi(o). malpighian cell.
cegamiento. warping (of land). célula de paso. passage cell.
ceilocistidio. cheilocystidium. célula de relleno. packing cell.
ceimplasma. keimplasm. célula de transición. transition cell.
cellulaso. cellulase. célular de transfusión. transfusion
cellulosa fúngico. fungal cellulose. cell.
celo-. coelo. célula digestiva. digestive cell.
celobiosa. cellobiose. célula en empalizada. palisade cell.
celomicetos. coelomycetes. célula enjambre. swarm cell.
celospermo. coelospermous. célula en reposo. resting cell.
célula. cell. célula epibasal. epibasal cell.
célula accesorio. accessory cell. célula esclerosa. stone cell.
célula acompañante. companion cell. célula esclerótico. sclerotic cell.
célula adhesivo. adhesive cell. célula espermatógeno. spermatog-
célula albuminoso. albuminous cell. enous cell.
célula andrógino. androgonal cell. célula esponjoso. spongy cell.
célula anexa. companion cell. célula esporógeno. sporogenous cell.
célula estéril 515 centro genético
célula estéril. sterile cell. celular embudo. funnel cell.
célula germinal. germ cell. célular generador. generative cell.
célula germinal primaria. primor- célular generativo. generative cell.
dial germ cell. celular hibrido. hybrid cell.
célula germinativa. germ cell. célular opercular. opercular cell.
célula hermana. sister cell. celular polar. polar cell.
célula hialina. hyaline cell. célula receptora. receptor cell.
célula hija. daughter cell. célula rizoidal. rhizoidal cell.
célula hiperbasal. hyperbasal cell. célula somática. somatic cell.
célula huevo. egg cell. célula turbinado. turbinate cell.
célula inicial. initial cell. célula de tubo. tube cell.
célula intercalar. intercalary cell. célula vegetativo. vegetative cell.
célula látex. latex cell. célular transferencia. transfer cell.
célula madre. mother cell. celular verde. green cell.
célula madre del polen. pollen mother celulosa. cellulose.
cell. célulosa de reserva. reserve cellu-
célula madre de xilema. xylem Mother lose.
Cell. cementación. cementation.
célula motor. motor cell. ceno-. coeno-.
célula nudo. node cell. cenobio. coenobium.
célula nutricia. nurse cell. cenocentro. coenocentrum.
célula oclusiva. guard cell. cenocisto. coenocyst.
célula pediculo. pedicle cell. cenocito. coenocyte.
célula pericentral. pericentral cell. cenogametangio. coenogametangium.
célula periférico. peripheral cell. cenogameto. coenogamete.
célula pétrea. stone cell. cenosoro. coenosorus.
célula placentaria. placental cell. cenospecie. coenospecies.
célula primordial. primordial cell. cenote. sinkhole.
célula radial marginal. marginal ray censairo mecanismo. censer mecha-
cell. nism.
célula raqueta. racket cell. centonado. centonate.
célula receptora. receptor cell. central (raíz). tap root.
célula secretora. secretory cell. central. central.
célula sexual. gamete. sex cell. centrífugo. centrifugal.
célula somática. somatic cell. centríolo. centriole.
célula subsidiaria. accessory cell. centrípeta. centripetal.
subsidiary cell. centro activo. active site.
célula tectriz. cover cell. centro ascigero. ascigerous centrum.
célula vegetativo. vegetative cell. centro de diversidad. center of di-
celular. cellular. versity.
celular central. central cell. centro de origen. center of origin.
celular complementario. complemen- centrodesma. centrodesmus.
tary cell. centro de reacción. reaction center.
célular de transfusión. transfusion centro reductor. reducing center.
cell. centro genético. genecenter.
centro génico 516 cigófito
centro génico. genecenter. cíclica hídrico. hydrologic cycle.
centrómero. centromere. cíclica hðrico. hydrologic cycle.
centrosoma. centrosome. cíclico. cyclic.
cepáceo. cepaceous. ciclo. cycle.
cera. wax. ciclo-. cyclo-.
ceranoide. ceranoid. ciclo alimentario. food cycle
cerat-. cerat-. ciclo alimenticio. food cycle.
cercano. near. ciclo biogeoquímico. biogeochemical
cerda. bristle. cycle.
cerdoso. bristly. ciclo célula. cell cycle.
cereales. cereals. ciclo cromosómico. chromosome cycle.
cerebriforme. cerebriform. ciclo de Krebs. Krebs cycle.
cerífero. ceriferous. ceraceous. ciclo de nutrientes. nutrient cycle.
cero fisiológia. physiological zero. ciclo de oxígeno. oxygen cycle.
ceroso. waxy. ciclo de sequía. drought cycle.
certación. certation. ciclo de vida. life cycle.
ceruus. ceruus. ciclo del ácido cítrico. citric acid
césped. lawn. cycle. Krebs cycle.
cespitoso. caespitose. cespitose. ciclo del ácido tricarboxilico.
cestilla de propágulos. cyathus. tribarboxylic acid cycle.
gemma cup. ciclo del agua. water cycle.
cetona. ketone. ciclo del azufre. sulfur cycle.
cetosa. ketose. ciclo del carbono. carbon cycle.
ceto-uracilo. keto-uracil. ciclo del glioxalato. glyoxylic cy-
ceviatámico. Vitamin C. cle.
chaparral. chaparral. ciclo del nitrógeno. nitrogen cycle.
charófita. charophytes. ciclo glioxílico. glyoxylic cycle.
chimenea. chimney. ciclo pentosa-fosfato. pentose-phos-
choclo. maize. corn. phate cycle.
choque térmica. thermal shock. ciclo vital. life cycle.
chupón. sucker. ciclosis. cyclosis
ciano-. cyano-. ciclosporo. cyclosporous.
cianobacteria. cyanobacteria. ciego. blind.
cianoplasto. cyanoplast. ciénaga. morass.
ciat-. cyath-. ciencia del suelo. soil science.
ciatiforme. cyathiform. ciencias ambientales. environmen-
ciatio. cyathium. tal science.
cicad. cycad. ciencias biológicas. life sciences.
cicatricoso. scarred. ciencias naturales. natural science.
cicatriz. cicatrix. scar. blemish. ciénega. swamp. morass.
cicatriz de la hoja. leaf scar. cieno. ooze. silt.
cicatriz foliar. leaf scar. cifela. cyphella.
cicatriz imperfección. blemish. cigo-. zygo-.
cicatriz stipular. stipular scar. cigófase. zygophase.
cicatriz trasa. trace scar. cigófito. zygophyte.
cigóforo 517 cistolito
cigóforo. zygophore. cimula. cymule.
cigomorfismo. zygomorphism. cinarrodon. hip.
zygomorphy. cinc. zinc.
cigomorfo. zygomorphic. cincino. cincinnus.
cigónema. zygonema. cinéreo. cinereous.
cigosis. zygosis. cinerus. cinerus.
cigospora. zygospore. cinetómero. kinetomere.
cigósporangio. zygosporangium. cinetosoma. kinetosome.
cigosporóforo. zygosporophore. cingulado. cingulate.
cigóteno. zygotene. cininado. cinnate.
cigótico. zygotic. cino. kino.
cigoto. zygote. cinoplasma. kinoplasm.
cigoto diploide. diploid zygote. cinorrodon. cynarrhodion.
cigótropismo. zygotropism. cipsela. cypsela.
cigozoospora. zygozoospore. cipsela erizada. bur.
cilia. cilia. cirado. cirrate.
ciliado. ciliate. circadiano. circadian.
ciliatulado. ciliatulate. circinado. circinate.
cilíndrical. cilídrical. circuito de regulación. feedback loop.
cilíndrico. cyclindric circulación. circulation.
cilindro. cylinder. circular. circular.
cilindro estereoma. stereome cyl- circulo. circle.
inder. círculo de renovación. renewal cy-
cilindro vascular. vascular cylinder. cle.
cilio. cilium. círculo de renuevo. renewal cycle.
cilolado. ciliolate. circulación. circulation.
cima. cyme. circun-. circum-.
cima (de árbol). tree-top. circunbasal. circumbasal.
cima bípara. dichasium. circucaulo. circumcaulous.
cima escorpioide. scorpioid cyme. circumnudado. circumnutate.
cima helicoide. helicoid cyme. circumnutación. circumnutation.
cima simple. simple cyme. circuncaulo. circumcaulous.
cima unípara. uniparous cyme. circuncisil. circumscissile.
cimasa. zymase. circunferencia. circumference. girth.
cimbiforme. boat-shaped. cymbiform. circunferencial. circumferential.
címbium. cambium. cirriforme. cirrhous.
cimófito. zymophyte. cirro. cirrus (pl. cirri).
cimógeno. zymogen. zymogenic. ciste. cyst.
zymogenous. cisteina. cysteine.
cimogénero. zymogenus. cisternae. cisternae.
cimóhexosa. zymohexose. cistidio. cystidium.
cimolisis. zymolysis. cistina. cystine.
cimología. zymology. cistocarpo. cystocarp.
cimoso. cymose. cistógeno. cystogenous.
cimotico. zymotic. cistolito. cystolith.
cistosoro 518 clima
cistosoro. cystosorus. cladistico. cladistic.
cistosporo. cystospore. clado. clade.
cistrón. cistron. cladocarpo. cladocarpous.
cistrón redundante. redundant cistron. cladodio. cladode.
citiquímica. cytochemistry. cladódromo. cladodromous.
cito-. cyto-. cladofilo. cladophyll.
citobiología. cytobiology. cladosifónico. cladosiphonic.
citocinesis. cytokinesis. cladogénesis. cladogenesis.
citócroma. cytochrome. cladogeno. cladogenous.
citócromo. cytochrome. cladograma. cladogram.
citodiéresis. cytodiaeresis. clamideo. chlamydeous.
citodo. cytode. clamido-. chlamydo-.
citoesqueleto. cytoskeleton. clamidóspora. chlamydospore.
citofaringe. cytopharnyx. clan. clan.
citogamia. cytogamy. claro. clearing.
citogénesis. cytogenesis. clase. class.
citogenética. cytogenetics. clasificación. classification.
citogeno. cytogenous. clasificación artifícial. artificial
citolinfa. cytolymph. classification.
citolisina. cytolysin. clasificación del suelo. soil classi-
citólisis. cytolysis. fication.
citología. cytology. clasificación fenetico. phenetic clas-
citológico. cytological. sification.
citomicrosoma. cytomicrosome. clasificación filética. phyletic
citomorfosis. cytomorphosis. classification.
citopatógeno. cytopathogenic. clasificación filogenético.
citoplasma. cytoplasm(a). phylogenetic classification.
citoplasma fundamental matriz. clasificación natural. natural clas-
cytoplasmic matric. sification.
citoplasma periférico. peripheral clatroide. clathroid.
cytoplasm. clatrado. latticed. clathrate.
citoplasmática. cytoplasmic matrix. clatriforme. clathriform.
citoplasmático. cytoplasm(at)ic clatrodo. clathrate.
citoplásmico. cytoplasm(at)ic. clava. clava.
citoquímica. cytochemistry. clavado. clavate.
citoquinesis. cytokinesis. clave genética. genetic code.
citoquinina. cytokinin. claviforme. claviform. club-shaped.
citosina. cytosine. clavulado. clavulate.
citosoma. cytosome. cledio. chledium.
citotaxonomia. cytotaxonomy. cleistocarpo. cleistocarp.
citoma. ytome. cleistógamo. cleistogamous.
citotropismo. cytotropism. cleistogamia. cleistogamy.
citriforme. citriform. lemon-shaped. cleistogen. cleistogene.
cizaña. darnel. weed. cleistotecio. cleistothecium.
Cl. Cl. clima. climate.
climacterico 519 coeficiente de selección
climacterico. climacteric. coadunato. coadunate. connate.
clímax biótico. biotic climax. coagulación. coagulation.
clímax climático. climatic climax. coalescente. coalescent.
climax de antropogénico. anthro- cobre. copper.
pogenic climax. cocaina. cocaine.
clímax de bosque. forest climax. coarctado. coarctate.
climax dominante. climax dominant. cobertizo. lath house.
clímax edáfica. edaphic climax. cobre. copper. cupreous.
clímax fisiográfico. physiographic coccineus. coccineus.
climax. coccoide. coccoid.
climax predominante. prevailing coco. coccus (pl. cocci).
climax. cochleado. cochleate.
clina. cline. cociente de asimilación. assimila-
clinandrio. clinandrium. tory quotient.
clinanto. clinanthium. cociente repiratorio (CR). respiratory
clinóstato. clinostat. klinostat. quotient (RQ).
clinotrófico. klinotrophic. cóclea. cochlea.
clipeado. clypeate. coclear. cochlear. spoon-shaped.
clipeiforme. clypeiform. código degenerado. degenerate code.
clon. clone. código genético. genetic code.
clonal. clonal. Código Internacionales de Nomencl-
clono. clone. atura Botánico. International Code
clorantia. chloranthy. of Botanical Nomenclature.
clorénquima. chlorenchyma. codominante. codominant.
cloro. chlorine. codón. condon.
cloro-. chloro- códon absurdo. nonsense condon.
clorofila. chlorophyll. códon sin sentido. nonsense condon.
clorófilase. chlorophyllase. coefíciente de coincidencia. coef-
clorófilo. chlorophyllous. ficient of coincidence.
clorofilógeno. chlorophyllogen. coeficiente de consanguinidad. in-
cloroplasto. chloroplast. breeding coefficient.
cloroplasto axil. axile chloroplast. coeficiente de defusión. diffusion
clorosis. chlorosis. coefficient.
cloróstatolito. chlorostatolith. coefíciente de endogamia. coeffi-
cloruro de sodio. sodium chloride. cient of inbreeding.
cloruro sódico. sodium chloride. coeficiente de heterogonico. hetero-
closterospora. closterospore. gonic coefficient.
closteroviruses. closteroviruses. coeficiente de inbreeding. inbreeding
clusa. nutlet. coefficient.
CMP. PMC. coeficiente de marchitamiento. wilting
co-. co-. coefficient.
coa(da)ptación. coadaption. coeficiente de regresión. regression
coacción. coaction. coefficient.
coacervado. coacervate. coeficiente de selección. selection
coadnato. coadnate. joined. coefficient.
coeficiente de temperatura 520 complementación intercistrónica
coeficiente de temperatura (Q 10 ). colonización. colonization.
temperature coefficient (Q 10 ). colonizaar. colonize.
coeficiente fotosintético. photosyn- color. color.
thetic quotient. color amarillo. yellow color.
coenzima. coenzyme. colorante ácido. acid dye.
coenzima 1 . coenzyme 1. colorante básico. basic dye.
coenzima 2. coenzyme 2. colorante nuclear. nuclear stain.
coenzima A. coenzyme A. color blanco. white color.
coetáneo. coetaneous. color malva. mauve color.
coevolución. coevolution. color oro. gold color. yellowish.
cofactor. cofactor. color protectora. protective color.
cofia. root cap. color roja-violeta. red-violet color.
coherirse. cohere. color violeta. violet color.
coherente. coherent. coloración vital. vital staining.
cohesión. cohesion. columela. columella.
cohesión mecansimo. cohesion mecha- columelliforme. columelliform.
nism. columna. column.
cohorte. cohort. columnar. columnar.
cojinete foliar. leaf cushion. com-. com-.
colabente. collabent. coma. coma.
colateral. collateral. comado. comate.
colchicina. colchicine. comedor de fango. mull.
colénquima. collenchyma. comensals. commensals.
colénquima permanente. permanent comensalismo. commensalism
collenchyma. comisura. commissure.
colénquima temporario. temporary comófito. chomophyte.
collenchyma. como hilo. thread-like.
coleógeno. coleogen. como pluma. feathery.
coleóptilo. coleoptile. comoso. comose. papose.
coleóriza. coleorhiza. compaginado. compaginate.
colesterol. cholesterol. compartimental(liza)ción. compart-
colgante. pendulous. alization.
coliculoso. colliculose. compatible. compatible.
colinearidad. colinearity. compensación. compensation.
colquicina. colchicine. compensación de dosificaión. dos-
colina. choline. age compensation.
colinearidad. colinearity. competencia interespecífica. inter-
collete. collet. collar. specific competition.
collinus. collinus. competencia. competition.
colmatación. warping (of land). compital. compital.
colofonia. colophony. rosin. complanado. complanate.
coloide. colloid. complejo sináptinemal. synaptinemal
colonia. community. complex.
colonial. colonial. complementación intercistrónica.
colonista. colonist. interchange.
complemento cromosómico 521 confluente
complemento cromosómico. chro- con parches. patchily.
mosome complement. conato. connate.
composición florística. floristic conato perfoliado. connate-perfoliate.
compostion. concatenado. concatenate.
comprimido. complanate. compressed. cóncavo. concave.
compuestas. Compositae. concentración de hidrogeniones.
compuesto. composite. compound. hydrogen ion concentration.
compuesta orgánico. organic com- conceptáculo. conceptacle.
pound. conchado. conchate.
compuesta tripinado. tripinnately concinnus. concinnus.
compound. concolor. unicolored. concolor.
compuesto inorgáico. inorganic concoloro. concolorous.
compound. concordancia. concordance.
compuesto secundario. secondary concrescencia. concrescence. sym-
compounds. physis.
comunidad abierta. open commu- concrescente. concrescent. concrete.
nity. coalesced.
comunidad biótica. biotic commu- condensación. condensation.
nity. condensado. condensed.
comunidad cerrado. closed commu- condición de la tierra. tilth.
nity. condiciones meterológicas. weather.
comunidad climácico. climax com- condioesporangio. condiosporangium.
munity. condióspora. condiospore.
comunidad climático. climatic com- condominancia. codominance.
munity. condominante. codominant.
comunidad climax. climax community. cóndon absurdo. nonsense condon.
comunidad complementario. com- cóndon de paro. terminator condon.
plementary community. cóndon sin sentido. nonsense condon.
comunidad estable. stable commu- condrioconto. chondriocont.
nity. condriolisis. chondriolysis.
comunidad final. climax community. condriomita. chondriomite.
comunidad inestable. unstable com- condriosoma. chondrisome.
munity. condroide. chondroid.
comunidad inmaduro. immature conducción de agua. water conduction.
community. conducción fototrópico. phototropic
comunidad marginal. marginal com- conduction.
munity. conducto. duct.
comunidad pionera. pioneer com- conducto resinoso. resin duct.
munity. conduplicado. complicate. condupl-
comunidad reliquial. relic(t) com- icate.
munity. conectivo. connective.
comunidad seral. seral community. confertus. confertus.
comunidad vegetal. plant commu- confervoide. confervoid.
nity. configuración. configuration.
conación. connation. confluente. confluent.
congénere 522 convoluto estivación
congénere. congeneric. conspecific. constricto. constricted.
congénito. congenital. consumidor. consumer.
congestado. congested. consumidor primario. primary con-
conglobado. conglobate. sumer.
conglomerado. agglomerate. conglom- consumidor secundario. second-
erate. ary consumer.
conglutinado. conglutinate. contabescente. contabescent.
congregado. congregate. contaminación. pollution.
congresión. congression. contaminación del agua. water pol-
cónico. conic. conical. cone-shaped. lution.
conideo. conidium (pl. conidia). contaminación del aire. air pollu-
conidióforo. conidiophore. tion.
conidiosporangio. condiosporangium. contaminante. contaminant.
conífera. conifer. contaminar. pollute.
conífero. coniferous. contaminarase. contaminated.
conivente. connivent. contermino. conterminous.
conjugación. conjugation. contexto. context.
conjugado. conjugate. contingente. contingent.
conjunto. group. contiguo. contiguous.
conjunto de matas. thicket. continuo. continuum. continuous.
cono. cone. continuo de apareamiento. mating
cono de fertilización. fertilization continuum.
cone. contorsionado. contorted.
cono entrada. entrance cone. contorsionduplicado. contorto-
con parches. patchily. duplicate.
conparecido. consimilar. contrafuerte. buttress.
consanguinea. consanguinous. contracción secundario. secondary
conservación. conservation. contraction.
conservación de la naturaleza. con- control de estructural. structural
servation of nature. control.
conservación del biológico. biological control genotípica. genotypic con-
conservation. trol.
conservación del medio abmiente. control quimico. chemical control.
biological conservation. convergencia. convergence.
conservación del suelo. soil conser- convergencia adaptivo. adaptive
vation. convergence.
consociación. consociation. convergente de efarmonico.
consortismo. consortism. epharmonic convergence.
conspecifíco. conspecific. conversión de gene. gene conver-
conspicuamente. distinctly. sion.
constelado. constellate. convertir en abono. compost.
constipado. constipate. convexo. convex.
constricción. constriction. convoluto. convolute.
constricción primario. primary con- convoluto estivación. convolute
striction. aestivation.
copa del árbol 523 corteza
copa del árbol. tree crown. corniculado. corniculate
copa propagulífera. cyathus. gemma corola. corolla.
cup. coroláceo. corollaceous.
copa. crown. corolado. corollate.
copa floral. cup. corolete. corollet.
copa propagulífera. gemma cup. corolífero. corolliferous.
copado. crown. coroliforme. corolliform.
copal. copal. corolino. corolline.
coprófilo. coprophilous. corona. corona.
cópula. copulation. coronado. coronate. with corona.
copulación. copulation. coroniform. coroniform.
coral. coral. coronula. coronule.
coralino. coralline. corporal alimenticia. food body.
coraloide. coral-like. coralloid. corriente. streaming.
corazón. core. corriente de transpiraction. tran-
corazón de la madera. heartwood. spiration stream.
corazón vegetativo. vegetative core. corriente plasmática. protoplasmic
corazón de xilema. xylem core. streaming.
corcho. cork. corriente transpiratoria. transpi-
corchoso. corky ration stream.
cordifolous. cordifolius. corte tranversal. section.
cordiforme. heart-shaped. cordiform. corteza. shreddy bark.
cordón vascular. vascular strand. corteza cáscara. shell bark.
coremio. coremium. corteza exterior. outer bark.
coremiforme. coremiform. corteza secundario. secondary cortex.
cornezuelo. ergot. cortina. curtain. cortin.
co-represor. corepressor. corpúsculo. corpuscle.
cori-. chori-. corpúsculo basal. basal corpuscle.
coriacelado. coriacellate. corpúsculo central. central body.
coriáceo. coriaceous. corpúsculo de inclusión. inclusion
corion. corium. body
corimbiforme. corymbiform. corpúsculo polar. polar body.
corimbo. corymb. corpúsculo primaria. primary body.
corimboso. corymbose. correlación. correlation.
corion. corium. correpresor. corepressor.
coripétalo. choripetalous. corriente. streaming.
corisépalo. chorisepalous. corrugado. corrugated.
corisis. chorisis. cortar y quemar agricultura. slash
cormillo. cormel. and burn agriculture.
cormo. corm(us). corte tranversal. section.
cormófito. cormophyte. córtex. cortex.
córneo. horny. corneous. córtex fastigiado. fastigate cortex.
cornezuelo. ergot. córtex fibrosa. fibrous cortex.
cornículo. horn. corteza. bark. cortex. rind. shreddy
corniforme. corniform. bark.
corteza alado 524 crimio
corteza alado. winged bark. tip growth.
corteza anillado. ringed bark. crecimiento celular. cell growth.
corteza exterior. outer bark. crecimiento deslizante. gliding
corteza fisurada. fissured bark. growth. sliding growth.
corteza liso. smooth bark. crecimiento difuso. diffuse growth.
corticado. corticate. crecimiento elástico. elastic growth.
cortical. cortical. crecimiento estándar. standard.
corticícola. corticolous. crecimiento exponencial. exponential
cortiledón. seminal leaf. growth.
cortina. cortin(a). crecimiento exponencial ecuación.
coscinocistidio. coscinocystidium. exponential growht equation.
coscinoide. coscinoid. crecimiento horizontal. sympodial
coser. splice. growth.
cosmopolita. cosmopolitan. crecimiento intercalar. intercalary
costa. costa. shoreline. growth.
costal. costal. crecimiento linear. linear growth.
costa litoral. seacoast. crecimiento primario. primary growth.
costapalmado. costapalmate. crecimiento secundar. second growth.
costato. fluted. ribbed. crecimiento secundario. secondary
costilla. costule. ridge. rib. growth.
costillado. fluted. ribbed. crecimiento simpodial. sympodial
costilla media. midrib. growth.
costra. scab. crecimiento tricotalico. trichothallic
cotiledón. cotyledon. seed leaf. growth.
cotiliforme. cotyliform. crecimiento vegetativo. vegetative
cozaña. weed. growth.
CR. RQ. cremnófito. kremnophyte.
crampón. crampon. cremocarpo. cremocarp.
crassi-. crasi-. crenado. crenate.
crasicarpo. pachycarpous. crenio. crenium.
crasicaule. pachycaulous. sarco- crenulado. crenulate.
caulous. crepuscular. crepuscular.
crasiclado. pachycladous. crescentrico. crescentric.
craspedódromo. craspedodromous. crespo. crispate.
crassus. crassus. cresta. cresta. ridge. comb.
crásula. crassula (pl. crassulae). bar crestado. crested. cristate.
of Sanio. Sanio’s band. Sanio’s crestas mitocondriales. crista(e).
rim. cría. breeding.
crateriforme. crateriform. criador de semillas. seed breeder.
Creación especial. special Creation. cria verdadera. true breeding.
creacionismo. creationism. crianza de lineas. line breeding.
creacionista. creationist. cribar. sieve.
crecer. grow. cribforme. sieve-like.
crecimiento. growth. upgrowth. cribriforme. cribriform.
crecimiento apical. apical growth. crimio. crymium.
crinito 525 cruciado
crinito. crinite. cromóforo. chromophorous.
crinitus. crinitus. cromóforo de sobra. shade chromo-
criobiología. cryobiology. phore.
criófilo. cryophil. cromogeno. chromogen.
criófito. cryophyte. cromogeno respiratorio. respiratory
crióplancton. cryoplankton. chromogen.
criptó-. crypto-. cromogenico. chromogenic.
criptóbiosis. cryptobiosis. cromómero. chromomere.
criptófito. cryptophyte. cromonema. chromonema (pl. chromo-
criptógamo. cryptogam(ous). nemata).
criptógamo vascular. vascular cryp- cromopara. chromoparous.
togam. cromoplasto. chromoplast.
criptómero. cryptomere. cromosoma. chromosomes.
criptomerisomo. cryptomerism. cromosoma accesorio. accessory
criptófito. cryptophyte. chromosome.
criptóplasma. cryptoplasm. cromosoma acéntrico. accentric
criptóstoma. cryptostoma. chromosome.
crisocromo. chrysochrome. cromosoma anular. ring chromosome.
crisogonidio. chrysogonidium. cromosoma arlequin. harlequin chro-
cristalografía de rayos X. x-ray mosome.
crystallogrphy. cromosoma hijo. daughter chromo-
cristaloide. crystalloid. some.
cristalwort. glasswort. cromosoma homólogo. homologous
cristato. cristate. chromosome.
cristatus. cristatus. cromosoma metacéntrico. metacentric
critalografía de rayos X. x-ray chromosome.
crystallography. cromosoma múltiple. multiple chro-
croma. chroma. mosome.
cromasico. chromasic. cromosoma sexual. sex chromosome.
cromátida. chromatid. cromosoma telocéntrico. telocentric
cromátida hermana. sister chromatid. chromosome.
cromátida hermana de cambio. sister cromosoma W. W-cromosoma.
chromatid exchange. cromosoma X. X-chromosome.
cromatidio. chromatid. cromosoma Y. Y-chromosome.
cromatidios. chromatidia. cromosoma Z. Z-chromosome.
cromatina. chromatin. cromosomal. chromosomal.
cromatóforico. chromatophoric. cromosómico. chromosomal.
cromatóforo. chromatophore. cronispora. chronispore.
cromatólisis. chromatolysis. cronospecie. chronospecies.
cromatoplasma. chromatoplasm. crosier. crosier.
cromidio. chromidium (pl. chromidia) cruce. cross breed. cross.
cromiolo. chromiole. cruce dihibrido. dihybrid cross.
cromo-. chromo-. cruce monohíbrido. monohybrid cross.
cromocentro. chromocenter. cruce recíproco. reciprocal cross.
cromocondria. chromochondria. cruciado. cruciate.
cruciforme 526 curvatura geotrópica
cruciforme. cross-shaped. cruciform. cuculado. cucullate. cuculliform.
cruentus. cruentus. cuculiforme. cuculliform.
crustáceo. crustaceous. cucurbitáceo. cucurbitaceous.
crustoso. crustose. cuello. collar. neck.
cruza. cross breed. cross. cuello de la raíz. root collar.
cruzamiento. cross breeding. inbreed- cuerctina. quercitin.
ing. cuerpo basal. basal body.
cruzamiento de prueba. test cross. cuerpo cinética. kinetic energy.
cruzamiento exógeno. outcrossing. cuerpo de Golgi. Golgi body.
cruzamiento recíproco. reciprocal cuerpo de inclusíon. inclusion body.
cross. cuerpo fructífero. fruiting body.
cruzamiento retrógrado. backcross. cuerpo impulsor. stem body.
cruzar. cross breed. cross. cuerpo oleoso. elaioplast. oil body.
cruzas radiales. top cross. cuerpo receptivo. receptive body.
cteno-. cteno-. cuesco. stone.
ctenoide. ctenoid. cultigeno. cultigen.
Cu. CU. ????? cultivar. cultivar. raise.
cuadrado. quadrate. cultivo. culture.
cuadrangular. quadrangular. cultivo axénico. axenic culture.
cuadrate. quadrat. cultivo de tejido. tissue culture.
cuadri-. quadri-. cultivo de agua. water culture.
cuadricápsular. quadricapsular. cultivo hidropónico. hydroponics.
cuadrifario. quadrifarious. cultivo puro. pure culture.
cuadrifido. quadrifid. cultivo tisular. tissue culture.
cuadrifilo. quadriphyllous. cultriforme. cultriform.
cuadrifoliado. quadrifoliate. cultura de arena. sand culture.
cuadrifoliolado. quadrifoliolate. cumulado. cumulate.
cuadrifurcado. quadrifurcate. cuneado. cuneate. cuneiform.
cuadrilateral. quadrilateral. cuneiforme. cuneiform. wedge-shaped.
cuadrilobado. quadrilobate. cuneado.
cuadrilocular. quadrilocular. cúpula. cupule. dome.
cuadripartición. quadripartition. cupulado. cupulate.
cuadripinnatído. quadripinnatifid. cupuliforme. cup-shaped. cupulate.
cuadriplexo. quadriplex. cupuliform.
cuadrivalente. quadrivalent. curva de crecimiento. growth curve.
cuadriyugado. quadrijugate. curva de respuesta. response curve.
cuadruplexo. quadruplex. curva de supervivencia. surviorship
cuantasoma. quantasome. curve.
cuanto. quantum. curva normal. normal curve.
cuarteto. quartet. curvado. bent. curved.
cuaternado. quaternate. curvatura. curvature.
cúbico. cubical. curvatura de crecimiento. growth
cubierta. hood. curvature.
cubre. cover. curvatura geotrópica. geotropic
cubrir de césped. sod. bending.
curvatura trópica 527 cyaneus
curvatura trópica. tropic response. cuticular. cuticular.
cúspidado. cuspidate. cutina. cutin.
cúspide. cusp. cutinización. cutinization.
cutícula. cuticle. cyaneus. cyaneus.
dacrioide 528 de(s)hidrogenación

