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Presentation Script

Alyanisa Ulfathinah, 1406544570

Topic: Health

Presentation Plan: v

1. Title: How to avoid Computer Vision Syndrome

2. Audiences: University Students
3. Purpose: To tell the student that spending too much time in front of the computer leads to
Computer Vision Syndrome. However, they can follow some guidelines to avoid it. So
after this presentation they realize to do those tips volunteer.
4. Method: Presentation
5. Structure


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello guys! Good morning! How’s life today?

Oh great. Ok, let me introduce myself. My name is Alyanisa Ulfathinah. I am a student at

Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia, and I would like to talk to you today about some
of my findings related to your daily activity. I’m going to do the presentation for about ten
minutes. If you have any questions, please keep it and in the end of the presentation, I’ll give
you time to ask it to me. Ok, let’s begin. This is the title of my presentation How to avoid
Computer Vision Syndrome.

So, how much you spend your time in front of the computer? Oh, really? So do you feel like
plankton in spongebob movie which spent a lot of his time with its lovely computer?

Let’s come back to the right line.

I’m going to talk about Computer Vision Syndrome related to how many time you spent with
the computer and how to ease those symptoms. It’s essential for you all because as a
university student we can’t deny that most of our time spend in front of the computer.
I divided my presentation into three parts which are what is the computer vision syndrome?,
the most common symptoms, and the guidelines to help ease the symptoms.


Now let us turn to point one. So what is Computer Vision Syndrome? Have you ever heard
about Computer Vision Syndrome?

Ok, Computer Vision Syndrome is described by the American Optometric Association as a

group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer use. If you
spend more than 2 hours daily in front of computer you have 90% chance to develop CVS.

The next is the common symptoms of the CVS. It is eye strain, redness, irritation or dryness,
a burning feeling in the eyes, blurred or double vision after computer use, headaches, neck
and shoulder pain.

Who ever feel one or all of those symptoms? Honestly, I feel it sometimes when doing some
homework, but don’t worry. We can follow several tips or guidelines to help ease those
symptoms, it is:

a. Follow guidelines for good posture. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed, your elbows
are in a slightly open position, and your wrists and hands are straight. Adjust the monitor
and any source or reference documents so that your neck is in a neutral, relaxed position.
Center the monitor directly in front of you, above your keyboard. Position the top of the
monitor approximately 45-70 cm above your seated eye level. Adjust the seat height so
that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees equal to or slightly lower than your
hips. Adjust the back of the chair to a 100°-110° reclined angle. Make sure that
your upper and lower back is supported. If necessary, use inflatable cushions or small
b. Ensure proper light. Try the visor test to determine if current lighting is a problem. The
first look at the monitor and cup your hands over your eyes like a baseball cap. If your
eyes immediately feel better, then the lighting should be changed. Experiment with
brighter and dimmer lighting, as well as the angle of the lights, to find what’s
most comfortable for your eyes.
c. Reduce glare. Installing anti-glare filters on the monitor, adjusting window shades
and changing the screen’s contrast and brightness can help reduce glare and reflections.
d. Blink frequently. It should prevent dry eyes. If that doesn’t work, consider using
lubricating eye drops. Also make sure air vents aren’t blowing on your face (this can dry
out the eyes), and use a humidifier if the room is super dry.
e. Take a regular break. Studies have shown that constant sitting is very damaging to your
health. Try walking around for a couple minutes, standing and doing stretches.Take short
1-2 minute stretch breaks every 20-30 minutes.
f. Eyes exercise. Close your eyes and slowly roll your eyeballs clockwise and
anticlockwise. Repeat it three times.
g. Try computer glasses. Unlike everyday eye wear, they’re designed specifically for
looking at computer screens, so you can protect your eyes by it.

Ok, those are guidelines to help ease the symptoms. We can try it to avoid CVS because
those are such a simple activities which everyone can do.

This is the time for you to ask some question. I’ll give the time for three questions. So, any


Spending too much time in front of the computer leads to Computer Vision Syndrome.
However, by paying attention to guidelines we were talked before, we can ease the
symptoms. Let’s try this at home.

Love and take care your eyes, because without it you will not see when I smile.

Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Media: Power Point

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