dacrioide. dacryoid. dediploidización. dediploidization.
dactiloide. dactyloid. de doble filo. two-edged.
daedaleo. daedaleous. dedoblemente. dedoublement.
dar. bear. de dos filas. two-ranked.
dasi- dasi-. de dos hoja. two-leaf.
dasífilo. dasyphyllous. de dos partidos. two-parted.
dataciónde radiocarbónica. radio- de dos semillas. two-seeded.
carbon dating. de(s)hidrasa. dehydrogenase.
de-. de-. de(s)hidrogenación. dehydrogena-
dealbado. dealbate. tion.
dealmidón. destarch. de(s)hidrogenasa. dehydrogenase.
deasimilación. deassimilation. defensor de la naturaleza. conser-
debajo. underneath. vationist.
débil. weak. deficiencia. deficiency.
débito de oxígeno. oxygen cycle. déficit de la presión de difusión
de botánica. botanical. (DPD). diffusion pressure defi-
deca-. deca-. cit (DPD).
decámero. decamerous. definida. definite.
decandro. decandrous. deflexo. deflexed.
decaploide. decaploid. deflorado. deflorate.
de celosia. latticed. defoliacion. defoliation.
decem-. decem-. defoliador. defoliant.
de central libre. free-central. defoliante. defoliant
deciduo. deciduous. defoliar. defoliate.
decipiens. decipiens. de(s)forestación. deforestation.
declinado. declinate. deformación. deformation.
declinado. declined. deforme. malformed.
declivado. declivate. sloping. degeneración. degeneration.
decoloración. fading. degeneración consanguínea. inbreed-
decolorado. etiolated. decolorate. ing depression.
decomponerse. decompose. degenerar. degenerate.
decompuesto. decompound. degradación. degradation.
deconjugación. deconjugation. degradación ambiental. environmental
decorticación anular. girdling. degradation.
decorticado. decorticate. degradador. decomposer.
decumbente. decumbent. degradar. degrade.
decurrente. decurrent. de grava. gravelly.
decurvado. decurved. dehidrogenar. dehydrogenate.
decusado. decussate. de(s)hidrasa. dehydrase.
dediferenciación. dedifferentiation. de(s)hidrogenación. dehydrogena-
de(s)hidrogenasa 529 deplasmólsis
tion. deltoide. deltoid.
de(s)hidrogenasa. dehydrogenase. demanda quimica de oxyígeno (DQO).
de(s)hidrogenasa ácido glutámico. chemical oxygen demand
glutamic acid dehydrogenase. (COD).
de(s)hidrogenasa auccínico. succinic dematoide. dematoid.
dehydrogenase. demediado. dimidiate.
de(s)hidrogenasa fórmico. formic demersus. demersus.
dehdrogenase. demicíclico. demicyclic.
de(s)hidrogenasa láctico. lactic demo. deme.
dehydrogenase. demoler. degrade.
de(s)hidrogenasa malado. malate dendriforme. dendriform.
dehydrogenase. dendrítico. dendritic.
de(s)hidrogenasa triosa fosfato. triose dendro-. dendro-.
phosphate dehydrogenase. dendrocronología. dendrochronology.
de(s)hidrogenar. dehydrogenate. tree-ring dating.
de hierbas. herbal. dendroecología. dendroecology.
dehisce. dehisce. dendrógrafo. dendrograph.
dehiscencia. dehiscence. dendroide. dendroid.
dehiscencia bilabiado. bilabiate dendrología. dendrology.
dehiscence. dendrometro. dendrometer.
dehiscencia brevicidal. brevicidal -dendro. –dendron.
dehiscence. dendrófisis. dendrophysis.
dehiscencia longitudinal. longitu- denigrado. denigrate. blackened.
dinal dehiscence. dens. dens.
dehiscencia poroso. porous dehis- densidad de (la) población. popu-
cence. lation density.
dehiscencia transversal. transverse denso. crowded.
dehiscence. dentación. dentation.
dehiscencia valvado. valvular dentado. dentate. toothed.
dehiscence. denticulado. denticulate.
dehiscente. dehiscent. dentiforme. dentiform.
de hoja caduca. deciduous. dentro. with in.
de hoja perenne. evergreen. denudado. denudate.
de hoja persistente. indeciduous. de ojos trum. thrum-eyed.
de hojas caedizas. deciduous. deoperculado. deoperculate.
de horticultura. horticultural. Departamento de Agricultura de
de la grand explosión. big bang theory los Estados Unidos. United States
del la vegetación arbórea. tree-line. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
timberline. depauperado. depauperate.
deleción. deletion. dependiente. dependent.
delgadamente. thinly. dependiente de la densidad. den-
delgado. slender. thin. sity dependent.
delicuescente. deliquescent. depilación. depilation.
delignificación. delignification. deplandado. deplanate.
deltado. deltate. deplasmólsis. deplasmolysis.
de poros anillados 530 determinismo evolutivo
de poros anillados. ring-porous. deshojado. leafless.
de poros encirculos. ring-porous. desicación. desiccation.
depresión consanguínea. inbreed- desierto. desert. wilderness.
ing depression. desimilación. dissimilation.
deprimado. depressed. desinapsis. desynapsis.
deriva. drift. desinfección. disinfection.
dermal. deremal. desmenuzar. shred.
dermatocaliptrogeno. dermato- desmolasa. desmolase.
calyptrogen. desmonte. deforestation.
dermatócistidio. dermatocystidium. desnaturalización. denaturation.
dermatógeno. dermatogen. desnaturalizar. denature
dermatosoma. dermatosome. desnitrificación. denitrification.
dermis. dermis. desnuda. naked.
dervia genética. genetic drift. desnudo. naked.
desafilado. blunt. desonsoma. desmosome.
desalinización. desalinization. desoxirribosa. deoxyribose.
desalación del agua. desalinization. desparición. exteinction.
desaminación. deamination. desparramado. sprawling.
desaparecido. extinct. desprenderse (hojas). abscise (leaves).
desarraigar. uproot. desprendible. detachable.
desarrollo. development. desprendimiento abscisión de las
desarrollo. upgrowth. hojas. shed(ding).
desarticlado. disarticulated. despuntado. pinching.
desarticulándose. disarticulating. desraizar. uproot.
desarticular. disarticulate. destiobiotina. desthiobiotin.
descarboxilación. decarboxylation. destrana. dextran(e).
descarboxilación oxidativa. oxidative desviación. deviation.
decarboxylation. desviación al azar. random drift.
descarboxilasa. decarboxylase. desviación estándar. standard de-
descendencia. offspring. viation.
descendente. descending. desviación estructural. structural
descendientes. offspring. deviation.
descolarido. faded. desviación normal. normal devia-
descomponedor. decomposer. tion.
descomposición. decay. decompo- desviación standard. standard de-
sition. viation.
desdoblar(se). degrade. detectar. sense.
desecho. waste. determinación. determination.
desequilibrio de ligamiento. link- determinación del sexo. sex deter-
age disequilibrium. mination.
deserticola. eremophilous. determinado. determinate.
desertificación. desertification. determinante. determinant.
desertización. desertification. determinante hereditario. heredi-
desfloración. deflowering. tary determinant.
deshilada. strap. determinismo evolutivo. evolutionary
detersil 531 diferenciación celular
determinism. diastasa. diastase.
detersil. detersile. diaster. diaster.
de transición. transitional. diástole. diastole.
detrito. detritus. diatomeas. diatoms.
detritus. detritus. diatropismo. diatropism.
deutero. deut(o)(er)(o). diazotrof. diazotroph.
deuteroconidio. deuteroconidium. dicario(n). dicaryon.
deutrogamia. deutrogamy. dicarionte. dicaryon.
deuteromicetos. deuteromycetes. dicarpelar. dicarpellary.
deuteroplasma. deuteroplasm. meta- dicario. dikaryon.
plasm. dicariofase. dikarophase.
de vida libre. free-living. dicarionte. dikaryon.
dextrana. dextran(e). dicasi. dichasium.
dextrinasa. dextrinase. dicasio. dichasium.
dextrinas. dextrins. dicéntrico. dicentric.
dextrorso. dextrorse. dicha-. dica-.
di-. di-. dichotomia elicoide. helicoid
dia-. dia-. dichotomy.
diachenium. cremocarp. dicíclico. dicyclic.
diacinesis. diakinesis. diclamídeo. dichlamydeous.
diada. dyad. diclino. diclinous.
diadelfo. diadelphous. dicófisis. dichophysis.
diadromo. diadromous. dicogamia. dichogamy.
diáfisis. diaphysis. dicógamo. dichogamous.
diafototropismo. diaphototropism. dicopodio. dichopodium.
diafragma. diaphragm. dicot. dicot.
diageotropico. diageotropic. dicoteledóno. dicotyledonous.
diageotropismo. diageotropism. dicotiledón. dicotyledon.
diagnóstico. diagnosis. dicotiledóneas. Dicotyledoneae.
diagonal. diagonal. dicotiledónico. dicotyledonous.
diagrama floral. floral diagram. dicotomia falso. false dichotomy.
dialélico. diallelic. dicotómico. dichotomous.
dialicarpo. dialycarpous. dicótomo. dichotomous.
dialipétalo. dialypetalous. dictiosoma. dictyosome.
dialisépalo. dialysepalous. dictiosporangio. dictyosporangium.
diálisis. dialysis. dictiospora. dictyospore.
dialistelico. dialystelic. dictiostela. dictyostele.
diaminas. diamines. didimo. didymous.
diamorfísomo sexual. sexual dia- didímospora. didymospore.
morphism. didínamo. didynamous.
diandro. diandrous. diente. tooth.
diaquenio. diachene. diachenium. dientes. teeth.
diaquinesis. diakinesis. diferenciación. differentiation (of
díaspora. diaspore. cells).
diasquistico. diaschistic. diferenciación celular. cell differ-
diferenciación sexual 532 disco estaminal
entiation. lation dynamics.
diferenciación sexual. sex differen- dinucleótido. dinucleotide.
tiation. diofilo. diphyllous.
diferencial de selección. selection dioico. dioecious.
differential. dióxido de carbono. carbon diox-
difilético. diphyletic. ide.
difotico. diphotic. dioxina. dioxin.
diforme. difformed. dipéptido. dipeptide.
difráctea. diffract. dipetalado. dipetalous. two-petaled.
difundir. suffuse. diplanetismo. diplanetism.
difusión. diffusion. diplo-. diplo-.
difusión cuticular. cuticular diffu- diplobionte. diplobiont.
sion. diplocariotico. diplokaryotic.
difusión facilitado. faciltated dif- diplocaulescente. diplocaulescent.
fusion. diploclamideo. diplochlamydeous.
difuso. diffuse. diplococo. diplococcus.
difuso-poroso. diffuse-porous. diplocromosoma. diplochromosome.
digénico. digenic. diplodesmico. diplodesmic.
digerir. digest. diplodizacion. diplodization.
digestión. digestion. diploide. diploid.
digino. digynous. diploide gametófito. diploid gameto-
digitado. digitate. phyte.
digitiforme. digitiform. diploidia. diploidy.
diheterocigoto. diheterozygote. diplonema. diplonema.
diheterozigoto. diheterozygote. diplonte. diplont.
dehidrogenasa glicerico. glyceric diplofase. diplophase.
dehyddrogenase. diplosis. diplosis.
dihridisomo. dihybridism. diplosoma. diplosome.
dikontán. dikontan. diplosporia. diplospory.
dilacerado. dilacerate. diplostémono. diplostemonous
dilatación. dilatation. diplótena. diplotene.
dilatar. enlarge. diplóteno. diplotene.
dilatido. dilated. diptero. dipterous.
dilutido. diluted. dipterocarpo. dipterocarp.
dimer. dimer. disacárido. disaccharide.
dímero. dimerous. disafilado. blunt.
diminuto (-amente). minute(ly). disapareamiento de semejanza.
diminuto(-ament). diminute(-ly). disassortative breeding.
diminuto. diminutive. discal. discal.
dimitico. dimittic. discifloral. discifloral.
dimonocio. dimonoecious. disciforme. disciform.
dimorfismo. dimorphism. disclímax. disclimax.
dimorfo. dimorphous. disco. disco. disk.
dimórifico. dimorphic. discocarpo. discocarp.
dinámica de las poblaciones. popu- disco estaminal. staminal disk.
disco germinal 533 diversidad genética
disco germinal. germinal disk. disponer. arrange.
discoide. discoid. discoide. disk- distal. distal.
like. distancia de mapa. map distance.
discoloro. discolorous. distante. distant.
discoplancton. discoplankton. dístico. distichous.
disco de separación. separation disk. dístíco. distichous.
discreto. discrete. distinto. distinct.
disecado. dissected. distribución. distribution.
disecar. dissect. distribución céntrica. unicentric
diseminación. dissemination. distribution.
diseminar. disseminate. distribución de frecuencia. frequency
diseminula. disseminule. distribution.
diseminula carnoso. fleshy dissemin- distribución de la población. popu-
ule. lation distribution.
disemínulo. disseminule. distribución discontinuo. discon-
disemínulo comado. comate dissemin- tinuous distribution.
ule. distribución independiente (de los
disemínulo comoso. comose dissemin- genes). independent assortment
ule. (of genes).
disemínulo con plumas. plumed distribución regular. regular distri-
disseminule. bution.
disemínulo uncinado. hooked distribución vivaria. vicarious dis-
disseminule. tribution.
disemínulo víscida. viscid disseminule. distrófia. dystrophy.
disempimento falso. false dissemp- distrófico. dystrophic.
iment. disyunción. disjunction.
diseño vegetativa. vegetative pat- disyunto. disjunct.
tern. disyuntor. disjunctor.
disepalo. disepalous. ditécica. dithecal.
disepimento. dissepiment. diteo. ditheous.
disfótica. dysphotic. diurno. diurnal.
disgregación. weathering. diurno circadiano. circadian rhythm.
disiliente. dissilient. divaricado. divaricate.
disociación. dissociation . divergencia. divergence.
disoma. disome. bivalent. divergencia anguloso. angular di-
disomia. disomy. vergence.
disomico. disomic. divergencia foliar. leaf divergence.
dispérmico. dispermic. divergens. divergens.
dispermo. dispermous. divergente. divergent.
dispersar. disperse. diversamente. variously.
dispersión. dispersal. diversidad. diversity.
dispersión de la población. popu- diversidad de especies. species di-
lation dispersion. versity.
disfótica. dysphotic. diversidad genética. genetic diver-
dispiema. dispireme. sity.
divertículo 534 durmiente
divertículo. diverticulum (pl. dominance.
diverticuli). dominancia. dominance.
dividido. divided. dominancia apical. apical dominance.
dividido en cámaras. chambered. dominancial incompleta. partial
división. division. dominance.
división binaria. binary fission. dominante. dominant.
división celular. cell division. donador de hidrógeno. hydrogen
división conjugado. conjugate donor.
division. dormina. dormin.
división cruciforme. cruciform dorsal. dorsal.
division. promitosis. dorsifero. dorsiferous.
división de nuclear libre. free nu- dorsifijo. dorsifixed.
clear division. dorsiventral. dorsiventral.
división de tétrada. tetrad division. dosel. canopy.
división ecuacional. equational di- dosel abierta. open canopy.
vision. dosel cerrado. closed canopy.
división ecuatorial. equatorial dosis génica. gene dosage.
division. dotación cromosómico. chromosome
división nuclear. nuclear division. set.
división octante. octant division. doticiaceo. dothidiaceous.
división postmeiotic. postmeiotic doble-serrado. double-serrated.
division. DQO. COD.
división progresiva. progressive drepaniforme. drepaniform. sickle-
cleavage. like.
división reduccional. reduction(al) drepanio. drepanium.
division. driodio. driodium.
división reductora. reduction(al) drupa. drupe. pyrenocarp.
division. drupado. drupaceous.
división secundo. second division. drupéola. drupelet.
divisoria de agua. watershed. dulce. sweet
DNA recombinante. recombinant dulcis. dulcis.
DNA. dumoso. dumose. shrubby.
doble. double. duplexo. duplex.
doble fusión. double fusion. duplicación. duplication.
doble hélice. double-helix (pl.helices). duplicación de gene. gene dupli-
doble-serado. double-serrated. cation.
dodeca-. dodeca-. duplicación somático. somatic dou-
dolabriforme. dolabrate. dolabriform. bling.
doliforme. doliform. duplicado. twofold.
dormania. dormany. duracion. duration.
domatio. domatium. duración del dia. day-length.
domesticación. domestication. duramen. duramen.
dominación incompleto. incomplete durmiente. dormant.
e 535 eficiencia ecológica

e-. e-. ecospecie. ecospecies.

-eae. –eae. ecotipo. ecotype.
ebenáceo. ebenaceous. ecotono. ecotone.
ebeneo. ebeneous. black. ecótopo. ecotope.
ebracteado. ebracteate. ecrustaceo. ecrustaceous.
ecalcarado. ecalcarate. ectexina. ektexine.
ecdisona. ecdysone. ecto-. ecto-.
ecesis. ecesis. ectoasco. ectoascus.
ecidio. aecidium. aecium. ectocrino. ectocrine.
ecidióspora. aecidiospore. aeciospore. ectoenzima. ectoenzyme.
eco-. eco-. ectófito. ectophyte.
ecociencia. ecoscience. ectoflocodal. ectophlocodal.
ecocrino. ecocrine. ectoflóico. ectophloic
ecodeme. ecodeme. ectogenico. ectogenic.
ecofeno. ecophene. ectomicorriza. ectomycorrhiza.
ecogenia. ectogenesis. ectono. ectone.
ecolina. ecocline. ectoparásito. ectoparasite.
ecología. (o)ecology. ectoplasma. ectoplasm.
ecología comunidad. community ectosarc. ectosarc.
ecology ectospora. ectospore.
ecología de fuego. fire ecology. ectostroma. ectostroma.
ecología de la producción. produc- ectotecal. ectothecal.
tion ecology. ectotrófico. ectotrophic.
ecología de poblaciones. population ectrotrópico. ectrotropic.
ecology. edáfico. edaphic.
ecología entretenimiento. recreation edafología. edaphology.
ecology. edafón. edaphon.
ecología fisológia. physiological edema. edema. oedema.
ecology. edocefaloide. (o)edocephaloid.
ecología marina. marine ecology. edulis. edulis.
ecología vegetal. plant ecology. efecto alostérico. allosteric effect.
ecológicamente. ecologically. efecto de borde. edge effect.
ecológico. ecological. efecto de invernadero. greenhouse
ecologista. environmentalist. effect.
ecólogo. ecologist. efecto de posición. position effect.
ecorticado. ecorticate. efecto umbral. threshold effect.
ecosfera. ecosphere. eficacia reproductora. fitness.
ecosistema. ecosystem. eficiencia ecológica. ecological ef-
eficiencia fotosintético 536 emisivitidad térmica
ficiency. eleuteropetalo. eleutheropetalous.
eficiencia fotosintético. photosyn- elipsoide. ellipsoid.
thetic efficiency. elíptico. elliptic.
efiguracións. effigurations. elongación. elongation.
efigurado. effigurate. el trópico. Tropics.
efímera. ephemeral. emarginado (enlámina). notched.
efuso. effuse. emarginado. emarginate.
eglandular. eglandular. emasculación. emasculation.
egrosado. swollen. emascular. emasculate.
eje. axis (pl. axes). embeber. imbibe.
eje caulinar. caulome. shoot axis. embrión linear. linear embryo.
eje falso. false axis. embirón plegado. folded embryo.
eje floral. floral axis. embrión rudimentario. rudimentary
eje longitudinal. longitudinal axis. embryo.
eje orgánico. organic axis. embriófitas. embryophytes.
eje primaria. primary axis. embriófitos. embryophytes.
ejemplar tipo. holotype. embriogénesis. embryogenesis.
elaioplasto. elaioplast. embriogenia. embryogeny.
elaminado. elaminate. without lamina. embrioide. embryoid.
elasticidad. resilience. embriología. embryology.
elástico. resilent. embrionario. embryonic.
eláter. elater. embrionia nuclelar. nucellar
elateróforo. elaterophore. embryony.
electrofisiología. electrophysiology. embrión. embryo.
electroforesis. electrophoresis. embrión espatulado. spatulate em-
electrolito. electrolyte. bryo.
electrólito. electrolyte. embrión lateral. lateral embryo.
electrólito anfótero. amphoteric embrión micro. micro embryo.
electrolyte. embrional. embryonal.
electrolito anfótero. amphoteric embrión doblado. folded embryo.
electrolyte. embrión espatulado. spatulate em-
electrón. electron. bryo.
electrotaxis. electrotaxis. embrioniforme. embryoniform.
electrotropismo. electropism. embrión lateral. lateral embryo.
eleoplasto. elaioplast. embrión linear. linear embryo.
eleosoma. elaiosome. embrión micro. micro embryo.
elemento. element. embrión plegado. folded embryo.
elemento esencial. essential element. embrión rudimentario. rudimentary
elemento quimico. chemical element. embryo.
elemento transponable. transposable embriostegio. embryostega.
element. embriotegio. embryotega.
elemento traza. trace element. emergencia. emergence.
elemento de tubo-criboso. sieve-tube emergentes. emergents.
element. emisivitidad térmica. thermal emis-
elemento vaso. vessel element. sivity.
empantanamiento 537 energia cinética
empantanamiento. paludification. endófito. endophyte.
empapar. imbibe. endoforma. endoform.
emparejamiento. base pairing. endogamia. endogamy.
emulsina. emulsin. endogámico. inbred.
emulsión. emulsion. endogelatina. endogelatin.
en el interior. with in. endógeno. endogenic. endogenous.
en forma deshilada. strap-shaped. endogonidio. endogonidium.
enación. enation. endolitico. endolithic.
enacioestilo. enatiostylous. endomicorriza. endomycorrhiza.
enanismo. dwarfism. nanism. endomitosis. endomitosis.
enano. dwarf. endonucleasa. endonuclease.
enano embrión. dwarf embryo. endoparásitico. endoparasite.
enano vástago. dwarf shoots (spurs) endopeptidasa. endopeptidase.
en barbecho. fallow. endoperidio. endoperidium.
encauzamiento. canalization. endoplacodial. endoplacodial.
encendido bacteriano. fire blight. endoplasma. endoplasm.
encerrar. encircle. surround. endopleura. endopleura.
encharcamiento. waterlogging. endorizal. endorhizal.
encistamiente. encystment. endorizoide. endorhizoid.
enclar (agrícola). lime (agricultural). endosaprofitismo. endosaprophytism.
encogimiento residual. residual endosclerotio. endosclerotium.
shrinkage. endoscopico. endoscopic.
encrustación. encrustation. adcrust- endosimbiosis. endosymbiosis.
ation. endosito. endoparasite.
endarchar. endarch. endosoma. endosome.
endecandro. endecandrous. endosmosis. endosmosis.
endémico. endemic. endosperma. endosperm.
endemismo. endemism. endosperma celular. cellular
endergónico. endergonic. endosperm.
endo-. endo-. endospermo. endosperm.
endoasco. endoascus. endóspora. endospore.
endobasidial. endobasidial endóstoma. endostome.
endobasidio. endobasidium. endotecial. endothecial.
endobiótico. endobiotic. endotecio. endothecium.
endocarp(i)o. endocarp. endotoxina. endotoxin.
endocarpico. endocarpous. endotrófico. endotrophic.
endocitosis. endocytosis. endotrófico micorriza. endotrophic
endoconidio. endoconidium. mycorrhiza.
endodermis. endodermis. endótrofo. endotrophic.
endodermis interno. inner endodermis. endozoico. endozoic.
endoenzima. endoenzyme. endurecido. indurated.
endofeloderma. endophelloderm. energéticos ecológico. ecological
endofelodermis. endophelloderm. energetics.
endofelodermo. endophelloderm. energia. energy.
endofilo. endophyllous. energia cinética. kinetic energy.
energia de activación 538 envuelto
energia de activación. activation enraizamiento. radication.
energy. enraízando. rooting.
energía metabólica. metabolic en- enredadera. twining.
ergy. enredado. tangled.
energia potencial. potential energy. enredo. tangle.
energía radiante. radiant energy. enriquecimiento. enrichment.
energía solar. solar energy. enriquecimiento térmica. thermal
enérgida. energid. enrichment.
enervio. nerveless. veinless. enrollado. rolled. enrolled. coiled.
enfermedad. disease. enrolledado hacia adentro. inrolled.
enfermedad carencial. deficiency enroscado. kinked.
disease. ensiforme. ensiform. gladiate. sword-
enfermedad por carencia. deficiency like.
disease. ensilado. silage.
en forma deshilada. strap-shaped. ensilaje. silage.
engrosado. incrassate. thickened. ensculptada. insculptate.
engrosamiento centrífugo. centrifugal entelequia. entelechy.
thickening. entero. entire. undivided.
engrosamiento centripeta. centripetal enterotoxina. enterotoxin.
thickening. entina. entine.
engrosamiento escalariforme. ento-. ento-.
scalariform thickening. entomófilo. entomophilous.
engrosamiento primario. primary entomógeno. entomogenous.
thickening. entomófilo. entomophilous.
engrosamiento reticulado. reticu- entomofilia. entomohily.
late venation. entoparásito. entoparasite.
engrosamiento secundario. secondary entostroma. entostroma.
thickening. entozoico. entozoic.
engrosamiento terciario. tertiary entrada . influx.
thickening. entrecruzamiento. crossing over.
enjambre de hibridos. hybrid swarm. inbreeding.
enlace. bond. entrecruzamiento somática. somatic
enlace bisulfito. disulfide bond. crossing-over.
enlace covalente. covalent bond. entrelazarse. intertwine.
enlace de hidrógeno. hydrogen bond. entrenudo. internode.
enlace iónico. ionic bond. entresacar. thin out.
enlace quimico. chemical bond. enucleación. enucleation.
enmarañado. entangled. shaggy. envainador. sheathing.
enolasa. enolase. envés. under surface.
enmarañado. entangled. envoltura. envelope.
enmohecido. moldy. envoltura floral. floral envelope.
enneo-. ennea-. envoltura nuclear. nuclear envelope.
enneofilo. enneaphyllus. envolver. enfold.
enquilema. enchylema. envolviendo. enfold.
enquistamiento. encystment. envuelto. enclosed. surrounded.
enzima 539 epizoico
enzima. enzyme. epífito. epiphyte.
enzima adaptiva. adaptive enzyme. epifitotico. epiphytotic.
enzima amarillo. yellow enzyme. epifloédal. epiphloedal.
enzima constitutiva. constitutive epifoedico. epiphoedic.
enzyme. epifragma. epiphragm.
enzima de restricción. restriction epigeico. epigeic.
enzyme. epigénesis. epigenesis.
enzima endocelular. endocellular epigenética. epigenetics.
enzyme. epigeno. epigenous.
enzima inducible. inducible enzyme. epigeo. epigeal. epigeous. phanero-
enzima isocítrico. isocitric enzyme. cotylar.
enzima isomerizante. isomerase. epigínia. epigyny.
enzima precusor. zymogen. epígino. epigynous.
enzima proteolítica. proteolytic epilimnion. epilimnion.
enzyme. epimatio. epimatium.
enzima represible. repressible en- epinastia. epinasty.
zyme. epinástico. epinastic.
enzima respiratorio. respiratory epipélico. epipelic.
enzyme. epipétalo. epipetalous.
enzimático. enzymatic. epiplasma. epiplasm.
enzimologia. enzymology. epiptero. epipterous.
epeciolado. epetiolate. epirrizo. epirhizal. epirhizous.
epeciolulado. epetiolulate. episépalo. episepalous.
epi-. epi-. episperma. episperm.
epiascidio. epiascidium. epispora. epispore.
epibasidio. epibasidium. epistasia. epistasis.
epibento. epibenthos. epistasis. epistasis.
epibionte. epibiont. epistatico. epistatic.
epibioses. epibioses. epistrofa. epistropha.
epibiótico. epibiotic. epistroma. epistroma (pl. epistromata).
epiblasto. epiblast. epitalino. epithalline.
epicáliz. epicalyx. epitalo. epithallus.
epicarp(i)o. epicarp. epiteca. epitheca.
epicarpo. ectocarp. epitecio. epithecium.
epicormico. epicormic. epitelio. epithelium.
epicotilo. epicotyl. epitelio scutelar. scutellar epithe-
epicótilo. epicotyl. lium.
epictesis. epictesis. epitema. epithem.
epidérmico. epidermal. epíteto específico. specific epithet.
epidérmico excrecencia. epidermal epíteto. epithet.
excrescence. epíteto específico. specific epithet.
epidermis. epidermis. epitrófico. epitrophic.
epifilo. epiphyllous. epitropo. epitropous.
epifisis. epiphysis. epixilo. epixylous.
epifitico. epiphytic. epizoico. epizoic.
época de lluvia 540 esclerocio
época de lluvia. rainy season. errostro. erostrate.
eporóforoso. sporophorous. erubescens. erubescens.
equilátero. equilateral. erumpente. erumpent.
equilibrio. equilibrium. esbelto. thin.
equilibrio de ligamiento. linkage escaberluente. scaberluent.
equilibrium. escaberúoso. scaberulous.
equilibrio fisiológico. physiologi- escabiosa. scabious.
cal balance. escábrido. scabrid.
equilibrio gamético. gametic equi- escabridúoso. scabridulous.
librium. escabroso. scabrous.
equilibrio genético. genetic equi- escala de sociabilidad. sociability
librium. scale.
equilibrio hidroestático. hydrostatic escalariforme. scalariform.
equilibrium. escaldadura. sun scald.
equilibrio poligénico. polygenic escaldadura foliar. leaf scorch.
balance. escama. plates. scale. squama.
equinoccial. equinoctial. escama carpelar. carpellary scale.
equipo investigador. research team. escama gemaria. bud scale.
equitante. equitant. escama hoja. scale leaf.
erecto. erect. escama ovulifero. ovuliferous scale.
eremófilo. eremophilous. escamaceo. squamaceous.
ergastoplasma. ergastoplasm. escamae. squamae.
ericáceo. ericaceous. escamiforme. scale-like hair.
ericetal. ericetal. escamosa. scurf. squamose. squa-
ericoide. ericoid. mose. scaly.
erinoso. erinose. escandente. scandent. climbing.
erio-. erio-. escapifero. scapose.
erióforo. eriophorous. escapo. scape.
eritoso. erythose. escaqueado. tessellated.
eritro-. erythro-. escar ramas. branch.
eritrofil. erythrophyll. escarcha. frost. hoarfrost.
eritruloso. erythrulose. escarcha blanco. white frost.
erosión. erosion. escarificación. scarification.
erosión eólica. wind erosion. escarificar. scarify.
eroso. erose. escarioso. scarious.
erizo. burr. escarlata (color). scarlet (color).
ermio. eremium. escasamente. slightly. sparingly.
erosión del suelo. soil erosion. escísil. scissle.
erosión eólica. wind erosion. escisión gen(e). split gene.
erosión. erosion. escler-. scler-.
eroso. erose. esclerantio. scleranthium.
erradicar. uproot. esclereido. sclereid.
errático. erratic. esclerencima. sclerenchyma.
error de muestreo. sampling error. esclerocaule. sclerocaulous.
error muestral. sampling error. esclerocio. sclerotium. sclerotic.
esclerofil 541 especiación simpatrico
esclerofil. sclerophyll. esféridio. spheridium.
esclerófilo. sclerophyllous. esferoidal. spheroidal.
esclerófito. sclerophyte. esferoide. spheroid.
escleroide. scleroid. esferoma. spherome.
esclerosado. sclerotic. esferoplasto. spheroplast.
escleroso. scierotic. sclerous. esferoproteina. globular protein.
esclerotesta. sclerotesta. esferosoma. spherosome.
esclerótico. scierotic. esferulo. spherule.
esclerótico paréquima. sclerotic esilado. stylate.
parenchyma. espaciado. spaced.
esclusa. lock. espacio de xilico. xylic gap.
escobina. scobina. espacio foliar. leaf gap.
escobinado. scobinate. espacio intercelular. intercellular
escorpioide. scorpioid. space.
escotadura (en lámina). notch. espádice. spadix.
escrobiculado. scrobiculate. espadiceo. spadiceous.
escrotiforme. scrotiform. esparcidamente. sparsely. thinly.
escuamelado. squamellate. esparcido. scattered.
escuamiforme. squamiform. espata. spathe.
escuamoso. squamose. espatáceo. spathaceous.
escuámula. squamella. espatal. spathal.
escuámulas. squamellae. espatela. spathella.
escuamulla squamule. espatelula. spathellula.
escuamuloso. squamulose. espatiforme. spathiform.
escuarroso. squarrose. espatulado. spathulate. spatulate.
escuarruloso. squarrulose. especia. spice.
esculente. esculent. especiación. speciation.
esculado seculate. especiación alócrona. allochronic
escutado. scutate. speciation.
escutelado. scutellate. especiación alopátrico. allopatric
escuteliforme. scutelliform. speciation.
escutelo. scutellum. especiación casisimpátrico. quasi-
escutiforme. scutiform. sympatric speciation.
es decir. i.e. especiación direccional. directed
esencia. scent. speciation.
esfacélado. sphacelate. especiación fisológia. physiological
esfaeráfido. sphaerraphide. speciation.
esfaerocárpico. sphaerocarpous. especiación parapatrico. parapatrico
esfaerocristal. sphaerocrystal. speciation.
esfaeroquiste. sphaerocyst. especiación quántum. quantum
esfeno-. spheno-. speciation.
esfenoide. sphenoid. especiación rectangular. rectangu-
esfera. sphere. lar speciation.
esfera atractiva. attraction sphere. especiación simpatrico. sympatric
esférico. spherical. speciation.
especiado 542 espigado
especiado. speciate. especie(s) amenazadas de extinción.
especialización. specialization. threatened species.
especialazación fislógico. physiologi- especie-específico. species-specific.
cal specialization. especies accidental. accidental species.
especializado (modificar). specialized especies indiferente. indifferent spe-
(modified). cies.
especializarse. specialize. especie vicario. vicarious species.
especie. species. específico. specific.
especie accidental. accidental spe- espécimen. specimen.
cies. espectro biológico. biological spec-
especie agregado. aggregate species. trum.
especie aislado. occasional species. espectro de acción. action spectrum.
especie amenazada. endangered espectrómetria de masas. mass
species. spectrometry.
especie anfitropical. amphitropical esperanza de vida. life expectancy.
species. espermáfitico. spermaphytic.
especie climax. climax species. espermagonio. spermagonium.
especie constante. constant species. espermatio. spermatium (pl.
especie equilibrio. equilibrium species. spermatia).
especie especialista. specialist species. espermatióforo. spermatiophore.
especie-específico. species-specific. espermatócito. spermatocyte.
especie evolutiva. evolutionary spe- esperma(tó)fitas. Sperma(to)phyta.
cies. espermatófito. spermatophyte.
especie exclusivo. exclusive species. spermophyte.
especie fiel. faithful species. espermatóplasto. spermatoplast.
especie fugitivo. fugitive species. espermatozoide. sperm. spermato-
especie indiferente. indifferent species. zoid.
especie indexa. index species. espermatozoo. spermatozoon (pl.
especie indicador. indicator species. spermatozoa).
especie marginal. marginal species. espermio. sperm. spermium.
especie oportunista. opportunist espermófito. spermophyte.
species. espeso. thick.
especie piedra angular. keystone espiciforme. spicate. spiciform. spike-
species. like.
especie pionera. pioneer species. espico. spicous.
especie preferente. preferential spe- espicoso. spicose.
cies. espicula. spicula.
especie selectivo. selective species. espiculado. spiculate.
especie subpiso. understory species. espicular. spicular.
especie sucessiónal. successional espicule. spiculous.
species. espiculífero. spiculate.
especie termófilo. thermophilous espiculo. spicule. spiculum.
species. espiculoso. spiculose.
especie tipo. type species. espiga. ear. spike.
especie vagabundo. tramp species. espigado. spicate.
espiguilla 543 esporófito
espiguilla. spikelet. espora móvil. planont. swarm spore.
espina. spine. espora neutra. neutral spore.
espina. thorn. spine. esporangial. sporangial.
espinaceo. spinaceous. esporangífero. sporangiferous.
espinescente. spinescent. esporangio. sporangium.
espinícarpico. spinicarpous. esporangíocist. sporangiocyst.
espinífero. spiniferous. esporangio germinal. germsporang-
espiniforme. spiniform. ium.
espinigero. spinigerous. esporangióforo. sporangiophore.
espinoso. spinose. spinous. spiny. esporangioide. sporangioid.
thorny. esporangiólio. sporangiolum.
espinula. spinule. esporangiólo. sporangiole.
espinulescente. spinulescent esporangios. sporangia.
espinuloso. spinulose. esporangióspora. sporangiospore.
espiral. spiral. espora polarilocular. polarilocular
espiralado. spiralled. spore.
espiral genética . genetic spiral. espora en reposo. resting spore.
espirema. spireme. espora rádula. radula spore.
espiriculo. spiricle. espora secundario. secondary spore.
espirilio. spirillium (pl. spirilla). espora terminus. terminus spore.
espirógira. spirogyra. esporas de fragmentación. fragmen-
espirólobo. spirolobous. tation spores.
espirólobos. spirolobal. espori-. spori-.
espiroqueta. spiroch(a)ete. esporiaridad. sporiparity.
espiroqueto. spiroch(a)ete. esporidesmo. sporidesm.
espodograma. spodogram. esporidífero. sporidiferous.
espongioplasma. spongioplasma. esporidio. sporidium.
esponjoso. spongiose. spongy. esporidios. sporidia.
espontáneo. spontaneous. esporido. sporid.
espora. spore. esporidolo. sporidole.
espora accesoria. accessory spore. esporífero. sporiferous.
espora alfa. alpha spore. esporificación. sporification.
esporabola. sporabola. esporiparo. sporiparous.
espora celular. cellular spore. esporo-. sporo-.
esporáceo. sporaceous. esporo. sporous.
esporación. sporation. esporoblasto. sporoblast.
espora de invierno. winter spore. esporocarpo. sporocarp.
espora de verano. summer spore. esporocita. sporocyte.
esporádico. sporadic. esporocladia. sporocladia.
espora endógeno. endogenous spore. esporoderma. sporoderm.
espora en reposo. resting spore. esporodochio. sporodochium.
espora exógeno. exogenous spore. esporófilo. sporophyll.
espora fialomeristema. phialomer- esporófita. sporophyta.
istem spore. esporofítico. sporophytic.
espora meristemo. meristem spore. esporófito. sporophyte.
esporóforo 544 estenotermal
esporóforo. sporophore. estado de ramillete. bouquet stage.
esporóforoso. sporophorous. estado proviricia. proviral state.
esporógena. sporogen. estados de los postfertilización. post-
esporogénesis. sporogenesis. fertilization stages.
esporógenico. sporogenic. estado vegetativa. vegetative state.
esporógeno. sporogenous. estambre. stamen.
esporogonia. sporogony. estaminada. staminate.
esporogonio. sporogonium. estaminado. masculine.
esporoide. sporoid. estaminal. staminal.
esporoplasma. sporoplasm. estaminífero. staminiferous.
esporopolenin. sporopollenin. estaminodia. staminody.
esporoquiste. sporocyst. estaminodio. staminode. staminodium.
esporosaco. sporosac. estaminoso. staminose.
esporulación. sporulation. estancamiento. stasis.
esqueje. cutting. estandarte. standard. vexillum.
esqueje de hoja. leaf cutting. estasigénesis. stasigenesis.
esqueje selectivo. selective cutting. estasipatrico. stasipatric.
esqueleto de carbonado. carbon estasis. stasis.
skelton. estatenquima. statenchyma.
esquisto-. schisto-. estatismosporo. statismospore.
esquizo-. schizo-. estato-. stato-.
esquizocarpo. schizocarp. schizo- estatocisto. statocyst.
carpous. estatolito. statolith.
esquizocotilia. schizocotyly. estefanokonte. stephanokont.
esquizófita. schizophyta estegio. stegium.
esquizófito. schizophyto. estegocarpico. stegocarpous.
esquizogenico. schizognic. estela. stele.
esquizogeno. schizogenous. estela medular. medullary stela.
esquizogonia. schizogony. estelípile. stelipilous.
esquizomicetos. schizomycetous. estelliforme. stelliform.
esquizonte. schizont. estelullado. stelluate.
esquizopétalo. schizopetalous. esteno-. steno-.
estabilidad. stability. estenobático. stenobathic.
establecimiento. establishment. estenocarpus. stenocarpus.
estabilidad. stability. estenocio. sten(o)ecious.
establización. stabilization. estenófilo. stenophyllous.
estaca. cutting. estenohalino. stenohaline.
estación. season. estenomorfo. stenomorph.
estación de lluviosa. rainy season. estenopétalo. stenopetalous.
estación de sequía. dry season. estenosepalo. stenosepalous.
estacional. seasonal. estenotermal. stenothermal.
estada lumínica. light stage. estenotermico. stenothermic.
estada rizopodal. rhizopodal stage. estenotemoso. stenothermous.
estad(i)o juvenil. juvenile stage. estenoteria. stenothery.
estado atmosférico. weather. estenotermal. stenothermal.
estenotópico 545 estomio
estenotópico. stenotopic. estipela vestigial. vestigial stipel.
estenotrópico. stenotropic. estipelula. stipellule.
estepa. steepe. estipiforme. stipiform.
éster. ester. estipitado. stipitate.
estereo-. stereo-. estípite. stipe. stipe (fungal). peg.
estereoisómero. stereoisomer. estipitiforme. peg-like. stipitiform.
estereoma. stereome. estípula. stipule.
estereomorfo. stereomorphic. estipula adnato. adnate stipule.
estereotaxis. stereotaxis. estipula basal. basal stipule.
estereotrópico. stereotropic. estipulado. stipulate. estipulate.
estereotropismo. stereotropism. estípula envainador. sheathing stipule.
esterígma. sterigma. estípula lateral. lateral stipule
esterigmas. sterigmata. estípula mediana. median stipule.
estéril. sterile. barren estipular. stipular.
esterilidad macho. male sterility. estípula vestigial. vestigial stipule.
esterilización. sterilization. estipuliforme. stipuliform.
esterilización del suelo. soil steri- estirpe. race. clan.
lization. estirpe ecológico. ecological race.
esterilizar. sterilize. estivación. aestivation. estivation.
esternotribu. sternotribe. estivación abierta. open aestivation.
esteroide. steroid. estivación contrahecho. twisted
esterotropismo. stereotropism. aestivation.
estigma. stigma. estivación descendente. descending
estigmático. stigmatic. aestivation.
estigmatífero. stigmatiferous. estivación contorsionado. contorted
estilar. stylar. aestivation.
estilífero. styliferous. estivación plegado. plicate aestivation.
estilo. style. estivación quincuncial. quincuncial
estilo terminal. terminal style. aestivation.
estilocarpelo. stylocarpellous. estivación vexilar. vexillary estivation.
estilocarpépodico. stylocarpepodic. estival. aestival.
estilodio. stylodious. estival. estival.
estilo lateral. lateral style. esto es. i.e.
estilopod. stylopod. estolón subterráneo. underground
estilopódico. stylopodic. stolon.
estilopodio. stylopodium. estolón. spur. stolon. runner.
estilóspora. stylospore. estolonado. spurred.
estilo terminal. terminal style. estolonífero. stoloniferous.
estimular. stimulate. estoloniforme. stoloniform.
estímulo. stimulation. stimulus. estoma. stoma. stomate.
estímulo difuso. diffuse stimulus. estomata. stomata.
estimuloso. stimulose. estomático. stomatal.
estipela. stipel. stipellule. estomatífero. stomatiferous.
estipelado. stipellate. estomatopodio. stomatopodium.
estipela envainador. sheathing stipel. estomio. stomium.
estrandarte 546 eucariota
estrandarte. banner. estromata. stromata.
estrangulador. strangler. estromatiforme. stromatiform.
estratificación. stratification. estrombo. strombus.
estratificación térmica. thermal strati- estrombulífero. strombuliferous.
fication. estrombuliforme. strombuliform.
estrato. layer. estructura. structure.
estrato de malpighi(o). malpighian estructura cuaternaria. quaternary
layer. structure.
estrato de separación. separation estructura del cuerpo. body struc-
layer. ture.
estrato de sociedad. stratum soci- estructura del suelo. soil structure.
ety. estructura en doble hélice. double-
estrato de suelo. ground layer. helix structure.
estrato en empalizada. palisade layer. estructura primaria. primary struc-
estrato epitelial. epithelial layer. ture.
estrato fibrosa. fibrous layer. estructura terciario. tertiary structure.
estrato gonidial. gonidial layer. estruma. struma.
estrato herbáceo. field layer. estrumífero. strumiferous.
estratoso. stratose. estrumoso. strumose.
estrecho. narrow. estuario. estuary.
estrellado. stellate. estuario de marea. tidal estuary.
estreptocárpico. streptocarpous. estuche de espora. spore case.
estreptococo. streptococcus. estupeo. stupeous.
estreptomicina. streptomycin. estuposo. stupose.
estreptomies. streptomyces. etanol. ethanol.
estreptotricina. streptothricin. etanolamina. ethanolamine.
estrés (agua). stress (water). etapa. stage.
estría. streak. stria. etapa seral. seral stage.
estriado. ridged. striate. etapa uredo. uredo stage.
estricto. strict. etene. ethene.
estriga. striga. etileno. ethylene.
estrigoso. strigose. etiolación. etiolation.
estriguloso. strigulose. strigulous. etiolado. etiolate.
strigillose. etiología. etiology.
estripsistino. strepsistine. etnobotánica. ethnobotany.
estrobiláceo. strobilaceous. etnoecología. ethnoecology.
estrobilado. strobilate. etológico. etiological.
estrobilífero. strobiliferous. eu-. eu-.
estrobiliforme. cone-like. strobiliform. euapogamia. euapogamy.
estróbilo. strobile. strobilus. cone. euapogamia meiótica. meiotic
estróbilo megasporangiado. mega- euapogamy.
sporangiate (female) cone. eubacterios. eubacteria.
estrofíolo. strophiole. eucamptódroma (nervadura).
estrofoliado. strophiolate. eucamptodromous (venation).
estroma. stroma. eucariota. eukaryote.
eucarpico 547 excrecencia pequeña
eucarpico. eucarpic. evertado. everted.
eucaryota. eucaryote. evolución. evolution.
eucromatina. euchromatin. evolución convergente. convergent
eucromocentro. euchromocenter. evolution.
eucromosoma. euchromosome. evolución cuántica. quantum evo-
eufótica. euphotic. lution.
euglena. euglena. evolución del cuanto. quantum evo-
euglenoide. euglenoid. lution.
eukaryotico. eukaryotic. evolución divergente. divergent
eumicetos. true fungi. evolution.
euploide. euploid. evolución en mosaico. mosaic evolu-
euribático. eurybathic. tion.
euiclico. eucyclic. evolución episódico. episodic evo-
eufótica. euphotic. lution.
eufotométrico. euphotometric. evolución filética. phyletic evolu-
eugeógeno. eugeogenous. tion.
eugenético. eugenic. evolución mantenimiento. mainte-
euglena. euglena. nance evolution.
euglenoide. euglenoid. evolución paralela. parallel evolu-
eugonidio. eugonidium. tion.
euhimenial. euhymenial. evolución reticulado. reticulate evo-
eukaryotico. eukaryotic. lution.
eumicetos. eumycetae. true fungi. evolución simpatrico. sympatric
eumitosis. eumitosis. evolution.
eumorfico. eumorphic. evolucionar. evolve.
euploide. euploid. evolvado. evolvate.
eupotamo. eupotamous. ex-. ex-.
euribático. eurbathic. exageración. exaggeration.
euriecio. euryecious. exalbuminoso. exalbuminous.
eurihalino. euryhaline. exanillo. exannulate.
euritérmico. eurythermic. exarch. exarch.
eurítopo. eurytopic. exasperado. exasperate.
eusporangiado. eusporangiate. excelsus. excelsus.
eustela. eustele. excéntrico. eccentric.
eutroficación. eutrophication. exceso de población. overpopula-
eutrófico. eutrophic. tion.
éutrofo. eutrophous. excípulo. exciple. excipulum.
eutropico. eutropic. excípulo talino. thalline exciple.
evaginación. evagination. excipuliforme. excipuliform.
evaginado. evaginate. excitación. excitation.
evanescente. evanescent. exclerosado. scierotic.
evaporación. evaporation. excleroso. sclerous.
evaporar. evaporate. exclusión alélico. allelic exclusion.
evapotranspiración. evapotranspir- excrecencia. escrescence. outgrowth.
ation. excrecencia pequeña. tubercle.
excreción 548 eyección
excreción. excretion. exótico. exotic. introduced. alien
excrescencia. outgrowth. exotoxina. exotoxin.
excrescente. excrescent. expandirse. expanded.
excretar. excrete. expectativa de vida. life expectancy.
excurrent. excurrent. explanta. explant.
excurvado. excurved. exploración biogeoquímico. biogeo-
exendospermo. exendospermous. chemical exploration.
exergónico. exergonic. exploración geobotánica. geobotanical
exestipulado. exstipulate. exploration.
exfoliación. exfoliation. explosión demográfica. population
exfoliar. exfoliate. explosion.
exfoliativo. exfoliative. expresión (gen). expressivity (gene)
exina. exine. expresividad variable (gen). vari-
exindusiado. exindusiated. able expressivity (gene).
existente. extant. exserto. exserted.
exo-. exo-. exsiccatus. exsiccatus.
exobasidial. exobasidial extendido. extended.
exobiología. exobiology. externo membrana plasmática.
exocarp(i)o. exocarp. external plasma membrane.
exocarpo. ectocarp. extina. extine.
exocitósis. exocytosis. extinción. extinction.
exocrina. exocrine. extinto. extinct.
exodermis. exodermis. extípulado. exstipulate.
exoenzima. exoenzyme. extra-. extra-.
exofeloderma. exophelloderm. extra-axilar. extra-axillary.
exofelodermo. exophelloderm. extracelular. extracellular.
exogamia. exogamy. outbreeding. extracromosoma. extrachromosomal.
exógeno. exogenous. extramatrical. extramatrical.
exogino. exogynous. extranjero. alien.
exoleto. exolete. extranuclear. extranuclear.
exón. exon. extratropical. extratropical.
exonucleasa. exonuclease. extremo adhesiva. sticky end.
exopeptidasa. exopeptidase. extroso. extrorse.
exoperidio. exoperdium. exidación. exudation.
exoplasma. exoplasm. exudado. exudate.
explorador. pathfinder. exudado radical. root exudation.
exoquito. exochite. exudar savia o resina. bleed.
exoscopico. exoscopic. exudar. exude.
exosmosis. exosmosis. exundado. exudate.
exóspora. exospore. eyaculación. ejaculation.
exosporio. exosporium. eyección. ejection.
exotecio. exothecium.
F 549 faneróantero

F. F. faenócarpo. phaenocarpous.
F1. F1. faenógamo. phaenogamous.
F2. F2. faeneología. phaenology.
faboide. faboid. faeo-. phaeo-.
faceta. facet. faeofitina. phaeophytin.
facies. facies. faeoplasto. phaeoplast.
factor. factor. faeospora. phaeosporous.
factor bios. bios factor. fago. phage. bacteriophage.
factor biótico. biotic factor. fagocitosis. phagocytosis.
factor climático. climatic factor. fago lisogénico. lysogenic phage.
factor complementario. complemen- fago lítico. lytic phage.
tary factor. fago temperado. temperate phage.
factor de crecimiento. growth fac- fagotrófico. phagotrophic.
tor. fagótrofo. phagotroph.
factor de lluvia. rain factor. fago virulento. virulent phage.
factor de transformación. transfor- fagocitosis. phagocytosis.
mation factor. fagotrófico. phagotrophic
factor ecolólogico. ecological factor. fagótrofo. phagotroph.
factor edáfica. edaphic factor. Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit.
factor extensión. extension factor. failido. phalide.
factor fisico. physical factor. failospora. phailospore.
factor frecuencia. frequency factor. faja de protección. shelterbelt.
factor hereditario. hereditary fac- falange. phalange.
tor. gene. falcado. falcate.
factor interno. internal factor. falcado-secundo. falcato-secund.
factor letal. lethal factor. falcíforo. flciphore.
factor liberador. releasing factors. falciforme. falciform. sickle-like.
factor limitador. limiting factor. falsa indusio. false indusium.
factor limitante. limiting factor. falsa septado. false septate.
factor mayor. master factor. falso eje. false axis.
factor múltiple. multiple factors. falso septo. false septum.
factor perturbador. disturbance. falso. false.
factor sigma. sigma factor. falta. lack.
factors de liberación. releasing factors. famético. gametic.
factors liberador. releasing factors. familia. family.
facultativo. facultative. familia gene. gene family.
FAD. FAD. fanero-. phanero.
faenantéro. phaenantherous. faneróantero. phaenantherous.
fanerócarpo 550 fertilizante orgánico
fanerócarpo. phaenocarpous. felio. phellium.
fanerófito. phanerophyte. fellandrena. phellandrene.
fanerógamia. phanerogam. fenocopia. phenocopy.
fangal. swamp. feloderma. phelloderm.
farctado. farctate. felógeno. phellogen.
farinoso. farinose. farinaceous. feloide. phelloic.
farinous. fenestrada. fenestrate.
fasa. stage. fenestrado. cancellate. fenestrate.
fasciación. fasciation. fenilalanina. phenylalanine.
fasciada. fasciated. fenilporpano. phenylpropane.
fasciado. fasciated. fenocopia. phenocopy.
fasciculada. fasciculate. fenol. phenol.
fascículado (tricoma). tufted. fenología. phenology.
fasciculado. fasciculate. fenotípico. phenotypic.
fascículo. fascicle. fenotipo. phenotype.
fascículo. tuft. feofitos. brown algae.
fase. phase. fermentación. fermentation.
fase de acoplamiento. coupling phase. fermentación aerobio. aerobic
fase de atracción. coupling phase. fermentation.
fase de reposo. resting stage. fermentación alcohólica. alcoholic
fase de retardo. lag-period. fermentation.
fase dicariótica. dikarophase. fermentar. ferment.
fase diploide. diplophase fermento amarillo. flavoprotein.
fase haploide. haploid phase. yellow enzyme.
faseoliforme. phaseoliform. -fero. –ferous.
fase metabólico. metabolic stage. feromona. pheromone.
fase reproductora. reproductive phase. ferrodoxina. ferrodoxin.
fastigiada. fastigiate. ferrugineo. ferruginous.
fatiscente. fatiscent. fértil. fertile.
faveolado. faveolate. fertilidad. fertility.
Fe. Fe. fertilidad de isla. island of fertil-
fecundación. fecundation. ity.
fecundación cruzada. cross ferti- fertilización. fertilization.
lize. fertilización cruzada. cross fertili-
fecundación doble. zation.
fecundación selectiva. selective fer- fertilización del suelo. soil fertili-
tilization. zation.
fecundar. fecundate. fertilize. fertilización doble. double fertili-
fecundar mediante. cross fertilize. zation.
fecundidad. fecundidad. fecundity. fertilización reducido. reduced fer-
fecundo. fecund. tilization.
fedundación doble. double fertili- fertilización selectivo. selective
zation. fertilization.
feiculio. geniculum. fertilizante. fertilizer.
felem. phellem. fertilizante orgánico. organic ferti-
festoneado 551 fimícolo
lizer. filamentoide. filamentoid.
festoneado. scalloped. filamentoso. filamentose. filamentous.
fétido. fetid. stringy.
fiación de nitrógeno. nitrogen fixation. filar. filar.
fialide. phialid(e). filaria. phyllary.
fialiforme. phialiform. filético. phyletic.
fialopora. phialopore. filiación consanguinea. inbred line.
fibra. fiber. filicicoide. filicicoid.
fibra bruta. crude fiber. filiciforme. fern-like. filiciform.
fibra cruda. crude fiber. filifero. filiferous.
fibra del huso. spindle fiber. filiforme. filiform. thread-like.
fibre engrosamiento. thickening fiber. filipéndulo. filipendulous.
fibra floema. phlem fiber. -filo. –philous.
fibra libriforme. libriform fiber. filo-. phyllo-.
fibra pericíclica. pericyclic fiber. filo. phylum.
fibra septado. septate fiber. filócladio. phylloclade.
fibra tráctil. tractile fiber. filocladio. phyllocladium.
fibrilar. fibrillar. filocobionte. phycobiont.
fibrilla. fibril. filóclorina. phyllochlorin.
fibriloso. fibrillose. filodia. phyllody.
fibroso. fibrous. stringy. filodial. phyllodial.
fibrovascular. fibrovascular. filodio. phyllode. phyllodium.
ficobilinas. phycobilins. filogénesis. phylogenesis.
ficobilosomas. phycobilosomes. filogénia. phylogeny.
ficocianina. phycocyanin. filoide. phylloid.
ficocrisina. phycochrysin. filoma. phyllome.
ficoeritrina. phycoerythrin. filomania. phyllomania.
ficología. phycology. filón. phylon.
ficomicetes. phycompycetes. filoplasmodio. filoplasmodium.
ficomicetos. phycomycetes. alga fungi. filópodico. phyllopodic.
ficopirina. phycopyrrin. filopodio. phyllopodium.
ficoxantina. fucoxanthin. filópodo. phyllopodium.
fidelidad. philopatry. filosifiónico. phyllosiphonic.
–fido. –fid. filotaxia. phyllotaxy.
fijación. fixation. filotaxia quincuncial. quincuncial
fijación de carbonado dióxido. carbon phyllotaxy.
dioxide fixation. filotaxis. phyllotaxis.
fijación de nitrógeno. nitrogen fixation. filum (pl. filums). phylum (pl. phyla).
fijo. fixed. fimbria. fringe.
fil-. fil-. fimbriado. fimbriate.
filamento. filament. fimbrias. fimbria(e).
filamento gonimoblasto. gonimoblast fimbricolo. fimbricolous.
filament. fimbriado. fimbriolate.
filamento intermedio. intermediate fimetario. fimetarious.
filament. fimícolo. fimicolous. fimbricolous.
fisción 552 foeniceus
fisción. physcion. fitosociología. phytosociology.
fisible. fissile. fitosteriina. phytosterol.
fis(i)ogonomía. physiogonomy. fitotaxonomia. plant systematics.
fisiología vegetal. plant physiology. fitotomía. phytotomy.
fisión. fission. fitotóxico. phytotoxic.
fisíon binaria. binary fission. fitotoxina. phytotoxin.
fisión de yema. bud-fission. fixativo. fixative.
fisión ternario. ternary fission. flabelado. flabellate.
fisíparo. fissiparous. splitting. flabeliforme. flabelliform.
fisología. physiology. flabelinervio. flavellinerved.
fisológico. physiologic(al). fláccido. flaccid. limp.
fistulo. fistulose. flacidez. flaccidity.
fistuloso. fistular. fistulous. flácido. limp.
fistuloso (en órganos cilíndricos). flagela. flagella.
hollowed. flagelado. flagellate.
fisura. fissure. flagelar. flagellar.
fitasa. phytase. flageliforme. flagelliform. whip-like.
fitina. phytin. flagelo. flagellum. whiplash.
fitness. fitness. flavelinervio. flabellinerved.
-fito. –phyte. flavescente. flavidulous.
fito-. phyto-. flavi-. flavi-.
fitoalexina. phytoalexin. flavina. flavin.
fitobentón. phytobenthon. flavinas. flavins.
fitocenosis. phytocoenosis. flavin-adenin-dinueleótido (FAD).
fitoncida. phytoncide. flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD).
fitocromo. phytochrome. flavin-mononucleótido (FMN). flavin
fitoecología. plant ecology. mononucleotide (FMN).
fitófago. phytophage. phytophagous. flavona. flavone.
fitófilo. phytophilous. flavonoide. flavonoid.
fitogeografía. phytogeography. flavoproteina. flavoprotein.
fitografía. phytography. flavus. flavus.
fitohormona. phytohormone. plant fleco. fringe.
hormone. flequillo. fringe.
fítol. phytol. flexicaule. flexicaulis.
fitolitología. phytolithology. flexuoso. flexuous.
fitología. phytology. flobáfeno. phlobahene.
fitólogo. botanist. flocculente. flocculent.
fitomitógenos. phytomitogens. flocoso. floccose.
fitomorfología. phytomorphology. floema. phloem.
fitoncida. phytoncide. floema interno. intrenal phloem.
fitopatología. phytopathology. floema interxilaria. interxylary
fitoplancton. phytoplankton. phloem.
fitoquímica. phytochemistry. floema primario. primary phloem.
fitoremediación. phytoremediation. floema secundario. secondary phloem.
fitosterol. phytosterol. foeniceus. phoenocin.
foenocina 553 folio opuesto
foenocina. phoenocin. flor neutral. neutral flower.
floeoterma. phloeoterma flor neutro. neuter flower.
flor. blossom. bloom. flower. -floro. florous.
flor anual. summer annual. flor perfecta. perfect flower.
flor estaminada. staminate flower. flor pistilada. pistillate flower.
flor polínica. pollen flower. flor radial. ray floret.
flor regular. regular flower. flor regular. regular flower.
flora. flora. flor singular. single flower.
floración. blooming. flowering. flor terminal. terminal flower.
efflorescence. flor tubulosa. tubiform floret.
floración continua. perpetual flow- -florus. –florus.
ering. flos. flos.
floración doble. double flower. floscular. floscular.
flora completa. complete flower. flósculos. floscule.
complete flower. flósculo disco. disk floret.
flora del suelo. soil flora. flósculo discoide. disk floret.
flora hembra. female flower. flósculo radial. ray floret.
floral. floral. flotante. floating.
floral capullo. floral bud. fluitans. fluitans.
floral yema. floral bud. flujo de energia. energy flow.
flora masculina. male flower. flujo de gene. gene flow.
flor con aroma. scented flower. flujo de mucus. slime flux.
flor de agua. water bloom. flujo de savia. sap flow.
flor de alotropo. allotropous flower. flujo energético. energy flow.
flor de mariposa. butterfly flower. flujo génico. gene flow.
flor desnuda. naked flower. flujo plasmático. protoplasmic stream-
flor doble. double flower. ing.
florece constante. ever-blooming. fluorescencia. fluorescence.
florecer. bloom. flower. fluorescente. fluorescent.
florecilla. floret. FMN. FMN.
florecilla radial. ray flower. fobotactismo. phobotaxis.
florecita. floret. fobotaxia. phobotaxis.
flores del disco. disc flowers. foliáceo. foliaceous.
flor espiralada. spiral flowers. foliación. foliation.
forestación. forestation. foliado. foliate. foliiferous. leafy.
flor estaminada. staminate flower. foliar. foliar.
flor estéril. sterile flower. folice. follice.
floret. floscule. folicole. folicolous.
floribundus. floribundus. folícolo. folicole.
floridus. floridus. folículo. follicle.
florífero. floriferous. bearing. folículo esquizocarpico. schizocarpic
florígeno. florigen. follicle.
flor incompleta. incomplete flower. foliifero. foliate. foliiferous.
florístico. floristics. foliiforme. foliiform. leaf-like
flor lateral. lateral flower. folio opuesto. oppositifolious.
folioado 554 fotolisis
folioado. foliolate. fornix. fornix.
folioform. folioform. –foro. –phore.
folíolo. foliole. leaflet. forzado. forcing.
folíolo secundario. secondary leaf- fosfatasa. phosphatase.
let. fosfátido. phosphatide.
folíolo unifoliado. unifoliate leaf- fosfilipina. phosphilipine.
let. fosfolípido. phospholipid.
folioloso. foliolose. fosfononucleótido. phosphonucleotide.
folioso. foliate. foliferous. foliose. fósfor ciclo. phosphorus cycle.
leafy. fosforilación. phosphorylation.
-folium. –folium. fosforilasa. phosphorylase.
follaje. foliage. fósforo. phosphorous.
follaje aromático. scented foliage. fosforescencia. phosphorescence.
foma fisiológico. physiologic form. fosforescente. phosphorescent.
fondo del mar. seafloor. fosforilación. phosphorylation.
fondo genético. gene pool. fosforilación oxidativa. oxidative
fondo marino. seafloor. phosphorylation.
foramen. foramen. fosforilasa. phosphorylase.
forb. forb. fósforo. phosphorus.
forcipado. forcipate. fosfoserina. phosphoserine.
forestación. forestation. fósil. fossil.
forficulado. forficulate. fósil característico. index fossil.
forma. shape. form. fósil viviente. living fossil.
forma biológica. life form. fósiles combustibles. fossil fuels
formación del suelo. soil formation. fosilización. fossilization.
forma de abanico. fan-shaped. fosilizado. fossilzed.
forma de crecimeiento. growth form. fot-. phot-.
forma enol. enol form. fótic. photic.
forma furanoso. furanose form. fotoautótro. photoautotroph.
forma hábitat. habitat group. fotoautotrófico. photoautotrophic.
forma juvenil. juvenile form. fotoautótrofo. photoautotroph.
formación. formation. fotobotánica. photobotany.
formación. formation. fotocinesis. photokinesis.
formación celular libre. free cell fotodinámico. photodynamic.
formation. fotodisociación. photodissociation.
formación del suel. soil formation. fotoéstato. photostage.
formación gameto. gamete forma- fotófilo. photophilous.
tion. fotofosforilación. photophosphor-
formación de puffs. puffing. ylation.
formaldehído. formaldehyde. fotofosforilación cíclica. cyclic
formativo. formative. photophosphorylation.
–forme. –form. fotogénico. photogenic.
fórmula floral. floral formula. fotoheterótrofo. photoheterotroph.
forniculado. fornicate. fotoinhibición. photoinhibition.
fornículo. fornicle. fotolisis. photolysis.
fotólisis 555 fruto rincosporógeno
fotólisis. photolysis. freatofito. phreatophyte.
fotolitotótrofo. photolithotroph. frecuencia. frequency.
fotomorfosis. photomorphosis. frecuencia de genes. gene frequency.
fotomorfogénesis. photomorpho- frecuencia de mutación. mutation
genesis. rate. mutation frequency.
fóton. photon. frecuencia de recombinación. re-
fotonastia. photonasty. combination frequency.
fotonegativo. photonegative. frecuencia génica. gene frequency.
foto-organótrofo. photo-organotroph. frecuencias de raíz. root frequency.
fotooxidación. photooxidation. friable. friable.
fotopatía. photopathy. frijol. bean.
fotoperceptor. photoperceptor. fronda. frond.
fotoperiodicidad. photoperiodism. fronda vegetativo. vegetative frond.
fotoperiodismo. photoperiodism. fronde. frond.
fotoperíodo. photoperiod. frondescencia. frondescence.
fotopositivo. photopositive. frondescente. frondescent.
fotorecepción. photoreception. frondoso. frondose. frondescent.
fotoreducción. photoreduction. fructífero. fructiferous.
foto(rre)ceptor. photo(re)ceptor. fructificación. fructification. fruiting.
fotorespiración. photorespiration. fructificación accesorio. accessory
fotosensibilidad. photosensitivity. fructification.
fotosíntesis. photosynthesis. fructofuranoso. fructofuranose.
fotosintético. photosynthetic. fructopiranoso. fructopyranose.
fototáctica. phototactic. fructosa. fructose.
fototaxia. phototaxis. frústulo. frustule.
fototaxis. phototaxis. fruta colectiva. collective fruit.
fototrofo. phototroph. fruta espora. spore fruit.
fototrópico. phototropic. frutescente. frutescent.
fototropismo. phototropism. frútice. frutex.
fóvea. fovea. pitt(ed). fruticola. fruticole.
fovéado. foveate. fruticoso. fruticose.
fovéola. foveola. fruto. fruit.
foveolado. foveolate. pitted. fruto accesorio. accessory fruit.
fovila. fovilla. fruto agregado. aggregate fruit.
fragancia. fragrance. fruto alado. winged fruit.
fraganicia. scent. fragrance. fruto carnoso. fleshy fruit.
fragante. fragrant. suaveolent. fruto colectiva. collective fruit.
fragmobasidio. phragmobasidium. fruto compuesto. composite fruit.
fragmentación. fragmentation. compound fruit.
fragmentación nuclear. nuclear frag- fruto falso. false fruit.
mentation. fruto mortar. mortar fruit.
fragmento. fragment. fruto múltiple. multiple fruit.
fragmoplasto. phragmoplast. fruto pireno. stone fruit.
fragmospora. phragmospore. fruto rincosporógeno. rhynchosporous
franja. banded. fruit.
fruto sacciforme 556 fusus
fruto sacciforme. saccate fruit. fungicida. fungicide.
fruto simple. simple fruit. fúngico. fungal.
fruto verdadero. true fruit. fungiforme. fungiform.
fuco. fucus. fungistático. fungistatic.
fucoide. fucoid. fungoide. fungoid.
fucopiranoso. fucopyranose. funiculado. funiculate.
fucosán. fucosan. funicular. funicular.
fucoso. fucose. funiculo. funicle. funiculus.
fucoxantina. fucoxanthin. funiculoso. funiculose.
fuego bacteriano. fire blight. funiforme. funiform.
fuego clímax. fire climax. furipulado. furcipulate.
fuego superficie. surface fire. furfuráceo. furfuraceous.
fuerte. strong. furipulado. furcipulate.
fugaz. fugacious. fusiforme. fusiform. spindle-shaped.
fulcrado. fulcrate. fusión celular. cell fusion.
fulcrante (raíz). stilt. fusión céntrica. centric fusion.
fúlcrea. stilt. fusión del protoplasto. protoplast
fulcrado. fulcrate. fusion.
fulcro. fulcrum. fusión doble. double fusion.
fuligno. fulignous. fusión triple. triple fusion.
fumagino. fumaginous. fusionar(se). fuse.
fumarasa. fumarase. fusionarse. coalesce. fused.
función. function. fusoide. fusoid.
función discrimenante. discrimenant fuste. bole.
function. fusus. spindle.
Fungi. Fungi.
gajo 557 gémula

gajo. segment. gamogénesis. gamogenesis.

galactán. galactan. gamogénico. gamogenic.
galacto-. galacto-. gamopétalo. gamopetalous. synpetal-
galactorarbán. falactoaraban. ous.
galactolípido. galactolipid. gamosépalo. gamosepalous.
galactolipina. galactolipid. gamostelia. gamostely.
galactopiranoso. galactopyranose. gamotrópico. gamotropic.
galactosa. galactose. ganchillo. hook.
gálbulo. galbulus. ganchuelo. hook.
gálea. galea. gangliforme. gangliform.
galeado. galeate. ganchudo. hooked.
galeiforme. galeiform. helmet-shaped. garganta. throat.
galerculado. galerculate. gas de los pantanos. marsh gas.
galeriforme. galeriform. gas invernadero. greenhouse gases.
galvanotaxis. galvanotaxis. gas metano. marsh gas.
galvanotropismo. galvanotropism. geitonogamia. geitonogamy.
gámeta. sex cell. geitonógamo. geitonogamous.
gametangio. gametangium (pl. gel. gel.
gametangia). gelatinoso. gelatinous.
gámeta. gamete. gel de agar. agar gel.
gamético. gametic. gelatinoso. gelatinous.
gameto. gamete. sex cell. gema. gemma.
gametocito. gametocyte. gemáceo. gemmaceous.
gameto facultativo. facultative gamete. gemación. budding. gemmation.
gametófito. gametophyte. gemación nuclear. nuclear budding.
gametóforo. gametophore. gemado. gemmate.
gametogénesis. gametogenesis. gemelo. twins.
gametogénico. gametogenic. game- gemeta. gamete.
togenous. gemífero. gemmiferous.
gameto no reducido. unreduced gemificación. gemmification.
gamete. gemiflorado. gemmiflorate.
gametrófico. gametrophic. gemiflorme. gemmiform.
-gamia. – gamy. geminado. geminate. geminated.
gamo-. gamo-. geminifloro. bud-bearing.
gamoclamideo. gamochlamydeous. geminífloro. bud-bearing. gemini-
gamófase. gamophase. florous.
gamófilo. gamophyllous. gemoide. gemmoid.
gamogastro. gamogastrous. gémula. gemmule.
gen(e) 558 germinación directa
gen(e). gene. netics.
gen artifícial. artificial gene. genética microbiana. microbial ge-
gen complementario. complemen- netics.
tary gene. genética molecular. molecular ge-
gen de tipo silvestre. wild-type gene. netics.
gen dominante. dominant gene. genético. genetic.
generación sexuada. sexual genera- génico. genic.
tion. geniculado. geniculate.
generación sexual. sexual genera- genicular. genicular.
tion. gen inestable. unstable gene.
generación x. x generation. genocentro. genecenter.
gen estructural. structural gene. genoma. genom(e).
gen letal. lethal gene. genoma antecedente. antecedent
gen mayor. major gene. genom(e).
gen mutable. mutable gene. genotipo. genotype.
gen operador. operator gene. gens nuclear. nuclear genes.
gen recesivo. recessive gene. gens polímero. polymeric genes.
gen recíproco. reciprocal gene. gentianoso. gentianose.
gen regulador. regulatory gene. genus. genera.
generación. generation. geo-. geo-.
generación agámico. agamic gen- geobotánica. geobotany.
eration. geocarpelo. geocarpel.
generación asexual. asexual genera- geocarpia. geocarpy.
tion. geófilo. geophilous.
generación espontáneo. spotaneous geófita. geophyte.
generation. geófito. geophyte.
generación filial. filial generation. geofloro. geoflorous.
generación paterna. parental gen- geografía botánica. plant geogra-
eration. phy.
generación sexuada. sexual genera- geografia orgánica. biogeography.
tion. geonastia. geonasty.
generación sexual. sexual genera- geoplagiotrópico. geoplagiotropic.
tion. geotactismo. geotaxis.
generador. generative. geotaxis. geotaxis.
generar. spawn. geotropismo. geotropism.
generativo. generative. geotropismo negativo. negative
genérico. generic. geotropism.
género. genra. genus. geotropismo transversal. plagiogeo-
género forma. form genus. tropism.
género tipo. type genus. geranial . geranial.
génesis. genesis. geraniol. geraniol.
genética. genetic. germen. germ. germen.
genética de (las) poblaciones. popu- germinación. germination.
lation genetics. germinación directa. direct germi-
genética ecológico. ecological ge- nation.
germinación falso 559 gloecistido
germinación falso. false germina- ginobase. gynobase.
tion. ginobásico. gynobasic.
germinación hipogeo. hypogeal ger- ginodioecia. gynodioecy.
mination. ginodioico. gynodioecious.
germinación inmediato. immediate ginóforo. gynophore.
germination. ginmo-. gymno-
germinado. geminate. ginomonoico. gynomonoecious.
germinal. germinal. ginostegio. gynostegium.
germinar. germinate. ginostemo. gynostemium.
germinar. sprout. girar. gyrate.
germoplasma. germ plasma. girosa. gyrose.
giberelina. gibberellin. glabrescente. glabrescent.
giboso. gibbose. gibbous. glabro. glabrate. glabrous. epilose.
gigante. gigantic. imberbate.
gigantesco. gigantic. glande. glans.
gigantismo. gigantism. glandiforme. glandiform.
gilvo. gilvous. glándula. gland.
gimnocarpo. gymnocarpous. glándula caliza. chalk gland.
gimnocidio. gymnocidium. glándula digestiva. digestive gland.
gimnocito. gymnocyte. glándula salífera. salt gland.
gimnogeno. gymnogen. gymnogenous. glandular. glandular.
gimnogino. gymnogynous. glanduloso. glandulose.
gimnoplasma. gymnosplasm. glaucescent. glaucescent.
gimnosporo. gymnosporous. glauco. glaucous.
gimnospermal. gymnospermal. gleba. gleba.
gimnospermas. gymnosperm. glebula. glebula.
gimnospermo. gymnospermous. glebuloso. glebulose.
gimnostromo. gymnostromous. gliadina. gliadin.
gimnospora. gymnospore. gliceraldehido. glyceraldehyde.
gin-. gyn-. glicerida. glyceride.
gináforo. gynaphore. glicerol. glycerol.
ginagamo. gynagamous. glicina. glycine.
ginagamocéfalo. gynagamocephalous. glicógeno. glycogen.
ginandrial. gynandrial. glicol. glycol.
ginandro. gynandrous. gynandrium. glicólisis. glycolysis.
gynostemial. glicoproteido. glycoprotein.
ginandróforo. gynandrophore. glicoproteina. glycoprotein.
ginania. gynandry glicósido. glycoside.
ginantero. gynantherous. gliotoxina. gliotoxin.
ginecandro. gynecandrous. globoide. globoid.
gineceo. gyn(o)ecium. globoso. globose.
ginehermafrodicéfalo. gyneher- globular. globular.
maphrodicephalous. globulina. globulin.
ginehermafrodita. gynehermaph- glochidio. glochidium.
roditic. gloecistidio. gloecystidium.
glomerado 560 gravitación
glomerado. glomerate. gradiente axial. axial gradient.
glomereular. glomereular. gradiente complejo. complex
glomérulo floral. flower cluster. gradient.
glomerule. gradiente de caracteres. character-
glomerulus. glomerulus. gradient.
gloquidiado. glochidiate. gradualismo filético. phyletic
gloquidio. glochid. gradualism.
gloso-. glosso-. gradualismo. gradualism.
glosopodio. glossopodium. gradualismo filético. phyletic
glucan. glucan. gradualism.
glucopiranoso. glucopyranose. gradualmente. gradually.
glucoproteina. glucoprotein. grama. grass.
glucosa. glucose. gramineio. gramineous.
glucosamina. glucosamine. graminiforme. graminiform. grass-
glucosáns. gluosans. like.
glucósido. glucoside. graminoso. grassy.
gluma. glume. gran. great.
gluma estéril. empty glume. ster- grana. grana.
ile glume. granadina. grenadine.
gluma interno. inner glume. grandi-. grandi-.
glumáceo. glumaceous. grandiflorus. grandiflorus.
glumela florífera. flowering glume. grandifoliado. grandifoliate.
glumífero. glumiferous. grandis. grandis.
glutamina. glutamine. grano. granum.
glutation. glutathione. grano de almidón. starch grain.
glutationa. glutathione. grano de polen. pollen grain.
gluten. gluten. grano polínico. pollen grain.
glutinoso. glutionous. granos de Palade. Palade’s granules.
goma. gum. granular. granular.
gomífero. gummiferous. granulífero. granuliferous.
gomosis. gummosis. gránulo. granule.
goni-. goni-. gránulo basal. basal granule.
gonidio. gonidium. gránulo metacromático. metachro-
gonidióforo. gonidiophore. matic granule.
gonioautoecio. gonioautoecious. gránulo plasmodico. plasmodic
gonios. gones. granule.
gonóforo. gonophore. gránulos de volutina. volutin granules.
gonoplasma. gonoplasm. granuloso. granulose.
gonosfera. gonosphere. grasa. fat.
gonumo. gonimum. graso. greasy. unctuous.
gorra de cera. wax cap. grasoso. greasy.
gosipino. cottony. gossypine. gravedad. gravity.
grabado espora. spore print. graveolente. graveolent.
gracilis. gracilis. gravipercepción. graviperception.
gradiente. gradient. gravitación. gravitation.
gravitacional 561 ß-galactosidasa
gravitacional. gravitational. grupo funcional. functional group.
gravitropismo. gravitropism. grupo hábitat. habitat group.
gredso. chalky. grupo hermana. sister group.
gregario. gregarious. grupo hidroxilo. hydroxyl group.
grenadin. grenadin. grupo prostético. prosthetic group.
grieta interno. inner endodermis. grupo purina. purine group.
gruesamente. thickly. guanidina. guanidine.
grueso. thick. guanina. guanine.
grupo. clump. guí (del arbol). leader (of a tree).
grupo amino. amino group. guía del nectario. nectar guide.
grupo apareamiento. mating group. guta. gutta.
grupo carboxilo. carboxyl group. gutación. guttation.
grupo de esporas. spore group. gutado. guttaate.
grupo de hermana. sister group. gutífera. guttifer.
grupo de ligamiento. linkage group. gyttja. gyttja.
grupo especie. species group. ß-galactosidasa. ß-galactosidase.
H 562 helechos gimnogramoide

H. H. haplostromatico. haplostromatic.
hábitat. habitat. haploxílico. haploxylic.
hábitat parcial. partial habitat. hapterios. haptera.
hábito. habit. haptonastia. haptonasty.
habla local. vernacular. haptotropismo. haptotropism.
hacecillo fibrovascular. fibrovascular harinoso. mealy.
bundle. hastado. hastate.
hacecillo vascular. vascular bundle. hastiforme. hastiform.
hacia afuera. outward. haustórico. haustorial.
hadromasa. hadromase. haustorio. haustorium (pl. hausto-
haliplancton. haliplankton. ria).
halo-. halo-. hayucos. mast.
halobiontico. halobiontic. haz. bundle. upper surface.
halobiótico. halobiotic. haz abierta. open bundle.
halófilo. halophilous. halophilic. haz anfivasal. amphivasal bundle.
halophile. haz axial. axial bundle.
halófita. halophyte. haz bast. bast bundles.
halófobo. halophobe. haz caulinar. cauline bundle.
halonado. halonate. haz cerrado. closed (vascular) bundle.
haloser(i)e. halosere. haz común. common bundle.
hamoso. hamate. hooked. haz concentrico. concentric bundle.
hapaxántico. hapaxanthic. haz cortical. cortical bundle.
hapaxanto. hapaxanthic. haz estípite. stipe bundles.
haplo-. haplo-. haz fibrovascular. fibrovascular.
haplobionte. baplobiont. haz medular. medullary bundle.
haplocaulescente. haplocaulescent. haz radial. radial bundle.
haplodioecia. haplodioecious. haz vascular. vascular bundle.
haplodiplonte. haplodiplont. haz vascular abierto. open vascu-
haplofase. haplophase. lar bundle.
haplogonidio. gaplogonidium. haz vascular hadrocentrico. hadro-
haploide. haploid. centric vascular bundle.
haploidia. haploidy. haz vascular liptocentrico. lepto-
haplomonoecia. haplomonoecios. centric vascular bundle.
haplomorfo. haplomorphic. hebetado. hebetate.
haplonte. haplont. hedeca-. hendeca-.
haplopoliploide. haplopolyploid. hediondo. fetid.
haplosinoecia. haplosynoecious. hekistotermina. hekistotherm.
haplosis. haplosis. helecho. fern.
haplostela. haplostele. helecho arborescent. tree fern.
haplostémono. haplostemonous. helechos gimnogramoide. gymno-
hélice alfa 563 herencia intermediaria
grammoid ferns. hendido. cleft.
hélice alfa. alpha helix. hendidura. slit.
hélice. helix. hendidura branquial. gill cleft.
helicoidal. helical. hendidura. slit.
helicoide. helicoid. hepta-. hepta-.
heliófilo. heliophilous. hepática. hepatica. liverwort.
heliófita. heliophyte. heptamero. heptamerous.
helioscífita. heliosciphyte. heptandro. heptandrous.
heliospora. heliospore. heptapétalo. heptapetalous.
heliotaxis. heliotaxis. heptasépalo. heptasepalous.
heliotrópico. heliotropic. heptaspermo. heptaspermous.
heliotropismo. heliotropism. heptoso. heptose.
helodrio. helodrilum. herangio. haerangium.
helófito. helophyte. herangiomicetos. haerangiomycetes.
helotismo. helotism. herbáceo. herbaceous.
helmintoide. helminthoid. worm- herbario. herbarium.
shaped. herbicida. herbicide.
hema. haem. herbicidal. herbicidal.
hemátina. haematin. herbívoro. herbivore.
hematocromo. haematochrome. herbolario. herbalist.
hembra. female. herborista. herbalist.
hemi-. hemi-. herborizar. botanize.
hemiasca. hemiascus. hercogamia. hercogamy.
hemiasco. hemiascus. heredabilidad. heritability.
hemianátropo. hemianatropous. heredable. heritable.
hemiautófito. hemiautophyte. heredar de. inherit from.
hemiangiocarpo. hemiangiocarpic. hereditario. hereditary.
hemicarpo. hemicarp. mericarp. herencia. heredity. inheritance.
hemicelulosa. hemicellulose. herencia alosómico. allosomal in-
hemicíclico. hemicyclic. heritance.
hemicigoto. hemizygote. herencia alternativa. alternative
hemicriptófito. hemicryptophyte. inheritance.
hemiforme. hemiform. herencia (cito)plásmico. (cyto)plasmic
hemigamo. hemigamous. inheritance.
heminúcleo. hemikaryon. herencia cruzada. criss-cross inher-
hemiparásito. hemiparasite. itance.
hemisaprófito. hemisaprophyte. herencia cualitativo. qualitative
hemispora. hemispore. inheritance.
hemítropo. hemianatropous. herencia cuantitativo. quantitative
hemitropous. inheritance.
hemizigótico. hemizygous. herencia discomico. disomic inher-
hemizigoto. hemizygote. itance.
hemocromógenos. haemochromogens. herencia intermedia. intermediate
hendecagio. hendecagynous. inheritance.
hendecandro. hendecandrous. herencia intermediaria. intermediate
herencia maternal 564 heterospóreo
inheritance. heterocinesis. heterokinesis.
herencia maternal. maternal inher- heterociste. heterocyst.
itance. heterocisto. heterocyst.
herencia materno. maternal inher- heteroclamideo. heterochlanydeus.
itance. heterocromático. heterochromatic.
herencia mendeliana. particulate heterocromatina. heterochromatin.
inheritance. hetercromo. heterochromous.
herencia mezclada. blending inher- heterocromosoma. heterochromo-
itance. somes.
herencia plastídica. plastid inher- heterocronia. heterochrony.
itance. heterodinamíco. heterodynamic
herida. wound. hybrid.
heridado. inherited. heterodromo. heterodromous.
hermafrodita. hermaphroditic. her- heteroestilismo. heterostylism.
maphrodite. monoclinous. heterostyly.
hermafroditismo. hermaphroditism; heterofertilización. heterofertilization.
gynandry. heterofília. heterophylly.
herrumbre (color). rust (color). heterófilo. heterophyllous.
herrumbre. rubiginous. rust (color). heterogamético. heterogametic.
hesperidina. hesperidin. heterogameto. heterogamete.
hesperidio. hesperidium. heterogametangico. heterogametangic.
heter-. hetero-. heterogamia. heterogamy.
hetero-. hetero- heterógamo. heterogamous.
heterandro. heterandrous. heterogeneidad. heterogeneity.
hetercromo. heterochromous. heterogéneo. heterogeneous.
hetergamético. heterogametic. heterogénesis. heterogenesis.
hetergamia. heterogamy. heterógeno. heterogeneous.
hetero-. hetero-. hetergénico. hetergenic.
heteroalelo. heteroallele. heterogonia. heterogony.
heteroalelo. heteroallele. heterógono. heterogonous.
heterauxiana. heteroauxin. heteroico. heteroecious. heteroxenous.
heterobasidio. heterobasidium. heterómero. heteromerous.
heterobraquial. heterobrachial. heteromórfico. heteromorphic.
heterocarión. heterokaryon. heteromorfo. heteromorphous.
heterocarionte. heterocaryon. heterónomo. heteronomous.
heterocariosis. heterokaryosis. heteropétalo. heteropetalous.
heterocarpia. heterocarpy. heteropicnosis negativo. negative
heterocarpo. heterocarpous. heteropycnosis.
heterocia. heteroecy. heteroploide. heteroploid.
heterocíclica. heterocylic. heteroproteido. conjugated protein.
heterocigosis. heterozygosis. heteropucnosis. heteropucnosis.
heterocigótico. heterozygous. heterosépalo. heterosepalous.
heterocigoto. heterozygote. heterosinapsis. heterosynapsis.
heterocigoto doble. double hetero- heterosis. heterosis.
zygote. heterospóreo. heterosporous.
heterosporangia 565 hidrogenión
heterosporangia. heterosporangy. hibridación imperfecto. imperfect
heterosporia. heterospory. hybridization.
heterospórico. heterosporic. hibridación introgresiva. introgressive
heterospóro. heterosporous. hybridization.
heterostilia. heterostyly. heterostylism. hibridar. hybridize.
heterostilia dimórfico. dimorphic hibridez. hybritity.
heterostyly. hibridismo. hybridism.
heteroestilismo. heterostylism. híbrido. hybrid.
heterostilo. heterostylous. híbrido anfíclino. amphiclinous
heterotálico. heterothallic. hybrid.
heterotalismo. heterothalism. híbrido de célula somática. somatic
heterotaxis. heterotaxis. cell hybrid.
heterotipica (inflorescencia). het- híbrido de injerto. graft hybrid.
erotypic. híbrido derivado. derivative hybrid.
heterotrófico. heterotrophic. híbrido de estructural. structural
heterótrofo. heterotroph. hybrid.
heterotropous. híbrido doble. derivative hybrid.
heteroxenia. heteroxeny. híbrido falso. false hybrid.
heterozigosis. heterozygosis. híbrido homodinamico. homodynamic
heterozigótico. heterozygous. hybrid.
heterozigotismo. heterozygo(si)ty. híbrido interespecie. interspecies
heterozigoto. heterozygote. hybrid.
hexa-. hexa-. híbrido interespecífico. interspecific
hexamero. hexamerous. hybrid.
hexandro. hexandrous. híbrido numérico. numerical hybrid.
hexaploide. hexaploid. híbrido permanente. permanent
hexaploidia. hexaploidy. hybrid.
hexosa. hexose. hidatodo. hydathode. water pore.
hexosáns. hexosans. hidatodo epitema. epithem hydathode.
hexasomico. hexasomic. hidatodo tricoma. trichome hydathode.
hexoquinasa. hexokinase. hidración. hydration.
hialina. diaphanous. hyaline. hidrasa. hydrase.
hialo-. hyalo-. hidratado. hydrous.
hialogénesis. hyalogenesis. hidrato de carbono. carbohydrates.
hialógeno. hyalogen. hidro. hydric.
hialoplasma. hyaloplasm. hidrocarburo. hydrocarbon.
hialosporo. hyalosporous. hidrocarpico. hydrocarpic.
hians. hians. hidrocoro. hydrochoric.
hiascente. hiascent. hidrofitio. hydrophytium.
hibernación. hibernation. hidrofóbico. hydrophobic.
hibernáculo. hibernaculum. hidrofílico. hydrophilic.
hibernal. hibernal. hidrófilo. hydrophilous.
hibernante. hibernating. hidrófita. hydrophyte.
hibernar. hibernate. hidrofóbico. hydrophobic.
hibridación. hybridization. hidrogenión. hydrogen ion.
hidrógeno 566 hipógino
hidrógeno. hydrogen. hilófito. hylophyte.
hidrogenliasa fórmico. formic himantoide. himantoid.
hydrogenlyase. himenio. hymenium.
hidrogensa. hydrogenase. himenópodio. hymenopodium.
hidroide. hydroid. himenópteros. hymenophore.
hidrolasa. hydrolase. hinchado. distended. swollen.
hidrólisis. hydrolysis. hinchazón. swelling.
hidrolítico. hydrolytic. hipanto. hypanthium.
hidrolizar. hydrolyze. hipantodio. hypanthodium.
hidropóni(c)a. hydroponics. hiper-. hyper-.
hidropota. hydropote. hiperdiploidía. hyperdiploidy.
hidroser(i)e. hydrosere. hipermorf. hypermorph.
hidrosfere. hydosphere. hiperploide. hyperploid.
hidrotactismo. hydrotaxis. hiperparasíto. hyperparasite.
hidrotaxis. hydrotaxis. hiperplasia. hyperplasia.
hidrotrópico. hydrotropic. hiperploide. hyperploid.
hidrotropism. hydrotropism. hiperquimera. hyperchimaera.
hielo. frost. hipersisibilidad. hypersensitivity.
hielo estante. shelf ice. hiperstromatico. hyperstromatic.
hielo marino. sea ice. hipertónico. hypertonic.
hiematis. hiematis. hipertrófito. hypertrophyte.
hierba. herb. hipertrófia. hypertrophy.
hierro. iron. hipnociste. hypnocyst.
hifa. hypha. hipnóspora. hypnospore.
hifa espiralada. spiral hypha. hipnócigo. hypnozygous.
hifa fértil. fertile hypha. hipo-. hypo-.
hifa flexuoso. flexuous hypha. hipoascidio. hypoascidium.
hifa prodiploidización. prodiploidiz- hipobasidio. hypobasidium.
ation hypha. hipobiosis. hypobiosis.
hifa receptivo. receptive hypha. hipocarpógeno. hypocarpogenous.
hifomiceto. hyphomycetous. hipocótilo. hypocotyl. embryonic axis.
hifopodio. hyphopodium. hipocrateriforme. hypocrateriform.
higo estrangulamiento. strangling hipocraterimorfo. hypocraterimorph-
fig. ous. salverform.
higrófano. hygrophanous. hipocrepiforme. hippocrepiform.
higrófilo. hygrophilous. hipodermal. hypodermal.
higrófita. hygrophilous. hipodermis. hypodermis.
higrófobo. hygrophobe. hipodermo. hypodermis.
higrométrico. hygrometric. hipofloeodal. hypophloeodal.
higroquistic. hygrochastic. hipógeno. hypogenous.
higroscópico. hygroscopic. hipogeo. hypogean.
hija. daughter. hipógeo. hypogeous.
hijuelo. offset. tiller. hipoginia. hypogyny.
hilo. hilum. hylium. hipoginio. hypogynium.
hilodio. hylodium. hipógino. hypogynous.
hipolimnion 567 hoja simple
hipolimnion. hypolimnion. histología. histology.
hipomorf. hypomorph. histona. histone.
hiponastia. hyponasty. histoquímico. histochemistry.
hipofilo. hypophyllous. historia natural. natural history.
hipoplasia. hypoplasia. historia vivo. life history.
hiploide. hyploid. hoja. leaf.
hipopoliploide. hypopolyploid. hoja acicular. acicular leaf.
hipoquinoide. hypochnoid. hoja acuática. water leaf.
hipostasis. hypostasis. hoja alado. winged leaf.
hipostático. hypostatic. hoja almacenaje. storage leaf.
hipostomática. hypostomatic. hoja articulado. articulate leaf.
hipostroma. hypostroma. hoja carpelar. carpophyll.
hipotalo. hypothallus. hoja compuesta. compound leaf.
hipoteca. hypotheca. hoja compuesta ternada. ternately
hipotecio. hypothecium. compound leaf.
hipótesis. hypothesis. hoja compuesto tripalmado. tripalm-
hipótesis de secuencia. sequence ately compound leaf.
hypothesis. hoja de pino. pine needle.
hipotónico. hypotonic. hoja deshilada. strap leaf.
hipotrófia. hypotrophy. hoja de reserva. storage leaf.
hipoxiloide. hypoxyloid. hoja de sombra. skiophyll.
hircinus. hircinus. hoja embrionaria. germ layer.
hirti-. hirti-. hoja emergida. emersed leaf.
hirsuto. hirsute. hoja entera. entire leaf.
hirsutidina. hirsutidin. hoja exterior del perigonio. outer
hirsútulo. hirsutulous. perigone leaf.
hirtoso. hirtose. hoja floral. floral leaf.
hírtulo. hirtellous. hoja foliácea. folliage leaf.
hirtus. hirtus. hoja germinal. germ layer.
hispido. hispid. hoja hisofilaria. hysophyllary leaf.
hispídulo. hispidulous. hoja juvenil. juvenile leaf.
histeranto. hysteranthous. hoja laciniada. laccate.
histeresis. hysteresis. hoja lateral. lateral leaf.
histeriaceo. hysteriaceous. hoja linear. linear leaf.
histeriforme. hysteriform. hoja mediana. median leaf.
histerófito. hysterophyte. hoja palmado compuesta. palmately
histerotecio. hysterothecium. compound leaf.
histidina. histidine. hoja pinnado compuesta. pinnately
histocompatibilidad. histocompat- compound leaf.
ibility. hoja primaria. primary leaf.
histogénesis. histogenesis. hoja primordial. primordial leaf.
histogenia. histogeny. hoja radical. root leaf.
histógeno. histogen. hoja de semilla. seed leaf. seminal
histoide. histoid. leaf.
histólisis. histolysis. hoja simple. simple leaf.
hoja terminal 568 horizonte A
hoja terminal. terminal leaf. homogéno. homogenous.
hoja utricular. utricular leaf. homoímero. homimerous.
hoja vegetativa. foliage leaf. homoinjerto. homograft.
hojarasca. litter layer. homología. homology.
hojas caulinares. stem leaves. homólogo. homologous.
hojilla. leaflet. homologue. homolog(ue).
hojoso. leafy. homomorfismo. homomorphism.
holándrico. holandric. homomorfo. homomorphic.
holistico. holistic. homónimo. homonym.
holo-. holo-. homopétalo. homopetalous. isopetal-
holobasidio. holobasidium. ous.
holobéntico. holobenthic. homoplásmico. homoplasmic.
holoblástico. holoblastic. homosigosis. homozygosis.
holocarpico. holocarpic. homosinapsis. homosynapsis.
holocentrico. holocentric. homosporangico. homosporangic.
holoenzima. holoenzyme homosporia. homospory.
holófita. holophyte. homospórico. homosporic.
holofitico. holophytic. homósporo. homosporous.
hologameto. hologamete. homeostasis. homoeostasis.
hologamia. hologamy. homostilia. homostyly.
holosaprófito. holosaprophyte. homostílo. homostylous.
holótipo. holotype. homotalia. homothallism.
hom(e)ostasis genética. genetic homotálico. homothallic.
hom(o)eostasis. homotalismo. homothallism.
homeostasis. homoeostasis. homozigosis. homozygosis.
homo-. homo-. homozigótico. homozygous.
homoalelo. homoallele. homozigotismo. homozygosity.
homobasidio. homobasidium. homozigoto. homozygote.
homobio. homobium. hongo. fungus. mushroom.
homocario. homocaryon. homokaryon. hongo de la raíz. root fungus.
homocarión. homocaryon. homokar- hongo estante. shelf fungus.
yon. hongo imperfecto. imperfect fungus.
homocarpo. homocarpous. hongo viscoso. slime fungus.
homocigoto. homozygote. hongos. fungi.
homoclamideo. homochlamydeous. hongos inferiores. lower fungi.
homodroma. homodromous. hongos superiores. higher fungi.
homoeosis. homoeosis. hongos tóxico. toadstool.
homófilo. homophyllous. hongos venenosas. poisonous fungi.
homofítico. homophytic. hongos venenosos. poisonous fungi.
homogamético. homogametic. hongos verdaderos. true fungi.
homogamia. homogamy. hordeina. hordein.
homógamo. homgamous. horitcultura. horticulture.
homogéneo. homogeneous. horizontal. horizontal.
homogénesis. homogenesis. horizonte. horizon.
homogénico. homogenic. horizonte A. A-horizon.
horizonte C 569 huso nuclear
horizonte C. C horizon. huésped diferencial. differential host.
horizonte edáfico. soil horizon. huevo. egg. ovum (pl. ova).
horizonte sálico. salic horizon. huida. escape.
hormesis. hormesis. humedad. humidity. moisture.
hormociste. hormocyst. humedad relativa. relative humid-
hormogóneo. hormogonium. ity.
hormogonio. hormogone. húmedo. humid. moist. wet.
hormona. hormone. humico. humicolous.
hormona florígena. florigen. humificación. humification.
hormona vegetal. plant hormone. humifusus. humifusus.
hormospora. hormospore. humilis. humilis.
horológico. horological. humina. humin.
horotélico. horotelic. humo. smoke.
horotémente. horotely. humus. humus.
hortensis. hortensis. humus ácido. mor. acid humus.
horticola. horticultural. humus bruto. mor.
hortus siccus. hortus siccus. huso acromático. achromatic spin-
hospedero. host. dle.
hospedero-específico. host-specific. huso inicial. initial spindle.
hueco. hollow. huso meiótico. meiotic spindle.
hueso. pit. stone. huso microtubular. microtubular
huésped. host. spindle.
huésped alternativo. alternate host. huso mitótico. mitotic spindle.
alternative host. huso nuclear. nuclear spindle.
i.e. 570 indicador anillo anual

i.e. i.e. incapaz de reproducir. unable to

ICHS. ICSH. reproduce.
identificación. identification. incertae sedis. incertae sedis.
idioblasto. idioblast. incicador anillo anual. tree ring index.
idiocromatina. idiochromatin. inciso. incised
idioplasma. idioplasm. incisión. incision.
idoses. idoses. inclinado. cernous. inclinate. droop-
igual. equal. ing.
illuvia polen. pollen rain. incluido. included.
illuvioso. rainy. inclusión. inclusion.
inflorescencia mixto. mixed inflo- inclusión celular. cell inclusion.
rescence. incoloro. colorless. achroos. achromic.
imbibición. imbibition. incompatibilidad (flor). incompat-
imbricación. imbrication. ibility (floral).
imbricado. imbricate. incompatibilidad (injerto). incom-
imerbe. imberbate. patibility (graft).
imina. imine. incompatibilidad floral. floral in-
imitación. imitation. compatibility.
imitativa. imitative. incompatibilidad heteromórfico.
immobilis. immobilis. heteromorphic incompatiability.
imparipinnado. imparipinate. odd- incompatibilidad homomorfo. ho-
pinnate. momorphic incompatibility.
imperfección. blemish. imperfec- incompleto. incomplete.
tion. inconspicuamente. obscurely.
imperfecto (flor). imperfect (flower). incontaminado. unpolluted.
imperforado. imperforate. incrustación. incrustation.
impermeabilidad. impermeability. incubo. incubous.
impermeable. impervious. incumbente. incumbent.
impermeable. impermeable. incurvado. incurved.
implicado. implicate. indehiscente. indehiscent.
impreso. impressed. independencia. independence.
impurificar. pollute. independiente de la densidad. density
impurficación. pollution. independent.
inactividad. inactivity. indeterminado. indeterminate. in-
inaequale. inaequale. definite.
inarticulada. inarticulate. indicado ecológico. ecological indi-
incano. incanous. cator.
incanus. incanus. indicador anillo anual. tree ring index.
indice (de superficie) foliar 571 inhibición de contacto
indice (de superficie) foliar. leaf area infestar. blight.
index. infiltración de agua. infiltration of
índice de aridez. aridity index. water.
indice de creimiento. growth rate. inflado. inflated.
índice de diversidad. diversity in- inflexo. inflexed.
dex. inflorescencia. inflorescence.
indice de diversidad Shannon-Wiener. inflorescencia acropetal. acropteal
Shannon-Wiener index of inflorescence.
diversity. inflorescencia centrífugo. centrifugal
indice de eficiencia. efficiency in- inflorescence.
dex. inflorescencia centrípeta. centrip-
indice del área foliar. leaf area in- etal inflorescence.
dex. inflorescencia definida. definite
indice de repiratorio. respiratory inflorescence.
index. inflorescencia indefinida. indefinite
indice mitótico. mitotic index. inflorescence.
indiferenciado. undifferentiated. inflorescencia indeterminado. in-
indigen. native. determinate inflorescence.
indígena. indigenous. inflorescencia mixto. mixed inflo-
individuo. individual. rescence.
inducción. induction. inflorescencial simpódica. sympodial
inducción de la floración. induc- inflorescence.
tion of flowering. inflorescente. inflorescent.
inducción de mutaciones. induc- infloresecencia centrípeto. centripetal
tion of mutation. inflorescence.
inducción fototrópico. phototropic informosoma. informosome.
induction. infr-. infra-.
inductor. inducer. inductor. infra-. infra-.
indumento. indumentum. vestiture. infracto. infracted.
induplicado. induplicate. inframedio. inframedial.
indusio. indusium. infrapeciolar. infrapetiolar.
indusio falsa. false indusium. infrarroja. infrared.
indusio verdaderos. true indusium. infraspecífico. infraspecific.
inequilátereo. inequilateral. infrutescencia. infructescence.
inercia. inetia. infundibuliforme. funnel-shaped.
inerme. inermous. unarmed. funnelform. infundibular
inermis. inermis. infundíbulo. infundibulum.
inerte. inert. ingenieria forestal. forestry.
infección. infection. ingenieria genética. genetic engi-
infección ectótrofo. ectotrophic in- neering.
fection. inhibición competitiva. competitive
infecundo. infertile. inhibition.
inferior. inferior. lower. inhibición no competitiva. noncom-
infero (relativo al ovario). inferior. petitive inhibition.
infértil. infertile. inhibición de contacto. contact in-
inhibición no competitiva 572 intergrado
hibition. insolación. insolation.
inhibición no competitiva. noncom- insolubilidad. insolubility.
petitive inhibition. insoluble. insoluble.
inhibición por retroacción. feed- insparcido. inspersaed.
back inibition. insular. insular.
inhibidor. inhibitor. insulto ambiental. environmental
inhibidor metabólica. metabolic insults.
inhibitor. integrifolius. integrifolius.
inhibir. inhibit. integumento. integument.
iniciadora. starter. intemperado fago. intemperate phage.
inicial cámbial. cambium initial. intensidad. intensity.
inicial del cuello. neck initial. intenso. deep (color).
inicial radial. ray initial. inter-. inter-.
inicío. initiator. interacción sinergistico. synergistic
injertar. graft. interaction.
injertar corona. crown graft. interacción. interaction.
injerto de yema. budding. interactura. interact.
injerto. grafting. intercalar. intercalar.
inmaculado. immaculate. intercalario. intercalary.
inmadurez. immaturity. intercambio de apareamiento.
inmaduro. immature. unripe. exchange pairing.
inmarginado. immarginate. intercambio de bases. base exchange.
inmaturo. immature. intercambio de gas. gas exchange.
inmigracón. immigration. intercambio de segmentos. segmental
inmovilización. immobilization. interchange.
inmune. immune. intercinesis. interkinesis.
inmunidad. immunity. interconectar. network.
inmunológico. immunological. intercostal. intercostal.
innato. innate. intercromocentre. interchromocenter.
inoculación. innoculation. intercruzada. intercross.
inocular. inoculate. interfase. interphase.
inóculo. inoculum. interferencia. interference.
inordinado. inordinate. interferencia cromatídica. chromatid
inodoro. inodorous. scentless. interference.
odorless. interferencia quiasmática. chiasma
inoperculado. inoperculate. interference.
inorgánico. inorganic. interferencia quiasmática negativa.
inositol. inositol. negative chiasma interference.
insectívoro. insectivore. insectivorous. interferencia quiasmática positivo.
inseminar. inseminate. positive chiasma interference.
inserción. insertion. interfértil. interfertile.
insertado. inserted. interfoliar. interfoliar.
inserto. inserted. intergenérico. intergeneric.
insignis. insignis. intergradción. intergradition.
insipido. insipid. intergrado. intergrade.
intermolecular 573 irorado
intermolecular. intermolecular. inversión de pericéntrico. pericentric
internervadura. intervein. inversion.
internodal. internodal. inversión térmica. thermal inversion.
internodio. internode. invernación. overwinter.
internuclear. internuclear. invernante. hibernating.
interpeciolar. interpetiolar. invernar. hibernate.
interprogenie. interbreed. inversión. inversion.
interrumpido. intermittent. inversión de pericéntrico. pericentric
interrumpido. interrupted. inversion.
interseleccionar. interbreed. inversión de temperatura. temperature
intersexo. intersex. inversion.
intersexuado. intersex. inversión paracéntrico. paracentric
intersticial. interstitial. inversion.
intervarietal. intervarietal. inversión térmica. thermal inversion.
intina. intine. inverso. inversed.
intorsión. intorsion. invertasa. invertase.
intort. intort. invertido. inverted.
intra-. intra-. invertir. invert.
intracelular. intracellular. investigación. research.
intraespecífico. intraspecific. investigador científico. researcher.
intraespecie. intraspecies. inviabilidad. inviability.
intraestaminal. intrastaminal. inviable. inviable.
intrafoliar. intrafoliar. invierno. winter.
intramargianal. intramarginal. in vitro. invitro.
intramolecular. intramolecular. in vivo. in vivo
intranuclear. intranuclear. involucela. involucel(lum).
intrapeciolar. intrapetiolar. involucelo. involucel(lum).
intravaginal. intravaginal. involución. involution.
intrincado. intricate. involucrado. involucrate.
intro-. intro-. involucral. involucral.
introducido. introduced. alien. involucro. involucre.
introgresante. introgressant. involuto. involute.
introgresión. introgression. ion. ion.
introrso. introrse. ión. ion.
intrusión de agua salada. saltwa- ion de zwitter. zwitter ion.
ter intrusion. ión dipolar. dipolar ion.
intumescencia. intumescence. ion dipolar. dipolar ion.
intususcepción. intussusception. ion hidrógeno. hydrogen ion.
inulasa. inulase. iónico enlace. ionic bond.
inulina. inulin. ionizar. ionize.
inundado. waterlogged. ions no canjeable. non-exchange-
invaginación. invagination. able ions.
invarianza. invariance. iridiscente. iridescent.
invasión. invasion. iridoide. iridoid.
invasor. invader. irorado. irrorate.
irradiación 574 istmo
irradiación. irradiation isofase. isophase.
irregular (flor). irregular (flower). isogametangico. isogametangic.
irregular. irregular. isogameto. isogamete.
irrigación. irrigation. isogamia. isogamy.
irritabilidad. irritability. isogamo. isogamous.
irritable. irritable. isogenia. isogeny.
irritar. irritate. isogénico. isogenic.
irrupción. irruption. isogéno. isogenous.
isadelfo. isadelphous. isogenomatico. isogenomatic.
isidio. isidium. isolación sexual. sexual isolation.
isla. island. isolateral. isolateral.
isla floema. phloem island. isoleucina. isoleucine.
islote de vena. vein islet. isomerasa. isomerase.
ismorfismo. isomorphism. isómero. isomer.
iso-. iso-. isomero. isomerous.
isobilateral. isobilateral. isomorf. isomorph.
isobraquial. isobrachial. ismorfismo. isomorphism.
isocárpico. isocarpic. isomorfo. isomorphic.
isoconto. isokont. isopétalo. isopetalous.
isocotiledóneo. isocotylous. isóporo. isosporous.
isocótilo. isoctylous. isopreno. isoprene.
isocro. isochrous. isoprenoide. isoprenoid.
isocromosoma. isochromosome. isoreactivo. isoreagent.
isodiamétrico. isodiametric. isostémono. isostemonous.
isodínamo. isodynamous. isotónico. isotonic.
isoenzima. isoenzyme. isótopo. isotope.
isoenzima. isozyme. istmo. isthmus.
575 krummholz

jaculator. jaculator.
jaspeado. variegated.
jicaro. gourd.
jugo celular. cell sap.
juego de cromosomas. set of chro-
jugo nuclear. nuclear sap.
jugum. jugum.
julaceo. julaceous.
junceous. junceous.
juncia. sedge.
junco. juncous. rush. sedge.
juncoide. juncoid. rush-like.
jungla. jungle.
juventud. juvenility.

K. K. kino. kino.
kelp. kelp. krummholz. krummholz
kinase. kinasa.
L 576 latencia

L. L. lagoon.
labelado. labellate. laguna. lacuna (pl. lacunae).
labelo. labellum. lip. lagunar. lacunose.
labiado. labiate. lipped. larmarckismo. lamarckism.
labial. labial. lamarquismo. lamarckism.
labio. labium (pl. labia). lip. lamela medio. middle lamella .
labio superior. upper lip. lamelado. lamellate.
labirintiforme. labyrinthiform. lamelar. lamellar.
labium. labellum. lip. lameliforme. lamelliform.
laccado. laccate. lameloso. lamellose.
lacerado. lacerate. lámina. blade. lamina.
lacieo. lacyeous. lámina celular. cell plate
lacinia. lacinia. lámina de agua. water table.
laciniado. laciniate. lámina de hoja. leaf blade.
laciniforme. laciniform. lámina entero. undivided blade.
lacinla. lacinla. lámina foliar. leaf blade.
lacrimación. bleeding. laminación. lamination.
lacrimiforme. lacrimiform. laminado. laminate.
lactasa. lactase. laminar. laminar.
lactescencia. lactescence. laminarina. laminarin.
lactífero. lactiferous. laminilla. fungal gill. gill. lamella
lactifico. lactific. (pl. lamellae).
lactoflavina. lactoflavin. laminilla intergranular. intergrana
lactona. lactone. lamella.
lacustre. lacustrine. laminilla primario. primary lamella.
ladera. slope. lana. wool.
lado ventral. ventral side. lanceolado. lanceolate.
ladrillo (color). rusty (color). ru- lanceoloide. lanceoloid.
biginous. lanci-. lanci-.
ladrillo. rubiginous. rusty (color). lani-. lani-.
laevi-. laevi-. lanoso. wooly.
laevígado. laevigate. lanso. lanate.
lageniforme. flask-shaped. lanuginoso. lanuginose. wooly.
lageniforme. lageniform. lanugo. lanugo.
lago. lake. lanuloso. lanulose.
lago mesótrofo. mesotrophic lake. lapidicólo. lapidicolous.
lago salino. salt lake. lasio-. lasio-.
lago salobre. salt lake. lastre genético. genetic load.
lagua de aguas residuales. wastewater latencia. dormancy. latent.
latencia invernal 577 levulosa
latencia invernal. winter dormancy. leña estrecho. latewood.
la teoria del big bang. big bang leña picnoxilico. pynoxylic wood.
theory. leña tardio. latewood. summer wood.
lateral. lateral. leña temprano. earlywood (spring
látex. latex (pl. latices). wood). primary wood.
latexosis. latexosis. lengua. tongue.
lati-. lati-. lengua de compensación. compen-
latiacostillado. laticostate. sation tongue.
laticífero. laticifer. laticiferous. leñosa. hardwood. lignified.
latidentado. latidentate. leñoso. ligneous. woody.
latidtud. latitude. lenteja. lentil.
latifolio. broad-leaved. latifoliate. lenticela. lenticel.
latifolioso. broad-leaved. léntico. lentic.
latifolius. latifolius. lenticular. lenticular.
latihoja. broadleaf. lentiforme. lentiform.
latiofolioso. latifolious. lentiginoso. lentiginous.
latiseptado. latiseptate. leonado. tawy.
latitud. latitude. lepido-. lepido-.
latón de color. aenius. lepidoto. lepidote.
latrorso. latrorso. lepis. lepis.
laurio. laurium. leproso. leprose.
lavar. leach. lepto-. lepto-
laxamente. loosely. leptoderma. leptodermous.
laxi-. laxi-. leptófilo. leptophyllos.
laxo. lax. loose. leptoforma. leptoform.
lecanorina. lecanorine. leptoma. leptome.
lecho de un rio. riverbed. leptonema. leptonema.
lecho marino. seafloor. leptosporangiado. leptosporangiate.
lecideina. lecideine. leptóteno. leptotene.
lecitoproteina. lecithoprotein. leptótico. leptotichous.
lecitina. lecithin. lesión. wound.
lecitinasa. lecithinase. letal. lethal.
lectina. lectin. letal equilibrado. balanced lethal.
lectotipo. lectotype. letargo. dormancy.
legumbre (enleguminosas). pod. letargo estival. summer dormancy.
legumbre. legume. leucina. leucine.
leguminosa. leguminous. leuco-. leuco-.
leio-. leio-. leucoanto. leucoanthous.
leiosporo. leiosporous. leucoplasto. leucoplast.
lema. lemma. leuosporo. leucosporous.
leña. wood. levadura. yeast.
leña de otoño. latewood. levana. levan.
leña de primavera. earlywood (spring levigado. levigate.
wood). primary wood. levovoluble. sinistrorse.
leña de verano. summer wood. levulosa. levulose.
ley biogenética fundamental 578 lipocondria
ley biogenética fundamental. bio- límbo. limb.
genetic law. limero. lime tree.
ley de Hardy-Weinberg. Hardy- limícolo. limicolous.
Weinberg law. limitación. restraint.
Ley de las herencia de Mendel. limitado por el sexo. sex-limited.
Mendel’s Law of Inheritance. limite de arbols. limit of trees.
leyes de Mendel. Mendel’s laws. limite del arbolado. tree-line.
leyes de Galton. Galton’s laws. límite de tolerado. tolerance limit.
liana. liana. límite de tolerancia. tolerance limit.
liasa. lyase. límite del arbolado. timberline. tree-
líber. liber. bast. line.
liber duro. hard bast. limites de tolerado. limits of toler-
liberación. liberation. ance.
liberar. liberate. limites de tolerancia. limits of tol-
libra. free. erance.
libriforme. libriform. limivoro. mull.
LIC. ICF. limnético. limnetic.
licopina. lycopene. limnio. limnium.
licopino. lycopene. limnodio. linmodium.
líea evolutiva. evolutionary lineage. limnología. limnology.
ligado al sexo. sex-linked. limón. lemon.
ligado-X. X-linked. limoniforme. limoniform.
ligado-Y. Y-linked. linaje. lineage.
ligamiento. linkage. linaje celular. cell lineage.
ligamiento al sexo. sex-linkage. linaje evolutivo. evolutionary line-
ligande. ligand. age.
ligasa. ligase. linamarina. linamarin.
ligeramente pédulo. nutant. línea. line.
lignescente. lignescent. linea celular. cell line.
lignícola. lignicolous. linea consanguinea. inbred line.
lignificacíon. lignification. linéa de nieve. snow-line.
lignificarse. lignify. línea pura. pure line.
ligniforme. ligniform. lineas zona. zone lines.
lignina. lignin. lineado. lineate.
lignocelulosa. lignocellulose. lineal. linear (leaf).
lígula. ligule. linear (hoja). linear (leaf).
ligulada. ligulate. lineolado. lineolate.
ligulado. bearded. lingúiforme. linguiform.
ligular. ligulate (of shape). lingulado. lingulate.
liguliflorado. liguliflorate. linina. linin.
liguliforme. liguliform. linkage. linkage. ligamiento.
lila (color). lilac (color). linkage iónico. ionic linkage.
lima (fruta). lime (fruit). Linnaeus. Linnaeus.
limbato. limbate. lipasa. lipase.
limbo (foliar). leaf blade. lipocondria. lipochondria.
lípido 579 lunular
lípido. lipid(e). lobular. lobular.
lipocromo. lipochrome. lóbulo. lobule.
lipoide. lipoid. localización. localization.
lipofilíco. lipophilic. localizado. localized.
lipoxidasa. lipoxidase. locelado. locellate.
lipoproteína. lipoprotein. lochmio. lochmium.
liposoma. liposome. loci. loci.
liquen. lichen. locomoción. locomotion.
liquenícolo. lichenicolous. loculación. loculation.
liquenina. lichenin. loculado. loculate.
liqueno. lichenous. locular. locular.
liquenología. lichenology. loculación. loculation.
liquenometría. lichenometry. loculatus. loculatus.
lirado. lyrate. loculicida. loculicidal.
lirella. lirella. lóculo. locule (pl. loculi). loculus.
liriforme. lyriform. cell.
lisina. lysine. lóculo de semilla. seed cavity.
lisis. lysis. loculoso. loculose.
liso. even. smooth. locus. locus (pl. loci or loca).
lisogenia. lysogeny. locus activo. active site.
lisosoma. lysosome. locus de gene. gene locus.
lisozima. lysozyme. locusta. locusta.
listado. streaked. striped. lodícula. lodicule.
litófilo. lithophilous. lófilo. lophium.
litófito. lithophyte. lofótrico. lophotrichous.
litoral. littoral. lomentáceo. lomentaceous.
litoral zona. littoral lomento. loment(um).
litosere. lithosere. longevidad. longevity.
litoserie. lithosere. longi-. longi-.
litótrofo. lithotroph. longicolo. longicollous.
lituado. lituate. longiflor(o)(a). longiflorous.
liturado. liturate. longitud. longitude.
liveus. liveus. lorado. liguliform.
lixivación. leaching. loriforme. lorate. loriform.
lixiviar. leach. lotíco. lotic.
llanura. moor. prairie. lubrico. lubricous.
lluvia. rain. luciferasa. luciferase.
lluvia ácido. acid rain. luciferina. luciferin.
lluvioso. rainy. lucífugo. lucifugous.
lobado. lobate. lugar receptivo. receptive spot.
lobo. lobe. lumen. lumen.
lobo cáliz. calyx lobe. luminescencia. luminescence.
lobo lateral. lateral lobe. luminescente. luminescent.
lobulada. lobed. lunular. crescentric. lunate. cres-
lobulado. lobulate. cent-shaped.
lustroso 580 luz polrizada
lustroso. nitid. (UV light).
luz. lumen. luz polrizada. polarized light. ????
luz ultraviolete (UV). ultraviolet light
macollamiento 581 malformación

macollamiento. tillering. macropodial.

macrfíle. macrophyllous. macroquiste. macrocyst.
macrfílo. macrophyll. macroscópico. macroscopic.
macro-. macro-. macróspora. macrospore.
macroalga. macroalgae. macrosporangio. macrosporangium.
macroandro. macrandrous. macrosporofilo. macrosporophyll.
macrobiótica. macrobiotic. macrotaxonomía. macrotaxonomy.
macrocéfalo. macrocephalous. mácula. macula. spot.
macrocíclico. macrocyclic. maculación. maculation.
macroclima. macroclimate. maculada. maculate.
macroclimático. macroclimatic. maculado. blotched. spotted.
macrocíclico. macrocyclic. maculatus. maculatus.
macroconideo. macroconidium. maculícolo. maculicolous.
macro de medio ambiente. macro- madera. wood.
environment. madera manoxilico. manoxylic wood.
macroecológico. macroenvironment. madera radial. wood ray
macroelemento. macroelement. madra del espora celular. spore
macroestilo. macrostyle. Mother Cell.
macroevolución. macroevolution. madre. mother.
macrofibrilla. macrofibril. madra del espora celular. spore
macrofíle. macrophyllous. Mother Cell.
macrofílo. macrophyll. maduración. maturation. ripening.
macrofilina. macrophylline. madurez. maturity. ripeness.
macrófitas. macrofungi. madurez reproductiva. reproductive
macrófito. macrophyte. maturity.
macroflora. macroflora. maduro. mature (fruit, vegetables).
macrofósil. macrofossil. ripe.
macrogameto. macrogamete. magnesio. magnesium.
macrogametócito. macrogametocyte. magnoliófita. magnoliophyta.
macrogametófito. macrogametophyte. moho. mold. mould.
macrogonidio. macrogonidium. maiz. corn. maize.
macrohábitat. macrohabitat. majus. majus.
macrohongos. macrofungi. mal formado. mal formed.
macromicitos. macromycetes. mala hierba. weed.
macromolécula. macromolecule. malcófilia. malacophily.
macromolecular. macromolecular. malacófilo. malacophyllous.
macronutriente. macronutrient. malacoide. malacoid.
macropodio. macropodous. maleza. weed.
macrópodo. hypocotylespermous. malformación. deformation. mal-
málico 582 matizado
formation. marcador genético. genetic marker.
málico. malic. marcescente. marcescent.
maloláctico. malolactic. marchitado. fading. wilting.
maloloroso. malodorous. marchitamiento. wilt disease. with-
malpigiáceo. dolabrate. ering.
maltasa. maltase. marchitar. wither.
maltosa. maltose. marchitarse (hoja). shrivel (leaf).
maltotriosa. maltotriose. marchitarse. wilt.
malvidina. malvidin. marchitez. wilt disease.
malvito. maranta. marchitez permanente. permanent
mamiforme. breast-shaped. wilting.
mamila. mammilla. marchito. faded. wilted. withered.
mamilae. mammillae. shriveled.
mamilar. mammillar. marea roja. red tide.
mamilífero. mammillate. marea. tide.
mamiforme. mammiform. breast- marfil vegetal. vegetable ivory.
shaped. marga. marl.
mamoso. mammose. margen. riverbank.
manchado. mottled. speckled. margen (márgenes). margin.
mancha ocular. eye-spot. margen de talino. thalline margin.
manchón. stand. margen foliar. leaf margin.
madura manoxílico. manoylic wood. margen lobulada. lobed margin.
manejo del suelo. soil management. margen sobrelapado. obvolute.
manganeso. manganese. marginado. bordered. edged.
mangle. mangrove. marginate.
manipulación genética. genetic en- marginal. marginal.
gineering. marina. marine.
manitol. mannitol. marino. marine.
manociste. manocyst. marino biología. marine biology.
manon. mannon. marisma (sal). swamp. salt marsh.
manosa. mannose. marisma emergencia. emergence
mantillo. humus. mull. marsh.
mantillo de hoja. leaf mold. marisma sumergimiento. submer-
mantillo humus. mor. gence marsh.
manubrio. handle-shaped. manu- maritimo. maritime.
brium. marsupio. marsupium.
mapa cromosómico. chromosome map. masa radical. root mass.
mapa genético. gene mapping. masculino. male. masculine.
mapa génico. genetic map. mastigonemo. mastigoneme.
mapa ligamiento. linkage map. mastoide. mastoid.
mapaje genético. gene mapping. másula. massula.
maranta. maranta. mata. bush.
marcadamente. strongly. distinctly. mata de hierba. tussock.
marca de tétrada. tetrad scar. materia orgánico. organic matter.
marcador. tracer. matizado. suffused.
matorral 583 mella (margen)
matorral. copse. matorral. scrub. médula de reserva. storage pith.
matorral espinoso. thorny bush, médula esponjoso. spongy pith.
matriz. matrix. médula mixto. mixed pith.
matriz cromosómico. chromosome medulado. medullate. pithy.
matrix. medular. medullary.
matroclino. matroclinus. meduloso. medullose.
matromórfico. matromorphic. mega-. mega-.
matutino. matutinal. megaesporófilo. megasporophyll.
maximus. maximus. megaesporogénesis. megasporogen-
mayor. major. esis.
mazo. skein. megafanerófito. megaphanerophyte.
mazaedio. mazaedium. megafíl. megaphyll.
mazorca (del cacao). pod. megagameto. megagamete.
mecanismo aislante. isolating megagámeta. megagamete.
mechansim. megagametófito. megagametophyte.
mecanismo aislante reproductivo. megagametogénesis. megagameto-
reproductive isolating mechanism. genesis.
mecanismo catapulta. catapult mecha- mega(lo)-. mega(lo)-.
nism. megalogonidio. megalogonidium.
mecanismo de aislamiento. isolat- megafilo. megaphyllous.
ing mechanism. megáspora. megaspore.
mecanismo de reroacción negativa. megáspora célula madre. megaspore
negative feedback mechanism. mother cell.
media luna. crescent-shaped. megasporangio. megasporangium (pl.
media raza. half-race. megasporangia).
medida de densidad. density meas- megasporócito. megasporocyte.
ure. meiocito. meiocyte.
medina. median. meioesporangio. meiosporangium.
medio. medial. meiofasa. meiophase.
medio-. medio-. meiomero. meiomerous.
medioambiental. environmental. meiosis. meiosis.
medio ambiente. environment. meiosis cigótico. zygotic meiosis.
medio ambiente genotípica. geno- meiospora. meiospore.
typic environment. meiotaxia. meiotaxy.
medio ambiente xeric. xeric envi- meiótico. meiotic.
ronment. mejora convergente. convergent
medio de enraizmiento. rooting improvement.
medium. mejorador de semillas. seed breeder.
medio embiente. environment. mejoramiento. breeding.
medio-inferior. half-inferior. mela(no)-. mela(no)-.
medio interno. internal environment. melanosporo. melanosporous.
mediolitoral. mediolittoral. melibiosa. melibiose.
medio (de cultiveo) minimo. mini- melieus. melieus.
mal medium. mella (margen). indentation (mar-
médula. medulla. pith. gin).
mellizo 584 mesosaprobio
mellizo. twins. meristema apical. apical meristem.
membral. membral. meristema intercalar. intercalary
membrana. membrane. meristem.
membrana celular. cell membrane. meristema secundario. secondary
membrana de fucundación. fertili- meristem.
zation membrane. meristemático. meristematic.
membrana de la punteadura. pit meristemo. meristem.
membrane. meristemo cambial. cambial meristem.
membrana de soral. soral membrane. meristemo cilindro central. central
membrana elemental. unit membrane. cylinder meristem.
membrana espora. spore membrane. meristemo de crecimiento apical.
membrana nuclear. nuclear mem- growth apical meristem.
brane. meristemo del suelo. ground meristem.
membrana obturante. closing mem- meristemo lateral. lateral meristem.
brane. meristemo primario. primary
membrana oclusiva. closing mem- meristem.
brane. meristema primordial. primordial
membrana plasma. plasma membrane. meristem.
membrana plasmática. plasma mem- meristemoide. meristemoid.
brane. meristico. meristic.
membrana semipermeable. semi- meristogenético. meristogenetic.
permeable membrane. meristógeno. meristogenous.
membrana unidad. unit membrane. –mero. –merous.
membrana unitaria. unit membrane. merogamia. merogamy.
membrana vacuolar. vacuolar mem- meromíctico. meromictic.
brane. meronte. meront.
membranáceo. membranaceous. merosporangio. merosporangium.
membrano. membranous. mésico. mesic.
membrano de sótano. basement meso-. meso-.
membrane. mesocarp(i)o. mesocarp.
meniscoidal. meniscoidal. mesócito. mesochite.
menor. smaller. mesoclima. mesoclimate.
mensajero maternal. maternal mesofanerófito. mesophanerophyte.
messager. mesófil en empalizada. palisade
meoso-. meso. mesophyll.
mentón. chin. mentum. mesofilico. mesophil(e).
merenquima. merenchyma. mesófilo. mesophyll
mericarpo. mericarp. mesófilo esponjoso. spongy mesophyll.
mericarpo esquizocarpic. schizocarpic mesófita. mesophyte.
mericarp. mesófito. mesophyte.
mericlonación. mericloning. mesogelatina. mesogelatin.
merisomo. merism. mesohalino. mesohaline.
merismatoide. merismatoid. mesolegumbre. mesopod.
merispora. merispore. mesomitosis. mesomitosis.
meristela. meristele. mesosaprobio. mesosaprobe.
mesosoma 585 micorriza ectótrofo
mesosoma. mesosome. method.
mesospora. mesospore. metoecio. metoecious.
mesosporio. mesosporium. metoxeno. metoxenous.
meta-. meta-. metoxona. methoxone.
metabasidio. metabasidium. metromórfico. metromorphic.
metabiosis. metabiosis. metula. metula.
metabolia. metaboly. metuliforme. metuliform.
metabólico. metabolic. metuloide. metuloid.
metabolismo. metabolism. meurte súbita. damping-off.
metabolismo asimilador. construc- mezcla bordeado. bordeaux mixture.
tive metabolism. mezcla borgoña. burgundy mixture.
metabolismo celular. cellular me- Mg. Mg.
tabolism. mic(et)-. myc(et)-.
metabolismo constructivo. construc- micaceo. micaceous.
tive metabolism. micela. micella.
metabolismo destructivo. destruc- micelio. mycelium (pl .mycelia).
tive metabolism. spawn.
metabolito. metabolite. micelio aéro. aerial mycelium.
metacelulosa. metacellulose. micelioide. mycelioid.
metacéntrico. metacentric. micelio primario. primary mycelium.
metacinesis. metakinesis. micelio secundario. secondary myc-
metacromatina. metachromatin. elium.
metafase. metaphase. micelio substrado. substrate myc-
metafilo. metaphyll. elium.
metafisis. metaphysis. micelle. micelle.
metafloema. metaphloem. miceloconidio. myceloconidium.
metagénesis. metagenesis. micetismo. mycetism.
metamitosis. metamitosis. micetoma. mycetome.
metamorfosis. metamorphosis. micobionte. mycobiont.
metano. methane. micobiota. mycobiota.
metanogénico. methanogenic. micocecidio. mycocecidium.
metanótrofo. methanotroph. micocrinia. mycocriny.
metaplasma. metaplasm. micoderma. mycoderma.
metaproteina. metaprotein. micoelemento. trace element.
metasíndesis. metasyndesis. micofagia. mycophagy.
metaxenia. metaxenia. micófitas. fungi.
metaxilema. metaxylem. micótas en empalizada. palisade fungi.
meteorización. weathering. micofitos roya. rust fungi.
metionina. methionine. micofitoro. mycophthorous.
métoda de selección. breeding method. micófitos. fungi.
método de fitomejoramiento. breeding micógeno. mycogenous.
method. micología. mycology.
método de ordenación. ordination micoplasma. mycoplasm(a).
method. micorriza. mycorrhiza.
método de científico. scientific micorriza ectótrofo. ectotrophic
micorriza endófito 586 miembro elemento
mycorrhiza. microgametócito. microgametocyte.
micorriza endófito. endophytic microgametófito. microgametophyte.
mycorrhiza. microgametogenésis. microgameto-
micosina. mycosin. genesis.
micosis. mycosis. microgonidio. microgonidium.
micoso. mycose. microhábitat. microhabitat.
micostática. mycostatic. microhongos. microfungus.
micotico. mycotic. micromedio. microenvironment.
micotoxina. mycotoxin. micromedioambiental. microenviron-
micotrófico. mycotrophic. ment.
micovirus. mycovirus. micronemo. micronemous.
micranthous. micranthous. micronutriente. micronutrient.
micro-. micro- microoganismo. microorganism.
microaerobio. microaerobic. microparásito. microparasite.
microaerófilo. microaerophile. micrópilar. micropylar.
microambiental. microenvironmental. micrópilo. micropyle.
microbio. microbe. micropoblación. micropopulation.
microbiano. microbial. microquímica. microchemistry.
micróbico. microbic. microscopia de luminoso. light
microbiología. microbiology. microscopy.
microbiota. microbiota. microscopia de luz. light microscopy.
microcíclico. microcyclic. microscopia de luz transmitida
microciste. microcyst. (MLT). transmission electron
microclima. microclimate. microscopy (TEM).
micrococo. micrococcus. microscopio de luz ultravioleta.
microcolonia. microcolony. ultraviolet microscope.
microconidio. microconidium. microsoma. microsome.
microconsumidor. microconsumer. micróspora célula madre. microspore
microcultivo. microculture. mother cell.
microecología. microecology micróspora. microspore.
microecosistema. microsystem. micróspora célula madre. microspore
microelemento. microelement. mother cell.
microespecie. microspecies. microsporangiado cono. microspor-
microevolución. microevolution. angiate (male) cone.
microfanerófito. microphanerophyte. microsporangio. microsporangium.
microfibrilla. microfibril. microsporocito. microsporocyte.
microfilamento. microfilament. microsporofilo. microsporophyll.
microfilina. microphylline. microsporogenésis. microsporogenesis.
microfilo. microphyll. microterm. microtherm.
micrófito. microphyte. micrótomo. microtome.
microflora. microflora. microtubular. microtubular.
microfloral. microfloral. microtubúlos. microtubules.
microfósil. microfossil. mictohaplonte. miktohaplont.
microgametangio. microgametangium. miembro. member.
microgameto. microgamete. miembro elemento. vessel member.
migar 587 monocéfalo
migar. migrate. method.
migración. migration. mofología. morphology.
mildiú. mildew. moho. mold (mould).
milita. myllita. moho cubierto de hollin. sooty mold.
mimesis. mimesis. moho de agua. water mold.
mimético. mimetic. moho de hoja. leaf mold.
mimetismo. mimicry. mohoes mucosos. slime molds.
mimetizar. mimic. moho viscoso. slime mold.
mineralización. mineralization. mohoso. moldy.
miofilo. myiophyllous. mojado. moist. wet.
mirmecófilia. myrmecophily. molécula. molecule.
mirmecófilo. myrmecophilous. molécula prot(in)ica. protein mol-
mirosporo. myriosporous. ecule.
mitriforme. mitriform. molécula proteína. protein molecule.
misdivisión. misdivision. molecular. molecular.
mistus. mistus. molécular polar. polar molecule.
mitiliforme. mytiliform. molendiáceo. molendinaceous.
mitocondria. mitochondrion (pl. molibdeno (Mo). molybdenum (Mo).
mitochodria). mollis. mollis.
mitogénico. mitogenic. mónada. monad.
mitosis. mitosis. monadelfo. monadelphous.
mitosis premeiótico. premeiotic monalélico. monoallelic.
mitosis. monandria. monandry.
mitosis somática. somatic mitosis. monandro. monandrous.
mitosoma. mitosome. monangial. monangial.
mitriforme. mitriform. monarca. monarch.
mixameba. myxamoeba. monato. monanthous.
mixobacteria. myxobacteria. monecio. monecious.
mixocromosma. mixochromosome. monerana. moneran.
mixomicetos. myxomycete. slime mongermen. monogerm.
molds. moniliforme. bead collar. monili-
mixoploide. mixoploid. form.
mixoquim(a)era. mixochim(a)era. mono-. mono-.
mixta. mixed. monoalélico. monoallelic.
Mn. Mn. monocario. monocaryon. monokaryon.
Mo. Mo. monocariótico. monokaryotic.
modelo monoclimácica. monoclimax monocarpelar. monocarpellate.
model. monocarpelaria. monocarpellary.
moder. moder. monocárpico. hapaxanthic. mono-
modificación. modification. carpic.
modificador de gen. modifier gene. monocarpo. monocarp.
modificación duradera. dauemodific- monocarpogónico. unicarpellous.
ation. monocasio. monochasium.
modo. mode. monocaule. monocaulous.
modo reproducción. reproductive monocéfalo. monocephalic.
monoceluar 588 movimiento efímero
monoceluar. unicellular. monosomico. monosomic.
monocéntrica. monocentric. monospermo. monospermous.
monocíclico. monocyclic. monospora. monospore.
monocigótico. monozygotic. monosporo. monosporous.
monoclamideo. monochlamydeous. monosporangio. monosporangium.
monoclino. monoclinous. monostela. monostele.
monocot. monocot. monostico. monostichous.
monocotiledónea. monocotyledon. monoestilo. monostylous.
monocotiledóneas. Monocotyledoneae. monoteca. monotheca.
monocotiledóneo. monocotyledonous. monotípico. monotypic.
monocromático. monochromatic. monotrico. monotrichous.
monocultivo. monoculture. monoxero. monoxerous.
monodesmico. monodesmic. montaña. mountain.
monoestilo. monostylous. montano. montane. mountain.
monofactorial. monofactorial. montanus. montanus.
monófago. monophagous. morador. denizen.
monofilético. monophyletic. moriforme. moriform.
monofiletismo. monophyletism. morf. morph.
monofilo. monophyllous. morfogénesis. morophogenesis.
monogenérico. unigeneric. morfología. morphology.
monogénesis. monogenesis. morfología vegetal. plant morphology.
monogénico. monogenic. morfológico. morphological.
monogenocéntrico. monogenocentric. morfosis. morphosis.
monogermen. monogerm. morfospecie. morphospecies.
monogino. monogynous. mosaicismo. mosaicism.
monohíbrideo. monohybrid. mosaico. mosaic.
monoico. monoecious. mosaico de hoja. leaf mosaic.
monómero. monomerous. mosaico de vegetación. vegetation
monomicelial. monomycelia. mosaic.
monomítico. monomitic. mosqueado. speckled.
monomórfico. monomorphic. moteado. speckled.
mononucleado. mononucleate. moteado. speckled. spotted.
monopétalo. monopetalous. motil. motile.
monoplanético. monoplanetic. motilidad. motility.
monoploide. monoploid. movimiento acrópetal. acropetal
monopodial. monopodial. movement.
monopódico. monopodial. movimiento basípetal. basipetal
monopodio. monopodium. movement.
monosa. monose. movimiento de Brownian. Brownian
monosacárido. monosaccharide. movement.
monosépalo. monosepalous. movimiento de sueño. nyctinasty.
monosia. monosy. sleep movement.
monosimétrico. monosymmetrical. movimiento de turgencia. tugor
monosoma. monosome. movement.
monosomia. monosomy. movimiento efímero. ephemeral
movimiento espontáneo 589 mutación espontáneo
movement. multifero. multiferous.
movimiento espontáneo. spontane- multifido. multifid.
ous movement. multiflora. multiflora.
movimiento filócarpo. phyllocarpic multifloro. multiflorous.
movement. multiforme. multiform.
movimiento flagelar. flagellar move- multigénico. multigenic.
ment. multilobular. multilobate.
movimiento nástico. nastic move- multilocular. multilocular.
ment. multinodal. multinodal.
movimiento nictinástico. nyctinasty. multinucleado. multinecleate(d).
sleep movement. multinuclear. multinecleate(d).
movimiento postfloral. post-floral multiparo. multiparous.
movement. multiperenne. multiperennial.
movimiento turgente. tugor move- multiplicación. multiplication.
ment. multiplicación accesorio. accessory
mucedineo. mucedineous. multiplication.
mucho. many. multiradiado. multiradiate.
mucilaginoso. mucilaginous. mu- multiseptado. multiseptate.
coid. multiseriado. multiseriate.
mucílago. mucilage. multivalente. multivalent.
mucoproteína. mucoprotein. multseptado. multiseptate.
mucoso. mucous. slimy. muralis. muralis.
mucrón. mucro. muricado. muricate.
mucronato. mucronate. muriculado. muriculate.
mucronulato. mucronulate. muriforme. muriform.
mudar. shed. murran. murran.
muerte. death. muscariforme. muscariform.
muesca (en fruto). notch. muscarina. muscarin(e).
muestra. sample. muscícola. muscicolus.
muestra al azar. random sample. muscología. muscology.
muestra aleatoria. random sample. musgo. moss.
muestra regular. regular sample. musgo de pantano. peat moss.
muestra sistemático. systematic musgo de turba. peat moss.
sample. musgo esfágneo. sphagnum moss.
multi-. multi-. musícola. muscicolus.
multiacostillado. multicostate. mustio. faded. wilted.
multialelo. multiallele. mutación. mutation. sport.
multiapical. multiapical. mutación de brotes. bud mutation.
multicarpelar. multicarpellate. mutación de estructural. structural
multicaule. many-stemmed. multicaul- mutation.
ous. mutación de yema. bud mutation.
multicelular. multicellular. mutación errónra. missense muta-
multiciliado. multiciliate. tion.
multidentado. multidentate. mutación espontáneo. spontaneous
multifactorial. multifactorial. mutation.
mutación génica 590 mutualismo
mutación génica. gene mutation. mutation.
mutación letal. lethal mutation. mutafaciente. mutafacient.
mutación numérico. numereical mutagénesis. mutagenesis.
mutation. mutágeno. mutagen.
mutación plastidial. plastid muta- mutante. mutant. sport.
tion. mutante con sentido erróneo. mis-
mutación plastídica. plastid muta- sense mutant.
tion. mutante de inserción. insertion
mutación puntiforme. point muta- mutant.
tion. mutante deleción. deletion mutant.
mutación puntual. point mutation. mutante errónea. missense mutant.
mutación reversiva. reverse muta- mutante transversiónal. transversional
tion. mutant.
mutación revertida. back mutation. mutar. mutate.
mutación silencioso. silent mutation. mutar revertida. back mutate.
mutación sin sentido. nonsense mutarotación. mutarotation.
mutation. mútico. muticous.
mutación somática. somatic muta- mustio. faded. withered. shriveled.
tion. wilted.
mutación supresor. suppressor mu- mutón. muton.
tation. mutualismo. mutualism.
mutación transversión. transversion
n 591 neumatóforo

n. n. nefro-. nephro-.
N. N. nefroide. nephroid.
Na. Na. negativo. negative.
naciente. nascent. negruzco. nigrescent.
nacreo. nacreous. nematecio. nemathecium.
NAD. NAD nemoral. nemoral.
NADP. NADP. nenúfar. water lily.
nanismo. nanism. neo-. neo-.
(e)nanandrio. nannandrium. neogénesis. neogenesis.
(e)nanocito. nannocyte. neoglucogénesis. gluconeogensis.
(e)nano-. nano-. neomorf. neomorph.
(e)nanofanerofito. nanophanerophyte. neoplasma. neoplasm.
(e)nanófilo. nanophylous. neotypic. neotype.
(e)nanofosil. nanofossil. nerítico. neritic.
nanus. nanus. nernalizar. vernalize.
napiforme. napiform. nervado. costate. veined. nervose.
naranja (color). orange (color). nervate. ribbed.
nastia. nasty. nervado libre. free veins.
nástico. nastic. nervadura. nervation. nervature.
natans. natans. venation. vein.
natante. natant. nervadura-aclarado. vein-clearing.
nativo. indigenous. native. nervadura de banda. vein-band.
natural. natural. nervadura espuria. false vein.
naturalizaar. naturalize. nervadura media. midvein.
naturalizado. naturalized. nervadura paralela. parallel vena-
nautiloide. nautiloid. tion.
navicular. navicular. nervadura reticulada. net-veined.
nebuloso. nebulose. nerval. veinal.
necario. nectary. nervicolo. nervicolous.
necrohormona. wound hormone. nerviforme. nerviform.
necrosis. necrosis. nervio. nerve. nerved.
necrótico. necrotic. nervio foliar. nervure.
necrotrófico. necrotrophic. nervio medio. midrib.
néctar. nectar. nérvulo. veinlet.
nectarífero. nectariferous. netaplasmodio. netplasmodium.
nectario. nectary. netro. netrum.
nectario extrafloral. extrafloral neucecilla. nucule. nutlet.
nectary. neumátodo. pneumathode.
necton. necton. nekton. neumatóforo. pneumatophore.
neumotaxis 592 non-ciclico fotofosforilación
neumotaxis. pneumotaxis. nitrógeno atmosférica. atmospheric
neumotropismo. pneumotropism. nitrogen.
neurotoxina. neurotoxin. nitrógeno de fijación. fixation of
neuston. neuston. nitrogen.
neutra. neuter. nitrosación. nitrosation.
neutralismo. neutralism. nivalis. nivalis.
neutro. agamous. nivel de agua freática. ground
neutrófilo. neutrophilous. water table.
neutrón. neutron. nivel del mar. sea level.
nicho. niche. nivel freático. ground water table.
nicho ecológico. ecological niche. nivel trófico. trophic level.
nicotina. nicotine. niveus. niveus.
nicotinamida-adenina-dinucleótide no apareamiento homólogo.
(NAD). nicotinamide adenine non-homologous pairing.
dinucleotide (NAD). no articulado. non-articulate.
nicotinamida-adenina-dinucleótido- no celular. noncellular.
fosfato (NADP). nicotinamide non-ciclico fotofosforilación. non-
adenine dinucleotide phosphate cyclic photophosphorylation.
(NADP). no conjunción. non-conjunction.
nictanto. nyctanthous. nocturno. nocturnal.
nictígamo. nyctigamous. nodal. nodal.
nictinastia. nyctinasty. no deciduo. indeciduous.
nictitrópico. nyctitropic. nodifero. nodiferous.
nictonastia. nictonasty. nodo. nodum.
nido. nidus. nodoso. nodose.
nidoso. nidose. nodulación. nodulation.
nidulante. nidulant. nodulado. nodulate.
niebla. fog. nodular. nodular.
niebla tóxica. smog. nódulo. geniculum. nodule.
nieve amarillo. yellow snow. nódulo polar. polar nodule.
nieve rojo. red snow. nódulo radical. root nodule.
niger. niger. noduloso. nodulose.
ninfea. water lily. no disjuyunción. nondisjunction.
niple. nipple. nombre científico. scientific name.
nítido. nitid. nombre específico. specific name.
nitrato. nitrate. nombre genérico. generic name.
nitrificacion. nitrification. nombre vulgar. common name.
nitrificar. nitrify. nomen. nomen.
nitrito. nitrite. nomenclatura. nomenclature.
nitrobacteria. nitrobacterio. nomenclatura binomial. binomial
nitrobacterio. nitrobacteria. nomenclature.
nitrófilo. nitrophilous. no modificar. non-modified.
nitrogenado. nitrogenous. non-. non-.
nitrogenasa. nitrogenase. non-ciclico fotofosforilación. non-
nitrógeno. nitrogen. cyclic photophosphorylation.
nondisyunción 593 número cigótico
nondisyunción. nondisjunction. nucleolado. nucleolate.
nondisyunción meiótico. meiotic nucleolar. nucleolar.
nondisjunction. nucleolina. nucleoline.
nondisyunción meyótico. meiotic núcleolo. nucleolus.
nondisjunction. nucleolocentrosoma. nucleolo-cen-
nondisyunción mitótico. mitosis trosome.
nondisjunction. nucleoma. nucleome.
nonmotil. nonmotile. núcleo metabólica. metabolic nucleus.
no polar. non-polar. nucleoplasma. nucleoplasm.
no poroso. impervious. impermeable. nucleoplasmático ratio. karyoplas-
no protínico. non-protein. matic ratio.
no reducción. non-reduction. núcleo polar. polar nucleus.
norma. norm. núclelo polienégida. polyenergid
no sensibilidad. non-sensibility. nucleus.
no septado. unseptate. nucleoproteina. nucleoprotein.
no sexual. nonsexual. nucleoquilema. nucleochylema.
no simétrico. unsymmetrical. núcleo restitución. restitution nu-
notado. notate. cleus.
novem-. novem-. núcleo secundario. secondary nu-
no vascular. avascular. non-vascu- cleus.
lar. núcleo vegetativo. tube nucleus.
novem-. novem-. nucleósido. nucleoside.
no viable. non-viable. nucleosoma. nucleosome.
nucela. nucellus. nucleótida. nucleotide.
nucelar. nucellar. nuclear. nucleótido. nucleotide.
nuceleolar. nucleolar. núcleo vegetativo. tube-nucleus.
nuceloide. nucleoid. vegetative nucleus.
nucifero. nuciferous. núcula. nucule. nutlet.
nuciforme. nuciform. núculo. nutlet.
nucleado. nucleate. nudación. nudation.
nuclear. nuclear. nudi-. nudi-.
nuclei conjugado. conjugate nuclei. nudicaule. nudicaul.
nuclei polar. polar nuclei. nudo. joint. knot. node.
núcleo. nucleus (pl. nuclei). nudo de macollamiento. tillering node.
núcleo de fusión. fusion nucleus. nudo neta. net knot.
núcleo del tubo polínico. tube nu- nudo primario. primary node.
cleus. nudoso. knotty. knotted.
núcelo difuso. diffuse nucleus. nuececilla. nutlet.
núcleo en reposo. resting nucleus. nuececilla esquizocarpic. schizocarpic
núcleo espermaático. sperm nucleus. nutlet.
núcleo generativo. generative nu- nuez. nut.
cleus. nuez alado. winged nut.
núcleo hermana. sister nucleus. nuliplexo. nulliplex.
núcleo hijo. daughter nucleus. nulisómico. nullisomic.
núcleo humus. humus nucleus. número cigótico. zygotic number.
número cromosómico 594 nyctitrópico
número cromosómico. chromosome nutrientes unasimilable. unavailable
number. nutrients.
número gamético. gametic number. nutrientes undisponible. unavail-
numero fotosintético. photosynthetic able nutrients.
number. nutritivo limitante. limiting nutri-
numeroso. numerous. ent.
nutación. nutation. nuz. nut.
nutante (ligeramente pédulo). nutant. nyctanto. nytanthous.
nutrición. nutrition. nyctígamo. nyctigamous.
nutriente. nutrient. nyctitrópico. nyctitropic.
nutrimente. nutriment.
O 595 oidiosporo

O. O. ocelado. ocellated.
oasis. oasis. ocelo. ocellus.
ob-. ob-. ocheria. ochery.
obclaviforme. obclavate. ochrosporo. ochrosporous.
obcomprimido. obcompressed. ocre. ocher. ochre.
obcónico. obconic. ócrea. ochrea. ocrea.
obcordiforme. obcordiform. ocreado. ochreate. ocreate.
obcordate. ocreocarpo. ochrocarpous.
obdeltatdo. obdeltate. ocreolado. ocreolate.
obdeltoide. obdeltoid. octamero. octamerous.
obdiplostémono. obdiplostemonous. octandro. octandrous.
obelítico. obelliptic. octapéptido. octapeptide.
oblanceolado. oblanceolate. octo-. octo-.
oblanceoloide. oblanceoloid. octógino. octogynous.
oblato. oblate. octolocular. octolocular.
oblicuo. oblique. octomero. octomerous.
obligado. obligate. octapéptido. octapeptide.
obliterado. obliteration. octopetalario. octopetalous.
oblongo. oblong. octoploidia. octoploidy.
obovado. egg-shaped. obovate. octoradio. octoradiate.
obovoide. egg-shaped. obovoid. octosépaloso. octosepalous.
obpiramidal. obpyramidal. octosporo. octosporous.
obpiriforme. knob-like. obpiriform. oculsión. occulsion.
obscuro. obscure. ocurrir. occurs.
obsolescencia. obsolescence. odonto-. odonto-.
obsolescente. obsolescent. odontoide. odontoid.
obsoleto. obsolete. oferta. tender.
obtriangular. obtriangular. officinales. officinales.
obtrulado. obtrullate. ofio-. ophio-.
obtruncado. obtruncate. –oide. -oid. –ose.
obtuso. obtuse. oidia. oidium.
obvoide. egg-shaped. ojo (yema). eye (bud)
occidentalis. occidentalis. oleaginoso. oleaginous.
oceánico. oceanic. oleiferus. oleiferus.
océano de desierto. ocean desert. oleína. olein.
oceanografía. oceanography. oleosoma. oleosome.
oceanógrafo. oceanographer. olesa. oil.
oceanología. oceanology. oidiosporo. oidiospore.
olig- 596 organización
olig-. –oligo. oo-. oo-.
oligo-. -oligo. ooblasto. ooblast.
oliocarpia. oligocarpy. oocito. oocyte.
oliocárpico. oligocarpous. oofito. oophyte.
oligoelemento. minor element. oogameto. oogamete.
oligofilo. oligophyllous. oogamia. oogamy.
oligogen. oligogene. oógamo. oogamous.
oligohalino. oligohaline. oogenético. oogenetic.
oligómero. oligomerous. oogénesis. oogenesis.
oligomictico. oligomictic. oogonia. oogonium.
oligonucleótida. oligonucleotide. oolisis. oolysis.
oligonucleótido. oligonucleotide. ooplasma. ooplasm.
oligopéptido. oligopeptide. oosfera. oosphere.
oligopétalo. oligopetalous. oosfera céntrica. centric fusion.
oligosacárido. oligosaccharide. oosfera compuesta. compound
oligosépalo. oligosepalous. oosphere.
oligósida. oligosaccharide. oosfera subcéntrica. subcentric
oligospermo. oligospermous. oosphere.
oligosporo. oligosporous. oospora. oospore.
oligostémono. oligostemonous. oótida. ootid.
oligotaxia. oligotaxy. opaco. dull. opaque.
oligotrofia. oligotrophy. operador. operator.
oligotroficación. oligotrophication. operculado. operculate.
oligotrófico. oligotrophic. operculiforme. operculiform.
oligótrofo. oligotrophic. opérculo. lid. operculum.
oligotrofófito. oligotrophophyte. operón. operon.
oliocápico. oligocarpous. -opsis. –opsis.
oliohalino. oligohaline. opsis-forma. opsis-form.
oliváceo. olivaceous. opuesto. opposite. averse.
olor. odor. scent. orbicular. orbicular. orbiculate. disc-
olorifero. odoriferous. shaped.
oloroso. fragrant. scented. orbitario. oribtal.
ombligo. umbilicus. orculiforma. orculiform.
ombrófila. ombrophilous plant. orden. order.
ombrófilo. ombrophilous. rain-loving. ordinal. ordinal.
ombrófito. ombrophyte. oreo-. oreo-.
ombrófobo. ombrophobe. orgadio. orgadium.
omnivoro. omnivore. omnivorous. órgan de sujeción. holdfast.
ondulación. corrugation. organela. organelle.
ondulado. corrugated. organela sensorial. sense organelle.
ondular. undulate. orgánico. organic.
onduloso. wavy. organismo. organism.
ontogenético. ontogenetic. organismo pionera. pioneer organ-
ontogenia. ontogeny. ism.
ontogénesis. ontogenesis. organización. organization.
organizado 597 oxicromatina
organizado. organized. ortotropismo. orthotropism.
organizador. organizer. ortótropo. orthotropous.
organizar. organize. ósculado. osculate.
órgano. organ. osculante. osculant.
órgano acoplamiento. attachment ósculo. oscule (pl. oscula).
organ. oscuro. dark.
órgano anexo. accessory organs. óseo. osseous.
órgano fijador. holdfast. osiculo. ossiculus.
organogenia. organogeny. osiforme. ossiform.
organogénesis. organogenesis. -osis. –osis.
organografía. organography. osmofílico. osmophilic.
órgano invernante. perennating organ. osmoregulación. osmoregulation.
organología. organology. osmosis. osmosis.
órganos esencial. essential organs. ósmosis. osmosis.
órgano sensorial. sense organ. osmótico. osmotic.
orgános no esencial. non-essential osmotrófico. osmotrophic.
organs. osteosclereida. osteosclereide.
organótrofo. organotroph. ostilo. ostiole.
órgano vestigial. vestigial organ. ostiólado. ostiolate.
orgánulo. organelle. otoñal. autumnal.
orgánulo sensorial. sense organelle. otoño. autumn. fall.
oria. fringe. outbreeding. outbreeding.
orientale. orientale. outliera. outlier.
orientación. orientation. ovado. ovate.
orilla del mar. seashore. ovalado. oval.
orificio eisodal. eisodal aperature. ovarícolo. ovaricolous.
ornitina. ornithine. ovario. ovary.
ornito-. ornitho-. ovario compuesta. compound ovary.
ornitocoprófilo. ornithocoprophilous. ovario infero. inferior ovary.
ornitófilo. ornithophilous. ovario súpero. superior ovary.
ornitófilia. ornithophilous. ovi-. ovi-.
orófilo. orophilous. oviforme. oviform.
orófita. orophyte. ovisac. ovisac.
orófitio. orophyte. ovocélula. egg cell.
orquídea. orchid. ovogénesis. ovogenesis.
ort-. ortho-. ovogenético. ovogenetic.
ortiga. nettle. ovoide. ovoid.
orto-. ortho-. ovótida. ootid.
ortoclado. orthocladous. ovulado. ovulate.
ortogenésis. orthogenesis. ovular. ovular.
ortogeotropismo. orthogeotropism. óvulo. cell. ovule.
ortoselección. orthoselection. óvulo anfitropo. amphitropous ovule.
ortósticos. orthostichies. oxi-. oxy-.
ortótropico. orthotropous. oxibiosis. aerobiosis.
ortotrópo. orthotropic. oxicromatina. oxychromatin.
oxidación 598 ß-oxidación
oxidación. oxidation. oxygen.
oxidación beta. beta oxidation. oxígeno. oxygen.
oxidante. oxidant. oxilófito. oxylophyte.
oxidar. oxidize. oxitaxis. oxytaxis.
oxidasa. oxidase. oxodio. oxodium.
oxidasa polifenol. polyphenol oxi- ozona. ozone.
dase. ozonósfera. ozonosphere.
oxidoreductasa. oxidoreductase. ß-oxidación. ß-oxidation.
oxígeno atmosférica. atmospheric
P 599 papila dehiscencia

P. P. pound leaf.
pagina. pagina. palmatifido. palmatifid.
paidogénesis. p(a)edogenesis. palmatiforme. palmatiform.
pajizo. stramineous. palmatisecto. palmatisect.
paladar. palate. palmeado. webbed.
pal(a)eoclimnología. pal(a)eoclimno- palmela. palmella.
logy. palmeloide. palmelloid.
pal(a)eoecología. pal(a)eoecology. palmera. palm.
pal(a)eoespecie. pal(a)eospecies. palúdico. paludal.
pal(a)eofitología. pal(a)eophytology. paludícola. palustrine.
pal(a)eoflora. pal(a)eoflora. paludícolo. paludicolous.
pal(a)eola. pal(a)eola. pampinodia. pampinody.
pal(a)eolado. pal(a)eolate. panal. faveolate.
pal(a)eolae. pal(a)eolae. pandurado. pandurate.
pal(a)eomorfo. pal(a)eomorphic. panduriforme. panduriform.
pal(a)eontología. pal(a)eontology. panfotométrico. panphotometric.
pal(a)eotropical. pal(a)eotropical pangénesis. pangenesis.
paladar. palate. panicoide. panicoid.
palaeáceo. paleaceous. panícula. panicle.
pálea. palea. paniculado. paniculate.
palea inferior. inferior palea. paniculiforme. paniculiform.
paleáceo. chaffy. paniform. panniform.
paleo-. paleo-. panmixes. panmixes.
paleoa. paleoa. panmixia. panmixes.
paleobotánica. paleobotany. pannosus. pannosus.
paleobotánico. paleobotanical. pantano. bog. marsh. swamp.
paleocronología. paleochronology. wetland.
palescente. pallescent. pantano de manglar. mangrove
paliforma. paliform. swamp.
palingénesis. palingenesis. pantano interior. inland wetland.
palinología. palynology. pantano salada. salt marsh.
pallens. pallens. pantanoso. marshy. paludal.
pálido. pallid. panto-. panto-.
palinología. palynology. pantófago. pantophase.
palma. palm. pantropical. pantropical.
palmado. palmate. papaina. papain.
palmado. webbed. papila. papilla (pl. papillae).
palmado-pinnado. palmate-pinnate. papila dehiscencia. dehiscense pa-
palmaticompuesta. palmately com- pilla.
papila receptivo 600 parénquima en empalizada
papila receptivo. receptive papilla. parásito internal. endoparasite.
papilionácea. papilionaceous. parásito obligado. obligate parasite.
papiloso. papillate. papillose. parásito parcial. partial parasite.
papiráceo. papery. papyraceous. paraspora. paraspore.
papo. pappus. parasporangio. parasporangium.
paposo. pappose. paratecio. parathecium.
papular. papular. parásticos. parastichies.
paqui-. paqui-. paratipo. paratype.
paquicarpo. pachycarpous. paratónico. paratonic.
paquicaule. pachycaulous. paratraqueal. paratracheal.
paquiclado. pachycladous. parchada. patchy.
paquífilo. pachyphyllous. parche. patch (pl. patches).
paquínemo. pachynema. parcial. partial.
paquípleuro. pachypleurous. parcial velo. velum partiale.
paquíteno. pachytene. par de bases. base pair.
paquiteno. pachytene. par de genes. gene pair.
para-. para-. pardo (color). brown (color).
parabólico. parabolic. pardo-amarillento (color). tan.
paracárpico. semicarpous. fulvous (color).
paracorola. paracorolla. pardo oscuro (color). fuscous (color).
paradesmosa. paradesmose. pardo rojizo. tawy.
paráfilo. paraphyllum. pardusco. brownish.
paráfisis. paraphysis. pareado. paired.
parafisoide. paraphysoid. pared. wall.
parafisos. paraphyses. pared cellular. cell wall.
parafototrópico. paraphototropic. pared celular primario. primary cell
paragino. paragynous. wall.
paralelinervio. parallelodromous. pared celular secundario. second-
paralelo. parallel. ary cell wall.
paralelódromo. parallelodromous. pared celular. cell wall.
paralelotrópico. parallelotropic. pared delgada. thin-walled.
parámetro. parameter. pared dorsal. dorsal wall.
paramilo. paramylum. pared espesa. thick-walled.
páramo. fell. moor. pared grueso. thick-walled.
paranema. paranema. pared primario. primary wall.
parapatrico. parapatric. pared radial. radial wall.
paraplasma. paraplasm. pared secundario. secondary wall.
paraplecténquima. paraplectenchyma. pared ventral. ventral wall.
parasimbiosis. parasymbiosis. pareja de bases. base pair.
parasíndesis. parasyndesis. paréquima. parenchyma.
parasito. parasite. parénquima conjuctivo. conjuctive
parásito espacial. space parasite. parenchyma.
parásito de herida. wound parasite. parénquima de suelo. ground pa-
parásito facultativo. facultative renchyma.
parasite. parénquima en empalizada. pali-
paréquima esponjoso 601 pedúnculo floral
sade parenchyma. patente. patent.
paréquima esponjoso. spongy pa- patogénico. pathogenic.
renchyma. patógeno. pathogen.
parénquima floema. phloem paren- patología vegetal. plant pathology.
chyma. patología. pathology.
parénquima de madera radial. wood patroclino. patroclinal.
ray parenchyma. patromorfo. patromorphic.
parénquima xilema. xylem paren- patrón. rootstock.
chyma. patron. understock.
parequimato. parenchymatous. patulo. patulous.
parichinos. parichinos. pauci-. pauci-.
parietal. parietal. paucifloro. pauciflorous.
parimarca. parichinos. pauciflorus. pauciflorus.
paripinnado. even-pinnate. pari- pauciverticilo. pauciwhorls.
pinnate. parvi-. parvi-.
paroico. paroicous. parviflorus. parviflorus.
parte de la playa entre la pleamar parvifoliado. parvifoliate.
y la bajamar. foreshore. peciolado. petiolate.
parte. part. peciolar. petiolar.
parte espora. part spore. pecíolo (enhelechos). stipe.
partenoapogamía. parthenoapogamy. pecíolo. petiole. leafstalk.
partenocarpia. parthenocarpy. peciolo. stalk (petiole).
partenocarpico. parthenocarpic. pecíolo secundario. secondary petiole.
partenodo. parthenote. peciolulado. petiolulate.
partenogénesis. parthenogenesis. peciolulo. petiolule.
partenogénetico. parthenogenetic. pectina. pectin.
partenóspora. parthenospore. pectinasa. pectinase.
partición. partition. pectinado. pectinate. comb-like.
particula transportadora de pedafido. pedafid.
electrones, PTE. electron transport pedato. pedate.
particle, ETP. pedicelado. pedicellate.
partícula vírica. virus particle. pedeogénesis. pedogenesis.
particulas subatómico. subatomic pedicelado. pedicelate.
particles. pedicelo. pedicel.
partido. divided. parted. pediculado. pediculate.
partim. partim. pedículo. pedicle. stalk.
pas(m)mosere. psammosere. pedículo de semilla. seed stalk.
pasando. merging. pedogamia. pedogamy.
past excesiva. overgrazing. pedogénesis. p(a)edogenesis.
paste(u)rización del suelo. soil pas- pedigree. pedigree.
teurization. pedología. pedology.
pastizal. grassland. meadow. pedunculado. pedunculate.
pasto. herb. lawn. pedúnculo. peduncle. stalk (peduncle).
patela. patella. pedúnculo desnuda. naked stalk.
pateliforme. patelliform. pedúnculo floral. flower stalk.
pedúnculo secundario 602 perianto persistente
pedúnculo secundario. secondary penniforme. penniform.
peduncle. penninervado. penninerved.
pegajosidad. stickiness. penta-. penta-.
pegajoso. sticky. pentacarpelar. pentacarpellary.
pelado. bald. pentaciclico. pentacyclic.
pelágico. pelagic. pentacocco. pentacoccous.
pelágio. pelagium. pentadactilo. pentadactylous.
pelargonidina. pelargonidin. pentadelfo. pentadelphous.
películo. pellicle. pentágino. pentagynous.
peligro. hazard. pentagonal. pentagonal.
pelo. fur. pentámero. pentamerous.
pelo absorbente. root hairs. pentandro. pentandrous.
pelo escamoso. scale hair. pentapétalo. pentapetalous.
pelófilo. pelophile. pentaploide. pentaploid.
pelo malpigiáceo. malpighiaceous pentasépalo. pentasepalous.
hair. pentosa. pentose.
pelo radical. root hairs. pentosana. pentosan.
pelo radicular. root hairs. peonidina. peonidin.
peloria. peloria. pepa. stone.
peloso (en general). pubescent. pepita. kernel. pip.
peloso. hairy. pepónida. pepo.
peloso-glandular. glanduar-pubes- péptido. peptide.
cent. peptono. peptone.
pelotón. peloton. pequeña. small.
pelo urticante. stinging hair. per-. per-.
peltado. peltate. percepción. perception.
peltafido. peltafid. percolación. percolation.
peltiforme. peltiform. percurrente. percurrent.
pelúcido. pellucid. perennado. perennate.
pelusa. bloom. perenne. perennial.
pendiente. pendent. perennidad. perennation.
péndulo. nodding. pendent. sus- perennifolio. evergreen. indeciduous.
pended. perfecta. perfect.
penetranción (génica). penetrance perfil del suelo. soil profile.
(genetic). perfoliado. perfoliate.
penetración completa. complete perforación. perforation.
penetrance. perforado. perforated.
penetración radical. root penetra- perforación. perforation.
tion. perfumado. scented.
penicil. penicil. pergelico. pergelic.
penicilliopsina. penicilliopsin. peri-. peri-.
peniclina. penicillin. periantado. chlamydeous. with peri-
penicilado. penicillate. penicilliform. anth.
pennatinervio. penninerved. perianto. perianth.
penni-. penni-. perianto persistente. persistent peri-
periblema 603 pétalo opuesto
anth. periplastico. periplastic.
periblema. periblem. periplasto. periplast.
pericaetio. perichaetium. perisperma. perisperm.
pericámbio. pericambium. perispermo. perisperm.
pericarpo. pericarp. perispermado. perispermous.
pericarpio. pericarp. perispora. perispore.
periciclo. pericycle. peristoma. peristome.
pericládico. pericladial. peristomado. peristomate.
periciclo. pericycle. peristromio. peristromium.
períciloso. perichylous. peritecio. perithecium.
periclinal. periclinal peritrico. peritrichous.
periderm. periderm. permafrost. permafrost.
peridermal. peridermal. permeabilidad. permeability.
peridinina. peridinin. permeabilidad del suelo. soil per-
peridio. peridium. meability.
peridíolo. peridiolum. permeabilidad diferencial. differ-
periferia. periphery. ential permeability.
periférico. peripheral. permeable. permeable. pervious.
perifises. periphyses. permeable parcialmente. partially
perigamio. perigamium. permeable.
periginio. perigynium. permeasa. permease.
perígino. perigynum. pernicioso. pernicious.
perigino. perigynous. peronado. booted.
perigonio. perigone. perigonium peroxidasa. peroxidase.
perina. perine. peroxisoma. peroxisome.
perinio. perinium. perpusillus. perpusillus.
periodicidad. periodicity. perumpente. perrumpent.
período crítico. sensitive period. persistente. persistent.
período de compensación. compen- personado. personate.
sation period. pertecia. perthecia.
período de crecimiento. growing pertófita. perthophyte.
season. pertusato. pertusate.
período de generación. generation pérula. bud scale.
time. perulado. perulate.
período de incubación. incubation perulo. perule.
period. petaláceo. petaliferous.
período de latencia. latent period. petalantero. petalantherous.
rest(ing) period. petalia. petaly.
período de reposo. resting period. pétalo. petal.
período de sensitivo. sensitive pe- petalo. petalous.
riod. petalodia. petalody.
período de vida media. half-life. petalodio. petalode.
período sensible. sensitive period. petaloide. petal-like. petaloid.
periplasma. periplasm. petalomania. petalomania.
periplasmodia. periplasmodium. pétalo opuesto. oppositipetalous.
petalostémono 604 pirenomicetos
petalostémono. petalostemonous. pinada desigualmente. unequally
petinate. comb-like. pinnate.
petraeus. petraeus. pinar. pine forest.
petrifación. petrifaction. pinares de sabanas. pine barrens.
petrificado. petrified. pinna (pl. pinnas). pinna (pl. pin-
petrio. petrium. nae)
pezizoide. pezizoid. pinnación. pinnation.
pezón. mammilla. pinnado. pinnate.
pH (potencial de hidrógeno). pH pinnado abrupto. abruptly pinnate.
(hydrogen ion concentration). pinnado compuesta interrumpido.
pH. pH. interrupted pinnately compound.
picar. sting. pinnatifido. pinnatifid.
picaro. rogue. pinnatilobado. pinnatilobate.
picnidio. pycnidium. pinnatinervio. penninerved.
picnio. pycnium. pinnatisecto. pinnatisect.
picnocondio. pycnocondium. pinnula. pinnule.
picnóforo. pycnidiophore. pino. pine.
picnogonidio. pycnogonidium. pinocitosis. pinocytosis.
picnosis. pycnosis. pionnado. pionnate.
picnóspora. pycnidiospore. pipa. pipe.
pycnospore. piperidina. piperidine.
picnotecio. pycnothecium. piramidal. pyramidal.
picro-. picro-. pirámide alimenticia. food pyramid.
pictus. pictus. pirámide de la biomass. biomass
pie. foot. understock. rootstock. pyramid.
piedra calcárea. limestone. pirámide de la energia. energy pyra-
piedra caliza. limestone. mid.
piel. skin. pirámide de los números. numbers
pigmentación. pigmentation. pyramid.
pigmento. pigment. pirámide ecológico. ecological pyra-
pigmento accesorio. accessory pig- mid. Eltonian pyramid.
ments. pirámide numérica. numerical pyra-
pigmento respiratorio. respiratory mid.
pigment. pirámide trófica. food pyramid.
pigmentos primaria. primary pig- pirenio. pyrenium.
ments. pirano. pyran.
pigmentosa. pigmentosa. pireno. putamen. pyrene. stone.
pileado. pileate. pirenocarpo. pyrenocarp.
pilifero. piliferous. pirenoide. pyrenoid.
piliforme. hair-like. piliform. pirenoide compuesto. compound
pilo. pilus (pl. pili). pyrenoid.
pilocistidio. pilocystidium. pirenoide polar. polar pyrenoid.
piloso. pilose. piriforme. pear-shaped. piriform.
pimpollo. blossom. a flower. pyriform.
piña. pine cone. pirenomicetos. pyrenomycetes.
pirimidina 605 planta de crecimiento erecto
pirimidina. pyrimidine. placentation.
primino. primine. placentación ventral. ventral placent-
primitivo. primitive. ation.
primordial. primordial. placentífero. placentiferous.
piro-. pyro-. placentiforme. placentiform.
pirófilo. pyrophilous. placodiode. placodiod.
pirofito. pyrophyte. placodiomorf. placodiomorph.
pisáceo (color). pisaceous (color). plagio-. plagio-.
pisífero. pisiferous. plagióclimax. plagioclimax.
pisiforme. pea-shaped. pisiform. placodio. placodium.
piso de vegetación. storey. plagiotropico. plagiotropic.
pistilada. female. plagiotropismo. plagiotropism.
pistilado. pistillate. plagiótropo. plagiotropous.
pistilidio. pistillidium. planado. plane.
pistilo. pistil. plancentación axil. axile plancent-
pistilo compuesto. compound pis- ation.
til. plancentación axial. axile plancent-
pistiloidio. pistillode. ation.
pixidado. pyxidate. plancton. plankton.
pixidio. pyxidium. pyxis. pixide. planetismo. planetism.
placa. plaque. plano-. plano-.
placa celular. cell plate. plano. plano. applanate.
placa cribosa. sieve plate. planocigoto. planozygote.
placa ecuatorial. equatorial plane. planocito. planocyte.
equatorial plate. plano de sección. plane of section.
placa intercalar. intercalary plates. plano ecuatorial. equatorial plane.
placa metafase. metaphase plate. planoespora. planospore.
placa nuclear. nuclear plate. planogameto. planogamete.
placa postcingular. postcingular plate. plano oblicuo. oblique plane.
placa precingular. precingular plate. planosoma. planosome.
placea. plakea. planozigoto. planozygote.
placenta. placenta (pl. placentae). planta. plant.
placenta péndulo. suspended pla- planta ácido. acid plant.
centa. planta aclimatado. naturalized plant.
placentación. placentation. planta aérea. air plant.
placentación apical. apical planta aéreo. aerial plant.
placentation. planta de almidón. starch plant.
placentación basal. basal placentation. planta amida. amide plant.
placentación centro. central planta brevidiurna. short-day plant.
placentation. planta calcífuga. calciphobe.
placentación laminado. laminate planta caracol. snail plant.
placentation. plantación de bosques. afforestation.
placentación marginal. marginal planta corto-dia. short-day plant.
placentation. planta de crecimiento erecto. up-
placentación parietal. parietal right plant.
planta de dia intermedio 606 platiforme
planta de dia intermedio. interme- plant.
diate-day plant. plántula. young plant.
planta de dia corto. short-day plant. plasma. plasm(a).
planta de noche-corta. short-night plasmagel. plasmagel.
plant. plasmagen(e). plasmagen(e).
planta de día largo. long-day plant. plasma germinal. germ plasm.
planta de noche larga. long-night plasmalema. plasmalemma.
plant. plasmasol. plasmasol.
planta de playa. strand plant. plasmatoogosis. plasmatoogosis.
planta de semillero. young plant. plasmatóparo. plasmatoparous.
planta de sol. sun plant. plásmido. plasmid.
planta de sombra. shade plant. plasmoderma. plasmoderm.
planta de tallos suculento. stem plasmodesma. plasmodesma.
succulent. plasmodesmo. plasmodesma.
planta esciófila. skiophyte. plasmodesmata. plasmodesmata.
planta macrohémera. long-day plant. plasmodio. plasmodium (pl. plasmo-
planta madre. parent. dia)
planta microhémera . short-day plant. plasmodiocarpo. plasmodiocarp.
planta ombrófito. ombrophilous plant. plasmodio tapete. tapetal plasmo-
planta palustre. marsh plant. dium.
planta parásita. parasitic plant. plasmólisis. plasmolysis.
planta promogenitor. parent. plasmólisis incipiente. incipient
planta rastrera. creeper. plasmolysis.
planta rupestre. epilithic plant. plasmón. plasmon.
rupicolous. petrophyte. plasmosoma. plasmosome.
planta rupícola. petrophilous. plasogamia. plasogamy.
planta saprófita. saprophytic plant. plasticidad. plasticity.
planta sensitiva al frio. chilling- plástico. plastic.
sensitive plant. plastido. plastid.
planta vascular. vascular plant. plastidoma. plastidome.
planta voluntario. volunteer plant. plastina. plastin.
plantas de cereal. cereal plants. –plasto. –plast.
plantas de dia-neutro. day-neutral plasto. plastid.
plants. plastocianina. plastocyanin.
plantas en almohadilla. cushion plant. plastoconte. plastocont.
plantas pulvinadas. cushion plant. plastocrona. plastochrone.
plantas pulviniformes. cushion plant. plastógeno. plastogene.
plantas de semilla. seed plant. plastonema. plastonema.
plantas social. social plants. plastoquinona. plastoquinone.
plantel. seedbed. plastosoma. plastosome.
plantilla. template. plati-. platy-.
plantilla ARN. template RNA. platicarpico. platycarpous.
plantio. seedbed platífilo. dplatyphyllous.
plantón. plantlet. platisperma. platysperm.
plántula. plantule. seedling. young platiforme. platyform.
playa 607 poliad
playa. beach. plumbeus. plumbeus.
plecténquima. plectenchyma. plumoso. plumose. feathery.
plectostela. plectostele. plúmula. plumule.
pleiandro. pleiandrous. pluri-. pluri-.
pleio-. pleio-. pluricélula. pluricelled.
ple(i)ócasio. pleiochasium. pluricelular. pluricellular. multi-
ple(i)ofilo. pleiophyllous. cellular.
ple(i)ómero. pleiomerous. plurifoliculo. follicetum.
ple(i)omórfico. pleomorphic. plurilocular. plurilocular. multilocular.
ple(i)omorfo. pleiomorphy. plurinucleado. multinecleate(d).
ple(i)opétalo. pleiopetalous. pluripotente. pluripotent.
ple(i)osépalo. pleiosepalous. plurisámara. samaracetum.
pleiospora. pleiosporous. pluriseriado. pluriseriate.
ple(i)otaxia. pleiotaxy. plurisporo. plurisporous.
pleiotomia. pleiotomy. plurivalente. plurivalent.
ple(i)otropia. pleiotropy. plurivoro. plurivorous.
ple(i)otropico. pleiotropic. pluvioso. rainy.
pleiotropismo. pleiotropism. pluv(i)selva. rain forest.
plegado. pleated. plicate. po(te)tómetro. potometer.
pleio-. pleio-. población. population.
pleófago. pleophagous. población abierto. open population.
pleomorfa. pleomorphic. población cerrado. closed popula-
pleomorfismo. pleomorphism. tion.
pleroma. plerome. población vegetal. stand.
plerótico. plerotic. poco profundo. shallow.
plesiómorf. plesiomorph. poculiforme. poculiform.
plesiomorfo. plesiomorphic. poda. pruning.
pletismotalo. plethysmothallus. podar. prune.
pleuracrógino. pleuracrogynous. podetio. podetium.
pleur(o)-. pleur(o)-. podio. podium.
pleurocárpico. pleurocarpous. podo-. podo-.
pleurocárpico moss. pleurocarpous podocarpo. podocarp.
moss. podogiene. podogyne.
pleurógeno. pleurogenous. podredumbre de la madera causada
pleurorizal. pleurorhizal. por un hongo. wet rot.
pleurospora. pleurosporous. poio. poium.
pleurótropo (dorsal). pleurotropous polar. polar (sperm).
(dorsal). polaridad. polarity.
pleurótropo (ventral). pleurotropous polarilocular. polarilocular.
(ventral). polarinucleado. polarinucleate.
plegado. plicate. polarización. polarization.
plexiforme. plexiform. polen. pollen.
pleyotaxis. pleiotaxy. polen alimenticio. food pollen.
plococarpia. plococarpium. poli-. poly-.
pluma. plume. poliad. polyad.
poliadelfo 608 polipéptido
poliadelfo. polyadelphous. polihalino. polyhaline.
poliandria. polyandry. polihaploide. polyhaploid.
poliandro. polyandrous. poliholósido. polysaccharide.
polianto. polyanthous. poliloidia. polyploidy.
poliasca. polyascus. polimerasa ARN. RNA polymerase.
poliasco. polyascus. polimerasa. polymerase.
policario. multinecleate(d). polimeria. polymery.
policárpico. polycarpic. polímero. polymer. polymerous.
policarpelar. polycarpellary. polímictico. polymictic.
policarpia. polycarpy. polimitosis. polymitosis.
policarpo. polycarpous. polimofismo equilibrado. balanced
policásio. polychasium. polymorphism.
policáteo. polychateous. polimorfísmo foliar. heterophylly.
policefálo. polycephalous. polimorfismo genética. genetic poly-
policéntrico. polycentric. morphism.
policíclico. polycyclic. polimorfismo transeúnte. transient
policiliado. multiciliate. polymorphism.
policlimax. polyclimax. polimorfismo. polymorphism.
policormico. polycormic. polimorfísmo cromosómico. chro-
policotiledón. polycotyledon. mosome polymorphism.
policotiledóno. polycotyledonous. polimorfismo foliar. heterophylly.
policromo. polychrome. polimorfismo transeúnte. transient
polieder. polyeder. polymorphism.
poliembriónado. polyembryonate. polimorfo. polymorphic.
poliembrionia. polyembrony. polinífero. polleniferous.
polienégida. polyenergid. polinio. pollinium (pl. pollinia).
poliespora. polyspore. polinización. pollination.
poliesporangio. polysporangium. polinización cruada. cross pollinate.
poliestilo. polystylous. polinización cruzada. cross-polli-
polifactorial. polyfactorial. nation.
polifagia. polyphagy. polinización entomófila. entomophily.
polifenol. polyphenol. polinización ilegitimo. illegitimate
polifilético. polyphyletic. pollination.
polifiletismo. polyphyletism. polinización regulada. controlled
polifilo. multifoliate. polyphyllous. pollination.
políforo. polyphore. polinizante. pollinator.
polígamo. polygamous. polinizar. pollinate.
poligamodioico. polygamodioecious. polinizar cruada. cross pollinate.
poligamomonoico. polygamomono- polinodio. pollinodium.
ecious. polinucleado. polynucleate.
poligen(e). polygene. polinucleolus. polynucleus.
poligen. multiple factors. polioicio. polyoicius.
poligénico. polygenic. polioplasma. polioplasm.
poligino. polygynous. poliósido. polysaccharide.
poligonal. polygonal. polipéptido. polypeptide.
polipétalo 609 postico
polipétalo. polypetalous. polutante secundaria. secondary
poliplanetismo. polyplanetism. pollutant.
poliploide. polyploid. pomáceo. pomaceous.
poliploide desequilibrado. unbal- pomiforme. pomiform.
anced polyploid. pomo. pome.
polipodiáceo. polypodiaceous. pomología. pomology.
poliribosoma. polyribosome. porandro. porandrous.
polisacárido. polysaccharide. porcentaje de marchitamiento. wilting
polisaprobio. polysaprobe. percentage.
polisépalo. polysepalous. porfina. porphin.
polisifono. polysiphonous. porfirina. porphyrin.
polisimétrico. polysymmetrical. poricida. poricidal.
polisoma. polysome. poriforme. poriform.
polisómico. polysomic. pormotora. promoter.
polispermia. polyspermy. poro areolado. bordered pit.
polispermo. polyspermous. porofilo. porophyllous.
polispora. polyspore. poro germinal. germ pore.
polistémono. polystemonous. poroide. poroid.
polístico. polystichous. poro nuclear. nuclear pore.
politético. polythetic. poro. pore.
politipíco. polytypic. porofilo. porophyllous.
politipismo. polytypism. porogamia. porogamy.
polítomo. polytomous. porosidad. porosity.
politopismo. polytopism. porosidad del suelo. soil porosity.
politus. politus. poros difusos. diffuse-porous.
poluar. pollute. poros dispersos. diffuse-porous.
poluntante. pollutant. poroso. porous.
poluante no degradable. nondegrad- porrecto. porrect. salient.
able pollutant. portado. borne.
polo. pole. portador. bearer. carrier.
polocito. polocyte. portadora deslizante. sliding car-
poluante no degradable. nondegrad- rier.
able pollutant. portado de defusión. diffusion carrier.
polución del agua. water pollution. portainjerto. rootstock.
polución del atmosférica. air pol- portógino. protogynous.
lution. posición. postion.
polución térmica. thermal pollution. posición de dia. day position.
polución. pollution. posición fijo de luce. fixed light
polución térmica. thermal pollution. position.
polucionar. pollute. posición perfil. profile position.
poluntante. pollutant. positivo. positive.
polutante del aire primaria. primary postclímax. postclimax.
air pollutant. posterior. posterior.
polutante del aire secundario. sec- postical. postical.
ondary air pollutant. postico. posticous.
postmaduración 610 procambio
postmaduración. after-ripening. presere. prisere.
postrado. prostrate. presión de mutación. mutation pres-
postventitio. postventitious. sure.
potamio. potamium. presión de succión. suction pressure.
potamoplacton. potamoplankton. presión de turgencia. tugor pres-
potasio (K). potassium (K). sure.
potencial biótico. biotic potential. presión endodermal. endodermal
potencial de soluto. solute poten- pressure.
tial. presión osmótica. osmotic pressure.
potencial del agua. water potential. presión parietal. wall pressure.
potencial de inóculo. inoculum po- presión potencial. pressure poten-
tential. tial.
potencialidad. potence. presión radical. root pressure.
potencial osmótica. osmotic potential. presión selección. selection pressure.
potencial redox. redox potential. presión túrgida. tugor pressure.
potenicial de matriz. matric poten- prevernal. prevernal.
tial. Prueba Fefling. Fehling’s Test.
po(te)tómetro. potometer. prevernal. prevernal.
postreducción. post-reduction. primario. primary.
potrero. pasture. primavera. spring.
pousieroide. poussieroid. primera ley de Mendel. Mendel’s
pradera. grassland. range. prai- first law.
rie. primino. primine.
pradera temperado. temperate grass- primitivo. primitive.
land. primordio. primordium (pl. primordia).
prae-. prae-. primordio de hoja. leaf primordium.
praecox. praecox. primordio floral. floral primordium.
pratal. pratal. primordio foliar. leaf primordium.
pratensis. pratensis. primospora. primospore.
pre-. pre-. principio de exclusión. exclusion
prebiótico. prebiotic. principle.
precíolo. leafstalk. principio de Gause. Gause princi-
precipitación. precipitation. ple.
precipitación pluvial. rain. principio de la exclusión competitiva.
preclimax. preclimax. competitive exclusion principle.
precocidad. precocity. prirámide de la biomass. biomass
precoz. early. precocious. pyramid.
prefloración. prefloration. priser(i)e. prisere.
prefoliación. prefoliation. prismático. prismatic.
prematuro. premature. pristino. pristine.
premorso. praemorse. premorse. pro-. pro-.
prensil. prehensile. proantesis. proanthesis.
prepotencia. prepotency. probasidio. probasidium.
prerreducción. prereduction. probar. taste.
pre-reducción. prereduction. procambio. procambium.
procariotas 611 proterógino
procariotas. procaryotes. procariotas. promotor. promoter.
procaríotico. prokaryotic. promotora. promoter.
procaríoto. prokaryote. propagación vegetativa. vegetative
procarpo. procarp. propagation.
procedencia. provenance. propagación. propagation.
procerus. procerus. propagar. breed. propagate.
procromosoma. prochromosome. propágulo. propagule. propagulum.
procumbente. procumbent. proplastido. proplastid.
producción primaria. primary pro- proplectéquima. proplectenchyma.
duction. proporción de asimilación. assimi-
producir. breed. lation ratio.
producir. spawn. proporción de crossing-over. crosso-
productividad. productivity. ver value.
productividad primaria. primary proporción de (los) sexos. sex ra-
productivity. tio.
productor. producer. proporción sexual. sex ratio.
producto sustancia contaminadora. prosénquima. prosenchyma.
contaminant. prosoro. prosorus.
proembrión. proembryo. prosporangio. prosporangium.
proenzima. proenzyme. prosporia. prospory.
profágo. prophage. prosteca. prostheca.
profase. prophase. prótalio. prothallium.
profilo. prophyll. protálo. prothallus.
profundamente. profoundly. protamina. protamine.
profundidad compensación. com- protandria. protandry.
pensation level. protándrico. proterandrous.
progagar. propagate. protandro. protandrous.
progametangia. progametangia. proteasa. protease.
progametangio. progametangium. protección de la naturaleza. con-
progenie. offspring. servationist.
prohíbrido. prohybrid. proteína. protein.
prolado. prolate. proteína conjugada. conjugated
prolamina. prolamine. protein.
prole. offspring. proteina de transporte. transpos-
proléptico. proleptic. able element.
proletarian. proletario. proteína fibrosa. fibrous protein.
prolificación. prolification. proteina globular. globular protein.
prolífico. proliferous. proteina nativa. native protein.
prolina. proline. proteína nuclear. nucleoprotein.
promeristemo. promeristem. proteinasas. proteinase.
prometafase. prometaphase. proteolisis. proteolysis.
promicelio. promycelium. proteólisis. proteolysis.
prominencia. projection. protrusion. proteosa. proteose.
prominente. prominently. proteranto. protantherous.
promitosis. promitosis. proterógino. proterogynous.
protistas 612 pulchellus
protistas. protists. Protista. proyectado. salient.
protistos. protists. prueba cis-trans. cis-trans test.
proto-. proto-. prueba de complementación. comp-
protobasidio. protobasidium. lementation test.
protoblematógeno. protoblemma- prueba de descendencía. progeny
togen. test(ing).
protocooperación. protocooperation. prueba de progenie. progeny test(ing).
protocormo. protocorm. pruina. bloom.
protoderma. protoderm. pruinoso. pruinose.
protoecidio. protoaecium. prulaurasina. prulaurasin.
protófil. protophyll. prunasina. prunasin.
protófito. protophyte. pruniforme. pruniform.
protofloema. protophloem. pruriens. pruriens.
protogamia. protogamy. psa(m)mon. psammon.
protoginia. protogyny. (p)samófil. psammophile.
protógino. protogynous. psamófilas. sand plants.
protogonidia. protogonidium. (p)samófilo. psammophilous.
protogonidio. protogonidium. psamófitas. psammophytes.
protohimenial. protohymenial. psa(m)mosere. psammosere.
protolisis. protolysis. psicrófilio. psychrophilic.
protón. proton. psicrófilo. psychrophile.
protonema. protonema (pl. psicrófito. psychrophyte.
protonemata). psicrótrofo. psychrotroph.
protopectina. protopectin. psilio. psilium.
protoperitécio. protoperithecium. psilófilo. psilophilous.
protoplasma. protoplasm. pterado. pterate.
protoplasma germinal. germinal pteridofita. pteridophyte.
protoplasm. pteridología. pteridology.
protoplasto. protoplast. ptero-. ptero-.
protosoma. protosoma. pterocarpo. pterocarpous.
protospora. protospore. pterocaulo. pterocaulous.
protostela. protostele. pteroide. pteroid.
prototalo. protothallus. pteridospermas. pteridosperms.
prototipo. prototype. pterópsidos. pteropsida.
prototrofo. prototroph. pterospermo. pterospermous.
protouredinio. protouredium. ptixis. ptxyis.
protoxilema. protoxylem. púa. quill-like.
protozoario. protozoa. púa de injerto. scion.
protozoo. protozoa. puberulento. puberulent.
protuberancia. protrusion. protu- pubescente (en particular). pubes-
berance. process. cent.
provincia florística. floral province. pudrición de las plántulas. damp-
provirus. provirus. ing-off.
proxiamal. proximal. puente de hidrógeno. hydrogen bond.
próximo. near. proximate. pulchellus. pulchellus.
pulpa 613 pygmaeus
pulpa. flesh. pulp. punctiforme. punctiform.
pulpejo. fleshy. punto (eado). pitted.
pulpo. pulpous. punto culminante. acme.
pulso. pulse. punto de compensación. compen-
pulsulo. pulsule. sation point.
pululación. pullulation. punto de contacto. contact point.
pululado. pullulate. punto de marchitez. wilting point.
pulular. pullulate. punto de marchitez permanente.
pulverulento. powdered. pulveru- permanent wilting point.
lent. punto isoeléctrico. isolelectric point.
pulvinado. pulvinate. punto vegetativo. growing point.
pulvinforme. pulviniform. puntos cardinal (tempertura). car-
pulvinular. pulvinar. dinal points (temperature).
pulvinulo. pulvinule. punzante. pungent.
pulvínulo. pulvinus. pura. true.
pumilus. pumilus. purina. purine.
punctato. dotted. puro. true.
punctum vegetationis. punctum púrpura (color). purple (color).
vegetationis. purpúreo. purplish.
punteado. punctate. purpureus. purpureus.
punctiforme. punctiform. pusillus. pusillus.
puniceus. puniceus. pústula. pustule.
punto radial. radial dot. pústula bolsa. sack-pustule.
punta radicular. root tip. pustulado. pustulate. pustulose.
punteado. punctate. dotted. pustuloso. pustulose.
punteado-glandular. glandular-punc- pusulo. pusule.
tate. puteado. dotted.
punteadura areolada. bordered pit. putrefacción. putrefaction.
punteadura táctil. tactile pit. pygmaeus. pygmaeus.
punticulado. puncticulate.
Q 10 614 quitina

Q 10. Q 10. quimiluminiscencia. chemilumines-

quántum. quantum. cence.
quebradizo. brittle. quimiluminiscente. chemiluminescent.
quela. chela. quimioautótrofo. chemoautotroph.
quelación. chelation. quimioautrotrófico. chemoauto-
quelado. chelate. trophic.
queliforme. cheliform. pincer-like. quimioheterótrofo. chemoheterotroph.
quemadura foliar. leaf scorch. quimiolitotrófico. chemolithotrophic.
quemadura por el sol. sun scald. quimiolitótrofo. chemolithotroph.
queta. chaeta. bristle. seta. quimionastia. chemonasty.
quetífera. chaetiferous. quimioósmosis. chemosmosis.
quetona. ketone. quimioosmosis. chemosmosis.
quetoplancton. chaetoplankton. quimiorganótrofo. chemoorganotroph.
quetosa. ketose. quimiosintesis. chemosynthesis.
quiasma. chiasma (pl. chiasmata). quimiotaxis. chemotaxis.
quiasmata. chiasmata. quimiotaxonomia. chemotaxonomy.
quiescencia. quiencence. quimiótrofo. chemotroph.
quilla. carina. keel. quimiotropismo. chemotropism.
quilocaulia. chylocauly. quimonófilo. chimonophilous.
quilófilia. chylophylly. quinado. quinate.
quimera. chimera. quinaria. quinary.
quimera cromosomal. chromosomal quincuncial. quincuncial. quincunx.
chim(a)era. quinetócoro. kinetochore.
quimera diploclamideo. diplochla- quinina. kinin.
mydeous chim(a)era. quinona. quinone.
quimera haploclamideo. haplochla- quinque-. quinque-.
mydeous chim(a)era. quinqueacostillado. quinquecostate.
quimera mericlinal. mericlinal quinquefario. quinquefarious.
chim(a)era. quinquefido. quinquefid.
quimera periclinal. periclinal quinquefoliado. quinquefoliate.
chim(a)era. quinquelobado. quinquelobate.
quimera policlamideo. polychla- quinquelocular. quinquelocular.
mydeous chim(a)era. quinquenervio. quinquenerved.
quimera sectorial. sectorial quinquepartitia. quinquepartite.
chim(a)era. quinqueyugado. quinquejugate.
quimica. chemistry. quintuplinervio. quintuplinerved.
química orgánica. organic chemis- quiropterófilo. chiropterophilous.
try. quiste. cyst.
quimico. chemical. quitina. chitin.
rabdocarpo 615 raíz primario

rabdocarpo. rhabdocarpous. radio. radius.

rabillo. stalk. radiobiología. radiobiology.
racemación. racemation. radiocarbono. radioactive carbon –
racemífero. racemiferous. 14.
racemiforme. racemiform. radioecología. radiation ecology.
racemoso. racemose. racemous. radioecology.
racemula. racemule. radiocronometria. radiocarbon dating.
racimo. raceme. radioisótopo. radioisotopes.
racimo foliar. leaf raceme. radio medular primario. primary
radiación. radiation. medullary ray.
radiación adaptivo. adaptive radiation. radioisótopo. radioisotopes.
radiación ultravioleta. ultraviolet ragadioso. rhagadiose.
radiation. raidosperma. radiosperm.
radiacione ionizante. ionizing ra- rayo medular primario. primary
diation. meduallary ray.
radiactividad. radioactivity. rafal. raphal.
radiactivo. radioactive. rafe. raphe. rhaphe.
radiado. radial. rafidios. raphides.
radiado (verticilado). radiate rafinosa. raffinose.
(whorled). raicilla. radicel. rootlet.
radiado-vena. radiate-veined. raíz. radix. root.
radial. radial. raíz adveniticia. adventitious root.
radial agregado. aggregate ray. raíz aérea. aerial roots. aerate roots.
radial simetría. radial symmetry. raíz aéra de sostén. prop root.
radiante. radiant. ráiz axonomorfa. tap root.
radiatiforme. radiatiform. raíz central. tap root.
radicación. radication. raíz contráctil. contractile root.
radical (basal). radical (basal). raíz de apoyo. prop root.
radicante. radicant. raíz de rama. branch roots.
radicícola. radic(ci)olous. raíz del tallo. stem root.
radicelosa. radicellose. raíz epigea. aerial root .
radicífero. radiciferous. raíz fibrosa. fibrous root.
radicifloro. radiciflorous. raíz fulcrante. stilt root.
radiciforme. radiciform. raíz fúlcrea. buttress root. stilt root.
radicela. radicel. prop root.
radícula. radicle. raíz lateral. lateral root.
radícula súpero. superior radicle. raíz nutrífera. feeder root.
radícular. radicular. raíz pivotante. tap root.
radiculoso. radiculose. raíz primario. primary root.
raíz rama 616 reacción del biureto
raíz rama. branch roots. ramoconidio. ramocondium.
raíz secundaria. secondary root. ramoso. ramose.
raíz sestentativa. prop root. ramula. branchlet. ramulus.
raíz suculenta. fleshy root. ramular. ramular.
raíz sustentativa. prop root. ramuloso. ramulose.
ráiz tabla. plank root. ramuscule. ramuscule.
ráiz tabular. tabular root. randomización. randomization.
raíz terciario. tertiary root. raquilla (inflorescencia). rachilla
raíz tuberosa. tuberous root. (inflorescence).
raíz veniticia. adventitious root. raquilla (foliar). rachilla (leaf).
raíz zanco. buttress root. prop root. raquillar. rhachilla.
stilt root. raquis (foliar). rachilla (leaf).
ralear. thin out. raquis (inflorescencia). rachis (in-
rama. branch. ramus (pl. ramuli). florescence). rhachis.
rama desnuda. naked branch. raquitico. stunted.
rama lateral. lateral branch. raquitismo. stunt.
raramaduro. rareripe. raramaduro. rareripe.
rama primario. primary branch. rastrera. trailing. creeping.
ramas del estilo. style branch. rastrero. creeping. ramulus. repent.
rameal. ramal. rameous. rastro foliar. leaf trace.
ramentáceo. ramentaceous. ratio absorción. absorption ratio.
ramento. ramentum. raveneline. ravenelin.
ramentoso. ramentaceous. rayado. striped. streaked. variegated.
rameto. ramet. rayo. ray.
rami-. rami-. rayo floema. phloem ray.
ramifero. ramiferous. rayos gamma. gamma rays.
ramifia. ramify. rayo médula. pith ray.
ramificación. branching. ramifica- rayo medularia. medullary ray.
tion. rayo medular primario. primary
ramificación al azar. random branch- medullary ray.
ing. rayo xilema. xylem ray.
ramificación dicotómico. dichoto- rayos mitogenéticos. mitogenetic rays.
mous ramification. rayos mitógenos. mitogenetic rays.
ramificación helicoide anádromico. rayos ultravioleta. ultraviolet rays.
anadromic helicoid branching. rayos vascular. vascular rays.
ramificada. branched. ramose. rayos X. x rays.
ramificar(se). branch out. rayuelos. raylets.
ramificarse. ramificated. raza. race. strain.
ramifloro. ramiflorous. raza fisológia. physiological race.
ramiforme. ramiform. RDF. RDF.
ramillete. spray. cluster. re-. re-.
ramita. twig. reacción. reaction.
ramito. sprig. reacción “oscura”. dark reaction.
ramnosa. rhamnose. reacción de Hill. Hill reaction.
ramo. twig. reacción del biureto. biuret reac-
reacción de respuesta 617 refugio
tion (test). recombination.
reacción de respuesta. response. recombinación homólogo. homolo-
reacción endergónico. endergonic gous recombination.
reaction. recombinante. recombinant.
reacción exertónico. exergonic re- recombinar. recombine.
action. recombinasa. recombinase.
reacción fotoquímico. photochemical recón. recon.
reaction. recostado. recumbent.
reacción lumínica. light reaction. recta de regresión. regression co-
reacción luminica dependiente. light efficient.
dependent reaction rectangular. rectangular.
reacción luminica independiente. light rectinerviado. rectinerved.
independent reaction. rectipetalía. rectipetaly.
reacción luminosa. light reaction. rectiseral. rectiseral.
reacción metabólica. metabolic re- recto. straight.
action. recurrente. recurrent.
reacción negativo. negative reaction. recurso continua. perpetual resource.
reacción “oscura”. dark reaction. recursos finito. finite resources.
reacción positivo. positive reaction. recursos genética. genetic resources.
reacción quimica. chemical reaction. recursos naturales. natural resources.
reacción redox. redox reaction. recursos renovable. renewable re-
reacción violenta ecológico. ecological source.
backlash. recurvado. recurvate. upcurved.
reactante. reactant. recurvo. recurved.
realimentación positivo. positive redecilla nuclear. nuclear reticulum.
feedback. redondeado. rotundate. rounded.
realzado. flanged. reducción. reduction.
rebasar. exceed. reducción-oxidación. oxidation-
reborde. flange. reduction.
rebrote. shoot. reducido. reduced. slight.
recedente. recedent. reductante. reductant.
receptaculares. receptacular. reductasas. reductases.
receptáculo. receptacle. redundancia de gene. gene redun-
receptaculo. receptaculum. dancy.
receptáculo común. common recep- reduplicación. reduplication.
tacle. reduplicado. reduplicate.
receptividad. receptiveness. r-enzima. r-enzyme.
recesivo. recessive. refescente. rufescent.
recesivo doble. double recessive. reflexo. reflexed.
reclinado. reclinate. reclining. refoliado. refoliate.
recumbent. reflorescencia. reflorescence.
recolonización. recolonization. reforestación. reforestation.
recombinación (gen). recombination refracto. refracted.
(gene). refringente. refringent.
recombinación genética. genetic refugio. refuge.
refugios 618 resistencia ambiental
refugios. refugia. repetición. repetition.
regeneración. regeneration. replicación. replication.
regenerar. regenerate. replicación semiconservativa.
región. region. semiconservative replication.
región del organizador nucleolar replicado. replicate.
(RON). nucleolus organizer re- replo. replum.
gion (NOR). repoblación forestal. reafforestation.
región formativo. formative region. reforestation.
región micelar. micellar region. reposo invernal. winter dormancy.
región neotrópica. neotropical re- representación de sobre. over-rep-
gion. resentation.
registro genealógico. pedigree. represor. repressor.
regma. regma. reproducción. reproduction.
regresión. regression. reproducción agámico. agamic re-
regulación gene. gene regulation. production.
regulación por retroacción. feed- reproducción asexual. asexual re-
back regulation. production.
regulación regulactivo. feedback reproducción diferencial. differential
regulation. reproduction.
regulador de crecimiento. growth reproducción sexual. sexual repro-
regulator. duction.
regulador de crecimiento vegetal. reproducción vegetativa. vegetative
plant growth regulator. reproduction.
regular. regular. reproducirse. breed.
regularidad. regularly. reproducirse. reproduce.
regularmente. regularly. reproductivo. reproductive.
rehetropismo. rehetropism. reproductocentro. reproductocenter.
reino. kingdom. reproductor. reproducer. reproductor.
reino floral. floral kingdom. reptante. reptant. creeping.
reino vegetal. Plant Kingdom. veg- repulsión. repulsion.
etable kingdom. rescarse (fruto). shrivel (fruit).
rejuvenecimiento. rejuvenescence. reserva natural. nature reserve.
relación (cito)plasmática. nucleo reservorio. reservoir.
(cyto)plasmic ratio. resina. resin.
relicto. relic(t). resina damar. dam(m)ar resin.
reloj biológico. biological clock. resináceo. resinaceous.
remoto. remote. resinofero. resinoferous.
reniforme. reniform. resinoforme. resinoform.
renuevo. sobol(e). surculose. resinogenico. resinogenic.
reotaxia. rheotaxis. resinoso. resinous.
reotaxis. rheotaxis. resístancia. resistance.
reotropismo. rheotropism. resistencia a la tracción. tensile
repando. repand. strength.
repartición extendido. wide distri- resistencia al frio. winter hardiness.
bution. resistencia ambiental. environmental
resistencia del ambiente 619 ribulosa difosfato
resistance. retinacular. retinacular.
resistencia del ambiente. environ- retináculo. retinaculum.
mental resistance. retinervio. retinerved.
resistente a las heladas. hardy. retoño. offshoot. shoot.
respiración. respiration. retoño prematuro. premature sprout-
respiración aerobic. aerobic respi- ing.
ration. retorcido. twisted.
respiración anaerobio. anaerobic retral. retral.
respiration. retraso del desarrollo. delayed de-
respiración celular. cell respiration. velopment.
cellular respiration. retraso del herencia. delayed inher-
respiración intramolecular. intramo- itance.
lecular respiration. retro-. retro-
respiración plasmática. protoplas- retrobarbado. retrorsely barbellate.
mic respiration. retroceder. retrogress.
responsivo al fotoperiodo. photope- retrocrenado. retrorsely crenate.
riod responsive. retrocruzamiento. backcross.
respuesta. response. retrocultura. retroculture.
respuesta de herida. wound reponse. retrocurvado. retrocurved.
respuesta lisogénico. lysogenic re- retroflexo. retroflexed.
sponse. retrogradación. retrogression.
respuesta lítico. lytic response. retroinhibición. feedback inibition.
respuesta trópica. tropic response. retromente. retrorsely.
restans. restans. retromutación. back mutation.
restitución. restitution. retrorso. retrorse.
restructuración genética. genetic retroserrado. retrorsely serrate.
rearrangement retroserrate.
resultante. resultant. retuso. retuse.
resupinación. resupination. revegetar. revegetate.
resupinado. resupinate. reversión. reversion.
retardante del crecimiento. growth reverso. reverse.
retardant. revertante. revertant.
retardo del crecimiento. stunted revoluto. revolute.
growth. rexígeno. rhexigenous.
retícula. lattice. rhzóforo. rhizophore.
retículo nuclear. nuclear reticulum. riachuelo. stream.
reticulación. reticulation. ribera. riverbank. shoreline.
reticulado. reticulate. ribereñio. riparious.
reticulado evolución. reticulate evo- ribereño. riparian.
lution. ribitol. ribitol.
reticular. reticular. riboflavina. riboflavin.
reticulo. reticulum. ribonucleasa. ribonuclease.
retículo endoplásmico. endoplasmic ribosa. ribose.
reticulum. ribosoma. ribosome.
retiforme. retiform. ribulosa difosfato. ribulose diphos-
ricto 620 rostelo
phate. rizoma. rhizome. root stock.
ricto. rictus. rizomatoso. rhizomatous.
rigens. rigens. rizomicelió. rhizomycelium.
rigescente. rigescent. rizomorfo. rhizomorph.
rígidamente. stiffly. rizópino. rhizopin.
rigidez. rigidity. rizoplana. rhizoplane.
rigido. rigid. stiff. rizoplasto. rhizoplast.
rigor. rigor. rizopodo. rhizopod(ium).
rimo. rimous. rizosfera. rhizosphere.
rimoso. rimose. rizotaxia. rhizotaxy.
rímula. rima. rizotaxis. rhizotaxis.
rimuloso. rimulose. roble. oak.
rincosporógeno. rhynchosporous. roble-musgo. oak-moss.
ringente. ringent. roble-nuez. oak-nut.
rio. river. robusto. robust.
ripario. riverside. actophilous. robusto. stout.
ripidado. rhipidate. roca madre. parent material.
ripidio. rhipidium. rocío. dew.
risomorfo. rhizomorph. rhizo- rodear. around. surround.
morphous. rodilla. knee.
risoxfera. rhizosphere. rodilla ciprés. cypress knee.
ritido-. rhytido-. rodo-. rhodo-.
ritidoma. rhytidome. ródoplasto. rhodoplast.
ritidoma anular. ring bark. rodósporo. rhodosporous.
ritidoma escamoso. scale bark. roesteloide. roesteloid.
ritmo circadiano. circadian rhythm. roestelia. roestelia.
rivalis. rivalis. roio. rhoium.
rivuloso. rivulose. rojizo. reddish. rubiginous.
rizanto. rhizanthous. rojo (color). red (color).
rizino. rhzino. rojo-pardusco. rufous.
rizo-. rhiz(o)-. rómbico. rhombic.
rizobio. rhizobium. rómboide. rhomboid.
rizoblasto. rhizoblast. RON. NOR.
rizocalina. rhizocaline. roña. scab.
rizocárpico. rhizocarpic. rórido. roridous.
rizocarpo. rhizocarpous. róridulado. dewy.
rizocormo. rhizocorm. roridulado. roridulate.
rizodermis. rhizodermis. rosado (color). pink (color). pink-
rizofilo. rhizophyllous. ish (color).
rizófilo. rhyzophilous. roselado. rosellate.
rizoflora. rhizoflora. roseta. rosette.
rizóforo. rhizophore. rhizophorous. roseta basal. basal rosette.
rizogénico. rhizogenic. roseta foliar. leaf rosette.
rizógeno. rhizogen. rostelado. rostellate.
rizoide. rhizoid. rostelo. rostellum.
rostilliforme 621 ruta metabólica
rostilliforme. rostelliform. rugoso. scabrous.
rostrado. beaked. rostrate. rostriform. ruminado. ruminate.
rostriforme. rostriform. runcinado. runcinate.
rostro. beak. rostrum. rupestro. rupestral.
rotáceo. rotate. rupícola. epipetric. rupicolous.
rotación. rotation. petrophilous.
rotundi. rotund. rúptil. ruptile.
rotundifolio. rotundifolious. ruptura del estanque. breaking of
roya (enfermedad). rust (disease). meres.
rubens. rubens. ruptura-reunión. breakage-reunion.
rubiginoso. rubiginose. ruptura y reunión. breakage and
ruborizarse. rubescent. reunion.
ruderal. ruderal. ruralis. ruralis.
rudimentario. rudimentary. ruta metabólica. metabolic pathway.
rudimento. rudiment.
sabana 622 sarmentoso

sabana. savannah. sámara equizocarpic. schizocarpic

sabuloso. sabulose. samara.
sacarobiosa. saccharobiose. sámara. samara. winged fruit.
sacárido. saccharide. samariforme. samariform.
sacárino. saccharine. samaroide. samaroid.
sacarolitico. saccharolytic. sangradura. bleeding.
sacarosa. sucrose. sanguineo. sanguineous.
sacaromices. saccharomyces. sanguineus. sanguineus.
saccífero. sacciferous. saori-. sapro-.
sacciforme. saccate. sacciform. sapido. sapid.
saco embrinario. embryo sac. sapidus. sapidus.
saco embrional. embryo sac. saponaceo. saponaceous.
saco ovigero. egg sac. saporo. sapor.
saco polinico. pollen sac. sapró-. sapro-.
sacrocaule. sarcocaulous. saprobio. saprobe.
saculado sacculate. saprobiótico. saprobiotic.
sacular. saccate. sacciforme. saprófajo. saprophage.
sáculo. saccule. saprófilo. saprophylous.
sagitado. sagittate. sagittiform. arrow- saprófita obligado. obligate sapro-
shaped. phyte.
sal. salt. saprófitico. saprophytic. saprophytic
saladar ó marisma. salt marsh. plant.
salida repetido. repeated emergence. saprófito. saprophyte.
saliente. salient. saprófito facultativo. facultative
saliente proyectado. projected. saprophyte.
salina. salina. saprógeno. saprogenous.
salinación. salination. saproplancton. saproplankton.
salinidad. salinity. saprotrof. saprotroph.
salinidad del suelo. soil salinity. sapróvoro. saprovore.
salinización. salinization. saprozoico. saprozoic.
salino. saline. sarco-. sarco-.
salir. emersed. sarciniforme. sarciniform.
salobre. brackish. oligohaline. salt- sarcocarpo. sarcocarp.
water. sarcocaulmente. sarcocauly.
salpicado. spot. spotted. sarcodia. sarcody.
salsugino. salsuginous. sarcotesta. sarcotesta.
salsuginosus. salsuginosus. sarmentoso. sarmentose.
saltante. saltant. sarmiento. sarment. branch tendril.
saltación. saltation. sarmentoso. sarmentose.
saskab 623 selección disruptiva
saskab. marl. sebo. tallow.
satélite. satellite. secadera de las plántulas. damp-
sativus. sativus. ing-off.
saturación de agua en el suelo. secamiento. wilting.
waterlogging. secarse. shrivel (leaf).
saturación de zona. zone of satu- sección. section.
ration. sección tangente. tangential section.
saturar. saturate. secreción. secretion.
saturnino. saturnine. secreción láctea. milk secretion.
savia. sap. secretar. secrete.
savia celular. cell sap. secuencia de aminoácidos. amino
savia descendente. phloem sap. acid sequence.
savia elaborado. phloem sap. secuencia de Embden Meyerhop-
saxatiles. saxatiles. Parnas. Embden-Meyerhop-Parnas
saxícola. saxicolous. sequence.
scafoide. scaphoid. secuencia remolque. trailer sequence.
scalpeliforme. scalpelliform. secundiflora. flower secund.
scandens. scandens. secundino. secundine.
scapiforme. scapiform. seda. seta(e). silk.
scapigero. scapigerous. sedentario. sedentary.
scia-. scia-. sedohepuloso. sedohepulose.
scifi-. scyphi-. sedoso. silky.
scififero. scyphiferous. segetalis. segetalis.
sciafílico. sciaphilic. segmenado. segmented.
scififorme. scyphiform. segmentación. segmentation.
scififoro. scyphiphorous. segmento. segment.
scifus. scyphus. segmento diferencial. differential
sciófito. sciophyte. sement.
sciofitio. sciophytium. segregable. segregable.
sciuroide. sciuroid. segregación. segregation.
sclerosis. sclerosis. segreación secundario. secondary
scobiforme. scobiform. segregation.
scolécito. scolecite. segregación somática. somatic seg-
scolecospora. scolecospore. regation.
scolecósporo. scolecosporous. segregante. segregant.
scopífero. scopiferous. segunda ley de Mendel. Mendel’s
scopiforme. scopiform. second law.
scopulado. scopulate. s(e)imonastía. seimonasty.
scotófile. scotophil. selección. breeding. selection.
scotófito. scotophyte. selección artifícial. artificial selection.
scruposo. scrupose. selección canalizante. canalizing
scuto. scutum. selection.
Se. Se. selección direccional. directional
sebáceo. sebaceous. selection.
sebífero. sebiferous. selección disruptiva. disruptive se-
selección en tandem 624 sepaloide
lection. dromous.
selección en tandem. tandem selection. semidoble. semidouble.
selección estabilzadora. stabilizing semidominancia. semi-dominance.
selection. semiesfrico. semi-spherical.
selección germinal. germinal selection. semiespecie. semi-species.
selección natural. natural selection. semiestéril. semisterile.
seleccionar. breed. semiífero. subinferior.
selenífero. seleniferous. semileñoso. softwood.
selenio. selenium. semilla. seed.
selenífero. seleniferous. semilla alado. winged seed.
selenófito. selenophyte. semilla desnuda. naked seed.
selva. forest (tropical). jungle. selva. semilla germinal. germ seed.
selva alta o mediana subcaducifolia. semilla oscuro. dark seed.
semi-evergreen seasonal forest. semilla recalcitrante. recalcitrant seed.
selva alta perennifolia. moist ev- semillero. seedbed.
ergreen forest. rain forest. semilunar. semilunar.
selva alta perennifolia tropical. seminal. seminal.
tropical wet forest. seminífero. seminiferous.
selva baja caducifolia. deciduous semiparásita. semi-parasite.
forest. semiperíodo. half-life.
selva hilera. fringe forest. semipermeable. semi-permeable.
selva mediana o baja perennifolia. semirrollizo. semiterete.
montane rain forest. semisiempreverde. semievergreen.
selva monzónica. monsoon forest. semiterete. semiterete.
selva tropical. rain forest. semiterrestre. semiterrestrial.
selva tropical ombrófila. tropical semitrepador. clambering.
rain forest. semitropical. semitropical.
selva virgen. old-growth forest. virgin semper-. semper-.
forest. semperfloro. semperflorous.
semátaxis. semataxis. sempervirens. sempervirens.
sembrando ramitos. sprigging. sempervirente. evergreen.
sembrar. (to) plant. señal del néctar. honey guide. nectar
semejante. similar. guide.
semen. semen. sencilla. simple. single.
sementera. seedling. senescencia. senescence.
semi-. semi-. senescente. senescent.
semiacuática. semiaquatic. senilidad. senility.
semiamplexicaule. semiamplexicaul. seno. sinus.
semianual. semiannual. sensible. sensible. tender.
semiapogamia. semiapogamy. sensibilidad. sensibility. sensitiv-
semiárido. semi-arid. ity.
semicélula. semicell. sensitivo. sensitive.
semicélula de segmento. segment half- sepalino. sepaline.
cell. sépalo. sepal.
semicraspedódromo. semicraspedo- sepaloide. sepaloid.
sepalodia 625 seudomixis
sepalodia. sepalody. serrado glandular. glandular serrate.
sépalo opuesto. oppositisepalous. serrífero. serriferous.
separación. separation. serriforme. serriform.
separación de cromosomas. disjunc- serrulación. serrulation.
tion. serrulado. serrulate.
separación reductora. reduction sesamoide. sesamoid.
separation. sésil. sessile.
separado. separate. sesil-. sessile-.
septa. septa. seta. seta(e).
septado. septate. setas venenosas. toadstools.
septado falsa. false septate. setáceo. setaceous.
septal. septal. setífero. setiferous.
septem-. septem-. setiforme. setiform.
septem(i)fido. septem(i)fid. setoso. setose.
septentado. septentate. setula. setula.
septicida. septicidal. setuloso. setulose.
septifolio. septifolious. seud-. pseud-
septifrago. septifragal. seudantio. pseudanthium.
septo. septum (pl. septa). seudeje. pseudaxis.
septo falso. false septum. seudo-. pseudo-.
septo replicado. replicate septum. seudoacuático. pseudoaquatic.
septulado. septulate. seudoaetalio. pseudaethalium.
sequía. drought. seudoamitosis. pseudoamitosis.
sequía fisológia. physiological seudoapogamia. pseudoapogamy.
drought. seudoaposporia. pseudoapospory.
sere. sere. seudobaya. pseudoberry.
sere primario. primary sere. seudobulbilo. pseudobubil.
seriado. seriate. seudobulbo. pseudobulb.
serial. superposed. seudocapilicio. pseudocapillitium.
seríceo. sericeous. seudocarpo. pseudocarp.
serie. rank. seudocifela. pseudocyphella.
serie de soluciones alcohólicas. al- seudocilio. pseudocilium.
cohol series. seudocolumela. pseudocolumella.
serie del suelo. soil series. seudodrupa. pseudodrupe.
serie de tacónomico. taxonomic series. seudoepitecio. pseudo-epthecium.
serie genético. genetic complex. seudoescapo. pseudoscape.
serina. serine. seudoespermio. pseudosperm.
serología. serology. seudofisis. pseudophysis.
serotaxonomía. serotaxonomy. seudogamia. pseudogamy.
serótino. serotinal. serotinous. seudogen. pseudogene.
serotonina. serotonin. seudoidio. pseudiodium.
serpenteante. sinuous. seudomarina. pseudomarine.
serpenteo. winding. seudomicelio. pseudomycelium.
serra. serra. seudomicorriza. pseudomycorrhiza.
serrado. serrate. seudomixis. pseudomixis.
seudomonómero 626 sinandro
seudomonómero. pseudomonomerous. sifoneo. siphoneous.
seudomorf. pseudomorph. sifonostela. siphonostele.
seudonucléolo. pseudonucleolus. sigmoide. s-shaped.
seudoparáfisis. pseudoparaphysis. sigmoidea. sigmoid.
seudoparénquima. pseudoparen- silice. silica.
chyma. silíceo. siliceous. silicious.
seudoperianto. pseudoperianth. silicifícado. silicified.
seudoperidio. pseudoperidium. silicio. silicon.
seudoperitecio. pseudoperithecium. silicólo. silicolous.
seudoplasmodio. pseudoplasmodium. silicua. silique.
seudopicnidio. pseudopycnidium. silícula. silicle.
seudopodio. pseudopodium. silvestre. wild.
seudorafe. pseudoraphe. silvicultor. forester.
seudoriza. pseudorhiza. silvicultura. silviculture. forestry.
seudoramulo. pseudoramulus. simbionte. symbiont.
seudoseptado. pseudoseptate. simbiosis. symbiosis.
seudosepto. pseudoseptum. simbiosis antagonista. antagonist
seudospora. pseudospore. symbiosis.
seudostípula. pseudostipule. simbiosis mutualista. mutualism.
seudotalo. pseudostem. simbiosis radical. root symbiosis.
seudoverticilado. pseudoverticillate. simbiótico. symbiotic.
seudoverticilo. pseudowhorl. símbolo. symbol.
seudozoospora. pseudozygospore. simetría. symmetry.
sex-. sex-. simetría bilateral. bilateral symmetry.
sexangular. sexangular. simetría dorsiventral. dorsiventral
sexfario. sexfarious. symmetry.
sexintergrado. sex-intergrade. simetría irregular. irregular sym-
sexo. sex. metry.
sexpartito. sexpartite. simétrico. symmetric. symmetrical.
sexual. sexual. simfógeno. symphogenous.
sexual-connexión. sex-linkage. simiente. seed.
sexualidad relativa. relative sexu- similar. similar.
ality. simpatri. sympatry.
sexual-limitado. sex-limited. simpatrico. sympatric.
seyugo. sejugous. simpétalo. sympetalous.
Si. Si. simplasto. symplast.
siccus. siccus. simple. simple.
sichnocárpico. sychnocarpous. simplejo. simplex.
sicono. syconium. syconus. simplesiomorfo. symplesiomorphous.
siempre esta mutando. ever-sport- simpodial. sympodial.
ing. simpódico. sympodial.
siempreverde. evergreen. simpodio. sympodium.
sifón. siphon. sin-. syn-.
sifón pericentral. pericentral siphon. sinandrio. synandrium.
sifonáceo. siphonaceous. sinandro. synandrous.
sinantero 627 sistema de foto II
sinantero. synantherous. sinnema. synnema.
sinangio. synangium. sinobásico. synobasic.
sinanto. synanthous. sinocio. synoecious.
sinape. synapsis. sinoecia. synoecy.
sinapomorfico. synapomorphic. sinónimo. synonymous. synonym.
sinápteno. synaptene. synonymy.
sin arilo. exarillate. sinovarios. synovarious.
sincaríon. synkaryon. sin pálea. epaleate.
sincárpia. syncarpy. sin paposo. epappose.
sincárpico. syncarpous. sin pelo. bald.
sincarpo. syncarp. sin pepitas. seedless.
sin cilios. eciliate. sinpétalo. synpetalous.
sinciteo. syncytium. sin quilla. ecarinate.
sinclado. syncladous. sin rostro. erostrate.
sin clorofila. achlorophyllous. sin salida al mar. landlocked.
sin color. achroos. colorless. sin semillas. seedless.
sinconio. synconium. sinsépalo. synsepalous.
sincotile. syncotylous. sinstemono. synstemonous.
sin cultivar. wild. sinstilovarios. synstylovarious.
sinecología. synecology. sin tallo. stalkless. stemless. acauline.
sindesis. syndesis. sintasa. lyase.
sin dientes. edentate. sintenía. synteny.
sindiploidía. syndiploidy. sintenico. syntenic.
sindrome. syndrome. sintépalo. syntepalous.
sinecología. synecolgy. sintesis. synthesis.
sinema. synema. sintetasa. synthetase.
sinergía. synergy. sintetasa glutamina. glutamine syn-
sinergide. synergid. thetase.
sinergismo. synergism. sintetizar. synthesize.
sinergistico. synergistic. sintipico syntype.
sinespermía. synspermy. sinuado. sinuate.
sinespermo. synspermous. sinuoso. sinuous. winding.
sin espina. spineless sinusia. synusia.
sinfisis. symphysis. siquiótico. sikyotic.
singamía. syngamy. sirtidio. syrtidium.
singamico. syngamic. sistema. system.
singamo. syngamous. sistema de genética. genetic system.
singenésico. syngenesious. sistema ecológico. ecological sys-
singino. syngynous. tem.
sin hojas. aphyllous. leafless. sistema ecológico climax. climax
sinistrorso. sinistrorse. ecosystem.
sinizesis. synizesis. sistema enzimático complejo.
sin lámina. bladeless. multienzyme system.
sin ligula. eligulate. sistema de foto I. photo system I.
sin litoral. landlocked. sistema de foto II. photo system II.
sistema poligénico 628 spectabilis
sistema poligénico. polygenic sys- solopatogénico. solopathogenic.
tem. soluble. soluble.
sistema redox. redox reaction. solución. solution.
sistema tejido. tissue system. solución de Fehling. Fehling’s So-
sistema trófico. food web. lution.
sistema vascular. vascular system. solución del suelo. soil solution.
sistemas de motor. motor systems. solución iniciadora. starter solution.
sistemático. systematic. soluto. solute.
sistemático filogenético. phylogenetic solvente. solvent.
systematics. soma. soma (pl. somata).
sistemáticos. systematics. somatotropismo. somatotropism
sistémica. systemic. somático. somatic.
sistilo. systylous. sombra. shade.
sistrof. systrophe. sombra de illuvia. rain shadow.
sitio. site. sombreado. shady.
situado. positioned. sombrerete de cera. wax cap.
sizna. subula. sombrerete. cap. pileus.
smaragdino. smaragdine. sonda. probe.
sobole. sobol(e). soralio. soralium (pl. soralia).
sobolífero. soboliferous. sorbitol. sorbitol.
sobrecruzamiento. crossing over. sórdido. sordid.
crossover. sordidus. sordidus.
sobrecruzamiento desigual. unequal soredia. soredia.
crossing-over. sorediado. sorediate.
sobredominancia. overdominance. soredio. soredium.
sobrepasar. exceed. sori. soros.
sobrepasto. overgrazing. sorífero. soriferous.
sobrepuesta (yema). superposed. soro. sorus.
sobresaliendo. protruding. soro acrosticoide. acrostichoid sorus.
sobreviven al invierno. overwinter. sorocarpo. sorocarp.
social (botánica). social (botany). soroesfera. sorosphere.
sociedad. society. soróforo. sorophore.
sociedad complementario. comple- soro gradato. gradate sorus.
mentary society. soro mixto. mixed sorus.
sodicación. sodication. soros. sori.
sódico cloruro. sodium chloride. sorosa. sorose.
sodio. sodium. soro simple. simple sorus.
sol. sun. sorosis. sorosis.
solarizacion. solarization. sosa. saltwort.
sole. sole. sostenible de gestión . sustainable
soleado. sunny. management.
solenostela. solenostele. sotavento. leeward.
soliflucación. soliflucation. sotobosque. underbrush.
solitario. solitary. speciosus. speciosus.
solo. alone. sola. solum. single. spectabilis. spectabilis.
spectaus 629 suborden
spectaus. spectaus. subclase. subclass.
speirantia. speiranthy. subclimax. subclimax.
splendens. splendens. subconjunto. subgroup.
sporonte. sporont. subcordato. subcordate.
sport. sport. subcorimboso. subcorymbose.
sport mutación de yema. bud sport. subcortezal. subcortical.
spuperorden. superorder. subcultivo. subculture.
squarrosus. squarrosus. subdispersión. underdispersion.
s-RNA. ARN soluble. subdominancia. underdominance.
ß-galactosidase. ß-galactosidase. subentero. subentire.
stacio-. stachyo-. subepidérmica. subepidermal tissue.
stadistica. statistice. súber. cork. suber.
stalagmoide. stalagmoid. súber cicatrizal. wound cork.
stereida en emplaizada. palisade suberecto. suberect.
tissue. subereo. subereous.
sticidio. stichidium. suberificación. suberification.
sticobasidio. stichobasidium. suberificar. suberize.
sticto-. sticto-. suberina. suberin.
stigmatocisto. stigmatocyst. suberina de laminilla. suberin la-
stilboide. stilboid. mella.
stilidio. stylidium. suberización. suberization.
stipado. stipate. suberizar(se). suberize.
stipuloso. stipulose. suberofelodérmica. phellogen.
strictus. strictus. sub-eroso. sub-erose.
striolado. striolate. suberoso. corky. suberose.
suave. soft. suberous. suberoso.
suave liber. soft bast. subescapífero. subscapose.
suaveolente. suaveolent. subespecie. subspecies.
sub-. sub-. subespigado. subspicate.
subacueo. subaqueous. subfamilia. subfamily.
subagudo. subacute. subfoliáceo. subfoliaceous.
subalpino. subalpine. subformación. sub-formation.
subalterno. subalternate. subgénero. subgenus.
subapical. subapical. subglabrescente. subglabrate.
subaquose. subaqueous. subgloboso. subglobose.
subarbusto. subshrub. suffrutex. subherbáceo. subherbaceous.
undershrub. subhimenio. subhymenium.
subartico. subartic. subhúmedo. subhumid.
subaxilar. subaxillary. subiculo. subiculum.
subbasal. subbasal. subinferior. subinferior.
subbasifijo. subbasifixed. subleñoso. sublignous.
subblanceolado. oblanceoloid. sublitoral. sublittoral.
subcapitado. subcapitate. submarginal. submarginal.
subcelular. subcellular. submarino. submarine.
subcilindrico. subcylindric. suborden. suborder.
subpeciolar 630 superparasito
subpeciolar. subpetiolar bud. suelo de volcánico. volcanic soil.
subpetiolado. subpetiolate. suelo del aire. soil air.
subpiso. underwood. understory. suelo neutro. neutral soil.
subpotencia. subpotency. suelo orgánico. organic soil.
subramoso. subramose. suelo pedregoso. stony soil.
subredondeado. subrotundate. suelo permeable. permeable soil.
subrizomatoso. subrhizomatous. suelo salino. saline soil.
subsero. subsere. suelo salino-sodico. saline-sodic soil.
subsésil. subsessile. suelo saturado. saturated soil.
subspontáneo. subspontaneous. suelo sodico. sodiic soil.
substitución par de bases. base-pair suelo superficial. top soil.
substitution. suelo termogénico. thermogenic soil.
substrado. substrate. suelo virgen. virgin soil.
subsuelo. subsoil. suelo zonal. zonal soil.
subtemplado. subtemperate. sufruitcoso. suffrutescent.
subterete. subterete. sufrutescente. suffrutescent.
subterráneo. subterranean. sufrútice. subshrub. suffrutex.
subtracción. subtraction. sufruticoso. suffruticose.
subtropical. subtropical. sujetar. attach.
subulado. subulate. sujeto. attached.
subvalvado. subvalvate. sulcado. grooved. sulcate.
subvariedad. subvariety. sulcus. sulcus.
subyacente. subtending. sulfataso. sulfatase.
succineus. succineus. sulfureo. sulphureous.
sucessión. succession. sumergido. immersed. submerged.
sucesión ecológica. ecological suc- sueño del día. day sleep.
cession. super-. super-.
sucesión ecológic primario. primary superaxilar. superaxillary.
ecological succession. superclase. superclass.
sucesión primario. primary succession superdominancia. superdominance.
sucesión progresiva. progressive superespecie. superspecies.
succession. superfamilia. super family.
sucesión secundario. secondary suc- superficial. superficial. shallow.
cession. superficie. surface.
sucesión vegetal. plant succession. superficie de la hoja. leaf surface.
suciz. succise. superficie de reconocimiento. rec-
sucrasa. saccharase. sucrase. ognition surface.
súcubo. succubous. superficie foliar. leaf surface
suculento. succulent. supergen(e). supergene.
suelo. ground. land. soil. superhelicoidal. superhelical.
suelo ácido. acid soil. superhélice. superhelix.
suelo álcali. alkali soil. superior. upper. face.
suelo alcalino. alkaline soil. súpero. superior.
suelo anegado. waterlogged soil. superorden. superorder.
suelo arenoso. sandy soil. superparasito. superparasite.
superparasitismo 631 sym-
superparasitismo. superparasitism. surcurrente. surcurrent.
supervivencia del másto. survival surficial. surficial.
of the fittest. suscept. suscept.
supervoluto. supervolute. susceptibilidad. susceptibility.
supino. supine. suspensor. suspensor.
supinus. supinus. sustancia de crecimiento. growth
supra-. supra-. substance.
supraaxilaria. supraaxillary. sustancia ergastico. ergastic sub-
suprabasal. suprabasal. stance.
supracelular. supracellular. sustancia inhibidor del crecimiento.
suprafoliáceo. suprafoliaceous. growth inhibiting substance.
supragenico. supragenic. sustancia mutágena. mutagen.
supraligular. supraligular. sustancia péctica. pectic substances.
supramolecular. supramolecular. sustancia portadora. carrier.
supresión. suppression. sustancia promotor del crecimiento.
supresivo. suppressive. growth promoting substance.
suprimido. suppressed. sustancia tóxica. toxic substance.
supresor. suppressor. sustancia transmisora. transmitter
sur-. sur-. substance.
surco. groove. sustancia trazadora. tracer.
surcos. fossae. sustancia vegetal en descomposición.
surcula. surcle. moder.
surculigero. surculigerous. sustitución cromosómico. chromo-
surculo. surculus. some substitution.
súrculo. sucker. surculose. sutura. suture.
súrculo-prolifíco. surculose- sutura ventral. ventral suture.
proliferous. sym-. sym-.
surculum. surculum.
tabashir 632 tegmen

tabashir. tabashir. tanino. tannin.

tabescente. tabescent. tapadera. lid.
tabla de agua. water table. tapete. tapetum. tapetal.
tabular. tabular. tapón de mucus. slime flux.
táctil de cerda. tactile bristle. taquisporo. tachysporous.
tactismo. taxis. taquítemente. tachytely.
tafonomía. taphonomy. tarde. late.
tafrio. taphrium. tardío. late.
taiga. taiga. tartaro. tartarous.
tálamifloral. thalamifloral. tasa de crossing-over. crossover value.
tálamio. thalamium. tasa de renovación. turnover rate.
tálamo. thalamous. thalamus. tautónimo. tautonym.
tálasio. thalassium. taxa. taxa.
talasófito. thalassophyte. taxia. taxis.
taliforme. thalliform. taxinomía. taxonomy.
talli. thalli. taxinómico. taxonomic.
tallo. stalk. stem. taxis. taxis.
tallo de la hoja. leafstalk. taxón. taxon.
tallo embrional. tigellum. taxonomía. taxonomy.
tallo florífero. flowering stem. taxonomia alfa. alpha taxonomy.
tallo sencillo. single stemmed. taxonomia botánica. plant taxonomy.
tallo subterráneo. stock. taxonomía numérica. numerical tax-
talo. thallus (pl. thalli). onomy.
talo endogéno. endogenous thallus. taxonomia vegetal. plant taxonomy.
talo estratificado. stratified thallus. taxónomico. taxonomic.
talo estratoso. stratose thallus. taxonomista. taxonomist.
talo exógeno. exogenous thallus. taxónomo. taxonomist.
talófito. thallophyte. teca. theca.
talo monoaxial. monoaxial thallus. tecal. thecal.
talo monosifono. monosiphonous tecar. thecate.
thallus. tecas. thecae.
talo multiaxial. multiaxial thallus. tecaspora. thecaspore.
taloso. thalloid. thallose. tecífero. theciferous.
talospora. thallospore. tecio. thecium.
tamaño. size. tecnológico transgenico. transgenic
tamaño de la población. population technology.
size. tecto. tectum.
tampón. buffer. tefro-. tephro-.
tanífero. tanniferous. tegmen. tegmen.
tegmental 633 teoria de la presencia-ausencia
tegmental. tegmental. teleología. teleology.
tegmento. tegmentum. telemorfosis. telemorphosis.
tegula. tegule. teleutóetapa. teleutostage.
tegulicole. tegulicolous. teleutósoro. teleutosorus.
tegumento. seed coat. tegument. testa. teleutóspora. teleutospore. teliospore.
tejido. layer. tissue. teleutóspore. winter spore.
tejido acuoso. aqueous tissue. telial. telial.
tejido accesoria. accessory tissue. telio. teleutosorus. telium. teliosorus.
tejido acuífero. water storing tis- telioetapa. teliostage.
sue. teliósoro. teliosorus.
tejido celular. cell tissue. telióspora. teliospore. teleutospore.
tejido complejo. complex tissue. winter spore.
tejido complementario. complemen- telitocia. thelytoky.
tary tissue. telitoq. thelytokous.
tejido conductor. conductive tissue. telitoquia. thelytoky.
tejido cribosa. sieve tissue. telmatio. telmatium.
tejido difuso. diffuse tissue. telofase. telophase.
tejido de esporógeno. sporogenous telofase I. telophase I.
tissue. telofase II. telophase II.
tejido de transfusión. transfusion telómero. telomere.
tissue. telomitico. telomitic.
tejido en empalizada. palisade tis- telosinapsis. telosynapsis.
sue. telotactismo. telotaxis.
tejido embrionario. embryonic tis- telotaxia. telotaxis.
sue. temperado. temperate.
tejido falso. false tissue. temperatura. temperature.
tejido fundamental. fundamental temperatura ambiente. ambient tem-
tissue. perature.
tejido de herida. wound tissue. temperatura letal (TL). thermal death
tejido lignificado. woody tissue. point (TDP).
tejido mecánico. mechanical tissue. tendencia evolutiva. evolutionary
tejido meristemático. meristematic trend.
tissue. tensión salada. salt stress.
tejido permanente. permanent tis- tensión tejido. tissue tension.
sue. tentacular (hoja). tentacular (leaf).
tejido protector. protective tissue. tentáculo. tentacle.
tejido provascular. provascular tissue. tenellus. tenellus.
tejido secretora. secretory tissue. tenue. faint.
tejido secundario. secondary tissue. tenui-. tenui-.
tejido simple. simple tissue. tenuo. tenuous.
tejido somático. somatic tissue. teoria celular. cell theory.
tejido vascular. vascular tissue. teoria climax. climax theory.
tejidos primario. primary tissue. teoría cromosómica de la herencia.
teléforo. thelephorous. chromosome theory of inheritance.
teleoblema. teleoblema. teoria de la presencia-ausencia.
teoria de la recapitulación 634 tetrasómico
presence and absence theory. terracuoso. terraqueous.
teoria de la recapitulación. reca- terreno. land.
pitulation theory. terreno salobreño. salt marsh.
teoría de la tensión-cohesión. terrestre. terrestrial.
cohesion–tension theory. terricola. terricolous.
teoría de precocidad. precocity theory. territorio. territory.
teoria mutación. mutation theory. tertrafilo. tetraphyllous.
tépal. tepal. teselado. tesselate. tessellated.
tépalo. fall. tepal. testa. seed coat.
tercera ley de Mendel. Mendel’s third testa. testa.
law. testaceo. testaceous.
terebrado. terebrate. tetra-. tetra-.
terebratador. terebrator. tetracarpelar. tetracarpellary.
terenno salobreño. salt marsh. tetracíclico. tetracyclic.
terete. terete. tetracistico. tetraschistic.
tergifero. tergiferous. tetracito. tetracyte.
terio. therium. tetracocco. tetracoccous.
termico. thermic. tetraconton. tetrakonton.
termifolius. termifolius. tetracuetro. tetraquetrous.
terminal. terminal. tétrada. tetrad.
terminals. terminals. tétrade linear. linear tetrad.
terminalización. terminalization. tétrade espora. spore tetrad.
termoclina. thermocline. tetradidimo. tetradidymous.
termodurico. thermoduric. tetradímo. tetradymous.
termóetapa. thermostage. tetradínamo. tetradynamous.
termófilo. thermophile. tetradíno. tetradinous.
termófito. thermophyte. tetraédrico. tetrahedral.
termógrafo. thermograph. tetrafilo. tetraphyllous.
termonastia. thermonasty. tetragino. tetragynous.
termoperiodismo. theromoperiodism. tetragono. tetragonous.
termoperíodo. thermoperiod. tetragonico. tetragonal
termotactismo. thermotaxis. tetramerico. tetrameric.
termotaxia. thermotaxis. tetrámero. tetramerous.
termotaxis. thermotaxis. tetrandro. tetrandrous.
termotolerante. thermotolerant. tetrapétalo. tetrapetalous.
termotropismo. thermotropism. tetrapireno. tetrapyrenous.
tern-. tern-. tetrapirole. tetrapyrrole.
ternado. ternate. tetraploide. tetraploid.
ternario. ternary. tetraploidia. tetraploidy.
ternatopinnado. ternatopinnate. tetrapolar. tetrapolar.
terófilo. therophyllous. tetraptero. tetrapterous.
terófito. therophyte. tetrarea. tetrarch.
teronina. theronine. tetrasacharido. tetrasaccharide.
terpeno. terpene. tetrasepalo. tetrasepalous.
terpenoide. terpenoid. tetrasómico. tetrasomic.
tetraspermo 635 toric
tetraspermo. tetraspermous. tilo (británico). lime tree (British).
tetraspora. tetraspore. timina. thymine.
tetrasporangio. tetrasporangium. timpániforme. tympaniform.
tetrasporangina. tetrasporange. tinción vital. vital staining.
tetrasporófita. tetrasporophyte. tintura feulgen. feulgen stain.
tetrastachio. tetrastachyous. tiobacteria. thiobacteria.
tetráster. tetraster. tipico (estambre). typical.
tetrástico. tetrastichous. tipo. type.
tetrathecal. tetrathecal. tipo ejemplar. type specimen.
tetraxial. tetraxial. tipio apareamiento. mating type.
tetraxon. tetraxon. tipo básico. basic type.
tetroalélico. tetro-allelic. tipo biológico. biotype.
tetroso. tetrose. tipo de suelo. soil type.
textura. texture. tipo ejemplar. type specimen.
textura del suelo. soil texture. tip primo. prime type.
tiamina. thiamin(e). tipo salvaje. wild type.
tiempo de duplicación. doubling time. tipo silvestre. wild type.
tiempo de generación. generation tiramina. tyramine.
time. tirosina. tyrosine.
tiempo de latencia. latent period. tiriotecio. thyriothecium.
tiempo de presentación. presenta- tirosina. tyrosine.
tion time. tirsífero. thersiferous.
tiempo de reacción. reaction time. tirsiforme. thyrsiform.
tiempo de renavación. turnover time. tirso. thyrse.
tiempo de temperatura letal. ther- tirsoide. thyrsoid.
mal death time. tirsula. thyrsula.
tiempos de duplicación. doubling tizón. smuts.
time. tizón de fuego. fire blight.
tierre. land. T.L. T.D.P.
tierre aluvial. alluvial soil. tocoferol. tocopherol.
tierre cultivable. tilth. tolerancia. tolerance.
tierras que quedan inundadas du- tolerante. tolerant.
rante la crecida de un rio. tomenta. tomenta.
floodplain. tomenteloso. tomentellous.
tífio. tiphium. tomento. tomentum.
tigmorfogénesis. thigmorphogenesis. tomentoso. tomentose.
tigmotaxia. thigmotaxis. tomentuloso. tomentulose.
tigmotaxis. thigmotaxis. tono(color). hue (color).
tigmotropismo. thigmotropism. tonoplasto. tonoplast.
tila (británico). linden tree (Brit- topografía. topography.
ish). topoisomerasa. topoisomerase.
tilacoide. thylakoid. topotaxis. topotaxis.
tilis. tyloses. topotipo. topotype.
tilo-. tylo-. torcido. bent.
tilo. tyloses. toric. toric.
toro 636 tráqearia
toro. torus. translación. translation.
toroso. torose. translocación. translocation.
tormentoso. tormentose. translocación de grupo. group
torrentícola. lotic. translocation.
tortuoso. tortuous. translocación recíproca. reciprocal
torula. torula. translocation.
toruliforme. toruliform. translocaso. translocase.
toruloso. torulose. translúcido. diaphanous. translu-
torsión. torsion. cent.
torula. torula. transformación. transformation.
toruliforme. toruliform. transgenico. transgenic.
toruloso. torulose. transglicosilación. transglycosylation.
totipotencia. totipotence. transición. transition.
totipotencia. totipotency. translúcido. translucent.
totipotente. totipotent(ial). transmutación. transmutation.
toxicidad. toxicity. transondulado. transcorrugated.
tóxico. toxic. transparente. transparent.
toxicología. toxicology. transpicuo. transpiciuous.
toxigenicidad. toxigenicity. transpiración. transpiration.
toxígeno. toxigenic. transpiración absoluto. absolute
toxina. toxin. transpiration.
TPN. TPN. transpiración cuticular. cuticular
trabécula (ósea). trabecula. transpiration.
trabécular. trabecular. transpirar. transpire.
trabedulado. trabeculate. transplantar. transplant.
traducir. translate. (trans)portador. electron carrier.
traductor. translator. (trans)portador de electrones. elec-
trama. trama. tron carrier.
trans-. trans-. transportado por el viento. wind-
transaminación. transamination. borne.
transaminasa. transaminase. transporte. transport.
transcribir. transcribe. transporte activo. active transport.
transcripción. transcription. transporte de electrones. electron
transcriptasa reversa. reverse tran- transport.
scriptase. transporte pasivo. passive transport.
transducción. transduction. transporte polar. polar transport.
transecar. transect. transporte selectivo. selective trans-
transecto aislamiento. isolation port.
transet. transposición. transposition.
transeptado. transeptate. transposone. transposon.
transeúnte. transients. transversal. transverse.
transferasa. transferase. trapeziforme. trapeziform.
transformación. transformation. trapezio. trapezium.
transglicosilación. transglycosylation. trapezoide. trapezoid.
transición. transition. tráqearia. tracheary.
traqicárpo 637 trifoliada
traqicárpo. trachycarpous. trialélico. triallelic.
traqispermo. trachyspermous. triacilglicerido. triacylglyceride.
tráquea. trachea. wood vessel. tríada. triad.
tracheary. trialdo. tripterous.
traqueida. tracheid. triandro. triandrous.
traqueida de reserva. storage triangular. triangular. triangulate.
tracheid(e). triángulo. triangle.
traqueida espiralada. spiral trianto. trianthous.
tracheid(e). triaristado. triaristate.
traqueida fibriforme. fiber tracheid(e). triáster. triaster
traqueida radial. ray tracheid(e). tribu. tribe.
traqueida vasiforme. vasiform tricamero. tricamerous.
tracheide(e). tricarinado. tricarinate.
traqueófito. tracheophyte. tricarpelar. tricarpellary.
traqui-. trachy-. tricasio. trichasium.
traspirar. transpire. trichidio. trichidium.
trasplantar. transplant. tricíclico. tricyclic.
tratamiento (por el) frio. cold treat- tricito. trichite.
ment. trico-. tricho-.
traumático. traumatic. tricoblasto. trichoblast.
traumatonastía. traumatonasty. tricocárpico. trichocarpous.
trauma(to)tropismo. trauma(to) tro- tricoco. tricoccous.
pism. tricófilo. trichophyllous.
traumotaxis. traumotaxis. tricóforo. trichophore.
traza. trace. tricógina. trichogyne.
traza ventral. ventral trace. tricógino. trichogyne.
trazador. tracer. tricolor. tricolor.
traza foliar. leaf trace. tricolpado. tricolpate.
traza rama. branch trace. tricoma. hair. trichome. tricoma.
traza ramular. ramular trace. tricostado. tricostate.
traza stipular. stipular trace. tricotecina. trichothecin.
trazador. tracer. tricotiledóno. tricotyledonous.
trazador radiativo. radioactive tracer. tricótomo. trichotomous.
treconina. threconine. tricróico. trichroic.
trehaloso. trehalose. tridentado. tridentate.
tremelloide. tremelloid. tridigado. tridigitate.
trementina. turpentine. tridínama. tridynamous.
trenza. plait. tri(o)ecio. tri(o)ecious.
trepador. scandent. climbing. scram- trienial. triennial.
ble. climber. trifario. trifarious.
tres-rango. three-ranked. trifido. trifid.
tri-. tri-. trifilo. triphyllous.
tríadelfo. triadelphous. trifloral. three-flowered.
tri(o)ecio. tri(o)ecious. trifloro. triflorous.
trialdo. tripterous. trifoliada. trifoliate.
trifoliado 638 trucado
trifoliado. trifoliate. triptófito. thryptophyte.
trifoliolado. trifoliolate. triquetro. triquetrous.
trifosfopiridina-nucleótido (TPN). triradiado. triradiate.
triphosphopyridine nucleotide trisacárido. trisaccharide.
(TPN). trisecar. trisect.
trifurcado. trichotomous. trifurcate. trisépalo. trisepalous.
trigamo. trigamous. triseptado. triseptate
trigeminado. tergeminate. triseriado. triserial. triseriate.
trigenico. trigenic. trisomia. trisomy.
trigonal. trigonal. trisómico. trisomic.
trígono. trigonous. trisómico primario. primary trisomic.
trihíbrido. trihybrid. trisperma. trispermous.
trilete. trilete. trisporina. trisporin.
trillizo sensorial. sense triplet. trístico. tristichous.
trilobado. trilobate. tristis. tristis.
trilocular. trilocular. trisulcado. trisulcate.
trima. tryma. triternado. triternate.
trimembre. trimerous. triterpena. triterpene.
trímero. trimerous. trivalente. trivalent.
trimitico. trimitic. trivial. trivial.
trimonecio. trimonecious. trivial nombre. trivial name.
trimorfismo. trimorphism. triyugado. trijugate.
trimorfo. trimorphic. trochleado. trochleate.
trinervado. trinervate. troclear. trochlear.
trinervino. trinerved. trófico. trophic.
trioico. trioecious. trofociste. trophocyst.
trioleína. triolein. trofocondrioma. trophochondriome.
triosa. triose. trofocromatina. trophochromatin.
triosa fosfato. triose phosphate. trofocromidia. trophromidia.
tripalmado. tripalmate. trofofílo. trophophyll.
tripartido. tripartite. trofófito. trophophyte.
tripétalo. tripetalous. trofogonio. trophogonium.
tripetaloide. tripetaloid. trofoplasma. trophoplasm.
tripinado. tripinnate. trofoplasto. trophoplast.
tripinatifido. tripinnatifid. trofotropismo. trophotropism.
tripinatisecto. tripinnatisect. tronco. trunk.
triplete. triplet. trópica. tropic.
triplexo. triplex. tropical. tropical.
triplinervado. triplinervate. tropismo. tropism.
triplinervino. triplinerved. tropófilo. tropophilous.
triploide. triploid. tropófitico. tropophytic.
triploidia. triploidy. tropófito. tropophyte.
tripsina. trypsin. tropotaxia. tropotaxis.
triptámina. tryptamine. tropotaxis. tropotaxis.
triptófano. tryptophan. trucado. trucated.
trulado 639 tyndallización
trulado. trullate. tubo laticífero. laticiferous duct.
trum. thrum. tubo polinico. pollen tube.
truncado. truncate. tubular. tubular.
tuberculación. tuberculation. tubule. tubulous.
tuberculado. tuberculate. tubulifloro. tubuliflorous.
tubercular. tubercular. tubuline. tubulin.
tubercularoide. tubercularoid. tubulus. tubulus.
tubércula. tubercule. tugor. tugor.
tubérculo. tuber. tumescente. tumescent. tumid.
tubérculo caulinar. stem tuber. tumor. tumor.
tubérculo de tallo. stem tuber. tundra. tundra.
tubérculo radical. root tubercle. tundra pantanoso. marshy tundra.
tubérculo radicular. root tuber. túnica. tunic. tunica.
tuberiforme. tuberiform. tunicadado. tunicated.
tuberoide. tuberoid. tunicado. tunicate.
tuberosidad. tuberosity. turba. peat.
tuberoso. tuberiferous. tuberous. turba de caña juncia. reed sedge
tubifloro. tubilflorous. peat.
tubiforme. tubiform. turba de juncia. sedge peat.
turbinado. turbinate. turba lacustre. lacustrine peat.
tubline. tubulin. turba topogeno. topogenous peat.
tubo. tube. turbera. fen.
tubo cáliz. calyx tube. turbera de esfagnales. peat bog.
tubo conjugación. conjugation tube. turbera ombrógeno. ombrogenous
tubo copulación. copulation tube. peat bog.
tubo criboso. sieve tube. turbinado. turbinate.
tubo de germinación. tube germi- turgente. turgent.
nation. turgescencia. turgescence.
tubo de salida. exit tube. turgescente. turgescent.
tubo estaminal staminal tube. turgidez. tugor.
tubo germinal. germ tube. germi- túrgido. turgid.
nal tube. turión. turion.
tubo infección. infection tube. turional. turioniferous.
tubo lactífero. lactiferous tube. tyndallización. tyndallization.
tubo látex. latex duct.
ubiquinol 640 unión fibular

ubiquinol. ubiquinol. uña. claw.
ubicuo. ubiquitous. uncado. uncate.
ubiquinona. ubiquinone. uncinado. hooked. uncinate. unci-
uliginoso. uliginose. nate.
ulmina. ulmin. uncinulado. barbed.
última. ultimate. uncinulo. barb.
ultra-. ultra-. unguiculado. unguiculate.
ultracentrifugador. ultracentrifuge. ungula. ungula.
ultramicroscopio. ultramicroscope. ungulado. ungulate.
ultramicroscopico. ultramicroscopic. uni-. uni-.
ultrasomo. ultrasome. uniaristado. uniaristate.
ultrastructura. ultrastructure. uniaxial. uniaxial. monoaxial.
ultraviolados. ultraviolet rays. uniáxico. monaxial. uniaxial.
umbela. umbel. unicarpelar. unicarpellate.
umbela compuesto. compound um- unicarpogónico. unicarpellous.
bel. unicaule. unicaulous.
umbela parcial. partial umbel. unicelular. one-celled. unicellular.
umbela radiante. radiant umbel. single celled.
umbela simple. simple umbel. unicolor. unicolored.
umbelado. umbellate. umbellulate. unidad de crossing-over. crossover
umbelifero. umbelliferous. unit.
umbeliforme. umbelliform. unidad de sobrecruzamiento. crosso-
umbélula. umbellet. umbellule. ver unit.
umbelulado. umbellulate. unidad fotosintético. photosynthetic
umbilicado. umbilicate. unit.
umbiliforme. umbiliform. unido. affixed. joined. united.
umbón. umbo. unifactorial. unifactorial.
umbonado. umbonate. unifloro. uniflorous.
umbonula. umbonule. unifoliado. unifoliate.
umbonulado. umbonulate. unifoliolado. unifoliolate.
umbracúlido. umbraculate. uniforme. even.
umbraculífero. umbraculiferous. uniformemente. evenly.
umbraculiforme. umbraculiform. unilateral. one-sided. unilateral.
umbraculo. umbraculum. secund.
umbral. threshold. uniloculado. uniloculate.
umbral caracteristica. threshold trait. unilocular. one-celled. unilocular.
umbrinus. umbrinus. uninervado. unicostate.
umbrófilo. sciophilous. shade-loving. uninucleado. uninucleate.
umbroso. shady. unión. union.
umbrosus. umbrosus. unión fibular. clamp-connection.
uniovular 641 uvarious
nodose-septum. uredinial. uredinial.
uniovular. uniovular. uredinio. uredinium. uredium.
unipétalo. unipetalous. uredinioespora. urediniospore.
unipolar. unipolar. uredo primario. primary uredo.
unirama. uniramous. urediospora. urediospore.
uniseptado. uniseptate. uredóspora. uredospore.
uniseriado. uniseriate. uredosoro. uredosorus.
unisexual. unisexual. uredóspora. uredospore.
uni(e)stratificado. unistratose. uridina. uridine.
unitunicado. unitunicate. urna. urn.
univalente. univalent. urniforme. urn-shaped.
univoltino. univoltine. uro-. uro-.
unixial. monaxial. urticado. urticate.
uniyugado. unijugate. urticante. urent.
untuoso. greasy. unctuous. utriculiforme. utriculiform.
untuoso. unctuous. útero. uterus.
urecicolo. urecicole. utricular. utricular.
uracilo. uracil. utriculiforme. utriculiform.
urceo. urceus. utrículo. utricle.
urceolado. urceolate. utriforme. utriform.
urceolo. urceolus. uva. uva.
ureasa. urease. uvarious. uvarious.
vacuola 642 variedad precoz

vacuola. vacuole. vara. twig.
vacúola. vacuole. varec. seaweed.
vacuola autofágico. autophagic vacu- variable. variable.
ole. variabilidad. variability.
vacuola de gas. gas vacuole. variación. variation.
vacúolo de gas. gas vacuole. variacion adquirido. acquired vari-
vacuolado. vacuolate. ation.
vacuolar. vacuolar. variación analógico. analogous vari-
vacuolización. vacuolization. ation.
vágil. vagile. variación continua. continuous vari-
vagilidad. vagility. ation.
vagina. vagina. variación definida. definite varia-
vaginado. vaginate. tion.
vaginífero. vaginiferous. variación de substantivo. substan-
vaginula. vaginule. tive variation.
vaina. pod. sheath. variación de yema. bud variation.
vaina de almidón. starch sheath. variación discontinuo. discontinu-
vaina de la hoja. leaf sheath. ous variation.
vaina de la rameal. rameal sheath. variación fenotípico. phenotypic
vaina fascicular. bundle sheath. variation.
vaina floral. flower sheath. variación genética. genetic varia-
vaina foliar. leaf sheath. tion.
vaina medular. medullary sheath. variación genotípica. genotypic
vaina péctica. pedtic. sheath. variation.
vaina radical. root sheath. variación homólogo. homologous
valecula. vallecula. variation.
valecular. vallecular. variación meristemático. meristematic
valeculado. valleculate. variation.
valencia. valence. variación transgresión. transgres-
válido. valid. sion variation.
valina. valine. variancia. variance.
valor (color). value (color). variante. variant.
valor adaptativo. adaptive value. varianza. variance.
valor central. median. varicoso. varicose.
valor de adaptación. adaptive value. variedad. breed. variety.
valor medio. mean. variedad +. +strain.
valor selectivo. selective value. variedad de las mareas. tidal range.
valsoide. valsoid. variedad fisiológico. physiologic
valva. valve. variety.
valvar. valvate. valvular. variedad precoz. early.
variegación 643 vernación plegado
variegación. variegation. velo parcial. partial veil.
variegado. variegated. velo universal. universal veil. velum
varietal. varietal. universale.
vasco de semilla. seed vessel. velo universal primario. primary
vascular. vascular. universal veil.
vasculiforme. vasculiform. velocidad de crecimiento. growth
vasculo. vasculum. rate.
vasculoso. vasculose. velodidad de evolución. evolution-
vasicentrico. vasicentric. ary rate.
vaso. vessel. velutino. velutinous. velvety.
vaso punteado. pitted vessel. vena. vein.
vástago. shoot. sprout. vena-aclarado. vein-clearing.
vástago de agua. water sprouts. vena estéril. sterile vein.
vástago de yema largo. long bud venación. venation.
shoot. venación neta. net venation.
vástago epicormico. epicormic shoot. venación simple. simple venation.
vástago lamas. lammas shoot. venal. veinal.
vástago largo. long shoots. venenatus. venenatus.
vástago lateral. lateral shoot. veneno. poison.
vástago multinodal. multinodal shoot. venenosa. poisonous.
vástago sileptico. syleptic shoots. venenoso. venomous.
vector. vector. venia. veiny.
vegetación. vegetation. venosa. venous.
vegetación climácica. climax veg- venoso. venose.
etation. ventaja selectiva. selective advan-
vegetación climax. climax vegeta- tage.
tion. ventir. venter.
vegetación de unidad. unit of veg- ventral. ventral.
etation. ventricoso. ventricose.
vegetación esclerofilo. sclerophyllous ventricosus. ventricosus.
vegetation. ventricular. ventricular.
vegetación marisma. salt-marsh ventriculoso. ventriculose.
vegetation. vénula. venule. venulose.
vegetación matorrales. scrub veg- vénulo. venulous.
etation. verano. summer.
vegetal. vegetable. vegetal. verdadero. true.
vegetativo. vegetative. verde. green. unripe. virens.
vehiculo. vehicle. verde lima. lime green.
vejiga llenade aire. air bladder. verdoso. greenish.
velado. velate. verdura. vegetable.
velamen. velamen. vermicular. vermicular.
vello. bloom. vermiforme. vermiform.
vellosidad. villi. vernación. vernation.
velo. velum. veil. vernación doblado. folded vernation.
velo mrginal. marginal veil. vernación plegado. folded vernation.
vernal 644 vitado
vernal. vernal. viejo. senescent.
vernalis. vernalis. viento. wind.
vernalización. vernalization. vigor híbrido. hybrid vigor.
vernalizar. vernalize. vilano. pappus.
verriga. wart. villus. villus.
verruciforme. verruciform. viloso. villose. villous.
verrucoso. warty. vilosule. villosulous.
verruculoso. verruculose. vimen. vimen.
verruga. verruca. wart. vimina. vimina.
verrugoso. verrucose. vimineo. vimineous.
versátil. versatile. vinaceo. vinaceous.
versicolor. versicolor. vinculo peptideo. peptide bond.
versicoloro. versicolorous. vinicolor. vinicolor.
versiforme. versiform. violaceo. violaceous.
vertex. vertex. viral. viral.
vertical. vertical. virdescente. virdescent.
vértice. vertex. virens. virens.
verticilado. verticillate. vesiculose. virescencia. virescence.
whorled. virescente. virdescent.
verticilastro. verticillaster. virgatus. virgatus.
verticilo. verticil. whorl. virgen. virgin.
verticilo falsa. false whorl. virguliforme. virgate. virguliform.
vesícula. vesicle. bladder. vírico. viral.
vesícula germinal. germinal vesi- viridi-. viridi-.
cle. virión. virion.
vesícula subsporangial. subsporangial virogen. virogene.
vesicle. viroide. viroid.
vesiculado. bladder-like. vesiculose. virología. virology.
vesicular. vesicular. virológico. virological.
vesiculiforme. bladder-shaped. virologista. virologist.
vesiculoso. bladder-like. virulencia. virulence.
vespertino. vespertine. virulento. virulent.
vestigial. vestigial. virus. virus.
vestigio. vestige. virusoide. virusoid.
veteado. marbled. variegated. viscico. viscous.
vexilar. vexillary. vexillar. víscido. viscid.
vexilo. vane. vexillum. viscidosus. viscidosus.
via metabólica. metabolic pathway. viscidulado. viscidulum.
viabilidad. viability. viscina. viscin.
viable. viable. viscoide. viscoid.
vicariade. vicariad. viscosidad. stickiness. viscosity.
vicariancia. vicariance. viscotaxis. viscotaxis.
vicilina. vicillin. visible. visible.
vicinismo. vicinism. vita. vitta.
vidrioso. glassy. vitado. vitate.
vitamina 645 xilosa
vitamina. vitamin. volubilis. volubilis.
vitamina C. Vitamin C. voluble. climbing. voluble. twin-
viti-. viti-. ing.
vitelina. vitelline. voludo. volute.
vítreo. vitreous. volva. volva.
vivíparo. viviparous. volvado. volvate.
viviporoso. viviporous. vulgaris. vulgaris.
volatilización. volatilization. vulviforme. vulviform.

W. W Watson-Crick. Watson-Crick.

x. x. xeroserie. xerosere.
xanteina. xanthein. xerotermo. xerothermic. xero-
xantina. xanthin(e). thermous.
xant(o)-. xanth(o)-. xifófilo. xiphophyllous.
xantocárpico. xanthocarpous. xifoide. xiphoid.
xantofíla. xanthophyll. xilan. xylan.
xantofílaico. xanthophyllic. xilema. xylem.
xantóforo. xanthophore. xilema centrífugo. centrifugal
xantospermo. xanthospermous. xylem.
xenia. xenia. xilema centripeta.
xenobiótico. xenobiotic. xilema primario. primary xylem.
xenogamia. xenogamy. xilema radial. wood ray.
xenógamo. xenogamous. xilema secundario. secondary
xenogen(e). xenogenesis. xylem.
xerico. xeric. xilo-. xylo-.
xero-. xero-. xilocárpico. xylocarpous.
xerófile. xerophile. xilocarpo. xylocarp.
xerófilo. xerophilous. xilocromo. xylochrome.
xerófita. xerophyte. xilófilo. xylophilous.
xerofitismo. xerophytism. xilógeno. xylogen. xylogenous.
xerófito. xerophytic. xiloide. xyloid.
xeromorf. xeromorph. xilología. xylology.
xeromorfismo. xeromorphy. xiloma. xyloma.
xeromorfo. xeromorphic. xilosa. wood sugar. xylose.
xerosere. xerosere.
yema 646 zimasa

yema. bud. gemma. yema invermante. perennating bud.

yema accesorio. accessory bud. yema lateral. lateral bud.
yema axilar. axillary bud. yema mixta. mixed bud.
yema central. central bud. yema perenne. teleutobud.
yema colateral. collateral bud. yema radical. root bud.
yema de invierno. winter bud. yema reproductora. brood bud.
yema desnuda. naked bud. yema serie. serial bud.
yema en reposo. resting bud. dor- yema seudoterminal. pseudoterminal
mant. bud.
yema floral. flower bud. yema terminal. terminal bud.
yema floral de hoja. floral leaf bud. yema testa. seed bud.
yema floral terminal. floral termi- yema vegetativa. vegetative bud.
nal bud. yermo. wilderness.
yema florífera. flower bud. yerbatera. herbalist.
yema foliar. leaf bud. yerbatero. herbalist.
yema hibernate. winter bud. yugado. jugate. paired.

zacate delgado. slender grass. zerófile. zerophile.

zanco. stilt. zerófita. zerophyte.
zancuda. stilt. zeromorf. zeromorph.
zanto-. zantho-. zeugito. zeugite.
zarcillado. tendrillate. Z-esquema. Z- scheme.
zarcillo. tendril. zigomorfa. zygomorphic.
zarcillo de tallo. stem tendril. zigomorfo. zygomorphic.
zarcillo-pinada. tendril-pinnate. zigomórfica. zygomrophic.
zarcillo ramoso. branch tendril. zigosis. zygosis.
zarza. bramble. zigóspora. zygospore.
zarzamora. bramble bush. zigósporangio. zygosporangium.
zeatina. zeatin. zigóteno. zygotene.
zeaxantol zeaxanthol. zigótico. zygotic.
zecanina. zecanin. zigoto. zygote.
zedoarío. zedoary. zigoto diploide. diploid zygote.
zeinda. zein. zima. zyme.
zeitgeber. zeitgeber. zimasa. zymase.
zinc 647 zwitterion
zinc. zinc. zona intermareal. intertidal zone.
Zn. Zn. zona limnética. limnetic zone.
zoide. zoid. zona litoral. zone littoral.
zona. range. region. zone. zona perimedular. perimedullary zone.
zona abisal. abyssal zone zona profunda. profundal zone.
zona afótica. aphotic zone. zona resbaloso. slippery zone.
zona afuera de costa. offshore zone. zona supralitoral. supralittoral zone.
zona altitudinal. altitudinal zone. zona templada. temperate zone.
zona aplino. alpine zone. zona tórrido. torrid zone.
zona biológica. life zone. zonación. zonation.
zona de altitud. altitudinal zone. zonado. zonate.
zona de (entre)marea. intertidal zone. zonal. zonal.
zona de abscisión. abscission zone. zoobiótico. zoobiotic.
zona de altitud. altitudinal zone. zoocoro. zoochorous.
zona de crecimiento. growing zone. zoofilia. zoophily.
zona de liquen. lichen zone. zoófilico. zoophilic.
zona de refugio. refuge. zoófilo. zoophile. zoophilous.
zona de saturación. zone of satu- zoófito. zoophyte.
ration. zoogameto. zoogamete.
zona de transición. transition zone. zooglea. zoogl(o)ea.
zona disfótica. disphotic zone. zoospora. zoospore.
zona epilitoral. epilittoral zone. zoosporangial. zoosporangial.
zona eufótica. euphotic zone. zoosporangio. zoosporangium.
zona fótica. photic zone. zoosporico. zoosporic.
zona generatriz. cambium. zoospora. zoospore.
zona híbrida. hybrid zone. zwitterion. zwitterion.

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